Newspaper Page Text
J . '. 0 ;. J i-i i til VOL; VII. NO. 254. NEW SEEIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO. MONDAY EVENING; APRIL 1; 1861. SIX DOLLAES FEYaE' Iav-rUbl- In Adranee . 1 1 LxaJ I -- II II CI 1 a m 1 l' ,w , ...... 0 AHf. Titf-WEEXLT A5t WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH! BB AgB FBOPBIKTOBI, BT Offle Mm. 8C, 88 and 40, Forth BlgR It. TKIIMM INVARIABLY IN ADTAN01. Oally l V ' " '' '' ' 16 00 per yea. By lbs Carrier, per week, 11)$ etnti. (' uu per y ! 1 00 0 pr yer, Weekly, " on.n ! Adrertlelng by the Square. n,smrelyeai...20 00 On square i weeks. .8 00 One " 8 weeks.. 8 00 One ' " ' lweek... 1 7S One ''" 8 days 4f 1 00 One " 8 days ... 75 One " lluerUoa SO One Jne One Due 3n v montue in uu 0 months IS 00 3 monthi 10 00 2 monthi 8 00 1 month. . 5 00 Displayed adrertliimaDts half Bore than the (bore rata. . . Advertisements leaded end placed In the eoltunn of Hoeclnl Notices," OoubU the ordinary ran. All notices required to be published by law, legal ratee, If ordered on Die inside exclusively after the Brit week pet rent, aanre than the above ratee; but ell sueh ertl inuearin the TrlWeeklv without oharee. - Vusluesa Carde, not exceeding Ave lines, per year, In . de, super line; oatatde f. Nntlceaof meetings, chart tables oeletles,flre eompenleei aid., hair price. All Iruntjnnt adverUetmentt-enMet U paid or 4m i Imtnc Tie rule will not be Varied from. - Weekly, same price ee the Dally, where the adrertleei scstlie Weekly alone. Where 'he Daily and Weekly i re both need, then the charge let the Weekly will be n . I' the rates o( the Dally. No advertisement taken except for e definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Cartier Spring Water St., OoxxxriToTPLO , Olalo- W. B, POTTS 8c CO., MAOrciNisTOf And Manufacturers of Brass and Composition Castings, f inishtd llrass Work of all Descriptions. 1 Electro PlatinTTnd Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTINC, &C. ' febl 0-dly .: -' -'" ;' P. A. b. smxess, Attorney At Xjattct AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . ' ' Offlce Amboa Building, opposite Capitol Square. ; ....... - COLUMBUS, OHIO, OOLTJMI3US Midline Mann factoring Company MANvrAonmcM or STEAM. ENGINES & BOILERS, Cutlogt, XUl-flearlsf , Kasulnnyi ' ALIO, JEl.llxoei.dL UWoxrlx. Of BTSIT DKaOUFTIOM. . A ,. .,ioi.iin.ui), oiiio. 0BA8. AHB0S, Vnp'l '' ' ' ' f . AMBOS.jTreae. deell, lBJHtf r'.r v r ft Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. 'For Cincinnati, Dayton & Indianapolis! Through to Indlanacolli without Change of Cars and bat One Change of Can between Y Colombia and St. Lonla. ;);'. '. ' , it- .. .. . t THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM .. , - . . BUS.-: . : , , . FIRSTTRAIN. (Tlatly, UonlaysezoeptedO ' ' NIQIIT IXPKB6H, i Dayton, et 8:4S a. m.,stop ping at London, Xenut, Dayten, Uiddletown and Bamll Ion, arriving at Cincinnati at 8:J0e. m.;Dayton at5: . a.m.,lDdianopollsat 10:4R a. m.;tt. Louts st 11:30 P - j - v gECOND TRAIN. V ACCOMMODATION, at 8:10 a. mn stopping et ell Sta tions between Oolumkus and Cincinnati end Dayton, ar riving at Clntlneatt llilhl e m., Dayton et Bt 14 a. Indlanopolieaf;lp. m. ' THIRD TRAIN. ' DAT lXPBI83,at 8.30 p. m,, stopping at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charleston, Oeuarvllle, - Xenle. Spring Velley, Corwln, Morrow, Deerfleld, Foster's. Lovslaud, allllfordaud Plalnvllle, arriving at Cincin nati at 7:30 p. m.; Bt. Louis at 18 m Dayton at S:J5i. m.; Indianapolis at 10:38 p. m.. , . r. Sleeplnar Oarsi'an all Nlsxht Train' te Cincinnati and IneliaaapaHa. - . lie nAOOAUE i CHECKED ; TBUOVOH. for farther Information end Through Tickets apply to M. L. DOIIKRTV, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. Columbus, Ohle. " . I. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Cincinnati. - JNO. W.DOHHUTV . Jnl3 7 .'. , Agent, Columbus, SOMETHING NEW. HOWARD & OO'B. AMERICAN ; WATCHES. 7 CALL AT NO. 83, OUTO BUQH ST., end eemlneonewmekeof -( ( AMERICAN WATCHES, , ;;: munufscturedhy JE'.BOWAKD k. 00., 8oton. Maes', These Watchee are far superior to anything ever offered to the public, heretofore. Having the exclusive agency, Iran eell them t prices to suit the Umeo.-I have Just reoelved a large stock ef - ' ; - AMERICAN WATCHES, - v manufactured fey AFPLIT0N, TRACT, ic 00 ! also, e fine assortment of w ' ' '; ' ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, in Gold aad Silver Cases, at Panic prloee.' " T, ,' ' iaJ3 . W.J. BATAQ1. , ; . e8tt BeMlTUdt T " ' ) t 1 a nr.' cn ubeen and i black lUUTKAS lOdbafiprlmeBlo Conee. . 1 AO poekete eld Dutch Oovernment Java Coffee. 18 key Ceylon Ootee. ' - ' " ' ' SOObbie. standard White Bugere, eonetsHng of Pow- drad, Ohrusned, Oranulated A and B Coffee, SO ejulntele Heorge Bank Oodnsh. ' ' gobble. Mess and No, 1 Mackerel. r; " .' ' f ' A lee. Pick hnon.'- ' " 1 ' .'' 100 bx. Layer lUlslni. ' " "-' ' " " BOhf. boxdo do 'I.''"'1" .. -a t ' lUln.hnS! da Ad ! ' " H. " " " 100 liOlgare, different brands end rrttlr." '' J "' ' BOV7 -".