Newspaper Page Text
m.-z.. 'v s - - -l ' ' . . ; . '-J L i :. ' :it vllWdjff v.; t :C'. t !. mi ft V: AW ....) ,i i i; J:.. ..' ."! -'til if : ' V. i c.A iV i. i - , ri . iii imuvi VJ, J .1 v . j-ir 1 11 1 1 A-. ft Jk. 1 VOL. VII. NO. 257. NEW SERIES.; ' : iMT.r-j.jj. T -i a. ...i COLU1IBUS. :OHIO. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 4. 186L IIX DOUAia Inrariably la Advano - .... TTTHlf I 'T -. . i. .- i li.l'Vlll. MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH) Bl ; ilfD rOP jIUTOH. ET OffiM Km. 86, If and 40, Uorth High it. TIEMB INTAUABLT IK ASTAXOl Daily ... t , $6 00 fn jtu, " iJ carrier, ptr wee, dk M-WmUt .it..,' . t 00 VMklT , :i ' J ...I.; : .... i 1 00 . r'. 4 I I -r-m : l . ' ! erwt at. i.4rer(Ulnr kjr the lHN otqaarl7eai,..f30 00 On " U usotUn 18 0U 3n " ' Bnonlhi IS 00 3n ' 1 Montlit 10 00 3n .8 Baothi 8 00 3d lBMnlb.i tOO One tqatn I WMk.4 00 On " ItMij.. 00 On " . 1 wek... 1 75 On " 3djr... 1 00 On " dr ... 79 Ob " 1 InMi-Uoa M Diplsye adcrtlMMU half nor tham Hi abort nut . . AdrettlsemenU leaded and placed la th mlamaof SDecisi natieei," toqi4 14 orainary mm. All iiuIIom nqalreo to be pabliihed by law. legal rat. II onieired on the luidxclniiTel7 altar meant mel pet ceii.. more than the abort ratee; bat all laoB wu iDiHiir In the Trl-Weeklv without chinra. linelneae CanW, notuceedlnc Are llnet, per year, In aotifiw per line; onteiae vi Noticee of meetiiigMhart tablet ocleUea, Are eeaipaalei, ko., half prlte. All traniUnt adiHrtUtiMnt mutt 14 paid for to t lvunet The rule will not be varied from. ' Week ly, tune price at the Dally, where th adrarUwr eithe Weekly alone.. Whore to Dally and Weekly re both ntcd, then tlie charge lrth Weekl will be a X' tne relet ot tne Daily. No adrertitement taken eaeept tra deSnlU period. BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring Water Sta., . W. B.1 1 POTTS ' & CO., And Hannracturen of Brata and Oompoettlon OatUnga, rlnlthed Brut Work of all DeiorlpUone. Electro Piatingand Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. febl '00-dly . .. 3 " ivy, ;.; P. A. B. SIMEII3, Attorney At XjAX77 . AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . VUllnaaitriB VHIIUlUIi UUUUB1IJE lilUIWI DU UHIW 00LUHBC8, onto;' OOLUMDUO -irr. Machine Mannfaclnring Company MANtrraonjUM or STEAM ENGINES & BOUERS, Cattliigi, MiU-Otariiif; ltMklnarw. 'I ': J-- ' -: 5" E.;.:i-'-.,r.i.r J."fit).' - .1. . I I i : , 4LI, 3ELallroTx.d' ' Worlx of mi Dftxntimoii. " ; ' , .'. v 0RAB. AMBOi, gap't P. AMBOeVitrMt. dooll, USiB-tf . ,. .. Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Layton ft Indianapolis! Through to Indianapolis witboat Change of Can and but One Chang of Can betwoen - Colombo and St. Louii. TIIREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM .. BUS. .. . 1 . .., . FIRSTTRAIN. ' . (Daily, llondayt ezeepled.) KIGT1T 1XPHES8, via Dayton, at 8:4$ a. m.,1 top ping at London, Xenta, Dayton, Hlddletown and Btmil ton,arrlTtngatOlncinnatlate:30a. m.Dayton at 9:45 a.m., Indlanopolltat 10:4 a. m.itt. Louliat 1110 P'"' SECOND TRAIN. . :10a.M.,itopplngatatl Ita tlon between Oolaabitt and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati 11:0S a. a., Dayton at IkUa ., Indiaaopoiuaiv.'xnp. m. Z-. THIRD. TRAIN.....' ... DAT 8:30 p. m., ttopptng at Alton, JeSenoa, London, Charleeton, Oedarrille, Xenia, Spring Valley, Oorwlo, Morrow, Deerfleld, fottar'a. LoTVlend, Uillford and Pltlnrllle, arrlTieg at Clncln nail at 7:90 p. a. Bt. Loalt at 18 Dayton at 6 35 p. a.; lDdlanopolUati0:3t)p.a Sleeping; Cairn n all Night Train te - (Jiaclnnatl and lnaluBapell. - BAOOAOG CHECK EP THROUGH. for farther Informttlon and. Throngh Ticket, apply to , . H. Id. DOUKHiy, ., Ticket Agent, Colon Depot, Oolnmbna, Ohio. 4J . .. .. - li. W. WOODWAKD, , Baperintendeot, Cincinnati. O . , , JM0. W. D0UIRTI Jnl3 ' 1 Agent, Oolumboa, SOMETHING HEW;1" HOWARD a CO'Q, . AMERICAN:-WATCHES. CALK. AT NO. 83, SOUTH HIGH ST., and cxamln oar now make t t - AMERICAN WATCHES, . jnanufaetured bp 1. 110 WARD A CO.. Bottoa, Hat. The Watch ei ar far auperlor to anything m offertd to th pobllo, heretofore. Having the nolaatr agency, loan all them at prloe to nil th timet. hartjutt wotiTtd a largo took 0,1, - "AMERICAN. WATCHES,' manufactared by AFrLHTOK, TkAOI, CO j abo, a tot ataornnentof .. ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, In flold aad Silw Ca, at Panto prloaa. ' ).nCT - W.J. BAT AOS. 100 nr. cn gbeen and black TKAS lOObanprlD Bio Con. 1 AO pocket old Dutch OoTtmatnt J era Coffee. 7 B bagt Ceylon Cose. ., . SOObbl. ttandard White lugafa, oonrWtlng of Po dred,Oliroihed, Granulated A and B Coffee. M quintal Seer BankOodSih. f f .; SO bWt. aleta and Ma. l UackereL i Ji ii S to, "ok Bslmon. 100 ox. Lay IMaln. , f , ... . , . . . , ftOhf. boxdo do ' " ' do do . n 100 U Olgarti dlffwcot braadi and (radat. 1 ' ' " " nor7 . .