Newspaper Page Text
. . . ... . . n '--; I th V nt i!-7i-ii a ..f REdHIVED BY.-. 1. .swijsf-1.' , W Jl H 4To. CO Nprth High Stree . On f th Urgtst and Boat Saluted Atftjit -JBV.W .SHU-. " . rty.Il 'lKiPW omiu jm this orro' ; " ! ilsn .BuiWert,5Fcrnislilngs ; n -tail- r Ix Of ITER STYLB aW QUALITY.. . 'J, ; . ieIlltlu41' .! 4 "'; ; ; ' "Wwpt FPeack ft American '' t .njt ;.- rpi.ft.iroTj. ' ' ' ' , -earrrt JPAINTShCIROUND IN OIL, ;"' f icVpit pTle hsu pound cans for family use, and Dry . ,tijk.i .J.u a. ... , , . , . ,ft i is it tslntstobulk. ; ' i .siebf every variety & quality, ,tii? Awwttmcnt of i ; " j Machinists S tools! tie!' WO "1 '" ' I' .CARRIAGE MATERIADS.; .rI .'J . cefCiawStU . htt'HXB3 GRINDSTONES, eYc V ") ai Hn ,-v-..iv.. i ' '" :-i...n GUN3; PISTOLS, SHOT, 4o ill '..'I ! ' 'fishing tackle. N f ft CORDAGE, .lik LEATHER nd iNDlA RUBBER. ' 'TtriT rn fKTr (5.79 TiiXlJlAJ.MW. 1 ... ?I ..Ai:n ii.i.l ; ! ' Hedges, mauls, pumps, -u . futoi'Asvw 8;t " SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS J Table and Pocket Cutlery. ' 1 Mpolall UTlta the'ttteiUon of nil Intarwu4 toJ toclj Djookctwd bln Cattery, od ; ., -i i! KILTER PLATED FORKS, ' ''' iabl Deserlv andTea Spoons, ..l.t loim) -; - ' V M-oiU. SI ;! Biltter Knives, &c., ; ot R0G1BRS BRO'8, Vanubotara, mmnted to be txtrkhmTy.Sltotrt-Uttd.oa pnalao llb:U CoDDtqr Ucrchutn,HKluvJic, and othsn. m InTited to oall and txamtna nytoek M I am pnpand to nil Wholenl and BtoU. WJI. A. OolttmbM, Ohio, Wy 6, IPS - Whlepjend KftaiUl)cpot for No,a06 , South :,High Street, KWni;i?5Ic r 3 n 1EALER; IN " jlAtL THEIR VARIETIES.'-: ' a.Vliy ' ArrUal ' ot : Cod... . For the I Fall and Winter ; Tiade . .. t .U n..i iOf :i860-6i: ftBETCKFIISIO SINCERE TlIAJIfKS TO THE. PUBLIC for put favori and pttron- aaoattawtaoa of mom by strict attention te t, and prompt dellrorf of Good, I wool call ttw notlao of tb poblir tn th ft .ht harim .a tt(CO aid well Selected Stock oo band', atidbelB( tnrUlly receipt of goodi from the differ ntaaiMa, I laturnyietf that I can offer to the dtt ani ef Colaabaa, r to any who atay deeire to paretaM, an latortaieiit artlolea appeTfertnltig to the GfeOCEM trade, TJNF.lliAt.ED I; any hou.e la lh city. I'ae price and quality of the goodt offered, ff uar mntoo to ftyo aaUfaetiot . ... ! Goodi. Pelivered Freo of Charge. . j Baltimore,; Clothing House. 1132313 )' k 33IjT3M, HAjrcriCTtiaiTs akb iroouaau biaubu ui . , READY-MADE CLOTHING, ' "No. 308 W. Baltimore-street, - fnwrmam uantT axD bowau,) - t '. . - . Kt--'i , BULTIKIOREi 1'Id,'' A Large Aiiortment oi Piece and Furnishing eoods Conatantly on. Hand; - . T OetWly ' - :-- " LOC'.IXCr GLASS STORE 'g; JOSHUA COWPLAND, Isaaafaclsmr mad Sealer, -No, B3 Booth f aarttt St. betwaea Itarkat and Chestnut, Philadelphia, TTTnERB HE ' fFEH 1 AT WW Y ptlcea, aa eatenalre variety at Leokmy Olassee. la Silt, ksrioirsny said Walnnt Pramea Large frenah Plate Mimra,Plaiaaad Richly Ornamented, illltand fancy Woo Porttaitaaa jricuir snme.. , looDio;;. aim .puna BYrni box, vte i -or ur usa quAjrrn r. ttoed packed ta ' df tTafest Banner, and. Insured fpi Breakage, vsaa . - - s-. ursc it tm I0IHTJA COWFLABB,' ' S3 South Fourth Street, ayMMMm " -.-' f- .v Phi lade lphla.r A(ilUCULlUlWJUiEn(jUSE tit dcaiax in . GEHEil AI- H AftD WARE, "TAn4,tAsa, babd, ptttt, cobdasb, an, Platola Wood dfc Willow. Wore, W.erd lUlrBeJUni''tAca Xeathr,.nose and tasking. aol-dly C. DOYLE & CO. k , . a,. -. -'L' ' .JIlanBlaeUwsV and Wholesale Dealer in boots cand snoES, EonflteaBt Corner of High and Cay St.,'" '' vu.-n.ii, CO,' 11 , J COLUMBUS,.' ..M4au IO. "A l.-'TC tocit of Pine and ftapla OoodS oa baod.i ' w3l4 b ' '-' ' - f v.! ).. FimriAiiia j 3'APioc PIOCO Aj -.j'i. BlcePloar . -v (l j, Beotek Oal Meal J li Peerl Brley. Brley. , nbt ulU Peaslt w , , W heat Chocolate , liii ...;i fclBroma,. J -i-'ir- Cruclfll Cum CmmTaitar. Bda ..(.if Pin nn Bead leas KalsiA . VrrahTooatoe Peariiea Oreen Corn JreiA Csnn'd fruits of wry drscriplla; Jell eat.f all kiadsl'v, it . ' A ' AJ SHIER . JPEACIirsIJ bomlwnbls f ,. . , ,, , -v,i '" -TCKEl ft RE8TIIATJX; I . ''"'-.I. '.' . -' H totra pailding- ,!vorlnt Batraftaof all ki?-lya. g n, L Oa.a l.f..ia; ):sdOr.ile; u, " - almonds, f ltn:rts,rcun nl,-- v , ( "'. l.i!llth aldut,Bratl Nals.ete, ', uildimr ' tt' . s'.irW.-:Uj I-S fflt , 186061. 1860-61. 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD s,1 Oonaeotlng at CretUIn with the r Pittsiargh, Fort Wayne & Chicago :'.' '.. RAILROAD '' V . For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore! Also for Fort Warn and Chicago, Connecting at Clereland with the . Lako,a Shore. Railroad For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, ' New York. Boeton and TWO 'TRAINS DAILY (except Bnnday) ana, Colubu,!tn oonnection with Tralnaoa the Liule Miamt 4t Columboa ft Xenia, Railraadt. nasi tkain. rnnt T1Rfl LTe OoloBbu at t:t$ a. m. WillleaTepanencera at all itaUone, eonth of Oalllon, atop at Delaware. Aehley, OanUocton. Ollead and at all etauoni wonn oi uaiugn. arnvioa . v.wuu a. m Dunkirk 4:l p. m., Buffalo 6:05 p. .. Mew York W:US p. B., Boeton :3U p. ., riueoargn wta vimt lln 1:40 a. to., Philadelphia 7:00 a. av, ChkrnfO 9ia Oraftoo 11:00 p. m. Also oonneetlnl at -Shelby for all point, oa the Danduaky, af antfiald Av Howard Railroad. ; ,:.-.'. B100ND IBA1H. , , '''V ' MATt dHD XXFB18B leave Oolomboi at 3:00 p. B., will itop at all etationt touth of Bhelby, and at Bat em, New London, WellinRton, Orafton and Berea, arrlT lng at Cleveland 6:50 p. m.. Dunkirk 3:00 a. a., Buffalo 4:35 a.m., Mew York 10:1)0 p. m., Boeton 1220 a.m., Plttsbunth Via Oreetline 8:30 a. m., Fhtladelphia J 00 p m. , Chicago via Orafton at 10:30 a. m. Alio connect! Shelby for all point on Banduky, Uantfleld A Newark Hillroad. -. , i , Patent Sleeping Cart are ran on all Kight Trains to Chicago, Sew York and'Boiton; '; - tT Baggag Cheeked Thnugh to New Yatk and BoiUm vib Cleveland, altt ( Philadelphia, A YwkvU'CrftUnu :, - . . . ' ,,- . . .