Newspaper Page Text
yv -a .-rT V' t i j"Tal I I :J-5t7'S ii ... . i ...a aw. A.. - i .? - .1 JJI. ri J' iv.v.a s jTi it id !'.l i (I'll i .-' r-IS, i ! i!l ' Sy; e tsi J, .1 .1- S J1'. if I aailf a fctl.f. M'tlf a i . 'II " ' ' T 'V M .-. n'! (! I'll. .ii. L ;;, Hi ia if i f I W I r-VSJ Wl I .AT Fa -eBCr'N. ArlV WVl Yr JL'WJL'V asv , o o w vv IvO 'T X lT :r .... tJ,..,.,,,. .-Ti , -T ... TvX; VOL; VIL NO. 245. NEW SERIES, ;.C0L1IMBUS. OHIO. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCfl 21.1861: A, v DAILY. TSI-WEXKLY Aim WEEKLY MAN YPENNY & MILLER, POBtIIH)EI AKD PBOPSIITOBI, CT fiffie 0f. 86, 88 nd 40, Korth Elgk ft. MJH WVAHUBLT IN ADVA501 - oy wo vomer, per WHI. 1116 Mnta DO per year. weekly,. I .- . 1 oo " crma oc AdTertUlnr bf the lMre n(iiut im..,990 00 On tmoLtbt IB 00 3n " ' OnoDthl 00 3n " Imouthi 10 00 3no , II noDthi H W 0d I month. 8 00 On tqaai S Mk. .4 09 On ' Mk. I 00 On " lwek... 1 TJ On " ldr... 1 00 On " ' iiill.., TS On " lionrtiM SO Diipljre4 dvrtlMnenti Iul( or Bun the tbor AdretUninenU tetded knd p1al In th eolamn of All uulioetnqalrM to be published by lw, legal rate. ii oriiereapm mm iniiae emasiYefy Mir ID IralireK ' per rent, nor thin the lT but nil each wil tppMrln the Trl-Weekly without ohinre. Builneii Oftnli, nolooeedlnn tre line, peryenr, In nue. mi per line; ouuiae -t i- . Notloeeof nee Uugi, otuirlULloi ocleUef , ftr oontptnl, All trantttnt advtrtUtmmU nwl ft paid ftr n (e(ftc Tbe rule will not be Tartedfnm. ' Weekly, euie price m the Dally, wher th kdrertlMf teeui Weekly Hone. Where Ite Billy and Weekly re both uel, then the charge terth Weekly will be nl the ratee of the Dally. No adrertltement taken except for a definite period BUSINESS CARDS. xEAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring; 4c Water St., Ooliimbufl, Olxlo W. B. POTTS & OO, MAOEdiaiOTO, And Manufacturer! of Braa and Oompoeltlon Outing, ainniKu oraee nor a oi an veeeripuoni. Electro Plating and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. febllHMiy i i F. A. B. 8IMKI53, Attorney at Xja-w AND NOTARY PUBLIC. 0S1 Ani'orif, Uolldlnr, oppoelte Oapltot Square. ' ' ' Columbus, omo; OOLUMBUO Machine Manufacturing Compaoj ''I MaNOyaOTOMU or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Oatttnfi, Kill-Qeulni, XAchlotrj. Railroad Wprls, of ivrr eiBcumoti. . COLVHBVR, OHIO. . 0IIAS. AM BOS, Bup't. P. AMBOITreae. aeoll, WirJ-tf ,,,, ,w . .. , , 5 v'l Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Sayton ft Indianapolis! Through to Indianaoolii without Change of Carl and bat One Change of Can between Columbus and St. Louis. THREE TRAINS d"aILY FROM C0LUM . -, x- BUS.-- nRSTTRAIN. , (Dully, Mondantxeepttd.) NIGHT EXPRESS, Dayton, at 8:4 a. m.,itop . ping at London, Xenia, Dayton, Middletowa and Hamil ton, arriving at Otneiunati at 8:M a. m.tDaetoa at6:S a.m.,Indianopoltat 10: id a.m.;kt. Loulaat U:50 P B' ' SECOND TRAIN." '" A000MM0D ATI0H, at 6:10 a. a., atopplng at all BU tlontbetweeuOolumbua and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rlrlng at Cincinnati 11:0 n. b., Dayton at 9:1$ a. m., Indlanopolla if 8;S p. m. - THIRD TRAIN. - DAT BXPSIBS,at SiSOp. a., topping at Alton, JeDereon, London, CUarleeton, Cedarrllle, Xenia, Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow, Deerfleld, foeter'a, Loreland, Mlllford and I lalnrtlte, arrlring at Olooin nati at 7:S0 p. m. 8t. Lou la at i a; Daytom at p, a Indlanopolla at 10:3tt p. n. Bleeplayx Care oa all Pflrht Tralaa te tJlnclanail ana laaianapalie. - s . BAGGAGE CHECKED ' TIIROCGH. f , 1 ' ' ' For furtherlcformation and Through Ticket, apply to ,.."".'.' M. L.DOIIBBII, , I Ticket Agent, TJnloa Depot, Oolumbua, Ohio. ' 'J lti; iO f - Jt. W. WUUVWAHD, ,. , Superintendent, Cincinnati. Jul3 a r - -2 v- v.- ,. 5; , Apantj OoluhbM. ,' J SOMETHING NEW;; - h ow ard & jia o lb. CALL. AT MO. S3, SOUTH HIGH ST., and eaamiM our new auk of , AMERICAN WATCHES, annnfactured by It HOWARD h CO.', Btirton, Mae. Theae Watehee are far auperiof to anything aver effeicd to th public, heretofore. . Hating the axclunir agency, 1 can aell theot at price to euft the time, i I hare i oat reoeired i Urge rtock 0fx AMERICAN WATCHES, ' anufaolurel by ' AXFllfOir, til ACT, a CO alto; flnauiortmentot ,; J . ' ENGLISH AND SWISS-WATCHES, In Gold and BilTr-0arJ')tPank) price. Jantl ' ... , T., H f' BAVAQI. 1 Art "lcn GBEEN a lUUTKrt todoagprUnBlo - 1 60 pookeui eld Dutch OoTerDmen and BJLACK tlx 1nnM. i OorernBent Jara Coffee. ' ' '' . 75bgerionOofre. ' ' ' '- SOObbla.eaandardWhlU Sngar. CoBetori of Pow 4rd,Chni,hed, erannlated A and B Coffee. SO qnlnUle Oeorg Bank Codflah. 3 J . gobble. Meet and Mo. 1 MeokeraV- ?'" ; '' 5 to. Pick Salmon. ,lv.