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isro w ready: TELE REVISED STATUTES ; Of TUB i jt " DTAT33 OP OIHIIO ' oiOKNKBAI.KATpnR,I? FORCE ApQ. 1, l.POT. MTU XOTES Or T1IS PZCISIOXS Or TBBSV' (CAttetJin 'rjtj-ln yoWveoUh 0f4 snrTOhlo Tr i -Andrbfirkkobb r prior. i.awsv AND. A MIX ANlJ'cONVtNIKNl; INDIX., -" TW Royal 8w.J Votarae's. WcmilO 00. No care or expenae has been spared to make the work nerfrot and reliable In all reaprcla. .Uiltksswllte.liei.teaatie eMirtmA, having hem p ,gril Ijy nearly th enaninwms tctc- ot both-Alauaea, - anil ordared to b diatrluuted to Hie following State . .Uovwuot, Attorney General, Supreme Je'lKPe. Secre tory, 0'Wiirollrir,Tresanrer and A art I tor of State, and to the Prutate Court, Uourta or Common new, Buner- Inr ami Pftli,. f.n.ta Atlilitnra. and the Clerkl of the 'ImrkiM CoartalneacH Comity, to tha Memtwraof, the i, iimtij aad Mom of sr,reaentllve n Hire mate, and a iMama al the aaaeral States of the Union. ' ' " i Thla book, containing, aa It iloee, all of theWtatntes now In fone, and tbe authoritative eonetrnetion of tliem aud of the New Oonetltullim. win ne louna w ne raix-cier . weefnlla UiapanormanceofUielrdatieaioaii ' 'COUVTY OFFIORRS, v . JUSTlURoOFTUHPltACH, r T0WNSnrpTRU8TKK, ' ; ,! ,, i , CLKRKS OF TOWNBrUrS, and , . -ft. Ua.-J- . , CITY OFFICERS. . ,. tTnaamacH ai Tory maor chany ea have been mad la the I Btatutea eltioethc publication of the but edition, ky re peal, alteratiou and addilione, and many Important de eialona bare been given Jy tbe Supreme Court 00 on . , t ..1 tn. . 1 1 ATTOHNKYSATtAW, " J 1 - , 1 BANKRRS, MERCHANTS t - AMD BUSINESS MKN GKNEttALLT, WIH flud this as Waluahl Work, .. ":m. Two Royal 8o. Tolvmt of ottr' Jttneteen Hundred " In Btronr taw Binding.- Price $10.00." PnbUehed hy.i 1 1- ' 1 ""T ' " ROWEHT CLARKEi te CO..' law Ppbltshrrf, .Bookiell Blatlonen and Impoitert, . " - '' ) . No. 55 Weat fourth atreet, lrM8:dS:U' t - ; . - - Oinciaoali, O UEU,IV OANIHiNUli Editor. COIiUMBUg, OHIO. ' in ' TKSTJRlf IKSER- 7I0X. thouia h hamltd 4n WW EL X VQIQCX THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 28,186, Democratic City and Township Ticket. TVBAYHOMAB.. 1 tiiC V" I 1 rjrrr f ianmi," ' ' . jjv., - BiaHJk.1. THOttPoONi.-." :voi' u fltt Turiirilin, ' , WALSllilN FAILING. " ! -.a i. in CITY CLtXX, ' " ...-.( t J. JONKS FUNBTON. . ' , ,.,!.,. iciTT I-. ' FEANCiS COLLINS. " . j-i 'i-ra.i v -1 r . . - 1 acuoit DiKHToaa, .". '. " OTTO DKIlSKL. , .- ... IJ-I.,- - 8TARLINO LOVINO. . COl'HCII.MtH, UtWnl-'llANK HOWARD. . 2d Ward 8. B. KICKLKV. ' a,l Waid-JOBIAH BARBKR. ": ath anl-UORACl WIL"ON. ' th Ward-J. U. BTAUKIKO. AiBfesoae, ' t 1st Ward A. CUEKR9. '9d Ward 110SEA MILLER, ltd Ward " , , 1 4ih Werd-TOTW WKATrR. ' 5th Ward WENDELIN 9ELI0ES, Tnwusmr' TcTir, r ALFXANHKR MOOBKRTtV, P.LIA90AVER, JOUH M- KIERN1R. ' u , ' ""' -Townrair Tumrun,'" '. ' '' v 'tbaac,u. marrow. ' Towmmr rtiaa, , ,i. . A. 0. KlJigtw . - cent ra aua, -r-r, -, WAtTEft h. TURNIR, J 0 .0.1. ."ft-4 P. KKMS1Y, ... sons sijowm.. ,,;. .il if HW'J TowNaoir aarxvo. W"1LLUM JKN0X. . " ET'The space occupied by the legislative r jmrtt necessarily restricts ns jit oiir daily itemt of general news., It will, not be long until the seAsioo will close, and then we shall endeavor to compensate our readers" for the deprivation to wnicn lury are 110a euujcvi. Ai T I ' MM I I 1 II ' ' if THe preeent will close the twelfth week y-f this, adjourned session of the General Assem bly. What ba?becn done to compensate he pople for the money expended in the support of the badv.1t would be very difficult to tell. - Tt work, must yot be performed, if tbe enter prise pai"x .r-.-' V :i The DemocraU of the City of Columbus awl tbe Township of Montgomery have an ex ' otiflent'ticket ia nomination for the various of fices to be elected on the first Monday in April. Every man In nomination it wbrtfiy of Ibe sup port pLlilt party, nd, ebould, receive tt.. : a lull Wra- out and a united -vote will ' give the Demooracy a .splendid triumph.. Every Demo, at; ehauld work vigorpBly for the. ticket. , , , ( . , Hi" Hi 11 1 " ' '' ' t-r - ? . taraaipelle by its Veverenee for ."honesty, decency and patriotisrht" all which it affirms it possesses jn a njca oegree, in?- uiuuiuuaw ju quiver 8ya it will tupport tbe;"jst" mensqres of the LincOi.w Administration. Will oor co le mporary-tell-ns- wha -ibrw-meenres--trwT We have not drecovered . Anein, and, in' our ig TiOTithr;e," we are vr xcuVable it we do not volun teer defence m inem 07 The debate in the Senate on the appro priation 'to porchase fixed ammunition,' tic, yat edtitlnned through the whole of the after- ttooa session or yesterday, and was participated iu,by Messrs. McU.ll,' Schuech, GaBriiLD, Jonis and Paiish. Mr, Schliicb made an able speech' j and answered with great force the ar gument of Mr. Cox. Tbe Senator from Fair ' field showfd conclusively that the Republican literature of the day, tbe political" preachers, stumpwratora and the preeeby - their constant denunciation ef tbe Institution of slavery and slave holders, bad produced to' estrangement between the people of the free and slave States, cnlmraattog ia the present dissevered condition of the Union. - Mr. Paiish made a regular Ab dlltidn speech of the real " Irrepressible style. Be did not want to associate with slave-hold -era; and if they obtained a place in IJaaren, be did n''t wk'ut tdgo there. Tbe majority In the Senate' will ; . vote o the money necessary to boy be fixed "smmnnition." :1 '" 1 ' "The Destruction of Trade." .. ' Jh.a Jc York Keiei copiea the following inrcrlptton on a board hacking in front of a no ' Ted buslnees place, which bad enjoyed unlnter mptetj prosperity for the last ten yearj: "' ' '' THIS STORE TO LET. FURNITURE FOR SALE. . The owner bavins beea eampelled by bad tinea to give up trade. A be baa Urea lor forty year ID tnre-tvauur rioej atreet. tbe ualltjr or gouUaaeodano apeciai re- oomuieudalloo. ' nr, if. . 'rs. . .. U'C-tT "Tho N Aoe stfttes (hat on Friday last it counted, without taking any special paios to do so, forty six closed placet of business,' on which were the printed or written evideooes tf bankruptcy, blighted hopes and rolned prospects vThe sll absofblog topis of conversation, wben men meet la the city of New York, Is not "a great fTl iug off in business'' or tbe tightness of the mnnry mnikct,'! hut it it ''.tbe , destruction of VrVd iTUis. it .what wraps the great VComi merdal EtrporltfmlnlnoirJ, t'nd jilrnostrn de-j ipJtrs 1 '. I The Questions Agitated in European Polities. The threw le.aing queatloot now dlKUMl la Karopeao poUtickt; euclet . avro, 11a t Pint, better t.ia Pop will eeasa tta b a Temporal Prince T Secondly, whether Rue! will toon nndertake.a. wew inraaioa of Turkey 1 end. Thirdly, whether there will trot be epeedily change of Ministry in England t " i K 3 - The dcprlt-lnff of the Pope of hit temporei sovereignty aeerat to be eloeely connect! with maklnKtbe City of Rome the capital of tbe new Kingdom of .Italy nnder Vioroa Em an ma. 