Newspaper Page Text
O a ;..;'':( r i )( 1:11 Mil flVir f limf K hi j i 11 ,J !! J "wewer .If 1 ." r;l 1" Id 0 TOL. VII. NO. 252, NEW SERIES; COLUMBUS. OHIO. FRIDAY EVENING. MARGH 29. 18C1. SIX DOLLARS PO YElH - InTArfablj la Adv-anoe.'S f . W- 'LA I -W A. "VA ' ' attsFranw MSB 'w'V.U I... i 9. t it; k i if; DAILY, TEI-WEEKLYA5DWEEXLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, fUBtltaiKI AMD PBOfBHTQgl CT Offlet Km. 86, tl ad 40, Vorth Hlgk ft. TBRM8 INVARIABLY IN ASTANOl'. 0Uy 90 00 par yttr. By tnt nurritr, par vhi, aanta. frl-Wealrlr , - . 8 00 par yi Weekly, . , . - 1 00 ,, ; ,V crma of AdvertUinir by th Square miqur 1 yei...J0 W One " Uinor.thi 18 (JO One " 8 mentht 19 00 iat " 3 month! 10 00 Dne , II monlhi 8 00 One ' ., 1 month. 6 00 One tqaare 8 weeki. .4 00 One . " Sweeki.. 3 00 One " Iweek... 1 7J One :3ye.. 1 oo One BiUyi... 79 One " llneertioa SO Dltplnjed tdrerUiimenta hlf more thn the ebore rates. Adrettltemcnti letde Mid phweA in the eolamn of Pr.eclnl Notice," doubH ti orunary rout. All uotlcee reqntrec to be published by Uw, leftslnte. If ordered on the Inline exciustreiy niier ue nraiweei per cen:. more thn the ebore ratee; bat (11 inch wll iDiwir la the Trl-Weekur wlthoet ohine. Duilneae Card, not exoeedin( Art liner, per yew, In ii ue, so per line; onuiae it. Notion of meetlnti, clwri tablet oeleUoi, Are oompanlee, eic.. hitlf nrlee. . , - All traniU advrtitmnmtt mmti t4 paid far to 'inarms ' Te rule will not be nrledfrem. - . Weekly, lame price ee the Dally, where the kdrertlaer tea the Weekly alone. Where 'he Dally end Weekly re botn eaed, then the charge tor the Weekly WUI be .0 iir the rte er Uie uany No adrertiiement taken except fore definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS-WORKS, Corner KprlnfrtV Water 8U.,"j.; Oolumbus, Olxlo. W. B. POTTS & CO., TeXOIIiaNriQTO, And llannfnetnreri of Urate end Aompoiltloo Oullngf, linltheo) Brut Work ol ell Ueecrlpuont. Electro Plating and Gilding!! stencil cutting; &C. (ebfOO-dly ' . . F..A. b. smxiBS, ; Attorney txt Tgx'xxr AMD NOTARY PUBLIC. Office Amen Building, oppotlte Capitol Square. ooLUMBna. onio. Machine Manufacturing Company . II A!DT ACTUM OF . ' i S. STEAM ENGINES & BOILER OMtingi, Xlll Oearing, Xtablnary.' .. . I I- V. .1 - 1. .! t i! o. ! -.AtBO, i '.,- .i ' -j - Xt.allxco.c3L' Work ot mtr DiBctimoN. . :' , ' . COliDMBUfl, OHIO, " -OH AS. AHBOrT, Bep'i ' - ' f . AMBOS.iTreM. . deoll, IHW-tf -i '. Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolis! Through to lodianaDolia without Change of Can and but One Change of Can between , : Columbna and St. Louis. THREfi, TRAINS DAILY FROM COLTJM .., ; BUS. . : . ' ' ' FIR3TTRAIN. ,..;' '. (Dally, Mondayt excepted.) ' j Riant JIXPKK88, 9ia Deyton, at 8:49 a. m.,etop. pint at London, Xenia, Dayton, Uiddletowa and llaanll ten,arrilratOindnniti at 8:20a. m.; Dayton at 6: a.., lodianopolUat 10:48 a. m. It. UuUat 11:50 ' SECOND TRAIN. '" ' ; B:10 a. m., atopping at all Bta ttonibetweenOolumbutand Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rtrlnn at Cincinnati 11:08 a. m., Dayton at 9:15 a. m., Indianopolit at 2;S8p. m. : , ( , THIRD TRAIN. ; . f ' DAY KXrRB8,tt 8:30 p. m., ttoppiae; at Alton, JeSeraon, . London, Oharleeton, ..Otdanille, " Xenla. Spring Valley, Corwln, Uorrow, JDeerfleld. fotter'e. Loreland, Mlllfordaod Plalnrille, arrirlng at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m.; Rt. too It at 13, m; Dayton at 9:35 p. m.i Indianopolit fWiXp. , j (.. v. Sleeplns; Care oa all Nlarht Traluai ( Clnciiaaatl and lndlanapvli. . BAOBAOB 'CHECKED THKOlIII. , . ' . : :- '"" " lor further Information and Through Tlckeai apply to M..L. DOHHRTT, ' L Wlktkel Agent, Union Depot, OolomhutvOhlov ' . 1 H. W. WOODWARD, - V gnperlntendent, Cincinnati. , iNO. W. DOHRT J Jul3 F:V""' Afenl,Ooluinba,, V 1 ii'. SOMETHING ' NEW' H OWARDS;QO'Si ApmCAH; BATCHES. :"t CALL AT NO. 83, 80TJTH IllOn ST., and examine our new make of ... AMERICAN watches; manufactured by Ik HOWARD as CO ( Boeton, Matt; Theee Watohee ere far euperior to enythingarer offered to the public heretofore. 1 Haying the exelutlrt agency, lean tell them etprlcet to ealt the thnee. I hayejutt reoelTtdalaige itook ef ;js , 'AMERICAN WATCHES, -.:: ' manafaotared by APPLE ION, TRACT, k CO j alto, a flneateortmentof ' ' ' v. i. ...... . ENGLISH APT SWISS WATCHES, v In Sold aol Silver Caeet, at Panic prloee. : .:.: j ianS3 W '-" '; 4 ' aw-.:-.-'W,?f IATA01.' ' ii .... u . i... 100 Tir. - CII BKEEN and : BLACK I'KAS lOO ban wrlmt Rio Conee. . 1 SO soekMaeld Dutnh fiovemment Java Coffee. 75 bageCej',n Coffee.. i.wj j .... .i SOQbblt. etandard WW to Sugan, aentlttlng at Pew- dred, Ofinuhed, GranulaMd A and B Ooffee. - 50qulntalaaeorgeBaak4)odnahi'j . ' gobble, aieea and No. i Mackerel. - )v . . ; r. toe. Plok Salmon. t-,j .,....,: . 100 bx. Layer Baiiini. ;, .t , . ,..;. 60 hf boa do , do ii ii.i.., t.: j-.i.-ai - lOOqrs boa do : :de -. ., lOO u Olgare, auereai sraaoi ana gntae. ' nov27 )t!,i j.ti ; WM. MoDONALD ' And, Blank-Book KaiiTifaiitnrcr, '.: iS KOTO! EIOH RSKXT, COLVXBTg, OSIO narll-dly 1 . . . . ' a '. Za. -, rAniLVirLouate. Wll IT M WHB4T( BRANPEO : . : i sno'w:j5,ijakb3.