Newspaper Page Text
MS . " ' , LOCAL MATTERS. .. ti,. A.m.RTiweM Comnanv places us dally it forth var latest Daoers V 1 Irom tbe eKStem cities - . . . - v Tho Amortoan Express Company has our 11t fiTorelntbiBhapeofthe l l!Z ZLnM. - very latest eastern papers Notice to titiiicniBtRS.-City subscriber, to tha Tiallu Stateiman. who may change their dwellipgs cr placed of busines. at this season of tho year, are requested to notify our carriers, or leave word at' bur countiDgr-oom, of the places, at which they wish their papers left thereafter. MncilWATHiH.-We have had for tne last 'i twouty four hours a rare speolmen of what Is imiui Mnr(H wAnthei'." Eirlv Hast even- , . . . . ... . mA .a ; lug, there arose ft driving storm of wind and rain. Windows and window shutters rattiefl j boards and other lieht articles "lying arouna loose" Bew about in all directions. The aerce ... . ... tempeat relaxed Its fury in a snor time; continued to rage, In . mild lorm, at interval., ' Wn.n.h th nieht. . I , .wwHMV wn , ,, . This forenoon, we were favored with an exhl-1 ' hltlnn of mtnolad rain and Snow. But just be' . fr noon. th Mork of the weather shifted the m. .nd let down a oerfect avalanche of fin. t,iw ... Mnn ahiut In cu- rlous forms ln.the air, much to the gratification i x L-i. a Mi1Av!f orl Inn I ! v " h,..wii....- i - damp ana mnaay oosom o muiuer . ' The weather Is still unsettled, weeping clouds Hire hanging over ns, and every now and then drooolnc fresh tears. A Strong wind la .till blowing, reminding us that March 1. improving the nresent opportunity to give n. a taste ol trie Qualities our ancestors were wont to attribute tn Mm. knonlns that his "time is Short." ' I I i dy 'J.' A'L'.'. r. pi.. judge Batis adjourned on Monday morning, the. 25th Inst.; and tpercupon d oupenor Court Judgo MATKiws-commenced its Spring term. Mention was made In Monday'. 8latemt of a Bar Committee appointed to report a rule fix. log Monday of oaoh week as the day for hear ing motions, aud directing a Motion Docket to be kept-' This Committee was appointed in the Superior Court, and not in the Common Pleas. . . U-r At . uieveiana, a tew eveaiDgi aiuve, when Mist Vadohn was civintr one of her Shakeaperian readings, a mouse - suddenly 'emerged from his hiding place, startling the visitors from tbeir propriety, and causing the 'nreoioltate retreat of the ladies. Hie mouse- ahio artoeared unconcerned, however, and after I a cool survey of the audience, returned to bis hole. '.. . "' '' ' . - ...j: ... li. I -- .. i.i . .1 L. UJ-We BCO W BUOOUDCeu ma. muiuuu wu,, put op a stove pipe without f.ny profanity ex-1 ... .. .... i preseed of suggested, act oeeo lonnu , uu u.. oomp, ba. secured blm for exhibition in tne orinclDai lowr.o ana ciii9 ik to biu u n... draw better tban tne pipe. -; I Akrivals at tii. O. P. Yesterday three oonvicts, brought.from Trumbull county, were entered at ths Penltectltryi one from Erie, and two from MuVineum county. The number of ' prisoners now In the institution la 9C5. ' ICf John W. A kdhiws, Esq , has declined the . Republican Domination for School Director, and . the City Committee havo eubatitnted Col. Johw Noblst. . i..i- ETThere is a firm in Elgin, Illinois, known I as Orav & Luut. Half of their letter, come to them directed to "Liy b Grunt." SwiiT. The ladies of East Cleveland bold a r 'SugarFestlval this evening. -ii (LTWhy is a bridge like a certain Jewish fes tival? Because it is the pass-over. ' Professor GairriTH Is reading in Cleveland to full bouses. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. DEPARTURES. V Mails for New York City, Boaton, Albany,' Buffalo, PltUbnrgh, Slenbeoville way. Cleveland, Zaneavl e, Mewrkeranville, Waihington City, Maltlmore, Phlla delphla and NewOrltam, oloie daily IBundaye exceptr Aftu'ror'N.w York and Cl.V.Und .K-e. 08.dTPw MaUe'iSeJ Si!?' (Sundays tx "Central Ohio Way Sail etotetutlly (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'clock p. m. . , ' ' .... Dted) at 1 o'oiiwk p. m. Olnclnnati way Mall cIoms dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'clock p. ja. ' Wrtpthtne. vnicago, uuouquf, TO-.-,,-r1--k ten Mall Cloaet daily (Sunday! exoepted) I ea aalir inunoiura mwvwu - - Ma'lltforXenla,Bpringflold, Dayton, Toledo, Cincin nati,. Indlanapolla, LouUrllle, t. louu, ana iwraia, A through aito ila, TprTngneld- and Cincinnati elosee dally (bundv excepted) at 1 o'clock p. m. Urbane. Plqua, Tiffin and Union Oity mail closes dally . 2. a. . In n'arlr.nk n m. EZIIZTSZZ C:i"nrT; oirciiville, ChlllicoU, varumouth'. Wa,hlngton, 0. H , Athens, Marletia aod DllUooroaeh, mailt oloae auiy vnunoajra oy; aVsloekD. m. . t . ... . !!&&1J! u.i,, o"i r-----, ,7 -.-,.. Harriaburga suuia oioae uau, vduj - ' alt. VernonVaii, by way of Wettervllle and Bunbury. loeee dally (Snndays excepted) at 1 o'clooa . m. Dublin Mall qlotet dall(8undayt exeepUd)at 1 0 clock ' ARRIVALS. u.n. w. vnrk. , Boaton. Phluutelnhla. Albany. .Plttaburgh, Olereland, Dayton, Toledo, Xenla, Deteelt, nindnnatl. Chlllloothe. St. bonis, and all Banthera eltlct. arrlre between the hours of o clock p. Malle from Indlanapo". Chicago" and Dubuqns, arrive mi'.,,. Wuhinstm mtr. Baltimore. Wlieellne, Kaneartlle. Newark, Swabenrllle, Mt. Vernon, and the rfi . ft. a. en kfalL arrlre at IX o'clock p. a. ai.ll from Olndnnatl. arrive! at o'clock P. St. ' ' Saat War alail over the National Bond, arrives at 11 o'olook a ft. Vernon way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m. at all from Dublin arrives at i o'clock p. n. Urbane Way Mall arrlree at 8 o'clock p.m. n k u.u ia at 11 o'eloaka. m. Offlre delivery open every day (except Sunday,) rroa u o'clooa a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. Open on Bundayt the morning, and from to 0 to 1H JOSEPH DOWDALL, P. M. JOSEPH DOWDALL, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. t.vtim u,.ai a OoLnwanaa Xxsu Be B. .... ,.... . , '.Leaves, "y ' Arrives. '. Bocommodatlon....... (.11 A, M. P. IS P. M No. 8 Ex .....8.30P.M. . ,,JS0P.M. Ni.htkxne.......1....8.t A.M. S.4SA.M Cuvtuitn, Cotomioi k. ClKcuntiTl B. B. Bxprees and Mall... ....3. 00 P. M. " Night Expreaa i. A. M. 1.40 P.M. 1:J0A. M. CtirrlutOBioB. B,' t.rAJ I !