Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY- EVENING, MARCH 29. 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. Tha AA.t.i. r.nrui rVimmnT nlaocs m daily under obligations to It for the very latest papera from the eastern cities $ ; . i " P ' r. . C'J. :Ztoto&rtotttm wnn latest eastern Daners. j ' .... Notice to Bc3chibm. City subscribers to the Daily Statesman, who' may change their dwellings or places of business at this season ol the year, are requested to notify our carriers, or leave ' word at our " oountlngr-oom, of the places atwhiob they wish their papers left Marietta CoLLo.-The Junior Exhibition of the class of 1802, Marietta College, took ly commended were those of William H. Flux, of Newark, Edward S. Alcshixi, of Gallipolls, aui Edward F, Biall, of Chilllcothe. The poem oo "Joan of Are," by William J. Lu, of Pomeroy, la spoken of aa far above the aver age of euoh performances on similar occasions. ,Tken as a whole, tbo exercises wero highly creditable to tho class. Mioicii. SmE.PhlnUn. ilk. mnf . other puri.ultar bave their professional jokes, founded on facts, sometimes, of a rather serious nature for tho contemplation of the non medical world. But that world avengea itself on the doctors by the perpetration of such aaroasm as the following "I hope ou are not going to give Ibis stuff to father," ,bbed a little girl, a. she returned from an apothecary', shop, whither she had been Bui wiia u oc tor nrBfcriDHon. -Vahy not, my child!" inquired tbemother, .... somewhat surprised. 'Because," replied tha child, "the man took the medioine out ef the same bottlo that he did the yoiron the other day for jou to kill rats with.'V t - ; ..; tl V ' . :? ; "You don't understand tcienct, my dear." ' Cheap ' Boot and Shoe Stoii J. Maoism wo . uooisno onoe estaDiisnment, at no. lb Town street, (on tho north side of Town, . few A . c Ui .i. .ii.,L..,..., ,. uuvue vast ui iiifcu nvretji,; ia tne piace to can in I oraer to oDtaia Doots and snocs ot all kinds, at In. nPi.a .nil f.r t.nnll .,.iu. k.i. .. . v" 'T" wmr terial, workmanship and finish. Those who have bought at this establishment speak in the hlohwt t,m of th .v... i,..- K,.t. : -----o- ed there. We advise onr readers to call and examine for themselves ' Fashionable Clothing Establishment. On the Northeast corner of High and Town streets, is the new fashionable clothing establishment of I Mr. P. Ross, whose advertisement will be found ia another part of this paper. From the eiperi. enoe Mr.. Rose has bad in the business, his promptitude and accuracy in its various depart ments, and above all, the quality and cheap uo luesaay evening last, maron Ate eierciacs were marked with unusual vigor and li 1 maturity of thought. Among tbo oratlona high- i .. ui ness of his goods, tho Inducements are strong for those wishing to supply themselves with ar ticle! lu his Hue, to give him a call. ST The Cotmopolifoit jtt Journal, in a no. m n u- 'The Po- Mlogl. tics of Mr." Coooejh all's late book, "The eta and Poetry of tbeWett," has the parenthesis: 'i ' "tTbe public will' be euiprietd to learn that Gov. Chase is a poot! ile is given five pages; Capt.LvTLE ia given six pages : Does it there fore follow that Salmon P. Chase, poet, is equal to five-sixths of Capt. Wm. D. Lvtle, poetl-' Additional Arrivals at the O. P. On Wednesday, three new conviota were brought to I the Penitsutiary from Lloking, and two from Coshocton county. Oa Thursday, (yesterday) two were Drought irom ueimont, tnree irom i 1 raw ford, and one from Logan county. Whole numSer of orisoners now in the Penitentiarv 977. ' Nine Pouts or the Law. Possession is said to be "nine points of tho law;" but the cook who has possession of a package of James Pyle's Dletotlo Sileratua has the whole law of bread, btsouit, aud oake making in her own hands. Be sure of the right kind. Depot, 345 Wash iogton Street, New York. Sold by grocers ev ery where New PosTMAsrxss. Panrod Batik has been appointed Postmaster at Zincsvlllej C. S Ftle, Postmaster at Mount Vernon, W. F) Comlt, editor of the Dayton Journal, Postman ter at Da j ton, and A. P. Miller, Postmaster at ChilUootho. . i . . , ; A Tuocoht roa SraiNa. Nature haa strange ways of doing the most beautiiul things. Out of the ooty earth, the mud and rain' of early spring, came the most delioate of flowers; tbolr whits leaves, born out of the dirt, are unsoUed and pore, as if they had been born ln Paradise. New Mail Agent. It il rumored that Mr. Penn, of ChiUicolhe, has been appointed Spa tial MailjAsent, In place of General W. S V. Prentiss, of this city. " ' ' , : , : ';, Vacation. Tbero will be a vacation ln onr Fubllo Sohools, commencing on Monday next. The schools will recommence on tho Monday following, April 8. a i n ' . .,1 HTMrs. Gaott objeots to calling our Leglala tive Halls Bear Gardens out of respeot to tho descendants of Bruin. ' 1 ' . ;i .- t H7 A nursery haa been established in Bos ton, where poor women can leave their child ren wnne tnsy go ons iron noma so won. .,:) - Huiiani Mary, my lore, this apple-dump ling Is not half done. -s;. Wife Well, finish it,' then, my dear. . , ,, mmmmmmmmmmm m RlRSSeSRteR , Condndrdm. What Is that which, when found In wedlock, la single, yet In widowhood is both single and doublet Tbo letter O. ' - - t..-: W eaaWAHBWWaaavjeMRSaSSM Htt.r.n. O A Piano affords s young lady a , chance to show her fingering and her finger-ring, n r 'fas Late Firs. Our Furniture Maoufacto rv, whloh waa destroyed on Saturday, the 23d lost., was Insured for $3,000 In the Hartford Firs insurance Company, whloh sum has been paid in toil hub aav nv tn. Ant. h. k. Ka.ann - The promptness and liberalltv with which tbta Company adjusts Its losses, commend It to the patronage of the citiiena of Columbus and vi cinity, and we recommend tho, who desire, in case ot loss, to nav meir ciaims speedily ad (dated and cromntlv paid, to call on II. R. Be. .on, Etq., the Agent of the Company, In the Jjnnson liuimini ana oumin a ' - BROTHERLIN, HALM & CO Columbus, 0. March 27th, 1861. - ' dlw. r f "I il aaaeaaejeawSjaRWatawewawaaiPi i at la at ... - f . HT R, KinxrATRioK, No, ' 165 South High Street, has s very choice assortment of Gold and Sliver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, at prices to suit the times. , Good Emtran-For any one, rich or poor. Guernsey's Balm, gives immediate and perms ent relief ln all qasos where sn external renie. Prof. Wood's Rhtdkatiti Cordial and Blood Kbkotatob is, wltbonl doubt, the beat tooio Cor. dial lo the world. To those who are sofferlog General Debility we would reoommend its from use. for while it la pleasant to tha tute, It la strength enlng to the system, and will at oho tend to remove all 1 m purl t tee of the Blood, and eradi cate all traoea of dlieaie. It can be taken by tha weakest stomach, while those In good health I will at once feel Ita exhilarating power. We are nM" that afterusing one bottle of this Cor. will. b for. daytthout It.