- ;j ' ; Prom "BamettMllH,"Bpringflld, 6. the beet brand of floor brought to our market. Satisfaction aaranteed. Ioraleonlya,v WM, MoDONALD'C ,r , ov8T i JOe lonta Hlgt etrert. . ALEXANDRE Kill LOVEt. -All elM and eeloytlutt opened al ' BAIM8, deeTll. t' " ' o.8B?BttniIhitreefc i - ' ' -v.. . ; ", "ru . , ' stone's bazaar: N"o. 4 Gwvnne , Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRA a NOW RECEI VINO THEIR WIW Ii. ilR GOODS, and invite the publlo to lntpeot Uiem. ' no euen etocc or wooae nee erer oeen erengnt to thie market. . The South, in eoneeqaenc of the failare ef the grain crop, hat not been able to purobate the ue nalauantltr of rloh coodi. and thie fact hat forced the Importer! to eell them at publlo auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being in New York at theee large ealee, took advantage of them, and we ean and will tell ourgoode here, at lea than any one too purcnetoa two wee re eioce, paid lor mem is new ior. uureioca uoompieie every department of ' t - ELEGANT DRESS 8ILE3, , , OTTOMAN VELOURS, ; BROCHE VALENCIAS, : , PRINTED MERINOS. PRINTED C0BUR63, ',, r :. , . , DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, , , i , ., ORLEANS, .. , FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, - ... - ALL WOOL DELAINES. POPLINS, PRINTS, . .. i DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS i ilve Thousand Dollars Worth 1 i , Bought in One Day, it At eae hall taa Coat f Impaitatlon LADIES' FURS, ' In all Varletleae ! the Celebrated . Blannfatare af C O. Oan . . then tc n. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, , Hen't.ladlee and Chlldren'i TJnfler ShlrM and Drawer! Ladiea, AHetee and Children'! Hoalery of all kinde, in Wool and Lamb'i Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloret of every make. . 7 I ... A eemplete assortment of all the naual varie tlesof . f ; f . LADIES' CLOTHS, . . ;. . CASSIMERE3, . i , : OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, -.; , RIBBONS, v. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiea and Gent's Linen Cambric Hani - i - . kerchiefs, Ac, &o. . Sa venoni who call on u, we pledge . ourwordt to tbot them the largest, beet and eheapeti etoek of Good, ever teen in uut market, or pay mem one aoiiac per noorwniie looking. aect-diyittawitw. BTuns ac u umu, LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO. 23 ft 25 F ABE PLACE, . , 20 ft 22 HUB.EAY STEEET, , . ai ju w' touk, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF, Foreign and ' Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ( ' SPRING, 1861. v We ere oDenlne. at our amDle wareroomt. at the above anmbert, ttockt of Qoodt In each of the tlx department of our butlnete, euperior to anything we have heretofore exhibited to lot trade. . . . ) vt. . 'i cloth departmobntJ f Me hat erown to Ita oreeent mtinUude under the thorouih management of a hover of lone experience and i i.j , UTa b v, Itnaa f Uieeneetandc&oloeet.,., j ,. . .. FANCY 0ASSIMERES be found in the market, all eelected with the nlcett dltcrlminaUon. Alto, all gradet, colon and varieUet oC BROADCLOTHS, , . . SATINETS, . -:' ' LADIES' CL0AINNGS, TWEEDS, . IARHIRB' and HXROHAKTS' C A33IMKRI8, KINTTJCKY JSANB, from 9J, to eenti per yard ! '.and apwardt; TWIED8, 1SX to U oentt per yard but year eold at ! . . . 18 la Ms . . ., ., . w.-.V. i : PRINTED 8ATINIT8, at 14 oentt; And other Oocdi arretpondiglif Low, Dress-Ooods ' Department.".' , Hanchetter De telnet, Hamilton do. Pacific do. , . Printed lawne, t Printed Brllllantee, ' fancy Ginghamt, Bombeelnee, . u Black Stlie, . .; fancy Bilks. : Printed OhaHlt, Alancbetter Ginghamt, i Olaigow i do. , Clinton ' do. Ottoman Clothr, " Alpaoaa,. . . . .j. .- PopliOI, :, .;; t-. j . . And tt Nat StUet Styk of FANCY SPRING GOODS.: Uerrhnao Print, Coeheco ' do. Paoido ' do. Blctunond't Printt,. -American , do. Dunnell'e-- do.1- -Inglith do. -. Bpraguea do. Hancheeti leeter, o. rnni,g., ,, 3X5MBSTIO CCXTTONS. i Lawrence 0 Stark Xathrop .;. Shawmut ., Pooanet , Bheetlngt, do., ,: do., j. i do, , Atlantis A. Sheetlnp, Amotkeag do. ' Appletoa i Everett ,it,,x do. . ' Dtica, e., . do. ; r Alt Groitt and Width. , i ' BIiKAOniD SniRTINQS AND 8IIKITINQS. Wantutta, " .' DWIghl,"''' ' tawrenoei", Xontdale, Oreatfallt, , , Naumkeag, mu,, Waltbaa,. ;:;..! Boott,- . ,j j -. ' . . HeYoikHllle,,.,fc.-' :-- - ;sHAivi&ANir " j A LAROI AND aiLIOT AB60RT1I111T. r , . i- . . . r..M':.. 1 1. 00TTON ADII-a peat variety. ',.(,,.,.,' j . 0HK0K8 do. , . ; . , . IICKINflS-ll the leading branflti" " " 1 -DRNIM8 do. ' . do., h-i l-'..'- '' V- ' " 8UIRUN0 llRiPBS-all the leading brand. ;! , NANKSBNB do. do.... . 00K8BT JBAN8 "" ' do..- do. . MORRKNS do.- '" do. " - ' DAMASKS, PAPIR CAMBRIC"., OOLORUD CAM' j .; : BRI08, io. ,,.;: LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHXTK CI00D8,' i.'r.-.f.i!h'W .;,.iy . J. t.;.A I .:.: ..: E08IXST, -: j-:-. i . :-'-..u..1 . j TAIEU KOTIOHS, Gentlemen's FurnisniDg Gootjs, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS,'," I i' . CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS,"-" And agreal variety of Ooodt not enemerated-all of which we pledge eurtelvei to tell at the bwxtf market priatttho larger portion al from U to 30 per cent, leei than hatyear. ..! . : ...i. i...... - - LATHROP, LUDINGTCiN & CO., NEW YORK.