-BirraNiNa. ' ';' ; UkM Ixpret arrive at Colnmbn at' 1:30 a. B.' ' OlnclnnaU Kzpreai arrive at Colnmbut at 1:40 p. m. ' Fare as Low a by any othr Route. , Aek for tickets cia Crutllae or Clereland. li i, . vr.i. . : '-. - 1, BY ILTHT, ' i .;o :l.i" i 't-Mrii - Bdnert. Cleveland. Ohio. JAMlfl PATTERSON. Axent, jnnelS i. . . ... . Columbus, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. R. BETWEEN BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. 1 " Thie la the Only Route offering a ' ' ' . Througn Ticket 4c Bafgaf Check to WASHINGTON. CITY; And tW nlf MouU firing to ths Patungm tht prleUtg of rttUino (A OtiM of BttUlmore,Pblladelphlad:NewYork, At the ottof a Ticket to JTm York oaly by other Line. TWO TRAI58 LI ATI 'COLTJMBUS DAILT ',v ... . 4 StmoarB ExoxrrxD. ' ... . . j ; 1XPRB88 AT 3:00 a. vs.. itopplng aUll glsHon pon tifnal being given, arriving at Bellatr at m., eonneoting immcdialely with trains on ; Tb Baltimore at Onto Ballroad for Baltiatora, Waahisgtoa Ottyaad the Booth, and Phi adelphia. New York, Uoston, and the kasU Also with trains on the :;i. .... PBNPtSVLVANIA CENTRAL, via Wheeling ea Plttaburgh B &.,for Plttabnrgh, Bar risburgh, Philadelphia, Naw York, Boston and the Beet. This train also-eonnectsat Newark with 8. V. and at Zanerville with 0. W-4I.K.E. foi Lancas ter, to. .-- -. ' - MAIL AT 2:40 p. m (topping at all Stations upon sir nal being given, arriving at liuxara at K4 p. is., eon neoting immediately with train en . Tito Baltimore & Ohio Railroad For Baltimore, Washington City and the Boats, and Phil adelphia, New York, Boston, and the Batt. Also Witk train on the . ' - . . . PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, ria Wheeling and Pittsburgh B. B., for Plttsborjh, Has rishnmh. Philadelnhia. New York. Boston, and the Bast. This train also connects tt tmesvllls with C. W. k R. B., for Lancaster, 0- TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, CAM BCriHB DTON Quick Time and Sore Connections: A ma ZiaTi BaiiM Aisvowcoroa Ucaa.. , SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS Aek for Tickets via Colnmbut and Wheeling lor further Information and 2aroe TleAsto, apply to M. L. DOHKRTH, Ticket Ageot,UBMm inpoi. -H. J. J1WBTX, Prasideat, Zaneeviller . . . JOHN W. BROWN, novCO ' ,. Oenertl Ticket Aent, Columlxis. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ' ROUTE. mERRlINATF. AT WASHINGTON X and Baltimore an the last, aad Whee liner, Benwood and Parkersbarg en tha West, at which places It unites with Railroads, Sttamars, Ac, (or end from all points la tha . r r . . . . .---'-.'.'. West. Boatl-Tet aad Nortk-wet TEHEE TJULISS DAILY . FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. i This t the only rant to Washington City. Passeneerebv this root aaa. visit Baltimore, Phils delphla. New York and Boston, at the eoel of a tickei to Boston alone by other line. Through tickata to the Baatera el ties en be p roe red via Washington City ai an additional oaarg ef two dot- ton, v --. . -1 . iiimu Cab Arracsm to au, BTianr Tbuim. ' 7ifna jtrfot and art cm iota wio my efaer fww. Inquire for ticket vlaBaltlmor and Ohio Railroad tt any or the principal nauroea omcea in to w een, . H bULLIT AN. een l Western Aient, " wvt.-v K" J" ' Bn mis, Pal. I L. M. COLB, Oeneral Ticket Agent, ,T ' W. P. BMITI1. Master Transportation. 1 ocH6-tf. .'- r; ,u .i-5 jUltiho, Hd, COATd AJSTt) WOOD! THl BTJB80BIBBR WILL PBLIYIBTfTl ' WOOD, SAWED AND. SPLIT, 83,50 PER CORD, -.r vin Aad d feet Wood for . J2,50 PER CORD. Also ft different kind of Coal si Iowa any other dealer, and, "sympathltlrigwlui, th puUic,"! now siiin"' , ' ZAKE3VILLE OH MUSEIKGini COAL FOR 9 CTS., AND NUT.' COAL OR , JJIJIT, i li FOR t CTS.'TEk 6DSHEL.' ; Yard and olfice.lli, Boutli Third Itreet, Dear th Bee- ond Presbyterian Church. - f', ' f . asss. assa At. ' a' a j , A UAHLUW, Agent. Oolaabus, Jaa.21. dla IUT0KTED GOODS. t; YTJST RECEIVED KM.4 O 20 cases Italian Oil, Barton ft Co., for (able bsa. in frenah Muetard. favorite hrande: 's.- I k K Boned Sardines, the BBdT bardioe imp'-ld. -4 arcapvnra smiuuva. .. tt m i a " Table Baure "Lea ft Pawto'a Wneater- .'.5 thtfj.' 'Boyore Bniuna," "c flall,l rlaway." "BeaaiagiT. ha...i v I O "'WsWt and Tomato Catsan. ...! .-'-l; 1 -7e-Ore Av BiaekweU' ealakrated Snglish Pieklcs, eonsistipgof "Osnllflowar," "PI caUll," ChowJhoV, "Walnut," Os- ' KO i ' " London Porter. ""' I - lOO - Campbell's celebrated Scotch Ale..T. , eeasetOlnser preservee. . t V boxes Italian Mscaronl,sna terroaclllt.'' " ' 1 S gross Cox's Gelatine. , Coleman's celebrated English Mustard, la keg, boxes, cftisand bottle. h:,t ,St W'i.-M - POX " mcivnALUt II (INK MTTfTSi TICTOP.nJ!S and CCTfB we are HI now sell Ulna at very tow price, s'to all other kinds fwhinnabl furs. . , , PBTB BANB, Wee' I s I till. .: . ..- .. M, awBjnsjUgn git sou .a-' t . rt ' !t ,;' ii'ie . it H .IIWHB . r. at : ; '. , a a. . Z. OHIO STATE3HA1T SI11II1 'll' ..... r. e l( No'358 it'40;' North BlSfc ' Increased facixitixs i HAVING MOVED INTO MT ; NEW; BUIIDIHGj Qroatly; TiTnlnT'Coc!! BOOK HOB BEPARTMENTI WHILE BOTH HA VB BEEN., i j" REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT .;wii5'ii';",--:;:i.v; New : Types, BoiJcrs, Ornamenls, &c. PE0M THB OaUBBATIS POONDBY OP J C. T: WHITE 4 co.; jraw, tobk, -J,- thus haxhto it-xn;' -''2 Most Complete Establishment IN J'HJE CTTT. X am bow prepared to XzeeuU all Order for BOOK AND JOB : PRinsTTiNGi-, WITH tDIS PATCH! - And la the Xott Approred Ityl of the Art, , . ri -r,. . PARTI0HLAB ATTBNTI0N PAID TO r - MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD ' I XVX BbTjnXKT Om" ' Bill of Ladlnrr Clrctiiaras Rill Heads, Ulanka, Deed, . Certificate, - ,. .Receipts, . -.f ...... Draj Ticket, Hea;iaten, HOW CAUDS &' BILIS IN -COLORS, CBTC28,' i , , . CARDS, E1ADIH0B, .sTOm, -)'! IB7KL0PSS, ' u."