Newspaper Page Text
M il H ' v ; n ii tt (11 I ..lit d-U .tv. ABPTO'BSTpIffi u U :v..;i'.. ; '' ' - ,. JUST RECEIVED BY i IfoJ 30 North High Street, A.W viOWOj thLeiSttudBSt Selected Meeit .J 1 or f VBR OFFERED M THIS CITY! '-. J.- : - ' iu.U flocsf Builders' Furnishings ill lit V 0FBV1RT fltTli AMD QUALITY.- ate.M .'.ooM : Frames A-American Miiv.LJLl-ll lo'w." ; .'-'." ' " " ' .m- X7Tlxxa.ow 'Glnea ! . l;lr t) imot f " I ' "' ' ' :tJirf OBOBJID IN OIL, k:-"nd pav iV halfpcnnd cans "tar family a, and Dry i:J JillM .:M ! iHfc.UlBk.lll.. Jrusesoi every variety & quality. ul P)nd';i A-ortmeat of ' ' VMACtSTS TOOLS. ! aSft Mfi. $ATERI ADS. . .ny'j s-.f.utf ri: ,mWi .AXES. GRINDSTONES, &to. . , l.GVN?, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ac nt - isHINO TACKLE c . . i ROPE A CORDAGE, jLfetfj&R.UNP INDIA RUBBER 3 rJ ( BELTING. t V'itaiU.AtJLS, PUMPS, ,; u..i. i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, .AJ :' ... tx ECyTHK A , ' " ' , ' :' U i It Tvl " .'' ." . .iT .SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS ;,T)blVana Pocket Cutlery. ' 1 - etpvclatry lnvtte the attention of U Intereeted 10 ''?-Ik if Packet snd TaM CotUry. and - ' I. ti'. MLYF.H fLATEft FOKKS, Tabie, Desert,1 -aiid Tea Spoons, .Butter Knives, fcc. 'bI KCOKKRI Jk EnO'S. UAbufactan, iinuM tobt '' tilhTy, tlectra flled,on geaulu AHtU. .' ' CoaDlry UrchnU, Mcnhaulrj, and other, ir laTtted to ettl ud cuvmlo my ttock, ulu prepMcd to tell Wholewl tod Retail. WDI. A. UII.I. OoIubUu, Ohio, Wl B. U v Wholesale and Retail Depot for v- FAMILY GHOCERIE: , No. lOta ; .Sdntik : High i treet. iJ '."''.'.'..'J'iTliEALER IN ' ; -TEAS, " FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, . ; . IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES '" - Dallr Arrival at Coeds For 'the r Fall and . Winter Trade ' : i Of 1860-61. - n7l,S-UMMlMCIIIIMCCKETfIANKtl i TO flit: Pl'Ul.lC lor patt faroi and patroa He, andMnf Dl.TEHJtintD to JBtBlf " . nllanml.c uf tm, bf BtriCt altChtloa f irada. and prompt dellwety- ml Gaatle I wool nil the Bailee of the publte to the bet that hatn tl,ai( and well tteleetet. tacit on haad. aadbrinf to dally reotlpt of gooda froa the differ ent aarketi, I Batter bjkK thit I can offer to the ettl wm of Colaabu. or to uy who Buy detlre to parol, aa aaortaent of arUcIci appertaining to the GROCERY tnde, UN EQUALED by aoy houa la the city. Tb brie and quellty of the good oflerej, I guar alee tm gftva aatiaf action. . : Goods Deliyered Free of Charge. iwTirt. . " wm. McDonald BaltLuiorc Clothing Hoase. BAnrcraBt a waoiauta Kctua M READY-HADE CLOTHING, - No. 303 W, Baltimore-street, , 4 ,.. (aaiwaai uiam ax aowaaa,) ' - BALTiaiOME, fflel. A Large AMrtKent of Nee & ToreUhlna; Ooodj ConatanUy n Hand; -Oomny - jas. at. TB.B. WM- H.BE8TIBADX. M'KEE & RESTIEAUX, G-HOOBRS " 4fD .PRODUCE t DEALERS, Na. 3 Marin II lh Street, i t ii 1 ;' ft ,. OOLDMSng, OHIO, 'ttaveon hand at .wbolemte Jtl lad Krtall, f INKHT STArLB OHOCKBIES, nirik. SALT. TB A. COrPKI, BUOAR. TOBACCO, BBOABd, Ktw . re. Oar Block ha been porch ued In Setra CHIe dartnf the Panic, - - and oat nata radearor will bo to offer Inducement to UASB B which r not ezctled by any iioum la .V171JLUo,xxa.. ja.- OllJL AGRICULTIJRALWAREUOtJSK And Seed 3tore, J 111 GEnEHAL HARDWARE, ' HAILS, OLA BS, BA8B, HJItT. COHDAfll, . i aae riaiala Waaa Wlllaw Ware, LaotbaraaA Bataar Boltlaf, lao Leather, Hoe and raekta. ont-oiy G. DOYLE & CO. - Mannfitctorers end Wholesale Dealers la , I BOOTS'AND SIIOES, ..f SottliteaBt Corner of High Bad flay Sli.', - Wo. co, . J roi.uw BVUfU-f ..,.'!.:. .01110. ' "A area Bucft of tin and Sup I flood ea aeod." ,R ,r, SUNDRIES. ' .'. : FARINA, ' t TAPWOO, giK i ' : i ' 'Arrow Koot, KiotPtoat eNeb Oat Hetl a PMrtBVh.W M.l.i t HplUPewii. 3 CriedUt . . ;- , Ohocolato r i i , 4eo. ' ' Bmaa,tcV' ' Dm Tartar, Soda --J fir Prn ' """" Brollee Kaliial ! Break Toaatoe Wnh Caoa'd Pralleaf erw dtantpllawr , ; Jellio M ,a.l; 'A ' - , ,, iTnrtDaEtracMofallklr.i ki.i . " , Uua Uto,.,; MiwdOeadlea; s. . i r. i jlluioi..l, rilhrrl,Pecua Naht, ; '"" ... Augl.jh Walaata, Braeil NuM.ote, aia , ... ... , WM AlolKKALD. p LOVER HSj'.KIH. ?:. :v,i .u'k. v.,-"--'', t ' "' -"lil - IKIFi PEACIIE9II In etore for ale by w ...i ii 'in: .1 '."'''" 1 ' "JfCKEf A HbSTIIJACX, ., 61 1860-61 61 1860-61 Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati fin r"'1 p i' " i1 " t.irtnrni -..- - -J RAILROAD OoaDMtlBf at OratllM with the 1) Pittsburgh, Fort "Wayne & Chicago ' "t ..' HAILHOAD ' ," '. ., , For PltUburgb, Pbiladelphlt and Baltimore; Alto for r ort Wayne ana Lblcago, ; -1 .. OoodkHdi at ClOTtUnd with tho j i ; Lako ' Shore Railroad For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, Boetoa and New York. ' "..- TWO TBAIIf 9 DAIL.Y (exoept Bandar) froa Oolomboti'ln oonaacUun wltA Xraloa oa Uw . LiUle Miami k Colutnbtu Y Xenla Rallroada. ,' tIRBT T&AIH. KTOHT KTPB.IB8 LeaTM Oolaubat at B:SSa. a. win ... k1 .11 ma smith nt Omlllall top at Delamra. Ashley, OardlnxtoB. flllead and at alt inn. North of OaiUon. arriTlDi at OUretand at tUM a. a.. Danklrk 4:lp. a.. Bunwoouo p. a. .new ion 18:03 p. a.. Bolton p. a., riUMmrgn vtm vreevw llneS:tO a. a., rblUMipna i.w a. a.,uniogo wta Oimfton U.-Ou p. a. Alto oaoniotinJ at tholbgr for all point oo the Sandunj, Maiuneld ex Howard Hmllruaa -. 8I00ND TBAIM. MAIL AND UFBI8B Uare Oolaabu at fcW p. a., will stop at all autlon eouth of Shelby, and at 81 a. Mew London, VelUoRlon, tiraTtoB and Bona, arrlv Ib t Cleveland :5Up. a.. DuolOrk 1.0U a. a., Bafilo 4:35 a. a., Now Toik 10:UO p. a., Boeton 18.-S0 a. a., PlttAKh via Oreitlln 8J0 . a.. Philadelphia VIW p. a.. Ohioaito wia Grafton at 10:30 a. a. Alo oonnocUat Sheik for all point oa tUnduiky, aluufteld fc Newark Biilroad. ' : i Patent Sleeping Cart are ran on all Higbt Trains to cnioago, mew xori and Boiton. rr Baoaaae Cktektd Tkrtuai to Neto York aatf Butium Clttland, U t PkiUuktpkU, New York m CrttthM. uttjkniho. ' Niaht Ixprt arrlTe at Oolnaba at 1:30 a. a. Cincinnati KapnarriT at Ooluabo at 1:41) p. a. Fare aa Low as by any other Route. Aik for ticket OraatHn or Cleveland. I. 8. FLINT, . . ' Boper't, OleTeUnd. Ohio. JAUII PAtTBRSON, Agent, , ,,, JnnelS Oolaabu, Ohio.