-r marl U':Xrlsnen;.Goods.: ClTABHAJITEi,ABRd:;,;'i;.,,: ' Linen Bhlrt Boaome Jlala and fancy" ' , kUi: Bhlrtingand Boeom Linani. i,.t, Lln'B Bhettlpgt and Pillow Oatinga..., - tui. ifi Mncn Oambrlce and Long Lawne. "' I..,.. -Linen Voeket-handk'Ti, all iltee. ' ! T".l'w .WnenTirwaiiinpjndBlapara, . - Linen BapkUi, and D'Ovllee... - , , j 'J" llnettTable Cloth. and (.lialS,5'1 "''i J" i rt , Unearowele with colored bordere;" ;3 7-:' ,'. . .Xlnenmi0overinKiaa0raB,'iv5J'1.1 I.J f lo iK.f0',4WWAe. , io cri.', 1 THB OHIO STATESMAN STlEAM vi,i; BOOK AND JOB PRINTING- ESTABLISHMENT Having Increaaed ill already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, . It fully prepared to execute in the MOST ELABORATE MANNER, A9D IN THE LATEST STTLES, CATALoarrss, . SBlifS, ' ' BILLS LADING, ' BILL H1ADS, - Noras, . , DRAfTS, , ; : CHICKS, ' CIRC0LARS, PAKPHIJITS, LETTERHEADS, LIQAC BLANKS, -, DRAT BICBLPT8, LABELS, CARDS, ENTE LOPES, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every detcrlptlon of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Equal to any IiUbllthment In the State, and ope , . w .... . . . term which will compare favorably with tho i . . . . ..i . . i.' leading Kaatern Prlnilng notuca. every JTnoility to aid TJa w Tint paoDucTioi w ELEOANT. POSTERS : AITD l HIGHLY ILLUMINATED l.:o SHOW CARDS, We offer our tervicet to all who may deilre that clajn of work. ' We havt connected with par EatabB&mtnt a ' , BLANK BOOK BINDERY, from which we produoe the . Finest ,X3lArLlx. Work AND TBI Moar ' J -.-1 . I ' -1, 't , . ' SUPERB SAIL ROAD BLAJTZ BOOKS. OTJR ESTABLISHMENT It admitted to be T11U . , XjikXtC3r-lI3ST IBM MOST COMPLETE IN FICOJTIES, . AND tSI MOOT 1 , . ' ... ', I ,.,(. -:it . t'.i - I .?.--. PERFECT Ilf ORCANIZATION " 1 ' .. ;:.l'i I a:.'...- 1 . In thie City, and we may add, WE WILL FAVORABLY COMPARE WITH ANT Printing Honat) In the Waat. RICHARD KEVINS, .i,: PBOPBXETOB. Gents'' Linen Shirt CoUars, t;v OF STJPERIOR QCALITT, Iff CAM BOT, Standing, Byron, Pertlniay, Benfrew and other new shapes,' Hemmed rocket Handkerchleft, Neck Tlea, 8 lock a. Street end Hvealng Olvree, Half Hoae or every kind, Under Oannento and all klnda of Oente' fur nUhlng flood. In great variety and at modeiate price., . , BAIN SON, -m ; Ho; 8 South Hleh. twit." iif ALTisa i 111 -o" alegant qi at thkbad Lack ribttsi qualiUea for Ladiea; alao. Misses' Mitts gnat i variety v - BAIN'S. MSftt II1VI. Daily, per year, i - ...... ... ..fSOO .. a oo .. 1 oo Tri-Weekly, pel rear Weekly, peiyeai ,. . St. Patrick. . The Baltimore u fnrnUhes the following ketch of the life tad worka of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland '. " ' ' ' ' ' St. Patrick, the apostle and patron saint of Ireland, waa bora at Toura, in uaui, aoout 373. Hit uncle wai the great St. Martin, Biabop of Tonra. Hit father was Uaipburmus; nig moth. er'a name waa Co -iieeaa. , in dsa. beine six- teenveara aaa taken captive in Bretaent, and waa brought to Ireland, wliere be waa sold to Milcho Hnanan, a petty prince of Dalardia, In Antrim. Patrick fed Milcho'a hogi, in which tffloe, the saint telle na, he was frequently in prayer; the love and rear or. uoa innamed bis neart, nia laun was eniargeu, ma own augmen ted. he aaid hundred nrayera by day, and near ly aa many by night; he rose in the frost, rain sad anow, and waa .not alotbful, &o. In Ibis way be learned the Irish language, manners and dispositions, and tuns prepared nimseir for bis subsequent laoora. In 395 be waa released from his servitude, and retorted to bis relatives, witn wbom be re mained itwo yean. Itwas during this time be hid that vision in which be saw a man nam ed Victorious coming to blm from Ireland, with number of letters, one of which contained the words Vex Hiktrni Qtnaum, "the voice of the Irish," and whilst reading it he heard voice saying, "we entreat wee, fatrick,. to - come amongst us," which formed his resolution on be ing Ireland's apostle. Patrick for thirty-five yeara atudied utrderhia uncle, St. Martin, by whom he was made dea con. Abut 403 be went to Home, where be studied the scriptures for six years. In 429 be accomnanled i. German to excel Pelaeian lam from Britain; and in 432 was appointed by Pope Celeatloe to preach to the Irish. He proceeded to Delardla, where bis old master, Milcho, lived. He next went southward, westward and north ward, until he arrived at Tara. Hers be con verted Coonell, prince, grandfather to St. Co- Iumbklll. In 434 ha traveled to Connaueht, where he converted the daughters oi King Leobair. Now, in Imitation of Christ, Mosea and Ellas, be fasted forty days, and, according to Jocelloe, gathered the tribes of reptiles and serpents, and drove them into the ocean. Pat rick aeaio proceeded northward, toward the west, to Tyr-Amalgald (now a deanery in Tuam,) aud beta converted many thousands, amidst striking miracles. Colganeays he found ed here above 47 churcbea. He appointed bishops, ordained priests snd founded nunneries on bis course to Louth. In 445 he bnilt a ca thedral, enlarged and beautified Armagh, and fixed hia archiepiscopal see in it. In 44a be held a synod, aud enaoted manv valuable canons in Armagh. 