Newspaper Page Text
XTAm TT1 A TVV I THE REVISED S1ATUTE3 Of THl ' ' " ' ' ' DTATH OI? 0.1.L.I O Of AOBNfait HATUBB. IN fOBOB A TO. -.AfOO. Hon. Joseph It. T, ' f . . v ' ' i ' - rzEiac bomb Coti-ined is lwiitrlfi roluM of tk Ohio an Obi ANDkaanEo hopb.ob-.awc Tt mt a w u e h i ,v h i f ." is .. ms ' Attn 4 voii Lie AD' OwtVWIWr - la Tiro Royal 8ro Volanret. Piles $10 00. .1: f.i:4--- V '" '" or jtpneha been ipil,to )saka til wort Ha ear r. mi .....nt-le til retrwett.-- - - It ka now lb UgtileUe ,; tlo, baring been tp- Meed b nearly the tnanlmooi rot or both Uoooet, ;ndil.-1bll.rilauJ t ih,fll.rii Dot . .,.., ahlWKL. ..A ... 1 (A ll-.ffY.10 Oorernor, Attorney Oeneral, iuprem Judge. Secre tary, 0ptoll, Imwnr nd Alirod I tale, and s tin Probata 001. UoorUel Om PIa,Bapei lor ud Polio Coaii. Auditor, and thociert mriou Ooartttotack oaBr, V ! Beott and Houe of Repreeentallre; of "hit "''. tod Hit 8V-mrs e th. ttTrtl Bttleeof th n. . in I. fort.. ted ih oolhorlati- eoottroettoa of thorn tad of th Nw OontliMlloa, will b loan to ot ewpteiBi ly utfal la tot prfonaaaoaf Hwlr dntl, to til 00OSTT OVVIOBBS, ,. , - JU8TI0KS Ot THBWBAOBii V. u... ;v it .,u;i--llTOa'ltITftTI.K-. '-'MV 4ie. cirr omcKus, .,. ... , .... T,.h"Jr urn iBMCttlwkM Bltdt la tht UlatMtuMMtlw putxicaUotW Uw iMt. d :l i .I.....,.. aBd tdilxkott. tad twof taiparttai olrtooi htn M trti bi ttit apaBt Court ta.ooor trerertfl polnli til ATTORN BY AT tAW. . BAN88.MKRCnA ' , Wilt and tU la tnnlat) Wot. I'.itt .Tr- .w .0 .1 TVs Bovtl 801 rImM otrr Wntteth JTaalr ta 8tro J.w Blading. , Price llO.OOj fabtUhtdbr .(' -.a latj. . l- in ROBJCRT CLARKE. Ar, CO. law Patllititn. BookKllert; BiMllonertttiil Impoitcrs. StatcButatx GEO. Vf. WAWYI-EHMT. E?. .1 . COl-tTMBTJS, OHIO. - . nmmriniM r 'rTPHW 1JTSX8- . I . ...... ..u.XTXmJ.m. ' ' ' . TUESDAY EVEMINO, APRIL fi, 186L DEMOCRACY TRIUMPHANT ! The Capital City Redeemed!! ' wll 0 ni r'lljl ..H v f " ' t ; 1 nil ... . L r j r V' ' L,vriJ rai. . . . V.WSu.' ii ' : .1. . ji . i A DEMOCRATIC MAYOR ELECTED FOR THE A DEMOCRATIC MAYOR ELECTED FOR THE FIRST TINE IN COLUMBUS ! A t laMcratic Cttr Mmm u..3 r A Bmcrauc City Clcrji.' " A Democratic City Salicltar. " ,, , Twa Democratic RealDlractar. Thin pmcrtlo (Mtikltt. 0' Taree Democratic Trnateca. A Democratic Township Treasnror. A Demacratic TawntUip Afcfsaar. ALL PROBABLY ELECTED!! Thifrobult of the itiectloa in 'Jie CitrDil Toa-mbip aa ytHnr will b foMod eUowhart io onracolomni. . Tbe Pemocrac. tcqnltted tben6lrea well, carrjing erery officer wbo rn throngh the whole city, except the city ; Treasur er, ami also etrrylng alflhe townAhIp etSeerk The Repnbltease'elcoted three Coancllmen' and three wird AHeaioil.'aad the City 'Trenrer. We regrrt the defeat of oor good and worthy Democrttle friend Faium, whvi toeea.'tbe " rice by rery' lew ' yotea. 4 The' 0mocrac ,if , Colombse made the beat ote they erer polled at a local election on ' j eaterdy, and broke down combination wblch heretofore baa al way been too itrong for them.'T. AU bail W jhe Dimocta- cy of tbe Capital City 1 - , IM , i i i ' " t: Showing His Jackson Qualities. Linocln lui tad a fan witli aome Cali- fornl4, offie iuoterf, and throat paper ibay proMnted him into the fire In their presence. The purport of thapape wai a protect agaiast the UterferenM ct Bane, of Oregon, in -the California Ippolntm'f ntr'ind lU' Janguage Wat, regarded by Mr. Likcoui at effeoaire both to him and 8eoatof BaiXA,'of Oregon,' who" form erly reelded at Spring flald, Ullnole. '- Thediiptv tltloo made of tb paper protest it regarded at a eymptom of JaokaonUm, aid Old Aai't toadlea applaud hlia for IU Per (Wrw.-R1r tald that IrimedUteTy af- ter the eleoyios of V 8. Senator, Mr. f ci;tnci left thlt city for Vfuhiogton, to hare hit friend Comlt, of the Daytoa Journal, made Postmat ter at that plc a thing that be had beea aa- turad, whin ho Wat at the luaogaratlon, eboald be done., . ', ..(. On arrirlng at Washington and calling at tho WblU Uonae, Mr. Bcaucxient In hie earc and took hit tot In Ino ante room, there to remain nntil lammooed to an udieaeo wUa ihe Froal dent Many frere Calling, ,the prest f ap- plicantt for office wat great, and Mr. Scbihci remained for toniethirg .like an htmr with out being, tent for. Becoming, 'Impatient, we learn that ha I eat in a note about ai follow: "Tt&t Prailent if tht UtUtd pUU$ t My bail out It to bare friend Comlt appointed P. M. at Daylong vTbat It tht only fa?or I aak at your habii,'and I want It-done Jtniriediately Mr. Liitcoui, it to tald, ndorted on tbii note, "I will ne yon directly. , I want to talk about the ttitUr." . tecolTlrig thlt repl.'Mr. Sennet at f net pat hlmieli. In tht proeence of Old Ait, and broached tbe tnbjpct." Mr. LmooLH laid he wan ltd to examine the paper in th ceee that Mr. Want wu oppoeed to Comlt, and la fAior of Daawt and benoe be detirtd to make a. fall tsamlnaUoa of all the raoommeodaUoOtv' To thlt, jt It laid, Schmck replied about a follows ."Wall, tir, put Ban. Wacund all- tl-e pier WoommendaUona In one ca!e and aa la tbe other, and tbeo decide tht caae.Vi At. tbli Ula Ata cama Oown, and th eomttilseldtf for Cowtr wtt Iwbed.'Jt will hardly b claimed that the Kail Splitter die. plajrd my Ja'ckioniem Io thlt ktter caie. -y Election News. Our reader are to tbt telegraphie column for election sewt from Et.Louit, Clncia natl, Cleveland, tec. The revolution irt thoie dtlei tlnce tbe C.h of Novemer latt it wonder ful. Ia th Northwest, Rrpublicablsm baigoce I i..-,v i .1 .;tmu- i JI...- VJ."W dl The Canal Question. CI -It 01 0( to E '-: t, fc-BYf M lolh erii, paaaiJ the !!oua: 'of Repi ;-teral ti by a roVg or ojyre tjjan 1.00, teceiwg jemo ilxty fire Totea. . . . ' 0a th 30th ot Miroft.tbe Ciaolaaatt.aoiMr had tht following article la relatloo to the leate blllt THE LEACHING OF THE CANAL. Wt obwrn thtl Ihm It a bill rxnctlnt btfort tht Botut ol Htprtwntntlret, tt Oolumbut, la leu tlt liaont want, looladlof eantn tut mm gttth, for tht taatiu,uilpr tons. -( cl m i 11.;. n.nn.r at disoojlnc at tht Dabllt worki wt tottr our promt, ull In fraud upon tb pooplt of Uit bum.'1 u-tatrtattattowtiuioeitBui m w Itlilurt wao, .tf h aaki wrhli prtml meortA nuld duoatt of Una In that antntrt, , Woald b not, frarn motiret otpradtnol nd couom, pat pltvt of property ap at ttoiioq, it tratr uu not uim.u u. Um nut mifkt. bclo Ih klbnlpoMtl prtt W titrtitk l 4mUnr- Mitolltloat fWiait aaiiilat latt ll-uowi, mpoDiibpuutt wlllfiT ItratadrtBt ot wt Did or amherrj ft Uo. iu oroar io. ttwauui rmnotll Un. Uit kill koHlcl orof Idt that CUB CtOtl too in rota nM to Itttta atptnitiT. init mm potlbf of lb pablM Worti will awa ta t1I tht timnl. JI autabar of th eta aaatala klauclt lo rotlni (or tbt Uadbarry Ktim . ' Jka aocb at, art art btpoat t Ik kakilat n to tb atna amt af oattti, wt prfr H totaa-plaa ao ottoi ta vaeuuiara,;, !. lrt ! 