-. l i I 1(H) hi.. Layer KU l ne, ,. v-'u ;. j '.o JUhf. bosdo do f : ')i.v:: ( V. t100qntS do ';ido ;.): v! -n ton hi OiMri. different brand and .rM. : ' .'"' WM. McDOMALD.. ' rHffi,i,-.c;il.lLIJSiY.5 ,y'; ' -. And Blank-Eisok XSaanlaatiim XO&TS HIGH K1XR, 00111X8111, QE10 aartt-SIp An'MX Ha '. ?0 FAMILY FLOCK rHITlt WHEAT, BRANDED' '" L' ,8NQW,F.LAKSi.".., I..,, From "BarnetUHlle," Springfield, 0.-th beet brand of Flonr brought a ear Market. Batltaetlon guaranteed. , rfM, McDonald's. orff A I.KKANDktbS LKXi GLOVE a. BAtM.1 WH.U. Wi,RtlBth.trl , ' - i ' STONE'S BAZAAR. No. 4 Gwviino !Block. P. STONE & O'HARRi; ABB NOW REOEI VINO TIIEIBTTIIV. IBB OO0DB, and lnriUthe publl to lntpeot the. Mo Inch itock of Ooodi hat rer been brought thU market. The Booth, In oontequenc of th fallur f th train erop, haa not been able to parehue th ne alquanUty of rich food, and this fact haa forced th Importer! to sell thea at publl auction. Our buyer (Mr. itone) binc In Mew York at thea burn aalea. took adnata of them, tAd we can and will Mil our roodt sera, u imm loan maj mm wno puronaaea two week! tinoe, paia lor mega u new xorav. uar itocK U aomplel rtry department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, ' , OTTOMAN VELOURS, - ; BROCHE VA1ENCIA8, - PRINTED MERINOS, " ' ... PRINTED COBURG8 - DYED COBUGSi sliALin ALrAbAo, ' ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, . POPLINS, PRINTS, SHAWLS AUD CLOAKS Rye Thausand' Dollars) Worth Bought in One Day, At half the Coat of Impentatlon LADIES' FURS, In alt Varletlee. ml , the Celebrated nanafature f C. O. Onn ' " . there 4c Bon. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men'a,talle nod Children1! Under Ihlrta and Drawem Ladle. Mian and Children Hoelerj of all klnda, in Wool and Lamb't Wool! fleecy Lined and Cotton OIotm oi erery malt A oomplete Mtortment bf H the usual rwrie tioiof .. . LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, OVERCOATINGS, . ... TWEEDS. -t: RIBBONS, ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladiei and Oe&t'i Linen Cambrlo Hand- , ? kerohiefli, Ac, &o.: To Mnon who sail on ne. we nlerlre anr wonla to hoe them the largeat, beat o4eheaptt itock of Oood erer aeen in mia market, or pay uraon dollar per aeeiniyntawitw. BTOHB O HtSBA. LATHROPp LUDINGTON & C0. 23 ft 25 PASK PLACE, ', . i 20 ft 22 KUBSAY BTBEET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF.' Foreign and Domestio DEY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ;8gBTJGv-l861v We are opanlnr. at ooeaapl warerooma. at the abor numbera, ateeka of Oooda In oaeh ef the aU deparunenta i our Duaioaa. euperlor to anything w bar Heretofore CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Thu ha vrown to it nreaont maraltud under th fhoronth maoaarment of a borer of lonr txiierleno and acknowledged good tail. , W keep txtenaiTt line of uauneiiana cnoieeet . . FANCVVESTIG$ : AND :. " FANCY GASSIMERES To be found la th market, all (elected With th nloeet diaoruntnatloa. Alao, all iradn, colon and rarleue ofj BROADCLOTHS, , ' . SATINETS, LADIES' CL0AINNG3, ... -r - TWEEDS, IABMIRB' and MERCHANTS' CA88IHIBI8, KIKTUCKT JIANS, from 9X to 12 eenU per yard and npwardi; TWIIDB, 19 to 15 cent peryard-laat pear told at 18 to JO; . ) J PRINTED SATIN ITS, at 14 eentt; . . ' . And tthtr Qoodt comtpondinglf Low. '" iDress-Qoods Departmpt. : Muchetur D Lalnea, Hamilton do. Pacifio. do. Printed Lawn, Printed Brilliant, Fancy Olnghanu, Bombaalnei, Black Bllka, - Fancy Bilk. ' Printed Oballl. Maoeheater Glnghama, " Olaegow do. 1 Clinton I ' do. Ottoman Olotha, ' Alpaoaa, Pop Una, ' J AndthNaStltctStyUf FANCY SPRING GOODS. Herrlmae Print, Ooeheao do. FaelBo do... Richmond' Print!, American do, Dunnell' " do. Kngllah ' ' do. Bpragur do. Manchetr, o. Print, dto. i IXDMESTIO CXJTTON8. Lawrence 0. Bheellnga, Atlantis A, Sheeting, Btark Amoakeag do. do. Lathrop Bhawmut Poeaaret . ' f .00. do. do. 'ppietoa, Irerett do. :J All Grtdet and WidlhiJ BtlAOniD BHIRTINQB AND 8HE1TINQB. Waniuttn, D wight, : ;:- ,lnnmaM, Lonadal, r . , Clreat Fall, Maumkeag, .BUI, :: Waltham, t : , froou, .1 RwTprkMHU,to.,o. " SHAWLS ANMANTILLAS, I 4 LABOg AMD MUtCT aMOHTMtllT. OOTTONADIS a gnat variety riii.i i t OHHOKS do. . , , ,:.,..,..! TICKINUS-all the Hading brand, , . DBNIMS do.' i-.. i do-..., v.. - ... ,') " 8HIBTINO SruiPIB-all th kadln brand, MaNKBKNS I-- do. . , , do , OOB8KT JIAMS do. do. MOIUBNB - " 1. do. DAMAHK8, PAPBH OAMBRIC8, OOLOBXD CAM- U KJOB,c.,to. eu.,: ..-.t,,,,,,... .V LARGE AND: COMPLETE STOCKS OF warn good i V.'.t-i . r i;0l i BOSISSTr :' i .TAim jronoB, Gentlemcii's FiiriiisliiBg JGocds, 4 I UMBREtLAS AliD PARASOLS, CABPETS AND OILoCLOTHS, a rml rarlety of Oood Dot DUmra(ei-ll of And which we pledge ottnelV to aell at the lowft mark pHott th larger portion at froia 10 to f 0 per pent, Jeea UTHROP, LUDINGTON & CO, ji 1 1 ri'.'