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NQREADY. TUE REVISED STATUTES ! OF THS OT'LPia OTP OHIO IIF AOKNKRAL NATC'KH, IX FOBCB. ACQ. 1,13(0. ' ' COT-Xi ATJC D BY non?"3,c3cpli Xi. Swan, " (Oontaltwdla IKity nlu volumes of the Ohio and Ohio , - r lt IU ports.) W fl(f V1 AND UVuClmNCKjI Tfl Ptttdtt 1.4 ' ' it Y LEAN UEU J.CHI ri'liriiH.r.Sq. la Too Royal 8ra. Volumes. Piice $10 00. Ma ctre or expeiiiebat hern fpateA-Ia nisle the work nerfrflt and reliable ie all respects.- It hat now the LegialaUee uiction, haviog been ap- provoa oy nearly me Tote r bo La Uauaci, end iRlir.m St tUatrtrmted to the following State an1 flminlu nnti'itr.! .. . Governor. Alt rnev Oeneraf, Supreme Judges. Secre tary, 0 mptroller. Treasure ud Au.'ltrof Bute, and to the Pro'mte Cuurtt. Courts of Onmmoa Fleee, Bupet lor end Police Courts. Auditors, and the Clerks uf the various Courts tn etch county, to the Mrmbereof the Nn ana Mouse of Keprearntativee of Hm State, and the 9oreBre of tfee several Steles of the Union . Thli book, eontalnln-, me it doee. el) of the Stttatee now la loroe, ana the aatborltallte construction of them end of the New Oonetltu'ljo, will he found to be especial ly netful m the performance of their duties, to til ' OOUVTY OFFICERS, jrjsnoKs or thr pbaob, -'i v , - . - TOWNSHIP ThUaTKK&v. ' , CLERKS OK TOWNSIIIPH.and ... ,, ' ctrt ornciaa. , ,.: Inasmuch ae vary many changes have beta made In the Btstutee tu.ce toe puiitiaaiioa f the edatinuo, tar re . peal, alteiatioua aid addttlone, and mane LmDortact de ' cialona have Deou g.veuly the Supreme Curt on ean. ATT0HNEY3 AT LAW. . , BANKERS. MF.ltCIIANTS AND tUINI33 UE5 3IINERAUT,, Will find thli an invaluable Work. .. M - rao Hoyal 8e. VnlvmH of orer JUnctetn Hundred ' ' '. "ojres, - In Strong Law-lllpdlntt. Price 1 10. CU. . FubHahedhy ' "., . . .. ... , ,, 4 ,-. . , ROBERT CLARICE, & CO. Law Fabllshrrt, BookieUere; Bratlonen and Importer, , Nj. fiS West Fonrth itreet febl8:d2in:le . .... Cincinnati. O. MAH1PEBKY fc MIIXEll, TublUheri COLUMBUS. OHIO. ..V TTr'JlJITXHTH'afK.VTS. 70 jySVMt IXSER- 7J0N. thovldtm huiidtd in by TWELYJS Q'VlQCi on tA4 aay opwHicarim. Fill OAT EVENING, MARCH 23, 1861. Democratic City and Township Ticket. UAYOR. TThAX 'iUOilAd. C1TT HAll.nit, 11U.L THOJtttYON. , ; i cirr TBs.irBttt, , ; WAL81EIN FAILUQ. . , " cut, . 4. JOSES FUNoIOS. ... , : 1 (CITY tOLICITua. : ' IKiauU COLLINS - TKOnt' BmitlTOEe', eTTO 1RK9EL. Mi SIRLINt LOVISO. 1 corse:!, ' Jtt Werd FHANK ITOWAI'.D. l Wrd-f. B. KICKLKV. Sd Wsid-JOSIeH BA1UIKR. 4th w,jli)iiACB WILLOW. SihWard Jill. rAL"MNO-. .. . A!BOUOIta, " lt Ward A CHB15R9. Vd Ward 1I08EA MILLER r. lid Ward ;. eJt Ward tOUN WBATFR. 5U Ward WJiSDKLIN eLIOH& Tnwsraii" Tanrmtii, ALKZAMJR UOOliEKRY, . . ,ELIA3 OAVBIt. . .'.10a U. KOtaMIXB. ' Towirtnir Tiiutritn, ' . I3AA0 U. MARIWU. i . : Towemtr cintr, A. 0. KINO. ron T m.ta. WAI.TE'l L. TUR5EH, . J. P. BSWMX, j , i r., John bhow. 1 TowMHir aneitoe.' WILLIAM KNOX. The New Tariff—How the Revenue under its Operation will be Lost to the Goverment. Tha MoaiLL T.ria' act, pnrcd at tbo last eesBioa of CuDgres; t:VfB f ffect on Monday next, the fmt.iUy ot April. Jn view of the certainty, wbleh lj every day beooming mors apparent, that nearly tbe entire retenne expect ed to accrue from duties on iaspottsr will be lost to the FoJcra.1 Cgvemmcnt, some of the Repub lican pipers are oiling out lustily far an extra ression of Congress to repeal this most inju dicious and odious RepnU'tcao tariff law, It is pretty generally given np tbat either the collec tion of the revenue uo'ler the new tariff must bo euforocd by ths -employment of tbe naval and military force, which would, brio on the much dretded evil of civil war, or tbe taseflfact must be repealed. Unless one of these alterna ' ttves Is resorted to, the Government of the Uni ted States most go under, and submit to the humiliating position cf being regarded as a second . rate AmoriciQ power. Tbe New York Times, one of the Republican journal's which Insists upon an immediate repeal or an euential modification of tbe Morrill tar Iff adapted to the present exigencies of the time? thus describes the pro?e?.e by which, tinder Its operation, the Covroioeot will be cheated eat of its revenue: Look for a moment at lha poaiUunif the flowiotU tn rsrd to goodi In bond. There is a laue amount of merchandise, reechlnf taralwe thirty or for y millions of dollars, bow la waeeboueo here, frost whieft, nnder ordinary eireuBsUncee, a aires assoant of rerenoe can he relied opon. Hut laetead of daiiee aeeraeief. aay 'JO per cent., sod realising targe suns to the Treasury, eeeb Invoice may be reexported an the ptyment- of free amoantlnx is noa dollar, waloa fe abserbea In etpeoiea, anddlstrioated tbroaehoat ilw reentry duly fret. The sserchuidiee, ii the n-it place, may be sent to eoeie for eirn plaos In thi west Iodiea, lor example which die charm the bnsd tWeo fir Iti re-exportation. It mar be then sent to Mew Orleans, under tha neir Confederacy, ana mere entered ror export 'lion to foreign countries the United States. The bond given for such purpose Is aaneeiea on me presentation ol cerlincate. sworn to he fore a Janice of Ibe Peace, that It bin been placed beyond the territories ot the IKrefclerato States I Snppoee ear Government should attempt to seize It. Prima fart. tbe duties have been paid, imposing upon the United Btstee the burden or proof, wnirtt is equivalent, in sine' ty nine cases In a hundred, to throwins it out of Cou't. in the foregoing pisjage the TVnus only in dicates the process now tacluaU$ retorted 16 for tbe purpose : of eradirg Ibe existing revenue laws, and which "may send Jnlo consumption, duty-free, all that the South and West can oon some. That this Is already done to a very treat extrnt, the foUowlog paragraph from fhe St Louis KfjitlJicas, nf Hhe 231 Inst., furnhhes conclusive proof i .,- , , Xetry day oaf imptfrUm of anion mtrcanitu art rtciiug, by way of A'eie Orltant, rent contidtr obU quantum eoeife. duty frm. The eiode are landed at the poit of Ntw t rltus no Costom-heuee notice is taken of them no bonds are executed for ths payment of dutlee on their srYival thire; and on many articles tbs saving of one-half the duty, naly, ercnld af ford ahandaome profit. Ithit thing iit turvmsptr mnnmt, fAmvitl btnentlrrtrotationinth4cour vtrudt, and A'tw York will tftr terrlily. Our merchants haveiapital enough to Juettfy them to making their pnrchsees in Ku rope, and ihipeing to New Orleans, and that eity. brcaum of th dlfftnmet la (Ae tarif, trMidaabbouahtBAseinrt4antAiB York. Wi h tlieae advantages,. ee shall be ante tn sell cneeper than any other city luiue valley or ina BUiuiippi We need only ask the reader to reflect a mo ment upon the condition the financed of the Gov eminent will soon he la from Republican leftls latitn and. Republican administration. !' ' it in ' in to it oi idk 000 aua ste the was such not the toe ine in w euco New Ports of Entry in the Interior. C. G. MiMif(cr.a,8cfri'tr.ry of theTtewury of the Confederate Sutea.l aa insdrd, Is) pursuance of sn set of the Congress of those States, passed February 29, 18G1, a Circular establlshlne Ports and Places 6f "Entry aol Delivery, located on the borders of the new Confederacy, and upon tbe rivers and td'ifiosdV entering the same from the North. We give a few samples f the sites1 ment was