Newspaper Page Text
pi piatr km - x.--" ... , ., rrrr a vo VOL. YII. N0. 248, NEW SERIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO; MONDAY EVENING: MARCH 2& 186L .1. I : V-1) IvVlt lJ I. .ut .aval -i..T i ,-,' ' :.' fI- 4 1 i0 mcatsmavi ... . .. D AJLY. TRI-WEIKIY AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, publish: bb and proprietors, ID" OffiM o. 80, SB nd 40, Forth High 8t' thumb invartault tn advanoi. Dally ., $8 00 peryear, " ih Carrier, vtr week. 1211 cents. , ' Trl-WeaUf I Weekly , ''.'; - - oo peryear -". . . ' , 1 00 ft - orniu n't Advertlslne; of nU4r 1 yn...20 00 One " II cor.tlil 1H OU One ' C dodUii IS 00 One " 3 monthi 10 00 .lr,e t! monthi . 8 00 )ne ' I uouih. S 00 Ou " weki.. 3 no On " ' lwk... 1 75 Od . " ' 3Uyi ... I 00 Ouo '" 9dyt... 75 One " UnMrtlOD SO OI.1ytd uWcrUiintnU bil( ur thM th bOT rntn. AUvetllwDenti leaded end placed la the column or ft.vriHl Nntlcet, erotiCM IA ordinary taut. A 1 1 uolioM reiulrea to be pnbllihed by law, leal ntM. If nnlercd on tueinildeexciaitreiy alter tnenrat week put ten:, more than the above ratea; bat all auoh wll mixiar lu the TrI Weekly wllhoatoharr. iulncaOanle, not exceeding Arellnea, per year, la i'. ile, i 50 pifr line; oatalde i, Noticua of meetlnga, eharltablM oeletlef , Art eompanlee, Jt., half prlre. ' . All tramitrU udMrtUimmU mwl bt poMM j (mines tie rule will not beTaried frem. Weekly, tame price aa the Dally, where the adTertlaer cathe Weekly alone. Where 'b Dally and Weekly an both naud, then the charge Ifrthe weekly will be n if the rauiol toe iMUiy No aiWertiaement token except for a definite period, BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring fc Witter StaM' OolvixriJoxuB, Obloe W. B. POTTS & CO, MAOHUNTISTS, And Uanafnctaren of Bnuf and Oompoaltlon Oaatlngt, riniihtd Hraa Work of all Deacrlptloni. Electro Plating and Gilding ! ! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. feblUTXlly F. A. B. ' SeTffKTNS, , Attornoy ttt Xja-w AND NOTARY TUBLIC. OSlce Aiubn Uultdln;, oppoalle Capitol Bqnare. OOI.UMBDS. OHIO, Machine Manufacturing Companj WjT JJ.0.S 0 U 0 .v.O D,Df Hit IMTyy MANDrAOTDkMU or STEAM ENGINES. & BOILERS, Oattinpt, MlUwrlBtr, XMBlnwry. ' nallroadL or imi nncuraoM. COIil'lBBlH, OHIO. 0TIAS. AMBOS, Bttp'l decll, lbSB-U P. AMn08Trtaf. i n Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columks & Xenia) "Tier RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton 4 Indianapoliil Tbrougb to lndianaoolis without Change of Can and bat Odo ChaDge of Can between , ' . Columbua and St. Louis. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM BUS. FIRST TRAIN. S (Dally, Uondayiexcepled.) NIOUT IXPRKHB, wto Dayton, at 1:49 a. an., atop pin( albondon, Xenla, Dayton, Hiddtetewn and Ilamil. ton, arrirlngatClnclnnatl at 8:20 a. m.; Dayton at 5:45 a. m., Indianopollaat 10:4d a. m.; rt. Loolaat 11:50 p " 7 SECOND TRAIN. ' ACCOMMODATION, at 0:10 a. m itopplng at all Bta tion i between Oolombui and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rirlng at Cincinnati 11:W a. n., Daytoa at 1): 15 a. m., Indlanopoilsaf 2;lp. n,- THIRD TRAIN. ( . -. . DAT EXPBB88,at t:S0p. m.f ttopplng at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charleeton, Cedarrllle, Xenla, Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow, Deerfleld, Foiter'a. Loreland, Mlllfordand Plalnfllle, arririna; at Cincin nati at 7:S0 p. m. Bt. tools at 19 o; Dayton at 6 35 p. m.; Indlanopoltsat 10:3tl p. m. Nlecpiiir Car AM all Nlvht Tralaa t Cincinnati and Indlanapalia. JIAGGAGE CnUCKED THHOCGH. i . ' i tor farther Information and Through Tickets apply to M. L. DOHBETY, ' Ticket Agent, Union Denot, Oolambns, Ohio. . i, W. WOODWABD, . : i'l ' gnperlntendent, Cincinnati. i i. ' " JNO. W. DOIIBBTV JolJ j ' , ' Aent, Oolntobms, , , SOMETHING : NEW H O W A RD & OOrS. AMERICAN WATCHES. CAM. AT NO. 83i SOUTH UIGII ST., and examlo. oar new snake of AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by K. TIOWABD k. CO., Boiton, llase. These Watchea are far superior to anything wrer offered to the public, heretofore. Daring the exolualY agenoy, I can sell them at prloee to-wait the time. I harejast receired a large stock of , a.-' . i ' AMERICAN WATCHES, .: , 4 mannfaotored by APPLET0N, TBiOT, 4c 00 j alto, a fine atsortmentof . , . ENGLIsn ANI 8TVISS WATCHES, In Gold and gllrcr Casea, at Panlo price.' . . . , JanS3,c ,.,; i ... : :. W.J. iATAOl. Jut BectlTtdt 4AA nr. CH GHEEN and DULCK 1UUTKAS 100 bags prlmt Bio Oontt. . . , 1 50 pockets old Dutch Qartrnmsnt Jara Coffet., 1 6 baga Oeylon Ooffce, i ; 20)bblf. atandard Whit Sugars, conilatlng of Pow dred,Ohruahed, Granulated A and B Coffee. -. 50 qalntale George Bank Codfish. ? 1 ' BObbto, Meat aud ho. 1 MaokcraU ' ., t . U 1 a 5 tea. pick Balmon. , . ...... 100 bx. Layer Halalrno " ' ' '.'. AO hf. box do do ' ,j . 