1 He now passed through Leinster to Dublin, baptised the kin and people, and by hia "Staff of Jesus," a foun tain issued, near wnicb be built a cathedral. According to the Black Book, quoted by Usher, St. Patrick selebrated mass in one of (be sob terranean vaults, over which Christ Church was subsequently built in 1038. . In 454 he founded the Church of Ardah, and consecrated St, Marl its bishop. : For six years be made bis eircuite around Ulster, Leinster, and other parts of Ire land. In 461 he made journey to the Pope, to whom be gave an authentic account of the fruits of his mission. The Pope received blm witbjoy, confirmed bim in his apoetolate of Ireland, and armed nim witu legative pow era. . ... . On bis return he Daiaedthroueh Britain. where he destroyed Paganism, excommunicated tbe wicked prince, Corotick, and established numerous monasteries and churches, fie now for thirty years renewed his labors, animated bis float-, built churchea, ordained nrieets. eonse erateo Disnops, founded monasteries and nunne ries, held councils, wrote his confessions, rules and canons, removed abuses, and after due re tirement and contemplations, died in the Abbev of Paul, on the 17th of March, 493, in the one hundred and twentieth year of bis ace, and was buried in Down, which gave rise to that verse "In Down, three talnte one grave do fill; Patrick, Bridget and Oolumbkill." A Street Scene—An Impudent Fellow Rightly Served. Considerable exoitement reigned for a abort time Bandar nicht near the Lombard street In firmary, corner of Green end Lombard streets, by an occurrence first thought to be a serious disaster, but afterwards turned to a lndiorous mishap that convulsed with laughter tbe crowd of spectators. It appeared that a young lady, wbose name our modest reporter shrank from so liciting, being of an Independent nature, a little disposed to eccentricity, and, withal, having a su preme contempt for tbe whole race of profession al beaux, not disposed tohasard a prj'nenade af ter nightfall without a proteotor, conceived and executed tbe novel idea of training a very large dog, of superior sagacity and Intelligence, to perform tbe Important duties of an escort when his services were required. So well had the noble beaal (t. e. dog) improved under her skillful training, that the most intimate friend could not approach her without her aignifyiog to the watchful guardian that it was all right. Thus provided, she has been In the habit of visiting mecua ana eoqnMunocro at an eearoni, Dot, withstanding repeated .remonstrances from them, without molestation- Sunday night she waa not so fortunate. Passine: alone tbe neighborhood Indicated In the commencement of this paragraph, the rude band! of a allghtnally tipsy youth was placed upon her shoulder, accompanied by the remark: "Say, Jenny, what yer do ." The balance of the remark waa lost In the passing wlcd, snd tbe astonished youth, from a perpendioular, quickly (wsumed a horizontal attitude, a huge mastiff tugging away at a certain portion of hia trowsers, in aasgeroua proximity to bis tender person. Sobered in a moment, and fully real izing bis dangerous position, he began to cry lustily for help, and bis piteous calls soon col lected quite a number of people '. EfTorla were made to release him, 1 but the indignant brute kept fast his hold, shaking after the manner of a terrier and mouse, until a enriii whistle broke upon his ear, sounded by the lady, who bad re tired a few i paces, ' and be waa quickly at bet aide. - The fellow was' picked np more dead than alive, tod was receiving the congratulations of tbe crowd upon bis narrow escape, wben bystander, who bad witnessed the whole affair, and who happened to be acquainted with tbe young lady and her peculiarities, effeotually ohanged their sympathies into ridicule, and the lellow was giad to sneax on to escape a second ed fair our ef ed for oo en and trouncing. BoUlmor Clipper, A Sensible Republican. The Btr Louis Republican states that Hon. W. B. Ogden, of Chicago, member of tbe III!. Inoia State Senate, and a very popular gentle man wituai, waa saued upon oy a number of merchants oi tnai eity a few days aince. Io a speech whioh we find reported in the Pott, he made use oi tne toiiowmg language in reference to his own (the Republican) party: , "lie eouid not be untrue to his own conscien tious convictions. He would not say that the Republican platform waa not right, so far aa an abstract truth was concerned; but be would aay that tbe Republican party bad made a mistake. The doctrine of that platform, that there should be no more slave States, could not be carried out. ' 1 be attempt to carry it out would put an end to this government. lie saw the mistake wbicb they bid made before the election, aad he bad anticipated the result. When, on the evening after the election, he stood In the house of a friend en Beacon street, in the city of Boaton, and saw the long procession of 'Wide-Awakea' go by, with torches and banners, and shouts of triumph, a lady standing near, remarked, "Mr. Ogden, you do not seem to enjoy it ' 'Madam,' waa bis reply. 'I am never merry at a funeral.' With some turprise she inquired what he meant. Bit reply was that be feared the procession then paAilpg would prove to be the uoeral prooes sion of tbls nation." to last a his the ter ge? ; AN IMPORTANT TABLE, Showing the Population of the United states and according to Showing the Population of the United states and Territories, according to the Seventh Census, (1850,) and the Eighth Censure (1860) respectively; also, the Representation for the Thirty-Eighth Congress, and the Losses and Gains in the several States. ,.i': ' . CENBUS Of 1850.' I : CINBDB Of 1800. ' "f f I' .1.- Uilt"-i' i , ' ' ' I. Ill, . . . .! 