'l ne one event it regarded aa being dependent on the other, so that if either thonld fail, the other must tail also. Those who advocate the down' fill of the Pope aa Temporal Prluce, oonnt upon France to sustain Victor Emanuii. and bit adherent io, (hie enterprise. .. But Louil Nr- lion hae at yet made no direct avowal 01 tne policy he will adopt In regard to the question of the deposition of the Pope, but suffers bis com, in, Prince Napolion, and others of hit favorites, to throw out hints and tUKKeetlont at feeltr$ of the public pulse. The problem whether the Pope or Vicroa Emanuu. la to be sovereign at Home it aurrounded with difficulties, of whleh no tat isfaotory solution bat yet appeared. Tbo invasion of Turkey by Russia It thought to be an event that must shortly transpire. Since tbe time of Peter the Great, Russia has never relinquished the Idea of tbe occupation of Turkey. The Csar baa recently signified hit approval of, the- continued 'Qouupatlon of Syria by French troopa, Tbe opinion prevails among foreign politicians tbat an agreement has been entered Into by France and Russia, by which Egypt and Syria are to be yielded to France, while Turkey Is to come into, the pos session of Russia. - .. ' Sinee the opening of the present parliamentary session, tbe British Ministry have sustained two defeats one on the Income Tax, and the other on tbe Naval Expenditure. " In both caaet, a Committee of Investigation waa appointed Beside, the elections, 1 within the last eight mouths, have given strength to tlie anti-Minis terial party. Tbe Irish Catholics, remembering (hat Lord John RoisiLL, In 1850, denounced tbe ceremonials of their Church at the "njummer- .ies of superstition," cannot forgive the Govern mcnt for countenancing tbe revolution in Italy by which the Pope hat been deprived of large portion of hit dominions, and his temporal sov ereignty itself endangered. A few more de feats In the Bouse of Commons will probably teal the fate of the Palmirston Cabinet, and cause its reeignation or reconitruotion. ETTbe Secretaryof the Treasury of the Con federate States hat issued proposals for a loan of five millions dollars, bearing eight per cent. Interest. The stocks can be taken in sums va ryiog from fifty to one thousand dollars. .The t ix of one-eighth of a cent on every pound of cotton exported Is pledged for the payment of the Interest on the loan. Tblt tax, it is confident ly anticipated, will not only suffice to pay tbe in terest, bnt to constitute a sinking fund sufficient In a few years to pay the principal. Tbe coupons, when doe, are made receivable id payment ot the duty on cotton, and arc thus made to an swer tbe tame purposes at coin everywhere in the Confederate Sfatee. - OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, March 27. AFTERNOON SESSION. . The discussion of Mr. Schleich't amend ment was resumed Mr. MoCall't motion for a division of -the question pending. Mr. McCALL said, tbat after hearing tbe dit ctnslon be had concluded to withdraw bis mo tion. Be had thought the appropriation un necessary, but had changed bia opinion.' He had supposed the Republicans snore peaceful than they prove, but on the floor they seem to be imbued with a more warlike spirit than the other side ot the Iiouse. The gentleman from Crawford had compared Mr. Lincoln with Mr. Buchanan, and bad intimated - that the former exhibits the same nerve that the latter did. . Jf this it fact, be could not admire it. s lie was in favor of the maintenance of the property ahd laws of tbe Government, - - ' . The motion waa withdrawn on leave. Mr. JONES offered tbe following substitute for tbe lines In tbe bill making tbe appropria tion, vis: rn .' r;vr v:-" "For tbe purchase of fixed ammunition for small arms, and for rifling cannon, and tbe pnr- rha nfnhot. shell, nana and canister shot. three thousand dollars, to be expended nnder tbe direction of tbe Governor, and paid on bia cer tificate." .. . Mr. SCIII.EICEI said, when he made his mo tlon, be had ne idea that the debate would take such a wide range; but be now proposed to dis cuss the question, not in a 1 partizan view, be cause be did not believe any of ns are able clear' ly. to define oar partizan status. But as a citi zen of tbe United States, which are embroiled in controversy upon constitutional questions, he wonld address himself to tne subject. If he clearly understood tbe constitutional and ircumstantial argument of tbe Senator from Brown, be agreed witit mm, but fee assent' ed to tbe truth of the argument of the Senator from Trumbull, that the Senate has the power to make the appropriation asked for. So far as the charges of the latter affects the Democratic par' tv, be knew they were unjust. Bnt 10 far. ns this question effects our relations wltk seceded States, we nave nonent, as a state, to set our selves no to repel secession, until we are called noon nnder proper authority. Bat wben we are called noon bv the proper authority, the Demo crata of Obio will respond and stand by the flag of our country to" tne bitter end. Bute disso lutlon of tbe Union, in part, is a fact. What ia to be done to restore harmony T The crisis Is not produced because of sot denial to the South. or any decision against her rights, that hat ex cited the poutn, but because tne nepuoiican pi Ders. Drenchers, &e.; have gone Into tbe discus sion ot slavery in the abstract, treated it at a moral question, sna nave oeooarrces inerr Bouttt- cm brethren at Damarians- suppose positions should be reversed, and the people of the South should send their missionaries amoog as to de nounce ns as beatbens, at we have done toward them, what wonld we think of tbemt We bare tundered. bv this discussion on tne aDstract mo rality of slavery, tne most power lutcnurcn in ine oonntry. t The Kepnblloans nave declared to them tbat we are too goon unnsuant w ienow shin with tbem Tb Repablioana have dissent i nated this sort ef literature, and these offensive doctrines in the Sontb, until they have become infuriated,. Br solemn legislative action, they have also re pad! a ted obedience to the laws of the land. The Journals 'or tne iiegisiatnre or 185f eoetaln a renort en tbe subject ot tbe Vred Scott decision, drawn us by prominent Repub licans, and adopted by the General Assembly', which illustrates and proves inisensrge. in that renori. this decision of your Supreme Court la three times described as "an aet of eons me. mate wickedness," and fl Is declared tbat "it must not and shall not be enforced In Ohio." This is tbe literature of the Republican par ty, pat forth as solemn legislative action. There Is, therefore, tome ground for asserting tbat the Republican aarty u ia favor 01 resisting legal antbotity. The cardinal principle ot tola de cieion, to be resisted, was tbe utterance of prinoiple recognized year j before. The eon-rl mlttec complained that tbe doctrine of Ibe ma jority of the Court declared slaves to be proper ty, like other property, and Abie they proposed to resist. The first announcement oObie doc- trine was io 1833 by Chief JastteeTarker, In Massachusetts. Everybody acquiesced