-; C0HTRACXS. Ultustrated, Show Bills, , ,V FOB OoimiRT MERCHANTS,1 " , Ihew Bill, Hand BUI, labela, Concert Pro gramme, Boh sol and College Scheme, Eo Ul BLUi of Tare," Invitationi, ft. Booli Worn ,; OP EVERT DESCRIPTION . . ; - - . . - lohool and Colleg CaUlegM, ; ,'; -" : - ntUeellaneou Patnphleti,' ' ' . 'ii' s ,'. - Coojtitntions, Beporbj, Briefs, ft Printing in Gold and Colon POST . t Printed in Irsry Color en a UarnmothHoe Cylinder, The only PreM ef th kind In Central Ohio. lfv fadUUe for dotnr any and all of th abevw dewrln- Uon of work, are bow unsurpassed, and satisfaction will be guaranteed In all cases. irrAll wort tarnished promptly or th Urn promised. , B10HAKD MBTINS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST i - rAKkbK SEWING MACI1II1ES. PRICE 840,": - .,jrp "AND.. WARRANTED v ' ,', . .. . . . .. - i Equal to Any Othe For all' Family Purposes, , - Besides being more simple, durable, and easily operated uan ana eei Offloe, Armory oct3-dtf v i . Hall, orr Bain' Itor. . ,' - O, T. PLOW1BB, Agent. JAB. at. M'KJtn. WM. H. BB8I1BAUI M'KEE El RESTIEAUX GROCERS ARB PRODUCE DEALTiRS, No. 34 North Hick Street, 1 . COLDMBUB, OHIO, HATE ON HAND AT WHOLEIATE aad Betall, PIMBST 8TAPLB SBOOBBIBS, tLOnB. BALI. TEA. OOfPBB, BDQAR. TOBAOOO, 8BOAB8, Bts I to. Our Block baabsea paichassd la laitern CiUs aurlng u nunc, - . el j and onr main endeavor will' be to offer inducements to CASBPXSSJS which are not aaoeled by any llous in tbaOlty. . : -poop. E. r.TC01.LI8T,ERf Wholesale and Retail .Dealer la,,, TOBACCO,' SNUFF & CIGARS Ko.- 23 i Fifth Btreet, - - ;EIT -81URG,H:P;a Keep eostaatly oa baud au th tsv e. f "iW .-., Zmpbrtod. Oicaaro. Oct. en-lye0" j - y -U. laces ' and Embroideries, : VAtENCllENES, MALTESE V POIsTT Laee Collars and Setts. French, Putber and Thread Las Tells, (new .patterns!) Taleaclenes. Thread and Point Laeae, nmbroidered Collars, Belts, Trimming and gklrta, Laee Berva aad Oelf are. Plato Linen Collars, Setts and vnas, j.rnproiucrcu vow. "bu vud. iu c,w. . .y- t.'Jt-J ...i ..-'-' ; BAIN ft BOH, j- 1033 - no. sw, bouw align strews. iMOsUNO-trOBACCOi, i j.i! ..;.t,.;- Superior OrtmttI,'! s ;:tc; .j ),.5 i '! fin K vaster, " tour Aees, fextraj iu-j ..!' :, v) - aasafiean Bbag, ' ttf' , Bird's Bye, (Union) la package; else, Fentoosy flneeaf ta barrel end half semi, In store ana lor sais y ,,. fcbll T T . V: r -3. BUtessean Betiding, Sun DRi-Bcr - - .Saltptr.l;;'M7 JffO'lil u'ii trrjSSS tegwiod ' ' r I .-!. t I : Herring, Prted Prult, for sal by IeK ancTiaAUi. " mkl. .a.irti . t, Worth High street r nOLDIH Hil l alllKTH, IT OOLSKN HILL BHJslTM, -list fc -J.lil The pattern of these ehlru are new. The Bodla. loa, sleeve aad toeomaareiormea so nc inm persoa tit mim aad ee, lhe saarkBpoa aeh an designating th siMaa)irwwfelea aa Being eoerees, aaa eossnina iaarLUe4d wall toad. I tt SB 11 atock tt all nnaliUe I i ill ll -if ' vsr'' -' ' . .. senetontlyfotiatoal BAIN 1 BOViM.-11 M . I m . IT II S BW BOWIB atlgB Strew. . .ti, ,.. ... . 'I I 4.7) lH.-litl . -.XJA.lT'a.t t1.48..'. 4el! AU't IB Tua t be W IitsoI ioua toilm. . ta! Rrt tAi--- wv,t ... an.HlD,iitami' ,.U.lIanaiA BJS5' 't"t ' . ' ln r I I. Court ef Common Pleat, Tranklln County, Ohio. Johartfawalai.'r'i". ,'rft .-'1 (i T ' '- ' 1 y I N l'CIlBCANCK OF THB ORDER OF . the Court, ta this oases te me lasned, I will offer for sal, at tha- doaeef -the OenH Baooe, la tbeleity of Co lambas, Oltie, twee the, hoars at 10 a'elook, A. M., adneMiek.. f..fl .'.,!, 0t ,o --', j'-) , On Thursday, tlx Hth day of April, I86l, ; tb - follawref described real asUto, situate In Jseksoa Will' In a! .8mead'aenvay,Ne.SlU, running theno west seven ty4v Mia to a state aad three whit oaks, thane north 10 degree west OdM pole to two wbiU oak and blsck oak, thenc east 73 poles to stake near three white oaks in the sail line of said lot, theno south M degree east MM pole to the beginning, containing for tylhre aere, mere or less. : Appraised at lt50. Terms of sale one-third In hand, X In one and X to two years, with Interest from day of sals, and payments to be secured by mortgage on premises. maroh8:ltd4tw Q. W. HCff at AN Sheriff. ai.O. NOBLB.AWy.,. : . . .-.5 ir. . - Master Commissioner's Sale. Peletlsh W. HonUngton yt. ' . Henry W. Sonatas tt al Bale by order of Court. BY TIRTCE OF AN ORDER OF SALE tatH directed, tresa the Ooartef Common Plea of franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for sals at th door of th Oourt Bouss, la th elty of Columbus, oa. . Saturday, the 20tb day of April, .A. D. 1861, between th hoar of 10 o'oloek, A. M., and d o'clock, P, si., the foliowlna dsscrlbsd real estate situate la the Ooun ryot franklin, and Btato of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. 9 of tuedtvlelon of eut lot No U,ln th lty of Oorambus. Ohio. A loo, a tract af land la eootloa 10, balf-eaetion 13 and 14, Township S, range SS, Bef nge laadai keginnbig at the oe litre of the Columbus A Granville Plank Road at th north-east corner of a tract belonging to Wilcox, thence with the aentr of said road north 711 leg. east 185 feet,aoaU 0 deg. 40mln. west parallel with east Una of said Wilcox1 land, aad V&H feet therefrom. 40 poles to the north Una of tract belonging to Thorns Sparrow, thence with north line ef Bparro' land north 60 deg. west J25X feet to Its Intersection of east line of Slid Wilcox' land, thsnos north leg. 40 mint east with east line of said Wlloox's, 38 4 10 poles to th beginning. , Lof No. B appraised at 1,000. ' Tract In see. 16 at MMt. a. w. irufrMAU, Bberin ; Printer's fees 6 00. and Master Commissioner. , mrchl5-dlt4tw. i - .."v. . ..'r.. i ' Master Commissioner's j Sale. Ousts ras Bwan's Ixecutors) ' n '' ' n. .ii.:. . I flnnerta Oourt Haldaawnd Orary t L I '. . ..... .il' BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to sa directed from the Superior Oourt of frank lln county, Ohio, I will offer for sal at tha door of tb Court Hon, in the city of Columbus, on , ' ., Tuesday, the . Sad day1 of April, Ai, D.'j8Ci, between th hours of 10 o'clock A. M.and 4 o'clock P. M.,the following described real estate.sltnate