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NOW READY. THE REVISED STATUTES w Of TBI I tjSL'Sjn of omo of AQKSKSAL N ATUBB. TN P0RO1 A Ufr. 1, 1W0. Hon. I. "Joseph ''It." Swan, with notes or tjis dzojsioxs or TJa&U- i . JUUlf OQVRT, f r . , , (Contained la twenty-wlne volumes of fit Ohio tad Ohio -State Reports.) . f ' 'ft AND MIIRENOKB 10 PRIOR LAW 'J. BY LEArlEnj.CUITHIFEL,ESl, AIR 4 MIX lD OTNVtJIIIItT IHDU. Ia Two Roval 8roi ,Vulmnwi,:PciQe tlO 00, No ear or expense bu been spsrej to make th work prfeotsrfnllalmHrnpel. - It bu now the Legislative sanation, having been ap proved by nearly mo unauimou tow oi noin uuuar, uul wm ordered to bt distributed to Iht following Rut mA C.nnntV afBceral Governor. Attorney General, Supreme Judge. Beere- try, 0-mptroiir, Treasurer to Aiwitor ut raw to lb Probate Courts, Court of Oommon Fleu, Super ior ul Police Courts, Auditor, end tb Clerk of th Terlou Ooutm tn aeh (aunty, to Uio Membenof the Heoat ut Uouee at stepisjeeeiteUvee of ihls Bute, and totovernoriofthenwral State of th Union. Thl boob, antalnrnfr, a It do, all of tho B'"" BOW la force, and the aotnorliativ construction . and of tho New Constitution, win no louna 10 n piv-. ly netful In the psrformano or toeir amies, w COUSTT OFPI0KR8, ... , ,. . JU3TIflJA Of THI PBAOB', TOWNCnrPTBUHTgRS, " -- CLIRKS Of TOWNSTIITS, tnd " cirr opmcirs. . t Intsmucta u vry aur change haTtbton mad In the Statutes since the punieatioo oi too law ouitions. vj rm .ihiMiioni and addition, asd many Important de cisions have been fir en by tho Supreme Court on eon- troyertrit point all ATTORNEYS AT T.AW, ' inn n'mtuvM VIvntNIRAUT. Will find this an Inyalnabl Work. Two Royal 8e; Tolumtt of over Strut ten Bundrti ,r ragea, ' ,. In Stronf law Eluding, rite $10.00. Published by ROBERT CUBEB( C OO Law Publishers, Booksellers; Stationers and Importer! -. No. fi5 West Pourth street, , M1B:d3a:li . 7 :- Cincinnati. 0, HMKTPZRTTT UTILES, ruUishors OKU. W. ItlANYl-EHflte Eailrt .;; COIiTTMBTJB. OHIO. 'rrv a n rrrr.vnrVTX TO IXSUMT lySEIt tJOjr. ttumldl landed in ly TVELTB O'l'lOCX on A day of publication . -. MONDAY EVENING AFRIL 1, 18C1.-. CTH eemt that the Administration, betore finally determining npon the evacuation of Fort Sumter,- has been waiting the action of the South Carolina Convention upon a proposition to out off M-iJor Andisson's supplies. This, we suppose, is a specimen of Old Abe's baeUont IT The Journal admonishes the editor the Newark ATorlA Americin, to forbear express log any opinion as to what the policy of the Ad ministration should be toward the South, "uaiii Lincoln policy it made public btfore ft quiring Uio be out thing or tht other."- By reoelving the admonition of the Journal, its- cotemportriee may be either "pig or puppy," as the case re quires; and hence, the importance of tho-ad mo nition of tho Journal. When will Mr. Lin coln make bis "policy" public will the Jeur- nl Inform ns f .. , . . UTThere is to be 'no eoaxing or compelling the Seceders," says the Washington correspond ueot of the Cincinnati Commercial. Is there be any coaxjng of the Slave States that have . uot yet secede!? On this point, the Adminis tration aodLlts organ are as silent a the grave. But the country demands an answer, and will not rest until one I given in direct and unequir ocat Icrtnc, or the Administration is hurled from power.' ' ' .,' - IT. I be Journal is sorry to see some Kcpub liCin papers exhibit an unkind fcelio toward CiSL Scnrsz. ' The reason it assigns for Its re . gret is that Scbvrz "reprosents a Luge clement of our (the Republican) party, which wfl'(tbey) are eager to recognise in all political canvasses and which give backbone, courage aid direct ness to our (their) purposes, where they would otherwise be very often wsntlng " That I frank admission. It want Scbdsz promoted a foreign mission, not because of his qa&H fixations or the peculiar fitness of hls ap- pointment, but because, be is useful, to party, and is the. representative, of an ele ment in the organisation, holding the most intense antl slavery, disunion sentiments. That Is why the Journal It sorry to see some Repub lics papers speak unkindly of Schdkz. He backbone, and ia . ready to enconrtge and pio- mote the John BaowfiiTis in ail their malevo lent and wicked designs. He and bia sqnad lawless men for be represent an element op posed to all law and all religion answer "purposes" (he Republican party hare in view and therefore the Journal it anxions that hall participate in -all the honors and emol nmcnta which Mr. Liucdlw hat to bestow, since they have "merit" ot the highest character I The Two Disunion Governments. . S- - -if""- . The people tcareely seem to realize the laot there are, existing at this moment in this try, two aeparate and Independent Governments or Confederacies. Such is the case, neverthe less. The one Government, that atWashington i legitimate under the Constitution of the Uni ted States; the other, that at 'Montgomery, Illegitimate, unrecognized by that Constitution bat existiug, not of right, but is fct merely,. The object of the latter is to divide and dis member tb Federal Union 'heretofore existing,' and establish a tepwatt and Independent Con federacy, competed of as many State as will nolte for thai purpose.' Its . essential and avowed element it Disunion.' Is seek to sever th bond heretofore existing between the States; and nullify tht eoropaot originally entered Into by the old Thirteen States, and acceded to th Statet sine admitted Info the Union. This then, ia both a disunion and revolutionary Gov ernment. 1 Similar in cbaraoter it the Federal Govern ment now' administered at Washington. It formally entitled to respect and obedience at constitutional and legal Government. Bnt nothing more. For while it has ths) oonsittU' tlooal power and the legal Authority to exercise the functions of ' Government, It is In practice tending is the tame direction, towards Disunion and Revolution ae th Government of the 10 u. n r. i.. a..-. '. That tht I , no maw who look calmly at its present altitude cn doubt. It declines mak ing any compromise "of concession by which the acceded Stale can be restored to, or the Border Slave State retained in the Uclon. " It it gradually yielding to the Confederate Statet, and prepariog t hi l way for formal, final recog nition of their independence. ' It Is graiually ueoomicg aunounoed at iw avowed policy, which announcement it suffer to pass oncauiridleted, that it object is peace that it will cot rein force th forts In the extreme South, bnt rather surrender thsm than risk collision, and that it will not attempt to colleot th revenue in any States offering n organiicd resistances Thiw, tne Administration at Wasbingtoo, with its re- funl to littcb to any term of compromise, asd l's fpnaca palicw,.M li rrjijioUng th oaus of 6 DlBUuioniat end RevolutlonUt. who ar Icittiog the destrunilon of the Union, both, In the North u4 the Bouth.' . 