Newspaper Page Text
bil. i; i-ji tlc.f0 cJ. t ji ,iirci ! ' " ' ' " " .UttK i ' A ' t. II t' iluio '8'JJlI!n .'i'l' iiCIYI l';i' u ;''' M , ii fMii . r , i 'o t ! ( i..ji'..i)i ; , - 4 . J.. .1. ,IU til I I fc. n:.i) I !,,?'": a a i. i i-' rur o- - : W .it ar - "-set . t a r a-- 1111114 "V W XV T mT'V Tf II II ,11 II I '" '. i 1 1W l'JriH' ! I ""II ICa llV Vn 1 1 a . r m i is. . W II . n II ...II 19 7 'II II I 1 I I ' 1 1 I J I I II :r ,.i,:,r l,:...T.(-'C.-JiN-i '.lon... stool .'VpiS-,. ! , ,. ...(.,.jji-,. ' -....... V . ' ,. ..1 ..A .mH' . t'A .r. . . VOL: Vli: NO: 241. NEW SERIES: . ! f i; j i r '. 'HI A' ri t r MBnOHIQ: WEDNESDAY; EVEN1N G -rrjp" 20; 1861. i , -I' illlllnl "!.' DAILYi TSItWEUY and weekly MANYPENNY miller;. P D B 1 1 B B B S' A H D PBOFBIZTOBt, ; 'CT; q(Be 88, 88 and 40, SortH HlgVBt. . THM8 INTAKIABIT IB ADTAltOl . '' ttlvilj' '.'A V. ..:V I-.'., , i 6 00 prjrtur. " By the Carrier, per week, UK etnti.--trl.WMVir ' " 8 00 peryw. rrn t AdrrtItBK by the Square. n iqiurt I jm.i.fX 00 One iquan S WMka. .(4 00 On , ", Sweeki.). 9 00 One One Dn One i mor.Oi 18 00 On " 1 week... 1 75 On " , 3dyi... 1 00 On " ' Sdiyi... 75 On - " - 1 lnrtlon SO 3 month. '! month! ' 1 month. 10 00 H 00 - S 00 DiipliyeA Mnrtltimtnti half mor this th boT rte. . .... ' - i ,..-. ivetlliement leaded and placed In th column of Jnwiitl HoUctt, arudit orainaru ratM. ,' Atl uotloei require to be pnbllehedby law, legal ratM. If nnlered on the iniiae j.olm.vely altar the One week per cent, more tln the abor ratet; bot all iDoa wil ionenr In the Trl-Weekly without chart. VailnmiCarda, notezoeedlng flrellnei, per year, In iie, f'JAU per line; onuid fj, Notice of meeting!, charitable ocletlea, fir eompanle Aft., half trlre. . .. . - ' All travuiitnt adttrUttmmt matt tu ftaldfor to 'iHMoe, . I -t ml wlU sot be varied frea. Weekly. ame price a the Pally, when theadnrtuMt in the Weekly alone. Where 'be Sally and Weekly ri both ated. then th eharee Ur the Weekly will be a .l tlwratoaof the Dally . : No advertisement taken except for a definite period. ; BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS . t r-.... (, :.y ... I .. !. . ... -I u. ' . .K Corner Spring 6l Water 8t. .. . . Polumtoiia , Olilo. Wi. Bi POTTS ; & CO , ' 11MAOTTTNISTO,; And MantrTantaren of Bmm and Oomporltlon OaiUngl, ' ' Ilnlih:d Brail Work of all Description. ' Elects Plating -and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTINC, &C. fM DO-dly " F. A. B. 8IMZIN8, Attorney at Zja-w . AND NOTARY PUBLIC, , OSce Aoiboa tfnlldlng, oppoell Capitol Square. 00LUMBD8, OHIOi 001jiTJ3a3XTO Machine Maniifactnring Company jooo o o o.o o . ax . e. hanct ACTuaxRi or 5TEAM . ENGINES & BOILERS, i Cutfcga, KUl-Osu-ls;, MUklaw1 J " t.-sl. i.J bail ,.-' ''"Pi" b;I ! ' t n . ..J . 1 . - " -i J H. allro jaca.- worls l '5V-n"ll'o' BVtHT'DKClUrTIOW."' ''' ' "' ' . .. , ,i ;"';;' ipjralriBVS omo.'.' .'. 0HA8. AMB0S, gup't ' . P. AMBOSTre. decH, lR-tf ' ' ' Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia. "l!JLr'""'""-,!JUP,,,,"l,"""J RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolia! Through to lodiajjapolia without Change of Can -end bat One Change of Can between '" ' Colnmbm and St. Louis. " '. , ' THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM fjOLUM- BUS. . FIRST TRAIN. ' (Dally. Monday eetd.) - NIOBT IXPBB8B, via Dayton, at 8:45 a. m.,itop duu at London. Xenia. Dayton, Mlddletown and Hamil ton, arriving at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. m. Dayton atS.'ti a.m., Indlanopoliiat 1048 a. m.; tt. Louliat. ItiO p.m. '. i "... SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 0:10 a. m.. Hopping at all Bta tlontbetween Oolambai and Clnolnnatl and Dayton, a rirtng at Oinclnnati 11:09 a. mn Dayton at 8:14 a, m., indlanopomaiiip. m. , .. , , , , ( , 1U1KU 1KALN., n j. SAT IXPBK8B, at 8:30 p. m., itopplng at Alton, Jeffenon, London, Obarleiton, Oedarrlll, Xenia, Spring) Valley, Oonrln, Morrow," Deerfleld loeter'a, Lorelaad, Mllifordand Plainyllla.nrriruig at Cincin nati at 7:80 p. m.; 8t. Lonia at 13 m; Dayton at 5:33 p. m. Indlauopolliat 10:38 p.m., ( ,,r ( rf 'Sleejplnr Onre on all Nlsht Tralaa to Cincinnati ana Indianapolis.. BAOOAOE i'CUB Ck"eI ' TnROCGH. for further kiformaUoa and thmagkT1ekt. apply to M. L. DOHBRTY, Ticket Agent, Onion Depot, Colombo. Ohio, B.W.WOODWARD, . Superintendent, OlnclnnatU f '?0r.f!f.'"S " JNO. W.DOnKRTf s ; I 1 J U f '. 1 ' ;-. Wa i Agent, Ooluiaba, .HOLIDAYS. FANCIES. Buck artlclM a yon (tatiV foryvnr BTJ0BANS .' ' ' Buck a yoofrl for jrourWrPB- f 'J.' Bach ntutptopir for your DAUGHTER- ' (' Bach ai your BI8TIR will prai you for. .. r .c Bach u your BR0THKR ean ut. Bock At you Vtoftf Ton TQI ONI TOO LOVl BIST.' Bach a wlH b too for the" BH88ID BABT." " Bach a all l for, ttayfo-in4lhTarletx, lhmyiWitoekof WATCUE9,' CHAINS, JEWEL0T, ., . M MUM UVUUBi And general - aitortment of l a 5 - ' Fancy and tufnl Artlolei, . .:, i ; No. 10 Backer "look. . December, I860. . r , . . ...i , ' tin init itceeiTeai. n..;..-' . r- mn CH tJREEN and UIiACK 1UU THAI IOO bag! prim Bl Cone. I SIT pocket old Dutch Government Jara, Coffe. ". , " "I ft bn Ceylon Coire. - L ' ' tOObbn. itandard Whit Bngari, eomtallng of Pow - . dred, Ohraahed, firannlated Aand B Coffe. '.,. SOnnlntaliQeonre Bank Oodflth. 'gObt.ll.Wens and Nov 1 Mackerel."" ' j .. ft Im P;.b b.i.aK i..e .ij. ...... 