In'tbe.coon ty ef franklin, and Butte of Ohi. aad city of Oelumbas,lto wlti lot No. 180, to be divided by a lln, to Begin oa the front Una of the lot, 91 feet aouth of th northwest corn er; thence eaatwardly S7 feet on a line parallel with th nortbeod south line of tha lot; thence northwardly S feet oa a lln parallel with thsetst and Wst line ef the lot; thenc tutwardly 30 feet on a line parallel with the north and south lioas of the lot; theno northwardly IS feet on a tine parallel with the east and west lines of tb lot; thenoe outwardly on a line parallel with the north and south lines of the lot. to tha east llrie thereof. .j . Appraised at for the North part, .000. j -,r u j j ,d,, , , mbm and Master Commissioner. Printer's fees, 4 SO. n. :n -.: ..: marohl-ultAwtw Sheriff's Sale. - James Tucker and wlf - - - TS. Common Pleas. V - Ills t. Hughs. I.'H ' ) I' T Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VENDI D to sa dlneeed, from th Court of Common Pleas, af franklin aounty, Ohio, I will offer for sal, at th door of th Oourt House, in tb city of Columbus, on Monday, the 15th day pf April, A. D. 18C1, between th hours of 10 'clock, A. M., and 4 o'elock, P. M.. th following described real estate, situate in the Oounty of Pranklin.and Btste of Ohio, te-wit: Lot No. S6 In John and Henry Miller's Addition te th city of Columbus. Appiaisea at nzw. , . O. W. HTfTTMAff, Bherlff, " mhl:dltw4w. ' - : By n. DaTta, Deputy. PriBter'afees3. - ' ..a.,--... ,, Sheriff's Sale., Th State ef Ohio ih) . 1 al.) v. W. H. Barey. t. Union County Common Plea, BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VENDI to me directed from th Oourt of Common Pies of Union Oonnty, Ohio, I will offer for sale at th door of th Coert House ta the city of Columbus, franklin coast, Ohio, on . i , - -i Saturday, the 6th day of April, A. D. 1861, between th hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M th following described real estate, situate in the Oounty ot franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit: Lots Nos. two, (S) three, (3) and tour, (4) la th town of Grove port. . , Appraised et-let No. 9. 300 00 . " 3, 40 00 - - ... " ., S3 00 : ' ,. , O. W. HUff MAN, Sheriff, . : mbSltdftttw.' "' ' .By Bo. Saris, Deputy. Prlntor'sft3.0O.' ' " Sherifi's'Sale; -i - -II : : i i:. A. J. Clark ft 0 a 0. ) .... f( .eial.V TB. Common Plea. John McKlnner, BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF RALE to as directed, from the Oourt ot Common Pleas, of franklin Oounty, Ohio, I sill offer for sale, at the door ei th oourt iionse, in in eity oi uoinmDus, oa Saturday, the 30th day of March, A. D.1861 Between th hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock. P. M.. the following described real estate, situate Ir th oonnry or rranaua. ana nmn, or vnio. io-wic iiot no. oat Lot No. i, la tb city of Oolna en. i ) -t I Appraised at 1800,00. . W. HTTIPVAK. Bherlff. fbbSdtw4w By Bn.Davta, Deputy. 1 Printer's fees 3,00. " Sheriff's Sale., t -: John W. Baker . ) , . vs. Superior Court. ' Joseph B. Stewart, t al.) , BY VIRTUK OF A WRIT OF VENDI to awe directed, from th Buperior Ootfrt ef frank Ua soanty, Ohm, I will offer tor sal at th door of the Couxt Hoasa, In wdty of uouncbaa, on Saturday, th 30th day of March, A. D. 1861, between the hoar of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'eloel m.. the following dsscrlbsd real (atato, situate la I oounty of franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit Th undivided one-half of m-lot No. 833, In the city of Oo- lasaba. Ming the Interest of Henry Rsmey ip said lot. I Appraised at 1,11, : W. HUrrslAN, Sheriff, fe ltwtw. By M. Davis, Deputy. Printer's fees 3,00. Sherifl'a 1 - . James Chsrry, Ousrdita, ft.. j Sato by vs. Oideoa Vandemark et al order ef Court, T Y VTRTUB OF AN ORDER OF RALE AJ to ate directed from th Oourt of Common Fleas of fraaiUa eoentj, Ohio, I wlileffarfor sal at th doer of Ooart Atonsa, ta ta mty ef Oolnmhni, on t Satnrday, March 30th, A. P. 1881 .c, ' letweea the hoar ef 10 a'elook a. at. and 4 o'clock p. a., the following described real estate, situate la tb oounty ot rrantun, etat 01 Ohio and city of Oolumbaa, and bounded and described as follows! In-lot No . seven huadred and ninety -eight, (78) situate aa the north eld of ffrlB street, ana keug the seeoad tot east ef fifth a net, and fronting en f riaod street, sixty-two aad hah fet by on hundred aad eighty-seven and a half feet nertn w unerry aney, eeinr tne rati 101 of w)i tost by so y ir.i. jif-pnuseu ai wu,mo toUBKdiawts - . Ot w.tiurrHAn, BbsHn'.i' Printer's fees St SO .. . by Xd. Davis, Deputy. . Sheriff Salti : JehdC, Work 1 t . i.;t i" -i :. - vs. .i Cosamon Plssa . . auna.fl. afftfln. 1 . TiY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VENDI JJ tosaedlreeted frasa th Oourt of Common Pleuof franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for sal at tb door ef to uoart lions is ta oity ef voiusanat, oa ,!i Monday, ths 15th day of April, A. D 1861, bstwesa th hour of 10 eleok a. at. end 4 o'elsck . u following a seen or property, at tea t 10 to ooanty of franklin, and Stats of Ohio, to wit' Ih interest aad estate of Jams O. aouoy in lolot no. 44X, In th city et ooiumboa, in said ooanty, bis astat being th re- suinosr in re alter in tersnuaaos et tne lire eetat r Isabella MoOor. widow ef Robert W. MeOor. deceased, and th (elate of tald Jamas O. McCoy In said sstato be lag th aam which was dsrlsed to him by said Robert W. McCoy to hi lsat will and ts, tsment, whlgh I of record la rranana eoanry, vsiaj rrosase usvru 1 ' l . r v. HuWMAR SharuT. ,SMrchU:ltdft4tw.' - a. Sh. &.wm TtMintrt ' Printer's fee, 4 aw. Master Commissioner's Sale. rfl, ' Jacob BUbernsgl ' ) ' v. "1 Sets by order of Cctirt ' nv Vlrholas Usurer et al. ' ,r. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF RALE to m directed, from th Court of Common Plna of franklin Oounty. Ohio. I will offer for sale, at ths floor of in uor-uouse, ta tne elty of coiambus, oa Mooday, th 15th day of April, A. D., 1861. twees Oie boat of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 clock P. M., the following deeerlbed real estate situate In the oounty of friaklta an State efOhlo. to wlft In-let No. two hun dred nd thlrty-foar, (J4) la the oily of Ooiombua, at numnsrea ana aesixoale oa ta reooroea dim oi sais . . . ..... ... . ..... , . ...... - A AIRIBMHIl,,-' ' - - . W. HUffniA,ShernT,"li march 14:ltdft4tw ,u end Master Ooaavalssteaer. Printer's fee 3. v ... 1 , , ,., . 17AN0Y DHFM OII.K8. ,,foui, DIUKDI -f,i f-ltlt fAtinr rtiiii,a j 1 sre now cfferliif our Immense atwik of Tanc Dress Silk at prie lea than ever before offered In this cltv. The alien Uo a tt th ladiea pf tht ty mad eicinlty w oliclted, onr stock Is very, select and enwnlet. In all rf i' t t-' t ..... tr-v.t. jm 'yl' J'n " ' t . m.' -t-RtowsrvmrDTO bt' tbr iath 'sir A8TLEY Cooper, OF LONDON, AND DE. VALENTINE M0TT - -- naw Toax.- The acknowledgsd JJeads of th Profession fa efthei .emispner. . . -..-.: The W Dlnretio, Tonlo. and Invigorant, Th FInent Xztract or the 1TAXJJLW JUNXPEB BBBBY. . The rnrent and Moat Costly Gin Ex- IftUlt, - i NniCprMBRf F Tfl CTMAf TO. ' ' I INVALUABLb TO THE SICK, ... . iMrnMDioinl tr rno rur; mm SICK. ' : Tntf ctrecf' inn irnrc , . ana DnrLdi, hhv HlVdl i l w (Man.. n . . . . . . . . . . UtLIUUUS BtVhKAlit H THE WORLD. 1 - A OT URia finis ana Quarto. t7 avarv unijpirt, crroocr, or uomiTxy AiercfuuiC. . LOOK OUT FOB B00U8 O N D O N Or I N 8. ' THB ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE lit ' I CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. , B, BALDWIN & CO., ; ' .' . :: ' -Trnrinrf.Ars OI T.IKorT. ot- ' Bold In Oofumbus by" ' - r . McKBB ft BB8TIBAUX, , - Wholemle ad Retail Grooere, Btstesmsn Bonding. . . 0. A. WAONBR.and etbeiw. An Clnotnnau, try - BUIBB, UttJ. JS1N a: UU., i ecw-dasdklyw - . . . andolherst HUNNEWELL'S; ' '' :i --'universal I COUGH REMEDY. "V : Vor all Throat end Lung Complaint, inoludng, with moat perfect results, Whooftko Coooh, Cnsomo awe OoMHoa Oooan,.BBONOnui..aa-D Thxoat Oosrunm, always forerunners of Consumption. - as a Boothum Branr it has no superior. . freed from all Opiate or me tie properties, may te esea try most aencste consu tnunns, ena witn psrioai eonnasnce. HUNNEWELL'S ' - CELEBRATED .. .'.I .. . J-.'. 1 in. ' 1 . v J ' , TOLU ANODYNE. . Ten GxiaTnr RATnaaa Otuts vm offend to th world, coo tain Ins not a partlol of Opium, nor any sub stance but its strictly vegetable and medical properties. A sure Remedy for Kaoaauna BtnrjaUTiM, Oout, Tooth and Baa Acne, OaTaaaa, Boss oa Hat Frvxa, and all minor Nsrvoua Complaints. f oa Lorn or Slut, and Headache In all II varieties, It has no equal, and to which most undoubted testmonl- ais are offered. ...... - Boa Datmina Tassnms It I a most perfect remedy. foe Bovrl Ooaruum, after removing the pain it act as a physio, a moat important contrast witn tne consup tory effects oi Opium. - To Physician. Pormnla and Trial Bottle will be sent, and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamphlet without "postage-stamp." , M , . .. , juitn a.. uvnniswBiLig,, '..(1 .', , cnamrr anb rHaaMACgrjTiBr, . Ko 9 Commerolal Wharf, Boston, Km- To whom plea direct all eomaanlcatlbns.i 1 " ; Price Large Cough Remedy, SO cents per bottle. ' Tola Anodyne. ' 50 " ' Tor sals by ths usual wholesale and retail dealers, ivory wnera,. 11', ROBBRTSk BAMUBL, u . v N. B, HARPS, JOHN R. COOK, J. M. DBNIQ, O. DBNI8 ft 80NS. 'A.J. BOHUBLLER ft BO mayl7-wly - - Agents for Columbus, Ohio. IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS FOR. CHURCHES. &C. American Cast Steel Bell Works, ; ' 1!S MAIN STRUT, ClKCINNAtl, OHIO. , , ... 1 November 15, 1860. HAVINfl recently made very great Improvements In what is called "AmaJram Bells." I bee to call at tention ef aorporatlon and lndlviduaU who may want a oen, to tne lact, tnatror iu cents per pound I can fum Ish good bells for any purpose, mounted In superior style and warranted for twelve months. Term, cash, or ap proved note, payable at Bank, with Inures: and exohanea added. 1 Remittances of money by expreee, musttx In funds par at Cincinnati, and th carriage prepaid, ts th aixrve price, tor toe quality orrjeiinere spoken of, ad. mits 01 no orawoaoas or aisconnia. aaaret . -vAn-. ' .t.-A WM. H. CLARK. V tul . ;. American Cut Bteel Bell Works, ' usco-wira uinainnati onto. NEW TRATMEflT '!: Prints aad Confidential MEDICAL ADVICE - ' ' " At TOR ' - , '., BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPITAL. B stabilised for the our of cVoAflM. AnesVuil WsaJstac. ana 11 eterm jnjmnmtt Of now tma Maturity DvmeDtia. General Debilitu. Iter and Aim. A termuutqriown,uiajigt,tie. , .,, ', SO MXBCUBT VSZD. - ; , Dra Amos cto Don. uornei ei siaut aaa uuay nia.. nunaiB m, x, iu, A BR THE ONLY PHYSICIANS IN A a. th State who are members ai the Royal Oollsge ef Burgeons, atonaon. aiay d oonsuiiea irom a otiose u th morning anil at nUrht, in avery staae and avmntem of disease. The treatment they adopt is th result of trpvraraa 01 wirry year ex mn sits prasnce m narop and suueswa. :.' !, w m , w , : ii.' A MOST SCIBNTIflO INVENTION. ' Aa Instrument for Ih our of Nocturnal Amissions saore properly known as Seminal Weakness, etc. Can be permanently cured from fifteen days to two months by ua aaa tuts instrument, wnen nsou oonjeariy With. saedlclne. TOUN3 MBIT TAKR PARTtST7LAR rTflrrlflB Dr. AHOS ft SON take Dieaaara in annonneln. that they hare hrvensed e moat important instrument for ths enreofthabovdlseato. It ha. been subjected to a tort S, toeetesiutjahyatea f?S??.Hf 5?f ! ful tnstruBMBt ever ic vented lor tb ear ef Seminal Weakness, or any disease eansed In the secret habits of youtn. rrvoseiuny man or express, M . B Dr. AMOS ft SON. In order to satlsfv th most Skeptical a to the merit el eh I instrument, pledge tnevseives mat in any msutnov wneta it may prove un satisfactory, after a fair trial, th money will be refunded by rstamini thelnstrumeatin good order. , f., -i - iu,.j j 11 10.1 tu OOIOTRTlirVAUDS.i,. i t'.