Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 90, 1861 LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places ui daily i, under obligations to it for the very latest papers ironi tne eastern ciuee. - - 1 Tho American Express Company has our thanks for, its daily favors In the shape of the very latest eastern papers. Tsiinino Senatorial Candidatci. . Yester day the Schmck men in the olty "eonceived," v- to nse the language of the Journal, "the happy i ldoa of recognizing the presenee among us of the distinguished ' gentlemen who have been ' ' balloted for in caucus for V. 8, Senator, by serenading each.". This would naturally eU forth a speech in response from each of "the 'distinguished gentlemen," end the friends of Schinck were eager to oarry out the ' pro gramme, under the happy conception that brains , must ' win in the raoe fur Senatorial honors, if i". allowed an open field and fair play. . Accordingly, in the evening, Goodm art Band "' was procured, and "as matter of coar la i m. a prbcesslon formed, which, at 4s Proceeded first to 'the) f residence of bis Eioellencj-, Governor Dcnnison. 1 The Governor briefly responded to the compli ment in his naual dignified and rhetorical style . " " The wandering band of political minstrels . .. next called upon Hon. John Shirman, at the .American Hotel, who returned thanks, for the honor done him, but his remarks raised no shout x j, ing and iuveked no musto at their conclusion. It was decidedly a cool reoeptlon. Sheaman did not show off well last evening as a fast nag.' :' The "man of brains," RosertC.Schxnck, was aext serenaded at the Goodale House. His re sponse was received with enthusiastic oheering, artificial Indeed, but nevertheless loud and bols ... terous- Schenox's friends seemed determined that the brains of - their favorite nag should have due promluenoe last evening, however low an estimate may be put upon them by the Re publican Legislative caucus.' " ,vTo give the greater effect to this display in ; tended fpr the especial benefit of Mr. Scrcnck, it bad been planned that his speech should con clude the exercises of the evening.' But lo t two newraoeraon the Senatorial course appeared In the ring in the persons of Hon. Benjamin Stan ton and Hon. CoLUMsai Delano, both of whom made speeches. :, Mr. Delano was, the last who spoke, and to prove that he had the best chance : for sueoess,' quoted that , passage of scripture which says, that " the first ahall be last, and the last shall be first." If Mr. Delano had known what a depreciating . luuueuce Vne presence oi a Kepubiican JLeglsfa-1 other tare is admitted by the Journal to have had up - on the cause of religion in this city, and how k ..I ii ' . .. ,ua (trewuicu toe apriDBiog up oi a revival " ' and a (ai the L. il. the and uiuw Pa seems In will our midst, as in the cities and towns around as. I k..ll- ..J . Ir -v... Huure .uripiure o an audience composed mostly of members of that I oooy.. u was au-unlortunate allusion, and may seriously damage bia prospects. If any he has, for a Senatorial caucus nomination. '. ' 1 ' Th Child's Garden. Kinder atrii. Child's Garden, Is the name, given by that emi nent German educator, FaiaoaicH Fro. six, to the new system of Infant training which be inaugu rated It has superseded other svBtems of In. ant instruction, on account of the unnatural and exbausting they give .to the mental faculties. Faotskt's system consists of a series! of large, well ventilated, well lighted, and pleasant rooms, opening upon a spacious garden ,1 . e " a . .. . with a pUy ground and ploti for each child to I nnlll..,. TH,. .MM..- k. r .'. I uiaj in nvm imi montba to fourteen years of see in a large ee tablishment wfth; Suitable attendants. They pass from three to five hours a day at the gar ;', dens'.",,. The teachers enter with ardor Into the plays, counsel the little ones in their games and , gardens,, and tbe little children in turn delight to witpon;th.m In the care of birds and flowers. No corporal punishment is allowed; I exclusion from a game, or from the gardens lor necessary. r r r- n t Faoonit. devised many games and exercises in I his course of Instruction-,; The child is taught I ... ... . l l anoonaclouj1y,andasamatterof pastime, the various qualities of natural objects, and tbe ele- meats of the natural and mathematical sciences He ik Instructed, while amused, in the arts f drawing and building. . Gymuastio exercises, which serve to develop aod strengthen tbe muscles, are Introduced as nlavs. . The most advanced and successful Child's Garden estab lished by Fsossti., la at Dresden. - ' ! Not by . way ;,ol an advertisement or a putf, bat as a tribute to the ciuse of correct infant training, de we mention the fact, that Mir. . j .. . :. i . t aANUNine, trained by the celebrated Faasai. 'a., .,.,taJi. A-a:i ..v. .s. I uiuiaeii, m nis vuuu e uaiuea at uresaen. nasi a few pupils la a roprb on the south side of Rich , street, a few .doors east of High street, whom I she is training on the plan of her great master. nr. . j ,.. ....u,. t . . 1 " I . ! "r" suns patronage oi our cuizone.' 'iney oouia not l do a nobler work than 'to take measures for en-1 1 Garden. 1 it. 1 ,i 'pjnci a r t 1. 1 1 i. Woicisna'a School DicriortAay. The tdl tion of Worcester's Dictionary designed as a , ,, manual for schools ' and use,, is as comprehensive as could well be desired In a book of the kind, and forms a well printed and substantially bound volume. Beside the Dip tlonary proper, It contains, In addition' to tne miscellaneous matter in the Royal Quarto edl . tion, several other artlolee calenlated to render '', K mottri yaluftble jtpr; habitual reference On the whole, we regard this sohool edition of Worcester's Dictionary as a, very complete -and suitable work for the purposes Intended. J . ..... " ';,', " ' ' Coear by Cohhor rLiis . In the case of the I " StAttiV. Sim'cox, the Jury fatled to ; agree, add 1 ere discharged,. u :Ia the case of the Stati y. Owin And Cath Aiiita &uniw, the Jury rendered a Verdlot at noon to-day, of "Qulltv" as to Owir Olknmon. assessing' the amount stolen from Mrs. Job" fEaatTat $315o A verdlot of " Not .Guilty" wis rendered as to CAtaaaiNB Gunron. Th coun- sel it (Jwar ' AtsfNNoti moved tor' 'new tolal in hiseas. .rWi, ' The Court were engaged, at Boon to-day. In thotr'iardf JoW MoFArLan6,' ihdloted for an :isau1I! ni6n Miiamo.i'uhlnttntto mur- viSH''7'.' f .i-i.'Jln-t ' L'.i..'M i v.,w itfin.T j t.? Tt O. P. r'iLLiMO Ur. Beside th six pris oners mentioned yesterday aS having been brought to 'the Penitentiary 'from Cuyahoga ' county, on Monday last, there were, on that day And eveulbg, four brought la from Hooking, ' and three Irom Ross county, i JaitsiAb Cacoht. Through th vigilance of i .Offloer Fhlantv Cool and Giixwia, WiKi soa Boswauai who,"sm flr r sis niohis slpte, made his escape from th boanty Jall.irM yesterday caight, and returned to bis old quart ters. Hi is cagtd for grind larceny , LOCAL MATTERS. Arrivals and Departures of Malls DEPARTURES. BiJf1' (r N To,k 0M Boston, Albany, Baffal, PItuburgh, Steubenvill wsy. 01svsbd7zaneTlll, Mtwark, Granvlll, Washington Olty, Baltimore, JPhlla u'Pbla and New Orleans, slow dally (Sundays saoept ed)at7 o'olook p. m. . T i A throne h mall fnr Nm Vv i1lH.lail 1mm dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'clock a. m. ) 0. 