Newspaper Page Text
nABDVACaSTOSIS il f iiiC ' JUST RECEIVED BY . . li ,. 'It -" ' 1'''"' i - ,): ' m .v, i r; 'i. . ; " No, 30 ITorth High Street, One of tlIrKotnflBMtlUdMiWt v Of , i,il;'im'ori?iMi pi wis omi .... Ilonsc . Bniiders' Furnishings - t'.W VIM 8TYLB AND QUALITY. I ' V , Frec Americas, . 1 . !- , , .. PAINTS 1 OBOCRB IN OIL,, end pot p In fcaifpaand cam fat family snd Dry Vi" V: PelntslBbulk. - 1 Brusbel of every; variety & quality. ' ; A Splendid Assortment of -" ' e- of J ' MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARNAGE MATERIAD3. ', ; AXES CRIND3TONES, &.o. ' il. GUNS, riSTOLS, SHOT, Ac . FISHING TACKLE. t a,-. 7 ? i : ROPE A CORDAGE, ."UJATUERAND INDIA RUBBER. i - - BELTING. VVEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ,. ' 1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, 4-c.; ; ' ' ,.; SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I especially Invite the titration of all Interested to ay toc of Pocket sad Talils Cutlery, and . j HILVEK PLATE II FOltKN, Tablo, Deoert, and Tea Spoons, Buttor Knives, fec;, of liOOKKBS It DUO'S. Manufacture, warranted tote extra heavy, Electro-Plated. on genuine A lbatta. Country Merchants, MeihAnlcs, and other, are Invited to call anil sxamlne my Stock, aa I am prepared to nil Wholesale nd Retail. - WM. A. VILE., Columbus, Ohio, May 8, IP60 , ! . Wholesale and Retail Depot for ii, FAMILV CR0CEME3 ' No. 10G South High Ttrcet Wra. HcDOMLD, .'v. . DEALER IN s (- . ' TOE AS, FINE & STAPLE GllOCElUIiS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. Dally Arrival et Coodi For the Fall and Winter Trade Of 18GO-G1. TmltTUUNI?l SISlCKUKTlIAhKS TOTHK PtlHLIV for past favors and patroB- age,' an4 tIn riKTEUBllNlSU to nir.nee .mnttooano of same by alrlcl ltCBllon te and prompt delivery mt VoasI 1 would call the Btce of thepubllc to the fact that having al ttlRO and well Nelectrd NlocK on Land, and being in (Lilly reoeipt of goods from the differ ent markets, I natter myself Out I can offer U) tne an iens of Cohiabos, or to any who may desire to an assorimeut of artlrlea sppertaluing to tUGROCERY IimtaUALEU by any haute In il city. The orice and ouallty of the goods offered, I Enter. tea t te satlafueilon. Good Delivered Tree of Charge. norCT.' WM. McPONALP Baltimore Clothing ilonsc. HI3S3S tto BLUM, awnvacTinttM w wnousaui pbalbu i READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W, Baltimore-street, (imnn imnrr ' nowakn,) , . " BALTIBIORETW A Urrjs Ajtortment ol Plsee FurnlsUng Goods CoastaaUy ea Hand; - OoSB lly . "jAa.' M. K'lU.' v WM. H. RKSIIRAOI NVKEE & RESTIEAUX, GROCERS ' . A!Tf ' ' "' "'' PRODUCE DEALER3, N. 34 Narth High Ntreet, . . C0LOMBDS, OHIO, TTAVB Olf MAWD AT WHOLKMATE H .-a n...ll. VINKKT STAPI.M OROOBRlEft, SALT. TU COFIKJi, BDOAK, TOBACCO, SKOAltd, to , Cto. Onr Block has been purchased In Saltern Cities during the Panic, TPOTX. OAOU, and ear main endeavor will bs to oCer lodueemeots to CASH U 1'JCSS which ar not exoekd by any theOtty. , .;, .f coLUnniis, oiiio,; AGRICULTURAL W AllEHOUSE 'JUjxd Seed Store, , GENERAL HARDWARE, ' ' HArLD.OLASS, SASH, TOTTT, CORBAfll, a ' ' Pltl Wssd kWMUw Ware, uihi Rnkhar Beltint. IM Ltathw, Bos sad DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la BOOTS AND SHOES, , ' Sotitheast Corner of High and Cay Stc., ' :',;:,.;', rusro- oo,v::: COMTMBC-s.V ......wi........Ml. A hsv itoek f Via and Staple Ooods on hand.". ':) ! F ABIP1 A,, v , a TA PIOCO, 1 Poetrh Oat Metl ' " urn v ,vwr . , u I... Si. II, Vmmm 1.:, Cracked Wheat . Chocolat . oco firuma,to. 0 nam Tartar, ' ' Sid- fins Prone BeedMeaKkltlsi.! ,3 ' Fesh Tomato Peaches Oreen Corn Irkh Cann'd Prnlts of every dtsoiiptltn; ' 1 Jellies of all kinds; ; .. ' ". ': flavoring Uatrvte of all kb. " " i' fluiaKmpsiMieedCundles: Almonils, Filberts, Peeon Wnt, ? Jtnglish Walnuts, Btusll Nois.etfl, " ' - BoW ' ' WM. MclX)IAI.O. pLOTEH nr.F.C! . ...i ' . - I .7 DUICO ill PRACHESl! - .1 .!,.. tl v, J lastorstorwtleby MCKBI At B.K8TIKAUX, - - M Btatasauut BulUlnf. 1860-61 1860-61. 1860-61 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD ' 0oneotinf aiomUlae with Ike Pittsburgh, ForiWaj & Chicago lSu MalLItOAlt Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore; Aim foe Fori Wayne And Chicago. ' Connecting afrOIevelaod with tht For Lake Dunkirk,' Shore R;iilroad - Foi Buffalo. Albany, New York. Boston and TWO THAINU" DAILY ' (except Sunday) from Columbu,'tneonneotlon with Xralnaoa the Little Miami & Columbus It XeuU Railroads. IIH8T TBAIN. Tiini WTPRIB8 Leans Oolaabai at 8 S a, . Will tear paaeengera at all otaUuna, eontli ot Ualllon top at Delaware. Aihlej, CaniinKlon. Uilead and atait atauooe norm qi uauiuu. rri.iun y a., vanktrk p. vanaio unu p. m.. nw IS: p. .. Boetoa : p. n., rmanurga w vrar- Une :40 a. aa., Philadelphia 7:00 a. ., Uhicafo iwj arafton 11 00 p. m. Also oonneotlnJ at ghelbjr for all pouiUoo the Banduakjr, Mauaeld at Meward Railroad SECOND TkAlfl. Witt, awn cypuicxs Learei Oolnmbni at 1:00 p. B. will etop at all station south of Shelby, and at Sal em. New London. elUuKton, rrton and Berea, arrlf ln at v'leee'anu o:jwp. in-. kuuh .v ( inn., Ncwlork 10:in p. m., Breton a. m., oi,..k,.i. mJn nimtllnel:30a. m.. Philadelphia S OU p.,ruo wlaarattonat 10:30 a. m. Alto conneetaat Shelhv for all noluts on Bandnskj, Mansneld fc Newark kiilroad. ' - Patent Sleeping Cart are ran on all Night Train, to C(uoago,fiew ion :. .,. and Boston. ' IT Baaaaot Chrcktd Tkrtvok to Nets York and Button ui Cleveland, Uo f PhUadetpkU, tiem York Cratltn. .... ' BnJKNIII0. Nlht Izpress arrives at Ooltttnbas at 1:30 a. . OlnclnnaU Kzuress arrive at Colombo at 1:40 p. Fare as Loir as by any other Route. ' ' Ask fot tltket wta Creitline or Cleveland. 1. 