'J -3 B .1 8TATS8. j i tS5 ,-r:'-.,i, . : ' 1 -'-'l ' f 3 3 rata. BLava. I total. rata., eLave. totai. g-S ; " ' . s Alabama VSXn M44 ; 771 3 KO.loJ 435,133 H,8S , S 1 Arkanma, , 162.797 ,.47, 1W)I XOS 807 AS4 323 111,104 435 4-27 3.. I California ' W.597 .j 09,597 3H0.III& , 3X0013 1 Connecticut: 370,798 r 1 370. 71H 460.151 460 151 4 .... Delaware W,BJ S,990 91,532 1 10.42(1 l,7fl IIS 218 I fUrlda 48,135 9 310l 87,445 , 78 66 81753 140.459 1 .. .. Georgia 524.5113 381,6fc . SOS, IH5 5S5.007 462 230 1057.337 7 J .. Illinois..... 851,470 . .851,470 1,711.753 1,711,753 13 .. 4 Indiana '988,410 '988,410 1,350,471) 1,350.370 II.... Iowa 192,814.. 192,214 674948 674.911 5.-3 Kantat......u. ... , , , 1117,110 "107,110 1 .. .. Kentucky... 771,4X4 810,981 ,982,405 930 223, 49W 1,155 713 8 3.. Loultiana 972,951 941.809 517.702 370 913 332,320j 709,433 3 .. 1 Halne,.......... 583.169 583 W9 ' 628 876 628,276 5 1 .. Maryland , 492,666 90,368 i 583 034 509.846 87, 1M 687 034 5 1 .. Muaechuaetts 994 514 : 994.514 1,231.065 1,231,065 10 1 .. MlniulitlppI .., 896,648 31.9 878 608.3'Je 354 699 4M,6fl6 791,395 8.... Mlitourl - 594.622 87,423 . 682 044 1. 058. 3w 114,905 1,173,317 9 .. S Ulcklgan 397654 .'. 397.654 ! 749,1121 740,112 6 .. I Minnesota 6 077 ........ 6,077 162.022 1H.022 .1 1 .. New Hampshire , 317,970 317 976 82ti.(i72 326.072 3..,. Hew iereey 489,319 930 489555 672.03 ll 672,031 5 .... New York..... 3,097,394. itM.y.U 3887,542.. 3 887,542 31 2 .. North Carolina , 580,491 9r8,648 Rfl019 661,5861 331,081 992 687 7 1 .. Ohio 1,9(0.329 1........ 1,980.32!) 2,339 599 (,339,599 18 3.. Oregon , 13,294 13,294 52.464 ,. -52 464 . 1 .. Penniylvanta 9,311,786 2,311.786 2,960,370 2906,370 23 .. Rhode Island 147 545 147,545 174 621 174.021 .1 1 ..' South Carolina.... 283.523 384.984 608 507 . 301,271 402 541 703 SIS 4 2.. Teoneaiee 763 258 239,459 1.0I,7I7 834.063 273 784 1,109,847 8 2 .. Text ., 154.431 58,161 819 502 420 651 180,388 601 039 4 .. S Virginia... 949,133 472,528 1,421,60)! 1,105,196 490887 1,596.081 II 2.. Vermont 314,190 ...1..,. 314,120 315.116 313,116 S 1 .. WUeooitu 305,391 303 391 775 873 775,873 :' 6 .. 3 ' 19,806 662 S 90060923 ,007,2821 17,185,109 3,94953731,134,600 233 4 16 TB8BU0HIE8. ,. . . Colorado.. 34,197 34,197 Dakolah 4.839 ' 4.839 !.. Nebraska 88832 10 28 .842 '.. Nevada I 6.857 6 857 !.. New Mexico 61 547 61,547 93.517 24 93.541 Utah 11,354 . 26 11,380 40,266 29 40 295 Washington ,. 1178 ........ 11 67S .... v District of ColnmMs 48 000 3,087 31,687 71.845 3,181 7j,07a' .... .... 19.987.563350431123.191,876 '27.477 000 J,932.80ll3l,429 89l' ' The whole number of RenretenUtlvet Ii b law fixed among the Slates respectively, by dividing the number of the free population of the States, to which, in elavehold log Statee. Uiree-fiftht of the elavee is added by the number two hundred and thlrtv-three. and the nrodnct u( uuh division (rejecting all fraction! of a unit) shall he the ratio oor ana amount or tne iracitoni among to many dividend! would, or course, 10 ue aggregate, be sufficient to;reduce the number of Repreetntatlree below the number epeclfled, It vss nrovuled that the whole number should ha .on. piled by aeaigning to to many States having the largeet mo sumoer 01 iwo nunareu ana uunywree memnere anouia oe ateignea 10 ine teverat ntatei. at two hundred and thlrtv-three. who an .nnartlonxt of representation 0! the several State, ; but aa the unm fractions an additional member each for its fraction, until [From the Augusta Chronicle, March 20.] A Novel Scene in Georgia—Snow Eight Inches Deep on 19th of March—Fun in the Stsets—A Perfect Carnival. One of those sights which deserve, special mention for their rarity in ibis southern lati tude, dawned upon our vision yesterday morn ing. Tbe earth was robed io a mantle of enow, to the depth of from six to eight inches. . Tbe feathery flake, aa they silently fell the night previooa, did not all melt; and when the eun arose, and took his course through the uncloud ed blue, tbe scene was one of dazzling brillian cy and beauty. Every tree was robed in ermine; and what was a lovely spectacle, (and per- bapse as latai aa lovely, was to see tbe deli cate purple and crimson bloom on the fruit trees, peeping through this unnatural covering, and contrasting nneiy witb us intense spotless white nena. I Let us hone, however, that the enow (torm bas not wholly destroyed those delicious fruits whloh Pomona had in etore for us. . . But, "a sight to make an old man young," was to witness tne excitement tne delirious joy, whioh the advent of the snow created in tbe old and young. The earlier portion ol tbe day was almost wholly given up to sports with tbla evanescent element- Hove fought mlmlo battles with It; girls (and some who had seemed to become so for tbe nonce) showered down snow missiles on the beads of passers-by; old men renewed their youth and took several rounds for fun: clergymen and grave matrons participated in the eponj limbs ot tbe law, court, counsel and witnesses were all together by the ears; snd tbe merry langn irom tbe assailants wben toe Dal bit the mark,' of from tbe assailed when it didn't, made a new and strange yet not un pleasant music A walk along the pave when the carnival was at its height, was a matter of serious moment; and this subscriber ackuowl edges,' that while pedestrlanizlng up Broad street, all unconscious of danger, and absorbed in meditation aa to bow the local column was be filled on the morrow, a snow-ball, sent with