0. As 0. B. H. n il.ll.i,. S.n. 'flnndavisi. oepted) at 1 o'clock d. m. i Central Ohio Way Hail elOHidilly (Sunday exctpttd) i o'clock p. m. Oinclnnatfwv Mall closes dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o clock p. m. OhicStfO. Tlnhnnn.' lUlimrt. aTarlnn knit Wnvthln.. (on Mail cIomi dill. (Bondavi exoentedl at 1 o'clock D. m, Malls for Xenta. BnrlneAeld. Davtoa. Toledo. firncln nail, Indianapolis, Xouurrllle, Bt. Louis, aod Detroit, I cioees dally (Banin exoeptea) at 7 o. m. A throaih mail to Xenla. 8nrlnirflald nrt ninMnnaH I viuwiBakiiyiouuaajBvxoepieajailOOlOCKp.ia. 1 I Urban, Piqoa, TUBn and Cnloo Olty mall oloeea dally I tssths'jijs ...... .. PortnaoDtii, WMbiogton, O.H., Athene, Marietta and . . .rriBoarga bu eiote ,iawy (euodayaexeepud at 1 1 ieeM.ii---A.---..rr:;;.r:""""""M uauuicioeesaauy(oBnuayiezeepUd)at 1 o'clock ' AWmwitui toWeito Mkik J., daily (8undare excentedi at 11 o'clock a. . ARRIVALS. Villi trnm V. vn,b n.... Tvt i. .iv.i ; , n I ik wiuiiiwuioj dc. uoau. ana au """""' oiuea, arrive Between we aoi and 4 o'olook a. m ure of S o olock p ' Dy IadUoPolu' Chle andbo,,,riv. rf gemaewthai?wI?ISS?S-i7l jy1,?"'.-??1"1?' lie. Newark. fltAnhniii- .v.. I a? ' il i arrive at o'clock p.m. Way Hall from Cincinnati, arrives at X o'clock p. m. But Way alall over the National Koad, arrives at 11 ..w. 111 his OfflM d.ihr.r.MN Z1a il-ZZ . a.V- v I wen mm dudiu arrlvee at 1 o'olook p. m Berrlebursl Urbane Wav Mall arrives at 8 o'clock n. sh Hall arrlvee at 11 o'olook a. m. JOSEPH DOWDALL. P.M. Rail Road Time Table. trrrw Mum At OotOMTOS XnriA B. B. . ... Leaves. " ' Arrives. Aooommodatlon.J...,. 6.10 A. M. 0.15 P, M. S0-"" 8.30P.M. , 3.30P.M. Mghti'prets a.m. . 9.45 A, M. Ouvilab, OoLoaaos At Oimoimsati B. B. 1 ' . Izpress and Mall. ......3.00 P.M. ' 1.40 P.M. Might Xxpress ...3:25 A. M. 1:. A. M. OnTaALOmoK. B. ', , , zpress Train w.,., 9.00 K. M S 30 A.M. AUll Train 1.40 P. M. 9 KO P. M. PmsBcaoH, CoLcascs At OutcuntATi B. B. 1 ,, iprets Train 3:00 A.M. Mall Train 1,40 P.M. OoLDMBna h. Tstnt a Ma av-iv vei Xt 11 Columbus, Plqua At Indiana's. B. V Izpresa Train 8:10 A.M. Express Train 9:45 P.M. 9.30 P.M. 9.30 P. M. 11:10 A.M. 8:10P.M. ' I column Foim a Line! Dr. Belllngham'i "Stimula ting Ongnent,". so famous in London, Paris. other European oitiet, seems to be gaining I similar reputation in thia country. Wo fiud w jt..,.. , ' I " 1. nafl Decomean indlfDengfthlA art.M fntl r " S toilet In all our lanrecitiea. Mwr. Hn Hegeman & Co., of New York, now have nli,. . , . , . 1 entire American market confined to them, sold we give their advertisement a place in an- 10 As a sure snd safe promoter of i,w ooiumn. as a sure sna sate promoter of u lTJ.u0ndbTdt limVm "ticle to stand about A 1 . All onr young men 30 be glad (o learn that thia oelebrated pre. or iiiri-x,. n.t;n u ... u.a .i,t,i .u . .1 . The w ..u.i. HI.II TOflU HI l wonderfully low price what filth PiasowAL. N. Gundershimer has ln.t I turned from the east, where he has purchased one of the finest assortments oi. Cloths. Canal meres, and Vesting of everr eradend varlT I ever offered In this market. He has purchased I hli anl ilnnlr nf A.a h.iul. M.I.I.L ln Li-Inn. ... ..... ..u.., .uiuu .ui eusqie him to sell as low as any other establishment 4th wese ui iue muuuiaias. ne naa secured tbe ser- vices of tbe well known cutter Mr. Rnhart Spurting to take charge of the tailoring depart ment. . Those desiring the best of material sot. i ,eD.nP in th. 'Ateat and besMty le of cut and j He baa also a full and cdmblat atcv ir Gents' 'furnishing goods, all ot which has just ca n. ,Vii . P.atteTM' "ar1s the wsaiaauK wuuvs acaia iu aaa ismstu. i I A ... . . . , ! I laVfAVA ant tAWalll aUlaMVAkel arAnk t Z7 AI A m Jt J I OI..I.."- ".:. V I J . .v..uiuB acH uuueiami tw uaau, bi prices toi suitiueumea. ... - i , iveianuuw su pinoe, no. jx oouiu nigh i "" uvr nurtu ui uooaate nouse. i bv Cooohs. Th e sodden changes of onr climat wwwiuroceioi roimunary, oroncniat ana Astb-1 matlo Affections. Experience havlne craved to that fllmnla rfemAdtM nftan anfe .analtTw ..J I certainly, when taken I. the e.rlv stas ZrtZ disease,., recourse ahoald at once be had to f'uJr;7 w xienges, let v., vuueu, ui iiiiwiiuu vi ilb 1 uruu ot I win ever so slicht, as bv thia orecaution a mors s. her rions attack maybe effectually warded off. 1 68. fublic Speakers and Singers will find them ef-1 ,eow" ior e'eMln8 Md strengthening the and ,u.iiireiutiii. ur wuuitnue I alter and retail, by Roberts & Samuel No. 24 North High street, S. Samuel d; Co., No. 85 South High street. . . , Goon -We met one of onr friends yesterday on Broadway, and were astonished at the change m tis Appearance. A few weeks ago we saw ?.'? wa. Ple ,w ??..aeJe?M1 complain. ing of weakness and debility, bavins been ao afflioted all summer. Now he appears to be fat, healthy and strong. We learn be owed his res toration entirely to McLian's Sturotbininc Cosoial. .. ,; ',. -. i- We advise all who are complaining of Gen . i n-.k.... pleasant remedy, we learn that there are large Quantities of It aalllna? dailv. Afnr.i.A trmU I : a - ' i , or In They made -.I rjAhiiitw tn i7. uE'Zr.rJ- L- John Z r. 'IZ H'r." Mosaorro BitmaiidBsi STiNM.-TheeeMe or ordinarily very painful, parUcularlv tbe Bti .' D8- Guerneev'e Balm will prevent any swell- ine or Dain. ana vou will nercsiva no bad efTMta from the .UDg of those inseoto.. Try itl I ' .. . 1,,., , - - ,, 1 1 son ITR. KiixrATBiox, No. 165 South High IBIIT.e W.Cnna. Tin. d..lw ' flnnlr. IB(1. IT .." "i --nviwi v.ww.., . wiim . and Plated Ware, at prices to suit th times. " 1 'I I . ST See advertisement of Prof. Miixtk Hair Invigorator in another column. 