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T NO V HIS AD Y, THE REVISED STATUTES or thb 1 CTATI3 OP OIJIO Of A GSNEBAL BATGRB, IN FORCE AUG. 1M0. ' wjmi'oTi THsizisflxs or tbksv. ( Contained l-lwnly.,lne rornense pf tb OM end Oble AND A tm-h 0 ,OONVMI1JT UtDXX. Ha cere er expense has been srtsted to make the work ilbM now tha Legislative 000110 M'1'. Pt? P"-"; KtT.i bi neurit mo unanimous voir m ad Ouontyatncere;. ., . - ; -.;' fervor.. Attorney fjenerei; Supremo Judges. Secre tary. 0 tvptralltr.Tnuanr and Aamior m gw, talus Proimte Courlv Courts of 0mmon Pleas, Boper tor and Polloo frr. Andliers, nod the Gierke the Wia CoorWtaoeeaBtrv-toJ "'"""""f 2 4 MM Baiireeentatrsao of i Me v. y tt.. iMimgl the Union. 1 Ihta book, wi.Ul.lm,, M It dose. All of the Statutes new is Ton, Afiu ut anuioriM".. wf , and of th New Oone tllulloB, will hi found to bo Mlrrcial tr neefulin th performance of their dutrei, to all W . or TOWN3HlP8,anf1 "' 1 ntrel' CITY OfrlOKBS. !- wailln. . .m'NBPTPTRIIM'KKS. ,umucii very manj changes have bees mode la the lialulee since the puhlicallon of thelatt editions, by re- ai. .1 Minions and addition!, and many Important do olalons haws hern given by the Supreme Court on con- BANKUHB. MUKCIIANTT , A((D bCb1NI39 MEN OfNERAtLTf, ; Will iof till ao'lnralnablo Work. 4 ' -n Tu o3l ImJ mm of. tntr SintUm JTmOrtd , . In Btronf Un Blndlmj. , Price I0 CO. :': ROBERT CHiATiKJC, Sc CX.' lav Pabt'ahen. Bookrrlifn; BUtloten'anrl Importera. UBlPSinnr KULEB, FablUhan 1 i- i r- i I qq jy bu s .OHIO.,,; Tfdk eWl Aflfded y 7H'AX TA' O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVEN1NU MARCH 20, 18C1 Democratic City and Township Ticket. io.)t!i "Wenr int.""" ' : ;.,v ' ' SAinillUHOJIPlfO.''- A-a' erttrTJrAt.iriiTM VAlLINtl. ' 4 hn en i. . . cnf cxiai, 7 . V. - em aaiJciT.ia. ). c t--t-ri"!--' OTTO llFlBJti. tr-H :i STAilIli;.l.t)IllirTr-m- wr..'ff 'WrtiKcnuni, ur,,,', ' '"" httot' ?latWitH-HANH HOWAftDi - 1 nJtJw' xe W Wl..i..KtiJKIiY. ' I e;i lo-imt "M Waidr-WOalAH UAKHKR. I rut vt 41U Wanl-HOKiOll W1I.SOM. v- ' JrWr -:IAliJiw. ., itc a -eBoora koa srfvrt. aaaneoeia, ' -r bi. v ".rMo3tAjt Waay-A. !HRERS. r - I .:.. - 1M Ward VBIT KibHNi!il:n'' M-iM 4.h Ward-IOHN WKAVKt, . ..... .. Townamr THatnini, j ISAAU li-ALAJUtOW. CIBO !ttrw nenir run r c. Kntu.;- ' 03 I0CH0 WAI.TI h: rtTBNBR, ?U 't fe-ei- l ata;IIIV,.j n, OI . if 0 WUM BU0V.fl. I v. r - - ... Mwwla w-c me) Menu aeneamt,' m c i . WlbUAkt KMUX. ' The Public Works. The "otll W Teintf th? Tob1io Wbr of thia SUU pd the HoiMavoA.jeBterdajr, Ij a ote el nere ituavlvD 4o oae Tbh U in importaat mare and thoulil it fte ihe SesAte, will be reJfdT,-'mOrJ M-TReodfcAs'f; theeWnt flej-SaAeialJxi The- aasury will bere llertd from farther; drafts, af on 'Cud thoee Btgiinf the eaoU nd neing Wkter prif ilegee thereoo, M well ei the buaiaeea men Alccg the line otwirPoblio Works, will ood exptrleoee the beoeflie of the 'jreform jWhtch puet xenU t root the proposed chuge in cenel mtoigemeDt: tniti " i e ' i-' ' (tTTo iret Ith the SouUiero CommlMiOD er leto MkLOwledge the goreramcfct of the Coofederete Stotes, eod admit that secession ie k Conetttutiooal mode o( diesolatipn. -To ben do Fort Saater It U yield to the demende Of the P rorieioaal' fJoTeroment 'td Acknowledge lie eathorlly. Theee tblnge faeTe.been done by tf Lincout'f edminiatretfon. In leee than three w"i fteri t, lnAognratloai't We' ehell oot eommeot n -tbm- eieoe the beer annonnce Bewt of the &et 14 ihf&cltol to aitODih and eetatiod the whole'lsnd;'' We ihb'uld tiot like to be Republican. ,,.m The Public Works. The City and Township Nominations. The erne en honeet Pemoeracy if! the city tad townohip iboold at once organize in all the Toting district! . Wi'.h.'unuuat ontnirjiiy and kenaony) the Conrerttlon of Monday evoning onioated a ticket for the'tnpport of the party. The ticket U composed u( men who are capable and qrult&ad to discharge thedutiet of the sev eral eieeeend li aiade op of eound DemooraU, who go for the unity and Integrity ol the party. The. varlotM eandidatee are well worthy of the eopport of the Democratic electors of the fcity sd teWDhip,"and etery honorable effort ihould be made t elect thi ticket by large majorities. Letthe ward of the city, and the township, be organized at once.'!' The enemies of the party will tue erery means to divide and distract the Democracy-ifit the watchword be V Union And taarmuc;, and the ticket, the whole ticket, and othjcg bat the ticket."; In--.. The Democrats of the city aod township hare elect their cflieers, snd they owe " It te ftemseJycs to 3o io'. ' " " ''ir ' ' Mr. Carlisle's Resolutions. The r'.'jolutlonsintroduvedsometlmesince by Kr.CAKi-l, of FaltfieM county, calling upon ue?tra of, ruDUfl .weias, aim ut Auditor, Comrtfol!or and Treaporer of State, for certain' luLtiuaUou la rsUtioa te the ferenuee and It" peoditnrM on the FuMid Works, and the Iran: f ottwU from the Gcperal Reeuue to the Caual fV4 bs'.expcoded on the canals, wtich, on their Introdrjctioy, were Referred to the cent Ut o Public Works, afief sleeping A long 'lime la 'that tmmittec, were yesU!idj report ed b"V ta'ti;7Tiii)a an'!' passed- The Infor ssation mi;lit for by the resolutions of Mr. CaiumLb is iin;" ivd, an t I fact absolutely " necessary to e proper uudorBtandiogof the eon dltloa or tu'e'Cusnces of the Pu'.'IWorksj and if i eatisfactoryand intUigeutreponse If gir en to the ciHxthe.ln(ormtlonwiILP8..y bie7 " izzzi: ;.f . .' , p??tM fie lcnowledjje conMit fr be obtain ed, - it. C.u.,rfiJi will iio rendered a food ear ii to the State and !ie tmM.Z:7l .ft .t " ' The Fort Sumter Complication. ! It appears, acooramg to ine jywkim ev sua lagtctD corrrspoi.JoDCi, tht the qaeeiloa of the erscuation of Fort Sumter how.resU exbluslrely with the President. How loog it will, take him to oome to a decision is not Intimated. All the memberi of the CaUuel, It Is stated, hare, wlli a single exception, approved the military Judg ment or General Soovr.end yielded to the jrrlth drawal of Maj. Andihoh's eommand, ae a aeoNeltv whloh e.nnot be arolded.