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TIIIJ REVISED STATUTES -.'-- or thi tZHASPJZ OUT" OZHO of aqinebai, matobi, id ioroi adb. i, ieeo. COLLATED BY IIoHj Jpsepl I.- Swan, r vitu itotES o. ' tmx ptosroxs or rmtsfr PEXiUl OOURT. : r, . ' (Oantalned ki'twentv-nlr.e volumes of ttK Olilo and Ohio AND MFIHKN0K8 TO PRIOR LAWS. Royal 8 vo, V.lume Pace $10, 00. Ho mn erVxewnJa Bat tui snaK-l to Bake tin work MriMi ud laliable Id all Kernels. It has iow the LegliUtlf hi ctlon, Iiaring been ep- . pro Tad by nearly aha enaaiaoes vase both Houses, . M.d wxi ordered, to bl Uistriuated yo.dia following. Biate Vit nnitnfcv rifflr; " 1 - . tsevernor. Attorney Qeaeral. Sepreeis Judges. Beers- '"Hn, 0 -mptroll.r, Tresiorer tod Aovltnr 01 elate, ana " 'telUe Pt otia Courts. Oeorovof Omninoi Pleas, Super 4. ...A Pnllnji nflrlL Auditors. L(i ihO CUllS Of ID Various Courts In each county, to the Member of Uo , ttti sod HoumoI gwMeaUttm of tale State, ud " it.. ii...r.iih. aareral Stales ef tks Union. I This Wok,, onlainlnf, M I. does, al' ibe Statutes 1 bo In foreo, and itaa aothoritatlTe ooiiitraol'oo of them ud of lb New OooatlteitoD, will be reona to no terKOiai . If aseful in U) performance oi meir awn, w an COUNTY OPPICBR8, . ? - - ... ;:. J: ; fc'v. a-i- JplTIOt!", Or TlTBT'UACrV T0WNBHIPTRWER3, " , . ... , u.CIVT OfflOEBB. '.' , Inasmach M Wry many shanees bar baas and ta lb Statural tlree the publicniloe of tha lait editions. oy re "' seal, alteration, and additions, ud rail important da etetoot have bt- given by the Supreme Court oo eon Uovartxl points all , , ATTOHNKT AT IHW, ' i'r i BAN Kit If. MKRCHAHTS ' ' a , r-. AND BU'INK.iS HUM OKNERALLY, WW tad this M .nuluab.e Work. '. ' ' Tvo Jieyal woe-i T?iawa o rr Jltneten BuntrtA . .i i In Strong taw Binding. TrlcotlU ttl. rBbitrtodby1 ' ' " , ' ROBERT CZjAKIIt As CO., Lav PaUlahrn, Bwkitllerar Biailoetrr ud Importer. No. SB TTeat foarlk atratt. iMft!cr-H . ... CuwinnaU. 0. KAKT?EN5T MUXES, rubJUhert CEO. W. iTWTH:.1IWYt F!lt. yl '"COLUMBUS, OHIO, v ' tt- ni FKTisir.:FK7l. 10 IXSIRK INSEH oh Ut4 day opnoiicat OH.. . - WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 27, 18CI. Democratic City and Township Ticket. 'tUtCR, ' '" WBAY THnMAs. crrr MioL. ' I iAllVak TliOUPoOS. i orrv Tmt.inKiiii.' o WALSlKIN BAILtMO. cut citm, " . ' ' J.' J0SE3 PUJlsTOS. ' ' 1 l -'' 1T 111 CUT ani.icrr.iR, . .i ' FRAC1S COLONS. ... eceoiL DIRKTOia ' OTTO IltblKL. BTAULINii LUTINQ. - . t . cooMiUtrw, tatWird raANK tTOWABO.' ' SI Ward-. 8. KICKLKVl ' il 1Va..l-J03UU BAKHaR. . ' 4th Ward Ik'KACfc W 1L-0S. !h wni-j. u BrAxrwsa , -.' " atatesoa, . lit WardA CUKEIIS. ' 'Jd Ward-HOSBA UlLLEaV. . 3a Ward . , ' ,. . 4h Wanl 'OH WfcAVKU. Jtn Ward WBSDEUN SELIOEX 1 1 tit n I. Tiwnir Tawccra, ' ' AttXAM.BR UOOUtRRt, , ' v ' ELI Ad OAVF.R, -.' JOaM M. KtEUNIB. ' TowittHir TrV riK, a - i ' TSAAO U. SlAllUOW. ."- tu 'i Towmmr clou, ... ' ;' 1 A. C. MMU. coaaTaaua. ' . WAtTEa I. 1VBNEU, V'tliO J. P. KEM1Y, . , jona BBOffn. TowKiaxr aw nioa, WILLIAU K.NOX. ... I : -- Speech of Dr. Myers. We publish in this isue the very able speech f Dr. Mibs9, of Clermont county, cm the ques tion of the lease or Bile of the Publio Works. Tne factj mAc be. presente wilt attrao:- the public attention , and the reasons which he of fers for a divorce of tbe State from the manage meut of (he canals, cannot be successfully an-as-ere J By the iuvestigation Bnd thought which the member from Clermont has given to the eubjaot, and the strong and intelligent man lier la which he has expressed himself In his speech, tbe public Interest has been subierved, and tbe people put la pissejsioa cf valuable ioformatioa connected with their interests. We 'besrtily agree with Dr. Mrcasln tbe opinion that tbe time has come when, by seme change or reform in the management, of the Canals, the people should be relieved from tbe burden of further maintaining and keeping them up, but we doubt the propriety of a sale of these works at this time. We think the measure to lease tbem, wbich has passed the House, if It shnll pals the Senate, will work out a salutary reform and redeem this lmmene property from the decay and destruction to wbtch it Is rapidly tending-'" T ' ... ' .," Should nothing be done, however, and the canals be left to be mmaged hereafter -ae tbey have been for the patt five years, the people will rise la" tbelr might and demand that , the poBoynrged by Dr? Mrxu be at once adopted Those members residing in the cmal counties who are opposed to the sale of the canals, and who have bee Btrennons for the continuance oi Star management," it they would avoid thai whisk they prufeee to be so hostile to the sale of the. cjnals would do well to onite in the support oi ths bill to lone these Worka.'as the only means left to prevent their sale or nltimate abandonment. r , '" ' The Disunion Government at Washington. -1 . f .'t ' i 'i f ? People io the Nor.h have been In the habit of speaking of the eecession orgsnfzitioa at Montgomery ss .Disunion .Government. . Bat rrvsrmnent of this character, tonally and perhapi more .iaageroas, exists at this moment in Washington city. - Is Is 'aotaally taking the moat effective course possible to p'omote tbe schemes Of the secession Confederacy, without exciting the empiclon or alarming the fears of tbe great mass of the American people. The Wajblcgton Administration Agrees to surrender one fort to the Secesf-ionisia, but Is undetermined whether to give op the rest or not. It concludes an armistice of ten days with tbe repreeeclativea of., the Southern Confederacy; but what it will do at the end of the ten dajs, which are now nearly xpird, nobedy ventures to predict!' It enters uw itormal negotiations with tbe Sootbetn Commissioners at Washing ton, end recogoiaee, and je claims not torecog nlie, B Je facte Goveinment at' Montgomery Tbls double ibtffle of tbe Liscolw Adminlstra ' tlon weakens' the. Federal Union, and strengthens tbe Southern Confedetacybotb at borne and abroad. ii. ."' Ma ' ' It would seem, that at Ei at view, nothing short of tbe fearful aod destructive enginery of wai eould bate so effectually helped on a permanent reparation of the-once UaiUi 6utee,ee tbia Italf way, deceptive policy of the present Repub J lean sAdminlatratloni r Yet little rtfleotiao 111 satiety most men' thnt If Lifcoi.! and bis Cabinet had attempted, by the military arse of "JAt 'I . ,. it Oof eronieut, to ooerec tha keocdipg Btate lata tb Union, it would ht tronied the Amer loan people Jtjiuch t teote of perij to Ihe conn try, thai oom promise would bre been dema del la laoh tbuee tod with euob pnanlmlty, tttt the etrlfe would probablt bare 1sn ended Btoooe.Bod beloie any blood was spilled, and b re coostructloo of the Union i'upon a Barer and firmer bU have been effected. Al U U now, while the people are looking silently on, and wandering what the Administration will do next, secoaslonla quietly going forward and gaining strength, end the GoTernment at Wash ington is every day fostering and preparing the way for the