1 " ' I r T ! oi ft' 1 A t.'tn? -t f I ... ; Iff and ' tbe iana i a 1 . .. a York by A der riot being .'I . ' , ' JTJr., .Xd NEWARK MACHINE w6llKS, i- tf ); K1WAEK OHIO, . t I f i natiTi facta rer f sill kinds ef Per tatl Hiaitnairr Hteam F.n alaee, Haw inille, Uriat iUille, LAXS BODLSYBtatmi B. jf. J3UJTD TitaUnt -tf. J. B. DXJYXLh Statmlll COLCMBVS KACB1SS CO. Stakntllt BBADIQBD a V. I.,'.. .,;fiO JlAafen ., t " , Our PbrUbl Xocrls and Saw HU1 ' Was awarded the first prsmltua of M at tbe Indiana Stat Fair for lsso over Una At Bodley's ea aeeeonl of Prlc, Ughtnesa, almplidlty, conomy lof fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. ; 'bm Katlonarynvihe wm awarded at the samt fair She first Dneaiaai ot .um.. . , " wvmiw nu tlo 'af w: " Phtai of f loo at tn. Fair al Uenipiiii, Ienn..m.. m...i.'. ru.. vaU'S, Ool.mbas Machine Oo's., and Braiifnrd ik flnV by a tommitte. of practical Ealtoa3sn ' lerprkM and terms addraes ' - decd-dAwlyeols. Kewark, Ohle. , at . jority portion !, will i In nays m. - ban,' the stock Rail Road Time Table. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. TH IVACT7ATI0S 01 POST BTJKtllB OR. DEEBD AIT AMISnox Or run . nava AGBEF.D TJP0H WITH '.THE SOUTHEBsT i vuaiaiBBiuiiB thi QVLT TIEET 0K-DF.EED HOT TO KOVX-HAJOB AVDXIU bub WIUID "AID OFT, AHO TO IEATI wn oo.iuj.uax AKKAJBAI IECE88I0N OB-DliTAKCB DJFEATED IMPORTANT PBE8- fnwWAT ,nuTw CB4H0 TBIUMPH 1BT BnatTMOTO. v. 1. an . - 7 . - 'I W, ' - . ' . i From New York. 20 Tha ToyoM Wash- injrton disnatoh ;,.:. m,i" M 'nstrnoteds the commander of vessels off vuoacoi advised. An armistice Of ten davata otbA ttnnn ha-I 'ne oouioero commissioners and the Ad-J utrwt Uharleston duinatch. atTSi P..l ,V ,, ronomuw nnaei a nag Mtrnoa thiB evening, and paid off fifty govern- mint an1rl!n.. , -viuiu! uuuer mBjur Auuersoa, ana me " An armUtice of ten davs Is aereed ami be- COmmAnrl to i 11 1AA k- . . . r.i. i.t. ine southern confederacy will be recognized francs and Srln. - , . I SJ1" . en upon the extinction Stffi!1 UOmmanda. TnoTaham anil l1..,, YT.Mftn. have left on secret service. , . f Home exoitement was oecaaionnrl he tWa an- I pearanceof a steamer from the North about I UJ er" Tne "teamer Exeil left to reconnitre. "The TVinua. ....r..,l Hk,,.,V... I r a I Choi;. f p;., . .weeMsxiaa VI aaaaj UUUtU aUIWlVIUJ mission. v It i MM-i: flinM Huiam! R - en aeP"Te? 01 oommunica- i,,.'. Geo. Webb has declined the mission tj Tur- NewGranadian advlAa nf tha R,.h .,.,f ,i..s airthe prinslpal town, are in seeiioof 1 wuuvisii.uu iu laiwma Qflieuon iai nn. grass, ftt Bogota, re made priwnerfl. ' ; "P. Cl Sohnra accepts- the luriugai Mission. , ogg, of New Hampshire, ie pressed for NlW Yon. March' Qn Tha TV... ....rl Lander Is pressed for the Governorship of Ne vada, Burlingame to the AustrUn Mission, and wcurj luvor uavia 10 KUBIla. r .-, , . . Crittenden will undoubted! h tnt k. vacant Judgeship.. ..... , jjimiiry naa been reoalled from Nicaragua. Patent Commissioner. I WJ Urj Aie-r I nrK l,ellPniIr. 1st harnteaa tha I Cabinet ' t I ' I Virginia Convention. RrrimrnMn. M..nK 10T1, ' " VUlllullblrCfJ OD I tederal Rfllatlnna tn-Ha -oTvasi-AiH tiia tiBHKM.j I " VS WVl IU UIUUVICU I Amendments to the Constitution. Itla Frank, "r'!.!LU'e.flw b,liig the expression 0,1111111, lueieau 01 "persons I to slavery," the rights ol slaveholders not be impaired by Congressional or Territorial PreM au?B '? or loo In territory, M1.4U11CU. .AUTuiuuvary BCTVuuue, ex- I ' A r"r-""B w ui nmico mierritory SSftfit P!2ffi; min., but shall not be prohibited by Congress DT Territorial legislature south thereof. third section is verbillv altered tn, .nnt.. I and K,-.. '.I," .:-" ,V" better security of property in transit The section DrohibiUthelmnorUtlon of I from places beyond the. limits of the United States. I [Conclusion of yesterdays despatch.] Richmond, March 20. Eighth. None of these 1 " da paragraph of the Sd I amendments, nor th. section of the 1st article of the Constitution. 1 ,k. OJ l . e . . rt i .. ... ' r w .imrngrapa oi we xx section or tne I 4th article thereof, shall be amended or abol-1 of isnea witbout tbe consent of all tha State, i I The action i taxation question was debated without I . ' Mr, Randolph concluded his speech. I Missouri Conventions. after which the first and second resolution, iff 19. Mai. aonclurl- nis epeecn in tne Convention tnis morning, I majority report of tbe committee on federal I irom mlatlnna wpfa ntAf1. tha Amp with I 7 r-wep Avaaavsy WU VUI UUS I ..Jil I '.."' - .ovuuu uu.uiuiuucj... , I Mr. tiongn movea to amend tbe second reso-1 lotion, '-that, wlshmg to restore peace to our I vr country, we desire the federal government to rDree witnaraw its troops irom tbe forte now occupied I them in the seceding State. " Th. am.nii I be ment was tabled and ordered to be printed. ! I mr. uost oriered tbe following aa an additioa I ew the 3d resolution; .nrl In th. ant f . ... I fn..l nn.,K..M Q... . a l. . I n.l1. l"Ji . '1' which border slave States shall decide to change their I lWn relation witn tbe general government, Missouri 1101 Hesitate 10 laae oer atana in lavor ofl Southern hr.thran Tiat .... 00 ....1 . , ' . Twocr three other amendments were tabled I ordered to be printed, which will come up ?"' tue resolutions ara DaMea nnnn. lores they From Washington. WASHiNordN,) March 19. The, Commission . D1...1. t.. nr ... rr W,.V " m, uaines, , at Vnei Frankfort, i .. - trsfrom the Southern Confederacy expect 09 Bt, answer to their official eommonieaftons for ten twelve days. , They feel confident that in th.Lh,d meanwhile there will be no collision, or change the military status in the seceded' 8teto..!L They have -telegraphio assurance from Mont- gomerf that ample, arrangements have been made to avoid trouble at Fort Pickens. " Tbe following named gentlemen, it U under- il stood, have bee. nominated for Poetmsatev.:- Cbaslea Howl has been nominated for Colle Lockwood, at Milwankeei Sidnrr H.. VAn Bonnhewt. at pitth.irffh- wma .1: lieved, they of customs at Key.Weet; Benjamin O. Far, I .' " f """ - X' m ' 0 - " "nwm .Ssndwun ; "'r"r' . . . ; 1 . UTe. beB '""warded to, M.j, Ander- to evacuate cumier . . J. I.