4 s ' 5. Bat the Dinunlon moremeot, which the Repub IIoao AdaIuUtrUci U ptomotkig, UI not (top with the diamemberment of the Cotton State. The Border SUe Statet will not be latltfled to remain In the Uulon with the foarful oddi that will be ag&jnat them, when the Cotton State are cat olf, ualee tom reaeonable guarantee are granted them that thel right will be re stated by the Free State majority. If the Ad ministration ihall still refuse, as It Is likely to do, to yield these guarantees, and should it be sustained In that relusal by a majority or me people In the Northern States, the Border Stare States will, on after toother, secede from the Union, and then other Western States may be expeoted to ioiiow tneir example, until me vwv ed States, as it existed six months ago, shall be CompleWlr disintegrated and broken op. The momentous question before the Ameri can people is Shall these Government recently inaugurated at Washington and Montgomery be allowed to pursue their Insane and revoln tionary conrso, and, conspiring together, over brow the Uinon, the liberty and'prosperlty of the country? This result Is fast coming upon us. and It lies npon the Untoa and conservative men to say whether It shall be realized or arrested before it is too late. Their power should be con oentrated at onee to put down all Disnnionlsts North and South, ' Etst an West no matter what character or name they sail under. The London Times on the Morrill Tariff. of to a to the hat of the tbey Self-lnterest is likely to prove more powerful amonn the Entlish ' Abolitionists, than ' the promptings of conscience on a question or prin oiple. In discussing the Morrill Tariff, the London Tim ft, of the 13th of March, tsys: 1 W may be said to b already In ponetalon of the flnt frail of lb American ititruptlon. Th Hcemlon of lo many men of th two House of Oonsren bai conferred upon tb norm an nnaiepaa mnjorHy lor tuc ri They bar not btn (low to avail Iboimelv t lb ut moet of thlaadrantar. imj hti rani,aonnino anoreeUbl toward healinx th wonnd of their dl tracted country. 1 bej hat taken no decided meaenr itber 01 oootlltlon or coercion. The South baa tea allowed tovtaWr It preparaUsna, taeeii us reaerni inmli and foru. ar.d to ornanlz a new Oovernaent, without eves an Intelligent pro't I rum the Legislator t Washington. There wa much ezen for th!. Tb period between tb election of th new Preel t ud tho anrrender of ofBc br the old. ia a tort 01 inrrronm, in which It may be ld alt legUlatlv and (xecuiiT aoiirlty Is paralyied. But, thongh unable to do anyth uf for the cam or in union, 11. KnM anil tho CouKithve employed lh Intermnnm to (trik a iccond blow at tb comma re, th nuance, and th maul oroinarlii of th eouotry. Infinitely more fatal than any attraction ot territory or diminution population. They employed lb but week of probably the butaeaiion of tb but Cont-re of th United Bute of America la oodoinf all the progro'M that bu been made In th dtraottou rl Vre trauorand Inmaoaellng Ihelr country once more In the fetter of a protectma amounting to prohibition, we rear mat loe 0111 oaaai ruv rMtTen tue aijeni or in rmiaeni, ana uis w th present moment the twenty mlllione of eiporU which Enir and aent lait year to tb Coiled Btatts hate, a far laweand reynlntionacan effect It, been virtually ex cluded. If American with to know With what tllna thl mtaiure baa been rejardea in injiana, tnry uito only to I urn to th Trade Keporis ol th Timtt, and their curloattr will be gratified. That, w Sod from nimlnihun that a hanlwar and cntlerv trad of 3 boil, 000 it looked opou aa wortlilea. South gtaffordahin l In dismay. 77w eonduet of Uongrtut on tk Tarlf bill ka4 much ckangnt IK4 tone or pHMta jttttnq wiut lCnnaa Inthn UccMlMlttl. and Mori A , Ml thott tehott mmpatAitt art with th Northern ataUt, atttmji . - . I . t.-l JL Jm Via. trtn hat imrtued " In iUochestar th proposed la . . . . . I - .l. TT . . . J U -1 ereai 01 ouiies on cotton goousm uio unncu oiuiing great atteotion. In Newcastle It I con sidered tnat It will n lmpoeiioio to uo uuaiccsa wiui the United Btate on th terms act out In th tarltr, while tb basinet with th Southern states 1 dt eribed a satisfactory. In Bhefneld considerable appre benaion la lait aa . to tb effect of th new tariff on th tul trade. In Wolrerbampton the anticipation that tn tariff hav become law darkens th already gloomy nrosDect of the iron trad. When It is remembered that all this 111 will and disruption of international lie and ympathie. which wen becoming clower every day, and which America never netded more than now. Is to be ef fected for a better object than that of protracting th sickly existence of an artificial mannfaetnring system, raised nnd matured it tb expense of tb shipping and trade of lb country, and by Uvylng an odious tribute from all classes not concerned in manufactures, m can not but wonder at tht madntto of demooraef and itt utter inability to apprthtnd and retain the most obvl one principle of economical teiene. Protection was quite aa much a cause of the disruption of th Union Slavery. In that rasped It baa don IM wont, but it I destined. If we mite not, to be tb fruitful mother other disruptions. Vfkat intentt have tk great agri cultural Western State, for intanet in being mad trlbvctarlttto th ironmattert of Ptnneyltania or tht ootton-tplnnert ofloweltt They will dtetre, at iht South have deeired, a direct trade vith Zealand, and the oecuUar volition of Canada, with ittjaotmiet communication by lait, river and railway, will thow them th rtadieet meant of obtaining direct trade by afreth teparationpottibly by an amalgamation with our own coloniet. ;: - 'ihse topic r so obvious that w forbear lo Insist upon them, but w beg to point out, for th comfort our own countrymen and tb warning ot th Govern ment of th United Btate, that hi attempting to x clude at on blow twenty million ot exports from their territory, they bare undertaken a last quite be yond their power. Tbey may, Indeed, destroy their own iCnttoms' revtnu I tbey may gir additional tnnglh to tbote vested Interest which claim a pre nripuve right to llv on th vitals ot th eommunlty; tbey may ruin th shipping and cripple th commerce of th town on th Atlantto seaboard, bat they cannot prevent Snglisn manufacturen from permeating the r. ' A tlaoce United Btate from on end to th other. - mo map u sumcieni to snow mis. Tne eonthern Con federacy will, of course, desire no better than to make Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, and New Orleans, depot of Knglish manufactures, to be- tmusgled