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3STOW READY, j ,THE REVISED SlATUTEii Of TBI ' ; i $ 1 riTg7Y"g33 037 OHIO Or AOBNBtit NATURE, IN TO BOB ATTQ. 1, 1BB0. ,jwNei wW ir4TS3f'Bescifibs or tusbu- (Contained UvlW!n,ty-ale volejiwefthe Ohi enA Ohio CI AX.:Jt-8lat Report?-- ' . , , AND RIFIRSNOBS tjq PRIOR lAWBrj A i. AMD A FULL AMI OOHVIKIENT INDtX. sJtjUJgjf..?yni5-Wo $10 00.: . He ear erepenie bu been'irreT to mike (he work serf ret ml reliable la all Beapesti. It ami now the Leglilatlve .aanotlon, hiving beta. ep nwd by nearly-kb ananimoa! vote of both Housei, and wai entered 4a la rfistrtbatod te -the following Btte 4mtMk Attorney Aemnr, flnprem Jndfrei, Secre tary, Comptroller, tmnm and Auditor of State,. and to the Probate Court, Courts of Common Pleas, Buper luidtHa Qoarta. Auditor, and the Olerkt of the various Conrta in each county, to the .Member! o the Beam ta aaall nn! ot Representatives of lliil State, and tha aimrnera of th several State! of the Union. Xbia beokv- tt doea.all of the Statutes bow In tone, and the authoritative coDft ruction of them and of the Meweamtlrnttea, will be found to be eipeciai- ly ueeful In toe performano af Weir duties, to an jOQIINTY OFFICERS, " s ' U;u... JUBTIOBB OF tHBPBAOBV- . .fOWKSIlIPTKUSTKBo, . --.;,.. tai .lT T CLBHK8 OF TOWNSHIP&VAOa-; .' ' Inaasaoh at very many ohangss haw bees made In the Rtatate ioeu ukUeattan tne tail edition!, by re peaL aluiaUoe.e4 aAdlUoeo, a4 atany taportmt de aialons have been given by the Supreme Court on con troverted points, au . 7 c Ustn ,r.- ATTORMtlK AT LAW, " BASKEa8.MKRCHA.rJT3. - --TJ-- ! f Will Bod this as. nwralBabla Work. n'..k-". ' ' TW Jtoyml Bw.; Tdtume ef oter Iftneieeti'lfimtXrei ; In Strong Taw Binding. .Price ll).W. Fnhllahail bv law Publlihert, Booksellers; Station! and Importer!. .,-1 .ju :!". .Ne. 5B Weit Foerft itrwt, fbl&dSai:ua .' hj i .. it . i. l 4ineinnatl, 0,' TUSlYXm lLTLLEB, Xibliahers . EO. W. BIANYUfcHNYt Editor. 4.;, W "I.." ' COLUMBUS. OHIO. " Tr-nFJTr7S,v)r.v7S. to ixsvrs lysSR- Tffor, aAtnuVI t4 anda in lyTVl TX VOIQQK oa ths day qf publication. MONDAY. EVENING,' MARCH 25; 1861 Democratic City and Township Ticket. .:'- Matna. !l t ,a - cuiuvi roTv'aiaaawaLiiQ nvacitr? a i j1 f j t'i arrv TavftMnttni, '7 WALSIBIN BAILINOi i-txrvj m t- "'-'tirr 'am, ' J. JONBd HJNaTOif, - 't.reiKH -I eJ ' anucrroa. ' . ..v V. OTTO DBESKL.". k,, )- COKKCILHtN, lit Ward JBAhiK H9WAM).. ifr!" St Ward 8. 8. KICKLKY. aj Bar-.j inOTlTJ ItiUDIfD aWa T Bill itMS I n O Ml A I" P. n , .HT5 ta Warr-4lOBA0B WTfOff. ' lllv.Wul. II . KIITIHIflll - ' Aianaoie. lit Ward A CllEKItS. .,, - :nf ! Ward HOBB MlIXElf , Htrnif l WaroVN. HOLMES. " ' ..fdifc WartIOHN WKAVBR. ' Sth Ward WBNDELIN 8JSLWKR. t V" SLBXAHUKR MOOBERBT, JOilM M. EBNBR.' ' ' '' i w 1.I8AAO H. MABROW A. 0. KUIO. COHITlBLia, . 0 1 H C wiuriE a u tukhk r, ). V. RKMMY, ,. i-r- ii jomr broww. ; TOWfnniP AK5SOit il ci3aviLLrM K0-V, r u ol i v . m ' ' inl; The Leasing of the Canals. . . ..1 f ". A . We'Aare been furnished with the copy of I lie StaUt man la which the Enquirer ii tnken to talk far protetb tee wat net the pauate of the bill now before the Leiii- latnre far dupoiing of tbe eanali. That paper atatei that we last teuton, urjed this very meaaure on tbe Lafielatare. We nweA the leauof toe email. : We do ao ret, e we think tile State Treuury and the people will be the witna hr Hi bat- then Ii a ribt way aad a wroof way of doiof uinei.. We think by leeeiaseach eanal Mvarate'y the Treuury will receive the more froai then. Why not dlapoie of them lepamtely to tha ki(-beat Mder, where there will lie a chance for cam peti tion I Noiuipiciop of diihoneity can attach I luck a rmiHiny, whK-h tan not bepiedicated oi the meuure bow sclera tbe leyislatura. ' If we deeired party capi tal, we wauld be Heurd to have this Bepublican Lef latara aa frrte a law the bill now before It; but we want the lnteravt ot the State protected In ao ery Important a Butter. That li all. Cffii nci'inurt ZitQuirtr of ' efoy. t li- V In reply to the above, we hare tojay (hat the Enquirer did not" -confine itself - last Session to the mew proposition to lease the canals j but it nrged upon the Legislature tbe absolute necessi ty of accepting tha direct bid of Ncnin, MitLra and Roajataotn Nothing eW was rsafiafactory to that faper,. . The propos'iUon of . Nootw,' Millbb and Roimsow was to take.the whole of the canals, good, bad or' worse, and fhe ,Man- mee Road, apd pay $20,000 per year for them ail. Tha proposition of EviknT,rMiDBiar, Jr. Co. is the same, except, as to the son to be paid par annum.' ,1a assailing the proposition of this session,. and condemning 'the members of tha General Assembly for voting for it, the En gulrerlt gailty of the-grosHrBttnconalatcncy and dnolicitv. t .w '..ja v.js As to leasing theVanak separately", there is not a practical man in the State who would net ooodemalt.'Thegood And the bad Should go together; and Besides', 9 would be suicidal to the business on the Ohio, Canal, as wall as to that oo its tributaries, to sever them and pat them in different hands. ' looumerablo- diffioultie would grow out of such an act. " Norv would tt da to place. tha. Miami and Erie indifferent bands worn toe Ohio; cad that ttx judge it tehat tk$ Enquirer and that onfy. A vary large majority in the House tas some to tha aooelaaioB tbat ft ii the duty of the Gen eral Assembly to dispose of the canals before the adjournment, If ibat can be done . '' ,, -. . , The bill of Mr. -Woom for leasing the canals, as originally introduced, provided for a public letting to tha highest Mdde and we presume tbe measure would hare passed tha House In that ehape, but for he;lact which was disclosed sthasesalon progressed, that a very Urge debt bad ben contracted dtfrfng the last year, over and above tii t evenue, which was due, and ths claimants Or their assTgua were'appetlingjo tha Legialatare far 'appropriations to pay them the amount.' ., .j Tha last session had provided that In addition to the cao J. revenues the sum of $2,000 per month tnlcht be (ufced. from tbe general revenue to support the Publla Works"; but the Board did aot confine Itself .to tbidaw, bot in addition to expending the'swouni of tie canal tolls and the $24,000 general reveoue, they ran in debt nearly $200,000 besiia, ',6a cooalderalion ea this state of things, aad upon - cpnrTiUfttion , amorig" mem bers of the Uoase, wt .are informed that very many of tha taoet able; thoughtful and discreet members cam to the eoncluMdn that ths Legis lature would not be justified Ju contlnaiog from session to eeesiooxtoiiaake- rhews' extravagant appropriations from the general reyeoua to sun- port the canals, If it were possible to bave'tliern kept for th Tolls aud other cmal revenues. To provide for a pnblic letting, as tho .Ba eairrr cfi'l Tr, wi ciiiiclcl to aaaAagt the whole c,..Urpriiie.i.