100 do d. 1 1 ' ' ' tOO U Cigars, different brands and grMet. :" B0T37 WM. MoDOIfALD M.:C. LIUUEY : H001X : XSIJ3DZITXt. And Blank-Book Manulantnxer, . ! . KOBTB HIOH 8TBXXI, COLvJXBvTB, OHIO atari 1-dly ),i FARII1.Y rtiOUU, a ,-rf TITHITK WHEAT, BBARDED - i",BIrO"WB,rAK3H3.,i ii . From "Barnett Mills," Bprtogneld, 0. the best brand of Flour brought to tar narkot. Bati.feetlon guaranteed, lortaletalrat ' WatrMoDONALD'8, A AjEXANJOUkS Kill UL.UVJb.ii. j u fK. All slieiaad Wloiijostepsned at BAIKB. aet ll. , , ' , No. Booth High ttreet.- STONE'SBAZAAR. No. 4: Grwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRl A HE NO W RECEITINO TIIEIH Will XV S& GOODS, and invite the pnbll to Inapect them. No tueh a lock of Good baa arer been bronght to hi market. The South, in eunaequeoc of the fallar oi mo (rain crop, naa not neea able to parcnaae the na sal quantity of rloh food, and thla fact haa forced the Importer! to tell them at publlo auetion. Oar hayer (r. Btonej nemi u new lorx at uieee urge taiei, took adTaataKof them, and we can and will aell ourgooda here, at lent than any one who purchased two weeka line, paia ror mam in new ion. unritcck u complete la erery aeparuneot oi ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, : OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, . PRINTED MEBINOS, PRINTED COBURGS. DYED COBUGSj BLAUK ALrAUAo, . j ORLEANS, i . . - FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! ' Rvd Thausand Dollars Worth j Bought in One Day, At bait the Cat f Impoitatlon LADIES7" FURS, la all Varletleii of fhe Celebrated laanafatnre f C, G. Gnn then 4c "on. ( ' . HOSERY DEPARTMENT, Men'i. ladlea and Chlldren'a Under Ehlrta and Drawer): Ladles, atlaeei and Children'! lloelery of all klnda. In Wool and Lamb't Wool; Fleecy Lined and Ootton Qlorea or erery make. ALIO A complete assortment of all the nraal varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. , DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladies andGent'i Linen Camtric Hand- kerchiefj, Ae., &c. To tertoni who call on na. we nledn oar wordt to how them the largeet, beat and cheapen l lock of ttooda mr aeea in una maraei, or pay meat on aouar per noorwnue looting. aeoi-aiyxtawjiw. BTuna at u uiaaa LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO. 23 & 25 PAKE PLACE, 20 4 22 KTTBBAY STB EST, ! IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. j SPRING, 1861. We art opening, at oar ample wareroomt. at abort numbera, stocks of Goods In each of the six departments of oar boaioess. any uung we nare neretoiore exhibited to the trade. ! CLOTH DEPARTMENT. This has frown to Its present magnitude trader the thorough management of a barer of long experience and acknowledged good taslt. We keep txtenitrt lines of tat nnest ana taotcesi . FMCYVESTINCS .' . . AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, all selected with the nicest discrimination. Also, all grades, colors and rarieties of? BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNG3, " j ' TWEEDS, I ARMBB3' and HER0H ASTS' 0 ASSIMtBBB, KINTCCKT JKAN9, from 9X to IS cents per yard and apwards; ; TWBEDB. 12X to IS etnta per yard-laat year told at MtoSO; .... . . : - PKIHTBD tATlNITB, at 14 eentt; , AnioiAer Cooa" eorreiptndinglf Ltw. j Dress-Goods tjepartment. ; Hanchestet Dt Lalnet, Hamilton do. Paclflo do. Printed Lawns, Printed BrIIIUntes, Fancy Olnghami, Bombasines, , Black Bilks, . rancy Bilk. Printed OhaUit, Manchwter Olnghama, Olaagow do. Clinton do. Ottoman Cloths, .Alpacas, roplins, AndthNeSekdtfyieaf FANCY SPRING COODS. Merrlmae Prints, Richmond's Prints, Oocheco dot , American do. Pacltto do. ' ' Dannell1! do. Bpragut't do. Kngtlth ' do. Mancheiter, tut. Prints, Ac. ' nORTESXIO COTTONS. Lawrence 0. Sheetings, Stark ' do. Lathrop ; do. Bhawmut do. Pocastet do. Atlanlio A. Sheetings, Amoskeag , : do. Appleton do. : . Everett ' ' do. TJtlca,to., . do. AU Grade and Width. ' BLIAOnBD BniBTINOB AND 8HB1TINQ8. Waniutta, Dwlght, Lawrence, Lonsdale, " , OreatFalll, Naumkeag, Hill, - Waltham, ' Boott, New York Mills, Ac., Ac. SHAWLS ANFmANTIILAS, , A LABOB AND SIf.tCT ASSORTMENT. i ; , i , ; 1 i:l. 00TTONADIB a great rarlety . CHICKS do. TICKINGS ell the leading brands. DBNIMS do. -i do. BBIRTINO BIBIPXB-all the leading brands. NANKMBN8 . . do. . do. COBBKTJKANS , do. do. M0BBBN8 do. do. DAMABK8, PAPBR 0AMBRIC8. 00L0BID CAM- DH1UH,0., Ac. LARGE AND, COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHItSQOODS, . , , HOSIERY, ! TABKEB ROnOHS, i Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ; UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ; . CARPETS AND OILOLOTHi And a great rarlety of Ckiode not enumerated ell of which wt pledge oarselret to sell at the lowest maritt preMt tbt larger portion at from iw to 9U per cent, less than last year. . LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., i WEWYORIC. saart :. ,. .. : , ' .: ... ' i Irish ' Linen Goods. ' ., WARRAKTED FABBIO . t T Linen Shirt Bosomt Plain and f anew " ' ' Bhirtlng and Boeorn Linens. ; ' Xioen BheettngaandPiHoirOaslBgt. ! , Linen flM.Kv.Aa .nil Ijm Ij.m. ' Linen Focketandk'fs, all tlaet. , . . . Linn. TflwelllngtaadDlaptrf. i. 1 i -i ' Linen Table Olotu. wa ..ti DmimIm .i , , ' . j Linen Towele Hh eoiord bortete. j!. . i.'