Newspaper Page Text
l-il 1 i8 l HT T1 tXT , ; a. JUST;fiECElVKa.BY '.. . ,-.'! 1 Ll!l.1 h-J)WW tri No. 30,ITo?rth (IIIgH Street, ' Out of ths pirgsiUnABeit Stletel AmwI ;it n aU (.) '.::' .M. ''. - WW - . BVEB OFFERED IS THIS CITY! -O-j j i'U . rat.1 i ' nkse;v;:BiuirsVrFufiiishuigs; Of IVRY STYLB ANPQpALIfY, j ;v I t i'i ri.H Vamnrleian . .. .,tf-S H . .fc,T,".i : -- ' - " Glass X " . .. t paints ORbcwpioi f; at j -Vl tv , ., nd pat P 1 UK pound can r" , aad Dry ,.-'... .. - ), :'t ia l.:.vid ! . -' ' ., ;T Pswbjtnbalk.., fyrr. vf 1 .- Brushes of every variety, & quality, !.. ' - A Splendid Assortment of ' - MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. ; ' t-aJiVl .....U .t. I-- ? ' AXES GRINPST0NE5, &e; . ! T : 1-1 i ' GTJN3, PISTOLS, SHOT, W. (.if'nSHrNO TACKLE Leather and india rubber ;;.ri;;BBLTlNO.t,.;t:.ti , ,r WEDGES, MAULS, TUMPS, .iff -uj ' AGRICTTLTl'RAL IMPLEMENT ! ! Table and Pocket Cutlery. I Mpcolally Invite the Ufntlnn of alt IntcrestA to mj ' 'tide of rocketud Table Outlery, nd - , ; , , 'Table; Desert,; and Tea Spoons; v'S' Butter ICuivea, &c., ' ot UOaKRRt It EEO'8. Mannfiulura, warranted to be - 'txtrabaavy, Xlectro (lated.on genuine Antt.". ... i Ouuntii Uerchanti, Mwhanloe, and othera, are inrlt to call and txiunine jny SturV, aa 1 am prepared to nil . WholetaU and Rutall.. ... . ' Ooluubua, Ohio, Uay 8, lf) VM. A. tjlLl.i :riWholesaIe and Kftail Depot for "v.- FAMILY GHOCEHIE$v ; ! No.- 106 South High Street -Wa-vMcBONALl), FINE & STAPIE .GfbOCRS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, ! Jl j ; , : Dally Arrmi af iaol rjor '.'the Fall and .Winter -'Tiade rQf 186CH?!:'- M' TTPBt'lUeiNINUUItCEnCTlfANKS TO TIIK ICBI,IC for put favora andpatroDr age, and being DETEHlrllNEIi to rflkHtl . aeoatlfaaanoe f by . atrlet attoaltloil to trade, and wrenpt dlellTery ! ! I would eull the tlc of the public to the fact that baring a larr WClea Meca on hand, and being In diily reeetpl or gooot rrom me aiutr ent narketi, I Hatter oyeelf thit I can offer to the clti- " aaai of Coluaibui, ot to any who may diiUe to parcbaM. r aa miiilmint of atlltlee apperUloIng to th 0B0CB RY bade, U?IIiaDA'E aoyhanaa In tin eitjr. .Tha. price aad quality of the good! offered, Iffnar aatce to ajiva aatiafactien. ' , Goodi relivered Free of Charge, ' BwS7. i , , r WM. McPONALP. Baltimore Clothing flonse. , aUHoraoTuuu wwouauta kiuh or j READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W, Baltimore:stree : j f --ft arrwTJm uawaTt ami aowaao,) I D1LT1BORE, IWdJ A Tjaxfa Assortnent ol Pieoa and runsiihing eooda Ccmt&Dtly en Ema; ; J OerWdly 1 1 I ; - TTWVGXJEC WHOIJKSAXiBJ tCOKHG GLASS STORE l-'" " JOSnUA COWFtAND, j ManuMtarer and Dealer, No. 63 onth Fonrth Bt., between klarket and Cheitnut, fhiladelplila, , I . TTtTliEBE, 1E' OFrEttS , AT tOW W piloea, an eiteneire rariety of Looking aiaeoevtn Gilr, lUhoirany and Walnat Wramee, Large Vrecefa Plate ' Uiirora, Plain and Richly Ornamented, Gilt and Fancy Wood Portrait ana rmaiw rmsm i 100X150 - BLASS ' PIATFI B7 THJ BOX, - i flood racked- the Jafcet- Banner,, and Iaiared H breakage, .. j0gHTjA ) WniST), ' i . 03 SlnnA Vrtnrth fttrMfc. hi CT . . - Philadelphia. Villlinm :Le GrULL COLUMBUS, OIIIOV ji a j - in i 1 AGKICIIimAL WAREHOUSE 2iitod'S6ed Store; j turn n . i! ! GENERAL 'HARDWARE; w "" lAitk, oust, aa,: rem. ooebaqb, : , " nna, nwfH wfeo Willow Ware, hitbaeaad tabhet Belting, laoa Leatlwf, Bote and Peeking, nl-dly DOYLE ;& CO. w Manulkctureri and Wh6'.ertl9 Dealer !ii S j. - -: S'BOOTS "AKD rSUOE$, - ' Sontheam Comer of High and Uaj Eta. ,4 1 '' T-Ti-k" RC- ' rij .vim . ii.. (AetJe 4Sp i ji ! j i, i;0MJJsnu,:., ,..v.-.,:;...v.:v..v.,.".onio. t. 17 ' TAPI4trO -a- fa... , ,1J,,..1.,.nJ",.iA..V-tjl an . rr Hoof. HBrW-f ?- 3" plitPeaet- I iCr'Hieat t. L'tMrobite ' Coco' Brume, etoi Hoda Orvan T'Ij,, r, Tmner"" eie BcKlleetReiilnl'J Treili Tomato! (Irren Corn yr. i , WMt wT awry deeerirttlewj ' if h!I kindnr i? '"' 'i t,lr-e. :li'i!'i''l b1l.l'w 1" , r ... Oun lJrnpe; Wixeil CMwliee; i I at.. i' AIomhhH, e'llhmte; iteaa Nata, lex I WM- MolMrNAI,!) ii.ovF.n. .All r.rj W t " ft is!-' i ' VtlCIEIV PKA(!UKI : si If In )otfor rM'by ,;, xil ifB a Aei'tieacx i it 34 Blelrann Ttui)Hir i teit '''' - ' 1 186061 1860-61 Winter Arrangement--Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD VOonnecUng t'0reatllne with the Pittsburgh, Tort Wayne & Chicago For Pittsburgh, ruuaaeipm na itaiumorv; . ; Also for rortvTnenouQicagQ. - Ocmnecttng at Clertlaad with the i lake J .Shore' Railroad For Dunkirk, BaffIo, Albany, Boston ina TWO TRAINS BAIliX (eieepi eunaay; froBOelambue,:ineoBneetionwtth IratnJ ea the Litil MUml ft Columbus ft Xenli Railroads. vrnuT iTPEtSIUltini Colombo! at 3:$5a. Will leare peeeengen at all ataUone, (oath of tollloa itop at Delaware. Aahley,. Oartlngtoo. fllleed and tall Itatlona North ol Oalllon. rrlrlot atOlereland at fctO a m., DorutlTx :wp in., nuuaiv v.w p. IS:U& p. at.. Boeton 43J p. Pittabttrgh Creet- llaa 3:40 a. m., miladelphla i:w a. m., unieago wu Oration 11:00 p. a. aloo eonnecilnx at tlhtmj lor an point! oo the Bandoakj, atanafield Neward Bailroad. i '.I I o: BIOUMU TJUMH. - " , virr. inn BtPRKSS-Leatei Cotatnhui at J OOp. m. will itop ai an iiaiiona kuui m cueiuy, iuu em. New London, WellinKton. Qrafton and Berea, arrtT t Merlnd 8:50 d. m.. Dankirk S OW a. m., Buffalo :ai. m.. New York 10:00 p. a., Boeton S0 a. ., eittahmoheia Oreatlineicsua. m., rnuaaeipniao uu m ch cMO vtaurauonai iv;ju a. m aibu iuunw Shelby for all potnta on Banduaky, Mana&cld a Newark Hiilrnud. ' Patent Sleeping Can are ran on all Wight Traini to cmcago, mew xori ";'-ii.-4 '),' mi Boston. " FT Raaaaot Cheeked Thnugh to Net York ind Button via Cleveland, aba to Philadelphia, New York i Crtauxm. . ;;.., , . jiTtJBSINO. ' "".'.J:.' NtKht Ixprau arrlTeiat Oolumbna at 1.3V a.' m. Oinclnnatl Sxnreae arrlTee at Columbui at 1:4V p. u . ,Fare aa Low aaby anj othar Routs, : " :' Atk tot OekeU via Creetline or Olereland. 1 , ..; ,.! - ::.- ...-:. .. i i h. g. f LIST, ' i N " ' Bnrer't, Olereland, Ohio. .. 