final catastrophe the fulfillment o( the hopes of dlsunlonlsts, North and South. : By innuendoes, satire, saroaim and para graphs about "psaoeful separation," the Ad ministration organs are gradually preparing tli el r party to relish tbe Disunion soheme of Lincoln and his Cabinet. Tbelr secret plan is to noise the present dissension till It becomes bo formidable, and the people, North and Soath, become, so. Imbued with the idea that a final separation is a uciil necessity," that reooocill atloa will be 1m possible. To tblsoonsumma tloa 'rnpldly tends the da nothing, vacillating policy of the Disunion Government at Wash ington , Disunion Boldly Avowed by the Central Republican Organ. We have frequently said that '.be leading managers of tbe Republic tn Party of Ohio were as hostile to the Federal Uoton as the ex treme and ultra disunlonlats of the South. For making this declaration, honest, patrlotio and Union-loving men In tbe Republican party have oensured ns Bud oomplained that we were doing tbem and their party injustice. Tbe following editorial article which we find in the OAie Slss Journal of this morning, proves tbe truth of all that we have ever charged noon the leaders of the party in respect to their hostility to the union. , We ask all candid men in the Repnbll ean ranks to read it, and then determine what their dnty is. That there le a perfect eympe thy and concert of action between the Southern disuulooista and the leading Republicans of the North to destroy our government and break np the Union, cannot longer be doubted. We in troduce tbe vile article from the Journal with' out further comment f ' .'' THE UNION--NOT REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS—ON TRIAL. The erroneous impression of many of our owo people tha Republican or Democratio Insti stltuiious are on trial, and that tbe fall of tbe American Uoioa oarries down with it, not only these iustimtions, but tbe bope of freedom everywhere, has been generally accepted by tbe outside world, and we now find curious specta- lup. In Pnrntu. lonklniv lntnal An at what tney suppose to be the fierce struggle of Demor racy lor lite, especially interested are our English cousins In this matter; aod tbe London Tmei has deemed it expedient to send out one of Its crack letter-writers to report the proceed ing of tbe trial Mr Russell, so superior lo mere objective writiogj brilliant in descriptions of striking scenery and tbe horrid realities of war, will, we are convinced, fiud but little material for hi florid pen in tbe incidents of American dissolution. ' it wonld be ae praoticabnt to trace the minute details of the progress of disease in tbe human frame, and eventual death, aa to write vivid description of our national troubles and their prospective termination In permanent disunion. Articles ean be written on the various qnestious growing out of our troubles, but a mere disorlptioa ot those troublee, never. ' We started out by laying the Improssion that Democratio Institutions are on trial In this country is erroneous. So it la. It Is hetero geneous Union wntcn Baa gone to tne country to be pxssed on, and whlob, falling to farther subserve the ends or its creation, is about to be cast aside, like tbe body wuicn an immortal soul has worn out and thrown off, to seek new and more lasting teLement Tne Democratic Idea In America bas outlived tbe American Un ion. Tbat is all. The life, the vitality, tbe soul of this idea is about to burst from its chry salis shell, and taking on new ,form invest ior some more effective vehicle of action will run that career of power in oivilixtcg Bnd re- n nine crude world, wntcn we oeiieve is its destiny under Heaven. Politicians and dotards mar caDbie ana weep tears oi imbecility over tbe breaking op of an unnatural compact, but reason, justice and bumaoity will gladly aecept It aa one or thoe obeenng evidoncee tbat rrovi deece is work'nggood to tbe creatures of earth through the process of events. A rieid analysis of American patriotism dis covers but little gold, Tbe enthusiasm of the masses for tbe Uuion is more or less factitious. The Union bas been apotheosized by politicians for tbeirown selfish aggrandizement. It has been made their rallying cry until the unthink ing bad become to invest it witn certain de gree ot sacredness. Bat truth has reached the popular heart, and intelligence the popular mind, and tbe masses Bee mat tne natural anant strength of physical America and tbe measure of freedom enjoyed by onr pejple under tbe Constitution, properly directed, bave made ns what we are in spite of tbe Union. It is free labor and free thought that have made the American Union illustrious, and not tbe Union wbich haa developed those features of Demoe raoy. " And now tbat tbls tree labor and this restless, throbbing free thought are trammeled by tb Union, tbe embarrassment will be re moved. Tbe young giants refused to be man- anlmt. ' ,,.......' The Africaniifd people of the South have precipitated a work wbicn we believe advancing civilisation' and tbe teachings of Christianity would bave, ere long, demanded at the bands of tbe free people or tbe Kortb. Tbe complicity with tbe barbarism of slavery, which tbe latter bave bad forced upon tbem by tbe union, bas become more burthensome every year, and must bave been thrown on voluntarily before tbe lapse of many years.' Tbe Union bas dooe nu bing io reality for freedom. It legislation bae all been tn favor or slavery, wben required to decide differences between these antipodes. Then, why abould free men deplore the lose of tbe Union T Separate peaceful existences of tbe sections are preferable to Union wbicb Is dn satieiae'ory to one, and whiob retards tbe pro gress of tbe other, r - in ' ' ; : .1. Tbe creators of the Uoton sowed the seede ( its inevitable death at the creation. They thought to beget bealtby body by an unnatural erosu between right and wrong. Tbey thought to produce barmonlous. sjmmetrioal wbole by blending two conflicting ayatems of industry two ciil Xitluna. How eould tbey expeot to be socceseful wbeo all history is against tbemt All nations tbat recognise tbe right of one man to oppress another sooner or later crumble into die solution, and in tbat extinotioo we are bound to reooguizs the decree of justice. And wby should tne American people alone bope to enjoy immunity from ibis universal doomt The Ohio Senatorship. Tbe Washington correspondent of the New Tsvkfsenfno !"