-Frr" if that wre dinci,' tbcf IVeglelature must, make spproFiations -for the hole year, depending o( count on the coutln- cencv of lattice: and vita the known hoililltt or the Board to th leasing oi the oaoalt, and the to tliat mint be gtren t the membere in the conducting of ny publio letting, ttwaa believed that, hevIoK the apnroprlationi at their command in the real that the leaelng failed, the Board would not be likely, under the circum-1 tanoee, to exert Itself to effect a leaae. I i Tha Etouirtr would aeea now to confide mora In the Integrity of the Board than In tha members of the General Assembly, who, it thinks, will taint the ascites by passing an aot directing the Board to enter into a lease with parties who have made a direct proposition to the Legislature for the canals. We confess the point la too fine for nt to see , A. B .makes a proposition to the Legtala- tare to take theaa canals and nay Into the trees ury an annual rent for them; pay It In adyanoe, and keep the works in good repair, so., and to receive the revenue and nothing mora for his labor. The State agents have been consuming the revenues and some $100,000 a year of the taxes drawn from tha people,: for each, of tbe last fire years, to keep up these worka. This burden A. B. proposes to relieve the tax payers from, by a proposition made in the face of day to the representatives of tbe people. That prop- OJition is before the legislature for more than one month, and any other individual or, com pany had an opportunity to make a proposition on tbe same subjeot to the Legislature. Daring this time the Enquirer is silent. But at soon as one branch passes the bill directing the Board to enter into a lease with Eviarrr, MtDtiav it Co., then the JSsflwrer displays IU ylrtnous indignation, scent, fraud and corruption w tne aistance, ana warns memDers oi ineir oan- ger tf they should Tote for a law which, In the nekt ten years, will save to the State more than one million of dollars! The anxiety of the gairer lor the interests ot toe state, ana lis ais- piay oi virtue, are too transparent, ine puono will appreciate botn at their true value. - ' As to ihe annual rent offered ' by Etmitt, Midbisy & Co., many of the best canal men think it too much. When the proposition was first made, we thought it too little; and that a higher annual rent should be received; but on examination of the question, and on consulta tion with canal men, we have changed our opin i .1. ! . .1... ir -,L . A:er iuu uuuujjyiuv Ttfu.ti uuivrq uiua.uiuoTvjuuy, the door is open to all, and parties can bid what they please., Tbe imnortant thins; to look at. Aoe miporiaui tuiug to ibob. at, however, Is not so much the petty rent for any earn that may be paid mast be so regarded, when the cost of the property leased Is taken Into view as tha character and qualifications of tbe men who obtain the lease, to faithfully ful T fill its stioulatlons. The canal men of Ohio i. nn tnn..n r ,W. hmm.! ,t..t mb v-.r.- the General Assembly, and if approved by them, the Legislature need not fear the captions con duct of. the Cincinnati .Enquirer or. any , other paper. at The Southern Confederacy and Foreign Governments. ' meats. '- , . ; . A short"'' time since, -when it was annonBced that tbe Provisional Government of the Con federate States was .about to send a Commis sion to the principal European !- Courts, for the purpose of obtaining a recognition of tbe independent existence of- that Government, and of forming commercial 'treaties, tbe Adminis tration papers ridiculed the schema as Quixotic, and predicted that the Commissioners, if they went abroad, would go on a fool's errand. ,- But since tbe Administration has given up Fort suruter, and contemplates the surrender of oth er Forts on tbe gulf coast; since it has entered into negotiations and agreed upon an armistice with the representatives of the Provisional Gov ernment, and since it hss admitted that tbe Federal Government, under its present adminis trators, canoot collect its revenue in Southern ports or enforce. its revenue Jtwa, and will, by the operation of the tariff of the Southern Con federacy, be robbed of nearly or quite half of its legitimate revenue arising front duties on foreign imports, (he tone of these) same Admin istration journals has undergone a sudden and decided change, and they bow Inform the coon- try that it is quite probable that soma of the great powers of Europe stay take it into their beads that Jt will be to their interest to recog nize the secession organization as a dt facte government, and enter Into treaties with it. , Tha most ultra .Republican journal --those that most scornfully derided tbe secessionists for thinking of sending a Commission to Europe, are now moat thoronghly convinced that they will obtain a recognition there. This Is now presented as an argument why tha Government at . Washington should enter into formal cognition of the Government at Montgomery. It was said by these loyal Republican editors loyal loathe Administration! but . Ails to ' tha Union when tha idea of ; surrendering Fort Sumter was first seriously entertained at Wash ington, that its surrender would be a terrible dig at secession under the fifth rib, and if fol lowed np by the surrender of Forts Pickens and Taylor, and the withdrawal of the fleet from Penstdola,' secessl6n"woald be "crushed out" to all whtoh the Journal pf this city ..suggests, sneeringly it may be, but very significantly. nevertheless, in view of the foreign rumors that France and Spain will recognize Jhe Independ ence 'of the Southern Confederaey:.' VWouId it not be a master stroke of policy for the United States to anticlpato these governments, and for ever crushnt secession by acknowledging tbe Independence of war; ootton brethren t" ;7 T T xneee things may nave .been said witk an hQedatton of jesting; bat they are taming eat to be rather serious jokes- j Secession is to be "crushed" out" by measures calculated to drive foreign governments, and eventually the one at present located at Washington, into a fall and formal acknowledgment of the independence of the Confederate States. ' 8a ripea apace tbe dark plots of both Northern and Southern die- The Recognition of the Southern Confederacy. Our 'Government seem determined to get ahead of foreign powers jn- the precognition Of the Provisional, Government of , the, Con federate buws.f. la fast, tbe Administration at . Washington las already '. taken aeveral steps which amount to such recognition, if any thing can. - ' ;:Is! the first place, It has 'Surrendered Fort Sumter. This is an acknowledgment that the uuuuiem oraDizaiioa; a power , in last, wits which jtbe Tederal Government, .Is' Iff" the next pfaoe, it ,Ja stated by the friends of the Administration, and hot contradicted', that, pan infermmt agreement has been arrived at bet'weefl the' Secretary, of Iftite and lliel Southern Commissioners, in aarsaaaceof which aggressive