4 1 1J.. lOOtak. Layer lUilft,, "'" " "50hf.'boado do' ' ..''" ' 1,1 ;"v " OOqr. bowdo'" .d"' li i'--'' -' , 100 M Otara, dllerentbranda and grade. !:."tJ", . bot37 . . wm. McDonald. ' j ;i , M.'C.-LILL'EY And Blank-Boole XiLanttirer, , , fi t.l a... 1 1 J'Wl Hi ilV.'.k . f'Arnit.v. ffcowatl - XVTIIITE WIIEArTi BBiilBBD ' ,! S IT Q "W IT LAKS." i ft- from " Barnett Mllli," Bprlngfleld, O. the belt brand of - Vlour brought to our market. Batlafactlon guaranteed, for sal only at - WM, McDONALD'S, noT87y.. 'i . ' KM) Booth High itreet. OAflCOH, iiltS. ILki.. and-ait klxtdl oi muuonabi to . r.. i W e rewefertaf Tcy lwrtr i I m if. j fcVIM iiit Virn Bit,' a 4rtl..-.ikHI ,1- .iH Ho. WHvuUiUlghitniet.'t STONE'S7 BAZAAR. N"p. 4:',GKvvnna!, Block. A; P. STONE & O'HAERa A BE NOW RECEIVING THEIR WIM IX IBB Q00D8, and Inrlte the pabllo to lsipcot them. No tuch itock of Ooodi bai rrer been brought to thia markvl. Ih South, In MoMqume of th fajlur of th grala crop, dm ot bean able to pnrehaa th ualquaatlty of rich goodl, and thla factkaaforoad th Importeri to U them at pnbllo auction. Our buyer (nr. stone; oeing in new iora at tnee targe eaiea, took adrantag of them, and wa can and will tell our good here, at lea than any on who purchased two weeke sine, paid for them In New . lork, . Our itock U complete In very, oeparimeni oi ... X i t ri tl.: , il iH ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, . OTTOMAN VELOURS, .' i - BROCHF VAtENRTAS. " ' " Doivrrn Mmrvna ' ' . 1,!:: PRINTED COBURGS, . . .DYED COBUG3; BLACK ALFAUAS, " ": - ORLEANS, 7 1FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ' y I' O i, . . ., iTr. nrnnr. tpt a imm l ,r, 17. ,:T POPLINS,. PRINTS, -I 1 :i 'i . H f4 ' .t.;iu--.- SHAWLS: AtlD CLOAKS! ;; Jftve Thaasand Dollars .Worth Bought in One Day, ; At one half the Coit f Imoitatlon LADIES7" FURS, In all Varieties of the- Celebrated , fflannfature of C. O. Onn HOSIERY. DEPARTMENT, 11 en'a, Ladle and Children 'i Under Bhlrto and Drawen; Ladlei, MIski and Children'! Hoelery of all klndi, in Wool and Lamb'i Wool: fleecy Lined and Cotton fllorei ortrerymak. . ; .') i ' ' ' '1:. A 'eemptete asiortment of alt the nsnal varie ties of . ., ,, .., . . f LADIES' CLOTHS, - ' ' CASSIMERES, ' OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS. FLANNELS, " ' ' 1 RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiei and Gent'i Linen Cambric Hand ,. kerchieft, &c.; &C,";;-,;,';', ",' Tonaraonawho call on 01. we DledM onrwordi to ihow them th larieat, belt and cheapen Itock of Ooodi erer leenlnthli market, or pay them on dollar per aeei-diyntawitw. btomb a O'JIAKRA. LATHROPe tLUDINGTON & CO, 23 &25 HA2X. PIACE, ' 4 i ' ' ' 1 20 ft, 22 UTJBEAY BISEET, . iMuvv; ; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF1: 7 ' Foreign" and Domestic D R Y. GO O DS ' FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. PBING, 1861. ,, .. 1 r - .. . , W art opening, at our ample wareroomi. at th abor nnmbw, atook of Good in each of th aix department or our Mum, uprtoi to anyming w oar Heretofore xnirmea to in ma. , -1 - CLOTH DEPARTMENT. : Thii ha' trwn to lb) ntemat tughltud Under th thorough managemtnt f a buyer of long experience and uwBneai ana cnoioeii i i.i i" FANCY VESTtKCS '.' -t AND.: :.S i ;f--"? 7 ' FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In th market, all mleeM with th sweat dlnrimlnaUon. Alao, all gradea, colon and Tariaue of) BROADCLOTHS, " .- ,V ( , . -' ' SATINETS, - ;-' ' LADIES' CLOAINNGS, " : ":. ; tweeds, ! f ARMIES' and MIR0HANT8 0A8BIM1B1B, KINTTJCKT JIXANB, from SX to 12 ontg per yard i ,: . ; andapwardi; l IWIKD8. 13 to IS cent per jard-lait ya old at ' .., .'- - . istoso; J ' -; ' V PRINTED BAIINIT8, at II eann;' .' ; '-' And other Ooodi torrttpmiinjly Lnuf-'. Dress-Q poDSi ; Detabtmeit. ; MancheiUt D Lalnea, i IlamlUoa . do. . ( Facln - do. -t . PrinUdLawna, . I Printed Brllliantea, ! fancy Olnghami, I Bomhulnei, Black Bllka, (? ,T- Fancy Sllka, , Printed Ctia'lli, ', ,;, Manchattor tilpgbana, n Glaagow ,, j dp. ,,. Clinton , . do. r Ottoman Olotha, r.-.j Alpaca, Poplin," i n t.y, u b ' And At Nn Select SlyU tf FANCY. SPRING GOODS. Mtrrimae Print. I 5 ; Blchmond'i Prlati, American do. 'Dunnell'i - do. i Oocheoo do. , ! Paoia J do.' , Baraga' MancheiU Bngllab :a do. - eater, Ac Print, lie DOME8TIO COTTONS. . tawrrnc 0. B bee ting", 1 Btark do.' Uthrop ' i' do, ' ' Bhawmut do. , 1 Poeaieet ( do. Atlantic A. Sheeting, " Amoiktag 1 do. Appleton . do. ... Ireratt . do. CUca,kc, do. ! AH Oraie$ and Wultht f:ir BL1A0HID WanmthL. BltlRTINQS AND BIIEBTINOS. , Pwlght, "' Lawreno, Lonedal, f Great fall, Bill,' .-. (17 I, Waltham, flaumkeag, Boott, . NewTorkMIIU,fco4 V! X'M J ; ! SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, i A LAIQB AMD1IUOT A8WTMtNT. ' 4 OOTTONADIS a imk rarlely." OHIOKB do. TIOKlNOS-aU the leading brand. DBNIM8 do. -K....OO. -1 J- I BUIRTINO BlRIPIB-all th liadlog brand, ,? c NANKBBN8 d ... do. OORBBT JBASSi , ; .m df,l r- . . t' r.'y- MORBBNd,' PAPBR 0AM8RI0B,-OOLORID CAM- f - ." ltJB4k, a,A t.! :.r m t' LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF warn good; w ir'-s:,;.! i) .t.;.il.B0BIEBt, . .4t. :;;;;v :'.tajzib hotfoot, y1'" Gcntlencii'sTiiiiisIiiii: :(3o6jg. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, CARPETS AITD OIJL.CLOTII9, - And a great variety ef Ooodi not tit(mrtd lt of wnioaw pieoge areiT.t Mil i in loeswa. morjM frto th largec aortioaat boat 10 to SO per oral, mu taaaiaitrw Lti iUj J.elq mm )'H LATHROP, LUDINGION & CO r-e .1 nSVVYOtilfc .1111 aiarl l.f t? Irish Linen Goods. WARRANTED rABHlO , l'.f ..... fdnen Bhlrt Boum i ..Plata and f anew , ., nmrting and lkwna Linen!. . i. ui.V i , Ltuen Bheetlnga and Pillow Oaalngi.uu . . Llqen Carabrlo and Long Lawn' i"1 .,.',) Liuun rocket-handk fa, U '''' iirJm K., Tnoa4Blafait. t't " ,I'llnB,ffrkln1"dD,Oyilee. .,,a,,ttjt.. Linen Tabl Clotli and .! Demaaka, i tinewU . vi?) ST.. ratiol at tawptwe. .n..,L.i !)IA a kllil. , .aim a.fca.ii ft ttb,r a i'j t hu. .re.Malk lln:tii,,, OHIO :.a,rA , STATESMAN' i (if '.iar !.- , y.-u . STEAM : 1 TO' .o.ji(l I- nr. l I BOOK AND JOB i 1 l i-J U;.-:t.. 1 OJU -.'..'1 -).ii i .1M I. ' PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT "ill I- f. in:. hi) l: Hiring Inereued it already " " . ". fc-'v; .ip . ...).. ! . ii..!. ii... '.) ' . .' .'.; i . I ' ll I v-.l ' V"'' ' J'l n ! . . i, ' i I Bi. . H H..,'1:-'. f y .1 !; :i X TENSIVE FACILI T t3, "It fully prepned to execute In the v.. Tin' '.r'i. ,. i V' "!. I. ": MOST ELABORATE MANNER, "...ii i,tt lit !-. -.-O ,, v". : . 1 . - ----r'"l ,. : !) t ASD ftf'J I ( i :.n ,:' ; )u . .'.) , ,-r!'i: . j, .-I .' V. I v.UJ ;r!ci i THE UATKIT 7'.. -',' HUM ITVLEI, ;r . - , CATALOaUBB, i OIBODZABS, BRIBPS,' ".an ; PAKimtta, .. :.t ). i ...i . LETTBE HBADB, ' ;.." . ..t I '; L1QAI. BLANKS,' . DBAT REOEQ'TS, LABELS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, i BILLI lASmO, BILL tlEADS, NOTEB?'1 DRAFTS, CHECKS, . (j , i n ' 'Hi I'. . I. RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every description of . i 1 ' LETTER PRESS PRITTTIIVG , A! fj ' - : -tsd -..:. a. ' c. : . . ... ., .:;i'7--.vfi . ( , -, '' . : . i ... '' t ' . . I .) !i v Iqoal to any Ertabliihment to the Bute, and upon ,. ; - - ir- , .. ' ... :. .' .. term which will compare famrably with th i. i i i -...iHi -!' . 'ii) ... - Ivl- .' leading Eartern IMnUng Doner. :i.).( I . .Ii HaTing viTr Facility to aW TJo lit Tax noDoonwr of i. - ELEGANT POSTERS ii: l'.1 - ; ASD ill -c p- U'ti " ' ;1feGHLr: ILLUMINATED .n .... Yt' iir.i .i 4'. 1 . '' ' i '' '-' r:. - ..." ' 1 .': . ' I ..! - : ' i i 1 f : w ; :w . SHOW CARDS, .1 )' t; Wo offer our ( itrrtcea to all who may detlr that olau , i I - .'. of work. 7 AO We have fonnected with ur- IitibHahment i 11 vll.i') 1 r.f BLANK BOOK BINDERY, n ;r... a '--vii;i . jr.- I ai i ii -M s-fT tie d i i Proa wMoh wv prodaWtW1'' v if tt !: 6T. f-tl4 ! '. f - .LV-' Ji r,t -t. .t!,.,1 t W ! 6j .( -ili .. .): c; tT. :o I ill ii- AND TU Hfltf !' i h::i v'..-,"'! ..)T.'-a c. 4 !.,' ,!- ),ia. ' i , " ..w q : I 0 . BBTEEB KAIL ROAD BLAKZ BOOKS. Kji Tjnn .f.-:jiiao ia-i.'!.; i .-w a .)i d firv no ji..''V.r,.t i;i...yi ,vr.Msn i-s:- ji e a:Jjt.f t-' ' t f " .1 . OUR EST ABLISHMENT 4 ' ii, 7i t - j.j ui-.. fd r v.l;-...T-E.'!3YM .f tTer..t.x & .n t-!A r.Uinw. J V- .iM--iawvJ " t ,ti,rwe;n adatttid to b ct eji.Dun.-3 .-ten L"iJ : ;i j te'W 1ft ,n"..::2 fua lfTi J viW .i.fT . J'ii' ' I' 9. :. Ii" l-'Vii.i.lrrM , . TTJ3D . T.a ;. .,,jii..w wj). .... i ; ff';..-. t ?t! . nt vt.M'!:! lLt-tV M; Vy . tM-1 (. ". iO !:.'; -.. A 14 !..-: IH1 MOST L .'. , t:i: i I ;, i M Dd thiii t.. ,j 40 .1 i ASf. Ii ii-.'rj ,ali e.'i -. ".jt .,tt.' t 1 0 yii')t H'io hi j- d a t fn.niu . U rnsroiPTi? tw piiii t'Wt'ci''' .! l..v.y4AA4. All A aVMAIAaA3, -A!: 1 s.ll LJOOOta.l): fc.K.UiJ H,J; l ,0t'..2i J.f.l L lo B-.e ' ' i iiaen c i.-A orf! l-iM-te t.T- .C U I'lti-M-ij'."! s.ij v.t.;vtT b-a 'I PERFECT Ilf OROANIZATIOrT T'jH .Shu oi') ui tj.. )i . & luJ.i.ii - a Buie a.-AAi i i :.)'' "I fc.-t'" ! Jt latttvi .( v.ji I...U.! '! U'i''i'.T !. il.j:. :n In thla City, and w maar'dd,)i.l X""' Ijr, i ,dv lirw tt rf' um asnal i!.-' iU iv'I.Uii J iuit,i: -H nil tr-ui yi V) ).Ji'f u.-ti en Utr.t ujrilwu7 ai! 1 , bi nri a (t.L cAe. iwildeai uM ba-a to I'-iJ fi('.-:i e-.v. ' ivJi8 .nlA wfflt .AHIM. J eoin't 4ia T '. ! t T .)! v.-U'.'t..-.M Jl.l.)v.'tvi;Ol;'i :h j--r.i ft ttra rt'l iv -.iU ufii9a tHioiua i- 'e Printing Roaao tn the yr'tnik 8 U fwH.fcJ'rt.'i ,a.i-..:!,'jL o ,'t 'I'tiwir.iiv; t',,a'J t. n,.f ttt -i,iM 'i'("-J - .. -. U4 MiaBICUABD NEVINS. n Pi) :!t:-rfllfiO IH (J !;.; I 'it, PROPRIETOB,!, j- GentsVIinen: Shirt Collars,- S3.t: Af wpcriob acALiTt; in car v ituiait nian other aew ihanea. ROTB, Standing, Byron, Parelgnay, Renfrew and AAam. ned f eckft Handkerchief. Beck Ilea, Block, Btrwt and Xranlng OIoto, JUlf Boa f rery una, unaeeuanuenu and all kind of Uente' gal nbhmf Ooodi la great rarily nod at modetat price. U, mi ,,.,,1, k.. .... .ii baiji BUN,'- " Ho. Booth Btfhttraat.' MALl'A8Hl'UHt.A J A.ACIM Ka a H f lmn ftallaet tar UdleaalM, ttlcne' Utaj attjfiilJ,,lTi, Ww Ui.t 0.11 AUv U'.t Daiiy TrlV It. oer rear. 6 00 ...... 3 00 10 ' Trl-Weekly, per re r ' Weekly, ptrgaai THE POPULATION OF TOWNS IN OHIO CONTAINING OVER 500 INHABITANTS. e38'Harlett. 5.156 Akron. BKOMarinn Alhan. Ail - MtflMetttoiTlll!..'.;.. 1,180 .ri 830 Alliance-..41. : 1.431 Mary erille, Alhland.. WJS, Haniuon Maumee City 9,680 1 1,697 800 -1,485 735 Atheni............J..'l,31; Balnb ridge..-. ...i tt. 679 MoArthur MeOonmllirille.t.. Barneivllle ,1,176 Meckantcebnnt....... nearora Bellalr . 1,234 , 800 1,640 517 Miami City... Bellebrook.. ..,..-'' SISlMlamiiburg Belief on taino.k.t.-.-. B,600Middltown 8,071 Berarly niian MiUanbarg HInemllli.. Monroarille. ....... Mono Hi, Glleid. MU Vernon,.,...., Napoleon....,..,..; NelwnTllle... r1 Newark , New Carlifle, NewoomerMown .... New Lexington.....' New Ltthoo ... , J4 , ,'. New Philadelphia.. ( . 