scross ; to long and Imperceptible frontier whlob separate them from th United Btatesv May, It ui quit possible that tb great city of New York may prefer to declare Itself a fre part, and tobaooms tb depot of an enormous Illicit traffic, ntber than set its wharf rotting, It (treat deserted, and It harbor empty, becaoa a suicidal fully his drlyea aomsMiM th Interior harbors of th Bouth. Tb Indented of th northern state sir ampl opportunity for smua line and. what Is still mora important, th frontier he tweon Canada and th Union ia virtually traced by tb stream of tosBt. Lawrence ant lb eontnof the greet Lake Ontario, trie and Huron. It Is a region which mignt nav neen createa ror in express purpos of pun ishing tb presumptuous folly ot seekinf to erect th barrier of Prohibition between nation which ban long exjeyed the n,nlual benefits of commercial intercoirse. Tbe smuggler will redress th errors of ths statesman, he has so often don before. Th change may occasion delay, lot and tnconyenienoe; bnt th stream Is mighty to be choked, and no sooner will tb old channel bav teen stopped than t new on will b forced, j 1 The Election of Senator. 1s . by is a to , , ....... ... .... . . r " Tbe Mic-a cheek Pttti the most far-eeelng and astute Ropubllcin preis lo , Ohio, thus speaks of tbe election of John SHiRXaN and antagonisms in tht Republican party'ltf Ohio were it t men (election from amenr on. we sbnnM ear utile ror toe resait. xra, air. nnsnnan baa (ten less serrlcs than B tan ton or Delano, I lew popular than Bcbenck, and is Inferior in Intellect to any of tbem. In this day of small thine in tb political world, ws were aosuru so quarrel owevsuenn owe. - Th selection bu other slgnifloane than this. W have often spoken of the dieferen in feeling btwea nortnern ana noutnern nepoDiioanum. - Tbss Is a differ, no in feeling, and not tn opiolon. and mat be atataa a few word. A Northern Republican la one from a love or in negro; a eoutnern nepuDiican hate tb master, Th Ant differ very little from Abolitionism, rare in regard for Constitutional guarantee. Th laatdien elinhtly from Demociacy, sav in its individnai indw- peeaeocv. Thi difference Is feeling hat produced a div Islet be tween the North and Bonth of Ohio, A politician on the atump in Northern Ohio ojmnence bv urot ini- that ha aa Abolitionist. At the Sou'h he labor earneatle prow that he Is aot. . And in both Instances be alms please bis audience. Ibis difference ha widened until the antagonism promises to b bitter as was ewer that h.. iwoea Wbinaod Demaeestet - Th err i the Scntt, been thai tbey wen being aholitisBised; at the North, that they worn fallinc late th hand ef weak-bn.i serratiam. ., ..- ',.. 1 .. .. - Bo far th bnt-gospeler have hsd tbe advantsg. Terr bereLts. Of e asrqusci we hare the aeunnta. n ! 1 J wra Bm.w ,ww U..I nm niva WtU IM,,... btttexd. When Mr. Chaae waa th Cabipet, we oeo aw npponuuuj to urn np, in some meeann, this tn hippy eootrorer-y. The Bouth asked very reasonably that they should have the renmtor. For tbe Bret tire this Winter the catteui nn!ntA tn entire stepuuiicaa party or Ohio. Tbree meetings wen held, and ever firry ballots hsd. " It all resulted the nomination of Ms iohn J 11 er man, the candidate Bot-goepelera and tb reprtnlatiT of Northern Heouh- lisatiisra. WeJIare aow lb two Snslors rrwresentlng tna, wing. r m ui omrij erery DtawenteetlBta irom tnateiass; and we nave lor in last tin a united party. Let the blame (all Wbon it properly be loots. The hot- goep-len wer begged plead with, entreated, and all si effeot. Hesrs. Bchenck, Btantoo, Delano, CorwJa,- norien, swing, ana an leaamg men or in Boutn, Wen prooouncea unsoana not repreeentatiT men fend entered at end abeeed. Tbey forgot, if tbey ever knew. that lb so called unsnsuid men represented thoaaanila of nnaound Totem aed however ebaexloae after an election, ore procioue before. . . ., , . - , . r a hot-gwpeler has no sense but bull sense. iTetinlahla head down aod hl tall np, and move on retard leas of consequence. To expect anything rosso Dalile from him I to txpeet impossibilities Messn. bebeock. Btaoton, Dclane, ilorton, Corwin and (wing hav received legal nuiiceioquit. iiiry yrwavy win accept, ana govern uKnwi.n wrcwnjiHH We hare brie fly gireu th OUtsId view of tbll ontmre. We have some fact eormcted With Its Aaarat history w propose hreafterp tead log befon our readers. Ig the Manwbtlawe sha l watert th contest the hot-gnsneler rrotm carrying on for theoioelre. With eontterable nieresi. now t ner sn 11 euutna roar, ana snk th. Sveie?TMK Sectionalism of the Republican Administration. Nsw England hat eleven ohairmeo of the Committee ot the Senate. Every New Eng land Senator, with one exception, It chairman Of a Senate Committee. New England hat the Vloe President, and a Cabinet JUIulstsi. Nw England baa the Minister (0 England, the Min ister to' Italy, the Minister to Austria, the Mini tar to Belgium, and the Consul to London. New England has been preferred to other toetloni of the Union in smaller matter tod numsrons to mention., . ti , .:... ... 1 a Not a lingle appointment baa been made in or from the Border Slave Statet acceptable to those States. The Administration of the Govern ment Is as completely sectional a jt It possible to make it. Toe Republicans hare hitherto complained that an undue proportion of tht Fed eral offloes have been filled from, the South. We now tee how they hare filled tbem la the first few weeks that they bar been in power. Still they declare that they are friendly to tht South. The country will duly appreciate such professions of friendship, when followed by such a praotlew. "" i ' . : -j 1 ; " ! About the Way Uncle Sam is Fleeced. - A humorous Individual writes a letter from Waahlnotnn tn the, Naahwilla Patriot, in which be shows up the economy 01 the rederai uov ernment in tne roiiowioe stvlei Toe way tbe uovernment gets it worst none is curious. At an illustration, von and your family meet la the convention of tht whole, and adoDt a resolution autborizlnz the construction 01 a hen-coop in your dick jara. ion at once appoint me superintendent of the work, putting a thousand or two or dollars in tne Dana lor rae to check on.' 1 get yon to tppolnt my brother- in-law cnier engineer ' I appoint two or my brothers assistant toper lntendcnts, and . my brother-in-law appoints two of bis brothers assistant engineers ail at your expense." We buy ut escb a last horse and bueev. and ride around town, arioa coci-iaua and play billiards, until tbe bank deposit gives out, when we mske out a printed report of sev entv.three usees. fnrnlstinlC vou a complete survey ot your back yard, and a vast amount 01 statistical information with regard to the num ber of bent you are likely to bare for