-..;'. Hi Bxpreae Train...... ?.00 K.U Mall Train- .40 P. M. 8 30 t. M. S kOP. M, TtmacaoB, Coumsos a Owotmail K. B. enrees Train 3:00 A.M. 9.30 P. M - Mail Trail w---- 1 P.M ' SiMf. II. tt Mr rn,AoLn B. B. ' " v-"v . roolumbua. Plana St Indiana. B. '; v Bxprees Train.." - ! " : A. X. . . Bxireas Jraln SJ45P..H.., 8:I0P.M, 1 J t 'ii. iMMSa r X7 M. mi. nt an, rVlnnrla vetrctaw on Broadway, and were astonished at the changed in hi. appearance. A few weeks ago we eaw him. be WB paie, lean bdq arjeoveu; oumpiam- intf of weakness and debility, having been afflicted all summer. Now he appear, to be fat, withe and stronc We learn be owed bla raa- soratioo. entirely to MoLeam '. Steshqtbenimw CoaoiAH" "" '' VV . w. erlvisa all who are oomDlalnlnB of Gen- ml ' DeblUtv to try ltt It Is oartelnly a very pleasant remedy. We lean that there are farce juanUUes of It selling dally. Jtforisiis iliralel mi stock before pnronasiog euewnere. -thLk.tor"w Hohas also a full an3 complete stock of Gents' furnishing goods, all of. which has Just Fissonal. N. Gandoralilmer hai last re cut. wane he bu puronuea assortments of Cloths. Caesl meres . ui Veetiosa of ever? a-rade and variety LI 1 " I.- .L . t J . M- i ms enure ewoa oi ursi nanus, waioa win uwi him to Mil as low u any other establishment tm nr ins moanti Ine II hu seoarea me ser vices of the well known cotter Mr. Robert Spurliojr to take elurjra of the talloringdepart ment. Thota desiring the best or material rot Ueo op In the latest and best stjle of cut. od workmanship, will do well to call sod examine arrived and are of the latest patterns. Persons ealllnff cannot fail to be tuiled. A laree and well selected stock of Ready Made Clothing kept constantly on band, at prices to suit toe times. Remember the place. No. 129 South High street, one door Worth of tbe uooaaie House. CoooHi. The sudden cb anges of onr climat are sources or Pulmonary , Urocchlal and Aath matlo Affections. Experience having proved tba jmpU re(nedIe9 oftcn Mt gpeediy and certainly, when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brewn'e Branchial Troeht$," or LoEenges, let Lhe Co,d Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be eyf so slight, as by this precaution a more so nous .tuck may be elleotualiy warded on. spw. na oingers wm uuu Ifectual for clearlne and strenethenlne the T0ce. See advertisement. For sale wholesale tnd retail, by Roberts & Samuel, No. 34 North High street, S. Samuel Co , No. 85 South If, ... n,sn eeii BTR. KiaxrATiiox, No. 165 South High Street, ha. a very choloe assortment of Gold and Silver v7atches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware, t price, to suit the times 11 11 "e -?or , on., ha or poor. uuernsey. xtaim give, immediate and perm a BeDt relt4t , aneises wnere an external reme- is applicable. ID See advertisement of Pi of. Millii' Hair Invigorator In another column. ' I i Q YOU WANT WHISKERS? f DO YOU WANT WHISKERS7 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A M03TACHE1 BELLINGHAM'S , .. CXIIBBATCD StimnlatingOoguent, For the Whiaken and Hair. Tb lubKribera take Dltuure in annonnclnt to the Oltinni of lb United Statei, that they have obtained the Agency ror, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above Juitlr celebrated end world-renowned artlole. The STIMULATING ONGUENT it prepared by Sa P. BELLINOHAM, an eminent phyilclaa of London and li warranted to tirinf oat a thick set of Whiskers or a Mustache .fr0 of the kind need by the Vrenob, and In London and Parle w in uircrau uio. xt ta , teauurul, economical, eoothlpf. yet ttlmnlaUng a' - ff WSSKSTSi u win enre eaume, ana eeuie to ipruir op in piled eeoordlne to dlreetioue, U will tarn aoi or towt nalr bake, and reator gray taalr to Ita oriiinal eolor. leaTinf It aoft, amooth, and flexible. The "Oeeoeire" te an lndlapenaable article In every gentleman's toilet, and alter one week's ate they would not foranconiUeretion newiuontiu The labecrtbers are the only Agents for the artiste in lb United Statee, to whom all orders mult be addrcaaed. Price One Dollar a box for ile brail Drnnlite and Dealera; ora box of the "Ongnent" (warranted te hare the daalred effect) will be sent to any who deaire IL br mail (direct). Been rely pecked, on receipt of price and Pel, .1.1M. Apply to or addreas nOBAOJS L. BIOBUAH k 00., paoooiiTe, ice, febSOdfceOrr 91 William Street, New-York. Utt?TVAT K" MA niTTNTiJ WOTtTCS " - iUO.vxixie su v uavxvo, RBWARE OHIO, oTannfaetnvera ef all ktstda ! Por- gable ana laitonary sieam as- fines, saw mills', uriet rains, Vc, cVCa LIXSA BODLXYBtattnl B. at t. BLIND TBtedtni . at. B. DXTVA1L Stattnlll C0LV2TBU8 XACBTSX CO. StaUnllll EBADJORD 4 OO.Btatmlim Onr Portable Ecgine and Saw Kill Was awarded Ike first premium of 50 at the Indiana State fair for lc60 orer Lane aBodley't on aooountof llghtnese. Blmplicity, economy of luel ana superior character or lumDersairea. Our Stationary Initlrie was awarded at the tame fair the .ret nremium of 8 WO. Our Portable Engine waa awardd the flnt premium of fiuuai me rairat Bempnie, xenn., over manaye ira- rail a. uoiuniroa maonm vo a., hq Draaioru m vvi., ny a eoamlttee or practical BaUroadBnglnaert, for price and terme addreee WILLAJIO WASNIB, Treasurer, decS-dfclyeole. i - Newark, Ohio. Me. 1 .Vol. t tTTT T A TT?T ? . NEW LITERARY ' PAPER, Fer March 16th, 1861 Kow Beady For Sal. Everywhere Pries Plv ctnuacopy, , .1 . C05TEST8: . . "STILL WATSRS:" A Brilliant Story. . TH. OBB IP lXOURSIONt" A Complete Story "TBI B.LNQ AMD ma atKQQAA:" Complete la tbla I nmVaret BIOORAVHIOiLBriBTCilor EDOAll A. P01. S TMB TiVINa SOT'S RROUIRT: hr Maria Norrla. . " TBI DUTY OP THI PRKSENT HOUR. TH. PHILOSOPHY Uf BATHINa. LOVl! A Poem. . .. i 1-V - LlrllTiaYWBBRB. M ' ' ' 'i , I,' BOBTIO 8IUPLI01TY AMD BUiUtttBIIEBS. WHAT! A Poem. , ... THB UOnTH Of LONDON. BOW PEARLS ARB POBMEDl TRTJSTINI TO LTJOtt; WHO WOULD Bl A BACHELOR; 01TB TUI OHILDRBN PRI8H AIR; ONI DROP AT A TIME; ui wr Tnn.i onnn, unaiT.iNti.nEiinii HaTLl way aooidbntb im irobtt weather; utili lZtNO WA8T1 bTEAM; A NEW MATEttlAL 10 ,, iiMr SSaiTiIiiafi 7k kri nriiNiNa bv air power: a ourious relioi B3M v JBi saia.o .the roUB swords Of LONDON; Iaots about cblbbrated muni histukx vw tub pianu l - - BOTiqes Of new BOOKS.. .:'" A m I T .Mil U I iWIIH And much ' othet lattfcttiu snd instructive RadlncTM.,i. "uu 1U," VU" Ktading Mtter. ed to in of at on no I . I I . ant , i t var-wpy..,,. l. ......... s 82 Mr annum. . - HUNT MINER, Publishers, 71 and 73 fifth street, t .'T next Sa the PoeH)ffloe, Plttaburgh, Pa. . K KJbnxveux, General Agent. taawliP.