- - wm. sinnnwitT).1 wm. Mcdonald,1., M . C. LI LLC Y ... 1300Z3L " XHrj3PJL!JLt . And Xlank'0ok Slaauianttirer,1 VOBTH B30IH RBIR COLTTXBVS, OHIO narll-dly , ft f , ( r x .,V t nr r t tFAMILV FLOCK. 1 .11 , YY' . ,r . .' ""r. "r . .1 h "BNOWFLAKEr;: Trom "BeroettlUlls," Springfield, Or-the beet brant of Flour DreURM to euaiarset, . iniracrapiiswiiew for sale only at ... WIL MoDONALD'8,- . BOTV ' 1 " ' " . 1 . Iff oeuui uign ssnet. A" LEXANDtttl Kill OliOVe. ! All etaeeend eolen just opened et BAT!f8," ee.H. , ..sIt. V Me-WBeatllBighetreei . ,r. 1 .1 fcl(' x ' t'r : ;1 .".n . e l S', -STONE'SBAZAAR. N"o. 4 Gwvnne Block. a. t.:stonF& 6'HIRRA ABE NOW HECEI VINO TIIEIB WIN HE OOOD8, end Invite the publio to Inspect them. Mo such stock of Goods has ever been brought to this market. The South, In consequence of the failure of the grain crop, has not been able to purchase the us ual quantity of rich goods, end this fact has forced the Importers to sell them et pnblle auction. Onr buyer (Mr. Stone) being In New York at these large sales, took advantage of them, end we can end will eell our goods here, et leas than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them In New York. Our stock Is complete In every department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, , OTTOMAN VELOURS, . BROCHE VAIENCIAS, PRINTED MEBINOS, PRINTED COBURG3, DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, - ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ' - ALL, WOOL DELAINES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! ' Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At ene half the Cent ! Impeitatlea. LADIES' FURS, In all Varieties, of the Celebrated piaaafatare f O. e. Gun. j ; t ;, ihersj Sen. . HOSIERY1 (DEPARTMENT, !.. r-Aimm ..e nuMamii TTnAar flhtrta and Drawers: Ladles, Misses and Children's Hosiery of ell kinds, In Wool end Lamb's wool; yieeey biuiu aaa vnnwini of every make. I j ALIO A cemDlete aBSortment of fcU the ninal yarie- tlee of LADIES' CLOTHS, CAS8IMKKK3, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, K1BBUJN3, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand- j kerchiefs, do., &o. To oersona who eall on us, we Dledge our words to show them the largest, beet and cheapest stock of Goods ever eeenlnibie market, or pay mem one oouar per hour While looking. aecv-diyxtewitw. biuctsi v LATHROPp LUDINGTON & CO. 23 4 25 PARK PLACE, i 20 ft 22 HTJBBAY STBE1T, .4 TXlil W YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS ' FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRPTO,-1861. numbers, etoeke el Oeods In eaek of the six departments of on, business, superior to anything neve heretofore .Ull.ll ..1 A . el.t.J AII1L-U VO UXV IIMWi C LOTH. DEPARTMENT. 1 ml.. I . . un.J. ,Va roil nme grown -so lie praw. Bau"uuv ihsroueh management of a barer of lone experience end ecknowndged good taste. We keep extensive lines of the Snest aad eholoest ' ! : FANCY VESTtNCS ' . and ' ' FANCY CASSIMERES To be found in the market, ell eeleoted with the nicest discrimination. Also, ell grades, colors and varieties ofj BROADCLOTHS, j satinets, j LADIES' CLOAINNG3, j TWEEDS, ' FARMSRS1 and MERCHANTS' CASSIMJIIUIS, -KINTUOKT JIANS, froaa X to 12 cent, per yard i itni apwards;.' . . ., TWrtDB, 19 to 15 eenU per yard-last year sold at .1 j . is to 80; 1 ' ! PRINTED 8ATINITS, at 11 cents; , Andttktr Good$ eorretpondmgl .',!';', Dress-Goods Depa-tment.': Manchester De Lelnee Hamilton do, Peclflo do. . , Prtottd Lewns, Printed Brilllanles, ' : Fenby Olnghams, Bombarlnes, . t-. ... BlaekllUkj, ' Taney Silks, .. Printed CheUle, Manchester Olnghaae, Olasgow 1 do., . Clinton do. t.; . Ottoman Oloths, Alpaca,. - .. ropiue, :.:r FANCY SPRING COODS. v , r.i 1 ... ..u to ... . v- Merrtataerriate, ; Richmond's Wntl, Oochooo do..-". " American " do, . PaclBe do. ' -' Dunnell'e "do;," 1 Hnrajnies' do. cngiistt ; ':' do." - Manchester, o. Prlnte, Ao -. !--'l f i I)OMrriO CpTTOITS. 4 . " tewrence 0. Bheetlsge, Atlanllo A. Sheetings,' ' Btark .,. , ,.io.v, V-'-A D.keag do. , Latkrop . do., . ,. r PPtooa.:) i do. Bhawmut do. Brerett . do. Pocasset , , ,, d.o. y-r.Ji ,TJUc,e.' do. r:". AU Qradet'mnd Width. ' . '. , , ' BLiAonio smBTTNOs nd . sniBTisas. ' Waasatta, , V:V j wight, . Lawrence,, v .Lonsdale, L great ValU,. Naunkeag, Hill, Welth am, Boett, " NewTettMnUtieVt,,.? i Pa laroi and iiutcr Aisom-tNT. ! ;(') V (.t.': 1. v.-i Jr- 0 3i; COTTON ADlB-a great variety. 4 0HB0K8 'r-'' doj. r ; wi'OcJ ..TaUJfi. TICKINGS all the leading brands. DBNIMB do. . - Je.- " .. BHIRTINQ SriUPES-ell the leading braadw f f NANKBIN8 - ; , , ta.. . A -4 Je --- CORPHT J1ANB do do. MORBBNS - . - do.' ;il..."' , ,v'io DAMA8-3, fiPIR CAMBRICS,, COLORSD CAM- LAROE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OP WHITE QQODS, -":V'v ,T .oe''nVjii-.''ii '1 : .-.n.JUtKSn, & t!' v:uM.,i-,, , s: ; ; ; ,v.:sj;i,,:.r.T-t jropow.';.