tered ol effects their at of thee new Ciutori Houiee, that th readgf raj haee ' jllmpse of thd dompUrtiopei diI emb rrasmenl Ibat j,r tooa to uiM itt the li'.herto uOrestrtcti $ to J uutt ammoTei later eoursij io trade and fom nerc bet Wm th North and the extreme South: "f One cf theie Porta ot Entry and Dell Terr la NelaTi tiBdliig," ou ib MlaaUippt River; mother U HeiDiodo. od the MIwIuIddI nd Central Railroad; a third !i Holly BprJogs, on the MlMlwippi Central Railroad; a fourth ( Eettport, on the Tenneatee River, ant a fifth ii Corinth, at the croaelnj- of; the Mobile an4 Ohio, and ot the Mf nphis and Charleston Rail- r0(de.;nnu , , ,n . j L Tbla line of Custom Houses extendtalong the who! a Northern border of the Confederate States, from the Miaalaaippl River eaatward to the Atlantlo Ooean. It will have a tendency to foca the Border Slave States to an immediate decision aa to whether this dividing line shall ran to the South' or North of them. In tbs present attitude of the Government at Wash ington toffsrd iUeia,lt looks as though they would soon Some to the conclusion to try their fortune with their . brethren of the Cotton States. ; v- V ' ; 1 V UTThe Cinoinnatl Preei, following the lead of tbe Ohio Slit Jturnal, is nalog iu energy and ability to writs down the Union. , It de olares there Is "a universal consciousness of the weakness of tbs national tenure," from which, try as we may.weeannot eeoape. Thus, one by one, the Republican press and. the politicians of the party are throwing off all disguise, and showing to the world tbe true mission of that hateful organisation v It Is to co operate with the disuniODUts of the South, to overthrow and forever destroy tbe Government asl Union of the States. ''.." ' . OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. THURSDAY, March 28. AFTERNOON SESSION. 4 The amendment of Mr. JONES, to inoraase tbe contingent fund of the Governor to tlO.UUO was taken up, end agreed tojbf the' following ' Those who voted in tbe affirmative wrn . Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Booar, Cox, Cuppy, Garfield, Glass, Harah, Jones, Laskey, McCall, Monroe, Morse. Parish. Potts. Pntaln. Smiih. O - jo , . n ' oprague ana oianiej ..i 1 hose who voted in tbe negative were ' Messrs. foster. Holmes. ' Moore. SebTMof,. White, Ready, Fercnson. Kev. Newm.n and Eascn-10. Absent Messrs. Collins. Cummtna. Flat,., usrrieon, urr ana rernii o. Mr. CUPPY recorded his vote for the fixed ammunition appropriation. ibe bill then came no on ita eneroaitment. when it was read the third time, and Mr. SCHLEICH said tbe bUt contained items lor wnicn ne could not vale under an c:.uuieiiam;cs, out naving record eo bis vote against tnem wnen tneywtMpOTtfiag, he should consider himself justified with this explsnation iwr Tviiiiat luruiaum. Mr. KEY recorded his vote aealnat the fixed ammunition amendment, and tben stated his intention to vote lor the bill, with the same ex planation given by Mr. Sobleich. . Mr. raised a question whether a two thirds vote is osscuary to pass the bill, since It contains some appropriations not anthoriaed he liw, such as elainis, and an appropriation for aiauwrry w ana coara oi Agriculture. ' Mr. Pieber alio said the;bill contained eome things of wuicn ae uiu not approve, ana ne didn't think be should be required so vote on them. ' A motion to excuse him was not agreed to. The CHAIR said if the bill received a msjorl ty vote be would declare it pasaed, but he desir ed the Senate to take the responsibility of de termining tne question. Tbe bill does not seem to embody anytbioc not authorized bv law. - Mr. FISHER said he would vote for tbe bill only because two-thirds seem necessary. Tbe bill passed yeaa 24. nays C. Those who voted in the affirmative we&e- Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Cos, Cnppy, Fisher, Foster, Garfield, Glass, Harsh, Jonas, nry, liaeaey, wcvaii, monroe, morse, I'ariah, Potts, Potwin, Resdy, SchUich. Smith. Soratrna. l bose w bo voted in tbe negative- were Messrs. Eaton, Ferguson, Holmes, Moore, New man ar.u wntia u. - ' - - On motion of Mr. SCHLBiCH. tbe bill waa crdered to be printed in advance of other print ing. , - 3 . , PARTIAL APPROPRIATION BILL. Mr. STANLEY, from tbe Finance commit tee, recommended the passage ot S. B. 263 Making appropriations for the first quarter of 1662 which, upon being alishtly amended, was read a third time, and was referred to the com mittee on Benevolent Institutions, after which was reported back without amendment and passed. . . . . t-Mr. HARSH, from the committee oh Claims, recommended tbe passage of the House Joint Resolution authorizing tbe Attorney General to settle tbe claim of tbe State against Uen, An drews for $500, 1 Agreed to. ' ' . ' REPORT OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Mr. GARFIELD recommended concurrence the House amendment to S. B. 193 Re quiring assessors to collect eertsln social statis tics.' Agreed to. , Mr. STANLEY, from the Finance commit. tee, recommended the concurrence of the 8enate House amendment to 8.B. 209 which amends ths general tax law so that tax pay ers Bnait do requires, to list tne property which they owned on the day preceding tbe second Monday Is April. Aereedto. - MrrbKLUK., from the committee on Mnclol Corporations, reported back 11. B. 405 Concerning tbe election of justices and consta bles, paused 1853, with an amendment prohibit log application of tbe act to cttiea of tbe first olass with a population l 80,000. Referred back to Mr. tercuaon for further amendment. after which It waa reported back amended so as limit Ibe bill to tbe city of Cleveland, when was reno a tbira time ana passed.. , y Mr. FISHER, from the committee on Be- nevolest Institutions, recommended thenassaee 8. B. 276-For tbe erection of a new build ing for the Deaf and Dumb, to cost not exceed- S9U.U00, only 113.000 of which la aDoronri ated this year. Mr. FISHER said all tbe eom- miUce excepting one approve tbe bill. Re committed with instructions to substitute 110. for $12,000. Tbe bill was so reported back pissea. ieuw, nays v. .. j j v nn Air. JUH53, from tbe committee on Acrl culture, recommended concurrence In tbe Sen an.endmonts to the Djtchand Drainage bill. Apreed to. ' : . . . . . , ' Mr. Sr EAGL7E, from thecommiUee on En rollment, reported the enrollment of bills For relief or J. W. Andrews, and, to pay tbe oiaitn oi xiitiut sua omiin. ANTI COMBINATION BILL. , Oa motion of Mr. MOORE, the Anti.Com. Mnatioo Railroad bill was tsken up. ' Mr. JONE3 moved its Indefinite Dosttione- ment, tbe bill beiDg oa Its engrossment, ., Ua appeal of Air. BCiU.fclClI,the snotlon withdrawn. '. ,tie'v vi .. Mr. MOOEE said the bill seemed to eonUlo just and salutsry principles that he could see bow it could be opposed.' Railroads are creatures of the 8tate, and it Js tbe duty of legislature to pass laws for tbeir regulation. state owes a duty to citizens not involved these companies, to protect their interests against corporation combinations. Their tend ency Is to grasp power, and tnis bill is designed prevent mat evil. Air. Moore tben proceed ed to show evlla which had already resulted from comomatioca, and inflated that it is the do Of the 8tate to Interfere. . : . W k . . Mr. CUPPY thought the bill waa tnbuodetJ ana ne proceeded to make a clear state ol Its character, lbs anbstance of which stated by