-. WM. aiuDONAtD. .LrrJl,CrLILL!EY;vFn And Blank-Book Manu&ntwer '.; S H0RTH BJ0H ITRXXI, 00LV1L1VI, OHIO antiMlf ... t y , .... .rj 1 f. rAiniL,y riocH. -rCTIIITU WHEATj BHANDED ' , . . isiVdwriiAKji."1 f Proa " Banett Mill." Iprlngfteld, 0. th beat brand of Hour brought to oar market, nattiraotion guaranld. lor ai oniy at r?, .. . .. nora7 , . ' 10 South High ttreel. AiEXANUHtK Kll ULOVliau' ' 1 All alat and oalonjual opened at ' ' BATJIB, . ' da.ll. No. a) peath High ttreet. .-r I li i 8TONE'SBAZARn N"o. 4 Gwynne Block. A. ; P STONE & O'HiRRi A RENOWRECEITIIIIl'rnKIII.IVflw Xa IBB OOODB, and Inrlte th pobllo la Inrpect thta. Mo toch atock of Oood ha rr bee brought to Uile market.. Tb South, In eoucqueac of th hilar ei uim gram srop, aainot been able to pnrehat th u nalquaatltr rt rich rooda. and thla faotha.fnraad iha Iaperttii U tell then at pobllo auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being in Mw '.Cork at the large alia, took adrantag of them, and wt can and will cell our goodt "", at tea man any one woo puroaatea two wtt iinoe, paid for then in New lork. Onrttock usomplet la ever uvpanaaent 01 ' j ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, , OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIA3, PRINTED MEBIN09, ' tfi tiTf trrv dTvniTtr no I- u -. ' DYED COBUQS; BLACK ALPACAS, ! . ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEltf FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, ' ; rOPLINS, PRINTS, " ' " ' DELAINES. SHAWLS AtlDGLOMSI Five Thausand Dollars Worth i Bought in Olo Day, At half the Coat ! Impeitatlen LADIES' FURS, ' la all VaTietlea, ' e Celekratea Blanufatare f C. O. Oh there Sen. HOSIERY .DEPiRTMENT, Han't, Ladle and Ohlldran't Under BhlrU and Drawen; Ladle, Uiate and Children'! Hoetery of all kind, In Wool and Lamb' Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Qloret of (Terpmak. . 1 A complete utortment of all the nanal rarie Ueeof . , . . . . .. , .1 LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, - . OVERCOATINGS. c ' TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ' RIBBONS. DRESS trimmings; LadiM andGent'i linen Canrbrlo Hand' J kerchief., Ac, &o. To ptnon who aall on na, wo ptodg our word to thow them the lanett. bat and oheaDut ttock of Ooodt crer aeen in mit maraet, or pay ua on aoiiar per neurwnn Koaiog. , aai-diyxiawitw. 1' r - BTunn m u uina IATHR0P, IUDINGTON & CO. 23 it 25 PAEK PLACE, . .. 20 ft 23 KUXSAT 8TBSXT, 1 NJJW YORE, ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic ; DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRING, 1861. W ar onnlna. at oartnwkt waranonw. at th abor ntaaban, (took of Seoa to each of th tU departaentt of our boilseet, (uperlcr U anything w bar uretefor znioitea to in una. k: CLOTH DEPARTMENT. IHal aWrOwel tM lU lltJHa a IIJjbUV gauaj-: UJ Ikraannak - - a a auaaama f Lnna aar nUnM 41 nl )Mrvavonu attai iMrnyua vi ai gyeajwr va vu rinHn acknowledged good tail. W keep xtenjlre line of th taat and cbolcett '.FAKCVVE$t!C$- -; and ;;;;;.; FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In th market, all atketad with th aloat dttorialnattoa. Ate,aligriM, eoiora aoa raneuca 01; BROADCLOTHS, 1 SATINETS, ' ' LADIES CL0AIN5G3, . ''; ' ' , . TWEEDS, I AEaflRS'and IISBOHAHTS'OASSIMMIB, ' KtNTCCKT IXLXi, front W to 18X oanU ptr yard and upward; 'v. ' ' ' TWIKDB, MX to 15 oentt ptr yard-mtl year oM at 18 to SO; . PBINTID BATINITB, at 11 cent; ' Andothtr Ootdi anretptndiiiglf Low. ' ; Dress-Goods Departmekt. ' Mincherter be Lalnea, ' ' Taney lllka, ' n Hamilton do. . Printed CbaMla, Paotfi "do. 1 HanebHtoraingbaot, Printed Lawn, , . Olaagow ; do. Printed Brllliaatea, . . Clinton do. fancy Olnghamt, Ottoman Cloth, ...I. Bomhulnea. Alpaca, Blaok Bllka, ' Poplloe, 1 ! - r"4ni At Ntu Stltct Styti of FANCY SPRING GOODS. it trrlmao Print, Cochooo . do. . . , tPacl&o do. Iprtgu' do. alaachttr, fco. Print, A llchaosd'a Print, Amrlca do. . Dunnll'( do. KnglUh " do. ;;' . rx)MKsno cxjttons. ' tawrencf 0. BbeeUnga, , Atlanlla A. Ihoetlnga, 1 : Btark do. ' Amotkeag , . . do. Lathrop ' do. Applatoa 'do. hawmut - do. - Braratt do. Poeamet do. , VUca,.,, do.. . r . ' AH Orotic und Widthi. bliaCikd ' imBtmai and BnnriKas. ,. Wantntta, Dwlght, . Lawmoa, Looadale, ;"' "'""aJroat fall, ' " ' Naumkea. kill,. ii-vi" Htlttam, Boeit, Htw Tor ;;;, At.JAo. SHAWLS ANJXmTIIXAS. ... -1 A LABOB AMP tlLtOT AaWBTSINT.- . f COTTON iDIB a great rarlety . , ; .,, . . CHBCKB do. .. TlOKlNflO-Hin th had lag brand. ' ! : " DINI11B do. do. 1 . ' 1 ' BUIETIMO BtalPIB-all th leading brattaj, muff .nil. . C0R8KTJ1A5B ' do." r ' do. MOBBBNS ..'V;"...'",t;,'.':08, SAHABKB, PAPBR OAMBKIOB, C0L0X1D 0AM' I v."- J.-. ,, .. ;. .... ' , - x ..., f..'.; ..taiih sonow, , .v Geiitlekeii1il Farnishlag Gootls, UJUUK.ja.LiAa JiflU .rAKAiSUU,, ( , CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, v! And a groat' rtrlety of Good not tnnmerattd all f which w ptodg oanelTo to tell at th oMt Market price th larger portion at treat 10 to 10 ptr Mat. tat uua leMjoaiv t . . vt.. '. ' ' i' LATHROWUDINGTON&CO; 1 ftraf uniy , :..t Irish Linen Goods.1.' ' 1 f f Lhin Biilrt Boaona . PIb and Panra . i . . .. . ' BUtrilngaod Baton llhtn. ' " ' . t i...