(, writing under date of ths Alt a t- ' ' xaaor nircn, h;ii .... .......... Mr Sherman, lbs neir United Btatea Senator fro Oblo aaade bia aDoanaw bora So-day, aallloe as ever. and tat utile worn vita ID eenalorlal eoataat at uo hit slant loarary hither. Tie real onetet lay between Bcbeuek and aberaua, ud tbe friends of Vetera Peankva and Borton aettlad tbe saatter by Joinine their rrceewlth the at Snenaaa. Sob of Mr. W4Va friend! fear that tbe election of a aun from tbe Oevire of tha Biale will operate sfnlnet bin two year. ornre. ror at pretest aomnen unu is naiepreaeniee in iha Beaafe; bat tbe anpnlarfy of Ueaator Watt tosacb ae ta rareoaMaoy local rejodless. : . . ' Tbls paragraph cootalns several items of In formation which will snrprise and attract the at tention of many Ohio Republicans. We publish it for tbe benefit of our opponents, ot trying thai we bave here at Columbus a different ver sion of the mode and manner of Mr. Srsbman's nomination from that gireo by tbe letter to the Etning Put. !... i . It seems that ths election of Bsituts) Jsnot to damage Wadb's chances two years hence, his popolarity being snob as to overcome any "looal prejudices.1 How does thai sound n (he ears of the eoosermtire Republicans? , The Woman's Rights Bill. Xbe fcllowlnj is a aynopsia of the principal features In Mr. Etr's bill,1 "Concerning the Rights and Liabilities of Women." whloh passed the Senste, on the 931 of Marc, 1861, and is now pending In the House of "EepreeentatlTSSj Tbe bill provides that any real or personal (ropertjf belonging te i woman at her marriage, of which bay Bass oome to her during cover ture, by conveyance, gift, devise, bequest, or inherlUnee.'or by purchase with ber separate money or means, shall be and temain ber sep arate property and under ber sole control. This provision, however. Is not id affeot the title oi tbe husband to any personal property reduced to poaaessloe with the consent of the wife. Fro tided, that, no furniture or household goods belonging (b the wife or acquired by ber as above let forth, shall be deemed to have been reduced, iute the possession of the husband by reason of their joint use of the same, but shall remain ber separate property. '' . . .. ' - The separate property of the wife Is made liable- for any cause existing against her at the time oi the marriage, and for torts committed by her during coverture. :. ' . ', Any' married woman whose busbsnd shall desert ber, or from intern peranoe or other cause become incapacitated or neglect to provide for bis family, may fl'e her petition In the Court of Common Pleas, and opon proof of suoh deser tion, incapacity or neglect, the Court may, In Its discretion, make an' order, vesting such woman with the rights,, privileges and liabili ties of a ftm$ sole, or siwols uemtn, as to the acquisition, possession and disposition of proper ty real and personal, making contracts and be ing liable thereon, and suing and being sued in hsr own name . :..(.,' w.'ji. " ' ; The bill reoeals tbe sots relatias; to the rights and liabilities of women, passed Febrnsry S3, 1846; February 5, 1847, and April 17, 1857 i ETA spioy debate Sprang op In the 8enaie on yesterday afternoon, on a motion to strike out of the general appropriation bill the sum providing for the purchase ot fixed ammunition for the arms in the State Arsenal: Mr. Cox. of Trumbull, on tbe part bl the Irrepressibles, Inflating that' the money ihould be appropriated, especially In view of the "traitorous" conduct of the seen slonlsta in the Booth: J Mr Sciatica put some questions and suggested some difficulties, which induced Mr. Cox -to expand at . considerable length. Tbls moraine , Mr. Wbitb, of Brown replied to Mr Cox, sod made a most able, elo quent, powerful and patrlotio speech. He held up to the gase of his audience tbe Inconsisten cies and disloyalty of the Republicans to tbe Constitution and tbe Union, and caused tbe Re- ! publican Senators to squirm In their seats. Mr. Cox felt Impelled ta make an effort to break tbe force of the powerful argoment'of Mr. Wbitb, and labored earnestly put unsuccessfully for that purpose. ' He took occasion to deny that tbe Repnblicans were " irrspreeslbles," - and made vigorous effort to show that his party was conservative and loyal to the Union. He defended Josboa R. Gidowos, however, andde nouoced slavery as an infernal system, wbicb created blight wherever it spread j and thus proved, notwithstanding his denial of tbe fact, that he was the fit companion of Wsnncu. Phil ur, John Bbowh, and such like Republicans.. Mr. Jones, of Delaware,' (conservative Repub lioan) followed Mr. Cox. ' He was firmly and strongly in favor of the execution, of tbe laws, and , unwilling, - under any circumstances, ; to wink at secession. ' - ; -V' '.' Mr. Obb, of Crawford, followed Mr. Cox In strong and rigorous speech, in which he con demned the uncertain, timid, and vacillating conduct of tbe Republican Administration, com paring Its course with the prudent policy of the late Administration In conducting oar national difficulties. The debate will be eontlnaed this afternoon, " Declination. COLUMBUS, March 27th, 1861. Te ns lorroa or tbs BTATamiua. Dtav Ski Will yon pleaee unounce to tbs to ten of the Third Ward thai I mast withdraw my name as a candidate for Aiaeasor, My frlandi kindly nominated me without koowlnf tbat my affairs Would prereot my attention to the duties of tbe oSoo. " . . NORMAN HOLMES. A Great Scandal Cass in Ireland. The English papers by ths late arrlvale from Europe are filled with the particulars of a trial that bas long occupied the Court of Common Pleas in Dublin, Ireland. . Is is known as ths The suit was to test tbe validity of marriage, celebrated by Cath olic priest in Ireland, between tbe Hon. Major Wm. Chas. Yeiverton.of tbe British array, belr to the Avonmore peerage, and Miss Teresa Longwonb, wbo was one of ths French Sitters of Charity in the Crime. In consequence of a law making it penal offense in Ireland for. Catholic prleat to perform marriage ceremo uy between Catholio and a Protestant, unless first celebrated by Protestant minister) the husband, whose family are rroteatant, and wbose own religious convictions sit loose noon him, treated the marriage aa sbsm, deserted his wife aod contracted another marriage with wealthy widow Tbe trial now bad bas resulted in verdict that his first marriage was valid Miss. Longwortb is, therefore, (be , Hon. Mrs. Yelverton, and ber huaband stands in ths power of the criminal law aa a bleamiel. , i ; ufi The trial created an unparalleled excitement in Dublin, and throughout Ireland, while even In England and Scotland the demand for papers containing , tbe , procsedings was immenset Many parts of theae proceedings would not be published in a respectable American newspsper, and some of tbem even had. to be kept out of tbe Eos-lish and Irish papers. The evidence in the ease shows that Mr. Yelverton was s moat accomplished "fast young mas," and tbat bia motives towards the young lady were of tbe baaeet character. Tbe Loudon Tiavt, in Its IB port of the ease, after giving the verdict of the lory and describing tbe excited scene In tbe eoort room eays: . . "Wben Mrs Yelverton 's counsel, Mr. White side, entered the room where ths was waiting, bis countenance and significant gesture, as well tbe cheers wbich rang ibroogh tbe coart, told ber tbat tbs verdict was io her fa vori abe swans: forward without, saying word, clasoed him in ber arms, pressed him convulsively to ber breast, and seising bis two bauds, kissed them Overcome by the violence of ber emotions, alter sues long ud