-' : tJMBRELLAS AN?Aliw3V CABPBTS AND OIL-CLOTHS, And a treat variety of Goods aos enuMmted-4all f which we pledge eareelree to eell e the l.seset wsarvhsS prle the larger perUea at (res ID le 30 per eens. ass, uaa lassyear LATHROP,' LTJDINUTON ,& CO., .1 f tnan . 0 - '.04,') I Or ttTABBANTED EABKIO I . T T - ilaea hlilrt Boeoees . Flala and TeaCJ l ' - :f .UhlrUngaed Mnesea Linen ' . Linen Hheetinge and Flllo Ckstngs. 'i' ... . I , Ua Oe bricsand Lang Lawni S . ' , u SM,a.hurh. ell etaea A. X r - " . " Llneai ToweiUifS and BissMrrSk . . -.. n.Kwi UQ y VTIWfJiri un.i ,. .v ,. ir Line Table Oleuss aa4 He Ma ttemMke, H I 1 I ,.'U .lslaeTeweiewlihtorekdeie. ;rl )i:i 'M' , . i TFJe sale! tow .. .,, . ...i M J I. au VLI T. . .... !l!la, nr m BAIJt ek 80 t-' ...i.t . -eiB.w aouiJUaiiatiew ..... 1 ,3S ',! r'j VIE OHIO STATESMAN STEAM BOOK AND JOB , PRINTING ESTAJLitSBSffiNT . ..... , . -,- j r ' Earliif Increase Kg already , ; iJ EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, ' X fuUy preparerl to execute In the j .. . . ..." .7 MOST ELABORATE MANNER, 'ill : ' - AMD IS .. rr t TUB LATEST, STYLES, C i i t ?.X .3 oATAioatnts, . BBIXTS, . ; . . BILLS LATINO, tSILL MADS, , S kotis, i DRAFTS, 'I ' ' ' " I CHICKS, CISCCLARS, , PAMPHLETS, . . Lima bjass, LIOAL BLAMES, DRAT RI0EIPT8, , LABELS, OAXDS, INTILOPIS, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every description of LETTER kBE8S PBINTIrTO, v '. ' . ... . Iqnal to any IstebRshmetit la the Stele, end upon l terms which will compare favorably with the ' leading Eastern Printing Bouses. .'- 4 S. ;!.. ; - ; - . Harln Tory Facility to aid TJa t v IN TOT PRODVOnoif or CTeEGrANT POSTERS AND ' ' HIGHLY ILLUMINATED t , SHOW CABDS, " V offer our scrrioes to all who nay desire that clan ,,;....::. v - . ; rt i " " ' '. '- Of 1 ' ' ' V . A ' ' TTe tare eaBected with onr IsUMishment a ' r ! r , BLANK BOOK BINDERY, " ., ' ; From which we produce the -lxxoait XXIazxIs. Worli ( AND THI MOST I.- 1 V SBPEBB BAIL BOAS BLABI BOOKS. ' "" ! k -.' 1 - 'I -1 J;-;';' 7 'f 7. . . 7; i' OHR ESTABLISHMENT 1 : ' -i .i i " -i ' ' ' 4 j ' . . . . . , '.' ' ' I ailmitted lo be . V . . . ! - ,.-j,J- , ' . i: . ' '-a .'"..-. ', ' - ' V 1 ' 1 - c i fBS MOW -'(7 ' t 7S J'vi- it COllTLETE IN FACILITIES, 1 ii ') : . ; tt ' flr'fl v l : , .' ' .' ' 5 - -.. . 4 . iU.-j t . r. .: t . j . .i mi . : , ,x?JTirap W OBOAiriZATION .if )f.;.. .v- ' : . '. i;.'1 -., I ' t, . : ' i," I. , . , v , ! . ' City, and we may add, . ; . ; fill .-.'-' . - .1' i 'i 1'iTT t'o , . ,j, i. ii : !.'... .' i. , ( .( - . . ........... WE , WILL FAVORABLY COMPARE : - f-rf t:-re-;i( .ty r . ......, , ... . i Printing- itonae lo Weal. ''u ,?ti e i"il ;V. -!XMyw!rjs',3 ! ,e'. ,U'-"' ' y n;. -.rj BICHABD NSVOS, ! i j v u a ..'iffi.-t' VI i QentaIanenhirt Collars,'-; r 1 OF STJPESIOK QUALITY, IJ OAU. R0T. Bteadlnr, Vvron, Perslgnay, Benfrevr and other new shapes. Hstomed Pwiket Ilaudkerchlcfs. Neck Tiee, Btoekeiltieet and -evening C'oree, Half Hoee of every kind, Coder Oarments and all kinds of (tests' Fur BleUni Oeeds la great variety and at moderate priaeej. .... . ;. iri ".BAIN ft BON, .". feh98 ; t (To. 88 Boath Bleb soeeAii r L'A"n ft TiiitEA it Lack fiiti-rs ill of aie7r.t qaaliuee for Ladjer, else. ifiseM Mute TIlKli Dallv. per rear m S0 - In Weekly, per ear... ........, Weekly, peryeat s...s......... a uu 1 00 Procrastination.—"I Lost a Wife by it." New Tear's Day I returned home trom a South' en tnnr. and waa elttioE la BT room In the ere dIbk, writiug to some of my friends, when a fe male couslu of mine came in and laid a email handle on my table. It waa a suce oi weaaiog cake, done up rary neauy n "ug paper "Ah," said I, "what bare we here?" ".WMln rake." aald 001- ' ' , "Weddirg cake," aaldli "ageneroue slice, truly! ' Who of my frienda hare been ao foolish as to commit matrimony T And when did this meianoboly affair happen f "Christmas Eve," returned coz . "The card that eame with the cake will answer your first question;" and, giving me an area emiieee tae pointed to the oard, aha left the room. Indeed, mv old chum laerrledl ' said I to myself, as I took up the oard and read "Mr. audlMre. George Adams." "Qa, ha, ha! who'd bare thought George would bare committed such an act! 1 Afr. (? Jtfrs. OtargeAdamil Ha, ha! really I abould like to see the fellow, lust to bore him a bit. - Bat who is this lady? It can't be Mlae -,or Mies ; they were no favorites of his. " Let me think," continued I, taking out my peooil and pulling on a bit of paper the names pt our lemaie acquaintances. I went on with: "There's Ellen Rice can't be bar; Jane Greennor her; Mary Willis nor her;" until I had written down the names of about twenty girls, without satisfying myself as to tbe right one. "ao, men, Aaame is realty married !" said I to myself, I felt truly rejoiced that it waa so, and I could not help thinking how comfortable it would be to drop in of an even log with "my lady," for I had serious notions then of getting married as you shall hear by-and-by -end haying social times. I planned out how we would spend our evenings tocather in nleaeant Intercourse ' I determined that his lady and my lady