Newspaper Page Text
:Slilllii - - - , . .. BIX DOLLARS PIB YEAH' DAILY. TW-WEKLY AHD WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PBBtIBHBI ABB BBOPBIBTOBI, , CT Offles Dm. 80, SI and 40, Berth High St. ttlUlS 117 ARUM IN AD ANOI . , Daily ' ,, .- $6 00 per year , uy tne isrrier, per wees:, 1214 tents rrtfWoalrlT '' ' ' 8 00 pet year, wwki . ... 1 00 " rntiii or AdvertUIng- by the aUre , nttqaartlyeai..,t90 00 ,' 0n: ') , V mouths- 18 00 i Dne 0 months 15 00 'Joe f ,.aontbi 10 00 3ns' i month. .1 00 3ne ', 1 month.., 00 On aauart S wsoka, 4 00 On . . " . mb 1 ov One . I wsk 0m Jdays 7$ ... 1 00 On ,. ". .saaya ... Oo I " I Inssrtloa -. Displayed advsrtlteniiots half nor than tb abevs tUH ...:-. .. i . i n .. Advertisements leaded and placed In the oolttmsof icll Notloet," do W l trcunary raw. All uutlcei nqulrac to M published by lw, legilitte. If ordenion the Inilae lolulraly efter the nrtt week iwt ten:, mat than me above ntet; but ail aoca WU Dixwr In the Tri-WeeklJ wltboatebarn. (timliieit Oardi, not exceeding Ave UdM, per year, ln a, auner line; ouuiae Hotioei or meeUnge, chart tablet ooletlee, fire oompanlee h.n.. h&ir nrirfl. .... 4W tranimt advtrttummil hum! Be paid for to aieonce Tt rule will not be varied frem. Weakly, tame prloe a the Pally, hra the adrertMet tee the Weekly alone. Whwre rhe Dally od Waeklf re both used, then the oharge It-rthe Weekly will be ' Mo adTertleement taken except for a delnlta period. BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, . Corner Sprloa; & TV Ur St. OOlumtotiB 9 Olxlo W. B. POTT3 & CO., And Uanufacturera of Braae and OonpoetUon Oattlngl, Vialinea urait wort or an vncnpuont. Electro. Plating and Gilding!! ; STENCIL CUTTINC, febino-diy ' ' ' 7, A. B. BIMXUIS, i Attorney at T-Mtxxxr , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. .,,'..; Offloe Aiuboi Building, oppoelt Oapttel cVprara. - OOtUMBtS. OHIOi , OOIitTMBU". Machine Mac Qfactnring Company MiNuraOTOUU or , STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, . CMtingi, Hill-etarbiff, If tli In try. i Worlt or wBu. DnoumoR.i !;;vovvnpvs, onto. 0BA8. AM Butt, B04'l , i r, . y AUBOBTrae., Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia a.Ti.f tT-rTiM Mi r 1 1 RAILROAD. For Cinciimati, Dayn & Indianapollil Tbrovgt) to indianaoolii without Change of Cart and trat One ChaDge of Cars between ;. s i mi Uolumtxu acd tit. JLiOnia..'u l-m, . THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- 'V rj-.-M : J . viB(J8. , .,, i .... ... , ,, FIRST TRAIN. (Dallr. ktondan axotated.l MIQUT lirBKBg, wio Dayton, at, : a. au.tlon Bln. at London. C.iia.'aUin. Uiddittown and Hamfl- too. arrtTlu i at Cintinnttl at 8: iO a. m. : Carton at S:ii a. m., kdii0irolUat.. l0.ta a ,, ultat J1S0 TV-" SECONLV TRAIN. ? A000MM0D1TI0N, at 8:10 a-ttopidnf at all Sta tion, between ooinmbnt ana cinemnan and uayton, tr ttruw at OlndnnaH 11:03 a- m.. Darton at 9: It a. at.. UMuaaopo tit ai t;ro p.' w H'W?'. ' THIRD TRAIN. DAI fiXPBE8i,at SdOp. m., atopploi at Alloa, Jeffenoa, London, Onarleetoa.; Oedarvlllav Xesla. Bpring Valley,- Gonrlo. Morrow. Deerflel. Voeter'e. loreleed. Hlllfordand PlatnTlllo, arriving at Clooln- nad ai.Tmu p. n.( at. unu at i m; aiaytoa ai.. p. .) IodlMopoluiat lOip. b, ic'.ijit-.i leevptnei Cart en all Ilt;h Tralne te .' ClBclaaatl and Inaiaaapalla 'is'"' . :,. .i t, .I--. i :i , kh i ! f ,it-:tn'. BAGGAGE ClTEtKED ;f:ttBOJl70B. for Wrthcf Wonnatloa and Through Tlciele apply to P.. ,. v . . . . . ai.Ai.vuusB.t i, , . i, Ticket Agent, TJraoa Depot. Oolumbai. Ohio.',' ; ' 4g7, . ) r, - w.wood Winn, c t,',i'..: Buperlotendent, Olnclunatt. , JalS v ! L. SOMETHlWKWEWfv t it & OWARD & OO'O. AMERICAN, ATCHE3.r',: CA tTTATWOrflff, BOTJTH BIQH 9T., aid examine onr ao make of i. S;ij - , AMERICAN WATCHES, maaulacturedby l. HOWABDi a CO , Bottoar. Hate, tbeae Watuhee are tar tape) tor te anythlog mr offored r the pobilo, heretofore, Baricg the eiclutlre agency, can tell them at prices to euit le tUiau . 1 bSTe Jul resolved large ttoee of ill UiJ :afn AMERICAN watches,-) rrnr , aarjaraot&red by APTJJtONj jCB&OT, diOO ialto,a aoeattOTtjnentof ' ENGLISH ;A10 STTUfT WATCHJEi, m ftold and BJlferCaeee, at Panto prloee. H jania 7 " W.J. BATAOi.- IUJI. '.. ,I1!UJ.. 1 . .." 1 ! !'. "" . '. I ,.''.. It " -. li")iu,sr . .r. Jnat Bealtdl' ui ,.. Ui . lUUtUAS 100 bagt prims Mo Conee. 'r; , IS'I pockets bid Dutch Oimmment Java CV- , J $ Ceylon Coffee. . f;'f -,. '' f0 obit, ttaudard White Bngtri, oOnilnUtig of To dred.Cbrntbea, Onttiulated A and B OglTee,",', ' '60 qutaialt Oeorge Btnk OedfleW'. jBO bblt. Me,t and No. 1 MAckerel 8 l'ym 1 (,0 b Uer Bltlni.,,,';,',-" t. io:-i ' 6 hr, boa do ' i"..i.omii.