-- f T ' " ' " v ; i :t GOLDEN nif.1. tniRTej. I or I mj VJ Allalaes and quallUeaj a 10 SOYS' S7IBT8 ef same nrrarmw, eeeaievy a BOJf, MS - B. SB SouiA Blah street. TELEGRAPHIC! TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. U. S. Senate—Special Session. Wasbinotoh, March 26. The Senate resumed the oooelderatlon of the resolutions of Ms. Douglas. , . Mr. Breckinridge addressed the Senate, re plying to some remarks made bv Mr. Douglas yesterday. He spoke at some length, to the eil'ect mat li tupuonoan statesmen remained nrm and determined, there can be no other result than to drive the border State, into a union with the Confederate States. If the border alive Statee bold a convention, which seems probable, and the non slaveholdlng States deem It their duty hi rfjtros sucu propositions as may ue eeaeuuai then the disruption of the Union will be inevi table; and at no distant day that will be the largest eonfederacy on the continent. Mr. Brecklcridse referred to Mr. Donel speech of vesterdav. He denied that the Reoub licac. had vielded anv of tbeir essential princl ?les, and it was unjust to the people of the outb to announce tbat they bad done so. He called on the Republican Senators themselves to answer whether tney bad made any sucn abandonment. Mr.Coliatuer teplied, Notes we are aware of. air. lirecklnrldae, tneo alluded to tne argu ment ol Mr Doueia. that the Republican, bad not inserted their platform in any of the bills recently passed, organizing tbe Territories. Me said tbey had not done so beoause thev learea tne Dins would not be passed in sucb i form, and that tbe President cilibt veto them ifpaesed; while they desired their immediate passage, as. Increasing tbe federal patronage Mr. Breckinridge was confident that if the Re publicans did notyleld,flfteen States would soon be odt of tbe Union. So far they bad yielded nothing, nor manifested any disposition to do so. Mr. Douglas replied, lie could not conceal his surprise. Tbe Senator from Kentucky denied all the positions he had assumed. His object was to demonstrate that there was no cause for sucb action, and that Kentucky has justice and equality in the Territories, accord ing to tbe test prescribed by tbe Senator him self. Tbe Senator knew the territories of Colo rado, Nevada and Daootah had been organized on tbe basis of the Nebraska-Kansas bill. All these territories were organized on the orlnoinle oi non-intervention oy congress ; tne people to decide the slavery question as they please, sub- eot only to the limitation or tbe Constitution leaving the courts to ascertain wbat tne limita tion Is. This Is all tbe South bave ever asked. The Republicans bave abandoned tbe Wilmot proviso and Congressional Intervention, and re. pudiated Congressional prohibition of slavery The Senator would not deny that. He did not aek him to do anything to promote tbeir inter est. He (Douglas) did not believe In the politi cal creed of tbat party, and did not believe tbe best Interests of tbe oountry would be promoted by tbeir exerolse of power. Still, he preferred tbe Union nnder a Republican Administration to none at an. Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, moved tbat Mr. Doctr ine' resolution, oalling for information relative to forts, navy yards, eto , which was pending before the Senate, be laid on the table. The question was decided In tbe .fflrmative 23, against li. Mr. Breckinridge asked leave to offer the following resolution, and, If nolobjection. would ass tne vote on it now: Reiolttd. Tbat the Senate recommend and advise the removal pf United States troops from the limit, of tbe Confederate States. Mr. Sumner Let it lav over. Mr. Clingman remarked that he had drawn up similar resolution, with one point in addition. He had shown It to several Senators, and had met their approval. It was as follows t Retalvtd, In the opinion of the is expedient that the President withdraw all federal troops from tbe State, of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Al abama, Mississippi, Tens, and Louisiana, and abstain from all attempt, to collect revenue in those State.. Mr. Clingman added, if the troop be withdrawn there ought to be forbearance as to the collec tion of the revenue. - Mr. Collamer moved tbe Senate go into Exec utive Session. Mr. Collamer's motion prevailed. The Senate. alter executive session adjourned. Washinotom, March 27. The chair present a message from President Lincoln, relating a resolution passed oy ice senate, asking. II his opinion it is not Incompatible with tbe public interest! to communicate th cienatchea Major Robert Anderson to tbe War Depart ment during the time he has been in command Fort Sumter. The. President .ays: I have some to the conclusion tbat at the present mo ment the publication of them would be inexpe dient. Mr. Breckinridge moved to take no the reso lution introduced by him yesterday, advising tbe withdrawal of the Federal troops from tbe seceded States. He did not Intend making any remarks, a. he bad already expressed bis views that subject, and desired the vote on his mo lion to be regarded as a teat question. Mr. Fessendcn supposed there would be no objection to that, but reminded the Senate that quorum wes present. ' Un motion of Mr. Hale, the Senate went into Executive Session. . - From New York. New Yoac, March 36. Arraneenjcot. have oeen maae unaor waicn to. steamer Uienvuie ha. been released by the Custom Honse au thorities at New Orleans. A schooner from Florida, without a orocer olearance, paid a fine o( $1,000. A Washington dispatch save that J. J. Coombs, of Ohio. Is to be appointed District Attorney of tn6 Dialriot of Columbia. Hit xo, March a . The steamer Bien ville is Mill in custody of the New Orleans Cus tom House authorities, and the matter has been referred to the Secretary of the Treasury. TtoeuM Washington correspondence. CaDt. Fox report, that the supplies of provisions at rott sumier mu enaoie Maior Anderson toaus tain hi. command nntil the iOth of April. He My. in. ron can oe reintorcea oy military op eration, which will require a force not at the disposal or the rreeldent, or by strategy, with ha.irds of a desperate conflict. From all the laots, it is evident that rort Humter must be absndontd or civil wsr be Inaugurated. The attain t correspondent Insists that r ort Picken. will be abandooed within SO dava. The same eorrespondent save the Southern Commissioner, are dining to-night with, the foreign Ambassadors at Mr. Corooran't . Tbe Commissioners are on most friendly terms with