should be the best of friends, ana Mrs. Aaame as a sieier to me, ana mv wife as a sister to him. In fact, such a pic ture of domestic happiness did I draw up so bright and glowing with all that is delightful did the future seem In a married state that I threw my paper one way, my pen another, jumped up, and prepared for a visit to Maria Bailey, to whom I meant to offer myself that very night, and get married as soon ae the law and the minister would let us. Having put on a clean dickey- it waa a cold night, and 1 was In a hurry i eai lied forth to vleit my Intended. - Maria lived at tbe north end of the town, with her mother, a widow lady. While on the way to tbe bouse, I will make the reader a little acquainted with Maria, and tbe relation In whlcb 1 etood to ber. I will not oraise her beauty although as beaut! f ul a creature as eye ever rested onneither will 1 speak of her amiable disposition, her accom plishments, CO., AO. J Maria and myself from childhood had known each other, and were pretty Intimate In our friendship. When I waa twenty-two years of age. I concluded to take a trip through the Statoa; and aa I bad been indieposed for some time back, with a loss ot appetite, no eleep, ete , I made thla my excuse "traveled for my health." When I made this declaration, there waa nothing like traveling for bealtb--overy-oodv recommended It. 8o I started, with the intention rf being absent a year or more. Traveling, I must say, agreed with me com pletely, for at the first stopping place I made ae hearty a meal aa any of my fellow passen gers; and when I stopped lor the night , I slept as sound as a toacn. 10 ten me iruw, i isign ed sickness only for an excuse to get away from borne. The real motive ot my departure was, my feelings toward Maria began to change; 1 always had a foolish longing to be Bear her, aad a singular feeling of regret when she was away from bone woen 1 caned to spend a social evening; and tben tbere was a peculiar sensation about my heart wnen 1 saw ner engaged closely In conversation with, any of my companions, or when she bestowed upon them a smile. " la loot I began to lee! ' something more than friendship to ward ber. I d,d not let her ,know tbe state of my mind, but laughed and frolioked with her the same as ever. My affection for her in creased daily. Not knowiu j, however, but that my lore might prove omy momentary, and wiahing to know if absence would wesr it off for it bad always been my determination that when I wedded, II should not only be a union of hands, but a union of hearts. I determined, without hinting the object of my journey to Maria, or even fiivlDB her tbw slightest reason to suspect the nature of my feelings toward ber to take the journey, and if time did not alter my heart when I returned, to offer myself to ber. i I went on my journey visited all noted places mingled In company as much as possi bletrifled with the lrdies In tbe fashionable way; still, though surrounded with boauty in every engaging lorm though flattered and ca ressedafter all, a thought of Maria caused a throb which cone of the lovely ones around me could create. Her Image kept fast bold on my heart, and wouldn't leave it. Finding, after an absence of six months, that the complaint which caused me to leave borne Inreased rather than diminished, I hastened my return, and arrived borne on the aforesaid first of January. When I reached Maria's place of abode and began to ascend the steps in front of the house, my bear! quailed a little. I began to grow faint-hearted, and to think in wbicn, manner I should "pop tbe question." I regretted.tbat I had not studied my part before 1 left home. I hesitated as I took, hold of the bell-rope my breath grew shorter, and my nerve shook. I was relinquishing my noia wan tne intention ot Ukina a abort stroll round tut sauare to think over what to say in faot, 1 got ball way down tbe step. tbinkln Lwouid put off my declara tion until another time when the thought of George and his wife and tne pleasant even Ings we should have together, fixed my waver Ina heart. So, with reuewed determination, I turned and ran op the steps, opened the door, and proceeded to tne parlor. , As food luok would have It. there sat Maria on the sofa, all alone, locking as bewitching aa an aogel. one Diusned aa sne arose and jovially extended her Band I gave It a hearty shake, and squeezed It you know bow, reader, I dare say. I was ftmost tempted to do violence by kissing it, but thinking it would seem sweeter after the trembling Yes had been said, I refrain ed. A - .. . ' 1 ' I - - .... -. I '. "Bow glad I am that you hare returned," aid she. "and how Improved you look!" ' 1 This was said is such a tone of affection that I began to con over an anawer, whioh would weaken tbe Ice, and .lve ber a bint of what was coming. . "Yee." I railed. "I feel wonderfully im proved; and It appear to me," I continued. "there la also an Improvement In your appear ance you .. , ; ,i i . i "But how were yon pleased with your Jour ney 1" Interrupting me, while a delicate flush passed .over her cheeks i "did yon not meet with some Boutnern oeauiy, wuo weaken your aearx frees jour native plaeeT". . -,.. ,, Here waa a fin ODeniae. "No, Maria, home is home, and ever dear. 1 must aenfesrJ, bowever, mat a was greatly pleased with the ladias of the South, yet, I saw none who would compare with the girls o( my own town. As for being weaned from home, my heart Is too strongly bound to the scenes of my birthplace, and to the friends of my childhood, to fear that. These affections, my dear Maria, that sling to (he heart, and will not forsake you, be joe where yon may, or your situation what It meyb ' 1 Her I stack for a moment'.'