-.ii; ;,:"); . twejf.'W eTu"'ia'""t " v-':isi yi-'il.r : 00 M eigne, lffeentranue mi wttim?' ';s! ortT , , wm. loDOIatl., M. Ce LILLEY ' And' BraDi."BookManBafdTer,T B0ETH lUQA'itBl MLBlUCB. pHio 1-ania.T. flvvbo :. . rBITK WHEAT, HHAIIPBD '' eVcj'-KT f W WT. AtT IT. V: r t from "Btrnttttlllli," Springs, id 0 the beat brand of floor broanht to oar atrket. - etl.fctloa aaaraDtatd. fstatseolyat ' - WM. MoDONALD'g, a.vs7 ; ' Or Boatb High etreet. A I tXANUHM Kl OLUVL. J AH uaee and oolffrt Just opsoedat - tarn A, dee.U. o,8SatASlhitmt. if. t'h fin ?t 1 j3TON'Sa BAZAAR 4H "I No. 4" Gwvnna Block. P."STONE'fi;:OHARRi AHEHOWBSCBITlHOTnEiaWItr. TIB GOODS, and lorlte b public lo'bepMt tbem No each etock of 6ood hat ever keen broeght Ihlt aurtoft. ' Tb iootht In eopetqeenoo of the fellare of the graul erop, hat net beea Btrit to purvhut the a alqoaotlty of rich good, end this faot hu lorotd the Importer! to tell then at public Motion. ' Var bye (Mr. Stone) beinr In New York at rbeee km lak. took deaatae of then, and we oaa and will etil on- good a here, at leu than any one who pnnbaaod two weekt tlsas, paid for them In New York. Oweteek It eeapletw la 'IT,..'.. .,. !- V" - :,1 I .i'ft 1i?in . ELtOANT ORE89 BILKS, v i , , , OTTOMAN VELOURS' ' ' ' ,h n BROCHE V ALENCTA8, 1 ,' . ! - PRINTED MERINOS, - : OALEANS :V - - v; I . FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, i : i P0PUN1, PRINTS, J. ii ji,.(ii.w s.i .: ..- e v SHAWLS AND CLOAKS At hall Ui Cot ! ImpenlaUott !; LADIES' lEUFVS, la all Varietl, of the) Celebrated I jnaniBiatare i v. v van , , j inx.n vtlMia eV n - s-.. HOSIERY,1 DEPARTMENT, Han't. taMee aod 0bHdrent Coder thlrtt and Brawen Lad let, Uiitee and Children'! Hosiery of all klnda, In Wool and Umb'i Wool; fleecy Lined and OcttcoOloTee of rrttr auk. '' '. ,itiin:,i.'-. . ." - "0 A eenpleta assortment of all the niualTarie neaor . .x ... LADIES CLOTHS, , ' , .' CA39IMERES, ' - ' ntrPDrinnmnna ' "' i ,:.i, ,fir . TWEED3. ' ' ",;T,?-;;,;.;,pRE33RiMMmosl Ladiei A&dGent'i linen Carabrlo Hani I ' ; - kerchieft, fte., &o.. : To narabna who Mil m H. w. eMrt nnr word, to eho tbeaa the la met. beet and cheaDOtt ateek of Ooodt otct teen in inn maraet. or pay mem one anar wer hoar while looklrw: .. ..n )t.!,...s- ooi-aiyvtawitw. ' vsvam m vmiu LATHROP, i IUDINGT0N & CO. 23 &25 PASS PLACE, --;--.: j 30 4 23 MDBBAT STBEBT, i . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF. ' " i Foreign1 aii'd.;idm V DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT.1 it i s1 TrT-T jr- "''r We are desnloc at sarsnmls waierooae. at the abes Btrarbsrs, sks of 0 vdt la dl of tb. tlx dsrtaBte of oar eailoee. eapwio, to anything its have atretefor SKuioiwi to ias raus. , ., , CLOTH DEPARTMENT. 1 Thle hesarswa Breaant munltad..' aader tba tboronsh maoaivaent of a bav.r of Imi eaoerltase aad artnowiedad aood taa,a.: Wa ksm aateauure Unas sf aoeet is eaea at : ji-..--j:-iTia FANCY VESTINC3 ' :andv::;;--.:-;W FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, ail eelceted with the slseet dltciimh atton. Also, a,l gradea, eelore aad rerletlet eJ BROADCLOTHS,:". '. 'j..: ; SATINETS, ' .''T0.1'' "r" LADIES' CLOAINNG9, ' '- " "V-'-r- - , TWEEDS, i f ABllIBB'aiidllBRCnAHTB'OASrrtlllBBd, tlMTtJCKT J KABJS, from 8X lo Xt eent per yard I !.t.'i.- :,', ; and apvardai ..i n:-i i: - TWHD8, MX to IS sentt per yard-iait year oU at IBtoM; , . , . PBraTDBATtNBTB,tMeentt; AaetefAer tTeotb eorTiptniutglf Lew. , DrES3A3oODS :DmRTMENT. Hanehtatet De Lalnee, Banlltea do. Tasiae . ' da.', : ; Printed tawat, - ,., . - -' iPrtaudBrlllUntat. . . fancy Hike," - Printed OhaUle, Manchester Glnghama, . Oieaioei.-cii.dai.,. c Oliutoa do. . Ottoman Oletha, ' Alpacas, ... Popltoe, ...... anoy Qlnghaau, ' Slack Bllkt, I AndtkiNttt<ctStyUof FANCY SPRING COODS. - - f masaBa ',- KerrbBaefrtnte," "- Jl fjchaond'e PrlaU,' ' 'Cocheeo f a. . Anjerloao ,. : do. : , ' . PaolBe do. Punncll'g do. . . . Bprairae'e do. ' BogUih - r' do. ;Hanchester,lta.Prlntf.Ati.:.'.:" ; tiwin i;:Jt V ! . . IKJMEO.CPO Lawreooe 0, Ibsetinfe, Atlanlle A. Iheetlnga, . 'Stark: jit, j AmostMf - do.. ,. 'Lathrop " do. Appisloa " do. Bhawaal dsv"- sraa 4a.- Poeaetet , de--t,TJtlea, e. do I Alt Oriiei eni WU&$: . BL1 AOIHD ' KXtSTrfidl 'akb BHXITTJtQg; ' ' Wansatta, D sight, - ttwrenee, tiwaU' ... I .. . A . . .. M i tlUI, TSaliham, " " "Boolr New Tork Hnis,4ka, o. : wssrjs:...' : SHAWLSlNDMAWttlls; 1 ; , .- A ABai AND fBUOT AgMBTItBirt. , ., COTTON ADit-a great variety, 1 , 0BB0KB ,.. ' do, ..,.i.'T TICKlNflBWHtheieadtn brands. r." -i. DBNIH8 ' 3' vel':, Y.:?-lf 'H w " ;r ? f- BBiaTiNo BiaiPiB-au the kadlai hraada, ,-, liNaBBNa..'-.,ir,-i V. .4o,- p.Xit -:! T i I !. COncBf JBAMBr! rlo.r'do, r-- r(;OT dt.rrf:l ,,: :1 . ttORBBNO . ao. , r. . . DAMABKA, PAPJR CaMBBtCS, 0OL0U0 CAM- ) MlU.-e-,.eMUl .a .A ASG AND COMPIBTE STOCKS OF WMUt vuuuo. . - .imi t-l tn 1'i;ir:iu! v. CrcntlmiiinusBii UMBRELLAS. AND; .PARASOLS,. , GAAPST ' JbJC'b! OIUCLtlXBSel C And a great variety of Ooodt hot rnumerattd-ll ef whlebwepledReeareehrsatoeelt at the kMMal wtartt pHce the largai psr4yn Mttr Vpeg bm Ism HSU UMJwar -eif. i. T, Kjti- lt,' JrjIK. d,tlj i ti.'