- RAILROAD CENTRAL OHIO R . R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This U tie Only Route offering a Thraagb Ticket dk Baa;(aia Ctaeck ta WASHINGTON CITY; i And tk only mk vMng to tht fattey ft . privUto of tiMing Uu Otitt of Balliaaara,Pnila4elplilakNewVark, At tbe coat of a Ticket to A fork oaly by other Li. TWO TBAItiS LI ATI COLUMBUS DAILY Sundays Excepted. EXPRESS AT 3:00 a. a., atopplng atall Btatlon apon dgnal being given, arrirlng at aVllalra at B.S0 a a., eonneeUng unaedlately with train on Xlio Baltiaaara Uhia UailraaA luitaM. Waahineton Olrvand the Boath, and Phi ' adelpbia. New York, Botton, and the tut. Alio with train oa th PENN8TI.VAMA CENIBALi ' rla Wheeling a. Pittiburrh a B.,for Pltlabarah, Ilar riihargh, rSllUelphia, Sew York, Boeton and the But. ti.i. Ml. aian eonnectiat Newark with 8- a. a H. at. B.. and at ZanuTill with 0. VV. m, 1. R. E. (or Lancas ter, Ave. MAIL AT 8:40 p. a., atopplng at all Station apon ! nal being giran, arrirlng at Kauu at Ue40 p. a., eun parting ianwdutaly with train on Toe Baltimore Oalo Railroad for Baltimore, Waehingten City and tb Boath, and Phil adelpbia. New York, Bo. Ion. aud the laat. Aloe With train on tu PENNSYLVANIA CENTBAL, . wv.iin and Plttibnreh B. B.. tor Plttabart b, Har- riibnrgh, Philadelphia. New York, Boeton, and th East. Thi train alio connect t ZanMVllle with 0. W. A I. B. ft., for Laccaitar, Ao . TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, ; ' CAN DEPEND UPON r j. Quick Time and Sure Connections: Aaiu Trai 3bim Auowtaroa afiAta. SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS Ask for Tickets via Colnmbns and Wheeling. lor farther biforaatloa and TVouflA TlcttH, apply all, L. IK)HEBTY,TicketAtwt,UnioaAvBot... j a. J. JBWBTI, Preaidant,ZaDeTlia. . f JOaH W. BROWN, ... botSS fteoeral Ticket Agent, Colambo. ; BALTIMORE AND OHIO TIP"" RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. rrERMIBim AT - WASHINGTON I ikiiiumM the Ba,L and Whoollu, Bonwood end Parkersbarg on lb Weet, at wnica pi it with Raliroade, Btatauri, Ac, for and from all point In th .,-.,...-- . -. , t Weal, loatl.Tra.aAa Narla-tweet. THREE TEAISS DAILY r FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. Thl a th only loato to ITaahlngtoB City hammkf thl root eaa rUlt Baltlmora, Phlla delphia, Nw York nd Boaton, at tb coat of a ticket to Boeton alone by other line. ' Thmn.h tick a u to th Caatem dtle oaa be proearad tia Waahisgtoo City at aa additional oaargoof t twedol- a.Lm n .mm lnrvn va .Li tfiaarr TaAna. Timtat qvict and far at lorn atria aay efAer Inquire for ticcot Tt Baltlaor and Ohio Railroad at aw of lb principal Railroad ofSe hi the Weet, - J . H ULLIVAM,een'IWatTO Agent, , , . . .... . Bnj.riatOhlo. - L. M. 0011, OeneralTloktt Agent, W. r,8MlT& MarTraapaaa, oetS6-U. .o , ' ; t BaiTuaoaa, Md IMPORTED GOODS.;' TITT IIKI1EIVED4. c. -- ' 1 el en easea ItalUd Oil. Barton A Co., for table Oa lO Wrench atntard. faTorita braad: a 4 ft Boned Bardlawa, tb BEST Bardiaea larptd efCaperaaadOUro. - 1 : Vahia funee "Lea A Perrin' Worceeter ehire," 'goyer' Saltana," "John all,' Barray," "Beading." -Walnnt and Toaato Oatanp.' ' 10 " 14 doe Oroa A Blaolrwall'a cefebratcd tngtleh Piekle. onttln( ofOanllflowwr," . aalilt (Ihawhow." -Welant," KM , n, 'HJabbaaw,'' Ban,' "Uaerk'" MiiPtcklea. ' London Porto. ' ' " ' Campbell', celebrated Scotch Al. t , : , i IllnHf Preeerrea. . '.jtjv BO 10O 9 1 box Italiaa Macaroai.and taraacllla. O emee Goxe flelatin. Coleaan'a celebrated Bogllah Murtard, In keg, boxea, can and bottle. ao27 WM. MoDOKALD. E.v r.TCOLLISTERr Wkalraala anA Metal! Dealer lt . TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS PIT S BURGH, Pa. Keen aaelaatlf J? mm All tae wv rioaw aaaannun a Im pxLZwirtodL OlBaxa Oct. wi ije . . . . i Laces and Embroideries; ALENCIENES, BALTRSE tc POINT ,.nii.raajA Bella. French. Pa.ber and Thread Las Tela, (now pattern ) Waltnclenr, Thread ana Point Lace,, Embroidered Collar. Sett, Trlmmine and Bklrte, lioee aaroe ua uonam, rnwavmcu Sett and CttO,Rmbroidrd OolunandOaffaneta. frMt He- , South High Street. SmOKINQ TOBACCO,"" , . ... .'. ' ' -.'Yi , Saperkw Oriental, , '.( B f in Ketr, . - "' .v f oar Aeaa, (nrtra) . ' ' i" . .. Aaeilcao Shag, . ; . Burd'eBy,(0nloe)1": la parkani; alw. Kentucky So cat In Barrel and half barreu, a .-a -or ar fc gi'gifj j ATJt , febll 5H, Blaloeaaa BaUdlng M1 1U MtJTTBi TIOTOaiBlB andODfPB w are bow aelling at ry row prtcee, iim au ouierunaa ran. , JrltT.1"'-." detll. wo, wpoawntgn w. .ft i- . i. . v . - - - - , ,STI tv vl S1IH11 ii NW16; JS & 40, North; Bigh St. ' INCREASED FACILITIES I A. fl AVI NG ,M0VED .INTO HEW;BTJIIDING, i i " .1 aC.' 1 HAVI (, .... , .... nMr.-7H."i '- BOOK 8 JOB -DEPARTMENT! - WHILE BOTH' HAVE BEEN .1 - REPLENISHED 1 THR0lJ(3n0Uf wiTflrr New, Types,. Borders, fonaihents, ; &c : ; FROM THI C rXHBEATID f QONDBT Of o.;t; whjtb. co new . yore, . ZXW. MAKISa IT THB Most ' Coiaplete . Establishment ! - i v - IN THE CITY,,;: I am Bew prepared to Kzesate all Orders tor BOOK AND JOB PRIISTTINGh; WITH DISPATCH! And In the Most Approved style of the Art PABTIOULAa ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD ;;' INTINO. Bill al aUtdlatfa pircular, " Hill f leads, , - Blank, Deed - Certificates. ; , Hecelpta. 1 Uray Tickets, ', . SAegletere, HOW CW$ & BILLS If- (X)L0RS, , , CARDS, " HEADINGS, - mmoPEs, ' :. COMtRACTS. Illnstrated Sbow Bills, FOR COUNTRY MEROHANTS, how Bill, Hand Bllli, Lkbela, Ooaeert Pro f rammea, School and .College Schemes, Ho ; - .tel B11U of rare, , Invitations As. BOOli OF EVERY DESCR1TTI01. : v School and Col leg Catalogued, " . MUeslla-ieou PamphloU. -. , , . ... ConatitatloDA, JUporte, Irleta, Ae Printing - in Gold, and Colors pqsTBRa . ..' 't Prlntsd la STery Color a i UammhHoe Cylinder, ; the only Press of the kind In Central Ohio. My fadUtle for doing any nd aU of th atov deacrlp tlona of work, an now anaorpaaeed, and aatudactloa will b gnarasteed In all cae. TrTAU work furnlahed promptly by th time promletd. B40OARD NBVINB. JCOOatKI!IITO BT THJ. LATB SIR. ASTLEY COOPER, OP LOHDAW, AMD - DR. VALENTINE MOTT . , - or SBW TOOK. . . 