the next forty year; we wind op ine repots who me announcement that the site of the hen-coop bat been selected, and a oall fur another appropria tion to prosecute the work, which we assure yon will be done with "vigor." You place another thousand or two in tbe bank, and we employ two hundred hands : at three dollar a day to transport seventy-five cents, worth of lumber (which eost yo under our management toons ten time that many collars; to tne pitceoi op erations. whleh requires about tbree montns. In the meantime, we drive around and go on vi coronals with the linuor and tbe billiards.' We then come no with another report and a de mand for another appropriation. With this we get tbe walla ot tb itructure up, and with one or two more aooroorlattons. and a crest many more cock-tails and billiards, we get tbe thing covered In; and at the end of twelve months, which we vers appropriately style oar "fiscal year." we put you in lormal pessersion of a ten thousand-dollar hen-coop, that any tocpro car penter would have been glad 10 knock up some Saturday a Iter noon lor a suit 01 your 01 clothes. - - The Plea of Ignorance. of f Mr. Lincoln-solemnly promised in his ina gnrtl that the whole power of th Government should be used to "hold and possess" the prop- perty and places belonging to the Union; and these words were understood to assert a deter mination not, in1 any event, to abandon Bump- ter, ricketrs, or any government possession the seceded States In rear, not to do anytning, diraotly or by implication, that would even seem to reccenix disunion. 8inoe it hat been found necessary to pursue a different policy, the partisans of tbe Administration advance some queer reasons for the change. As a specimen, we give tbe loiiowing from (be able washingtoi correspondent of tbe iVerfA mcrtfsn; . " the rresident'i Deaitauon alter thedecisra tiont of bit inaugural, Is easily understood. Tbey were made before be bad any knowledge or tne actual state 01 isots,, ana nenoe may D modified without Involving any abandonment ol principle or supposed inconsistency. He as terted a broad prioolple, which could only vindicated to the extent of his ability, aod with tne means at bit command-, tie oouid not well be expeoted to perform Impossibilities." ' We don't question tbe entire truthfulness this excuse; but U Is certainly a very bumilia- tiosr one. Is appeart that when Mr. Lincoln penned hit inaugural, be was totally Ignorant of the actual ttateof Jactt knew nothing of condition of the country was Insensible to perils environing tbe Union In short, had opened bl eye to tbe true atat or tbe case. This is tbe sort or statesman tne Republican party tejected to control th destinies of tht country at a time of imminent peril a man wbose best friends are compelled to put in tb plea ot of ignorano as an exous tor inconsis tency! This total ignoranee also explain why it was Mr. Llnooln made so many foolish decla rations , in tb course of hi journey to Wash. lngtob; that there was "nothing tbe matter" "nothing going wroog"--"nobody wa hurt," and Ilk evidence ot mental darkness. Hat ritburg Patriot if Union. ji-v. n- .:, 1 ,s- - .1,. Evil Effects of the New Tariff. as too the lis 1. tn to ' Much anxiety la felt by the different members of the Administration In regard to th working of tb new tariff, and fear have been expressed by the President himself that under it the) Trea sury will soon be bankrupt. Several deputation of business men have waited npon tbe President to learn What ia to be tbe policy of tht Govern ment, and the uniform representation it that tb present uncertainty a to tne lutur and th ex pected effect of the new tariff are destroying trade and legitimate speculation. It Is a sintrn. lar fact that merchant who, two month aeo. were nerceiy euouung --no coercion," now smb for anything rather than iatfie..t'Let us know what to expect," tbey say 1 "if w ar to have wsr.w can adjust onr business to that coodHlcB 0: things; but It tbe government lie, npon It Osrt, with a high tariff In New York and a low one In new Orleans we are undone." : Ills b. coming apparent that this government must en ter into negotiations' with the ahana Eovernment. or adjust the United Bute tariff to that of the Confederate. , It teems now to bs understood that no attempt' will be made to so lor (he revenue laws at seceded port, at least for th present. Tb President remarked yesterday a western member of Congress 1 "Every i for tress that can be held wilt be beld where th duties twa be collected they will be collected." But the trouble Is, the Morrill tariff cast not bo executed In all tbe seceded States, and the President bat already been iniormed bv nromi- nent western men tnat 11 will ne utterly lmno sible to prevent free goods . from flooding the w est, provided they ar allowed to enter at Mew Orleans. -Wathinoton' corretotndent N. . t. T,--j mr inff-' ' - -"' Ancient Records in Ohio. . ia ef W .. J - The Ethnoloelcal Society of New Yoik, Thursday night, commenced the investigation a atone oox ana tauiet from a mound forty-live feet high, at Newark, Ohio, It was tbe second inscribed atone that waa under discussion. , Hebrew pronounced it . genuine and ancient W ben found, the ston wa inclosed in a smooth, spheroidal atone box, about eight Inches long, cemented by a whitish substance not yet ana lyzed, singularly placed In giojves, but was open ed by a seam running Jsngltudlnally through th middle, The inclobed stone it of a peculiar form, but fit tightly In th bottom ,pf the box, which Is carved so as to receive it exactly... On th upper side of the former it tbe figure of man, in relief, with a beard and large gown, with the verv square Hebrew letters M. over tbe bead, And with an elevated rim, eon ttluicB characters likewise enersved; ana all other parts of tbe stone, except kind of a ban al, are covered in use manner, inis atone wat deciphered bv .lh Rev. John W, McCartv. pastor of thaEniscOPaf Church in Newark, aud provsd to contain an abstract of th Tan Com BModmehts.,, The alphabet employed is not found lo Genesis; bnt most of tb letter art easily recognized by resemblance to ths tqiare or jommoo Ilcbrcw print.' '( Ji ,,. 9j, The Northern and Southern Tariffs Compared. 1 i 1 I Subjoined la a table of the principal Import. with the duties of each tariff, from which it will be seen that In most oases the duty is double, or IUU per oent. greater, at the worth thai at tho Rnnth f - northern Tariff.- Southern Tarty. Arttelet., , c T J'tr Cent. . , . Per Cent. Cntlery ..'.;..'....... 30,". SI fi , AS Metal manafaotar.,.. Wt 11 If 1 ,15 Ola manufacture... 30 '' 13 Linen.. S3 to 3d ' 13 Cotton, manufaolurad US to SO " 13 Silk.... 311 -, , , 13 I-thr. .......t,. Stt2S -f I . 