unerring aim from a three story window, struck tile, and made what was already shocking bad bat a spectacle for tears and lamentation, and sent It from bis bead with a whiz-i-s,. - The nonchalance with which he gathered its remains, endeavored to re tare its symmetry, and place it smiling on his head, doubtleea fully compensated the enemy for tbe work she had accomplished. Such shouting such laughing such hurling of the snow about, waa indica tive of good leeliog, at least; and we have only heard of rare instances where the assailed let their temper get the best of them. It remind one of old Rome during the carnival, when women, saucy girls, snd little ohlldren shower the street paaeengeia with bon-bons. : It was indeed a season of unrestrained hilarity: if it prove hurtful in a sense which tonobes palates or our pockets, depriving us of some the promised fruits of the earth, it has serv the good purpose oi unbending our dignity a little space, giving us a good a well as novel exercise, which bas planted fresh bloom the cheek, and strengthened our faith in tbe inherent good nature and social instincts of our kind. The ""soft white silence" of the snow may not hays been sent in vain, after all. . , Uut Bavannan and Cbariestou exchanges make no mention of snow in their respective sections on monday night. We learn from a passenger from Savannah, that no snow bad fall there up to 11 o'clock. v a: j . V : , Southern Folks i. - . De Bow's itevifw, an ultra Southern maga zine, thus describes Southern people : Our women are ell conservatives, moral, re ligious, and sensitively modest, end abhor tbe North for infidelity, gross Immorality, licen tiousness, anarchy and agrarianism. 'Tis tbey the clergy who lead and direot the disunion movement. , it -is a gross mistake to suppose that Abolition alone is the cause ol dissension between the North and South- . The Cavaliers, Jacobites and Huguenots, who settled tbe South, naturally bate, condemn and despise tbe Puri tans who settled the North. The former are master raees-Kbe latter a slave race, the do soendanta of the Saxon serfs. The former are Mediterranean races, descendants of the Ro mans: for Cavaliers and Jacobites are of Norman descent, and so were the Huguenots.- Tbe Saxons and Angles, ue anoestors of tbe Yankees, eama front the eold and marshy re gions of the North, where man Is little more than a eold blooded, amphibious biped. ' 1! -" We are tbe most arietooratie people In tbe world. Pride of caste and oolor, and privilege. makes every man an aristocrat In feeling. Aris tocracy la tbe only aafeguard ot liberty, tha on ly power watchful and strong enough to exolude monarchical despotism.- At the North tbe pro gress and tendency or opinion la to pure oemoo racy, less government, anarchy and agrarian ism. Their hatred of the South will accelerate this noxious current of opinion, and anarchy will toon wind up in military despotism. There will be as many little deapota as there are now States, for no usurper will wield means sufficient eonquer or fuse into one several States. It will be a great improvement in Northern af fairs, and is far preferable to Northern democ racy, agrarianism, Infidelity and free love. ; A Harry Miiwaf . A curious little anecdote respecting the Prince of Wales has caused con siderable merriment at Cambridge during toe few days. It la aaid that In anticipation of visit from the Prince to the noble chapel of college, the chief ef the establishment of wbiob, Tor obvious reasons, we forbear giving name directed tbe verger to give blm no tice ol the arrival ef his Royal Highness. 1 Af waiting some boars In a state ef fearful sua. peneej the reverend gentleman sent for the ver r ' J ' 1.M " - "Has the Prince been announced P he asked. "No, your honor," quoth the verger. . "Are you quite sure, verger V "Hi ham; there has been nobody to see tbe chapel honly a hold gentleman wot 'as brought bis son bup to college." A description of the old gentleman and his son followed, and the master of tbe college soon became convinced that tbey were co'other than General Bruce and His Royal Highness, who bad been quietly and unceremoniously Inspecting tbe noble building. London Paptr. WEEKLY OHIoVaTESMAN HAVING A CIRCULATION IA&0EB . BT BSVERAL : THOUSANDS Than any other paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT f ATX to bring .' Speedy and Remunerative Retnrne ! . i ' To those whs take advantage ef them. ' . THE WKKKLY STATJCSlVLAJi. ' Distributed at It la through every Post OffirVln Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoeo patronage It valuable, and who seldom 'see the i Dally Kdltlons of city Journals; and as only A limited Number of Advertisements ' Are laaerted ktltt eolumae, appoprlately and HAND$OiMELV WSPtOI ' tbcv cakkot. vail to . . , or alii ; . WHOLESALE DEALERS AJrertlsIni in the WISELY 8TATISMAN will On . u v.". ' " - ft fcfrutafcraj Id THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almost certain to follow an extensive dlteemto . atlon : - knowledge of their botlnees '" AMONG COUNTRY DEALERS I : ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED f OS The Weekly Statesman . Should be handed In before frlday noon. Watches t Diamonds !! Silver Ware !!! A CHOICE A-SORTITIENT OF GOLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. I am Agent for the Auuio.a Watch Co-, and can Mil these excellent Wesehee at menufacturere' prices, either Wholesale er BetaU. - . . , .