1T Jatiia VATTKRSoN. Amnt, ' luneU Columbui, Ohio, i rr- oarrtrw aw,, . CENTRAL OHIO R. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. ' ' Tills id Ui8 Ohlyjloute offering r.:m THrwuiflt Ticket dc BaKKago CneckT fa , :, KVVAStlINGT0N 'CITY; j And btrjr Scafe fining to tk Poiaenjietl lAe tirtoiltoe of viau Ing ui UKif of Baltimore, Philadelphia I New Vork At the coit of a Ticket to Attn York only by other Line' "'tO tRAINB tKATl COLUMBUB UAH.1 SoMOAts Esotrrn.. -r ; rtS88: AT 3:00 a- itopping atall fllatione upon eignal being giten, arrlrlnft at Bcll&liw at 0 50 a u., connecting uumtdiatelywlih train on .. . ' , Tlta Baltimore dc Onlo Bailroad for Baltimore, Washington City and the Booth, and Phi adelplii, New: or, Boeton, and trie aael. aieowiu train! on the " t J ' fENPHtTtVANIA CENIRAI,) I via Wheeling a FHtabargh K Bfor PltUbargh, Bar rislmrgh, Philadelphia, Now fork, Boeton and Ihe Bast. ThU train alio connect at Newark with B. at. fcN.H, B., and at Zaoeavtlle with 0. W a S. B. B. for Lancae tar, dto.,,- t. ) s v , ' j . f i : t HAIL AT fc40 p. a., atopplngat all Btathwaapon rig sal being given, arriring at BaLLaia atKfUp, m , con aectlng launediately with traine on ' ' - , ; Tbe BaltliMore dc Ohio Bailroad for Baltimore, Washington City and the Booth, and Phil adelphia, New Xork, afcuton. and the Baat. AIM with train on tu -. . ' ". - I !' t PENNaVtiV AN IA CENTRAL, ' ' i rla Wheeling and PitUborp.h It. B., rorPlttsburvh, Tler riahnmh. Phlladelohia. New York. Boeton. and the Baet This train also connects it Zaneiville with 0. W. R. B., for Lanwster, ac TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINT8, ., v .... , oaa OCPIHO twoa ; : ' Quick Time and Sure ConnectioiiK "Akrik TVsti Batita Aixownroa tfcaia. . t . SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAIN8 Aak for Tickels via Cclumbug and Wheeling. for farther Inforesatlon and Through TUtvU, apply to M. L. DOHKRTV, Ticket Agent, Unioa Depot . B. J. JBWBTI, President, Zaneerllla. ; , ., JOHN W. BROWN, , ' norSS General Ticket Agent, Oolambos. 1 BALTIMORE AND OHIO. RAILROAD. creatTnation TEHITH!ATK AT-WASHINGTON and Baltlsaoreontha Bast, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkersbara; on the West, at which place! it anllee with Bailroad!, Bteamere, Aofor and from all points In tha.' . a.u-7 ..i. l.i.'J - 1 V'.v v. '..t I Wtiti Sonth-xreat and North-weal- r - THREE TEAKS DAILY FOR. ALU. TUB! EASTERN . CITIES. Thts"1i the Tnly ronti to Washington City. ' . Paaanigenby this route can visit Baltimore, Phils elpkvlew Votk and Boeton, at the ooetol a ticket to Boston alone by other llnei. ;. ,i - " t i - 1 Tbroagh tloketi to tbo Baiters dtles eaa be procured via Washington Oily at aa additional charge of two dol- taBLsrria Osa AvTioraa vo u Ktearf Taanej. I 7tra4e quink and far lot a via. any otter Murro tor ticket! vfaBalHm(rrand Ofift itillroad at anv of the princtpal Battmad offleee In the Weet, c ' i... i. B JHJH.ITM,OomWestera Agent,. ' .. BiLLaai, Ohio. ; 'Sr t! M tot, General ticket Agent, W. P.-BkUtll, Master Transportation, - etS-tf. rt ..- l .":f t ' ' ? ,Bi.tuio, kid. COAX.AND.WOOI)! TUB irBBCRIBSB WILL CELITB ITHB ' , B;BESf'QUA15;S WOOD, SAWED AND SPLIT, ! s To ny part of tb dty for a-" O.EERCQa -,-, ,t.i.... kDi i ftefVTeod for"0 i ' iihrfiffVFnt kinds of Coal as low aa' aor other dealer,' and,' 'ympathialng with tbe pablla," la now sellin-i. ..;;, " USA .- i .0 .t Z AKE8 VItLE0R' KUIEISGTJTII i . NUT1 COAL Oil DIRT, ft r 'FOR. ? CT3. PER BUSHKL, TT V. m, . I fllt. Tklv AtrM AMI th,4M xsra ano ouiur, end Prbjlrla Chr.-h. ft f , j S . '. f , J ' i tr 1 A ,B AELOWt Ageat. Ooluubua, Jan.W.-' '11J"'"' -'IMPORTED GpODS, TC'lT a. B1 VS7 Ik . ItallM OiU Bvlnn a to., tor lauie on. Cench Uutard, favorite brands; I ; Boned Sardine, the fiKal Bardlaoi lanp'td of Capers and Ollvn. table Qurca"Lea ft Torrlo'i WorMSfeV ahlre," 4,Boyer'e Bnltana," John ol(,' - uti 5 - 4 6 ttarvey, "jwaQmg.--w.j.v.-.,w i IO VI alnut and imnnuame. ,. , , r , r 3S )VV O-ooe ft Blackwali'i ttirtntfj Bngllih ' ' picklre, eonslitlng of'Canimower," "Pt "! eallll." ChoW-ChaW." 'Wlnqt" H)n ,r . t t loo," "OalAage," "Beaaa," r'tllwrk'a" M's Pickles. f ' i r " T.ondoo Porter"-""""-"" ! -Ufi 0mpVll'i wtehratrd Beotoh Ala. i D cast Ulnars Preserves. ' " .1 t a? Ibe Italian atanroal.aad.TerBUO.tlla. r . ' 3 gross Oos'l Gelatine. - , ' Coleman's celebrated Kngllsh Mnatard. In kf a, paxea, oausnttlra.r. s ,.(, i . - , ..AL. MfsK Wtirrat 1 VICT0R1NRB andCtPPB we ire now selling at Tery low, pricn, also all ethr binds fuhionable flrs. 1 e! 'Mo. W Soatb Ulgb it. 1 0T7 .T .! ,OHIO..CtiVTE0IIAIL Sfilillllll toe Uiuu2 Nos, 35. 55 & 40, , North; High St ; IffCBEASED TACIIJTIES I ; it :au'i i i 'n n v. f "i i"! '"'W t HAVING MOVED-. INTOHY ' NEW, zWQlitti IIIG, BOOR 1 JOB DSPARTHEBTI , WHILE, BOTH HAVE BEEIT I REPLENISHED TOROUGDOUt New., Types, . Borders,'; Ornaments; &c tH0M THI OILIBRATID rOUNUBT OF ; , T, WHITE ft C0 SEW vYOEK, Host Complete - Establishment ... d , .... . .1 ) i . .. .... in;:T5K' CITT.; ' I am now prepared to EzeeuU all Order for BOOK "AND JOB WITH DISPATCH! And la the Meet ApproTed Btyleol Uw Art t ; , i i ; WAnfTrtm.Att 1 ATTfcMTTtfN ' PATD TO "" ' MERCANTILE AM) RAILROAD Hill of Lading,1 ' Clrctilara, '' Bill Meade, 1 i . . Blank, Deeda, t. r.erliflcatoi. : ' BecelDti. ,lrr(Tlcat,.; ,v Bcglaiera,' now cards; &;:bills ln colohs, checks," " '; ,;Mom; m CASUS, .!-.'. h . . BKVXLOFES, ' HBADIllBB, j COHTKACTB. .( Illustrated Show. Bills,' FOR CODNTRV- MERCHANTS, Show 3111a. Hand Bills, Labels, Concert Pro ' grammes, School aad College Schemes, He Wi4,BiUB.,ot fart, . IniUtiomv ftej, j BOOH OP EVERY UESOR1PTION School and Collegs Catalogues, If iseellajtaons Pamphlets, , , Conftitntions, Beports, Briefs, as -Y' Printing in Gold ; and - Col 1 ,' 0M- JE O S E Bi s 1 . , tie Printed is. Krery Color . 