Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 8S. 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Exprwf Company places ns dally f tinder obligations to It for the Tery latest papers ' from the eaBtern cities. lr, ,1 ' "W The American Express Company bai our thnuks lor Its dally favors In tbe eUapeofthe Tery latest eastern papers. y Notioi to Soaioaistas. City tubioilbert to the Daily Statttmn, who may change (heir dwellings or places of business at this season of tbe year, are requested to notify our oarrierB, or leare word at our countlngr-oom, or tne places at which they wish their papers left , thereafter. , ..' i . Dsitructivb Fisc A lire broke out; about V-. tiiVeft o'elnnk nn Satiirrla afternoon. ' the 23d lost., In tho extooslve Chair and Cabinet Mand . factory of Messrs. Bothu & Ham, situate i in the southwest part of the elty, neat- the canal. 1 Owing to a strong west wind, the building was enveloped In flames before the fire engines could be brought to bear upon It. - i , - -The Are Is supposed to bare originated from a spark blown from the mouth of tbe furnace hulMlhtr ' nanft tnrv nrermrlnp cam-husks for VM..H.&V - - I 1 a . . " ... All-J lt. I. ' flammable matter, wnion iea me nerce names, ' and in a very short time, the rough lumber, furniture, ohalrs, veneering, 4o., whtch they contained, were reduced to ashes. Alargequan t, nf rtnardd anil other lumber, oiled on the east Side or tne ounaing, caugut nro, um tuo steam engine poured such a copious stream of water upon tbe burning mass, that tbe greater put of it was sated. A stable, about two hun dred yards north of the burning building, caught fire, and was soon . enveloped in flames." As there were several old buildings In the Immedi ate vicinity of the stable, It was feared that the whole soathero part of the city would be con sumed. Bat a steam fire engine was promptly on hand, and arrested tbe course of the devour ing element. i t ' Both tbe steam fire engines and tne band en gine were on the ground, and performed effect ive service. Much praise Is due to the entire fire department for the activity and energy die. played at th Is critical juncture, in saving a large portion of our city from threatened destruc tion. Messrs. BaoTHisiin & Halm's loss is vari ously estimated at from ten to fifteen thousand dollars;' They were insured to the amount of five thousand dollars in tbe Hartford Insurance Company, and of three thousand in another In surance Company. Five years ago last winter, tbe same' gentlemen met with' a similar1 loss, by tbe conflagration of a like establishment,located on or near the same spot.', ' '-!." 1 i " s Am old Citizkn Gout. Dr.JJoHN Hamm, of ZtnesvlUe,. died on. Friday last. He was in tbe 84th xear of bis sge. Dr. Hamm emigrated from New Jeraoy to Ohio in loUrj, and after a brief residence at St. Clalrsvllle, settled at Zinesville.1 la all the relations of life, John Hamm was an exemplary man and good citizen; and he was, without wavering, a Democrat of the Old Suhool, a true disciple of Thomas Jr.rrr.a- ' SON. : - "5 1 ) V ') . - tf . Dr. Hamm was the U. 3. Marshal of Ohio un der the administration of Madison; be was a Representative and Senator in the State Legis lature, and was sent by General Jacuon as Minister to Chile. . In all bis publlo duties be acquitted himself with great ability and Jntea rity. On his return from Chile, his friends in tbe Muskingum valley Urged blm for nomination for Governor, and he received a flattering sup pert In the convention, which, however, confer red the honor on Eli Baldwin, Dr. Hamm was not after' that time a candidate for any pub llo position ; but he was faithful and ardent in the support of bis political principles np to the bourof bis death.' Y' We have' known Dr. Hamm intimately for some twenty-Sve years, and realize of a troth that a good man has fallen. RarosucAN Candidates f on City and Town sHir ' Ornoias. The Republican ' City . and Township Convention met at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 33d Inst., and made the following nominations for Township Officers : Trutteet Adam Stevens, J. Deemer and Chas. Eldrldge J Treasurer Win. McDonald ; Cirri Gamaliel Soott ; Coaifafcie James Taylor, JosiehS. Holt 'and Daniel Morris; Anettor Capt. Nathaniel Merlon. . '' V The following nominations were made for City Officer'! -. ' Mayer Lorenzo English j Treasurer Wil liam Armstrong ; Clerk Robert Hume j SoUe Uor James A. Wiloox; School Director John W. Andrews and John Greineri ATarsAal John Whltsell.., v .-. V "...' . 7 - The old Republican City Coir.mlttee was re appointed, and consists of F, C. Sessions, Geo W. Heyl, Charles Breyfogle, A. E. Hanes, M. M. Powers and Nathaniel Merion. ,; ii 'j i Thi Cosmopolitan Akt Jooenal for March begins the fifth volume of that neat quarterly. . Tbe frontispiece in this number Is an exquisite steel engraving, entitled" 'Filial Solioltude." ' Tbe pages are, as usual, adorned with illustra tions of ar ticles, both in prose and verse. There is a portrait of Chaslcs C. Lcland, the editor of Vtniif ,Fir. acoompanted with a lively sketch of bis life and writings. There is also portrait o( Miss Looisa Landie, and knlnter estlng outline of ber progress as an artist.. Tothose who delight to trace the progress of the fine arts, and desire a handsome and enter talnlng periodical for the study or the centre iable, the CotmaptUUn Art Journal may be cheerfully ro6mmebdedi 'The' prlc Is two dollars a year, or fifty oents a number. Ad lres C. L. Dmsir, Actuary, Cosmopolitan Art Association", 518 Broadway, New York. .; .: EifoaiALXiiANbB. HaNaTMiLiia'Kq laUwdlWr and proprietor of the Darke County Democrat, has been appointed Clerk of the Court of Common Fleas of that county , In place of Dr Wat. C. PemavuLD, decMr, In consequence ol this appointment, Mr. Millxb has disposed of the Danterat to Messrs L..B, Paica and Gio. D . Fassas, by whom It will hereafter be conduct . ed. The Democrat has' been published, under the control of lis Ute editor, for nearly six years. It has been a success, andhas exerted bene ficial Influence upon the politics of Drke coun ty. We wish it continued success. both pecu niarily and politically, under tbe guidanoe of thenew publishers.- " J1 ' I. ! III.., I-Wl ' , 'I X.rtT. I "CooaT or .Common Flias. Among other business transacted In Court, thld forenoon, a cjmmltteeof members of tbe Bar was appoint ed to draft a rule prescribing Monday of eaoh week as the day lor bearing motions, and di recting the Clerk to keep a Motion Docket, . Goai ENOoait. For an 6ne. rl oh or poor Guernsey' Balm gives Immediate and perma. ent "relief in all cases where an external reme y is applicable. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. I DITAXTVaZS, Ualli for Hew York 0tjt Boston, AlbanW BulWo, FitUbargh, etcabMrrllla wtr. Cleveland, !Cdmt1II, Newark. GnnTllla. Wuhlnilon fllt. luiumon. Pnlla- delphla and Mew Orleans. oIom dally (Bundjl except ed) at 7 o'clock p. m. A through mall for Maw Tork and Cleveland cloeee 0AU7 ujunaye excepted) at 1 o'clook p.m.. . ' 0. 0. 0. R. It. way tUUeloeoa dally (Bandaysex- Central Ohio Way Mall cloMidtlly (Sundays excepted) At 1 o'ftloflb n. m. Cincinnati n. Mill sloiu dally CBunaayi exoepteai i J o ciocx p. m. Chicago, Dubuqoe, Delawtro, Marion anil Worthing ton Mali eloeea dally (Sandays excepted) at 1 o'clock p. BA. ' Malta for Xenla. BprtngSeld, Dtyton. Toledo, Clndn nail. Indianapolis, Lontivllle. Bl- Lonla, and Detroit, Clowe dally (Sundays oxoepted) t7H p. i A throsgh mall to Xenla, Springfield and Cincinnati aloeet dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'olock p.m. Urbaoa, rtqtta, Timn and union uiiy mau oioees ouiy (Bnadaya exeopted) at 7K o'olock p. m. Lancaster. Logan. Neleonvllle, OlrcleTllle, Ohlllloothe Portamonth, Waihington, 0. H-, Athens, Marietta and Iiilliboroaib. mallicloM dalli (Bandars excepted) at7M o'olock d. m. ) Baet way Mall by National Road to Zaneirllle, eloass any (enndays exeeptM) at iio'ciocaa. n. ' i Harrlebargb Mails close dally (Sundays excepted) all ooiocip.m. i Mt. Vernon Mall, by way of Weeterrllle and Banbury, Oloees dallv (Sandara axcenlMl) at 1 o'clock D. m. DubUa Mall clows daily(8andays exoeplcd)at 1 o'cloek p.m. . I i AkSJVALS, ' .1 mmin iron, new xorx, soeion. rmiaueipnia, aiv, Fittabargh, Olereland, Dayton, Toledo, Zenia, Detroit, Bpringfleld, Cincinnati. OhilUoolha. 8t. Louis, and all Boathem eltlet, arrire between the hours of So clock f. m. and 4 o'clock a. m. .1 Malls from IndlanaDolls. Ohloan and Dubuque, arrive a w a. m. . ' 1 Malls from Waahlntton Oltv. Baltimore. Wheeling, ZanesTllle, Newark, Bteubenrllle, Mt. Vernon, and tho u. v. . n. way jnaii, arrive at ux o'clock p. m. Way Mail from Cincinnati, arrirea at 8M o'olock f, Lancaitor Mall arrirea at 2U o'alock d. m. , last Way Mail over tho National Koad. arrives at 11 o ciooa a. m. Mt. Vernon way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m.. Mall from Dublin arrives at 8 o'olock p. m. Urbana Way MallarriTOS at 8 o'olock p.m. Iltrriiburgh Mall arrive at 11 o'olock a. m. Office dellven onen ever da (axceot Bandav.l from 7X o'olock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. . Open on Hundaya from 7)4 to 8 o'clock la lb morning, and from S to S In JOSEPH DOWDALL, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. Lima Hun fc OeuJMicefc Inn B. R. . Leaves, " Arrive. AooomaodaUon.t S.10 A. M. ; ' Me. Bx S.9SP.M.- ' Mlhltipraa. 9. Ad A.M. 0.1S P. M, 3 SOP. M. 1.46 A. M. Oiavaun, Qoumaoi at OiaeunrATi E. E. ' Irprem and Mall 3.00 P. M. . Might Jxpres. .3:85 A. M. 1.40 P.M. I: JO A. M OBrnuLOaioB. B. '' xpraw Train.. 3.00 4. M MaU Train. S.40 P. M. ' 30 A. M. IMP. M. 9.30 P.M. PrrrnsaaB, Golomius k. Omcuoiati B. B xnree Train ,M 3:00 A. M. - Mail Ira In .8,40 P.M. 8:80 P. M. Ooiokin a IanuwaroLmB. B. LOolurabua, Piqua a Indiana B. B.J Ixpraa Train... 8:10A.M. IiDreat Train S:4P.M, 11:10 A.M. 8:10P.M. Pmsohal. N. Oundershlmer baa lust re turned from the east, where be has purchased one of the finest assortments of Cloths, Case), meres, end Veetings of every grade and variety ever offered in this market. He has purchased bis entire stock of first hands, which will enable blm to sell as low as any other establishment west of the mountains. He has secured the aas vices of the well known cutter Mr. Robert Spurllng to take cbarge of the tailoring depart ment. Those desiring the beat of material got ten np in the latest and best style of out and workmanship, will do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. . He has also a fall and comDleta stock of Gents' furnishing goods, all ot which basjnst arrivea ana are ot tbe latest patterns. . Persons ailing cannot tan to be wM. A large and well selected stock of Readv Made Clothing kept constantly on hand, at prioes to euit the times. Remember the place. No. 129 South High street, one door North of the Goodale House. Cooohs. The sudden oh anees of onr climat are sources of Pulmonary , Bronchial and Asth matio Affections. Experience having proved tbat simple remedies often not speedily and certainly, when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be bad to Brnm't Bronchial Trochti." or Loxentree. let the Cold, Conith, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more se rious attack may be effectually warded off. habile Sneakers and Singers will find them ef fectual for clearing and Strengthening tbe volo. See advertisement, for sale wholesale and retail, ty Roberta & Samuel, No. 24 North HiRb. street, b. Bauueid- uo., no. ea south High street. - - -t Good. We met one of our friends yesterday on Broadway, and were astonished at the change in his appearance. ' a lew weecs ago we saw blm, he was pale, lean and dejected; complain Ins; of weakness and debility, having been so afflicted all summer. Now be appears to be fat, healthy and strong. We learn be owed his res toration entirely to McLkan's Stehothininq Cosdial. ' We advise all who are complaining; of Gen eral Debility to try it; it Is certainly a rery pleasant remedy. We leam that there are large quantities of it selling daily j Morning Herald PR. KiairATTucx, No. 165 South High Street, has a Tery choice assortment of Gold snd Silver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, at prices to suit tbe times. . VT See advertisement of Prof. Millib's Hair In vigor tor In anothertolomn. , DO YOU WANT.. WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT. WHISKERS7 . ! 1 DO YOU WANT A. MUSTACHE? 1 - j , DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? j BEILINQHAM'S i CELEBRATED ' Stimnlatiiig Ongnent, ' For the Whiskers and Hair. Ttia (nbaerfbsr tak cleainre In announclns to the OUlaene of th United State, tbat they have obtained th Agency for, and are sow enabled to offer to th American public, tb abov jojtly oelebrattd and world-renowned artNr. ise STIMULATING ONGUENT 1 . Is prepared try Da. 0.' F. BELLINGTtAM, an eminent phyelciaa of London, and I warranted to bring out a uucawtoi. Ul, a -trit'- 1 i( Whiskers or a Mnstache In frogs Ihr to tlx weeks. ' This article Is the only On of the kind need by th trench, and In London and Paris tt la ! 1 nan. . 111 a beautiful, economical, oothloit, yet sttmnlattng eomponnd,aollng as If by magi upon th root, causing abeaatlful growth of luxuriant hair. , If applied to the ecalp, It will ear aauiiim, and oauie to ipring op In place of th bald ipou a fin growth of new hair. Ap- nuea aoeoramg 10 amotions, it wm turn rb or towv hair are. and rntor gray hair to In orlilnal 00 lor. leaving it soft, smooth, and sxilo.