-, i Linen BheetlniraaadrinowOttlnri. vi I . i i . Unen Cambric and Long Lawn. '; . i v. , ,-:. i.t. -fr roea-Mnaaia,ailiill. " J W Towelling aid Dlpra. l.inA TnWAla all. . . . . . . ii . ' ltoia6(lr0'and0rah.. --.-!' - 'Atl A. B0S,A. ai OHIO STATESMAN S T E A M i i t '. , ' 1 . BOOK AND JOB I. 1 - , ' ! i-iV ' i , ; ; ' '' ' ' ' , PBINTCTCr ESTABLISHMENT i u . ' '. i. . :.. : :.i '; ' f '' .'..'.'!.' alattaf fjkxMtaa U (jrA4f ' : ' : . . . .. . , ... ..... ' ' H V j ! ci i u r. .(: "re. -.v v EXTBNSIVE FACILITIES, IV ' . ;i . l". .' : . I ' i: t ' : fit , . It fully prepared to ciit la the - ' i . i .: ; .." . ' : :-. .-.: n i. ' MOST ELABORATE MANNKli, , AND IN. THE LATEST STYLES, , CATALOO0I8, BBIIF8, , BILLS LASIlta, BIU BJtADS, N0TI8, i ' DRAFTS, emeus. CIB0ULAB8, PAUFHLITB, LITTER EIAPB, . LIQAL BLANKS, DRAT RECEIPTS, LABELS, CARDS, ' , SHTSLOPIB, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And ererjr detcrrpUon of LETTER PRESS PniNTTNG, Equal to asp IttabUthine&f In th Stale, ' and npon j i " '.. C ' i term which win cooper favorably with th , leading Eaitern Printing Hotuta, . Hftrlnp; .every jTacility to aid T7a n las raoDTJcrroit of ; IlLEGrAKT POSTERS ; -i ... ' AIP , HIGHLY ILLUMINATED ...:) ..... X. .. snow CARDS, W offer oar twice, te all who may detlr that dsn of work. We bar cmumcM nth our Iititllthintnt a ' BLANK BOOK. BI2TDERT, i From Which we prodoe the UHxiomt X31jo1s. Worlt ...... f,.M . ' - ' ' ':' ''AND TBS HOST ' -.- u SUPERB RAIL ROAD BLANK BOOKS. OUR ESTABLISHMENT i i ' ; ; . . . . i . ..-;..:.: v.. i :..-. : ,' '"' I amlttal'to b .' .' ':'.' 'X'H'lfl XAiSUnL3-I33T m 08T 1 J ,v V. ' COMPIETE IN F1CILITIES, - I . ..; o j . . -.0.1 :'' I.i.. -' - ;' I !-,,- .. .-,-:- t-..--rt u ' ': ,!;;. .; C - . v AW TM mT ' '''y',-' ' ' , "1 - -t ! f - '' ! PERFECT IN ORGANIZATION . ' v - A In thU City, and we my add, ' ' '- . l : ' v .. 3 " 1 -".I '. WiB.WlLL FAVORABLY t COMPARE i' In: 'r. : j .; ';'.('- . 0 l - t"- - ' n ' tiv.. i ' t-'.i '-' --;- '' .i: ." - wmj ant'' (' M-a!.fj. !! it '... Li. l j " 0 rlnttnc nonaa tja tlte Went.' : ,.. ,v h, ill ' - . -" ' I ,i . ...... jj, . I !:"... t .U ''-' , , j RICHARD NBYINaV "' . , ".::t. i' :n .;..;'.':;: it. .-...- .-. c .!.:'! .".V fi!f T I W'l,U laXWBiSlveb -J Gents Linen Shirt Collars," ??PEBJOM-,DA,t',', IN GAK. ROTS, Banding, Byron, Ftrtlrwy, kanfraw and nmaifM. UtMaed Pocket llandkarahlefi. Heck k Btaoka. Street and Seminar ewaa. luir r very kind, uadrOarmBt( aad all kind f 0nt' far nutting Oood in groat rarlety and at moderate prior. -t' ' -no. sw aouta Hien atreet.-' MALl l-HdaTHKHAULACK BilTTS aletaat aalla (or Udtee) alio. Him' atltta B great variety SAla'S. eMTU 2ljt(DI)i0 ;..t KB VS. ,i. t i Bally, par year.. .-..... WJ" Trl Wkly,prrar.. ; Weakly, porpaai ......... ue Mr. Douglas Rousts Republicans. In t'ha United Slata Senate, on Monday of lait week, Mr. Dongiae "pokod fun; itenWe- , at the RepoblloaU, for abandonlDg tbe"doo- trinee" of the oampaieo. ne maintaioea that ther bad hooked hit thunder. He tald: Slpee the war policy hat been to generally itlaAMWA hv Ranatlwa An that liHaftf Ih.r.h.m. bar, ead peaoe ha beeo declared to be the policy of the AdmiolBtratleo, it teem that I wae not eo far wrong when I Incurred the diapleaaure of - . . 1. . . av anany oeuawr yfi twuui vi hi; luwrpreta tion of the Inaugural. - For it eeemt to ba gen ameaalta aMnaAarlaarl WtfhaW f rt t fltm PAVAnilal Id it Kdh eolleoted, nnlesg CoogreM make it the duty of tne rreaiaeni 10 ao it; no ports are to oe Diock aded, unlet Congren make it the duty of the rreaiaeni to oiocaaa tuem; no muiiary iorce le to be used, uolea Congree shall require it to bo done, and provide the meant; tnd lhatnoth. log 1 to be done that lead to war. Thii 1 a very good policy much wiser and better pol ler! than I had expected or honed for from a Re publican Administration. -1 do not know that I should hare made a great effort to defeat them, if I thought tbey would have acted with a L. i i j i t - . : - uiuuu wibuuih amu pawiuuBur. Mr. Clark Yon did not dofeat them. . Mr. Douglas No; nor would I have made as ereat effort to defeat them. Mr. Clark You did na no harm. (Laugh ter.; Mr. Donela-If I did not defeat ffln. it we not my fault. I used my best efforts to do it. . Mr. Clark Yon could not quite come It. Mr. Donelaa I could not nit coma It. ami you tee the consequence. Seven States are out of the Union, civil war la impending over you, commerce is interrupted, confidence de stroyed, the country ffolnar to nlPA ln.t h cause I waa unable to defeat you. . No man in America neiieve these consequence would have resulted, if I had bsen successful in my efforts to defeat yon. You can boast (hat yon have defeated , me, . but you r have . de feated your country with me. Yon can boast that you have triumphed over me, but yon have triumnhed over tha nnlt of thaaa Statu Vnn, triumph ha brought disunion; and God only a.uuw wuu wDscquenceo may grow out ot it. - Mr. HoMDn I nnilmhnil tha So..... w . . m WH.HH that it i the election of President Lincoln, in- teaaoi om one ot the other candidates, that ha eaused the