measuref on either side will be jr fralned .rom until Abe Federal Government shall have settled npon a defiuitollrie'of mlW." LTbis is entering Into a contract ee ' treaty with Messrs. Foksyth, 6a awroao and Roman, at the representatives a sfe fuel gorerninent, which has W ability ' to JnlfiU the treaty stipulations eutorcBinw oy itsgommissioBer. Thitdly, Mr. Skwabd, the Secretary of State a ' tt which he diecniset tbe propriety of the Be dieeretioo eselon moyement, tod nrgee the expediency of lubmlttlng bo mattere io oootrowony to the declilon of National ConrentionJ Thli ll a Washington, baa addressed aa . diplo' maUo letter to these Sonthern Cofflmlaalooert, farther acknowledgment of the plenary powert reeted In the Commiialcmwre by the President and Cabinet at' Montgomery, fq inter Into and conclude neeotiauoni with the President and Cabinet at Washington. Thus, tha American people hare presented before their eyes the specUcle of two separate and independent Governments, reoognliing each other's .existence, And negotiating with each other in what was, and of right still la, ths United States of America. But this Is only the beginning of tbe end. ,.Tha and will be, If tbe nreeent policy of the Administration Is carried oat, the full and final acknowledgment of tha Independence ol the Southern umieoeracy v ,fl Candidates in Cincinnati. Tha Demooratic and Union Convention, held last Saturday. In Cincinnati, with remarkable unity and harmony, made the following yery ao ceptable nominations for olty offloew, to be elect ed next Monday, all of which will doubtless be rallfled fcy Bjor,ty ,,f lhe peopies j Mayor Capt. Gioaas Patch- City Solioltor Thomas C. Wki; TreMurer-JacxsoB N. No- slb; Auditor Gsoioi SraoaHom; Cml En gineer Thomas J. Pito; Police Jadge Jamis SayyiN,' Prosecuting . Attorney ft- JOMisi Commiseloner Thomas Tiibbobj Trnstos of w.tM.toivrk MicHtiL EcEMTi Director of Inflrmar,L; L.'AaMirraoNO) Market-Master I TCH4in AsHoaarrj JusUoes of the Peaoa- WlLlUK Chidsiv, and Thomas MoLaib ij.nnMiB-n Convention, on the 5X)th, LomtMttd - Bmjamib' Egoustob, I Esq.. for M WD9 deciined; and tbe Republican Ex- ..,. committee, on Saturday evening, nom . . r;. p Wiutrioir. Ecn. : l I luntvit viw - -- 1 Candidates in Cincinnati. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SATURDAY, March 23. oi.; ii :c... ArrcaHdoR saesiON. A call Of the House was oidered, when 53 mamhpni answered to their names, and pro- miM dupensed with, wnen NirsH fr,A tha fnllnwino- reaolutia Mr. NIGH offered tbe follow ine resolution, Mnh waa laid on the table to bo printed! Ketolttd, ly IA General Anembly of thi State fOhi$, Tbat tbe loiiowing protmsea amena m.ntj. to the Constitution of the United States, adopted by tbe late Peace Congress, held at tbe City of Washington, be. and the same are here by approved, as a basis for tbe settlement of tbe nnhannv differences now exlstlag between the f Tnlnnf Sec. 1. In all the present territory of the fTuuf Htata. north of the nsraiiei or tnirty- six degrees thirty minutes nor in latitude, invol untary servitude, except as a punishment for crimes, shall be prohibited. Iu all tbe present territory south of that line, the status ot per sons held to involuntary service or labor, ts it now exists, shall not be changed, nor shall any law hatiaasedbv Coneress or the Territorial Legislature to hinder or prevent tbe taking of such persons from any of the States of this Un ion to said Territory, nor impair any rights aris ing from said relation, out tns same snau do subjeot to tbe judicial cognisance of the Federal courts, according to tbe course of common law. When any Territory, north or south of said line, within sncb boundary as Congress ' may iweaoribe. shall contain population equal to that rennlred for a member of Congress,- it shall, II Its form of government be republican, be ad mitted into the Union on equal footing with the original States, with or without involuntary servitude, as the Constitution of such State mav nrovide. I.r . 8eo. 9.. No territory shall be acquired by the United States except by discovery, ana for na val and eommeroial stations, depots and transit routes, without the concurrence of a majority of ail the Senators from the States wbioh allow involuntary servitude, and a majority of all the Senators from tne tsiaies wnicn prouiou we re lation. Nor shall territory be acquired by treaty, unlees tbe votes of a majority ot Senators from each of the States, hereinbefore mentioned, be cast as a part of the two-thirds majority neces sary for tbe ratification of such treaty. '.:!. - See. 3. Neither tbe Constitution, nor any amendment thereof, shall be oonstrned to give fVinPTMa tha nower to retrnlate, abolish, er con trol, within any State or Territory of tha United States, the relation established and recognised bv tbe laws thereof touohint persona held to labor or involuntary service therein, nor inter fere with or l aboiian . involuntary servwo in the District of Columbia, t without the consent of Maryland, or without the consent of the owners, or making the owners who do not consent. lust ; compensation ; nor power to interfere with or prohibit the Repre sentatives from other States from bringing with them to tha District of Colombia, from retain ing and taking away persons so bold to labor or service; nor the power to interfere with, or abol ish, Involuntary service in places under the ex clusive jurisdiction of the United States, within those States and Territories where tbe same is established or recognized; nor tbe power to pro hibit the removal or transportation of persona held to labor or involuntary service in any State or Territory of the United States, to any ether State or Territory tnereor, waere it is establish ed or recognized by law, usage aad right. Da ring tbe transportation by aea or river, the right of touching at ports, shores, landings, and land ing in case of distress, shalj exist, but not ths right oi transit mroogDjany bum or Territory, if aid traffic be against the laws thereof; nor shall Congress have tbe power to eathorist any higher rate of taxation onpersons bald to labor or service than on land. The bringing into tbe District of Columbia ef persons held to labor or service for sale, or placing them in depots to be afterwards transferred to other places for sals as merchsbdiee, shall be prohibited. t r - r Bee, 4. The third paragraph of tbe second section of tbe fourth article of tbe Constitution shall not be construed to prevent any States, by BDoroDriate leeislation. add throusa the action of judicial and ministerial oflcers, from enforo- Ine the delivery oi fugitives irosa labor to per sons to whom such service er labor Is due. .. Sec i 5. . The Jordan slave trade la hereby forever prohibited, and, it shall be the duty of Congress to pass laws to prevent tne importa tion of slaves, coolies, ana persons neid to ser vice or labor, into the