Mr. Moore. Mr. Cuppy then en Into the ressons why it should neaa. One tbe evils which it would correct la tbe prac tice of oo competing line entering lute eombi oatlon with parts cf another competing line, the of which are to deprive other line of ieeitimate trade, by lorclnz them to can- lower 'rates thac they can afford. The re cent compact entered iolo between the C. it I. he to it waa in of i R. R aad the C. H K 1. R. R., by whoh the Hamllt in ft i' 'ton Road is deprived of It bueU n9S from Cin, innati to Itidlsnpali,wag tueuln ed, Mr. Cupty thought tbe Ower htre exercised dangerous, and that it ought to be curtailed. It la a violation of the rights of etttiens. Mr. FISHER "objected to the second aeotion of the bill, because it don't extend fax, enough. The proviso J sefaraaee to freight rata, he thought, neutraliies the effect of the whole aeo tion r . v jO M I I r ( Mr. GARFIELD went 1st a genera) argament against the principles of the bill, as against the spirit of the. charters under which .companies have been ortraulxed. , . ... ... , Mr. MQORE moved to litrike out section 2 Agreed to." -t i t:i,j.l..i-i , y. Mr. FERGUSON moved several amendments. tbe cffeol of which were to rquk all railroad companies to discharge their common law duty, io carry nu iteignta Drought to tbe connecting points of tbe competing routes, without discrtm inauoa-ta resnsotot roads. Mr. GARFIELD moved to amend by adding to section 3, requiring connecting roads to re ciprocate to ths trunk road like f acilities whioh tbe latter affords tbe former. The bill waa finally referred to a select com mlttee Mr. Cuppy. . Mr . PARISH offered the following! Retelved, That the committee on State Build inga be, and they are hereby Instructed to make iue louowiog enquiries: Firtlly. Whether any, and if any, wbat ouan tlty and quality of atone have been quarried and removed from the 'stone quarries of the State, in franklin county, during the year Just past, (lo this date) without authority of law, and by whom quarried and removed, and nnder what pretext r .color of authority, If any, It weauone. . Htcomdlg, i Whether the person or -persons Hiarrylnr and removlnsr the stone, have sold and delivered any Of them to persons in tbs city oi Columbus, or elsewhere, and at what price and consideration tbey were sold, and whether the 'money or consideration has been wholly, Or lo part, converted to tbe private nse oi too person or persons selling the same. " XktraVv. To whom were such stone and an and all of them sold and delivered, and at what price or consideration per perch, or other mea surement, or mode ol estimation of qaautity and queury; . Fourth. WhaS measures have been taken. or efforts made by tbe Superintendent ot tha State House, or ether State officer vr officers, knowing ot tbe depredations, to' prevent the same, or to brine the offenders to iustiea. and to protect and guard the public interest in this respeoi. .. i Fifthly. Whether said stone quarries, or aay part thereof,, haia. been leased, and are now nnder lease frosa the State to any person or persons, and, what are the terms and conditions of the lease, if anv i iUt. : ,., .. .. Sixtkhi.. r Wbetbee the riehts aad interests ac quired under such lease have been infringed or violated by tbe person or persons so wrong fully quarrying and removing said stone; if so, in what manner and to what extent; and wbat measures, it any, bay been onrstted bv the of. fleers of State, having charge of tbe matter, to defend tbe lessees of the State, and to redress the wrong, and to protect the public interests. . Seventhly. Whether any tjfllcer or officers of the State have been, or are In any way or man ner connected, or implicated wliR, the person or ( pcreuuo iu wiuugmuy rcuoviog an selling, anu convening aato stone to private use. Ketoivea, further, tbat. In making- tbe fore going enquitles, or any of them, tbe said com mittee be and are hereby invested with Dower to tend for persons and papers, and examine witnesses, or parties concerned, under oath or affirmation. "' Adjourned. . ... y i -i -;. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, March 28,1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. HAMILTON offend the following reao. lntlon: ' ' ' " WasatAS, It has been ascertained bv astro nomical examination that the soots on the Son hsve reduced the light and best of that lumioa ry about one percent., and as it mast necessa rily affect the ssrl cultural Interest of the coun try; therefore, be It -' " mtomta; mat tne committee on Agriculture be ssaitested to Investigate the matter and as certain what legislative action H ie necessary th adopt to prevent disastrous consequences to crops, and also that they be empowered to send 'tor persons and papers. i Mr. BROWNE, ot Miami, moved that tbe Agent so the World's Fair bs directed to go to tbe Sun Instead, and make examination. Mr. McCLUNG surTE-ested that be visit tbe Moon. I' - ' , The resolution was then laid on tbe table. ' ' "Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, introduced H. B 467 To require railroad companies to pay their inueoieonees in speeie or. notes ot specie paying oanaa, wnicu waa reaa tne nrsi time. ' The fbllowin tr memorials were presented By Mr. PARR Prom John Bsckwlth and 157 others, or retry county, against tbe passage ol the bill to providefortranicribiag certain reocrds in Perry county. -'- -... ....... , By Mr. CHASE From H. McLaughlin and 55 others, ot Stark county, against tbe fort her immigration of colored people.'- ,-; Tbe Tote was taken on the Indefinite post ponement of H. B. 330 In relation to th Ag ricultural fund, when It was postponed yeas 52, nsve 19. - . On motiea of Mr. WELSH, the House took up the spesial order for this boor, H. B 71 To amend the-eot to establish the .Independent t reasury pending an amendment from a Be lect committee. " ' ' '' . Mr. BRUFF movsd to amend by striking out of the amendment tbe terms, "or its equiva lent," in auusion so tne note or specie paying banks, which was agreed to. Tbe question beins- en the adoption of tha amendment of tbe committee. - ' Mr. ANDREWS said, he eould safely say, If n l i ; i j . i . . - . . r .. jbepuoiioaua wuuiu in a ooay lor tote Dill, to Afemomis wonia consume no lime In dls cusstnt; it. ' He would like to have the nolitioal effect of such a rote, but would deprecate the euecs npoo ma nuancca oi ine state, ir tbe bill were passed. Mr. A. said, this is a measure to strike from tbe statute book tbe entire fisoal svs tern adopted three year ago, and to substitute thereto a far worse schema than was ever prac ticed npon by Brt$Hn, Glide y Co. The plun ders from the public treasury, prior to tbe adop tion of the independent treasury raw, were made because no laws existed against loanloir and depoeitlng public monies, and its eustodisns were in the habit ol depositing . it with tbe un- demanding that it was to boused as loans. slmplv because law did not, in positive terms, loroia so aoinfi out now it is nroposed todirtti tbe 8Ute treasurer for the State, end eounty eommisflrooer for the counties, to absolutely loan out, whenever end to whomsoever they please, taking such security for the ropiymeut o'iall tbe public monies a their judgment snay di rect! It was strange, indeed, that at this time. when tbd independent treasury law is In tbe full tide of success, proving its provision to be meritorious beyond the expectation of ita a, tbors, Ita total annihilation ' should be (ought. Mr. A. Raid it we apparent to hi mind that thi bill bad its origin wua those who desired to peculate npon the nuances of the State. Mr. A proceeded, at lengths to speak of the benefit of tne present law reculat ins- the finaneaa. avlth the fmperfectiont of all ether system that have oeen trieo.