Newspaper Page Text
ST. .1.-: :l . . "I M JUST RECEIVED BY r WI1 A: GILL, lib. 30 North High Street, . n:. ir! i-:-,.. : ''!': On of the Urgsst and Beit Bslseted Asset t or Hafd'warb EVER OFfERED IN THIS CITTI, , House B cilders' " Furnishings uvit-f' .: .''' r .: m : ; , fit BY IRY BTYLI AND QUALITY, i . ' .-n:.-i t. . ) .i t:. 1 i ' ' "" ' ' Window! ainsa ! .PAIWTS OKOBNp in OIL, , 4 pit up In half pound cant for family am, and Dry t'.vyiih ru r'i 1 ' ' ' r v:r;:;t I ;.. ; t. f,nt bollt' ' J Brnsfc esf of every variety & quality. ....;....,, A Splendid Assortment of ,)'.,"'.. . MACHINISTS TOOLS. i. ... , . . ... . . , ,r ' ! axes Grindstones,, aco. " ? '- GUN8, PISTOLS, 6IJQT, Ac. 4 ,. !'.., , .....p. e FISHING TACKLE. 1( ROPE ft CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER WEDGES, MAUL5J,' JUMPS 1 .' v ' - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, .fce..-'- . - - . r , .. . . : .. . . en 4 1 Fa DPI I C 'UIIHQ , . (. , )-j VbMft, VUAIlld Table and Pocket Cutlery. t easttelally Invito the Attn Hot of all Interested lo my took of Pocket and Table Cutlery, ao4 1 : - " :.! ; ' NILVEU il.ATf:0 IOIIKS, Table, Desert;! and Tea Spoons, . Butter Knives, &c, o( H0GSRK8 t tfHO'8. Manufartore, warranted to ba xtraheaTT, Electro Plate!, on gennlne Albatta, . Conntrj Merchant,, Mechanic, and others, are Inrlted to call and examine Stock, M t am prepared to tell Wholesale and Retail.' Columbus, Ohio, May 9, Vm WIT1. A. GILL. Wholesale and Ketail Depot for No. 106 South ..High f treet. wm. Mcdonald, . DEALER IN TEAS, " FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, v IN ALL-THEIR VARIETIE3. Daily ' Arrival For the Fall and I Costd Winter Trade Of 186061; JJ7UKTUKNINU SIdC KKK THANKS Tl Tlls-i PDMl.ltt for past faTora and pstron- ste, anlbelbr Iif.TKItmiN ED to Itll.KIT a eonUtmance otuw by atrift attention te Irada, and prainpt delivery- sf Uoeili, I would call the notice of tbr public to the fact that bavins; a Late; and well Selected Slack ea hsnd, and being In dally receipt of foods from the differ eat markets, I (bitter myself Ihtt I ran offer to the cltl tens of Columbus, or to any who nay desire to purctam, an assortment of ertlrlei appertaining to tbeOROCKRY trade, tNElJALE by any house In the city. The price and qnsllty of the goods offered, I ST u Br attice to five) satisfaction.. Goods PelivereJ Free of Charge. wn. w. McDonald. Baltimore Ciothins Honse. HESS CD UXaXJUI, stANrrscTFans twn wnnusau miuii is READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 303 W, Riltimore-stret (srrwrts tisrsTT an BAl.TljnOICE, ltd. A Largs Assertmant ol TIM and Tarnishing Goods Constantly on Hand OettWIy ' ; - JAB. M.M'KKI. WH. B. RK8TIIAUX. M'KEE -& RESTIEAUX, GROCERS ! i AND FRODUOE k DEALERS, No. J4 Norlh Illfli treet,' 1 ' - " C0LTJMBU8, OHIO, HAVE ON HAND AT WHOLES ATE and Retail, PLNKtiT bTAPLK OhOCKRIK, PLOUR, SALT, TIA, COfPKR, 8UOAR, TOBACCO, BK8AR8, Etc , Etc. uer stock Has Been psrcnasM la Eastern Cities during toe raoio, 37-OXL cash;- and enr mala endeavor Will b to offer Indnnments to CASH B U ieHS which are not exceled by any House la the Olty. secvn ' . COM'SIBUS, OHIO, AGRICULTURaLWAIIEHOUSB !And t3ced Store, ! GENERAL HARDWARE, . RAIL, SLABS, SASH, PUTTY, CORDA01, ; . Onns, Pistols, Wood Willow Ware, Lenther sod Rubber leltlng, lacs Leather, Hose and Packing. enldly G. DOYLE & CO. Mannfaeturera and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES, Southeast Corner of High and Gay Sts., , ', : t V NOe OO, ' '' coLinnBirai,... .........onn, "A hugs Stock of Pins and Staple Ooodt on hanii." ' pt-dtf ; y - - - - SUNDRIES. ; TAPIOCO, . '. -. I Arrow Root, . Hcotch Oat Af eal tAhina, JL' Bago Rice Flour Pearl Barley Cracked Wheat Coco Creaas Tartar, Figs Bred lens Raisins . BplilPtaa Chocolate -. Broma, ele. J Prnaes ' Frrnh Tomatoes 7TJ.' Peaches Green Corn Fre.h Cutin'd Frnltt of tvrry dtscilptlen; " Jellies nf all kind,; - - Flavoring Bvtrsrts of sll klr4t. ' ' ' ' Onia Drops; ttlied Camlles; " '" Almonds, Filberts, peenn Nuts, ""' ' " Kogllsh Wslnuts, Brsrll Nuts.ttr,- ' boot wm Mcdonald. wrr.Dt BHIF.B PEACHES!! HABDWAUflST In iters fot salt by MCKII A RKITIIAUX, 34 B talesman Building. . to any , cans - Lscs point Belts i ' i barrels, 1860-61 1860-61 1860-61 1860-61 Winter Arrangement---Time Changed 1860-61 1860-61 Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati 71 rrrrwz, 'vr" "-a w'"" m n Win RAILROAD Conneottin at OnatllM with tlx , i ' Pittst nrgh, Fort Wayne & Chicks , hulhoad; For Pittsburgh, Pbiladelpbi and Baltimore; Aim for Fort Wayne and Chicago. OpnDtetlng at Cleralui wlta tk Lake : Shore Railroad For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, Bof ton and . ,. Naw York... r. qpWO TKAINS DAILY (except Buaday) X rom uoiomtmi,: ib oonnecuoa wua iraiaa oa um Little Miami k Columbu tt Xenla Railroads. t 'J VIBn ffBAJN, r :. ? . NIQOT BXFKIBB-LwTea Columboe at 3 23 a. Will lean paeaengeri at all itaUona, tonth of Oalllon stop at Delaware. Ashley, Oardlnxton, 8ilead and at all stations North of Gsllion, arrlrlnc atOlenland at ftW a.m., DoaUrk 4:SU p. a., Buffalo :0i p. m.. New York 104 p. m., Boston 4 3u p. ., Plttabargh via Crest line 2AU a. an., Philadelphia 7:(Kls. as., Ohicago via araftoall.'OOp. m. Also oonnectlnJ at 6helbjr for all points od tne Bandaskj, at ansae la it steward ttailroad, 8IC0ND TKA15. ' HAIL AND IZPRIBB-Learet Colnmbos at 3:00 p. aa., will stop at all sutions sooth of Shelby, and at Sal em. Mew London, vrellmKton, stratum and Berea, amy Inc at CleTeland 8:50 p. m.. Sonklrk 3:0U a. m.. Buffalo Mew York 10:00 d. a.. Boston ISrIiOa. m PllUbawh via Crestline 8:30 a. m., Philadelphia S 00 p, m.,CliicaconaQ ration at 10:30 an). Also connects at Shelby for all points on Sandusky, Mansfield Newark ttiiiroaa. Patent Sleeping Can are ran on all Might Trains to Chicago, Hew York and Boston. ST Baggage dueled Through to New York and Botlem vut Cleveland, to Philadelphia, flew York via VrttUtm. . - airuENim Kleht IipresSarrlTesatColumbaiat 1:30 a. OtadnnaU express arrires at Oolnmbusat l:e p. b Fare as Low as by any other Route. Ask for tickets tia Orestllne or Okrreland. 