-.. AJh 4W -i-i. J . . , , . avuswiiifca sua sue eeeession lets. Pensaeola advices of th 18th inst. represent matters there still in statu quo. . ' I' Win. L. Yancey, the Confederate Commis sioner to Europe, is in th city. - - - ... r The Convention to day took, np the perma nent Constitution.. There was some opposition, it was postponed."' s . n. t .1 The Governor has signed thsbtll to transport troops' and arms in the possession of Louis to tne iionieoerate government. .y .m i Th ' Legislature i wllL adianrn : airu din nn Thursday. ,j -a; uijr4,iinA, i .. "" ' V "lie Niw York. March 19. In the 'muin nf flaw. Pickens, of Booth Carolina, against th North Atlantlo Steamship Co., lor losses of barraee. verdict has been rendered for tbe defendants. . J, .... . n , .. .. a uispaiou irom savannaa says tbat th new ships seised ther have been released, in eonsequence of the surrender of the arm seised the New York police. ' 1 . ; A dispatch from Washington aava R. W. San' la appointed Poet Master at Memphis. A is apprehended when he takes the office; he objectionable to a large number of seces eioDinta were. : -i , j ... -!?5a4ai Fear Esaknbt, March 19 Tbooaoh of the California Overland Coaoh Express passed her 11 A.M. '. -4, Dxnvia, March 16, Th organlo aoi of our territory was received yesterday, and gives gen eral satisfaction. , r "; Mining prospects are brlghSenlnig. J Th ma of the mills have water to ran -all or : portion of the time, and some of them give aa)- tonishing yields, , 1 " ' - ;, Looisviixt, March 19,Tb last rail n th Louisville, Clarksvllle and Memphis Railroad be laid to-m6rrw?.ij t i.ij itUs.ifv." Ex-Governor Helm's letter In the dariir advocates the Union of all- th Slav States to prevent civil war.,',";:""', '' .!- , Th Secession Ordinance has been defeated th Arkansas Convention, by a vote of 39 against 33 Jeas.'' 1 i. i " . - . . . y. -i Niw Oslians, Maroh 19 Xb steamer H, front Cuba, bM arrived with- advices to 15th Inst. ' Baslness was more active.' Th receipto of. 8usr were daily Inoreaslngj the was !4,(W0 boxes. Th news front th United State, regarding th alteration la th tariff, created som sxcltement. " i' aisiTO SaS, " ' ' ii those ,, ,H ... ui: : , , - Oar , " forced The leoa i-Elli; the ng tveav short where . Uj-Kepairing "1 bus, Glorious Democratic Victory! Bdiluiotow. N J.j March CO.-. At th. .1... tion held here yesterday, tho whole Democratic Union ticket was elected br about 1000 main. lty. This la a great gain over the opposition. li..' i i n , j , Van Bdsin. ( Ark.) March 19. Tha n.nnl. are firing thirty-nine guns from a oannou dug op on the battle field of Trenton, to the honor of the, thirty-nine members who voted down the ordinance of Immediate Recession In the Arkansas Convention to dav . . i ,, ; , ; - I 1 m?ro ao.-tive deaths molted ironi iae are in noiuury, yeataraav evenlne. bv iL.l , . " . , ilia 1 1 a mam nn nvi ... aw mm .habm i. . . dow.'. ' . " i.i,,. , , result la hetnff at WAttternrt1ia y nring rockets, musio, ,ana other demonstra .-w. - ti. i I niv uileahs, marcn 13. lot town or New port, Florida, was set on lire orr the l5th inst , I I - i- . i . -. 'uov , I ena ouiireiv aesiroysa- " liOSS f 1UU.UUU. TK B If Nti.mattn Ml ' ;n. takes no SDecle. ...'! .: , r r.u, M.K 10 Tk. .ili. ' aeieatea to-day br a majority of 3.380. Tha result lg beine celebrated at Wentworth'a offl.A I ana hnn Insu- 8?aiiiaiKii), 0., March-19. The Court to. Am it.. ..i. ,k. a i uu r. Vernon & Pittsburgh Railroad to F. A. (Lane, of York Cty, attorney for bondho.ders. , ., U. S. Senate—Special Session. W ABH1N0T0N. March 19. Mr. Donolaa'a olution was taken up.. , . . ,, : Mr. Clingman thought the policy of the Ad- rntnlatpallnn e Ib.i r.t ... K, IP.k !AU"C'. r"""" " "eT vm JMwaja,W s I US ei.HUDI OI I tha AdmlnUtratlon wm nrtnt tn hr Ks. u f " " a?aDorae'. "a Kon? Madl- -- . -.D..U. .wuuuei rccaiiiDK ah h nt . Ann .ab.ii .1. . . c . i i 8olP of war, and asked, tha reason of the col e lake possession of the fprtaof North Carolina . V''n r--r i ,. i ..Mr Clark rPIled to th Huibo about the f r'''t" " 7.u.u8 ..uau wu.i .ppcarea in me ID- ugnua.l, na ?DUemen ,n the other side could lection of snch a large armament at New York, I air. urimes said no vessels bad been ordered irom tne mediterranean. ' - ' , . ' Mr. CIlDgmao. said there could be no doubt that troops were being thrown into distant sta- hods, a number or snips were taking in sou plies. , He bad received Information that heavy guns and reinforcements were going South to put their own Interpretation on it. .,... , I that nuvu uvomvus BUUUIU nnt I U know What the loaugural meUDt. Thecoantr? L.. iL. 1. L 1 . . - I Ail uh .ue riga. waauw wom to expect, tie could I j SR"-'1"'. 01 '-Bl. While IHL'UI UU1ULOC LU WB.T . . . . . I M.h.U .. M 1, t.- v.. -,aio u at-uvy auuro WUftl lofj 1 AflmlnlatPaitlnn InfAriHofl ti An tkain M. ri! I W UW tUBU A1A1 VtIJaf la man. He (Mr. Hale) had no corresnondnc . wWly 01 in writing, as toj any step, of r"" k'"'j pyvinimcot-. - 1 Mr. Clingman thought if Mr. Hale had not bwn consulted, the Administration I Bales showed a w" 01 statesmansnip. . . , a.wcu m, luai., iiaueuterj DUt he ucrv iu roproBeue ui. oiaio, noc me Admin istratlon, but presumed be sbculd sustain tbe same relation to it tbftt Mr. Clingman would, rise to ttive his cordial armnort m .n .,.' ,U -..-... kl-U measures which may commend themselves, (Hale) would endeavor to do tha nn..j 'hereby belong to tbe same party.- (Laughter.) When the Administration takes a course con- to the interests and honor of th. l-nimttw should not have his support.' He presumed "esiueni oas inagment, prudence and 00ttrg to stem the storms assailios the shin of Ci.i. -.J I.. -jf . . . " ovugue uu unce ouuiae toe circle bis constitutional advisers. ' . i Mr. unandier said tbe Senator mm IT.rfnoV. history of Pbaroah and Mosee. yesterday made a remark about blood-lettine, nd ca'ld it bis (Cbandler'e) dootrine. He not toe antoor of tbat dootrine. It was distinguished son ef Virginia ami . ; . -- . wuv. ucuiuviTi tbe latter was then a Dart of th. f.m- alluded to Jefferson. The doctrine nt th. irrepressioie conniot" was illustrated In the ibe Senator Ken,nck? argised in favor of -abet dODlQfif thfl farta..and Divinv nnik. . ' , . O' ' C ,w MKLCIUUIl VU .riiA.n. tha la. . J . U . ... K - ""? '"'"was UODC ".eniucay win go out oi tneuuion. The Sena- t O'sunion platform had been repudiated by munons ot voters. The people have rBUUereu "eir veraict, ana tne question cannot reopened. He believed it Dner was raised In Kentucky it would find but supporters m mat gallant State. , - j Mr. Breckinridge exolalned that in m. 1.. markfl ri. .af0..ait is L. O nn . . , . .. . Uw s. Ith TuXn t ,T? 'bout blood-letting. 