. -1 ' Llnea Rialr CoTcrlnnna Oraeh. ..r:- . i- . ionaia,Mwpnw. - - i . t v -,; . V . j V , BATW BOjr,1:' V . , Booth lilihttittt,' rjpHE OHIO STATESMAN STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT i. I Harlng increased Its already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, Is fully prepared to axetuto in tbo MOST ELABORATE MANNER, AND I)f THK LATEST STYLES, CATALOODIS, A BKIBI8, BILLS LADINfJ, BILL BEADS, M0TI8, DRAFTS, 1 ' CHECKS, CIBCULAB3, PAMPHLET3, LETTIB HI ADS, LBOAL BLANKS, SBAT EICBIPT8, LABELS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And erery description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Equal to any Establishment In the State, and upon terms which will compart farorally with the leading Eastern Printing Houses. Having every Kaoility to aid TJs IN TDB PRODUCTION OF , ELEO-ANT POSTERS AHD 1 HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS, Wt offer our serrlces to all who may desire that class of work. - . Wt hare connected with our Establishment a BLANK BOOK BINDERY, From which wt produce the AND THB MOOT ' - i SUPERB SAIL BOAS BLANK BOOKS. OUR ESTABLISHMENT Is admitted to be i v. ! P-jH ! T i A Il.Ca-II!E.T TBI MOST ' COMPLETE IN FACILITIES, .'. i i '- ' - j ' AK WW MOflT ' - PERFECT IN ORGANIZATION In this City, and we may add, WE WILL FAVORABLY COMPARE . ' WITH ANT 1 , Prlnttna; aTome In the WNt. RICIIAB0 NEYlTtS, " ' ' ' ntOVBTETOK. Gents nen Shirt ! Collars, 0 t SUPERIOR QUALITY, IN OAR. BOTH. B tending, Byron. Fwrsicnar. Kenfnsw and other new aha pea. Hemmed Pocket Handkerchiefs. Meek Tits, Stocks, Btratt and Xrenlng 01 ores, Half Boat of erery aina, unaer uarments ana an klads or uenta' jrar nlihlng Goods la great Tariety and at modtrato prion. BAIN At BON, febtt Ko. 89 Booth High street. M AlrivHU At TUHKAU LACK BllTTi of tleiant oaalltlet tot Ladies; alio. M lease' Mutt - u. ....... BltV'l (91)10 Statesman TUMI.; Dally.ptrytar ' '...IS 00 Trl Weekly, per car.. ..i ,v 3 00 Weekly, per yeai 100 Curious Case for Philadelphia Lawyers—Amusing Scenes in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. A caaa which afforded good deal of fun, and whloh InTrJlyed a knotty point of law under Ita oomioal exterior, came op recently In the 8u preaa Court of Pennsylranla, at Philadelphia. The hlBtory of the eaee and the acenea In the Court are thus related by the Bulletin: '' '' It Bcema that away op in Luzerne county Hrcd a man named Ellaha Harria. He owned a large farm, and waa tnppoacd to hare Bared oonelderaoie money, tie waa an eccontrle and close-fisted individual, and he lived entirely eoluded and alone. In July, 1858, he died. Hie administrators could Una no property but the ordinary household furniture, tie. Accord Ioe to custom, tbey had a vendue-, which waa well attended, it being inferred that the money, wdioq it waa auppuseu tuw uoceaseo aieu pos leeied of, bad been concealed somewhere, and old oheeta and bureaus probably never before sold so well at an up country sale. N . Well, one David M. Uutbmacher, an honest Dutchman, went to the sale, apd a nondescrint article of furniture was struck off to him for fifteen cents. It was a iqnare block of pine wood, about three, feet loui and ten or twelve inchea square, supported bx.. lour legs, each about a foot and a half in length. On the top waa a horizontal wheel, with an iron spindle at tached to it. It was an outlandish affair, and it might, for all we know, have come out of the ark, and ' been applied to antediluvian uses. David paid his fifieen.cents, hauled his purchase home, and threw it on the wood pile. In course of time it came to be split open for fire wood, wnen, 10: it was louoa to coutain a,7&4 50 in sold and silver coin and promissory notes Da rid, tbongh poor, was houcet, and he informed the administrators of his discovery. The result was, a suit was entered to determine to whom the treasure should be Ion i. The lower Court decided against honest David, and ha BDoealed Such was the oase that came up yesterday, and It occasioned much merriment. The oase was argned by Hendrick B. Wright, Esq., for David, and E. L. Dana, Esq . for the estate of Harris. Mr. Wright contended that David waa entity of no fraud or misrepresentation, and that he waa entitled to have all that he bought log, spindle and money. He cited divers old esses, sucn aa mat oi tne oeasteaa ot Kichard ill., whloh, many years after the battle of Bosworth Field, was sold, and the buyer found the frame and poets filled with gold coins: and the oas ol a tropical bird, sold recently In Mew Orleans, the owner fiDding in its otaw some valuable diamonds. Were these jewels sold with the bird? Chief Justice Lowrie suggested he had for gotten one case that of the man who boueht "a pig in a poke." Mr. W. replied that waa an Irian case, and might not be considered as aa thority in our Courts.' Mr. Dana contended that log and sciudle were all that uavia nought, or tnat the adminis trators intended to sell, and that David could not have