00 j nammotli Hoe Cylinder, The only Press Of the kind In Central Ohio. J My faellltte for dotng airy and all of the above deeorip Uona of work, ere now nninrpaasad, and satisfaction will be gnaranteed In all ease. Tf?' All work fornlshed promptly by the time promised. ;. . . - r ..1:1 , BIOHABD NBTINB. THE ' BEST. AND CHEAPEST It sEviriG :r.iAciuriE?i - ? AND - WARR ANTE fru ; Equal . t p ,r A ny Other For all Famllf Parposee, ' ji Besides being more simple, durable, and easily Operated, Call and aeel Offlee, Amsry. 'ocO-dtf ' ' J Ball, CTsr Bain's Store. ' CT. FLOWBBBi AgenW : AM, M. U'BAB. WM. B. BI8TIKAUXJ ' M'KEE & RESTIEAUX, ii a GROCERS . ,,,.it i,r..,Ain 1 PRODUCE , w EE ALEH3, I,-".' Warm Ugl Slreat," , I d..- i 1.'. s u.r .ai COLOMBCA OHIO, AVE ON HAND AT . WHOLES ATE ..4 Wt.ll. VINBUT 8TAPLB OBO0BRIB8. PLOTJB, BALT, TBA, COPPBB, SUGAR, TOBACCO, BB0AB8, Etc . Brc. Onr Stock has been pnrctiasea in Eastern Citle daring to Panic, foii J oad xr,V-i and ear maid rtdeawor erlll be to offer Indneement to CASO BUYSHS which are not exceled by any House In the Olty. " - E. TCOLLIGTERf Wholesaleawct.MetairIJealeT lm , TOBACCO,'. SNUFFilGAES , - 1 :. ) 'i No.- So , Stresestvw ' : Keea ' ouatantiy on hand sail h wa Oct. H0 ..una '", Ttn c-wrtcrtrsvei. in k LTF.8K 4 POINT V lac Celieraaad Bene, french, Poland Thread taee ells.4new patterns.) Valenclenes, Ihreed and Point Lsors, Bmbrolderea uoiura, oeiia, Skirl.! Barbee and Oolffares. PUIn Linen Collars, Betti and Culle, Kmbrolderad Collar! and Cuffs In Pelt, Bain a eon, f'ebS2 ' Jfo-M, South IlIgB Btreet. IBIOKINO TOBACCOS, ,. 'BnpertorOrienUl,. - '.'l ,,T yt'l , "l1 Vine hueeier, yi-' Four Ac, (extra) american Bbag, . r - -. 4 j.ti' . Bird' ire. (Union) . . ' , srniMi.w Sa. .nft In turrets and half in p.r...r. r i' V - ,7. t rrzBi, ; BE8TIBACX, - febll . . ..1 1. - PUB DBlESe .A ,ie- Bxtraul Logwood, I . r.r. t- wwri Povrkew. Broom, Cordeg. t. ,r r.JT Vtr . f nrrlng. Dried Fruit, Per sal! by rrT- MeKKH ft BBdTIBACX, ; hi" nil. A -ai. North lllghrtreetj; . ui ill. p. sail S. aillBTRs 1 t '1 I 1-v .wo t)Oll.ll Bli-U elllRTH. . . .. . The patter el thee hirisar i Th Bodies, Tokes, slrevee and koeowrear fanned U It tb leoB with ass and on.ft.r tea mark apoa choo designating tb la awyba sailed aa aa being correct, and eeea shirt 1 (Hltelwi well saada. -A lull JtonkoJ all i nuallUM consuutly for aale at f.' "',B.I t . A.l'm rlf NO. JW SOUIB Ul.u. airrwsi .." ' e-2'4 ' " '"V ' -JU '. fi'.i"! . .' I- II "x-- i ' -4 it- ' iftaat nnw '"I f--jr- " '" . ..a ilia to' i-m'i. -Ssf;.ri.1 i'l t 1 "i ;.i'i ' 4 'i ' ..v--.4oep..-ei: i - t-.) I Ohio. JartlUoa, N PCnsCANOH M IHBOBBEH OF : H Ooarei la tbu m,v neueu, j, mm oner ror ala, ak tlw 4or ef ihe Court ttotuo, la toe eitr c co lurobue.bliio, between Ihe honrf of JO a'elock, A M, andto'elook.K M. - " ' ' ' ' ' Ou Thnndy,"lllB'ltln oT Of April, 1861,, the following ArKrlteJ real eetate, iltuate fn Jackeoa VowMhla. Iranklla eoonty, Ohio, and la Tlrtlala Mill- taryBarvaw.Ho.vUS, branded ae follow Berlnnlng at a takeand twoburoaka,aoulbeaetorBerUlotNe.lllBi. Bmead iluiTey.o. 6 lis, running thenoe weet eeewi- tr Cre poire to a (take and threa white oake. Ueaea north 10 degree! woet 04 K pole to two while oake and black oak, theaoa aael 7S polea to a itake near three while oaka In the eaat Una of at Id lot, thence eouta 10 degree! aut MX polea to the beginning, containing for- ry-iBree aerea, aiore or Mee.- apprauea ai -Tarmaof alaoa-thlrd tahand. KlaoMandK la two yeara, with Intareat froaa day of aale, and payment! to be eeeared by mortfaga on premieea. . . narcha:lld4tw v o, n. buihab, mn, B. 0. NOBiili Attlr. - i-1(. , Master Commissioner's Sale.' retoUah W.'BonUnjtoo i. 1 . V '-'j 'ml ' - vi. -r ' Bale hy order of Oourl. Beery W. poitmaietal. - ' - i . : I -1- BT TIBTUE OF AN OHDKlt or SALE, in ma directed, from the Oonrt of Oommoa Pleas of franklin ooanty, Ohio. I will offer for sal at the door of h Oonrt, hf the pity of .Colombo, on 1 .. - 8attrdaT,'tlt"30tb, dayo:'April, Ai p. J86I, between the hear of 10 obk A. M. , and 4 o'clock, P. M., the following deecrlbed real eetata Ntnate In tne uoun ty of Franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. 9 of mbdlvlslon of eut lot No. SJ, In the city of Colnmbne. Ohio. Also, a tract of land tn section 10, half-oection 13 and Id, Township a, range ..Borage imasi beginning at Ihe eentre ot the Coluabos ft Granville Plank Road at the north-east corner of a tract belonging to Wilcox, thenee with the eentre ofaald road north 70M g. east 185 feet, sooth 0 deg. 40 mln. west parallel with eaat lino of said Wlloox's land, and 122 X feet therefrom, 40 poles to the north Has of tract betonglnf to Ihomss sparrow, thenee with north Una of Bparro 'a land north 88 deg. weet JS5X ' feet to It Intersection ol east line of Itld Wlloox's land, thence north 0 deg. 40 mln. east with east Una ofaald Wlloox's, 38 410 pole to the beginning. 1 Lot No. 8 appraised at 1,000. , .. ,,,;:fi; ... Tract In to. 10 at 50n. V ' ... . 1 .T , 0. W. HTJ'IHAN, Bhertff -v Printer's lee (S 00. 1 and Maitar CommUilour. marchii-dlltiw, .... 1 ir" .l en ! , ,,,Mster 1 Commissioner's ' BaleJ ' Quilavai Bwan't Bxeentors) " Cl"-N j - - v,. ,- .. vs. ... - .: 1 Bnpenor cenrb' r 9; :) Haldamond Orary et al. ) , - i r ' , BV VIBTUE OF AN OBDEH OF SALE to me directed from the Superior Court ol frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Oonrt House, In the cKy of OAlambas, on "' "' I Tuesday, the Sad day 6f April, A. D. I86I, between the hour of 10 o'olock A M.and 4 o'clock P. M..the following desorlbed real estate.sltuateln the.eoun ty of franklin, and Btaaaof Ohio, aad olty of Oolnmbus, to wit: lot No, 180, to be divided by a line, to begin o the fmnt line of ihe lot. 31 feet south of the northwest com. er; thenee eaitwardly 87 feet on a line parallel with to north and south line of the lot; thence northwardly 8 feetona line parallel with ths east and west line of the lot: Ihenoa autwardiv 30 feet on a lino Darallel with the north and souih Hoes ot the lot; thence northwardly 18 feet on a line parallel with the east and west line of the lot; thenetesstwaraiy on a,iine paraiiei- wim invaorui and eoulb lines of ins lot, tame ess line mereoi. , Apprelard at For th North part, I'J.mD, ; ' ' do ' , for the Booth part, O.JOU. . tw . .it. a. w. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, ! Vi . and Muter Oemmlttloner. Printer's fees, $4 10. I i . y i saarohl-dltfcwtw Sheriff's Sale.' tt ;i'jt.'. Jus ;i Tucker and wife if. i Co i 1 - 1. - V!. : XltasL. Unghee Common Pleas.'-1' nf VIRTUE OF A WHIT OF VENDI Jj to sm directed, from th Oourt of Oomaon Pleas, franklin oonnty, Ohio, I a-illoffer for sal, at th door th Court Hons, in the city of Columbui. on Monday, lbs lSih day of, April, A, D. 18G1, between the hour ef 10 o'clock, A. A)., and 4 o'clock, P. II.. the following described real estate, situate In tbe County of Franklin, and state ot unio. io-wii: s,oi no. M in John and Henry Miller's Addition 40 th city Colombo. Appiaieed at TOM. u- .1 i.i . - -ii j w, tturraan, sneni, i mH4;dltw4w. , . ,. By Bn, Davis, Deputy. Printer'! feer)S. "v.: v Shoriff's Sale. ;; i , The State of Ohio ) ... i vi. ' Union County Common Fleu, W. H. Barer, t. al.) i s - , , BT VIBTUE OF A WHIT OF TEND1 to n directed from th Oonrt ef Common Plea ol Union County, Ohio, 1 will offer for rale at th door of th Court Hons In th olty ot Columbui, franklin county, Ohio, on . ... F , . ... . . ' Saturday, the 6th day of April, A. 1861, between th hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and do'dook P. U.. the following desorlbed real estate, situate In the Ooumy ot franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit: Lots Noa. two, (3) three, (3) end four, (4) In the town of Grove port. i !. .. '' , '" l. , Appraised at Lot Ne.S, S30OOO. ;;; v. , ' " t, . s , 3,, 40 00 , i , , I-: - ft. w. HUFFMAN, Bheriff,n' ' aihSltdftdtv. i t By En. Bavo, Pepaly, Printerw fee .QO. ' - SherilVs Sale," It t il"' A. J. Clark ft 'Co. '"T I i .j.r ( vs. Commoa Pleas. L iv, . .j JohnUcKlnney,tX) , i .i , f.. . . , r , Coi uJ.i TIT VIBTCE OF AN ORDER OF SALE Xj to m directed, from the Court of Common Pleas, franklin County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at the door f the Oonrt Hooso, sn the city ef Uorumoui, ea Saturday, toe dOth day. of March, A. D. 1861, between Ihehdnn of 10 o'clock, A. V., . and 4 o'clock. P. al., th following dosnibed real estate, altuate In eh Conntf of Franklin, ana Btat of Uhte, to-wie it No, 8, tub division of oat Lot No. 38, In the city of, Colusa bos. . . r. , .,. .; J ,F . I Appiaieed at S00,00.' -'-''r I ....... ,., u , -.,!. . W. HUTim AS. BherUT . I febS9utw4w i , . . By BP, Pavib, Depaty, Printer's fees 3,00. - ..-,,. 4 1U , Sheriff's, SaWt ' ii , ' John W. Baker hnW. Baker ) .' , v. , ,- Boprier Ocart. - Y B. Stewart, at al.). ntf .; t, Joseph BT TIRTtJE OF A WRIT OF VEND to directed, frosa i th Saperior Oonrt franklin oonnty, Ohm, I will offer for sal at th door of the Oourt mob, in we eiiy oi voiumous, on Saturday, the 30th day of March, A. D. 186LJ between the hours of 10 e'olock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m , th following described real onate, annate In th count of franklin, and Bute-of Ohio,- to wtf. - Th undivided one-half of he-let Ho. 833, ra Ihsdty of Oo inmboa. belnc the Interest of Nancy Ranev la eaid lotj Appralaed at l,185. , . W,HrjfFMAN, BherlS, febtM-ditw4w, ' i '-,," mai uavis, jPtJ . rnnier s ics J,w; 1 1 ; TT' 'Ji ai r--il JameChn7,0ejdl,fto.,);''''t' ' ' l 1 ,., . ... vs.- , , Balehy crUarof Conrt. Gideon Tandemark etal. ( BT VIBTUE OF AN OF SALft to m directed front tb Oourt of Common Pleas At franklin enonty, Ohio. I will offerfor sals at th door she Coart Houk, In the eitr et Uolumcoa, an -v Saturday, March 30tb, A. D.18C1, between th boar ef 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock m., th following dewrlbed real eitate, situate In the oonnty of franklin, Btat of Ohio and city of Oorombas, and branded and decribed ea followst In-lot No. (even hundred and ninety-eight, (7UH) situate on th north eld ef Friend (treet, and being the second lot eaat of fifth street, and fronting on friend street, sixty-two and half feat by one hundred aad eighty-seven and a half - feet north to Cherry alley, bain th full lot of 6K feet by leffKfret. Arpralsed at 5,5. :-i febS-dlftwt - v 4. W. HtTffVAir, Sheriff. Priatet'l fee 4 AO . -y Id. Davis, Diputyl Sheriffs: Sale. i I!' John 0. Work' .-oi tnsTir ..; ... j ... v.' ' ) OentmonPle. ' i James C. Mefloy. "s . ! nv VlsA'l tlB OF A WRIT OF VENDI XJ to m directed from tbo Court of Oemaon PI eel franklin county, Cht,I will offer for ssl at to doo tb Court UouMBt the city M voianua,on Monday, the 16th day of 'April, Ai D., 1861, between th hours of 10 o'clock i. ra. Snd 4 o'clock p. m th following decrlbed proper, situat In lbcooty of franklin, and Btat of Oble, to WK: The InUre.t snd aatat of Jsme 0, MoCov la Inlot M. 443, In 111 alt of Oolnmhos. In aald county, hi estate being tb re mainder In fee eiter in armwaooa or in me sew Isabella MoOey, widow of Boeert W. MeOoy, deceased, and th eetate f said Jasae 0. McCoy In aald estate r ln tha which wa devised to him by ssld Robert W. McCoy In hi last will and testament, which la of leeerd in rraoann eoamy, unio, rrotau wvusw,,. r , Appralwd at Sd-W . ; . . msrohin:lldA4tw. . ' Printer's fees, S4 SB, j, -i By Ben Davis, Deputy, Sale, I Master Coinmissioner's Jsc lllbcnagle " Sale by order ef Coart. '- , vs. tf RY VIBTCE OF AN OltDEB OF SALE lii ai dlmnird. frora she Court of Common Pleas, of franklin County, Ohio, I Will offer for sale, al the ooor of the Ueurt-liouae, la-VD ary oi wne v Monda. tha 15th day of April. A. D.,1851. hetWMfi fh tuvaa of lAoVtock A.M. and 4 o'clock t. th following deeetlbed ml tatituaMentnoaniyor Frtmkrln and BtataofOhtn. to wte ln-ioi no, iww etan deed aad lhlrti-(oar. lUMt In tbo cits- of Oolombus, a nnmbered aad destgnattd on th recorded plat of said dtf.. a - - . v., K.v .' i i I . Appraised el 14,000. V;- '"." ' "'j1 '' a, W.lTTJfFM AM. Sheriff, esereh 14:ltdft4tw Printer' Fees fl. i and Master OoaaauieiooeT, LvANO'i v,4:t,: i.f DU ss all. Km. , i -i fANOI DKKdB SH.hS, v . f