13 Leather, man , VO '., 1 ! f ! '.V 4 rToolltn manufactured 1?? Jl ' 13 Artlolesot Woollen S3pre.f Clothlnt SH9. ih( ' k X 13 Iloslcry 30 Carpet.... tStoJO L.r. U B...te....:. ,jfget ,. IS ".-1 13 - . 15 lTata..,.....,r.a-J.,M,4( So 1 I ' woollen yarn , 30 ., Velvet so Wine. - 40 1 T W ..... - si nr..i. Paper , r . w Paper for newspaper,... .30 T Book, maps, tto , 15 Brass, pig i. ...... ' -; 10 Copper, pig. Beta lb . 6 eon, pig id to tlS per ton : n raa bars At bolt a IA nor ton . . . . ;. 10 Ironplates As rails 2perton Bteel. ban so ' 10 10 Tobaoco, nnmaa., la leaf ' 8 . Tobacoo,Try other kind 1 30 vi 10 tint. xOtoOOo.lbl ... iklOperet.J Carriages st d Wagons.... ' 30 .'.I V H, 13 Stump Orators at Washington. A Washington correspondent crowds conaid erable human nature in the following: The worst disappointed men who come' to wash ine ton ar tbe little town and ward point- dans, who, having "stumped" their own locali ties, fancy the , while world, including Alt.. Lincoln, must be fully satisfied that, but lor eaohof these, ths Republican party would nave been defunct. These geotlemen experlencemuch mortifioatlon when presented to the President, In finding that be fall to recognize tbem... One of tbem, on being presented last week, gave hit name and residence to the party introducing blm, which were repeated to Mr. Lincoln, who took him, by the hand and paased blm gently along to make room for the next one. Our stump orator was not satisfied with the intro duction, aod managed to undergo a second turn or tbe wheel, but with tbe tarn result aa at firaU The crowd present, seeing a chance for fun, oersusded him to make a third attempt. which resulted In a similar non-recognition. After thi failure, he Indignantly declared he "didn't believe the President knew who lie waa." and turnloe round, took one slance at Mr. Llnooln, at a distance, and remarked that "themtnwbo didn't know , who elected bim President could not know muoh" The Burch Divorce Cise. u in -" I .1 ..J .V, :. .. t :..i , A correspondent writing from Chicago to tbe Milwaukee Dimocral ,savs: "The Burch divorce case is still before tbe Court on a motion for a new trial. Wbatover tbe effect of tbe first trial may have been npon the Dublio, it bss either failed to convince Mr Burch f the injustloe of - hit demand, or hat failed to overcome hit obttinacy. It It not true, as has been reported, that th trial cost blm $100,000, or that it bat need np a large portion of bit forXune. I have tbe most reliable inter- nation that be ia worth more to-day than - he was at the time the suit waa commenced. , The cost of tbe suit wa large, tbongh somewhat lee than tlS.OOO, while In on speculation .alone Mr. Burch is said to have realised a much larg er sum of money. Tbe report that tho parties are negotiating to live together again,- is. also unfounded. ' 1 am reliably informed that they are Decollating for a permanent and peaceable separation, with prospect ol nuocets. Neither party 1 willing to endure another trial, If it ean be avoided. - Let ut hope that the details of another trial may never be spread before tht public- ' ... .- . , f S i ,.- ' 1 ... i am i i 1 1 . 1 .1 ArrBoraiAfiANi of tbk CortyxbitATE Statis Tbe Montgomery the 20th, contain the following summary of appropriation! made for each Department of the Government of tbe Confederate States: ' ; i of LerlllatiTe. 55,740 xeeutiva Department of State. ... . Treasury Department.... War Department........ 33 050 . i.. . ........ it. ..a...,....fc.. i - 44.300 7W.B0O . 39.000 , 17,300 navy irepartmcm.. ,.....,,, Postoffic Department Judiciary. , J. Hint and Independent Treasury. foreign Intercourse.. Llghtbouf....... Sinenses of Oolleotlng Revenue Executive lianalorj.i... lllKllanous..t... "44,9i '63,900 fliBOOOO I00O00 150 000 - 343.000 1 3,000 . 900,000 . tui...... ' " .1,4C8,100 The Universal Cough Remedy in Cases of Whooping Cough. There are probably more ases of Whooping Cough eontinned to great length oi time by the us of Remedies oontaialng expectorant, which not only aggravate the Cough 4but run down the system, making tbe ooogh fatal, or producing Consumption, than by any other cause. . Tblt is completely obviated In the Universal Cough Remedy, whieh oontains nothing to produce nausea or prostration! and the Cough yields nat urally, whil the system I sustained. Results justify tblt declaration, and all art asked o tatlflfy. .tncmsebrea by trla.l Seejadvertlse- Btat tii u.-i ..- . ' t it !.(.'.! ;-.'j'' ' "' 1 ' ' I 01HII .,.-!' IT Any of our readers afflicted with Sctorou or Serofulout complaints, will do well to read the remarks in our advertising eolumnt respect Ine it. But little of the nature of this disorder has been known by the people; and the elear ex position of it there given will prove acceptable aod useful .J We have long admired the teareh- Inst and able manner in which Dr. Ann treat vry Bubjeet he ' touches: whatever ha hi at tention at ail, oat a greai aeai out; ne mat ter what he undertakes, and no on who has a particles; of feeling for bit' filleted fellow man out look with indifference npon "his labor for tb sick.- Ketd wbst be tayt or Bcroiula, and see ia how few words and -bow clearly ho tells ut more than we all nav known of thi insid ious and fatal malady. Sun, Phil., Pev r '.' , ' " i' v 1 ' ' ' ' ' '' " ' to I IT We congratulate our .teaderS upon e discovery of a cur for Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, and 'all Mercurial Disease, wblcU Is effected without the use of Internal medicines, which.dettroy the oonstltdlioa and give tempo rary relief only. Ia fact it i the only known remedy etfectlnr a Derfeet cure, and we 'feel waayanted, from Jta recomriendatloDs, calling tht attention of .tbe sflHoted ' and those Jiaving frlebds tuffcrirjg front s Rhramatltm, Gont joc Neuralgia, or the perniciout effects of Mercury, id the tdvertlsemeot In srlother. cotumn 'of.'cur papers of.Pr. Leland's, AtI-Rhumitio RaoJ . on of A j C)J:- tWj Ol U I foot. Wood's RrsToaiTivi CoaptaC and Blood RiitevAToa is, without doubt, the best toot Col dial in tht world. TothosewhoAresuffsrlogfroin General Debility wo would recommend itt tise, for whilt it Is pleasant to the taste, It It strength t.enlng to the system, and 'will at once tend to remove all Jmpurlti of tbe lood, and eradi cat all trace of disease. ' It can t taken by tb weakest stomach, while, those In good health will at onse feel itsexhilaratfagpof rrr1Ver OOnfident that eftwasmittna bottMof thl Cor ilal.non will be forV'day wtthoui Mb.AU " r 'i' ' r "-' VjUA '.HIT- n . Goon W met on of our friends yesterday on Broadway,, and were astonished at the change m nm appearance. ... a icwwreuago we saw him, he was pale, lean and dejected; compUia Inr .of weakness and debility,' having been so