United States and Terti torles, from places beyond the limits thereof, , See. o. The first, tolra.Aaa nit seotlonn, toe-ether with this section and .these amend ments, and the third paragraph of the second section of the first article of the Constitution, and the third paragraph of tbe second section of the fourth article thereof Jshalllnot be amend ed or abolished without tbe consent. of nil the States.,. , .:'..',?,: . -. r.i IJ.i 8m. 7. Conrreaa shall nrovide bv law that the United States shall pay tbe owner full val ue for bis fugitive from labor in , cases where the Marshal or other officers, whose duty It is to arrest such fugitive, waa prevented from do ing so by violence, intimidation -mobs or riot ous assemblages, or wbsn, after arrest, such fugitive was rescued by like violence or In timidation, and the owner thereof deprived of the same; and Congress shall provide a law tor securing to the citizens of .each Stato tbe privileges and immunities to the citizens of each .State tbe privileges and immunities of , the eitii sens or tbe several states. ... . Oo motion of Mr. CONVERSE, H. B. 403-r For the further protection of orchards, c-r waa referred to a select committee of three, The Judiciary committee reported back S. B. 256 Td - authorize 'Assessors to administer eaths in oortaln eases', when tbe bin was set for third reading on Wednesday next. , . The same committee reported back II. B 428 To amend tbe law regulating assignments for the benefit of creditors and r commended that Mas. .-":-',: .. ', Mr. VORIS explained that the bill provided for a private sale by tbe assigoee, under tbedi, rectioa of the Probate Court. , 1 Mr. BALDWIN movsd to amend by limiting the ,flale to One-balf of the appraised value, wuico was uiaKr wi. , . , 1.1 The bill was then set for Tuesday next. . i third reading op The sameoommlttee reported back ii. B. 439 To Increase the feis of Probata Judges in oertalo oases, when tbe bill waa laid on the ta ble. -.- .( , , -i ;a t I f The same committee reported back II. B.' 420 Relating to Juries teoommending that the bill be Indefinitely postponed, when the bill and report were laid oo the table." - i. w I be finance committee reported back H. B. 363 To amend the tax law of 1859 when the bUl waa set fora third reading on? Tuesday nex The same committee renorted bsok IL B. 320 Fixing the salary of county treasurers when the bill was set for a third reading on Wednesdav next. ; iji; A i . Tbe Jadioiary committee reported back H. B. 407-Relative to costs before justices of ths peace and recommended its indefinite postponement; wnen Mr. VINCENT moved that the bill be laid on the table, which motion was agreed to. The same eommitteereported back tt. a. uo 10 provide for tbe security, oi coats oeiore lostices or tbe neaoe recommending an amend ment, and its engrossmsnt and passage, when the amendment was agreed to, and the bill set for a third readlns-on Tuesday next. - . The same committee reported back H. B, 323 to encourage tire oompaues erltn an amena; Willi w inn Mr. COX mevid'thai the number of Hook ani Ladder companies be limited to SO members, which waa withdrawn, when the committee's amendment Was agreed to, ana , . . i ne Din was then passed yeaa oo, nays v. Tbe same eommlttae renorted back H. B. 369 To encourage fire companies; whloh was laid on the table. . ' The sameoommlttee reported baok II. B. 66 To prescribe tbe fees of County Treasurers; when the bill was set for a third reading on Wednesday aext. - - - " The same committee reported back H. B. 409 Fixing the times of holding ths oourts in No ble county; when it was set for a third reading on Wednesday next, The committee on Fees and Salaries reported baok H. B. 401 To regulate the fees of County Clerks, etc, amended with anew bill, which was sgreed to,wben the bill was set for a third read log on Thursday next ' The eommlttae on Claims reported npon tbe olaim of John Patrick, adversely to the claim, when tbe report Was laid on the table. Tbe committee on fees and Salaries reported back II. B. 314 Concerning tbe compensation of tbe members of the General Assembly, wUb out recommendation. Mr. FLAGG said be did not exactly like the bill, and boped It could be referred and amend ed. He would like to see It amended to as to provide for an annual salary.' '. . ' ' ' "' Mr. ANDREWS suggested 4 few satirloal amendments- 1 Mr. KRUMeaid be snonosed It was tha In tention of this House to reduce tbe expenses of tbe government. To meet this end, he intro duced the bill, as well as to dispatch business In a reasonable time. He was not particularly anxious about this bill, but waa not prepared to vote for tne amendment offered. Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, moved that the bill ne amended so as to nrovide that the oamnenRa- tion of members shall be f 500 per annum, and tbe usual mileage. ' Mr. McCLUNG opposed the bill .and the amendment. - . " Mr. BURR favored the Amendment of Mr Browne, and suggested that the sum per annum be fixed at $400. .J-;:; i ne out was inen reierrea to tne select com mittee to whom wss referred H. B. 445. . "' . Tbe Judiciary committee reported H.'B. 457 To provide for the purchase of Swan & Critobfield's Statutes for Juitloes of tbe Pace, MnK Ik. Am, tin.. : -J ., Mr. WRIGHT, from tbe select committee to. whom was referred H. B. 424 Relating to school lands in Springfield township, Hamilton county, reported the asms back, when the bill was ordered to be read a third time on Tuesday next.' ' L - .'"'. ,- Mr. VORI3, frotn the select committee to whom was referred H.' B. 442 To amen sec tion 1 of the act of 1851, relating to County Commissioners, reported the same back, whea the bill was set for a third reading on Wednes dav next;' - - ' 1 Mr. HERRICK.from the select committee to whom wae referred H. B. 336 To authorize eg ricnltoral societies to draw from ths county ag rlcnltural fond, reported tbe same back with ao emenameni. Mr. McCLUNG. sannoslna that this bill was designed te pat all agricultural societies on as equal footing, (though It only proposed to re dace the allowance to county societies,) object ed toil on the ground that it would stimulate rival societies. He would not object to taking away ine entire eonnry tuna; nut ne wouia not iiKB to i osier anytninr eaioaiatea to promote a rivalry tbat wilt finally destroy all the egrlcul taral societies" 1 ' The bill was then referred to the committee on Agriculture. ' "' "'".', Mr. CLAPP offered a resolution, directing the ssamDeroet tnis noose to furnisn tneotate Li brarian with their printed speeches for binding, which waa laid on the table. - .--- Mr. ANDREWS Introduced H. B. 458-To prevent frauds on railroads, which wta read the arsttime. - Sundry bills were plseed anon ' the Calender lot next wetK, wnea The House then adjourned. ., i:. i . ; tit . In ths report yesterday, the remarks of Mr Hitchcock, on the motion to adjourn over on the :wtn instant, to April 2d, were not Clearly Stat ad: iiiM -.