-. : . " : Come and choose from my beautiful- display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. Btjleo now prices low. At to Silver Ware of atoning quality, I ean show new pattern!, very handsome . . Silver Plated Ware, Tea Setts, Cms, Walters, Castors, Baskets, Pitchers, OoMett, Knives, forks, Spoone, ate. Then I have a supply ot fine Table Cutlery, Pocket Knlret, Resort, Ate., and many fancy Goods ench at an desired for pretests at auoh prices tt are an Induce- ment to ine purchaser. k Wm. BLYNN, ; no, m Bocteyo moot, marSl I - 1 - North side State House square. ..Sheriff's Sale. D. T. Woodbury Co.) . , . . " vt.. superior Court. Oeorre W. Allen. J , BV VIBTLK Or A WRIT OF Fl. FA. to me directed from the Superior Court of franklin ooonty, Ohle, I will offer for tale, in the town of Mew Al bany, at the etore room of O.W.Allen, a lot of Dry Goods and Motions; levied on as the property of 0. W. Allen: sale eommenclnv on SATURDAY, the 30ihdsr of March, A. D. lent, at 10 o'clock A. H. - U. w uurraan, nenn, march 1S:10td . By Ed. Davia, Dep'ty. (Meter's laei, 3.30 , TRSABUItT DEPARTMENT Of 6BIO.I 'i Colomsds, Maich 18, 1861. ( - ;. baix or omo stats stocks. '.. THEME WILL, BE SOLD AT PUB - llo auction, on Saturday. March 30th. at eleven o' clock A- M., at the office of the Treasurer of State, two inoueana eoiiara or uw nonoe or tne stale er Ohio, era Ing Intereit at the rata ef els per tnt. per aa- aura, and payable temi-tnnually In the City of Mew York, and the principal redeemable at tbe pleasure of the sate. i Theee Bond! were deposited with the Treasurer of the State of Ohle for tbe purpose ef securine the circulation ef the Saving! Bank of Ctacianatl. and they are take aoio tor me purpose oi reo earning me eame. marenivutiu .. A r. BTONB, Zr-eoe :! A CHANGE. - TTATINO, ON TnE 9th INST., PTJRx XAcaaordef a. a. WIAYarlfclientlrettoekef Dry Qoodt. at Mo. 103 High St., with the vlnr of ehanglng my location, I will tell until the Srtt day of April, with tntreoervev - ; ; AT COST. FOR CASUI v.. fancy Dreee Sllkt, ff rlngra. Buttons, Trimmings, o. Alio figured M.riaot, De Latnea, Shawls and Cloaks, i j , Eegardleis of ; Cost ! ; febS6dlra , i ' P. . 1 STOOD. i,Tv'M'''joxTjtHwiiiKLX.:::;;u,;-; A WENT FOR IIOITIK. OONT1N KIS TAL, JL MAHBATTAS. DBOUUlTTt Blfl leVIM VISB 1H. Uo.', NrwYoai; M:hhts' and Cm fine or HanTroae New Toaa Lira and Cons. Mottui Lire, Otfleet It IIIkH "tM Savage's nl 'ewiy : ,J- - ' ,' ; aUexandre's Kid Gloves. : ;v' PL A I It AND tSmBROIDERKP, BODS. QL KTA1KB and regular shape lllaek IldUloTee, embroidered In white, magenta, purple, fcoi Undressed KM Gloves. Misses Kid Clone. A eonpl.te eetortmeot f these celebrates Qlsvet always for tmH by . . . TehSt Ko. OT South High street. "VVOTJOTHRT'TrR I ' r VXVVAOXXUV O ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY.' TnI'teit...Tlie largest The Best. The Cheapen Because the Best. "Tka nest Bailable 'fetandard la. tharlty at the Eafliah LnBgnaBe." , - I ,. Sim Bimdni Kninmt Edwttort of OMo, THI BEST .IlfdLISH DICTIONABT 1ITANT.", . JLUtrary Mm EurywKtrt. ' ''He e are upwards ef a Hundred Thoutaad Words whose Qinltifariouemeenina and aWismtlnM. h..,k-. . with thei. oorrect tpelliag.eed proanneUtioa are elearly eet before the eje." . . , ., , . Bead tht PecUtont of tho Membtro of tho OMo Btatt ' ' loatMrt Anootjtixm. The Undentrami MMthMrflh. AV.I. m , , . , 1- i v - iwirii attoelatlon. sdont m4 amuIh SJi-?p',,",J'' orthography aad pronunciation of WorosM.,. nun,.... j . . aiauy recommend it at the moot reliable n . thoritr ot the Bnclish human, mm it ta a tpoken. ' " ' ' Loais Amaewt, President Kenyoa Oollege. ? D i.tunrrT- Superintendent Zsneevtll. Schools. Tnoe. W. UaBvbt, onp't Mastllon Union Schrols. m. f , Cowotav. Sup't Puhlio Schools, Sandusky. : loan Lvaca, Sup'l fubllc Schools, Clrel.Tlllo, ' B, M. BiaroRD. Prlodoal Olmumd sf Ivtnalea ItUyntnav. ry. W. MrrcBEit, Sup't Public Srhoolt, Mt. Union. JOHl OOOKM. PrlnclD.1 Nn,.l B.hl Ml.. toU. . . , ... 7 . OrilTI N.lrtV. P,tn.ln.l S.nk T-t.M JM. fl.l Cincinnati. ' H. B. Maut, Sup't Canton Union Schools. Eowm Mm-al, Principal KcNeely Moimal Si-hool. ku T. Taftam, Prof, alathnnatiat, Ohio I'nirertlty. Wat. W. EnwAane, Sup't Troy Union School. A.O. Oontma. Prineioal Wast Hl.h R.j,n..i nu. land. B. A. Noarow. Associate Prlneln.1 ni.he. hnni m. Und " Tntoooaa Snatuo, Principal High School, Cleve land. B. f . nDHirrow, Principal Cleveland Institute. J. A. OAartaxn, President of E lectio Institu a. HI- ram. W. Tj TlARail. Prof. Of ChimlllrT. Ah In W..l... University. H. H. BiiMtt, Ex Comminloner of Common Bclioola, Ohio. ' Jakcs Homtna, Prof. Blietoria, Oherlin College. Taot. Uiu. PretHent Antloch Oollege. 0. W. H. ClTDTlIT Pmf. M stthawnaf las Tl I..S, School. Dayton. ' B. 0. Crumb. dob. Pmf. T..n.n.a m .i, a.kA.i . . Dayton. S. 41. Baaan, Bnp't Union Schools, Ashlar d. Mar than Si Hundred othtr PrttidtnU of Coll. Oil. Profeuort. Authort and i(m,.A.,I K;,.,. tort, hato endorud tho abopt untitnmt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO V AntCTTA Coixtoe "It It truly a munificent mrk an honor to the author, tte publishers, and the whole country." President Andrews. Onto' WmtTAH UmvtasiTY It exceeds mvmw.t.. tlons. It will be my guide In orthocrsnhv and nmnnn. elation, and will often be consulted hv me tor lie neat and accurate definitions." President Thompson. W. K. EcLtcno Coiuni. "Heretofore mm h.nauwi Wehster't orthography. At a recent meellog of our faculty. It was decided to chanee it to nnfnm tn ih.t of Wnrccstsr'l Kovai Ousrto Dictlon.rv." imM..i Oarfleld. Wiavnn Raixava Comas Sod it worth f cordial approbation." President Ultcbooek. OntRMK Cottlot "It more than neeo n mwi.. tlone. I recommend It as the etandard authority in orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President morgan. Awnoert CoLUroi. 