1 As , to Jefferson's D8UBK w not applicable to present af- ' ' ' Mr. Simmons offered . a Douslas' resolution. He flnoka in f..n. n9 1,1. propoeltion, and, io reply to some remarks of Cl,in8mn h be wan notdisposed to bn, (of the a(,luUor7 b". "i T: . "! .k2r." ii '""8'wwon bare and elsewhere, tbe seceded States back. He presumed would be sick Of their experiment within a , k Mr. CIIngman-.Tbat remains to be tested. ! "ST," "J! T" W ",U,ln hfrti w.w Pol,it,oll- He ?.mor.! ,d thst ,lh 'Administration coo- mZth.n A 01 !, ny "Xratand .ifi9 ? ?8tUng 10 b WU "nScnritood 'e South, and ience new Issues Lk.W. .liu ftde,.nd ,! Pm'""" :a, b 1 v to collect revenue, Cm Jl . C 8 v "Z '"iives will cease SA'T? neM; , "sred the Presl- Sft" ,n SLa P4.cln ntenUons toward !?os "y rresiaent ever bad.' Hebe. but fof the agitation here and elsewhere would go about their every day avocations iiiXeol1Te '"oo-.t Adjourned, .ltwij; In s in on and Wi as to - , , , fTkrn tut r a. ic -vif: r J r ' SI ki; ' ''' ki l"'r'J .l) ir.tnt l..'.!i HiAaaiaaaailai 1 1 ill ej a. A Ata, Wit J t izrsz PaVW. Bfil ,tM t,T!,. -.nVJ ! t I . i ... PBTfir a '-a wn 1 lfil , i ' ' ' 77 1 i in. inn biiib inaaiiBBi I il!1 mannfaehninw Sewing Machines arebb- IU uaw mV MnM el liOeaMaka. aa,.uk K a.i , tn MJa J,i.S?5' H:-r , i" - 7, ,, Jr,'u" "BO"" correct Ute-EfTnUi-fSJ11 nlliM toant bave oktahied the u&iiZrZZZM m mcamn to th .r w i"1'!.,.'"5:lilM a J 'iVWael.v-fcWllao..J..';.vv.ti,3f-.l 1 M' 'IwAs 0...i..Jl0,sj. oiii . O i OroverAtBsker.,...,..,iuift,,,.. Showing the ssks ef Wheeler At .VllsoV to a OmbU of any other Oompanv." . ' , Awarded the highest premlnms-at the V. 1 v i United States fairs of ibS, IBM Snd I860; : a .-alsoat the - I . Ohio State valre ef IBS and 1801 . aaAataeatly all tha Onuatr f airs in th. fliaiaj Srlces, at the lata Minu.m i. ' .. !hliI'.l.?""r1?-Dd ! higher th ew ence wkjcamks, now upon the market. ' ...TT'u.TV WHIKIiKB Ac WTLBOrf MAOItlNI makes he Sticw the only, ne which cannot be raveled. It bi!UM0.!DoT5gl",?0,Ul0,d XvlngaorMor V. iimnv ui xii-u .a H7ii anuunn w litWrl.WrllmtafAm i Mw. r2 m..7 W , . vkvisa aiuaaV, JIOClD WltliAMS'&'CO'1 naul Street, Between State tiifJToWn. tHF-'otD cAKRlAtlfi ,vrwvi SHOP lectin rnnotng, and although (Sr VV Breaiareol late years has set tL. L apoaberrnnnltureears. she Is still tnrn.. out those splendid 1'HAtroNB, KOOKAWAVB PltUiOB AI.BKKT A Sillf IINrt 0Vt land MO.'S BUUU1BS, UAKKIAOH8, BXPRK88, SKKLETON vfimV hackT ?ACK)N8 SoSwI gheou'thrd wT Vtrrf, Vamcit. We oan sell Mot To BosaJisj i tnm liitoe45.. Ol ..t. .1 . .., Vlsi lean be furelsheA with any smMnt of work at nntlee. and at prices lower than can be boaeht any tn the Weat.i Second hand BnT!rieuken 11 ahanffornewwork X h ., ... i . .TT " "j" done neatly sad at short nollna. Tan on If root, between Stat, and Town atreeta. Oolu- wleaUoaa will ressr. nai .it-iu. Wl l.ll.WlUaAAtlt.00. Ohio. llFAlleo lag. 31- and and ; ... B. and t U r' nate road H 8 ' west for lien on , IS from I 1,1 oai! for THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, March 20. ASBES-qniettnditetdr. FLOUlt rfmlon of ir.'. hV: murket a hada Inner and more aodve; mlenot 13 003M)le atS 10i 15 tor aupenine oiaie; ?z xofogia tor extra Biaie) i imai j u ior Bn.eione wctiern; rtK3-0 for eomaoo to medium extra Weitern tS SWS 0 for rtipplof onouB extra AOUDQ lloODUnio. uenaalAn nour IB nrm aaa in lair deraend) ealee of SOObbls at 3 S56 73. YK VLOUlt-Hiteadv attl Mu4 10 for oommon to cnoice lapernne. WHEAT rtcelpU 1,110 of buth; market quite firm ior ieo, ho a inaae Detieriorwnilei lair export demand i . 1(1 n , . . . . . .. . . " h.rb i i i ii , im mi an bb m an'oa . ih ma mtnaaM tHat SS for Milwaukee Club; ft 31 for winter red I " iorwnii vhiiii; urn u TB aoiet at6336S. i nitiLAi . reoeipie nene, market a tnade better, tale of . . ' ; OATi-mora aoUrs. 33aMtfo for weitern and cana- PORK Situ (12 S0312 75 for prime. BRRf oalet. until ealee at 9i10c. - CUT MBATB tUadr. ' BUI IBB In fair rtnoM at 1(Vln fat Ohio, and 14 wiwiiar riaie. . , 017BB8K eteadvat BdDlue. for common to crime. WHIriKY-Mioll and Itronnln.. nlanf iOD hhll.tllTU OOryEB-iteady bat quiet; 200 bogi Bio sold at 12 li,0. I BUG AH dnll and nnchanfed. MULABBBB quiet, ealea of 20 hhda Cuba atuicarado blOCKa dull aid heavv. and rather more lower: money still In good supply an dull, at 6 peroent on cull; Bon ihern exchange firm at 106V 07 for broker'e Mill i 0 At H I S73tf i 0 At X 34 H; I 0 acrip S0)i at B IS oo no qooico ;nu o, arte i; rao Mall eaM: liar m i w o- nmidHi ran iioh: u u at uu: i u bondt 100; Oh wis let bond, 39; do 2d bonds ISM ; Ban 4 Bt o bonds 45; preferred do 76; do 3d bonds 80; Hud J" b0,,d mX: ' i' 88; Mo 6'e wx; Tenn 7i; va 78; H Y State 0' li; D 8 i'e 74: Oounone HUW: do 'rgl.t.r.dn8e'.8ltOoni.n.83 Cincinnati Market. .uJ, coniT 'LET ..-."SSL! redartlcle. and hare been taken tL fa. . I . . . -- ' -- " i oommon, to 77Xo for strictly choice. Molasses 1 ramer smsgisn, out Held very Bnnly. Ins large wav, Solders (eneiallv decline to tana tha mrn-nt nrii-xu 33c cypress anp oak cooperages. Small sales are made ana orders niled at these figures. Coffee Is steady at 11)40 for fully fair, to 14s for etrlolle nrlaie. Lonr (raaes range down to 1'iXo for Inferior. -There his been nothing to disturb the tenor of the Flour Market as reported of a week ego.i Doting the last two or two or three dava there hava lM.n htt. bbibs ior small oraera and to the c It. lobh hi trada. h, ?lfw,'.,0t. calculated to produce anyohaogeln the i.aiiutiUif qu ui mariei HaMrnna rsuii rrnt 4t50 f itrM from M to i W; Vtmi? ud WHBAT-p"d'wh?.?C.V:do.i.rfo,,b,.L. IdsrdouoUtlon. Tha amount on the marke. la ""on snch is ihs rase, millers cattail thsir wants, so the prices mlc very even. Prime Whlwb quoted Tid ahlANl has win Amnmw.A t..m a,. .k . Mconequeat)ynbett4jrliilae than Ear whtn dm- e7..l WLU 1 .,, . . " . w eiioa, iuiDiroriaiaicinf meal for th,oSt!rMS ha r-.n ata.An .a no , a.i ... . . " . " .'7' 7' "I " ' ,n.I'T ''.' " v-vmw 7v rarnma, Hiiq mey are uflld UrtDIJ at SfiOi BARLBT va ouola at S In-mv th.n h.. Kiik J 1 " " ' , " " '""' S.' fiH1 "- 'tadiaionitto getovsr osofor brk-i, dull and i.wer than' w. last quoted it u.ii ruu tic lower loan we last quoted were mads to-day of prime quality delivered 5iKe.' --., WUISKT-etlll rules at will tbe n..t IT Cin. Com. March. 20. Cleveland Market. March 19. few llfrht sales were effected at previous rates. I ' HAT Unchanfed.. Dales 2 ears white at 91 10, ..... w icu .,.1 in. OAT3-Dull. Bale of leer at Mo. 1 ; HIOHWINB3 salciof SObblsst 15. v : I W. H tkk lelea aH a I a . a 1 1 a rangi;ratTd" i;." " " "ra" "nU oUOut-BBM-dnll. light sales of the B90 8 steady. Silrs of 15 bbU at lOo! uuaisfjs 00 noticeable ehanfre. Hales of H00 lbs at Fever, St. ehltis, Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA. March 20. ."?.t xit. Whbat firm. 5,000 huih. white, at , ol1.;"' 1 Ooan-ttrm, sales 6,000 a?,!?'