- , -. al ,:a ett) Mr. WELSH cited the provisions of the sub- treasury system, wnicb, in lbbV wilt re. ouire a payment from th 8tat and eoontv treasuries to , be made in speoie, which will necessarily require the taxes to b paid In specie a tning tuat ca conceived it. weald be im possible for tbe people to do certainly not With out being shorn to tbe quick by brokers, i This, said, would be of no benefit to tbe people la any way, or to any one except tbe office-bolder and the broker. . If sped is not collected for tax, b would lik to know what security mere is in locking up tne notes of banks In tbs treasury i we must eome to tbe conclusion that tbe revence eball be collected In gold and silver, or it soan oe deposited in safe bands un der proper security. M't is listless to lock it up. Besides, there 1 not specie enough in tbe Stalti pay the taxes. . . , Mr. FELLOWS said this bill proposed to Inaugurate a new policy; .and be should vote sgainst It and speak against it, cjnrincsd tbat would woik vil and Joss t tbe people. He opposed t leaving the money at loos ends, tbe eounty nd Slate treasuries. : He eon tended that there was enough specie to pay the taxes. ,Tb present law , doe cot require Ibe taxes to be paid in specie.) Good notea can be taken end should be taken. If our bank pay speoie, the treasurers can draw the speoie of tnem, ana lueee anuta win ne a Wboiesom test .uwmuii tbelr capacity to prepc.1, .erveth peopl. asl w ' ' ley tbe r . by of banke. Greet losses had been Suffered Ouder th old system: and w should not think of re turning to it. Let us try the present system till we find tbat It 1 not safe, or are sure that we cin find a be ter one, ; Mr. BALDWIN moved to amend tbs bill so as to reckon the percsntsge allowed to treas urers upon th total sums received or paid, and no on the separate sntnj of certain 'Classes of payments, which waa agreed to. ... Mr- WRIGHT, of Hamilton, moved to amend the bill by striking out ths third section, which provides lor depositing the puonc money on se OUritie. :,: ' . - - Mr. FLAGG said he had no objections to any amendments to this bill. H felt like treaties it alter tbe old doctor's prescription for preparing cuoumbers, which was to cut them op finely, salt and pepper, and then throw them out of tbe window. To cut out this section and tben pass tbe bill would be cruel. Yet be wouid not re gret very much to see it done. He examined the character of the securities proposed in this seo lion. He said that the eersonal securities provi ded for would be tbe bonds of Tom, Dick and Harry; and at foody who knew anytbingof secu rities knew what they are worth. Pass this, and you will Invite all tbs money jobbers and brok era oi th country to control the election of our eounty treasurers and commissioners, all over tbe statei and we should find those efflees filled in the most corrupt manner oonoetv&ble. " Of specie payment, he said it was a mistake tbat there was not specie enough In tbe country to piy the taxes. There was an abundance more than enough; and ths freqaent fay meats out of toe treasury so equalise tbe sum tnat there is really very little diversion of it from the public nse. ue thought the bill was ill considered, or at least that It could be improved. He would, therefore, move that it bereftrred to the com mittee on Finance, which motion he withdrew,' to take tbe vote on Mr. Wright's amendment. , Mr. MoCLUNG moved that the bill and pending amendment be referred to tbe com mittee on Finance. : Mr. V0RI3 moved that they be laid on the table, which motion was disagreed to yeas 26, nays44. Mr. CONVERSE opposed tbe motion to refer, and moved that tbe bill be indefinitely postponed.-" ' :. . . The vote was called on tbe motion to refer. which resulted yeas 51, nays 31. ' Mr. DEVORE presented a remonstrance of James Dillan and 87 others, of Perry county, gaihBt th bill to the record of mar. riago licenses In Perry county. 1 Mi. SEES, of Franklin, moved that the vote whereby tbe House passed S. B. 273 For the payment of the claim of John W, Allen, be re considered, which motion was laid on the ta ble, t , :i:. u (,. ' i ' 1 The committee on Finance reported back H. B. 431 To amend section 42 of the aot regula ting te duties of oounty auditors, and recom mended its indefinite postponement, when ' The Mil was referred to Mr.' RUKENBROD as a select committee. ' The committee on Agriculture reported back H. B. 433 To amend tbe aot to prevent tbe spread ol Canada thistles, when ' Tbe bill was referred to a select committee of five Messrs. Siedman, Carlisle, 1 McClung, Hngbes and Reid. '''. - The committee on Railroads reported back n. B. 380 For tbe preservation of human life, when tbe bill waa indefinitely postponed. ' ' Tbe same committee remrted back H. TV 149 For tbe greater safety of travelling on railroads, when tbe bill was also postponed. The committee on Finance reported back S. B 239 In relation to taxing banks, when the bill was ordered to be printed, and made tbe special order fbr'Wednesday, at 8:30 P. M. Mr. HILLS, from a select com mlttee, reported by Introducing H. B.468 to amend the general School Law, which was read the first time. 1 - Mr. CLAPP, from the select committee to whom was referred H. B. 96 To provide for a reform system of forms for wills, deeds, etc , re ported tbe same back, with an amendment, which was sgreed to, when the bill waa ordered to be engrossed and read a third tlm on Wed nesday next. 1 . . I" Mr. NOBLE, from the select committee to whom waa referred B. B. 437 To authorize tbe sale of certain Western Reserve rchool lands, reported back the same, with amend ments, which waete agreed to, when tbebill was ordered to be tead third time on Wednesday next, ' . ... .. - ' Tha HouAft then adjourned. SENATE. FRIDAY, March 29, 1861. Prayer by Rer. Mr, Goodwin. - ""IVlr. JONES, by consent, offered the follow bg: Retlvi, Tbat this General Assembly adjourn -- . . . . -. , . r . i .nr. tne ate on raonaay, April loin, 1001. Mr. PARISH movsd to lay the resolution on the table, and demanded the yeas and nays. Lost. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Cox, Cuppy, Garfield, McCall, Par tan, iBtawey o ..Those who voted in the neeatire were Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonsr, Eaaoo, Fish er, Foster, Glass, Harsh, Holm,' Jones. Mon roe, Moor, Morse, Newman, Pott, Ready, Smith. 