1 . law ataowWdgod Beadaof th Profelon ta lthel ,.' ,ut . i Heralphara r. The beet Dittretio, Tonlo. end! Invigcrant.' The ruent Extract ef the . ITAXIAJSr fVmSW BHBB7. ; The Forest and. Moat Costly Gia x- tairc, - .. : 1 ' .... ; i i INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES,' 1 't iiirnLvnuLt. iv mi. givi-f ' INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THB "SAFEST ARD HOST . ' DtUUOUS otVtKAlit IN THI: WORLD. For BaJo, Plata And Quarta, by orary onggux, oroeer, or cottntrj ueroninc, LOOK OUT FOB BOGUS L O N D O N Or 1 N B THB OhTLT OEIfTJINB ABTIOU It CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL SIN -.! B. BALDWIN 5b CO ' ' a .. Importers, 91 Liberty St., . . f ' NEW Y( OBR. Bold ta Oolaabu by ' (..( 1 . . . . McKEB A BESTIBAUXj'i Whcleeale and Betall Oroecra, Stateeman Building. C. A. WAQNENkane otiwra. . In Olncinnatt, by BOIBB, XOKSI'AUI A CO., i j ..i.. ..-j . ndoibr. - ocSBMdAlyW IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS FOR CHURCHES, &C. American Cast Steel Bell or lallAIN BTBa-tTi' CINCIBrtATl, OHIO. HAT IN Q atly aud very groat Unpro-aaanta la what la called "Aaalaaa Veil,'! I beg to call at tention of corporation and Individual wkooiey want hell, to th. fact, that for lJ per ponad Loa tan leh good bell for any parpoee, mounted in auperlor ty I and warranted for twelve aonthe. ' Terma, cub, or ap pre-red eoto, payable at Bank, with In tare,: and exchange added. Jlemlttanee of money by xpraaa, moat lie In fand par at Cincinnati, and Oi errlag prepeld, a the alvprl6, for the quality of bell her. apoken of. ad. 3 '- iaerlcanCutBtMl Bell Work, decBw-Va ,1.7 Cincinnati Ohio. v-iawaiv nnvia BI I.Kfl. 1-4. . Hki,w im-aa ail.XH " ' " iiunv TIBRriA atl.EI Wm are now oforing osr lamen. tock erVaaeyAraa -i. Ih.a aaaa hatora offered IB til I City. TM attention of th adtee of thl city a.d vicinity l . .L"aiWCJ ...i . 'is':' rl e..;-- jx. j .i-f-'A ,Jt-ji . - - 1 tj;dA'l '' Court of Oommoa risks, muslin County, Ohio. AUrai kfaiw-aavaewf ': t. z t Xn.ParUUon. - , " Joht Ifawalal. '- ' ' bt pcnacANCE or tdb obder or .C. 7,"!. t lamed. I will offer for ale, at the door of th Court Houae, In th lty of Co. didu, unio, Dexweoo iue m. . . v v -i dSo'oloek,.H., 'H " Od'Thnrtdaf, the 11th day of April, 1861, th 'following deicrtbed real Mtete, altnat In Towoehlp, Iranklln county. Ohio, and ta Virginia Mill' tar Banes i Mo . SI 13. koanded a followai Berinn Ing at a atake and tw karaoke, ou theaet eoraer to lot e. 11, In J. 8. Smead'a eaiYey, HO. Olio, runnmg ww ..... a,t. ..rf ihre shiu oik, thenc worth 16 degree Weet B4H polo t two whit oehe end black, oak, the ace cut M polo to a Jak aear three whit oaka la the wt una oi atn wv. ra ' egree eut UX pole to th beguining, ooo.did, . ..1I.M. mam m l... Annralied t 1 Verm of aato one-third In band, X lnoneaaa x a m year, with tntareat froa day of aal,aaa paymsnia w bonredhyaoitgag.aprnuee. marche:itaiw it- ""'-' H. 0. NOBLB, itfr." , , ' : Master Cornnussioner'sSale. - PeleUah W. HantlogtoB k : V a -1 nl ' m -. (ii . B1 by order of Court., c TTanr. W. TlnntmB, et al J tt ' ' - hv ora-nfi-iac alV AN ORDER OF 8 A LI. t'S T . frnn th Oourt of Common Pita of Franklin eountyVOhio. I will offer for al at th door of Iks Court Hsaa, In th oily of Oolombaa, on SatordaT. the SOth day of April, A. D. 1801, between th hoora of 10 olock, A. M.. and 4 o'clock, P, W tV,. fll.l.. Aaedhovrl waBOal aYtftmCe niUftU in IDB UUUU lyf Franklin, and Stele of Ohio, towltt rjiot No-Bof ubd Irtalon of .al lot No. 3S,la th. city of Oolaabu. Ohio. Alan, a tract of land ta aectlon 10, ha'f-eeetlon 13 and 14, Townthip , range "' " - at the MDtr Of the UOinaou m. eniTun at the north-eait corner of a tract belonlng to Wilcox, .k..ut,i. i..-.i.fllmul north 70U d(I. eat 185 feet, eoath 0 deg. 40 mln. wert parallel with reel line of aid Wileoz'a land, ana iM ie toennivai. v- the north lis of tract belonging to luomee orv, .1.... ...k tin. ttt lurmiv land north ovdec. hi w.u w in lu Inlereeetlon ol eut Uno of ild WilooW lend, theno north 0 deg. 4 mln. eaatwlth eait line of aald Wllora'a, 3D 4-10 pole to tie beginning. Lot No. B appralMd at 11,000. . . ,, . Tract In ato. lOat 50ti. .... 0. W. HCSFMAN, Sheriff . Printer' fen SO 00. . and latar Uoamlaioner. march 15-dll4tw. ' ' Master; (Jommissioner's . bale. GuitaTO Bwan'a Bxecnton) " " ' ' " '". ra. Bnperior Court. - BaldaoMBdOiary.tal. BV VIRTUE OP AN OBDER OF BALE to a directed from th Superior Coart of Frank lio twenty, Ohio, I will offer for alo at th door of .the Court Uooaa, in the city ol uoiamooj, on Tuesday, tbe 2nd day of April, A. D. 1861 between th. hour, of 10 o'clock A M .and 4 o'clook P. M.,the following deaerloed irnl eiUte.tituaie in ine.eoua ty of Franklin, and State of Ohio, and city of Columbu,!U wit: lot No. 160, to be divided by a tin, to begin on the front lino of the lot , 31 feet oouth of th nerthweat corn, er; thence outwardly 37 feet on a line parallel with the north and aoath linee of the lot; thence northwardly S feet on a lio parallel with th out and wett line of th lot; thence outwardly 30 feel on a line parallel with the north and aoath line of tbe lot; thence northwardly 12 feet on a line parallel with the eut and weit line of the lot; thence eeitwardly on a line parallel with the north and eouth line of th lot, to the eut line thereof. Appri,. d at-Por tbe North part, fjS.MU. do. For the South part, BO.ilW. . ' ' 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, , . ' v. v (nd Uuter Commlniooer. Printer' fcee, 50. marchl-dltAw4w Sherifl"s Sale. Jamea Tucker and wife ve. " ' Common Plea. BIluL. Hughe. ) RV VIRTUE OF A WRIT or tKnm to me directed, from th Court of Common Pleal, Of Franklin countv. Ohio, I willoffer for aale, at the door of the Court Uouae, in the city of Columbus, on Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D. 