. Thinking (f I neglected to strike now I should never gather courage to speak again, I took hor willing hand, and, as the. moments were preoious tor I felt say courage ooslng away I commenced: " v "I feel truly happy In findlBg you alone this evening; I have something for your private ear. Yon will excuse Coy bluntness my Intention in calling on jou this evenlDgV Mies Maria Waa " ''' ' " "";''"';"-'. . The door at tils moment opened, and my friend Adams walked Into the room, I sprang . l"nr-' '; V '"rr, i,"; : up, and seising bis extended band, gave him a cordial graep, although from my heart I wished him anywhere else, at that moment, than whore be was. Alter we were seated, we began to talk on common topics. Bhortly after, I thank, ed bim for remembering me in the distribution ot me Dnaai cake. ,- , "Oh," said he, "that was wife's doings; you must think her for that." y . "Indeed, husband, I knew not of our friend's return until you told me of it." "Hueband! wife!". Gracious heavens! bad a thunderbolt fell at my feet at the moment, I should not have been more astonished than wben I beard those words. I started from my seat any brain reeled, and a sudden falntnees came orer me. 1 should have fallen, bad I not been eopported by Maria and George Mr. and Mrs Adams! -- "My dear friend, what Is the matter?" ex claimed both, ae I began to revive. , "Nothing nothing at all,': I replied, "only a touch ol my old complaint a diazineBet" As I revived, I added, "with your leave, I will retire." They urged me strongly to stay wore fearful that I might have a second atUok on the way nome, elo out in rain, wnen 1 etood in the entry, waiting to bid them good night. I trem bled like an aspen, and it was with the greatest difficulty 1 made out to utter, "Mrs. Adams good evening." It nearly choked me. When I cot home, and within my room, the Aral thing I did was to threw Maria's wedding cake Into the nre rroeting and all; and more over, I drove a large ten penny nail through tbe card into the bed-poet, and tben went to bed. I was confined to my chamber seven days with a fever, at the end of which time I got about again. I am now quit reconciled to my late, and can say "Mrs. Adams without bsrdly a stammer,. ;:.' Reader, the moral. If vou are In love, na inatantlyand offer yourself? Learn from this tbe danger of procrastination. How O'Connell Sold Mr. Russell, the Times' Man. The Mr. Russell who now represents the London Times here, is the same gentleman who waa sent by that journal to Ireland to report 0' Council's speeches.during tbe Repeal agitation. uneoi me nrst meetings the newspaper man attended was in Kerry. Haviog beard or O'Con neU' polite qualities, he thought he would ask that gentleman's permission to take a vetbatim aocount of the oration. The "Liberator" cot only consented, but, In his oiliest manner, in formed the assembled audience that "until that gintleman was provided with all wrltln' conve niences, he wouldn't spake a word," assuming an extra brogue, whioh was altogether unneces sary. Russell was delighted. The preparations began, and were completed; Russell was ready, Are you quite reaay s" asxea un. "Quite ready." "Now, are you sure you're entirely ready?" "I'm certain, sir. Yes." The orowd becoming excited and impatient. Dan said: "Now, 'ponmy conscience I won't begin the speech till tbe London gintleman is intirely ready." , . . After waiting another moment or so. O'Con neU advanced; ejesgliatened;.ears were all at tention; and tbe reportorial pencil arose. Dan gave one more benignant smile on the corres pondent, winked at the auditors, mnd emmtnetd hit ipttth i the Iriik Unguage, to the irreprees ible honor of the present editor of The Armv and Navy Gsaette, and to the infinite delight of ail erry. (ttusseii, although blmselt an Irish' man, did not understand tbe Irian language ) Fox, thi Patbiot Gadi.i One of Fox's duns was an Irish oabinet maker, with small means and a large family. This man's name waa Murphy, and he held Fox's note for what. to an Industrious and not wealthy tradesman, was a considerable Bum. , One day ha was ad mitted, by some blunder of a new footman, into Fox's presence. "You have come about that money, I gnppoee? It is wholly out of my pow er to pay now." ' ' . But Mr. Murnhv had read In tha mornlnT da- per that;Fox had just bad a great run of luck at tbe gaming-table