872 . 1,160 ' 640 1,300 '. 720 Blaneheiter, Bridgeport . Bryan Bucyrni Cadli... Cambridge... ,. ... ,: 640 ) 7 1,084 8,210 1,130 ,1,45a! 8S7! 1,343 647 4,04 fSO .-.'791 4,147 920 Camden 0 trial Dorer . 1 741 Oanfleld 4.675 Canton Oardlngton,,. v Carrolton erTille4,..... Ohardon Ohllllootha. ...t.. Olnclnnttl...'.,... Olrelerlllo . ..'.. ,: 803 , 600 ' 733i 814 ' 668 ! 388 8360 ,8.230 7j-55Jnw Richmond .'161,m . ' d3H3 , 43,838 New Vienna. 600 Jforwalk.. 8.867 01r land .k....,i. Clyde Colombo! Oberlin.., Oxford.... 9.018 1,851 701 . .18,620 . . 980 PaJneiTllle. 9.615 Oonneaut Ooehoeton OoTington....M.A Oreitlln Perryiburg. 1,409 6,480 4 620 .1,800 . ' 1,151 romeroy 7MiPlqua...... 1,5151 Putnam OayahogaFalll...... Diyton Danano.'.... ...' Plketon Portsmouth ........ 1 W 6.273 1,707 1.235 9,715 93Rarenna DeUware..;....-. ' 3.80SI DrJen.....v,.. - 1,4471 Reading..-, a Ripley ....... j,.,.. But Clere land i.m,. .. s.on) HMCoa, ............ J7 8.013 8,408 1,000 8055 ,1,840 520 512 7,007 1000 1,169 550 528 100 4,010 946 13,860 8 640 . 647 1599 3,429 lyria 1,615 Itioa-.v.. .1..;.... 1,536 Salem...., Stndniky .... Iairteld.-........t. .537 felicity...,.., (, 056 Find lay.. 8,484 Foitarta .." 1,028 Frankfort.. '-' 559 Fraakllnton.. 1. 615 Shelby .... i.. Sidney Borne net... South Charleiton... Sprlngboro' Springfield......... SLOIelnTllI ...... St. Mar)'-"-n St. Pirll. .......... "ylrania ...... i.. Frederkkaburg...... ' fjOfj) FredeilcatowQ, 790 Fremont . .... ..... 3,513 Oalton.. ........... ' 1,974 Oalllpoll... Qennantown George town. S,955 1,440 TaylorsTlll.,...... Tlfiin .M. a. ....... . Til), Tlppeoane. ........ Toledo... Qlendal v,. Oranvlll..., 690 ' BMMTro vreenneia OreenTille , Qroreport- lJOOjUhrtchfTllle.. . 1,6341 Upper Baadniky.... Urbane Tan Wert ' 539 7.S3J 1,400 Hamilton Barmar...... ...... Barrlaoa HarrliriUe ,. BlrglniDort ' 1,013 WapakoMta 000 .1 9,409 1 1,040 l,360lWrrn . 6621 son' Waablngton TTarer)y ........... 1,057 Hllliborough Hadaon Iron ton.., ' l,77rt WSTnterllle Wellington.. ..... Wellnllle 829 ' B7B 1,029 . 1,587 753 920 673 155 592 915 800 '4,675 1,374 ,758 Jacknn Jefferson Kenton..... Luteal ter v.. ...... . Lebanon --n. 1,07U Weiterrllle 687 Weit Liberty v Wert Baneirllle.:.'. Wllllamahnrg Wllloughby ........ Wilmington ........ Woodineld . Xenia .... 4 Yellow Spring! Youngitown .ZaneiTlllo 1.654 4.310 9.498 Lima... r--t-. 8,079 Logan.,.. London LoniiTlll Malta..... 1,4461 1,113 685 . 670 Manifleld . 4,540 ,.....(. I),ww Ornoinnart Oamtte. The Ruins of Baalbec—Melancholy Influence of the Scene. , . . j . j There is a feelloe of molancbolr. aya a trav eler, la looking the last look on inch a place, aenilble that one will nerer see It more. The rippling stream seemed to mock me as I pamed oter It: . , . -, , ; "Men may com and men may go, But 1 flow on forever." And then. In tbe ehostlv atillnesa of the nlirhi. I entered the vest TVIIIthnn. Th' Tamnla r .. . . .. . . . r--.-r jupner, unaer me aeceptio ngntning or the uiwu, iuuacu yorivui.. iigerutu 11 jusb na ished by the architect, and to morrow Autooniua Pontifex Maxlmus misht himself be eomioir to coniecrate ii to mignty jove. 1 ne religion ol tbe Koman nas been eelebratea there. Sacrifi ces to the gods of Baalbee were offered theie lor near four hundred years after tbe Christian era. Then another religion occupied its halls and shrines. , The Christian possessed it. Tbe Cross was erected where the beardless atatua of Jupiter bad stood. Tbe Bishop of Heliopo lis sat in, the Council of Antioch. . - Three centuries heard tbe hvmns of the Church chanted in Its temples; ani tbo lay pro- ocesion 01 ue prieata swept urougn its hexagon and quadrangle. Then war was in tha land. The exterminating conquests of the Crescent, with a tide of blood, flowed from the ceean board to the deserts of Damascus, and quenched tbe lamps that had burned everlastingly before the altars of the City of the Bnn. Darkness eovered it for three hundred years, and silence blotted out the name of HeliopoIIj from history. When It once more emerges, Itsclaseio title has perished tilths flood of devastation.' Men call ed it 1 Baalbee, ana the Arabian historian and Benjamin of Toledo (A; D. 11 C3) noted it, and tell us of Its stones of ebormoas size." and bw earthquakes have shaken tbe land of Syria , thrown down Its structures, end crushed to death Its people. ' r ' ' ' Saladin next occupied' the stage 'of time. King Baldwin and Count Raymond arried tire and sword through the land, cried havoo and let tHp the dogs of war -tinder Its battlements; for, bo longer a city of temples, po longer the borne' ef religion, it had been converted into a for tress, and the histotiansald, it "is a castle built With ery-large stonrs "'-And then another tragle actor fretted hie little day before the world.' He bade its citizens Surrender and Tamerlane, flushed with Vlotorr. marched on ward1 to Damaious. ' Another century ' and a half rolled over, and we bear no more of it, mu uo modern spirit or travel first exhiblUd itself, and the long' catalogue of namee'eom menced (with' the Frenchman Belar, A. D. 1648; the Edgllsh ManndrelL . 