-' I Buthougn tne veoinei are idus auouet uuu- Imons; the President every day encounters treen difflcultlea and Is rexed by new complications. Ho may bare madeuphje mind as most of bis Cabinet bare made up their minds, that the withdrawal of Malar AwnxaaoN aod bis troops ban unavoidable (beoeeslty; but 'the question that doubtless perplexes blot how ,1s, la what manner and under what circumstances that withdrawal is to be accomplished. Ia order to be sure of sn abandonment ol the Fort without molestation, it would seem to be neoeseary to recognise in some way the revolutionary govern sent of tne South, end negotiate with it for the safety of Ahdiason and his men till tbey ere out of the territory and the waters over which that government claims jurisdiction. The Idea or negotiating with thoee whom the organs of his party have steadily denounced ae rebels and traitors is not very palatable to "Old Abe." In the mean time, all sorts of rumors are afloat to soare bim and increase his nervous anxiety , One of these rumors is that General ScitjiiOAsn, who commands the secession for ces at Charleston, will refuse tr permit Andes- son and bis band to depirt except as prisoners of war. Ba this as it may, we have good Re publican authority for the statement that Pres ident LinC)lr and hit Cab Inet are folly satis fled that General BiAuaioaso will not consent tj the entrance into Charleston harbor of any vessel or vsssels for the purpose of carrying awsy M'Jor Andisson's command, or to their withdrawal by land, uulese upon express stipula tions, not only against every thlog like a surprise or rare, but for the abandonment of the fort and Its armaments in as sound, complete and undamaged condition as they now are. Tbi -is a most humiliating position for the new ' Administration to be placed in, after all the bluster its friends have made obout holding on to the forte already in poeeeeelon of Federal troops, snd repossessing those seised by the Cotton Confederacy. ,. But bow will President Lincoln' act in Ibis emergency? Will he enter iuto negotiation with the Commander in chief of the secession ermy at Charleston T This he cannot do without en Implied acknowledgment that the authority under which General Bkao axQAftD acts U at least an Independent govern ment it futio, if not of right. Mr. Lincoln will doubtless hesitate 'long ! before he wilt bring himself to this conclusion to make this humilie tingackrjoirjedgment , . X ',T i 1 ' ' SiLcc-tlie foregoing paragraphs were written, a dispatch has been received announcing the f.u:t that the Administration ' has succumbed to the secessionists, by entering Int.) negotiations with the Commissioners of the Southern Con federacy for an armistice of ten daye, which the latter have magnanimously granted, and orders have accordingly been issued to Major An oca son for the immediate evaoualion of Fort Sum ter. It is th,uaj that) be! Admioiatration of party whiofl refused to yield to any concession or compromise for the eake ot preserving the Union, is yielding to, and entering into nego tiations with the secessionists, with the ulti mate design of destroying the Union. .! Carl Schurg and the Sardinian Mission. j i -(5 Ti' ;.' T -Caoj. Scoots bee not been nominated by Mr. Lincoln as Minister ' to Vicroa EatAMOu'a Court, bat GawAa P. Maosm,' of yefmoot, has been." The Journal of yesterday morning thus Attempted to console itself and Its German Re publican liende for an expected disappointment In the non nomination of tbe fiery radical, 8ciroz:"J ,J "';'" ' ' " 5 ' ! While; Mfi. I.iooblo nd hi Cabinet entertain the t lad licit lecKnre for Carl fichuii, be will prooably not e aeot to Sardinia, for tbe reaaon that It aaiglit be eon ilraed ae an enkind act br Victor Knuuiacl, ainee the re latione of gardioJaand Wots ia toe ooantrj from wbiok Mr. Bchurt iaa political exita are of a very delicate (haneter. . The preeenc of loeb a repraeontaUre froea tbe United Biatea Bight aeriouilj complicate lite affaire f Sardinia. . . . - ...... ! Such are tbe JaunuTt reasons in justifica tion of President Lincolw fur not nominating Schdix.. But bear bow the New York7Xoae regards these apologies or excuses to the Ger man Republicans. That paper of Monday too this subject said: ?. .,-,. ,- - t-... : ,j How could our aendlng a Minieler to Sardinia whs ae diftattsful ta he King otPraiatabo aeeoantod "an nntriendlf act" br Victor Amannell It he reeponiible ftr oar elioioel Ie he ' m arraigned offender aerainat the pubiiJ law ot Korspo, whoee enToje are reoeired at ecaicly an or tneaeepouo uoaru-to he frighuoed at oar (ending him a Sentao-born republican ae oar np teeeoutirel . ' ! We kvrk evldenos sad faota that Prsesla hai ventured to meddle witb oar choice of Atlnliter to Oardinta; hat If tie ha, her preaampuon anon la recetre the atroogost and prompteet robake, nnlem we give It np that we are ae a nation under fooaend nuj be kicked by seeond-rate Powere wl)h perfect ianli7; . , w j t ' - ' ' ' " ' ; [For the Ohio Statesman.] The Senatorship—A Glance at the Record. ' t 2t ' r- f v " f '"' " ' 'i 1 The opposition' to tbe Kepablicana In the present Legialatore ere eo hopelessly la the mi nority, that they may be regarded by some as occupjtog sbont the position," towards the pres ent Senatorial contest, of tbe gentleman who could shed no tear because he was out of bis own parish.., As old habit, howeverof regard ,ing Senators as the representative of tbe whole people, and not solely of a party, excite oar cariosity as to who shall be cnoeea, and what line of policy shall be indicated by the choice. There am plenty tif candidates 9 t'etesent aU sbaoke ef opinion and policy A- Bat what coarse of action do th Republicans of Ohio wish to annouuce"and initiate TThereJ Are- oaly two open the conciliatory policy of Seward, or tbe War policy of the nncompromisiog. j if they snare toe desire expressed by Mr. Llneola and Mr. Seeard, that the country may become, re united and prosperous if -tbey want to retain the Border States, and ultimatelv all. bv a course As toncillatory a possible, 'consistent with preserving tbe .government; they will, of course, select a man wso la not committed as among the Uncompromising and ultra men of tbe party, and who especially le no pereooallv distasteful to those States. If they don't Wont conciliation, tbey will elect a man who repreA seats: the "rugged ' issue. , Men representing both policies have been mentioned. ,8berman end Deonison represent the.uooompromlsiog, nonconclllation class. The Legislature bad pro posed to eecd lo the Washington Peace Confer encea set of CommUgionerRilo favor of rea- aooRoie Toniproiiiie. ior. ueonuon eiisnged them, sol beaded tbe list with Gov. Clue, who was oppnscd to it, end voted against it, Whea the death of Judge Wright made a vacancy, Gov. Dennison filled te with C, P. Woloott, the most ultra public man iu the Bute (unless Giddiugs oontests the diirr-),,'. Of eoiirse he voted agaiunt compromiee, as lia w eut to Wssliington to do-i-end be end Cliwe were the only ones who didlso vote .from Olio. .Beside this. Go. Dennison is specially obooiious toonrcieter loyal States of Kentucky and Tennessee), on ae-' oeunt of bis extradition drclMnns.,. tils elt-c 'ion will be a repudiation of the cot.cilii.tory policy of Lincoln and Seward. ...,,,.. , , The same ma; be eald of Sherman. He Is solhclently obnoxions to tne uoutn to have been voted aralnst