8. FLINT, Rnper't, Cleveland, Ohio. JAUKg rAlTSBDUH, AgODS JanelS Columbus, Ohio. RAILROAD CENTRAL OHIO R. R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This ia the Only Route offering a . . ThrouR-U ticket,: BaRRaRej Cocck ta WASHINGTON, CITY; , nJ U my BovU giving to tk Panengtrt Ms . , lieifsff tUiting la VUim of Ualti marc, Philadelphia 4c New York At the cost of a Ticket to A'.u York only by ether Line. TWO TRAINS LBAVB CJLUUBOS DAIXT : tiuNDATS Excrnti. . - . rvpitirn AT 3:00 a. m. etopptnt stall Stations apon signal being given, arrlvtu at Bellalr at a oonnecung unmeaiaiciy wnu uwu u. r Tba Baltimore Olii Katlroad For Baltimore, Washington City and the South, and Phi adelphla. New Vark, Boston, and the fast. Aisowiin trains oa thw - . PEPireSVI'VANIA CEHI HAL, , via Wheeling A Pittsburgh R R., for Pittsburgh, Har- riibunth, l'hiladelpnia, how rors, nonon auu uw .i. ... i . u i : w a u M U Tula tram also oonnecisa .iw R and at lanesvill with 0 . W A Z. K. . for Lancas ter, A. MAIL AT 40 p. m., stoiplng at all Station upon sir nal beln aiven. arriving al Bsuaia at WW p. aa., oo nsctlng immediately with trainaoo ... , The ilaltlmare v tibia uaiiraac for Baltimore, Washiugtoo City and the South, and Phil adelpbuk New York, lloaton, aud th last. . Also with trala oa Uie . PENNSYLVAPItA CENTBAL, rU Wheeling and PHbbargh R. fovPtttsbamh, Har :,,. i. vkli.rfihi. Haw Vnrk. boston, and the East. This train also conoecU at eanesvillewith 0. W. a t. R. RM for Lancaster, , , TRAVELERS TO THE EAST rROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, , - . ' cam demmo cron Quick Time and Sure Connections: . Ampl fi RtiiM Auowaw twa Maaia. " SLEEPING CARS on ALLNIGHT TRAINS Ask for TlcHetfl via Columbus and Wheeling. For farther luformalioB and JVuA 7Icsf4, apply to M. L. LOIlltKTK.TicseiAgeni, unwuxcpui. bovSS - . . . Oeneral Ticket Agent, Columbus. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. I ..a n.iiimnMan the Bast. nd Wheeling, Kenwood and Perfcerebwrg on Weet, at which place It unite with ttallroad. Steamers, Ac, for and from all points In lb 1 . . . r West, Banth-wrest and wartu-wwesf j THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR 'ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. 1 this b the only rot U Washington City. Passengers by this roete can vUlt Baltimore, Phlta delphla. New York and Boston, St the cost of a ticket to Boston alone by other line. ' ' Through tickets to the Batten elUes can be procured via Washington Oily at a additional charge of twedol- SilranM Cass Attacwo to six Nlonr Taaias. Timta fOe aud fort atlom i4 my (Aer "Tuq'ulr for tlcaet vlaBaiumor and Ohio Railroad at any of the prlntlpal Railroad oBlcnln the West, -7 . h 6Ul.LIVAN,wWl Weytora Agent, Bsxituis, Ohio. L. M. COLS, General Tkket Agent, " ' WP. SMITH, Master TraneportatloB, cta0-ir. ,."-': t BaLTxatoae, Md. IMPORTED GOODS. ; JI7BT HECEIVKD- ' 80 cases Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for tails Use. IO kln.taid. favorite brand.: ft 4 5 Boned Sardines, th BEST Sardines Inrp'td f Capers and Ulive. Table Baure 'Lsa A Perrln's Woreerler thlr," "Soyer's Sultana," "John Bull," Harvey," "Beading." -, ; . . Walnut and Tomato Cauup. . - IO lados. Crea A Blaekwall s eelebratea 'ngjian ealill," Chow-chow," "Walnut." K)n , Ion," "Cabbage," Beans," "Oherk's" tOO Campbell's eelehratoi Scotch Ale. 6 esseseinger Preeerves. - 2 O box Iulian Maeareal.aod Vtnnaeilla. . I a Oox'. OelaUne. ' .. ... . Colernaa's eelebrated Bn(lllh Mustard, in kegs, boxes. w.lf. -OA wn. Mcdonald E. LTCOLLISTER, ' Wtoaleaale a'ad Uetall Dealef 1st TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS No. 3 Wifth BtT3t, PIT S BURGH; Pa "uustantlT hand all tUa Ta- rlatis Dig AN Slat g Oct. L. laces and Embrpideries, t TTALr.eiENK,iaLTE8K &POIIT V Tm Collarnd SetU. Freneh, Pu.her and Thread Lac Veil, (bw patterns.) Valenelenes, Thread and Point Lacee, Embroidered, Selta, Trimmings and tklrla Lace Barbe and Coltrnre. nam wnen oirr. Sett snd Cnffs, ltobroidereil (tolUn andCutfa In Jetts. I ! fe2 i..- r , , Bo. SB, South Ulgb. Street. SnroAiiNe tobaccos, Superior wneniai, t r- t- .a i ., . Flo Kanaster, ,. ..- ., ,i: -' i i . Fonr Aces, (extra) ni'; , American Sh?, . .tt-TVf ti ' Bird's Bye, Tnlon) jO) in pscksges; also, Kentucky flo cut In barreU and half sarreu, la nm"' ".'' a, TvaiTiT jntltOD a ssauas frbll S4, Stateemu Building. It f INK MUFFBl VICTORINBS aadCUrrB we ar. JM now telling wt very low prises, else i all er fatblnnabre furl. put a ban a. decVl. Ne.MfcmtaHigast. 1 . - ; .i. - lfilllG Nos. 36, 33 & 40, North High St. INCREASED - rACIXITTJES I HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVK ;'':u;":.:' Greatly 3im.liax,s:oc3 BOOK -&:JOB.DEPARTMENH 1 WHILB BOTH HAVK BEEN,,, . REf LENISHED THROUGHOUT 'f-v with-" ; ".' New Types, Borders,' Ornaments,' &v FBOli TBI 0XLBBBATIS fOCSDBT Of C. T. WB3TE cV CO., - NEW YOKE., . TBCB MAKINQ IT TBI Most Complete Establishment ' ,;;;'.,! in tec city, I am now prepared to Execute all Orders for BOOK AND JOB ; PKINTINGr, ' I,..- . . n 1 " ' WITH DISPATCH! And ia the Host ApproTed Style of the Art. " PABTICULAH ATTENTION PAID TO 7 , MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PRINTING. Bill at Lading. 7 Circular, , BUI fiend, Blanfce, Deed St :erllflcate. ar Iteeeipt, Dray Tickets Itcglatera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, ;' n CARDS, I ' EZASTKGS, F0TKS, - V ISVM.0PSS, CONTRACTS. Illustrated Show B ills, I xF0R COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Chow Bills, Hand Bills, Labels, Concert Fro ; frammos, School and College Schemes, Ho i tol Bills of lare, Invitations, as. BOOH ! 1",; OF .EVERY.' DESCRIPTION J; - School and College Catalogues, I Miscellaneous Psmphlots, 7 M Constitutions, Reports, Briefs, ftt Printing in; Gold an4 . .Colors . Printed la Every Color oa a HammothHoe Cylinder, ' The only Press of the kind la Central Ohio. lly facilities for doing any and all of ths above descrip tions of work, an now ansurpasnd, and satisfaction will be guaranteed la all eases. IDAil work furnished promptly by th Hire promised. r . RICHARD HBVUiS. REOomcnrDTO bt thb lati SIR ASTLEY COOPER, J , . O lONnoW, AMD DK. VALENTINE M0TT (I, .1 TORE. Tfce SKknowldCd Beads of tbo Profwaion la si that , xtonuspnere. The best Diuretic, Tonio, and Invlgorant. The nnest Extract of the ITALIAN JUNXPEB BBXOBY. Tbe and Most Coetly Uin Ei Uuit.' ' ' ' ' , ., INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, . .. X INVALUABLE TO THE SICK. INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND HOST DELICIOUS. BEVERAGE IN' THE WORLD. For Bala. Pints and