dissolution of th Union 1 Mr. Douelat Th 8natnv Irnm wi...t. can understand me just a I say. If I bad suc ceeded in defeating yonr party at the Presi dential election, thereby rendering it certain that the nolle of that tUAPlV TSPflia flit Kan ma f sr 'j w "m wj iv ass van ried Into effect, the people of the Southern owe woum nave rested, in Becurity that tbey were lafe, and the Union never would have been dissolved. j Mr. Howe What policy Is' lhatT i Mr. Dougla-The poller of a sectional party, that makea war nnon tha Inatitminn. r i. ry a it exist in the Bute of the Union; and withe to nee the power of the Federal Gov ernment to crlppl it wherever the Constitution, according to your construction, doe not forbid. i r. uuws i nai i me very point upon which I want the Senator' testimony. . Mr. Douglas Well, yon have got it. . '. : Mr. Howe That the Republican party ia not in favor of any sectional policy. It ia in favor of malntaininc tha .ntliniii. r th- ) 9 - " wi .u .nun pev vi.wi lug vuiuu ufer an nneiinni rhm h . jiu-iBuicuuai. Mr. Douglas That, I suppose, depends upon what I meant b tha eonii "aantinn.i II presume there will be no controversy about the proposition that lA,ii?y.iofca-a parry rtttt 9mm 11m Aaaa'a mt 1. ..'!.' A.. A il 1 ..... . SVfV WWftTHt il tximtm. in ikm wfMi r . , -- w "it") ( irto vwri- (fUtifMa tfthi Untied Suit itti not forbid your Uterftrtnet. Under that construction ot the Constitution, you claim the right to prohibit slaverjin:all the Territories of the United State by act of Congree. Not only that, but you as aert that Congree is clothed with the power and duty ton to prohibit, and that yon are going to us the authority of the Federal Government, to the extent of the power conferred by the Con stitution, according to your construction of it, to eripple, restrain and destroy what yon call the 'lav power" In thi country. That being yonr avowed policy, the Southern States, when you triumphed in the Preeidentlal election, earn to tha eonelualan that MM MWAU tea that yon bad not been proclaiming these prlo- u umuna ptwpiw ior tne purpose or deceiving them into giving you support; tndthtt yea aaeaaf fe tt iutt taaaf ttou mr,.lj .....u do. Henot the nxoeotad that th rot Dower, vou lonltl take nn th kim .r Li year, whioh yon had passed throngh the Houte of Representatives, whioh wa lying on the ta- il m. tow w rvprai me eiav code or New Mexioo, and abolish alavery In that Terri tory: 6uf ttieom AbatAera awmik JiA. i - - . . . r i J"- in tappettaje yen inttndtd toitony ouch fAiwy. The " pt"w .uai yuu um no intend to do it, uu uiaauiw apprenennon or toe bontbern peo nla were not wall fnunrWul. Tt . .k.. .t... . , - "wu.. .urn. tuoew profession of an intention to prohibit elavery ia the Territoriee were made only for the pur poeeaf getting Northern vote. - - When vou had Abandoned all idea of pastier the bllUfhAed you aver enterUined it. for fetr it (nr tmk tkl Of OCt oflkt Ifuimm. Tim h... .k.-j - - . " W MIMJUUU- ed the aggreeaive policy of abolIshloK slavery in lli.,.nt. unit, .f .L. ILi .. ' , , , V I """" , ,u, """y-sevenm par allel. Yoa have mad further sacrifices than thaL for tha aaka af hmm j .u- tii - " HU III. WUIUI1. I give yon credit for them. Yon have passed ter- A ula 1 LI I tjm u f , ra m - - riwciai ihiw otkbuizidk toe i erntorie of Colo rado, Nevada, Daootah, on the principle of whatl Tha Nebraska villainy, if I UkZ be per- ml. .AH .A imu.1 h 1 1 1 ,. - r I ymm uv punt language oi in e sen ator from Wiaconsln. I never deemed myself at libertv to nan tha aorrl In i.i- . 4 , j - uio uoiuro, butinaamuoh a the Senator used it. and an nealed to the Chair to know whether it wis any violation of decorum, and alienee gave con sent, I suppose now I may be permitted to gay that you organised all the Territorle we now puaaiwaw wu tuwiueuucai principle or tne Henra' ka villain! -i ........ ..t . Mr. Howe Now really, Mr- President, let ma assure- tha Sonatnr that t Hid m An. .u.. . - - , m.i uwv- WU. 4t M It coat ior mm at an, nor for the Nebraska bill. I aneka of an ant nf th. it.. . I . - V, 111. United State imposing slavery upon a Terri tory w Tiuaiuou act, ana not toe mere enact aaent of A law'orrantzlno a TapvUnr Ami. tinw la Axfllnda afavei-v X aimiiTfl rai v rt - j - ...uui. Mw., uua Ul J-i... .L. a . . , - uoievvitn w mi oeuniur, uare appaeu 01 I8UCD an act a a vlllainoua one .? ' .' ' - I Mr. Donclai I an van irlaii: AT. TM.t.