'I sdont and aim to iw in l..h. log, writing and speak Inr. theorthemohr and nmnnn. elation of Worcester's aloyal Quarto Dlctlonarv." President Hill. "In all my writina. soeaklns and tmehlni-. I li.w. . dearored to conform to tbe rales for orthography and pronunciation at eoatainrd in- Worcester's Dictlnn.n." Horace Mann, late President. Kwvoa Oouxot, OiUBlit. -I moat enrduil mv. mond Hat the moat reliable standard euthorits of ih. English language aa It is now written and spoken." lestdenl Andieet. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. From Bee. Anton Smyth, CommittUnur of Onrnnum Hchooli in OMo. . "The Dictionary It an Imperishable monument to the learning and industry of lit author, and an honor to tbe world of letters. The mechsnieai execution ie far supe rior to that of any other Lexicon with which I an ac quaiated." From Hon. IT. B. Sarney. Xo-Ommttthntr Hchoolt fa Ohio. 0 "The most reliable ttandard authority of tbe laa goage." what me Leading lSe-wapapera of Ohio Soy. From tho Cletoland Herald of ilarth 88. The orthography of the Worcester Dictionary it that used by most, If not all authors ol distinction in tblt country and England, and eonformt to the general usage of ordinary writers and tpetkers. Whatever prejudices may have exlated previously, a careful itudy or this volume will invariah'y be followed by a warm appreciation of lit great merits, and a desire to add It Io the well selected library, be It large or email, I tis a library in Itself, and will remain an imperisha ble record of the learning of lit eompiler. From tho Cincinnati Commercial of April 30 Here are upwards of a hundred Uionaand bad and indifferent whose multifarious meanlngeand derivations, together with their rorreot spelling tod pro nunciation, are tee elearly before the eye. Ibe work It unquestionably the greatest Thesaurus of English Words ever published. From tho Oltvtland Flaindtator of Sept. 80, jgoo. Evidently Wnacmnr'e Rovat Ortian rtinnnw.. . nof only tho latt, but tht sntr tcor of tho kind oror it sited, and can by no posa.billty suffer by comparison or controversy. From tho ToXtio Sladt of May Slfc .' . At tO noHONCIATlOK, WotCIITU. II TBS STAXBltD followed by our best authors; In deSnltiont he leaves nothing to be desired, and in Orthooipht it is oufflctent to tay that Woacxrraa can be tafeiy followed. ' IlfOIIalfl Ac BRAGG. Fabllahers, noekecllers & Statiaaere, KO. 1B1 Bu FERIOB ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. aai9 Cr Otmgk, Cold, ffoartrnm, tniln-- , .onooomytritailonorSormttofUo : throat. Bthtti tho Havking Vtmgh .in Uonntmpiton, MronheWt, Aitha. - ma, and Oatarrn, floor and oivo ttmgth lo tht vote tf I'llttLHJ tPEAREm. ' v tuad aiNsjlEStttv of the Importance of check Inr a Con.h ' or "Common Cold" In Its Srtt stage; that which In the 7 begtnnlog wonld yield to a mild remedy. If neglected, '' loon attack! the lunge. "Arete' Bronchial TrocJut, ' eontalnlngdemnleent tngredieata, allay Pulmonary and ' BronohlallrriUtlon. . BROWN'S I ''That trouble In my Throat', (for which ' the 'Iroehtf are a specific havini mad. m. TROCHES 'often a mere whisperer." ,,. . a . F. WILU8.; , BROWN'S ''I recommend their Ms to Pnauo sibai- TROCHES ' ' J" REV.' I. CHAPIN. " ' "Ilare proved extreately eervieeable for BR0W1TB HoARarrms." - REV. HENRY WARD IEE0HER. TROCHES - "Almost Instant relief la the dittmsiog ' labor ot breathing peculiar to Amnu." -BROWN'S RKV. A. O. BQOLS8TOIC.' "Contain no Opiam or earthing to) ml . i TROOHESout." DR. A A. HAYES, Chomitt, Motion." BROWN'S "A simple tad. pleasant ootuuuatlo for -' Cooohs, e." TROCnSS . . DR. 0. f . BICIILOW, 4 . Motto. , , BROWN'S "BeneScUl in BaoRCTrmt." - I K. J. P. W. IAMB, TROOniS - - ' otkxa. 7 "I have proved then excel lent for W moot- ' SBOWN'S inoOoc." RET. B. W. WARREN. TROCHES . otin. . "Bene Sets) when compelled to speak, tl- ' BROWN'S faring from Oot." ... . HtV, S. P. I. ANDERSOW, "Vi TR00HE9 - St loutt. ''BrracTDAl. la removing Hoarseness end ' 1 BROWN'S irritation ef the Thn at, t awM wl b -i irsARtat and Simmm." - TROCHE.- . - Prof. B( ACT JOBN80N i la tfrmng. 6o., -BROWN'S " I , Teacher ef M nolo, Soaihern , . female Oollege. TROCHE? " -'- OreatbeoeStwhea taken kafore and after r BROWN'S preauhing, at Ihsy prevent Hoenentae. Prom ,. 1 ihs ir past efeci, I think they will be of pe- " TROOHEC advanUe to me." ' i RKV. R. ROWLEY. A.M., BROWN'S President of Atkins Colligo.Tenn. TROCHES ICFSold by all DrugglsM at TWBNTT--I fIVBOSNTS A HOX JCH ' ROBERTS A BAMOEIi. Drerttstt. U North Bljrh etreat. -- ' S. I. SAMUKha CO.. 7 ' . , I 84 South High ttreat, Columbus, 0. ..matT-deodlaa ,v . , ;, , . , ;2 . . " NOTICE! TDG NVBtCKIIIEH 18) BESIKOUS tot closing up bit old business at one., and hopee that all pertoni having neeuisd aeeounle ea hit boost will give them hnmedltte attention. . reuio r. jiaih.