- i ;lf Mia mr ptrl th vorltf mtt U wwiftill? trMUd by fonrtrdior a eorreol 4Uil a tbair mm. with i ivmiueWOT ror meuicuirjav net AddreM Pr. AMOS it BO If. Mmr Of Kkih ind Oui OlsY JveuaeoMf d ( R " " ' " sWI MHmW k a. TDaV-l. faT BT . . ' ..... . w a . I w k MlfSter .Commiasidner's ; Salp.lW Bernard ShsrkleB 1 ! .i!d rj. vs. Baperlor Court. James Riley t al. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed from the Buperior Oourt ef franklin oounty, Ohio, 1 will offer for sals at th doer of the Oourt Hoese, 1a the City of OolambuaVosv ',:.:. Mooday, tb let day of 'April. A. D. 1861. ... .... .,....,' nerween us noun or wo'ciocK a. at an m o'clock w. at., ths following described real eitata, situate ta the Bounty of franklin and State of Ohio, to'.wiUi LotNt, twelve, u'-j iq euiuvaot' Addition to tb town or Frank, lln ton. ' ' -' ' ' ApprJe4aijW,0B.. :. v -i t Q. W. HUVVMAlf. Sheriff ,1 febSS-dltwtt. . . and Master Commissioner. Printer fee f 3 00. "For nedlcsil 1 1 TJURB BRANDDIB8,W1NK8. COUULALS. ABDBIt X tea, from 'Bonded Warehouse " ' 1 ' . WAS. BICUOBAUJ, now; , lOABouwiiiiBitrtot. ,.-,, j :. ,V, 5) ti.-li is t, a in ,"...-:i" 1 - - . .galiit-Ot ltd vwi bi.i Jiti 1 ' 1 - Sh4ns. If A - ii L t t - J a. . t.-5 . r mmmi "..:.. t .!) .:i . - J j OF THE AGE. ' MR. KENNEDY, 'OF nOXntBY) has discovered In one of our common putura weeds a remedy that eun ;''. V , ; . . i-.:. a") j .Every Kind of Homer,1 j'l.-.-..- t's-.'.-.i .ii:B0M .i:'-..'... '." '.'',''; Th wont BoTofnla down to a common Pimple. He haa tried tt In over eleven hundred oases, and nev er failed except In two eases, (both thunder humor.) He naa now in nia possession over an hundred certificates of Ua value, all within twenty miles of Boston. -Iwa bottle era warranted to ansa a nnrslna sore mouth.' -i. ; -1 . i . One to three bottles will cure tha worst kind of Pimples en th face. . i , Two or three bottle will dear th system of bile. Two bottlea are warranted to idh the mm! ttnkv In the mouth or stomach. u i ' i Three to ire bottlea am warranted in en mi tha Wnnl ktodof Bryslpelaa. -r n-i- , On to two pottle an warranted to our (II bonjor In the Bye. Two bottles are warranted to onr running o th ears I four to six botles are warranted to ours corrupt and Irnnninrniwn. 1 -n.. r, wu uiuicues among uie nair. i j, ihij niiuuw I xwoorinreen I a , -1 Two V three tottlesara warranted U cur. th. most I owenerat ease or rheumatism I - Three tornnrlmttlM.rewalnranl.A,At.uMta1t-lth.nm I . - " ... fato7?.to ,t,.h! WIJ1? . F-onrt ca A benefit is alwsvs exsertenoed from the first bottle. aperfectcurei warranted When the above quantity Is . BftTBTTtlV StAnh. Da MiBia: --The reputation of the Medical Di eovery, In curing all kinds of hnmors, Is so well sstab- uanea ny tne unanimous voice of ail who have ever Used It, that I need not say anything on th subject, as th mast skillful physicians and the most careful Druggists In we country are unanimous in its praise. in preeencmg in medical in boo very to your notice. 1 do It with a full knowledge of Its curative power, In r; Uevin all, and sarin most of those diseases to which you are unfortunately so liable, ,. Thatmost excruciating uiseatv w an auoouonaie mower, . . . NURSING HOllE MOUTH,- Is cored as If by a miracle) your own temper t restored to Its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm sad sweet slumbers; and th Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to ypnr husband and household. ... - In the more advanced stages of - - oAimtEn"'"'." "" to tiiJ. T-m" whloh I nothing but canker on the stomach; then to th, ftfYgrV,..a.,:,'i ereatlnga slnktngl gone feeling, and an Indifference eves 10 ue care or your tunny xoursiomacniB .1 wwt:r'ti.j r j RAW AND INFLAMED, ' your food distresses Jou, and yon can only take certain xinas, ana even 01 mat your system does not get nan th nourishment it eon tain, as the acrlmonous fluid of th canker eat It up; then your complexion lose it bloom and become sallow and greenish, and your best day is gen. - for want of nourishment your system be some loos and Dabby,' and the fibre of your body b com relaxed Then follow a train of diseases which, th r.,i 1 r i ......... t- 1 ! -V ... .... cure; Palpitation of the heart, pain In the side, weakness e s, .aim Jf th bin the spin and small of th back, pain in joint when yon retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and that most axomelatlna af disease, tha i ' J . a ais. 1 : -.: t -' "PI I.ES.' :.:,.) C- ' ' W. How many thousand of poor women are sefferlng from this disease and Dining away a miserable life, and: their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress on your mind that good old prover6,"An ounos of prevention is better than a pound of cure. In ths MEDICAL DISCOVERY , ' , yoa have both the preventative1 and th cure,' with this great and good quality, that lt will never, under any circumstances, do yoa any injury i ;.i . .ii.. ' THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1 I espeoialy Intended for diseases of the blood, but since It introduction In th Western States, it is found to be "Ust. . ., L jl ' " AllUlS KEIIEDI that was Srer before the public. ' . '' No chan ire of diet vx nsosMtnr eat the best von can and get enough of it. . 1 . t . , Diaar-noKs roa. ots Adults one table' spoonful per lay Children over ton years, dessert spoonful Children from five to sight yean, tea spoonful, As no direction can be applicable to all eonsltuUon, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. . .',:. i- , tours iruiy, ' ' ; D0NNALS KENNEDY.' Price 1 .00 per bottle. - Tor ' ' v vrv dranist In tha United States . 