the Eoffliih and French Minister.. Joo S. Million.'of Virelnis, If be will accent, win get an important toreign mission. Sea'y Chase has offered the First Comptroller ship of the Treasury to Elisba Whittlesey Kicnara mon, oi unio, naa aeaunea it. James Leslie, Jr., ol Philadelphia, has been appointed Consul at Marseilles. of D, T) Virginia State Convention. Richmond, March 26 In the Convention this eveninc, Mr. Hall, of Wetiell, offered the Con tltutioo of the Confederate State, a. a sub stitute for the federal committee's report. Mr. Wise called ror tne rearjiBg or it. Air. Clemens Intimated that tbe purpose for such a oall was to delay a vote on the report. Mr. Wise de nied auoh an imputation as unroundeo. I Sen- sat ion. The substitute, belns tbe Constitution of the Southern Confederacy, was then read, and debated tin aiaie hour., i he Uonvention U still, at 11 e'olock, in session. There is mnoh eonfuslon and excitement. "' ' -. I .'i . - The South Carolina State Convention. CHARLESTOit, Maroh 86 The State Conven tlon mot this mornlnB. nir. emogier onerea a resolution, mat an the gonpUes and provlaion. .ad mail facilities now aiioweti Major Anderson ana to. garrison of n . r - . . . e . . rort oumter, snouia oe lmmeaiaieiy out off. The consideration of the resolution was order- eri tn uke c aoe to-morrow. The eeneral lm. nrMalnn IB trial IL am he vntefl fln.l I" ..... - There will be Mm. discussion on tbe Can VS? $Llb.'iConfede?lt?. Sl,e,, bul u wiU be ratified by a large majority. Riobmdnd, Va March 25. Mr. Preston made a speech, in favor of tbe majority report, and of making a oiear ana distinct demand upon the North, with th. alternative of separation. He believed tbe present was full of none, from both sections, ror a lair ana final settlement. Mr. Wise took tb. ttronnd tbat th. eoaran- tee. demanded by the report were Insufficient to meet the necessities of th. South. Mr. Wilson followed In a speech agalnat St- cessioQ, as do oaon sxlstad for tt. From Washington. WAsmirtTOif, Maroh 96. Th. Senate today onfirmed tbe following nominationat -rvsa. o. Pennington. Secretary of Legation at Paris j Aaron Goodrich, of Minnesota, Secretary of Le gation at Brnsaele; Thome i . ueyer, oi ure son. Commissioner to the Sandwich Ialandsj Oeoro-a P. Haaklna. Post Master at Berlin, O W. A. Dalt, Attorney for the Northern District of New Yorks Q. VaWton, ros master as ai N. Y.i Theodora D. Edwards, of Ken tacky, Attorney for Colorado i Geo.'If. Bergner, Post Master at Harrlsburg? Roll Saunders, Pott Maetar at MemnhlS! A Tin Saunders, 01 iowa, Governor of Nebraska Frederic Hassaurek, of Ohio, Resident at iMuaoort uavid H barter, or Unlo, Minister neeiueut ouuria. The Senate will meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock two hours earlier than usual, and adjourn at the earliest practicable time. .,' The military officers in charge of the Bureaus in the War Department, being apprehensive of .change or Clerks in tne Bureau, who wnicn they are connected, have, together with Lieut. Oen. 8oott, Joined in a remonstrance against sucb proceedings. ". '' ' For several week., reports have prevailed that many Union , men in some of the seceded State, intended to apply to th. Government for appointment, therein a. Judicial officers. Tbe trnth of thorn statements seems to be confirmed in part by tbe fact that tbe President has nomi nate Geo. W. Lane as Judge of the Northern and Southern District, of Alabama Affairs in Texas. Nw Oblians. March 20 The Texas Leels latnre has passed a resolution approving of tbe Convention act denoalng Gov. Houston. A bill was passed to raise a regiment of mounted riflemen for frontier protection. Since the deoartur. of tbe federal troops, tbe Indians In large numbers have been devastating tbe frontier, killing and driving oacK the set tiers. - The Steamers Daniel Webster and Gen. Rusk sailed from BratM on theSOth, with the federal troops. GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DRY GOODS KNAPP & GO 'S NEW STORE. From snd after this date we shall REDUCE THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER GOODS, TWENTY WE FEB CENT, ! J . . i . I I IN 0R0H TO SUEf 00M FOR OCR SPRING STOCK. Our assortment is still good, i aad it is kijpwn- to every--' one that our . ' ' ' i m - ST o o :k. consists o ' : FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, 80 DO NOT FORGET THE CHEAP STORE OK , . KNAPP & OO.i NO. 119 .... , .' . , SOUTH HIGH STREET, OOLUMBUO, . OHIO, Tensol t'eatbere and 0 Tssi of Uag- Wanted. . - octSS-Cawd-i&W-Cm TRBABURT DEPARTMENT Of 01110,1 CoLOHBua, ataroh 18, lffll. J SA1B OP OHIO STATE STOCKS. TIIEBB WIM. BE IOLD AT PCB lie auction, oe Saturday, If arch 30th, at eleven o' clock A. M ., at the offloe of the Treuurer of State, two thoueand dollars of the Bond of tbe State of Ohio, draw tne Interest at the rata ol sis per sent, net an and payable semi-annually In the City of Mew Tort, and the principal redeemable at the pleasure of the sute. These Bondt wen MfMtltMwlin the Treatarer of the State of Ohio for the purpoee of scouring the circulation the Baringt Bank of Cincinnati, and they are to be u - i - . ,.. . IV. pHffVW V. .WWVU.U1B Ml Will . aurcDiv.aiu , .... a; jr. Bruns. Tftat Sheriffs Sale. T. Woodbury 4t Co. vt. Supeilar Court. George W. Allen. VIHTrjK Of A WHIT OF fl. rA. to me directed from the Superior Court of Franklin Bounty. Ohio, I will offer for ale, la the town of Mew AI bany.aiueetotonomei u. w. Alien, a -toe or vry an notions, levied on e tne property or . w. eelo commencing on SaTURDAY, tbe IOth day ef v. wOl. at 10 o clock a . a . ' , G. W. BUrrMArT.-Sheriff, march 14:1014 By Ed. DaTie, Det'ty Pilater't fees, $5.50. . , , . . , ADT BBTISIMBNT. 1. Por the DUST ANT BBLIBI and PIRMANENT 0TJBB of th ' dlltretalcg oomplalnt nee NDT' . ,, BEOHOHIAL CIQABETTE8, Made by 0. B. SEYMOUR A 00., 10? Raeeaa St., N. Y prios fi per boat sent tree by poet. i SOB 8 ALB if ALL DBUtaiSVI aaye-dfcwlwia - a - 1 iwinnnui . hi to NOTICE. A IX' PERSONS KHOWIlft THEM. eelret to be Indebted to the late firm of DOD- DRIDOB a WHIT, will pleats cal( audNUle their acoounta, and thereby save ootrt All notes and eoconntt remaining annald en the Brat of April will be placed la tbe band, of WM. L , I1HVL J. P., for rallecilon. mar7-dawnprl . lurrlring Partner. David A. Fislin'f Estate). roTICE M "eBEBT oiveit that IN the nderelgned haalhle day been appointed by the Probate Court of franklin eounty, Ohio, Admlnlatrator eTe bcmi4 won of the octets of David A. flaher. late of Truro towaihlp, In said eounty, deoeared. Dated thlt gth day of March, A. D leei, aaarohroaitwsw JoiM WRionfi Tjtl'EejrANT rJLAIIS BLA UK Mll,K.S) POB Alt B treat lhaqaea aed Maatlee; alao- Rich trlmmta and Tamil to match, at . . ... ,. BAIH .. aaarS9 .