1.8. FLINT, Buper't, Olereland, Ohio. ' ; JAMIS PAXT2R80N, Agent, JuneUJ Columbus, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This is the Only Route offering a Tnroucb Ticket V BafKage C'neck to WASHINGTON CITY; And Vu only Soul giving lo Hk Paettngtrt IU prMUgt of virtHng the CUiei of BaltinaoTetPtailadelablacVNew York At the oost of s Ticket to Keu Tort only by other Lines. TWO TRAINS LB ATI COLUMBUS DAILY Sdndats EicrrnD. BXPRISS AT 3:00 a. so, stopping atsll Station. upon signal being glren, arriving at lkllalre it V:36 a m., connecting Immediately with trains on Tlie Baltimore A. onto Kallroad For Bsltimorw, Washlnrton Olty and the South, and Phi adelphla, New York, Boston, and the Asst. Also with trains on the PENNSYLVANIA CKNTHAL, eia Wheeling fc Pittsburgh R K., for Pittsburgh, nar- risnurgh, Philadelphia, now rork, boston ana tne Bast. This tram also connects at ncwsri wiw o. ss. R.,aodat ZanesTllle wlthO. W for Lancas ter, Ate. MAIL AT 40 p. ., stopping at all Stations upon sir nal being giveo, arrirlng at Beiiaia at 0:40 p. ., coo necttng unmedlatcly with trains on -' Tlte Ilaltlmora A Ohio Itailroad for Baltimore, Washington City and the South, and Phil adVlpkis, New York, Boaton, and the East. Also with train on uie , , PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL rta Wheeling and Pittsburgh D. R., forPlttsbureh, Bar lishurgh, Philadelphia. New York. Boston, and the last. This train also connects si aaneavitie witn u. w. at t. R. R., for Lancaster, Ao TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, can otriNo oroM Quick Time and Sure Connections: Aaru Tfsti Bat Ha Atxownroa Maau. SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS Ask for TtckeU via Cclombna and Wheeling. for farther Information and Vtrmak Ttchtto, apply M. L. bOHBKTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. li. i. JtWsVTT, President, xanesTllie. JOHN W. BROWN, norSs Oensial Ticket Agent, Columbus. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. rrtEKMINATKs AT: WASHINGTON A and Baltimore oa the KasLaad Wheeling, Benweod and Parkerehorg on the West, at which places It unites with Railroads, Blsamers, e.,ior ana irom-au points Intbe , ' . , I ; , , ' y West, South-west and North-west THREE TEAMS DAILT , FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES, t . ; This Is ths only routs to Washington City. . ' PassenMrsb this rouU ean visit Baltimore, Phils delphla, New Yolk and Boston, si the oost sf a ticket to Boston alone by other lines. , - Through tickets to ths Bastera cities can be procured via Washington Oily at aa additional charge of two dol lars. ; Blotum Oass ATTAcara TO tU Htsnrr TKans. Tinea quick and faro a tois ew t stay oVur rout. Inquire for Usaets vlaBaltimerS and Ohio Railroad at of ths principal Railroad offices in the West, ' 1. U DULLIVAN.Oen'l Western Agerit, : .- . Bnx.ias, Ohio. , L. M. COI.I, General Tkket Agent, , W. Pi BM1T11. Master Transportation, aetSS-tf. ' . . . : Bajmaoaa, Hd. ; . Ia IMPORTED GOODS. JUST RECEIVED" ' - I " "--'' 80 cases Italian Oil, Barton a Co., for table Use. in " French Mnstard. favorite brands: - 5 " . Boned Sartflnea. the BEST Sardines taptd 4 " of Capers an suitvet. - A " Table Banrat "Lea A Perrln't Worcester shire," "Bnytr't Bullsna," "John tnl, Ilarvey," "Beading. Ill - Walnut and Tomato Catsnp. ' -'! ' 74 dot. Cross at Black wall's celebrated" Xngtlsb Pir kfes, consisting of "Cauliflower," "Pl- oalUl." Chow-Chow." "Walnut." On " : . IA irUhlM.I, ,.H4ten4l , ahvh. M'sHekleo. , i . . . HO " londoa Porters :'.' tOO " Campbell'e celebrated Scotch Alt. ., , . 1 eases Ginger Preserves. , , .' . aoboxes luiiaa atacaroni.sns vermaottia. - - r. ma Oox'a Gelatins. ' Coleman's celebrated English Mustard, la kegs, boxes, and bottles. . . . - no27 " WH. llcDURALV E. r.TCOLLISTER Wholesalo sad Retail Dealer 1st TOBACCO, SNUFF &, CIGARS No. ea SHfth Street, 'PIT SBUROn; PaV Keep ouatantly- Hans, nil tho v riono BHAHiit of Ino.porrtocil dca-ira. Oct. i Ijd an T ,.. - Laces and Embroideries, , VALENCIENF.S,n ALTESE Ac POINT lace Collareaad Betta. i French. PuUitr snd Thread Veils, (new paturns.) Valenclenes, Thread aad Laces, Kmbrotdcred Collars, Belts, Trimming! and Bkirls, Lace Barlies and Coiffure,, Plain Linen Collars, and Cuffs, Bmbraldersd Collars aad Cuffs In Petit. BAIN a BON. MM.' 't a Bo. 0, South High Street.- SBTOKINO TOR ACCOM f , -,i .1 v: ' . S4 I 91' llrt. Snperl" Oriental, ' '" ..-.i '.' -. i ii 1 ' Fin Ft assists, ' " , - . f ' ' t' ' Four Aoet, (extra) .-.r , , American Shag, r ' - Bird's, (TJntoa) nackasee: also. Kentucky Bus cat m barsslt aad half la store Snd for sal by -j . -, . , ,,,, McKMAMSTIIAUX, Jfebll ' , atateessan nuuoing. MINK i!TTFF8i " YIOTOBIrTHS andCUTFS ww art now selling at Very low prices, also all other kinds fashionable furs. PBTR BAN!, dertl. No. WBouthHlgh tt. , bell, and funds abovs ' ! r Wt Bllkt Tht grades U IriJiilill lillt I U t-3i K rc..r-! INCREASED PAX!IIITIESl t HAVING MOVED I1T,T0-MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE Ce-X4TVtly- J3XXJLCCBG& BOOK & JOB: WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN.,.-,. REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT with t.v.;;v,.'rr New Types, Borders,' OrnameBt kc. PROM TBI OILIBRATIS fOUSDRY OF C T. WHnHLft.CO., HEW' T0EK, - i: .- tSTHUS MARINO IT TBI Most" "Complete ' Establishment ?! . IN THE OITTi I am now prepared to Xxsouu all Ordsrs tot BOOK AND JOB WITH DISPATCH! , .... j i And la ths Most Approved Style of ths Art. j. i . i . i .1 i PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO - HERCAKTILE Ai D , RAILROAD PIlINTINCSr. Bills of Lading-, - Circulars, , Bill Heads, 'jj Blanks, Deedar Certificates, Itecoipta. ; Draf Tickets h v Register, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN: COLORS, CHECKS, CARDS, - MOTES, EHYELOPES, . rnnTBarrri k HEASISaS, 5 .. 1 HZ 1 Ulnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Fro grammos, School and College Schemes, Ho-. . . ,tel Bills of Jars, Invitations, As, OOli OF EVERY - Worn DESCRIPTION. School and College Catalogue, 1 I .: . j Hiscsilaneous famphlsts, i Constitutions, Reports, Briefs, Aa Printing in Gold and Colors P O ST ' 1 Printed In Every Color on a."