.r nuu' t.iVJ HEW YORK. ? Irish Linen Goods.' HttaRhanthd-pabrio ....... Ill' Linen Shirt Boeome plain and Taooy Shirting ami lorn, Llnna. . Linen Bheettnre and Pillow Caetnge. i.-r-i. 'Ltara Oambrte and Las knwne. I '' ' ' - r- -. ,. - tHekee-lmaah1,!! kJ. Urieai Naxkroa ami rrOriieea . i linen Table Olomeand Mn linX-A ;:; IWnvU Towel with eoH,4 bordera'it ilnya S'rOow.rinir.nd Omb. n-5 au. '.iVWf, ie.-MWtt.-I?; J to OHIO STATESMAN STEAM . ' ui. BOOK ajTB JOB V , 1 ' '" I', ; .;. r i. i,v i. ' .' I i ' PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Harliig increased tt already 'i . ' . 3 ..f .'EXTENSIVE FAOIltTIE 8, ' It fully prepared to exKUt In the ' MOST. ELABORATE MAMfc" AMD V . i. D THE LATEST STYLES - '! . .-. :,':'. ;' i , CATALOGUES, ' BRIEPS, J f SILLS UDINO, BILL. HEADS, WOTEsI ' " ' DRAFTS, -J.J CHECKS, ; CIRCULARS, ' PAMPHUTS, LITTiEB BXADSr i: HQAL BLANKS, DRAT BICXTPTS, LABELS, CARDS, INTBLOPIS, ' I. f RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every deacrlptton of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Xfual to any BrtabllihBBit la the State, 'tad npon . i w . ... .i . '.,'-.; in , 1 term which will compare favorably with the ; i.t :s -.. r. .' . .. i:.:...; -.' , 'I : I ,'. leading Eaatern PrintUig 'Houiet. ' ' ing tTTr yaoUity. to aid . TJ ; Jl rr ..,-.. l . lit TBI FBODOCno OF ' ELEQ-ANT POSTERS ' HIGHLY .Ilttf JJINAf ED SHOW CARDS, a. I" 1. I v, . We offer our lerrlcee to H who. aap dciir that elaw . r 1: - : of work. IT bit oonneet! with our XitaUIthmeni a BLANK BOOK BINDERY, From which we produce the . AHJ) TU Vosf EUPEEB BAIL BOAS BLASZ BOOKS. f ...n-ayiM. . .. .... f ( ; Vj.v.l. U ,1 I ''r-1 .!B I.-;'' ; ...... j' .'.i.vr ,ati- ) ' ii n;, .','..:, jn, j " OUR' ESTABLISHMENT si:-. '.'! OI 1 l f.CU fll I...'.1"' r. i-i.' i--..-,s ,i j ).. ( 0 ,i i - St hdaltted to b . .. ' . . .'. v : i ys t r. to. v : i-.r v - i I; . .0 f ;-i .3 I'H .I'll Cvl ... ..-x? Vi 'i . ... ,v.: 'jod-it, ,.t.'. -..,..,,'..'.'1 I" i . , i).i. :.g.i j.,.tTitr I '" .' !" n 1.1'I n, I", ' ' ' :-, . :J1 ; , ' a-. . lti i.t -r , , : tii . ;.l-i '! : 7nrM08t( i f If.jii. I i n O.-' jVti u COMPLETE IN FICttlTIES, v ) tiitr d) ,i.5a' Jf.: "..j: o AKO TOT Oit' i ";t"'a i f ; c i' J i. , o ,'...i). ;i f, 0 'J i 11 ii . .iW tl IN ORGANIZATION ; Hi. i.i n.1 j a.Tii m i 't v ji ,oi.u t'.i o ii.'a i:o- ..ri o: 3 ...1 vj.j-.y.. ;.n imji iln this Cltyv ead we raay add,; xa-'-fm i.Oi I in Wl? mil FAVORABLY COMPARE 16 1. - Ii Jw. ,, it : ft t M-i llTt" , .a.,'!. f, .! .i M i c!..u, ui ivj Maulil rv . f.'V.'l WITB Allt ; '- mi 'i J 'BICBABD nsvins- J,."r,.i I'll ' PROPSDtTOB. n Gents' Linen ghirt '-Collars, V. OTB,tBlaaato,i Syroav JBmitnw . and tMr MwpMeenmed Poakwt iiaadkmhteta. Keok Tie. Baeeat, Btnet mndn rah?' , Barf II oa ef very kind, DnSarOmenteaad all kind ef taealC F alahliif (odla flreat varkrty andet naoderac prloea, , H f-aAIM BOH. . . 1:1 B il . mrmmm nRSJal DlltjeJIfeJ 5- MALTLHB mt TUam.A 1,4 IK bil tt i J ejuallties tot LadM, iwiwr' l ilt, 'ajawdk- ' - I - r .vicu ti.-rTW.g ., of be I the ' at of tbe a af the and we tne ''' noi of 1 'r;S , t! we. TXBMS. ; ,,, j 4; j j ,.: Daily, per pear. .i I00 t Tri weekly, per ear..".-f v,-"v' ; ou Weekly, per yeai, I 00 March—The Blustering Month and its Characteristics. ' "Be patlenl.'iwalm; the roel teemlngwinl Blnw not in vain. Far hncthv keep renreeaed Thedep,nln elonde ma elood aarakargtd with ! That, o'er th vast Atlantis hither horn la endleee train, would quench th Bummer blue, And, eheerleaa, drown th eraile, unriponed year. : Th North ! ipendJ hi rage; he, now that up . Within hi Iron cave, th ffiuiT South . Warm the wide air. and o'er th void of heaven . Breath th bigcl.nda with vernal ahowera dlatent." THOMSON. " Maren tea conflict between the wlnda of the North and the South, and in this respect the oil- mate of America at tola aeaaon bean a oloee re- aemblauce to that of Britain. ' The itme Golf Stream that flowi along, .our ooatt, produoing tuoh marked changes our temperature tweesB the westera ahoieatlteisBd and Eur land, carrjlDg the heat Of tropioal tea, and the floating wrecks of tropioal lands, thoupandt of mllea toward the'polee. The Laplander cooks hie reindeer steak, and bolls hie teakettle, If he Indulges In that luxury, with the -palms that were floated out into the Caribbean Sea. Ae we are nearer to the tropics, and the Gulf Stream has a higher temperature, and as our northerly wind come over soow cIad-lands.we bare greater alternations of heat and cold in iprioK, than are known In Eneland. Theeesud den changes are the characteriBtlo features of tnis month. To flay we nave the wind from be yond the (treat lakes, and the thermometer toes down to the neighborhood of cero. To-morrow It oomes from the warm South, bearlne rain. laden clouds snd the balmy air of the Mexican Gulf. Now we have fierce