in it as sound law-Xhlsl Justice Story recognized tblt doctrine vears aao in his letter eoLerdBWwell, of the English Court of Admiralty, t This J the doctrine tbcrfe Republicans propoes to resist to the dcatbu Tbese were soma or the reasons which gave rjM to, the crisis. .Treason, it is trus, has been perpetrated all over the Boutb- He (Mr. S ) was no apologist for it, nor let the treason of the Sonth ia Dtst years. The ques tion it, what sheU be done to preserve tbe U)ooT It seem there arc men both North and Sontb who de not desire the preservation or recon struction of the Union. . v Why Is Mr. Lincoln pursuing me same poiioy that Mr. Buchanan pursued I Because, be (Mr. 6.) was 10 insure disunion. Let hlmtake a patriotic atana, ana n win do bus talned. We say we can accept the proposition of the Senator from Delaware, made tblt morn ing. Give the poutn too Border state or reace RnahrMoe GorjiDromlie, and tbe Democrat will aeoepl It and rally around the President to enforce tbe lawt. 11 tne Kepuoiiotns win give at this, to that the Border Stale may be kept in, onr troubles will end. ; Let the crisis then come, and the Democrats will unite with Re publicans to meet it. Uut tne crusaae agaiuBi the South must cease before weoan have peace Let tbem have tbeir Institution.' We waut none of it and will have none of it., -,. Mr. GARFIELD waa not sure that tne discut aion unun the original Question ia not germ in If we are to adont tbe uollcv of the other side the appropriation is not wanted, and discussion it nnneccsryj ' But we don't propose to ao- this poiioy.11, Tbe Senator from rairneiu doet not deny our light to bur powder; but, annnrrl no' tn hU argument. II II 11 10 on bought lor certain purposes,' It Is nneonstl' tntlnnal ' ' Thnn. the unconatltutionftlitT of I law depends upon the reasons urged in benau of an object. He (Mr.. G.) supposed the Ifftni of a law settled its meaning auff force. " Th senator Icnores oartv. u 11 means that any man belougt to party for mere poiioy, It onsbt to be Ignored. But if il means tbat men helone to uartv becanae it represents prln olples, party cannot be Ignored without Ignor- In tv nrinfliniAll " Mr. SCHLEICH If the gentleman ia satisfied that the adoption or the Border Statet or Peace Hnnrnrenee cdrnDromlsa would preserve the Union, would he give, np the peculiar doctrine aF Ma nartvt : ' " a ' ". ' ' Mr. GARFIELD If so small a matter could preserve the Union, It is hardly worm me pre servation. Be had on the first day of tbe ses sion declared himself in favor of conciliation, and he would do ail that was just to preserve the Union. Be bad aloce taken that position, and he saw no reason to retreat from It. But tbe cemtleman attribute Hbe crisis to tbe discussion nf the abstract moralltv of slavery. This It t terrible admission aealntt tbe character Of slavery. If It Is to vulnerable that the dtscut- inn of its abstract morality Is mischievous, how ntterlvlndefensibleit Is. ' But the Senator has reallv touched the truth. Be (Mr. U 1 be lieved tbat it wat because he bad diBOUssed the abstract mertlity of the question that the South is disturbed. But the Republicad literature re fearred to bv the Senator from Fairfield, In tbe Journals of 1857, recites that tbe detestation of the committee who made tbe report, was against a decision which seeks to force upon Ohio tbo Institution ' of slavery. " They believed tbe doctrine of the Dred Scott decision would force slavery on Ohio, and therefore tbey declared resistance to that decision. If the Senator from F.irlleld held taoh an epinfo noon that deel lion, would not he denounce Itl Or would be like Valltndiehaae, announce himself now ' and fnunr hareafter a Beo slavery man.' ' The Senator also cites Judge Story In support of hit Indictment, end yet sit determined hostility to slavery is notorious The decision cited by the Senator hat no effector application whatev er to tbe argument.' ' And here, said Mr. G.. be was reminded, while discussing Re publican literature, ' that about six weeks ago tbe bill to repeal tne rersonai kioeriy taw was referred to tbe Judiciary committee, and tbey hive not seen fit to report it back. Mr. SCHLEICH said the committee had not teen It- - ; ' " Mr GARFIELD did not intend to charge tbe committee with neglect of duty, because every Senator know how faithful tbey are in dis charge of business, bnt he thought the omission to report a utile tignincsni. But gentlemen have seen fit to arraign Mr. Lincoln for omission or neglect of doty. They forget that the Democratic Administration left him powerless -without money end without that he Is now reduced to the humili ating and despicable "military necessity" of evacuating Fort Sumter an act which he (Mr G.1 despised as much at any mm can. Mr. Garfield, In conclusion, said thaljcvery time this winter thai any proposition has been made to BtreDEtben the arm at the Government, eve ry thing looking like an energetic course, in re lation totheoondition of the country, gentle men who profess to ignore party have beld up their bands in deprecation of It, and for thii be arraigned them be Tore the people.- Mr. SCHLEICH said, the gentleman will not ibrget that he bad advocated tbe militia bill; and if he remembered Aright, be found It as difficult to get tome Republican Senators to vote for it, as be bad in getting memneri or bis own paHy to vote for It J '"'' u-.., - M. GARFIELD admitted tbe fact, alleging that he merely asserted the general principle. Mr. MOORE proposed to confine hie remarks to the policy to be pursued, bnt he would first bestow a Utile attention to tbe military eystem proposed to be Introduced into Obio. 1 . ; . Mr. Moore announced that he had voted steadily against all militia bills, and had not misrepresented bia constituent.' It Is sought to build np a military. system in Obio, when there is no necessity for It. Its advocates assume tbat it may be necessary in this crisis. He denied that : this is the tree policy. How ball the ship of State be extricated from dan ger 1 It seemed sound -wisdom that peace counsels alone should be adopted to restore har mony The difficulties have become too great to suppress by arms, w 111 you war witn broth ers t .Can you conquer peace t Is it for tbil these cannon and thol are wanted I If you do conquer, what bare you got T Peace and loveT No ! What ia this Union worth without them? If we cannot, without war, preserve this Union, we should separate in peace. i , Mr. JONES Is not tbe gentleman in favor of defending the Southern fort T If the-sece- ders thonld attempt to drive us out at tho point of tbe baronet, would he not resist?-.