'il 'm "ii1 Whm, tb, abort watfoblUhedia the oairer.the editor were not Igaoraht of th fact thatthcllllbair pawed ha(outQ,'"a1lhpogh they 'profo8adtobe, tq. . The proposition had been befor tb Heuee lot a aaoath, had beea freely dlienittd; and wat lb fact tiered to be engroMed, nearly a week before. Hence the pretended admoolUon-oi-ibe JEauirifWvaa iai fatc4 Intended at arabuka to, tboao Daember of tht Honte who roted for the meaaura. i Immediately j . rllowing jtb oairrr, .tne ioiwt Jimut, caitaa oy yeni iPamm -o.pna ikiif ventilated Itt TlrtuoneqdignatloB at th aetbltbeUouaeraa.iollowa-r n '. "trth aratiBMnMtnfmrariaattnl th FobHe Work in to tt aaltad apta at aa attaa for irrlaf tht apt eltl tad txoUuir rlabt tea law. aoaa t Itk tnaaa at Uwlf owa pri it will bta lalqaiieaa prattllotloa f a joat ana ittBtotBi iattM I tb aaat porpjf ox t fraadlof . aaopl l tkt JltM Mwmnr "tua who ttta (M.ih lalttlttoa.wvwaiUowowlUi k marked tod . taipttd. IJaar -aiaat kt ottaar raaaaal than tb Idoa ot .UhId ta todtmta atMBkar of tk Lrnlalatort ta pan a bill tt datriro tbe Btata' ot ta btttlttlOOtAaotlllao' ij R1M - JI )a t -i .?.. . luiiaw -TheremarkabU Ihtereil, taken for tn;Wta' and the estraordioary diiplay of rlrto whloa-l kfi palpable in Ihe, jirr and tb 7iaet,and to identical irr character, Will b 'findergtoofl when It It knowa'tbat tbo iEaf atrtr wat a fall jparhiar In tbjM. fWK)k Wt'VIapbja jAtu Btmam Printer to Coagri rent, wben tqt facl and, eitoomataaee.ot nectc4 with It, and the final rrtnlt of the mattet,' ar ail taken togetner, wnum baa had a rery eleratiog biQaenct on the ohartoter ol Ohio men for Itern boneety and Integrity. -! '. 5 '.J'"1 ,0 ShortTy after the Toledo r jeouked ah membert of th flonM for paaiiog the fckae bill, oor otamrorary of th 'CHii," ta eootw-. fjutno of the Difference of opinion betweeato 5Krer tad SUImata, wat Indoeed ttfthrh aside Iroxa' kubll afftlraof a national character, to gltt bit opinion Of th meaiure. kndjl4 Iirmejit tbe voib, be doe eo aa followti .! COarretpeetblDtHet tb iTdtmaa tn'd Xnuirtr . do not tfrt oo th proprltrf of ptuloe tlx Mil bow htfon tbt Mntt for tht Ittatof of tht Ohio Gantl. . la OBttqatnot of I hair diffenrnc of oplofoa, W9 hr tar aral UaantMea appealad to foroar opinion. Btlnf pub lic property, w art boud to rre all th Informttlta we ban npoa tht tanjrot, and that la, (Aat iiittAl tlggtit fotnat that wm tror about twin perpetrated oa th food people of Obto. At tb bill stand, it 1 BOlhlDt bat t awiaoui of th btadutt character. ' V' , . IfthaMobn of tht L(lilatnrt rbonel in dt. tlrio toditpoaa of the rantU to th boat advantage to Ihalr aoDitnoenta, why put neb a Ull a tht on baton tht Seuate? We will rutrantaa io ralta aj good a com ptojr, with twle aa good aeoarlt it 1 offered in that bill, and paj thrt timet a amch for tn aw of th etoalt jtearlj. Let any one nukt thlt propoaltlon, tad yea would toon tee whether It Ih good of th elate or tb pood of oertala UrdlriduaU that wat tb boUea of thutrandrwlndlek' ' .-' ' i "Certainly th meaner' ntT not lott" all regard for their owa ontitatiti' honor ai to pui neb a ia tiS lottalatr. Llkt tha StaUtman, wt cu 'tay thttwt hart at Intereal la thtt Wll, pretent or future, and benoe wttpttk ott what we think, wllbout any motlrea but thoMto the imblle rood.' 1 ' ; If there la to be a levn of the Canala. tef It he Anna f aaopearpwblKMd, that all nay bar aehanotand that th hlghaet prio any b obtained. Ho rouging by thee Kipnrr-rw-vMie. umo, mi itx, rreatiy tonereredil, haa laeaard tb foal eoattnilnatlo whkb Kar to long agiwai tow xgnitiarTa or are xorw. aad rannayira ala. Optn worka, fentlenen fair play all round tod u awiauunf a Bet nt, wiaii your rntooa bar cbtaati, ' Oor tetoTaa neighbor doe at aoam to beat tstelnbii dennncljt!paofthe biir, for ht tyt tt It a irWiodl of tht blackett character; itlll, if It It to fee-enacted, be want all-tb irlenda" to bar a chanca I W will not attempt to con. trot or to explain the language of the "iDriiit" bat we will exprea the nop that Col. Midaat hia been deceived at to the fact and tb nature of the bill wblch paued tb Houae. . To tnppo uutt n Qia imiy Baaeratana ootn, ana wat pre pared to uy deliberately to aome aixty-flre membert of tbt Hottse, thai they rngaged in perpetrating tb "biggest iwindle" that bad ever been attempted bn tht people of Ohio, It to do what w art not exactly prepared to do'. Wt are quite aertaia that .Col. Mbdabt bad never read or ven teen tbt bill for which tbt membert of the Home voted, when bt thm denounced it, and Indeed we are reliably .informed that inch UthtfAct. : d h t'l-tini.l L r.'n:; ,'Tbe Toledo BltuU, Chlllicoth Otwtu and Porttmouth Triiaa have pitched into the Jaate bill atW the manner of tbt jtbree paper above named." Except" iheie tlx paper, the general xpretaioo of ; the prttt of the State hai been in fevof of tht metanfe, and ill practical canal men, who understand It "are warm advocatot for It. J1 The 5(btaMa bu urged ibr three tuocotelvi winter a reform In the canal policy of Ohio, with a view to orelievt thetreaury from the annaardraft upon It to keep tb work up, And at tb aama tlm to prevent them, if poetiblt, from pasting entirely out of the poaaetilon and control of the State. ' We have not been aware thati at jaoy ;t! m ' wt were advocating any tort of a twlndle.V big or little; and we (ball continue to advocate th beet meant of reform that it presented, no matter wbo may oppot, or what manner of dennnciatton maybe.ujed Wt may tay, without gotiim, that wt nrt ai familiar with th praotloa) working of;th ea , nalt at any of th gentlemen trho tpeak to' know ingly, and wt feel that we can' tay. with.1' A fall ooaviotioe'of tbe troth of tbt aeeertroa, that tbt mtmbereof flit Gout VhoAojtejjfor'tQe feate bill did a good' act for the Statt ani' (cr that largt elata of pertona wbo are toga gied in navi gating or other elt lattrttted in the imprbve- ment of th taaaltf u' channel of ' commere Tht vote 'catl for th bill Iff not only daftnat ble, bat it it nerltorlouerend if -tht 8entort Consult the teat interest! of the Stat and tbe people, tbey will not fait to pat tht leait bill, and that Without deity. Al tht Oppotltloa to tbt measure -nrifigi from tot iviocinnati njatrer, waicn naa Man to moved and grievously vixed by the bad ron dact of tbe House in patting tbt lean bill, wt .. Im ......... propose tt ihow what thaf bonett,' eonoero thought oi thltaamt General Ataembly btttut it did not, in (ht wwaia tfllfth, I860, put jut tad ptopiMtit Oaf ptptf now ftndemv. The 7(rf raid, on the SSth of March, 1 860, at follow: .'; .i'V.'