-t to bear that explanation, and I take It In all sincerity. I thought the gentleman wu A man of too much intelligence ever to have- said or thought that the Nebraska bill wit a villainv, and I did not expect to hear that from htm; and I am very giau, uereiore, to oe corrected. . J new tnai some politicians, ior political effect, In ilia hahlf nf iA.nM.iill.n ti1.. tear' ago, iq. order to get vote, but I never aiinrvAMjayl at nP ftt I rtaam run 1 1 a..) ( . Pkj. O j ugjiy-VMVta J "" trenv'tu aaej -, t gigj fkJfJUaV tor, therefore, referred only to ao act Of the 0 I , l . . . . L 1 ! V 1 rraerai uuTcruuieut to onwunsa eiavery in I Territory. I do not know what act of thi t'td ml Ontrnment be refer to. I ant not aware that the Federal Government ever passed an act establishing slavery Anywhere. I never beard of ench k law. The Federal Government has pad aota to prohibit slavery in aome places, but never to establish It, to maintain It. la urn teot It, or to keep II In any place. . Heuce, the Senator wa misiaaeu in using tne word "vll- laln" In thi ennnetttion. for It nna t.. ever ocourredv II wa merely a lingvs, ana toereiore, oi course, toe reporter Will nof eep It m tuo reuura, k.j , x ' Men of the ' noblest oul find themselves nappieet wnen tueir wuivrm, auar tnai nap plneet with them. Stories and Life. There' tometblne wronr with (he machine ry,outhlng wrong! . "But wbatl" "O, Idoo't Know, nut it worts wrong." . There I a elan of croaker who are all the time enlightening ns just so far as to the state of thing. Quora te wnat purpose I . - - Not long since, a respectable young' girl in a western town married mere adventurer, of gooa a areas, dm without credential or any auown .DMoaeaM,.ana or coarse no proved a scamp, a bigamist, a polygamlat, or something, and there our part of the story ended. Where upon gravely appear in a leading paper an' ed itorial, commenting on the: affair, with thi "moral:" that in no country under heaven do women throw themselves away so carelessly, o unguardedly, and 10 forth, and to forth. , ' Croak, croak, to no real purpose) no reason given, no remedy proposed, no hope of any, evidently giving up the whole a a hopeless case. Perhaps it is. Then why waste pen, ink and paper, time, type, composition and printer' Ink In saying sol . . . ... -. Nor are we to find either oaute or remedy in day, yet, looking a little deeper, one may be permitted a suggestion. One cause may lie In the current and prevailing literatnre of the day; especially that so greedily devoured by the olasa among whom the evil spoken of are most prevalent. Their staple mental food is a sen sation story, terrifically wild and horrid, or a mere love story. Every book, every novel, ev ery tale from the highest to the lowest, turns on the course of true loyei'or what they are pleas el to call true love, a counterfeit presentment. brery story present it Course, the obstacles In the way, the mean, miraculous or otherwise. by which tbey are overcome, and the final catai- tropne. In ninety-nine Cites out of a hnndred.tha end Is marriage, and the curtain droosi while In the one case mat tan oi in is reeult, there 1 a reel log oi disappointment and the author receives no wanks. And this is regarded ae the end Instead of the beclnnlnr of life: there ia not a look beyond, to see how tha two lmnrTiv.t tuw Dg may go on, alter tney nave taken up tbe uuruen oi uie toKetner. ui course nut: it would be too prosaio, too dlsenohantlntr. and yet If one might be allowed so homely a sug gestion, It might be useful. A young girl hav ing well learned tbi lesson, taught by all tbe doohs sue nas read in every spare moment of her time, noiblog remain but to follow the course oi her education to It) legitimate end. Tbe first teaching of this education la. th ond. aim and object of life I to bs married; well, if yuu can, out as any rate 10 marry. Shut your eyee and leap; people do sometimes lsnd aaiely, even in the dark I Here we are, precisely where onr croaker left ns, save that we have a guess at (he cause. i,ei us loo more closely at the stories as they rue. Take a hundred and analtz them, in one-half you have love at first sleht. in all of them there are obstacle in tbe way of an im mediate blissful result. In twenty-five oases, parent oppose, ar crnel, relentless, unrea sonable; in another twenty-five, a rival mysti- uoa waiter; m von same nomDer more, tbe lover quarrel and cannot by any mean com to an understanding till the end ot the second volume, though you could settle it all ia five minutes, lu tbe rest of the hundred cases, poverty, or fate, or a guardian, or an unole who win not aie; or muitlerences or i lfu nna on the pert of the party of tbe first nart. or tha nartv of the second part, keep them asunder. It ia obly wonderful skill and power of invention that can give us anything else. 1 be supply oflnoident ia meaere. In twenty vaaew, toe una iave tne neroine rrom drown ing; In ten, he rusbee into a burning houee and rescues ner; in nve, ne eaves her from wild Indian: In five others, from "tha cmem " whoever that may be. In ten other, he catches a i runaway horse or horse at tha rink of hi own life, e she I riding or driving! in three, ii save ner irom tne ruing tide; in eeven, from shipwreck; and so on. The reader cf gooo memory can perhaps supply the few re- maraaoie ease in wnicn the author, by won derful good luck, or fertility of invention, or In. tpiratlon, has hit upon anything else. Now and then we are treated to long and wearisome de lays, till we feel that the life of tbe parties I passing, and w grow weary, if they do not We are impatient, whatever they may be, for .no tuiuuuicu. ui luetr nopea. so Biuon lor