terrible tension of tbe nervods system, she sank down exhausted and found relief in flood of tears. Tbe excitement In tbe ooqrt room, when the verdict was announced wae quite onprsae dented. Tbe wbole audience rote and cheered tnmultuously, the ladies waring tbsir band kerchiefs, tbs gentlemen tbelr bats, and lbs barristers their wies. Il wss delirium ef iy. Tbe contagion spread , ibroogh ihe. multitude outside, and tbe snouts of triumph peeved aloes ths whole line to tbe bresbam Hotel in Sackville street. Tbe crowd insisted en taking tbe horses from Mrs. Telvertoo'e carriage aod drawloaT Is to the hotel, where the was bilged to appear on tbe beloony to gratify ber ad-? mlrers. one said : "my ncoie near tea irienoa, voa have br rr-or verdict tbls say made me an Irishwoman. Yon will forever live in my heart. as I do ia yours tbls day.' . iter being an ta Slishwoman bad no effect tn da-npealng tbe ar or of the most bigoted Milesian or Uitrasaoe tentat her harintr been a Sitter of Charity and convert to the Cbnrcb of Rome did not check tbe sympathy-, of the meet intolerant Orange J man , , t be apeecnoi aur. oergeam Armamuf, who, in bis seal for bis client, did all be could to make her seem rile In tbe eyee of ber own sex, did not diminish the interest in her of the ladies of Publio, wboss carriages f erejjrw up lpag Uiqaayinlonf linp.'!;W j-. t r. -,-.. .it.j si i OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. TUESDAY, March 26, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Senate nroceeded with the consideration of Mr. Key's amendment. totee general appro priation bill. The amendmeSt w.b, agreed to, and the report of the committee; al amended, was agreed to , . - loose' wbo voted In ttie amrmanve were Messrs. Breck. Brewer. Bonar. Collins, C, Cudov. Fiihcr. Garfield. Harsh.' Jones, Key, Laskey, MoCall, Monroe, Morse, roiwiu, Scblelob, Smith, Spragee, Stanley and White Those who voted in tha negative were Messrs. Eason, Foster, Glass, Holmes, Moore, Newman, Parish and Ready 8 ' t An amendment br Mr. FISHER, approptiet ing $3,000 for the Artesian Welli was lost yeas 14, nays IS. A mot on by Mr. UAKr i&w, to appropriate $2,000 to remove tbe building and apparatus from the Artesian Well, planting trees, &c, in tne otate nouee yara, ana iornggmK tne wni leading to Third street, was agreed to. - : Mr. 8UHLEICH moved to strike out tne ap propriation of $3,000 to purchase fixed ammuni tion, rifled cannon, purchase of eboi, lio , Tbls motion drew out a somewhat protracted discussion upon tbe state of tbe country, on tbe oasis ot tne political maxim -"in time oi peace prepare for. war." - - 7 . . '; - i Mr. SCHLEICH opposed the motion, be cause It is unnecessary, and not warranted un der tha fllrftlmatanpM. . . Mr. COX regarded It the duty of the Btate to make reasonable preparations for self protec tion, holding that the condition of tbe country Justified tbe small appropriation aked fof. ' , Mr. white objeoted to tbe appropriation, because it la not warranted by the Constitution. His general argument was that the military should be sternly held subordinate to tbe civil power. v . ' , Mr. MOORE thought that national difficulties would be lavorably solved, and tbat - tbe appro priation Is not warranted or neeeesarv- " Mr. JONES was in favor of apy policy tbat would place tbe State In a position to respond to any demand tbe President of tbe United States BBsy make upon her.- He therefore favored tbe appropriation. ' " ,- ' Mr. McCALL called for a division of tbe question, pending which the Senate took B recess till tea o'clock to-morrow. 1 ;: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TUESDAY, March 26, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. I'Ths House resumed the consideration of H. B. No. 401 'pending motion to lay on tbe table to print. .: - - Mr DAVIS opposed tbe motion to print, as be thought it was plain enough for the Houxe to understand aa it Is. If the motion did not prevail, he should offer an amendment requiring tbe elerks to pay for tbe priming of tbelr bfanktt only.' ' 1 ' i Mr SCO TT.of Warren, further opposed the bill in its genersl provisions, and characterized it as a small eimblet to bore a very small bole, put In motion by certain dissatisfied politicians in this county,' who 'are now among the' outs, wbo bave buaied themselves about it very un necessarily.'' ' ' Mr. MoCLUNG, as question of privilege", would state mat no innaencewnatever nad been used or attempted to be uasd with tbe com mittee. ...-"" : 1' ' ' Mr SCOTT said he had not so chareed.' lie re I erred to another direction of tbe Influence." - The previous question, was demanded and sus tained, wben the vote wae called on the pas sage of tbe bill, which resulted yeas 34, nays 47 - : . t ' '" ' ! t, H. B Nj. 403, by Mr. KRUM To smend tbe 1st, 94 and 3d sections of so aot entitled "an act requiring annual settlements by county offi cers," pueed raarcn r-j, jtu, (Swan and Critchfield'e Statutes, p 248,) was read a third time and passed yeas 76, navs none. ' H- B. 406, by Mr. JACOBS To amend the act to amend as aot entitled ad aot defining the powers ana auues oi justices or tne peace and constables in criminal eases, passed March 27tb 1837, and tbe act amendatory thereto, passed March (tn, 184a, was read a tnira time, wben Mr. HUttHi.3 moved to amend by requiring lustloes to reouire bail for costs In criminal eases, In all Instances, which was dlssgreed to. Mr. BL A&UBLISb; movea to amend by allow ine; the person injured to enter his own recngnl- b snce for costs. '-' v -.t Mr. FLAGG hoped tbe amendment Woold be agreed to. , He would not-permit a practice that would deny man justice, eecause too poor to get security for tbe costs of proeeoution. ' Mr. ROBINSON tbongbl itscarcely possible to find a meritorious ease, where tbe complain ant could not find tbe necessary ball for coats. The amendment was disagreed to, and tbe bill passed yeae 64, nave 18. t.. )M : . j H.B. 415; by Mr. WINNER To amend section one of an est to amend the act for the better regulation of the public aobools in cities, towns. Ao., passed Febrnsry 81st, 1849 was read a third time, when i ' - Mr. COX explained that tie bill was for the convenience of villages not Incorporated, Where they desire to avail themselves of tbe Akron School Law system. . . j.i tea u Mr. VINCENT suggested tbat this bill mleht encourage tbe forming of the Union Schools in villages that were too small. . . : .;-- Tbs out was men reierrea io tne Jodlciary committee. - "'- v t ' H B. No. 424, by Mr. WRIGHT, of Ham-lltons-To extend the time for allowing the les sees of section 29, in Springfield township, Ham ilton county, to surrender their leases and re ceive deeds was read a tbird time.' ' oi Mr. WRIGHT, ot Hamilton, explained tbe bill, wben it passed ysaa76, nays 3. H. B. No. 425, by Mr.' SNYDER To mend an aot entitled "an aot supplementary to sn act defining the jurlsdiotion and regulating tbs practice of probate courts in tbe counties of