8prague, and White 21. ; , Mr. COX thought the Senate had alreadv ta ken all the. action necessary in the premise. it u tur iui iiuun hi eay wnen it will oe ready to adjourn. It is a notorious fact that tbe Sen ate can soon oloae its business, but . that the House is, perhaps, nearly a month behind. That body can amend the resolution already a . '.I at . l . . . . agreea to oy tne senate, wneu it is ready to ad lourn. ' ' . ...I..;.,. Air. was anxious to adjourn, and thought the best way to effect it Is to fix a date certain. . it is tun w had adjourned, and he wanted to. . , ... , ... Mr. ORR was willing to adjourn at anv time. but he didn't think tbl resolution sincere. . We are not prepared to adjourn. . Air. KEY did not think tbe Legislature would be prepared to adjourn at that time. - He there fore moved le strike out 15th and Insert 22d of April. ... Air. JONES excepted to tbe lancruace of Mr Orr as unparliamentary, and pronounced it die vrueriy. ,.,.!,.,.., uu. ukk did not mean to charge the gentle. man witn insincerity, but ne tnouebt tha reao lution a humbug. We are nof prepared to ad journ, and suoh resolutions ar unprofitable. , tur. o .uii n was io favor pf adjournment at ine earnest period or lime. . . , Air. moukb moved te amend to adjourn on tne -.n oi July. . ..,.4 . . ibe lUAIK supposed Mr. Moore stroke rha fnt.ll Mr. STANLEY did not believe we oon d ad Journ before tbe 22 J of April.. He was in fa vor or nxing a day. .. . Air. rx.Kn.IL.Li tbougbt it doe not facilitate Dullness 10 ax tbe date or adjournment so long in advance, jnis snoject is orougnt sp in every Legislature, sometimes for buncombe, some times In good faith, and it is not always easv to decide between them. Many important billa are pending. The State expect us to disnoaa tnem. w e must stay 1111 our outines is ac complished. He thought the resolution should be tabled. . . ... Mr. McCALL thought the Senate had better pass the original resolution, and send it to the Mouse, which can amend it. if they are not ready aajtmrn on tne join. ... Mr KEY'S .amendment was adopted. Yeas 13, nays 12. , . , The Question turning on tbe amended resbln tlon, to adjourn on the 22d of April, tint die, it agreed to yeas aa , nay iu. Those who voted In the affirmative were Messrs. Breck, Brewer,' Bonar, Cox, Eason, Ferguson, Fisher, Foster, Glass, Holmes, Jones, Key, Lasksy, Monroe, Mors, Newman, Orr, rotte, Keady, Bcblelob, smith, sua White 22. Those who voted In the negative were 'Messrs, Cuoov. Garfield. Harsh. '.McCall. raoore, rarisb, ferrlll. fotwln. Boragu. Stan iu. ' ." CORRECTION. The vote on tbe bill yesterday providing for erection of a new Asylum for the Deat and avumo wss as loiiowa t - . 1 ; :., -. . . a e 11 " lliose who voted in the affirmative were . Messrs. Breck, Brewer. Bonar. Cox. Corny. Eaaoo, Ferguson. Fisher. . Foster. Garfield. Harsh, Holmes, Jonss, Key, Monroe, Moore, Morse, lNewman, Orr. Parish. Perrill. Potts. Potwin, Sobleich, Sprsgue. Stanley, and White VI. .(.....: : : . Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Glass, Laskey, McCall, and Ready a. ....,-,.' . , iu RECONSIDERATION. Mr. 6PRAGUE moved to reconsider the vote which the Senate sgreed to tbe amendment tbe Houte to 8. B. No. 269 Amending tbe rjouenjat rv muyj cwrvnin ajmiesmoe. I Agreed to. Referred M 1 Ftonnce Committee. - f, general tax taw, to supply certain emission. yeas PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Bv Mr. FERGUSON-Thi clalvir if fstiafi Rogers, for certain plans.) Referred to oom- mlttee on Claims, i ii ;4 t Also, the petition of C. Griffin scd 43 others of Cinoinnatl, reaaonatratiDg against he'fu- sage of the street railroad bill, select com- rnlltaftat. "r On motion of Air. READY, lb memorial Ol si-fli'- . tmiMrm u'"ta-i;.t-" "-rejiJt Ell Nichols, of Cotbeoton, asking tbe Leglsia tiira In mamArtallxe Conm-aaS tn aot anart textl tory for th colonisation or free aegroes, ana to offer them Inducements In tbe premises, wss referred to the Judiciary committee. SECOND READINGS. a. . B. No, 236, by Mr. ORR For the protec tion of fisheries on Sandusky river. H. Mr. HITCUCOCK-To pro vide for removing obstructions and Improving the ofaannels ol rivers, ror tbe purpose oi dram inn- marsh v or low landa in this State. Ii. B 4U3. bv Air. JfkKLi Ai a o amend tne isi, 21 and 3d sections of an aot entitled "an aot reaulrinz annual settlementa by county officers," passed March 22, 1850. Swan & Criicbfleld's Statutes, n. 248. H.B. 406, by Mr. JACOBS-To amend the act to amend an aot entitled "an act defining the powers and duties of Justices of tho.Peace and Constables In criminal oases," passed March 27, 1837, and the acti amendatory thereto, passed March 7, 1842. H. B 424. bv Mr. WRIGHT, of Hamilton To extend the time for allowing the leasees ot section 29, in Springfield township, Hamilton oounty, to surrender tbelr leases and receive deeds. Schools. H. B. 435, by Mr. SNYDER To amend an aot entitled "on act supplementary to an aot de nning tbe jurisdiction and regulating tne prac tice of Probate Courts in the oounties of Erie, Lucas, Richland, Holmes, Montgomery, Dela ware. Franklin, Scioto and Jefferson," passed April 12, 1858, aud to extend tbe operation of said aot to tha counties ot Meigs. Mercer, Au- glaixe, Lawrence, Harrison, Hnry, Licking, Belmont, Stark, Ottowa and Williams. Jadi otarr. H. B. 428, by Mr. ANDREWS, on leave- To amend section one of an act entitled an act to amend sections fiveand six of an act entitled "an act reeulating the mode of administering assignments to trust for the benefit of Credi tors," passsd April t, looa. juaiciary. r , H. B. No. 430,' by Mr. WOOD3, from a se lect committee To amend seotlons one and two of an act entitled "an act to prevent tbe killing of birds aud other game," passed April 10, 1857. Select committee. II. B No. 387, by Mr. MONAHAN To re lieve the lessees, assignees and equitable hold ers of tbe unsold sohool lands belonging to town number 3, range 11, in the Ohio Company's purchase: and to authorize tbe lessees, as slgnees and equitable bolder of said, lands to surrender .'their leasts' and. receive ' deeds Schools H. B. No. 436, from the standing committee on Agriculture Making appropriations from certain Agricultural funds lor the year A. D. 1B03. Agriculture. H. B. No. 345, by Mr. NIGH, from the com mittee on Corporations other than Municipal Supplementary to an act to provide for the crea tion and regulation of incorporated companies in the State of Ohio, passed May 1, 1852. H. B. No. 333, by Mr. V UK 13 To amend an sot entitled "an act to authorize the erection of town halls," passed February 24, 1848 H. B. No. 409, by Mr. STOUT-Fixlng the time of holding the courts of common pleas in Noble county, Ohio. Mr. Ready. Tbe foregoing were referred to the committee Of tbe Whole, excepting where otherwise deaig naied. Mr. CUPPY objected to the reference of the Bird bill, because it referred to spread eagles. He thought it ought to go to tbo committee on Federal Relations. Mr. SCULE1CH made a similar objection because woodpeckers are Included. 7 " ' TAX LAW. , Mr. STANLEY, from the Select committee, reported an amendment to House amendments to S. B. 269 being a merely formal amend ment; Agreed to. FIRST READING. H. B. 449 Requiring certain purchases for Benevolent Institutions, exceeding $50, to bo made by contract. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. PARISH, from the Penitentiary commit tee to w bom was referred tbe memorial of A. W. Ayers & Co., contractors for conviot labor, asking relief upon the contract price for bO hands, from 48 to' 35 oeht per day, orf account oi loss by iir in the renitentiary in ict7, and consequent misfortunes reported in favor oi the petition, aud by S. B. No. 213: For relief Of A. W. Ayers A Co." " ' ! Mr. PARISH, from tbe same committee re ported 8. B. No. 289: Supplementary to, and amending sections 13, 14 and 16, regulating the unio renitentiary. STREET RAILROAD BILL. .Mr- HOLMES, from tbe Seleot committee to whom it was referred, reported back S. B. 241; being tbe Street Railroad bill, together with certain remonstrances against it, recommend ing the passage of the bill, with certain amend ments. . On motion of Mr. KEY, the amendments were agreed to, and th bill wa laid on th te ble and ordered to ba ANTI-COMBINATION BILL. ' Mr. CUPPY, from tbe 8aIoct oommlttee lo whom It was referred, reported bask tha Antl Combination R. R. bill, with amendments, and recommended its passage. ': Tbe amendment of Mr. GARFIELD, which was pending last night, did not appear to be embodied, and he instituted inquiry about it. Mr. CUPPY explained that the substance of it, so far as tbe committee deemed consistent with tbo principles of tbd bill . were embodied in it. Tbe Question recurriog noon enerosament of tne oiu, it was sgreed to. mose who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Brewer, Cuppy, Eason, Fergu son; Foster, Holmes, Key, Laskey. McCall. Moore, Newman, Orr. Pariah. Potwin. 8ohleIch. Damn, sprague, Stanley and White IU, - . l nose who voted In th negative were Messrs. Breck. Cox. Fisher. Garfield. Glass. Jones, Monroe, Morre, Perrlil, Potts, Ready 11. '' 1 T V."3. '.' M I ! u. '. - t -I Mr. JONES offered the following amendment to the bill, vis: Provided, Tbat tbe provisions of this act shall tn no way interfere with any lawful obli gations heretofore entered into by any Railroad Company. Agreed to. Tbe bill tbeu passed yeas 21, uijs 9V Those wbo voted in the affirmative were T. Meetrs. Brewsr, Cuppy, Eason. Fergu son, Fisher, Foster, Holmes, Key, Laskey, Mo Call, Moore, Newman, Orr, Parish, Perrlil, Pot in, . Schleicb, Smith, Sprague,'' Stanley, and Whlte-22. - Those who voted in tbe negative were Messrs. Breck. Cot. Garfield. Glass. Jones. Monroe, Morse, Pott and Ready-9.' . .J JK . Tha PeMlrlantatrrnnl nMln kill.- '" ' " Mr. MOORE moved that when the Senate adjourn, it eball adjourn until Tuesdsy A. M next.- , Mr. JONES protested asa oatit. Tha mo. lutlou was sgreed to. Yeas 17, nays 12. Ine senate then took a recess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, March 29, 1861. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Clapp"' " ? : rl ; Mr. HUGHES gave notice that he would en ser bis protest on the journal against the man tier of tbe passage of ths bill to pay the. claim of John W. Allen.' ' ' . - ' Mr. BRUFF moved that the vote whereby tha House paaaea tne bill lor tbe payment of Bart- lit tt Smith be reconsidered, that the rota he aid on tne taoie, and tbat tbe Speaker with bold Dis signature from lb bill nntil tbe bill Donnelly disposed of wbloh motion was agreed Mr. CONVERSE moved that the mntlnn t reconsider tne vote wbereby tbe House passed the bill to pay the olaia oi Jo bn Wi Allen h. taaen irom tne taoie which mo lion waa diaa. greed to yeas 24, nay 54. a communication waa received from- 17 Warren Jenkins. Chanlain to tha reiatiun to a wcea-uay scnooi ror convicts, which was laid en the table to be printed. 1 ' 8. B. 276-For the erection of a building for Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, was read first time.. . . . . t' , i -.r -., . i The House agreed to the Senate's amend ments tO H. B. 405 Tr revulata tha minn.r nf electing Justices of the PaManek In 4lAWlanrl o,nsya ix. .v . . -. . . . r. -----? . a jai ,,,, i . . tana The S.sat. Mat Retailor! for sfa tf.V R- to for lurnment on tbs 22d of April next, .was taken up, wben . Mr; ROBINSON moved fa amend the tame by substituting the 15th for tbe 22d. j ! , ,rar. mtyrr moved to lay tne renoiuuon-on the .tables ferbloh was disagreed to yea 14, nays er. . . v Tbe qneetton being on Mr. Koblnson'l amend ljiwwijaei-Aa.-. nianiii,airi.inim Mr. s ruUT'oailed lor a division cr thequts. tton, and the word f Monday the 231," were trlcken out, when t I ilCC! v vi ' The words "Monday the 15th" i were inserted vsas 67. nava 10"- JUr. SHAW offsred as a rsuostuuie a rseolu tldn fixtno- the 4th dav ot July next, for the ties dtt adjournment which was disagreed to yeas u.nays .too."- ffr" f r I- ' The question being 02 agreeing Id the Reso tlon,; ' Air. WObDS sold. If ha thousht we could have an early report on the Resolution, he would move Its reference to tbe Finance committee., Mr. VINCENT said, he was not going to give any bunoombs vote, nor play the fool with a question Of this character. - We are not now prepared to lay what day we can adjourn, Del therdo we intend to . adjourn until certain meaaurea of importance are disposed of. ' We are not to be driven out of. great measures of vital Interest, by tbe buncombe men of this House, or by tbe other branch of tbls General Assembly. I hope there Is pluck enough here for the emergency, and I , believe I Am, 'right srhfin I Anunt nn Ift. 1 ' ..ud- . . ' 1 We have 220 bills undisposed of many of which will, of course, receive little attention; but there are a few we mnet act on, or all our session is a failure. He pledged every hear of his time, in the most diligent work, to effect an early adjournment. He, In hi condition of health, of all the member of the House, had most to lost and fear by remaining In this pois onous atmosphere. ' But be would not abandon the interests of tbe State for any personal con siderations.' .He believed if we worked a effi ciently as we bad done 'for the last wsekr we could adjourn on the 15th; but if gentlemen yes, rctrtnehncnt gentlemen eontiuued to call ayes and noes on the most .frivolous questions for delay merely, we can not adjourn within any reasonable lime. We have not the general appropriation bill vot in thie house, nor are tbe Public Works disposed of, either by lease or sp- propriauuni "r repairs, iuoomis is not yet distrloted.nor ths Bank or Penitentiary questions yet scted on in thi .nus.tLit a work day and night until we cast adjourn t but don't be voting to adjourn on a day yon well know you Will nave to back out oi. no favored the rer trence to tbe Finance committee, a -that would give- a little time to tee what progress was made, and enablo ns to fix an early day, and to actually adjourn on that day. 1 Mr, JNiuii moved tbat tbe vote whereby tbe House agreed to Mr. Robinson's amendment be reconsidered, and moved to lay th t motion on tbe table, on which the yeas and nays were de nianded, and resulted yeas 10, nays 72. Mr. BURR said be would be glad to adjourn on tbe lam, irit couio oe done witn propriety; otherwise, he felt It to be our duty to remain and dispose of business with care. The history of a few days hence would indicate the lime we csn adjourn. He was for the reference of tbe resolution. ' t ' ' Mr. HUGHES voted for the fifteenth, be cause he desired to hsve fixed time to work to; and he thought, If we wontd work Indus triouslv. It could bo done. Mr. ROBINSON said he had moved the ameudment in good faith, believing tbat tbe work could be done by tbat time. He felt sure of tbat, if the House would co operate with the committees, and not waste the time of tbsUouse by calling tbe yeas and nays on frivolous mo tions, as has been done tbie morning. o Mr. CONVERSE advocated 'the reference, ar he was aatisfisd the Flnaooe oommlttee eould Judge most fitly when to adjourn. , r.f .rar. iitnaesirea -tnis reiercnoe. 