??870 M" f"-ll7 8517 50. Wbit-I8 W I HJi hare tain Notice. T , ?T CHl7t.EHa at Cl innaU,0hlo, snd to Maria Battler, Thereala Stiller, Sl?'n ot,!?.r' ,,owph Johann Battler, Phltellus Battler's widow, at tne town of Pllier, in Tiro le. Anuria: ion are nerehv ih. v. .a.a. .... - " ..... mwm.m r nxAKajM, A. D. lgeis Charles Friedrieb, Rxeontor of Joseph Battler, deoeaeed, flkd In tne Probate Qourt of franklin oounty, Ohio, a uetlUon. ayerrln. th., D a ttr ,Apri1, 1853, "14 inVh ul". "- y wniien contract to Betina Binder, sine. Intermarried tn and n.w th. ir. u t.v ael Zohnacker, certain premises, to wIL- nartnf Bin.. iKi'i 11 "'.i0' Col,,,nb,. Ohio, more fully de. . -.. k.ii.iuu, ior ana in eontiaerauon of seven hundred dollars to be paid br aaid Bejin. Zehoaeker fire Installments, aa atlpalateit in said oontract, on the 1'hi.vmw, voi.nt 01 wnico saia Joaenh Haiti.. ..mi convey said premises to said Begins Zehnaeker In fee mple, by general waranty deed; that said Joseph Set tler died before tha completion ef said eontraot; that since his death aaid Regioa Zehnaeker has made payment full of the balance due on eaidenninni ih. ... ocntor of Joseph Battler, deceawd;and asklnR for an or der or Bis said Probate Court aaiborlxinc and dlreetlnt blm, u such executor, to complete said eontraot, and behalf of the heirs and devisees of said Joseph Battier, deceased, to. execute a deed of conveyance for said pram, to Slid Begins Zehnaeker. anr,iin. h. sUpnlatlonsor said contract. The applicalion therefor will be for a hearing by said oourt.on theBlhday of April, at 9 o'clock A. M., at JJm!: """f" ,,n Aow to ft aontrary, an order will bj asked as preyed for In' said petition . .. , , .. at DBE8EL, Colnmbni, Ohio, March 12th, 18411. ., . ' mhl3-3tw. Will i liable galls. will sprains, Heels, remedy. "7 The. Bents For For r Covington Bail-mill Company. Tins ejoMPAN m IS NOW PttEPAR Cd Wlth-the beet new and bntumj M..hI..M .. an orders for rerolllng Bailread Bare at tbe hottest noties, tbe Hill has Ihe capacity to torn out 180 tuoa a week. In rerolllng Railroad Bars, one third new iron is added the old, to mske a Ball that will not laminate, sod Insure a perfect weld. - y e . ' ' . . , Street Hail road Bars can alio ha furnished, of any pat tern reqaired,:and new Railroad Bare of different lenatht and sliest jf r , -. r-.-. e ,- All orders shall receive prompt and careful attention, and as none bat the best materials will be used. In the hsnds of skillful workmen, th. Company hop. to litre entire aatlafaeUon to those who Buy favor It with their custom. , i , $t . . . , . i ... , ; , t, , ., B JUCHASAJf A. BON, Agears, , j . i - ! Oincionali, Ohiol ! - - ' ar TO ' r L , W. It. Clement, President Little Miami S K. Oo. I John X. Levis, President Covington and Lexington B. OO. ? . . ' . a , .,..(... Captain IfcClellan, Buperlntendent Ohio and Ulatls sippl Bailroad. .. n . t t . L'Bommedlea, President Cincinnati. IlamMtoB Dayton K. K. . mhWw3 Th luii-powereu nrdar Will and very tion P Uckels Law Notice. ETITABLEHWlLLTAReKOTirR that be has been sued with others la th. Superior Court of Franklin oeuaty, Ohio, by Ueergo A. Btlcht Ihe -. " ... muowiog ueeoriDM real estate, sit nate in Franklin oounty, Ohio, to wit: In the seoond sec tion, second township and seventeenth range. United States milltiry lands, berinnlne 1. tha rm.. 5. a. Sll road from Westerville to Oalena, on William Blaua-htart ..v-.. tuu. ana v unss ton stoa. on . Dixon's line; thence south along said line, 56 rods and U?k' i? L'?B (?te" int' r.) lMes In dia meter. K. 80 dg. B. distance AM links, and thorn bish loc ta !". 68 deg. west Bto). jfc, west 88 rods to a stone In the centre ef said But roa? thence north 18 deg west ! rods; thence north 33 rods and mu w in. u ininoiug. containing one hundred andita-o acres and 91 23-IUU roda of eronnl m.. a. Si7. the pay ment of Fourteen Hundred Dollars whlchlls a there-on. In caes of failure tn answer or demurrer or before the 80th day (3d Saturday) of April. A.ID 1861. plaintiff's petition will be taken aa a. nnl BVnrfakivHle)rtv1inrrlar . gxvrk. nAuri.i " . .-H-w..a, . Vilti O VVn Columbuf, Ohio, Feb 19. 'iejl." - ' . PfcW'wSw lesvrng Slfht WAV, , nolO-lydAw ELENKY TOWr Whoiesals and Setail Dealer In i Foreign & Domestic Cigars, .,..r';inmAirBs ; Smokiup; ft Chewing Tobaooo. I Also, It bsst quality of UtflTl oaataatlT . :. fc.-A. . DTCountry Merchant are lavltad to call before par chasing elsewhere. , f f ;s e t ' j NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, ' ' ' Bet. Mala and Broaewre, nortl wflm - CINCINNATI. O. These to I can s i lua bob '.' Jaa3 Law Notice. NOTICE. HEKEnT GIVEN THAT I WILL pay all ontstamltng orders on th County Treasury order Nn. AST lo (lOUilnelusIr, hatted frees Uku... .iAa I.1..H iuiiii . . . . ... vavwu.r,..wir, .v np .., law. ' mat A Will HI V all uimaod Ing orders lesued this year up to date. , i , .vjia-i.: -i. , Jituu ii bh I Hatch B, 180l:l(dA3t Treasurer rraVkll. do. floods, ay tu l.MI ft. Madison. Watt At fl.V.M..iAL Pearl Btarch, a superior article, received la store ear by aljKll At KaSTlIADI. eetVl 34 BtatesBiaa AaiMtng Also StreLgthcning Cordial aod Blood PTTT7TTTTT7T TheUreatest BetaiedylN The kost MOicioira' AlfD DEIianTFDL OOKDIAL . EVER TAREN. IT IS STaiOT lv a ecientlfle and .- Vegstablo Oomponnd, prooarea ny me ditm lai m TITA ition of Boole, Herbi and Barke, Yellow , Dock, Blood Boot, l Bareaperllla, W I I d unerry vara ana vin- delloa enters into lit IkfOff Taklntire active' rcmerlWaftCf Taking. t9 enS-erlnf and deMHUted INVALID to BXUKNUTH. ncLEAN'M ITBEH OTIIENINO DIAI, Will Sffeetnally au L1VBB OOMPUUMT, S7BPBPBIA. JAONDIOB Ohmntfl or W.rvAne Tt.MI(t. .r ,k. rt. " arums irom a ajooraeraj i.iwr or Btoa Shm ? 5r" f t"llli and Fever.) OTerat milll.n of Kettle. ft , on wiaoanpg ue lt tlxmonttu, nd In no In ! ??: ai.i. ..j.i ij:,..,'-; r. .uu uwii hiikhioo, cuann DroancM nv rairi na Ikl. n II-1 , . l . a, . . . . , ' . . ' ' U.,,4 principle of each Inaredleiit Is thoroughly extracted by my aew method of dieUIUng, produc(n(,a deUcioua. tut-1 hlleratlng ipirlt.and the mo-t INFALLIBLB remedy for renovating the dlxeaeed eyitem, and reetorln (bealck, na A LI 11 and COR. ach, ByeHHa, Ucartbun., Inward Pll, AoMltyir Bkl. boss of the Stomach, Vullneaa of Blood to the Head, Dull pain or iwlmmlns In the head. Palliation of Ute Heart tullneuor Weight In the Btomach, Hour Bractatloni Choking or inffocaUng feellna when lying down, D hoi uie BKin ana It 7 el. Mgnt Bweau'Ia I. Pain in tha email oi the huik. mhmt a m. Sudden yiuebee of lloat, Depression of Bplrlta, rrlghlfai Dreama. Lantrnn.. 