-iNTet. I York Leader. Neuralgia, or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to tha advertisement In .nih.- .inmn f w overusemeni in anoiner column of our I ,... of n,. r.-Unrf., tj..4 DWe congratulate our readera upon the discovery of a core for Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, and all Mercurial Diseases, which 1 effected without the use of Internal medicine. I anicn destroy tne constitution ana give tempo- rary reiier onivv in tact it la the only known ad wo feel warranted, from It wr-nrnmannVtlnn. In th. ..nt nn , ",7 .T ffIflndi nffermg fron RhenmaHlnit Gout 0 I ,wma) um wvgf UCaTlUg I Cnnnni TUa ,AA k r . are aourcea of Pulmonarv . Bronchial and a u guHusu uu iuvri ui uur B mu matio Affections. Experience baviner craved that simple remedies often act speedily and certainly, when taken In tha early stages of the disease, recourse should at once bo bad to - . . l s "frown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let mo voia, oougn, or irritation or the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more ae- ,T ? cneoxuai y warded off.- mono apeaitera ana bingera will find them ef- fdnttl.l fnr nlnarlnlF anil bi.iril,..!.. .1.. voice. Bee advertisement. Fnr whnlau and retail. h nnh A, n.n.l K. OA Hiah street. S. Samuel Co.. No.' 85 finnth High street.;- ; , , PiasoKAL.-N. Gundersblmer baa lost re. tnrDe?jom, the eMt' WDer h8 pnfcbcd . ' mere., wd V 1 ofve J g ade .ndVaTe y ever offered in this market.7, He has tarohmS Vestlnwofeververadeandvarletv ever offered in this market: He hiiahUroh.n hh cuuro know, ui utbs didqi. wn ion win emme, SSIrW-Ja-b Ul AUDU UBUUe)- WUIUU Wlil SSUBHIB IlilM m aiAll&a a - . iL A. t-lf l . " f B"" """rf.KZST."1 vlcea of the well known cutter Mr. Robart .UD HP.r. Spurling to take charge of the tailoring depart- ment. Those desirlne the best of material sot ten up in the latest and best style or ent and workmanship, will do well to call and examine nu stock before purchasing elsewhere. IIS haa alio a full and nnmnl.t. atnolr nt Gents' furnishing goods, allot which has Just urnveu sua are 01 in latest patterns. Peraona , T.r",,u,"' c": .... csumg cannot lau to oe suilea. cVZZl ZZrZZr' .! """I w suit tne times. nememoer tne piaoe, no. ia booth High Street, one door Korth of tha Goodale Hnnao. rf Ooon W t on. f , frin-i. .n.fJ,.H.. on Broadway, and were astonished at tns change o hla aonearenco. a f.. ...k. .. u.". .T. t-." "5 ,.T" i.- i. , -; i ,- -;- i mm, um wa. p...,.e.a .noaejeoieas oompiain- XX?. healtbv and strons-. Wo learn 11 owed h?T,. leoweamarea- STSESOTHENINO toration entirely to McLean's Ooboial. We advise all who aro complaining of Gen- erai Aieoiiltv to trv It: It lacerUlnlv a vorv pleasant remedy. Wo learn that there are large quantitiea or it selling dally. JHontlwy Herald ST See advertisement of Prof Hair Invigorator In another column. Millie's . l 1 l v I . I a . I. '?n. th, and K. In TV as dM w SPECIAL NOTICES, TSUtD W1BD A8BE8B0E. Dtroa BtaTaaaiKi-Pieaaa announce the name of JOBEPHLEIBYaiacandldaUforAnMecr In the third .naM Entroa StaTaaKaN: Pleaae announce the tho MANHOOD. -; I08T, HOW EESrOBED. JT78T PtTBLISnED, OM TBS NATURE, TREAT' MINT AND RADICAL ODRK OP BPfiBMATOREUBA or Seminal Weakneaa, Sexual Debility, Nerromaeaa, In voluntary Emlislons and Impotency, reeulting from Self-abnw. Sro. By Root. J. Oalverwtll, M. D. Bent under aeai, in a piaio envelope, , In a plato envelope, to any add reel, poet paia. on receipt u two etampa, uy nr. uuab, rf. u. KLINB, 197 Bowery, New York. Post Offloe Box, No. 4,360. . mar21:3mdkw HTOHBWELt'S For all TIIKOA T and LONG ' COMPLAINTS, UNIVERSAL including- WHOOPING COVOlli and every Complaint the forerun ner ef , and even actual COJISTJiriPXlOPf. COUQH REUNIETDY. UTTinrworFT.T.'s I The Great nechal uiv nnnavi nanai-l mral OPIATE, adapted to every epeclee of Ner mn.-r-rT vH vempiaiaif, Hen TOLU tomo and Chronic nvauatavt nuenrnn turn, Catarrh, Tooth and Ear Aclie, I.ea. of AN0OTH. plaint. No real Juitlce can be don the abov preparations but by procuring and leading deacriptlve pampbletej be found with all d tale re, or will be ten I by Proprietor on demand. Formulae and Trial Bottles lent to Phyri eiana.wbo will Sad developmenta In both worthy their acceptance and approval. Correspondence soUolted from all whoa neoesaitle or euriosity promptato a trial of the abov reliable Item dies. ', , ....... lor ai by Ibe iiual wholeaal and retail dealer everywher. . . .. . JOHN Le nVNNEWELL., Proprleto CHEMIST AND rHARMACICTIST, ' , I Ho. 9 Commersial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Roberta k Samuel. N. B. Mamie. J. K. Cook. J. H Denig, 0. Denig a Bona, A. 1. Schueller k Son, Agenta tor Columbus, Ohio. . -. ; '.'o Vort-dJr MOFFAT'S LIFE? FILLS. In all oases of ooaUveotaa, dy apepala, Ulllsua and live' affection, piles, rheumatunn, fover and agues, obetl aatS head achea, and all geuaral darangemecif of health the Pills have invariably proved a oartaln and ipeedy remedy. A tingle trial will place the Ufa Pills beyond tha reach ofoompatltion in the eaUmatlon of every pa tient. ...... ,. ':;.-. Dr. Uoffat't Phanlx Bitters will be found equally ef flcacioui la alloasea of nemua deUUty, dyipepaia, head I acne, ue sicaaess inoiuene (o icmaiea in uauoai neaitn, i and every kind of weaknaa of the dlgeaUr 'organs. for sal by Sr. W. B. WOFIAT, 333, Broadway, M. T. and by all Dru jgUU. . avyS9-dwls Tne foiiowin? is an extrtot Irom a letter written by the Hev. . i.' Holm, paster ef thai Pierrepoint-StrMt Baptlat Church, Brooklyn, H. T.,to tho-Journal and Meaenger,"Olnolnnatl,0.,an4 speaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medioine, Haa. WntiLoww Sooth mo Bracr roa Coiumn Tixthim! - "Waeaa adrertlnuent In Tour eolnmna of Mas Wtwum'i Boorauie Btaur. Nowwtnemsald word biatTor of a patent medlcin before In our life, but we feel oaipUed to aay to year readera that thia ia no hum pug wa Wiv tided tr, an iv it n n au it CLaiit. It la probably oaaoftb aaeet furoaeaful medl cin ee of the day, becaua It la on of the brat. And thoa of ydur readers wheoaee babiee oanH d better than lay la a supply. oc27:lydfcw REMOVAL. -( . 