-,. ( i TkRARL 8TABOII. XT 1.500 lbs. Msditon, Watt a Go's purs, aaefceak ' Sarch, a superior artlole, reeelred la store n"" IAMB KS.T1EAUX, . S4 Sb)teeaaa Ballltag THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, March 27 steady and doaaud feir;eale aOObbla at ai 31 ror pota asp peerl. i . rLODlt rccelDta or 1 Tfil bile.- Market nolle firm tmtmuoh Icaaartire; sale, of 8 SVO bble at (5,809 J tor tupernn4 Mto .3,203a,l far en pem oe wettern $S&X3ft M for oomaeen to nedlam extra weatera .3,40 Gii VO for ablDDloe brrndi extra Bound Hxid Ohio. Canada flour itead and anebaoed; sales ef 600 eois at e?,.K.a?ore. .'.:. A BY. VLOUB-iteadr at tf 1024 40. Wfl.AT recelpte of 134 88 buah. Market leas ac ttre bat prices wllhuet material ehanae. the Irmneae of irrigate enecai tne export demand! sales or o uuu nnan a .1 81 Steor Obteace eprlngt .1 87fcl 'or jiii cinui vi ea wr enoloe winter tea weatern; ei ua 1 rnr wiuie weeiern. . KVS-flimor j ealci or t (00 buio. at Cj3. i . BARtilX eteadat78eoo . -j ' - vt-r . COK.-vKeseipu 13.O0U buabelf. Market wllhoot na tenet change eales 80,000 at 07($0()J(o for old nixed Weatern In store, and delivered; tide for new mix ed Waitern at Ball-road denot - OATeVeuiet at 3a38 for Weatern, Canadian, and Itate. rORK-ateady; ealee 1,000 tbla at 918 C21S 73 for eta. and lis mil 71 for nrbaa. . BSsr dull and vnchanMil. : ,.i , ' OUTMBATB-elea-lv - LAKD In modorale reaueat: aalcs S.000 bbls. at 9 it BUTTE tt in fair reaueat at t Moles for Ohio, and 14 Biveior oiaie v WHlSKY-aihailebetler. STOCKS O c Toledo 3SV: 0.1 h. Chic 73: fl Ok u itu: in u eorlp HI! at 8 17Mi do Quoted Vt; M 07 Beadin44; Barl 10X! do preferred 4IKi ri Y 0 Pae Mall cS; Del It Had 88M; 111 0 bonda 102; CBlal80iErie4ht3:0al7'a 87; kloO'a 80K: NO 81; treatary 18'e van; U 8 0's74; CoupenaSU; M Y 0 i3i, arie uuaeu, iirai iu; u o 17. Cincinnati Market. FLOTJIt has bad a very aolet market throughout the week, and bow drags heavily at $4 SO for tuperflne and 4 85 for fair extra. HEAT Is scarce, and holders very firm at 1 1 OSia I us lor red, and ai V3m.i l ror white, siiiiera reeo- Inlely determlLe tomakenoparcbaieaatorertl for red. ticee they tay it is Impoaaible te get their money baok atpreaentprlcetof flour. OBN It taken iteadllr at 33o. by the diitillera. bnt there It ettlt but little demand for shipment, so that sneuea iireryuuiiaitnatBgnre. BARLEY haa varied bnt little daring tie week. At flrat the reterve of selleri geve the market a little better aurnjio, ana aoont raieiea tbe old ngare 70o for ttrlotly prime, bnt to-day deallnet hare shown a weak ening tendency, and 87o waa taken for a prime Ihongh notptrfectly bright article. BYB-oontlnuea to drag at SJo. OATS hare for tereral dare been In leree redclota. andareeonteqaentlydttllatSJo. r . 1-KUV1S1UNB the trad. durlne the week haa been motlly In Out Ueatt. oalntalniDi for them a Arm mar. ket, and at rather belter Itgnrea than at the date of onr laat review. There wat not a great dee, of stir in the market to-day, though there woe a fair Inquiry for both Bnlk and Bacon aides, at a trifle under the riewa of hold er. Forrlitent efforta are marking to get bacon tldea at 9 Wo., holders, howerer. are firm at 9V,a to Br. Bhouldert are not In much reaueat at 7o: and tldea are ami maae w ten mem at uiat ngure. Hoary Balk tides are In reaueat at 8Wo. and even 8 1 S It In tome inttancet offered without getting them. Shouldirt rule at So. Heat pork we onoca at ilB 75 for country, and BIT for city, Willi but moderate reqnett. r 1 1 V. l .1 . , . r, . ., ..... V MiuaraijH vo in iicrcet ana jucinaegt.- I Cleveland Market. March 26. FLOUR tale, of fU bhla extra at .4 75: 50 hbli faner while jLX at 88,00, and SO bbls common extra white at .a.m. . WHEAT In llsht demand onlX. Balri sf on car ml at fll,v3, and 3 can do at f 1,04. White it iteadA at OURS-doll.At34e. 1 OAT8 dull.at84o. BI0HW1NB8 tales 0( JO bkltat 14ic. BUTTIR remalna dull at a ranee of Du214c foreem- mon Central to choice W. B. dairy. . ... juabu eaieeoiuu tegiktv. -BR ANB ealee of 30 boih ttlr while at A5n. POTATO. 8 eate at 30i33d for prime Uercett. KaOS-qooUble at 384o. usaMissir;. PBICKS EEDTJCED 'Trorn the Newk ork 0baerrer.l-':' Atalltiartlee manufacturine Sewlne Mirklnn am h- llged lo pay Mr. Howealioenae on each machine told, and are ate eomselled to make Ntnraa to him. nnder oath, at to the Dumber told, hie bookt gire acorreetttate nent. ?rom this reliable eonroe we hare obtained the following itatuties. Of the machines made in the year ufviv wviv eoll, , . - , v. By Wheeler a Wilton, Bl.SQS . " I. at. Singer a Co 1U.DSJ ' - Orover a Baker IOsO Bhowinf the tales ef Wheeler a Wllion a ha ArmU Uiote of any other Company." Awarded the hlghett preeiluma at the ' " , United Statee lairs of 1868, 1B5U and I860; ' : ' ; alto at the j. Ohio State talre of 1B59 and 16M;' y and at pearly all the County fairs In the Stats. Our nrlceo. at the late reduction, am mm &m m a.. loci tiich macbute now told, and but a trifle higher tban me interior raw tnreaa ciaue SMC macvtrni, now forced nuon the market. s ( Tbe WHCBL8H a WILSOrT M AOHtNB nakea the Lock 8ncn the onlyone which oannot ba raveled. It Auxa oe Bon Binaeof the tooda, learlae no ridn or ofatooittfe tuader.efde. All machinei varantS 3 veors. and UutnuUon given In their net, free of coarse, i U. vujbi,oi uign St., ooiumhua, o. - -wu. sukfNKK a no.. dect !awd3mBw6ra Pike's Opera Bcuee, Cincinnati. Covington ' Bail-mill Company. TniS COHIPANT IS NOW PHEPAR ed with the beat new and Improved machlnerr to ail orders for rerolllng Railroad Bart at the tborteat notice, i ue am Daa tne capacity w turn oui lev tuns a week. In rerolllng Railroad Bart, one-third new Iron it added the old, to make a Ball that will not laminate, and lnture a perfeet weld. . . . u Street Railroad Bars can alto be rotnlthed, ef any pat tern required, and new Railroad Bars of different length! and sleet. - All orders shall receive prcarpt ard careful attention. and at none but the beet material! will be need, la the has da of aklllful workmen, the Company hope to sire entire tattifactloa to those who may favor It with their cut torn. R BCOHAnAir a SON, Agents,' - - Clnclonali, Ohio. -... -ten to-- nr tt n i . ... ti . i in.i ti d r . John I. Levis. President Covington and Lexington K. Co. ' '. ' .'