I Ahnr I, Kit its SILKS, i W are sow oflsrise sar Immene etock ef fancy Dree! ft it as prteee lees laae vr aeior miiti " g. Ihe atteutioa of th ldie of Oils Ky aad - vicinity I solicited, so ur stock I very seieot and eompleteta ell grade of sajoftj lathi Ua. -. Ik-Tr X hAIN, ' aovu-a.ri - . i, i. ta, avBouiuAjn:n.H ,iJtl Ju l Court of Coatmoi Pleas, PrankllB Coniily mvt2J Ibv i"llilon-J Ii A t M v- "WJ" re n t w n. ,ua of Of ' . , of - , I lot -I of 1 of of oi 1 S ' t. :pl;; , BBOOsfinCNDBD BTJ : THB JLATS -ir" i ' l SIR ASTLEY COOPER;!. . or lohimih, a wd DE. VALENTINE MOTT . . o aavy Toms... ,r, The acknowledged Beads of th Profession in althai r . , .... ( ' The heet DloTtlo,Ton!o. and Invlgorarit. iTh Flnnet Eztraot of the ITAIJAN JUMXPRB BJLHBY.. The Pnreet and Most Costly Qtn.Ez- INDISPENSABLE - TO FEMALES. laiuaiiianir Tfl TUC cirir r! INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST' AND MOST v I DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala, Pints and Qnaxta, by Tory DrogglBt, Grocer, or Country Merohant, . V LOOK OUT POB BOO0 ..n ITS n I N S. L O N L) O N G - TUB ONLY aENrjINB AHTIOLH IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. 'B. BALDWIN & CO., ' V"i ' .v Imtrters. 01 Liberty St, NEW Yo; I'l-.. Bold In Columbui by McKBI ft BIBTIBATJX, Wholesale and Beta! I Grocers, Statesmen Building. ... 0. A. WAGNER. end other." In Cincinnati, by BTJIBB, B0K8TK1N ft CO.,' oc90-d(odftly - and other. hunnewelus ITNIVEIvSAL,; : ; ;, ;.. 'I I:''. ' I. I ' COUGH REMEDY. for all Throat and Lung Complaint, Includng, with moat perfect results, Wuoonxo Cocoa, Oniamo awe CosmoR Corona, Biowchul awn TntoaT Comtujwt, always forerunner of Consumption. ' A A Boormm Braor it naa no. superior, i rreca iron an upiai or Bmetio properties, may be used by most delicate conitl tutlom, and with perfect confidence. ' j ITTJNNE WELL'S 1 CELEBRATED . r-cTOLU ANODYNE. Tri GaiiTisT Hatoiui, OruTi ever offered to th world, containing not a particle of Opium, nor any so tanoe but Its strictly vegetable and medical pro pert lei. A nr Remedy for Ntoaateia, . Bannanm, Goer, Toon Ann Baa Acs, Catarrh, Hoai of Uav Fsvgit, and all minor Nervous Complaint. I For Loss or Buxr, end Headache In all Its varietlea, It has no equal, and to which most undoubted teetaani all are offered. ...... i r -i ' Foa Dxukicat TRkatiwi Jt Ii a most perfect remedy. foa BoiraL OoMruiirrs, after removing the pain It acts as a physio, a moat Important contrast Wltn tne eoniupe lory effects ol Opium. n i , i- t . To Plmieiana Vormnbu and Trial Bottles will be lent, and to Sealer or Invalid a descrlptiv pamphlet without 'potag-itamp." 1 ' ' I rreparea nnoor we apeciai apemsion 01 i J " JOHN L. HCNREWELL, cbihist awn rBAJtsucsnmsT, j ., . ' Ko 6 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Kais ' Towhonsplesie direct all communication!. . j ,' Prices Large Cough Semedy, SO cents per bottle. , ' - Small " 85 . , , " t i ri Tola Anodvnet '6S ..'- ' ' for sal by to al wholesale aad retail dealer. everywhere. .... . ... . . BORKRTS ft BAMTTBt, N. B. MARPB, - JOHN B. COOK. - . H. DRNIO, fl. DEN 10 ft BONI. ) r A. J. BOHHBLLBB ft BON, mavl7-wlr - Agent for Oolumbna, Ohio, IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS .-. ,i-i.,ir. i -"U .:ft;i L-v-c-i FOR CHURCHES, American -Cast ; -Steel Bell Works, MAJTBJIir,.' oimcihnatv on'io.. j ; b, ri.,ii J Tiii swi:r.l ''.'.JVeiiewtiet 15, I860.- TTATING recently made very rr ATrNd recently mad very great Improvrmenta In XI what Is cslled "Amalgam Bella." I be to call at. ration of corporation and Indlvldaali wh may Want a sen, to in faot, mat tor it) cent per pound l can fnrn tsh good bells for any purpose, mounted In superior tyl ana warraniea lor iweir monms. lermi, caioorsn. proved net, pa Tab 1 at Bank, with Interest and exchange added ' BcmlttssYos f money bp eapresa, must be In fundi nor at OIclonaU,and the carriage prepaid, a the above price, for the quality of oell Here spoken of, oV . j . u , ... j, ....i. . . . . ... WM.H.CLAR."" c :i -') f i ilai i Ajsorleaa Oast Steel aVellWorki, I oeeB-waos- - -i , - oinclnnatl unio. a-. a :' Prirate and Confidential MEDICAL ADVICE , AT-THB. BUFFALO PBIVATE HOSPITAL. Bitabllihed for the cure of SypMU, SmUnni Wnabtun, ami Me eeore jiyurmaut Of tovutiama Maturity Dytpoptla, Control JMiUUWi Iooar and. Juo, i bk frmiilf 0 youth, &dJ4,tc -k. , ..)r,,,vl I Xa.. AXX1O0 cb Bon, oorner ci aain ana unay ddj., wunuo a. ti it j A BE THE "ONLY PHYSICIANS IN r. the State who are mesBbers ef th Boyal Collage of Burgeons, London. May be soosnlled rrosi o'clock In tbo morning nntl t at night, In ever, itare and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt I the reenlt of upward of thirty years txatnslv free tie In Rnrope and njnenoe. . .utn.., i ,.. j jifji ; friniM ii t vi. A MOB BOIfNTIPIO INTBNTtOrf. 1' Aa Instrument for tb rare of Nocturnal Bmlsdoae more properly known as Seminal Weakness, oto. Can be Eminently oared from fifteen day! to two month! by ens f thl instrument, when used eenjela rly with saodieines; 1 ' - I - KOUNJMBV TAKB PARTI SI7LAB BWIOB. Dr. AMOB ft BOM take pleasure In announcing that they hav Invented a most hnportant lnitrnment for the euro of tlMSbove diseases. It ha been subjected tea test ay tne most em in en i pnyinans an boauon, rana, rniuv delphia aad hew York; ithai beeudec lured tb only e fnl lnitrnment aver Invented for the cur of Seminal Weak iii is, or any disess oaased In tbe secret habit of fouth. price Bio try nvaii or express. I Mi B-Dr. AMOB ft BOM. In order to auifr the stoat skeptical as to th merit of Uit Instrument, ptedg tbesaelvea Uiat In any Instance where II may prove un ' insianc wnere u may prove un r trial, th money will be refunded satisfactory, altar a reir nai, via money win pe rernnu by returning the Inatrnmen I In good oroerJ i i ... j COUNTBT INVALIDS. I - tenens 1 any pari ef the world may be sueoeasfully treated by torvrarding a oorrsot detail of their case, with a remittance for medlclnea, etc. i if. addreai Dr. AMOB ft BOM. oornet of Mela and Quay Bat. BolfaloB.T. 1 ,'V x marll-dftwly Ifnfiinw PAmmiaaiOrlAT.V 0nlJ') ! j uptake ..vjJiAUiooAUAti; dv tJtuo, I Bernard Bberkfatar flr-k ' r-t-fi 'ri t'i'i''i, , t., .., . , ft i Saperior Coort,, .iVrq luua km. at al. j . . - 'I BT VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF RALE to Ai directed from the Sunerior Oourt lot franklin county, Ohio, I will offer' for sale at Ihe door of the Court Hon, In th City of OolmbuCon -r ..