-,. ,lir . Mr. MOORE. -replied that if a surrender would accuse pfetable separation, he would re commend It. Be was not in favor of applying force in the solution of present difficulties.' lie waa a peace man. - He would exhaust all peace ful means, before resorting to violenoe. An at tempt to collect revenue by force will drive out the border States; bence he opposed the em ployment of force in any way or In any sense whatever. He opposed the appropriation, be cause it looked to a policy which . be regards as entirely wrong '-: . j Mr. CUPPY offered the following amend ment: - For the purchase of "fixed ammunition" for the nee of Senators upon this floor, tbe sum of fifteen cent. Tbe Cbalranoeptcd it as rhetorical, not a be ing of the substance of tbe subject matter. ' - Mr1. PARISH wonld not participate inwtbls discussion at. all, but for misrepresentations Which had been so prominent tbat he could not overlook them; -Charges had been bronght against Abolitionists and snti-lavery men. He took pride In declaring himself a member 101 that class, and. therefore,, he wanted to reply. Fret, tbe Garrison party and tbe Gerritt Smith artyjrertco operating with tbe Democratic and against ths Republican party. Then tbey were charged at disunlonists, solely because tbey opposed tbe fugitive slave law new, tne truth aa. thev 0 noosed that law because or their rea eration for tbe Constitution, wbiob they believe is contravened. Bat. bad as that law was, un constitutional a it was, they would yield falio be dience to it Just sa-farse they could, without oewi milling an immoral act, themselves!' But before personally committing an immoral act by obeying tbe law, he would inbmil to any pooUbment. Tbe Senator from falr&eld bad held tbo anti-alarerj men responsible for tbe present situation of tbe tountry, because of thelt aisonssions of the moral aspect of the sis very question. He did not se regard it. - If men da right; and F'cked men get mad about it, who fault ie ill There is a standard of right, and those 1 who ocewny : that are sot responsible) for the fault of others.: He bsd a full right to dis toss Abo morel aspects of slavery.. Hut 'tbe slavery discussion had lasted many years.- The fear in ths South sras that tbe views of tbe anti-slavery men would gel hold of tbe eotv- oieoces ef weak 1 vboluVrt , and lead to tt ah olltioo of slavery; 1 But bow came thii excite ment to arise jnst after a Presidential election, if due to tbe discussion of anti-slavery menl Did it not show that tbe mortification of defeat had something to do with ill a r ;n . v -Al to the divlaioos of churches, which had beea charged upon anti-tlsvery men, the Metb odiste South were not latUfied with being , fel-; lowsbipped by brethren North,, but tbey de manded eboroa Indorsement ot alavery, which ' the Methodist North would dot grant. Hence the eeparation-'ia of the Baptist and other churcbrsv One party had controflet the offites and emolumentsioi the governmentnow, henausa Lincoln wan elected and tbeV bad lost I thee berth, they were seceding. ' : - Mr. SCHLEICH confessed these remarks grated harshly on bit eart. His relation were mostly "southerners, and ne naa aiways iouju tbcra ot villted and christianized. ' . Mr. PARISH certalnlv agreed with his irlcnd from Falrflold on tbil point. Be bad high re spect for many Southern Christiana, but none at all lor those JNortnerns-wno -went uowu there, married rbh widows, and became furloui slaveholdorj..' He would not even want to have the same heaven with such neonle. Publio opin Ion would by and by correct tbe Dred Scott de cision, as it has already done others. ThsPrigg ease deciskn would yet be revereedby tbe same court that gave it. If this were not so, the sun or this country would so down, ana nnerty do come extiart. He called the attention of Demo cratic Senatora to the faot that decisions going to help- slavery were always inif tly And seai ously maintained by their party. . Mr. SCHLEICH maintained that the Demo cratlo nartv nlanted Itself on the Constitution, and on tbe maintenance, ot sil tne nrancnet 01 tbe Government. ' Mr. PARISH Instated that the party de nounoed decisions of the Supreme Court on bank taxation, but applauded such decisions at mat in tbe Dred Soott ease. Senator! had In duleod tn Republican literatures he would treat them to a little of tbe Democratic iiamp. , ne OJmmenced readins: oertatn resolutions, when Mr. SCHLEICH explained that it had never been adopted, at anted, by a Democratic leg islaturO. " Mr. PARISHwould nevertheless read It, tt It wat tbe production of good Democrats, at any rate. Tbe speaker here read several extracts from a renort on States' Rights, bv Ralph Lcets, as specimens' of Democratio literature, on this sublect of obey Inr the decisions of court. ' Nominee for nlaees on the SuDreme Bench had been rejected because not "right on the goose" a to the law of 1793. Chancellor Wal worth, of New York, wat of the number. Be favored what wa rich! lu these decisions, whether about bank or slavery, whether with tbe Demoorat or against them. The ameudmentof Mr. JONES wa substi tuted for tbe line In the original bill by eon eent, and the question recurring upon a motion by Mr. soblelch to strike out, waa lost yeas IO, nays, 19. Those who voted in the affirmative were Meesri. Eaton, Holmes, Key, Laakey, Moore, Newmsn, Orr, SchlelCh and Wblte-10. ' Those who voted in th "negative were Messrs Hrecx, Brewer, uonar, Vox, f isher, uarneia Glass. Harsh, Jones. McCall. Monroe,' Morse Parish, Pottt, Potwlo, Ready, Smith, Sprague and Stanley 1. . - . ' Mr. LASKEY said hs bad seconded the mo tion of Mr. Schlcicb. Be had heard nosuffl cieut reason assigned for the appropriation, and most, therefore, vote against it. ' On motion of Mr. HOLMES, tne bill and amendments were referred to tbe Finance con) mittee. '" ' 'i - - ' Mr. JONES offered the following joint reso ldtlon: ' Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be requested to report to the Senate what hat been tbe amount reoeived per annum from tbe rub tic Workt for tbe last fifteen years; tbe salaries of' officers; expenae of collecting tolls and making repair on the same for tbe time term of years; also,' tbe value ol tbe taxable props city for tbe eame period.' Also, the amounts reeelved from the canals for tbe years 1827 to 1845. Arlnnterl. - T . 1 1845." Adopted ' Mr. GARFIELD offered the following joint resoiuiioo 1 ' Rtttlpei, That the Superintendent of the State House 1 hereby authorized to solf at the bleb- est price for which he can negotiate a eale, the building, (team erglnes, boilers and other nfa obioery connected with the Artesian Well; also, the robbing bed need in finishing the new state House, and place the receipts in the hand of tbe Treasurer of State, who shall add it to tbe General Revenue. Referred to the committee on State Buildings. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WEDNESDAY, March 27th, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. " Mr, BROWNE, of Miami, offered a resolu tion asking the Judlolary committee to report upon the propriety of urrreoderlng that portion of the canal at Toledo, north of Swan's Creek; whloh, on motion of Mr. Vorie, was amendtd so as to substitute the Attorney General in the place or tne committee, and adopted.' Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, presented the pe tition of J. D. Coleson and 70 other of Perry county, against the passage of the bill for Iran scribing marriage records in that conn tyi i. The following bills were Introduced and read the first time: .