'it- was the proper course, in view of the business now before the House, tie wisbed to act with ref erence to what ought to be done, aad give no votes for home ooosomption. Mr. 'HITCHCOCK was.' convinced that the business eould bs brought to a olose by the lfiih, and be thought the proper way to reach the close is to fix the day ; he waSjjherefore, opposed to the reference, , , , , ' Mr. STOUT was also for the refareaoe. 'He was certain that If tbe 15th were fixed, the House wonld have to back down from it. Mr. MONAHAN waa for fixing the day; for If we leave tbe question unsettled till tbe 15th, it win De as lar on then as it is do. Lsl us fix the day snd work to Iu i ' ( i f i t , Mr. ANDREWS said, he would say a word on this subject of adjournment of the Seneral Assembly, as tbe same Is now presented. It was not new to him to hear from gentlemen on this floor, when talking abanl a ) die adjournment, eomplaiota that too much time was consumed on discussions, that such shonld be stopped, and work done without it. He was convinced, from bis long experience, that no time was lost from proper dlsoussions. More Injustice Is done to the Slate from a want of properly understanding measures before the Legislature, than from waste ol lims In proper argument. lie could speak of many other ways of consuming time, from which be would cow refrain, it was vety eertain to hi mind, that if the House pass thelresolutlob as amended we would be obliged to recede irom it. The many important sod prop er measures, crowded into the remaining part of the session, to be acted on, would require all the time to the date fixed in the resolution.-Tbe many improper measure and there are many -the majority, of course, wontd consider from time, to time Would prolong the session, v ile thought tbe date shonld be welloonsldered, and ought by all means to b referred to th Finance committee, as proposed. - ' - v -. ., . S B. 259-Tosmend See ,6 of the Home stead law was read the first time. Tbe House agreed to the Senate's smend meot to H. B. 269 To amend the Tax Law yea; 71, nay 0. . ; . '1 be speaker laid before the House - tbe written opinion of the Attorney General on the passage of tbe Bill lor the payment ofBtrtlit it Smith, whioh was resd, when Mr. ROBINSON moved that it be laid apoo tbe table, wbloh was agreed to. '. , 8. B. 268 Making in part appropriation from the General Bevenue for 1862 was read tbe first time. A cemmunloatlon was received from th Gov. ernor, la reply to the resolution of the House in relation to tbe "LaB9. case," which was laid on tbe table. ,. , . ,. A communication waa received from the At. torney General, giving bis opinion on the pro posed abandonment of the Miami and Erie ca nal, north of Swan creek, at Toledo, wbloh was lain on lbs table to be printed. ... . . The following memorials were Dresanterl anrl referred.''" ' ..'; . By Mr. WINNER, from D. L. Meeker and outers, or uarke county, against the diseontln uance of tbe additional judgeship in the 1st sub airiflinn in mm ai n !- int . . t i i i i By Mr. STUBB3. from J. H. Foea'and'tha other membres ol lb bar of Preble county, on the same sublect. Bv Mr. HADDOW.from W. R. Pn bj o.heri. of Washington countr. fa relttlan ta Um. fxr.-ut. a. f t f . u7 vrvvfeiuu ui v iiauiiigwa tVOwDluips i By Mr. JONES, of Hamilton, from John Oooper and SU others, or Hamilton county, for a law to protect turnpikes and plank roads sgainst loss by corporation,, .,"-' , ..-.-j, -By Mr- REE3, or Frankklln, from Noab Steele and a 101 others, of Franklin oounty, for a euueuuiuai ami siringent liquor 1SW. " ' - " - Also, from Miss Clara Willis.Lvdla Waas. and 115 ladies of Franklin county, for ths tame ooject. ."!;" -vV. 7. T. :.- : By Air. CLAPP. from E. A. Either! anrl 60 others, of Lake oounty, for tbe same object. - Mr. ROBINSON, from the committea nn Claims, reported back 8. B. 262 Making tern- uurary appropriaiions witn an t amendment- euwu wan Brgw si, WOIO Air. VUKI3 moved to amend bv arldlnc aonnn a-t-ut.- ..ti . . . ur aauieuiuK sua uuiiuibk in tne ranitantiapw. which was dissgreed to; and afterwards a mntlnn reconsider entertained, whioh waa eaut -veae 49: nava 15. 1 1 . . t i , . ' i '-...u Mr. VORIS' amendment was airmen tn. wh.n . --...-'.T. ii.. liii j ... . r ' "- we uiu wa passed. .' x eas o, nay 14. 12 The House tben adjourned. ' " i fMr. BRUFF'S amenrlmenl in . m .n.t House Bill 71, reported veaterdav. waa ti, atelka u ao moon oi ssotion a as (peolUed What should b5'?oe,,e ,0 Pye of Uxea. exoept a ap- " , rw,w'"u'e) paper.j n, Military Resouress of the South. "',, ' :" '"-. I An erroneous Idea ewnmiL v. . , . . n - v.w.wiis a, auw North that tb new Confedarar. In t.nin military defence, will AlJflaanA StnvTISa rll fli- culty, in prooarlng a supply of artillery stores BlUaltlOnS Ol War. lot tha Infimiiat nn nf Anderson Iron Woiks, near Richmond, VI,- glnta, are working tbelr lurnaoos night snd day, casting Dablgren guns and Columbiads of the beavleht calibre and exquisite finish. Several ot tben guns and nve ten Inch mortars have already been forwarded to Charleston, snd, be- tore this, are in battery, ready to participate In tbe bombardment of Fort Sumter. The Tre degar Iron - Works, near Rlohmond, are also ' ' busily employed lo casting hollow shot and shell. , several tons nave already seen forwarded to . Charleston.. Tbe maohlno ehop of the Atlantlo -and North Carolina Railroad, near Newberu, N', . U,ba bsen transformed Into a military ens eal, where several hundred hands ate now em ployed In altering musket and casting shot snd : shell. ' -The alterations of the old stylo musket to the Minnie stjle, compared with a similar alteration maae in this state, give the supetioti- ty to the former In ever rrmnent. Th aamnles of shot recontly exhibited included a slxtj-lour pounder and a six1 pounder, and a forty pound ' sbejl. t- The railroad company have oflered to --' eontract with the Confederate States for an iu- dsnnite supply or both guns and missiles, gusr ranteslog to do tbe work.equal to any done at tbe uurui, aw. a ices price, i n ere is a louutiiy near Petersburg, Virginiaalso escaped in cam- In g mortars and cannon for Charleston. Only a day or two ago, a mortar from this foundry, weighing 6,750 ponnds, was placed in battery ' near Fort Sumter, As for powder, both North Carolina and Virginia hare numerous mills for the manufacture of this explosive agent, and have already sent 300,000 pounds, per contraot, to South Carolina. After this statement of facts. who will doubt the ability of tbe South to pro vide itself with tbe munitions of wart-Mio Yotk Herald. Kennedy's Medical Discovery. Wa have been Perusine. within a lew dam. one of Kennedy's Circular, not to convince o tnat nis medioine wa wbat it purported to be, for we have bad occasion to witness Its magical effects In curlog the ptrtioular class of disease lor which it is recommended, viz , humors. But If we had not this personal acquaintance with ita virtues, we could not but be convinced of ita worth, when such men as Erastus II. Doo little, Eiq, former Proprietor of the Old Elm Street Stage House, Boston, says, tbat he ha been cured of a disease thst was harrying him to bis grave, aud tbe remedy used was Kenne dy's Medical Discovery, i Tbla Is proof enough ' for ns, snd wo trust that It will prove so Induce ment to the afflicted to fry if at least, ' Holloway's Pills and Ointment. or th Kionrrs and Uamo oxnital oroams. In all