snow-storms and E Inching frosts, and it would seem that Winter ad resumed his iron sway. Again the snows dissolve, the banks disappear from under the walls, ana m sneiterea nooks tne mss line its green spires above the withered vegetation 'of the old year. ' Holding oan be more charmlns than these first Indications of spring, after the lone and dreary winter. The notes of the bluebird are heard in the orchard, and be is seen peeping into tne anomoie mat ne ocoupiea in ine sum. mer. A stray robin Is seen hopping on the meadow In search of crabs. What lands hare they visited while their old haunts have been wrapped in snow! The wild e-eese fly over head in long wedge-shaped Bocks, seeking their oreeaing pieces on tne coast 01 JUabrador, and furtner ootid . . Tnis is a sign, universally oepted, that winter is broken The unerring ininnct . oi toe oira aoea not Dusn nortnward until certain oi nnoine a congenial clime low laying its eggs and for brooding, The ducks In ter are disappearing from the bays and inlets along the shore, and seeking by easy fiicht the same northern retreats.i ,Tbey know their appointed season., . And among domestio animal there are toheering Indications of earing. , It i will soon be yeaning time with the flocks and herds, and the boys and girls will be trejoioing over the oalvea and lambs, that son suddenly and mysteriously make their; appearauoe in the yard. . Though all is dead yet in field and for eet, there is a stir of preparation that heralds the ooming spring. The buds swell a little in the bright warm days. The water runs mer rily from the dripping eaves and spouts, and the uncovered earth drinks la the flood, and the cheering rays of the , sun. 1 Could these sunny days last, the spring would be upon us at once. But here la the fatal weakness of this fickle month. She doee nothing peralet eutiy, ana oiteo closes in snow Dinks ana frost, apparently as dead as December. ,1 [From the N. Y. Times.] The Assailant of Fort Sumter A merchant of this cttyiwho was allowed to tee tbe mucn-vaunted "rloating Battery,' while recently on a visit at Charleston, has sent u the following: ' ' "V - ' "After much difflculty, I obtained a permit to visit tne rioanng Battery that we bave all heard to much about. Acoompanled by one of tne uovernor s Aias, ana met by Lieut. Hamil ton at tbe entrance, we crawled through the gun holes, and stepped on the main deck. : The first Impression is that of immense solidity. Tie out or gun siae is covered with six males of iron two of thenx, of the T rail road pattern, placed hwlsontally, and the other four, bolted one over tbe other in the strongest manner, and running vertically. The wall ef the eunhide la full four feet think-. nn etruoted or that peculiar Palmetto wood, so full fibrous material tbat sixty four pounders can notpleroe them. ' The main dock it wideand roomy, in nineteen open chambers, on the port side of the deck, we foand a profusion of toot unty-iour pounaers, while lust bevond them te an Immense alio of sand bags, which protect an over-hanging reof, under which is to placed the hospital.. This also protects tbe augtslnes, (three in number.) nnder which Is the bold proper. There are six entrances to the hold, wnlon will contain, if neeesaary, over three hundred men. - When it is finally : moored near Sumter, there will be four heavy wedeea driven down by a species of a ram, whfoh will hold it last, and prevent any swaying around by tbe tide. Although not versed in military matters. should say that 1U immense strength of Pal metto loss and Iron combined, with a hnmiv. proof roof over all. will make it perfectly lm pervtene to anything that Major Anderson can bring to bear against It. While thus secure, inventor claims that he oan' easily effect a breach in: tbe weak aide of the fort. -lb will cost to complete, $15,000.". i.a i list; (tmuaix.-. up for thc In we the tbat died tbe New lived have aa Iy, t nave fully true. on on at by the One Hundred Years Age. On hundred yean ago there was tot a eincle white man in udio, Kentucky, Indiana or Illi nois Territories. 