1697) . whioh links it at last with the people of our own times 11 s ' tw' M .uJ ,)'. i..j! 4,n , The heathen, tbe ChristiiTn. theBaraeanl the Turk, all have been its fords knd masters. What a train Of ffhoatl formm finne nlAhi.. ed, wtth slot and stately maroh, going past me, sweeping oyer the floor end through the' col umned aisles where once in life tbey trod!' Pom pey iih4 veterans of Augustus legione; the Em peeort of Rome Antonintls, the bloody Caracal la, the Christian Theodoslus; the1 iotor the poor actor Oelsslnns (earning tbe hard-bought food of the sock and the buskin,- and -yet with the religion oi Christ in his heart, going with hint on the staee. 'and hallowing: lis martvr death) the Impetuous crusader; the conquering aou oourtiT naiaain; tne nery rameriane all, all Seemed to pass before me, tbelr wan 'bands pointing to tbe rolnl thet had left: anil tbe mooa. shlnlngtthrongh the broken nltches, the dlsman. lied architraves add pillars of the Ttillthou, reft of all tbe sculptor's clothing, exposed them with lunerat ugm oeioro me in giant forms; tne de nuded corpse or imperial pride; the skeletons Of earthly pageantry and power, mouldering away in the fallow ef, centuries.".1 " ' ; .' 1 1... . ... , ' I' Jf fi.u ni i I i ? j i I In Not MmdinO raif MATn.--Ohe Johft Va'ri- deteer; 'traveling from Philadelphia to Park eriburg, On the Pennsylvania Railroad, got In toxicated, and lost his ticket. '' Not betas' able to produce it, and not being willing to pay for soothef, be was put out of the car. Ia doing to he fell down a bank, and subsequently, In going after bis hat, fell among tome stones and Injur ed himself so that he died. The wife brought suit against the' Railroad Company,' land got $1,734 damages." Tbe Company appealed to tbe Supreme Court,' where the ludtrment was evened, on the ground of the want of a dis tinct direction to the Jury as to the measure of damages, and now trial awarded."1 Upon this trlali tha jury gave a verdict of t-5,500 dam--iffst' ,1,1 1... .. -.! r ii, ...... ;,?,,, iA,, . u- , in Lord Campbell said" ha htmsolf lieard'a adee at Stafford thus' sentence a prisoner to deaih for "forgery. "And' I trust, through the merits and mediation of our blended Redeemer, yoo may experience that mercy In another world which a due regard to the' credit of the paper currency of the country forbids yoo, to tope for M ... !(-."' v. J.J ttf ..,..... Some of the Institutions of a Printing Office. " I'i'V ui - -i'4 am ti . .The "Deril" Is an inatltntlon b anl of him. self. He ink the type, or tarns, the crank, or lajg 00 tne aneeta."i (Utber people some, lime do the latter.) . If It were not for htm the paper would not "00m e out." Ho sweeps oat tbo office. Ho build th fire an appropriate wort ior a nena ana swears Deoanse someone has "hooked the klrtdllDgB." ' H. dbe the "chores at the house.'i-lle "qatets the baby." Yet bis most important duty la to keep watch on tun street corner so as to inform tbe editor wnen the Arri ti mjter Km! ' yvitn an tnis, tbe "Uerll" shoulders all tbe bad or Smutty jokes of the editor. When the mighty man of the pen Is ashamed of an ex pression, and still desires to ntter Jt, be says, "our Devil says tbns and so," and the poor le.i uasiu svuna 11: 1. .' ii.rr.i i.' . . , Neverthelees, the "Devil' Is an Important personage in ociety. He attends lectures. He irequente concerts, ahowa, and the opera; but I say it more in sorrow than In antrer he iel-- dom;. attends church I Ho presents hlmielf at me (icaet oinoe 01 tDe"now," wltb bis "linen" reversed by way of a change, (for . be seldom possesses more iban a ainsle shirt.) as "a mem ber of the Press." and 10 Dresses his claims that ne is admitted without tbe accustomed quarter. But our joung friend is not alone. He is too much of a gallant for that, x His "woman" tt witn mm, ana ne and bis "woman'? pass In and enjoy the ootertaiomeot, which,' whatever it may be, is taken down in doiee alternated with peanuts and tobacco. For the "Devil" chews as well a smokes, and spits profusely upon carpets wuuu no gets wiioin raacn 01 iDem. ) I never beard of a Printer's Devil who had "risen in life," but I do the class the justice to say that, to my knowledge, none of them have fallen very low. Some of these ''Devils" have descended to be mayors of cities. Some of them have even let themselves down into Congressmen. Bat I never knew one to de grade himself ao low as to become a President of the United States. . . 1 So mueh lor tbe "Devi),". , I know the "ani mal" I've been there nueelf. "Bnllv for him."-Arfemu Ward. ' " ". . Some of the Institutions of a Printing Office. The Nature of Wealth and Poverty. Men rarely know tbe meanine- of the' wnrA "rich J' It is a relative of tbe word, imnlvlno- its opposite, "poor," as the word north" im- imca no uppuane --aouiu," men always speale and write as if riches were . absolute, and it were possible, by following certain scientific precepts, for everjbpdy to be rich. Whereaa riches are a power like that of electricity, act ing only through inequalities of itself. Tbe force of tbe guinea you have in your pocket de pends wholly 00 the default of a guinea in your neighbor's pocket. If he did not want it it would be of no use to you; the degree of power it possesses decends accurately noon the need or deeire he has felt for jt and the art of mak ing yourself rich, In the ordinary mercantile economist's sense, Is, therefore, eauallv . and necessarily the art of keeping your neighbor poor. An accumulation of real, property is of little use to its owner.' unless, together with it, be has commercial power over labor. Thus, tuppoee any person , to be put in ?08scss!on of a large estate of fruit ul land, with rich beds of gold in Its gravel, countless herds of cattle in Its pastures; bouses and gardens, and storehouses full of useful .stores; but suppose, alter all. thai ha could get no servants. In order that be may be able to have servants, some one in his neigh borhood must be poor, and in want of bis gold, or his corn. Assume that no one Is in want of either, and that no servants are to be had. He must, therefore, bake hia own bread, make, hia own clothes, plough his own ground, and iheo- berd bislown flocks. His gold will be as use less to bim as any other pebbles on his estate. 