Internal inflammation of the Kidneys, bladder, ceo., caused by gravel or other local irritation, these medicine will effect a speedy and radical cure. Outol fl Lhundred cites of persons afflicted with gravel " sou pruuuuuceu oy eminent members 01 tbe ho ulty aa 'incurable.' all wbo took these remedies recovered but ono, and he, despairingof success, discontinued them after one week's use. Sold by all Druggists, at 25c, C3o., and $1 per box. O All should read Prof. Wood's advertise ment io another column. GUERNSEY'S- BALMl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -':! W A N T 12 u t A FIRST CfitSfl GERMAN SALES MAN In a Dry Hoods Btois; must spesk the Ing llah language Also, state where an interview can be bad. Address, with real name and re erenre. '-' 3'd. BOX 6S8, Pott Office. --, FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON or SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. ROSE'S. I AGAIN OFFER TO XlfE FtBLIC "an entire new etock of Goods In my lins, just purch ased In Hew Tork at tbe cheapest panic rales.all of which Lhall sail at tbe smallest pre fits, for Cash. My custom ers and friends are respectfully Invited to call and exam ine my Goods and Prices, at I aaa determined to sell as cheap or cheaper tbaa any other house In the oily ; and ae I do my own Oattlng, and superintend my own bad ness, I feel assured, from my long experience la busi ness, to glvs general satltf action. The finest of work men are-employed, and all work done strictly to lime and on short notice, and warranted to St. Strangers visiting our city would consult their interest by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere. r. KofK, .. Merchant Tailor, marthMaiy -'r Cor lllih and Town sla. ' Probata Motlos Settlement of Aeeonut. THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS! HAVK been filed In the Probate Court of Franklin eounty Ohio, and will be heard for settlement, oa Wednesday, the Stth day of April, A. D. 1801 to wit I Tbe final account of Win. Watts, administrator of Joseph Watts, dee'd; ths final account of Henry Bougha guardian of Susan A. Benjamin; the final account of John Helpmaa, administrator of Oherlev Lether, dee'd; tha final account of Margaret Btrader (now O'Haira.) lata guardian or ihe hairs of Levi Strader, dee'd; the final ac oount of lather Lytic, administratrix of Andrew Lytle, deed; the flratacocnnt of Nathan Bavla, gnardlan of MeryO. Bavie; the flirt account of baniel F. Lloville, ' guardian of Linnets O , Sarah F., and Frank Fisher; Ihe first accounts of lllram Watts, guardian of Martha J.ana John O. Watts; the first account at Martha Lakena. . guardian ef Fhtbe Ann, George and Maria J . Lukena.- th 1 first amount of B erne Chittenden, administrator of William Baker's estate; the second and Anal account ol Ulltaeeth F. Fisher (now Braymaa) administratrix of I. A. Fl.her, dee'd; the second account of John Ksger. tuardlsn of Amanda, Lafayette, Waonlogtoa and Terry las; ths seoond aeoonnt cf Jacob Heary, executor of the wllloffrederiek Henry, dee'd; Ibe third account of John Wagner, one of the exeeutois of the will of A. winter, deo'd; and the fifth accounts of John J. Nelson, guardian or Ann Jt. and Kobett J. Kelson. . . H.B. ALBIBT, mtrgfrjltfcwlt Probate Judge. PSOF.WOOjrS ;. RESTORATIVE CQBDIAL j;.,,. and: . ! BLOOD RENOVATOR M " r"5"1'? anai iu name inaicstee, ror, Wulle'en. U pleasant te the taste. It is revrvlfyl ng, exhlUrat lD 1 'In.. IntlmrallA, atr ...I .1.. ,A .k- Wm tog. Invigorating and strengthening to the vital powers, ana. at ina same- time revivifies, iota rv laniei, and renews ins Blood in all Its purity, and A r thus at once restores awe! renders Ae iiKa im. VJ Lwlauulf.,. -H I.- J. ...... ' - .v Huw, vj uauee. iiisue only preparauon ever ouereo to tne world, so cheaU cally and skillfully combined as to bs tbe awt powerful tonia, and at tbe tame time to perfeotly '3 taws of natuie. and hanee will tooth Ola v. 1 1 w..pima Mi, aa sw ace iu perieoiacooraanoo VI LH tha ifowMt-A, and tone up the digestive organs, and M thus allay all nsrvont and other Irritation. It ltV peneotly exhilarating, and at the asms time It ul. composed entirely of vegetables, yet so aombinad H --. i - uu.wmbu wunfuefllp WIU1- out producing any injurious eonseaueaeaa. Saoh s remedy has long been felt to be a desMsratum In ibe medical world, for ltneede ne medical akin tn tee that debility follows all attacks of disease, and proceeds and Indeed lays ths system open to the' Insidious attacks of man of tha moat ratal, .m-h I for example, as Ihe following Oon.urnm.nn. i. kllgetUtn, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Falntneu. ' ntrvous irtiuointy, neuralgia Falpitatlon of thel uaan, meianonoiy, mgat nweau. Languor, Uldnl-, dbib, neienuou or, as wen ae ralniui obstrncted too profuse, er too sosnl Atanstmatlon. and v.u. Itng of lb Womb. These all depeid upea geosral detiuty. Xhit pare, healthy, tonlo Cordial and sioos llenovalor It as tare to euro aa tha t) its and let. There It no mistake about a. Bull bis Is not all. If the system Is weakened, we are! 'pen tooiitousaiiaoat.ins liver becomes tomia. ir worse diseased, the kidneve refuaa ta their functions, and ws are troubled with seaMIng and Incontinence of nrlna. ar lnnlnnl.r. a.. charge of the Mum a, pain In ths back, aide and aa. tween the thouldsrs. exceedlnei liable to atl.htl -w.i.., wagua, aaia nuuecaea, noon emaciation jionows, eaa in paiient goes down lo a premature I grave. But apace will not allow ni ta ennnara,.1 n the many Ills to which we are liable In a weakened! V wuuiiiub vi ui. yvurm. nut we win eay, in thtsl Oordlal an Bleed Keeovalnr oa have a nariw l 'safe, pleasant and effectual remedy fot loss offj Appetite, biliousness, Flatnlenee, weak and alek V Stomach, Languor, Liver Oomplalnt, Chills and fever, er any Billons attask, Ooeiiveneos, Addlty f tbe Stomach. Merreaeneaa. Manralala. P.inii.. tlon of the Heart, Depression af Spirits. Boras M , Pimples on the Face, or any diktats arising from sAJ Impure blood, each aa fiorofnla. a ir .ui.,, vuaiu, uiaicaiiy oi n reaming, and all thatla olass of diseases sailed female weakaaaa. aaAir SB: enumerated above. We will also aa iha tr.m!L lexpoeed to epidemics, change of ollaaate and wat-l r, wm una it a pleasant, sals and sure remedy JM and none should ever travel without. Keader-ldj try it, for we assure yon oa will Had in II a friend I indeed, u well as a friend fn need. Ail persons efl -sedentary habile will Snd it a oerfeet preventive afl A u well at cure for tboee ailments to which thiy art particularly exposed, tience mmisiei-MiuaeniSrM I i, ... -.. II ., A I.. II.. .1 I .TV' eooustoBjtd to much outdoor exercise, will find It Fl W.U.J.. Jll.l.rj KWIIllnllCil . U.V. nilU.l1.DI M t hand; and, above all, mother, or these becoming snob; will go through that most dangerous period not only win an saft and free from the I bona and ailments se prev alent aaong Ihe female portion of the world. Inl abort. Ills Indeed a momere cordial. TralLoIri and yeang; ne longer ran the risk of delay; It Willi relieve ana prwv iweii empnaitoaiiy a ittttora Mee Cordial and JIUod Ktnovator. O.J, WOOD, proprietor, 4 Broadway, New! sold by ROBnRlS St SAMUKL, Oolitmeut, 6hloJ sad all good , CiuggltUI . Frlce Oaa D,.ii.. lera. ana I -. nnnvt dii-i, a,, uouia. Ua.: 3 iyet si . ;. ! marvuto-aaweowly i at' (.1 ,- l