Erie, Lucas, Richland, Holmes, Montgomery, n.l.eT.M. ' Franklin- SmntA. enrl ' .yff.iatAn paseed April 12, 185S, and to extend tbe opera tlon of said act to tbs counties of Meigs, Mer cer, Auglaize, Lawrence, Harrison, Henry, Lloking, Belmont, Stark, uttowa and w imams, was read a third time, whed,:''' - ' ' - On motion of Mr. NIGH, the bill wae refer- red to Mr. Woods, as a select committee to etriks out the county of Licking from tbe title, and Licking from its provisions, whlob was BRreedto, o-(;- -''-tu ".' rr. a it. - H.B 428-To amend section one of in set entitled not to emend sections five and alk of an aot entitled "en eet regulating the mode of administering assignments in trust for tbe benefit of creditors," passed April 6, 1859, war) read third time. ' ' ' i j Mr. ANDREWSxplalned the provisions of tbe bill, when it was paMed-reea vi, Bays 14 -H.B 430 To amend sections one and two of an act entitled "an set to prevent tbe killing' of birds and other game," passed April iu, isb7, was read third time; wben ' uitto: Mr. WOODS explained that this bill Is to lft-1 elude within the list of birds protected at ail seasons of tbs year quails, watblers, wood peckers, creepers, bobolinks and variety of oth er birds not new included. ' He explained many of tbe habit of tbe birde provided for in this bill, and showfd that tbelr protection would be an advantage to farmers, in tbs ' protection of their croos and fruit from worms, etc. - Mr. W moved to include flickers and yellow-hammers in the list of protected birds, wbicb Was agreed to. f a ..j .'.;" ijisa.s'i. '!.-. iu '' Mr. VINCENT moved te amend by striking ont tbs woodpecker, woion, Be said, destroyed the fruit treee. .'"';"'"'l " '" " ' Mr. STEDMANepposedtheproteotlonof the woodftoker, and opposed tbe ameodment, ind moved to Inctode tbe bnmming bird. ' ' - Mr. McCLUNG defended the woodpecker, end laid that bis plan was to raise corn end fruit enough te feed tbe birds for the assistance they rendered the farmer. ' " " """ Mr. VINCENT'S amendment was disafrecd to. t t t. 4 ' - " ' Mr. DAVIS morel to include the American esarle. and aaooorted bis motion in fe lofty srgd meat, suited to the extended form of that bird; rhlch the reporter noted dott with m qui II ot tbe reaoeeted tcmV ' :" 'i"' " He said tbat il was certain that no bird Is se highly raised by the American people tbls one. betas a standlnr rueet at air our paoue feasts, and receiving more toasts than all other!, while bis Outspread wings sre tne sooseis oi an our saost elevated oratory. ' We ollng with un measured affection and tenacity to the honored bird i and se Intense le tble sentiment with es that I am Only astonished ' that tbe geotlemasi haa not Included him in hie list. ' t W tsraiors hays so long foubd proteetio beneath bis out. oread wings, that it is unerafolul in 6t neJ leotbimnov. N"3 j s ' . 1 ' I The eagle was granted proteotlorJ. by a rote of 50 yeas and 38 Bays. H ir , ' ,: O . j ! Tbe vote was.tnee qauea.nn no .jnttu vi the bill and resulted yeas GO, nave 26 s; Mr. WOODS reDorted back 11. B 425 Rela tive t' psobate oourts amended according to instructions, -when the bill was passed yeas 79, nays a. rV"f I T T J 1? V i S.B. No. ltlr GARFIElD-Further to regulate and prescribe tbe duties of township assessors and county auditor wa if an a juuu time; . - - 'Mr ."BALDWIN exnlalned'Iliat 'ibfbflt Jro- vided for the enumeration of all ldiotio and in sane perrons. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved to amend so as to Include the blind -bud deaf and dumb. Mr. H II. 1.9 moved to amend bv striUluE out the requirement to give the poetoffioe address of parents and guardians, wnicn was aiBagreeu to. Mr SCOTJ!? amendment woe adopted, when the'hill was nassed vcas ()!). navs 8. S. B. No. 252 Supplementary to "an act making certain instrumenta of writing nego tiable," passed February 25, J829; was read the tbird time and passeJ yeas oo, nays o. S B. No. 2li2 Mitkini aDnronriationi ur pur poaes therein named, was reau a tnira time, when t - - t i a r 7 " V 1 " '.r. 2 Mr. VORIS moved to amend by ridding tro thousand dollars for additional cells In the Pen itentiary, which was disagreed to, wheu the bill was referred to tbe committee on Claims. Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, from the special committee on Publio Works, mado a report on U. B 132 To provide for ceding a purt or Mi ami Canal to the city of Cincinnati for street and sewerage purpo.-ee witn an amenoment. Mr. BROWNE explained tha bill and Its pro vUinnfl. . Mr VINCENT objeoted to this bill, that It would convey to Uinoiunatt this property oi toe B.-ntfl cnmnarativelv without consideration. Mr. BROWNE further explained and quoted the bill to show that the r,ighp of the St 'to were Bumcieniiy guaraca. Tbe House then took a recess, IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1861—10 A. M. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Goodwin. : , When tbe Senate took a recess yesterday eve ning, Mr. bUULCiiwa motion, to etnae out from the General Appropriation bill the appro priation of $3,000 for the purchase of fixed am munition, nneo cannon, nujing euot, cto , wae Pending: , r ;;! . , , .;':f"i Mr. MCUALL naving uomanucu a ui vWon of i the question, so that the question turned unon striking out $l,(J00 for tbe purchase ol fixed ammunition Mr. White being entitled to the floor Mr. WHITE oliiniod flit tbe TJohgtUution prescribed the uses to which the State Militia should be applied, and bejond tbone uses tbe State could not go. These uses are the enforce ment of the laws,, suppression of insurrection, and repulaion of invasion. Ho did not perceive any necessity for military force in either of the former caaes, and did not be lieve there Is any danger gt invaaloa'iTbere fore, the appropriatiou aaked lor ia unneceaaary, unjuatifiable, and unauthorized, aud bo wae op posed to It. Mr. Wbite then went Into tbe parlixin view of tbotubject, and obarged that the only party in tbe country wbo bave lesisted tbe laws was lh raulcal faction of tbe Repub lican party. Resistance lotbe execution oi the law. comes from tbe ultra laotiou of tbe Re publican party alone He said that Mr. Cox baa admitted tbat ths purpose for wbicb' this appro priatioo ia aktd, is in view of our national irou bles. Tbe State bas no right to call luto aotlon tne militia of Oaio, except through toe Presi dent ot tbe Uniied States, according to tbe furms of the Constitution. Not tbe btate of Ohio, but the federal government, must supply all tbe munitions ol war. -lne -couatiiuuoual-urea ment, therefore, is Sufficient to oover the wbole subject Ha did not deny our duty to cuturce the laws, but it must be dcuo under the forms of the Constitution,- and be would respond to every legal demand. Ia conclusion, Mr. Wbite announced himself opposed to exetoite of force against the teceUug State, and in favor of a ocuCvJul-Boiuttoo ot our difficulties, because war would result-silly in blood aud disaster without possibility ol reconstructing the Union. (Mr. Wbite spoke 40 minutes ) (Duriug bis remark-, Mr. Parish asked Mr. Wbite if be bad ever read the Helper book wbicb be took occasion to denounce. Mr. W, responded affirmatively.) The President remiuded tbe Senate that, ac cording to Jbe tula, no Senator eould speak more than twice, without consent. ! Mr. SCHLEICH hoped the rule would not bo enforced. Senators seem disposed to charge along tbe wbole line," end he hoped tbey would bave opportunity to spread themselves. Mr. GARFIELD took tbe floor, but gavewsy to Mr. COX who remarked that the question now differs, from the. position it assumed when the debate opened. He then went into the general Subject. a Ho did not believe tbe Con stitution of tbe State interferes with the pro posed appropriation. Tbe gentleman's consti tutional objection is not to the appropriation, but it is a political objection that be is afraid to trnst tbe Republican party with power. There is no constitutional objection to this appropriation. It allows ns to have a militia, muekcta, cannon, an arsenal, bat, eajs the gentleman, it dees hot al low us to bave ammunition. We started in tbe disonssion with the question, "have we the con stitutional right to make this appropiialioul" and it was denied. Tbe geutleman this morn ing admits we have the right to eotorce the laws, suppress insurrections, aud repel invasion. If we bave the constitutional right to cannon, it seems ridiculous to. ideny the right to em muni -tion. t ; Mr. WHITE said his argument was address ed to the admission of Mr. Cox, tbat this ap propriation was asked with a. vjpw Id ths trou bles of tbe country'.' i Mr. COX replied tbat be had assumed that It would be' proper to make this appropriation to meet any contingency tbat might arise. The appropriation bill affirms nu purpose iu ma king tbe application. . Tbo question is wbetntr il can be legally made- It has not been shown that the law is opposed toil)! On tbe contrary, It is distinctly admitted tbat it is legal which ends tbe argument on this point. Mr. Cux then replied to tbo psrtizan accusations of Mr. Wbito, deoyiegf ;ae iMc: W,.:- had-ioharged, that the ' Garnsonian aud Wendell Phillips party are part of tbe Republican party, aud showing that they mote bitterly denounce it than the geutleman .' from, Brown. But be (Mr. W.) denies tb right of secession, says that South Carolina is in the Union to-day aa oiucn as we are, ana yet oe says tbe only party who bays-resisted ihe lawaard ReDahlioaua. Mr. C. supposed the two propositions answered each other, and proceeded to show that the Re publicans, even tne Radicals ol tbe Keserve. bad explicitly declared their determination to abide by the strictest letter ot tbe law, no matter bow oppressive to them. Io tbe face of secession, the gentleman bas got the temerity to declare tbat the only Uw breiUexevare;RiBbtliiS.'' Te gentleman eays- be ' Is fb favor or etatOroirjg tbe laws. Scarce five minutes had elapsed, when be said, "Ism opposed to uiing foioe against tue seceding estates loroy puipose." Wbicb declaration shall we accept I He either uses the former phrase in Pickwickian Nose, or tbe two taken together mean that the gentle man it opposeoYto- using force: to enforce the laws But with all his denunciation of ths Re publicans, neither tho gentleman nor bis friends have taken occasion to denounce the rebels and i traitors ot the South. 'Tbey might Succeed in their treason, but tbey could never be regarded -as other than rebels and traitors. We bave been pld that Republicans hava been wagiog s crusade of SO years against the' institutions of tbe South. The charge is nut true. Tim Wil mot proviso, which tbe Democracy themselves bad declared to be tbelr doctrine, was proposed by man In full commdriioft with ths Demo cratic party and Mr. Cox proceeded at length to show that tbe Democratic party, through its leaders, have advocated ; tbe ery oclrmes for wbicb tbey denounce the Republican party. Mr JON ES said we are all apt to think that which we bave done is right, and those wh (dif fer lrom a wrong." He did notkow which dif fered most lrom Ws views, Mr. Wbite, or Mr. Cox. The question before us Je not a party question. " Mr,,Wbite argute that we shall pun sent to a peaceable dissolution of lbs Uuion. Tbe Republican, prgen Sux$ turnaljot irliu moraiua says tbe aamer i WbatJ trwu, bil be to ' oomplaia ef T i.-t-.wa.-a.- -yi Me WHITE denied " tTial Yr, 1 la favor of dissolUtloa . v. '.. ru. .. 1 -. ' '' 1 'I i Mr. JOWLS ixneseded to say that wbat be had said from tbe begin iilnjf of this controversy Is that while hs la te.dt at ill timet to kntrnotl any reasonable' meaaure tf adlostment that (he Unconditional Union men oi the South may ; deem necessary for their safety, either the "But? cos ptatee" or IBS I'eace ,w.ouicreno proposi tions, he was, at the tame time, determined to Bid the National Government in every court to il..f l- ...iL.i... .J JftfiHil I a hMu.t In maiubwiu uo tvueuonay auu uuisuu ;w ,.vtv. m. all tbe states to tbe last extremity. " Mr. JONE3 here asked Mr. White irbe wis In favor oi the ..estreat of the eoverarnwol from its occupation of Fort Pickens, if wo are assail ed by the seet tiers r i r i u t j u Mr.WHiTiS won at sn. i :- j v Mr. JDNEd said the only dootrlne which can save the country from destruction is to main tain Itself against the rebels. , He had oo Idea that Georgleer other States would bav seceded if Ibe government naa not wunarawu i prucu lioa. roroTihe, Uoloa-loviug people of rhat State. -Tnrj DemocfitSBCcm to think the whole responsibility of the crisis Is upon the Aboli- tim.iuM Lnrll Jlpnnhllrunr.' , Snnrxwe it is. Shall the 'eoArJtrv. therefore be. clven not We are told ws Shan bhve eivu wsr. it we scannwi edge tbf ' independence, .of the Confederate States. , whut . will - be the . result! . Will tberor not.q be war? . with i -two ' nosme States Bide by side, what can we. expect but war?" Mr, Jones was ready to support James tfucbaimu. in sustaining tbe authority oi tne government The Bona to so declared Ita sonti meuts. Shall wo now recede from tbat Posi tion? Wbo now will say tbat Oblo shall not endorse ihiel Ms'' Jones went on to say that be believed if the qu'eHlon wag submitted to-day to tha Democracy u I unid. tnev wooia sustain it ot aa ovetwhelmlng majority. The quest'on before tha Senate In. shall we -allow an appropriation for emauaition ' It is the duty tf Ohio to keep un sometome of s militia- system, sua la view of the fact that we may bo called upon to en- foroe the laws And uaiutain tbe Constitution and he daolarsd this purpose boldly bo would vote for-tbe appropiiation aaked for in this bill. ' Mr. ORR said be did not see tbe propriety of the proposed expenditure. He did not say so henanna he was a Democrat, but because it was bis coaviotioo.V We are not threatened by In vaaiorrj but we sre in peaor. This Is a question of tax whether In time of peace we tball pre nare lor war. .The government Is pursuing a peaceful policy- They do not ask anything of us. . Jf tbo policy of the President's loaugural is executed in good faith, or tbe practice of bis administrated il Okrrled out, we shall bave no ocoasidh for war. 