--,.; 1 .l .v , H. B. 462, by Mr., CHASE To provide for real estate indexes. , mt -.' . II. B. 463, by Mr. JESSUP-To grant a free transit through the Slate of Ohio, by foreign travel and commerce. .1 . 1 - . iit. . Mr. VINCENT, from the committee on Fi nance, reported back S. B. 26s Supplementary to the Tax law of 1859, and to amend section 6 of tbe said act, with sundry amendments, which was agreed to, when the bill was read a third time, and passed yeai 57, nays 15. -l t S. B. 195 To provide for the tale of the Catbariue Street Burying ground, in Cincinnati wat read a ..third time, and pasted-J-yeat 69, Days C. 1 ,i . ... ".c ; ';' II. B. 333, by Mr. VORI3 To amend ad act entitled an act to authorize the erection of town balls, passed Feb. 24, 1848 was read a third time, and passed yeae 60, nays 13.' 1 - , !"ir H. B. 387, by Mr. MONAUAN To relieve tbe leasees, assignees and equitable holder! of the untold school lands in town number 3, range number 1 1, In the Ohio Company's purchase, and to authorize the lessee, assignees and aul table bolder f . said lend to surrender their leases and receive deeds wss read a third time, and passed yeas B, nays M. , -.. t :; II. B. 4U9, by Mr. S fOUT-fixinr the time of boldiDg the court of common ple-ji io Noble county, Uhio, wat read a third time, when 1 -, Mr. STOUT explained the object of the bill, end its local advantages, . ' . .,, " 'a be bill was then passed via 56. nava 15. :, H..B. 426, from the standing committee on Agriculture Making appropriations for certain agricultural funds for the year A . D. 1862, wat read a third time.', ,; . '., j, . r '.'.. Jt L e Mr. DAVIS moved that tbe bill be amended by exempting Tueoarawaa county from its operations.-' v "'!;. ,. .. r;, ;.; ,; Mr. KRUM .made some remarks upon tbe propriety 01 (he bill that it wat to raise a fund to send an agefft from this State to the World's Fair, to be beld in England, in J8G2, wben. tbe bill passed yea 61, naysjS.t , , i.-1 -, S.B. 256 To antborise assessors to adminis ter oaths In tbe discharge of their official duties wat read a third time Aud passed yeaa 74, nays . . - ' " ' ".- ! a fl ai -t .' : 8. B. 78 To provide for locatlnr and estab llshlng ditches, drain aod watercourses was read a third time, wben a general discussion of tbe utility of and neoeeaity for the paeiage of tne out looa niece. - '"'','' 'i..t Mr. ANDREWS moved to emend the bill 'so a to reqeire tbe work on ditches" to bo lot' st public eontrsot; which amendment he supported by an argument agaimt the praotice ot leaving eontrecta.involving the public Interest, to be let at tb discretion of pnblie officer. Tbi amend ment wa disagreed to. " "! ..:--' The bill waa then pasted yeas 63, nays 17. .8. B. 232-Conceming the rights of married women, was rsad a second time, and referred to the oommittee on Judiciary. '. '''. non v H. B. 457 To provide for the pntshaas and distribution of Swan Crltchleid's Statutes, Wss read a second time and referred to the 00m mittee on Finance. ''-11 t'.'. j n u 1.1 ,au?,nr-- Mr. KERR, from tbe committee on Railroads sod Turnpilres, reported back S. B.CU9 To rep nlate the sal of Railroads', and recommended ite reference lo the committee on Jodlolary'if Mr. BRUFF, from' the same oommittee, made a minority report, when bath reports and tbe bill were referred to the Jodfclary commit- S. a t- 1: :rt : f . ?, .'. o h'i, f.r- :'T The House then took a recess till to-morrow morning at ten o'clock. .'! IN SENATE. THURSDAY, A. M., March 28th—1861. Prayer Mr. Goodwin. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Br Mr. KEY. frem Daniel H. Lock wood and 115 other merchants, and of Edward Bepler and 50 other, of Hamilton count T. remonstrating nlainat the pasgof tbe Street. Railroad bill, falleot oommittee. . . ,. . , . . ..- , y tij mw. - ajniMaCi 1 ; flieuiurie,. , m .yjuiau Parcber, of Luoas eonnty, pray ing released from a claim wbiob the State holds against blm for water rents on tbe M,'& E. canal, wblch he allege! was unjustly obtaiaed agaiust him; p-, ferred totno eommtuoeoncuirASi A ii uu ORDER. The President pro tem desired, the Senate W IJ.. J. . I ! 1- .1 .... l.l m. I anil ueuiue .iiif-. luueuiuK 01 sue uuinnvuvvuai im. which requires three-fourth ot tne member to susnend the rule whether U means throe fourths or the members elect, or toree-iourins of the members present. Mr. COX said the nraotlee had been to accept three fourth of the member Dresent." 8uoh wat .the opinion of the present Senate, and tbe decision wat agreed to by common content. . .. . SECOND READINGS. S. B. No. 221 To amend leo 8 of the Ret tor recording, printing and dlstribnttng public doc uments, wuoie. 1 S. B. No. 286-To authorize the establish ment by Commissioners of bomes for pauper - . u 1 . ... . . 1 juiivii. - u"i" 1 y 1 1 a .l ' o. B. No. 202 I or the relief 01 tne marietta f.nd National Road Plank Road Company Whole. S. B. No. 284-Te repeal the Park act of Cin cinnati.' 'Whole." ' 8. B. No. 283 Providing a uniform stand ard of weights and measures. Whole. S. B. Ko.'m'J At amendod by tne iiouse, was referred to the Finance Committee. FIRST READINGS. II B. No. 321, by Mr. HITCHCOCK To nrevldo for removlna obstrdotioDt and improv ing tbe channels of rivers for tbe purpose of draining marshy or low lands in thii State. U. a. No. 4U3, by Mr. itliUM 10 amena the 1st, 2nd and 3d sections of sn not entitled "au act requiring annuat settlements by county officers," passed Maroh 22, 1850. Swan & Cr itch field's Statutes, p. 248. I H, B. No. 406, by Mr. JACOB3--To amend the sot to amend an act entitled "an act defin log the powers and duties of lustlec of the peace and constables In criminal cases," passed March 27, 1837, and tbe act amimiatory tnere to, passed March 7, 1842. H. B. No. 424, by Mr. WRIGHT, of HatnT II ton To extend the time for allowing tbe lea sees of section 29. In Springfield lowntbip, Ham ilton county, to surrender their leases and re ceive deeds. H. B. No 425, by Mr. SNYDER To amend an act entitled "an act supplementary to an aet defining the jurisdiction and regulating the praotice ot Probate Courts in the coantie of Erie, Lucas, Richland, Holme, Montgomery, Delaware, Franklin, Scioto and Jefferson," pass ed April 13, 1858, and to extend the operation of laid act to the counties ot Meigs, Mercer, Auglaize,' Lawrence, Harrison, Ilemy, Licking, Belmont, Stark, Ottowa and Wllliafljs. H. B. Ne. 428, by Mr. ANDREWS! on leave To amend section one of sn act entitkd an act to amend sections five and six of an aot entitled "an act regulating the mode of admin istering assignment in trust for tbe benefit of creditors," passed April 6, 1859. H. B. No, 430, by Mr.