1 - sepZl-dAwly, PROF. L. MILLER'S IJ AID llllf IftflD ATfiD II Ml 111 II1IIUUIIHI . .. ' I ' ."'" ' ' Aa. Iffectlre, Safe) and Economical ai X.UCOL1TB. oaia . ana j,oonnmicai ..jf. Compoand,' '.;. FOR RESTORING .GRAY HAIR- , J I To It original, color without dyeing, and preventing the nair iiuu ,uruiug gray. i FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS aid oaring It, when there is th toast partlole of vltallt. or recuperativ energy remaining. . .,. , . rUKftKMUViniUBUUli' AMD DANDRUFF I ., , AndaUsutaaeoasaffeoUsns of tbeBoalp. .1 FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR Imparting. ing to It an uneqaled gloss and brilliancy, making nd silky m It texture, and causing it to curl tt soft and I Th great celebrity and Increasing demand for this ts. qualed preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial la only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of Its superior qualities over any other preparation In ua. It Sleanse the head and scalp from dandruff and other utaneou diseases, earning ta hair to grow luxuriantly, giving it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and lso, where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will 1 lirengin ana vigor to to root ana restore the growth to hose parte which have become bald, causing it to yield a rsh ooverlng of hair. . " ,- There are hundreds ot ladlat and gentlemen In New 1 orx wno nave naa ineir nair restored by the use of this lnvurorator, when all other oreparationa have failed. 1.. M has to his posseesioa letters Innumerable testifying to ths above facts, from persons of the hlshest redserta. ktlityr- It will effectnally prevent the hair from turning antll the latest period of lite; and in oases wbere'the hair ha already ohanged it color, the as of the Invlgorator I .m.iunntuiv reswr it to it to it original nue, giw 1 lug It a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the soiieianua iuu jtesioraiiv u la particularly recom-1 mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great ta-1 duties it affords In dressing the hair, which, whan moist I wiu ue invigoraior, can d oraeaea tn any required I fbrm co as topreserv Its place, whether plainlorin curl.: I hence th great demand fpr It by th ladies sa a standard I toiletartlcle which none ought to be without, the price I pieroe it wiuim tuv raw ut ait, wing , ;i fj. flnlv Tvxfsvntv.lriTrSi Panfa rfer bottle, to b bad at all respectable Druggists and , rwtntn. e . - y. L. MCLLXR would call the attacHori'nf tamnn - ' Guardians to th at of hit Invlgorator. in 'eases where the children' hair incline to be weak. Ths as of It ua wo lounasiton lor aaooaaeaa or nair. mm 11 r.. move ny impurities that may have beoom connected With the scalp, th removal of which I necessary both for the health of th child, and th future ppearuce ef CADTio. nons genuine without the fae-slmlle LOUIS miitjua.rt Doing on ine onter wrapper, also. It. HIL LKR'8 HAIR INVIQ0RAT0R. K. Y.. blown in th. glass. Wholssal Depot, 58 Dey street, and sold by all th principal Merchant and Druggist throughput the world ! Liberal discount to purchaser! by the quantity. 1 1 also desire te present to th American Fusil my KXW j AID 1 iMPaOVED . IN 8TAHTASB0M UQUID HAIR: DYE, which, after yean of scientific experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dye Black or Brown Instantly wlthoutlnlnry to th Hair or Skin: warranted Aha bast s tioi 01 uie Ainu inuuwig,, .. .. .,. . , ,. ... , , 1-'.;.-: PRICE. ONLY 60 C.V.HTR. .) u .. Ui V-Kft 'rt "01 "xtr;r 'r' " i ' 66 DeV St, New , York. eetfdftSlw. : ' ' - ' "''- l eetSB.dftwly. WHO SHOULD USE DR. J. BOVEE - 5 LMPERIAL WINE . BITTERS? au wno are auiictca wiw ABCfputnt Uonsumpuoa or Weak Lungs should us them. ,. .,,.,, . All Who suffer from Weak Btomaffia. Indlnatloa. Tm. pepsia or Piles should use them. , . au wn euser from ueneiai er NervoutBjMl Restlessness at night, Waal tt Sleep, eke., should us them. r.. .... . . r-- ' " f :-:.v.'- 1 All person! who are oonvalooentaftar..arrar or other Icknes should as Uism. . , . , K . Ministers of ths Gosrl,lwyfrsi Jtscturtrt, and al pnnuo vpeaaere snonia use wem. .ns'UiinAsettsnterC V I W.t!v .oi ta r , I itooK UMpers. and air nertoi should us them. . .... i.r tl All WhA MtinttTi alnnlant eetenie ehnnlo' tta. frtant All wno ar addicted to tne ua 01 ardent soirlta audi wish towfore,should use-there. " ( ' a They Breaaadaof a pure Sherry Wine, end ef tha na. tlve plants and barb ef th country, and should ha m. commended by temperance societies, clergyman, nhrai. clans, and all friends of humanity. " .. They ar prepare oy an sxpeneDoea aad skillful phy. siclan, and, aside from their medicinal properties, ars s nxt delightful bmrag; and ylt, a medicine, ar as Innneent and harmless as the dewiof hertveat CHABUI WmDmELD fJO.l,-Troprl.tor. noia ny aruggisrs gene rally. -, 't i, 1? ftVtrtl't'tl X eJasrvVn wusiaima ism aailtx.iit i ' Cftluntbti OaI ,i. iwrr"r.".:f, ,r 1-...;.,, .n.-.iu 'I y; y .t .it Ml u.oeli i tin. iii A. ,BI-.':l!li.-) vit It a, , ' i to f . I ; 1 hi IFr VPh even In wall regelated fsm- ' nfTul11,e,tUUT7sirabl to hav Km, cheap and ena- , yinlenl way for rtpairing furniture, Toy, Crockery, "" - .swats 5J ' eY' lefanrf v rSi ' ' &i CURE l. mm . - . - - B ' HepvousHeaaacne ' By th us of thess Pills th periodlo attacks of Kr tout or BUBaaaeh ntjit prevented; and If taken at th commencement ot an attack Immediate rellof from pslnand sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall in removing th Xausea and Etad 0OA to which females are so suhjeot. . .. . , They act gently upon the bowel removing CotUtt nets. Tor ' Literary Ken, Stvdtntt, Delicate females, and all persons of sedentary haUtt, they tr valuable as a XoasnMe. Improving the mppttitt, giving ton aad etpor to the digestive organs, and restoring th natural elasticity and strength of th whole system. TUB CSPOALI0 FILLS sr th result of long Inves tigation and carefully conducted experiments, having , udu 1U mwm WWI , l UUHIU. .un.