1 Then,' what is Vow the moat flourishing part of America wu aa little known the oouutry round the ' Mouofrtns-of the Moon; It was not until 1769 tbat the hunter Kentuoky,1 tbe gallant and adventurous Boone, left hie bone in North Carolina to be come tb first settler of Kentucky. The first pioneer of Ohio did not settle till twenty years after tbat time. -: A hundred year ago. Canada belonged to France, and the whole population of united states aid not exceea a million' and half of peopled A hundred years ago, the out, this . great great Frederick of Frussia was performing those great exploits which have made him immortal in military ansais,: ana wiut cis lime csooareby sustaining a, single banded oentest : with Russia. Austria and 1 ranee, the three neat powere of Europe combined. A hundred years ago, the United States were tbe most loyal part the British Empire, and on the political borr Itoa no speck Indicated the struggles, which within a score of years thereafter established greatest Republio of the world; 'A Hundred years ago; there. were but fournewspapersln Amerfoa) eteam engines had not been imagined, railroads and telegraphs had -not entered Into the1 remotest conception of man.n Whan come to', look back at it through the vista of Btttory, we-'nna-.tbat the century whloh has Dsssed bas been allotted to more- important events, In their bearing vpon-the happiness of woria, inao aunost any omer wblch bas elspsed elnoe the ,ereatioa, A hundred years hence, what will be tbe developments 1, , u ' 1 " -.CO y. 1 ' T" .j, i Cairxxsemss br PgDwtta 'iit.AuiiucaDr,' Curtis, , in bis last State Registration , Report, ipeaks of a marked neglect of the American people as follows : "'" , : - vo, , V More attention Is given In this country to the pedigree of nnlmals than of human beings, and many persons can tell the siact genealogy of a favorite horse for several generations, who do know, the maiden names of their own grand mothers, W would it be possible for them to ascertain the fact from an v , legal record. . It would probably be impossible for a large portion tbe middle-aged men and women la the United States to proro that their Own parents were) erer married, and that they hare any ie-' lltUnate tight to the same they bear.' ' Career of a Rich Man. . We have seen It stated lately, upon what ap peared to be reliable authority, that the wealth of William B. Aator, of New York, amounts to at least forty millions of dollars. It is enrions to trace this broad yellow stream to its first little beginnings in tne early career or John Jacob At' tor, father of the present millionaire. 1 From a sketch of this remarkable man, which appears In a Work entitled "Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres, by Vincent Notte, we learn that John Jaoob Astor was born at Heidelberg, where the original name of his family is said to have been Ascbter, ana that be came to new xorr as a furrier's apprentice. He was at that time as poor as any other apprentice boy then or now in New York. The wages be got in the peltry warehouse for beating out and preparing various skins he invested in the purchase of all kinds ot peltry bear, mink, and rabbit skins which he got from the Indians, woo at that time wander ed about the streets of New York, and as soon as ha bad oollected a certain quantity he sent them to Europe, particularly to the Lelpsio fair, There, it is stated,' be traded them off for Nuremberg wares, chssp knivss, glass beads, and other articles adapted to trade with the In dians on the Canadian frontiers, and took them himself to the latter points, whors he again ex. changed them for furs of various' kinds. ' He has often told Mr. notte mat ne carnea on tnis work untiringly for twelve long years, going In person, alternately, to the Canadian frontiers, and then to the Lelpsio fair, and lived all the while, as he had been accustomed to do. hum bly and sparingly. ' After he had thus managed to bring together1 a considerable capital, be gradually became a freighterjof ships, and fitted out expeditions to the Northwest coast, to trade with the Indians or Nootka Sound for furs. Another and very considerable round np the ladder or lortune was taken by Astor in land speculation. Some of his countrymen owned land in New York by virtue of being relations and nelrs or Uerman soldiers who bad fought in the American army In the Revolution, and to whom UongresB bad voted land in consequence. Many of the eoldlers died without converting tneir property into money, ana Astor. alter a visit to Heidelberg, made arrangements with the heirs which were mutually agreeable; tbey thinking it better to have a little ready cash than to own a great deal of land, tbe value of which was very elow In Increasing, and be hav ing the foresight to anticipate and the patience to,await tne result. " So the heirs got their money, and Astor ob tained their land, some of which Is now among the most Important in the city of New York. this way a fortune of twelve millions of do!. lars was accumulated. The vast increase un der the management of bis son, Wo. B. Astor, Esq., shows that be inherits tbe energy and bnalneas habits of his father, but affords no such demonstration or money-making genius ss the 'career oi John Jacob. Indeed, the lat is reported to have said that it cost him more trouble to make tbe first thousand dollars than Baltimore American. .... Tax Land oF CoMTaaaixs. In Australia the north Is tbe hot wind, and the south the cool, tne westerly the most