!.'' '.' Hammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Press of the kind In Central Ohio, My faeilUles for doing any and all of the store desrrlb- tlons of work, arc now ansorMssed. and satlsfaetloa will be roaranteed an all eases... t . -. ... iLfAU work rurnlshed promptly by the urns rmmlsed. . RICHARD NMV1N8. RJtOOsnfHrDKTj BT TBI LATB SIR ASTLEY COOPER. Of awrmw. Aim DE. VALENTINE MOTT - or sjsw voac The soknowiedged Heads of ths Frofetslon ta SjUaei . v Attmupntrt. The best Dlnretle, Tonin, snd Invigorant, Ths finest Extract of the ITALIAN JUNIPUB BUBMX. The Purest and Most Costly Gin Ka- INDfSPENSABLE TO FEMALES, H ' INVALUABLE TO THE SICK. , , INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD: Pop Bale, Pints? and Otiarta. W trart irugrpai, vrocer, or uonntry ivieroiiaiTC, . ii i . i ...... ..... . LOOK OUT. TOR SOSUS O N DON. ,G'I N;S THB ONLY OEITUINE AXTIOU IB CHARLES LONDON CORDIAL 6IN JJ. BAXiD WIN 2c CO., !. I .' Importers, 91 Liberty St NEW YORK. Bold In Columbus by - v .... . HcKItAt RKSrltAUX, Wbolstalt snd Retail Grocers, BUtesmaa BuUdins. O. A. W AON KR. end others., In Cincinnati, by ooSd-deodAlyw BUIRB, SCK8IHINA ... i. -r. r-.r and others., IMPKOYED AMALGAM BELLS FOR CHURCHES, &C. Americatt Cast Steel Bell Works, 129 MAIS ITEBKT, CINCIHNAII, OHIO. i-:4ti; i : November, 15, 1860. HAYXBTfl recently tnadi very great Improvtmerts ia what it sailed "Amalgam Belli." I beg to oall at tention ot corporation send individuals who mar want a to tht fact, that for 10 cents psr pound 1 ean fam ish good be Ht for any purpose, awnnted ia superior Itylt warranted for twelve months. Terms, eash.rr ap proved aote, payable at Bank, with lpterestand exchange Memlttarieer-vif -money by express, matt be la psr at Cincinnati, and tin earrlage prepsid, as the price, for tht quality xrf bell hers spoken of. sd nitsef tiadraweacktof.tllaosunts. Address ; i ir-,1.. ' WM.n.CLABK. i -H t .'.Hi s n.Asasrksa Csst Steel BellWorks, ieeeS wSm .,, Cincinnati Ohio. TAIvOV DRISH mi.KB, . FANCY DRUBS BILKS. 4, ... If 1 t . , . . , T - .fl.DD DlbBD, srs now offering onr Immense stock of Fsncy Dreet at prlcet lets thn ever before offtred In, Uilt city. sttrnliotf Qf the ladier of this elty and Vicinity IS solicited, aa cur stock it vers select snd complete la all of goods IS UillUat. " ' PBTIiRBAIN, BOVV4. ' r Ho, Boath Blgh ttrtst. I it 88 the of in M ths sa.. . i IJ lin the at Witt Braor world, stance Toots and It has alt is a tory TO and To . A i V. fur Court sf Cumuioa Fleas, frauklLa Cauttiy, CUio. AUrei tfa ;: v a A PartlUoaV Johalfawstst " r ... rr IN PtJRSDANCK OF THE ORDER OF " the Oonra, la this ease, to me Issued, I will offer for sals, at ths doere the Oosrt House, la the elty of Co lumbos. Ohio, betwaen ths boors of mo eiooa, a, sa andSo'olock, P. it.. ''" ' On' Thursday, tho lift day of April, 1861, ' the following described real estate, situate In Jackson Township, Franklin count. Ohio, and In Virginia Mili tary Bureey.Mo.ailS, bounded as follows: Benlnning ata stake and two bur oaks, southesstoorner to lot No. It, in J. B. Bmead's smvey, No. 6115, running thence west serear ly-nve poies to a stale saa wrew wnita oass, wenu. north 10 decrees west 04 H noles te two whits oaks and black ask, thence east 73 peles to a stake near three while eaks In the eaat lint of said lot, thence south JO degrees east M)i poles to ths beginning, eontaioing ton hr-three acres, mora or lest. Appraised at S 1,450 Terms of salt one-third In band, In one and H to two years, with Interest from day of salt, and pa) men Is to be eecurea ny mortgsgs on premises. . march8:ltd4tw O. W. HUFFMAN, Bherllf. H. 0 N0BLR, Atfy. ;, .Master Coamissioner'8 Sale. PeltUal W. Ilantlogton " i ' w : ). ! , 5 Bale by ordeT of Court. Bonn W. Doreawuet al. ( n . .. . ! TIY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OP SALfc. Jj to mt directed, front the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for tale at ths door or tnt uourt nonse, m the city oi uoiumous, ou , i Saturday, the 20th day of April,' A.. D. 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. If., sad 4 o'clock, P. M.. the following described real estate situat in the Ooun ty of Franklin, and Stale of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. 9 of nbdtf Islon of aut tot Nn. S5. hi ths elty of Oolurnbus, Ohio. Also, s tract of land In section 10, hslf-teotloa 13 and 14, Township 5, range 29, ' Refuges lands; beginning at the centre of the Columbus at flranvillt Plank Road at tbe north-east corner of a tract belonging la Wiloox. thence with the centre of said road north TiH des. east 185 feet, south 0 deg. 40 mln. west parallel with eaat line of mid Wilcox's land, and ixti feet tnerorrom, tu pews to the north lint of tract belonging to momas sparrow, thenee with north line of Bpsrroe's land north tin deg. west 1x5)4 feel to its Intersection sf east Una of s.ld WUoox't land, thence north 0 deg. 40 mln. east with east line of said Wileox's, 3tt 4 1U poles to the beginning. 1.01 no. x appraised at bi,uihj, Tract In sec 10 at ISOU. .0. W. nUFFMAN, Sheriff Printer's feet (6 00. ' and Hotter Oommisiioner. . ' marchlS-dltttw. . - . - Master Commissioner's - bale. - Onitavnt Swan's Ixecutom ' " ' ' . ; i ' vs. superior court. . P nsioamono urary re ai. BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OT SALE tt mt directed from the Superior Court of Frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House, In ths elty of Columbus, on ., Tuesday, the Sod day of April, A. P " 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock A H.and 4 o'clock P. M.,the following described real estate,sltuate In Uie,coun ty of Franklin, and State of Ohio, and city of Columbus,lto wit: lot No. to be divided by a line, to Begin on the front line of the lot, 31 feet south of the northwest corn er; thence etstwtrdly 27 feet on s line parallel with the north and south lines of the lot; thence northwardly 9 feet on t Hoe parallel with the east and weit lines of ths lot : thence eastward!, 30 feet on a line parallel with the north and south lines of tbe lot; thence northwardly IS feet on s Una parallel with the seat and west lines .of the lot; thence outwardly on a tine parallel with the aorta and south Hues or the lot, to the east lint thereof. Appraised at For the North part, 2.0US.. da For the South part, se.SOO. -..,.- ' O. W. BUFPMAN, Sheriff, , and Uaster Commissioner, ' Prtnter'sfees, l 50. nrchl-dltw4w' ' Sheriff 's Sale. f Jsmet Tucker and wlf . VS. .. .. . I-Ellas L. Hughes. Common Pleat. BY VIRTUE OP 'A WRIT OF VENDI to me directed, from the Oonrt of Common Pleat.