. :r'.M '' - THE FORLORN WORKS—LEGISLATIVE OMISSION—REPUBLICAN CRIMINALITY. By Iht tlmt Ihli Bumher of the Sngulrtr reorbei Ooluaboa, the General Aaaemhly will ban adjourned, tod wt can therefore a nk ef the moat imporUattahjHt Ihitbatbeaa tefor that body wllhtnara degree of free dom. latt tobjeet wat the Fablle Work of tb But. If thdr wat any lhlg that tht ami grata orerr aart f tb tltate demanded, l! wat that th caiutl aboald be looted of at lo no longer be a tardea npoa lb Treat ar. Tb err erery wber wa. ain them twar. fcf tanaot re 1. ere tht poepM froaa being taxed ta taprovi them to any ellfcr way." Tk ttttlon kt Bow oloeed, aat they art not olepoftl so a to roliee th tat-payer from their tiipport. Tii Beuttt puiied a bill tpproprittlng aome :im,wjO, it t ..-.i.A if.ij M' .& A l a fotnaap U Ho. nbetl. , icoO, bain about I 0- raor ttiaa th lev doiWed front tliea hut I jeaf action by t ten s Ice.OtW than i re la Buy 1 "oapety oi t ii QenTeu .at j-tr, i.ut r tt it we one? id pay l Appiopr lion, u i !. xaly t bt any. n it r it u u toon uoif j iur - Bttt tp iroprlr aon t It Da not wtj And If tb Btat bod kalioi .datll owti tjkti a0O0ori"""'-0 of tbtI- payra merjj to kaup Uhw worka U rvir,-jhB II la Botoiloat that good and reaaonalute bmb bad efered to kee the at In repair for their InonaM. and par Into tht traMnry t tO.On antoally Bmidt I f be a,uMt0BOWlM be anawvrea tne comlni oajopttgn. AVm fnteabtn Argoad anwt, 4 th eanalt thooM be lekaad tot tea yara, a popwt that letae would let thea ro to doetr. bod ih axrAratloa l tbckr lata, they wot Id btTaloeteea. tbcpropotliloa that wat before the I.fnMator ehtaled that o.-oiloor - T h Itt tta t uid nut propomt U f. in amtroi of ih coooJ outoftM naaiw of ave cttau, mu, eewiyiy m aawer vain wo"" ttro of M4 ptknara. ty j'amao Wont, Tor ro recmw untta from un mui, ana le eaw Urn Bt tU Ihtrtfer IKUu.utw t Un watte it tb tBBtlt. end that propdalUen, bad bt Wen kept i f air. II would ban aaea tk ftait of tb Btata. ana Board of Public Work woald, bee beea in tare ted at ted In keeping then la r )ln tb stbll Ir. beoaaa their reputation ta faith- ft) pabll. effloete WubM bare eepknded on It.' tbey id not aa BMoMauataed la wjt thai Wbl da ty by ah ory that tkay Broroxpodiaw to BMob of ,1b Kpie'a aonay. for rib money axpeoiiea woaiani a that of tht leoacea, and not that ( Ui people. 'It taeomeded t all hrtlliirntm nern an by 1 Beard otrabtkt Worka tka it erUlooat tUM.ttttanaaal- iy te keep tboeaaala, to atptly,. ar than the aaou which will b darlead from them ander Btat ntn- treeaeiif. Tote la tea year will aaosnt to nt mlMo Jvitam aad add kb aavO.OW th .tteea bewpeted tt ilea win aaaka oa mllMwn tie Atmoiwed ttm4h tart th popi will loo a by tb lelatara bartnf re fuaod to lua the eaptlal The fnhlio Workl can b aad U) pay keeping them ta repair, and toaMthlng wean bat 1t'n oaky bo a aador prlvat tae1t, ant laa ttky byoMtat waiaiuiaet,itknt tooaoeayan bdob banif taol, ,.,,, . 9 - ,'.j-i,rif .n wi tii it.aottPtoeiiAryBaibtrpuDiianing Lutagovt bxtratrlroat- lot Emydrtr, to oharaetarltt IM preorttooorteanaBonddot.'' Every honeit''mfinl li'.or 9,a t' J C 1 ?ffT l'? 1 A PPf '.ProPer tttiautt jni it, Bow eaoaalga. ut-jmaaagar. ed itor and tonfedoratet 1 to tht twtltloa they kntl I1S0O The Border Slave States and the Union. We araoorjtlDuallt;, meeting1 Hh article1 in the AdnilnUtrailoa. organ. '. urging , upon , tbt Bardar Slav ftatea tba propriaty of , their n-i . 1 . .. ,. . . A i'l matnlng in tne unioau u i ner are or acnaraoier almllkr tBo'ii addreMed', 14 CWtonj.sUtet befort their Mctatloo bm ,atj aooomplithed fasl.i-.Tbt Hut of argumaot iaf that the Border SlaveSfat! eannot' affiliate wlth'Jtht Southern CottftaetMWtann enMtio"7Ubjih ortiktrVi StAtoa' wltbqat thk moat awrloui rain id their material interetU : kBut whB tbete phllanthroplsti'whi havekuch i cart foV tat f tlfare,' tj) Border Stateaare' tol4thfcttheyaewasiJy.b retained by aome oompromlie like th Cam-imoM propjeltloni, the radioal Republican prest denounoet the tnggeatlon .and assure ot that the "free North," . . - . -.i.e. -i'.. . ..! ). i ... j A. navipg gama,,w tAnge jrpunopver uf "Slave Power" by the election t I m Pretidtnt, will never take a ttep backward, and will toon er let alt the llavi Sta'tei lecede than relin quish an loU of the prfnclple for whfch the Re' tmblleah party nai fought and conquered et Republican admit that It' It' for ' the Interett of the North that the Border State .ffbpold remain lii the'Union? But they ask tbe people of thoie 8U;t'';d.o what they" them- telvrt refute to do .Tbay icout.,th.Ide, of yielding, for th take af promoting their Own interett and that of tht eoua try atlarge, a bkr ttojt) f WW ;the regard a. polltlcajj ' ppp4r'u plei yet at the east tinee, tbey aak tbt Border StAtaa 'aa bo obn trolled 'bv toofttderatlonB for their 'rnkteriil Ibterett to the 'irtna! tttrrendtr of a' jstleiB''uiterwovan with, 'tie fvr);exlUnce of thair aoolaUnd domaatto Jife.J I .n ai ci ITbt radical Republicana-ai l'mbued with the tame' exacting"; bigoted pjffyf the 'old 'Abbll tlonittt, of xhom j they.i at m ''naa) daactwd- anU- Politically abd aoralry, the are, in their Ofp "Hew, InauMUbly In tberlgnt,' while the tlavehofder It "a certainly In tbe wrong.' ' 'Tbe bgleal sequenea follow, that when tbey have the pbffer It la thelf dutyto put. down a great morat and poiiktcal wrong, at any .oot aud at ev art baiard. They promU not to gt tat of a free Bute into a" tlav State for th pttrpoit bl teaiing oegfoet ana raiting tneurrectiontr but farther- than thia tbey aay no oampromita eaa bt mad wa tbt aubjeot of elavery. " Thrt mukt bare been th airjuttmtnt to which. SecretAfy CBAK alluded' when h tald-rMIa- aagur.atlon irtt ani.adjuitment afterward ."- It teemt to be tbt ultimatum Of tb Adminiti tratlon.bver: 'which the, 'radldalt arjpear io be gaining jibe full ' control,' to . tbt Bordey Blave 8tea,1TC,Tht1RtpubUcanti charge that tbe Sou there Confederacy I founded upon the Vtilt of th rtgh'tfulneat and (ht perpetuity of negro tlarer i'tha Adminlttration and tba Repubjloan leadert are chiming to. dlvldeth ire from tht ilav State , and. form ; a Northern Conred teaeyiopor. ''the baal,brf.OppoaiUonio '..negro tUmjvUiponederao1ett-jioM agalatt tb Union, anl agalntt th poace, safety 'and welfaroof tktwtopl tbVeof,a 1: ) .at ' l i...., - . ... 