unhealthy, and the east the most salubrious; it is summer with the col onists when it is winter at borne, and tbe ba rometer Is considered to rise before bad weather and to fill before good: tbe awana are black, and the eagles are white; the mole ys eggs, and bas a duck's bill; the kangaroo (an animal between the deer and the eauir. rel) has five claws on his fore paws, three tal ons on bis bind legs like a bird, and yet hops on ' his tall. There , la a bird (melliobaga) wblch bas a broom in its mouth Instead of a tongue; a fish, one-half belonging to genue rara, and the other that of aqualus. The cod is found in the river and perch in tbe sea; tbe valleys are oold and the mountain tops warm; tne neuie is a tony tree, tne poplar a dwarfish ehrub; tho pears are of wood, with stalks at tbe broad end: tbe cherrv crow the atone outside I the fields are fenced with mahogany; the hnmbleet house la fitted with cedar, and tbe myrtle plants are burnt fuel; the trees are without fruit; tbe flowers without toent, and birds without song. Rxv. Hinbt (Wabo Bxxohh on Whitnit. iMVXNToa of thi Cotton Gin. Beecher, bis Rochester diatribe, said: , "The South sucks the Northern bosom and fill It with milk.. VVe work and thev rear fruit of our toil. We Invented the means of prosperity. Whitney made the cotton gin Las done so much for the South, and he a poor man, aa they cheated him out of reward of bis toll. -. Ch valrvl Chivalrvl" Eli Whitney left an estate of about $200,000, wnion tne record or tne rrooate oiuee at new Haven, Conn., can show.' Tbe widow and family of Mr. Whitnev. at Haven, bave, from the time of hie death, In affluence from tbe estate, which, must been well known to Henry Ward Beech or, oin laiuer ue nev. ivman ueecaer. u. u. bis daughters, andotber branches of bis fami if not even himself, Henry Ward Beecher, . - - l .1 , . a . ..... partazen oi toe wiaown oospituity. i ne conclusion is tneretore to be drawn from Henry Ward Beecher's statement that he will stated what be knew to be false and cn- ' A i. x, x.xsret.1u !(, .; a, i- STTha Nashville Aofeseef closes an editorial "Editorial Visibility." thnsj m h. . rj i;. The Rev. Mr. was preaohlog at an ap pointment sot so intelligent aa Virginia audi ences generally are. Hie text was Si Cor. 4 looking not at the things which are seen, but the things whiob are not eeen-t-e good text the way., The preaoher had oeoaaion to nse words visible and invisible. "Now, breth ren," quoth be, "some of yon may not under stand these words. -1 will explain them to 70a." Stretching up at full length, with arme extended Do you see ma new 1 Y-c-s. Well, this is Squatting down behind the pulpitit one ot those old-time high ones he cried dt profundi, "See me now? No. Well, Is insiiiMe." RiLict or EatLV Timis. An interesting dis covery has just been made at Trikala, near Corinth. ' It consists of an antique bronxe vase, oontalning nine1 thousand oneliundred and sev enty coins, in excellent preservation, ' The most modern of them date from" the time of the Aohsian League, two hundred and eighty years before the Christian era. The rase has been presented to the Queen of Greece, who takes interest in anoient art. ; , NOTICE TO PRINTERS! i TTT'. :HU - - , :) A FIB ST RATBRKWRPtPER AND Job Printing Ofttoe, leaated In a f the veal thltet aiinerai ana agricultural loeuntiee in the feaie, ot aiiieoun, win raiiroaa .ana omer Taaiiltiee, d vn ui bikhwj mm w vBiuoniia, rike Peak and kit tk 'Weetera niarlea. h. . antly litnaled and thiiring eenaty eeat, end xamrtrely ennioun, wiu w uminmii n lur am row eum el e 1JUU arr neat, and th kalane In January foliowlnr. with Id, lerett.. - Th aMttarlai i all noarry new, aad H well at- orted. The offioa pay abaat (3,01.0a yenr The paper wmuvrauc w.miu i'. vHuauy wen uoependoot or neutral; I the oSelal organ of th county, a. So charge for good will.' Title guaranteed. -J ' QF or farther parUeular addme . . . r 0 Editor Pntt, Oeorgetown, Petit. Co. , Mo. id ' ' D;:.-Woodbury Bl O.) " 1'Kr.irlj r. ii.l Oi vt 1 . v. - ii V SnpwrlotCenrt. i -orw st 1 ' Xloorg W. Alien. J . ,. ( , . -N.'t .j,-,. BT VIRTVFi OF. A WRIT OF FI.FA. to me directed from the Superior Court of Franklia county, Ohio, I will offer for ml, la the town of New At bany.etUMMotarooeacr . W AJIen,a lot ef Dry oooda and Jietiona, brrM on a. th property of fl. W. Allen; aala eowimenciog on 84TDF.DAI, th tOth day of March.A, D. W61,at lOe'clook A. M. , ' aaHeh IlllOld in - y Id. barm, PepV Ftialr'sfM.S5.Mi !;, t .,'V.,i. PKAHkl BaVAHejUI. .. , . ,. ... .. I.SOO th. Ifadiaon, Watt a Oe'a nura. !. eated Pearl Btarch, a urrtor article, rewired la .tore eataueny : 1 smut aKaliaADX, ... i m eetSIl -f, 0iij mi-t,!. Smteaaaa taiUaa (, i W j- GREAT SLAUGHTER! ): ,. ( i IN DRY GOODS KrJAPP & CO.'G NEW STORE. From and after this data we shall REDUCE THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER GOODS TWENTY FIVE FEB CENT, IN ORDKB TO BUKI BOOM FOX OCX SPRINGSTOCK. ill,J Our assortment is still good, ; and it is known to every :! ' , one that our FIRST CLASS GOODS. In . . . WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, 1 80 DO NOT' FORGET THE ' !.:. 