.t' tan Tt,H T.I nOYi- flncin ma eW-!tVgJW(f, TrrABRAMTBtp aTABKIOMvu ,i j , V "lA-n.n Sbirtlks nut ' Pia and fanes i;:s , . 1,"'; bestionaadPllrMrCeaUae. : Linen PseMdnda,allelseev , ZiT - We TowsilinpaadDiepen. ''lI,,,w"KTi,hisandD,Oyltas. vi.-. ':-..-.,; .. ? I T.iaJlr f" Of,rer(nBd OtkhT1 , , ew.t.vJ m-.rV J .4if..-s."l. :i . t-vi) 3 .: -.1 .''.J.'-w .-J..-. t.Ul t ; v I i- f) I .1 -' '.--';':-;:,- .').: !. ;tj . . : i T ELABO jAf VA2T1TSB. t AND m THE lATflT tWlgf, I 1 : ', ",...) i, Hi':'. OATAtOOCBI, ' 3t8CVtAU,' : PAJU-niiis, ; unis bxasi LXOAX BLAJfKJ, MAT BJOSttTI, ' .1 ::,., i .: : 1ASIL8, 0ABD9, xirysxopis, '. ssziril1 !""'.... StUi BXAIln', ' NOTIf,'': o, MtARa, ouzox, - ' RAILROAD, INSURANCE, Aad every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Al la any teUbUtbmant in ths lute, and upon tetna tK wUl eoApire fcTtraUy ' with the ' - !-:. r ret: si i. )Unt tattfrs PrlctlBg 8uts. ' tUnm vyeT FaoUity to sU4 V : 1 ic - i A .'.I-.. VJJ ;'t ,'I L- .'T ;; H TBI. fAOSCOTtON OP ' ' . :. . 0 : ... ELEGAOT POSTERS A -.1." 'U . snow cuxosp We oSar esr torrleei te aQ wba Bay detin tut oUm -."W aoswetei! with out EelAUliliBi t cwUvt.'y . V'.it , ,'noi .V n : - .1 .,i.n- irn.' i .-. ..1 , aiwaw .Bo BcroEaY, : i ftwUobmRvdjwU , J "l!at tJ lttV,.'.M;Uetal M w -I'm -. ' ! ! . i! . M. fn'j v!.rs:U ',;;";Vr.-' :;: "' ans wear ': .- 3 !!-! 8SPSBB RAll BOAS BLAR SOOSR 'V, 'i omtiU'li .:si x c!? j Jivi.v.rg oiiir ''.";::. , 0rB ESTABL'SlJWIirT .1. t u,:l. i. . .:.( ;j . , t . rv '...') : jc riiilsTj t.t: .1 a. It I : .-. l .il ' i J. aJn,lu4 a. a. ' r .Ivv 0Ji.rtl.!i i'jtPssBBnsMa . '.ui: .lltil jJ5.Si;,.-t6-ijji :rrai l(a -D : 1, oiu ,vri.t I'll i: ,. ... ; ,u;j, -WW I?t 0f AMWATJJOJC "; -etti .VWJ vOj iw-bsini f .ji-o.T (:ir ki ,.-,-- '-a'jir .y,ii.; i: n rtrAwr W ( ji j.m I , ; ... ,tj,j ., vlo, ,f ir:,; v ,. , . la .thli Cltr, and ws may add, " - ", ' 1 1 -iX o,I;,,;ji '...iMiu.'J !.j-ii :t .I ; -h .tJt!t!..i?, u ; , . , WE WILL FAVORABLY C0MPAES To i f-.l-. -i . -ll 1 at : il v.t , t ,1a , ,., .-i. ART ' Ml-!', "l,'t, I.! v!j , j(, 4corffl' m ,irr ul ic a - y7ii!X !!! jl - .,rir l u .',ki .If... f ;y i , i ,; RJCBABD NKYTM, . ..Gents' Linen fihirt .Collars..,- .IS ...w!"!???' yt e''W A Other sew ahame.. dteaemt iiy, u Tie SUekt. trest saw vwh.g Oiorw Bell Boee f T?? kl54' P0-etae4 all Mads ef vents' for BkUng woods in IteM vartetyssdat saodsiats prloes. . l:jJ3Jm,i3.M , , ajaiH a BON.v. L . - )T ...-i.i,.r N..BBatk BMrkitrsafa r MALTkolK THHtvAtt LACK niTTaV ef etogaat eaU0ee N ladlaai Ja, MiaeM' Klta JITIW'HKlliixil fJ aue team-iiilMW'IfT r fyn W ,1rT'l,il iiji IlilUl JjO u te . i'f :l.'li p..'f.,7 if,. -j n ;.'rlt 1 a I a tlBate.'"'" Daily, per year. bb Tri Wsskly, per tar.. .....'' ew" Wsrtly, peryeav ..........m4W...... 1 40 1 ' ' ' 1 Leona. Thti beautiful poem is epokeri of by the Boi' tou Trawler e "one of those roelodlooi and Ipirliual lyrloi wbleb oocailonally find their way Into the Home- Joumht. trortf tb loul of lame O Clerk, Bod wbtcb are rendering tbe same of the author dear to toe loreri i w wue poetry .. teooa. the nonr dravt nlh, '' ' ' ' ',''," The hour wt've awtlied to long, ' - for the aaml to open a doei thro' the Iky, ' (bat ay tplrit aay break fioa iha prltoo, and try , lis yolce In an it-flaae toog. ; i t , , atatttiow.ti the tlambtrtof night 1 Ooeae e erme with psest'alvlng breath, The oart.lo, ball lifted, revs.led my tight t Xboss witdoae vhioh loot on the kingdom of light , . That bxrdtrt the ilrtr of dcth. , And a Melon fell eokan and sweat ' . Brlngloggleaausf a morilog-lltltBd; X raw tbe Wnltt .here which the pale wattrt beat, Aad I boa d ths low loll as they broks at their feet L, Wee Walked on the be.uitful strand. - I, And t wondered why epli Its ihoaldeliitg , To the city with a tirnigls aod tigb, , When Ufe't purple auiumn it bettor tban tprlng, " And ths seal flies awty , like e eparrow, to ting In eeluaaie wners leavetntver die. ooa, eoaie elote to my atd, and lay year dearbtnil oa my brow) The earns touch that bleated me lo dayt that are fled, And raUed ibt loot rotst of youth from the dead, . Can brighten the brief moments now. . i r i- -f ; 1 We have loved from theoo'd world apart, Aid your trait wae too geoerout and true for their hto to o'srthrow, when the titndtrer'e dart Was rankll g dep law ydeeolate heart, . .. I waa dearer than ever la you. :. . I lhank the Oreat father for this, That oar Itvs Is not Uvlthed In vain; Bach as m, la ths futois, will bloswm to bllet. And ths fonni that ws lavs, snd ths llpt that we kits, I Never ehrlok at thethadow of pals. , By the light of thle ea X taught That m labor laonlv ba0un! In the eirer gth xJ this hops htvs I itrnggled and fought n tui iih i.iuu. hi wrvog mi my amor oat oaagnt Tb. gltaa sf Itsrnlty'e San. tsona, took forth, and behold, - f ion btaduud, from hill tide, end deep: Tbe day kins inrrendera hit humeri af The twilight edvanota through