la Solid column for alpht wei kg for Speaker, and no one who has read the in sulting and iiiliamuiAtory language of tbe Help 'j ..' It. jti ,(.ii- .ii ''-l-'l er book ean wonrf r that the man who endorsee it abouU be bated bf them. I d not refer to bis mere reoomn.eodalion of it as aioamDebra document,' for which be wae attacked In Geo grese (for this might be apologised for ae a mere indiscretion, ir n naa nos read it,) bat to hie deliberate declaration in Philadelphia alterwerd, that tad read it, end, though he found in It much to commend and much to cen sure, did ntirtgrtt kminf tndoried it. ' - -. r 1 t (The 'other oandidstes named ere . Messrs. Sonenck.Btantoa and Delanoall more ov leee ob ieetioaable, of course, ae being all Republicans, at belonging, it ia understood,, to the more mod. erate and eonaerTatlve wing ol the pacy. Who will get it is the great question. The great fli'ht comes off to-nlgbt, and the reenlt ot it will b a long etrsw by wblob to tell how th political wind blows, end what interpretation is to be nut upon the somewhat obscure of Ihe Ad- X. X. OHIO LEGISLATURE. X. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. TUESDAY, March 19. 1861—3 P.M. AFTERNOON SESSION. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. PARISH, from T. Filshugh and oth are, of Smdasky, praying an amendment to tbe law la refereaoe to catching fish with seines In Lake Erie, Ae. Referred lo Seleot commu te - 1 - " at 1 - - 1 . v i , By Mr. POTTS, from M. B. Casey and many others, ol Guernsey county, asking the paeeage of a law for tbe redemption of the botes end oertlBoates of the Seuooa County Bank.' Select committee. . -1 . Br Mr. READY, from Ell Nichols and oth ers, of Coshocton county, praying the Legisla ture to memorialise Representatives sad dene tore in Congress to provide for tbe colonisation lo some other country of tne tree colored popu lation of Ihe United State.' - Laid 00 th table to be printed. , By Mr. - LASKEY, from C. Cone and 96 other, of Laoaa county, esklngjcbsnge in tbe gsme law.!, select committee , SECOND READINGS. S- B No! 276 To provide for tbe erection of a net pudding lor Ibe deaf and dumb. , Mr. White. : .'. ;. ;;;. .:. ,. .,, . BILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. READY, 8. B. No. 277-To amend sections 13 and 15, aonoeroing wills. ' RESOLUTIONS. a Mr. JONES offered the following joint reio lutimir vis: JfS. t R. Ho, 104, by Mr. J0NE3 Relative to the collection of bank taxes In certain oases. Whbsbas, Many of the banks organised un der tbe aot to Incorporate tbe Bute Bsnk of Ohio and other banking companies, passed Feb ruary 24, 1854, claiming that no other rate of taxation ean be imposed upon tbem inan mat prescribed by tbe 60th section of said act, have commenced suits to enjoin tbe collection of taxes Imposed by other statute and where as, It ie desirable that tbe question at Issue should be settled without lucurring the ex- nanuA whlph rwnnAit!nire In obtain an Inlunrtlnn in each base mast involve the, partita there-! lore, ' ' - Bt it RrserW Ay (Ae 0R(re( Autmbly 0 lAs Slate of Ohio, That the Auditor or State, the Comptroller and the Attorney General, beau tborized. to enter lnte au agreement with the said banks, organised under ibe aforesaid act J pniTlUiOg mil tony auaii prumpuj paj tu wa- es prescribed by the 60th section of said Act, and agree to pay ta addltioo euoh sums as WiB make the total amount eqaal to that Imposed by the general tax law, In case the Suprenle Court of the United States, la cases now nend- iog thereic, shall decide that tbe State W A legal and eonetitutlonal tight to Impose taxes upon the said banks, as provided la eald general tea law, then, and npen such agreement being entered into, no attempt shall be made by the State to compel any bank being a party to suoh arreemenl to dav anv other or greater amount of taxes than Is Imposed by tbe said 60 ih sec tion of tbe act above mentioned, until It snail have been decided by the 8apreme Court of the United States that such other er creater rate of taxation may be legally end constitutionally lm- poeea as atorcsaia. . " - Referred to the Judiciary committee. H.J. R. No. 11 Relative to the Ohio aod Pennsylvania Canal Company, wae referred to tbe Judiciary committee. S. B. No. 344 -"Relative lo tbe duties of sur viving rertnere,'a amended by tbe House, was referred to tbe Judiciary committee. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. ' The following communication waa received from the Governor, via: - 1 . u: . EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, COLUMBUS, March 19, 1861. To th SewefS of Oktoi . I herewith submit the following appoint ments for tbe consideration of tbe Senate, vis: .'..'-' .a' v. ' 'n ,.'... 11 Wo. A. Moore, of Msnsdeld, as the Register of the Virginia Military School Lands, for the term ol two years, from aad after the 31st dsy Of February, 1861. ' ' ; Herman CaoBeld, Of Madison, as a Director Of the Asylum for ths Edaeation of Idiots, for tbe term of three years, from tbe 31st of April, 1861. - 1 -- ' - , John Grelner, of Columbus, as Director of the Aeylaet far the Edocation of the Blldd, foe the term ef three years, from April 21,1861. Jemes H. Coulter, of Colambas, as a Direc tor of tbe Asylum for the Education ol tbe Deaf aad Dambi for the term of. three years, from April SI, 1861.- - -. " ;l " '. Edward D. Mansfield, of Cincinnati, as Com missioner of Statistics, for the term of three - W. DENNISON. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. COLUMBUS, O., March 16, 1891. 71 the Seaets ef Okio I transmit to y oar body tbe fo'loe-Ine? appolat meats as Trustees of tbe. Medical College of Umo, tor tne term 01 ten yetrs, rrora end ar tee the first day of January, 1861, far your con sideration, vix: ' ' ' Fiameo Ball, Rufus Kinaf, Wm ' Mmnt, M. D. Israels. Dodee, M D . Aaron F. Perry, William M. Dicksoo,George W. Holmes, Henry E. Spencer, Thomas Uberlock, and Aaron B- mil v. iisuMiuni wuu.i. W. DENNISON. COLUMBUS, March 19, 1861. To Vm LnUUtur of Okiot ,, :';!) ''" tC , I transmit to yon herewith a copy of a defter received by me from th Hon Salmon P. Chase, eammanicatmg tbe (actor biarestgoation ot ino W. DENNISON. WASHINGTON, March 6, 1861. ! Sir: Will yoa bare tbe goodness to make known to tbe General Assembly my resigna tion of tbe office of Senator of th United States from th Stat of Ohio, of which I shall Imme diately notify th President of th Seoat. i ! It would be far more eoneoaant witb my wiebe to remain at th poet to which th people of Ublo, tbrongb tbe enteral Assembly, saw st to call aiev ; Deeply indebted to their geoaroaity for repeated mark ol coccdencs; proiewndiy grate ful for the Indulgent consideration with which my endeavors to