Quarta, by avarf Druggist; orocer, or cotrntry jiatronAnt. - tOOZ OUT FOB BOOBS' ' ' L O N I) O N O I N S. THB PNIjX QESQlnB AJITIOU IB SHARLES LONDON CORDIAL SIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., ) UbA LV IV A AJIk.A SWW.a .!i;a NJCW YORK. Bold la Columbus by ? ' . McEIB A RI8TI1A0T, i Wholesale and Betsl I Srocers, Staleamaa Building -0. A. WAONKK.and others, ., In Clneinnatl, by . fiUIIUS, BCKSTB1N A 00., . oe36-eodAlyw .... v- ct nd others. IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS FOR CHURCHES, AmerieaYCast Bt ccl Bell Works, l! IB UkVX STR2ET, CINCINNATI, OHIO: j ;:r,'V - 'v- Stumbtr 15, I860.., HAVING rtotBtly mad vry great Improvements In k.t im ..11 I'lulaa Kalla." I besLto Call At- tentloatteorporalMinsand Indlvkluala who may wanta bsIL to th faot,.that for 1U eeota per ponnd I can furn ish sued be 11a for any purpose, mounted lu superior style and warranted for twelve month. Term, cadi, or ap prove! nose, pyal Bank, with kntetandtxctiaDg. added. Bemlltancea ef money by express, must be In funds par at Ornelmrsrtl.knd the carriage pntnald, a Out . ' . . . :. a. h LI iMra arMaa aC. ail. above pric, iov ie q""v - ,7 "L 7 iai. iivl. ,l':w imerlctn CattShsel Bell Wersts, d.rS 3m Oinelnnati Obi. FAN45V DBKa MII.KR -FANCy PBKrtS SI IBS. " r--1 - f .Jf TtrenWbc folldied, ear. - - , r ,,-7- " f!T.M !' TT Bo. BO SeVth High strest. i-i,. i . . .: ',.;'"' . Ji ' Court of Common. Tleis, Fianklln County , Ohio Attn sfaw - t. I U PartlUoii. . . Joha Bfawatal. , , , , - .... I PUHKCANCK OF TUB OBBEll OF lha tloiirt. La thl. nun. ra ma laiued. I will offer for sale, at the door of the Oourt Monee, In the eity ef Co lumbus, Ohio, uelwaanth hears ef JOe'olooa, A.M., apd 8 e'slook, P. AJm i !, ,ui'"i') . -r-: " ,r Oa Thursday, lbs UUt day of .April, Ubl, the follewini deaerlbed real astat, mttiat la Jaekson Township, Franklin eoanly.Ohlo, and hi Virginia Mili tary Survey rKo . 81 IS, bounded as follows: Bexlnn log at a slake and two bur oaks, southeast corner to lot No. ll,ln J. B. Pureed', swivey, No. Oil, running uieno west seven ty a v poles ta a stak mid three white oak, these north 10 degrees we.t M H poles to two whit oaks and black oak, thence east 73 pole to a stsk near wree whit oaks In the eal line of said lot, thenos south 10 degrees eait H pole to the beginning, eonhtinlng for ty-lhrc acres, more or leei. AppralMd at l,4i. Verms of sal one-third In band, In on and H In two years, with lolereat from day of tel., and payments to D seouretl VJ murig.B w kiwuh.. maroho:luieiw u. w uuirau, oucria.- li. O. N0BLB, Atfjr. "' 1 ' ' Master Commissionor's Sale. Peletlah W. BuntlDgton ID ) Sal by order of Ooart. ' vs. Henrv W. Doremuietsl RV VI K riJK ar AN l"ur. or am.r. to ma dlnotad. from th Oourt of Common Pies f Franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for sal at th door f th Oourt House, In th city of Columbus, on , Saturday, the 20th day ol Afiril, ' Ar' D. 18C1, between th hours of 10 o'clock, A. and 4 o'clock, P. M., the follow Ing described real e.tai situate in we uoun ty of Franklin; and Stat of Ohio, to wit! Lot No. of ubdlvltlonof ut-lot No. 34, In th city of Columbus. Ohio. Also, a tract of land Insertion 10, hall-seetlon 13 and 14, Township 5, range S3, Refuge land.; beginning at the centre of the Coluabus A Granville Plank Road at th north-east corner of a tract belonging to Wilcox. thence wllh the oentre of said road nertn m oeg. eaiww feet, south deg. 40 mln. west parallel with east line of said Wilcox's land, and 122X fet therefrom, 40 poles to the north llo of tract beloogiig to inomas op"m,w, thenee with north line of SparnV land north BO deg. mi l'Alu lt ta lie Interaeetion of eut lin of Slid Wtloox's land, thene north V deg. 40 mln. east with east line of said Wlloox's, 3B 410 poles to in oegioning. Lot No. appraised at l.UUU. Tract In sto. 10 st 150". ".., v . , - O.W. nCIFMAN, Sheriff ' Printer's fees 16 00. andMasttr Uumoisilonor. mareh-dll4tw. ' ' Master -Coiumiasioner's i bale Oastavas Swan's Ixecntors) 1 " '' rs. - ; Bnptrlor Oourt. Baldamond Crary et al. J .. . . - A RV VIHTIIK OFAMOBDEttOFSALK t. ,HnM-f,l Imn th Hnnerios Court of Frank- lin eoanry, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of th Court House, In the city ottjoiumous, on Tuesday, the 2ud day of April, A. D." 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock' M. anil 4 o'clock P. M th. fallnwln deaerlbed real State.altUlltein the COOn- ty of Franklin, and Stat of Ohio, and el tyofOolnmbus.lto Witt lot sto. low, io pnuiviuea vjm w rrn tin. of lha lot. 31 feet south of the northwest corn er; thence eaetwardly 27 feet on a line parallel with the north and south lines of th lot; thenos northwardly S feet on a line parallel with th east and west lines of th lot; thence a.twardly 30 feet oua Una parallel with th north od south lines of the lot; thence northwardly 12 feet on s line parallel with the east and west lines of the lot; thence eaetwardly on a Hneparallel-wlth the north and south lines or tne lot, to in at una uieieoi. Appraised St For the North part, 93,000. r do lor the South pert, a0.SO). v " ' ' , -) O. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, and Master Commissioner. Printer's fee. 4 SO. marchl-dltw4w i Sherifl's Sale.. James Tucker and wlf ) ' vs. . Cc Ellas L. Hushes. Common Pitas.' nv viiiti v. OF A WH1 r OF VENBI D to me directed, from tbe Ooart of Common Pleat, of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale, St ths door of ta. Court Uoum, In the city ol uoiumpus, on - Monday, the 15th day of April, A.D. 1801, K.i.un t, hnnnaf 10 o'clock. A. M., and 4 o'clock P. M-, th following described real aatate.aituat in tbe n.n.i, at rmr.k llo. and State of Ohio. to-wlU Lot No. 26 In John and Henry Miller's Addition lo the city of Columbus. Appiaisea at O. W. HOFFMAN. Sheriff. mh!4:dltw4w. - By sin. Dav rs, Deputy Printer's fees 3. ' . Sheriffs Sale, JohnO. Work vt Common Picas. Y , V VIHTI KOF A 1VHI I V Vrnul Jj to a directed from the Court of Common Pleaa of Franklin county, Ohio, I will oBer for eele at tire door of th Court Uousa in the city ot uoiumuus, u i.H s Monday, the 15th day of April AD., 18bl, trntmm