alUicted all summer. Now be appear to be fat, healthy and atrong.' We learn he owed his .res toration , entirely to McLeanI STsrsoTHtmiia CoBOtAaV. I . . . :- 'I"" -''''"..V ... . . I ' . : - .... ... -i . t ti a It. vv advKsall who are oomplalnlnr of Gen eral Debility to Iry Itj it' 1 certain!, a ory pleasant remedy. Ws learn that there are laree quantities of. la elling daily Morning r"f , , . v.. ITT All should resd Trof. Woodv advertised. mentlanetberexlMmn.,,, u h ' JJ1'! -"ir I T- i , t -il . srfr i a CT 'See advertisement of Prof."Mnxnt' Hair Invigorator la another column. jew advertise; iNis T0 Havana a (ill VAT SOLqxoVB Btookof Orocerleatn M fi.'H. tiKMiNa. .ha.,. fully recommend him to our old patron, and friends. voiuiudus, aiarcu xum, lcui, tpl-dtf, Notice. TUB SUHSUHIBERS ARB DEKIR. eus ef eloslngnp their old buainaea, ted hop that all persons knowing liiemnlvcs Indebted to thm. UUer bv pot or nook, wui aire the matter ih.i. in,..,. ' inu, WALKIR at SON April 1,1800-dlw. tr-vc riii ?vv WALL PAPERS! BEAUTIFUL., AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! inrj i OCR SPUING BrOCK .IS CPIC817AL-' ly large and well assorted. The very latest pattern from AMJEKlOaN, KNQLIbU snd fRlSSOH laotorl. GOLD PAPERS A WD OORDEItS.. ' ' "- e. . . , ... ..- it Itondiome Gold Papers aelllnc- fmm Son tn tl 00 n. Roll, formerly sold from 1 1 00 to $3 25. 7tOOJLD AND VEt,VEX BOROEBS, - rreih and New Style, at about half their former prices- SPLENDID DECORATIONS lor Churches, Balls, Parlors and Celling. SIDE LIGHT V FIRE BOARD PAPERS ' All sntlrely new and splendid pltfternifverycheapy GOLD AND PAINTED SHADES Of ths latest and richest deitgni, from 37s. to t3.J0 each. - i cold vriNhntv CORNICES, t,,T ,-4 ;t , i , And Curtain Btnds.frbm 13). to $3. c-';..j a. DUFF, BLCe'-:' '& . , llOLLANDST, All widths aid prleesT tn j warranted th best quality'.' irlVlsnAWniwirnn. ... . . -T - '- I ,r, CORD A"N '6""'iv A S 8 E L 8 , f-.di AH vsristlei, cbesp. BEAU TIF SJa. PICTURES FRAMES I JV1 ll'tiiw., i. i v j , To match for tb decoration of your Roomi. ,.' . 1 r,;v' j . -,-). x. -. I- - Ctll tnl examine our Stock befon purchasing. 1 RANDALL & , ASTON, . lOO Soutll TTIsSlxQt. L COLUMBUS,, a N.;B. Ltndlorts and periont wishing quantities of PaparwlU mak money by buying ol ns. Country Merchants and persons from abroad will do wall to call Snd seem. april l-d2meodl " " " B. Ac A. ! I , i THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT ' HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, ..- u r,. .1 ;;.;t'.'.' I wzi i Am, grsws more and more popular " i'l evcrr day I . - a tt- And lestltnonlals. tew. and almost without number. might bt given from ladle and gentlemen tn all grade of eoclet, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's lialr RestoratiT will restore the bald and gray, and preetrve th hair of tn youth to eld age, loalliisyoutniui beauty. .nyt - I Battle Creek, llloh.. Ceo. BWL 1838 ' PtoV. Wo: Thee wilt please accept a line to Inform thee that the batr on my head all fell off over twenty yean ago, caused ny a complicated cnrooio aiseaa. at tended wllh an eruption on . the bsad. - A' (antiaual sours of sufferins through llf having reduced me to state ef dependence,;! have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have 1 been abl to do tbem np, In eon eaaence of which my head ha suffered extremely from cold. Tblt Induced me tepay Brlggc At .Badge almost th last cent I baa on eartn for a two doner bottle of thy Hair Beatorativ. about tb flnt of August lait. I hav faithfully followed th dlrettnt,ind th bald spot Is now eovertd with hair thick and black, thongh shsrt, It I also coming tn all ever my bead. Peeling confident that another larire bottle wtuld restore It entirely and psrmanently, I feel anxious to persererve In It us, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, would ask the If thee wouldat not be willing to tend me an order on thine agent for a bottle, and receive to tby self lhs scripture declaration "th reward 1 to those that are Ulna to ine wiaow tna uie rtuienesi." ..hi Iby friend, . bUSANNAU KIRBT. . . Llgonlor, Noble County, Indiana, Peb. 3th, 1850. i Psor. 0. J. Wood: Dear cHr:la the latter part the year 1?33, while attending the Btate and National Law school of the btate ot new York, my hair, from oaaa unltnowa to me, oommanced falling off very ran. Idly, to that in th abort (pace of six month, th whole upper part ef my scalp waa almost entirely bereft ef It covering, and mucn or in remaining portion npon the Ide and back part or my head abort ly after became gray a that vou will not be surprised when I toll Vou that no. en ay nturn to the Btate of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances wen not so much at a lots to discover the osus oi tntcnang in my appearanoe, as my mora Inti mate acquaintances wn to reoognia me tt all. . I tt once made application to th meet skillful nhval- clan In th country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, J was forced to beoome reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, tn tatter pan oi uie year loot, yonr nestorailv was re cacamendtd t me by a drueitiat. as beiaa th moat rellav bl Hair Restorative In us. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it wss producing tbe acBirou eneoi. sinve iu iime, i nsr use a seven dot1 tars' worth of your Restorative, and ai a resnIL have rich goat ot very soft black hair, which no money ean nuyi As a mark of my gratitude for yonr labor and skill tht production of so wonderful an article. I have recom mended It use to many of my friends and acaualntances. wno, t am nappy so inrorm you, ,an using is With like eticot. very rospectiuiiy, yours, . 1 . A.M. LATTA, - ' ! ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. "'Depot, Hi Broadway, and sold by sll dealers through rut th world. I n.t iw i i-i K i . vT 4 Th Rrstorativ I put np In bo tiles of thre site, wis: large, medium, and small; th small holds H t plot, snd retails lor one uouar per uoiue, tne meaium nolds w least twenty per cent, mora In proportion than the small end mails for two dollan a bottle: the large bold quart; 40 per cent, more In proportion, and retails for $3 a notue. ' O. I. WOOD 4k CO-tProprletors, 444 Broadway, Nsw Yoi. endlM Market Btreet, Bt Louis, Mo. ekn sold by ROBERT! tt BAMTJKLi CeJumbuaJOhla, ana ny an gooo aruggtats auu saucy uooas areaien. -(aprll.'dltweowJy. I i FlRS.Titfn , , 4 0 CPETOC OF THE SEASON VJ 1 OP C-'A.T P. ROSE'S. t' AGAIN OFFEH TO THE PCBLIO X'an sntlr new stock of Ooods In my 11ns. Inst puroh- aaed in New York at the cheapest panic rates.all of which Ijshatl sell at tbe smallest profit, ror Cash. My custom ers and friends an respectfully Invited to call and exam ine my Goods and Prion, a I nut determined to nil as cheep or cheaper than any other boon In th city; and as I do my own uniting, ana apermwna my own bust- nasi. I reel aaaurea. from mr ions exoerieoce in oust- nets. . lo sir teoeral satisiaction, in nnest oi work- aewar employed, and all work don strictly to tlm and on snort notice, tna warrantea to nt. stranger visum if our eltv would eossnlt their Interest by glylng m a ca kefnre nnrrhaalne aliewliere. f. KtlSH. ' n :; rr a n r r,r -T It MerciatitTallo.'T7 rnrchS9-8ly' "Cor.Bljh and town di. ef GRACE CnEEKWOOD TitL DEIilTEU HE it fciciCIlE Ulf ,IU4 -ry... .