promot their inter eate bar ever beo regarded by tbem, 11 Is impoesibi for me to prefer any other service to theirs. ' ' ' Bat th President has thought fit to call me to another sphere of doty, more laborious, more ardooua. ead fuller far ol perplexioc reeponsl billtie.: 1 hav oeaghl to avoid it, and would now fladlv decline It if I oiebt.t , I find it, how ever, Impossible tods' ro, without eeeming to sbrins: fioot care and labor tor tne common good, which cannot be honorably shinned. : I shall accept, tberelore, these new duties; great ly distrusting my own abilities, (bat humbly invoking Divine aid and guidance. rrY.t ,' -I i I shall hop that my decision will meet the approval or lb General Assembly and people of Ublo, and shall greatly rejoice M, by eooetant ap plication of my best power ia th service ( lb whole country 1 1 snail. oceea in contributing anythlne- loi that eernmoa welfare ia wUluA L Ohio baa so Interest hardly ioferier to that of any otl(er of tbe !at of tbs VauftJ t , -j. I base the honor to be T7.f jai cJ. iis,.(i eu withery greet respect, ix,. i " Yw truly, ' : S. P. CHASE. L . To hi Eielleaey,s t j' v ! :": VVltUAM UlWHIfON, ,;('r,-. r;"i:li S (',.) H titivernor ot Ohio. i )1.'-"it j Oa motion: of 11r. .COr,th foregoing" wae oraerea to ae ipreaawpoa tbem lout. : ?. Aaiqnrned.i .', e 1 tM.WX'A .hot .?i.-l ,l'.0,C,i.l -'Jt ,t(vl9-.l oi ; V f !'. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. TUESDAY, March 19. The House Drocaedod to oonalder the enecial order of the hour. - v " v-v',,j H- B. No. aairby Mr. WOODS-To provide for leaeloa theVinhlln wnrka of the State, nmmtd. dedao as toleate to specified parties. The bill wo roaa a tmrB ume. r- r r rr -r . ' A few verbal hmendmentt ete tnaie to the blUJ i IV J.V.r ;.i If ,i Mr. BALDWIW moved to amend so as to make tho -consideration of the leas thirty thousand Instead df ten thoassnd dollars, alto to pay the proceed of tbe leas Intel the sinking fund, which was agreed to. ' " ' ' 1 ' Aleo to Umlt tbetaaxlmum rate of tolls to the toll sheet of 1860. , . I Mr. SCOTT, of Ueffereon. obleoted to this amendment, as it wald reduce the Income of me ouosis so vow tnsi tney woitta no a pay,, ana therefor the canals Would not Ae leased to any 05. ) y.n 1 ud'lv-RT- Mr, WOODS also iopoeed (i; becaos It would have th effeot tonestralise the whole effort to make the lease Of thAse public works, or would place tbem In Irreepofaslblenands. ... ,.! Mr. ANDREWS 'stored toe amendment. He said, that in making a bargain, as In this ease, Ihe Stat was not ta aicept any proposition made. Th retec fixed y the toll sheet ot 1860 were said lo be well adjusted. """ Th amendmeat wasuilsagrecd to. M .''' .! Mr. BALDWIN alsotnoved to amend by iim itlcg all tolls to on dollar per ton foe any die tance, wbioh amendment was disagreed W.l, Also, to require the) lessees to pay tbe State for repair now In prsgrfess, which waa agreed lo yee 46, nays 37 I :.? Mr. BALDWIN Siovejd farther to amend by requiring tbe lessees to pair alt expenses of arbi tration or trials on iontratte, etc, wbioh we sgreedto. ''- I . f" Tbe question then turn on the first amehd ment ot Mr. Baldwin, whih Mr. Devor moved to emend to twenty thousand, which wee ae eepted by tbe mner. ; f K-mii Mr. -BROWNjG, of Miimt, advocated tht's ameadment. Ife would tnr this price,' and see if II would cot ibe oooepteq by some other par- Iv.lf nottbUoee. . I -v -vb Mr. HUGHES ssld be viae in favor of leas ing th oanalsj but bs was riot for leasing them toi nothing. He was therefore for the amend ment. f ... .-?, u .i I ... .-..; Mr. DEVpRE was for thfe Amendment. He' was for the late; but If they oould not be sold, he wanted as much foe, the ease of th oanale ae be eoulifget; and if tbey re worth anything at all, the must be Worth tt s rum.' a ' - ' :. . Mr. FELLOWS objected 0 the smendment. Hewaotejd to go straight for' ard and adopl this measurel which in a practica one, and perhaps tbe Oolyfcne that maybe aval ible. " ;'.! Mr. HILLS sopported- th amendment at least hsf would have a bargali made that would release tbe State from furthe 1 burdens. :'' '.' , MrJmYERS spoke agalna ; the amepdment, aod hi did not thluk ble cuty would be dis charged till h voted for tt s bill es th aly one pkely to be passed.1 ' " 1 " " ';' MjTDEVORE further dtt inded the amend meat, end said be understood that (20.000 per antrum could be obtained for Ihe canala, ' :- annum woh Ad when VORI3 demanded therprevhros question; Was sustained. 4 division llvUion of the questidb was demanded, th Hons refneed to Strike out 10,000 on nmi -i.h, k. tJilA - t -i.; P. at 120,000 might be inMrfed yeas 81 io th amendment waa last: "i "J The vol we tben called od tbe nessage of the bill, wblon resulted yeas oil nays va. Bo the bill wae passed. , J ' 1 Mr. WOODS moved lo late from Ibe table the motion to reconsider th vote wberebv the Hons lied Wednesday, tbe stun Inst., for tne reading of H. B. 285 To pay certain outstand ing checks, wbiob was agreed to yea ip, nays 37; 1 1 !,..','. 1 .. ' Tbe vote wu then called on the reconsiders' lion, and resulted yeas 42, nay 34. . ' Tbe bill wa then set for. a .third tending on Thursday next. . t - ., ., Mr. ROB1NSOH offered a resolution direct ing that nor farther contracts for repair or new stracturee of tbe canals, shall b made by the Board of Publio Works, further ap nropriatloDS. ' 4 ', v . ., . ' : ,, Mr. YORI3 moved to amend by striking out Mr. VORIS then moved that the House ad journ, which was disagreed to yeas 18, nays : Mr. VORIS demsnded a 'call gf, the House, woenea memoer answerea to tneir names, ana further proeeedinre were dlpeosed wltn Mr. BALDWIN demauded the previous question. - Mr.' BKUwnrj, or Miami, demanded a call of th House, When; 88 memberi answered to their names. V , . . Mr. W 0003 moved that all farther proceed lag under th call be dispensed with, which was agreed to yesi 3J, nays 19.. Mr. BROWNE moved that the resolution be laid on the tabus, .which was disagreed to - nr. buu rr, 01 w arren, moved tnit tue House sdjoarn, which was disagreed ' to yeas SO. nana 59' ' -." I" '' 1 Tb resolution wu men adopted yea o'J, osye is.-., " :, ';;'. . ; 'The Hons then adiourned " : . .'" : ,'.-yjj .j ... K ;. m t.iivi IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, March 20, 1861. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. POTTSi Frem W. H F. toufeety, and others, of.-. Guernsey county, praying for tbe redemption of the note and certificate of tbe Seneca tsounty Hank. Special committee. By Mr. FERGUSON! From George Carlisle and hi e triers, 01 Cincinnati, protesting against tne paeeage 01 u Direct uaiiroaa btit. opeelal committee. .rii-.-ctJ By Mr. POTWIN; From M, Sheppard and many others, aad A. J. Howard and many oth ers, of Muskingum connt. iwoUMtlna? 