iba honre of 10 o'clock a. aa and 4 o'clock p. a ih. r..iiAin Anna hed Drouerlv. situate in me couniy r Vnnklln. and State of Ohio, to wit: The interest snd estate of James 0. McOoy In Inlot No. 442, In the rit at Calumbu. ia-oid count, htj estate being the re- maiCKiev in if. ww' io minuMiw v. .,, Iubella alouoy, wwow oi Kouert tt . miwoj, .rimiiii and the esut of aaid Jamea O . McOoy in enld estate be i.. k. which was rievlaed to him bv sld Robert W. McCoy tn n laai wiiiauo iiiubcuh.uku . .v-. In Franklin couniy, uiuo, rreaw vn - . w.nUrrr,w;,B;rlfi , marehW:ltdA4tw. - By Davit, Deputy Printer'e fee.. 4 60. . . Sherifl"s Sale. Ths Stale of Ohio ) Ta, J Union County Common Pleas. W. H. Barey, et. al.) . - ' BY VIRTUE OF A WBl'f OF VF.ND1 tome directed from the Oourt of Common Pleaa ol Onion County, Ohio, 1 will offer for tale at tbe door or the Court Iluuae In the e.ty of Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio, on ' ; . ' ' (.. Saturday, the 6th day o( April, A. D. 1861, between the hour of 10 o'clock A.' M. and 4 o'clock P. M,,th following described real estate, situate in the Oounty et Franklin, and Stat of Ohio, to wife Lots Nos. two, (2) three, (3) snd four, (4) In th town of Grov port Appraised afc-tot No. . M0 00 . .rr i 4, Si 00 - ': .. . Q. W.: HUFFMAN, Sheriff. BW!ltdA4tw. " . By B. Davi. Depnly. Printer' feet 13.00- ' , Master Commissioner'B h Sale. Bernard Sheridan . . ) ys. , Superior Conrt . ., . lud Alley et al. ) - : i - v VIRTIIROP AN ORDEHOF MALE B i .te aa dlnscted from th Superior- Court of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House, in in vity oi voiumoushou Monday, the. Is day of April, A. D. 1EC1, between tne boon of 10 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock n. m., tbe following described real estate, situate In the county of Franklin and State of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. twelve, (13) n Bulllrant'i Addition to the town of Frank linton. .- " - -""! - AppraltedatSSnO.OO. ' .I-...-.-. - O.W ITOFFMAN.Sherit febSfl-dltwtt. ' ' snd Master Commissioner, i 'Printers fees $3.00. - " - ' - ', ' ' ' Sheriff's Sale: ' Edgar Manning nlhg l Bale by orderof Coutt, etsl. va. Oeo. W. Brown liuH diraetad from th Buuarior Court et Frank lin county, Ohio, I. will pBs tor al st th door of lb Court Houte, In tne city oi teiumoua, on Saturday the 13th day of April, A. D. .1861, at I o'clock P.M.. the following described Real Estate, slrost In ths oounty of Franklin, and StaU of Ohio, to wltt Let Mo. 23, in tbf town. of said county, -i .'.'.-. 'ApraltedatS32S...N . O.W.HUFFMAN, SaarchU-iaA4tw v "... .Sheriff. , t Printer'i fee B3 00. . ' . - . ' i 'vtjniversal . ; : V ; COUGH REMEDY. lor U Throat snd tung Complaints, tnctudng, with moet perfect retnltt, WnooriHO ConeH, Chsomio as ConaoR Ootrem, Bsoiwhul ahb Thsoat OonrLaurrs, (Iways forerunner of Consumption. As a Sootbis Svarjrlt has no superior. "Freed from all Opiate or a a. tic properUes, may be used by most delicate eonstl tuuons, and witn peneci eonuuence. yn M , . , , HuimEWELL;s '( l ' C13LEBRATED . i . : ; ' . Y'. ;; :;v; .' i T0LU ANODYNE. Tin Ossatsst IfATOBAa Oviat ever offered to th world, eontainlng not a particle ef Opium, nor any sab itane but It strictly vegetable and medical properties A tar Bemedy for NK!iaiA, BrnmwaTtiui, Ooot, Toote Asa B.a Aoas, Oatabkh, Koasoa Hav Fsvea, aud all minor Hervous Complaints, '"' . Fob Los or Slop, snd Headache In sit Its varieties, (thai ne aqnal, and I which stoat undoubted testaoni altar offend. .... J .: ; '.' . ' Foa D attain: Taswme It I a most perfect rtaerry .-. . . Fob Bowst. Oonruurr. after removing the pain It acts a aphytw, mntt Irapertant oontratt with tht eonttlpa tory effect ot Opium. . . . u ' . ' . - To Phytlelans, Formulas and Trial BoMIeewlS kesent, and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamphlet Without "poetage-ttamp." ' ' Prepared under th special tvrperviaton ef ., .. -. : JOHN L. IIs7NNEWEI.It ' eaiafi aMS ibubhaciutist, JTo foaatretel Wharf, Boston, H ass Towhosapleate direct ell eoavoBslcallsiis, ,, ; ,),; Prwat-Larg Cough Remedy, eents per botlls. Small " 95 ", " -, ' !' Tola Anodynd,1 ' '- SS ' ' " for sale by the usual wholesale snd retail dealer, "bBBRTSA BAKU!!,' ' ' ' H. B.!fARPl, JOHN B. O0OK, - ---J. M. DBNIO, a. DBMS A SONS, - A. A. BOHUBLLBB A SON, - may 17-wly AgauU for Oolumboa, Ohio. - A FPLKtll APPLtSI " rr - . . 11 m,ib. i.iimm unM nnrm an cmMKnHwaw prsslebf r.i -.y V Mcjt VY " . a, d; UlVj: t-. r.:; .;i . to . tMi ) ;.i " H f mi ' , 1. ,J t.-,(0. a: .u.- 0 : H' "Taj gf ti ai . it Ck'' v SI S - 1 C-4 :.- . 00 TTTTt rNTIM ATTBMTIOS toem of th4 of e raordlnary cures by my ; i,'.':"' ; :. ' ,. s " ; .i-POTOlULSYRU?. t f i , i -.; ri m'.; . i i ? r v - ' . ; t, i Thov are at horns, and any one who has doubts eaa In quire of theperaon who have been cured by it ' ' BR. KKVHUR TS PRBPABBT) AT ANT TIMI TO F.XAMINB LUNOS WITHOUT OHAKQH; FOB ALL T1I0BB WHO NBBD UIS MIDIU1NKS v. s.i - i -.t. 'ii . - i i :i attend ra vnnR COLDS -A ease of Ave years' landing oured by DU, KJSXHBR'S PEUTOttAL BVHUP. . ' PrrrtsoaoH, Jan. I1.18C0. Dr. Ksrsnt: Hvwife bat been afflicted with a bad eough snd difficulty of breathing, for five or six years, Wbiutt , for evral year Dae, naa graauaiiy inoraasea in violence. Ihe oomplalnt bat been hereditary, and the had been treated by several physicians without any re lief. In this slate of her case, 1 procured some oi your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the first time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much; I then (ailed and got a dollar bottle, wntcn curea uer eniiroiy, ano she has now ao trace of the former disease, except weakr neat. I would also tlate that 1 used tne menicine my . elf to a cold and cough. ?he medicine cured m by tak ' log one dot. I express my snti re saiuiacuon wun tor medicine, snd yoa ar at liberty to publish this if yon detlre to do to. Wlfi. WILSON, - Alderman ruin nsra. PirrsacsoB. Kov. 18, 1858. " li. Kmn : Althoneh not an advocate of Patent lledlcines. In seneral. It allorua me pleasure inusacrioa. hia to recommend vour Pectoral flvruo. Al a medicine it it well worthy the attention of any person who may Id any manner be afflicted with oonghs, eold. and hoaraeness of anv hind, and for th necullar qualification, for re moving all that disagreeable teasatlon attending a se- waraAnlrl. I hare been, mora r less. In my lire, sneeiee witn tne severest of oolds and hoarseness. At times my throat would become to closed as to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few doses of tbe sbove. syrup In Koomacndlng thi modletn, I autt nnhedtatlngty ay that It I, the beat remedy I ever found, purporting te euro tlis above, nor should any family be without this remedy for diseases to prevalent. ,-, ,. - Voure,mostrepctfnlly, '!; r--. - i BDWAKD J. JONBS, ? '- J) CMhler Ulllaena lepoiiiusnXfc,tl.t STtTjsnvnu.0.. March 14. 