1 ..?- ,T!5i1 Mill The New Spanish Movement. . )JTbt late newt It that Spain I carrying out a project, torn t tlmt aloe coooelved, of recon quering and r-anexlg Bt., Domingo and HAyti toiut dominion, i Thlt, it la aald, tbt it doing trfth1 tbd eoneent of France, f -'f'V. From thTotmidable . preparatloni Spain ;1 maklngr it bi tuppoted aha may entertain alt rior design apon'. Mexioo. Tbt latt Spanleh Minister In Mexioo baa returned borne, and Gen. MiAAkton, Uto President of Mexico, wat latt week la New TorkCity e reaff fori(Spln. Thert cap bt'but UtU o'ubt ttiit If itht.Pnljted Statetthoul4 eontlnae'kend aad divided, 6 sain swill ttek to regain -om 1 portion of her" ancient looting oo,Americn ton, u, ,r,1r. )c It It worthy or terlout toctlderauon tbat woii tht Republic of tb United Bute exhibit fear folalfiirty'-'JaMpi otent Mo'nkreV o Sjialn i revjviing and toow'r Ingatrpog tymptomt of taw lilw aad naTgy. She bat a youthful navy of tptendid tteamert, a growing army of well clad" and finely dltciplined troopt, and better than air", a national treatury lined with tbe trjg tuni of twentV BiSlllonk of doiiAir. , ner proeoeritj,rvarB tu oia gpiaiuthirator'exMKjueat aadaoiiitary giory. ' IteaaJiardlyb imagined thaf Spald wdnld havt aebt berTJeet Into AmerfeAn'wAir'wIri a few mile of 'bur', ihbfe,' )f he befitved oar eountry wat to posseeslon of It iormer anion and ttrogth. Wt baft.iiaretofort regarded 8pao a 4IjinJted, An4uInffloltnti nowi abe treat w at in that plight. There tan be noVe tlon, thai. In eate Our national trouble latt much longer Bpala wiU.raake au .oniet apon Mexico, in which the will roivitb ewuotenaoo and all of ether mat Earooet'a 'nowert.0 Then'. wt may look out for a geaerai fctervenijooj f " J , ' I those power Io atiaira, .on, tb Amerlcaa conO nent.) i i.vrf ,bfl:is a ot vji'.'nf -..ia iJ Thlt 'movement of Bpslo bpraSe fpoWao andnattl, With tbt concurrence of France, I a pretty aur alga that th American name It lot log IU prettig with foreign nation. Second- rate European power will not erelong bDaltate to Intuit u and trample opoo oar rights. Eren before th avll of oar 'pretent coodititn press In their full Intensity apon at at borne, our fair fm and credit will be rained abroad. Nothing canprerent thl disgraceful and talamltout r alt, bui anmn)ed;al 'tettlemtnt of our dim daapoB tb peet term weeao, but, at kit events; larueb tray a t Insure tbt loyalty of al least three-foiirtli cf ' the Statc jo.Jilia old Union..,-. .. . .. ...'.n .ui i:.a ili! 1 rrtnt tT AH shmi'.d md Prtf.Wood' dvertl mtnt io another cpUcm, ,,., i. o u 1 t.L jd-i oi. .filK.Al; : 1 yil' 1UU.P l-JU!(a owta - -w M I r r. j-lT .L; not vl.i-.ui.w v l i Ut tl fil-.d -.J-.r.A.r.l 1i( filli Civil War Impending. . It it not oaJyto teo, If tit" t G -tBrni tob at Waahlt ton irsd ftTOntgimer; ooiitWut oa li their present rx irs. how ttrll fr can bt kinf -longer avoWcd.C la tmti twWfcr-e eampt making preparatlou:fu a decisive bat tlevBMauig eatb, tkot . jtaeawday today, jet )low. Yet at tfitclLW tht aalriUlvw and bloody fury wbea the long-pent up pattiont of the oombatanta thall have free ooyte.r'"" . that bave beta made and art njaking for an anticipated war, which must eome, If thlt hot tUt attitude it maintained! Pour hundred aroopt, it It utd bv the AdmtnMralon oreanti nV been recently thrown lntoFort i Tiokene) uenvAt.jiaAqo u eonotntrating the, -tectaiion troope at Peniaoalei Prttldrat CATt,hA mad requitition upon th Confederate State for eev- tral thoownd ioTdleraV 'enral ''HibTOi hi been"ordered io ooncentrate an'Admtnletratlbn foro1 in Texas: and the United 'Statet'-baVa! foroet have been"ordered borne from1 ibe" Medl '; terranean, tbt Paolflo and the '(Jalf of Mexloof. ' Do Dot Ihett thing 'ipeak loudly bf wart Tbt Administration may ' not 'directly Intend -Srar, but lit1 vacillating, procraitlnatlng' policy -Vlll bring waf. OP tblt' 1( leemi to be'ooBscioui, fxom 'tbe rbrmidable preparatlobt iVlr maklBgf. ' Let 6ui 'countrymen prepare for the'worit'In the pretent as Deo t of our nnblio affair, there la hardli itny'dliaetet that may no'tfbe rtatopablir niicipaieas . ,4,.,- ,!rM3 r-jlus both deollolng to ttrlkt th Brit I ooUal wlll'rig; wltft the-d Civil War Impending. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. TUESDAY, A. M., April 2nd, 1861. grayer by Rev. Mr, Morrlt.. 1. Ill'.l. .c , CMII 1 Aieeau BouBavrn uuiy ( auaworen jtu , vuai( names, and upon caH,th remainder were, re ported absent from tljecliy.' , .Theia being po quorpmeenatetook' a reoeea..1-, ' i TUESDAY, A. M., April 2nd, 1861. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TUESDAY, April 2, A. M., 1861. "''Priyet by Rtv.Mr-Orover. tii ,3in "'A call of the Hoot wat bad, and 64 rnek bera antwtred to tbelr nameal Alt further pro ceedings under theoall were ditpcamd with, if Tb following bill -wer read tbt keeond tint and rfrrd..- "id ninti..: eiii ,ioit H. B.463,by'iMr.CASE-.To provide' for KMi Ktfat indexe. Kdiarrea to th tommtt tee oath Judiciary. !A" .mid i ii:;.7ii . i HjB.4G3, b? Mr. JE8SUP-T0 grant alt. i transit tferoagn tb stataor Ohio by foreign travel and eommerotu Referred to tht commit' toe on Federal Relation; i L.t c).uJ:ti H, B 464-.T f roteot tbe Interett of tort plket and rallroadl. . KelsTreS to tbe obmmit- teeoa the Jadloiarv.. .i r .l.n'-.! a biuo? f M. B 465, by Mr. CLAPPTo provld for tbe gaardiauahlp ot ohildrtn.ln tbt evtnt of tht death of the father.. Referred tt tb tommlttee of the Whole. ! ': " .; ,; '"o-i uo ticn S. B. S68, by Mr.! SCHLEICH- bili to amend tectioa 6 of an aot entitled "aaact td exempt tba homottaad of familiea from foroed sale on elocution ta pay debts,''' patted March S3, 1660. Refernd ao tb toaunltttt ohJadl- Oliy.t!,"'' ''' rl jifl'M aeMfj til ei J jn-ji ' b. JB.a0, Of MM -SHtl-i-A 01U . to prO- vldeforthoeroction aaew bulldipffftr tht Institution lor tht Deaf and Dumb.. Referred to tbteommittao oa Benevolent iIuttltatloMa" - Mi. ROBINSON ireented a manorial, ro lating to a purohaae of land from the Stabt 'In Union county, and, in ooonecUou wlttu laid re- mboetranoe, tubmlUed, on leave, tba following resolution, whleb wat adoptedi ti hljooou u Rcthtd, That tbt Auditor of State be re queettd to report to tblt Houia, at bit ear li set convmienc, whether the' Auditor of 8tte aaade any aale of land owned by tb Stat oi Ohio, ituatt In Union oouuty: tb wbont.iwch tilt were mad t( lor what tame, and upon what termt of: cavmaoti what anms have 'been- paid or agreed to bave been paid, knd whati bxa been done with tbt moneys and what eompentatiowi if any, bu been paid to agent in making auch aloiei t nit n-t i . ' rn rnn.iin avad " ., tt. Jt. 469,' by Mr. 8C0TT,. of Warreo-T aboliak tb offlooof fitatratd in tb differwat Ba ntvoitot Institution! of - th State of Ohio, and lo ptovid for tb -per for man a of ht dotiet heretofore Impoted oa eueb affioer,' ara intro duced on leave and real t He first timet ot .vilar , Mr. ROBINSON, from the JadioUry Com mltUfc reported back S.B. 33, by Mr.. Key. without amendment, and reoomnaaoded it pj ag., intouiwa aei tor mura.. reading On Wjfnirla. .,.. -l.