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'elock, p. Al., the following described reel eathie, suuaie mine rtonniv of Franklin, and State of Ohio, to-wit: Lot Mo. SO In John and Henry Miller' Addition to lh city of Columbus. AppuiMd at 8900. ...... , . . U.. w. iiurrm an, onenu. -mhl4:dltw4w. "By In. BiVia, Deputy. Printer's fee $3. Sheriffs Sale. v.. Common Pleat. James 0. McCoy. " 1-tV VI HI UK OF A WRIT UF 15 to a. directed froa the Court of Common Pie, of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for aalt at the door ol the Court Bona, in the city ol Columbus, on Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D., 18C1, between the hoar of 10 oVIoek e. m. nd 4 o'clock p.m., th following deeoribrd property, altuate In th county of Franklin, and State of .Ohio, to wit: The Interest and estate of Jama 0. McCoy in Inlot No. 443, In th .li of Oolnmbua. In aald countv. hi estate being the re- matnojer in re. alter toe armuuvkivn -i uiv nw. Isabella McCoy, widow ef Bobsri w. Hcuoy, oeceuen. nA thaeauta of said Jaae 0. McCoy in aid eateta be Ing the a am which wa devknd to him by aald Bobert W. McOoy tn hi tut will sad tutament, which I of record In Franklin county, Ohio, Probata Court. . Appialaed at B,oue, . . W vj. W.HTJrnaj(,fcr.riff, aarchl3:ltdA4tw. By Ed. Davia, Dquty Printer' feee, 84 50. i Sheriff's Sale. Tb Slat of Ohio Union County Common Plea. W. H. Barey, t. al.) BT TIRTfJB OF A WRIT OF TEnDI to ma direetad from the Coart of Comaoa.Pleu of Union Connty, Ohio, I will offer for nl at th door of th Court itonu la in. city or commons, rranaun coanty, Ohio, oa Saturday, the 6ib day of April, A. D. 1861, between the boar of 10 o'elock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. Mth following deaorlbed real eatat. altuat in the County of Franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit: Lot No, two, (3) three, (3) and four, (4) la tbe town of Orove port. Appraised at Lot No. S. $3bQ CO r " 3, 40 00 4, 85 00 ' . 0 W. HUFFMAN. Sheriff, mh51tdA4tw. By Bp. D.vis, Deputy. Printer's fee 13,00. . - - - Master Commissioners Salo. Bernard Sheridan 8nperlor Coart. James Riley t al. ) -w T VIRTCE OF AN ORDER OF SALE B1 to a. directed from th. Buperlor Coart or Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for Ml at the door of tb Coart House, in th city of cot umbo ,.on Monday, the 1st day of April, A. D. 1861, between tb hour of 10 o clock a. a ' and 4 o clock p. a., th following described real estate, altnat In th oounty or rrankiln and Btat of uuio, to wit: Lot no. twelve, (IS) Is Bolllvant' Addition to th town of Frank. Hnton. . . .,, AppralMd at 8300,00. - 4 0. W HUFFMAN, Sheriff febS8-d)tw4t. and Muter Commissioner. Printer fee 83,00, .Sheriff's Sale--'- - , Bdgar Manning t v. -' Sal byordr of Coart, Geo. W. BroWn ttal. i,j . .';) . - j-.. ! 1 .'- ... BT VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to m directed from th Buperlor Coart of Frank- llo county, Ohio, I will otter for sale at. th , door of th Court House, la th city of Colombo, os Saturday tbe 13th day of April, A.' DM861, at 1 6'elock P M.. the following dcribd Heal Kstate, sltoats In th oounty of Franklin, and State of Ohio, to wlti Lot (Is. 83, la the lows of IIarribargh,ln ld App'ralaed at 9',' ' "' " ' i ? ' HUFFM AS, aerchU-ltdAttw . . -iW 8u.rlff. Printer' fee. 83 00. HUNNEWELL'8 - UNTVERSAL . T n COtfGJTREMEPY. t I For all Throat (ad Long Ooaplalnta, ineladng, with moot perfect iwsalte, Wsaerue Cocaa, Onomo aaa Ooaaoa Oaoaas, Beosnatas, aaa Taaoaw CanuiWTS, alwy forerannsis et Oonsamptioa. As a Boevane Bvscr It has no auperlor. jrreo rroa an uptst or Bmetie araperttAs, Bay b assd by most delicate oonstl tuviona, and with perfect confidence. t . i 1 r . . r HUNNEWELL'S - ' . . : CELEBRATED; ii ' : - TOLU ANODYNE. Tn aaaaTisT llaTi)kat OfUTS aver offered to tb world, containing not a psrticls of Opium, sor any tab stance but it strictly vegetable and medical properties. A sum Remedy for Naraui, RaaraaTua, Ootit, Toots ans Baa Aows, Oavasae, Ron a Bar Favsa, and all aloor Nervou Complaint. . ( -! Foa Lou or Buna?, and lieadacn in an la van ilea, Ithu no equal, and to which stoat undoubted Uatmonl al an offered . f r Foa Dauaioa Taama at asaaoet perfect remedy, lot Bowsx CoHrt-vurra, after removing th pain It acts u e phytic, a aoet important contrast with th conttip- 1. A.I- ' ' . TO Phe-nclane. Ponnnlu and trial Bottles will be sent, and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamphjel wlthoai !." ;.' , ... rreparea anuer tn special supervision ai . - .f . .. .. ..jllUlJI L. IIUNNEnELL, ' . . . . aunt aaa raeBMaiwrrrisrr' ' To Copiaslaj.laTLkf.loetoa, Kets To whoa plau slreot all exvaasuticotlone. , t , i Price Large Cough BeMdy,MeetB per bottle, f i Small " ,.,.,. "m l..- ' ;1 .,. - Tole Anadyn.,1 v.. , t.,,) , , . y, For ale by the asual wholeai and retail daattn, everywhere. ; .-. . . ' . RORBBTB A rHMCEL, . M. B. MARP1, - , JOHN R. COOK, J. M. DKN1U, i.t.4 DV-Nia A SONS., . A. J. 80HUBLLBB A SOJf, syl7-wly j) . . . i Agents for Oolaabu, Ohio. AFFLEal APFLEBI 100 bbl. Cbolc Apples received' eh eonsfm T- for ale by . 'McKBB A RaflTlKAUX, - n ! ,.i -if . .!)". ,7..'Aii:'it t'. ' " "" - "v, rr fi-.fvr--.-v -rr g J'g 1:', ' 8'.a, - j as ., .r1 .) . h " n 3 u Cr1 .i s. w : ! ' ' ' P-l ... j g . . ;t .- r B i .n,' "J. '' ' R H I i'd - 'J ! TrpI INTIH ATTENTION to ome.f th moit traorainary corn oy my , ; , , , ,, -,n PECTORAL 8YRTJP. ., ...... . u o . - , h, . at hnma. and cv one who hit doubt, can In qair. Of tn poraon woo nave ocvu u. u . T . i k. I, , SB. KHY8ER 18 PRBPAKP.0 AT ANT T1MK To feXAMIKIi LUNOS WITHOUT CUAHOK, FOK ALL T1I0SB WIIO NBBD UIo alEIIAUlJJIS. ' ATTBND TO TOUE'COLDB A calB of flyeyeari' .. .Lr.ii .VJ0.MO 1). nvnQ IT. BVUI'P. tanamK ourea aj vn. r-a.R.ik a i-viv..- - . ' .,: i i . . : '" ... . ( Pimttnaa, Jan. 11, i960. Da. Ktm: My wife bu been afflicted with a bad cough and dlfflcalty of breathing, for Bra or fix yean, whlr.h.rnr-Mreral veara beca. nao eraauaur increa-vaio Tiolence. The complaint hue been hereditary, and h had bean treated by aereral phyeiciana without any re lief. In thl iui of ber cue, I procured aom of your Pectoral Dough Byrup. . 