( I Monday, ths 1st day-of April, A. D- 1861, between th tours ef 10 o'clock k. nt and eik p. m., the following deseribed real estate, sitnsj in the ooanty of franklin and Stats of Ohio, to wit; Lot No. tvelTe.ia; in Sallivant'i Adiytloo to the town ef frank. linton.' ' ' - - t ' . . .1 ApprlMdtf30S,00. ' "hiii i k,!'-,'. nj m , i.( G. W nOTFMAN.Iherlfl febxe-dltwtt. end Maiter. Commissioner. rnnter I reee J.w. , . . i. ut'ar mmilcm I a nrnaaaa.ll PCRIBRANDDIBS.WINKS.COIWULB,!)!!' TSXS,froa 'Bonded M iitphoime " , ' '. ' j av37 !",.( hi i tvi itti BotvthHighitreet, til i m--u-v;: tit jtuii-t" .sejet jfcioU .loaufMiv.s eir.oe bjJt jtJ .fli-rgl - pirn "' ' ! ..,--'. 'i e.-' ' ' vl : -; ' I &C. 1 it . i-. Sri ' 4mi 4ttU41 MB. KENNEDY. OF'r BOXBCHYJ hs discovered In one of onr common pasture fr-eed a remedy that cure'' '' m j Eyeiy Kind of Hiimor, , -a'.if .T;f!si.' .I,BOMKri.' - -'''' Ths worst Borofula downio common Pimple. He ha tried It la over lven hnndred eases. And nev er failed exoept In two cases, (both thunderhumor.) He has now In bis posseeilon over on bandied certificate of Ita value, all within twenty mllea of Boston. - ' I Two beUle an warranted to cr nursing lore mouth. On to three bottles wiHonra th worst kind of Planlei en the faco, n i, v, ; Two er three bottle will clear th lyitsm f biles. Two bottles are warranted to our tha worst canker H) the moalb or stomach. ,,,.,.), v,tv,i .in Three to fire bottle er warranted to cur the wont klndof Bryaipelaa. ,.. ,.,-,. ., . , l One to two bottles ar warranted to curl all humor In the Byes. , . j Two bottle ar warranted to cur runnlne o tha earl and blotches among the hair. : J ' , . ; . roar to six eotlei are warranted: to cute Corrupt and mnnlne- ulcere. 1 I One bottle will core scaly eruption of the iVlri. ''' I Two or three bottle an warranted to cure the worst kind or ringworm. ' v- -"-. , Two or three bottlea an warranted to" cure tha most desperate oaso or rheumatism. , .- . ( Three en rfrMP hnttlesan, mm.M Inntw n1f.Wrtm five to elrht bottle! win our tb wont ease of sera. fttlO, J - ... ... : ... . I , , ; A benefit Is ' alwsys experienced from (he AM bottle. perfect can Ii warranted when the above quanllty is ' ,i, -.a : ! I la htr t!,M ' ROitBnRT. MAH. ! Drab Haoam: The repu Wtlon of the Medical till cove nr. In curing all kinds of humors, is so well eatab- itined y tnnnanttnowToici nil who have ever am It that I need not ear anything or tb subteet. as the meet skillful phyeleian and the Most careful Drnggisti In tne country nn unanimous in it praise. i In nresenrlne the Medical Dlaooverv to voor nolle. I do It with a full knowtadg of Its curative power. In ra lievlng all and oaring eooat of thoee diseases to which you are unfortunately so liable. That most exoruclatlns Uiseaev 10 ail auecuonaie moiner, i.e NTJKSINO SOHE IMOUTll, ti cured as If by A miracle: yonr own temper Ii nitored to Ita natural aweetneei, and your babe from short and f retf ul nape to calm and sweat slam hers; end the Medical Discovery become a fountain of blessing to yoor huihand anu nousenoia. , , In the mon advanced stagei of ! CANKER iO...K--t Itntends to the stomach .causing - , --'1 1 . 1 DYSPEPSIA, i.,7 i., IS I which Ii nothing but ennker on.tha stomach; then to tb intestine and , - kivnets: creating sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference eta to me care oi your lamtiy. - ' . 1 r rour iiomscnis - - - ' - ' RAW AND INrLAiriED,1 your food dlstnsses you, and you! 'can only take certain kinds, and even of that yonr system does not get half th nourishment It eontalna, as th aerimonoui fluid ot the canker eats Hup; then your-complexion lose its bloom and become! aallow and greenlin, and your beet day is gone. - For want of nourishment yonr syitea be comes loose and flabby, and the flbrei or your body be oome relaxed Then follow e train of disease which thl Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted K I , . . v j . . . ,CO HE ,i ., .,..,). r.i,ii.iivu ui ui. uwf i, aiu lu iu Blue, .cuiin. v th (pin and email of th back, pain of the bip Joint whenyou retln, Irregularity of tb bowels,, and also, that moat excruciating ot diseases, trie I PILES.' ' v ' " 1 I How many thousand of pooreomen sre suffering from thl disease and pining away miserable life, and Uieir next door neighbor doea not know the came. I wish . to Impress on year mind that good old proverb, 41 An ouqea oi preventionu oeuer wan a pounaot cure, in ins) : " - fflEDICAL DISCOVEBT ' j row hate both th proven tatlv And th eon. with th' gnat and good quality, that U wjll BCTei, under any Oircnmaiances, oo you any injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY I eepectaly Intended for diseases of ft bldod, ' but slice Ita la trod not Ion la the Western States, tt Ii found to be tnenest ,..- , i AGUE HEME ' thitwai everbefon the nublio.' ' . ' " Noebahge of diet ever neoeasaryeat the best yoa dan and get enough ot it. i , ; , . Duirctiors ron on Adults one table scoonfnl rier day Children over ten yean, destert spoonful Children from five to eight yean, teaspoonrnl. As no directions sen be applicable to all ooneitutloni, take aufScient j to operaw.osiwe pwttci. .wiwo uay. ..x sli, I i U i. il, t(00nlrolFv Ui. t A I DONRALD klNNEDTi Price 11.00 perbottW th United Slate for y every dmggtit In ,. sepiit.dfcwly. . prof; l : MILLER'S HAIR Itl VIGOR ATOR An 'Effective ' Safe and i Economical ft ...... . -Compotiatl,' ( -,f UK KE31.UK.liNU UKAY UAItt To IU original color without dyeing, and preventing . .i a ting the 3 Il iiairirum turning gray. ,f TQR PaEVENlSO, BALDNESS; And earing it, when then I the least particle of vitality .