-of Franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for salt, at the door of tht Court Bouse, In the city of Ooltunbat, on Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D. 1861, between tht hours of 10 o'clock,' A; H., and 4 o'clock, P. M., the following described real estate, sltmte In the County of Franklin, and State nf Obit, to-wlt: Lot No. in John and Henry Miller's Addition to the city of uoiumDui. appiaisea at svun. . - o. W. HTJFFMAN, Bhtriff, ' mbl441tw4w. -" By En. Davit, Deputy Printer's fees S3; - ' - . Sheriff! Sale. JohnC. Work vt. I Common Pleat, il UJ1.. Y)Y VIRTUE OF A WHIT OF VENDI MJ to me directed from tht Court of Common pleat Pranklin county. Ohio. I will offer far salt at the door tht Court Bouse In the city of Oolumbut, oa , Monday, the 15th day of April,' A. D., 1861 between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m following described prnpertr. tltiiatt in ths count Franklin, tnd Stats of Ohio, to will The loterest and estate of James 0. McCoy la Inlot No. 442, in tht city of Columbus, In said county, hit estate being the re mainder In let alter tne termination or the life estate Isabella MoOoy, widow of Robert W. MoOoy, deceased, and tneeetate of said James 0. McCoy in said estate be tas the lama which was devised to him by tsid Robert W. McOoy In his Isst will and testament, which It of record Franklin county, Ublo, Probata Court. Aprraised at SB.ooa. ,. v, ; ..; ' , . V-irtnrrarl, tariff. rchl3iltd4tw. ' By En. Davis, Deputy Printer's feee. S4 50. . . .... Sheriff fl Sale. The Slats of Ohio i ' ' .' vt. Union County Common Pitts M. Itarey, at. al.J .n -- i -. TY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VENDI D tome directed from the Court of Common Pleat ot Union County, Ohio, I will offer for nit at tht door of tht Court House In tht city of Columbus, Franklin county, umo, on . Saturday, the 6th day of April, A.. D. 1861 between tht Bonis of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock Pi ths following described real -estate, situatt In the County ot Franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit: Lots Not two, i'i) three, (3) snd four, W in tht town of Qrovt port, - ............. ,. . Appraised at-Lot No. 8, nana B.- - - ,- 40 (JO . 4, 8i oo i r d. W. HUFFMAN. Ptitilff. mhaltdAttw.' ' --. -- By Ks. Davis, Deputy f nnwr-s reel e ,wwi t " Master, ' Commissioner's I Sale, : Bernard 8herldaa vs. ' ' Superior Court Rlkry St si T)Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OP "ALE AJ to sat directed from the Superior Court of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer' for sale at ths door of Court Booss, in ins City of Columbui,,on Monday, the lrt" day of "April, A; D. 16C1 between tbe hours of 10 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock the following described real estate, sltsate In kfSe county nf Franklin and State of Ohio, to wit Let Me, twelve, UK) in Buiiivsnt's Addition to ths town of Frank llnton. . 4 ... :,.A iJ.:.' Ji.. Appraised st 1300,00. , (,.,.;;, r 0. W HUFFMAN, Sheriff h febS8-dItw4t. " snd Muter Oommissioner, Printers feee 13,00. ' , r . , ,, .. . Bdgar Manatng " ' ' :t:i '"t. ie : . . . .-vs.. i " .i ' Bale bvordercf 'Court. i..:-k Osov W. Brews etal. ) . . .. . i ui' .. .,i t..; T)T VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed from the Bnnerior Court of Frank. county, Ohio. I win offer for sale at ths door of Court Bouse. In theeitvof Oolnmbus. on " ' " 8alnrday the 13th day of April. A.;t; i J8G11, 1 o'clock P M., tht following sVecffhed Seal Xrtate, situate m ths county ef Franklin, snd Stats of Ohio, to Lot No. Vt, to the town of Darrlibursh, in said eosnty. - , ,. 1 : Appratsea st i:S. " Wr HUFFMAN,' marchl3-ltdfc4tw ' ' ' - Bherlff. - -Filulsrw fees taOB.-.J ' ie - HUNNE WELL'S ' V ' ii ..; .1 ; TJ1WERSAL 3 t;r.& .. y. COUGH REMEDY. far sll Throat snd Lone Cesaplslnta," inolndng, with lostntirfect results, WHOorue Coosa, Cwaoaio aaa Oosibor Oooeaa, Btowcmat awe Twaoar CoarLanrrs. forerunners of Consumption. ' As a Sootbibs tt has no snpsrlor. - rreeo rrom su uplste or Bmetlc properties, may bs nstd by most delicate oontU tottoas, snd with ptrfeot eonfldtnoe. . HUNNEWELL'S v CELEBRATED'o u :, . r "'" TOLU ANODYNE. Tee OasaTasT KaTtrsal, Onars ever -offered to the containing not a particle of Opium, aor any tub but its strictly vevetabls Snd medical properties. sure Bemedy for NaDsaLeia,- tinicaaTisn, uodt. do. ass Baa A chs, Cataiiu, boii oa liar srvrjt, all minor Nervous Comulalnbi. Fob Lost or SLttr. and Headache in sll Its varieties. bo equal, and to which most undoubted lestmonl art offered, . i - r Foa Dtuanrst TsasfsMl It it a meet perfect remedy. loa Bowse OoMrbatwrs. after removing lbs paia It acts physio, a moat Important contrast pita (hi sensupa- effects ot Opium. o Physicians. Formulas and Trial Bottles will bt sent to Dealer or Invalid s tjeecilptive pampblef without postsgt-itamp." . : . .. 1' rreparea onuer us special supervision oi b JOHN L. HUNNE WELL, .;' . .- cwninrrasB rwasHacstiTisT, ' ' '" So 0 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass- whom please direct sll commnnlcstloni, ; -'-' Prloes Large Cough Remedy, SO seats per bottle. ' ' email - , . ... ! '. Tola Anodyne, 60 . . . .1., ':: Forssls by ths usual wholesale snd retail dealers, everywhere. ' '"" ' , - ROBRRTS BtMCEL, N. B. Ff ARPa, . 4- JOBIf R. COOK, .' J. M. DRN10, DBNIO 80NB, A.J. SCBUBLLIR tc SOS, mayl7-wly . , '. Agentt for Columbus, Ohio. PPLEMl APfLESlI '- '. .M.s'. )M bblt. Cheios Apples rectivsd oa eonsignntat n sale by, -i A i'iil fucKKB At -aTIIsAlJA.,.lir .iar i ,t..5 'i.i; li 3d M. Blgh street, d, AJ -1 -. ty tnt dred The tna His '"wTTrCj;'' ;' a... a i -.!.; i S ' S ;fi iu "X Hi 'i foj'.mi. g . v K7I INYITl ATTINTION to sens of tht saott etr traordinary cures by my r- r ) .. ;i, : vi:iPECTOiUL syiuip;V- . They are at home, and any one who has doubts can In quire of tht perton who htvt been cured by ,l(. 