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NOW 11KADY. THE REVISED SlATUTiiS ; of Tim ''-'i tTSLTin op omo Of A GENERAL HATOBB, IN I0R08 AUO. 1,1800. OOLLATKD BY UcrJcbTTCr Swan;'"' (Contained In twenty-nto to In met of the Ohio tnd Ohio v "." Beat iUrt.) v'--, " ; II TVIHENRE9 TO PRIOR LAWS, , m v .e M f c at i nn ife li, t so.- Atlo'l fULl AM COliv'sNIINT lNDIX'. V la Two) Royal 8v. Volume. Ploe$lO 00. No rt or npeiuilmtMil tparai ta.mtk th work tttrfrot en reliable Is ill reepect. , ; . . It ku oow lb LegltlaUve miction, bavlny wen P- roved by inrlf tb antolmou vol or boln uonw, and tM ordered to b diitnbatod to th following kod County officer: , .. . Oorernor. Attorney General, flupreme Judge. Secie- mrw llnmiitmll.r. (huuiw and Auditor Stats, at co lb ProliaU Court, OoTt ot Common Plow, Bow ler ud Polio Onaitt, Auditor. aud th Clr of Iht varioo Court! In each county, to tho Mmbnor the Menata Ud Horn of Btpreientatrra of thlt Stat, tnd lk Unu. Ik. I HtatMof th UniOO. ' " ThU book, onlataln-, It. do,allof tteflUlat now In forco, and la aulnoniauY oonnnwuu ui and of tbo Now Coiutllnilon, win noiouna u oo ly aful la tbo performance of their dull, to til 1 ' ootmTomotM, v' rVi- " ' jusTioitg of tub psaou,. v .r.i T0WN8HIPTKU8TISES. . ; , , ; CLBKKS Of TOWNSHIPS, and ,, ' - A '.- : CITY fflOKIlS." ,. ' ' Inaamuoh M very many change have. ben made In the Itatutf alootlbo puttucairon of uw iat caitiona, ny iw mi itnntlmia and addition, and many Important d- cleloni bare been given, by the Supreme Court oa con- - -., mLM All - 1 " " 1 - 1 ATTOUNKY8 AT tAW, 'ffi ' -JIANKKH8. MERCHANTS i , AND HUB1NES8 MKN CENERAlLy,, Will Had till an hmlaabl Work, i .1 ,i.v' Two Boyul Svo. Tolwmtt qf ottr nineteen Uundrtd ' TnBtronr Low BImllnii. ' Price to. ' mubhedtr .' ': '. ; ROBERT CIjAnivffit & CO.. , Law Pobllihfr. Booluellera; Blatlooer and Importer. feblB:d9m:n) ' " ' Cincinnati. 0.. lj(J)ljio QiCiUsmciXi UEO. W. tnNYfrKNNy, Editor. - COLUMBUS, OHIO. , Tm-DVSXTXXJIKXTS. TO JT AS TiOf, AoJ Afi i bv TVL YS fi'ClOCl on tAe iim of publication. - THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 18C1. Death of Judge McLeau. The telegraph In form ns that this renerable and dittingnUhed citizen died this morning, at hit resUtnce, In Ciacioniiti.. I : ST We hire learned that th Democracj o( Matsillon on Monday elected RobiitII.Folou, Esq , Mayor of that place, by a handsome ma jority OTor bis Republic in competitor, Jamu BaTLi), E;q We believe Mr. FoLoralatbe first Democratic) Mayor elected In MtsaiUon for many year. The fact apeaks well for the Dem ocratic otoje' In Old Molly Stark, and for the popularity of Mr. Folom among bis neighbor. CTThe Ztneaville Ceurirr is very much res. ed at the result of our city election, and in an oouociog the fact it eaya: "Wt Thomas, a rank eecesaioa Lacofoco, was elected Mayor of Columbus yesterday." Captain I Hoaus is a sound coasututional State Rights Democrat, and a deroted Union man.ihar ing bo sympathy with the enemies of the Union either North or bonth. Tho lime remark Is true of all the Democratic candidates at oar spriog election. Our ticket was made upofatroag men aodconnd men, and with but fee-exceptions', which we' vrrjr much regret", It wae successful. ' ' ' ' l i ... m w i ' ' ST The patrons Of the OAio Statt Journal at Zinceville ask, throo'h the columns of the Courier, who the editor of the Journal has been sleeping witbf They are moved to do so be cause of the rank disunion articles which bare recently appeared in the central organ of the Republican party. Such artioles may grate banhly on the ears of the conservative Repub licaBS of Z toesrille, but nevertheless they ex press the sentiments of the engineers and man agers of the party now in power at Washington. If the pjttrons of the Journal at Zinesrille do not like it disunion sentiments, then they do not like genuine Republicanism In its present phase, and should do as thousands of others are doing abandon the party. Democratic Gains of Congressmen. This week, the Democracy bar elects! two member of Congress in Connecticut in the First and Fourth District, and both member in Rhode Island. These make a gain of four Congressmen, which is equivalent to a 1 of eight rotes to the Republican strength in the next U.S. Hojje ol Representatives. ' So it goes, and so it will continue to go un til the Republican party shall be abolished. It U rather diverting, just now, to bear Re. poblioeo talking of the Democratic party be Log dead. At the present time and hereafter until their "last man" falls, the Republicans will find sufficient employment ,in attending to their own defunct. The Leader of the Journal. Tbe following is the leader'in the journal oftbi morning, occupying, a it does, the moat prominent place under it editorial head: ,-;;.