-l ...I. -. .. ', Mt. VOtiia, from the Jadiolary CommltletJ reported dmk u. Jfc v, who one amendment tubitituting''iupaa8age" for "April ltt,V and recommended it passage.; oaVt to third reading to-morrow. -. .,:..r" "it,'- , ay oJj n. Mr. WOODS, (of Licking,) moved; to take from tbe table U. tf.4ii by JMn farrTt peal tht tt entitled aa. "act tt -authorial th guarantot or united State Donna," patted. Ftbi ruary 4. 18GI, and owed. IU indefintt pott ponemant, on th ground that -tb amevgoney which Roemed to-lamaBd tbt bill ta pamad away,.;, Tbt ayet and nay Nlag dtmudtd on tbt motion, resulted ayet i-t.-nava ) Wbdrrj Mr.i,WO0IS, (oi Linking mortd Ut bUlb engroeted and set tn .it third reading j)xl WMMtaayrf i --.r.:, etrsiill ttlvfll Mr. SCOTT, of Warrto, wapttd womt good reason! for tna ptatag ot wt oin-v srif i .Mr.JBROWNE,of Mianhiwantad; to know wheUiar tb original call tor aeilstaoct bad aver ba witbdrawu by tb Orarral Government .x Mr, WOODS txplaloid that th 'tail had aU raadv exnlred bv it own oriainal.llmiatlo.'vr r ML-CUNyEfiSE thought. tb powerAf m docaiug ,tht General Oovarament to tbt extant ot two million or dollar wa too groat a power ta be leji in tne nandt M tot f uai Uommi tlonert.; H oould oooctlvt many etoctin wbiob Obi Bight bt tn ior by aaobt. oodortetunb Tba mrgpjcy baying patted, U wt a maoaur ot prndenof aoa good policy, on tbt pktel tbe Legiiiatura, to tak tuoo daaaeron power from th Commliaioner. , -Th Stat, wa. tiready under protest for million, the couldn't pay Jier own aeon, ana naa oetter no mat neroraab looked abroad to help Other. ' ',. " ; Mr. BROWNE, Ot Miami, atked if thtbondi to whiob be alluded were not payabl ntl tbe pieoaura oi oe outio., . ni.jmr, r.,i.o. ., Mr. uunvi-l-si- replied la Uie affirmative, bol tbe State'bad fixed tbe tlmelrben the would b ready to pay bar boodt, aud"hM( the tlobb came, abe waau't ready, .fit bad too personal or political feellnc io tblt matter, and wat onl tin - oerely tolloltoui for the welfare of the State.-r- Xba rand Committiooerf wert art bonttt men, at fa aa bt know, but ought the -Legit httor to adjourn now In acotpl of weeki, and' leav tuck power in .thair bands I 71ney. would jeer tnimj not act av id mo utuaKeiueui oi met nrivat affalrt.1 t- oa .(i..jainoiii Mr, StOTT pf .Wavrra, bad: ekpecttdota bar torn reaaont why tbe. law , should be re pealed; but tbe gentleman trom franklin bad only given the Insolvency of the State of Ohio Now, every body knew that th Stato owed the Oeneml Oovernmenl fwf tniMloni, Myable'iat any time, i now, ir tne ihm were really in sol" vent, 1t wat eertalnly easier to Indorse tht bonds; which was all tbt OtMrat Government asked, than to pay tbem ; aa tht might demand: ile badn't teen tbt taoger wnea lot Din wat rat. ed be didn't tea It Bow. 'Gentlemen Bald the Legitlatar mold b oalled together galo, if It became ceoeiaary to Indoft tb boadt.-" Wfiy wun't it better to b left at it wat, that th eb I 11.4 4:. -.! il Vi , feebled and diatraoted General Govefirhent; ia the boar of her need, Whenever it should come ao-tlir. aalffht eiiMtwo the aid) Imwrth Rtti tif Ohio tor mhlnk aha. Hnlo-ht .Vj. r:'U or I i aitl Mr. PLANTS thoaabt.ln tb oreeent condi tion of the Slate, there wu tome doubt whereT the Stale wculd ' Very 4iigh authority f kadi AM.IWal imavuill- ef't1ti ' Sntill.arei 7 fliltl. federtoy. ' If w wwnt there, a teemed "prob abl,w b-Uil vlnci tympathy knd harmony with tbem.'jfow eould w do thlt better than' by tailing these two millions, and transferring tbem to lb mw confederacy. -rTbla' Would alaate them eo tbat doubtless they wouldn't teeed again" for torn Hmi"liTherefbre,.,t6e power to indors for th wfOnff government toght hot to be left la l.tteno r v - ' l Mr. Etutr bad Voted tor the oricldal bill, responding to the appeal of a Democratic Ad minis -ration, la good faith. ' 'Were on the tgeu- tlMthtu ef watk4 aimpatr the credit of tht j United State bow more tcuvttnan vef'rt Cul'Fl' -Wfl.J IfUl H'-i aj -tent . 1 -.lJ,U sdl. 'U .,t rl.'l BO d 1M& w Ai Why, than, undo th work rMcb.'e,i now need ed mora than everT Wert we now. afraid to trustonrown AC M &oi ate cKV lHiad trusted the D preceded lit W joib. 4 A( ninu ratio' ; wpicn .en I t dt etert at li uaiict were growing w fit a' i wot e, uld wit' draw the aid we hadlUeV VVVed?ti V Mr. HERRICihad thought, wbtn bt votad for the bill a now,, j" 'oaed to be ref.ealBd, that w were to have a Aove)ruuieut oue ouuid iola lponT Jlodldn'tknowthat bbAd any jeason Ine tb Nk dlffareetlyS bQ J wi wjd to uavt rVgUvlariirnent aibllrtlylafjiioral Mattoov be mieht ponsiblv be Induced to chance hit vote We might at leatt wait for a weak ot for omg-aBythlng io t Tnattev . o I U O JMr. W OObS n?w aak ed leave to modify W -. . . . . .... . . .. I motion, to aa 10 enrroae tne Din. ana set 11 lor a third reading on Wednesday of next week. leavaoema aranitail davr a u.i.rin Mr, WOODS tald, be bad tunporttd the or I- rlnal bill with great pleaiure. He wat now in fvtr of it repeal, limply because the emergen bad patted away-lh"-ordil-!of Oblaara not ailed fo, 8eortary''Cha8t' bad now balled for a new loan, and tb publlo print baa Informed ut tbat it would betaken at par. iongreee bad refused our indorsement He dldu'propoM' now to Brant an Indortemint unasked.' Mr BB.OWNE.of Miami, wat glad to tay tbat ha ..didn't inquire,, wben oaaee like tblt wert patented, wbat party waa in power a. wash. infeton. ' The gerltlkmknA from Ltiklng.inaup porting tbe original bill, bad been helping to bpld up the orutnbling, falling fortunee oi hi parity. Thle.reaion lor tupport of tht biH bad pasted away and the gentleman 'bad chang ed bit vlewt. iTMr. WOODS protetted tbat be wu ust at ready, wben a. ked, lo tupport, Secretary Chat ta fi-m.r m. I'- -i . a 0 .4 J .a J Mr. BKU WMS wat ready to tupport tb Got. ernmeut, no matter who might be at tbe bead of tuo Treatury -department, it would bave been well for tbe General Government to hav taken oar indortement when offered at their request Tbe demand, however, bad never yet beea re called, and the faot that th e Democratic Admlnit- tratlon, wblok bad squandered both orir treaioret and our good name, bad Rone out, and tbat a junuouoan Admintitratton baa come In. waa hardly lufflcient H iuatlfv a recall ot our rof- ! a M .irl-4J--- ..