any more, except on the paradox that the administrators sold that which they did not assent to the sale of, and bad not offered for sale, and that David purchased that which he did not bid lor nor pay rot .bote of oth er "wise aaws and modern instances" were oited by Mr. Dana, from Plutarch down to Story. He gave the following from the' life of Solon: 1 Flut. Live, p. 205 -"When some Coana once were drawing net. some strangers of Miletus nongnt the drangbt nnseen and at a venture. There chanced to oome ud a golden tripod, which Helen at her return from Troy, on the remembrance of an old pro phesy, had thrown in there. ' The strangers contesting with the fishers about the tripod, and the cities espousing tne quarrel so far aa to en case in war, Apollo, to end the controversy. advised that the, tripod be presented to the wisest man. After passing around in fruitless seafeb from one to another, it eventually came back to the temple of Apollo, and the Court, by reason of inability to decide tbe case, became the owner of the tubjtct matter of the eontroveriy." Mr. wngnt said ne aid not wish to intrude any advice upon tbe Court, but if they found David's case knotty one, they could make short work of it by following the examde of the anoient tribunal. It is needless to say that there waa mure laughter In the Conn Room than is usual in arguments before this angust tribunal. The Judges will decide, at their leisure, the ques tion Involved In the case. Changes in the World's Highway. Dr. Solger delivered a lecture recently before the American Geographical and Statistical Soci ety, In New York city, upon the subject of the "World's Highway," or commercial communi cation with the Pacific and the Indies by way of the Mediterraneans whether by a realization of Mr. Stephenson's project of connecting Lon don with tbe River Indus, by a continuous chain of railways, through Belgium. Hungary, Austria, ate, to Belgrade, irom tnence to Constantino ple, then to the held of the Persian Gulf, and along ita northern shore to the mouth of the In dus, cf by a completion of the proposed Sues Canal by the French Sovernment. He illus trated the relation of commerce to olvilizatioo. explaining the causes whloh ebanged the com mercial centre severally from western Asia, It aly and the mediterranean, rortngal, and the Baltlo and the German Ocean. The discovery of America, and of the communication with India around the Cape of Good Hope,' were the great influences which brought about the changes. We are now approaohing, said be, the fourth great change the beglnniug or the Pa clflo civilization Tbe Valley of the Mississippi, being between the two great commercial lluke, that of the Atlantlo and Pacific, la destined to become the great commercial centre of the world. He expressed the belief that the seats of the anoient civilization of Asia and West ern Europe wonld be reclaimed, and the com merce or Jan, ueyrout, Smyrna, as well aa that of the north coast of Altloa, where old Carthage flourished, wonld be revived and In creased a hundred fold. The commerce of the Mediterranean had declined by the diversion of trade with India from thence aronnd the Cane a canal across Sues or communication by lall wonld revive it. The traffic of New York with China and the Pacific would all take that direc tion, as the route would be much nearer: , ". "' The Number Seven. - On the 7th day of the 7th month a holy observ ance waa ordained to the children of Israel, who feaated 1 days and remained 7 days In tents; the 7th day waa dlreoted to be a Sabbath of rest for all things, and- at tbe end ot 7 times 7 years commenced the grand Jubilee; every 7th year tne lana lay iauow; every itu year mere was a grand release from aii deDts, ana boradsmen were set free. ' From this law might have orig inated the custom of blndlpg young men to 7 years' apprenticeship, and of punishing Incorrigi ble offenders oy transportation ror 7, twice 7, or three times 7 years. Anciently a child was not named before 7 days, not being accounted fully to have life before that periodical day. 'The taeth SDrloE out in tbe 7th month, and are shed In tbe 7th year, when infancy la changed to childhood. At thrice 7 years the faculties are developed, manhood commences, and man be- oomes legally competent to all civil acts; at four timea 7 a man is in iuii possession of ma Dhvsi- cal strength; at five times 7 be la fit for the bust nees of tbe world; at six times 7 he becomes graver and wiser, or never; at seven times 7 be is In bis apogee, and from that time decays; at eight times 7 he Is In his first climacteric; at nine times 7, or sixty-three, he Is in bis grand ollmaoteric, or year of danger; and ten times 7, or tbrte-toore yean and ten, was by the royal prophet pronounced toe period oi me. ., . From the New York Evening Post. March 20. Chicago Shaking Hands with Liverpool—Extraordinary Proposition of the Chicago Grain Shippers. Last September, a Canadian purchased in vuicago sixteen mousano oosneia of wheat tor shipment to Liverpool, part