-.. ' Mr. HITCHCOCK remarked that at this late period of the season, every gontleman would see tbe propriety of a foil attendance npon the sessions of the House, from tbe number ex cused on yesterday, and tbe manifestation of a disposition bv gentlemen to leave for tbeir homes toe last of mis week, and from tbe ract that many gentlemen bad expressed a desire to be at borne on the first Monday of April, be feared the House would be thin, if not without a quo ram, both now sad then.- ' "' ' ' ' ' ' , . To prevent this result; while he would be ready and desired to remain here every bonr until tbe final adjournment, he offered for adop tion a resolution for an adjournment from Fri day the 20th of March until Tuesday thel2d of Audi. "," ' - ' " IN SENATE. MONDAY, March 25, 1861. ' . Praver bv Rev. Mr. Goodwin. ' ' 1'. Mr. SPRAGUE presented the remonstrance of J. W. Smith, H. H. Adams, and 45 other citizens of Washington county, sgalnst the sals ee lease or the rubiio works, which was refer red to the committee on Publlo Works, .i' Mr. FISHER presented tbt memorial of A. W. Ayree,of Cotnmbns, relative to convlot labor, which was referred to tbe committee ort Peni- f Mr. STANLEY presented the remonstrance of the members ef tbe Bar of Jackson county, against the passsge Of S, B. No, 270, which waa it The following bills' , were read a second time, and rererrea tome comnuttee o ine rvnoie : , H. B. No. 313 T sell the stock owned by the State In the Pennsylvania aad OUlo Caoa. Comnanv. r : ..' . i . .' t. .. i tt. a. no. ais to relieve sureties oi execu tors and administrators, , "u ' , , . '"' H. B. No- 450 Further defining the duties of Boards 'of Education for Incorporated towns. villages and independent sonooi aisinots, . . . U.B No. 429 Supplementarv to an not entl tied "an act to authorize tbe Commissioners of Henrv county to build a bridge across tbe Man- ee river, -passea April aio, icji. :, .. , , i. 8. B. No. 278 To emend the first seolion of . . a. . A 11 I liL i,r. ' the "act for the protection of fish," passed April i' 8. B. No. 280 To amend ' the' third section of "an act to relieve District Courts, and to give greater efficiency to tbe judicial system, o f the .... i ....i a.ii is) lur.a ' ' i 8. B. No. 271 To create tbe offices of Rail road Commissioner and Referees, aud prescribe their duties, and to regulate, the Operations ol railreads. V .'. W- .' i . The following bill was read a second time, and referred to the standinE oommitte on Schools and Srjboel Lands t , ,' i U.B. No. 413 To extend the time of pay- meat of section 16, In tbe townships of Erie and Clay, being school lands In Ottowa county, Ohio. iiTbe following message and aeoompanyiug doeBmenta were received from tbe Goveroori4C. THE STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, COLUMBUS, March 22, 1861. Te the tegieUture of OftteI transmit to yon herewith a communication from tba President of tha United Statet. aooomDanled br an au thenticated copy of a joint resolution to amend tbt constitution of th United States, adopted, ' by Congress, nnd approved On Ul6 2fl ofjtfarth, W. DENNISON, WASHINGTON, March 16, 1861. 2s Hi ExtxlUney, fi, Ovvifntr thifitate ef (JAM, UeMmOtwW Siaiivl Urauaaut ethentloated oopy of At joint resolution to amend the Constitution of tbf united Statss, adopted by Congrtes, ana approved, o the 2d tof Msroh, l861,by James Buchanan. I have the honor to be, :i.;wvUr tjxcelieney's obedient servtnti ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President; . .( i -- U u ' .;u WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. JOINT RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Resolved, By the Senate and Home of Repre unftitee ef the United Statte ef America in Cen$ree Aettmbled, That tbe following article be nronosed to (the Legislatures of i the several 8tates as an amendment to tbe Constitution of tbe United States, whloh, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be val id, to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution, vizi i Aaticlb A'lII. No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or givs to Congress the , power to abolish or Interfere, within Any State, with the domestio institutions thereof, including that of persons bald to labor or service by the laws of said State. WM. PENNINGTON, Speaker the House of Representatives. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Vice President of the United States. And President of the Senate. Approved March 2, 1861. JAMES BUCHANAN. Mr. SPRAGUE, on leave, presented a new bill: - ' 8. B. No. 285 To authorise tbe establish ment, by County Commissioners, of Homes for Pauper Youth, which was read the first time, Mr, UKK.Trom the select committeeohtbat subject, reported the following bill for the pro- tection oi nsneries in tne sanansky river: t Section 1. Be it enacted bu the General Atern- blu ef the State of Ohio, That each and every owner ot a dam osjdams in existence at tbe pas stge of this act on ths Sandusky river within tbe counties of .bsndusky, seneev Wyandot and Crawford, be, and hereby Is, required to at- uon, on or dsi ore tnearst day of JNovember, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to eacn and every dam to owned by him, a slope suitable for the passsge of fish in said stream over such dam j and that each and every person wbo shall, after tbe passsge of this act, erect i dam or dams on said stream, within the conn ties aforesaid, shall be required tto attach to ssch dam, at ths time the same is erected, such aslope. m It hereinbefore .provided--far; -and each owners of dams at aforesaid shall,' at all times, keep up, and In good repair, suoh slope or slopes as ere herein required to be erected ' : Section 3. Tbat each alope provided for b tne first section of this act shall be formed by extending tbe same four feet In length for every foot of tbe dam in height, and at least twenty teet in widtn. . T ., n t y T . section 3. 