0. iDoylo cJb Oo. HAVE BGnOTED TUEIB OFFICE t tha Bouth-west corner of High and Irtoad itreeta. 1 'i'lf 'UP STAIRS,''." And will continue to keep on hands a Urge stock of I BOOTS AND 1 SHOES. The attention of llarchants and Dtateri Is reepectfu!. ly Invited to ear atook. 0. m Oo. BarchSa:dtlUJuly31. . . - it A CALL FOR HELP." A ll Who KNOW THEinSEL.'VEB Indebted Idmm ab .....t n hm. mm au. ly requeeted to call Immadlalala and aattla Iha una aa ZZf ow "lo,t nd d'" ,e b""4 BP Sin and Oolumbua, Ataroh 88, lbol 3t . ... .. , , .. , , , V7 A W A AS jr. A OKNIS TO Kf.E, 1' tot,,,h o" be purohaeed eliewber - . ......., .v.u, marcn woa, a. i tne sold were gone were tie a bya his ues tion servo on ' tns the the the and and ger, 8paln force log of of tlons out to vi ea vey, gal.' ed ral to , , ii 1 i-4t' TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From Washington. SESTr 1 ?Bi1.. "IT,7,W 'SP'V?' T?. n C" Lrnd. Attorney for Illinois; H. Cox, Attorney, and E. R. Glascock. Marnhal far th mimi. TlVV."!??!. V , ibe ZJZZ.'Sl " M WaIHINOTOH. Mirch 29. Nn anlfnn mum In ken on the nronoiitioa to luhmli th San Juan dispute to arbitration. The aubjectgoea over MI. UHt ICHIDD. Csutrarj to expectation, tha President made no nomination to fill the vacancy In the Supreme vuun. - Archibald. lata r Knatnur.In.r,M.r nf h Navv, haa received a diamtch (mm Mr M.lln. ij, uuoriDg similar position under the Confed erate States, which was promptly declined. No orders hare been issued, or will be at present to land troops at Fort Pickens,' and state'. menu to mat enect are untrue. " The Senate to.iU later to Spain iJm es S.Pike. Miaiater Reiideut the Hague; 0. M Clay, Minister to -Russia: t -iuYi mer' Minister to Argentine Kepublioj h,Ti JZT'Zf&rrJ r'r1 X' ,""."",."' n. a. Ar.cB.iuwo., u n. of the Navy, Geo. W. Lanef Judge of the " J ABUrtTUUU CiUglQCfSr-lU-UOiei perintendent of Indian AlTaira fnr IV Merlon OttrVeTOTS Of CUSIOmB! J. O. AnthnnT. Nt,m Al. S?.0' i?aJ.uv T. Cooper, Chattanooga, Tenn. l . - . J ' - - I""""1' Appraiser at Hew rork l be following Postmasters wereoonflrmed: J. i L. L.Scripps, Chicago; Chas. Hall, Odhkosb; A- P. Miller. Chillicotlie! Ci. 8. Pi. Mi v.n. i . satcmsD, anesviiie; w. r . comly. Day ton: T. C. McBwen. Sandnakv. ' JoSCSh S. Wilson, lata Commiaainn.r (3n.rl of the Land Office baa been returned to bis form er piaoe, aa Chief Clerk of that bureau. i ne war Department has received the real 2 nation Of CapU Joaiah Gorga, of the Ordnanoa department. This, it ia said, la owln to tha In. ?Ueno? of Col. Craig, Chiel of the trdnance. A1D P"dd. " 8 " jouuer, wuuae gen - frft"' "ml".1. toiency as aasiatantln that Dnraan. 1 r , m nit ait ma. - i . j . i q,," - I .MUVU. MM UUI lUUrcciKIRI DT m . . ' w""'J0ir March 23;h. During the late, March 29;h.-DurIng the late 5"f SeMlon ol the 8en-te b0' I,xeouuT session ol the Senate, about 40U lal-l. . . , , , n f T ., . uhi vi nuivu VVVI0 BCUl III 1J W LIISS rrHillllfln t Yesterday, the Post OfflcV DTpVrtmeut. un. . , --. j " - ?er we P'oyie'ona or the recently enacted law, f"gtorr, ,n,ail Mr.T.!ce btwee' George- town, and Lexington, Missouri. The ser vice is to nesix times s week. Uen. Wm.tHlckev eraa .lartal secretary 01 the senate. e wwwwvi aaaiiiau Asburv Dickens rot ulna ha nmlilnn The Government has sent to Florida, fnr ;t. neBgw ,n t"9 Armstrong Court-Martlal. threaUnin, Vh. a".u ""S'.C.Z a uauiuvt ujHe.iDir in a morninff. tha StSttoB." U"'eu 1 .1 , I i H a U. S. Senate—Special Session. r.. . . ... vAaHinoTOH, luarca XB. Mr. Trumbull of. f"d resolution declaring that, in the opinion XZrJTriV .u Ua" " t0 nfBrc.e o' tte Union, that re aisiasco to toeir enloroement. whether nm "'co io tneir enioroement. wh.thav nndar name of anti -oo.rclnn. " Sg2 " t dmy of the ?5K S1.? a" B.eaD ln h P' ?. hold protect the public property of the UniUd Sute.( tDd t0 enfgroe hJ lthaf.,. we T M ! .. ' t r 7 . "TO1 bama, Mississippi, Lonislana and Texas, as Ihai N aiAa of Hn..ik 'lf-. . tviAiu viuct UknisjMi tjg ,UfJ UQIOQ. I Mr. Trumbull said he offered the resolution expressive of the views he entertained. He red ia ha, tham nlntaH. .A M k. -i.h fawn..., HWV TT VM.U UV glU ubtw a voie on it. Mr. Bright All on this side of tha Chamhar De giaa to nave a vote now. Mr. Sumner moved to proceed to the consld eration of Executive business. I he Senate went Into Executive session. Un ODeninsr the doom. Manr. R.Vd. a appointed a committee to wait on Fresident and inform him that the Senate Atrignt were appointed a committee to wait on The Senate again went into Exeoutlv. a.a. Subsequently, a resolution InvnlvW R nnn .7 nnn e .i . . . ,a . J. wiv iut iui puruuaae ui mo ADnaia Of U0U- I ceo auu nuM ui iraBOjscuaaea.and poetpoaeo until ueoemDer. ibe President havins? to further bualnem oommunications to make, the Senate, at 4 o' clock, adjourned, tin die. In the to Oo, or la Cincinnati. March 23 Draita drawn hv tha Cataract Bank, at Lookport, New-York, on ucean junk or ew-York for $7,000 were to banker here vesterdav. On nartv waa arrested, and $50,000 ln the same kind of drafts found ln his trunk. Another party haa west with $40,000. The first drafts told intended to be paid, in order that the oar- uiigui, gni meir oreoit up, out it la Deileved erand fraud la nrrnatratsd Parry j. Moore, a well known oltizan.' waa ahnt burglar yesterday morning, wbo entered house lor the purpose of robbery. Moore in a critical condition. -. , Galveston, Texas. March 28. Tha Conv.n. has elected Ford Colonel, and Bavlor Lieut. Colonel of airetrlmant of Rano-nra. tn 13 months on the frontier, ln addition to ordered by Secretary Walker on tbo 91st. Got. Houston and Secretary Hamilton deliv ered, at Austin, speeohea violently denouncing Convention, the Confederacy and their Con stitution. ... .