- or recuperatlv energy lemajning. , ,f FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF 1 j - AndaJlouUneonsalleetions of tbe Scalp.' i lii I FOR BKAUTIKYINO THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nneqaled gloss ind brlltlancy, making i. son anw aiiay in ii 'tcximo, ana aausing u so carl reaotlf.o ft -:r i -i - it ......,(. . Ths great celebrity and Increasing demand for this rm- eqnaled preparation, convincea the proprietor that one trial Ii only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its supsnorquannn over any otnsr preparation la no. It aieanse ui oaaa ana scalp frosa dandruff; and other cutaneous diaeaaea, oaualng th hair to grow luxuriantly, giving It a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, aad also, where Ihe hair Is loosening end thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the root! and reaton the growth to hose parte which have beoema bald, causing It to yield a rasa eovariDg oi ruur i I , There an hundred! of ladle and gentlemen In New Tork who have had their hair reitored by the nm of this In vl go ra tor, when all other preparations hare felled. L. M. ha in his possession letters Innumerable testifying to the above facta, from person! of the highest redsectar Mllty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning antll the latest period of life: and ra esses where' the hair has already changed ita color, the use of tha Iavlgorator win wita oenarnty restore u to it to lis original hue, gtv log it a dark, gloasy appeannoe. Aa perfume for th toiiet ana a uair nesioraure it is particularly gecom. mended, having an agreeable fragrance: and th ere at ta- elliueitt afford la drassini the hair, which, when moist with th Invlgorator, can b dressed in any required form so as to preserve Its place, whether plalnor In curls; hence the great demand for it by th ladle aa a standard tolls! article which nun Wight to b without, ai ths price pioosa i wiuua tarn itmsi wi au, ntnusj t.-r,;i,,? ; :ii v Only Twenty-Kvej Cents per bottle, to b had at air respeofable Drelti lists and rerrwmvrs. - L. MILLBR would mil 'the attention of Parei-ts and Qnardlans tO'thettsetl hie Inrtgorator, in case where tlw children' hair incline te be weak, i Toe nse of lit lays th lonndation lor gao Maa of hair, as It re movoi any Impurltle that may hav bosom connected with tb scalp, ui removal pf which la necessary both tor ine neauu oi we cnua, ana w tuiura appearance KsBalrvvf i-atit titn- ta i.".- ., ; i Caotiowi Nuue gsnetne wlthoert the lao-stmllc LOTJIB MlLLKit Being on tne outer wrapper; also, L. MIL LE&'B HAIA I-NVIQORATOJI, K I., blown in the glsss. " ' '-' " "'. ' 1 ' " I . . WhoUeal Depot, M Day street, aad sold by all th pnncipat msnnania ana vraggist tnrougnout ui world ' Liberal discount to purchaser! by the quantity. ' I ! I site desire to present to the American Public my t HXW AND IMTBOVED IN8TA3rTA2rEOTJS LIQUID HAIR DYE, j which, after yean of sclentlflo experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dye Black or Brown Instantly wlthoutinjury to the Hair or Skin i warranted th best article ot we sine in exmsnoe. . ,. t PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. Depot, 66 DeyVSt, New ;York. ect2:dwly. - - ' . -' - V - IP HO SHOUID USE DR. J. DOUEE IMPERIAL"' WINE BITTERS? All Who are ellllcted with Incivlent Consumulioa or TT- T .. . I , , , - -All who suffer from Weak Stomachs. Iadtgestloa. Sve- pepiiaorrueeenoaia as lain. . . i All who suffer from General or SeitleHDcai aA.riiglit, ytrii ef 81eept fa aheuldJ.aM them. i All person! whs Are tonvaloseent after fever or other . aiinuwre ot w Uoapel, Lawyers A4Cttren, and aj nublio ineakera ,AriM nu, rJi.m . - Book keepers, ad aU Jr9ui leading t aedintary f should use them.. , ,, " ,,.7. .rui I ' Thesgedand rohrm ehonli'n tnetnV Ail wbo requlra a stimulant or tonlo khould Ri theu. All who re addicted to th us of ardent snlrita mni Wish to Inform, should pea them. r Ther an mads of a nun Bbarrr Wine, and of the live plants aad herb of th- country, andaoeuld be &. eommtnded by temperance socletiei, clergymen, phyaj dsns.aadall frland f humanity, i c -j t!,.,',.',, i . iney an prepared by an experience and skillful phy sician, and, aside from their medicinal pronertiea, an a most delightful beveragat and yea, a BMdlip, are ai InnocentandharmlessMthe dowgof heaven., I ria ey erugetat generally. ' '''i'-'e CBAiapS mDDinLD CO.,..Prcprletor; T8WilllaJtat New Kartt,., V a w-iirwn i,a,.1V(..jiniUmrne,,Ofcal J ctwMfclf.1';;'"iI --- ' -t awsAattaC. 'IIBI"-HL.V: ,US-ilU :,! t...!l AiMJI'lO I ,7-vllWWlT .H'A'f.Ht fl UriJJ' Od ,r?(xfwA'-f.nli ' T e i wite.- myim CURE . CURE f? NervbusHeadaclie By the use of thee Pill! the periodic attack of Aer- eoM or Ski Btadaekt maybe prevented; and if taken at thl commencement of an attack Immediate relief from sin and ilckneis will be obtained. They seldom fail In removing the Namta and Hood- lack tewhlohfonralano subject. '' .They act gently hpen the bo wall removing OotHno ftete.1 's ,!. ,i :-:'-'. lut library Men, ' Studtnti, . Delicate, females, and all persons of tedeninry habit; they are valuable as a Lotion, Improving the oppettt, giving lone snd eipor to the dlgeetlve orgttna, end restoring the natural elaiUeltyanditrengtbot tha whole syitom. " ,. TUB CK.PRALI0 PILLS sre the remit of long inves tigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been U) use many years, during which tlm they hav prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer ing front Headache, whether originating m th ftereou eyatem or from a deranged state of the Itomaei, Tbey are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and th abttnc of any tinagrtiabl taU rmdort it ay to admtnittor Urn eArarea. - ' -. - n BBWARBOf COONTBRfBITBI ; . The genuine have fire signstnns of Henry 6. Spalding on each Box. ;. ' " -, '. ., r"' Bold by Dmggtit and all ether Dealers le Medici eo. ( A Box will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of