-.-.... .b-.Mr. WOODtettpd tbat ht bad mdio each arsumeDt. . Mr. BROWNBIwAiledueed itbwy tlWrTy zrom me genueman't epeecn. 11 be wouldn't latber it oor, jie aooiaa't help it. it' wat -th only argument that bad been offered for there- peal, unless itt tbat of tbe gentleman COm Melgt, whlob was 10 clear in itself u touted no elucidation'. ' He paid a high compliment to 8ooretary Dix, but that officer had been luwet-K ad py a gentleman in whom Obio bad full and implicit confidence whose abilitieeand whoto patriotism were alike undoubted ,MJ4r. WOODS.didu'kpoa: tbatltwa ntce. aary to tiaciaiar tntargnuedcirbidii bAO been pat into hit mouth. He recapitulated bit arru- mtat. Secretary Chaie bad id rer tiled tor a new loan, and had not even alluded, to. tbe anb- - -Frthl,'. lndnaM-,ne . '' " . ivinr. rbArxis asaea 11 tne mere raot tbat Oulottood ready to indoru U.S. bonds, If need- nmen!d. frl ff'A-PJ Sr mMr. WOODS thongbt the fact that tbt law had been passed answered the tame purpote. Mr. SCOTT, (of Warren) asked. If a the, gentleman arrtd Chaie didn't now want tht tne of tht oredit of the State, what possible dan gar oould there ba that the indorsamcot would ba wrongly used. iJtfr. WOODS replied that, if there thould arise another emergency be wanted tbdee then in power to deal with the question. After aome turner similar remarks, in reply to ques tions, i-iMr. WELCH bad learned from theineech af the. gentleman from Licking that the oredit of ne government wu now better tban It bad been. He buppoeed that Improvement to p dot to th maaUatt rtjadinet of th Statei io btok sb tfia Gtqer&l Government. But let tblt Indortement bt Iwitbdrawn. and the oredit of the Unltnl States would go down again lower .oven tban Doioro. ii was to id an cases. i everybody showed readiness lo Indorse for a man. he eould borrow plenty of money without any indorao- meat. Ut .could tee -no-yea tot tba orl ainat patlsag oiiha till that Vli not Bow kpplywlth greater force lor itt osntlnuanot at a law. He moved, therefore, tbat the whole enbject be postponed till the first Monday of January next. mA- r- The CHAIR ruled that thlt wat aubttanUally toe; same aa a motion tor inaennne postpone ment, which had already been defeated. -: Mr. ROBIN-P'-rarea.famediate ioalin. H i wu opposed to dilatory motions at tblt atage of tbe session. On the general aneetlon. b would only tay tbat tb indorter are never palled on to pay, Ull tht drawer ottbe nolo It worthiest. In that event, ht tuppoted that the Indortement of Ohio would bt worth very little. Tb only praotical effect of the bill wu to pledge to toe wnuera jwai ina. oeumiea. Ot unio iwer llnkea forever with that of tbe General Gov. eminent. He certainly wouldn't hesitate, after having offered an Indortement -in troublesome tunas, ta continue tbat indorsement now. when tbeprtdltof the party indorsed waa to maoh oeiter. . Tbe question being on tDaldoDtloo of tba mo. tlon for engrossment and third reading, a divi sion! of the Question wu demanded. .,Tba House then refuted to .en greet tba, bUL by 4 votetrTSI to ii A ' " u. a. no. 4-; by Mr. SCOTT, of Warren iQ amend lection thirty-four or an aot entitled an not nrovidlnr for tha nnnlthmmt af ilmi patted March 7, 183a waa then', by leave or the Home, read the tecond time, and referred to the Judiciary Committee ,,Mr. CONVERSE, from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported back H. B!" 444, by Mr. Reid, pi ureene, supplementary to an aot entitled an aot to provide for the organisation of oitiee and Inoorporated village, passeoV May-3, 183rand revdmmnded hi paaeaga.'-'The bill wat then rata tb to ira tlm and put on its patiage. No qaofum voting, on motion of oftlr. VOK1S, tbe Hous,topk,a recett till toyoe o'clock tblt afternoon. 1 ''4From a table of pooulatlon of Vlrctnla. an. cording to tbe eighth census, recently furnlibid to the Btata GottvoutloB, and printed for th tat of.that body, li appeare that there ara neither alavat nor freenegroee In MoDowell eonnty In f be aouthwestern portion of the 8tat. There It oop f reeiuegro In each of U fol lowingooubtte: Bob, Buchanan, Calhoun, Doddridge, Han- SocK, irogan ana notna x nere are two in Maion. Niehola and W1a1. and th-aa in Braxton. There arermy7twoJslava in Han- oecK, (one or tbe "fan Handle" oountlet) and ibree in Webster. Io no other county, exceot McDowell, are there Jets than ten alavta. . lt.l:....4aw-ie.BB.. ' ff-QSaaB Wobb awb Littxb Pa v, Tbe editor of rht Atalanta (Ga.) Ittelligtnter, writing to hit paper irom Montgomery, sayt: "i met, on my return to tbe hotel, the Vict President, Hon. A. H.-Stephens. I asked him for a fat office, 'big pay and little work ' He taid bt had none tucb to give, but if I would accept of bit It would ba ehetrfullv tuSweflj J llUfttrtJidi-i ittf t' tof tery little pay?' (-TkaiitLB Fabinb The famine io - India It desolating the Northwaateffi 1 province for a thousand mile lo extent Human bain era war .lying at th rate of 400 or 500 a day. Motbert are selling ueir coiiaren a tlavea lor Drt-eaeb, that they may bve bread,' If oily for a tingle oayd all I A.Whv la a harrlnar llkj, a whn.Tiftaaoa il()lejts nlgbttl Became be lie first on one iQB BDa tneu ou toe otoer, ana it "wia bwbk" tbt tr bolt tlm. , 3 '. - ' X; UEniTSilY'O BAL11! MW ADVERTISEOENTS. 4ibhi TTAVIJ-O TI1J1 XXStoek of Orocert ... -i.e. PEMlNtf, tl ' r,'r..n.nnd ft ' '' . -W A -n ' ' ' ' . epl ii r - 0dl. Vcl-ea. (ally ktcommend h'.n" '' Oolfambtn,llci. - , tl 00 4-ai;-n'.!"g H i' .""iiiiil, tiid exb t -it sleek oltti i --e S.US a, '.WBoatli P.. ti'- l 0B of aloainpr ptl pernrjakknowii i " leu or book, , v l Parte." ,,. i. sw.tiMi'tAi.. : ; -1 a r,h. i, " WM. Iti lei,! If fr. ... A timh t. - I Wf KU11I n l i. 0 gnM wk'I a t.. tW, I; ,w V tlmtlw.''- ' , ' Aprlll,TBr.O-.aifr.' totckair1, i.r brtooone : Oallonoriui imcui.. i bo i id taoUjpi'AB?ITNEWWno fftlZBD ItK. yjrfcrut" lrMB8 audi w ta u m iu appu.i.pi " ttaPtf HnBUm iJJ ftf A w a mt . . i a !. mrii 1 i iiv; ADVERTISEr.lEr.TSa ml amot HondaT SvinlsB-. ADrll4rat Armory Kali. The AcMattrartll and apaWkriatac pagjbmiBvtrr, frd to oarauaio loving oommonlly. 