-WOODS, from a se lect committee To amend sections one and two of an act entitled "an aot to prorent tbe killing of birds and other game," passed April 10, 1857. H. B. No. 387, by Mr. MONABAN To relieve the lessees, assignees and equitable holders of the unsold tchool land belonging to town numbor 3, range number 11, In tbe Ohio Company's pnrchasei and to authorize the lea sees, assignees and equitable holders of said lands to surrender their lease and reoeive deeds. H. B. No. 426, from tbe (landing oommittee on Agriculture Making appropriation! front oertain Agricultural funds lor the year A. D. 1862. H. B. No.. 34b, bf Mr. NIGH, from the committee on Corporatioui other than Muni cipalSupplementary to an act to provide for thn ernatiun and regulation Ot inoorrjorated companies in the Stale of Ohio, passed May 1, 1863. ILB.No. 33i. by Mr.-VORIS To amend an aot entitled "an aot to authorize the erection of town balls." passed February 34, 1849 H. If. No. 4U!, by Mr. btuui rixmg tne time of holding ibe courts of common pleas in Noble county, Uhio. H. B. No, 430 Ameodlng'the game laws, so as to protect birds not now protected oy law. "T . -or-". - . .. RESOLUTIONS SIGNED. The President signed S. J. R. IOC and S. J R. 101. . . . -4-t 8iB; JSo. 192 Concerning Assessors, as amended by the House was relerred to Mr. Gaifield. II. J. R. No. 119-Relative to settlement with Gen. S, W. Andrews, was referred to tbe committee on Claims. S. B. No. 78 Providing for the location and establishment of drains, ditches, &.O., as amen ded by the House,,' Referred, to Agricultural committee. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. KEY. from the Judiciary committee, re- ommended tbe tndennite postponement 01 0. u. No. 265 Regulating r ire insurance companies. A creed to. Mr. READY, from the committee on Muni cipal Corporations, recommended that the Senate rccedo from its amendment to H. B. No. 392 Amending section 90 of tbe Municipal Corpo ration act of 1852. Agreed to; so the bill will be law when signed. It allows cities of tbe second class to fund its floating debt. Mr, SPRAGUE, from -the committee 00 En rollment, reported the enrollment of Bundry bills, kc. Mr. JONE3,from the Judiciary oommittee, recommended tbat tbe 8eute recede from its amendment to II. B. No. 252, for the settlement of decedents estate. Agreed to. Mr. SCHLEICH, from the Judiciary c immit tee,' recommend the passage of S.iB.No. 259. Amending the Homestead law. Agreed to, and the bill pasted. APPROPRIATION BILL Mr. STANLEY," from the Finance commit tee, reported back tbe general appropriation bill, with a recommendation that the bill pass. ..Several amendment were agreed, to, when-r - Mr. MORSEfnorod to reconsider the vote by which the amendment to makean appropriation for the Artesian Well was lost. Not agreed to. Mr. JONES moved to appropriate $10,000 to the Governor's contingent fund. Mr. SCHLEICH desired to know the reason for this extraordinary appropriation. Mr. JONES replied tbat it was designed to be used id case tne r eoerai uoveroment should make a requisition upon the Governor of Ohio for assistance In maintaining the Government. Mr. SCHLEICH bad nothing to say, except that the Conduct- of Senators la this matter it rather strange. It appeared to him that this look ed like preparations for war. He thought be had eeen symptoms or cauous and party drill. If Senators propose to adopt revolutionary mea nres, let tbem crack their whip, and we will all tro in. Jill , HARSHsald .he had no knowledge of the early whlpf--He bad -first felt disposed to oppose tbe fixed ammunition amendment, but bit patriotism baviug been aroused, he was now ready to rote any appropriation for tbe good of tue counirv Mr. COX vehemently denied that there anything revolutionary in the premises. We are but doing pur simple duty..Tb!t appropri ation will He as sftieiy ooder to control of tbe Governor as in the Iroasury, unless some eon' . tlngeney ahall arise which tball nrake its ex nenditura necessary. It is now a time when tbe Executive may be provided to meet emer eeoiies that may arise Tbe Governor ie beld responsible for tbe expenditure. It i disloyal and nnpaUiotlo to tie the band ot , thet bxecu tiveatlhittlmb: "' 1 " J ' Mr. STANLEY said the money is to remain in the Treasury until tbe Governor ahall deem it necessary for public nerriee to, withdraw it. Mr. PARISH regarded the condition of the country ae a justification for the appropriation. Tbe telegraph thla morning auoounoea the moretniBt ot Confederate troops towards U. S. Forts in the t-'ouib. He (Mr. P.) was willing to put this money uuder control ot tbe bxeouttve, to prepare us for emergencies. Mr. SMITH thought there is real, great dan ger of civil war, and it Is wise that we should prepare for It. He understood the Senator from Fairfield to ay yesterday that ths V. 3. .Forts ihould ot be eorreridered o1 ' Mr. SCHLEICH I ay o cow. And for the reason that it would be a recognition of seces slon. p-rvrtK (fi t- It 1. il Mr. SMITH replied that it was impossible, Keep these rort without reiarorcement. Hew therefore in favor of appropriating tbi money for this emergency , If il should arisa Hs was willing to vote ten times, nay fifty times ai much, f ' "' ir-J,1 ', M. HOLME3 saiaV'bA(f heard jBwhV war here. W ben a man starts to sera ghost, hs is apt to" Hod oncro u gentlemen talk war so much il wouldn't be surprising to lei war id the Sen ate. Mr, IL proceeded, to ridicnletbe (ubjeet sj'A, l)0bKOb(in., HerwarJas, pstrlotio Ol RDF' eentlcruka to met real daiiiier, and he was nol j f tboseiwbo apprehended tbe trouble abonlr which gentlemen are to eloquent, j tie tbooghjXH. we could rote, however, wilh6ut Imputing im proper motives to any manor oiass 01 men. ne would rote aa ha pleased, and professed himself as loyal as any Senator on the floor v - , - Mr. CUA said mat il bad been, onargca mat this contingent fund waa to b used to get Ohio out of tbe Unlm, The imputation came from the friends of the Senator. - - - - - - : Mr. HOLMES did not hear It, and Mr. SCHLEICH denied that It had been said. ' Mr. COX said thote identical words had been used. . - - Mr. BCHLEICH Bald no smb. Idea had been expressed- V ft ' v 1 ) ) & Mr. COX said that It was wlthld the legiti mate nroelnna of debate to show that a measure la necessary and patriotic, and to condemn tbat which It against it aa dyshyal and nnpatrlotic. Imnutatloni In this dlsoasaion bars first came frnirt thn nthflf-alila nf tha Honae. and none on this Bide have alluded to, their personal bravery, their personal hostility. Ac All tuch allusion have come from the gentleman '1 tide M tYiM f.hamhA.' ' , Mr.' HOLMES Wd" he had said but , little in thin discussion. He could not sea tbe nloe dis tinotlont" of the gentleman ? The gentlemen had been liberal In the r remarks, lis did not like to bare himself charged with disloyalty, because he roted a certain way. He. used hit own discretion in what he did.. He might differ from eentlomen. but he. wat ai loyal. as any gentloman. He objected to being denounced as unnatriotio because be disagreed with the sen ator. Mr. Holmes had aat still two dayi and heard the Democratio party abused, and be now felt like renlvlntr. 