-u un tu.I UB.V been In nee many years, during which time they bar prmnted and relieved a rest amount of pain and waffer, I lot from Headache, whether originating in thertercowl I system o.r from a deranged state ot th ttomach. I thu .h .nttul. M(.kl, l .V..I- III . , I "" tu uu BvinpMiura, sou I OV be taken at all time with perfect safety without asking any change of diet,' and thtabunet of any ditnoneabU UhU render U ttuy to adminitUr tiens chUdrtn, ' BlWARROf 00UNTBRPHIT8I Th genuine have fire signatures of Hscry 0. Spalding ontachBox, , , -:, .1.. ': -- - ! ., ; - -, ,. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medlotn. A Box will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of the ' aPrioo, Q3 Cents. All orders should be addressed to ;;..,.. .:; it,.... HENRY O. NPALDINO, '.'.). . 49 Cedar Street, New York. THS I0LLOWINQ XND0RBEUBNTB OP 1 SPALDING'S CBPHALlij PILLS, ' WILt C0NTISCR 'AIL Wn6 BUFFER IB0M HEADACHE, . THAT A AND SURE CUBE :..:. Sit . SPEEDY IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. . , Al rAett VitUmontaU vert vntnUetled Jy Ma. Spald , ixo, ftUy eord ungvetUonaUt proof of tht tffi- . easy of (hit truly icitntiflo diteovtry. Masonvtixb, Corn, , Peb. S, 1801 , ,' Mr. Spaldino. 81: 1 . I bay tried your Oephallo Pill, and Wbt them to well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave ' few out of the first box I got from you. , ... ., . , .. Bend ths Pills by mall, and oblige ' Your ob't Mervant, . JAMES KENNBDT. 1,1 '" Havxaroan, Pa., Peb. , 1861. ' M, grilJOtHO- . . t. .. I .: I : . ' I'; . 81a: . I wish you to send me on more box of your Cephalic Pills, Jhavt nettvtd a great deal oj benefittorn fAent,, sours, retpccumiy, : i . ,- MARY ANN ST0IEH0USR. : in Entrci Citrrx, Hdnthioton Ce.,Pa., i ' 1 ... 'ill te - January IB, icui. tr. n .,.. 1 81a! ' ! Ton will pleat send me (wo boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Bend them Immediately. . .. , ' " " ' Respectfully yours, JNO.B. SIMONS. 1 P. B.Thavi vted one 000 of your Pilit, and find thtmeaeeUeni. 1 - BiLi.t yxaMON, Onto, Jan. 15, 1801. 1 ! "sa fled encloeed twenty -fire oeats, for which snd another box of the but FiUt I hate ever tried. ) Direct . , A. STOVER, P. M., j, . " " Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0." BtvrJtLT, Mam., Dec. II, 1S60.. H'.Oi BriinrHo. Sso. 1 I wish for some clrcnlarsor large show bills ts bring ESI 0ef.'li ? vp.'lL' mo.Ie PrtlcuUrly before my custo- I TV" " " """a 01 me aino, picas seno to i. On ofmy customers, who Is subject to rer tick fr?r ! "n (usuallv laatlna two dsvs.l uaa eumtf af m . wiracK tn one nour oy your rutt, which 1 sent her. 1 liespectrully yours, - ?:,-.. ; .11 .1 W. B. WILKES.- j nsTnuuissuKii, rsisiLni vo., Vmo, t January it, jooi. , ... I -DtXRT 0. Spaldino, 1 No. 48Cedarst.;N. Yr " " ... ;. - Dbab Biai ' t : : ! 1 Inclosed and twenty tire cents, (25,) for which send ', box of "Cephalic Pills.'' tend to address of Ber. Wm. 0. Filler, Beynoldsbarg, Franklin Co., Ohio. - . - r. - ,' 1 Tour Ptilt work likt a t harm-cure JJeadaeht al tntet inttanter. ' i- 1 ... -"., !'.! : truly yours, . - , WM.0.PILLER. v ' i ; .. j Titoabti, Mica., Jsat 14, 1861.1' ,' Ma. Bpaldiho. ... - t ' - 8ia;i-v ' "' ' t.' ' ' ' Net long line I sent t yon for box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Oostlveness, and reoelved th earns, and they had to good an- effect that tea Induced to tend for mote. rieas sena ny return man. Direct to ' A. R. WHEELER, ' .... ...... ,' ... Ypiilantt,Mich..;. m.u ; Irom th Examiner, Norfolk, V. ' 1 Cepbalto Pin Accomplish the object for Which they were mad, viz.: Our of headaoh In all It form. . ; I from the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.- ' r'- Th. have been taaled In aott than a Hut..! Mu. With r, enure success. from th Democrat, 8t, Cloud, Minn. f. . ,ai ua are, or uhtb Been, trouoicu wiut WO neaoacll, send for a box, (Cephallo Pills,) so that you may hav them in case of an attack. j u from th Advertiser, Providence,' R. I. ' ' .' I The Cephalic Pill an said to b a remarkably effective remedy for th headache, and on of th vary best for that very frequent complaint. which has ever been die- . ctvertd. - - ' - ' '- .. ' -' ' 1 " from the Western It. R. Ostitis, Chicago, III. W heartily endorse Mr. Bpauldlng, and hit unrlvalel ' (kEdmiie PUIi.,,. , , , ... i oj, , u , !o' t A . from th Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va.' 1 ' Wt are htM thai neratMia tW.n with IK a..t.t.. -J r who try them, will stick to them, V . ... a IV . . TV- . v ... . Prom th Southern Path finder, Naw Orleans. La. ;r I v, Try themt yoa that are afflicted, and vrs ere sere that' your lestlmonycan be added to the already numerous ,L list that aaa received benefits thtl no other medlnnaean - f ?!"?t3 : J i.i v': nil i : '1 iu 1 iff ''tn:.! f:.j Vii-'rota the Bt. Louis Democrat. ..' i.,;,vl('i.. le rwUIi 11 ' " "fMBW " ,AWTf -nil v. . .. j ' milvt . . Irom the Gaiett. Davennort. Ia. ,. Mr. Spalding would not connect his nam with aa ar -tlel he did not know to posses real merit. - DA single bottle, ef SPALDINO'I PREPARED OLTR will savs tea times its cost annually, -O 1 ' .. ..".T.r.ji' -'.i . SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I O . NapREb'GLui? BP ALDING'fl PREPARED O'LUB!'0. ,f' ll'tf id VH'h mmm t: . :i , . I . a'J 1 B0ONOMTI n DISPATCH irABwrcit Tina Bam Nrjri."fr -' rn ........ . i T 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE v meets ill men emergencies, end no bousshold eta afford ' ' o witnout lit At Is always ready, and up te the stick., , Ing point. ' . 'UBEf UL IH RVERT nOUSR." . !'.-. Bresb' accompanies each Imtfle.'1 Price, Ift - NRT d. SPALDtN0,J " " " -tii.Virj 8.-.W i.Mo. 48, Cedar Street, New Tork. v l.i.' l '!i l-.l,:- -OAUTION'.''' " " ' ' ''' I'- ' ' ''' 'At errala unprincipled persons are attempting to " ' pslm off on tht nnsutpMting public, imltatious of my i , RBPARED OLUH. I would cauticn all persons to ex aain before, and see teat the fill nme, .-, irrBPALPlNO 8 PBRPAHDHi;i i on Urn outside wrapper; all ottur are, wtatUiit cob terfolllt . live ' li' .1!', ! i'f I