111s stores most rot. for be cannot consume them. He can eat no more than another man could eat, aqd wear no more than another man couiu wear. He must lead alifa of severe and common labor, to procure even ordinary com forts; he will .be ultimately nnable to keep either houses in repair, or fields in oultivalton; and foroed to content himself, with poor man's portion of cottage and garden in the midst of a desert of waste land, trampled by wild cattle, and encumbered by ruins of palaoes, ' which he will ihardiy mock at himself by calling "bis ' John Ruskin. Ohio and its Industry. In Ohio there is a State Commissioner of Statistics, whose business it is to gather valuable information from all aources upon tbe agricul tural and manufacturing : produntions of, tbe State, and to report it yearly to the Governor. ine report lor lSbU, just published, shows that the population of tbe State has inoreased 365... 671, or ISA per oent. in the last year. It is now 2,346,001). There are 13.105,945 acres of improved land, an Inoteise of 33 per cett. ,,Tbe average amount of, land owned by each person Ort . STll ai i . " juaores.. a ue average price oi farmland ia seiner acre, ineorona Ine lHliileannM. lows: wheat.13,247,467; corn, 63,730.846; oata 15,048.909; -rye, 676,274;, barley, ,1,638,577, pucawneat, j,o,io. Aggregate grain, iua- 34,143. increase, lo per cent., . Tbe bay crop was 1,806,465 tons, an increase o( 25 per cent. Tbe animals are set down as follows: horaea tnd mules, 700,097; cattle, 1,902,772; sheep, 3, 368,174; swine, 3,242,814. Aggregate, 8.213,857; aggregate .Increase,' 6 per. cent.; increase of horses and cattle, 44 per cent. Tbe total num ber of Industrial establishments in the State ia 10,700; 'The amount of coal produced from tbe mines is about 50,000 .000 bushels. ; The tons ef pig-iron produced, JUb.yuu. Increase of coal mined, 500 per' cent; increase of pig iron, 100 per cent. .The increase of foreign com merce has been one hundred per cent ;68 re-, sels, with s tonnage of 19,521 , were built during the year: The products of manufactures,' min ing and the' mechanic arts are set down at $119, 962, 183, Tbo following are the leading arti cles : iron, $20,000,000; clothing. 115,000,000; Carriages and wagons, $1,500,000; animal fat Soils, candles, &e.,) $6,000,000;' animal meats, ;12,000,000; wine, whlikyyale, beer, &o $9,. 284,785;. wool, $1,500,000; cotton, $1,560,000: leather, $3,000,000; agricultural machines, $1,. h auu.uuu; nour, wood vessels and non enumerated articles, $12,000,000; furniture, ; $4,000, O00. Aggregate, $87,284,728. There are a grea many ether Interesting statistic In the re port, but those extracted, above will show how Ohio progresses in industry and In wealth. ! Philadelphia Ltdgtr -m.u ,t 1ft v..) i.i iiv Progress in Wealth in Great Britain. r . Aa ipoome-tax return has been Issued; which shows what progress , has been making within tha last few years. ' The total amount eMa oome and annual value of propertv aiaesssd to the Income-tax In the United Kingdom hai risen from 308,817,656 ia 1854 to 335,730,. 254 in 1860. Tho increase of Usable Income England in the alx years haa been 26,348 685, and In Ireland 1,701,993, bat In 8ootlind there has actually been a decrease of 638,080. This t decrease bag arisen solely from a very large falling off in tha return! ander Sohedule the profits of 1 trades and orofeat lofts. An. The income taxed under that oobedulola EdS una rasa irom joio,ia,jo ltwe to rll 921,267 in 1860, and In Ireland -from 4,631, 0G9 to 4,891,652, but in Scotland It ' fell from 12,185,9J4 . in l864 to 8,626,144 la I860; 1858, after the oommeroial oriels at tbe end 1857, 'it fell 2,500,000 below the previous year, and baa aever recovered .-"-J -U) ! i'.n ) The Income tinder Schedule A the annual value of lands, bouses, & has risen greatly all three kingdoms; In England It was 99, 874.309 ia 1S54, and 119,082,749 In I860; in Scotland 11 Was 11,947,791 la the former year, and 13,974,000 in the latter In Ireland it was 11,767,810, and 12,893.839, respectively; an inorease.of almost sixteen millions pounds in the whole, nearly half of whioh amount Is from houses, and another quarter from an increase la the profit of railways. A very large Increase has taken place also in Sohednle E-pnblle offi cos, pensions and llpenda-from 14,445,552 1854, to 19,636,220 in 1800. l The total In come assessed to tha Income tax in 18G0 was. in England, 282,718,049) in Scotland, 29,. i.,i; in ireiang, s,u,ubi. '. : ol Of GREAT-SLAUGHTER! t-,i .'''A'.,)' ;fll VI i -;7L ft ni .:: ' '' i , l" hj ) 1 . i) . m 1 'ill m n ! '. ii iMiti j.f.uf.a i.Jl i.'i ' .' ' ") ;';. ' !! I'M f, -i:.a ", i. ' nK . r-0 ! 11 f? V tfll .il i Il SS U Wi J U,IMI II 1 1 ' 3i M-.: '1 . Jd 4 V ? NEW STORE. : . . : Hi .