- tb -OmoDrr" 1 n lndlepniabl article la vry gantleman'a toilet, and altar one week's a tbey Won 1U not Soranyotnalderation bswlthoatlt, . ', . " Th (nbscrlbers are the only Atenta for the article In the United States, to whom all order mail be add rested. Prlc On Dollar a box for sal by all Dntirgiets and Dealers; arabtxof the "Onguent" (warranted to hav th deaired eSot) will b tent to any wto detlr It, by mall (direct), securely packed, on receipt of prlc and postage, f 1.10, appiy 10 or aoarosa . . , j , , , . B0BA01 1. BKQIV.AN k CO .': feb20dfc6m 94 William gtret,Hew-Torkr. t I A CHANGE. Ainu, 1 JUL ohaaed of 1. R. WIAV1H his entire (took of Dry O'rods, at Mo. 103 High St., with t vktw of onaoging my location, I will 11 until the first day of April, with out reserve, ., ja, , r . , ,., . ., r 1: , AT, COST FOR CASH! v.d. nuns, m rinffrs, xtn.uma, xriuuniiiTB. v A)to Flgand Marino, j)e Lalnei, BUaWliand CloaVt, - r 1. . . . a. ' j -v , t Hejardlosi 9.1 Cost I . ?':, NOTICE. , LL PERSONS KAiOWINo THEM . aem 10 D inaeuica u, the ku .r iuu. DRlDtil HWHITsI will plea (all ad. aeUl taU aooonnte. and thereby av coat. . . ' AllBoMa and acoount rrmalnlng nrH onlbeflrtt M A I ! L- - , A 1 A ft. a - - - - t Apm win o piaoaa in ip nana 01 wm. I,. llSiL, J. F.,foroollaoiloa. F.N.WHITa. aur7-dltwtprl lurvlring Partner. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Tbe Klwht mniiss lreaiarv Loan J lie rreaiaent ureatlF l'allwuaa kw Office Seeker Coafirraattane f Nanslnatlvaia Th Ewacaatlom f wars Mnnater JLleas. Slammer says be aauat t tbandto rra Plck enii and 'a jrialorlty ( the Cab lnea In Favor al Ita Kvumallan SSeary VVlmter Davie rNainlnated irainiaierioaauaaia seisnre oili67, (JOO CannterfeK Nate, laelndlne; 0OO0O unalg-ned en tMe:Sisita Bsna f Obi Aieora-lsMNtateCenTentlan ' Aiiairiia lexne-nreiB uaieiDuri, ' 111. Heath mt (lemueiere Wllklm-aon JJeata of Hon. St. W. Scraaton Capt. eo. nmtcliISasalnated far mayor ol sjlnclaaall V,. H. Senate Proceedlaae Farther Forelsrn News The Condition ol Kaaiai- New Mexican Items Ac, VeacVc From Washington. Washington. March 22. The Secretary of the Treasurv has advertised for nroDOsals to the Sd of April for eight million dollars of tbe stock of the United States, to be Issued under ihe act or f ebruary. This sum will be sufficient for the wants oi tne Treasury during tbe present fiscal Tf. - f r. ..- t . Ivol. Dudley Mann, now In Washington, is about starting to Europe on business connected with the consummation of bis great eastern a learner enterprise. - '1 i ne:rasident has been so beset with office seek ers as to be able to ride out onlv once ainoe coming into ouico. lie is receiving no visitors wnatever to-day, either or friendship or on bus! ness. . . .' ( i The Senate to day confirmed the following nominations i i i c i. James M. Bureess. Postmaster of Janesvllle. Wisconsin; Archibald W. Campbell, Postmas-i ter of Wheeling, V,j Albert Todd, Postmaster or Lexington, Kentucky; William D. Spauld- inr, collector at XMiaearai James K.. McDowell. of Kansas, United States Marshal of tbat State; Wm. L. Day ton, jr., of New Jersey, Assistant Secretary of Legation at Paris; Charles L Wilson, of Illinois, Secretary of Legation to Londom John T. Edear. of Tena.. Consul at St. Thomas: John Harra. Dnlted States Distriot Attorney for Indiana. - , . iM in addition to tbe above, a number of land officers and srmy promotions were confirmed, inoiuaing that oi L,ieutenant-c;oioDel Lee, to be Colonel in place ot Sumner. Niw YotK, March 24. The Jlerald'i Wash ington dispatch says the President has issued or ders to Major Jtderson to put his command in readiness to ev7 )ate Fort Sumter Major An derson to ealutetila flag and embark in the war steamer dispatched there for that purpose. No opposition will be made by the Charleston lans. The Cabinet is said to have considered. Satnr- day, dispatches received from Lieut. Slemmer, who states that,unless supplied with provisions soon, be will have to abandon Fort Pickens. Gen; Braee, In command of the Confederate forces at Pickens, notified the Lieut, that sup plies oannot be landed at tbe Fort, unless by a permit from Jeff- Davis. The Brooklyn, St. Louis, Sabine and Wyandotte are off Fort Pick ens. . , . . jr -. The Administration has dispatched a messen ger to Richmond to confer in regard to the Su preme Court Judgeship, i Henry Winter Davis' nomination as Minis ter to Russia will be . sent to the Senate on Monday. Kemovals In civil service will be nume rous. , .-.:' ii- ' ' -I y ' Wm. Javne. of Illinois, Is nominated Govern or of Daootah. . . The Charleston Courier of Fridavsavs: Her geant Fox arrived to, visit, and report, to the Administration, tbe condition of Sumter. He was permitted to go thither, accompanied by Capt. Harsteln. ,- .-.i ' . Tbe Courier also notices ths arrival of es Congreasman Holmes, who says Seward desired him to say to the people of Charleston be was for a peaceful settlement, and would do every thing in his power ,for an amicable correspon dence. Also, tbat Gen. Scott gave similar assurances, and tbe President favors such policy and tbat the majority of the Cabinet desire the evacuation of Pickens as wsll as Sumter.' '( , Washington, March 24. Detective Keese, of Washington, has seized end retains, by order or the court, bogus and counterfeit notes on 27 I u. oe nun. . i i-. ji Vu K. , " wu''"uui '-,p ui, to. The larger packagea contain the follow- ing: $30,000 counterfeits on tbe Bank of Au gusta, Me.; $60,000 unsigned counterfeits on tbe State Bank of Ohio. The dies were of one and ten dollars, and two and a half dollars. Niw Yew, March S4.The Herald's Wash! lngton correspondence says: It Is believed the programme ot the Administration in regard to the evacuation ol Fort Sumter has been altered since tbe departure of Col. Lamon. It is cow reported that the evacuation Is to be condition al. Col. Lamon is to examine the stock of provisions, and if the supply Is insufficient to maintain the troops now there, be will deliver the President's order to Maj. Anderson to evac uate the Fort. . It is said that the Government has received advices tbat Texas has sent Commissioners to New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, and Chiohua- hua, to induce the people thereof to join the Southern - Confederacy! and the mission it is Said, is regarded favorably. Dispatches from tort Pickens state that tbe garrison is short of provisions, and can bold out but a short time. None but official com munication is permitted at Pensacola, and the squadron can neither reinforce the fort nor fur nish supplies., Appearances indicate that the Government, before long, will be compelled to abandon Fort Piokena to the secessionists. ' ' Niw Yosi, March 25th. Tbe Herald dis patch says Dr. Lleb, of Illinois, has been nom inated Marshal of Daootah; J. Blgelow Law rence, of Boston, is to be Consul General to Florence. . -,- ..on'. The TVmes correspondence says the nomina tion of Drver, of Oregon, as Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands , will be rejected. Chanuoey Jj. Clappf it is understood, will bs Secretary of iiegauon 10. Austria, jonn nuicmnson, 01 Minnesota, was nominated secretary, and a. r. Willisoo, of Pennsylvania, Chief Justice, of Da cotab; 8. 