117 Doora npen at7: to oommence at I o'clock. frlc of Adnlttlei AdmlMitm JlSoaatau k-kat eat. be Oiad at Wood's, eeltaer-derVabite'l otW BtortetaeMl at-f wror JIM W Jt'4T !!!! I K ! f IJIjI rVT I lVjrilK mil ,tfil.d ta j.U tJ A. AAlVAl l ,q9 nlr- j t tilt Iwnui itaijl tntl M a 1 tlfun One of Ike)' nsil catalt ana Elea-aat .. i .1 ,t,t :'.U .a w .. at Vu' .4 'aw.J t-lh ! ,talt -" ..,! bn.duioi( oflw o. mi pfffi; kni It Thuxiaay, .apru u asm, : otio I .eoyjjxTaTKwi H:pCIWPTori! awa reO.3Mlop,TWJBfajn(ff, . ,r.nt.iAj.3a joovf jja 4 NOTICE. T ttBf KO WKCCSl AU Y TO ClIANOE X mr locatlnn.l hare taken Kooai Ho. id. Bail Town treat. Walent't bolldlnr,oppott Jranklln Bank, wber -hop to at all ay old pa-roue. i.iil.t-.f.ijlli f)V I tar iuit returned trom hew Tork with a tort lot Otntw 'ai MILtllNERY'-iGOODS I of Uw very UttR ttMb.-SI altot iM& n UTEStrSPRING.OTlEMS, for JdinBri4IUrn'IVMrInrbrHk M i non. -MBBoAk-H. IBlLB Onlnmbot, April t-dlw ! i ; j ' t i thowing-U 1 eondikoa of tb Ohio Btakt Treaaury, at theoltt kaduett,-! tb u. .Ing.arc Jl. lattl:v..iOaril; 3 1 it ! , :i't Jofi i"aiJi Lut II I BALANCES IN TREASURY " t Balaaoa Oeneral Berenu IntA..)-. B83.0M S . Canal Fund.., 7,i7 i inking VnnaW.k.Ui..itfak'oo'it 63 14T-4 - Bttt Common Bonool rand m.eds fi DlttrlotBcha l-,lbrarr " 0,300.44 HaUonalBoad ",rVr(V4? '30 XT Beneoa 0. Baalt - Clt h'k. Cincinnati. xnrot per otni. w T T j4wa -i t v Cant4B'ks01Teland, " 8,813 07 Balance In Treaaury. . ...i, 0305,603 31 lowing iti ov lteau: By JlS.'uiiun'& ba t.i."i V J.1. xhang..M,..f,A..,v4l8,768 Checkt on Ohio Banks.TJ..l..;?.ll,J- VH K -.Hm-IBmI Bnlp. ..4 . Ml ST Dot frwUeln. !.,. , irej lIUb tni g. P. STONE, Treat. i Blttw AJt. apb 1 ,. 2- Mater Comii-i-jsioner'wa,. .' 1 . . ,kia A JkiLM. X Ca Vt Jfhn K. Eeyl et all. I ByVlmXVVB4tV Ai1-t-l-D---0 it at directed from th Superior Court of frank lin loounry, Mo, t wl-l offr fox atle at t of liM OoaK Honae. In th eitv of Oolnmha-- on - Satardat-JaaylofifflAy, ATpZUCU btwo th boars of JO 0 clock A. and o'c lock jl b. the fcUewin aaaorlbed real eatAlx.altuaU la thaooanty or r rankiiu' ata itata ot-vn-,4e win locbm. (7) eight, (8) nin.(; and teu.XlO) of 'John and Henry Mllltr't auedirUioB of lott Mo. tgbty4la (8-)ooely, (M) and ninety-ote, (01) of Ofoaby-'aaddltlan to ont-loU ait bf Columew, t dallneated en lb -plat thereof, re oorded to Toinme oaa, - aartn-y,il Lti atobrd af plats Ol ama ooentj. ApraWeeVe-IOM UN. v, tttji gacs-uo tach.-.r. aauri4taintiv3 t r j w w ,,,,, y valoiri' - rrd t H. wurvaA-i,:i.o-i muter Ooa&mialottiii rrlnkeri fee, ft N. . aprua-dltawlw etfl T-frlf i.i,ut,a 1 JM41U 'J! ef ajiu' braoltea Jaooba , ., V, v. nd ! iinii4ni-n ttv (I. vai tt tm,-x Otmama Plana -,-.. ai.-.ii I r. ailier ltl. t nmn ln. vc TIT V1RTDB OP A WRIT'OF Fit M JD to ma directed, from tha (!okr4 af Cvmmmk, Plata of F ranklln County, Ohio, I will offer for tale, on tht faraa) occupied by W. P. A i. B.'ktlller, to Jaokaoa at 9 'elook4P,,Ka, tbefollowim prtpaity, to-wtu On bay aur, on toratl bor,, on man colt, on colt, ob two bora wtson. three ten double htrnt-t. jmran bead of hogs, and tbeaadividtd on-btlf Interett fn t rwinUaohln, tovict oa ai toyrojprkyj0t jr. p. 1 b!r!I.t.I.,-mt--AH, therlS. ' aprll B-10U. rm By Id. Path, Deputy. f itnter'ifees,' B5.30 ' i.U i II iti I D .IT ,11 'I , iT-ai H.-.i tt-V, -.t now ji.Ji ol gi atojl AKASlT-tOU WALL-PERS I AND . V .-j . 'ti f. ."h r-a 4)'l'd0 Hf H 'Ut) iuiuii.mli .IP : .ntiI !' n spBino srocn. DifniDAi IV lanre and wall arudW Th rr lataat nt-tarna rom1aaa-LUA-i, anuMBbiand rb-BMU-l Vaelertet. . 0-.D PiPCn 15D BBBDj-Itt. Bt-tdaon 9otfj nt)rfV,ert1-g frfWRDh. U 11 fJO'Pkt gold A'spSfEfcyET noanBAi 1 -.h . rl'.Mimtr .ob tS rretaaadHewBtylta, atabattt half their fomai BPLErtptDpBgAJIOS fr Ohnrttt; Hatl,'Pfl0rV knd Otiltttgt. " i .til' g.i.l'-mA .1 SIlJE LIGHT 4k rittlj kjOABD PAPERS All entlralyrnWanaJer7-id pattern. Very cheap?' .s.'.iVtfi Vp .tir,iO liK 0? thl larealano' Achnt dtilgrrt, fnnn37e. to B3.50 each. I ,-....'u , ,;. OOLfJ WINDOTf COll-ICEa, J . A .aj.. ,ui ji... .' And inaia -air.a nuHunii....- All widths and urleaa. udwarnirtooVth beat onalltr. .liirf t-l S.A'T COBD A--Tiiftl?.fi. -;ci Allrkrittlej.chttp. .ub -I'M- it BtAVtJtVIU IpIcxV BBS ic TBAnYEt I .uia , .a.HOlKd, To match for lb decoration of ytarftoomi. 10 taWTa H-V J-iHif 0.7.1. 3.C . . ' ' .5TC03 n OaO ani ixaniot our 'Jw purchasing. RAiiDAy.:&iitSToni 1V I iroe t cTf X.taa tw-tl iit la II a tl twiViir trch 'V Wn-tnl.l aiid 'perlbEl' wUhlng "ii-S1 Psprr; r--'- i"fiev evr,v ot C. T ! 1 A A V ieiwviH t-r . IJ- V , '4 I r i- aw a n. a .V. ?- ; -, .., m k i d. . , , r -.-.i! V'i i a " aEECIAL NOTICES. MAJNUOOD. HOW I.08I, HOW SM.ORID. r t PUBLISHED, Off THB HAT0B1. TBI A NT AND KADIO AI. OUBB Or SPBKMATOBUUBA r Seminal Waaknet, Bainal Debility, Kirrotmmf ,lu voluntary fminiont, ana ooipotency. mulling Iroa, 8Uub, ho. bl Rabt. J. OuU,l, Id. 0. Beat HH.. - . t . Inn . -.. tdiireai.poiV-.. paldr).on j-elpt.l)f,t tamp, By tol OltABi It 9 Bowaryi MawVatka PottOf-oe Box:' Ho 4 4,-boS X . -A JL DariM:--dA ' VXnSSXWZLL'g ; raraUl TUUVAT aat Lvna -t.ornpiii,TH' UNIT-JHsrijinciaeirig Buut'isie! V. i.iia, o erirr 04 uvranii IVH Br Bl rwi m i tJiJJi.f It.H-iMfYKAf f-OfiaiWIT-T-'ll iTbl area I.EUKAI.! g H IC RKitlKIlY aad tkma. nrai OPIATE, adapt) .. awary opeyclooaf rar-t wana CataplalntB, Ner. VBI'tad rkaaela lot TOLUJH .ml ,1.1 tj 00 Heaaacae, aUaeanta. ,.,hi U9 B-i t. . ta ,xaaAi .. ABODYn.E.'l i.l-'t.T" -ow w H real Jnitlc eaa , be don tht shore preparation! kut by procuring and reading oWrlvtlTOpaoiphlel,.:"1 t nanawtta ail oaaiera, or win at teal kr rraurietsr t -. i oa aeattad. roraxBlM and Irtal Bottles etna to otana-wko wlllnad derelopmen knentb worthy their t aocoptane tad approral. - ; -i (. .. ni. Oormpado( taliclted from til whoa nnnamltln or - ' earlotity prompt tt a trial of. tha abe re nUakea EM , t?yv-'il . 1 -.---n lf 4 '-. -."!, i i,.',r fr' ttt by the aanal wholenl and reUll dealer r . IVthr,,c, ,Jt rt ., JOHN L, nVNNBWELLy Praprtata - ! -e-wic,'4vA -..'.. !m .- ' '., I r iTlr" " rniiutriei, ( lt Hav 0 Oommtrcial Wharf, Boaum. Kaa.i" t, J. at -- r""i "'fi none, a. Bcnuener a Bon, A jal) MWKA'rfVlTa -PIIIlla.--:':n-.i i'.'. Boberta A laanel. W. B. Mirnl. J. . 0.v,k y. ai'"'''.''' all eatei of eItenett,drpt, blllloot aa Bret' . ! ' aff-)0M, pll,rlumaUBV hrer aad agtea, ataU natl Bead achat, aa all geattal doraugBiBbi of boaltb - iheaa rills bav lurariably .proved eertala and speedy raatdy Jk, to(la trial, fill plan th Idf puu baiosd-, th reach ocooMtltltm ur tht NUnutitoa of tvtrf pa; M .