1)MnAnH.nnw n. .n. Vww.H. TM ?" or Blotches on the Skin, and ferer and Ague (oi Will find McLean a Btrenetheulnr I regenerator of the system; and all who ey have Injured I - Oor mis Cordial In tha diseased, debilitated and ehatramd nerrous system, whether broken down by cxetje, weak by 1 -1 v. .".p.nou j BwaDcee, uie reiaxea ana nnstrune KrnnltDlInn ! -'-.. ... . I i i I i ... . . . e I..WIGU mi 1 m priBuoc neaiwana vigor. IQAKRIED PCnsONS. others conscious of Inability, .from whatever dial a certain and speedy remedy. To th Ladles. McLean's Streiistlienias Cordial u 'J Is a sovereign and speedy care for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Inoontinence of Urine or Involuntary Dlsoharg. thereof, failing of the Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Diseases incident to avuiaicB. . Ther la no Mistake About it. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. II stimulate, strengthen and Invigorate you and cause bloom of health to mount your cheek apain. Ivery bottle la warranted to give satisfaction. - roil CIII1.DHEN. If your children are sickly, trnny, or afflicted. McLean's Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. IS DELICIOUS TO- TAKE. Oaotiow. Beware of Dramrl.t. n. Ilnln ri,. t palm upon you some bitter or Bsreaparllla trash, they can buy cheap, by tayins it Is Jast aa good. snch men. Aek tor McLean's BtrengthenlngOor- , and take nothing else It la the only remedy that purify the blood thorouehl and at tha ..... the system. One tablcsuoonful taken aver mnrntn. f...i.. i. . certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and lover, fellow oranv Dreralent riimam. nu..i i. i bottles. ' ; -.-r-.-K.--nr. Price only SI per bottle, or S bottles for S. J.H. McLBAN, , ' .. Sola Proprietor of this Oordlal, ' Also McLean1! Volcanic Oil Liniment rnnclnal Denat on (h. imm.. .r T, i.i j di. Uuis. Mo. . McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The best Liniment In th. World. Tha ni. h .. euro for Guhm. Piia h .m.M .. n.. or tioltre, Paraiyals, Neuralgia, Weakness of the vuronie or annammatory Kheumatisa, Stiff of the iolnta. Anntmrl Mnwi. r or Toothache. Rrnia... tn.; U7....1. n..k Ulcere, fenr Sorea. flaraA Dul a. BoaWs, Bore Thoat, or any Inflammation or pain! I noduTerenc how severe, or ho. long th. disease ma aalatnA. u.l.... n.i.i. fi.; TTr I remudy. TBousands or human beings have been save a Hfe ef oy tne naa or this Invaluable med. deorapttndfl vnd mi re 17 McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT reUevt naln abnaat tnria.iMnn.i. ..a i. i. maa nrm' ne rouiest sores la an Ineredl wwi una. , t lor Horse and Other Animate. AfcLean a eelehratad T.lnl..n. I. ii,. ..t. Hr. . --i remedy fur the cur nf Hn,. njn. n.. di.i Splints, Cnnatural Bnmna. NiuImh. h iiin r, neTer fail to cure Big Bead, Poll Axil, fistula, Old , Bores or Sweeny, If properly applied. For nrunwa, Bcratehes, Bona or Wounds, Onekad Chafes, Saddle or Collar flail. It ( lliuki. Apuhp it aa directed, and a euro I. nnrlal. I. loaianue, trine n. Ion rer with the manv worthless I.l.l offered to woo. Obtain a annni. nr n. u.i... . iimiineni. at wilt cure vou. J. H. McLEAN Sole Proprietor, Comer of Third and Plna fil a, r-i. u. sale by all druggist. sale by EOBIBTS At SAMTJIL, SQirSld&wlj , ; '.. . , Oolumbua. Ohl.. CANAMAJI & TOTTED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TO AND rMom 1ONDONDERRY, GLASGOW Ldverpool, Montreal, " Quebec, - and. ' t ? uo 1 o' oalt Best men, ... nish arc a lowed L Other want have If on treat Oeean itaannhln rinn... a,.i.u uiyaenuiu eteamer sail every Hat. from PORTLAND, oarryinglh Canadian and Bunas aiau ana passengers. RORWAOIAS. NORTH AHKRIOAIV, B0I1BMIAN, ANOL0-8AXON, NORTH BR1T0U, - HIBBRN1AN, CANADIAN, ' ' NOTABOOIIAir. SUartest, cheapest andQnlckcatCaa . veiyance Iran . . - AMIEICA TO AU FASTS OF STOOPS. Kates of Faaaase to Europe. ' 3CJ, 66w 880. Sail fno LIVERPOOL SVSrt Hri.daiai.Jaia.. from QU1BB0 every Batnrdaw.aaiiin.; LONDONDERRY, to raoelve on board and lard Aiailsand ras'iCTgei, to and from Ireland and Scotland. ITpThese Bleamera are built of Iran. In eoaipartsants, carry each an experienced Surgeon, and attention la paid to th comfort and accommoda of passengers. As they proceed direct to LON DON. ilif ,a Itak "lay of calling at St. John's Olairow naseenseni ara rnmlahMl with to and from Londonderry. " Asiurn iicieis granted at reduced rates, i .' issued for carnrlns to and hrlnln.m nu. from all the principal towns of Great Britau and ,.,,1l,to',"h,c,, ntc3 h'r,h,, Un steamers, and bytbeWASUINOTON LINK Of BAILING PACK ITS, Lirerpeol every week.( , .- . Draft fer t and npvrard pnf ablelaKaalaae, irelaaa. scat land ar Walee. ovasMgi apply t tke Offlos. C3 RKOAII. New ark. and lit WATACH NX., L.lverjeel, ., .....,,, SABEt ft BEABIX, eeneral Agents, to- J. R. ARMSTRONG, Statesman Oflloa, Oolumbas, Ohio. SOMETHING iNEWe. HOWARD & OO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES at no. ss, sotjtiibigii st.. vaaita auiuey vai satatakv t k AMERICAN WATCHES, ! nanursctured b . HOWARD A 00 . ttaatna Wstches ire far superior to anything ever offered thepobllo, heretofore. llaring the exeiusiT agenrr sell thm at prion t wit lb Usmb. I hare lait il a sai-assa atsuear nt- i .1 AMERICAN WATCHES, annniaoHreu ny ArrijETUB, xaiCT, At CO i also. . aeBoruneniQf i mt'u;, .(( , ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, In Sold and Sliver Cases, at Panic prioe. .' -.i; S- y... yy. j, ATAOa, i.l t . A CHANGE. HATING, ON THF f)ttt INST. rFIt. Chaerdofl. B. WKAVIH hii eottre stock f Dry at No. 103 Hlsh Bt.,' with the riew of ehaoglng location, I will sell until tbe But day ef April, with out reserve, AT COST FOR CASU, Urea Bilks, 'rinse. Button. Trimmlnu.. Am. giguied atetia, D Lalnes, Bhawls and Cloaks, BefftrdleM cf Cost! BfbSOdla . p. r. woo. 1 aa whlcfc ALL Deoeiul ITS ,l r wh. magioel almost pain twenty th New stei tone Mantly It would siand iter follow rectlons genuine New .. THE 1H6I, MooDia, Bi., pointed (Lets th be AVei S barSclDarilla A eomrjounfi .m-.. j.... . . I effectual wflfavaWthTZTt "T ao combined with oth. .., f. greater alterative Bo ..7.. tive antidote for the dia " -II. reputed to cure. It i? TXedTat alt " remedy I. wanted by'thSl Thoill ccomplh their cure must prove of tm,nm Citizens. How comnlornlv el,,-, .r. j Scnortaa and Scbotolocs CoxptAitrra. Eruptions and Eucptivb Diseasbs Ulc?bV D0il AlAAO, Siphilis Ktf Svpiiu.iTio'Ar MOTIONS, MsBCDniAL DlSEASB V... BALOLi OB TlO DoDLOtmBnT f. ' S"1 v.mti i t 'oulo,'Il,!0i. Dedilitt, Dia I o : -- ".iin, KisiriLAs, iCoaa OB ST. AxTIIONT'a Pinw anrl l.A.A .CI ZT7,' I clasa of complaints arising from Iufckitt Ur THI iiLOOD. - - - Thia compound wiU be found great pro moter of health, when taken in tlie aprini to opel the foul humors which fcstey