'If all our fortifications are to ba surrendered to tbs seoeaeionaits, prepare tions for war areutmeeeaeary. .- But it baa been charged that tbe Democratio party Is respon sible for tbe condition ot tbe country. After we have justified tbe polioy of Buobanan in sus taining Major Anderoon, are we to be condemn ed for It 7 If the present administration U doing precisely what Mr. Uuohanat.'a ndmiois tratioo did, shall we be denounced T Nay, Mr. Lincoln proposed to do wbat Air. Buchanan, elected bv Democratio votes, dared not d re deliver, up Fort Fumter to the Secessionists. e If Mr Lincoln will carry out tne doctrines ot Mr. Buchanan defend tbe forts, our troubles will yet be settled. But our Southern brethren; when tbey see that Mr : Lincoln Is about to sur render, will not have muoh cause of alarm. Mr. Orr then arraigned the Republican party up- ou an indictment charging tbem with responsi bility for tbe eooditiou ol tbo country by agitat ing slavery and vindicated tbe Democratio party as tho cunstitutlunal party, standing by tbe con sttiutiuoras interpreted by theSnnreme Court, and desiring no other constitution.' He said the South bad bseu charged as traitors, becaue thty defended their own rights; but if, there are traitors io the 8outh, tbey were made by the traitors in the North. Mr. Orr closed t(i an euloetuni upon tbe Democratic pint l assertijg, however, tbat tbeywlll lkw Ibe Republican part' to flhi oat the baltisj which they tiawi brought upon the oaeatry-,.. . 0 a On motion of Mr. HOLMES, the Senate took s rsocss.1 H'i . iu.LAi.. ii? A iii HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1861. Prayer by Rev. Mr. McCune. Wben tbe House took a recea3 yesterday eve ning, It bd und consideration H. Dvl32:;To convey n part of the Miami Canal In Cincin nati to that city, for street and seweraga'pbr- poscs. ; Mr. FLAGG explained -the history; previs ions, and requirements of the bill,' that it was carefully guarded at to ''the .interests of the Suae, which he said bad boeo misunderstood. Mr; VINCENT said that he had objeoted this bill, as unfavorable to, and calculated render void the bill for leasing the canals, which had rcoently patead the House. He explained, also, bis remark", whiob bad been understood reflecting upon tbe friends of this bill. , Mr. SCHlr F.said, as eitisen of Cindonatt, be regarded the passage of this bill as a good thing for the State. 'It would increase tbe val ue of property and the taxes in that part of the city to such an extent ad to benefit the State materially., .. , . . . r .tf-v- tr Mr;BCPTT,pjWarrco, offered. aaBtneed ment requiring a ratification of the conveyance to the State beforo ibe oity should take. any ac tion in the matter; when ,-. The bill, with the aaccdmenti was laid tho table. - ' ' L S. B. 972 Relating to tbe powers and duties of tbe Commissioners of Hamilton county, was laid on the table H.B No. 305, by.' Mr, DEVORE To pre vent bankere, brokers, and other persons, from receiving or paying ont tbs notes or issue specie paying' banks at lees rate than par, was rsad a tbird time, wheu some verbal amend nicntA were made, and tbe bill passed yeas 64, nays 19.-. .-A v ' ' ' - u ' - Tbe vote by which the bill parsed was recon sidered, wbea it was referred to the. committee oa Revision." H. B. 364-To authorize tbe village of Clar Ing ton, la Monroe oonnty, to borrow money for sohool-house parposcs, was read a third time, when -'. , - : ;. -1 ' Mr. STOUT explained tbat this bill wae borrow money to rebuild school-house, which hsd been carried away by a freshet In the Ohio river. " -i . '' '. Mr. HUGHE3 moved to amend by fixing tho rote of Interest at height (Inateid of ' ten) per cent., which was agreed to. ' t Mr. MoCUNE said he hoped, at least, the Republicans on this floor would vote for this bill. Ha had soma experience in tbst oouuty. Hs had spent some time Id that county as missionary, and be bad found It a uio.s "dark and benighted county, almost swallowed up locofocolsm, and muoh- in need :of enlighten ment. -Here was an anomaly of a poople bnried In darkness asking to be enlightened. Such' people should have light, and bo hoped tho bill would pass unanimously. - M tjTQUT replied, in his peculiar humorous stjle, concluding that he hoped there bad been' fun enough over this bill, and tbat it would now pass. . I .h-.J:i .' Mr. BALDWIN objeoted te the bill, beoanse It was local In its proTlalotrs. and oonflloted with the Conatitntloti, which reqiiirea sail such sots w be of'a general natitro- "', Tbe vote was then 'called 'ba' the' pa'teage the bill, wbich resulted yeas so, nays 3t. .,. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved that this Vote be reconsidered, wbich meuun wae laid en the table. " . i, . II. B. 345; by' Mri NIGHfrom the commit tee on Corporations other than Municipal Sup. pismentary to an sot to provide lor tbe creation and regulation - of incorporated companies' ' ths Stats ot Ohio, passed May 1, 1852, wss resd third time, wben .'""'-.- t , Mr. NIGH explained tbat toil bill was to give an opportunity tor Incorporating mining' and mineral companies, which were much needed tbe Iron, coal and oil distrlots. Tbs bill was then passed yeas 78,'nays 2, The Hones then took recess.''' n ' u, I J v Tibbiblu CoKstioaATioB A Tows, UkVf inkoinb Foda PaasoNS BnaNxo to Dcath About harf the town Of Midlsonvllle. Kv.i Wis burned to the ground on last Baturday night -, Tbe poetuQice Was consumed, witb bearly anus contents. James Alkeus, wife aud two children were burled to death,) The feibirabd wife at nrst escapea, ont returning into toeir ourmng dwelling to Bars thsif eblldreo.'perUbed with them. Os-'aaturday afternoon rbreS men, In cited by bad wblaky, got Into fight; a fourth party, desiring lo stop tho fracas, , Interfered, when, to save himself, toe found1 it necessary to knock one of tbe belligerents, down., The mas wbo reoelveoVlbe, blow then threatened to burn f!ia bouse ol tbe one wbo inflioted It, and, sided by the two men, carried cut bis threat. Tbo wiodbetog high,' ths flamaa spread with great peed.s .:. ;,.,-.: ,-V .-.a ....... M ' , ',,. , -''..