1 bought, th nni tim, a nuy cent bottle, which relieved her very much i I then oalled and got a dollar bottle, which cured ber entirely, and lh ua now no traoa oi tne former uikbh, eacopk neae. . I would alio Hat that I need the medicine ay alf to a cold anil couih. The medicine cured me by tak ing one dot. I exprea my entire tatUfacllon wllh tbe medicine, and you are at liberty to publish thl If yoa dcilre to do o. na.n-.unuw. , ., Aia.rman Fifth Ward. ' ' PiTTie.aoii. Not. 18, 1858. Dr. E-T.nt : AUhouck not an advocate of Tatenl Medicine, in general, It afford a pleuur Indeacilba bia to recommend roar Pectoral Syrup. Aa a medicine It 1 well worthy the attention of any peraon who may in any manner be aOllcted with cough,, colde and boareeuen of any mna, ana tor we peculiar quauuuakiuu. ,ur iv moving all that diaagreeable aenaatlon attending a MM AllM . ... .... I I hava heen. mar or leu. In my life, affected with (he aevereat of cold and hoareeneei. At time my throat onld feeeorn ooloed a to prevent myipeaklng above a whiaper, and by taking a few dowt 01 the above Bjrup ittt-nuin relieve ma enure v. , . f ' . . ' . In reoommendlns tills medicine, I maat uclieilUtlllglv ay that it lethe beat remedy I ever found, purporting to cere Abe abov. nor (honld any family be without this remedy fordiaeaua ao prevalent, .j I years, most respectfully, KU UWABD J. JONES. , : Caahler Citizen' Dank. ' 1 STxtminTviLijr.O1, March 14, 1W9 I have need Dr. Keyter' Cough Sy rup for a bad couf of eeveral year (tending, and oan cheerfully ear it the best medicine for the tame that I have ever taken. - v , j. w.riuaa. COL. PRATT AND DU. KEYBRR'S PECTORAL BY HUP. Da. Krrssa Dear Sir:. Excuse the delay of my acknowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Cough Syrup sooner. I take great pleuur In saying that It Is all yon uy it I, it enoccra in note out of my covyn and the wont on I wu ever afflicted with: I have uot need more than one-half of tb bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are atllicted would give Itu lair a trial a I hava done, and they will bo proud to say, "It Is no quack medioine." l wonm not sutrer another aucn an attack for anv consideration, or at anv coat. I sra con. fldent I can brealli more freely than I ev-r dld.i 1 shall always acknowlede a debt of gratitud for inventing so excellent a remedy, you are at liberty to use my name in thl regard, a yon thiak proper - J9. r. fUATT, aleaaeoger Common Cooncll, fltubargn, ra. Pittsbargh, Uay 11, ltliK. -. . ' N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-citiaeni.and ' who entertain doubt can comnlt me penooally. ... ... ,"'' ; r. r. Prrraaoaaa, April 64, 1857. READ TBI TRtTtt.-Da. Ksv ua: I have a daugh ter who bu taken several medicines for a bad cough, without beneflt among them Arer'e Cherry Pectoral.-. I purchased froa yoa a bottle 'of your PBOTOKAL 8YKUP, and before she had used half s bottle aba wu relieved. The second bottle cured ber entirely of . her CCUgh. " JUHN DAKl-i, jvooioaon sireec, Aiiegueny. Pirreavaoil, December. SI, 1853 A GREAT CURB BY DH, KBYSBK'B mCTOBAL BYRUP. I live In Peebles township, Allegheny county. I had a eonghlng and (pitting, which commenoed aoout the 4th of February lut, and oonunued eigti: m-otn,, naptoyed th. beat pbyaicbtn in th country, and my cough continued unabated until early In October. At that tim I waa advised to try your l'KCTOBAL COUOli BYBUP.whlohldld, and after 1 had taken on bottle I wa entirely fro. from the eonghlng and (pitting. I had deaDaired of var retting well, and I think It should known that this valuable renedy will do for others what it hu don. In my case. juon u, Linii, . Witness B. Al. Haa. Peebles townhlp. PirrosTr..A3rlll4.1857. A WONDERFUL CURB. Some tun ago. an old neighbor of mln waa very HI, with a bad cough which very on supposed to b consumption. Hi relative told as that he had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; hi brower cam to see mm die, and all war confirmed In tbe belief that ha could not live had about the third of a bottle ol your Pectoral Bvrun which I gave him, and it entirely cured him, to the aston ishment of all. What make the case mora remarkable. I tb. extreme age of th man, ha being abont eighty years old. I have bo aouui in rccvorai uvea m me. , ... JOBAiN' Q1NNI8. DR. KEYBER'S PIOTORAL BYRUP IN ELAIRS- VILLB. Please send me another supply of your vala. able "Pectoral Byrup," Almost everybody around ua bu to. cold and are Inquiring for "Dr. He jeer's Pectoral Byrup." W have (old sixteen bottles lut week, and are now entirely out. Air. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of Blalrsviile, Pa , tell us tbey would not be withont It in their families. In fact, all who use It one want It again. Yours, respectfully, i. 8. WATTERSOH A 80NB JannaiySO, 1660. , , , - ., ANOTHER NBW CERTIFICATE DR. KEY8ER.' PECTORAL BY KU P. I had been troubled with aeough and cold tor several week to bad wa tt that I tonld sot sleeo. I had tbe advice and prescription from three thebestphysirtanstn tbe city, whom loouldname.butdo not do so. i nndiy proeurea a ooriie or your rectoral Syrup, which ured me entirely. signed, J. W. BIMONTON, 836 Liberty (treet, PltUburgb, Pa , J-0 1H60, . " ' ,Y'w: 'STOPTnAT COUoniNQ.'' 