1 - . ! , - h T'-I ' Mr. COX wanted to know if tbe gentleman did not bear the Republican party abused. Mr. HOLMES heard aU tbat waa is id. Mr. GARFIELD wanted to know if the Sen ator.did not hear it charged on thla floor In re ference to this contingent fund, tbat it is mien ded that Ohio ehall "set no for herself." , t r Mr. HOLMES ald he waa talking when the remark was made, and be did net boar it Mr. SCHLEICH aaidtbatbe was not willing that the Question should Senear as one of pa triotism or disloyalty, but It il a autttlon of pol icy, and he should vote upon it as a matterj of puncj. Some mutual explanation were made, when Mr.iOXtaid tbat, although mere-are disloy al leaders in the Democratio party, he sincerely believed tbat three fourth of tbe masses of tbe party would heartily defend the countsy, and maintain the constitution. Mr. SCHLEICH opposed the spproprlation because it was unnecessary. ; '-, ' i The Senate took a recess. r.''iti,''- - .' ' n t'll HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, March 28. Pravcr bv Rev. Mr. MoCune Tbe following bills were introduced and read uiv mil ft.uice ,i r. v. H. B. 464, by Mr. JONES, of Hamilton To protect the Interest oflurnpikes, and flank Knada. , . ...... H.Bel bvMri'CLAPP-To nrovide for the guardianship of children, 00 the death tbeir lather. II. B. 4C6, by Mr. BALD WIN-To limit the fees 01 eouniy 'Auditors 1 Mr. BURR, from tbe commiteeon Finance, re oortedback S. B. 245 For the payment of the claim of Bartlitdr, Smith, with a report on tbe same, giving a history ot, the Ucta connected with the claim. - -- ;. ir.',.,-i'uu -Mr. BALDWIN moved that the report be printed in the Appendix to the journal, which was agreed to, when tbe bllL-wa ordered to be reads third time ndw. ft f 'JiV'ili ' ' Mr. BURR made a further explanation of the facts in the case. T'tf. 1 rr y .;; q Mr. ANDRE (VS also explained the same facte as 4iw uei aewruwu tuau' tu - -previous seatuuu, when- he was a member of the- oommittee on Mr.; FLAGG did not concur ia tbe report but be would not make any particular charge against tbe parties, lie wss, however, In favor of permitting the claim to be settled under the statute on tbat subject or last sesaion.4 J ? Mr. -SCOTT, t)f Warren, desired that this claim should be settled by executive officers who were conversant . with the matter, and could judge more -correctly ot U,, with the teetimony clearly betorc mem, man ibis Mouse could. Mr. CONVERSE advocated the payment the claim, at belngjolearly established, and ought to be tustiy and promptly aeitied. Mr. BALDWIN explained why tbe officers of state did not settle- tbe account, last vear and why this bill ought to past In its present lorn. .- , , . ., , Mr. FLAGG instated that the statute of last session sufficiently provided for the case; and not, it could be amended so m to answer fully tne enas 01 jusnoe.T"5-;Mr ir Mr. VINCENT quoted documents In nolnt. showing that the officers of State regarded it a just claim, while they thought tbat final action in the (taje should Do taken by the Leg is lature. The report sets forth the following facts that oh the 12th day of June, 1857, iu tbe abieuoe of W. 11. uibson, Treasurer of state, W. A Ilershiser, Chief Clerk in the Treasurer' office being without fundi to meet certain drafts pre sented at the Treasury, drew a draft in the name of W. H. Gibson, Treasurer of State. UDon At wood & Co., of New York, iu favor of Bartlitt ft Smith, for the umol $3,UUO, wblch was cash ed by said B & S i and the money paid out the counter of the Treasury by raid Uershlser, F. M. Wright, Auditor of State, assisting negotiating-the 'transaction.'' Before said draft reached New. York, tbe defalcation In the Treas ury bad been discovered,-aad W. II. Gibson bad been succeeded , by. A. P. .Stone at Treasurer, by whom orders wee Immediately issued to depositaries of the Treasury, Atwood k Co. In cluded, to stop payment upon all draft drawn by W. H.Gibwn. In ; consequence of such or ders, eaia uraifwas protested, and . re turned to u m who have since held it sa claim against the State, the Auditor of State being unautborured ' to draw for its payment.- Alter the funding of said draft, and before' return from New Xork, dishonored, said B. A had also paid out on the checks of- the Treasur er, drawn, by . both Gibson and Stone, all tbe balance dud from them as depositaries of the State, amounting to tuo sum or SJ43 U7. j At tbe same time, tbe Fund Commissioner! beld a dralt drawn by tbe said B. at, S. tor tb sum of $1500 .PQ, purchased for tbe -.purpose paying tbe interest on tbe State debt, payable in New York On tbe lit of Julyr-ald draft be ing payable on the. 16th of June, the payment or whicn wat nmmeatateiy flopped by laid & S. upon tb return of tbe protested draft re ceived from the Treasurer. But as the Fund Commissioners would not have sufficient means to meet.'fbe July interest without this amount, at tha. earnest solicitation of the Auditor. and under his official pledge that the matter tbetWUU 00 draft should be made right, said Orders were withdrawn, and tne money paid, saia runa vommisaionerson June xxa f ' Tbe oommittee find that large money trans actions were bad between W. H. Gibson and B. & S., and whether, In any such transaction! any im proper use of tbe public funds wat made, they hare no meaut of knowing, but ji i -fully satisfied tbat so lar a this matter is concerned, it was bad in good faith, and they have been unable to find that the State has any valid off let whatever.,., Tbe vote , waa then called" on tbe pasaago-of the bill, and resulted yeas 56, aays33. . '" I .The Committee on Claims reported, back B.1 973 Providing for tbe lettlement of the Claim of John W. Allen, wltbont amendment, and recommended iu passage.? The bill wai read a third time; and ) A 2 . i Mr. ROBINSON explained the motive which governed, ths cjihnuttet, la;oomlng'! to ! thii con clusion. i TU '.i ilia a.r.J 'tti Z,.' 'J. . I rfmw uh v a.ra vu Niw,mnKav tne oui, woicn reeuiiea yeaa pi, nays a,i The committee on Publio Works reported back memorial and resolutions relating , to the uewistown JKeeerroir, wnen they were referred to tne committee on rinance. 'ni r , Tha committee on Roads and Jilehwavara. porVed back 8, B.236-Ttf prevent-oba&uctioni on turnpikes and pitvnk roads, wblch was read a third time, when V I 1 Mr. HILLS- explained tb db ecthf tbe blU. wblch was mainly to prohibit Abe practice of filing atone, lumber. 