(71 AD r.iM n fr. til Dr.Hof tfi PboMla Bitten 1U b fdand ooaally H . -Boamoat la all dkM af erTonj dtbi litys ayrpopria, hp, ft aoh4tniatcUHtocldnt to female In dellctt health, ' aad ovary kjatf waa-ata. of tha 4lgiUra argaat. forstlttiyPrFvBJdorrAT3--.-Broailwtji,H. Ir-w andhf allCrurgHU. a-vy-S-d- -ft f t-iw-following i'n extiftot from a'"' ltttar written by f-o Itovj;- .THo1n-C, pw 1tor rienwpoiot-nireei uaptiat t;nurcn, Brooklya,H. J., lo th Journal and.Ataaaenger, Olniilnaatl,0.,andapetki voumti In favor of that world-raaowo Biedleln, Mm . Wnattiw'f 8wtaiio8raeyoa Oauita-mTawr-rnw), .I";! 'Wtartta'adrertlraerit u youi 'erjlunri dfllas -"'1 Wua-ow's Booraiaa Bratrr.. How w never said a ward ht faror of a patent avtdit-n before to our lift, bat wt feci compelled to tay lo your reader that thl It no boat , , bug WI B4T1 Ttl-O IT, AMD X 0W IT TO II ALL 11 1 aura. It It probably on of the moat aurceaefnl medl einet of tht d4y. beoaoet it I on of the beet. And thoie of yoor readen whtbtra ntblet can't do bettor than . lay B- auppiy.".-- ocV7:lydaw" --J "flTOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, An, graw mirt aad mar papailar rtrr aayl ' i And tettlmoalali. and alnotl wltheal number. Igat b girao from ladle and gentlemen In alt iradet of aoelety, whott united teatlmoay none eould Mtiit. that ProL-Wood'a lUlr. Bettoratirt will rttUir tht laid. and gray, and pnatrv the hair of th youtb to- old age. I 1 1 1.- A. - tW ... I 1 . I- ' T" L and gray, and Inallluytmthl Battlt Creek, Mich.', PeeV Slit, J8S8. l -lie will nleaar tenentaili lo h,iri 'i 0 the tt tb half on toy head all fell off ever twenty 1 ytuB ago, cButa ty aoompiitaita ntBM dlsea, at tended with an arnptlon on th head. A continual touret of lufftring throngh life baring reduced m to a state of dependence, I bar Dot been abl to obi tit (iff for tap, aallhtt bare I bten abl to do tban Bp, la oo-i sequence of which my head bat tafrertd nlrnntly from old. Thlt Induced m tpy Briggt tt Hodge) tlmoit tht Utt oant J had on earth for a two dollar bottl of thy Half KeitoretlT. Bbout tb flnt ef Aagtut bit. I hare laUhfully loHowed thl dlrrctlonisand th bald rpot Is aow I' j oorored with hair thick and black, though abort. It tt i aleo coming in all over my bead. Puling aonndaat tbatf another large bottl wtuld reatore It entirety and Mrmananfly. A reel uHoasto ptmrtrrt to Itt at, and being destitute of. meani to purcbaa any more, I , Would aak thea If the wouldtt not bt willing to aid aw aa order oa thin agtatt for a bottle, aad reoelm to tfayt. . I telf.tbe tcriprur declaration " tht regard It to thotl '1 thaf an kind to th widow aad th fttbarleti." . . thy. friend, ... .BOBaKliAa Unlji . I tlgonltr, Noblt County, Indlaoa, feb, Jtb, 1850. " Plor. 0. J. Wooo NXiear At-Ib the Utter part of thoyatr .1853, whll attending the State tnd National ,, btwBab-Olof lb BUI ol Now Torki my hair, froaa elate unknown to Bt. commenced falllne off nre nn. Idly, to that In th short apaos of six monthe. tha whole apper part tf my acalp wa timoat entirely bertft of It ' " eoTonng, ana bbb or in remaining porllen uponi tbe id and btok part of my bead tbortly after became gray, o that yoa wlil not bt tarpriaed when I toll To that up on sty return to tht But of Inditae, my more carnal acqutlnaimt ware aot to moth ata toa to dlaoover thai u p otaa of the chang la my appetrtnoe, aa my mora Intl mate tcqntlntanct were to reoognbte mt at ill. I at one made application to tbomoet tkillful pbyil etoBI In Ih oountry, bat, ncUvtog a awn ranee from them that my hair wonld again b rettored, waa forced to bcom reconciled to my fat, unrll, fortnnauly, la, . the latter part of the year 1857. ronrBeatnrati'ra .?! oommended t my k drugglit, as betel th mint rella - """l bl Hair Beetbratlve tons. I triad on bottle, tod''"-'' found to my great tttltftetkm that II wu producing tb m " dtttred tffiot. ilno that tint, I have ud eeren dol. m 'd Urt worth of your KeiioralWa, and ad reault. hare t rich tOtt Of ar aoft hlaele hair. rk.k. . . . r r -t ' -I -re ww K "'I r. -if ..--....-. .-,,( ......... i .. ...... .1, Aa mark of my graUtod for your labor tad tklll In-.,- . nt u. .nJ..A;i ...i.i. T . ' - mt ineuua aaa aoaottntanota, who, I am happy to Inform yoa, ar uilog it wllkllk egect. -Very ratpoetfally, jvtrt, - v i " . . ?, 7M 1 .ivuwiiiu- vi w w-jiiiiiui . .ruu . maa . . 4, ,.. -., i ,u. in . AvM. tATTA-.m-r.-.'. i)-l ,M' " Attorney and OooxttlUr at Law. ' i-,B Depot, 144 tateltny. and told b til dai ih.nli,.''. - eut tht world. - " ' - ! -. " - Ur.t Thl Betlorttlv I Bat an In hnllfeenf lhaiM w.'I :-oi ltrg Btdlum, and tmall; th email holds H a pint, and rB!ailtaB dollar pel bottl) tbemedhna hold, atf-',l; tottt twenty ter wnk, mar In pioportlon tban thtaali? and .alalia for two dollar, a mi h i.- 1 ' uaari, ptrjwtM-Um to pB-po-tlen, aadretakU tmli i U a botu. . . wO. J5 WOOD A 00,rPropri.tora, 444 Bcoadtw. Kiw-.t Xork, tad Ud Market Street, 6t Loola, MoT ,T-11 . And toldky BOBEET A BAIIUSIh Oolumbu, Ohio, M1 HlS004, D'ul4ii,(a'n!7 aoodt DttUrs. ..iu.,il,lij.i,iWh3)hj, r .1" ) 1 'II 'I! I tlu. label I tell at the emtllett nr-flla. for Cuh. Hr enitom. era tad frttndt are reaneetfally Invited to call and exua In my Good and f ric, at I am determined to tell aa T - AttAllf OrrKR'TQ. Til" Dmlf V X'aaenUr new stock of Good la my Un,ul purtbe a r d to Hew York at th chaaneat das in raaa.aH of h-h . I aheep rheapr than, aay ether boot la th thy; and as I do my owa Oottmg, aad aporiotood my own kail- it nM, A io-tarea,BretB"my long Kowas 'iabBabdi o bead, lo gtva (Marti sathftotloa. tba tnetf f work nm X men ar emplojed, and all work don etrletly to Um aaor 'n-rt on ahovt nntlAa. rarrn,.4 Ia a - - - i -i . . ourcltyjroold ooneolt their lihml by ginng m a sail -l ,UA lt . ... . . ' . -. fvtiviMe-uj vor. Aign ana vowa srsinem n.j ;f HI'PI II lillir.yi It, I,,,, (Klildllll tier m bl ,sa. C.T.i! aw D--10oylcrcS-i:043r;- I TT ATJR tRBrriOTBD- TRElft .CtrFICI. v n XJL to IB BoBUrrWiat Pr- ,ol J-lgb oi-l. Jriead II ac-tr-Jt ml lcr-.o-j?i I'iud l.i i,.-oi cr j u , ,- vi -.- . J jiaTi.ii jiii-iinj . j;i r;A in4lH contlttut to Ep oa Wflj A ttriV-'rJf 'V ' I a - . f I 4 t. K t f " AftW I vrr rrrT- f,in. r,, rrt,n. ,-'p,Bai.; t1 i li if ' 0 .:(:., 4,' ;.imUjt; ir i n 1. 1 a.lMj a4i ea 1(1 ,4 p-il- 't f.jr"; TMfll -..- Iltj-aelc. 'jUr''- iAar(i .;o j -4 .''? I ; 1 "-fei. Co. , II . te, v.i'-di.ut li ou"' 4 ! d ani M e U r;i'a . i'A lift , , ' -.11 V t-iA If ' erit