4 r :li DR. KIYBERS PRRPARRD AT 'ANY''TIMB Tn BXAMINB LUNOS WITHOUT CHARGE; FOR ALL T110BB WBO NXKD BIS MBDIOUitiS. i . I . d ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS A case of five' years landing cured by DR. XBYSXH'S PEOTOR AX SYR11, A : ..:-'i : . PrrrssimoH, Jan. 11, 18fj0.:,t; Da.' KtvitmHy wife hat been afflicted with a bad cough and difficulty sf treatbing, for fire or tla yearsl which, for eeversl years back, had gradually Increased In violence. Tbe complaint has been hereditary, and ths nsu peon ires tea ny several physicians Without any re lief. - id tins state or ner case, i nroonren soma or vour Pectoral Cough Syrup.. I bought, the first time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much 1 1 then called ana got a aonar bottle, woicn eared her entirely, and tne not now no tract or the former disease, except weak, nest. I would alto statu that I used the medicine my self to a cold and cough. - Tht medicine cured mt by tale tng one doss . I express my entire satisfaction with the medicine, and you art at liberty to publish this If yea uair. mj ao ia.- vrai. TtsiiBur., a M.ra.n Birih Want. .V ' , I''.'. -.' PiT-risoiuH, Nov. IB, 1858. i- DS. KCYrty Althoneh not an advecata nf Patent Medicines, In general, it affords ms Pleasure Indescriha bis to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. At a medicine It It well worthy the attention of any person who mar In any man ner be afflicted with coughs, colds and hoarseness of any hind, and (or. tht peculiar qualifications for re moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a to- yereeoia. . ". ..... .. I bavt beta, mors or lest. In my life, affected with tht teyerest of colds and hoarseness. At tunes my throat would become to clused at to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a tew doses of the above Byrup n wouiu relieve mt entirely - An lecommendtnt this mediant. I mutt unbetitatinilv say that It Is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to curt tht above, nor should any family bt without thia remedy for diseases so prevalent. . ; i' I. i Xonrs, Bionr-respectruily, . ' i:-.' BDWARD J. JON aid, . . Cashier Cllbeot' Deposit Bank. ' : ! " .-v-ro I'l' BTlDSDrvilxl.a.. March 14. 1R5B I have used Dr. Kevser's Conuh Bvrun far a had cnunh of several yean standing, and can cheerfully -say it Is the best medicine for the tarns that I have ever taken . i. W. PRIOR. COL. PRATT ANB DR. KKYBER'B PEOTORAL BYRUP. Da. KiYsaa Dear Bic. Bxcaje the delay of tav acknowledKiar tbe excellence of your Pectoral Ooush Syi-ap sooner. . (take great pleasure tn saying that it it all you say It Is. : JtknaeJodtAnoieontoJ my tough and ths worst one I was ever afflicted wllh: I, have not used more than one-half ot tht bottle, tnd I ean and do wish that all who are sffllcted would give It as fair s trial as I have done, and they will be proud to say, "It is no quack medicine." I would not luffer another anch an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con fident I ean breathe more freely than I Ivr did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so Mxiioui . rcuraiy. -. xoaarvatiiDsny sonss my name in this regard, as yon think proper It. F. PHAl'T, . Messenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Plttahumh. H..11. 1RSO. " - ' N. B I am no stranger lo my fellow-eltlsent. and - ' whoentertaiadoubttcaaconiultmepenonally. .' . ' .1 .'! -J pitt,bosoh, April 44, 1B57;:' BJCAD THB TRUTH. Da. Kavsis: I have a daugh ter who hu taken several medicines for a bad cough, without benefit among them Aytr's Cherry Pectoral I purchased from you s bottle of your PBOTOKAL BYRUP, and before she had need half a bottle she mmm relieved. The second bottle oared her entirely of her cough. . JOHN DARIN, " Robinson street, Allegheny. I " ' " PiTTSBtnton, December, 31, 1853. ' A 4JRBAT CURB BY DR, KRYBKR'S PBCTORAt SYRUP. I live in Psebles townshlo. Alleehenv eountv. I had s ooughlng and spitting, which commenced snout tht 4th of February last, and continued eight months, , I employed the best physicians in the country, aad my cough continued unabated until early In October. Al that time I was advised to try your PECTORAL COUOH BYRUP, wbish I did, and after I had taken one bottle I wu entirely free from the coughing and soUline. I had despaired of ever getting well, and I think it should be known that this valuable rtsotdy will do for others what It luu done in my case. ... JOHN 0. LITTLN, Witness B. M, Kua. . . . - Peebles townhlp. ' u ' . :":!..'!! i.Hj..r.'. Patrros Tr., April 14, 1817. A WONDERFUL CURB. Boms time ago, an old neighbor of mine was very ill.wlthabad cough which every one supposed to be consumption.. Ills relatives told mt that be had taken every remedy they beard of wuuoui nenewi niunoiner ante ia see mm die; and til were oonftnneu In the belief that heoould not rive.- 1 had abVuTlhrthlrd Tof abottleoi you Psttoral Byrn; which I gave bun, and It enUrely cured hint, to the astou-1 Ishment ef nil. nnat mas tt tne cut more remarkable. It ths extreme sgs of the being about tiithty yean VIU S UT. UO UVIUIt 144V 4, VCHFI4U BIH nil 1110. . , : .. , n - , . JOBMN'OINNIS, r DR. KIYKR'S nOIOUt SYRUP IN BLAIRS- sbls Pectoral Byrup," Almost everybody areand us I hu the cold tnd art Inquiring for "Dr. S.eysers PectoraaJ Byrup." We have sold sixteen bottles lut week, and art! now entirely out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maher. both I of Blatrsvttle, Pa , tell ui they would not be without It I in tneir tsmines. in tact, au woo use it once want It I again. rourt, reipecuuiiy, j. . v n , : -' d. . WATTERBON at PONS -.January ), ikou. . .. 1 ANOTT1ER NEW CERTIFICATE DR. kfvai'ii'a I PEOTORAI4 BXRUP. 1 had been troubled with aconirh t and cold Itr several weeks so bad wu it that I could not t sleep,, thtd the advVae and prescriptions from three of I the bettphyilclani lo ths city, whom 1 could name, but do I not aw so. x unaiiy piwureu a pottie oi your sectoral I Byrup, Which cured me entirely. - Blrned, - J . : J. w. BIMONTON. :. I : i 230 Liberty ttreet, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan. 9, 1B00. I I ,i.- r . i . ., . j I usmamimniunisa .n l-.'..'.'..; I toieVsn- Pastoial.and if that don't cure you. your oase mn.t h I dMpecatt indeed.'-yt to .specimen of tht colloquy nna hears almost tver dav In cold atehinv MAtl . 1 . - . . .