1 bat any person or parsons tailing to comply with tbe provisions of tbis aot, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than two hundred dollars, nor less than twenty dollars. and costs of salt, to be recovered In a civil ao tion in the name of the State of Ohio, npon tbe complaint of any resident Inhabitant of either of the counties mentioned in tbis set, before sny Court ofoomoetent iurisdiction: and all sums so recovered shall be applied to the uie of Com mon Schools within tbe county where tbe action may be brought. ,, miction 4. That li any owner of any dam shall suffer, or permit, any trap, or other ob struction, to remain In the slope or slopes before mentioned, to tne nindranoeof tbe free passage of fish, he shall be taken and deemed to have violated tbe provisions of this act. - Section 5. Tbat it shall hereafter be the du ty of the prosecuting attorney of the several counties bsrein bofore mentioned, to prosecute, within his own oountv, any violation of this act, after having notice of such violation, by the af fidavit of a legal voter of the county in whloh suoh dam is situated t and if anf nroSecutine at torney sballneglect or refuse to discharge his duties under this set for a longer period than six months alter naving received tbe required no tice, he shall forfeit and pay for every such ne gleet or refusal, not more than fifty nor less than twenty dollars for tbe nss of common schools of said county, to be recovered by civil notion in the name of tbe State of Ohio, before any Jus tice of the Peace having jariadiotion Of the case. .: Siotton 6. Tbat the act entitled "an act to improve the fisheries on tbe Sandusky river within the counties of Seneca and Sandusky," passed March 10, 1843, aad-the act hmeodatory thereto, passed March 10, 1845, be and tbe same are hereby repealed. . Section 7. This act to take effect from and after tbe first day of November, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one. ; , Mr. STANLEY, from the committee on Fi nance, to whom was referred Senate Joint Reso lution No. 106 Relative to the payment of the heirs of tbe late John C. Wright, reported the following resolution as a substitute for the orig inal resolution: Rtooloed, iy the General Anemlly of the State of Ohio, That the Auditor of State is hereby directed to allow the assignee or representa tives of the late Hon. John C. Wright, the same number of days attendance as a member of ths Pesos Conference, as is or has been allowed to the other members of tbe same , ; ; u . i , I, On tbe passage of whloh the yeas and nays were demanded, and resulted yeas 18, navs 2. Mr. LASKEY presented the memorial of Wm. Rook, 8en., asking for relief for damages oc casioned bv the construction of tbe Wabash and Erie Canal and Western Reserve and Maumee Road, which was referred to the committee on Claims. .. . : nff'.ifA ttfor - Mr. HARSH, from ths majority of tbe stand, log committee on Claims, reported adversely to the claim of Charles B. Flood, and asked to ba discharged from tbe further consideration of tha subject. ., Mr. BREWER, from the minority of tbe same committee, reported favorably to saidclalm.and cited several, eases to justify lt,a iia ux-.-y .The committee were discharged from the further consideration of the subject. - The Senate then went into oommittee of the Whole, Mr. .Cuppy in the Chair, and resumed the consideration of tha general appropriation bill.. Pending the consideration of said bill, tbe committee rose and asked leave to sit sgain. . Mr. PARISH, from that committee on tbe Penitentiary, reported back the memorial of A. W. Ayres, which waa laid on the table, and or dered to be printed. ,.The Senate then took a recces, J, . .'JCXlJ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, March 25. i c Prayer by Rev. Mr. Clapp. ; ''On1 motion of Mr. NIGH, H. B. 3GG Relat ing to tbe feeeof county Treasurerswas set for a third readlni td-morrow, instead of Wad. nesdey next. m mm vretiite w. - On motion oi Mr. akum, ii. u. SJOa the same subject wu set for a third reading at the asms time. " Me. CHASE presented the petition of James Cook, Edward Clark and Henry D. Cook, rep resenting wu.wunonosmjrj, r t. y .ft t fail. rvau WWu;. Mr1. GAMBLE offered tbe following Resolu tion, which was adoptedt Rttelixd. 1 bat tbe Uovernoe be reauestad to transmit to tbis Uouie a copy ol tbe decision of the bupreme Court of the United States In the Lacro ease, or sucn emciai notification of said decisloautnty btmhhpoiisea; A. 4. all' The following bills were read a second time and referred, as follows: H. B. 447 To amend section three of "an act further to prevent tbe taking of nsnrlout In tereet on tbe part of banks, and to prsvent confession of jadgmeats on warrants of attorney In favor of banks." Judiciary. , . , ' P. B. 449-ReguIatlbg Certain" purchases "for tbe Benevolent Institutions or this Bute. Be nevolent Institutions. H. B. 41 To; tepee! aa act thereto naaed. Select oommittee of five. 8. B. SoBapplewjenUry to the aot for the assessment and taxatlea -of all property In tts State.i Of thewboiti j.;, nni.l 'Bj r ' 8. B. 373 Providing for tlis settlement of the claim of Md W. Atleu? .Claims. h" 8. B.274 Relatlnr to thetranaoriblnp-of the marriage records oi the. county of Perry, "Se lect committee of oae.'' .':,' f, 'The following bijlseri lutroduded aid read (he first times, - , i ,..',' ' H, B. 49-bv Mr. SCOTT, pf ' WatfefhTi ameud the act regulating the sale -of poiaonsr ; ' If. B. 4.UlBy Mr. SCOTT, of Warren-To abolish the ol&ce of Suptriatendent of the State lioute. . i ' .-rahSUdlw. J The Jadioiary Committee reported baok R. B, 422-e-Concsrning the 'penalty) oa delinquent Taxes recommending that it was not neoese&ry, ana tokt it oe inaennltely postponed; wnica was agreeo.o. yi x ' A communication was received from tbe Aud itor of -State, relating to the Publlo Works, hrhleh was ordered to be printed. ' --"?-- Mr. VUK13, Itom tne select eommlttae to whom was referred bis : resolution prohibiting the further introduction of bills exoedt from standing committees, reported tba samo back, and reeomaMnded its adoption, when Mr. hkvm moved tp amend tne same. y Including resolutions.1 -' '' 1 Mr. K. was not in favor of the resolution; but if adonted, he would Include resolutions. .G S i Mr. ANDREWS opposed the resolution- It was his right to Introduce any bill tbat bis con stituent may require of him. i M r't . . i - Messrs., iJ&XiUWJiXS. and NIGH concurred, with "Mr. Andrews.' ' T , ; t Mr. VORIS defended the 1 resolution. On the ground tbat It would save time, by limiting the number Of bills' at a late day of the session. Mr. DEy ORE objected tbat the resolution would unjustly curtail tbe rights of Kepreaen tativea and their oonetttnents." " - ' .- ' ' Mr. WELSH said that be thoUebt it a matter of lndifferenee whether the resolution passed or not, as the House had tho matter nudes Jtawn Mr. Krum'a amendment was disscreed to. m, .. . . ..... "... ine vote . was men taien on tne resolution, which resulted yeas 23, naf a 41 .' Betore;tbe vote was declared Mr. BALDWIN enquired if this resolution would require ell amenamenit to come irom a standing . joommit- The House then took k recess. or Lynch Law in Nebraska—Two Men Hung. , Two men, named James Bouve and John Her, were recently arrested near Denver, Nebraska, for forcibly entering tbe house of G. Taylor, seising and -tying a blred man, and compelling mil, lajiur, ii ine jieru ut tier me, w oaau over to then about $1,001) 'worth of jewelry, watches and silver ware , The villains then tnrew Mrs. T. down, tied Bet hands and threat ened to plunge a bowie knife to her heart. . Mr. Taylor was aot at; borne, bat the outrage ere- j - , . .. ... ateu iniense inuignatioa among me citizens, who held a large meeting and called for summa ry vengeance. Her, after his arrest', confessed bis guilt and implicated Bouve. The latter pro tested bis Innocence, then partially admitted bis guilt, sad again (altogether denied lt,jbb.t gave information of ad Organized band of thieves all along tbe route from the Missouri 'river to the Rocky mountains: ' ". ' 'u ' -'- " : By theconfession of Her, about $400 worth of stolen property waa recovered. The prisoners were committed to jail, but at three o'clock mbrning or two after, tome two hundred. and fifty men, disguised in various wsys, and well armed, surrounded the jail and .burst, into Bouve's cell. A rope waa thrown over bis head, and he was drawn from the cell into the ball. -The ,'rbpe was then thrown over one of the Joists, and tbe prisoner drawn up. As tbe rope began to tiebten. be easDed..vHold on. want to talk.'