tbe Incident on which all these wonderful tales are based. However, tbe poor writers ai not to blame. Tbe raw material has been used up long ego. It is like paper which, made over acaiu and again, lose all ita fibre, all In strength, yet baa the semblance of paper still. We have com plained that tbey all stop at marriage aa the end and aim of life, But perhaps this is in part a mistake, for a new style of Incident is starting np, and with the doctrine of affinities come new materials. People seem to marry In haste to repent at leisure; perhaps tbe evil is now work ing Its own cure. The favorite now teems to be (for a story is so far true to nature, that it ia nothing without trouble.) that after the am quietly married, the pair discover that they have chosen tbe wrong person; and then we are treated to all their struggle and atrifes, with tbe alternatives of open quarreling, silent vuuurauve, ui.uruo ur megraceiui mgnt. A here Is no spice unless something ia wrong,' or, as a young lady said, with more sincerity than reverence, "there is no spice in life without Sin."' - " We discover in these last plots something of the Influence of tbe eptrit of French fiction. As marriage in France are arranged by friends, and the parties have little choice or oDnortunitv of acqnaintance before marriage, the only free dom which s woman enjoys comes when it le loo late. But as there must be romance in life, it it then or never. Now ws do not wish to re form French customs or morals, but let na care for our own. We hare no need to engraft one evil opon another, "The evil that men do lire after them, The good I oft Interred with their booet." '' i. Extraordinary Dramatic Resurrection. veara aoro. ' Jnnlna Rrntna Rtli playing the elder "Brutus," at tbe Mud The atre, in Baltimore, ana toe wile of Andrew Jackson Allen, the American costumer, was the "Luoretla" of the night. ' "Brutus" bad to speak a long oration over.the dead body of the martyred matron, dui a tne weather was bit terly cold, Mrs. Allen induced the manager to plioe a supernumerary body on the bier. As it wa not neceeiary that any portion of the body should be seen, exoeptiog the profile of the face, the deception waa not dlsoovered by Booth. The tragedian had proceeded a few lines in his speech, when a slight shiver was observed to agitate the dead body. , , Booth ascribed this to the cold draught of sir to which tbe sen immolated "Lueretia" wa exposed, and went on the boy writhed s Booth muttered between his teeth "LI still, mad am e; recollect you're dead." Another violent contortion of the corpse.. The orator, . became excited, and exolalmed loud enough to ba heard in the pit 'D ation, madame, if you don't atop that Infernal , wriggling, I'll leave the stage !" He prooeeded, howerer,,untll he came to th lines ,..,.,. . . t;,j j , ,,,, , ' ' Behold that froaen oorpte; ; i J : fla- wK.ra ItiM In.t Lnaiatl alMina In AmIs- ' Here the bier shook aa though its burden had been galvanised, and th body sprang? iron tha trtsselin it winding-sheet, and rushing to tha footlights, exoiaimea: "uiastmeit lam going to lay on that ere bench to be drownded! is impossible to conceive th ludicrous figure the boy preeented. , He was enveloped in seve ral white sheets, the ends 'of which trailed ba bied him, and his face was perfectly black. Tbe audienoe was convulsed with laughter, which never ceased till tbe curtain fell. , ,,,-,, : It was afterward discovered that Sara Drake, a comedian of facetious memory, bad obtained from th pelnt-room a pot of liquid lamp-black, and planted himself in tbe "flies" immediately over the representative of the defunct Rem matron. At interval he poured email qnantl tie of tne sable fluid directly in the face of th unhappy youth, but at length the whole contents of the vessel descending in a shower, it was too gauoh for flash and blood to bear, and produced th ludicrous catastrophe.4 or NEW ARRIVALS ID aaL I OF AT KNAPP 8c COS, 119 South High Street, oct25-Sawd-ifcw-fiin CANADIAN tt UNITED STATES HAIL STEAMERS TO AND SVKUM LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, and NEW YORK. Th Montreal Ocean flteamahln rmnm..1. a, full-powered Olyde-hullt Steamer tail ertrr Nat. urday fma PORTLAND, earn in the rJanJii.. unuca ouue man ana puMenrers. NORWBOIAff. NORTH AMERICAN. BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON. NORTH BRITON, . HIBERNIAN. CANADIAN, MOVA800TIAN. Shortest, Cbeapeit ant) QaUckcat Can I rcaac i ram AfTZRICA TO ALL PARTS OP 1TO0PX. . ! , Kates of Pamesage to Kuropes, I 830, 9QQ, tteO. Will tall from LIVERPOOL ererr Wtdaetdav. nj uu.i ,u i v.t: i , . in uueni ana itno aiali and Paseneera. to and front Inland ami ft. i... .1 ITr'Theae Steamer ara.butlt of Iron. In wahtfeM compartment, carry each ao experienced Burgeon, and Try attention ia paid to th comfort and accommoda tion of penrr. A thevnracesd dlwnt tn imham DSRT, th great rltk and delay of calling at Bt. John' .TiHimi. latirowliatenrr ar fumtahed' arlth lUtnra ticket! gran tad at radooad rate. Ccrtidcate tanned for earryin to and