8. . r r - T , Air. DTUiioti also1 explained, when- the bill passed yeas 68, nays 8, inr' r. n u . ' Tbe committee oa Benevolenl Institntians re. rportedback IJ. B.419-Td regulate ths con tracts for supplies and repairs for the Benevo lent Institutions, with an amendment, whio waa agreed to, when the bill wa aead a third time and paed yea! 75; Day 2.)' ; . ., T i II. B. 458 To preveut fr&hdt on Railroads, wai read the second time end referred lo the oommittee on Railroad wed Turnpike. ' ' Tbt committee ba Agrloultore icportea back B.330 To repeal auction 1, of the act lor the encouragement of agrioolture and recom- menaea mat n laueuuiwiy postpoutu Mr. HERRICK opposed the renort, and ai- gued tbat tbe Agricultural Interest wat ot a character that did not need protect ion or en couragement. The bill, bowerer, doee not pro pose to withdraw ell encouragement from tbe county agricultural societlet, but to to reduoe the amount or money so appuea, aooui tnree- fourths. ' Betides, these are inuipensaoiesoois ties', springing up all over the country, tbat are doing much service In promoting the prosperity of agriculture, that received no money from the county. . He would put all on tn equal root ing. 1 . ; i r i ' v.. , ' Mr. STIER3 opposed the bill, at likely to break up the whole eystem of agricultural so cieties He regarded these new Yeung Amer ican aooietiee as everywhere coming Into competition with tbe county ocitles, thn me main stay ot agricultural Improvement. Mr. BILLS thought tbat, as agrloulture 1 the great and controlling Interest of the coun try, mat tne idea or protection Is Inverted wben it is applied to It, rather than the weaker Inter- eats of other pursuits and trades. He thought, too the natural tendenoy of wealth to aggregate itself into monopolies is now mainly lo the ag ricultural interests. Mr. McCLUNG defended the report, and il lustrated the manner In which tbe whole country la benefitted by the little machinery in use to promote that Interest. But the House had just appropriated a sum out ot the uouuty Agricultu ral Fund for an agent to the World's Fair; and it would not now be proper to Id.ien that fond. Tbe House then took a recess. Loss of Sleep. It there anything more wearing to both mind and body than lost of tleep, or II any difficulty or disease can be oftener traced to other than loss of sleep, then experience bae lost Its pow er.or Sidney Smith, the great English Physiol ogist, Is not to be relied upon. Of this, let the experience of thousands answer, and try the To la Anodyne, and they wiil- be ready to endorse the remak of one of the friends of the proprie tors, who writes, "were tbe directions to be cov ered with toverelgnt to purchase, I would not be without it." - This all will experience by its use. See advertisement, and call for Damoh- letsA i i i ..A . tO All thonld read Prof. Wood's advertise ment In another column. . GUERNSEY'S BALM! of I of if as at in all its of a. of to NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTH It. A O K 1. T M TO SELL paokaees of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at . prlnea ont-tnlrd leaa than can be purchased aleewhere Uall on or addreaa (stamp enclosed) . L. BAlLUl.No. ISA Court at,, hostoo, ilaai. march 2d:d?ni. "A CALL FOR HELP." ALL WHO KNOW Til KIVISELVCN Indebted to as on Book acnoant or Not, are earnest ly requealed to call Immediately and settle the same, aa wa are now moat needy and dr aire to build up, at alo and put onr mea to work. BKOTHERLIN, rJALtd St CO. Columbus, March 28, 1801 S3t .jSL 0-t3lX1.3D. we denire in this pa7ulic tux's bit to expresa our sincere gratitude and tbanka to oor efficient Fire Department (entire J of thla city, and to the cltiiena and frlcndi, who took such an active part In trying to save ear property from deetmeiion by fire, en Saturday, MJ Inat.. aud for tha generous sympathy x preaeed in our behalf. marga-ll BR0THKBLIN, HALM At 00. REMOVAL. OaDoylo cto OOa HAVE BEIIfOVED THEIR OrFICE la tha Boulh-vest corner of- High and Friend streets, "UP STAIRS," T'! Mi:-. ' ; And will continue to keep on hinds a larg stock of BOOTS4 AND SHOES. The attantWaTel Merchants and Dealer, Is respectful ly Invited to our stock. 8. DOYLI At Oo. marchfet:dtilljaly3l. v. FOE RENT! A BRICK DWF.LLING CONTAINIFIO XX. lOHooma, no. lVSJSaat Broad Street. AddIv to March 117, idl.-dUt n.t. BhlXUB. r : Tp MUTUAL BENEFIT : j IIEE INSUR1NCE COMPANY', . t e. ,' . I3"o"wai'lJC, KTw T. . - .fifi'l--. - . - . , --. . A. Dividend January 1,1801,40 Par Cent lAo3ETB.':'.'::'...'.'..'.......;.tJ18K,SM50'. Statement January 1, 1861, Balance, per statement Jan. 1st, 1840 3,4UtJ,581 39 Received for Premluma dur- ! log tha year lt 7flS.05S 5? , , jveceireii lor iniereai uunng i ma year ibou 214 014 IU ' Total recelpta for' I860.... tU77,067 74 Paid Claim, by Death, M7.050 00 . Paid Policies aurren--- " dered 41,111 S9 Paid" Balaries, Po.t- ' . age, Taxes, Jtx- ' L'ohange.etc 31,620 51 ' Taid Commiaaions to Agent II.SM 30 Paid I'hyaiolana' fees, S.IMo 7S . , Paid AnnulUae.... 117 00. Paid Dlridenda dur- ' , ing the ear 168.500 7J SC SSI S3 U,B7dU . Net Balance January lat. 1861.... 3,813,4J8 SO Oaabonhand , !U,0'284 19 Bondaa.dAlortgageaon Real - . - I Satate, worth double the ! amount loaned 3.337,841 C8 Premium Notes, on Policies In force, onlydraUigS ,r - ' eent. Interest. ,. 1,270,H64 17.. Real Kjta'e W) 8113 7 ' toana on Scrip 5,(131 4A Premioma, Notes and Oaah, in I eourteof tranamiaalon.... 45 313 73 x.p Total Aasal. 13.81358 SO TaSTa Policies la force, Insuring t '3,420,638 I 1,435 new Policies hire been Issued during tb year. I After a careful calculation of tha present value of the eautandlng Policies ot tha Company, and having the ntetttart amount la reserve therefor, the DirToin aava declared a Uividctb of 45 par eent. ea tha Preml ma paid at ths table rates, to all policies for Ule la force, -Isaued prior to January 1, i860, payable according to the . present tula of tha Company. Rateafor all kinds or Idle Contlngsneles, ittspeo Beer, Statements, and Applications, will be furnlahed' without chab, at the Omoe or Agenclea ol the Com pany. ; . ., :.,: , . 1 i X S0BT. WATTSRBOlt, Frealdent. 1.0.0ROTR,Yloairaai4enU, , r, . BBN. 0. MILLS R, Secretary. " r 1 I . M. It. BtsESOlVa AatntT" ' . ; MaichSS, 1881. VUlUAAlUUavf W j dr; leland's ANTjfHEUM lSrTHE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Ehe"amatJsirL,v.''Goat and.- Ucuralgia, I AND A ftORi O0RI VOK All' Mercurial Diseases. I ..!(' It la a conveniently a rranred Band, rxntalnlnra aJ. lea ted oompoaad. to be worn around the Waist, without InJ ury to the moat delicate peraona; ne ehanre in habits of living Is required, and tt entirely remove tbe dis ease from tb system, without p reducing tha (Injurious effaots arising from tha naa of powerful internal saedt oinea, which weaken and destroy tha coaelituttoa, and give temporary relief only. By tbrk treatmeat, tb aaeoV ioinal properties eon tained la the Rand, eoaae la eoauoS with the blood and reach tha dleeaee, through the pore ot ths skin, eaeetiog in eterf laataao a perfect ones, and restoring tbe parts afflicted to healthy condition. This Band Is alto a aaoatpowarfnl Arn-Wtaucaui. ani, and will anUraly jlievetheyeaem from thjwifoto . effeettef Alercury. Moderate cues are eured In a few days, and we ar eonatantly racelring teetlraonlalaof IU elBcacy ia aavraVBted eaae of long ttanding. Puiom a'J.UO. to be bad of Dragelels tenerally, er ean b sant by mailer expreee, with full dlreoliona for vac, to any pari of the aovntry, dlreol from tha Principal - Wo. 409 ' BKOADWAT, JftW York. f G. SMITlt & CO., Sole Proprietors'. N. A. Dewriptivevhvumrs Banl rraot - TJj Asjent WajBle KTOr7wnor anaie lylwlatp.dfcw - i FOR HKJITl Brick House, en Oay atreet, -eight Room. Appl to . St., MUls, or at ST the "Arocrtcao," to u pOX...U.JLf It'