'V. Hoxie,of Minnesota, Surroyor General of Neradai Mr. Hill., of I Michigan, Surveyor of Dacotab; Aaron .Goodrich, of Min neeota, Secretary of Legation to Belgium. " ! i I have just received la dispatch from a gen tleman in Charleston, who visited Fort Sumter this morning. ' He states that he saw Ma. An derson taking an Inventory of everything pre paratory to evacuating the Fort. He is, It seems, allowed to exercise bis awn judgment as to the method of leaving. t-n- ' ' The Herald' 0 Washington correspondence save Surgeon John L. Fox. of tbe U. S. Nvy, reached here to-day from Fort3umter, having been sent there by tbe Administration on Mon day last. He viaited Malor Anderson os Thurs day, In company with Capt. Harsteln, of South . 1 . Mi .. i. vt . varimuay. a im. kWlli iua.w ut repvre , nr-ww TOW.). . -, nt- 'it -.a ,.n.-. ' ' M " i Washington, March- 25. Benjamin T. Tsher- wood, of New York, has been appointed c.nei. neer-ln-Chlef in tbe Navy, eies Archibald, re signed. .' -''' 't " . The Cabinet u m session to-aay on appoint ments to fill vacancies, wbiob it is necessary for the Senate to act upon previous to ite adjourn. ment, which will take place on weanesoay From Texas. i Galviston, March 22. Tbe Legislature met on the 18th Inst., when the House and Senate took the oath of allegiance to the new Govern ment. a few members under protest 1 Gov. Houston and tho Secretary of State re tired, and surrendered tbe arobievs 1 Gov. Houston las issued an pie, denouncing tbelConvenlion ' Tbe latter to-day passed a Substitute to Army bill, raising only one mounted regiment. ..ILi' .klla.l appeal 10 tnepeo- -.i sa- Georgia State Convention. Aoqovta, Maroh 24." ,The State Convention, which adjoarned on Saturday night, adopted State Constitution, to be ratified or rejected tbe people at tbe next July election. - v Tbere IB notning new irom Montgomery. It is generally believed that Major Anderson evacuated Fort Sumter on Wednesday last. .,, , Tbe troops 01 the south are oonpenualing Pensaeola. - r:-.r y .0 - . ' .. . " ' r' . ' " ': 1 Cincinnati, Maroh 83. The Democratic Union Convention 'this afternoon , nominated Capt. George Hatch for Mayor,, ,n . -,r,W i . i- Soanton, Pa., March 24,-Hon. O. W, Scat ton died here this morning. The Condition of Kansas. 23. and Price the special committee of the Kansas oonferenee of the M. E. Church,' to whom was referred the qmestlon of the drouth end destitution In Kan sas, made the following report, wnicn was unan imously adopted. Tbey eayi We have been careful to ealn all the information neoesserv to th formation of a oorreot opinion from ministers representing an parts ot tne onto, ana declare, firotly, that in October last there were not pro visions enough in tbe State, nor means enough to proonre them, to preserve more than one-halt of the people from starvation ; oeeondly, notwith standing all the aid that has been afforded us, tbe most of onr population have had but little for their snstenance, ezoept corn bread, with a little meat, part of tbe time; thirdly, from all accounts, we have no donbt tbat the various statements of facts in regard to our condition, made by Messrs. Pomeroy, Maher and Hyatt, have been nromnted bv the purest motives. and are substantially correct, and tbat we tender them our special thanks; fourthly,' we have reason), to . believe that ail counter-statements, emanating from the press or other soutess, have been made in ignorance of the (acts, or through some Interested 'motives i', fifthly, that in our judgment the donations of our friends in tbe c.ast hare In almost every instance reached their destined objects; $txthly, we. desire, in this formal manner, to express our beart-felt thanks to alt-tour kind donors, and assure them that their (combined liberality baa saved tbs lives of thousands, and prevented an untold, amount of suffering; teeeniAy, it is now eeveral months till harvest, and we have but little in store, and we pray our friends not to stay their band till we shall be. able, to realize something from our own resources.: " - '" ..(' i -. SIsmed bv Messrs.' Brooks. Moore. Tennv. norn, Btuxeman, and rauison, Committee. Further Foreign News by the Canada. Tbe London Timet, in reviewing Jeff. Davis' inaugural, says It never read a publio document so aiincuic to analyze and interpret 1 It was reported that tbe Irish Archbishop vuuen was w ne oreatea uaraioaw .Tne Austrian Oaoette says Francis II. ban de termined to stay id Rome so long a the Pope remains mere." - . The Spanish mlnlstrv have nronounoed In favor of the temporal power of the Pope, and repudiate tbe idea ot , transferring the Papacy to Jerusalem.', ;l Tuikit. Tbe Porte bad sent an answer to the last Russian note, la which it denies all right of foreign interference in international affairs. Tbe Turkish fleet, with six months provisions on board, was about to cruise off tbe Coast of Dalmatian 1 ' - - In Ihe bonse of Lords. Lord Woodhouse said it was true that Russia had sent a , dispatch to the French government, approvierof tbe French occupation in Syria, and intimating that Russia wouia, ii necessary, support tbe sending or an increased force. i A meeting; ol Hungarian and Polish notabil ities is said to bare been held at the Palais Royal. J!, Italy. The Sicilian Intend celebrattnir Garibaldi's saints day by a general holiday. Russia. It is reported that the Emnoror'a brother wonld shortly visit Warsawi : Tbe gar rison of Warsaw was being nightly lucreased, bat the impression ' was that peace would be preserved. ;. ' ' ' ' From New Mexico. Indspindincc March 25. New Mexican mails, with dates of the Uth Inst ',, has arriv ed only 13 days out. v7 Uapt. uolloway, Ueut. Boyce and Lieut. Kel , of the United States Army, came through as passengers. . ., ... ueut. Kelly nag resigned his commission, snd s ea route for Louisiana, to loin the Southern Confederacy.. ... . ,. ; Cast. Holloway reports an ' abundance of stores for the army in New Mexico, with 'the exception of flour, Wbicb is very scarce'. , ,. There is great scarcity of provisions among the people of New Mexico, and some suffering is anticipated. i n,'j .