-a a.v. TJoTnaiTeae At the Coogreiatlonal Church on Broad stmt, on ,1 1 .TUESDAY EHKHinUs AfflL. ila., te-eemmence'at 8 o'clock. ''TfckeuMotrrrlt. to t bid st ths Book Stores tnd soma of tho Hotels, , , n.hin t ' WA IT P tS 'li ! 2 V Alan In A Dry Goods Btor; must speak tlj Bog Hah taoiuiur Also,tate ehen anlntenrlue- ean b batL Address, with real oaiue ana re eriii-e mnxv TAr nnv an' ... M.Y. "t i"a;caul for help." AEy--WJ lrkOW. TIVVM?EETE!I IbdeMed to us on Book toioost or l(uU. art tamest- by-requested to cull Immediately and tettl th saw, a we Sn now most needy and drsire to build up, again and put oar men to work. BROTUKRLLN, HALM St CO. Columbus, tUroh 88, 80l t a I of i i.iV ADVERTISZIIEIITS. . 5, i WMHJVIUUIAli mm 'A ('J.Jf..VJaWsi 'K.,gfni. Ciy 3 . "1 , A I 11 w 4 V 'Vf v' i - . . ;.ri rt 'i.iii i , i in t . lk- n:(l r r .'). L. M I 1 ' '-I -, Hi' : ., oeav Ilr. ',-1 . -'.( ' 1 t. -.1 .!.- l-ji .. i -e.-i -l i.mi -! -"Ir :' 'JJVil Ht " ' -iJllMI'J Hii .' U-.l 4 J .i:,r 'J fufl ,.; -Ij t y.irfq .-' v, H ,.$ , t ..-ha V i-r ,: : .-yr ts r ?r'v i OF ,".-') ,) ror-i-riy: qmvm 10 ' CSIrlU'l - hti : T. a,A.-I.i .y "4 f -3 - U A. I 11 , if - e i a !' ,':.U 1.-U-.U.I 1; ti- 3 nut :.) i I i i f.O il'jv i n -AT ?.'.;' i ::. sir.-. i :. i :0 ii.'JJ f : ri ... 1 3 KITAPF )'& OO.'S, '-10 f HaCUwI. a j : n rr 219 Bon , Street;; THE MUTUAL -BENEFIT li'insuraMvcompany' '( OP 'k ONTo Wvi-ls., JSTm nT. , : Dividett'tt JfannattT 1,181 i ,45 Pr Cent AB3Erg...'::Ur.i..:....'..;i..;...tl8i1JM3 I statement January 1 1861 Balance, per atatementJeai bt, i860, . .". 13, 400,581 39 Keceteed for Pnmiumt dar ing tht year 10 7B3.(B3 S3 Received or Interest, daring ' t ;rr m tri-Wf 19 YO 'A Total ncslpl fer 186O....ST?,07 74, PaldOlaimabyDaUil67,ui0 00 . ., -. '" Paid Polioles surren- a ... . dered 41,111 , iY ' Paid lalariet, Post- sT I , j f age,: Tat,.. Bx- ' ' ' ' change, 31,631 54 Hi '-.A .! Paid OoBmiariens to Agent.;...-. 51,335 30 Paid Physicians Sees. -. 6,IM Wt. ; .. v Paid Aouaitles 117 00 ., , , Paid Dividends dur- ' ' ' " 1 ' ' ' Ing ths year 1C8.5W) 7$ feo.ffill 63 411,9TB 14 I " '' :-.' jj U'.l '' 1 1 Net Balance January 1st. 18Cl.....,f ...t3.8l9,J8 30 ...,.iiira..-;,rof,. Cash Sn hand ... , 18,6284 19 Bonds and Mortgageton Seal i 0 i; jistaw, worm aouoie in amount loaned 9.3S7.E41 68 . v , Pnmlnm Note, on Polictet 1 i i ' J - '? '' " V. In force, onlydnwlngtper tent. Interest.... 1,79.FC4 17 1 i Beal Sstaie .......,. 90893 87 i i LosnsonBcrip, ............ ,931 44 Premiums, Mote and Oaah, in ' 1 . count of tranamlsslon. 45,343 73 .. 1 1 i .- , : .J Total Asset '' at. V 3,8193t (0 7,876 Policlet in force, lnsnrlnY....aai,t42SiS38 1,435 new Policies hav been Issued' during the year. After t otraful oalculatlon ot ths' preeent vsln ef th ouutandlng Policies of th Company, and having the SKOMSarv amount la reserr therefor, th Directors nav oeciarea a iitviptRD of A per oent. on th Premi um paid at th tebl rates, to all policies for III In force, Issued prior to January 1, I860, payable according to th present ml of th Company. . Bates for all kinds of Llf Contingencies, Prospect uses, Statements, ssd Applications, will b furnished wiTnorjT ciusei, at th Office or Agencies of th Com pany., t -a ....!: .- . -w ,.i i b ROBT. I. fATTERBON, President. 1 - L. O. OROVEB, Vto President, f ' Bit). O. MILLBB, Bewetsry. -"- i He It. HtvESOIV, Agent, -' ., vo .M. T No. 4 Johnson Block, Alarch88, 18dl. '' -' v Columbus, O. G BEAT-CUBE. . DR, LELAND'S ANTI-RttEUM 13 HE ONLY KNOWNAEMEDY FOR Bhenmatism, Gout ' tind ' Houfa'iarlaj I AND A BDR1 CUBS POK .c - - All Mercurial Diseases.1 - I ' .i , I,, -.-if .in It is t conveniently arranged Band, eontalnlne a bmA. letted tempeund, to be Worn around the Waist, without injury to tne most asiieate persons; no ensue In habit of living Is required, and It entbrely remoye th dls ean from tbe system, without producing tht injurious efieotearistng from tht an of powerful internal medi cine, which weaken and deatroy tb constitution, and glv temporary ralltf only. By thl treatment, the med icinal properties eeotttned In the Band oome In contact with th blood and reach th dlseas, through thepoTee of tbe skin, effecting In ewy Instance- a perfect cure, and restoring the parts afflicted to healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Asm-ktaaovaua arena, and will entirely telieve theeyttem arose tht pernttdout eneewoi mercury, moderate eases ire cured In t row days, and watnemtttaatly revel tog teetimoolalaolM emoacy in treravated ease or long sunalng. Plies t 'J.OO, to be hod ot Dntg(it nraIly,ror sa w seniey bbuii oreKpcewe, witn run aireeitoe ror tts, toanrsartef the eoutry, dlrast. from the Prinaini nnM i jTo.-409 BSOADWiT, Vtw. Yorkvi n 6; 6M.TH fV CO.; e5oleroArlhto'r..!i,1 n. . fesonpviTevircuiarttent jreev. m I7ArentaM'anled.Evr7Tvhet. mhSg lyltorlstp.dfcw Watchei! EiamondiJ! Bilvor Ware!!! KA CHOICE A'SORxSt'EflT OP GOLD XV ttd Silver Wtteh, hs great Tarhry,. a'A .. . .aim Agent ror J Aaosaiea Watoh 0.,' and eta tsbl tnm exoelleat Watches at Bisnatecttirsri' prlcea. etthef Wholesale or BtteU. i Oom and eaeeae fraaa tk bsmttlful las.b. m. monds tnd ether rich Jeweliy. Btyle new-price low. ' A. to Wiver Wan ef sterling stain,,- ctn ow w patterns, very handsome .. J k.