'How can I do III' "l to Keyset's oa Wood (treet and get a bottle of hi Cough PectoiaU and If that don't care yoa, yoar cue must b desperate indeed,". Tbi Is a specimen of th colloquy one bear slmost every day In (old eatobiog period of th year. And w can, irom actual experiment, ber fully concur In th adviser' admonition u abeva, for w hava tried the " Pectoral." in a Boat tabhorn cue. with stir tuooees. Near two wu (go w wait t Pittsbargh, with on of the moat aiatnsaing, contrary, Baalish, an subduable cough we ever experienced since our advent anon this mundan pnere. . n eougnea tteadiiy and leborloualy for on whole week, In hope of UHngUovt, bat It wu no go. An not u eeemea rawer to hava Lat nroved hv nractic. and to har acquired atreng th.Doton cy and dittrtttibUUy by the operation. In thia eugeof the liege, we eon ;bd our way tn Keywr', 140 Wood Bt. nrnrureda fifty ont bottl ef tb "Pectoial;') took II accordlog to dlreotlone, and in forty-eight bona we were muter of the field, th. enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with -ao formidable an adverury u Keyser'a famous "Cough Pectoral. jyn-rirsu iy yev, o, it, mow. . . ! . l - r--. ? DR. KEYSBR'S PE0T0RAL BTRUP I prepared and old by Dr- GKOKQM B. KEYSER, 140 Wood (treet, rittsbargn.ra. . -, Sold In Colujubot by ROBERTS A SAMUEL. TOOTIl ACHE ItEItlEDVi 4 ' ' A SXIRK CTJIUu I Prepared and soldty . Da.QE0..n. KBV8ER, 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, P'. ' Price, 99 osnt. JO Sold In Columbus by ROBBRTS tt SAMUELV' ocltawdttm. , j .vj :.t . W Master Conimissioner's Sale. . Jacob Bllbrnagle . :-.) ; u .. h r .ii .: vs. ., , Sale byorderof Ocnrt. . .1,, Ntohola Manrer et al.J BV V1KTUE OF AN ORDER OF SAl.lJ to me directed, from lh Oourt of Common Pleu, of Franklin Oounty. Ohio, I will offer 'for sal, al th door of th Court-Uouae, in tb city of Columbus, os , Monday, the 15th Jay of April, A. D., 1861. between th hoars of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clook P. M , tli following desorlhed real estate situate In th connty of Franklin and Stat of Ohio, to wit: No. two hun dred and thirty-four, (334) in th cily of Columbus, u numbered and designated on the recorded plat of aald etfy... .'.. 1 - AppralMd at 14,1X10..-. -iv. - ... . ., , 0. W. HUFFMAN. Sheriff, , march 14;lldA4tw , and ilaaler CpmmiuUoer. : Printer' Fee 3. ; ..' GOLDEN Jlllli M1IIKT8, UQLDKN HILL BHIUTB, I' .- i OOLDBN BILL 8I1IRT8. . L " The pattern of the shirts an Dew. Th Bodies, Yokes, eleeves and bosoms are formed to St tb. penon with ease and comfort. Th mark apon etehos designating th else may he relied on u being correct, snd each shirt I guaranteed well made. . A lull (took of all qualities aoastantly for (at at . ' BAIN'S, aoW4. ; '- nl V No. 90 Sooth High treel.T - tFsr ITIedlcal Prtes.'t . PURB BRANDDIES.WINEH.COKDIALB, ANDBIX tu, from ''Bonded Warthmia " .il I. IvWB. McBONALD,' '' I! Cd Boy?? , ., , .! 1 ; 101, Sflntli HHrb teH. BLACa. STRAW AVON NETS AMD EL gaot Ribbon, la great variety at -BAIM,(V of , .it ioUa.i.:x9 eoi-9i i" .t...'Miw al lv .rtn.nTfMif. iDISCQVESY OP ' THE AGE. IY1 hudluovandUoMofooroommonputujewoed s remedy that eare . , ;l I, ..,)),, Everv Kind of jUuxaor, The worst Sorornlit down to ft common Pimple. He hu tried It In over elvn hundred oae, and nor a. I.M-J . i. ,a hAth thunder humor.) He hu now In hi possession over on. hundred wrtUMaiesoi IK value, all within tw.nty auea woaion.- . Two bottlca are , warranted to ear e nursing sor On te tbn bottle will care the Worst kind of Pimple on th face. i 1 . Twa n. (hw. hnlllas will clear tne ayakcm oi Dim Two bottles an warranted to car. tb. worst canker tn th mouth or atomach. i .. ' ! . Three to five bottle are warranted to care tht wof" kind of Erydpelu. . -!' One to two bottlei are warranted to cure all humor In ttiaBaaa. . e 4 ',....:' .' . Two 4ottle an warranted? to ear rdnaing e th ears and blotches among the hair. . Four to (lx bone an warranteu to care corrupt auu rnnningnloen. "' .a. t , nu hntivjk win enm anaiv eTuoiion vi uie sain. . Two or thre bodies are warranted to cur the went kind of ringworm. - . . . -.... 1 . Two or thre bottle are Warranted to Wra lh aost aesperate cm. of rheumatism. " i rvn. in foni.hfttlaaaraerarrantefitocareaK'Rhenm Fiv. to tight butlUK will-cur. th. wortoapf (cro- A henent Is always (xperiencedrram in nrsi pom, a perfect cure Is warranted, when th above quantity la Tl.a M.n.M: The renntetion of th. Aledlool Die eovery, tn caring all kind of bumon, is ko well tstab Ushed by th. nnanimous voice oi an woo uavo aver iiu It ihat t naivl not aav anvthina on th subject. U the moat skillful physlclana and the most eanfnl DruggUt la Uie country are unanimous in it praiae. , In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I Aa II aillh hill kana-leilae Bf it CUratrvCTJOWer. In IS. lievlna all. and curing Boat of tbow dKeae to' which yeu are unfortunately so liable. ; That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, NtIH81N.2.MOJiSJ(OVTlS, j I cured u If by a miracle; your own temper 1 restored to Its natural aweetneM. and roar babe from ehort and fntfulnap tooalaand wel aluabcni and tb Medical Discovery becomes a lountain oi messing io your nusuau. and hoaehold; - In the more advanced ta(re or , , I Itextend toths stomach .causing ' v j j (JkHfa-.s-naAV. which Is nothing butankr on the atumach; then t the intesuues ana KIIINEYS ereatlhga sinking, gone feeling, and an Indllfercne. avss to the care of your family. , VMl..,Am..k II .' . ' 01 RAW AND INFLAiriED vonr food dlatraases voai end von cat) only tak certain kiuds, and even ol that your avium aoe not get nan the nourishment It contains, u tb acrimonou fluid of th canker eata It up; then your complexion lose It bloom and becomes allow and rreenlah, and pout beat dy I gone, yor want or nosnanaeni yoar system oe some Inoae and Sanby. and the fibres of yoar body b come relaxed Then follow a train of diseases which th Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to , - cube; 1 ' i - palpitation ox uie uoart, pain in tne siue, wcatkueiie o th spine and small of th. tack, pain of thbinjlnl when you retire, irregularity oi uie nowei, ana aisa, that moat cxcroclatlng of disease, in. V. I . i.: .. piles, ,,. , ;i now man thounnd of poor women are suffering froa this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door saigbbordoe not anow iiarcause. i wsn a Imnreaon vourtnlnd that wood old vmverh, "An ounce of prevention i better man a pouna oi care, in ma rrlEDlOAl. DISCOVER ., , I yoa have both tb preventative snd th ears, with this great sua good quauiy, tint iv win never, suave any circumstance, do you any injury. . I THB jnEpiCAL DISCOVERY I la especlaly Intended fcr diseases of th blood, bat sice It Introduction tn tb Western Slate, It Is found to be ttl.bSt AliUE It KITIED I thatwu ever befon the public ' i 1 No ehan ire ef diet ever neceuary eat the best you can and get enough of It. . Diaacnos rot ess Adult on table snoonfnl per d.w Children over ten yean, dessert (poonful Children from five to eight yeare, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable lo all conaltationa, tak. sufficient to operate ontnoboweiatwiceauay. - . ' , . v Yours truly, -.