1859 ' . I have used Dr. Eeyser's Cough Syrup for a bad cough of several years standing, and can cheerfully, say it is the best medicine for the sama that I have ever taken .:....: ' J. W. PBI0B. 1 COL. PRATT AND DB. KEXSKH'S PK0TOBAL 8YB.nP.-D. Knsxa Dear Sir: Bxcui th delay of my aoknowledgiag the excellence of your Pectoral Cougtt Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure in saying that It h) all you eay it la. Jt KnocJcta wit nout oik of my ooug and the worst rn I was aver afflicted with: I have-uut need more than one-half of th bottle, and I can aud do with that all who are afflicted would give it as fair a trial a I have done, end they will be proud to say, "It Ian quack medicine.". 1 would not sutler anouier suen aa attack for anv consideration, or at any coat. . I am con fident I can breathe more freely than I l r did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing o excellent a remedy. : lou are at nrjeny io utm my name in thla regard, as yea think proper - Al. F.-rstATT, , : Messenger Common Council, tlttsbuxgbiPa.,, 'Pittsburgh, May 11, 185. H a f .:..... n m.l.ll.Mlllai.r.h.t'C' wh ntrtaui doubts can consult me pettonally. ' 1 C f . n ; t: i.. 'I '.'tit' tl! ,U i "' j . v, r ;; 1) rirnmw. April 81 1S57. READ THS TRUTH.' Da. Knsxa: I bare a daugh te who ha taken several medicines for a bad' eoush. without benefit among them Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.-! I purchased from yon a bottle of yout rJSUTUilAi. SYKUP, and before she had need half a bottle ah wae relieved. - The eecond bottle cured uer entirely or net corub. 1 . JOHMDAHIN, J ':,' Boblnson itrett, Allegheny.! ' 1 ' " T, . . t 1 1 1 tur, (IIIMUIHII,, mwUW M .LAM.. A GREAT CURB BY Dlt, KEVSEK'S l'KOTORAL 8VKUP. I live In Peeble township, Allegheny countyf 1 had a couthing and aplUinaV'Wtkiak aMaaoad aooa. ike 4ih ofg.bruary last, and oalluuditht month.-. 1 employed the best physician In the oouatry, and joy eounh continued unahatee Until early In October.' At that Urn I waa advlaed to try year PBOTOUAL COUOBM' V UU P, which I did, and after I had taken on bottle Tf was entirely free from the toughing and spitting.' ' I bain despaired of ever getting well, snd I think It should t known mat line vaiuaote rem eay win uo iot axner wan .1 i . t ... milM n.l.TTIiT.ll Witness B, M. it ink. l'eelilee.towphln. r ' ;- . - J e. ..'. 1-.. .'i :i.';.'1 ' Pattob Tp.. April 14. 18S7. - A WONDERFUL CURB Bom time mo. an oU neighbor of mln wa very ui( with a Dad cougu wnion ever on so noosed to b consumption. Ills relatives told m that he bad taken every remedy they heard ol without bent fit: hi brother earn to ar. aw die. and M were confirmed In the belief that be could not live. 1 had about tne tnira oi a pome oi your recwrai rjrup which I cav him, and It entirely oured him, to the atton uhraent of all. .What make th oaae more remarkable. is th extreme age of Uk man, hebslng about eighty ytan old. I have noooubt tne rcciorat tared nit uie. " -7 . .iiiiiMMt m writ DR. KBTBBtt'S PB0T0RAL BTRUP MJ BLAIRS VILLE Please send ms another supply or your valu able "Pectoral Syrup," Almoat everybody around at has the cold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer's Pectoral Syrup." W have sold sixteen bottle, last week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of Blalrsvllle, Pa., tell ut they would not be without tt in their famine, in net, ail wae use u one want it again,. lours, respectfully, r T'.i ... . V. ' . i a wirrnann a, enve t JjaauatyM, 1880." ANOTHER NEW CKRTIFIOATBDB. KETSBB'S PECTORAL SkRUP. I had been troubled with a cough and eold tor aereral week so bad waa It that I could not aleepi 1 had the advlo and prescriptions from three of thebeatphysiclanain tne city, wnom leouia nam, not do not do so. 1 nnany proourao ogiii. oi your ractorai Syrup, which cured me entirely. eignea, i , J. W. BIMONTON,' I ' 830 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan , 1800. .-.., '' ti it - ' "STOP TBATlOOUOHINa.' How can 1 do 111" "Oo to Keytar's on wood ttreet ana get a nottie or niiuoage Pectoial, and If that don't cure yoa, your oats must bt Aasnerat Indeed."' Ihll Is a specimen of th colloquy ne hear almost every day In eold -catching periods of the year. And we can. from actual experiment, cheer fully concur in the advittr't admonition as above, for w BAV tried in "reouirmi, iu a nai .luuugra ea.. Willi entire taenia. Near two weeks ago we went to Pltlaburgh, with on of th moti aisiressing, contrary, munau, an Subduabl cough w. evr xperrenctd lino our advent apon this mundan aphera. W eougbsd steadily and laboriously for one whole week, In hopes of tiring ii out, but It was ne go. In fact It teemed rather to have im proved by practtoe, and to have ecquited .trength, poten cy and dUtrmtibilUy by the operation. In this t rage of the siege, we eouihed our way to Reiser's, 140 Wood St. procured fifty cent bottle ot th "Pectorals1' took it according to directions, and in forty-eight hours we were master of the field, the enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict wllh to formidable an ' adversary as Keyter't famous t'Oough Pfctorli."-rrotm4ta tisr,i.A,sB..Mi i t, . f DR. KETSIR'S PE0TORAL BTRUP II prepared and sold by Dr. OK0R0B II. KBTSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - ' jrj Sold in Columbus by ROBERTS A BAMUEL. rOTHACHE BEMEDY. ' .1 ' 1 . . . I :t .. . .' : ' , i v.f i A BTJItK CDTtDJ.::: !.. ., ! i - . . : -rtiv...: :.J i i .1 . ." .J.i . " j Prepared and sold by y., ,-,.,, I ' . .' t;.