- tne year. bo we can, inn actual experiment, enter-1 I Tf, . Mm"10 ! M seeve, for we I he 'Pectoral,'' In a most stubborn ease, with I sntlresmooaes. Nesr two wsekssi?o we went toPitttbureh. I with ont of tht most distressing, contrary, mulish. . sanuuauw wuiii wjicuuiwii since our advent I upon this mundsne iphert. Ws coughed steadily and 1 Uboriowsly tor one whole week, In hopes of HrinoUout. but 14 wu no go. Ia fact It seemed rather to havelm-l proved by practice, and to havt acquired itnngth.petaa-1 snd dletreei vhwiv v, ui.uici.iiui. m mis ataeeoi 1 the tien. we con bed our way to Keyser't, 140 Wood St. s fifty cent bottle ef tht "Pectoral;" took lt master 01 tnt neia, uie enemy caring unconditional surrendered, liter t Drier uai unequal conflict wtth so formidable , an adversary as Keyser's famous "Cough I (i,wi,u , .vwwv.ww 4T , f , iw. .,, 1... i,-..r i7, ., 'i .... , i.i ;., .:.,, TIR. KXYBBR'S PEDTORAL SYRUP It nranamil I O . .: . H i.. i fft . if 9- l m i .! !etj i..: 9li;.g li t. i i-.ti Q) S'l-r :'.p ( B (j (.! ;. ..ifSPjJ f u o S c 3 ,.s',v fH)-.;-ig :..-. r .!' W.o a (. . W ,r - .3. .SQ.I " ivj'.Pni j sir u'j.IW. i'f:1j. - isj l I'l 9 ! S VAil S t-l.i "S ! .11 .1 1 J ? .Uf 1 g UKI'M IKJ M .... ...j '!-:: '.v,t: ,C : f-t l-i 'tr;. loldbyDr OKORQB U, KJUSKR,, 141 Wood Pittsburgh, Pa. ' - -1 ' 1 jXf Sold in Columbus by ROBERTS st SAMUEL' rpOOTHACIIE REMEDY.- 4i etd! a 11 .-.rril---.' a; .. ...Jvfl.r. b 4.,-i Prepared tnd sold by ' ; ! ii:.;'- 1 i!...',s ij l.i r. il ti'-J .-...HI I.i i-t.IP-.t. . 1 1 Da. OEO. D. KIYBIR, 1. Ij.-I - ' ! . S.,'U - -.. - r;i'-e.-.,ln.M( Fries, 85 cents, ; , ., 140 Weed t., Pittsburgh, Pa .,1 -v . -, -' ,, ,i O Bold In Colnmbut by BOSIBTS k SAMUEL.. ocT7:3toWdlim. Master Commissipiier's Sale. JtcobSllberntgls' ) ' ,""" ' , o. , vs. . f Salt tworterof Cctrt.i " Nlraolas Mturer tt sl.t : n.,i- 1 odj I 1 RY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to to dlMflttVl. from th fintlrt of Onntmnn Plaass Mnnrlaw: the 15th daw nf Anrll. ' AT' IRftl j 1 . j 1 1 -, -- 1 between tbe hours of 10 o'clock A. M.Tind 4 o'clock t. II.', I lonowingoesoriDearesjestatesitukieintneccuntyof Frinklln and State of Ohio, to wit; In.lot No. two hun snd thirty-four, (SSt) la ths. city of Columbus, as Bumoerca ana uesignaita en ins recoratapiet cf said Apprsiieatt ft,wj.iii' ;'-'v- i(. ., . j 1 tj. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, march 14;1ldA4tw ' and Master ConrmUsloner. , Printer'! Feet 1 3. , . . . . pOI.DEN Hlf.L SIIIHTB, : i,C GOLDEN MILL BH1RTS pattern of these shirts are new. Tht Bodies, Yokel, ileevetand bosoms art formed to fit the nenm, itk tmmm comfort. Vhe mark upon etch oat designating the msy ot relied on u bein g correct, and esch shirt ii guaranteed well msde. A full stock of III aaalllles usuntly for sals at ' - HAIr.'M. navxt. j, 1 ii:.. No. 99 Sosth Hlth street.' Straw wleidlr-al Sim.4a44i.n PURIBRANDDIES.WINEB, CORDIALS, ANDBIT Tias, trom 'uonoeu nareooust j . .... . ... 1 wm UnTwrta iT.nj f ill 17,' BovTT Liii 1; l(Xt South Hlth street, tLACK RTRAW BONNETS Aft DELe. 5., J..u w. u.'fc. . i, k go. High Itrttf; I a emnt k Nwma. m ereat variAt ai ltaiH'H. octs ' s ' . .. T I - wisa -They Uvt slrlin, .', ! ttiZZV.yJIrV'VM ths ii f:A :!f,itftoP Ji' ifhi""v noTj. ;ra3 5L. JcllvllJ:! i-Bo LliIiJ n ,1. i, ;,ui iti''.'t siif i.) :iiJiw9 'monAfrnTjir1 ,cat:J. ... 4, 00) OF THEAGfi. Wu KENNEDY, OF KOXBIJBYl has discovered In ont of our common pasture weeds a remedy that ouret Every Kind of Humor, from ' ! ' . Tht worst Sorofula down, lo a eommon Plmpla Be hu tried It In over eleven hundred cases, and nev tr failed except In two eases, i both thanderhamor.l' Bt has now In his possession over ont hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boaton Two bottlot are warranted te oars a nursing sore mouth. One at three bottles will tars ths wont kind of Pinnies on toe lace. - r . . Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles sre warranted to cure the wnrtt canker In tne month or stomach. t Three to five bottles art warranted to cure tht worst kind of Brvslptlat. ' One to two bottles art warranted to curt all humor In the jcyet.- Two bottles art warranted to onrt runnuw a ths ears Mt4MnlJu. 1k. k.l. .... ' your to six botlss ant warranted to ears oorrunt and running uicen. .- n -..: one pome win cure tcaiy eruption or the skin. -Two or three bodies are warranted to cure tht Wtnt kins of ringworm, v : 1 v . ' Two or three bottles are warranted to, ears ths most aesperate cast or rneumatism. .. Three to four bottlesare warranted to cure salt-Rheum. i Five to sight bottles Will ours ths worst cast of scro fula. ,i . . ,nt:i- -. '::.t. , ; "t . A benefit It always experienced from the first bottle, speifectcnrelt warranted when (he above quantity it t nf .ai i ' ROXBTJBT, MASS. Diaa Mama: The reputation of ths Medical Dis eovtry, In curing all kinds of humors. It to wtll tttab lished by the unanimous voice of all who have tver need It, that I need not say anything on ths subject, at tht most skillful pbyiteians and tht mostcarefal Druggists la me country art un an ramus in Its praise. . , : in presenting tht Medical Discovery to your nollot, I ao it witn s tun knowledge or its curative power, in tlevlng all. and earing most wf those dteesees to which yoa are anfortunately to liable. ; that most excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, . j -.. , NURSING HOUE ITIOUTH, . It cured as If by a miracle; your own temper It restored to Its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful nape to calm and tweet slumbers; and ths Medical Dieooveiy beoonut a fountain of blessing to yoar husband ana nousenoia. - : r -In the mors advanced stages of '.; , CANKER Ilexttnds to Oie ttomsch .causing -, l ; .. .;.i... D1SPEF8IA which it nothing hot tanker on the ttomach; thtn to tht mtetunesana i 1 . KIDNEVM. cresting s sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference erst to me caret or your family. Your stomach Is . !-'..! a t.'-id t HAW AND INFLAMED, yoar food distresses you, snd yoa can only Inks sertsln kinds, snd sven of that yoar system does not set half the nourishment it contains, ss ths aorlmonoos fluid of tne canker eats it up; then your complexion loses lit bloom and becomes tallow and greenish, and your best day is gont. For want of nourishment vour tyttea bf eoa fV0 na nacoy, ana tht nbree or your body be come relaxed Then follow a train of diseasei which ths Medical Discovery it peculiarly adapted to -if . . . . ; cure, , TalbltAtlon of the heart, psln In the side, weakness a the spine and until of tht back, pain of the hip Joint wnvuyou retire, irrvxuianty 01 uie aoweis, ana Bise, that most excrnoiating of dUsaes, the ... H i, .: nJ-.J'-h...iPlIiES.:. i. -,."