- Colonel boring, who takes command of tbe Department ol New Mexico, was at Fort Wise. and getting along well. The cause of tbe failure of tbe mail last Tuesday was owing to not having been started irom santa re on tne 4th Inst. - The probabil ity is that hereafter this mail will ran promptly mA Mab Ih. Man.f H -U 1 1 't nuiw, an uuuusuw ui gtock, coin, &c , baa been sent out on tbe road, Th iHi.n. n. .h. 7. ... .11 Va H wHwwaav sv awaa a ppvSBA aauwxTa ( friendly; bat no confidence is placed In them, and an attack from them at anv time would not surprise any one. , The road is in fine condition, and crass on tbe Arkansas verv good. Tbe re port from tbe Ban -Juan mines is by no means flattering. Other mines bave been discovered, but none that will justify working. ' Galksbdso, III., March 23 A fire this morn ing has done considerable damage to the boarding-house of A. Q. Reed,, and destroyed seven adjoining buildings. Lass $ui,uuu to f l'J.OUO. Insured for $5,000. , . I . Kosfolk, Va., March 24. Commodore Wil kinson died to daj. . ' j U. S Senate—Special Session tbe a by . at , and ' Wabrinoton, March 23. A letter was re ceived from the Vice President, In which he stated tbat it was bis .Intention to be absent during tbe remainder of tbe session, and in or der to afford an opportunity lor the Senate to elect a President pro fern., he deemed It necessary' that this fact should be made known. -. M i -4ic' 1.1 v .-- ., On motion of Mr. Hale; Mr. Footo was bnan- imously chosen Vice President pro fern, , , ; Mr.Foote, on being condnoted tolhecbair, made a few pertinent remarks.' '...''' . ' Un morion or Mr; Wilson, a committee was appointed to communicate the election of Mr. Footelto V ice f resident uamiin. - Mr. Wade presented tbe credentials of John Sherman, ol Obio, elected In place of Salmon P. Cbase. " , ,..,.,,.,' , Mr .Shermsn - wss, .qualified, and took bis seat.. .-i r 't 1-1 .rii1-o..u tti.-i : f. .. , ' Mr. Hale moved to take np his resolution of the election ot officers; agreed to 2S against 18, 1 Messrs. Bright and DrecKinridge spoke In fa vor of postponement, on acooilnv of the small attendance and other reasons.4 1 ".."''. . Mr. Breckinridge said if the , resolatlod Is carried Into effeot, theoffioers would be distrib uted as tbe reward for partisan services. " It was a flagitious and mischievous system, and would ultimately break down any' administration on earth. .' .. ia t.kt: m .!... Mr. Hale,witu due respcci, said tbe Senator was not justified In tbe Inference' that there would bs a general sweep. For one, be would be very sorry to see this done, but It would not be strange if the list or subordinates should re quire a little examination or. supervision. Abuses may have, crept If sor ne looped they wonld be oorreuted, snd , the. iailhlul aub ordinates let alone. -,- n; 1 . ,,t u- i iis-i I Mr. Bright opposed thbresolutioni " -" I Mr.lFoasenden did not desire to make a gene ral change of officers, r Tbe most of tbem were acceptable; a few might be removed. - I'"',' , i Mr. .iviingman opposed a new election, re marking tbat he neither now,. nor beietofore, knew the political opiuloua of any of the subor dinates. Many person 'vow here Want foreign missions.' If theycoqld pot get (.hese.tbej want to be Sergeanta-Arms-. . ;; )'.(,. , .i Mr. Douglas said political proscription Wee to be praotloed for the first time In the Senate, to tne Duoiio injury ana aemoranxavion. ,ae nao hoped tbe Senate would be spared? the degrade-. tlon Drougnt upon otner-Drancnee ortne uov ernment, " T.fK'fWfTIffT'VJ l"j: L. i Mr. Nesmith recognized the doctrine "to tbe Flotors belong tbe spoils." Considering; theet-i , enoleJ of tge eonntry, he would turn the id-:.:i..h.-s1 oral bavonetsgelns tbe effloeeekere. . ' M. Powell moved to take np Mr. Hale's res olution heretofore offered,' providing for the ad journment of .the, Senate, ia a'ie, to day. - was evident toe majority, luawiau. ui vraneacting the business of an executive Session; for which they were convened, go Into a miserable scram ble for thesnoile. ) The Republicans, for the first time, were attempting to bring the contest lor place into the Senate Chamber lie looked on these things aa despicable enough to destroy any government on earth. He would not lend hia nresence to such degrading work. - ' ' ' Mr. Trumbull replied tbat the Senator eons- plained they did not transact ouaiaess, ' but bow nnuM thfiv when be and his friends were con tinually making dilatory motions, and calling for the yeas and nays, to. waste time. -u jsjaiasasssa,ii 1 , 'I aaaasataa.- 1. .,isnia (IOLDEN UlLIifHIKTS. T All tlaes and qualities; also BOYS' 8HTBT8 of superior auk, for sal by BAIN A BON, km , 9. South High (trawt. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, March 25. ABnEg-eKady and anehangtd; eale 10 bbl at 3 15 MtwJ Jiiorpou, ana w- ;ii ror pearl. : - rLOUR Beoelpie 1,000 bole. Market a shade a better; ale 13,000 bUli at ti UtaiS SO for eupeiSn Btate, S Ui 9 SO for ex.ra 8UU, S 15 SO for saperfln Weet ern, SJ SH S 45 for common to medium extra Weetern, and ti 8.11S3 65 for ihlDDlnr brands extra Bonnd Boon Ohio. Canada Soar a tWe Aratmr; sales 450 bbli at S3 3036 7.V BTH rLOUR-leadr at $3 4034 10. - WHBai Heealpt S.4U0 boebele. Market lo. better, with a fair export demand; sales 40,000 boehels at tlM latl3forUhioa(oeprinlnler anS delivered, tlS7 S 1 US for Milwaukee Olub In atora and delivered, SI 32 for Winter red Weetern delivered, and (1 4S1 50 for whit Weetern. KYB-qulot at 6365o . , -iBABLK-orceandflrmat7380ij. - r ' i ' ' OOBN Reoelpt 10,354 bflihel. Market aboat lo bet ter, aales 50,000 buahele at7(ai69j for old mixed Weet ern In iter and delivered, 63S65e for new do at Bail road depot. ...,!... - OATS steady at 3335c for Weatera, Canadian,' and Slate. i .' - - - FORK a little maraatMilw! uln lOOhhle at S16 503 tie 62 for meat, and f iq 501! 79 for prima. , . rmi vncoanirea. , r . , I , ' : ; i . CUT MEATS quiet. V ' , " LARD steady; aalre 50 bbl. at 99103. ' BUTTER in fair nmil t llkmu. fnr Ohio, and 14 tM for States . . . .. CHKSHE-eteady at S3 lOo for common to prime. WHISKV eoaroelyaonrm; salee 500 bbU. at 170. j STOCKS moderately active and better, claelni atroni: money and txchann nothing nw. demand and vain re main unchanged; Ch.At R. I. 58; Oh. B. Jr. Q. 73K; 0. At Toledo 30; Gal. Ac Oh. TiH: III. C. sorln ttSi M. 17M do Quoted 39: M. O. SHVT! Headtnir 44V: Krla 32; N. t. 0. 70; Faa. M. 86; Oumbd. 7; (ial.fc Oh. let bonds 08; 0. B.ftQ. B. R. Spare 09X: O.St Toledo bonds 70; U. 8. o'e 61; Regletered 95 K; do coupon, Vi; Treaeury 13 per. (A; Tenn. 6'75; a. 10. UI .7'ID K, Cincinnati Market. .FLOUR Thtmirket aiaumed na new featar to-day. Boldere do not prees their stock freely, and the old quo tation are eonatquently maintained. WHIAT is very Arm, there being bat little on the maiket, and reoelpt very liht.Millera do not offer over nor red, ana ei kxi 10 for whit though 833oi per buhl hither is aeked. OOBN remains unchanged; 33c. for ear Is easily had, whilit ebelled le doll at lhat figure. . . , . . i . O ATS-r still In Uir rcept and very s0w f sal at 9oo. B4RLBT-W quoUat C870o for prime tail, with a dnll market. T RTKliatilfl better, and wtvdrance th figure tq wiwr UUBUVI .... j ... . ) . WHIBKy we quoted yesterday at 13o. That wa to Bgure for high proof; 13 anould havbeen the tit an for low. Th market stands at th earn figures today, with a fair demand. (An. Oon, March 25, . .