. , He was then lowered, snd fire minutes -given-him in which to reveal the whereabouts jof , the ttolen money, "He finally said ne gave it to bis cousin, giving name, so Refusing to respond' further, time wss given him ; to pray, which he did,c snd 'waa then drawn np again, and bis soul launched into eter nity; i " ' '. - ' ' ' ,' Bouye was a fine, intelligent InokioK. man, only twenty-four years -old.-"Hir parents re side in, Ohio- . The ciltUem generally jbltiy, tbe action of tbe vigilance committee, for the rea son, tbat It baa been Impossible to have'isulpnfs punished through, -the eouree of.ihe law; snd even in convicted, there is bo secure place in IXhb PsisiriiNT"B Lirtisj Dak'oJia.0 fl.e New York Commercial (Rep ) annoupees.sui i ously thai Mr. Lincoln's' life' is - in ' danger office seekers are killing Jtim. Qo his way to tbe seat ef government, rumors were, rife of the existence orsecret conspiracies against his life; but it never itemed to enter the heads of Re publicans that the greatest danger to be appre hended arose ) from shoals of office seekers. "The effects of these worrying Importunities, says the . Commercial, "have already made themselves manifest on Mr. Lincoln; snd fears are entertained that,' unless relief is obtained, be ' may sink under these, assaults, like Presi dents Harrison and Taylor." . -r ttr - - : aw 1 1 ' ' -I ' ' ' Sr. Patiiok's Dav iw New Yoax-The oele oration of St. Patrick's day, on Monday, was characterized by great spirit. Tbe military pa rade was unusually nue; indeed, it was, said to sxcel any previous deinonatratioa-v.It.Wa joy fully witnessed by crowds-throughout the line of march expectant crowds' so often disappoint ed with 'ths proferblal showers of St. Patrick's dayj C The celebration by the Friendly 8onstf St. Patrick, at the Astor Honse, was unusually spirited,- and characterized by a strong Union sentiment. Interesting speeches Were made by many gentlemen, Including Jesse T. Brady, Esq.. and Mr. Russell, 'the Crimean corresnon dent of. the London Times. ' " "' Pbaibib "CaicBBBto at' Wasbinoton. The astonlsbed hatkmen in Waebingtod say the Re publicans are singular chaps, for they are all walkers. Thsy walk te the White House, they walk to the Capitol, they walk. to the Navy Yard, they walk to Georgetown, they walk the avenue all day, and then . walk to a ball, and walk homeand take another, walk after they get there, to straighten their legs before going to bed. ; Such chapS are good for tbe shoemakers, but a poor set for the baexmen, One. of these prairie chickens, they say, can walk down Any back in Washington...,,-: .;. " ' ' Loss of Sleep. Is there anything more wearing to both mind and body than loss of sleep, or it any difficulty or disease can be oftener traced to other than loss of sleep,! then experience has lost its pow er, or Sidney Smith, the great English Physiol ogist, is not to be relied upon. Of this, let the experience of thousands answer, snd try the To la Anodyne, and they will be ready to endorse the remak of one of the friends of the ' proprie tors, Who writes, "were tbe directions to be cov ered with sovereigns to purchase," I would not be without It." This all Will experience by its use. I bee advertisement, and call tor pamph lets. .. t. l-.v- . .( -:.. GUERNSEY'S BALM! Aid fiEw advertisements; Board Wanted, .... e ast of' n it ri Us n I nobth of Town Btreet, for a man and hli wife., who will nay not over B8,00 per week, and for a lady and young child who Would pay S5.WU per weeK.'Art leait two good roomi wanted with fire and lights, another boarder pre ferred, In soma quiet and reepeetable location. Address with real nam and full particulars, .; - ' ' - Bai!:xtd a. w.( oolumbns P. O. ,: j -(Joumal copy twlos.) t -ll hii Darid A.Tither's' Estate :,it ,t!' ATOTICE Ifl tfEREBT Q1VEI THAT i.v the undersigned has thla diy been appointed by the Probata Court of Franklin oountv. Ohio. Administrator da bonie ncn of th aitate of DavM A. Irlibor, 1st -ef Truro towninip, in said eounty, deoeaied. Dated .this Q.U J. U. W A T lull ' ,11 U1J H, HMIM1, A. J. , , .. . aurabSS.'ditw3w JOnN WRIdHT. . i ;'y 7ii" il' ANEW.UOOPSKIBT. ,r . u Ll ,Y -a- t .li.lei staj usyx No. si. sotjiri biafl MRii5TJ.';bi''y- Hire I nit fwwlVed' a'ne; Wke of'H06prfiftlfeT flnlihed In a manner fat superior ts any jftt Introduosa ' "1 J. ' ! ll 'I Ml m "I PUIIW.W 1M1AI BUI DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNE3S."; ai oei H-i wnue una nem ass b While Checked of superior auallly. For sal by BA1M BQN. mh?3- r -f-to Bouthbighti . I Home for if imi? 1 rH8T Cf,A8!V DtTEdlillf O HOt'SE, 4 V. Cornrr of lllgh sad Long." Inquire of - muvj-uj " " m" . y. a. BILBYr NT tOiAlNttl.ACaA MLHSlua Btreet naeaaes and qtes and Mantle; also, Blob. Trimmia nateb. at BAIN . and TueeU to SMteh, at mayiM FOR KENT A Brick Mouiw, on 0y itroet,. -ightBooms. IrplytoBM.'Mllli, orat! I Uw "Amerloan" te ' . A, fjp.:.f liii .rfw"a.i'".r!-vV''--' H SPECIAL NOTICES. 'W MANHOOD. .rZrL BOW LOST, HOW BESTOBKD. jubt pnnLianKD. oh thb natdbb. treat- liliNT AND RADICAL OUBK Of BPBKMATORBHJC A Seminal Weakneia, Sexual Debility, Nerveawesa, In voluntary E million! aod Jmpotenoy, reraltlng from Beif-abuie, Ao. Dy Bobt. J. Oulverwell, M. I. Bent ander leal, In a plala envelope, to any addreai, poit am. on reoelpt if two iiampa, ny nr. uiiab. 