woodland and wold, aura im sews ais oeginning IO weep, i The moon't tllver hair Ilea uncurled ' ' 11 Dowa ths broad-breasted moun taint away Ira ths sunstt't red glorlee again abaUbs faried Oa th. walU sf ins wset. e'er the ptoiae af tbe world, ! IthallrltslaaUmttlsasdtiy, , T!iitf -., I j got bat weep not o'er my tomb, ' ' '" ' ' SartlintelllltnlltnMMikauJi There It trtttaorg rosea too twett for Itg gloom, ' Aad life .here ths lilies eternally bloom , u u oauB-oreauiuig garasoe ii vod. f. Tet deeply those memories bora. . u . . Whica bind aaa to van And tn AQd 1 tomtttmot h iTe ihoavht tlut m. h.lnvnalj.n h ,b. www.iv i hvbuii'ui noma to return. , HN11N.WWVV1 iwBtriO! Iwouldtvenbepteaeanttaetay, !,,,.. Acd walk bf tour aide to ih. Bat ths latd inete of heaven it brtlDnlng to play, .!i...ijMww..i.aMUb,v;n)ltl Ittfi " . Aad lu leaaikedlu th past. lm; good bye:' ehonld the grltf ' ' ' '' ;'"".' . : Yaatlanthsrin. na.v.. m Too dark fur your f.Tih y a will long for relief. ana rsmemtwr, uisjourcsy.jlMagb loaeeome. It brief, , wrst wwiata and river, to ae. r.,. . j k How the Money Comes. , Qaeer John fcu tunghow money goes, ' ket ha It s t, wni H bo fcaowit Why.stsry Vai.ka mothtr's sen . ... van nil yon how the thing I, dona. ' t . ltsoa.e,by boetttoli auu tia ti , ' By wleli lugt.sdiis sod drlvmg.pide, ' " Aad tuildli.gibipt, beli-ioneaiia d umi; i Aad Mat's ins way the ttouey eomet. . , ' Bowdoei tteomeT Why.'aiJt a-oae. -I. "' bys.ntng.wsertog. tTiitTngK.; ' " v Mf etluhiugee.Kaad shirts h,, Joss," 1 : XreeUug ekarches, raaU, g pews, . .. i A d m uiufaotur og boou end shgstl , Per th4t.pi, and t.Uta, an i euit aid hues, ; Aod brarte -nd hMite looga-t, lunyt tad ibambll . u wjr ' uey oomee. ' lfawditelto-mtJ lht w.y it pltln uy ratibgsoitui,.e'inaiid oiue; ' by Wiud and itaam, llhtoln aod rain; B gaditgBip.asfostUimaini;' . Uy ...lldlnn kridg s. lotdaaud dams, ' And Sepli.g.t,tete, aod dlrglug clan. ' Wltn wblttli,. dl'a, hu't aud buu.'.i 1 And that's the way ths mopey comet. , The money oomee b-wdld I aay Not ijt In anhonert way; ... . It oomee by tricks, at well at toll. . Bat how la l .atl Why, tikk at oil, By patting psae In coffee btgtl By sappin Wttehss. kniv.aand nagt, Abd peddllog Wooden elxokg ay d p sml I ABu toat't tee any ths montycooitt, . How lose U some t Walt, let ae tee: , . It vety leldum cocoa to met , ' It oobmi by rule. I gntu, sod tegle, ' by rWng oa a rsil -, Butofunsr that's th. way'itgcaM,' V.: . Pr.BiUlybellcsaBdfutyouug bMtug: It eomet m big -nay. little gamtj. . ,, ' Aye, thtt'i the w.y the money oomee. ; ..!J : ' - ' ' ' Governor Houston's Address Texas. Ab le already known, tbe .Texs Secession Conyention, Boding that Got, Houston would aol be subiervleot to their tratt'erous deaiens, procured the eadorsemeat of the Legislature to a resolution declaring the Governor's office) va cant. The Governor, however, Is not at all frightened, a will be seea by his sddrest to the people of Texas, the moat Important -put of which we give below. Alter referring to the manner in which be wst elected, the Governor SAyit Hu ,ui I." ;, .;...; bis.v z'v, .. when, on aeeount of the election of Mf. Lioeoio to toe rresidenoy of the Uolted States, was urged to oall tbe Legislature. I rafnaad tvdo uo, tntll euth timwka I believed the nub ile interests required it.r To all 1 said, that If to people' sirea toe bcgieletora called, I would flot staod in their way. - When satisfied thai tn neoeesity existed, l called It together and, upon Its Aoteanbupg, urged upon it the importanes) as immediate aouoo in reterenea tel your relatione with the United States and with respect to the frontier and the treasury- . . , , lotbe mean lime, tba Convention bad bean called, which assembled on the 98th Of January. seat 'VVDvcutiou, vcsiuca Being; revolutionary In li eharaotet.did not reoeiv tb saaeilen of malorlty f US' -people;:- It was. without th. pal ol tb ConstituBon, and unknown to th laws wnioxt' i naa sworn to support. Whll. swora to support the Constitution, it was asy duty to stand - aloof front- all- revolution m achemee, ealoalated - to auOPert the ConetltQ- ttea. d et ;-.-.'VuIt to s.,. uy. The people, who were free from such solemn Obligations, might revolutionise, and thereby absotv me from mine, my oeih only Ihavlnc reierenow to. -my ante w ui oapaoity og tnelr Chlet Executive) but as a sworn officer, nry duty Was too iplatn to to miaundentood. , Beoanaa Others mere lightly regarded tbe bond tbey mad who Heaven, inrniaoea m no exoate, ll my ooneoiene coodeaned the tot. If I. bad be lleved that tbe Urn bad come for revolutloa, should have throw off tbe burden of an offlalal 0tb, resigned my offlc, snd as on of tb pe pie, a tree ana independent ctuien, nave aided to arouse ay eountr j men to aouoo, -. I believed toei the C institution and tb laws would pro Tid a lejmedy, and therefor e ws aot reads fur fevolutloai'i i.y wiit-Jeili H.i. -'a . TbLeflelature refused lo eubmlt. the nasi tloa of oor relations with the' Uuited Government to a direct vote of the people, but sainotuwa toe tuonveuitou w ao so.. I 'i n L gbkUtur having reoognited tl) Convention tbue lar, I waa willing te aaoetion the aot, beoause I eaw that in no other way would th people get opportunity lo express their will.i g did so, pratoHlng against the aatumptlon f any ether powers on we pan i tnr vraoveniiono a knew lull well tbe designs of the leaders of that move ment. I saw that. In their bands, neither Coo- atltBiiAB nor la art would ba aaerarl, apt reoord my refusal Hr- fuoiloit any bp-1 i ,!;"'', iiij ia ,jeji.