-, On the 23d. the Conventions in Whole, adopted the Constitution almost unanimously. On engrossing the ordinance, vote was nearly unanimous for It. New York. Maroh 29. A Pari l.ttaa in New York Time states, that iha Fr.nnh English Governments are fitting out a pow erful fleet of war ateamers for the United States. . The suggestion came from England. France will furnish threo first-class frigates, the English contingent will perhaps be lar aoeaeet win sail wittt sealed order. ia also preparing to send a formidable to the Gulf of Mexico, though not work in cone.rt with France and England. Ricrhond, March 28 The rumors of tha transfer of guns from Bellona arrenal, near Richmond, to Fortress Monroe, wera tha baaia resolutions In tho House to-day, protesting uKaiuw tu movement Ol arms or an increase armament by the government within the limits of the State. Substitutes to tho resolu were offer ed, and a Ions' debate ensued. no action was arrived at. New York, March 28. A sdsoI&I dianatcb the Commercial aava the Prffaidanl haa an. Pjlnted Carl 8ohutl Minister to 8paln, in place vuaiua m. iiay, wno nas willingly content- kj oe transierrea to Kussis. Special dlspatohes also atate that Jas S. Har Washington correspondent of the Phila delphia north American and New York Trii ne, has been nominated Minister to Portu 8t. Loois. March 28. Tha Cammtttea sn Federal Relation In the House, veaterdav. ra. ponea tu following joint resolution, wniott pasri 68 against 4: ' - Rtnlved, Tbatltlalneznedientforths Cans Assembly to take any steps for oallinga NationalConventlon, to prepare amendments tho Constitution, as recommended by the owe invention. ... , , . New York. Maroh 29 Tho bnildlnv Nr. , , . . . . . . . . . ana no aaisau street was ourni last night Elisha Whittlesey acoeota the Flrt ComntrnU lorshlp. , ' There is no truth in the statement that troops t - I a . . . .n. ' oeeu oruerea to lanaat rort rtcKens. Richmond, (Va.) March 28. Tha amend menu proposed yesterday U : the Convention wtreaeieatca 4010 74. l . Nf Tost, Maroh 29. The case of the steamer Bienville has been arranged at Wash ington, and the positively sails on Monday. .i j, Srm; 1 13 It lea on ae lira with of and Ihia and dare, . be to ; of ; Canton IJattings. e- Whit and Ued as A C Wiiti Checked of ruperler uaitty. for aale by i-m M v, -.L. i Bain a ton, HahH. ; ,: v ; i No. 89 Booth. High ati THE MARKETS. Columbus Retail Market. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, March 29. 1851. Tha fol lamina n Iha WtaU HOIuiui aornnud b HcKm ltwumx, wholaaaltaBd rttaU groean, ha.H Btataanuui Balldloj: Wlat.k.....,.,.09Sfta O.EatuV ft Uapla do (katioo Com on; ........ ts. MoLawet t'nl fOaMto Battel A huaivi Brrup gal eutoTMe Lard V .......'.... isici- Tea w ....50c.,7Jc.(SCl0 Yeddo Tea.... 1 00 Rio Coffee tft..ISX.16e Tallow k. ........ Dried Applei V bo. .75100 vriea reaebi....g 7ia3 00 White Beini 9 m. .Tsiii lavaao.. ,. , hoc Ulee w ft fle Droomi 9 d..l 00175 rocatoea w ou fOS3c lalt in lack,. ....... Baltabbl............l,75 Bar 9 ton B7 oo 8oap(nozl t ft.... oV98e rionrw bbl S5 KQiiX Hams fft. . i2J ncn V BL IM VThlte Wheat do 00 (tie Floor bbl... t4 00 Baomaen r ft.,... 10 Salt Pork 9 cwt. . . .7(27C vent Oandlea. Opal. box. lcio irmavoora Mackerel No.lhfbbl 9 Oheeea 9 ft 10312c IlackeralMolqrbbi 5 Apples bu, 73 1W naecerei Me I tin. . r 75 White Fish Mr h'fbhl ml H Botainy per buih -- 1 HO WhUkj per. tll. tS9l 00 While FiihperqrbblJ19 So BaltlDi, M U. Box.... 9 80 voa flu v ft HerriDc Mil 7o . " . Urers ' ....3 00 ...aOOOl Baltan 9 ft MHc Buckwheat flour per rft , SoiFIgs ft W Coin Meal bn.... . , SjciPruoea V &. Kgira at do , tue Taroipa bried Beef IBWe Olorer Seed.. lUWUtC 4 Q04 SO Tlmothjr t OOSS S .- WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. rtooa-talei at 94 7KB S 00 lor red, and 5 SO for white. What-1m dvll at 05o8l 00. ' . Coax-ealei at MSSBo. 1 Oats ealet at 1820o. "' l! - Bt email tales U550. Cl itu BrtB talea et 3 SSG83 75." Timothv Biro-ealei at al 75. Hv aalea doll at li(S7. PoTiTon ulee at Me. . BiAMtalti at 89 l d75. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, March 29. ASIIES Arm and demand fair; aalei 33 bbla. at 95 31 37 for Pota and Pearii. FtOOB receipt! 4,700 bbli. Market lm utln nA M2S!!fSJ "J?Wi " noop unio. unnan ninr actira. and c,'? nW' S!2 .Vi,!5. 127- - ' l a " - " . mivu n hhut m ) ojjm minr Mntu. in , WH1AT receipts 3 S49 bniheli. Market ilnll. end ?? '! "Jet buihe'i at i30for Oanadiu tS'mi !1.r. '! weatemiM (or 45 SI 55 for while Wettero. EYS-Qulet and steady, 64Wl5Ke. BARLEY Scarce and firm, 500 buih. lake ihore Tflc. HI0BIPTS0OBN 7964 buihtli. M.rk.t i... ana a trine lower. Bain 3000 buaheli at 6S70j. Old uiaeu wae id euire ana aenrerea. OATB Lower and dull. 33234K nn.i.. anu oiaie. PORK Oulet and ateadr. mall tales 15,7510,87 Men 12.801S.73. BEE r Dull, 150 hbli, cut meiti ateady , LARD Steady. 100 bbla at 93:10c. BUIIER Id fair reaueit. 10iai4a IUIa ,a nvain- WUI8KY Without material ahanM. find m,i. .i iTiy ""ST? MOCKS doll and lower but cloaed firm; the hoard 57v; o si t kv: s no new featurea to report. O it : una il ait i 1 1 .1. ui y 8 17 V: da ousted B IVKidOOUOtedlS: M BS'K: Heading 41- n rij. VX-Sl. i" i.p.r..T?a?uJ M45M;jlriaSl v ,wn,..vBi,wa, viuuii, ja: nnni hiu " uoupone ikv doS's 74: Oonnone 89i Treaa nry IB's 103X! UB65ot808K Tenn 71: Mn sflu v. UB65oto084 Xeoa 0 " Cincinnati Market. Thursday Evening March 28. Tha etcamer'e news olaoad Hour and betUripldu, and rather unaettled the asarket, Baklni tellers more reterred, without lnereulng tha number of " """""MU0- mittj, offered .ore freely before the receipt vul aiiiuin.ius swiisii wen jew wl I liner tn Price their aamplee and buyere became more aaaloM to puichaieprimeBd.t9l. the trmper of to daV. aiisu ntw vita, BUIU irviB OrOAl If maLD Ulned S.'? "'." ?od, 1 ,onDd ror aptrited reriwi of trade ooMaetaT S?5?-U ,,t. quoted. v. li ii m quoiru , OATS-are a Htt e more firm tc-day but not changed prleer ' BABLET nrlme fall baa a ful. n..k. as.. latter flgure it 111 belnR exceptional. Oc - loiia eiowjj at oaiooo. WHI8KTdronoed to iSue. Ilk it. . 