1 oval net the sale or lease of the Publi Works.! Commit tee on fubiic works. . . - ,., T,, .f)j , By Mr. BREWER. Front John W. Jolly'and 50 otbere, of Richland county, praying for law prohibiting Probate Judge from . making out account for the settlemeut of the eetetef of deceased persons, wards over whom gnto dian bar been Judiciarv. . j Mr. LASKEY presented tbe following m- 1 ,Tbe undersigned eitixens of the Stat of Ohio make to the LegUlator tbe tbllowiogDroposb- boa for lease of. ths.Pablio Work oi otbe states, 1 -.' ,. 1. t' "-.ri 1 ,fu 1 1st. We will leas of th State of Ohio, for the term often years, the Public Work, 00a sisting of th Miami and Erl Canals Ohio ianai, waibonding . Canal, Hocking : Canal, Sandy and Beaver Canal, Masklngum Improve ment aad Western Reserve and MauntetRoad, snd ail tbe Bide Cute, Feeders, Reservoirs, Lock Houses, Collectors' Offices, Wei Re Lock and lease of surplus water connected with tbe Mm or appertaining thereto, ioge'.het tith all land and fixtures oeoed by tbe Stat ia aonaectloa with th publio works, with the right to hav and lease all additional surplus waters, . aad tb right to collect and receive foe nor own proper rtse and benefit, all tolls, fines, water rent and revenuje arising from said public work and the ose of eaid publio works, for ths aforesaid term of ten .years, commenting rathe 15th day of AVAT t Oi'i '- m m 1 narco, iooi, .uinamg lonrsoiree to eoiiect no higher rates of toll on sAjd sanais and Mdskln gum improvement, than those prescribed by the Board of publio works in th toll sheet adopted by tbem . in March, 1, and th ratee o charged 00 Kid road. ,..,.( j , . f,,.-,,, , fid. , The State tbsllcVh us by leglsletlo or otherwise with all necessary power to protect as io th roll control 0 tbs. public! work aud agairat soy Interference therewith by Any other party r parties, and for the collection of ell revenacs, Ac, as ablr enqmcreted, and far taklnc pojsesaloo of and eondemnlne all matcri.. all necessary for th protection aad repair of nam puuuo woras, osc. 1 ine ntaia sbaiii fuisu sll existing convrscr for new stroctare and re pairs, and complete end deliver lo asl free from Incumbrance, the lewistown Reservoir, and af ter their completion wewlll front, time to time, make such repeirj, end rebuild sdeh structnee, whether tbey be locks. saaedoets. tiams. or-oth- er stroetures, belonging to tbe said nublio works. woea tnessmesnau Cneceery,nd under the direction of th Hoard of Publio Work. Pro vided, boweve, that la ih rebuilding 'of. all such structured, th plans and maWeiels for the new etructurei or work shall not bs mor ex e . rt l . W " pensive than those need Iq tb original construc tion of tbe Aod w will at all tlmM.when tb easoo will permit, and when ttm water is not out of said canals and improvement for re pairs, or new constructions, er when s- tJ wort are not ohatruotsd by ice, or by reason', of '"" breach Id sora structure of said works. - r c r .'.casuAlty, Hon account of (carcsty o'w.., keep the sate in food snd proper rendition and repair, as M& t oeivt i by ti. id at the ior matlon of this lease, deliver oji' said pnblle works to the Sti 'eof Ohio in Ukn good condi tion as when tak n in iossc don bv us. 1 i ij 3d. We will tkke of. thetate U Tutorials' provided, ana noats, scows, tools, implements, Ao now owned aid nssd by, th tate loa the repair of said publio works, and pay for ths earn within tea trays ften appraisement each plc4 4s three (udieJorii, flifllatirestod meo, (to be appointed br.tbbVBeerd- 0' Pablid Works, aad the undersigned. JolntlOehall say they ars worth npon actual view aod Appraisement of tbe sArieil provided that at Ibe'termlnAtion of the lease, the State shall yn Jlke manner, receive from us th materlalsi tools, Ac, on hand at that time, th valueXof which (hall be de termined ae herein bsf. spsolfied. 4th. For the faithful performance on oar part of all the stipulations contained in this proposi tion, in cue the Stati sham aocept It on their part, w will,' at -tb time 01 the execution of the lease', execute ay bond of five or more sood and sufficient surenes to tbe aoceptance of the Board of Publio Works, In tbe personal sum of on hundred and twenty fir thousand dollars, aod pay the Stat the sum of onediundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Twelve thousand five hundred dollars at tbe Urn th leas Is ex ecu ted and delivered, and twelve thoasand fire hundred dolIAri annually thereafter, until the same shall be paid. JOHN MoCLURE, . , , A.J. TAYLOR, ' ' A. V. RICE, JOHN BUCHANAN, P. J. BOWMAN, ,T. G, ALLEN.-. ,. v ov Laid 6n the table.' ' 4 - ' u COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On motion of Mr. , the Senate re solved itself Into Committee of the Whole, on the orders of th day, Mr. Cox in th chair, and after some time spent therein, rose and re ported back S. B. No376 Providing for anew out latng for tne near, ana damn, Oa motion, the bill waa engrossed for third reading to-morrow. S. B No. 258 To authorise cities of tbe sec ond class to fund their floating debts. JndiclAry, REPORT OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Mr. KEY, from the Seleot Committee to whom was referred 8. B. No. 273 For th re lief of Johow. Allen, recommended it pass .'.:'' Attt JU&.-U - .- a '- Mr. KEY Advocated the bill at length, when the question recurring, it dpaese yess 24, nays EXECUTIVE SESSION. On motion of Mr: GARFIELD, the "Senate went Into Executive Session, and after some time spent therein, the offiolal nominations made yesterday by Governor Dennison (see Senate reporywere conurmea 1 . U U i J ' 1 The Senate 'then took a recess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, March 20, 1860. Prayer by Hon. Mr. McCune. of Huron. Mr. COOVER presented the memorial oftha Commissioners of Montgomery ,for Authority to levy a tax to ootid a ondge across the Miami. Mr. BROWNE, of Putnam, nresented tha nut. TpXarn T.""l,.M . "t4 fM, phD ot he pt0Per ma of a person named. : -1 r T". . , , a. r . 