-., DONNALD KBHNEDT Price $1.00 per bottl. for y every druggist la tbe united state. - aepvi-aawiy. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR Ifl VIGOR ATOR An Effective,' Safe and Economical ' Compound, r)i..r., . FOR RESTORING GRAY-HAIR -. To It original color without dyeing, snd preventing th l xiair irom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNES3, And curing It, when there I th leut partlole of vitality : or recuperaurs energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF And all outaneon affection of th. Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nnequled glow and brilliancy, making It soft and silky la Its textara, and causing It to carl reaniy. ... Th great celebrity and Increasing demand for thl un equaled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial la only necessary to e&lufy a discerning public of it Bnperior qualities over any other preparation In aa. It cleanses th head and acalp froa dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causing th hair to grow luxuriantly, giving It a rich, toft, glouy and flexible appearance, and also, when the hair I loosening and thinning. It will glv strength and vigor to th root and restore the growth to hose part widen nav become laid, caoaing it lo yield taah covering of hair. There are hand red of ladle and gentlemen In New York who have had their hair restored by th tie of thi Invlgorator. when all oilier preparation havs failed. 1 kl. hu in lit potsruioa letter Innumerable testifying to th above facts, from peraon of th highest redaecta blllty. It will effectually prevent th hair froa turning antll th latest period of tile j and in cases where th hair bu already changed itsoolor, th as of the Invlgorator will with certainty restore It to it to its original hu, glv Ing It a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for tb toilet and a Atalr Hestorativ II I particularly recom mended, having aa agreeable fragranoe; and the great 4a. cilltie ttafiord lo dressing th. htlr, which, whea moist with tb Invlgorator, can fc dressed In ny required tons o u to preserve Us place, whether platnor la eorls; hence the grant demand for it by tbe ladle u s standard toilet article which none oQght to be wilhont,u the price plasw It within th reach of allrbelng ' Only Twenty-rivo Cents perbottl) to b had at a!' reejiedable Druggist and . i - ' :t vrnaassrf.. : L. MILLXR would call the alien lien of Piranlt snd Guardian to 'tn use of his Invlgorator, in case here th. children' hair Inclines to h weak.. The ns of tt lay lh foundation for a ffood Aad of hair, as- It re move any Impurities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal ol which I nececaarv both for the health of th child, snd tlx future .appearaaoe of ltsliairt. , ... : .... u . k ,a ,.-. i v't v- CPTio. Non gonuloewllhoatthe tac-slalle LOtTTB MILL(!H being on the outer wrapper; aleo, L MIL LER'd UA1K UVIUORATOR, H, Y., blown In tne lus. - ''Jib . . --v VYboIale Depot, SO Dey treet, and nld by all lh principal Merchant and Druggist throughout tb world Liberal discount to purchaser by tht qaiBtity; TTT.; I . ... ; t. I also desire to present to the American Public my HEW AJTD WPEOVED WSTAJIAirKOTJS LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after yean sf scientific experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dye Black or Brown instantly without Injury to th Hair or 8klu warranted th best article ol tnatnainiitanos. PRICE, ONLYO CENTS. Depot, 50 Dey Sty New York. octS8:dAwly. i" ".: '1.1 '' V.T , WHO SHOULD U8E DR.1 J; BOVEEY; IMPERIAL WINE-BITTERS? All who are atllicted with Incipient Oonjumptloo or Weak Lang ihould at them. . .',''-'".' All who suffer from Weak Stomach, Indigestion, Dy pptlorPIIjholdueihmi ' - All wh Salter from General or NerVootSjM! fJ Reetlessoeuat JilghL Want ef Sleep. Ao ahoald aa them,' ; - . - " . - All person who tr eonvaleacen I if ter feral oxbtbar leknea should as them. " ..r ' kltnlstera cf th -Ootpeh Lawyers, Lcturrt, and al public syeaktre should use them. , . ' Book Keepers, and all peraon leading i sedentary If honld use tliem. V ' .' Ti ' - The aged and rofina should as them. . ,. All wb require a stimulant or tonlo showlif nM Uia. All who are addicted to th. oa of anient spirits and wish to Inform, ahookl an them.- --- Tbey are mad of a pare Shan Wins, and of the sa tire plant and herb of th eodntry, and should be re- commanded by temperance (octette., clergymen, physl clana, and all menus ot sasaanity. They are prepared by an experienced and rtltlfut phy. telan, and, aetdef rtna their medicinal properties sra a aost delightful kevarassi and retta a medicine, are u Uinoeentandharmlewutha dews of heaven. Bold hy drugirtats generally. CHARLES WIDDLTIELD CO., rroprutors, . TS WUllAJtt St., New Xoirk. EOBESTJ & BaUniEL, Azflfo,. t I ClWlle.Wl .4t2M(lr. '"iV.J.'.A.-' .: ! v . u I ,nUiS S..".jr,., to- :cure 1'.. 1 KepvousHeadache CURE 1 By the as of thee Pills th periodic attack of JVef eotie or Stdk BtadacA may be prevented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief front pain and alckMs will be obtained.. '' They loldom fall In removing th Ifomtta nd Jao acA to which female ir. o ubject. ' They act gently apes th bowsls removing tbeMee- lor Literary Hen, Student, pellcst Females, and all persons of ttdentary habile, they sr. valuable u a LaasnHv. Improving1 the appetite, giving ton and ciflorlolhe dlgestlv organs, and restoring lh natural tlutlcity and strength f tin whol tyatea. J TBS OKPHAHO PILLS sr. th. result of loaf lnv.