In Brookes' Club. He knew bis man, and carefully adapted hla reply. "No, Mr. Fox, I do not expect my money, if you have not got It. But, I have presented this noto oi yours so ouen during tne last two years, that, being only on naner. I am afraid It will wear out. I just came round to ask you to renew it, upon pitchmtnt, which will bear a good deal of handling." Fox conld not help smiling, and said, "There's your money, yon rascal your wit has earned it." LsTTf a raoM Gioias FtiBoor, Esa The Boston Courier publishes a letter from George Peabody, Esq , the American banker In Lon don, in refereuce to our national crisis, in which beeaysi 1 "The anticipation of a bloody conflict between tbe North and tbe South has already destroyed confidence in tbe United States government stocks and many of the States securities, and millions bave, within a lew months, been sent home for a market in consequence. .. Ii is only oy concession on the part of the Northern States, and a compromise which would eeoure the best feelings ot tbe border State towards the North and West, that we can reinstate our credit abroad." Dsath or a Yati Collboi Paorcssoa Dr. Josiah WillardlGIbbSriProlenorof 8aored Liter ature in tbe Theological Department of Yale College, and a great celebrity in the world of Science, died at New Haven, on Monday, aged 71 years. He held a high raok among American scholars, not only lor learning and research in hla special department, but for bis thorough ac quaintance with general philology. He was the author ot a valuable-more w motiooary and many other minor work of great merit. Fur nearly forty years he has been connected with the Theological Seminary of Yale college '-' - ,." f am aiok of ontnloMf I am ernare in fine them my soul loathes their frothy food. Give ma solid, substantial rellrioo; alva me an hnm ble lover f God and man a men full of mercy and good fruits a man laying himself out In works of faith, the pltienoe of hope, tbe labor of love. Lt tor soul oe wiiq sucn ejnrietisns, wherMoever thev are. and hataovas nnlnlnna they may hold. " He that doeth the will of my Father in Heaven, the same is my brother and my sister, and my mother." JoA Wastry. ' ThS Cotton Caor, A late Southern taner Says: The Indications now are that the crop will naraiy ' reacn ,uuu,uw naies. me receipts at the shipping ports laat week were only 100,000 bales, against 147,000 In tbe corresponding week laat year. Tbe aggregate receipts np to the latest mail dates were 3,015,000 bales, against 3,711,000 at the asm time laat year, being a decrease of 696,009 bales fromlat year, and or nnnh.taa r ift.w. - ? -j. . w : - 'NxaTtrDowx "IwllI bet yon a bottle of wine thai yon win descend from mat chair be fore I ask vou twice." -"Done." said the Gen tleman, who Seemed determined not to obey the summons jso ooeaientiy. "uomsaown." ',1 will not." was the reel v." ' "Then stay no till I ask yon a second time." The gentleman, having no desire to retain hla Doeltlon until that period, eame down from the chair, and bis op ponent won me wager. D In notloing the Improvements of ths age, an exchange says, two ceuturiee ago not one In one hundred' wore stockings. ' Fltry year ago no a noy in a iconsena was allowed tt run at large at night., Fifty years ago not one girt In a toousana made a rraitlng-mald or ber mother. Wonderful Improvements la this wonderful 1 A Fanct Nam roa tb Sooruian Rcrostlo Some writer has suggested that the new Southern Confederacy be called "The Panola Republic. Panola Is' the Indian nam for Cotton, and would be tbe most appropriate title by which the young Republic could b design a. ted. II would touch alike the feelings and tbe pria oi id poopie wno live in tbe Cotton b. , . , 7 fl GREAT SLAUGHTER! ' ,: " !in DRY GOODS : ' I.1 . KHAPP & CCS . NEW STORE. From and after thU data wo ehall REDUCE THE FRIGE ' ' OF OOR WINTER GOODS TWENTY FIVE PER CENT, IN OftBia TO HAKt 1O0M VOX OU SPRING STOCK. laWISTHBTIMBTOBUY Our assortment is still good, and it i3 known to every one that our STOCK CONSISTS OF FIRST GLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, 80 DO NOT . FORGET THE CHEAP STORE Or' KNAPP & CO., NO. 119 SOUTH HIGH STREET, OOXaXJlVIIBUQ, oiiio. ft Tonsst realhera and so Ton l Hags Wanted. Ott35-S.twd-ser.w-Cm . WEEKLY OHIO WjESMAN. HATING a circulation LABQEB BY 8BYBB1L THOUSANDS Than any other paper in Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertis'ii.? '". "Which CANNOT FAIL to bring Speedy and Hemnneratlw Return To those who take advantage of thens. . TIIK WKKKLY STATESMAN, Distributed aa it Is through every Post Office In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage Is valuable, and who seldom see the bally Editions of city Journal,; and as only A Limited Number of Advertisements An Inserted In Ita columns, apnopriately and HANDSOMELY WUVEW 7, TBrT ctKKOT ran TO Attract Attention or ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS AdrertTslng t the WK8KLT BTATBBMAlfwtn 8a - It advaatagoos la THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost oertajn to follow an extensive diseemte j atlon knowledge of their business AHOSG COUNTRY DEALERS ! ADYIRT1SKMBNT8 INTENDED TOR The Weekly Statesman ' Should be handed in before) friday noon. T88ASURT DEPARTMENT 01 0HIO.I CoLcaeus, March 18, IMil.J SA LB 07 OHIO STATE STOCKS. . TIiehH WIIX BE BOLD AT MJB He auction, on Saturday, March 3uth, at eleven o' clock A. M at the office of the Treasurer of State, two tBoaseira collars oi tee vends oi the State of Ohio, draw ins interest at tne rat oi sis per sent, per an nua, and payable semi annually In the City ot New Torn, and the principal redeemable at the pleasuraof tbe Bute." Th,se Honda were deposited wllh the Treasurer of the State of Ohio for the purpose or eecuriog tbe circulation of the Savings Bank of Cincinnail, and they me to be sold for the purpose of redeeming the same. marehlfcdIO a. P. STONE, Trta. A CHANGE. TT AWING, ON THK 9th IIS ST., fTJH . wiwsiiu va as. a, -f aa w js n Ul fQMrf I1O0I OI VTf ioodft,at No. 103 Hlh Bt., with tho vttw of ehaniti-c m IsMMtlnn. 1 will a-II sst.UI Ika t a is Tr. -...SW-.B lllllll-HIIIU viiirii WW at retorTO, f , 7 AT COST FOR CASU1 . Taney Dress Silks, Fringes, Buttons, T'rinimtnga, e'. Also Jlfured Herlnos, De Lalnes, Shawia and Cloaks,, ii . Eegardlea ef Cost! 88Mlsa ' . - , P. t. T00.-'' , xrxrnTJ-iJKroia. A GENT FOH H01E,C01JTI18ENTAl. Niw Venat tisaiii.nTs' and Orrt lias or UaaTroa sw load unin voww. mnTeai, bin. ' WHIce, 81 Hlg, SU, aawaar Ml 7 . Alexandre's Kid Gloves, ' 7 TJIjAI- A8DEHIBROIDEREII. mora. JL QUIT AIRE aad resular Shane Black Kid !)!,. ennroraerwa in wniie, mseesia, purp!, ate. Undressed- u I . . uiu. M ... f. ... envwrn. Jk complete SSSOrtSBeill m wcoeceicDTSiee vioves always lor sale by j; . , '' . BAIH h SON, ftWW ' - " ' No. 88 South Hlh street. Canton Hatting J4. t-4. While aaa Heel an4 White Checked o(aVerler quality. rorealebv UAIH a SUM, Me.8lMtb High eti WORCESTER'S ' EOYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY-! The Lateit The L.r?it-Thi Seat. , The Cheapest Bocsuie the Best. 1 " "The Bloat Bellable ktandarel "aw-- ' tltoi-lty- ! the Eagllab l.aag-rtage. ' ' ' , . . Bim Hundred Sntftunt E&veatort of Ohio, "IIIS : BEST INOLISn DI0T1ONART IXTANT." , ;' .' i : lUtrarf Vm JtotryvAtrt, , . 'He are apwards of a ITnndred Thoanmd Words, " , --n- wiewiner 1 with thei , correct spelling, aad pronunciation are clearly ;. 1 CtftPtnttati Ommtnslal, Beadi1ItcUtont cf IM Ifmbtrt of iht OMo State . , Ttachff't Annotation. . ., The nnderslgne., members of the Ohle Stale Teachers' Aseoeiatlo.i. iaopt and aim to use In leaching, writing " and speatintt, the orthography aad pronunciation of Worcester's Uoal Quarto biotionary, and we most cor dially reonmmend It as the most reliable standard au thority of the Bngllsh language, as It Is now written sod " ' spoken. . . l Loam Airnaaws, President Kenyon Oollere. '' ' M. D. l.isurrr, haperintendent Zsneevtlle School). Thos. W. IUrviy. Bup't Hassilon Union Bchtela. M. W. Oowdmt, Bup't Public Schools, Sandusky. . Jnnn Lvaun, Bup't Puhllo Schools, CircleTilie. ' 8. N. BmroRO, Principal Cleveland female Bemidn- War. Mrrrosu. Snp't Public Prkools, ML TJnlen. ' . Jou Oodsk, Principal fetats Nonuar School, Minne sota. . Ovacs Nasoa, Principal Ponrth Intermedials School. Cincinnati. H. 8. Motik, Bup't Canton Union Schools. ' ' X Eotvia Him.L, Prlocipnl KcNeely Nnioal Kchool. Kii T. Tama, Prof. Malhematics, Ohio University. Wm. W. Kdw.rm, Bup't Troy Union School. - A. 0. Uorams, Prluciial West High School, Cleve land. . ,- B. A. NoaTox, Associate Principal High SihoolpDlevo land , t ' TnaODoaa Btsrlwo, Principal High School, Cleve-' , land. R. f . IIohistoii, Principal Cleveland Imtllnle. I. A. O.arin.0, President ot Klectic Iaeiitu e. Hi ram. W. I IIiRais, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Wcslryan University. II. II. lURNrr, Zx-Commlrslonerof Common Echools, Ohio. , J.Kis UoxaoE, Prof. Rhetorle, Ole)rlln College. Thos. Hill, President Aulloch College. 0. W. II. C.ukjart, Prof. Alalhematlcs, High -School, Dvlon. B. C. CaunBition, Prof. Lingus;e, IHgh School. Dayton. - - H. M. Biasaa, Bup't Union Bchools, Ashlar d. Itor than Sim Dundrtd Othw PrtntdtnH f CnfU. gt; 1'roftuort, Author and XUtimovlied Juca- ' tori, har tndornd iht abou itntlvittU. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO MtRiSTTi Coixioa "It Is truly a magnificent work, an honor to the author, tie publishers, and the whole country." President Andrews. Onto Wbutis Cmvusrrv.