by the St. Lawrenoe route and part by New York. The wheat waa shipped to Port Dalhouale on Lake OntariOrf where tbe oargo was divided, ten thousand bushels going down tbe St. Lawrenoe, and six thousand to Oswego and through the canals to the Hudson and this city. The .time occupied in transportation to Liverpool by the t. Law rence route was twenty-six days, at cost, cor. ering all charges of freight, Insurance, commis sion, &c of sixty-seven cents per bushel; while mat sent by tne new York route coat eleven cent, more per bushel In charges alone, besidee arriving at Liverpool fifty.fonr days alter that sent by me at. Lawrence, it should be stated that the lot from Montreal was shipped by a steamer and crossed tbe Atlantlo in ten days, while tbe six thousand bushels irom this city waited four days here for a Balling- veasel, and when finally shipped, were fifty-live days In trar sit, whloh will readily account for the difference in time between tbe two routes. . The Chicago papers are aeitatins a oroleot for tbe establishment of a rcsolar line of propel lers between Chicago and Port Colborne, to cooneot with a similar line from Port Dalhousie to Quebec. At tbe latter point it is proposed to transfer the cargo, by the use of elevators, to ocean steamers, and to forward grain direct to Liverpool, at a through cost for freight, insur ance and commissions, of only thirty seven cents per bushel. Before this can occur, however, tbe "dally line of propellers of one thouiand tons eacb, and a speed of twelve miles per hour," must be launched, the elevators at Quebec erected, and the money ror both purpoaea be raised; all of which may be said to go "against the grain" just now, as matters stand at Chicago. ' isy tne proposed route, tbe wheat must be tran shipped at three places Port Colborne, where it goes by tbe Wetland Railroad to Port Dal housie, where it is shipped to Montreal or Que bec, and thence to its destination, Liverpool. By the New York route, It ia shipped from Port uaioousie to uswego, too by canal to new X ork. Tbe distance from Chicago to Liverpool by tbe Lakes and the St. Lawrence la 4,025 miles. Some four years ago. there was auite an ex citement at Chicago on the snbjeot of direct shipment of grain from that port to Liverpool. a scnooner, me tuenmond, started with a cr go of wheat, passed through the Likes, the St' Lawrence, and across the Atlantic, making the entire passage,' we believe, in lest than iorty days. On her arrival tbe oargo and vessel were sold at a handsome profit to tbe owners. Sub sequently another vessel from Milwaukee made the same voyage with equally successful result. Wheat at that time was held at "war prices" In the neighborhood of two dollars a bushel and might have been sent bv almost anv mode of transit, short of ballooning, and tbe shipper could well afford to pay the freight. Tbe en terprise of direct csmmunication between Chi cago and Liverpool came to a sudden end; first, oy tneiau in wheat; next by tbe lall In freights; and especially tbe difficulty In findine return freights to Chicago at anything like remunera tive prices. " - - - There is one thing which wonld probably re sult in the establishment of the DroDosed line of steamers between Chicago and Quebec, and tuae is anoiner war on tne continent lor a European war Is almost always attended by a short crop of wheat on the shores of the Baltic. With even this Impulse, it wonld be some time before the line wonld be a "daily" line, and, considering the matter of return frieghts, a wtille longer belore it would be a paying line. The latter consideration la supposed to have some Influence In so important a matter aa that of establishing a dally line of steamers, partic ularly wnen one terminus oi ise nronoscd route is oaiiea vnicago. - , r. M. . - - Curious Calculation of the World's Population. Tha vast nnmhprnf Ii,ViHItnin 4 it.. and have lived upon the face of the earth, ap pears, at first sight, to defy the powers of calcu lation. But If we suppose the world to have ex- e nnn . , . . . , . . ciioiou u,uwi j cam, tuai mere now exist 1,000,000,000; that a generation passes away in thtftv YAara that ..... ....uiln. J 4 . J f gtuc.iiuu.t.i.. ges the present; and that four Individuals may stand on one square yard, we And that tbe wbolo number will iit nrnnnv . mmn... or, . - rJ - wmpwn y giv. . one-fourth the extent of England. , Allowing rj.yuu years since tbe creation, and a feneration tn 1 naaa .w.v In thivf ..... shall have 200 generations, which at 1,000,000,- uuu eaoh, will be 2UO,OOO,O0O,00O, which being divided by four persona to a square yard. wiH leave 50 .000 find (WO nr.n,,.r..... .K. ' ... ' ' v. fa V BAAe?wj BBI WJ in a square mile, 3,097,600 square yards; by wuiuu, ii wo lurmer aum oe aivtaea, l( will give 16.133 annar. milnd. ih. mnt nf whlnK In kn( . numbers, ia abont 137- l0 that 127 square miles will be found sufficient to contain tbe immense and almnat InmnmtlraM. nnmh.. f Oflfl (Win . 000,000 of human beings. ; ; ' ' In September. 