- tigallon and carefully conducted xperlmnts, having bean In uae many year, daring which time they have preveuted and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer ing froa Bsadaeh, whether originating in the ntrtou yatea or from e dirangcd state of the kiomaeh, Th.y are entirely vegetable In their composition, an may be taken at all time with perfect safety withont making any change of diet, and the absence of any dtMoretable tatte tender U eaty lo mdminUter them cAfWrea.,.: urn WAiia or vuun taasaixe i Th genuine have 6ve signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. " - v Sold by Drngglsl and all other Dealer la Medicine. A Box will b sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of tbe Prioo, 85 Oonts. All order should be addressed to . HENRY 4J. SPALDINO, '' ' 48 Cedar Street, New York. THB fOLLOWINO UNDORBEMENri OF t SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM ".HEADACHE, ' ' . ' ' : THAT A 8PEEDY AND SURE CUBE . IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Ai thee TetUmontale were unnnHdUd by Ma. Eal ma. they ajtord imquettionable proof of tht tji eaey of thl truly KsUntifc discovery. . . , , . MasosviLis, Cons , Feb. 5, 1601. 'Ms. (mnmo. ' t i: ' SiBl ' v I have tried your Oephsllo Pills, snd I Ilk them to wtll thai 1 want yon to send me two dollar worth more. Part of these are for th neighbors, to whom I gave few oat of the first box I got from yoa. ' Bend the Pill by mail, and oblige -' t Your ob't Servant, JAMEA KENNEDY. '. . 1 ' HavutroRD, Pa., Feb.'S, 1861. Mr, BraLniKo. . ,, - " B: 1 I wish yon to lend m. on. more box of yonr Cephalic Pills, Aav received a gnat deal of bentfiifrom them. Yours, respectfully, I . MARY ANN STOIKnOUBB. F runes Cant, UrrnnoToa Ce.,Pa.,' - January 18, 1861, J B. 0. SraLBina.- . , ... i' Hut: Yon will pleat and m two boxes of yoar Cephalic Pill. - ,8end them immediately. . , , Reipcetfully yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. B.Ihavi lutd on bote of your Fills, and find thtm excellent. . ' ' Bru.e Vtsaos, Ohio, Jan. )3, 1801. Bimtr 0. BrAiotaa, Esq. Pleas find enclosed twenty -fiv cent, for which stnd m another box of your Cepkalio Pill. 7Aey are truly the btt Ml I have ever tried. , Direct A. STOVER, P.M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. ' BtvxsLT, Mau ,Deo. tl,18B0. H.O. SraLBiwe, Esq. ,,.', I wish for torn circulars or large ahow bills to bring yonr Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mers. If you bare anything of th kind, plats send to en. - On of my customers, who Is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually luting two daya.) ma eured of an attack in on Hour by your Fill, which I not her. , heiueotfully yours, W B. WILK1S. ' RrTKOLDUoao, Ftaacuw Co., Orno, I January 9, IbOL . . , J BistT 0. PrttBim), No.'80edar (I ,N. T. . Dxit Stat Inclosed find twenty fire cent, CM,) for which end box of "Cephalic Pill." rend to address of Rev. Wa. 0. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Iranklln Co., Ohio. -. Vuur Fill work Ilk a charm cur SeaiacA ai meet Itisfanfer. - Truly your, '' ' ' WM. 0 FILLER. YntuxTi, Mica., Jan. 14, 18CI. Mr. BrAiDisa. Slt Net long aince I tent to yoa for box of Cephalic Pills for th cure of th Nervous Headache and Uoetlvenesa, and received the urn, and they had to good an cf that tea induced to tend for mot. ' . ' , Pleu. end by return mail. Direct to """ . ,.-7 , ,, .A. R. WHEELER, ' . ' ' YpsllantLMfch.. ' From th Ixamlnar, Norfolk, Va. ' ' ' Oephallo Pills (ecompllsh lh object for which they were made, via.: Ours of headache In ell It forms. v ' : Ef03 tb.' Examiner, Norfolk, Ts . . They have been ttd In more than a thausaad eeset With entire ucoeu. , , ', From th Democrat, Bt. Olcnd, Ulnn. . . . , . If you are, or have been, troubled wllh th headache end for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) o that yon may have them. In cat. of ao attack. From th. Advertiser, Providence, R. I.. - ', 1 The Oephsllo Pill are said to be t remarkably tffetiv remedy for th. headache, snd ons of the very best for that very frequent complalnt.which baa srer been die covered. , "I . - Froa the Weittrn R. R. Oasett, Chtasgo, III. ' ' We heartily ettdorat Mr. Bpauldlng, end bis nnrlvatel CeptaliePJU,. .. a ; . , , -.. .-. p . rrom tbe Kanawha Talley Star, Kanawha, Va? -W are sure that parsons suffering with the headache, who try Shea, will Hck to thaw. , , - . , kuA ,j irt ' " " T'e. .: . .... : From th Bontbern Path Finder, Vw Orleans, La.' ' Try themT yon that are afflicted, end we are tare that your testimony can be added to the already aumeroos list that hu received benefit that no other medicine can produce. l...;,:!, ...",'u.' from the Bt- Lwli Democrat. 1; :' The Imrnenu demand tor the article (Cephall puis) it rapidl Increuing. v ,:, s - -. ...,; I..!." -) .- U ' -S f. .i J ..j t f roat lb OaMtte, Davenport, Iowa. ,i T ,, ) Mr. Spalding would not eetmwt his aaa with aa at Ucl h did not Anouje poawai real merit. L7A stngl bottle ol BPALDINO'S PREPARBD -ULCa W1U SBVSWa times ivb v iuiuau.j1 ; SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t ,j SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE j' VpALDING'S PREPARED GLUfii . A 6f 3 siva Tna VTcnitHl " ICOKOMTI ... . . . DISPATOni . ; , 7 Sja Btttcs w Tms Sivu Nia."XH ' As sooldcnto WIU happen, even la wU regulated tarn tiles, tt lvry dssiral.1 to hav sums ohoap snd ooa venlent way for rapalrUg Furniture, Soy, Crockery, 'A r ' BPAtOrNO'SPRRPAREDOLUl " ' mats all such Margenele. "fJ"" to b wllbovuit iLieeiMf'eA- ap to th stick- lff.l!;i.OTntL iv ivERT noosa.-: v g; R, A Brush Accompanies each Bottle. Price, 89 essar.rr i,;i tTtwir n:iA'l.r.lMii.'; J4 ' it'Jil 1 09 1 5 ''(.' 'ins, Nq. 44, Cedar Street, New I ork. .:.'. at! oi eae-jijeetjAOTIOir1 in pi - i l i Ai'eermla enprlBclpled persone ere attemplln e aalm .(Ton the noepeetlng pabllo. iBUstions of my r...-.,.un iil.nn. I would caution all naranna la an - , , A ,k.. .... 4.. II "VAW W --W-r-e Afm VbBbV '"AW aailna artor. WUrCHM'l., w mil mufk' iT T'BPALDIMI 8 PHEPAKBDOLUH.XJI 7 H s tie enteid. wrappsri all other are (wlndiiiig enj 1 MrtsllA-i "n ' 'i i w " .v.'.v v.-j. t Wun t' v ?y 1 i 10 1 liHMtt'S