1 "I . . CHEAP STORE Ob' I K N A P P & OO,, NO. 119 SOUTH JTJGH STREET, OOXXJIVIXJTJO, L.: ,CM:, omo.. 5 Tonsol Feattaers and so Teas af - ! , . Raft Wanted. i octS2awd-ew-m '! .... , " THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN- J HATING A CIECTJ1ATI0S r LABQBB BT 8TVXSAL TB0TJIA1TBI Than any ether paper In Ohio, eutiid of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertisin i ' j t FT auvas, VAHHVA BI A&AJ wU VlUtff VhUk fllafVA a ATT a. L.-1 vpeeelF aad Btannsrativs Returae - j ' Ie tho who tak advantage ef thea. . TUB "WTCKKXiY BTATE8MAN', DUtrtbuted a It I through erery Poet Offlo la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoa patronage it valuable, and who seldom see the j Dally Sdltlon of city Journal,; and a only Limited Number of Advertisements ' j An inner ted In la eolumna, appoprlately and HANPSOMEIV 0l$PtAVE0! j. thit caiikot Tin. to,ot Attention -.(.. 1 . OF AXtf : WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertltinf la the WIIKLT BTATI8MAM will U It advantagoB la i THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which If almoit certain to follow an xteniiv diaeemla I atloa knowledge of their buinea AU05Q COUSTK Y LE ALEE3 ! I ADTSBTI8SMBNTS nrriNDID FOB The WeeklvStatesman Should be hahdedla before Friday noon. I BILL POSTING- DISTRIBUTING BILLS! JOHN Ha STEKLEY . wlU attend to th ; : T FOSTZSa AND DISTBIBUTISa ; Mtj, ! '' OF1"- -y.-'lL-t-.-t BILLS , IN; THI8 , CITSr. All orderi left at lb Offle of th Aateewaoa will be promptly attended to. Janll-tf XLNrpTJZ17JTOZi3a . t.'upLs joes; b wbxfjjeb, ' ': AOENTTOR nOmfEtCONTINRNTALi atanaaT-raa, Bacosm, aid InviawFwa In. Co.' Naw Voaa; MracBirr.' snd Cm Fine or UaBTraaa Haw Tons Lira and Com. Mr-nut Lira. Office, Bl Hlak St., rJavaes Ml etiT-diy '"iii?i .'...i I-.; . -. , .0 , I ! Alexandre Kfd Gloves.-,,"'; ' PLAIN AND EnDROtDRED, iriOtTS QUBTAIRS aad regular ahap Black BidOlovea, embroidered In whit, magenta, purple, o. Tjndreaaed- Glove. Mlaaea Btd ttlevw. Aeompleaaseortmeat (Ueeeeeanntra uiere niwsyi IU aw py fe'bW ' I IT T V Hoi, tt tWh Hlhetret. 1 , Co-Partnersliip. IlflATF. THIS DAT ADMITTED BIT Son JAMBB ADwBH BAItf ai partner In my buer a, which will nafter b conducted snderth flic Bala a Boa. I , P. BAIN, K South Uttb Be. Colnabaa, let IS, 18CI. rebld . HE HP AND COTTON ROPES, , 4 ... 1 ..jj, , tvtnM, -' Bed OtrdaaadCaadi.WVk, .,, : foriaawy ,,,,, It'IUCS a BBSTHAOX, ot7 . rM H. Ulgh BtrewU. Herring 1 itEuainoi t-30 able. Mo. I Pickled Herring In (tore, Air sale by t i-.,rt.-iA hp ' atelvEl KBatllACX.' ' .febaT . , ,1 H y.,,,! fii, North High etrwt. t STOCK " ' ' "' ' CONSISTS OF ' ''' assart-.. WORCESTER'S ROYAt QUARTO DICTIONARY J au bosspesk jisetnu tai LssL "Taa Haet RellaMa taaara A"a taaritp ai ta BllaSiif apaa, i8wiriiitWFJawa "THS SXSt IKQIiISH WCTIOKAAf mrmtf Jfea JhtrptUi, .:" - 'B e ar a e ar apward ef a Daodi Tkeaaand WmL malUfarion aaaanlng. and dwtentlona. nu, ir'i . who with theli lemot pelUnf ,wad yrennnelatlon ereMaii t,i aetberore lb . . ' .v. x.,. j . ., jj-.o ;, 7, ,,., Seat tUVtcUlon of tJU JtmUri mf tU OiUgtoU I ' AmwQmmr 9 eaarfwea. ;... ' v. t ,-A Th unJnreliail hhjImi. - ---- - - AMOdatlon. adoot ui aim - and apeaktng, the ertbognpby aatl praanaoiarlee WoroeeUr'a Boeal Oatrta - - dlally rMoeaatend It aa tba moot reliable etajadardaa thorlty of the Xnillak laacaag. K J aew writaw a4 pokeo.. ... toamAjrravra,FmUentKeafmOolleie.. : ?: if?,' SBpwlnlendenl BaaaarUlaSehoal '.'.. . Tao. W. Hanvrr. Bnp't Mart loo Bate, tcgJl M. F. Oownaaf , Bup't Fnbll Behool. taoavakv. , Ll JoB Lvnca, Bip'IFablle Seboot. ClnlvlliiT , -. i S. N. BaaToaa, Principal Oimlaad Ftmnli Itimtni W . kf rtxaax, Snp't Publl SchoeU, kt!'UnW . , , Joan Oonan. PrineiDal atata Maraai aiti- an-. i! sot. - . Z . T. ,n,T Orana Hiuv. vrfj,lnl limth Ti.... ii , au& , Cincinnati. ... ..V. H. B. Maara, Snp'l Canton TJnloa SehooM. . , . . kawm Bao.v, Principal tlcNeely Honaal School. ' ku T. Tanua, Frof . Malheaaatlce, Ohio- DaivetattjtSX " W. Kawaaaa, Bap't Troy liojon See. 7, w, A. 0. Bantu. Frianina.1 VmM uwa, mk.l fli land. " . 8 A. Koatoa, Aaoeiate Frtocipal Sigh Staeet, Clerr' ' land 7.:....vawei TatonoRB Sntuira, Principal Hit tUfeoVCMv. land. . f , ITi B. F. Bcatimw, Principal Cleveland Inatlnte. I I J. A. uanruxn, rrMiaent of Alee tie aawtitaia, Bt- - W. L ILutai. Prof, of fThamlrtnr frhu V.l. ' Onlreralty. -. . B. B. Baanr, --rl '-1 rrffftaana fnanli. . Obi. " ' lium kfoxaoa. Prof. Khetorio. Oberttn Oolite. T3 - . . . .1 1. M . . . 