-i J -j i ' D. 0E0. II. EETSER, ' . Price, 85 eenbj. ' ' ; ' 140 Wood St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. ...-.- il ' '- :'l".' ' U 'M'X'l i:l:.. "i i' : T0 Sold 1n Columbus by R0BBRTS A 8AMU1L. , pcf7:3tawdm. . ; i li:,. ni i , Master ,Coimiiissioner'8 Sale. . I Jacob Bllberoegle 1 r .- -,o m;I 1 " f r.l ' va. - J Bale by order of Court... , . Nlcholai Maurer et al.y -' - -. ' " m . . , 1JY VIHlUEtir AN ORDEll OF SALE JJ te me directed, from the Ooart of Oobhbob Pleas, of Franklin County. Ohio, I will oiler for sawtatths. door of tht Coartf-Uoutt, lo th city of Columbus, on . Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D., 1861: between th hows of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M., th following described real estate situate In the oounty of rnnklln and Stat ef Ohio, to wit! In4o Mo. tw hun red and thirty-soar, (234) In th city of Colombo, a numbered and designated on the recorded plat ef tald iriFMUshU ! march 14:ltdA4tw and Matter Cornmisaioaerr. ' Prluler's Fees S3., -. f ,-, ."4 GOLDEN III 1. 1. SH1UTS, .. OOLDBN BILL BHII1T8, .'-' OOLDBM HILL SHIRTS." (' ' '( Thi pattern of thee shirts are new. Th Bodies, Yokes, sieevet and bosoms ire formed to Bt th person with eaa and comfort. The mark apon uach one designating the sis may be relied on aa being oorre.t, and tachslilrt is guaranteed wall mad.. A fell stock oi all qualities constantly for sals at- - .. . BAlN'8,7j nov24. 1 ' No. i") South High ttreel. Far Medical Parpaooo." DURE BRANDDIE8, WINES, COHDIALS, AND BIT A Tta, from Urtn.lMf W.Mhnnu WM. MoDONALD, " 'K'; , QH South HMrh rtraet. bovST rtLArtd STUAW BONNETS) ANDES.? - ...... , T'aws T. iZVi77-A . r '.No, BS. HlgUarsetJA IS i fin I i i. In ..a., mil. I mm mm " i ' ; .. .'irrM!ur. tiJiU ,aMa Uf ni ta tji;--'. i9 'j'isrv i 'i i . y ' 1 lire-. V ,.! S'.t .atli ' ' r ' ,Jlr S 'vi. tl'.VBli ! in "an ( 1 . T"r onrstirPT j ti vy'AMi i : DISCOVERY MR. KENNEDY, f OF . noXBVBTt ha dissevered In one of onr common pasture weeds S remedy that cares ' ' ' - ' ' ' Every Kind of Humor, . .. M .7 IB0H. .:::i1 .!, .IlV:J. I ,'. Ths worst Scrofula dowa to a eommoa Flmpla He has tried Itfn over eleven hnndred esse, snd nev er failed excent In two ra.n ( both thnnder humor-) Bt has now in hit possession over one hundred certlflcateiof Itt value, all within twenty mile of Boston. ' Two bottles are warranted to cure a naming sore mouth. ' ' -' - " "- On to three bottles will ears ths worst kind of Pimples en in nee. . : Two or three bottles will clear ths system of Mies. ' Two bottles are warranted to cure th worst canker In tht month or stomach. ' -' '-" Three to St. bottles are warranted to ears the worst kind of Bryslpehi. ' One to two bottle are warranted to cure all humor in the Byes. - '- Two bottles are warranted to cur running o the esr Snd blotches smong the hair. ' - -: - ' ronr to tlx boties are warrantee: io ear eorrnpi ana running ulcers. . une bottle win care scsiy eruption or me iiin Two or three bottles are warranted to cur th Want kind of rlntwormt Two or three bottle are warranted to ear ins mom desperate crwe of rheumatism. Three to four oottiesare warrsmea weuresnii-nneum Fir to eluht bottles will cur lb worst eat of ton. fula. - " '- A beneflt It slwart experienced from the nrtt eottie. a perfectenre Is warranted whea th above quantity I taken. , , jtOAuUKx, m Ann. Dua Minw:-The recnlallon of th Medlnal DIs eovery, In curing all kinds of humor, It well tstab- llkhail riv the unanlmou. voice Ol a I wno nave ever wa It, that I need not say anything on th (ubjeot, as th most tklllful phytlclani and the most careful DrugglttS In the country ar unanimous in it praise. - In presenting Ih Medical Discovery to yonr notlos, I do it with .fall knowledea of Its curative power. In r Uevlns all. snd surtni moat of tnote eiteaset to wnica you are unfortunately so lialila... That most excruciating ditesst to aa afTeetionat mother, , ., . NUHMINO SOKE BIQTJTII, Is eared as if by a miracle; your own temper I restored to I ta natural sweetness, and year babe from short and fretful nana to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discovery become! a fountain of blessing to your butband and nonsenoia. ' , In the more sdvanred stares or OANKBB ' It extendi to the stmnaeh ,on,lnr " . ...... . . DVS)FPMA, n which Is nothing hut canker on Uuj stomach; then to tht luteiunesanu ,. . ., kidnF.ts. creating s sinking, gone feeling -aeiil an Indifference svss tuacaraoi J"r laaiiy. . , . , , .xoursvouacui. !i.;ili HAW AND INFtAinED, vonr food distresses voa. arid von can only take certain kinds, and even of that yoursystem does not get half the nourishment It contain!, a th acrimonous fluid of the canker eata Itunr then vour eomnlexlon lotet Itt Sloom sod becomes sallow and greenlih, and yonr best ay I too. For want ef your system be comes loos snd uabhy. and tn tlbre, of soar May n Sum relaxed Then follow a train of diseases which ths Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted lo i" 'i;KBSBBr-!', PalnltaUon of the heart, psln In the tide, WMknet e the spine snd small of the back, pain ot Ih blp Joint when voa retire, irrciruiarity or in do we is, an an, that most excrusuuing oi aiteatet, uio - at e. va.- ' I , . M a How man Ui.nunA of Door women are Battering from this disease and pining away a miserable lire, and their next door nefghbordoes not know the cause. '1 wish to Impress on your mind that good old proverb, "Aa ounce ot prevention a netier man a pouuu h nra, 1 1, hi. AEDIOAIi DISCOTEKir - - you have both HeprevenUtlve and the cure, ' with this great and good quality, that It will never, wader any Circumstances, ao yoa any injury. . . L THE MEDICAL, DISCOVEHY; is AjpeciaJj tnteaded for dtteate of the blood, but since its Uitrwluctlon In tbe Wester Slates, it is fpnnd to bt ,,-:.qn;rl AGCB RE1TIEDV.1 thfaraaawarhatora the onblio. -jw ' 1- . Nochanse of diet ever necessary est the best yoa can eon gt enough, or " -. " ' ... .. i. 4 Dianrnom ma cs Adults on tail spoonful per lay Children over ten year, detert spoonful Children froaveUeiiTht veers. ta spoonful. As no diracUont caobcapplicablcto all eontituUens, take sufficient to operaw ou uie oowei. wrc a uxy. . . tii- - , loursnuiy, . I"' PrteC $1.00 parbot.tle.