-.r. ,V,J,,.W ;i i " . bilvst Plated Wan, Teelette, Urns, Walters. OasW B.,Vets,Plteben, Orttete, bivss! TeiiTt ansa i naya a supply of an TtM Cutlery, Pocket K4"i Baaort, Ae., and saaay taaey Oeode-tuDh at an desired for pfesaiftsati such prices a are an Induce- meat t th pswhattr,::!; iv; c'-rwii. blink, Ife: n r thmgh j- - . wo, 10 Buckeye Bleak, mwI Worth tWiateU9uiNur. SPECUL WOTICES. T" MANHOOD. Vj i ws'HOW 108T, BOW. EESrOBED. - XUtT PTJBLIBHBD. Off TBH witttd. ... MBMT AMD RADICAL OUBB OrSPBRUATORBUHA ' r ovtu.uai n wi.ijcm, ouuai ueoillty, rvooins In oluntary -Imltslona and Imootenoe. r....i,i telf abuis, Jto.' By Robt. J. Oulverwell, af . D laat ' anderseal, in plsla envelope, to any address.eosf paid, on noelpt of two stamp, by Dr. OUAS. i. a B.I.IMB, 127 Bowery, Mew York. Post Office B. k. i588-- - - niarl:3mdkw "' srnrxswziL's For tjU THROAT and LONG ' COMPLAINTS, lncludlDg; .WHOOPING COTJOII, sand every Complaint tho foreran new of, suid ereni stctnal CONSCiriPTlON. . UNiyeasAL b (t thtv. ,C0UGH KEIMJECDY, EBinniWEUi'8 -The Great TfEtTHALe G14J HKinEUV and Nttt nrstl OPIAil'., adapted to every t pec let of Net-, won Complaint, Ner vous and Chronic - TfiT.TT i' I Headache, ubenma. sjatarvn, Tooth and Ear Ache, Eoea af AN 0 D YH E. piins7. " J T No real jostle can be done the tbovc preparations ' but by procuring aod reading descriplly pamphlet,; be found with til dealers, or will be tent by Proprietor on demtnd. Formula and Trial Bottle nnt to Pbyl clans, who will find development in both worthy their acceptance and approval. -' Correspondence solicited from til Whose necessities or curiosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Rem die. tor tale by ths usual wholesale and retail dealer everywhere. JOHN E. HEN NEWELL, Proprleto CHEMIST AND rBABItAOttmsT, ' ;i Ko. 9 Commtreial Wharf, Boston, Hats. . Robert Ac Bamuel, W. B. tfarnl. J. B. Cook. 1. M Denlg, 0. Denlg At Sons, A. J. Bchueller A Bon. Agents tor Columbus, Ohio. - myl-dly , mOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS. In all eases of oostrewnett, dyrpcpsla, bullous and llvt sffeetlons, piles, rhetunttltm, fevers snd agnes, obstl nate bead aches, and all general derangements of health the Pills have Invariably proved a er-rtaln and speedy remedy. A singl trial will place th Llf pills beyor.d the reach efeompatition In the estimation of every pa tient. ' Q '.1 ( i-r ;: ;.. , ; Dr. Moffat's Phosnlx Bitten will bs found equally ef dcaclous In all case ef rjerrons debility, dyspepsia, hgot acht.fht sickness Incident to female Indolicat health, sod tvery' kind of waaknen of tbe dlgeatlv organs, for salt by Dr. W. B. HOPf ATyKS, Broadway, M. Y. snd by All Druggist. ' ' ' ' maySS-dAwly The following U an extract from a letter written by th Rev, J., B. nouns, paster ol the Plarnpolnt-Stnet Baptist Chorea, Brooklyn, N. T.,t the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, 0., and speaks volumes lo favor at that world-renowned medicine, If as . WmtLOw's Bootuijw Bvtnr rot CHujierx Ttrnnwi: "Ws see tn ' sdrerthunent In your eolntnns of Ma WmsLow't SooTuwe Bvaor. Now we never mid t word In favor oft patent medicine before in onr lire, bnt we feel compelled to say to your reader that this is no tram bug wt hati men it, ana a.ow it to it all it claims. It Is probably on of the most successful medl eioes of the day, because it is on of ths best. And those of your readers who have babies can't de better than lay In a supply." , ocOTilydAtw V REMOVAL. 0. Doyle cfcj Oo. TTATE BE1TIOVED THEIR OFFICE to tb Bouth-west corner of Illgh snd Friend streets, "UP STAIRS," . Asd will contlnu to keep on hand a large stock ot BOOTS AND SHOES. The attention of Merchants and Dealers I respectful ly Invited to our stock. B. DOYLI St Co. taarch98:dtlllJal3L r DO YOU WANT WHISKERS ,i ' - ' j DO .YOU WANT WJIISKER37 ; r ,, DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? . 'DO YOU WANT ;A MUSTACHE? BELLIUaHAMS. if .".e-OILlBRATBD SlinulatinsOiigucnt For the WMtkeri and Hair j . -. . . . ........ Tb subscribers takt pleasura In announcing t o the Oltiaeniof tht United States, that they bare obtained eh Agency for, tnd tre now enabled to offer to the American, publlo, the above Justly celebrated and world-nnownecV article. The , . , STIMULATING ONGUENT ''.: ' 'I - r.i. It prepared by Da. 0. P. BELLIHOHAM. an tninent physician of London, aod I warranted l bring eat a KU.CU tea oi -1 Whiskers or a Mcslachc In from three to six weeks. Thl article Is th only on of the kind need by th Vrencb, snd In London and Paris It is In uniTeraal use. It il a beautiful, economical, soothing, yst stlmnlstlng oom pound, acting a if by magic upon th root, causing abeaullful growth ol luxuriant hair. If applied to the tealp, 11 wlil cure tULnnst, tnd cann to spring up In place of tb bald spots a fit growth of new hair. Ap plied according to directions, It will turn its or tovrv btirBAtK,tnd restore gray balr lo Ita original color, leaving it toft, smooth, tnd flexible. Th "Oracairr" I an Indispensable article In every gentleman's toilet, and alter r week's ns they would not for any consideration bewlthoutlU - " . the snbcrtbert sre the only Agents for the srttclsu,' Lb United Stele, to whom all order must be addressed, Price On Dollar a box for sal by all Druggist and-' Dttlert; art box of tbe "Onguent" (warranted to have, th desired effeot) will be tool to any who desire It, byi mall (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price eseV postsge, tl.18. Apply to or address ;t !.'; '! HORACB t. niOBMAIt At 0O.w ! ' .".'r ' " , . r . naoalTaate., ." Ieba0dw6m , , . 84 WUllam Itreet, New-Tbrfe. r' i TRAVELLERS! WBKN yoaeo to NcwTork, drive dlnot totks j . - - BMI'PHSUhlAli UOIHE) BBOADWAT, CORMR OP DOUBTOS 8TIET, " I ' V. ConductsloB th 'J ; ,.f J'lOii" EUBOPHANPLAN. ' flood Pan, fiood Rooms, Prompt Attendance, ss J atod- aval, vuarge. - - - . 8IN0LK ROOMS SO CT8. 71 0TB. and tl PXR Vy DODBLI ROOMS and PARLORS 11,50 to 3. I Meals ss ordered. Thi Hotel has all th appointments of th beat hotels, a most central location, and is heated throughout by Mean), - j ; BAMDBL I. MB AD. ' ,, marchfldSm - . . Propri.tor. .RE-VP HOOP StVIRT, ;,,.:.',.'' ' ' ' " . ill-: I . No. 19. SOUTH HTOff STR.H. , ilav Just recelTed a new mak of HOOP BKIBTS.,, tnlahed In a manner far superior t any yet Introduced, ""' .. si-t , -.': ,v.-:''et t r,jt DTTR ARTf.ITV iMnnDirrrTTT,Tn-,n GUERNSEY'S DALi.l- pEjVfOVES AND PUBVEKTI I. "-"o mua pain, ana netis uie worst kwna teald, bri,cut, or fresh wound of any kind, pieventa welling and pain from bee (ting, moequlto Uteaaad poisonous plant, neuralgia, rheumatism, sgns la u, breast. alt rhenm. au. &'h.n i.w.. i.rrJT,?" 2 poalurely eun croup In children, and glras ImsaediaJ relief In the worst ease of this terribl complaint! also.. nmevtt boanenee and ton throat. Price, itt eeatst botUt. Should bt In every boot. Per eeler, Tw fittesnd Storekeepers. , . . mi arONJaVT 'oeVtdfcwM Pro"ietol'H' 1 "P8- I"' ' ADtBBTlBBMlrft. -t . f'J r Per The INSTANT BBUIP ""and PKBlf ANBNT OFRI of th fl'diitrtslnf eompalnl ws J it'-- ,v,. teWT -4 -. 4 i'T.'.- BjtOHCHIAL CIQAEETTBS, Had by 0- B. SBTMOUB St CO., 107 Nates BtN. T. rrletBlpevbax; ut iree y poet. , . POB B ALB AT ALL DfcUOUIiTB. nay-dAwlyie v jX ! . , t ' ' WAN TItn.AO TO SHM, " Dukani ef STATION BRY and JHWELUY. el '( price one-tblrd less tbaaeaa he pnrohated lwhn van on oradorwss tsutwip enoiosvuv .. . aaiusi, no. '-it;i 101 uoart St., nosuiB, si.,,, ; , lnarcaiwirwm. rtnr.DEii hill SiiiiiT!. IT autlaet tnd q malt ilea: tlto BOYS' SHIRTS of earn Superior mak, for sal by - BAIN a SON, . few H. W High stmt. t viia 'l