0. W. H. n lww, M"" va.. ' .... School, Dayton. v.intui, a-rei, aatntaallc, Bisk B. O. OnEMnansaL Fnrf. LnwagS Stifh Sokoea. Dayton. . m. AaaM.eopHTr.u.a.wt., tif-M Mort Oam Sim JItmdrtd otk AeSfali mf OJU. 9; Fnfart, Autkort mm DUUmtmimkdtSiwo tort, Aac mdortd Uim mbomm ntlmm. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. 3 BUanrrTA Couane "It k tralv n mr,l1lm as honor to th author, th puMJebere, aad at whole eouotry." Prarident Andrewe. 7- Omo WntxTij TJanmirt.-Tr -aaeiiS. ........ tioa. T -in i TntnTT-nh. ... .7..-. elation, and will often b eatieaiM by aa for Ms newt aad aocarat deflnlUon." Preeldaat Tliiipeen ft. K. Fcximo Ootitoa "Heretofore w harenaad Webatcr'i orthocraohr. At a. mi 1 mi wa decided to chaore It to eoafona aa that of WorpHtlr'l Kom Onaria IiltlMt.M " r Garfield. ' Vrmu Btinvi Caiieoe. T flnA u awia. mt oordial approbation. rPraiownt Bltctooook. Osiatni Coutoa. "It more fhan ( aw Hone. I reeommend It ai the Maodard tothavltyhi orthoepy te my children aad ay T-rl'i " fimiii Morgan. AwTtooa Couaei. "I edoctandaim tt aee kl teach. big, writiogand epeakiag, the orthography and vmet. dauon of Woreeater't Moyal Quarto DleUonarv." Preeldent Bill. ' ' "In all my writing, apeaklng.ane taathlag. I Bave en. d savored to eonform a ah rale for ortboanph aad prmuKfctlraM contained i Woroeatar' fiktlocmry.'' -Bone leans, lata FmMaat. v - v.v Kurroa Couaoa, Qutann 'I meet cordially reocea aond it aa the meal reliable tbmdard aulkeeitr eg kWe Baglleh langnag It a now wilu aad apokea." Pieaident Anditw. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OBIO. frrnmltet. Anton Smytk, CbmnUmiattr ef Qmmmn, &A00U OUo. "tat Dictionary to as taaparlahabl mranmant te the warning and Induelry of II author, end aa kaao tm da wvrid of letter. Th SMcbanical Maoatton teniT rlor to that of aoy otW Lnlcoa with ahka I aaVao. qualnled." : . -'T Trom Bo. B. (mtMt nlitM ttaaduvt tttiWftr U h what aa uJi r-adina Kerwsrpapara of Ohio 8ay , irotnOt CZevetead Stroll eJbjrcAaf. , ' ..j aaedt VL ,f ' woroanaf vietleaar a that, I iedbv moat. If not all. n ji.mIITT r "T "1.1- country 1 onntry and Inglasd, and eanmra to she aeatofni aaaM 1 of ordinary wriur and aneakan. Whatever prejudice may hare erlateJ bmi.i. ' '-ui rarul .tnit aT ihl. miii i , -. . . ' bl record of the learning of ltoeaaoilar. Here ar aownrda af a hunJiaJ a a . . badand lsdUf.r.nt-.wbc anltUartamEglS derivation, together with their comet eIlu7nT pro nunciation, are sat clearly be, the ihVTrSta 1 .. AiMaaunioi AngUM Word erer publlthed. - aivtw lyidentrv Woacarrn'e n..-. - ' ' .' V. ea ..-r"-:.j:'T,,"?nT :iowwa r j.7 r'1'" " S" aaonia, and a deal re -' add tto th well Mleeted Utowry, ae ltlargVor eo.lL -It U a library in lleelf. and will Li. 7 -l.TT MMd.andeanby no poaibUlty auSer by buZ m ootrovany. . ... , Jrr. sj. from Ut4 7Uds Aad e Jdp 9s. .f ' .' m m At to HonirainATiaaL Waa . follows by oar beat aithoTi. d.flnUlooeLT: "3 nothing totoMrad. nod In O.-rwoo. u i fflcW ' to My that Woaxavna oaa be safely foltoaiT-TTT. ! ' . - . INOnABX dfc BR1CQ. Pabllshers, BeakselUra liatleaers. " Wrt. tat RTTDnnrns a " eJ SaJl cui tnmntk to IA4 rofVw ofl F(JMA,U t.pRsrFaS r'f' aasifltiatwT? , aew aro aware 01 tne Hnponanea ar 1 or in tmportano of ekeeklae a Oaoeh IU Bret .tag.; iha? alii llX iyKldk eaalld raeaedjv WwllJtij lung. "JSrowaZai.TTr.1 er " common uom" i betinnioe won Id eoon attacaa tne oontalning demuloeut logredieola, iu. -.-?" . Bronchial Irritation. "aaafj4l Bronchial IrriUtioa. BBOWM'S "That trouble hi m .l .'if 1 .1.. ,n : nor wnicn TEOCBSS often a mere whiaperer." awajt. jnm. are aaneeinal h..i ; BKOWM'S TR00BB8 1 aav, a. OrlAPIa.' t ' BEOWM'B TBOCHSBl . BBNBT WARS BX10fntE.' Lili'w Ahnoet Inetant mIM ta .ii ..i?::i"",w tabor af areatbiogpwniara. Aeroi.r-O'iT BKOWM'S "Contain a Opiem ar n,thu,g UiuA '1 91aa.;.S C.j TRO0BS3 BROWN'S TROCBIB .. f. alORIW, AWoi. . JJ BROWN'S "BeaefloUI la Baoiwyim." TBOCBESj KR...f..lAijk,'"'1 ' it, r . ,. SBOWH'B C RBT,DW. WARD Fit,, '.,.)- BaBeBeUl arluL . -i ,.; TR0CHB8 BROWR'S ferlof froa CoiT.." TR00BI9 , . aav.B.r.J. ANJESTOtr, BROWN'S Trrltatiiia af th Threat, e aasn wi fe xioonis Prof. Bf AOY JOflNSMf . n.ttit BROWN'S .,- v,. .y',,iI"th'' tROQBRB ( .-weanMt VVSAtps L.i, BROWN'S -wa. aencnt When takaa defer asf fi piwaeswg, a tawy prevent boan-see. Aroa " ' Itattff pmt tfpeM, Ilhk TRObaiBi .Baweueoi, llhtokttieywUtaeefMa.,,.11 1 lent ad rant... t. -.S T w F"1 " ' RBT.a. knvrr.TT a n. .. BROWN'S , ( Preaidenl ef Ataec, Qelkge, TROOBtS Uygold r lold by art Dmyrisl at TVTXTTi , fivsciso!fV ISXI ' aiAucsu i ...... ' tOBBRTSl 'rt;-' S.S.BArultiicV'.0' j'i ) J te. t s NOTICE! . T. . r ' at ouo, and h ' ""t.d auewuw on k i. glre tine tamed ,...,atiiti.a, . '4 I'