180S. A Bennileai vnnnw ma. chanio, lately arrived from England, encounter, ed a pleasant faced gentleman, In his wander ing abont New York, standing- in the door-war of his house. He was made welcome to stoo there till he could get employment and a home. Twenty-five years after, that aame mechanic was employed by Major Noah then surveyor ol the port, to pot together a machine, then in the Custom House, and take models of It. This was doner improvements were made, and he died In 1833. The son succeeded bis lather In the bos lness and further Improved it to what it is to day; the maohlne is Hoe's 10 cylinder press; tbe penniless English lad waa Robert Hoe; the good Samaritan was Grant Thorburn. ". - That famous kinsmen tn sons: and nartnera in business have their own fun sometimes is ev ident from the following incident- , General Morris wrote In a lady's Album: "The heart that la given to many Will never bt oonalant to any." To whloh Willis addedi - .'i .. 1 " Bat what do yon know of the fan, . ,.i If yoa only are constant to ouet " It would be difficult to lestance anvtbinc that so concisely characterizes the peculiarities of escn memoer oi wis wen Known literary firm. " I -. , -i'; Thi Fisst1 AiOLitioNisT: A Soutner'n cle'r- gyaian says that Id all bis reading of , the Bible, , . . i , i . ne uercr aucercuvu in uuuidk any account Of AL.IT.t , - IL ' .r . . m. ..... aa AooiitioniBs in it. we oeg to diner with him, for we believe there Is one referred to freauent- ly we mean Satan. He Is the genuine, orig inal, Simon Pnre Abolltionlat. - He has always been In favor of eooisAiny' everything that Is good. ne was me nrn to aavocate tne "higher law," He tried the experiment in heaven , and cot kick. oat for hia audacity; and then be undertook to content mmseir with tbe reflection that It waa "better to reign In hell than to serve in heaven .", The Effict of Tea on tub Hon an Srstia! Tbe effect of the ntt of tea has been muoh dis cussed. Professor Johnstone, a rood authority. has asserted that it prevents the waste of tha body, and nourishes it. Dr. Smith, recently. In a leoture before the Society of Arts, maintain ed that lea was good only in helping our diges tion of fat or farinaceous food, and thus far was nourisning; bat ir the tissues are wasted by ei' ertions or too profuse penetration, tea Is Inlurl ooa. It does not suit a spare habit, or much exertion, or low temperatures, or a aeiectirs skin. These opinions are not generally held. , ,,) ,. ' m . " . ' b w. 'Rah fold Are! Thankful we've rot 'a Govment 't last! tort what ye call It all right! Ml give 'em Jessie' this time I JNO quarter t' traitors I Down With 'cession!' 'Rah,! Pf- Mewet rr. v. " Tbe excuse offered for tbe decrease of 4000 Republican votes in the late contest for Gov ernor in new nampsnire.ia tnat they were an sentat wajningwiiofmoes,,, Ur, y 5, i ; IV . lVf :l l 4:.ib iil v , GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN - (' -nil.. BBYifiOOUS AT KNAP.P & CO.'S i ; -tin ! .1 , NEW STORE. j From and after this date we ehall REDUCE THE PRICE OF, OUR WINTER GOODS TWENTY FIVE, PEH CEflJT, ; in or. or a to mar koom for our SPRING STOCK. EfOWISTHBTIMETOBUY. i . - . . Our assortment 13 still good, and it is known to every . one that our STOC 1KL CONSISTS OF FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, SO DO NOT FORGET THE CHEAP STORE OK K N A P P & CO . , NO. 119 ..,! SOUTH UIGII STREET, OOIjTTIwIIIXTS, OHIO. , . I 5 Tone of Fczttliers and 60 Ton ot j Rag-t Wan ted. oct23-2awd-iAcw-Sm RE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN- nATINfl A CIRCULATION , LARQEB BY , BEVZBsX THOUaAITDg Than any other paper In Ohio, eutshle of Clndnnatt Offers Facilities for , Adverlisinj; r j . Which CANNOT PAIL to bring Speedy and RemancratlTe Hctnrut Ta those who take advantage f them: THE "WEKKLT STATESMAN, ' ' - s HI',', l , , . Distributed as It it through every Post Office In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage is valuable, and who seldom set the Daily Editions of city Journals; and aa only A Limited Number cf Advertisements j Art Inserted In its tolomns, apponrlately and H ANOSOMEtV DISPLAYED! . waas-seva IAIU IW r'-JI. THsTT OANMOT FAIL TO Lttxaot Attention j " Of ALL I J''f- - WHOLESALE DEALERS Admtlalng In the WISKLY8TATK8MAN will fin u ,;j ., m- It advantagoos la . v... THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almost certain to follow an extensive dltiemui ' f ' ation ' knowledge of their basinets AMOHO. COUSTEY , LEA1EES I ,,(.. . , ' ADVBBTISBMKNTB rSTINDKD FOR TJio "Weeklv Statesman . Should be handed In before Friday Been. . i Iaflies' linen Pccket-Handk'fs. HEniflEDSTlTOIIEDLINENHAND kerchiefs, very wide hems- - v, Ktnbroidored Linen Bandk't all prices. , Hemmed Stltchedand plain do, do do do . colored borders. . . , ; ' Mourning do black borders n ' do do - new style cross stitched. , .; Fine Apple do ' newpatteraa. , Mltae ,' Plain and nemmed Btltcheil do all nrlrea. Comnrialng the moat select assortment In the eltv and aa lowest prices. , UAIM At BON, lewn . no. w Bonin uign Btreet. ! i, JOHN H WHEEtSB, . v A GENT FOR ItOITIE, CONTINENT A XA. aAXHATTAH, HXCURITt, Sr.d IRTlHt FlRX lRO. CO. Nxw Yoaa; HaaoHAirra' and Oitv f ran or Hix-rroa. Nw Toaa Lira and Coirx. Uvtoax Lira.. , - Offices 81 Illarn St., avae'e VHI . , thTnlly ... - . " i -s Alexandre's Kid Gloves. 