1-uuYiBlONB were about aa ib 1.... . .n reiueetaastonrlcea. The amout of bualneta waa not a., uu. umucra are Torj nrm. naoon Bldea are atill in reqarit at and aalea of amalt Iota are made from da. day at that flgure, but holders e heretofore ar "latent Indemandlng an eighth and quarter of a cent feafs Sidea at 8XB0. Sleea Pork U ln requeat at Sit 75 wiiy, out una nure is malattd on for Country. Lard enquired for at llo-BXo iia.ked ln tlareea. In ailrV apecta the temper of the market la good, and the holder generally eon: is In mt uuea hair an after be tha the mall I Cleveland Market. March 28. more In fha m,.i 9 dayepaet. """""" ILOCBitmalns ateady with no great amount of butt- DCMdOlDft " , W"JST-"' "tter demand. Salts ot I can white at l,lQ;4cart red at S1,M: and a ear mod ruir.H . am. . . OAT9-qnlet atS3(9S4c. CORN eales on ear at 34c. SEEDS Olorer declined, galea 85 buh at S;4.00, and v wur ana ia ue ai LABD tales 93 bbls at Oo. ' BUTTER- sales of 9 bbla good roll at He. CQQS-ealeiS bbla at do., , Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] PHILADELPHIA, March 29. Floor alee of 300 bbla tuoerflna at 5 Hi. tVni aalea of 7,000 buahatai SftSl SO for red, and tl 36 40M. Com Srm; aalea 8,000 bull at iSHUmO!. WHiiaxr ateady at 18X18c GREAT CUBE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bbeumatism, Goat ' and Neuralgia, AND A SORE CURB TOR-1 - All Mercurial Diseases. la a oonvenlently a rranted Band, eontalnlne a med. ted eomponnd. to b worn around the Waial, without to the moet delicate peraona; oo ehanr In hablta living ia requires, ana it entirely remove the dli from the ayatem, without producing the tnluriout effeotsailaingfromth na of powerful internal medl otnea, whloh weaken and dee troy the eooiUlution, and temporary renei oniy. sy una treatment, the med le'nalproperUeaoontained In tha Band oom In eontaot the blood and reach the dlaeat, through tho pore the akin, effeotlog la eoery lnetano a perfect cure, reetoring the part afflicted to a healthy condition. Bud ia alio a moitpowerful Aa-n-Mnooaiai, ayenu will entirely relieve the lyitem from Uefmie4oiM effeote of Mercury. Moderate catea are eurad in a few and we are oonetau tly receiving leatiaoalala of its efficacy In acmvated eae of long (tending. - ... . Paica il,00, to be had of DruggliU generally, or oin aentby mall or exprna, with full direotlona for ue. uy pari ot tne country, direct from tha Principal Offloe, . . , - Ho. 409 BROADWAY, Xtvr York : 0. SMITH & CO., Bole Proprietors. M. . Deacriptlve Olrculara Bent Free. I S7Aa;ent ITaai ted Ereryvvbere. nibS8.lylaorlitp.dAw ' ' ' 1 t ' .-'' TRAVELLERS!; , -. , "IT7T1EX you yo to New Tork , drlv direct to th TV SinlXllHUrtlAN MOUSE, BBOADWAV, CORMKR Of HOUSTON 8TIET, : Conducted on the ! KUROPKAN'PUAN, . Good f aia, Qood Booma. Piomot Attendance, and Hod. erate Charge!. 8INQLK BOOMS SO 018. 73 0TB. and 91 PER PAT. v ; ' COOBLB ROOMS and PARLORS 1,S0 to 3. Ueala as ordered. This Hotel has all th appointments th beat hotel, a moat ocntral location, and it heated throughout by steam. BAMTJB L X. MBAD. arch9d3m - . . fnpjj,; . ladies' Linen Pooket-Handk'f.. V HEmniGDSTITOHEDsMNBIv II AND keiehlifa, very wid hems. , Embroidered Linen Handk's all prlcei. '' , Hemmed Stitched and plain io, do. ",: ' do do oolored border, ' 1 Mourning do blaok borders do do " newitylecroeaitjtched. PlneApplldo ' newpatterne. ; Miiiei' Plain aod Hsmmed Stitched do all prices. ' Comprlilnf tb moit selrot aiaortment In the city and atlnweetprleea. ' ' ... BAIN a 8tN, fcbiM No. 80 South Ulgh Street. EI.KUAN1' fLiAIIV UL.AUK M1S.KB IOB Street Basque and Mantleii also, filch Trimmia and Taieels to match, at . BAIN Bav , PEAKS, Nl AltUkt. 1.SU0 lb. Madiaon, Watt a Oo'a pur, anchtmt ealed Pearl Starch, a superior article, received In ator for nil by- MjKBRk REJTIEACX, octal -' S4 Statesman Buildln riOLTIES niLL RITIR-rB. . V7 All sums and enalltlsa; aa B0VaT SHIRTI of same nprrUB,irsainj BAIN a BON, hW N. SS loath High street. I Was Bat ! th oj I ! At, i Mad j I j for I oi 1 THE MUTUAL BENEFIT im INSURANCE COMPANY, JST woxli.) 3NT. T 1 u Dlrlden January 1, IftOlViSPOrCeat, ADSJtlB..... .1.. .J,Oia0 0 Statement Jannavrr It 186I Balance, par itaUunl Ju. let, 1840 3,403,Ml SO tteeeifea lor rremmou Car lm the mr l0........S7llloS3 55 Beeelvtd lor tntereit daring 4.4 t .i ue jear leou via.uia i Total reeelp'e for 1M0.... 9977.007 74 I I ..Irf niAlm.K.Ti.l OKI arjl Ml .. , P I'm raid uiainub Death, W7,oso 00 1 raid roiioiet aunea- - dered 41.111 SO Paid Salariea, Pot- age, Taxet, Jtx cbanre. elc....... SI. 020 S4 Paid OomiaUeloBa to (' X k.. AHuti 1. 51. SM 30 ' ' Paid Phjralclana' fees. S.K6 75 Paid Annaitiee 1.517 00 Paid Dividends dur- " ' , mg ue j ear luo.suu 13 3U3,uvi 03 4U,:s 14 Vet Balanoe January UI. 1801. ..93,812,558 50 i ) -, A33ETB. Oath on hand....... 90,0384 13 3,327,841 Cl Honda and Mortgagee on Seal ciuie, worth double the amount loaned. . Premium Motea, on Policies in roree, on ly drawing 0 per vent, incaren. l,S7.d64 17 Seal JCttat Ml OKI K7 5,03144 45.343 75 ManaonBorlp. Premlomi, Notes and Oaih, In couneor traoamlaeion...., Total Anets ' 93.813,555 59 7,875 Pollciaa la foroe, Insuring tSAt426i6SQ 1,433 new Follclea hav been lamed during tbe year. After a careful calculation ef tbe nreaent vane of the ootaUndlog Pol'cleiof the Company, and baring the netiteary amount la reierre therefor, the Dlrtctora naro oeeiared a Uividimd or 43 percent, on the Premi um! paid at tbe table rate,, to all noliciaa for life In hm. leiuod prior to January 1, 1BC0, payable according to th riiHn. ittitoi mo uompanyt ... Jtatrsfor all klndaol Lire ContlmraDciei. P Beet, Statements, and Application!, will be furnlihrd without CHiaaa, at tbe Office or Agencies of the Company. , ; ROBT. I,. PATTERBJN. ProilJtnt. ' li. 0. QROVBB.TIcerreiident. BINJ. 0. MILLER, Secretary. U.K. BUESOIV, Agent, No. 4 Johneon Block, March 28, 1801, Oolumbus,0. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ' " DO YOU WANT' A MUSTACHE? BELLISGEAM'S I CELEBRATED ", StimnlatiDgOflgucnt, For the Whiskers and Hair. . . i The snbicrlbera take nleaiura ln annonnelna to the Oitlaena ol the United States, tnat they hare obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American the above Juitlyeeltbratcdand world-renowned The . STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared hv Da. 0. P. BELLI if GHAtf. an tminent phyilclan of London, and la warranted to bring out a Whiskers or a Mnstache from three to Six weeke. Thia artlala la tha Anlv Ana the kind need by th Vreacb, and ln London and Paris is in aoirereai uae. It I, a beautiful, economical, aoothlnr. vet atlmnlatlnr eomponnd, acting aa If by magic upon tbe roota, caoilnc abeauliful growlh of luxuriant hair, t If applied to the acalp, it will cure Biumm. and eaue to anrlna nn In ofth bald apoU a Sn growth of new hair. A p. aoooratng io direction!, Il will tarn Ben or Tdwv BaBK. and rector era hair tn Ita original mIiw leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The 'faaanaa-r" ia indiipenaable article in every gentleman ' toilet, and on wetk'a an they would not for any eonitderatlon without tu- Tbe anbecrlbera are the only Agent for th article In United Statea, to wham all