(., .1) .lrl" ;'l Miss Ellen 8mlth, of Boston, Msbs., has Nt recovered 4,000 of Francis Clementson for breach of promise of marriage alter twenty years' .courtship $200 'year little enough, ETA journeyman priuter, iu ths office of the - Albany (Statesman, has made an In strument wbich he calls, for want of a better name, perhaps, a "piano." It is sncrestive of, ud made with pins. It Is as simple a thing ae it Is possible lor oompotitor to mske, being formed of pins stuck Into a atrip of pine about two or three feet long i.: The pins were cut Into various lengths previous or subsequent to their Insertion, aud ranged into line so as to be readily. Operated upon.? Music ia produced by striking eaoh of the pins sharply with '-anoth cr" pin, thus emitting quite melodious sounds. Tbls instrument sbj no means new Inven tion, ae any one may discover by examining ibe lutetiot of mtisloaf box, ' iRTEBtsTiNa to L.dibj. Ladlos kIU be g'ad to bear tbat an English factory has discovered s mode of , making 'fast'1 tbs beautiful color known as "mauve." "It has been washed and scrubbed In Italy even; being sent there special ly for exposure in drying to a bright hot sun- ilgnt, ot wmcu we bave not recently bad much experience. r lint the result was tbe same tbe color remained as pretty and pure as ever. Ibis discovery, which is due to resident In Balrard, must bave a- marked tffeot upon light goods ' for ladies' Spring and Summer wear, ;cmA faper, Loss of Sleep. - Is there anything more wearing lobotli mm.l and body than loss of sleep, or il any difficulty or disease can he oftcoer traced to other than loss of sleep, then experience hag lost its pow er, or Sidney Smith, the great English Physiol ogist, Is not to be relied upon. Of this, let tbe experience of thousands answer, and try tbe To lu Anodyno, and they will be ready to endorse theremskof one of tbe friends of tbe proprie tors, who writes, "were the directions to be cov ered with sorereipna to purchase, I would not bo without it " This all will experience by Its use. See advertisement, and call for pamph- lets. ' -.i. t i ; . ... -GUERNSEY'S BALM! SPECIAL-NOTICES; :.' TABID WARD ASSESSOR. , EDfToa.ETATesiiAif I Pleats annoanos ths asms af JOBKPH IEIBT as a candidate for Alienor In ths third ward. lis will be supported bri . ., r . , . HOSTS OF FRIENDS. , f to to as -, . on ot to a In a of in In MANHOOD. . HOr LOST, B0V7 RESTORED. JTJFT PUBLISmtD. OW THB WATrmiTi. TBTr AT. MEUT AND RADIO Al OUBB Or 8PBBUATOBUUB or Seminal Weaknen, Bexual Debility, Slervoatnesi, la voluntary XmlMlone and Impoteney, reinltlof from 6lf abo-e, tta. By Rout. J. Oalrera-ell. M. D. Bent under seal, la a plala aTslope, to sny address, post mid. on receipt or two stamps, by Dr. OUAI. J. O. KUNB, 17 Bowery, Kew York. Post Office Box. No. 4,580. , .;. . I 4 . mar81:3mdair HTOHEWEIX'B For all Tiiuovr and JLvna . coin pi, aii ts, including- WIIOOPIXU COIJOII, and every Cotuylalnt tbe torerna nerwf, and ereuactnal UNIVERSAL tjouan R1UMEDY.! CONSUKPTlOHe HTJKlfl! WEXL'8 The Si rent IF.UII AL OIOUKTIKDV andNat urnl OPIA'l K, adapted to every epeciee el er ven Complainte, Ner vsui and -Cbrsnlo Headache, ulienma tlsm, SJiatarrh, TeeWi aud Ear Aclie, (.ess of Sleep, and Hawcl Com plaints. . i" 1 I TOLU AR0DYHE. No real Justice ean be dona the above preparations but by procuring and reading detcrlptlrs pampblehM be found with all dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand. Formulae and Trial Bottle rent to Physl clan,, wbo will find derlopaenla lusolb worthy tuelr acceptance and approTal. Oorretpontfeno solicited from all whose oeoeMltlea or curiosity prompt to a trial of the aboTS reliable Heme dies. , , - for sale1 by the usual Wholesale and retail dealer eTerywhere. JOHN L,. HCNNliWELL, Proprloto :'.t'T. CTREIflBT AND PHABM AOXUTIBT, ' ' -' ' No. 9 Commercial Wherf, Becton, Haas. ' Roberts At Samuel, B. B. Marple. J. R. Oook, A. H Denlg, Q. Deuig At Boos. A. J. Bchaeller t Bon, evnba (or Colombo,. Ohio. soyl-ilr j , .SrorFAT'aXIFB PILLK. - la all raios of costiTencas, dyspepsia, blllloas and Ue affections, plies, rheumatism, feTera and .agues, ehstl . bate SKad acbes, and alt geatral orangeaSTibi of health i these Pllli hare IsTariably prored a certain and speedy senedy. .A single trial will place ths Life rills bsyooa the reach of oompeUtinsi la tbs esttsnUoa of every pa tient. -'' Pr. Itoffat's Phaalz Hitters will bs found eqaalty el , ncaotoustn all cases of nervous debility, dyipepala, head schs, ths alcineu Incident to females Indelicate health," and every kind of weakness of the digestive organs, ror sale by Dr. W. B. M0HAT, 335, Broadway, N. I. and by all Druggists.- - - suy93-dawk i The followiDj is m extract from' a1 letter written by the Rev. J. 8. Holms, paster ol the Plorrepolnt Street Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. T.,t Ibe "Joninal and tletoenger," Cincinnati, O., and Speaks TOlumes u farer of that world-renowned medkrlna, Us, Wiauow's BooTWiao Brarr roa OBaoam Txarsiiwac -We see Ba advertinnent In yonr eolumas of Mka tvmstow's BooTWira Bvavr. Now as never saida wont la feTor of a patent medicine before In our life, bat we feel compelled la say to roar readers that this Is no boa bag wawAvs-rara it, ao aow it re ae au. rv claims.' It U probably one of the aoel surceesfal medt dnee of the day, because It le one of the beet. And those of your readers who baTS babies can't do better than Uy bia supply." , rr r , , ' , , i ocS7:lyd.w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. forreistt: A BRICK DWP.I LIAO CO.HTAININU a a 111 Homs, no. 109 East Broad Hlreet, AddIt to March S7, lBl.-d3t n. p. fMirnjg. . NEW HOOP SKIRT, J3X.ZN ta SON, No. 99, BOTJTH Ulan 8TBIBT. I Hav juit reoslvsd a new mak of HOOP BKIftTJ dniahed In a manner far superior to any yst Introdnoed ' for - - - ' DURAIJILITK ANP GRACEFULNEsl Wh S3. Witches! Diamond. !l Silver Waretlfi A CHOICE ASORTrTreT Of (lOCtO and Bilrer TTatthei, in great variety. t . I am Agent for tbe Awcaiea. Waicb Oo , and son sell the, excellent Watches at marjufaoeuMre' piMas,' either Wholeaale or Retail.. , - Come and choose from my.beautlfnl display of Bia Bonds and ether rkb Jewelry. Btyleanew prices low. As to bllvt r Wars of sterling quality, I can show asw patterns, Yery hmdiome ' A- Silver Plated Ware, Tea Betta,TJrfli, Walterv, Castors, , Bukets, Pitchers, Ooblets, Knlres, Forks, Bpooos, s. ' ', Then I bave a supply ot floe Table Cutlery, Pocket ' , KniTes, Basors, o., and many Wanoy Good suoh ar ' ' are desired for pressnts at soch prims as are an Induce sen: to ths purchaser.' ' - WH. BLYNN, ' ,, . 5 ;'. -: . Boekey.Blook, i,.-L , ,. Bant norinsius outs houm square I ?niuri i pti tUS l! r i THE It yea go to New Tork , drive direct to the ' , V ' J SJlITHaOMAVrs IIOUE BBOADWAT.COENBROI BOUITOKBTIET, . AJilU i ueafluei to on loe . r - (ijif Evnt)pi.AN:t.i."NM ; i ' Oood Tars, Oood Rooms. Proaipt Attendurts, and Hod- ,. sraMCharges. ; ;', , ,., ... ,. ,'.,l 'V BI!f OLI ROOMS 50 OTS. 7t Oil. and II PB PAT. i DOtJBLl B00M3 and PABiOEji $1,50 te ) : . 'I .. I . r ' Meals as ordered. This Hotel has all tbs appekatamt. ef tbs best hotel,, a most central location, and Is heated I tarenghout by steam ,; JAJH-nS-Aa.AI). . Proprietor. .Biarcaeaum i Cantons Mattinga; J lli tTThlfe and Hed and! t Whits Checked of superior ausllty. lor sale by BAtH At BOH. BhS3 . Mo.Sv Boutbnighst, A CHANGE. TTAVIWO, OH THBBtte.I!lT.f:Plin AJL obased or n. w A ain eniira aioct or Vrjf . f Uoods, at No. 103 Illph St., with' ths view of changing .sbasedof B- R. WBAVBn hl, entire stock of Drjf . my location, A w"asinyu ir"iaj,qipru,wllJi- out reserTO, - " " .... . i -pat : cost tor cash. . :'.' " A - v'nj' tef lWv Dress BlUta fringes, Buttons. TrtfflBlnrs. Also ligared at.rlnoe, KeUloee. Bbawhj and Cloaka, , - - fsbbSdia T. I. WOOD. r