- k . ... 1: . v. .i'i ' a i. 1 . ... . I. ' . d i.-; From and after this data we shall REDUCE THE PRICE i ID, OF OUR WINTER GOODS twemtv'five peh cent; IN OKDBR TO MAKE BOOM FOB ODK SPRING STOCK; 1 , Our assortment is still good, .. , ! I- .... ';-... ' and it is known to every . j v v ) one that our- S T O O 15L , j - C0S8I8T8 or FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, " SO DO NOT FORGET THE 1 .. ' CHEAP STORE Of : n a p p &. 0 0 . . NO. 119 . SOUTH HIGH STREET, OOX.XT1VII1XJS, OHIO S Ton of Feather and SO Teas of Ha-e v's .a! octS5-3awd-Aw-6m Wanted. - b . . ...... ....... THIS.. . : . . WEEKLY OHIO STATES3IAN. ... ' ! - : ' - - , cHAVINd A 0IR0ULATIOH . ' I1EGKB BY BXTEBil THOTJIAnT)! Than any other paper in Ohio, outside of Cincinnati OffersFacilities for Advertisins ..... , . .... , . . c ; --i -, ; which Cannot fail to bring' :, ' '"; apeedj and Rensnnoratlwo Retnrn .." ' ' To the who tak advantage t than. THE WEEKLY BTTArCESTVtAfr. Dlstoibated ailtti through erery Post Offlos In Ohio. Reaches Large Class of Beadera Who patronag Is valuable, and who seldom see th !.. t Dally Editions of city Journalr,' and u only ' A Limited Number of Advertisementi ' i . Are Inserted In la column, anpoprlately and HANDCOM j J,-..uJii fl: ii r ' - - ,j. r..TT CAimov ytt. to, . .ttxa,ot uCLttontion. or Attl, WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In th WIKnY STATESMAN will Sa . , It adTantagoua In., - r--' - THE INCREASE OF TRADE Whioh Is almost oartala to follow aa aztantlve dlsseala -j. , atlon; , f knowledg of their btunnea ,r ' AMOKCr-COUBTEY DEALEE8 I cd f. . " . 1 ni.... '...'.- . n : AD.VBRT?,8,MltNT- INTENDED rOB , The Weekly Statesman I Should b handed la before Fri.lay noon " ' ; bill posting j . v.! ..: i: i d AND-,. -. ! ti . , .. ... DISTRIBUTING BILLS! .-i H. STEKLEY e 90 Ik will attend to th ' ' tPOSTlHa ASD riSTBIBTJTlKGr 1 oi'. BILLS IN THIS. CITY. A. ....... -r- ; - . I .; . , .. , 11 orders left at the Offlc of th Btatttmon, will he promptly attended to. .' . , . Jaall-tf 1 33f axjxiuflLrJoia. , i'1 '.il.. -i M J0H3 B.WESXIXB, .:. . A;:iVTroRnuinEtcorvTiiv(:ivTAt.4 Manu.txu, BKoarrr, and Ian Fie In. Co. Nsw Yost; UtROHAMTs' and Omr Fm o liATroa Nnr Tori Lin and Com,. MutoaI Lira. , Office,' 81 High St., Savage' BI :,' iT-di' -"'"-' '.''. '" " ; ' ' . : v.;- Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PI,A1! AltDEHIBROIDEnGD, DIOCS. QUETAlua aid legular ihap Ulack KldOlovea, emhrnulered In while, minenta, purple, Ao, Undreased- Kid Olove. Mlieei Kid Uloves. A complete euortmimt taeeeceienrawe un'iei alwij lot mt by i.. . few . : No.taSouth High etreet Co-Partaershipr IIIAVF. TIIMPAT JB.D9IITT tlk HIT on JAMB8 ADOEABAIS aa partner In my Hiit ne, whioh will hareafter be eonducted Bnder the flna ValB Se Son. I - -P. BAIN, S Bowlh Bisk St. Oopaaatas f IS. WU-i 1 u .-..t r '' TTEinP AND tpQTTON ItOI'llS, , BedOordiandOandleWlrk, v '-' " '' to al by.Ra.n r ':'- i.u'BJiaa tlSTIBATJI.,,' W'l.,'!,!..! Pi1 j ,..S4N.HIghBtrat, TTEtt HIING J ' lit, I II I O 1 130 hbl. AA. Na. I Pickled Durrlni. In Sturm, rnr ml hy t; IA Vii) Ai.kKB a KuariEAUX, " 94, Morth High street. ,fbS7 - IWISTIB HilDlUDUl , , ' j ! j . to i or I ill WORCESTER'S " ROYAl QUARTODICTT0KA5I- An vasapeBt jJociui its Jim," .. .. , .... w-. ,,.,.' . , "Tbe moat Bsllaki staajiea a tnorltr ff EnglUH. Laanraage, "IH BIST INOLfBH BICTIOSARtf lXXJ&f.t 'r I u, ' &.i'jJuL.i-,rl 'He are upwards f Hnmavad TheanearwM who muUirarioaa Meaning. . mad AortvatlwMH aUMr with theli orrect mlltsg.aad roaiA)aa a aiMrrr et before In y.l ,.r' -1 . H Im ... y Hi folsv't Stad tU PecUlo of thA Umbwt o i <ei 7WA'. A.u r Th untenlgiMd, Mmerlh Ohio I tat feaoheni' aiaoeiauon. Mont and aba to ma Im tmel.knm. riu and ineaklng, Uv ertkograpby and Ptononolatlon of Woroeeter'a lloyal Quart Dlctleaary. and w aewi eer- dlally recommend It as the moit rellabK standard aa- itr of th Bndlsh lanaiiai. aa it now riirn ul spoken. ' ' , ' " ....... Loan Airouws, Pnaident Kcnyoa Ooller. " M. i. Laoarrr, Superintendent ZaneTille Sshaola. Tnos. W. Haavav, Sup't Meeelloa Uoioe IrhtoST M. F. Oowmet, Sup't Fubllo Schools, SuDiioaky. Jo Lvaca, Sup't Faolle Behoof OircleTlli. S. N. SAjroua, Frtudoal OlereJand lemaltj 8emn. Wm. HncasaA, Sap'l FabH SchAota, UU Uabsv ? Jon Oooax. Frtncinal ataAnllartnal adul. niu. ota. - . , , Orana N.enw. PrlnMrvat V An .ll. TnhkMH flata UI.M OlndnnaU. A" H. S. AUTM, Sup'l Canton Tlo letolSX5I Inww Knu, Prloclpel alcNeely Vormel 0caol. . r Eu T- Taptaii, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio Colwall. Wm. W. Kowaana, Sup't Troy Union School. A.O. Eonin. rrlncioal Wast Huh Si-konl . rlleM. land.. . - ....,r..vMwm 8. A. Noitok. Aiwclate PrlnciDal HlrhSHunl. nirrt. ' land , : , , , , -, Tatopoaa Snatva, Principal Sigh Scho, 4le land. ' ' ' I B. F. ITirMirro, Principal Cleveland Imtlfnt. 1. A. OAaruxn, Preildent of Xlectle IntUtn'.a, Bl- W. L Barb is. Prof, of Ohemktrv. Ohu Valnu University. H. II. BAlmrr. Ex-Commlisloner of OimeM Bihmb. Ohio. - , Jamb Moiraon, Prof. Xhetorio, Oberlin College. Tno. Dill, President Antioch Coliag. ; O. W. U. G.TUO.aT. Pm(.. MAtliaBAllaE. Bl.h School, Dayton. - B. O. CrumBaDOM. Prof. Lanraaee. Bi.S SIvmI. Dayton. B. M. BABiam, Bup't Union Schools, Aahlaad. Mor iXan aim Bmdrtd ott JVeWcLmf at CUlol fftt, Proftuort. Author tnd DUUHOMtehtd XUwoo (ori, Aae mdorud tin abovo tonttmmt. . PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. If ARnrra Coutoe 'It Is tralr a munlBeeot work. an honor to th enthor, th publiahtri, and th wboM mutry. President Andrews. . . - Omo Wesutab Uithaitt.