- ' Cleveland Market. March 23. dull; sales of 87 white wheat double ex tra at S 5 50. ' WHIAT In bettor demand; sale of 4 ears red and iju Duaneisao. at u, and soars whit at SI IS. OOBN eale of 1000 buihela from atora at 14,. - HIQHrTINES alta of 50 bhla .till. vk km. t - r . .i liAHD-saleof 13kegitt0c. APPLIS eale of 50 bbla dried apples at 3c. BOOS th market ii fully supplied and ta tndny Is downward. Salee of 37 bbls al 97Kc; small Iota at 10c; and a few bbls, heavy packed for shipmeu, at So. BUTTaR dull, with light sale. Central In bbl. at 11c. IIAM8 at SHOULDERS aalAa of 1000 nnniA. i,.i. cured Hams and Shoulder at 0 and 7o. ... , Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Flour dull, 5 00 for superfine. Wbcat dull, tales 10,000 bush red tli5Al 30. Whit 1 400B110. Ooaaw buoyant, eaiee U.WO bush new vellow at 60b. Cnniw; rio 12914c Mem Pork 1785. Liito 111I . Wm iv-lnll 1818 1-9. I It NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, V uuio, - ITIaiiii facia re vs of all kinds ! Por table ana stationary- Steam Ga (inca, Matw mills, urlat Dlllls, '.t Ac, Arc. ; j LAKE BODLSTBeatml H. tt I. BLAST) TBeahnl J. A J. B. DUYALL atm,l!l COLUMBUS MACEINS CO. Beaten HI T Bit AJDIOBD " '' CO. Btatentltll . ' Onr Portable Engine and Saw Kill Was awarded the first premium of (50 at the Indiana State Fair for l'OO over Ian It Bodley's on account of Prlcer. lightness,. simplicity, eoonomy.of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. v Our Stationary Xnrln was awarded at the earn Fair th flrat premium of S'2O0. , 1 1 , Our Portable Kngine wat awarded the Ant premium of $100 at the Fair at Mempht. Tenn.. over Blandv'a Dn- vall's. Oolnmbai Machine Co't., and Bradford at Go's., by a aomaitte of practical Railroad Engineer . ' . wot price ana lermt aaaren W1LLAKD WARNER, Traunrar, decS-dftWlyeott. J Newark, Ohio. PBICH 1 From tb New 1 ork Observer. v 'r .-,;.- Asallpartie manoficturtnt Sewlnt Machine are ok- llged lopay Mr. Bow a license on each mechtn seld, and r a so compelled to mak return to him, ander oath, as to th number fold, hi books give a correct state ment. From this reliable ton roe we have obtained th following statistic. Of th machines made la the year lt, iner wrw aoiu, I By Wheeler A Wilson... ...... '.Sl,3ltf .iv 1 . a. at. singer at uo lo.uoj i t flvmav Sr Itakju. ..MOUft I Bhpwiog Ihe galas of Wheeler At WlUon to be douUs those or any oilier uompany." : Awarded tne highest prem!um-t the' yu ' 1 -,: ' - Coiled Bute Fair of 1858,1559 and 180; a . ; - also a, the : . , ! Ohio Btat Fairs of 1859 and 19M; , and at nearly all th County Fairs in th Stan). Our prices, at Ihe lata reduction, are at ton at any (OCC anas macnin now sons, ana qui nine nignr loan th Ulterior wo nreoa enaisi hc MCVHfM, tr .m r nnnn I Via mark,. Th WBtKLBB A WTLSOS Ii AOTiTOl makes the Lock Sncn the only on which cannot be raveled. It laALiaaouBoTwSinnof th roods, leavina no rda or , All maciine varranua 3 yean, aiul instruction given In their use, tree ot cnaree. . . B. CRAB?, 81 High St., Oolubu70. .l ' Hi WM.SnatMlBACO . d cJ 2awd3mtw0m , Pike's Opera ilooa. Cincinnati 1 . ... HENBY-TOWi . D Wholaaal and Retail Deeltr In j C , Lia -V Foreign & " Domestic ' Cigars 1 .- Airp BDT SaAXSS. 1 i Smokios; ft Chewing Tobacco. Ht. Also, the best quality of torum sonstahtly 1 on nanu. , - CjConntry Merohaota are Invited to call bsfor par chasing eltewher. ' ' 1 1 ' NO. EAST THIRD STREET,' ; ; 1 . 1 Bet, Ualaand Syeasaor, novSl wOnv CINCINNATI. O. ladies' Linen Pocket-Handk'fs. tTEinmEDSTITCHKl.INEN HAND AX kerohief, vry wide hem. Xmbroidered LlnM Uanrtk s all pneos. Hemmed Btitcbedaad plain do, do, 4 l.iv .do. ' d , i-,1 tolored border, afnuMiaw J- Meek aerdara - 1,1 do do I '''nwtywcroatiUtohdV-tV Pin Apple do ' ' aewpaltem. -.-I." Mlise,' PUin and Hemmed 8titehd d all priest, Oemprlsln tne Beit select assortssertt Hi th elty tad at lowest prise. '"i 1 ' " BAIH BON, lebSM . . - " " " - wo. th sosrb Higa streets TTTHITB flBlIJ i WHITE FISH I ,e - - 1 -, ; KBW BO. 1 WHIT1 tTBH. frost Lake Boron, Bbl., Half and Quarter Bbl. Paekag, In etor and al bv BCAitatiBtiiAUA, piAtT St, North Hlih (trt, I r 1 1 ta Dr.J.H.ricLEA.N3 Strengthening Cardial and Blood TheClreatest Heiacrln Tbo World) ; . AND TBI ' MOST BILiaOTI AND DELIGHTFUL ,. OOUDUIi EVER TAKEN. ITISSTptlCT ly a sciantln and Vegelabi Oomponnd, firocnred by the dleUl atlon of Boots. Herb and Barks, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot Saraaparllla, Wild Cherry Bark ana Dan delion enters Into it Before TaklDS'ire, active wmedliiaUenHKlIlg. mnn.t nn Tlu An. ... . . . principle of each Ingredient I thoroughly extracted by my new method of dutilling. producing. dellclon. e hlleratlng spirit, and th moat INFALMBLI remedy for renovating the diseased system, and restoring th lick, offering and debilitated INVALID lo BKALTH and bTBJSNOTU. . . ncl.EANtN SJTBENGTIIENISIU COB J.; ;, ' . ' Will eflocluallf ear ' LIT1B OOKFLAINT, DY8PBP8IA, JAOXDI01 Ohrente er Nerrons Debility, Dlseaae of th Kidney and all dlseaae arising from disorder! l rrer or Btoaa aoh, Dyspepsia, Heartbarn, Inward Pile, Acidity or Sick ne of the Stomach, Fullness of Blood to tb Head, Dull pain or swimming In the head, Pali-.tation of the Heart Fullness or Wright In the Stomach, Soar Kruetatlone Ohoking or suffocating fetllng when lying down, Dnrnea or Yellowness of the Skin and Kye, Night Bweatafln ward Fevers, Pain In the email of the baok, chest or sid. Sadden Flushes of Ileal, Depression of BplrlU, Frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or any Nervou Dlseaae, Sore or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Afiue (01 Ohillsand Fever.) - Over a irillllon ol Atottles ' Bav ben sold daring th last sli aontha, and In no In stance has It failed in giving aullre atitfaclion . Who, tnen. will tuner rrom weakoes or Debility when ale LEAN'S BTBKNOTIUCNINQ OOBDUL will euie you I No language can convey an adequal Idea of the bum diat and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial In th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervou system, whether broken down by ezcen, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organisation is restored to Its pristine health and vigor. ' IQAUKIED PEHSONtt, Or others eonsdons of InaWllty, from whatever ran, will Ind HcLaaa Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of th system; and all who may hare injured themselves by Improper Indulgences, will find In the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy.-. . . .. To tbe Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial ' " fi a sovereign and speedy ear for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITEN Obstructed or DllBcalt Menstruation, Inconttneac of Crin or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of th Womb, Giddiness, Fainting and all Diseases Incident to emais 1 '.JJ I TherS U ne Kistake About It Suffer no longer. Tak it according to Directions. It will stimulate, strengthen and Invigorate you and causa ta bloom or health to mount yoar cnk again. Bvtrj bottla I warranted lo gtv aaUalacUon. 1 FOB CHILDREN, If your children an sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean 't Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay not a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Oaenoa. Bawar of Draavlttior Dealer who ma try to palm upon you aom Bitter or Bsrsaperllla trear, which they sen buy cheap, by sarin, it Is justs good. voia acn man. Atk 101 AicLean a Btrenitneninr Uor dial, and take nothing else It is th only remedy that will purify the blood thorouablv and at th aame time trenguen we aystem. Une tablespoonml taken (very morning fas Una. I a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and Fever, Yellow raver, or any prevalent disease, it la cut no Id lam bottles. - Prior only SI per bottle, or S bottle for 15. . , , i.ll. MoLBAJf, ' Sol Proprietor ot this Cordial, -' Also McLean1 Volcanie Oil Liniment. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine streets, Bl. Loiita. Mo. , ' ' McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Th best Liniment in lb World. The only safe and oertain our for Cancers. Pile. Swelllnn and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakoes of th Muscles, Cnroui or Inflammatory IlheumaUam, Stiff ness1 of the joint, contracted Muscle or Ligament Baraeh or Toothache, Bruise, Sprain, Wound, Fresh Out, TJkwr, Fever Sore, Caked B reset Bore Nipple, Barns, Bcelds, Bore Tboat, or any Inflammation or Fain, no difference bow wvese, or ho long the disease may nav ex 1, ;ea, ncuu i ueieDratea Liniment 1 a ear tain remedy Winn decrepitude and misery by the use of this in valuable med- eln. McLEAN'S" VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will -rallev pain almost Instantaneoutly, and It wil clean, purify and heal tb foulest (ore lu as inoredl ly short time. For Horses and Other Animals McLean I celebrated Liniment I th onlv safe and re liable remedy for the our ot Spavin. Bin Bon. Wind gall, Splints, Unnatural Bump, Node or Swelling. II will never tall to eon Big Head, Foil Ivtl, Fistula, Old running Sore or Sweeny, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruise. Bcratchea, Bore or Wounds. Onckad ueeu, unatM, eaaai oruoiiar uans 11 a an Infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, and a car I oertain In every instance. Then trifle no lonirar with th auny worth lets Llnl- ment offered to vou. ' Obtain a annul of Dr. McLean', eienrateo iiinunent. it win our you. J H. ITlcLEAN, Bole Proprietor, Oorner of Third and Pin Btnata. St. Lonla. Ma. For sal by all druggist. For sal by ( BOBKBTS a SAM01L, auiWkwly - Colombo. Ohio (JAHADI AJI & HUTTED STATES KAIL ONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool,1 Montreal, Quebec, The Montreal Ocean Steamship Cowmanv's Srst -class fnll-noweredOlyde-bullt Steaaaer tall verr Mata rdatw from PORTLAND, arryut- tb Canadian and unita bbu atn ana paasengtr, I NORWBOIAN. NORTH AHIRIOAN, OUUBflllAn, anuLVDAAUIl, NORTH BRITON, BIBBRNIAN, CANADIAN, . . NOVABCOTIAN. Shortest, Cbeapeat andQaickettCsn 1 . . , vejanc trout AafXRICA TO ALL FASTS Of EUSOPX. Ratea of Paseattce to Europe, : v , vii , 30, 6J, $80. Will sail from LIVERPOOL ewerr f ediatesdsir. and from QUERBO every Hatarday, exiling at bun uva vma&x . 10 raoaiv on noara ana ioa Mails ana Peascnirere, to and from Ireland and Scotland irrThes Steamer ar built of Iron. In water-tlrht oompartmenta, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and very attention 1 paia iq tne oomrort aa accommoda tion or patMnger. At ttMy prooeed direct to LONDON- DKRT, th gieat risk and delay of calling at St. John's tgavouea. Glasgow passengers ar furnished with ran passage octet to ana from -ijonaonaTry t ; Kelura tleuis granted at reduced rate.' - 1 ' Oertiftcate issued for carrying to and bringing out pu- cnger from all th principal town of Qreal Britain and ireiana, atrenucaa rate, nytni nn 01 steamer, ana by th WA8HIN6T0N LIN1 OIBALINU PAOrUtTd, teaviug uverpoot every weaa. - . Slg-ht nraf ts far I and wpward pay- I Die id r.ngiaua, ireiano, scot- 1 naaa ar waiei es. . 1 n. Tor paatare," pply -at th-(Mffce.J 23 RROADe WAY. Ni iw Karh, ana 19 WATIIK ST., LlTerpool, 1 BABEL nXABLZ, Osoaral igents, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG " nolO-lydAw: i. SUttsmaa Offlca, Colambat, Ohio. WM, KNABE t CO. at thkih new suss.,:!-. JX ROOM, AO. IW BAMTIMOKI ST. ana NOB. I,S,Sand?H.ICTAW 8T Offer for sal their eelebrated GOLDEN MEDAL. . . I -1 GRAND ANDSQARK - PIANOFORTKS Belnr hlshry receaaMBdeS by Mm first rrofeasori anl MailcaT A mau art of Abeocantry, and KVK&T v c - i.l T''l .aiinwasir 1 " ' " '. ,'. ,1 WAUUHlBfOR - .--1 . - ...' riVE TEARS Tb aoet faatidloai cmstosaer ay rely snoa balsa please m every rpoa.' .- 4 T rat literal. r -WM. XNAB1 00. ' 8HLTZ1R a WBBSTBE, Aflenta, ,socW;lydw. . . i - Ooinaba, Ohls, Eiaploymenf I rpiIK BUBSCRIBEB-.'DEAMISa IM Ji aStaple Article, will furulthsnipiovnieol a row aouvs men to act a agenu ror their boose, prefarene will b jtlvtn to thoee who an well aoiualnt d In th district for which Ihey tnolv. ". : ror wnion services uity art willing to pay salary 4ea.. ..v , 1 ..,, ,1 j , 1. . .. . ... . 600 to.SiSOO per year, as a (zpsam. For farther particular addrta ; v., aim : w.;B. mobsuousb a ob.m ,:i JtodS, lichtar Jera.yTOIty. il. J. tlANfUi MAHAWfcS, ttUAU Kv 1 Wblt and Hlaat, jatt race, red at BA1KI, 0 Scrqfiila: or Kings EviL is a constitutional disease, a corruption of tbe blood, by which thi fluid beeomee vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervadea the whole bodr, and maw burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it sner not destroy. The scrofulous taint ia variously caused by mercurial diteaae, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habit, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the rencreal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to chiMxen unto the tlurd and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I will yiait the Iniquities of the fathers upon their children. Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organa, is termed tubercles; in the glands, sweliinm; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. Ilia foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, rlrpis awssisj the energies of life, so that scrofulous eonttUu. tions not only suffer from scrofuloua earn. plaints, but they have far lees power to with- (ant! tne attacks 01 outer diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish br disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature. are still rendered fetal by this taint ia the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofuloua contamination; and tnanr destrucve diseases of the liver, kidney, brain, ' and, indeed, of all the orsrana. arias from ar are aggravated by the aame cause. . "M V! ' une quarter of all our Deonle are tttrofulnna their persons are invaded bv this lurkine? ia. faction, and their health Is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. nuch a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsacarilia, the most effectual remedy which the medical stein 01 our tunes can devise for this where 1 e prevailine and fatal rnaladv. It la ettn. btned I i from the most active remedutls that have been discovered for the expurgation of thia foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such aa Eaomva and Skin Disbasbs, St. Anthony's Fias, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimplbs, Pustvlbs, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tdmors, Tsttib snd Salt Rhkvx, Scald Head, Rinowobm, It 11 p. 1 u ATiHM , Stph ilitic and MtRconLAX Dis- - eases, Dropst. Dyspepsia, Debility, andL indeed, all Complaints arising pro Vitia ted or lurune Blood. The popular belief in " impwity of tho blood " ia founded in truth, ' fur scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. ; u-.v Ague Oare, for rnc SPEEDY CURS or -, . T Intermittent Fewer, erFtver saHrati Remittent Fewer, Chill Fever, Dmata Agae, Periodical Headache, ar BUloa s Headache, and Bllloas Favor, ladocd ror tbewhele cla af dlac artrlaat Intr in biliary deraagemtat, caaaed by the Malaria of Miaauati Coaatrie. Yv arc enabled here to offer tho community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaint with certainty, i (till perfectly harra lot in any qunntity. Huch a remedy ia invaluable in Aiatrirt where theso afllicting disorders prevail, , Thi "Ct'ltu" expels the iniumatic poison of Fbvke and AotiF. from the aystem, and prcvont the de velopment of the disease, if taken on tbe first ap. proaeh of it premonitory ayrnptom. ItinotooIy tho best remedy ever yet discovered fur thi elaa of complaint, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar bring it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious aUtrieta, where Fetrii and Aohr prevails, every body should . hare it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A irreat superiority of thi remedy over any ' other ever discovered for the ipeedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contain no Quinina A or mineral, consequently it produce no quinism of j other injurious eflccts whatever upon the oonttitu- , tion. Those cured bv it are left as healthv a if they had never had the disease. . . -f x cm unu Ague 1 uus aame inv conactrnenee of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor--n . ders arise fiom its irritation, among ahich are NeuraMa. Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind- , rim, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, I'aU '; filiation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysirr- " ice, Pain in the Bomb, Colt; Paralyrie and De. rangement of thi Stomach, all of which when originating In this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. Thi " Curb " expel the poison from the blood, and consequently cures"" them all alike. It ia an invaluable protectioa to Immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will bo excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen iitto dis ease. Hence it 1 even more valuable forproteo -1 tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from IntcsJ j mittcnta if they avail themselve of the protection tins Tcmcuy aiiorun. . j Prepared by Dr. 3. C. AYES V CO., Lowell, Xasa BOBIRTB It 8AMTJ11, Ooltuab, And by Drarrlatnand Dealers evrywhr. noviriya.iwaw MBS. WniBLOXT' An experlenetd Nnra and Tettal niyilcta, srasaasi ' to tn attenUoa ot aoUart, kar SOOTHING SYRUP,? FOR CHILDREN .TEETHDId. i . . ' which neatly facilitate tb proee af teethls;, ay soft-' 1 nlng the rans, redacirf all Inflamaalloa- 111 allay ALL PAIN andapataodieaettoa, and I ,, n STJHE TO KEGULATB THE BOWEi.S Depend Upos It, aothsra, It all rlv rest to yoamlvas and BItIXT AID EZAITH TO TOTJB DPAXli: . We bav pat ap and sold thi krtlele for ver ta year. -and CAN BAT, IN OONIIDBNOBAND TBDTH, of It, what have never been able to sty sf any ether Bin MBVBR HAS IT FAILED, IN A 81NOLB INST. ancb, TunrrnuT a uuus, n tuneiy sd. r did we know an Instance f daaatlefeetton by any sm whoatedlU On th oontrary , all are dellfhted with It oparaUona, and ptk la term of ooinnnilalloa f ia aagloal Rect and aiedloal vtrtne. We apeak la tkl aatter 'WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after tn years' nw rtenoc.AND PLBDOB OUB BBPUTAT10N roKIlia yULlLLalBNT 01 WHAT WB HBRB DBOLAEB. lm almoat every tnatue wbr th inraat b) (aoetinf troia pain ana axnauuen. relief will M lesna u aileea er twnty Btnate aittr uwnyrup is aasauiutami. Thi valaable prapararlea In preserlntlon ef ne f th Boat BXPBHIENOiiDaod SKILLFUL NC&AIS la . , Mew Borland, and be IMS seed With NBVBB BAIL- 3 INaSUCCKHSIn . . TMWaJsarivs) r ajjtnKs. , r It natenly relieve tn ehlld treat pain, taat brvijror. . eta the aloasaoh and bowew, eorreoM acidity, and aire ten tjd nray to th whole aysstsa 1 11 will altaoai aa ftantly relisv 6BiP:KO II TEX 10WHJ3. ISO WINi toid I and eve room eonvuUlons, which, rf aot tpdlly re- died, nd In death. W bellev It th BBST and Sl'S BbT KlalBDT IW TBI WORLD, In all easa fIlV . BNTBB.T and DIABBHIBA la OniLDkAAl, whether It arises froaa teothlnf, er f roai any other eaaa. W Would say ta (sen aotbar wsa ha a hlM talferuif from- any of th fortroln eoBplalnt DO MOT LKT Voi d. rKSJUDiuaa sua tub rnujvuivttvr vrnaiti stand between yoa and yoar aaSeriny ehlld, and Ilia- -) lif that WHI be BCBAr yea, abiwutsu suss s follow th aw of thisdllii,tf Uaely need, falw. ractloaafor sin will aeeosgpany art bottle, Nfn . tenaln anlaas to facalBll f CDB.TIS PBkKlhSs.T Mew York, I on th atsW Wrapper. . . A. Bold by allDrwrlathishattaswwrlil. Prl aclpal Office, IS Csaar Street rt.t. f RICE ONLY 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ''oett?rwiy. - 1 -;; PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. to a THErOa.I WINO TH !OFfl Tr ?? Bad in the tb eflleer of tin Bank, Jsnoary tuut, 1rl, to wit: W. A. Piatt, Preaideat, and Tawatas UoosiB, Oathltr, returned tneir oniot. Davis Tavua, Bsq., waa tlien elaitod fraaident and 1TB. A. Pu,n au-.. polnledOaahier. ...... .-ft r- - By orner o, me aara 01 I'irecior. . w teks, todl-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Cashier. ' ' ) I1ENKI K4EHLEM . . fbf of Phaloa's Kftabllshaanl. T. T.J MpHiors th Mew Xork FssUuiiakl Shavlnf, Hair Ouid BhaBpoonln, Ourllne; and Dreasum saloon, Brt t.' treat, over lb Poet Olfio. whr aU.'-wii. ),i be clvva ta all th vartows keaaeiw. lilies eat OhlWraa Baa DrMftnf Vaa la tbaj katt siia, llV-oJy