'PLAIN AND EMBROIDERED. mOIT. JL VIUEIA1KD aaa regular anap. stiacx aiaunnt, embroidered In whits, magenta, purple, Ae. Undretaad' Kid O lores. Mlates KM Oiores. A complete assortment of these celebrated Oloveialwaja lor sale by . - . . . , . '. BAIN a BON. febM x " ' ' Ko. 89 Sonth nigh street. .. j i Co-Partriership.M.-.tV I BATE THIS DAY ADMITTED MY ton JAMBS ADQBU. BAIN aa partner In air buti- aeea, which will btreafter be oond acted under tht Arm Of Bala At Bon. P. BAIN, itt) South Hih Bt. Columbus, Feb IS, 1861. feblS TTElltP AND COTTON ROPEBr J t- I- Twleea, ...n . Bed Oordltnd Candle Wick, ., . .,, , i tor salt by , . W'KSB At KBSTtlAUZ, oct7 "I I i - S4M.BIfh8tftwt'.' HERRING I IIRRRINGII-BO No. t rickted Barring in store, for salt by , v Mtfl l"." ' ." . 34, HorthHIsh street. rite risn i whith nan I : . . . A , , . ... il .' V . Kiw wo. 1 wniTB FISH, froa Lake Huron, la BMl., Ualf and Quarter Bhl. Packages, In ttore and for Burrt'I' '1 -7- V , Ktrth High street. WORCESTER'S lQTAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. t'Air.f i-H Tho LateitThi Larcrar,niA T?art v. I The Cheapest Beokaa the Best. u r cI "Tbe JffeeS Reliable itwMelartV'AaM 'w snorisw oi tut MiUKlutLVMfmgt),ff;'lr'; , " ' Sim Hundred KmimtS3neaoe tf Wll; '"' THE BEST ENCILISH PIOTIOKABT tXXtSlA-Jj" I(U. A' 4ia. .J- ..A . WT .a a tanw . . a. i , o w id ujwsm-u i s - xaiiaarfej a tvmmiia WortU v oi nntkM mtl If iBawlAt-aa awiaaawtlnaM A - 1 -- a, -I. " ... ..a.m. mvmm .awae ISJSJBI BWH I TBaiVUBVe WtTWlMXIjF ' ' "' with th(r orreot ineilinf.iwifl pronnariUoit Wcltvir1 Bead the DtcUiont of the MmkStri i Ohio MkttoaZ ' j Anxwr m Ammuimrtr) i .1..07ryjr Q Thss Undstntamttrl tnamkatti WAiaai AkU aa. U Slk. f A BftaVariaVtinn. tulnnt. ana al A. I, a.i.i.. a.i . w-rw mt-m eaetas IWHwani I B aWLM tSBJt VnUflS; and !p-kinft artjirAhy mt prMtMOsaUoti of WflTiMtBr ttiwt.1 Qnstla a.-ai-.- ... . ------ .f wta v mmitaMmt J ai Slalls II ffjiUBJI, aBBT dlally reoommend It as the must rellahle standard aa- . Ipakea.0 rWft as Itta now wrltlee, And, Loam Aroaaws, PrMldent Kenyon Oellegt. , ,( ,.. ,:H' M. D. Laoorrr, Superintendent ZaneeelllaSoheoUi.w ni Taoe. W. Uaavir, Hap't Uaaeltoa Ontoa ScImom. ;i k Hi F. Ooworav, Bap't Fabua Schoota, Sandaak4 3t Ltkob, Bap't rnkVc Schools, Olreleytlk. B.-N. Saaroao, OlaeaUnd flml.. . . fy. - . tj. . r-rr-i W. MrrcBtu, Bop't Public rfaoott. Bit. TJnlm. : -A - John Oatnr.. Prlnrlnnl Hl.t. KammI Uii ui... SOU. . flvan. W.. . L T . . . . . . . ........ t.Mvn, tnui.i .wiin auwrmrauiie acaaoi, ,,, Cincinnati. ''4 11,8. Mianit, Snp'i Canton Dnlon Scheols"."' fl O '. I Bnwin Kaaain Principal AleNealy formal Sekool. 1 Ku T. Tarrax, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio UnirersltT. Wat. W. Enwaane, Snp't Troy Union School. A. a. Bonus, Principal West High fchooCCJevo ' , II. A. NOslTtMl. AlinrlsijPylnAlMl tTTl sUl r - uiMtKaiwa. VrWtJ-, i lanrl . i Turonoti BTUlUiro, Friocipal High Bcfcoof; JI-rVf l.n R. P. noMirro-, Principal Cleveland loatltate. J.i A. QaarisiD, President ef Hectic Institute, Hi ram. W. L Bant is, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Wealeian , University. H, II. Babhsy, Xx-Commlsslonerof Common Schools, Ohio. J.Mts Momtot, Prof. Rhetoric, Oberlln College. Taoe. Hru..PrefWen4Antloch College. . O. W. U. OaTBcaT, Prof. Hathematlcs, High'1 Schtol, Dayton. . ... -h 8. O. CauMEaooH, Prof. Langoage, Blgh School. Dayton. '' "l-'i IT B. M. Baatka.BupU Union Schools, Ashlaed. ' ' ' " More than aim Bundrtd other FrttUUnt ef Ouiu. - ' gee, Profeeiore, Author and Dtetlnovtehed Xduea- 1 (or have endoreed Hit a&oct tenfimetu, PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO Milirrra Ooixtoi "It Is truly a magnlSetnt work, an honor to the author, tl.t pabllshtrt, and tht whole country." President Andrews. Ohio WtsLSTAt Uxivaaevrv .-' It exceeds my expecta tion. It will be my guide la orthography and pronun ciation, and will ofteu bt eonoulted by me for itt neat and accurate definitions." President Thompson. W. R. Iclktic Ooixiot. 'Beitofore wt havtBeeJ Webster's orthography. At a recent meetlog of oar was decided to change It to conform to that of Worceater't Boyal Quarto Dictionary." President Garfield. Wan-taw Reaavi "I find It worthy of cordial approbation. ''President Hitchcock. Oarmun CoLLioa. "It more than meets say expecta tions. I recommend It aa the standard authority in orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President Morgan. Ai-nbca Couxox. 