th Prloo, J30 OexxtSa All order should be addressed to .... . IIENBY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Htreet, New York. ,1,U. ' ' tn T0LL0WIN0 ENDOngBMBNTS OP 5Vf-t . ' 1 ' ' ' ''! r CEPHALIC PILLS, ' WXLLC0NT1KCB ALL WHO BTJPFBR s"R0M HBADACHII . . ..' ,. . ' 1 THAT A ' 1 V- T nt v r" ! J " SPEEDY iSD 8URE CUBE - ; IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. At tha TtttimonMtver tinaoHcittd oy W,. Spalw ' we, they afford nqutttUmabl proof oft A eS i . , , acy of f truly icientifio dltooiery, , I M.Kirvri,La, Corn , Feb. 8, IflDI. Mr. Br.tomo. BlR I have tried yonr Cephalic Bill, and Hi I kern to viell that I want you to send me two dollars worth mon. Part of these an for the netghbon, to whom I gave few out of th first box I got from yon, j. ,tr i, ., Bend the Pllli by mall, and oblige , t : a-.i! ... u. . . . Your ob'tBewaL, " -t V. - . JAMEJ KENNBDY. i. .,. 'i-. i.: .. ;c i IlAVBtroRB, Pa., Feb. 0, 1WJ1. Ma. Sfauiro. . . ., . . Silt: ' I wish yon to send me one mon box of your Cephalic Pills, JAav roeeived a gnat deal of btnefitrom them, Tours, respectfully, ...V. : ,.: - MARX ANN BTOIKHOTJBB. i (il Entpcs Crkik, Hortiwotoii C.,Pa.,, -.-! .. .. ,, -January 18, jeCL'j... J II. C. BPALniKo. Sir: .- ' ' ' ' 1 - ' Ton will plaaae send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pill. Bend them Immediately. ' . I..:- . J r Itespectfully yours, , . - 1 '. JNO. B. SIMONS. P. 8. I hav used one toto of your fit!, and find VnmestfitUenU ... , jj . : i.- i i . ! l .i .. . Blltt Ynigog', oifi0( jui, i5t . Hhrv 0-BrAintNe, Baq , , ;, , i Pleass find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which tend me aaother box of your Oepkalio PHI. . Tile ar truly the best JfiU 1 hav tvor tried. -v . . Direct 1 A.BT0VR,T.f., '' j pi. i i: lit i." - ' Bill Vernon, Wyandot Oo., 0. BtvnLT,'MAM.,Deo. 11, 18C0. H.C. BPALSiae. Esa. I wish for some circulars or large showbill! to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my cuito men. If you bave anything of the kind. : patas send to me. r One of my customers, who Ii subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) ua oursvi of an attack in on hour by your Ptllt, which I sent her. i : . i i Jii-iiii',. stespectfallyyoun, ' n i .;'.) ,.-.i1,..w. W....WIIJS. i ' J '- RRTRoinaona, fRAWRun Co., Onro, January 0, 1H61. J Uiaitv 0. SrALOira, - ' , No, 48 Cedar it., N. Y. . , , -0 , .,; 1( ; ,, Ds.r8ir:' ' Incloeed find twenty fin cents, (23,) for which send box ot ''Cephalic Pills.'.' bend to address of Ber. Wm. 0. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Iranklln Co., Ohio, i YouvPill vork lik a tharmair Utadatkt al- mot tnttanttr, Truly yours. I.i a: f ;.; i ni , - . .!" WM. CTILLBR. TrsiLAim, Mien.; Jan. 14,1801. Mr, BrALDijioi 8m: . Net long sine I sent to yon for a box of Cephalic Pills for the eun ef tb Nervous Headache and Oosllvtness, and received tha same, and they had to good an efftct that Iwatindaotd to tendor mo., i vi lju- , rieaae sena oy return man. Direct to -r 1 A. n TA lie I-ITS; - -i ' till 01-' : ) 1 i ft-1' r t, i ,. iuxf YpsllantL Mich. ,.. i . , from the Bxamlner, Norfolk, Ta. j- Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they win mad, vis.: Cnn of headache in all Its form, -' I '.o sf I gn b,, sxamlnir, korfolk, Va.'' " . Thiy have been tetted In mon than a thanmnd eases with entire success. , ,,s .t., f ,. -,, ,J(i(, :oir s .'from the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Mian.'. J , If yon are, er have been, troubled with tbe headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) io that you may have , them In case o( en attack, m 1- ,: Iil ' J 3 '" f rom'th Adve'rtUer, Providence', B.' I.1 J ' The Cephalic Pills an said lobe e remarkably effective remedy for the headache, aad on of th very bait for that vary frequent complalnt,whlch has ever been dis covered. , --' - - -' ' 4 --r--.:S .i i I ,-. ;:, .(. ! , v p...-, . from tha Western B. R. Gazette, Chicago, 111. " Vi hearllly endorse Mr. Spauldlng, and hi nnrlvalel Cephalic Fills, i j,".w ini, m; :il5Kiyjo - 1 from the Kahawta Valley Star, Kanawha, TaJ , We kn inn that persons suffering with .the headache, HVii''u..- ', .-..r-vn' ooj 1 frosa tne Boothem Palh finder, New Orleans, ti.n -. Try them I yoa that are affile hid, and we are lure that four tut imony can b added to tb already numenns list that hs received benefit! that no other medicine ean produce, sjjj j ,-r: o .pltil trft lymot t front theBALilDe()orat.'i w; '(" The ImmCns demand for the srtlels fOenhallA Pliiai Il rapidly Increasing. j ., . , m f ran the Qaeet w, Davenport., Jonv , ,r Mr. Snsldln wonld not eonneet hie nam arlth an tlcle he did not knote to possess real merit. ' ------ n ' T" ' : TTPX ilngls bottle of SPALDING'S PRKPARBD . Yll.n J-TV . t a tttafl trt Tan "Vk a . L- V ' -a '-,- ' - . .... i ... t . I J ,n f "t1 SpAtDINO'S PREPARED 'GLTJB tl J0 '! ' "; "TJ. I ff.taaTk.'l..l of a.. :i-f tie U;,: SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUB l. ' BAVB THB PII0B8I , '' ;i.a00N0MII'c. j : ; , i (. . DI8PATCHI ol .iir!'ASTiTFjS ftitB Swa: Nnre.",;, Asaocldenli will happen, seen In well regulated fam ilies. It Is very desirable to have ' some aheap and con venient way for repairing f urnllnn, Toys. Creokerv. c. - BPALDINal! PREPARED GLUB meet all such emergeoeris. aad no hsusshold san afford to b without it. At la always reaay, ana up to we iiicr. Ingpolnt. 1 v .-. !:; J VlJBJsruiAri stRi Aiuuqe.j.(rt,,,-,rl N. B. ABrush eecompanlci . each bottle. Pilcc, Bl cent. ' Address,' ' ' ' u ii maun hjsri tj.vtt.pii n. No. 4H, Cedar Btreet, New Tork. - , -AUUTIOM , Al certain -RDprlnclpled persons are , attempting to palm off on ths unsuspecting public, Imitations Of my. FUKPABBD ULCal. I. wsuhl eaubJe alb aereotw taex- ainiae peiore pnn-"wi aini pre tJi.i ine timi nnic. 11 IDPSPAliDleitJ B PHJ.l'A)i.l,iJii'Jl M bh Uii) qqtsid,wraprjraU ethya f re itt loUlu-rtMa Hiiiriia, .... ' . - , t , frlla p I". till ol t'lBir'Jin I: i.i ..till itt tirretu T'l 1'?"'.' j f.'ll r-4