....- . How many thousand of poor women arssufferlni from this disease and pining sway a miserable life, snd their next aoor neighbor aoes not know tne cause. I witn to Impress on your mind that good old prowerb'An ounot ef prevention It better than a pound of cure," I a the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative snd ths cure, with this great snd good quality, that It will never, under anp circumstances, do yoa any Injury. . , THE MEDIC AC DISCOVERY Is tspeelaly intended for diseases of the blood, but alasa Ms Introduction la tht Western States, it is found St be mt oeit : AttUB REMEDY that wu svar before the public No change of diet ever necessary eat tht best yea eaa snd get enough of It. - - - Diaatmoiis rea esB Adults one table- spoeaful psr day-Children over ten years, dessert tpoenfnt Children from five to tight years, tea spoonfnl. As no directions can bt sppllcabls to alt eoasttationr, teks tufficirnt to optralt oa tht bowels twice a day.-;-., t . - j .: . w i . Yours truly, DONNALD KENNEDY." Pries 11.00 per bottle. lor y every druggist In Die United States. - - tepgl-dfcwly. PROF. LI MILLER'S H A I R 7 IN UIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe ; and Economical J:, v. " j Compound, . ! FOR RESTORLNO GRAY HAIR to Its original color without dyeing, sad! preventing the j nainnjui turninggray. 1 i ' SYtrr VP TrvvrcTTKn u i i mvTr'cc? " V , M " '1 44. 4-14V4, J,00 ,j ndurinI thers ta tht Itsst particle ot vlUllty 1 or rvcup... .uergy rmnsinmg. . . .... ruKKKiriiiVllNU SVUtUTANU UANDR1IFFI j- . - - Anaincnuineoaianexjijoiii oi loo Bcalp. .'FOR BEAOTlFYINGTflE HAIR. 1 L?l WtsrW Tht great celebrity and Increasing demand lor this . eautled preparation, oaavlnces the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to a discerning public of IU superior qualities mt any other preparation In use. It cieanaea tnt ntae ana scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causing tht hair to grow luxuriantly, giving it a rich, soft, glossy snd Sexlble appearance, and also, where the hair Is loosening and thinning, It will give strength aid vigor to the roots and restore the growth to hose parti which havs btoome laid, eaualnv It m ,i.u . tc.h covering of hnlrt ,.. "'- -. . . mere are hunjredi or ladles and gentlemen In New ork wn0 have had ihtlr hair restored by the ase of this invlgoratos, wata all other prepanMons havt failed. L V: h- ta potseuloa Icttert Innnmerabls testifying imavw. iuui prrmw wi uie atgnesi rontcota Wllty. - It will effectually preveat the htir from turning anui tne taiess penoa oi me ana means wlMnrth h.i. has siready ohanged 1U color, the use of the Invigorator wniw,oriBvr rnwniim it to its onginal hut, glv- !" lt aarMlo sppearance. As a perfume for the .nuu. u .ir-wi.i. a. .w- " ! with the Inv&ratorTea? rTdlwd In in, ,rcd . ? VZT. "CV ' . "Mireu igin mvmm wvinm, rie pncvtWueuieTTiiainlOTtn earls! hence the great demand foi il by ths ladies aa a hmm toilet article which none ought to be wlthout,u tht price 1, ,ki. ,k. ,.k .?.n " H wepnos - , '. . i navVMtrba. aa Im haA at alt l.l I. t4-4. Prbott' be had at 1 atvespeotable. Dntgglsts sod " 1 ' ' tntan' ' ' ' - MILLBB would oall the attention of Parents aad Oatrdiani to tht nit of hit Invigorator, in cases where 1KI i-ullu'QM lul11 ui'iUT" u wca. ins use 01 1 foundation for a good Aead of hair, mt It re moves any Impurities that may have btoome eonneeted witn tne scaip, tne removal 01 wnion is neeesssr both Oidtiob. Nona genuine without tht fac-tunlle LOUIS suuiisa wm on tne mm wrapper, . also, L. MIL- LKR'S HAIR IHYiaORATOR, N. Y., blown in tht ' . 1 . principal assrenaum am aruggitii uroagaouttbt world Liberal discount to purchaser! by the quantity. I alto desire to present to ths American Publlo my! RTSW , AST) ; IKPEOYED . ISSIAJirAjrEOTJS I LIQUID: HAIR DYE, which, after years ef scientific experimenting, I havs brought to parfeetioB. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without Injury to the Hair or Bkin; warranted ihs best srticis 01 tne una in extstancs, f ' - - nnri.0 iwt v en 4-.v,ww-'' L '- " PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS' l-J tOl Tt . rtl. ,W, -rr - , I oetSH.dfcwly, WHO SHOULDUSE . . DR. J. BOVEE rtniirr nrinati DODS' 'VKGETVJVBTja ru w. .ip.t vtuwuuptioa or rreaa iiungs suouiause uiem. All wht suffer from Weak Stomachs, Indlgiitlon, 0Dys llP,oraiieesnoaiauuui. . ...-'..; ...... A" who suffer from General or NervouiDlMl Restleunets at nuibt. Want of Sleep. Ate., should them. i:r ...: t, a ; All persrrsi who are toavaleeeent after fever orathsr llckntH should use them. Ministers of tht Oosptl, LtTvers. Ltetarsrs. snd si Mll.ll. ,Hub.H .1..HIJ 11.H .- ' 1 ' Book Keepers, sad all persons leading issdentary it should use them, ' ;.' " 1 i ' if Ths tged and rbttrm should tut them. All who require a itlmulant ot' tools should use them. All who are addlcted to tht ast of srdent Spirits snd wiuiorm, suonia use uiem. are made of a Dure Bherrv Wlhe, kfid Of tht hi- plants aad herbs of ths onuntry, and should at re commended by temperance -societies, clergymen, phyil Olans, andall friends of humsuity . s,. , . , Thar are prepared by aa axperlenoed end tklllful nha. snd, atidsfrom tbsir medicinal properties, area aomoeiigntrui peventgei nna yes, at a Bwdwint, art at IIJyCXJ.U.14 444UH4.M, M W1WS01 neaVBn, ' t'-'v Sold by druggleta generlly,-! ,ii: . ,AMii CIIAELES WIDDIFIELD CO., Prepristors, -KOiJiSJilS ft HAfflUEls.- Aesntt, 1 u .a ., i.,i . j, , - .- Colnmlas,Os)lo scpwaswiy. srhk,,-t', s 'Skoo .