-ol eif, ),,.) : of a of wtjtpvu-uivir MI .M, .wuv Wl wi w llbemlee or iDiringe upon toe rigote eeoureu to y.u by tbe men w be iramed (he Sift ponstitu tit1 -. : JMj worst anilcIpationS' as to th assumption of pxifees by this Convention btv been reaN isd v To enumerate all it oturpatlooo would be Impossible, as a great portion oi Its proceed ings has been in secret. This muoh basbeth revealed,,!,--..., - - It has elected delegate? to th Provisional Gpoocll of tb Confederate Slates at Mont gomery, , before Texas bad withdrawn irom tba Colon, and who, on tbeSJdayof Marcb, aaziexed Texee to the Confederate States and cooatltuted themaelves members of Congreso,1 when It waa not-' officially known by tbe 1 Con vention until tbe 4tb.Of March that majority Of in people nan vote in tavor oi oeceseioa.. , , j While a portion of the delegates wer repre- stntiog Texas in tne uoogrsss oi me UjD fede rate btates, two ol tbem. claiming to be Uoil d State Senators, bave continued to represent lexae in toe untteo Btatee oeoate, under tbe Administration of Mr. Lincoln, an Administra tion that tb people of Texas have declared odious aod nut to n born. Yet Texas baa been exposed to obloquy, aod forced to occupy tbe ridiculous attitude before the world of at tempting to maintain her position as on of tho Uulte-d States, and at thei earn tlm claims to be ooe of tbe (Jou federate States. : . ' oi .. This Convention bae deprived the people Of a ngnt to snow its doings oy noiaiog its sen sioas In secret. - , , u... , It has appointed military effloerg and agents BDuer it BSSHmcw aauiortiv. i :r It has declared by ordinance that tbe people of Texas ratify tbe Conetltutlon of the Pro visional Uoveromenl of tbe Confederate Stutes, aoq nas coaoRea toe o ate -uooetitottOB abd es, UbllsbedaTEdTOATU ot allegiance to the Confederate Statee, rtqutring all persons now In tffloe to take the same, or suffer the of removal Irom office aod actuated by a spirit ui privy tyranny, oaa required tne aiXeOUliV snd a portion ot ths other offloers at the eeat oi uoveroment, to appear at itsbar at a oertain hour and take tbe same. - .., Fellow.oltixens, I have refueed to recognise tut. vuuveutiuo. t uwieve nas derived none of tbe powers wbloh it has assumed, either from the people or the Legislature. I believe it guilty of an usurpation, wbioh the people otn not suffer tamely sod preserve their liberties Ism ready to lay down my life to maintain the rights and liberties of tbe people of Texas- X am ready to lay down office rather than yield to usurpation and degradation. 1 bave declared my determination to stand by Texas, In whatever position she ssenmes. Her people have declared In favor of Separation from the Union. - I have followed her banners before, when an exile from the land of my fath ers. I went back into tbe Union with the peo ple of Texas. I go out from tbs Colon with them i snd though lean see but gloom before me, I eball lollow tbe "Lone Star'.' with the lame devotion aeot yore, 1 1 may not be eustained nowj but when mil Hone or debt press upon yon, when the United States Bonds formiog your School Fund bav. oeen squandered, and tb money noon whieh your present ecbool ij stem is based is gone, when your puolio domain is wasted, snd tun we ground out of you, some, at least, will re member that I attempted to savs you Irom these coOMquences. : :: , i : . u . - 1 am ready to be ostracised sooner than sub mit to usurpation. Office has no oharma far me.ihetli must be purchased at th. aanrifln. of my conscience, and tb loss of my reif-re sproH ' ' !'.-' ... : . :i .-..