'I adept and aim to nee In teach- ' Ing, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronun ciation of Worcester's Moral Quarto Dictionary." President Bill. "In all my writing, speaking, and teaching, I have en deavored to conform to tbe rules for orthography and pronunciation as cootalntd ia Worcester's Dictionary." Horace Mann, lata Freaident. - - Kixtom Couxox, Oaatatn. I most cbrdtatly reoom mond it aa the moat relUhle standard authority of the English language as it it now written and spoken." President Andrea-s. . - SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. ' From Itev. Anion SmytX, Commiettoner of Common txJuole in OMo . "Tha Dictionary It an Imperiehabie monument to the learning and Industry of Ita author, and aa honor to the world of letters. The mechanical execution It far supe rior to lh.1 nf inv ni h. T. miiL I. rv T ouamltd." -. From Eon. IT. H. Sonny. Xj-bmm fsfcw . "Tht most reliable standard aathorlrr of th. hnl" ''-' lH-" . .... . -i WHAT TH, Xieadins Newspapers of OMo Srvv. ' t- .fcfc.-.j I torn me vieeeland Herald of JfurcA 38. , . , , The orthography of tht Worcester Dictionary It that tofA Ivw mm. If ha. .11 . . 1 ji.,t .1 . - ... j " - ... ...ra.w u. UI.IIU.IIUB II im country and Bngland, and conforms to the aeoaral aaue liiF - -'.''" y ....v.. .mi ipoaciM Whatever prejndlcea may hart txlated prevloatly, a rt .... ...... I, l. . . . . A . , ' J - ' .M ... .... am loiiowen by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a dealre - .. to add It to tht well selected library, be It large or small, " It tsa library in Itself, and will remain an Imperiaka' '-"-'J bl. record of the learning of It compiler. , , Irom the Cincinnati Oommarcial of April 80. Bert art upwards of a hundred thousand woirrt good, ' ad and tml iff.rOTir .ku. M-uir..! . -- , derlrationa, together with their correct spelling and pro-nnnal.HAn- am A.t 1...i k.r . .k. . mi . . t . . . anqaeationably the greatest Thesanrns ef English H orda . . over published. r' From ih Cleveland Flainitaler of Sept. , 1880. ' 1 " ' 3 Xvldently Woacta-raa'a Rotal On. an, n-r-,... A. a: enlv tU Itiet. but the an-r tuort nf th. iA .t- susd.andcan by no potsiblllty suffer by comparison or eontroveny. , . i . it.. ..... 0 iii-l From VuToUdo Blade of May S3, ti, -;r.J-.!H 'a to - . .. v.u..kM .. i aTTA.nanw a t a 1 followed by our beat authors; in deflnitlont be learet nothing to be desired, and In Oarfmraantr It It wnteltnc ' 3 :1 " to say that Woacmxa osnbt aafeiy followed. . , -, . j ,4 INOHAin Je IIRACin. . PabllaUera,BDakellere&StetieKere'. , ' nv. sursBiua. sr., VLBVCLAND, OHIO. DIlS : (i ! t a. Our Cough, Cold. Boareenem, Jtttu. '' i en, etnylriiatlon .&m.etaAt J kill lkroat. Relieve th Hawking LxmoK n Oontmmption, MrenAHHe, Amka-ct" me, and Oatetrrk, Clear and ffwfu etrength to the vofre ef '. FUAta.IU ftPEAKERSV?. -' and SINUEttlir aw ar. aware of the Importance of check ln a Ornish or "Oemmon Cold" In 1st Bret stare: thai which ia tkm 4o J segianlng would yield to a mild remedy. If negleolee), ,,, , soon attacks the lungs. "Srovm' Bronchial Iroche, containing demulcent Ingredients, allay Paimanary anot : i Bronchial Irritation. , ., ., BBOWN'fl I "That troubla la By Throat, (fbr which the 'Troche' art a specific) having stad Bta' ''' TROCIlES.oltenaBiere whltperer." . , , H . F. WTLLTB. "I recommend their ate tt PtaaeoasaAk-i.'... il BBOWN'B mi." . . -...i TRO0BIB ' BBT. 1. CHAPIN. ' -"' "Hare woved cxtresMly terriceabi. lor rv BROWN'S BoAksma.." ' . , . ' BBV. BXN1T WARD BFJ50HBFA. o'!J 7T TBOOHESI "Almoat instant relief la the dlatrraalna ... labor of Breathing peculiar to aeTnara." - " BBOWN'fl' KXJV. A. V- UUIiaXORn l'f!.J '"Contain do Opium or anything Inluil TR00BXS bat." DB. A. A. HAT1B, '- 'O ' VhemUt,Jotm. n n il 'A simple and- pleasant combination for Coooirj, Ac". : - - Suit BROWN'S' TB00BB8J AlB. U. W. B1UELOW, , ' J - iotfow.''-" 'Beneflotal la BaoacatTii." i lfat . , . fB. J.F.W.tANl, "l. " ''' ' ' ' Bote." "I hart proved them excellent tor Wsuuav . j BROWN'S TR00OKI BROWN'S maCoron.'' BIT, U. W. WABllN,'!-; "k "Betifftcltl wbtn cosmellfd to sneak, sof- f 'a! TBOOntS BROWN'S fcrlng from Cold." . -,i KKV. p. P. i. ANVKlUon, . i..u, ... . ... ... emtS"J "BtrxcTQAl In removing Boareneasao4 (s yl of the Threat, so comvon wl b BRAXxatand 8aaa,"' ,-al TROOnKB BROWN'S t - TR0CUB BBOWN'B Pror. aiAus juuwuun , , . t J i leHrremge,Oa lu,,"s , . . Teacher af Motto, Boa Ultra h Pemalt Oollege. - .,'. -. -i, ... ..I e'-t-f -.-f , TR0CHIS "flreat benefit when taken before and aftar BROWN'S 'Breacbing.attheyprerenlHaanraeM. Proat Ithcir aast.aeat, I think tnty will awtfatt-.i K n nuineut to rae." , ,, i - RBV.FJ.B0WIIT. i.W.f lie ; , ; Pwia.ntAteik College, Ten,:. TRO0HBSJ BBOWlj'B TR00BBS ITpSold ay all Druggist, at nviNTt-: M J , F1TB OBNTS A UOX.-TTT , . i (J ROBBBT8 a SAMC1L, " . j , Dmrriat S4 North Blch street. - ; .t. , 8. B-BAMUKLAs CO.. , .,, ,., I c ' - 85 South High street, Columbus, 0- ' BM7-deodlaa . . j. . ., , , . . . ' NOTICE! ' .... riEstiuCRinEHi"PF.sincc"r ,:t eioelng up hit old butlneaa at .not, and hope that all VOTSons Bavlng aaweUtod aaataBta ta hit hooka will v J giro tliera Immediate atlealloa, . , ., . lfebW ., - ' ' t. UiS. '"" i v !-. i "w iio ' T". '.". i ia A "flf