1 . . . Wh r.ii.i- u:i. .1 . .. auv wuuwjug mile wcrn reau a secona time ndnfwrcdt 1 - -v' : ' H. B. 431 To amend section forty-five of an act for th assessment and taxation of property in this State, and for levying taxes thereon ac cording to Its true value in money, passed April 5, 1859. Judiciary. " H. B. 432 To provide additional fees for probate judges, and providing the manner of paving the same. Judiciary. H. B. 433 To amend section one of an act entitled "enact to prevent the Introduction and spreading or Uanada thistles," passed March 6 1844. Agrionlture. H. B. 434 To repeal section twenty-three of an act tcerein pamea.a oonoois and School Lands. H. B. 439 To diminish th number of com mon picas judges, and alter certain judicial districts therein named. HThe Select committee reporting the bill. - - r" r H. B. No. 7; by Mr. BROWNE To amend the act entitled "enact fixing; the rate of In terest," passed January 12, 1824, waa read the third time, when ."" Mr. NOBLE moved to amend the bill eo as to provide tbst Interest and principal shall be for feited. If more than ten per cent is charged which motion was lost veae 24 -Vjsts 67.' Mr. MYERS moved to amend by striking out the section providing for a forfeiture of excess ive interest, wbiob was disagreed to yeas 13, nays 11. .nn. r v.,- Mr. BALDWIN moved that the bill be amend ed by striking out ten per cent., and inserting cigui per cent. A division Of the question wad ' called for The House then refused to strike out yeas 28. nays 57. Mr. DAVIS moved that the bill be indefinite ly postponed, which motion waa disagreed to yeas oj, nays oor The vote was then called on the passage of the bill, wbioh resulted yeas 47, navs 45. '; As it requires 53 votes to pose a bill, tbis bill istiea to pass. ; H. B. No. Clj by Jtfr.'MONAHAN-Supple mentary to an aot to encourage teachers' insti tutes, passed February 8, 1847. and the several amend amenta thereto, was read a third time, ! Mr. MONAHAn1 explained the provisions of th bill, that it allowed the union of two coun nan . . . .r.,. t , ties to hold Teachers' Institutes. 1 Mr. STEDMAN , further t explained th Din. Mr. HILLS objected lo the bill; becanse it wonid act as a new end additional mean ol drawing money from tbaTreaajiryisr :i sx t j The vote wae called oa the passage of the bill and resulted yeas 51 nay 36. I nr. miUHUUUK moved that tbe vote whereby the House refused to pass the bill be reconsidered, which was agreed to yeas 50, Bays 35. ! Tb vote wa again called on the passage of toe out, wnicn reeni tea yess 00, pay 33 jJ I H. B. 305-To prevent bankers, brokers, snd Other persona, from receiving or caving ont tha ootee or issue of specie-paying bank at a lee rat toan par, was msae(th ispeciallot(ler for to morrow at 2:30 P.Tw. j H. B. No. 397 1 by Mr. MYERS To author ize the Commissioners of Clermont and Hamil ton counties to purchase bridg therein named . Tas read a third time, wben Messrs. Mrias, Dbvobb snd Scott, of War rea, explained and advocated tb bill, after which ii was -peseod' -veen 76.-nava &rrn-f U. B. 307 To enable the Medical College of umo 10 pay tie present maeDteaness Dy issuing bonds at a lower rate of interest, waa read a third time, wben -r-w T,t- . Mr. FLAGQ explained that the bill waa In. tended, as expressed in the title, to enable the College to renew It bond and mortgage on its own property,.,, :f ... rrrrt ''-' I Mr. rUJ 1 iv ot W Arrto, and Air; JONES, of Hamilton, lartner explained aad advocated the passage or tbe bill. 'ine vote was called, and resulted veaa 87. uare 1 H. B. 340 To amend tb act to regulate enotosuree ana proviaing against trespassing auimami in it to a lomt Aim, fnrailH t , i Mr. FELLOWS obiected to the bill. He re garded its passage Ilk a man' setting a trap nun putung aia own neea into it. unaer It, every farmer along -a ' railroad track fenced with a fence not much over walet high, will not only lose ble ttook.bnt be liable-lor all tbe damages to life or (irnb by any acoidcqt caused ue nopeaooman wouia esreiesaiy vet tor it. , ! The vote was tben called on tbe passage of toe Dili, wnion resulted yea aa, nay do, 1 Mr. 8TUBBS ear notice of a bill to amnnd th Temperance Law of 1354 I Mr. McSCHOOLER introduced H. B. 447- To amend section three of th aot to prevent the taking of utrjltons interest, parsed April 6. r859-whTch was read Ihe first time. ' Mr. SCOTT, of Jefferson, introduoed H R 448 Further defining the dutlee of Count Treasurer alioh-waseead th first and aae- 5nd times, and referred to the.cemrultteeon th odioiary;1'" ' . : a . mar wnn A n . a . . a . - . . . ., , mr. VI.B.BC lniroanced ri. U. I3 Keg- uiaung eeriaiu purcuasn tor tne lisnevnieut In Agricultural ftinds .or tbe ear 1&62 when Jt was set for a thirif reading to morrow. .'. Mfi sICOTTfrOBl Ibe CnmmlrtM nn TtAnni feci IM'Jtuc,.Ttlorted.- back . S," U. i3.1 Farther . oreaotibin tha dutie of.,Towrmirna 1 t 1 Asseseora, when th bill wa amended so nt : sutnuons ,01 e Bipve wnion wo read th Jlrst tlrne , ' nA'.'Mni .HTI.ifi h1"1? r,wt1 1 e. n.v-;mhiie Bpprrmriat ons from certain I frrqilre Ihe return to b made on the first Mov tday In . May, when the. bill was set for A third day I Q.May, when tbabtli was set for 4 third reaiiing to mprrow. p? t," ' (m1 i The House then took a recess. ir). i The following Item was omitted (a yesterday morning's report 1 - v t, i. JUr. BROWNE, of MIsm .rendrted back Irom th Committee en Publio Works. Honse Reso luUon No. 221 -by Mr. CARLISLE Relating to tbe expenditures on tbe Public Works when the resolution ;Wsaaojtoav . y j j Loss of Sleep. Id-thirls aovthloff more wearing to both mind and body than loss of sleep, or It any diffloulty or dUease can be ofteset . traced to other than toss 01 sieep, men experience nan iub no er. or Sldnev Smith, the treat English Physiol ogist, la not to be relied upon Of ths, let the experience' of thousands answer, snd'try the To Id Anbdyne, and tbey will be ready to endorse tne reman ot on ot we irienas 01 tne proprie tore, wb writes, "werethe directions to be oov- ere( with sovereigns to purchase, I would not oe wimout it. . 1 nis nit wi 1 experience oy its Se advertisement, .and, pall for pamph- letet yo,i fit. U " LtT.i n.ij m trie ,-it .if I . -,: ..-iv F, GUERNSEY'S BALM! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T7ln KENV-A Brtck Houeo, on Gay street, X' eight Booms. : Apply to b M. Mill,, ;or at Ihe "American'1 to 8. S- OQX,; tufaSO d;r. .- 'is TftBASDBY DEPARTMENT tip OHIO.) V y 1 '". ,i f, . t y . olcbui, March 18, lttil. 7 SALS OP OHIO STATE 8T0CK8. TIIEHE WILL-BE SOLD AT VVH lie auction, on Batnrday, ktarch 30th, at elerea 0'- olock A. M ., at the offloo of the Treasurer of Bute, two thoueand dollars of the Bonds of ths Btato or Ohio, -draw lng Interest at the rata of six per ecnt. per an num, ana pajame nmi-annuauy rn ino uiiy-01 new York, and the principal redeemable j. tha pleasure of Ihe BUto. "M l ; ' :i - r-r irr.ji ', i These Bonds were deposited with til Trsunrer or tne State of Ohio for tbe Dnrvoso of seonring the circulation of the Barings Bank of Cinolnnall, and they are to be sold for Ihe purpoee or redeeming tie same. , marcniwaiv -J J,-.r.ivB,1r, WHEN you go to New Tork, drive direct to the ' SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, IBOADWAT. CORNKE OF HOUSTON STB KT, . ri.'ullui Oonduetrf on the 1 ' " Good Pore, Good Booms, Prompt Attendance, and Atod- erate Charges. .r-.n.t; '; 1- BINQLE BOOMS SO CIS. 75 OTS. and tt FEB DAT. r ; ; DOUBLE BOOMS and PABLO KS 1,50 to S3 Heals as ordered. Tbis Hotel has all th appointments of the best hotels, a most central location, and Is heated throughout by steam. . . flAMUKL. E. 1BAU. starcuSdta . ' Proprietor. I i QklfPc Cnl IJUCllll a . U1C, t , ,. f, j j D. T. Woodbury At Co.) ' '.C 'j ' ,--! vs. . : i Superior Court. George W. Allen.