-.B 1 love Texas too well to brine eivil atrlfti and bloodtbed upon her To avert tbie calamity, I thall aake nr endeavor to malutaia my au tbonty as Cbtef Exroatlve ol tbie State, except V . , Pwiiui -caerute. or my- laodllube When I Can no lotirer da this. I ..I ml. withdraw fronr the euene, leaving ihe Ojvwu rnent in tbe bands ol hoe who bav usuipd aii'iivriiy, UUI mil BlAimiDg lOSI ' 1 am I IS uniei cigecutive-" ---' t,i .... . :-.. :i-., . i txoeot toe cooteonences or mv reruaal to uaetois oatn. M bfflc WUl b decl.r.d ra oaied. - It iboe who s.aoUe me will be but ae tree totoe luieraits of Texas as I h.veendeae voreo to be. my prsjer will attend them - -1 - fcllow-oitisetis, ibiuk bOI thai I abuuld enm. yi.,u iui iu wuicu r.ruviaeoce naa now as signed me. ll Is pet haps but meet that mv 01 eer sboulJ close tbue. I have seea tbe na n-lots aod atateamen of my louth. one bv ouo. gathered to their laiberei aud the Goveinment wftlan tbet bad reared rent In twain: aud nan. use mem are ltd to unite It one ao. n. I stand ibe last almost ef a race who learned from toeir npt ine lessons or bumsn frtedom. I .m gtriekeu down now beeu I will nx yiald those principles wntoti i navg tungoi lor and Straggled to maintain. Tbestveieel pan is that thetwoer ymee in tbe name of tb Stat of Texas: ' I deny tbe power of this Convention to speak for i exes, i nave receivea oiowe for her sake, and am willing to da so scum.- ' ' I protest In tbe name of the Beonl of Tens Sgstuet all the acts aod dolnge of this Conven tion, and declare them null aod void. I solemn I) protest agaioei the aol of Its member, who are bound by no oath themselves, in deoiariog my offljo vacant, Decant I refute to appear be fore ii. and take tbe oath prescribed. Ii bae accomplished Its mission, and it. Mf object has been fulfilled. Ir t drive me from office and defeat tbe will of the people ie an hon or, it may wear it. To prevent my having an or portOiity to send message to the Lekislatur. wbiob meets on Monday, March the l&b, 1 am required to appear at thi bar to day, and take tbe tcst oats Eren 8uylock granted th lull thiee days ere be oiaimed bis pound of flesh The Convention, prescribed that me as ths limit, bat its Breeideot baa been less gracious tban Shy lock, aod olamois for the bond t. days are gone. If I am tbua deprived of tb poor privilege of putting upon record my senti ments, through a refusal on the part ot the Legislature to receive my message, I will lay tbs same before tbe Deoole.and anne.l m th.m si declared ( would do In my loaogoral, . - . i I j I J f 1 A . A Judicial Wag. Judge Norton was aolemn.'stern and digni fied to exoees. He waa also at one egotistical snd sensitive to ridicule. Judge K we wit, careless of decorum, snd bad sharp voice- He did not like Judge fiortou. At a bar enpper, Jsdg Norton, in an elaborate speech, referring to the early days of Wisconsin, the rude period. and tb disoomforts of th profession in that oouniry, ueecrioeq in a tragio manner a thunder storm wbloh one orertcok him. In riding the eniwawilill .1 i-.f, ,.i l: Mo ,j ,i:. !, , It was a night in tb forest t tha' awful, and, said tb Jade. l exoMied moment the lightning would trik th tre uet der whioh I had taken abelcer.r i, -,,.;., " wny.tnen, ' intwruntea JudreK..!n Ms n.i alley equesi, "why In thunder, uen, didn't you S" eaiwu.t. nn i B .,v,..g . uoi i. , i ' Ing Mt, . Btete ef- loM ThB OUOIH OP A Famous Maii Th v'JL levrand hae generally been attfibatarl th. tborship of the ,maxiai that "the i of lan-l gusse is to oDrtcaai our tooognts.7 , But In fr crotVs Wave aad Words ef Mim mad itt-. . twnaiiw it waue irom an arUCle On "tb US of language," pablished la a periodical called me ore, unaer aate ot uctobas 'Mi, 1759, wbioh reads ae follow:... "Ha who beet knows bow to eonoeal his neceesitv and detire Is th. mm, lib. ly person to find redress i and tAs tn, .r w rrfts. ear meat as is ssaeret ioctji.- , ., " itl:n i-j'i ay ! rOLtTBSESS M . KCSHA. Ferhara . th. most polite, obeereant, bowine-. and h.nrlinr the world is Russia. , it is, to on wb has a liking for thea matters quit a lessm. to see r Russian nooieman 01 tbe high school in coo versa tion with an onet he ia tha i.. U.i good manners , and , genUemsnly bcriogj , be wavs wu uta nas to eveiy, woman, be hares bis hsad to a tradesman, be salute him when he enter bis shop, b bows when be goes.. PrUees th blood Imperial .do tbui.ti tf h.,..,,,, r Maw i-'tWly' . he-voa'''1"" ! Ttt Paaton rdattings. sijl t IT t - - . i .-..oA, . A4 6-4, Willi til Mil aal AmjiiiiilU t -i;(,.M, ao 18 soath JQgh SW k-i .24 .rant; f.d lo:;ai. --lend ,ciuu ,iiu..i- ii!-') ,ti' tiriot fcil 'ivad iiinnS,ii tjvjpiw t ia i ' i GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DRY fiOODS JS.T KNAPP & CO.'S NEW STORE. From and after thin date we shall REDUCE THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER G00D3 TttOTy.FlVE m CENT, M OBDXa TO a 1KB BOOM POX ODB SPRING STOCK. iOur assortment is still good, . and it is known to every i one that our T O O EE. ;, . CON8I8TB OP FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, '.SO (D0 NOT FORGET THE CHEAP STORE Ob :n App & bo., . NO. 119 'SOUTH HIGH STREET, v -' -. i ' ' 'i on i o. Tons of Feathers and 60 Tows l t Ragi Waatsl, 0ClSS4twViaw-6m 1 T R Jl ' ' WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN .- ., HAVING A CIBCtTLATION LABQEB BY SSVBBal TH0BIASD8 Than any other paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising '-' Which CANNOT PAIL to bring Speedy and Remunerative Hetarna "; " To those whs take adnonige of thea- pnTBJ WEE3ILY STATESMAN 0 UtrOmted u It Is through trery Poet Offloe in Ohio, . Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage is valuable, and whs seldom ass the . Bally Idltiona of city Journals; and as only Limited Bomber of, AdveTtLieineiiti ' Are bnerted In Its eolunmt, appoprlately and ?.iJ V - j.-. ; ! Tmrr oajibot ran T . :' XtYtGt LVttoiation. - 1 " Of AUI ' ' ' WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising 10 the WIBKLY 8TATB8MAN sill an ".'"'i','! t - It adrantagoos in ;. i i,.: THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which la almott eemia to follow an txtentlve diatemia atioa knowledge of their holiness AMQgfJ COUNTRY DEALERS ! ADVBHTiaiMIirrS TNTBNDID FOR 7 - .',.-.. The W3eklv Statesman - Should ke handsdln ksTors Prlday noon. ' " n ' TBSA8TJBT 9BIArB?T OP OHM f.i t - - yowasoi. aa-sa IS, icTOl., IAIS OP OHIO STATE STOCKS , ; THEHB WILIj BE BOLD AT PCD lie auction, oa Satorday, Starch Both, at eleven o' eVssh a. M,, at tbs office of the Tieurer of State, two thoasand dollars of ths Bom's of ihs but. of Ohio draw utorett at ths raw of six per a-nt. - per so and payable teml-tnnoilly In the city of New Tort, Bud the prUetpal isdecmabls at rhs pleaiura of the Btatt. '' J- These IkntdswerbdeposltsdwIUitheTreasarsrof the vt Ohio for the parpoee of eeeorlng the circulation the Btvtngt Bank of Olnoinna I. and they are to be for Hie purpoee of redeemlDg the mm.. -i 'saarchlBtdlO A, P. BTOWB. JWos A CHANGE.. HAVING, Oft THE fltki tWIIT., PtJR. shatrdori. R WB ATBMIi sotlrs stock of Div Boods,at No. 103 Hbh St., with ths view of changing location, I will nU until lbs flrtt day otdpril, with- . AT COST FOR CASTl! Pancy hreti iBIlks, fringes. Buttons, Trtmo.rngt.Ao. wsiuv., ii. Mines, onawia ana Cloaks, j'.;;".'Vii'V' egardleu"sf '.Cost t ,V'T?. febaedim " y. f . wood. AOENTFOSS UOinawsjesNTINKNTAa., AtAsaiTvait, Saa-OBiTV, a d lavwa Bias Im. C' losai aauuin aaa um rats as tuarroaa Toas Lit. aad Ueeoi. Monaa Ursv ; Oiriee, ai HlaTsr at., Rawa; ' BBl - ' '.'7 '..",'''"" '." Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PtAIie AND ElTlBUOlOEUt D. IrfOTJB. QCETAIRB a.d ie.ulnr Dkd. Bik ium.1. emoroitered lo wnit anutt purple. Ite. Udrausd- .. " - -r - mm iu U IUVVB .v T i TnT,u , a compnt. aucrtmaot svwsasrsytjwtwstla: avvaae eaViwsjgrp ifjf ajBtes? y ',-.-Ai. At SON. , . i -. i Wo. t soath niith street. t , , allS, UOIgO. , Plaits ir.w n.Wiw tvwoes. it r.s id ui Brooms, Cordegs . . . u .' . j - -a ' Hcrrlnv, nried Fruit . I. t! w ,M,. Herthaligh strsst : ll tl -'t'.t .'V ..'lW.-.( f lllMj! I- W !. - 0 W IS THB TIMB TO BUY . b to It ' ' bad nu-elttlon. . or e o-mttlnli Sll give ; irWOROESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY LatBiU-The tarjeBt Tbs Beit, The Cheapest Beoause the Beit, Tk ATast Rellahl. a,..... thonir f tha Bas;Ush lai.n;eiag.t J Sim Sundrvt Bnintnt Blucttert of ClJe. "TM BB8T ISOLIBn DIOTIONART IXTANT.T . . library Men BetrwAtrm'.-i. v U arenpwa'rdser Bandred Tboaund WonU. ",ne meanings atd derlvaUona, tonuwr Ml before Tt'wT1"1"' ,reDaa'll ' OinoinnaU CWnerofoA StaithtDecUltmt e,f the Uembtrt of thi OHo State - frwAer's tsood if tot. - 1 a?! ndM,?d. msmhsrs tt the Ohio State Teschea' . V,' ,d?p n,, 10 PM ,n 'etching, writing "T. , ""e orthography ao proaaootaUoa ot i . , w w v tvnuuarj , atua arc BOSK S9CBB". tboHty of tbs Bnglbh language, at It Is now written and Loam Ammtwi, Provident Kenyoa Oollege. ' " ' w,USHJ"'r,,"tLnlen, 2"tilie Schools. 1 n J11!.- "Mellon Colon Brh-ols. M. P. Onwssav. Bup't Publlo drhoola, Baodaikj. - LrecH, up't ra-llc School,, Oirelsvlile, Prlnelpil Cleveland Pemtle Bemloa- W. Vncaai, BupH Public erhools, Ml. TJnlon. Joan Ooom. i'rlnoin.1 i.i. n , ClMinn.?1""' P,,nclp' our,1, Inlermediste Bchool, H. 8. MitTis, Bup't Csnton Union Beksole. Bowra kaa.L. Prioeipal kcNeely Uoimal School. .. Bu T. TarrM, Prof. Maihrmtfcs. Ohio Univonltr. W W. Bnwasm. Bon't Tro. Unlnn Bh,i - A. 0. Oonim, Prioeipal Wstt High Bchool, Oleve' land. . B A. Nobto, Auoclats Principal High School, Okve- land TnaoDORs BTiause, Principal High Bchool, Oleve. , B. P. Hpaieros, Principal Cleveland Inttlluts. " J. A. OAartsLS, Preiidect of Kleolio Imtlta e, Ol- PSD ."' Prf' of ch,em!,h7 "' Wesleyan H. B. Babniv, Xz-Cemmlttlontr of Common Schools. Ohio. ' Jinn Homos, Prof. Rhetorle, Oherlln Collate. TBoeHiu.Pretiilent Antioch College. BchoorbtyloB.00'' nU Daytoa.' Cl,",BaI, Tnt Fuge, High School. B. M. Baasta, Bnp't Union Schools, Athltod. ' More than Sim Hundred other PrettdtnH of (Wl. O't. Proftieori. Author, and PMlngukM TtTiW. fore, lave minted (As aooss sentiment, PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO.' MaanrTA Coutes - 'It to truly a magnificent work, honor to tha author, tr. pablitbart, and ths whole eountry."