-.. i Oaptala HoCIallan. Superiateadent 0U ana Hletit- tlDol Railroad.-' - a. a- l liommeaieu, rreetaenl aineinnatl, Hamlltoa ana uayton n. n. uo. mhisw9t E.' M. WILLIAMS & CO., Front Street, Between State and Town. TnB OLD CARRIAGE ' SHOP Isalill rnnnlnt. and al thoat h C tbe preeeare of late reare haa aet heavlij V bvob bar ran nine eeara, abele etlll torn- t( oat mote tpienma ruTOB, rUKJBAW AYS, and PHINCI ALBERT'S IUIITINO TOPS and NO-TOP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, EXPRESS, SKELETON, obmuubai ana uhuvbhi wauonb, BAIAU OMlil BUBEb end HACKS Twenty vean steady anannao tnring haa firea ear work a wide.qerad reputation through the South and Weat. We therefore deem It anntnsteary to tat any tblnf more In regard to the quality of ear work. We wabbist V Vemci. We sen tell eaos Tor Boeaias from aiSitoEvM. Dealera can be famished with anv arnonat of work at abort notice, and at prices lower than ean be bought any wnvre in tne rreet. neoona nana aofgies taaea m sa ehante for new work. - jjr-Kepainpe done neatly ana at snort nolle. Fas tory on front, between Bate and Town streets, Colum bus. Ohio. '( lj"All eomnaaleauons will receive prompt sttsntwa. AU. 31 Wl at. m. W1L1.1AA1B t HENEY TOV, Wboleeale aod Be tall Dealer la Foreign & Domestic Cigars, -. ajro Bsrr stums . jSmokirff & Chewing Tobacco. , Alao, lbs best Tonality ef RTfflT'l eoastiatly TryOoontiT Marchants art invite! to sail before par eoMlaf elsewhere.) (Til fl. l l.ll I (1,1 Ji , NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, ,, Bet. Hale! and Sycamore, aovn'-wfna ' ' " CINCINNATI, O GUERNSEY'S BALM TOE MOVE AND PREVEIffl III rv, fhuamaUoa and pain, and heals the wont bum, scald, braise, eat, or fresh woand of any kind, r reren tt ewelUne; and pain from bee stints, atoeqoite Mtes, and nolsonout Diants. nenraiitia. riuumaiuun, surue m ine breast, salt rbsum, ete. . Whea takes Innrnally, tt will BoelUrelr eare croon In children, and sires immediate reiioiinuio worn rase oi ants pmrn empiains; alio, removes hoaraeneaa and tore throat. Price, tt seals a bottle. Shoe Id be In every house, for eale by Unae- fttleana Btoreeeepere. , J ' inr let btunb, . Sole Proprietor, No- I dpraoett.,tiew York eeMdAwlrle - r - . ("" " Nelle. Indlim. I :'.,:. i 4i .,i'i.,u. -".r - , .MM m Mi . .... j, k, Backeu. Brooms. Oordera, Herrlne, DHed Pralt, For tan or atojLaa at avaaiiaauj., sabl. It, North Hieh street - 4 ' . St. and by Dr. J.HUcLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood Ttte lUroatesf Bemadjrln Tks tt orld AND THB KOSTirmiciOTjs AND 'J DELIGHTFUL' EVER TaREN. IT IS STRICT ly a aclentilo and. Vegetable Compound, procured by the distil kttion of Roots. Herbe and Ilarkt, Yellow Dock, Blood Root, Baraaparllla, Wild .ii. ui. Before Takln''.rire- active' remeiiai Ulcr Taklne principle of ea.h ingredient la thoroughly extracted by my new fflctlioil of dUtilline. iirodoclni.a dellcloua. n- hlieratlng apirit, and the moct INVALL1ULSI remedy lor renoraUng Hie dineaaed ayttem, and rea'orlng 'lie tick. inrTerlng and deMlitAM INVALID to HEALTH aod STRENGTH. ' itici.eanvs XTiifcN trust:! iiv. cost V711I stti'iliy core LITER COMPLAINT, DUSPSrSIAj ' JAUNDICB Chronic or Nervoue Delilliiy, Diteaaes of the Kidney, and all dieaaaeaariilne from a diaorriereJ llrer or Hloro arh, Dyipepaia, llearilinm, InnvU Pile a. Acidity or 8lok neaa of the Stomach, Pullnta uf blood Id tlie Mend, Dull ain or iwlmmln-T In the tisn i. I'ali lation OJ The liesrt 'ullneator Wclnht In the Stomach. Sour Erttruuioni Oboklnr or anffocatlnir feelirs wlwn Irina ilom, Drvneai or leiiownettur tne bkiu ana t m. nivni owcatt.; jo warq reren. rain in ine email oi ire nr.. Client or eiao Sudden f luthct of Heat, Deprestlon of Bpiiitt, Priehtfn Dreamt, Laorunr. Deanoodency or any Nerrout Dltaate Sent or Blotrhee on tbe kln, and Pever and Airuc (oi vault anil rover.) Over a Million ol nottlea Have been told during tho lut tlx months, and In no In atance hat It failed lu giving entire eatlsfactkn Who, then, will euffarfrom Weakr.eaa or Debility ccn Mc- LEAN'S BTRENUIHENINU CORDIAL will cine you? no laneuaire can convey an adtxiuaie idea or the imrae dials and almoet ndraeu lout chanire produced by tultinn uiu uortilal in the diecased, debilitated and ibattrred nervouatyatem, wheUier broken down byexcete, weak bv nature, or impaired by ilckneat, the relaxed and unatrung vigauixiHion u reawrrj to lie pnjiine neaita ana vigor. niAniElTOlt PERSONS, Or ether, oontclont nf inability, from whatever caute. win and AlcLean a Btrengthentng Cordial a thorough regenerator of tbe micro. : and all who mar have Inlnred inemteiret py improper Indulgences, will End in the Cor disl a certain and ipccdy J'o tke LaOina. . , . McLean's StreMlheiiiuo I'tjnlial It a toverelgn and tpeedyenre for M CI PI KN T t;0 SfJ M PT ION , W II I T ES OlietructeJ or Dlffimilt Menitroatloa, lncontlncuoe of Urine or Inroluntery PljcharRe tliereor. Falling of the Womb, Qlildlneai, fi. In ting and all Diaeaace inoidcat to remaloa. ... , . . , ' ' There Is no Ulstakd About It. Suffer no longer. Take It according to Direction!. It willttimulate, tlrengthen and Invigorate you anil came the bloom of health to mount your cheek araln. Every bottle la warranted to give ealia'.actlon. ' FOB CniliDKEN. If your children are tickly. puny, or afflicted, McLoan'i Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay net a moment, try It, and you will be conrlnccd. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. OaoTiow. Bermre of DruggiiUor Dealers who may try to palm npon yon some Bitter or Saraaparlllatraai, which they can buy cheap, byeeylni It it j oat at gooj. Avoid inch men. Aak lor W sLcaa't Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing elee It la tie only remedy tin I will pnrify the blooi thoroughly aud at the aanie lint strengthen the system. One tablespoonful taken every morning failing, It a certain preventive of Cholera, Ohillt and Pever, Yellow Fever, or any erevalent dieeaace. It la nut un In bottles. FrliironlySI per bottle, or 0 bottle for 85. ' , , t - J. U. Mul.SAN, Sole Proprietor of this Cordial, : ' Also McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment. Prtrclnal Dernt on th'- corner nf Third anil Pin iImmIl Mo. ' McLean's Volcimic Oil Linimcut. The belt Llniirent in tho World. The only safe- ar.d certain cure for Cancers, Piles, Sirelllngs and Bron chitla, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weukneaa of tin Muaciee, Uhronio or InHiunmatorv Uheumatiim. Sllif- neet of the joints, contracted Musclea or Ligaments Earache or Tootliaehe, Brnifca. Snraint. Wounds, fresh Cats, Ulcen, Eever Bores, Caked Breasts Bore Nipples, Bums, Scalds, Bore Thoat, or any Intlomnmtion or Pain, nediHerence how severe, or hoe long the disease ma? have existed. . HoLean a Celebrated Lin'uncnt is a cer tain remedy. Thousandt oruunauj belngt b-ive beenUved a life ol decrepitude and misery by the ue of this invr.luaMr. mol cine. McLEAN'S .VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almoet Instantaneouslr. and It wll clean te, purify asd heal the foulest sores in au inoredi ly snort time. , For Horse and Other Animal. McLean t celebrated Liniment It tho onlv safe and re liable remedy for theeure of Spavin. Rina Bone. Wir.d gnlls, Splints, Unnatural Dnmpt, Nodes or Swelllnpi. It never rail to cure Big iieaa, roll avn, Vistula. Old running Sores or Sweeny, if properly applied. Por Sprains. Bruises, Scratches, Bores cr Wcundt, Cracked Heels, Chares, Bftudle or Cellar Galls It ia an infallible remedy. Apply it at directed, and a rare la certain in every lottanoe. Then trifle no longer with the mane worthless Linl mentt offered to you. Obtain aauoolv of Dr. McLean', celebrated Liniment. It will cure you. -J.II. fllcl. HAW, Sole Propiiel.-r, Corner of Third and Pine Streets, at. Lnui.. Un Por tale by ail druggiite. Sor tale by-- HOCERTS k SAJftJBL, augM-dfcwly , Coluiabut. Ohio CAUADI&.N & UNITED STATES SAIL STEAMERS TO AND FMOiri ONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, ' ' and ' NEW YORK. The Montreal Ooean Bteamshlp Company's first class ii-powereaurvae-nuiii steamers tan every sat relay from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and Called States Unit and paasengera. NORWEGIAN. . ,. NORTn AMiniOAN, bohemian, anglo-saxon, north briton, hibernian, Canadian, novabcotian. Shortest, Cheapest and Qnlckctit Cou veyanee ireiin AatEBICA TO ALL PASTS 07 EUBOFE. Kevtea of Paeaaae to ICurop, - - 830. SGG, $80. - Will aall from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday. from QDBBEQ every- Saturday , fulling at Lunuunuiaai, to receive on Board ana uuio malls ana Paasengera. to and from Irelaad and Scotland. . - . - ir yibeae Bteaaters are built of Iron. In water-IIeht compartments, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every attentloa Is paid to the eom'ort and acoommoda. tlon of paasenrers. As they proceed direct to LON DON- DEBT, the ileal risk tod delay of calling at St, John's itavoiaea.. OUtsow patsenstrt are farnlahed with rata nasaure Uckete u and from Londonderry. . Keiarn Uckeie irsnlod atredmd reus. . . .' OertUoatee iasutd for earrying to and brlnelne out nat- seneen frem all tho principal townt of Arret Ilrllain and Irelana, at reducim ratea, oy inn line af steamers, and the WASHINGTON LIN OE BAILING PACKETS, leaving Liverpool every week. r . Sight Draft far A"i sand upward pay-' aeieinr.n(ian, ireiana, nvet ' . ' land r Wales - Tor nassaire. annlv at the Office. S-l II HO A II. WAT, New York, and 10 WaTKU ST., Liverpool, . - EABSL KEA&XE, trsaeral igeata, Or to- RJ ARMSTRONC, ' BOlO lya&w tatetantD OfflcC, Colnmbui, Chti ' T WM, KtaAallt .Si CO.', wO'i AT THFIH NfcW SAI.I-S-atb-- 1. SOOM,XOi ISO SAJ.11MVXS ST.,& j - FOB. 1, 1, 9 and T . ETJtAW STEET , vner ror aaie uieir ceieoratea GOLDEN MEDAL, w "".-''' " GRAND , PIANO-FORTES.- . Seine hlihlv recommended by the flrsl Profvnort and Uuaical Amateurs of the country, and Vaunr L,'! i fstt ..-m i ' Tht not faitldlrtu cutonte)r naty relj upon, bvint as. l!l 1 - SELTZER A WEBBTEll, Agenla, , oct98;Iydw, , , Columbua, Ohio. -rrr- T Einplojrmentv,,; rTHK aiTBSCHIHt-.ltw, DEALING IW A a Htaale Article, will famish emptoymenl to a tew aoura men to act as a recta tor tbeir Bouse, a preference will be given to that who are well acquaint ed la the district for which they apply. ror waioa servne taey are willing to pay a saury of Croat , , , , , , ,j r. $800 , to , 800 1 par 'year, atd Izpsssss. Tel further nartleular addrtu I'-. "T TTCB- MOKEHOTJEX A CO. 1 a aim , .uiajip, cmw, , -Jersey'Olry, M . i. ,f , T! - aril0-d3m- W11SK HiAlXA14 BSASAAUfcSj, UU'AU White sad Black, Just received at ytt , . 1111, f Scrofula; oi- King's Evil, is ' a eonStituti0n1 diiwnsp, a corruption of the blood, by wliiili this. fltij,l vitiated woax, anil poor; Behiff in the pcrvndr tliu whole body, and may burst out m dweaje on any part or It. , N organ ia free from its attacks, nor is there one Tvlucb. it may not dc3troy. Tho scrofulous taint is varioualy caused by nicrcurinl diaeose, low llvine;, dis orckred or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and lillliy hahits, tiie depromanr vices, and, abovo all, by the venereal infection. Vliat eycr bo iu origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto tlie tliird nnd fourth-generation ; jndeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I u- v,wl,t, tlw 'n'qwi of the lathers span their children." . . Its effccU commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In the lungs, liver, ond internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the elands, aval the surfucc, eruptions or sores. 1'hU foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of fife, so that scrofulous constitu tions' Hot Onlv Buffer from acWntnn. plaints, but they hove for less power to with stand tho attack of other diseases; con so- . ciuently vast number perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, ore still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates tlie human family has its origin directly m this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of th liver. IrUnm h,v and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from cr oro aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our neonlo n ari,a . their persons are invaded by this lurking In action, ond their health is undermined by it X , , , "Ulu 1,10 symera we must renovate the blood by on alterative medicine, and in. yigornfe t by healthy food and exercise. bueu a medicine we supply in AYER'S oiiipomid Eitract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual romcdV wlilch tlio merliil skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing nnd fatal malady. It ia com bined from the most active remediols that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tlie system trom its destructive conaponrn. ience it should be cmnloved for the mir. of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from iL audi na Knrrwxrvs and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Tike, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, rusTctEs, ulotcues, ULAiJts nnu uou.s, TUMons, Tetter and Salt Riieuk. Scald Head. UiNawonu. Riieimatism, SvpuaiTicandMEncuitiAL Dis eases, Dkopsy, DrsPErsiA. Deiiiliiy. and. indeed, all Complaints awrino rnoM Vitia ted ou iMi-unr llr.oon. The popular belief in " impurila oftht blood - is founded in trath. for scrofula is a degeneration of tlie blood. The particular purpose ond virtue of tills Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate tliis vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible m contaminated constitutions. Ague Oiife, FOR THE SPECOY CUBE Or Intermittent Fewer, or Fewer and A erne, Remlttcttt Fever, Chill Fever, Duanb Acue. Periodical Headarhe. or Itlllnna IleadacUe. and Ililione Fsvin. iaj for the whole claas ofdieeaeee orlinat- .g nuiury arrinnrmeni, reased UV the Malaria of Mlaamatto Conntriee. Wc aro enabled here to olTer tho commnnify a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless m ny quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in distriris where tlicso afflicting disorders prevail. 'i'lii: "Cit.b" expels tho miasmatic poison of Fevsu anu Aorrj from the eystcm, and prevents the do vclopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is r.c t oUy the best remcdv ever yet discovered for I his oa of complaints, but also the cheapest. Ihc larfro quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Aoub prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure ana protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Ir.termittcnts is that it contains no Qiriuino or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. 'I hose cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had tlie disease. lever and Affue is not alone the consequence of tho miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irTitnlion, amontr which aro Arciraiii, 11teumatUm, Gotif, Headache, Wind nets, 'loothache. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Vol pilation. Pain fid Affection of the Upkcn, JlinUr ic, rata in lm JioiceU, Colic, Parahjsit nnd De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " Cuh b " expels the poison front the blood, snd consequently cures them all alike. It Is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. . If taken occa sionally or daily whilo exposed to the infection, that will be excroted from tho system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen iilto dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protco tion than cure, nnd few will ever suffer from Intpr. mittcnti if they avail themselves of the prelection this remedy aft'onli. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Kasa. ROBERTS k SAMUEL, Colambns And by Drnrrttttand Dealers everywhere. Dovwiya.iwetw MRS, - WINSLOW, experienced Nam Mad Femtle Phrtlckn, pretecu w aim cHtBULiua oi mouicn. nor SOOTHING S i'RDP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING." 4 U Which greatly facilitate! tbe proeeet ef tee thine, by ali ening the rami, reducing all Inaaouaalloa wli 1 allay alu rain and spasmodic action, at,d la - .4 SUIIE TOItEGULATE TBE UOWtlS. Depend upon tt, mothers, It will girt rest to jonraelves and - r . , KELTEP ARD HEALTH TO TOTJB UFASli. We bare pat an and sold thrs article for orer ran ,hm. and CAN BAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH, of It. what we hare never been able to say of any other snedi clne NEVEtt DAS IT FA1LBD, IN A SINGLE INST- AniK, to asrsauT A CUKE, wben timely need, nev er did we know an Instance of denattafaeiioa by any eae who nsed It. On the contrary, all are delighted with Ite operations, and speak ia terms of csenaaendatloa of Its magical eoeete and medieel virtue. We speak la this matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW j" after ten yeare' expe rience. AND PLEDGE OCR REPUTATION fORtllH ULILLMKNT Of WBAT WE HERE DEOLAKS. Ia almost every Instance where the infant it taacrlng from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In Siieen or twenty mtna tea after theDyrnp ia administered. This valuable preparation at the preaerlntloa ef oee ef the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES lo. New England, and hat been need with NEVER fAllM INtt SUCCESS In THOlTHANflS r CASKS.- ' It not only relieves the child from pain, eat lovljor. asts the stomach aad bowel, corrects acidity, and giree tone and energy I the whole system. IX will auaeat b stantly relieve GE:P;BO 15 THX BOWELS, ARO WIN a COLIC and overcome eonvulil-ma, wkioh. If not speedily reme died, end In death. We believe it th BEST and BUR- bbt KBUMDi IN TUB WORLD, la all ease ef DVB BNTERK and DIABRUffiA IN CHILD REM, waether It arista from teething, or from an other eaaae. ', would say to every mother who has a child raftering from anyof the foregoing complaints IK) NOT LET TOUR PREJUDICE! NOit TUB PREJUDICES OEOTUKRd Hand between yoe and your eullering child, and the iwi ujaiaiurjeouaa ye. AHMbui'Ki,i BUHat te rouow me as oi tnts medicine, n ttssety ate, roll di rection, for asiDg will seomay eerh bottle. None renutne units the faeimile ef CURTIS A FEKK1NH, New York, It en the ouuiu wiapper. ... I Bold by all Druggiatt thiwighoul th world. - ' Prlvclaal Office, IS Cedar atret N.V. PRICE ONLY 95 CENTS PER BOTTLE, oerJ7-dwlv. - ' - ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. 'rHErOLLOWnCIUKflBWf,RB 1 made In ti.e the ellcere of this Bank, J senary rDth, IH6I, to wit: Wat. A. Pltt, President, and Tooeut ' Moonia, Cabler, vetifned their ofuoe. Davie Tatm. Bsq., was the elected President and Wa. A. Putt ap pointed Cashier. ...... Br order or ine vura of Director. - I febt, IWI-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Cashier. UF.SHI KIEHLEH. riatt ot Mtaloa's Etrablisbment, N. Y.,) Foprletor th New York fashionable Doaring, Hair Catling Bhampooirlng, Curling and Dreeting Saloon, East Btal street, ever tb . poat OlBce, wber eatlttacUoa t be given In all tbe various branch na. Ladig u . Children's Ualr Dressing don lath beet style. iri-i