-.9 I r 1 that ' who I yoar list II t lea TT , i At etc, meets to bt W , 1 lu At pshn attune if en tsrfslls, c5T CURE nervousHeadache By Hit est of tints Pills ths ptrtodit attacks of Mr tout or Skk Headache may bs prevented; end If takes at tht commsiMiSBvnt of anaUack ImmtdUto relief from palnandtlcknest wlllbecptaJned. , .,: , in,;," , They seldom fall In removing tht Jfauien tnd S&ad acAs to Which femtleiars so subject. They set gently upon tht bowels removing CbsMes nets. ' ' " " 1 ''; ' ' " tai ' UUrarf Aftn, Student, Delicate Females,' andalllfcrtonsofseitntarv kabitt, Uiey are valuablt I is a LtnaUve, Improving the appetite, giving tons and engor. to the digestive organs, and restoring Ihs natnral elasticity and strength of the whole system. TBI CEPHALIC PILLS trs tht mult of long Inves- I ligation and carefully conducted experlmenta, aitVlng -' been in aH many years, daring which time they have r- prtvanted tnd relieved a vast amount of pain snd suffer-" Ing from Headache, whether originating in the nervou lystem or from s deranged state of tht etomacA. They srs entirely vegetable In their composition, an may bs taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and I As aieenoe of ony titagretahl tatte render it ean to adminitter (Asm ? tMldren. , . BBWAIISJ UF COUItTBaFBITB I Thtgenulnt have five signature! of Henry 0. Spalding en essa Best. d .' ... .-. - ' .n'i Sold by Drnggltlt and all other Dealers In Medicines. -, A Box will bs sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the Prioo, OO Ooxxta. ' ' All orders should bt addressed to l ....... . HENRY O. UPALDINO, ' 1 48 cedar Street, Now York."".' TUB F0LL0WINO ENDORSEMENTS OF - - SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PIIXS, , WILL CONyjNCX ALL WDO SCFFIB FROM . V HEADACHE, .':.. ' : THAT A ' ' : SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE ' : 18 WITHIN THEIR REACH. - 4 tht TeeUmontal vero vntniclled byVn. Pr.Lo , ins, they ajrora vnqueittonaMe prnoj oj in ejp , ,. eacy if (M truly tcientia dieoovery. , i H.wiKTiLut, Cons , Feb. 5, lffJl . Us. Br.Lomn. Sir: - I havs tried your Oephallo Fills, tnd 7 tit them o veil that I want yea to send me two dol I trs worth mora. ' Part of those ars for the neighbors, to whom I gave few out of ths first box I got from you. mod tnt run ny mill, snd oblige i , , Your ob't Servant, ' ' - JAMK3 KENNEDY. , . . , HavssriiKO, Pa., Feb. 6, 1W1. . Sninmo. us: -j Sir: v ... -, I wish fob to send me one mora box of vour Ctnhallo fill, I hat received a ortttt deal of beneitfrom them. ' Hours, respectiuny, MARY ANN gTOIKHOUBI. ' SntncsCsxtK, HnBiiseioB 0.,Pa., :. i . Jannarv 18. lil. i " : 11 i 0. BriLomo. . Bib:- ' -Yoa will nlesss tend me two boxes of vour Ceohalie Pills. Send them immediately. ; Respectfully yourt, ! JNO. B. 8IM0NS. , P. t.Iian uied one bom of vour I'm, and tnd Vitmmcellent. -- ' .Bsua YxanoB. Onio. Jan. 15. 1801. HskrvO. SraLoixa, Bsq,i . Plesse find enclosed twenty -fire cents, for which send mt another box or your Oephallo Pills. They or truly On be Pill I hate ner tried. Direct . A. BTOVER, P. M., . ..I , Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co:, 0. ! - Mass .Deo. II. IBOO. B.C. Srif.piHO, Ejq. I wish, for some clrculirs or large showbill! to bring:,. Four Cephalic PUlt more particularly before my euito-, . " aoyuiing oi mo iua, p,caseseuu ro . . ...... uub ni mw cuaLtimiTM. w ii n stuitipri in mnar Headache, (usually lutlns two dayi.l teas cured of an' attack in one hour by your J'ilU, which I sent her. Bespecttuny yours. W.B. WILKIS. " KkYNOUMinsa, Fsanxmh Co., 0bio,4 1 January 0. IH01. i ' nssavO. FraLDtiro, : ... no. 48 Cedar St., N. Y. . . J - DttRSlRt '" Inoloted find twenty five cents. (25.1 for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." tend to address of Rer. Wm. Filler, Reynoldsburg, franklin Co., Ohio. Tour Pill work lit a eharm-euro Headache al- moet tntlatiter. Truly youn, WM. O. FILLER. YriiLiBTl, Mich.', Jan. 14, 1801. Ma. SrALtixa. Sir: net ions since 1 tent to yoa for a nox or cennii e puis tuv euro 01 sue nervous iieaaaone ana uostivtnesi, f and received tin stmt, and they had 10 good an effect 4JL..4 T -J J Z. r least tend ny return man. Direct to t 1 . 1 v.. .1 A a. nuialilK, ' . S. l.i. . . , ... ; YpsilanU, Mich. rrom tnt aximiatr, norrois, vs. Cephalic Pills aecompllth ths object for which they '' . " were made, vls.i Cure of headache loall its forms. , " From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. - i-r. They hare been totted In more than a thousand eases With totlit sscoest. i From tht Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. - " ' ' 1 If . venire, or hive been, troubled with the headache ij .4 tend tor a box, (Oephallo Pills,) 10 that yoa may havt r them In case of an attack, 1 : 1 I : ; .From the Advertiser, Providence, R.I. , , ..,., Tht Cephalic Pillt art laid 1 0 bt t remarkably effective a remedy fur tht headache, and ont of tht very bett for vary frequent complaint which has ever been dls.. "' coverea. I, I From the Western B. R. eautta, Chicago, III. Ws heartily endorse Mr. Boasldlns. and his nnrfvatat I Cephalic Fills.., ,. , ... , r , . -? ,- . , 1 From ths Kanawha Yalley Btar, Kanawha. Ta. I . ; , : Ws are sun that etraons sufferins with, tha headache. . try them, will stick to them. . -n -r From the Southern Ptlh Finder, New Orleans, Li, " '- 1 Try them! yoa that are afflicted, and we are sura that testimony eaa be added .to the already numerous that hu received btntflti that no other medicine tan 1 vjrodnee. - - .1 From the St. Louis Democrat "The Immense demand for tha article flenh.ti., viti.t' tanldlv ,t. ' r ' L ,Mm IliA n.M.I.A TV... . T " ' Mr. Spalding would not connect his nama wtth an ar'.w ht did no t wv to poisest real merit. ) p (, aiy tfnglo bottls'ef SPALtntO'S PREPARED1 uuuji win savwum tunes its east annually .rjj . . SPALDING'8 PREPARED GLUE ! , tDcAi4jyiJNU o ritCfAKED GLUE I I'.: 1 lJ' 1 -.'' I.- ,'.: 'I . anitmiTiia nrmM.nv, : orAiiiiiDiu'o rucrAlUiLl ULUK l IAT1 IHI PIIOISI I0ON0MYI 1 . UlBfATUlII - 23VA finTCB in Tiio Sivks Nihs."!! accidents will hanrwn,. mi In w.ll Mnnl.l.l r.Ml ' " v" livery deilrablt to havt somt cheap and son yen lent .way for rtpitrlns Furniture, Toys, Crockery, ' ' . .i. , .. , , .... ... , ... ' , : -", . . SPALDINfl'I PREPARED OLUS' I sll inch smeraenoles. and no household eaa afford r - without it. , lt Is sjwayi ready, and up to tht stick ing point. - ---''.. . , , "UBEFCL jlg-BViiax uuurja.' . j r"' 1. B 1 XI .1. .. M.I, tlm Prios, as centi.,,;' r. ! Addre. '' u. 1 t 1 ' , - , 11KNBY O. FirALIIlNQ, .w : : -J i J f No. 4B. Oedar Street. New York. " ' CAUTIOSf. - r " " certain unprincipled persons ' art tttempllng to" off on the unsuepietliig pabliet tmltaMont of my FRBPARKD OLUa, I wool oaulloa all-perseo, it, ls. , tteior fun,iiMiLi, n m, iuii nuns, . I name. n nriLuiaus rnarAssuviiUSj ir - 11 rsErAiiuHi. s rr ' the outside wrappwi all ethsra ara iwtodlingeea .c J; aov .a ii tit