in the blood at that auionn .r.l.. . r. .. .. ly exmilsion of WZ,Lr . ' ? Jrl " JS'1a t or ne rnany rankluig disorders 7v "'PPJ,"1 the bud. Multitudes Can. b ? of this remedy, snare thempK-i f. nm . entrance of fox eruptions and uUmua sores, through which tha avtem will atriv t rid itself of corruptions, if not assisterlto do this tlirough the natural channel, of tho-boJy oy an alterative medioinn. n AAnaA naa Ail. - vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting tlirough the skin in pimple crui.tiona. or sores; cleanse it whan A.,.r 1.1. -u structod and sluggish in the veins j cbnnseit whenever it is foul, and vnnr r,r,... :n ..n you when. Even whero no particular disorder is fclt, people enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep th blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or lntw anmn,m rnut go wron. and th oti.0 7 "to is disorderod or overthrown ' Sarsaparilla haa. nrl ALZU 'u V ..A.a as ' . -ve c HIHUI, IHBJ Ployed. throueli B. .r""iurt ot accompiutiang tlieae end. Hut the world" has been egregiougly deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drui alone has not all the virtue that is claimed ior it, but more because many preparation, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of BawaDariUa. or any thing else. - During Into year the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to givo a ouart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one-dollar. Aiot of theso have bcon frauds upon the sick, they not only contain little, if any, Sarattpa rillu, but oftun no curative properties whotcv. cr.. Hc-ncc. bitter and . - I weMasSfrssvaasUAAVJU. lias followed the use of the various extract, of Sarsaparilla which flood tho market, until tho name itself is justly dc-piscd, find has become synonymous with imposition and client. Still we call this compound SnraparUln, and iutend to supply such n remedy as shall rescue tho name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think wc huvo ground for Iielioving it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it i 1 intend, cd to cure. In order to securer their complete crailicntion from the system, the rcnuily h)ioii11 be jiidiciouly taken according to direction on the bottle. rncrAitED nr DIE. J. C. AYEK A ,c1 n. I.OWT-'.T.T. Vftco Price, 1 per Dottle 1 Six Dottle, far $3. Ayer's Cherry: Pectoral has won for 1telf aiich n rciiotrn for the'eiii .f evory variety of Xhront mid Lnntj C.miiim Jut, that is entirely iiuntcoaaury fur us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it bus been ctn- , n o- uccit in eotistant nse out tins section, nn nnn.l ..... .1.. ... .1 assure the people it, m.ulity u kept up to the boat tTer..h? "P"' ",1l "'"t it mny be relied on to ior uieir rcuof all a Ua over Lieu fouud to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilsf ron tus cuas or , Co,iita,n$, Jm,,Jix, lma, Judigatlm, "it"-, Homnch KrVsilah ;,oVif. ilo, RlieumalitM, EiiyilwH mi SiuM fJiteatrs f ",P''", I'W.'f, Teller,., nor m4 Rlmum. Wurmt. . Haul, v...-....;- Dimier r,U, n,idfm- Van f ,,;, ., m,U. 1 They are siignr-cnBleil, so tli:.t Hie most aensi Uve can take tliem j Vnmlv. and ther are tl.e npenent in the world for all the mirpese of a family physic: ,. l, rneo 25 cents per Box ; Tivo bozej for Sl.OO. Great numbers of Clmrr and eminoiit perionajres, hire .tie ihcir naraMtOCCrtifv tho nnnnrnlli.lf-1 ...-.. i. .... . remedies, but mur spnee here wrll not pennit the insertion of them. Tim A ... u.i.... i -j , .' u .. : - v . , m-iun iiuiii- n in,.. prntisour AMKittcAN Almanac in lii. h tliey Riven: Willi al.o lull rf...rinn... , .... .... ...I comuliiinLi. and lin r '-a !-Si AlleAei atluTtllQ Bv PT' for their cure. -Do not be nut ntT lw nnnrLnir.uj 1 -I'aevsv.sjSKJu .jr.fsni V nrcnarntinna i hn y j envy tfisAVkv muro. uroiiT art. Uemand Ayku's, and take no other.) rJ he rirk the hctt aid tlmm iv r. ,i.. .? it ..ui, mm iucv anuniil All our remedies are fur role by "' " HOPITlTfl Mi aaaiTTMT. n.i Ba.Pl'lrlaAd Dealers vrywhera. Mwvev. ijrUalWeAVW Mna. whislow experienced Nun and renal FHyaldaa. preMnt to th attention of mothers, her , - SOOT HINO S YRtTP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, . .. greatly facilitate the proeeai of t. thing, by soft nlng th gum, reducing all Inflammation will allay FAIN and spasmodic action, aod to SUKETOHEUCLATE THE BSWCM. apon M, a others, 1 1 wlU fir rest te younelve SJSmt AID EIAXTH TO TOVB niTAXlS. 5,.7'J",l,p an t ttit artlcie for ever ten jean. V,nv!.nr,r" been able to lay of any other medi-'-N8VR HAS IT TAILED, IN A AINOLl INBT ANOB, TO irgBOT A 0UR1, wbe. tlrely Med. u. did w know an inst, of dissaUifaslloa by any m used it. On Ui oontrery, ail ara delighted with It operations, and apeak la term ef eomnrandaHoa of II eSecta and medical .trtaie. We apeak la thai'WHATWiDOKN0W;atHv UrTw'.rj. 2rTn.?;.IISPJ"H" 0DR PDTT10NrORTtlSl "ULlLLaBNT Of WHAT Wl UBRI DAULABB. I. Try InsUnos where the Infant la suuerlng frees and exhaustion, relief will be found In aiiesa ar m Inula altar thoByrap I adalstoMred. This valuable preparatlna Is th ereserfritlos tt one ot moat XPAHIKNGbVaad flKlLLU'L NUkSag la Bnglaod, and has bee. used with NAVhlt f All INflBUOeBSBIn " - TMOOSANDS OrCMESr- Itnotonly relierss th child from pain, but fhvtlro. the itoanch sad aowete, eerracts soidlty, suit urn snd eaergy te th whole system. . It will almost ha. relieve - 6SU:ie IaT TEX B0V1LS, AST) WINS cetM ENTERV and DIARRHtKA IN CHILD RhM? trbthe arler from teaUilng, .r tros any ether u. W say to Try mother who has. child mir-rin. frna i"!.,o.U' ""ItolOf enmplalnt DO Hot LKT Vn(i Tu PiiiJi)Dit)r;soyo?iikK between you and your.irrlngchiM. and th. . that win n BURAV-.eaoLurLy oLi.a th ne of IhleeMdleliM, at Uaely aasd. tail . for asing will aoouaipsny sarh bottle. Bone nnUss th falmil. of CDR1I8 Av HBKlMa. York, I on th anuria Wrapper. i Bold by all Druggiaa threoahout Ihe world. ' - Principal Office, is Cedar Street R.T. PRICE ONLY 95 CENTS PER BOTTLE. et(74ftwly. ' . . .f , V ; Notice. CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. CHANGES WCrtE mad in th thsonlcreof thle Uank, januar ib. to Witt Wn. A. Haw, PrrioL Ti Cahlr, neigned their fflees. Dins TaTaoa. was the elected President and Wsj. a. Pfcavw ao- Oaibler. ...... By order of th Board ef TMreolom I ' IKil-dtf. w. A. PLtTT. CaahlAr. . UENHV KO.III.KH, t Phalo." Bstaldlibment, W. 1 .,) tm ' New Kork faatiional.) tHisrlnf, ituir Bhampaonlng, Curling and Dresiinsealooo. v Street, . Ih Pt uiiioe, where mil.. , yieea in all tlie varioa bmnrtH. 1 . Children's Bale D renting Ao lo Uie best Sto.a. lyilMly I