-i Feb ... i y every druggiit In fh United Btatet. .' , I - .aepxi-davily. PROF.L.MIliLER'S HAIR IIIVIGORATOn, An ; Effectiys,'". Safey'and Cononilcal compound., , ,., T. ' FOR RE8TORING GRAY HAIR To li original color without dyeing, sod preventing the . iiairiroa turning grey. . n.; . ! FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, - And caring It, when there I the least particle f vitality or rtcuperauv energy reaamiiif. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF : i ,'-" And all cntancoui affections of the Scalp. 1 i,. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to Itaa uneqaled gloat and brilliancy, making It toft and tilky in It texture, and earning it to curl ireaitily. Tht great celebrity and Increasing demand for thl an equaled preparation, convince, the proprietor that one trial a only neoeatvy to tatiify a discerning public of lit nperior qualities over any other preparation In ate. ' 1 1 cleanses tbe head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous disease, causing tbe hair to grow luxuriantly, giving it a riob, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also, where the hair I loosening and thinnlug. It will give strength snd vigor to the roots and restore the growth to .-hose parts which have bacoms bald, easting K to yield a Mb. covering of hair. . - j.r- . ... . , . -' Thtr are hundred of ladles snd gentlemen la New York who have bad their hair restored by Uie use otthit Invttforator. when all other preparations have failed. L. M. has In his potawtloa tetters innumerable testifying to th above fact, from persons of the highest radweta bllitv. It will cSeotoally prevent th hair from turnlnx until the latest psriod of lite; and In esses where' the hair haa already changed Hs color, the nse of the Invlgorator will with certainty restore It t it lo Itt original hue, glv log tt dark, glossy appearanc. - As a perfums for th toilet snd a Jiestorauve It ta particularly recom mended, havins an at ratable fragrance; and tbe great fa cilities It affords in dressing th hair, which, wneu moist with th Invlgorator, can fee d record ka any required form so as to preserv it place, whether plalnor la curia; bene the gnat demand for it by th ladlet at a standard tolletarllcle which none ought to b without,! the price place It wiuun in reacn oi an, Ming ' Only Twenty-IlvB Centa pef bottle, to be had st all - retpeolsbls Draggltts and ' Perfamars. ' t. MTXtEB would call the attention of Parents snd Oaerdtaos te the use of his Isvlgorator, la caaas where the children's hair Inclines to be weak. The ate of it layt the foundalloa for agoed AKl of Aaer, as It re moves any Imparities that, may htvt become oonnected with th tcalD.tb removal of which Is neeenarr both for the health of the child, and the f qture .appearanc of tta Hair. '- v 1 CtCTrTm. Noo genuine without the fae-slmlle LOUTS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, l atlb LBB'a BAIR INVIO0RAT0R, N. T., blown in ths las. ". ". ". Wholaeal Depot, St Day street, snd s IJ by sll the principal tlerchaou anu uraggitis inrougnout tne world j Liberal dltconnt to purchasers by the quantity. '.. i I also desire te pretest to th American Public my nw AID UFBOVXO ZSfSTAH IA5S0VS LIQUID HAIR DYE," which.- afia. sear of sclentlSe experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dys Black or Brown Instantly without injury to th Hair or Skin; warranted th bett article ot the sua in tiwwm . - , . j PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. pepot,.. 66 Dey " St, .New York -V WHO 8H0TJLDTJSE v ', DR. J. BOVEE DODS IMPERIAL" WINE '"BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient, OvnaumptlcB or Wak Lungs should nsstaem. , . . . ,. i. I All who suffer from Vtuk. Btomacha, IndlgeiUonDys- rpsteorriietsnouidaseincm. ... . All who .uu"er from Oeneral or NerroolDftll Restlessness at night, Want of Sleep, Ac., should ase them. -. . ' . ... . I AH persons who -are eonvslescent sfter .feyst er other . Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers,' Lecturer, and al publleepeak.rt anoulduaetham.v v. -i...ii i - i ' Book Keepen, and all person hauUsg SStdentAry U Should use Ui.m.. . . ..... , aril r. K i Ph rnifA anil winnn .nnntrl naa Uiem. . : All who reaulre a .timulant or tonlo should ate them. : All who are add feted. 4a tk use ot ardent spirit and wish to laforsj, should ase Uiento, .it . They are made of a pure Sherry Wine, snd of ths na tive plant and herns or in country, aim umn nr eommended by temperance societies, clergymen, phytt elans, and all friends of traaanity. " ' ', ' They are prepared by an experienced and tklllful phy. itclan, and, atidefrom Uielr medicinal properties,, are a mott delightful beverage) and yet, a medicine, are as, Innocent and hannlea. th dewtof heavens " ' -'l" Sold by druggiit generally.. -!" 1-' J CHABLES WIDDIFItLD ft C9.,r Froprletors, .0 ... -ia Wllllaaa SU Nor Yarh BAMm, Ajents. . Urmia BBej-ya?: iecMuawir. i -j r, i, 4, t urr-Ain r im 'ir.'i , r-avi '1 bn''fifV v r nit h 'frri oi cnJ i .-. ,lrS-.''--V a. r,V"A vF CURE SE CURE NepvousHeadache By the ate of these Pill, ths periodic sttscks of Set-, tout or Mch Btadacto may bt prevented; and If taken at ths oommenosment of an attack Immediate relief from psln and sleknsss will btobtalned. .i: They seldom fan In removing ths Satuta snd BtaA ocAs to which females ar so subject. 