4. u. I.INB. 187 Bowerr. New York.. Prat Office Box. No.: 4,50. mirtl:3mdtw . HmriEwiu'i f or alt TIIROAV nsisl Lima coiapi,AiNTii Including WHOOPING COVOU, and every Complaint the forerun ner f, and. even actual . OONStrniPTlON. UNIVERSAL HTflnri WELL'S nTS' rea REVHALe Oiu mkivikdy ana Nat pral opia-i k, adapted to every-apecleswf Ner- ' vans Oenaplatnta, Ner and. Ctaranio Headache, Hkeiima. M"mt, aJatarrh, Xaotta and Ear Ache, Laws of Bleep, and Uewel Cam. plaint.. , ; fl'i : He real jnitlcs can be done ths above preparations but by procuring and reading descriptive pampblele.t be found with all dealer!, or Kill be lent by Proprietor on demand.' Formula! and Trial Bottles lent to Pbyil olani, who will Snd developments In both worthy their aeoeptanoe and approval. ! Oorreipondence solleited from all whose necenltles or curioiily prompt! te a trial of th above reliable Bern diei. ... , , , .. Vor aato by the niual wholesale and retail dealer ereiywher. ,,),, , ., .... JOHN Ij. nTmiVEWELL, Proprlcto j... ., ,CHEB1IBT AND rHASMACEDTIST, No. 9 Commerelal Wharf, Boston, Kass. Kbbarts tc Samuel, N. B. Mirple, j; B. Cook, t. H penlg, O. Oenlc at Bona, A. J. Bchoelier A Bon, Amenta for Oolumbui, Ohio. - myl-dly ! .! , ffIOf'FAT'8 g,iri FILLS. " , In all eaaes of ooitlveness, dyipepsla, billions and liver affections, plies, rbenaallim, revsrs and agnee, ebsti : natabaaeV ashes, and all rraeral deranremenU or health these Fill! have Invariably proved asertaln IDd ipeed; seatedy. " A ilng-l trial will plan tbe Life Pills beyond the reach efeompetltton In the estlmaUon or every pa- . t'i ) Vf -t - '; . '' pr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters will be found equally ef Aeiotoas In all cues ef nervous debility, dyspepsia, head acts, tbe slfkneas Incident to temalas In delicate health, and every kind of weakness of th dlgeitlve organs, for BalbyDr.W,3.U0rrAT,333, Broadway, N. Y. and by all DroggtsU. aaySS-dawly ,Thd, fwing- it. an eztraot from at letter written by the KeV.' J. B. Holm, paster of the Plerrepolnt-Btreet Baptlat Church, Brooklyn, N. T.,to. . tho'Oournal and Maienger," OlnelonaU, 0., and speak volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Una . WmiLow'i BSoTBiBo Bracy'roa Obulbbbr TnrratMK "We see an advertliment In yonr eolnmns of BrkA -Wibilow'i BooTHUia Bvbub. Now we neverwAldn wowt -Idtavor of a patent edicine befor In our life, bat we feel compelled tony to yonr readers that this lane ham bU WBHAVSTIIBa ITf AMO BOW IT TO BB AU, IT ' ctuim.- It U probably one of th moif surotaifal medi cine! of the day, because It Is ene of th belt. And thoie or your readers who have babies can't do belter than ay ina supply. 7 oS7:Iydetw 1 ADVBBTIBBMBNT. ' lor th INBTANT BBLlIf aodriBafAHIMTODBIefUi ' dlrtrenlng complaint a ENDTI8 R05CHIAL CIQABETTES. MidebyO. B. BBYMO0B k CO., 107 Hasaa St., V. T Pries $1 per boi sent free by post. POBBALBAT ALL DBUSQ1STB. mayt-ilAwlyle Watches ! Diamonds !! Silver Ware!!! A CHOICE A80UTlVfElVT OF GOLD ; and Silver Watches, In great variety. , I am Agent 'or the AaciieiK Watch Oo , aad) can -all thee excellent Watches at minufMluura' eiioai, ) either Wholenle or Betall. Come and choose troa my beantHSl dlipar of BU mondi and other rich Jewelry . Styleanew prieM low. As to Silver War of sterling quality, 1 can show new patterns, very handiom . Silver Plated Ware, Tea Belti.TTra. Waiter, Cailon, ' Bukeu, Pitchers, UobleU, Knives, lorki, Bpoom, Ato. Tben I have a lupply of fin Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Baiors, Ao., and many ITaucy Good inoh as ar deilred o presents at suoh prlcei u are an lnduee meat to th purchaser. . WM. BLYNN, I No, 10 Buckeye Block, ' marSl .. . North aide State Hiuie square - - TRAVELLERS! TltHBS (HKS yos go to New Tork , drive direct te. tk t, M L , - HSOftIAfl UOSJSK . BUOADWAY, COKJffiE 0 HOUSTON 8TIBT, J oL.' : - ' Conducted on th .. ; " . iETJROPBJA-N- PTjATT.. r.4oM tare, deed Roomi. Promnt AltanduM. anA MaJ. - erate Charges. BltfQLE BOOktg U OZS. 75 0TB. and 1 PBK DAY:--, ji'jj DODBIiI BOOMS and PARLORS $1,50 to $3. Meals ai ordered. This Hotel has all the ippointmenti of the best hotels, a moit central location, and Is heated throughout by steam. ( , ; BAUUXL 1. MB AD, march0d3m .. , Proprietor. N. 1.. OUR PAPER," . A NEW LITEIURYr,,PAPEl;. For nmrch ' 10th; isoia" s "' ' ":Z How, Beady for Bale Evsrywhert-iPriee Five wait a copy,;1; CONTESTS:' f'BTILL WATBRB;" A Brilliant Blory. -il'THB CHEAP BXCtTKSION;" A Complete Story. ' - "IBB KIK9 AKD TUB BKQaAR;" Complete In this ' BIOGRAPHICAL BKKT OH Of BDOAR A. POB. " ' TBBBYINOBOY'BRKQUBST: by Maria Norrte.'r '. -TBI DOTY OF TIltPRKSENT HOOK. TH t PHILOBOPUY OP BATHINQ, . LOVBt APoem. - !.-v ' !,-( LIfB BVBBYWHBRW.''-'"' ' ' BD8TIO BIMPLI01Y AND PHBEWDNISS. i'WHATl A Poem, i ? , i. .:. -. ' Z- THB MOUTH Of LONDON. ' ..H0J?BABL8 ARB "OBMIDi TRUBTTNO Tf t LUOKi WHO WOULD BB A BAOHBLOB; WVBTHB OHILDRKN fRKBH AIH; ONB DROP AT A ?IMb" THB WAY TO DO GOOD: MORAL INVLDBNOBt RAIL KfJAS?IDKNT3 1N H0BT1' WBATHIRj TJTIlC 1ZINO WABTBBTBAM; A NEW MATERIAL POB RIBBOF UMBRELLAS: OEMBNT FOB HOLES IN iR.?5.i,48T1NQ8! B""lL-fIBH ROPB-MAKBRBi COINING BY AIR POWER; A OUBIOUB RELIO THE POUR BWOBD8 Of LONDON; FACTS ABOUT CBLBBKATBD MEN; HIBTOBY OF TI1B PIANO WITKAN "hUMoSI" B0Kft 01 aXITJTH AFBIO A. ) NOTICES OF. NEWOOKS. f'" -J Q Aud much other Interesting and Instructive , , -ReadiDg Matter.! j, u fj..h I Tram!;...4 .v f i per Snnum. nUNT ANEPubiidiers, , e - 71' and 73 nnh streot. . nektte'thePpst-Omos.PlttsbttrBh.Pa ito a: KENNED JT; General Agent. ic, nuuohB. , 1 ! v - ' 'xt I' ;iif,n TRIASUBY DEPARTMENT OF OHIO,! ' ' Uolombos, Mareh IB, IbOl.t 4,1 UV. 8AIS 01 OHIO BTATK IT0CIfl. : .uv-.J.t.-n THERE WIL,lj BE SOLO AT 'FJT-'" '" 11 aucU, a l.turday, Mlreh Both, u eleroa e'-J rJ f olock A. M.. at tbe offloe of th Treaiurer ef State, two thousand dollars of the Bonda of lha Hi.i. rnkin . Ib bterert at th aW of six percent, pes an-"'"! w .i. iwr win. pp an i, and payable seail-anneelly h-the City of Mew k, and th principal redveaaabl at thepleuuraof the er 'in, auu lora. Btat. I Theek Bondi were deposited with ths Treasurer of? tha !H ) t State of Ohio for the purpoee of securing tbe circulation ' of th Saving Bank of Cincinnati, and they are te be ' ' ' sold for th purpose of redeeming the same. '- ' ' marohl:dlO ' i yi j. jp. STONE, 4,1" '' GUERNSEY'S BALM TE Moves a n n vn wvivwm 1 .rl (lg JSMti.T. Ak, U n.muon M(' Pln, and heali the worst barn, , , fit . a ""i V ren mauDi o' "OF kind, prevents ,(; acal swelling and.paiB. irom be stings, moeqnllo bites, aad pouoaous plant!, neunlirli. .h,,nn.n. in ,. bnait, salt rheum, etc. , When taken Internally, It will positively cur croup .In children, and give Immediate relief in the wontctM of thu urrthla oomuliit . removes hoaneneu aud aaia UiraaU. Prim, ua " ,' bottle. . Should be in every house. For isle by Draa. . gisUantBtoreketyers.i.. . - IRYIN SiONB, - 1 -sole Proprietor, Ne. J Sprees st New York .. ocMdkwlyia' -. J . ' ' - t t D.Tj, Woodbnry;Oo-l' .Et.Z'Aif V. George W. Alleai, r onperior voart. v.l'.L if O TT J ' BV VIHTHOF A WniT OF FI.PA.T T to me dirccteil frnm tha Banerlnr Unart M Inntin - u , 1 eounty, Ohio, I will offer for mo, la th town of New AI-j i ' iu '1 iHinn .1. lha lltf. mam I l W -.1, - . . a i , . V ... Soodi aadtioUoaa, levlrd onae the nrnperivof l). W., , r."" Allen; isle oommrnciDg on BATCHDAY, tlie iuih J of 7, A Marcb.A. D. 1BI1U , 111 oVWlr A. M .... -. i ' . i A t March, A. ISelwt 1 p'elook A. M. . I J I .i . ' ' U, W. KUPFMAN, 81 Sheriff, Siaroh 16:10td By Ed. Davii, Dip't. Pilatei'fvf, 13,50. '.j.'.em ll f'a'j i :vi: -'.i jsxyff