- J TiV VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FI.FAi II in me dlreciot from the SuDerior Court of Franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, In the town of New Al bany, at Uie store room of. G. W. Allen, a lot of Dry floods and Notions, levied on as the property of 0 W. Allen; sale commencing on SATURDAY, the SOih dsy of March, A.'D. 18B1, at TO o'clock A. M. J ' ' ,', . . - 0- W HUFFMAN, Sherltf, -' " .march lfjrIOIoT M.T&&- EAT". Pcp'tlfL u .rtiaiereiooB, r -. t if -- NOTICE TO PRINTERS! X FlHSl-BATENEWSPAPFll AND 2V. Job Printing Office, located In one of the wealthleat mineral and agricultural counties In the-State of Missouri, with railroad- and oth;r facilities,- and on tne highway j ot travel' to i OalUornia, Pike's Peak and all the Western Territories, in a pleas antly situated aad Urrtarlng county seat, -and extensively patronized, will be disposed of for the jow snm of 130O five hundred down, five bundreu on Die first of Janu ary nest, and the balance In January following, with in terest. The material is all nearly new, and is Well as sorted. The ottoe pays about B3 010 a year. The paper la Democettlc would pat equally sreil. independent or neutral; Is the official erran of the ' county, Ato. No cnarge lor rooa win. xnie gaaranteea. irfFor further parucuura address M'BM-1 ft. 'I I B: WcEWBir," ' .... , alitor ,, fleorgetewn, Pett(f CO. marchieatd " , ; ' MO. No. I run sr, frii X ..'. V i :U i'J.l Vol. 1 J J Ak A iLA JUAV, l'...J--i"f A NEW LlTERAliYo PAPER, rox-iriarcm leya, I801, Now Ready For Sal Everywhere Price Five ; mi ti : iCOSTESTS: - ; ""WILL WATERS;" A Brllilan't Stoi'y. '.' ' 'TH OH B AP BXCUKBION :" A Oomeltte Story. i "IBB EINQ AND TUB BK9GAB;" Oosnpletc in this i BIOGBAPBIOAL SKETCH Of tDOAB A. POB. ; TUB DYING BOY'S RKQUK8T: by Maria N orris. ' THB DUTY OP THB PRK8ENT HOUR. THB PHILOB0P8Y0IBATaiNa..ia E:-lliA:.1 , UrVB":BVEPR7wflERll. ' BUBTIO SIMPLICITY AND SBREWDNESS. ' 'WHAT? A Poms.-!. - ,'t w ( .V ItT THB MOUTH OH LONDON. - . HOW PEARLS ARB IORMKD; TRUSTING TO LUOK; WHO WOULD BB A BAOHBLOB; 6IVB THB OHILDBKN FRBBH AIR: ONB DROP AT A TIME: THB WAY TO DO GOOD: MORALINFLUBNOB: RAIL WAY AOOIDRNTB IN FROSTY WBATHER; UTIL IZING WASTE STEAM; A NEW MATERIAL! FOR BIBB OP UMBRELLAS:' CEMENT FOR HOLES IN IRON CA8TINO8; BHRLL-VIsH ROPE-MAKERS; COINING BY AIR POWER; A CURIOUS BELIO; THB FOUR SWORDS' OP LONDON; FAOTS ABOUT t'ELBBRATBD MEN; HISTORY OP THB PIANO FORTH; KISSING; THB DOK08 OF SOUTH AFRICA. I WIT AND HUMOR. ' - r'. NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS. 1 ... i:i . i'J j-iu- t Ard much other. Interesting nd Inetructiv Reeding Matters ue copy.. 4 w.Vi w. im.r, ...i, ft per SnBuo. ' HUNT A MINER, Publlebertf ,'t tf'wjtl and 73 Fifth etreet. H f" nextto tbePost-OfBce, Plttsbur,n!Ps'. R. KENNEDY, General Agent"' r march eCUXXQ-j OtX-.UXX VM,; KNADE & CO.. riv AT THF1K NEW MALESt- I BOOM, SO. 1.V) AITMOBS 0T., Ann NOS. 1, S, an 7 H. BUTAW ST: ,11-!, .m'"'-' ANDHQARE PIANO-FORTES. ;; Being highly recommended by the first Professors snd Musical Amateursnf the eoantry, an n I 1 ! I j BVKBX! lNSTByMEt'T' I Hi:. O.A f I I -HO WABB:ANTtDIOI?iJ FIVE YEARS. The most fastidious oustoaserr rely po being oleeeed in ever resnect. . Terms noerai. ,' wa. anana a ct 1 . SELTZEB a WEBSTER. Axentf,. - ,t' etM;lydw.iii Ua,-, Colutnbua, Ohloi ti GUERNSEY'S BALL! kill TE MOVES AN D 'PREVENTS I f. XV flammation and Min.andhmla the warat hnm scald,iniise,a, er Treh wound of any kftid, prevent swelling ana pain iron Me stings, mosquito bites, and wiaonoBs plants, neuralgia, rheumatism, ague In ths roast, salt rbeum, etc. When taken internally. It will positively euro croup In children, and fires Immediate relief in the worst ease of this terrible complaint; also, removes hoarseness and sore throat. -Trice. S3 oeataa noma enoaid be lu every itouse. 'for enie in Drue. HW saw otureseepvrs lafin Divna, 1 rwierroprtetrrtq.jBprtttesv.JlcwYo eoUdttwlvIs r,- tr v- I II 9 I II SET, 1 a NOTICE. ALLPEKSONS KNOWINft THE1TI. el res to be Indebted to the late firm of 1IDO- DKlDua a WHITB will please call and settle their accounts, ana tnerooy save costs. T All soles and seousnt remaining inrM.llda W first or nprit win dc piacoslta (hshandi of WW. 1.. ttavir, r.. lorconeciion, F.rt. wiit, mar7dfclairl f'jt4' ? Bufivlng Partner. ; 1 L ' . do ji I, Moarnlng do .j 1 1 p.od.;..3:.n 'I: I Uiw,1 riln ladies' linen PockBt-Handk'fj. ' rfEinn ED STITCHED LINEN HAND sa kerchiers,TC-ywMefaeaia'Hi-( 11 ia, Toywweneaw 'ii.i. i '. i. i ered Linen llandk's all prices., . .,,,,' IStllchedaadplaia So; do. '. I ids ifc.o mrored riorders.' "1 ' I zmbromerea LI Hammed hlulr hunl.r. '..' -11 smmt style cross stitched. Bownatterns. HelfinMit HlkUA.1 Am. 11 nrf,M Coaaprisioe the snost Seleot assortment In the clir and at lowest prices, i.i'' u :. . bai f - iN, fcl l r"re'-J No.' S Son I it ) ntreet. ftu5li. ""-" "v. M -oil 1 1.1V il. UtioaMdaa Aul f "i lltTS of sans inerlor aia)s, (or sale br ' ' BAlJf At SON, 1 a sd of SPECIAL NOTICES EDUHIWEU'S For an TllltOAT and (.rjlVO COMPLAINTS, Inclndlnr WHOOPING COTJOII, sand svsry Gemplalnt the f orerwn ner of, and even actjaal CONNUltlPTION. ,- UNIVERSAL C0UQH - u - ' 1 innrrTEWKLL's The Crent NEIJtl Al. OIO HKIUEDV and Nat ural 0PIATK1 adapted to every epeoiee 01 rer . vans Complaints Ner won and Chronic Headache, it lie mil a ttsm, Cietarrh, Tooth , and Ear Ache, Loae ef Sleep and Bowel Com. plaints. , TOLU 7J'x'ivv '. ANODYNE, No real fuitico ean bi dnna tha ahove nrenaratlons bat by procarinffand reading descriptive pamphlets. found with all dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand., formulai and Trial Bottles sent to Physi dans, who will find development In both worthy their aoceptanoe and approval. Oorreapondeooe solicited from all whose necessities or curiosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Bone dies. ;. , 1 - ., . For rale fay ths uiutl wholesale and retail dealer . everywhere. . . . . JOHN t. nillVNEWElL, Proprlet ' i . -1 1 r. OHBMIBT ANO rBABMACBtmST, . : ' So. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass. aobsrts It Samuel, N. B. Marpls, J. B. 0ook,J. U Denlr, O. Deolg Ac Sons, A. J. Bchueller k. Bon, Aftent for Oolnmbns, Ohio. , i - myl-dly . -' IVIOFFAT'S lilFE PILLS. In all oases of eostlrenoss, dyspepsia, billions and liver affeotlons, piles, rheumatism, fevers and agues, obstl oat head aobes, and all general derangements of health then Pills hAv Invariably proved aoertaln and speedy remedy. A single trial will plaos tie Life puis beyond Um reach 0 'competition In the estimation of every pa Oent. ' ' Dr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters will bs found equally at Seaolous la alloases of norvoas debility, dyspepsia, bead ache, the sickness Incident to females In delicate health, and every Vind of weakness of the digestive organs, fp'r salekyDr.W.B.MOrrAT.SJS, Broadway, H. I. and by all Druggists. suyra-dkwlr ' " The following is an extract from a letter written by the Bar. J. S. Holme, paster ot lbs Plerrapotnt-Strset Baptist Ohoroh, Brooklyn, H. T.,te the 'odmal and MesBenger,' Cincinnati, 0., and speaks volumes In favor of thtt world-renowned mcdlotne, Mrs . Wixilow's BooTRtse Sranr roa CaUDatw Tacranai We ere an advertlsnent In your eolnmns of Mrs Wlmtow's Bootbins Svaor. Now we never saida word In favor of a patent medicine before In our Ills, bat we feel compelled to say to your readers that this Is ao baa bug ws navi Tairn it, axo know it eo si au. it claims. It Is probably one of the most sareessfal medi cines of Ihe day, because It Is on of the beat. And those of yeur roadera who have babies can't do bettor than lay In a supply." 1, oc7:lydfcw i HAIU, , , DYE HAIR DYE. j Wm. A. Eatchelpr's Hair Dye! Th Original and ' Beet In the Worldl - All others arc mere unitatkms, and should be avoided Ifyou wish to escape ridicule. , ' GRAY, BED OB BUST! HAIR Dyed Instantly to s beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to HatrorSkln ' -1 ' ' ' ' ' r yiVTBEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have bee awaidsd to Wat. A. Batchetor since 1830, and over 80,00 -applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dyei ' WM A. BAIOBMLOB'S HAIR DYB produces a cot' or not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to Injure In the least, however long It may be contin ued, and the 111 effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, Sold In all1 cities and towns of the United States Druggists aad Fancy Goods Dealers. - ILfThe Genuine has ths name and address upon a stsel plate engraving oa four sides of each box, of WILLIAM A. BATOUKLOR, Address OllARbtts BATORKLOR, Fioprietor," JyW-wiV - 1 Barclay street, New York. . r, H'T i ;'i T t3onun)HTee. , , Th Advertiser, baring been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after havlngf uffereds oral years with a severs lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption Is anxious to make known to his fcllow-snffererS the means of ear. - '.. "- 1. Toall who desire It, he will send a copy of Ibeprescrlj tion used (free of charge), with the directions for ptepa lng and using the same, which they will find a rcss Co for OoxstiarrtoH, Asthka, Baoncnrrui, Ae. The only object of the advertiser hi sending the Prescription Is te benefit the sffiieted, snd spread Informs tloa which he con ceives to be Invaluable, and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as K will cost them nothing, and Day prove a Messing. ! : ,,., , ., , ,,,, Parties wishing the prescription will pleaee address ," - - Bar. EDWARD A. WILSON, v 1 A '.::-.""... " - Wllllamsbargb, 1 . v ''".a' Ktns Oounty, New York. oct3:wly ,v..uVl.-J?i.,. L W7'A. Batchelor'si lair Dye! "H. A i IhUspUmdldHsJrDyehMnoeqaal InsUntaneoosln effect Beautiful Black er -Natural Brevo-o staining th skin oriujuilng tas Hair rcmomatneBosar an effect of Bad Dyes, and tnrlgorates the hair for life. None are genu tas tin lees signed uyr Aa Batohetor. Sold everywWe. y. 4 CHA8. BATCHELOR, Proprietor, JylAwly : .! Bl Barclay Stmt, New Ton. I , ADVBRT1BBMENT. H'..;'.r ?l!5.: ij For; the INSTANT BBtriJf .', and PX&MANENI OUBJ of ta . '.i dlitrosslng complaint use m i "EN IT S ' BKOHCHXAL CIGAEETlEg Made by 0- B. BBYMOCB 00., 107 Hassas Bt.'.N. T." rrlo l per ox; seat free bj post.- 1 FOB BAL At LL DRnflGIHT eave-dwtis , -i .1 " '. ).:.i.r 7. I na I0n;;WAST; WHISIERS?. DO YOU WANT.WHISKERS7 ; pb' YOU ant'a MUSTACHET " .ttu'tiDO ..YOU WANT A MUSTACHE 71 T t T T T t ri T m mm , ,.;,,, iBAJUAsAJSUAAM B-. ,'.,.it v,V .Yl'fU.I .'(I At CtLEBRATED . i !.-.:-. :n ' 'i StimnlatiDg OBgncnt, " "i I f r r For tb Whiskers and 'Hair. . A $ , 1" . f Tbe inbMrlberf ttk blfltunM In swi OitiBSBS of the United Btatea. that the han ohi.lnl th Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American , publio, the above Justly celebrated and World-renowned 1 article. The . .m.. jf. , m, .i . ..v-J I r jnlT'!fl ve-(tji ' STIMUTIN(? ONGNI,::! I " .t,i t-H Ii aerl rfl t D re w red by Da. 0. P. BELLINGHAM. an aariaon physician, of London, and bjwafranled to bring outs. tbteksstef' F ; r Wniskera or a Mnstache ' ia from three to sl weeks. This a'rttale. Is tha anl ana of the kind used by the French, snd in London snd Paris 11 n in noire real aae. jit is a beaaurul, eoonomloal, soothing, yet ttlmnlatlng . compound, acting as If by maglo upon the rouu, eanrlng beautiful jrrowth of luxnriant hair. If applied to the" scalp, it will core aiutxras, and cause to spring up la place of tha hnld spots a fine growth of new hair. Ab. r plied according to directions, U will turn nsn ob Towt hair bark, and restore gray hair to tta ri,ioal color, leaving It soft. Smooth, and flexible. Too "OnooKa-r" la -an Indispensable article In every gontleman's tot 1st, and after one week's Bsc they would nut for any consideration bewlthoutlt. T . . -i . .. . . -,,,. iThc snbecrlbersere ths only Agent for the article In the United Btatea, to whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box for sals by all Druggists and ' Dealers; ora box of the "Onguent" (warranted to hare the desired effect) will-be sent to any who. desire It, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt ef postage, 1.18.. Apply to or address - ;--IlOBACllIIMBMAN 0(nr- Y ii J J BBeift1Tt.,fvl - teKiUdanum . g William Street. New York T rpiIE 8 X alia SVBSCRIREHS. DEALINO IN Stanlo Ariiclta. will furnish emplovmoni to. few aotlre men to set as agents for their house. A . preference will be gives to those who arc well acnuaint- - - In the district for whkh they avply.' t For which service tlwy ar wilUag to nay ?ala ry; . from " - f f $000 to $800' per year, aad Sxponses, For further partteCsrs address , . h w. .. .... '.xr. n. HCMIL W.B mobehoubb s jDo, '..1 iid.iI .Band S, Bxchansc Place, Jar,!) din XL - ' ' "rsoyKlHyyK. J, r v TXriUfU trSAN'Il.K tJAHAtltt, liuiMU WW niak l.ltlMMrM.trjL; '. .1 . T... I and Black, Jost reoeived at" LE tr.-BAIN'B. 1LASJK STISAW UOIVNETS AN D EL T Jt egant aiixions, io great yartety at BAIN'S, ctS.iT'v-.i, v ., y Mo. SO.Hlghstreet'r