1 ' ' ' They act gsntiy anon tee bowel removing OMNee- . AMf." -'T ' " ';;, .... i lor. .ttferary ica, Blufontt, Delicate Females, , snd all pertont of sedentary habitt, they are valuable ,' as a LatviUvt, Improving lha appttitt, giving fos snd : vigor Ut ths dlgestlvs organs, and restoring th natural elasticity and strength of the Whole system. ; ; ... ; . . , ITUE CBP0 ALIO PILLS ire tbe retukof long inves tigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been In ass many years, durlDg which time they have prevented snd relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer- ' lag from tleadache, whether originating in the acres system or from a deranged state of the sfoowrcA.. Tbey are entirely vegetable In their euupoaltlon, an may be taken at all time with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and tht abtme of any ' dtMortealle tatt render tt eatu to edrrtnUter them cAUaren. ' . . . i. .: BlWArta ur uuunnfitt.jbiTD i The genuine have five signatures of Usury 0. Spsldlng on each Box. ' v ,'' i i Bold by Dragglsts and all othsr Dealers la Medicine. A Bex will be tent by aaII, prepaid, on receipt of the . i Xxrloo 133 Ooxxts- . All order should be addressed to -, ' HENHY O. SPALDING, IS Vedar fltraet, New Yark. ' 1 1 TflB I0LLOW1NQ ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, Writ C0STINCB Alt WHO BUTfER FROM i HEADACHE, .... ( , ; ; ., THAT A - ' SPEEDY AUD SUBE CUBE , 13 WITHIN THEIR REACH. At the TettimmtaU vier vntoHeited bjt to j wa, fAey ajford vnqMtttiotutblt jtroof of tht : eucy of thi truly tcimtijio discovery. !-f l ... ' . , ' ..t Hasokvius, Cohs , leb. S, IfCU... Ms. EraLoiNO. ... . -Sis: : - ' J- I have tried your Oephalls Fills, and III them t turn that 1 want you to send me two dollar worth more. Part ot these are for th neighbors, to whom 1 gave - few out of the flrttboxl golfromyou, , tina tn riiis ry tnsiii ana ssirge ,, - . lour 00 1 rervsm, M',.:.'j:-c.iJ-::. JAMES KBNNiDT.1? . i . .. IUvtxroRD, Pa., Feb. 0. J8C1. Ms. BriiJiiso. . .. .. v-.. gmt ' ' ' ' -:) 1 I wish you to send me one more box of yonr Cephallo Pyis,Aie received a grertdtidcjJltfnmthem.- ' :r "TVrMABVitNSTOUcnonsE. T ',T " frarcx CsriK, IIcstixotor Co., Pa.,1 ( ' ' ' -'..,: :.Jnaarjrl8,bul. ,.; 0. 0. EraLDiio. , , - -- I i, - Siaf " . ' ! Vna will nlaua aand me two boxes of vour Geuhalkl Pill.. Bend them Immediately. jt.i -..i ' Metpetifullyyoare, ' j'i. ti.. . , , JNO.B. SIMONS. P. S. Ihavtuui one hoa ofyovrJHlle, and find themoelleni. . . 1 .-. -.;'.': i. "bsixs Vawsog.Onio, Jan: 15, 1861. ' nsmtrC SrAioraa, Ksq. ' . Please find enclosed twenty Ave eents, for which ssndj mt saolher box of your Oephalls Plllt. They ar truly Vie beet JPiU Ant tver tried. . , Direct A, STOVER, P. M., ' j u ' ' ' Bslls Vtrnon, Wyandot Co., 0. - "'" '' ' Bsvxslt, Mass, Deo. 11, 1860. " n.O. SfALniHe, Kari.'- " I wish for some circular! or large ahow billt to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mers, ifyou hav anything of Uie kind, pleaa ssad to me. Ons ef my customers, whs Is tahject to severe Sick Tleadache, (moally lasting two daya,) twit oured of an aUaek in on hour try your POlt, which I sent her. , j : V . . ' aeapeetfully yours, ' , j ,,,, ,. W. B. WILKES. ' RnxoLMBusB, FsASWitw Co., Onto, I i -. t . '. . January V, inOi. J Dmrnv 0. Pr.i.nwo, ...... . No. 48 Cedar at., N. T. .. . . !, : . ' Dx.rSir: . ' Inclosed find twenty five eents, (33,) for whlih send hex of "Cephalic Pills." Send to addieaa of Bev . Wa. . Filler, Reynold.burg, Iranklln Co.. Ohio. " Your Pillt vork Uk a charm curt UeadacK al-t, mot fnsfanfcr. . . , i , ' Truly yours, WM. 0. riLLV.R. i i! TniLAirn, Mich., Jtn. 14, 18(11. Mb. I falsi m. Sir: . Net long since I sent to yoa fors box ef Csphalle Pills for th sure of the Nervous Uaadarh and Ooslivaiieas, snd reoelved th earn, and Ary Aud so good an tftel tlnti I wo induced to tend or mott. ' '' Plea Mod by return mail. Direct to ' n ' ; A. B. WUBEI.ER, 1 " . ' Ti .z - c. . i YpeUaats, Ulch. ' From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. , Cephalic Pills secompltth the object for which Uicy were mads, vis.: Care of headachs In sll III forms . '' Vrem th Examiner. Norfolk. Vs., .... ' They hare been letted In more than a thousand estcs With entire success. I .' " From Ihs Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. ' -' ''' ' : If jou are, or hava been, troubled with ths hendsche " tend for a box, (Cephallo Pillt,) so that yoa may have them In cat of an attack. . . j from th Advertiser, Providence, B. L, ; . i, u ' The Oepballo Pill are said to bs a remarkably efeciire remedy for th headach, and eneof the vary best for tliat vary f reqeent coaplaint.whlch. has svsr been dls- ;- eovered.. f . . .... , ,( ,( I From the Western R. R. Oasetts, Chicago, Il ! We heartily endorse Mr. Bpauldlng, and his unrlvslet Cephslle Pills. - -. - ' I '", from ths Ksnswha Vslley Stsr, Ksnswha, Ta. J,' ' c . W are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. .. . . ... i from ths Southern Psth Finder, New Orleans, Ls.' "' 1 Try them I yoa that are toileted, and ws are sure that your tssthaonyoan bs sdded to th already numerous , Hat that has received benefit! that no other medicine can prodaoe. .-, , J -i ! n ;' ' From ths St IsNits Iratatoerat.: .' :' ''. The Imnwnss demand for the article (Cephslle Pills) lg rapidly Increasing. ) .. ,C. .. Iran the Osteite, Davenport- Iowa. . ,. 1 Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with aa ar ttelehe did not Aweae to pomese reel merit. . i '- iu "w- TjVa slngls bottle' ol SrALDINO'S PRBPABlA 7 Q.LUB will savs tea tunes tUeoet snnueL., ., cr I , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE f , ' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ...i , : Mr SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I K I -ft resin 2vli.'l!tL....!, tv-:v. BATE TBI PI10ES1 ' B00N0MTI -T ... v.- riBPATOHi'M:'' ! IEJ,'ABTrrtaiiii tuts Savai Nnra.'Ctt (L 1 As accidents will happen, even In well rsgnmted fam . Hies, It Is very desirable to have some cheap snd con venient tray to repairing Furniture, Toys, Croeksrey - t! vi' SPALDING'S PREPABCTOIUB n.'i'; rnattS all sack aniergeneles, and no kooaehold eaa to be without it. It Isslways ready, and up lo.fhe sUck lnroolnlt7 ' ' 1 ' ' ' " " ", V.r.BBfOfc IS JtVEBT nOTJSB.f , ri, B. A 8nsb sceompanies each bottle, Prtoe. W Tt mV ' -wsBTo.spwW.;;rel r . ,r . , K(). 4rJ, Cedar Street, New Tork. ' ' ' . . ... . 0ACT10N.' . 'As cettslB unprladpled persons are stterspUn-1 palm off on the uotupectlng pnbllc, mltAtloni of my Fit KPAKBS OLUB, I would eautiea all person let SS-' aaMbMorprchMin,nd se that thefuU name,, -f a ILTBPALDING'S PKhPABBDGLUB,Q ' ar en alseuujW wrPPrt sU ethers are swindling eeaTJ torfetts afj f--V -3 e' 'il..,r I " .l,n'."if. mm