-Preildent Andrewt. . Ohio Wtsttraa Usivsmitv -"It exceeds my expecta tlont. - It will be my guid. la orthography and pronun ciation, and will often be eontelted by me for lta neat and aocarate deanitine." President Thompson. W. R. gcLtcno Coutos. ."neretofore ws hsvssted Wsbttersorthogitphy. At a recent meeting of our rat-ulty. It wa deel ed to chaste It to conform to that r W router's Hoyai Quarto BicUonary." Pretldent Oarneld. WttTtaa Rs tars Coit'oe.-'I find It worthy of cordial approlailoo." President Ultcbcock. Ostaua Cott os.-' It mors than meets my expecta tion. 1 rec mmend it .as the staudird uhur tylu orthotp, to my ihildren and my pupils." rrea deal Uoigan. Amoca Cotuai 'I sdnpt sod aim to ase In teaoh Ing. wrillug aod tpeaklng, Ihs orthography aul pr nun. eiaU m of Worcester's oyr Qaarto Dictionary." Bill. "In alljny writing, tpeaklng and teaching, I have en deavored to con'orm to let for art! raihr and pronunciation at oo italotd in Worcester's Dictionary. V Unracs Mnn. Istt rreeident. Kurr p Coilkw Otanra.'-Imoit cordially rtwm mnnd Its. ths .i.oti uiuble 'tandard aatborlty of tbs Bogllth ItLgutrt at It to now Wil ,ut and tpeken." Pietli'ent ALdist. . SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. Aea se. aneoa Smyth, Oammleeiontr of Common Sctutuu in Ohio. . "Ths Dictionary 1, an Imper'tbibl. 'monaaeat to ths learning and I. da rym 1 1 author, aod aa booor to th. woild . Icttera. The awcnaniM eaeeatto. te far ear rlr to thit ot any other Loloua wtib ablcb I am ao. quaimsd." from Hon. U B Birney Xa Ommtstloifr ef dchoot In Ohio. 'The moot reliable itatdird authorltv sf th. i... guana." WOAT TUB Lead ing Kenv-apnperw of Ohio Say. fm ths Olentand Herald of AftrrcASB Ths orthi graph, of the Wo'Cttter Die iontiy it that estdliy uiott, If not all author, v dlttlnetloo In this and rnal.nd. and ioo'oia.1 to the general nme f ordlfary wrltatt tndipe.kert. , Whiter, r preindles. maybsvs exlt'ed prev'oailf. a. earefulitudyif thl volume will Inrariaby be foliond a wirm apprao a'lon of I t great a srtti, and a dectr. add it tn ibl tll tslsoied library, be It Utgs or tualL la a Horary Inltarlf. and w.ll remain an lmperana -bl. resold of the learning of Its compiler. the Cincinnati Oamnureiai o Aprli So. Ben sr. nowarda i,f a handrwl thnan.n.1 and Ind ffeieot whaM uitir.riAn. 1 derivation., together with their correal .peliios and pro- , tie tot elearly before thi- eye The work Is nnquettlonab y thstreateat Thetanrnior Pn.ii.k u i. ever published. - , TronltoCTiieiem&PlalndeaUr aStvi. to laan. WoacmTB 's Borat Qtraaro Dtcnoaaar ts ri oly th but, but (As atT teore the ii eswd.andcui by bo post.MUty toffer by cmparUon or eoatroVfny , ., Vent fJUTbtsdeJSadsa MayVt. . . . At to raolTOBCtaTIOB. hunn, ... a- . followed by oar but suthortt lo deSntilons be nothing to b deilred. and In OxTBrassurert b to taOicltnt wmj uai it unma lu o stie y tollo.ed. INGItAfflt 4c BBAOOi . Pnbliehers, Bneksellers dc Stationer, ! ji uuriMun nr., VbEVBLAND, OIIIO. matt ' Cor (lough (Vd. Heortmeu , hflu. ts, anu Jritatten eSarmet 7hroot tit L'onevmiMon. ronh4tif aH!2 meet th. Banking Vough mos atd Catarrh. VUar and ait, ttrennthto (As sofca of PlTset-tu .fKARRRW, aad SIMUavis, . . few are awara of tha Importance of check lor s Cuh "Common Cold" la It, Brtiiuiw; that which In th. beglnnli would yield te a md remedy. If nleeted on athuka the lungs "Brown'i Bronchial TrocMe, g demulcent lngrsalents, allay Pubaoaarv ut Bronchial IrriUtiua. . . . , . BROWN'S That tronblt tn mv Throat, rr,.. .i ij. . Ibe 'troehee,' are a tpeciflol havin, mm , TR00BI8 often a mere uhliperer." N. P. WItUS. "Irecommend their ns to Poauo rtxaxt. ' ' ' " Rt CHAPf., "Dave Droved mL 1.1. ... BBOWN'8 TROOHIB BROWN'S DoaBimra." ' BBV. HENRT WARD "EIOFfgR. "Alaotl lnttanl rellf tK- ai.. . TBOOHISl labor of breathlm pscalitr to Arrnai." BROWN'S xti! A. 0. Bu-QLtSrOlf-Ooatala ao Opium or aartMng Inlotl TR00OIS one." ? , DR. a .. null. CiemUt. Rnt,, BROWN'S "A olmolo and - uHu Consai, As." TR0CBC8 on. a. y. BiuEi.ow, "BeneScUl lo Baoncarr e n 1,K. J. r.W.lSMR, . "I htve braved themexrell.M ft., u BROWN'S TROCUIS, BROWN'S RBT.H. W, WARBtN, ... HBeneavttl .he. eann.nt a.. 'Llt- THocngs, BROWN'S ferlngfrom Cotn." ' 1"'"" ' as, V . B. P. J. ANDBRROK, ' ' r ,'1,,"''T0, I" removing Tloareenee, aod' rrliaUMsf ths Threat, to eoouea ih tnaxne and Biaotas." TRQCBEB BROWN'S TBOCnB- Prof. SrACY JOHNSON - J' ,'!.',.- Za Vrmnffe,da., , Teacher or Uuttc, Southern female Colic. , . "Great bee .At wbea liken before sad ari ' BROWN'B TROCUIS BROWN'S prsashlog, ss they prewnt Hnsrtessas. Pram , m,tr Pttt enrol, i toink they wUl ss of nar ' advanturs to are " -, 5 ,, , Pretldent of Athens C.llrge, Tenai- TROOBBel IROWN'B TBOOBBSjlHT'SoM by all DraggliM at TWINtT- I " sivai uanrs A : BOriBHTS ABAttCBL. -- B.;BADMWoa.0'u,niA,tM,- -: ...wd.. 81 ,B, uh '" 0o,-. A Judicial Wag. NOTICE! THB SrBCRIBEU IS DFSIRorj OF eleelog ap hie eld baimce. at once, erd bopee that persona ha.lng ans.ul- aoeeanls en tk books will . iheai BuiKlUie attention. --'' P. BAIN.