ordera muitbo addreaetd. Prliw On Dollar a box for aale by all DruggliU Bad Dealer! ; or a box of the "Unguent" (warranted to have deiired effect) will be Mot tn any wbo deal re It, by (direct), securely packed, on receipt of prlo and FA" o Appiy to or auurea , TIOBAOB h. HBQIUAN k. 00., , Mraaim, ., , 24 William Street, Sew-To. (ebsodfcwdm NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, ' NEWARK OHIO. - ' -' r. ' Manafawtarev f all klna f 1 Par- table bbi fctationarr Htoana En ajioea, Haw mil, urlat Mill, I I . : i SLQm AOm . f ! f ! LAXXJt BbVLSYBeatm! t. SLAXD7 Btattnl . (Mj. M. DCTALL Btaimtl! COLUMBUS HACHINS CO. SeatnllU BRADFORD i A CO. itatmlttlt ." : ' .rOuTortaMs logins sari Saw Mill '' ' awarJed th first premium of $50 at tha Indiana fair for ito over Lane a Bedley's on account of Price, lightness, 'simplicity, economy (of fuel and Superior character of lumber sawed. Our Stationary Bnirlne re awarded at th sam lair first premium of S!rU0. Our Portable login was awarded the first premium of vrnuai we rarai uempna, Tenn., oyer Biandy's dp Oolumbus Machine Oo's., and Bradford a Go's., a cowmuiceoi praericai Kaiiroad ngineer. Sor price aud tenni addrai . --. WILLARD WARNER, Treunrcr, ecJ-dkwlyeois. ' J s ( I ( f Newark, Ohio. GUERNSEY'S BALM DEJIOVES A N D - PREVENTS 1 IS fiammatlon and naln. and heale tlie wont horn. acald,brule,eut, or freeh wound ot any kind, r remit swelling and pain from be (tings, mosquito bites, and poiaonous planta, nenralrla, rbeumatlim, ague in th breaat, aalt rdeam, etc. When taken internally, It will poeitlvely cur eronp In children, and give Immediate reuei in in worn raj ot irus tarrlbl complaint! alio, remove hoaraenea and sor throat. Price, is oeata a bottle. Should be In every houa. tor aale by Drug fUU and Storekeeper. IRVIN 8TONB. . Bole Proprietor, No. I Bprno it., New Xork eet4dkwlvt ADYEKTIBBMIITT. i - ' , , t 171 Tor th INSTANT BJELIlf . anSPBBlUNKNTOnUotth dlitranlng complaint as .. ' ' BNDT'S ,i BROUCHIAL CI0AEETTE8, by 0. B. 81YM0DB A- 00., 1U7 Naaaaa St., M. 1. Prlo tt prboz sent fre by pott. FOR BALB AT AIL DBUflfllSTS tuayS-dawlyl , ... .4 -i 1 . , t t . . . HEW HOOP SKIRT. (l f ; ' ' No. 89, BODTH niOH gtBKT. Bav just received new nuk ot HOOP SKIRTS Snlihed la a Banner far superior to any yet Introduced - .-,.;' ; .; , DURAEILTTT AND GRaCEFPLNESS. nm HUH no nr. hav tain will full-uoweredOlvde-bnllt us i Will red la 1 by ; j 1 I I I . V I NOTICE. ALL PFHSOIva KlfOWINn THEM V aeiT to be Indebted to lb late Srm of I01 CKIDOB a WHITS will pleas tali andantl their account, and thereby ear ooet. All note and account! remalnlnf npalrt on th trat April win Mpmoaaio ux nanai ot wm. l. lilYIi, i.P., foreolleeiloa. P.M. WHIT, mar7-d,wtajri - - tnrvlvls( Partner. ef HEUnraGtI,EKBING!t0 Dkls, No. 1 fickle. Eerrln. In ator. for sal by ' .. , . McHBB aKKSrllAUX. ' ' rbB7 ,. . It, Borlb Ulh street. -SITSIrti StreBgtiening Cordial ai3 JBIobd Tbo Ureattesat Kenaedr la Tfraj rl HOST MXICI0U8 '- ' Ann JJELIQHTFULv COKDIAL EVER TAKEN. V. A ! i Si7 -I X 1 t ecientlne an' -Vegetable Oom pound, procurrd by the dlatll 1 laUanet Hoot. Herbs a ad Barka, Telloir, , Dock, Blood Eoot, Cherry hark and Dan- jf,:i j oeuon vnwire bdw u- e. ropoiltlon ' The en-1 CcforO Taklni" aeave reweelal Iftcr Takfns prlodple of each inaredleBt la thorouihly directed by mv new metnui of d t i a. producing i,a aeucioua. ez- hiloraliaK anlrit. and the moet IHFALLIBLM reird foi reuovaiiug the diaeaeed ayitrm, and realorlng the eick. aurfi-rlne and ilel.llitivtwl INVALID to IIKALTU and STEIISaTH. - McI.fctrV'N STReitaTHENINO COK. - ", DIAL - ' '' i ' trill effiwuull core LlVSM OOM PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUND10S Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dlaeaee of the Kidneya and all diteaeeo arulog rron. a anoraeroJ I Ittr or Htom ach, Dveperisia. Heartburn. Inward Pilea. AeiJit or Hick- neea of tbe Btomach, gnllnefa of Blood to tbe Head, bull pain or ewuimlng In tne iwaa. raiL.uuon oi toe luori rullneea or Weieht in the Htnmacb. sour Eructationa Choking or anffocalloK feeling when lying down, Dnrnrai rrellowneieof theBUnand Byea. Ntgbl nweau: ln ward Fever, Pain In the (mail of the back, oheit or aide. Sodden F uihee of Heat. Deureeiton of .reuit. Languor. I eirondenc or any Nervoui Dlw Roree or Blotchea on the Skin, and Fiver and Ague (ol Chilli Ami Fever.) ' . ' ' - Uwera jnillion of A.t(lcs Have been sold durioc the laat aix montha and in no In Btaoee hxi it failed In giving entire aatiifaeiicn Who, then, will buTerfrom Weakaen or Debility when Mo LKAN'S BTHUflOTliKUISKl CORDIAL will com youl Mo laneuaee can convey an adequate Idea of tbe Imme diate and almost mlraeuloaa change produced by taking thia Cordial In the diaeaeed, debilitated and abattered nervoua u item, whether broken down by execit, weak by nature, or impaired by slcknees, tbe relaxed and unitruny oiganlzauon u reatored to iu pruune neattnana vigor. JTIAHHICO tleSONN, Or other eonaeioaa of inability, from whatever rauae. will find McLean s Strengthening Cordial a Ihorouith regenerator of the ayatem; and all who mar have injured tnemaelrei by Improper indulgence!, will And In tbe Oor dial a certain and ipeedy remedy. To the Lamina. McLean's Strengthening Cordial laaaovereign and apeedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, VIIITES Obstructed or Difficult Mcnitnutlon, Incontinence of Urine or Involuntary Diacbarga tnereor, galling of the Womb. Ghldlneae. Fain Una arid all Diieaios incident to remaies. - r x , . , Thar is no Klstaks about It. Suffer no longer. Take It according to Dlrectloni. It will stimulate, eirengthen and invigorate yau and eauie tne bloom or bealtn to mount yourcneex again, very bottle la Warranted to gire satlaiacUoD. roil CHILiDUEN. If your children are alrkly, puny, or afflicted, McLean's Cardial will make tbem healthy, fat and robuit. Delay not a moment, try it, and you win ue convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO, TAKE. Oadtion . Beware of Draggiits or Dealer who mar try to palm upon you some Bitter or Saraaparilla trait, wnicn tney oan nay cneap, try eayint it is jun aa good. Avoid inch men. Aaklor McLean'! Strengthenlnc Cor dial, and take nothing elaa It la the only remedy that will parity th blood thoroughly and at the same time sorraginen tne ayeiem. One tableepoonfal taken every morning faitlng, la a certain preventive of Cholera, Cbllla and Fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent dieeasea. It ia pnt up In lame tries. Prior only tl psr bottle, or bottles for SS. J.H.McLBAR, Sol Proprietor of thii Cordial, Alio McLean1! Volcatiie Oil Liniment. Prirctpal Depot on the corner ot Third and Pine elreeU, Intel, mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Toe beat Liniment In the World. Tb only lite and certain ear for Ceneera. Piles, Bwellinea and iron- ehitia, or Qoitre, Paralyiis, Neuralgia, Weakseu of tha aauseiea, unrouio or innamnutory xineumaiiim, nua nces of the Joint, contracted Muscle or Llgamenta Karacse or Toothache, Bruliea, Spraina, WounJa, Frcab Onta, U leers, fever Bora, Oaki ed 1 Breaar SoreNlpplei, Burni, Bealdi la. Boi Bore Tboat, or any Inflammation or Pain, MduTerenee new severe, or ho lone; the diieaaem&y xited. atcLean's Celebrated LinimenteA car remedy. Minis nave neeu uvea a me o, decrepitude and misery by tb ue of thia inraluable me 1- otn. McLUAN'S volcanio oil ' , . ULNIMENT Wilt reliev pain a'ot iartantaneouily ani It wil clean ee, purify aud heal the foulcit aorea in an Incrtdi ly abort tim. Far Harae and Otlitr Animals. McLean ( celebrated Lhahaent Is the only cafe and r liable remedy for tbo cure of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind galla,Blinta, Unnatural Bumna, Nodes or Swelllnc. It never fail to cure Big Head, Poll SMI, fiitula, Old running Bona or Bweeny, if properly applied. For Spraina. Bruifea, Bcratchea, Bores or Wounds, Cracked lieate, Ohafei, Saddl or Collar Oalla it ia an infallible remedy. Apply It aa directed, and a ran ia certain in very Initanee. Then trifle no longer with the many worth leu Lini ment offered to yoa. Obtain a eupply of Dr. AtcLeaui celebrated Liniment. It wl II mire you. J. f. ITIcIiKAN, Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pin Streets, 81. Lonia, Mo. For aale by all druggist. lor aale by . ROBKUTS fc 8AMDBL. AugSt-d&wlj i ' - . Oolumbua. Ohio. CANADIAN ft UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TO AND t'KOItl LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW Liverpool, Montreal, Quetec, and ffh Montreal Ocean Bteanuhip Oompanv's flnt-claM Steamers ail evcrr Sat nirelay froaa PORTLAND, carrying tha Canadian and ilea Btat auu ana paiaengers. NORWEOIAN. NORTH AMKHIOAN, BOHEMIAN, ' " ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, . NOVA SCOT IAN. Slarleti Cheapest andQalckcat Can veyanc iroin AMERICA TO ALL FARTS OF EUBOPS. Kates of Faac to Europe, ' i . S30, ae, SJ90. aall from LIVERPOOL erery Wednesday, irom vutunu every naiuraay taming at LONDONDKRRY. to receive on board and lai d alalia aud Fauengera, to and bom Inland and Scotland. TJU'Thee Steamer an built of iron, in water-tight compartment, carry each an experienced Surgeon, and very attention la paid to th comfort and accommoda tion of paaieugera. Aa they proceed direct to LONDON. DKRT, the gre&t rljk and delay of calling at St. John's avoided. ... a Glasgow paaeengera are farnlahed With no passage taketa to and from Londonderry. Return tioken granted at reduced ratei. Certlfloatea iaiued for Carrying to and biinglngout pas eeogtr from all th principal town of Great Brllaln and Ireuod, at re luoed rate, by thia line of steHmen, and the WASHINGTON LINS Of SAILING PAOKKTH, leaving Liierpool vry week. ., . Sight Draft far Xi and upwards pay- able 1st Knalandt Irelnad, Suot- . land, or Wales, For bum.' apply at th Office. f3 tROAn WAV, Neva- Work, and 19 WATER ST., lylverpoal, , . SABEl ft SEASIK, Osnsral gnu, jOrto- J. R. ARMSTRONG, noIO-lydfcw Btateanun Office, Colanoui, Ohio . VM KNABE & CO., A T aaarara nr. it . ROOM, HO. 1MI MALTMOBS ST.i . 1 . . aB ' - NOB. 1, 9, t aud 7 N. BUT AW MEKI, Offer for sal their celebrated v GOLDEN MEDAL, . , i , H GRAND ! ' v AND SQARE V ' .PiANO-fOHTES. - Belnc hlahly recommeoded by the tint Profeeiora aod HnMcal Amateurs of th ooaatrji aod , . ,. . r BVBHT -. ' ' " ' IN8TKTJMBNT WAKRANTSD FOE riVBYBAKS. The moet taatldious euatomar may rely upoa being nleaaedui vervm:iet. . Term! liberal. ' ' WM, KNABB A 00. ' AsrvnaTltR. AannM. . otn;lydw. Oolumbua. Ohio. ; , Umployinent. THtt SUBSCRIBER, DEALING IN a Rtaale Ar ticlae will furnish employment to fw aotlv men to aet a agent for their house. A preference will be given to thai who ere wclkj acquaint ed la th district for which ihey apply. . for watok xrvloe they ar wlUlog t pay a al ry froaa ... , $000 to $800 par yeu, sad fipenssa, for fMth particular address . v I yt. B. HORBHOCSB a 00. ". ' 1 I..J Inhiiil llu. .1 )sam-d3a. Jeraev'Oltv, V. J. lUAM Lb AHOE!, ICO I II ,W Yllilte and Black, Just recrlved at , um , ... ,.. .-: BAiri.. 1 1 - afrrjt 4 r Kli'sl y fWI 1 in for for " ani the of or they tho nets. type, the that iion this Atd An ALL and and what due who pain ' she New and It any tier New ; null ' . ScrofuladrKinEvil, a constitution"!, a cwruntion of tjis blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, mid poor. Jleing iu tli pervade tho wholo body, and may buret out ... .., uu W17 pnn ot it. io organ is free irom iu attaeka, nor is theTS on which it may not destroy. , The scrofulous taint ia variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dial ordered I or unhealthy. food, impure air, filth and lilt hv habits, the depreMuig Tices, and. abovt. nil, bjrthe vcnorcul infection. -WhaJ ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children" unto the third nnd fourth generation j" indeed it seems to be the rod of Him who aays, "I will visit tho iniciuiticB of tho fathers upoir thoir children," j. i ; :,.,Z, Its cflects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lung,, liver, nnd internal orgnns, U termed tubercle; in tho glands, swelBngs; and on, tlio ntrface, eruptions or ori. Thi. rXl 2 ruption, wliich nenders in th l.lnf.,1 the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diamuM. quontly vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature. are stUl rendered fetal by this taint in tho system. Most of the consumntion which An. ctmates the hnman family haa its origin directly ... uu, ecruiiuous contamination; ana Many djistructivc diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of nil onr nvnnln n awiMnn, . - their persons aro lnvnrlt hv thia lnrb;n. ' fcction, and their health is undermined by it ! To c eanse it from the system w must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.. . ucli a medicine we supply in ' ' AYER'S ' Compound Extract of Sarsaparilia, the