-" It zoeed m mvt. Hons. It will be my snide la erthosrash and nroau- olatlon. and will often he oonialted hy roe for Ms neat and accural deSnltlon." Preaident Thompwa. W. B. KcuCTtrOOU.tOB.'ITeivtiiferw kmiaJ Weheter"! orthography. At a recent ateetlog of or Faenlty, It was derided toehanrs it taeanformi ia that of Worcester's Boyal ftuarfo Diotionary." Pretddenl WseraBB Raiorv Cot lmi. "I And It worth of cordial approbation." President Bltokoook. OssaUR CotXt. "It mor than BMata a,v e.niia. Uons. I reoommxid H aa th atandard tnlhorltyln oruivepy o my eoiwren u. mj papua." rreaklent Horgani .... Aktiocm Oouxni. "I adopt and aha to nee la teach -Ing, writing and ineaklng, tha orthography and pranun. elation of Worcester aoyal Qearto Cictioaary.'' Preeldent BUI. '.,.., "In all my writing, speaking, and teaching, I have en deavored to conform to the rale for orthography and pronunciation as contained In Worcester1! Dictionary.'' Horace htann, lata President. . . i Kutor OoLinra, Oiweint 'I most cordUlly reosa mond It a th most raliabl atandard authority of th English language a tt It now written and spoken." President Andrews. :,. r SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. From Bet. Anton SmfO, OommttHonor of Common BohooU tn Ohio. :, i "Th Dictionary Ii an Innerlshabl monument to the learning and Industry of It anther, and a honor to lb world of letters. The BMnhaniwI awenntlon Is far asp -lior to that of an other LaxJeoa lih ahlrh T qualnfsd." From Hon. JT. JI. Jaruev. Ma-Qmimlttlomtr ScAoott in Ohio. ' Thmort reliable standard authority of tb.,ha- WBATTBB '! ' "1 t, i--.'j rf).lP. leadixig NewBpe.per of Ohio Saj-jr, FrotnOt CUtotand Scroti o Mardktn. f-nm Ih orthography of th Woroeeter Dictionary to that i used by moet, if not all. author of dUtlnction In thi country tnd England, and eoofonal to ih imiial nail ' of ordinary writer and speakera. , -.7 i Whaterer prejudice may bar exlite prTlolty', i 1 artful itudy of thl voltua will Invnrtablr b foUowwd 1 by a warm appreciation of lti grant merits, nod a detira, to add It to th well selected library, be It larg or aaaalt, ' It I a library Initaeir, and will remain aa iaaperlssa- I blreoortoflhkwUigofltoonpller.. Kmm- i from tit Oinctotnart Cvmmtrcial of Jprg SO ' Hen era anward of a hundrad Iheaaand woil-fod;- -had and Indiifarant whoaa -- . j dariratlona, together with their rorrtut mlllng and mop . -- u'.w U.17,.. ineworB a anqueittooably thrateat Theaauraaaf C.nd, xa.. yr publUhed. -tj. .- -e-w From th Cltotland PlaimUaler of Sept.' to, im evidently Woncnrs' Boyal QoaRto DioTtoMAar it not only U but, but th aarr work of tU kmd or mb wef,nd eaa by a poM.blllty suB by comparison, tr, - ' From On JWtdo Blad of Mayti. " A t roociATio, WoBSBrna m twa SVAMBAah fbllowd by our best author; In definitions A leave -nothing to be desired, and in OamooaArHT It I sumclin ( amy that WoacTaacanaleiy toUewad. -fiewci 'I - INGHAM BBACO.v 1 ,, Piiblltlaers, Bookeoiioro A Stauoaore, j "riu BT CLBTELAND, OHIQj f ((( rv Cur4 0MVi-Ol&, Boartmtm, . -,'" ' ,a1tJrUati(mrijmmm liroat,BtUvtk Seeking t ,i , I MOrii)mrwiiAW, A r'.m ' I ma, and VatarrA, VUmr and itrmotk to th vo4r nf " ,VV JPUJBS.IO i"SEATE,M'iad .. 1 . t vnii".oa ipartanc of ehackln a flnn.h "Ooamon Cold" ia ia tntttag; 1hatUeh In I hpvtnnln wanM vletd tA a tnlld tMMM. . W I ..a oon attack th lung. "Brown't Bronchial IrxxJie oontalnlng demulotnt Ingredient, allay I'nlsis it end''-? Bronchial Irritation. .. . . . . .. BROWN'S I '"That troubls In my Throat, (for whioh Ih ' JOA ir aMciSalhaiae a.aA- I TB0CHES,otton a atre whUperer.",,., , HOWN'S . r. w ajuui. 1 "I reocrauMnd their na to Psbuo ba,ai aaa." TKO0BXS .. 1 .,.. . BBT. . OHAPtlf "ITaT. proved aztram! enieeabla.fai BROWN'S HOABKWm.' - ' -w &KV. HENRY WARD SEBOBBB.4 ad TROCHES "Aunoat Initant relltf la the dtitrmelM labor of breatblnr eeliartoArrHHi.."- BROWN'S 1 -. ' , a. . u)LaTONn,a "OonUIn no Oplna or anything Irturt TKOOnBS ' ' AIM. A AUAV'S., u llO BR0W1T8 MA ilmpl and Pleasant mmUuiiui rn. ' ICooone, ." . t., -...-a. ... ,i , j TRO0IIES BROWN'S "uenenciai in BROWcrrtTia." lift. 1 1 w t ,.,' TR0CDB8 fBOWN'S " '. " BoUm. 'I hav proved thtaa eznlknt tat Wiuww. m Cocoa." .. .. ,..(.,.,.,. REV. H.W. WAR VN.T "Beneflelll when eoainaned to itmA. aaaJT TEOOHkB BROWN'S ferU.,froaCoi.n.'' , . - ' ' 1 v. a. 4. AHAT .'.JLIW , . .h .. . . AVI .Xewtta) . "Iirtt-rnAL fn femevlng Ooareeni-ai and TROCHES BROWN'S frrllatla of theThmtt, aMamoa' via,' SrCARs! tnd Siaoaai." . .. Prof. SrACt JOBNBdlf " 'H v.if ui... . 1 . eVawen, w.k tl , Teacher of lmi.:, SoUir !'"''. tfeaaleOollcg. 1 -""J , , . ,,A "Great benefit when Wren before and afiar TROCHE. BROWN'S Tao,cnK8 BROWN'S ! preaching, a thtr prevent Hoan'oeat,, groat .n their paeteffect, 1 think they will k of per- , maseul advnlnr to me," ml TBO0BIS RkV.E.KOWf.T.A.11 , Preildent ef Atuoue,ter,n. BROWN'S TRO0ORS 1 1 ,"Aolil hv all Ttravt.r. tirr. . T nB camia a i.JX.fjl ROBERTS a (AltCftl,. . .... rrM,,( I I'inruie, .--j norm tujuirreei,. ,;,;i, 8.B. SAViUkL CO bl South U-gh (trait, 0olaBt,Oi li aar-deodla . NOTICE! rTUIEatlt-.CUI.Jfft 1VEES5' JL vneing up But old btiiiim t ne, ai.o, t., prnson baring nuw.d wcount on hlj Kki eul M glr them hnmadieieatiMiuoB. rbie t. BAIN.