hrintnnt Mnger froa all th principal town of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced rate, by thta line of teamen, aad oyuie it aouinuivn binn ur BAILING PAOKBTS. leaving Liverpool every week. . Sight Draft fay AT and at p ward pay ' akle In Knsland, Ireland, Scot- anna ar waiti, - TJS'' ?' f U" "- SS fiHOAIt. WAY, New Vark, and 19 WaTEK ST., auivvsrpfjvif ! , :. BABEL ft BXAiLl, eaml JOTt,, Of tr J, R. ARMSTRONG, nolO-lydAar Btatumaa Offlco, Oolambn. Ohio. Ourt (kmgh. Cold, hoar nt,t. Mttu. onn, anylrifatlon orSortmMaftlt SAroai, Rtiitv Ud Hawking Vongk ta Uonnmption-, BronMtit, AntAa- mo, gni vnmrrt, vuar aftd give otrtngtk to tin 00 of . rtAILiliJ NPEAKERI, and SINUEHS, Few ar aware of th Importance of checking a Oongh "Common Cold" in tu nnittag; that which In the beginning would yield te a mild remedy, If neglected, ooa attack th lung. M Jtrotra't Bronchial Trochet," containing demulcent ingredient, allay fulaonary and Bronchial Irritation. BROWN'S I That trootle tn my Throat, (for which the 'Zrvotat ar a tpoia) hailn made TROOBBB often a mere whltperar." BT. P. WILLIS. BROWN'S "I recommend their oto to Prauc Brail , .... IROOBKBl . BBV. . CHANS. -Mar pro Tea extremely Mrvieeabl for BROWN'B noABiortw." KKV. HKNRT WARD BEBOHIR. - TROCHES "Almott lnttaat relief In the dlatmtlng imoov t nroauiiinx peculiar to aarnila. BROWN'S I KKV. A. 0. KOGLB8TON.. "Contain no Opium or anything Inlurl TR00HB8 oua.',' ... , DR. A. A, HAY BS, . I OktmUL aHnm. BROWN'B "A dmpl and pleasant combination for uodoiu, . -TROCHES DR. 0. f . BIGILOW; ' ttoston. BROWN'B "Beneficial la BaocHiTi.n 1K. 1. f.W.LANS, TR0CHX8 - . . otton. 1 "I have proved them excellent for Waoor IB0WNS iKoOoi'oa.' - , , , , , BBV. H. W. WARREN, TROCHES " " ' . Botton. 1 . "Beneficial when oompelled to Speak, nf BROWN'B feriug froa Colo." . ; ' ABT.t). P. J. ANDSRBON, TROOnSS I .... .. : , .. . JJL.XawA. "Briatrroii In removing HoaneneM and BBOWN'B trriUtiaa of lb Tkrvat, to eoaaon with Brnaaniann niwuaa." iROCHSa Prof. BIAOT JOHNSON I tla Granam. Bm.. BROWN'B Teacher of Mutlc, Bouthern remai Ooliego. TROOHESI . "Great Uneflt when take before and after BROWN'S preaching, aa they prevent Hoaraenua. Trom tnelr pM enact, t think they will aw-oT per TBOOHBSaanentadTan tare tome." ' , 1 . . 2 I .1 AV.S.;, BROWN'B . t mWitl of Atheat College, Ttnn. TROOHBB UTteld tiy alt Drargittt at TWBNTT '.1 r .. ,ii uania a aua4u - I ! ROBSRTB A S AatOlV,, - -n II !..,s- - Druinritt, S Norat Huditru 63 South High ttreet, Ootaabas, 0.' uu7-deodla AI Ayer'sSarsaparUla A compound remedy, designed to he the most ' 1 v"- "ii uun cun De maae. At is tceiltrated extract of Para Barsaparilla, to combined with il..- r ...ii . v .uviiuibl, ua .iu, greater alteraUve power aa to afford an effec - A: .aJJ.A. .t . urw tnuutm ior tne oiseate HamapariUa 1 ' reputed to cure. It it believed that such a , remedy ia wanted bv thoan aim t Strumous complaint, and that one which will ' accomplish their curt must prove of immense '. ' aerviue ra wis targe ciase oi our anuoted jeUow- citixpna. . TToer Amnlufplr eliiat . :il do it has been proven by esrerimeTit on many of the worst cases to 1m found of the following , COmplaintSt ; !; BcuorntA and Scitorci.ous CoirrtAiirrs, Ekuptions and EnvrrivB Disga-ius, ULrstuj, PiurLB, Blotcues, Tuuons, Sau Rur.Uii, Scald ITnart. RfHiu. .wm 4iv,i VST Blft1 A V- p na Mtifiv aw- m mw svaaaaauaaaw aai w ncTiotra, MbucvbialDisbask, Duovst, Nst- KAMilA OB A 10 JJOVLOUhBtTX, jJEBlLITT, xr ' PBPMA AND iNDIOr.MIOJf, EKTSIPfeCAS, Bt)K OK St. ANTHO'fT'aPina. nnA iniliwirl ,1,a M.t...1(, class of complaints aruiiig from Iuiuu27g or thb Bloqd. - '-. i This compound will be found u great pro moter of hpnlth. whmi tnkon in tha expel the foul humors which fester in tha uiuuu at inm season oi tne year, iiy the timn ly expulsion of them many rankling diqrdcr ara ninniirl in tin. l,nl fnlii,,fi-. n - l,- a'r" - ..lUIIIUW. WMft, VJ of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions mid ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to ; rid itaclf of cnrrunliniia. if tint aauiatiwl tn .1v tliis through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicino. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,- ur avrca, cieunso it wncn you mid, it is ob structed and sluiririKh in the Viina rlMflncA If . whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell ' you when. Even where no particular disorder . ... ... ... u ivit, peopio enjoy dcuot iieami, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keen tho blood heal til v. anil nil ia woll !,. tii. . pabulum oflifo disordered, there can be no ' msung iieuiiu. sooner or lutcr something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. fenrsnnarilla has. and divprv.-. uiucli. tl.. reputation of accomplulung theie ends. Hut tlie world hna hvii affrixnmi.1-. iluAAivwl l.v , . - preparations of it, partly becauae the drug alone 1ms not all the virtue that is claimed for it, hut more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tlie virtue nf rWsnnnrillu or any thing else. During late years the public hare bevu nn led by large bottles, pretending to give u quart llP Rtrm.t nf Snnnnntlllii f.. mw. .1. .1 1..