-" It exceeds my expecU tloae. It will he my guide lo orthography and pronun ciation, and will often be eons'ilted byme (or Ita neat and accurate deOnitions." Presljent Thompson. W. R. tcLicrric Cotxtos. "Heretofore we harooK.1 Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting of our was decided to ehante It to conform to that of Worcester's Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Oarfleld. , WawriR Rxmvs Col nor. "I find it worthy if cordial approbation." President Uitcbeoek. Oaotux Colliob. "It more than meets my expeeta- '. lions. I recommend It as the stand. rd authority in orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President morgan. Armncu CoLUtsR. "I adopt and aim to nse In teach ing, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronuu. eiatton ot Worcester's Jioyat Quarto Dictionary. ' . President Dill. "In all my writing, speaking. and teaching, I have eo dearored to conform to the rales for ortKgra;hy and pmnanoiallonas contained in Worcester's Dictionary." T Horace aluiu, late President. EimroR Collsos. O.msisr. I most cordially rrenm mond It aa the moat relitble standard auihority of the English language as It la now written aotl spi'ken " -President Andieee. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO From Rev. Anton Smyth, CammlttUmmr of Ommon OAooU fit Ohio. "The Dictionary Is an imperishable monument to the learning and lodustry of lis author, and ao honor to the ' World of letters. The mechanical execution Is far supe rior to Ihat of ane other lalnnn lih a.M..h f .... quainted." From Hon. IT II. Barnry. Xt CommUtloarr nf &U Ohio. ' . "The nnit mlll,u 1 1. - , - .-.W'l I .J v. w ij. , goago." wn at Tire Leadina; Newspapers of Ohio Say. . From (Ae Clovtland Herald of iljreh 28. Wm .Via V.M..I. T , . i . .... .... t.u.vm;k iv. I lull. I J I. I.'. astd by most, If not all. authors ol distinrtion In this country and England, and-fonfoims to the general usage ' V. wiMiumrj wruor, sou SfiveKerB. Whatever nreiudicee mar have fwi.ivA nr..:.n.i. . careful itndy of this volume will Invariah'y be followed by a warm appreciation of l's groat merits, and a desire ' to add It to the well selected library, be it large or small. Tllaallhrar InltMl, .nr, ..II ... . l r . . --.,. m aiuvcn.n. ble record of the learning of Its compiler. trom ths aiictnnatl Commtrcial of April 90, Tlr.MI nf . Lh.j-j il... i . bad and indifferent whose multifarious meanings and derivations, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye The work le nnnne.tinn.hle th. ir.l.-.t Thu.. ...... ... e i- ster published. From the Cleveland Plalndealer of Sept. 90, 1HJ0. VvLlpntlw Wrtlf.i i ' A .. . . . ,. Z i .7 i .1.1 I""" iranimsi is fitol y (Ae but, but Me ini work, of the t,nd ootr if v j Mv kwm,vi'vj euuer d emparieon or controversy. ' From the Tbleio Blade of May 89. Aa tA MAmim,M Wa p. .- m - ..w-, i n OTaeo.RD. . followed by our best authors; In definitions he leaves wi.nin,,iBa in UKTnusa.niTU Is suoictent to say that AVorcistir can be safety followed. . .. INGIIAffl c BUAOO, Pablla-ar, Baakeellore tc 8iatiaers, . U. IWt BUrfiKIOR ST., CLETBLAN 8, OHIO, mat 9 Cure Cough. Cold, Hoanmeet, Jnfi. enea.anylrUatlon orSormeeaf Me -. T JhrottL RtUev the Martina ovh ea Cbesij"17rm, Bronheitie, Aetlue ma, and Catarrh, Clear and give r ttrenffth to the roire of . . Pbllaj .PCAKGHSi -v and RliMutiiM. Pew ars aware of the Importance of check Inr a ConeV or "Common Cold" lu its first scape; that which In lire ' beginning would yield to a mild remedy. If neglected, soon attacks the lungs. "Jiwn'i Bronehial Trochee,'' ' eonUining demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmcnary and nroocniai irniauon BROWN'S I "That trouhla In my Throat, (tor which the 'Iroohee' are specltel harlne Hd. "i TROCHEBiolten a mere whisperer." ; - ... It.' P. WILLIS. " I recommend tt.elr nse le Pnmto graaa-1 BROWN'S TEOOHES ' ' 8T- k. cnam. ' "nave proved extremely serviceable lor . HoaRsrxrm." ' BROWN'S REV. HENRY WARS (EEC III R. I ' rT "Almost Instant relief In the distressing t , labor of breathing peculiar toAnmui." . - REV. A. 0. ROai.STON.' ' i TROCHES BROWN'S "Contain no Opium or ant-thing inlurl IS." DR. A A. HAYSS, 5"'"'' ,,. , m Chemlet, Bottom. -'y "A simple and nleasant combination rn TROCHES BROWN'S Couoiis, e.": . - .. .'t.fal TROCHES DR. O. I, BIOELOW, .v,,( Bottom. ' "Beceuetal in BacxcHtTre., I j- H , 1R. J. f.W.LANI. , , ,' ' ' Aeefoa! '' "I have pmved tbemexralk-Bt fn, U u .. BROWN'S CROOnRS BROWN'S ixoCocon." ' RRy. H.W. WARREN. . , , J "i Bottom. Ui H8eneuctal when eoanalled to ' TROOHEB V BROWN'S feting from Coin." . j t - - stBV. B. F. J. ANDRRJOf, , "BiracmaLln rrmn-rinr Tfni.n.. nit TROCHES BROWN'S Irritation of ths Thr at, to comaou wlh-', eruxatis aad tootat." ' TIOCHR; Prof. srAOT JOHNB0N ' ,', , La tfrunye, 6a., ; -' e Teaefwof Alaeir. Koather T r: .:. ! .)' rfOiHe. ..lfS..0 'Greet benefit when taken before and after . preaehiag, as they prevent Hoarseneta. from tkelrpeeteareot, I think they will be ef per- Buoent advantage to me." .. ,,,t. BROWN'S TROCHE! B&OWR'B .. t TROCHES BROWN'SJ . -P-aldentoi Ae Oo'llrg Tean, f TROOHEK ICrgoia hf all Drayitsls at TWENTY-1 .1 , , flVB CSNIS A bOXJJl , ROBERTS A SAkCBh. . u. Droettats, M Iforth Hlh street 8. K. SAMUaLa 00.. , US South High street, Colnabos,0 ' mar7-oeodlm .... vJ ' " .:koticsi l: , . , . rare 8ijbcbiei tn HRHineti op ' closing op his old business at euee, and hopes that ail person, having unsettled aooounta on his hooka will give litem immediate atteattoa. , . now RAIN, ,