moat effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for thi where prevailinirand fatal maWIr. If U blned from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the, system from its destructive consequence. Hence it ahould be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also thoso other affec tions which arise from it, such as Encrrivs snd Skis Diseases. St. Aummrr'n Tin Bosb, or Erysipelas,, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tenons, Tetter and Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Rraowonu. HiiiiUMATisM, Syphilitic and Mercuuial Dis eases, Ditoi-sv. Dyspepsia. Dehilitv. nnd. indeed, all Couplaints ahisino fiioji Vitia ted on IsrvurtB Blood. The popular belief "impurity of tin llood" is founded in trnth. scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Ilia , particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilia is to nurifvand reo-enn-nte tliia vitnl fluid without wliich sound health is 'impossible in vuuiuiiiuiuitiu constitutions. AYER'S Ague Cure, rOR THE HPLEDX CURE Or Intermittent Fewer, or Fiver andAirur, Kemirteiit Fever, riifll JPv..i.. n l ague, Periodical Headache, or Billon Headache, and Billona l?airra. the whole cloa of dieease originat ing in biliary derangement, canned by the Malaria of Miasmatic Conntrlc. ftre enabled here to olTcrtriA enmmtinliva remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in district where theso afflicting disorders prevail. This CfiiB " expels the miasmatic noson of Fiver Aoitj from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only best remedy ever vet diacovcrcd for thia -ln complaints, but ulso the cheapest. The larpje quantity we supply lor a dollar urines it within the roach of every body j and in bilious districts, where c,x.ii i.if Auua urvvaus, every uoay snouid have it and use it freely both for cure and proteo tian. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain, cure of Intcrmittents is that it contains no Quinine mineral, consequently it prodces no quinism or other injurious efiects Whatever upon the constitu tion, 'lliose cured by it aro left as healthy ns if had never had the disease. I ever and Ague is not clone tho consequence of miasmntic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, arnonp; which are KettrnMn, Rheumatism, Govt, Ifradache, Blind-" Toothache, Earnche, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation., Pain ful Affection of the Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain fi iiowels. Colic, Paralysis aud De rangement of the Stomucli, all of which, when origiup.tinii in this cause, put on the intermittent or become periodical. This " CuriR " expels poison from the blood, and consequently cures tbem all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malaiiousdistricts. If taken orra sionalljr or daily while exposed to the infection, will be excreted from the system, and cant ot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it m even more valuable for protec- imiu cure, ana lew will ever suiter Irom Intrr- mittcuM if they avail themselves of the nrolct tion remed dy afibrds. . ", . , PrcparcbyDr. J. C. AYIB & CO., Lowell, Mass. ROBkrTS PAUURT, Columbus by Drngglata and Dealer everywhere. nov9:lyd.twAw MRS. WINSLOW, experienced Nun and Female Phyilclan, ( KKLti to th attention of motbera, her SOOT HI NO S VRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETI1INO, which gieatly facilitate! the proreia of teethlnt. by sort ning the gums, reducing all Inflammation wil I allay PAIN and spasmodic action, ar.d ia SCUE TOKJEGl'I'ATG THE BOWELS. ;v Depend upon it, mother, It will give rest I youraelv ' ...... .,., -, SUSr AND HEALTH TO YOVZ LMAUiS. We nave put up and sold thti article ftr over ten years, CAN SAY, IN COSiFIDENCK AN D T&TJTH, of it! ' we have never been able to lay of any other roedi- ' NKVKR HAS IT FA1LKD. IN A SIMGLB IN.-T- ' ANOB, 10 KMKCT A CUUK, when timely nwd. Nev er did w know an Instacoe of dissatisfaction by any oo used It. On the contrary, all an delighted with lu operation, and ipeak tn terms of commendation of it aetiical en ecu and medical virtue. We apeak la tble matter 'WUAT WB DO KNOWi" after ten year' expe rience. AND PLIibOB OUR REFUTATION I0RTII8 ' UL1LLMENT0 WHAT WB HJCBE DilCLAHH. In almoat every Instance where the Infant la luilering fro and axliauitioa, relief will be found In flfteen or twenty minutes after theSyrup la administered. ,..,.. . Thi valuable renaratlnn la the nreaerlotlon of ena af moat BXPBUIBNOKDaiid SKILLFUL NURSftS In ' Rnvland, and ha been Bead with MSVKB VA1L. INaSUCOKPSln . . 1. , ' ' XHOCS AIM DM Of t'ASI:). c . ' -t .1- It not only relieves the child from pain, nut Invigor ates the stomach and bowels, correct acidity, and gives ' true and energy to the whole system. . It will about in. : atantly relieve . -. , v GB1P:0 IH THB BOWELS, AbTD WIN COLIC ' overcome oonvuiiloca, which. If not ipeedlly rrrre- died, end In death. We believe It the BUST sod t-l'R-(PT KBMJCDY IN THB WORLD, In all case ef big. -ENTEHY and D1ARRIKBA IN CUILDRKal whether 1 irises from teeUiln. or from an other ouae. u . would say to every mother who bs a child iurTrrii.g fhua of th forerolr eomplalots DO NOT LET V(!l'R PRKJUDICBS NOR TUB PUBJUSIOESOS OTUBRS aland between you and your sulterlnir child, and the ,e tnat win oeouRtyee. ABrMlLUiaLT HUUai 10 ' follow the us of tbli medicine, If timely uned. full di rection for tiling will tceompaDy each bottle. Noi.e genuin unices thi rac-iimile of CURTISA PKSKINd,. York, Il nn the outilde wrapjier. ... Bold by all Draggim tbrvugbout th world. Prl relpal Office, 13 Cedar Street n.T. s PRICE ONLY 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ! mT7-daw1y- Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. rTMIE FOLLOWING CHANGE" WEKfi mail In the the omeers of this Bank,. Jaouarr O'lOu - i 1 . a,H . n. - D . j I , J 1 iwi, w wi, M . " .... 1 a titu aiul l uoMaa MooBi, Oa.hler, reilgoed their otUoee. Vaviu Tatlt., Biq., was th elecUd President and Wm. A.l'tarr ap pointed Caihler. By onier of th Board of Director. feb S, tfdl-dtf. W. A. PLATT. Cashier. HEN It Y K(ULEIl! ; (1st ef Phaloo'l Xilabllihment, N. T.,) Pmprietw tb New Voik lainJonnlii Shaving. Dair Cutting Shampoonlng, Ourllog and DreuiDg Salooo, Bait Stat street, over tb Poat Office, where MUitacUou will be give tn all th various branches. Laiile et 4 Children's Hall Drositsg don 1b th best ilylo. Jy81-dlf ..,., ........