- If.... -m. ...... u. n.ji.i ..I.. Vl.b UWt.u. of these liovo been frnud-t upon the sick, for ' iticy nor. only contain little, ir any, Surnnpa rilla, but often no curative properties uhutev er. Ileneo. lutii-r ni:il nniiil'nl yliinitu.iuriii.iir has followed the use of the various cxtiacU of Sarnnnnt-illit tvhirli flnnil tliA mnrlrni ,,tll tlm ' nainc itself is justly dexpised, nnd lia become synonymous with imposition nnd vlieat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilln, nnd intend iu nuppiy tucn a reincuy as snau rescue tit? name iiotu tho load of obloquy which rests uiron it. And wo think wb have ground for believing it has virtues which ore irresistible bv tho Ordilinrr run nf llio rlisr-iuvtirw intrml. Cd to Cure. Ill Ol'ilpr tn flppllm tliiii fwunnWA - cratlication from the system, the remedy nhotild . oL-juuiciousiy lunen nccoruuig to tniectiona on the bottle. RErAREi ax DR. J. C. AVE It V CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frioe, fl per Dottle t Sis Dottles for fj. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a rmoirn for tho cure i.f every variety of Throat antl Lung Ciiiil.iint, that it.U entirely tiimccestiiry for 111 to lecmtnt llic evidence of it virUtes, wherovrr it h is lioeii em ployed. As it has Jonir been in ronataut im throughout this section, tie need nntdo more than atsuro the peopio it nmtlity is kept up tn the heat it ever has teen, and tliut it limy be relied on to do fur their relief all it ha over bceu found to do. Ayefs Cathartic Pills,. FOB THI CURE OP Costiventss, Jaundice, Dispenia, hiUjciHoii, Dytentcry, Foul Stomach, ICrrxfjtrlas, Ihntiaclic, Pilet, Rheumatism, lirnptiotu unit Siin JUscatn, Liver Complaint, Dmpsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Uout, Xrwliia, m 'i Dinner Pill, ;, for Purifijiivj the Mood. They are sugnr-coaled, m the most mis:, tive can take them plenaaiitlr, nnd llicy uro i!ie best aperient iu the world for ail liie pnrpoaox oi ., family nhrtic. .' . Price 24 cents par Box; Pivo bosog for C101 OrcatnnmhrTsofClcrK.vuion, PI: Viici:itis. Sta ton men. and rminnur upriniiam. l..... iL.;, names to certify the tinparallelcd tiscfiilncw nf these 1 pomnflin. I.n. . I.m .:il . u... um HCIU li HU irriill ItIC insertion of them. The Agents below tiaiitprl fur nish gratis our Amruican Ai.MANAoiit i.liich tlicr : are given; Willi also hill descriptions of the iitnvr-, complaints, and tlie treatment that should lie firl lowed fur their cure. ' . Do not he put olf hy unprincipled denlen with other preparations they make more prnlit 011 Demand AvBlt's, nnd take no others. The s :; want the best aid there is fur llieiu, mid they aiM t i . . have it. . . AI our remedies are for solo by " intitn J. aaiTTBT n.t . . AndbvDrnggittaaad Dealer vrywnr.- -.:.. hvjtv. iju,iww THE MUTUAL BENEFIT t LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, . : ' ' Or , i 3To,w-TTijC.f 3ir. T. ; PlTldend Janaary i, ise 1, 4S Paw Cent. ' ASSETS . :.I,819,5S 60. ; Statement Jaaaary It 1861 ' m ." Balance, per tUtemcnt Jan. 1st, 18tlO.....S.40S,ai 39 . Received for Pramium dur In th tear IStO .....7&an U - Beoolved for Interett during in ,row icow uit.ul rt Tnlaf .AnTnta fn. tRCfl emiu..J ' Pld01aimilyDatb,i7,0o0e .' ram roiwie turren- . dered..... 41,11159 '- Paid Salaries,. Pott- ;, . art. Taxes, az- eiianea. aln...u.. II son SI V ,!u' Paid Commtaaion to ArenU S1,H 30 - Paid' taaa. S IMS 7S Paid AnnuitiM 1.417 09 Paid Dividend dur- . -r Ing the jear 108,300 73 SG3.091 S3 411,878 14 Net Balance January lit. 1801.. .tJ,8l,M8 SO -. ,i : ASSBT8. .'r-'3 J. Cash an hand..... - SSOtrH IB Bond and HortgaiM on Real B.ute, worth double Urn .;...;'. tllii -mount loaned... S3S7.AJI aa , Premium Note, on Pollcle - : in loroe, only drawing tpr ent. Interett. i.ojrn mh. 4..V'. -it: Beti Set... 4. seewrr LeanaoaScrip 1 j 931 gj . .r . o rremtum,notetndOub in OBBoliMaaitsl.;.t 41.31171 -i.7f i.i--.U..d ToUl Ataet tlS12,S5fl T.ATB rollcle ta force, Inauring. "SS6t4S6,638 l,43i saw Poilciet hare baa Inaed during the year. Aft a oarefbl talwiatioa of th prtttnl vain af the aletanding Pollciee of U Compaoy, and having tb ttewttary omoxsi In rMrr therefor, the Director have dtclawd Vivutan of 45 per oaat. oa tn Premt eat paid at tha table ratee, to all policial for life la fere, iMued prior te January 1, 1H10, payable according te u preatnt tnl of th Company. , . i . .. , t -;. 1 Ratee for nit klndaof Life Conllngeeeie, rreanet BaatiSmtament, and Aavliealio. will be farnuhtA without cuaaoa, at tbe Omee w Agewlee ol tb Ot,- , .,' aooT. . rTTRSON, Vraildenb -' , L. O.GCOVKK, Vice frtaldent. BBNJ. J. BULLS R, Keci-.i.r,. a u a. a..K-aAn. -a . : fij u'j t'::5 auwn, ttgent, , AUrchSB. IStlJ -.1 .u. v tfouneou alloc, . t .. OoiuMbuo.O. TLUANTeliAI"IBI.ACK SILKS tOA omm win. w auuB); at. MtQU Trlnmln , and Taenia to match, at SAAB. ' atr3 9 i . ' ; 'I :..! '' if. 1 ;: w . ;l ,101