- Th probability tnat a extra teuton of Congress wiTl b called ! every day grow Iniitronier. Hoaietlilng suit soon b on. - ' ,''- Ah! We thought the bare election of "honest Old An Linoolm'! wa sufficient, and follow iog thai event all thing would go. right, f'trai tors be hung," the law executed, "and law and order restored. But now it eee'ms "something mast toon be done," and the remedy for all the ill w bear is now thought to be iu an "extra aession of Congress." Well it must be in that or tome other "extra" body or event for cer tainly the present Government at Washington ia Incompetent. It is a failure a very bad fail ure.' - f. J . ' The Spanish Seizure of Dominica. St. Domingo, as it is called In tbedurpatchci. or -the Republic of Dominica, which ia reported to have been taken possession of by Spain, 'com prises abont three-fifth of the Island of Haytf It wa originally nettled by a Spanish , colony, and tome twelve years ago, a large portion of tbe people evinced a deaire to be re-annexed to Spain. , It contain a population of bonV"bne hundreJ and thirty thousand, one-tenth of whom cUim tobe.wbite."7!7T TT - .', ? It is said Wiet-the .seizure of Dominica by Spain took every 6ody at Washington foreign Minister and all by surprise. It U to be feared tbat etill other end gTeiter surprise! 'are at hand. Our country L In the condition of a weak and foundered vessel at iea fhlch sudden blaat of wind may drive to denlraetion at any mo ment, wliile Wt martnor are ingnoani front what quarter it may rise. -' ' ' ". ' " " It I said tbat th Government at Washing ton will remonstrate with Spain la' regard te it proceeding in flajrtl, this being' all It can do in its present crippled condition. But little will Spain befid any remonstrance of the sort, if she finds thai h j wiU not fee backed; p with tnerj iked a with men 1 of-war.- o ICTWe beg leave to say to the editor of the "OI," that (be article in bis ague of to day on the Ciiual question, ami the propriety of the action or in Legislature on tiie leaning projeot la not Buou i one as the publio had t reason to expect, In view of the burning indignation ex pressed in the last "Criiii," and. the promise of an able' and intellectual txpoit in the present number. Gov. Minaar owed it to himself, ej- ter wnat nesaia last week, to mate eucu an ex position of his views, and what was best to be done with the canals, as would be valuable and useful to the Legialature; and his omission to do so, and tie pettifogging dodge to the Haiia'',oi to-day will not serve to convince the people that the first article in bis paper was prompted by any special desire to benefit the State or the people. : The Slaleiman baa advocated tho reform in capal management ever since the present editor baa had charge of it, and that without regard to who approved or who condemned hi course. Many leading Republican paper have unwilling ly failctt juto the riews of the StaUiman, and this fact the "Crtti," very nnklndly aqd unjustly, refer to, in a way to damage the Siateiman, if possible; aud last week.we were by inference In tbe "Crisis" charged with advooa ting tbe "biggtit ivntdlt" ever attempted on the people of Ohio. We specially call Gov. Mcoaav's attention to these matters, and shall expect iu his next number recantation of hi improper allusion to us,' and strict justice in the premises ' r Gov. Minaar pledged himself, last week, to raise a company who would pay the State $30,- 000 a year for these canals, la hit issue of to day he is silent on that subject, aud seem per feotly delighted that a bid baa been put in by Joe Cooru for $20,000' and actually claim the creditor it! We do BO.know how that is; but can state a fact. We were in tbe State House, yesterday, during the morning session, When Cooria, iu course of conversation, proposed to us to join him in bis bid, aud be "one of three or four praotlcal canal men" whom be wanted to enliBt in tbe enterprise. We docliu ed, remarking to him that we would bare nothing to do with it During the conversa tion, wf told Coorta that we bad learned that be was at the head' of, the Company that Gov. MDAr bad pledged the Legislature be would raise, but observing that hi bid was only $20,000 a year,, we of course must be mistaken, since the Governor had promised $30,000 per yeah' Cooria replied that he bad not teen or beard from the Governor for a long time, and the idea of tho "Old Wheel Horse" becoming a canal man appeared to amuse "Honest Old Jo." During the day the '-Chief of the MutkraU' and the Governor met, aud the "Criiii" this morning Is delightedrat tbe prospect of Coor ia 's bid going throogh, and has not a word of denunciation lor tbe mode of bidding directly to tbe Legislature, which, last week, was so odi ous ! Tbe chief reason why tbe Houso passed upon and reoeived tbe direct proposition ot ErxatTT, Mintixr it. Ci. was because tbe Board of Public Works had pursued inch a course in tbe management of the canals as' to induce mem ber to believe that they would not in good laith carry out and execute the law for a public let ting. Iu tbe Senate, yesterday, in Committee of the Whole, the bill was so amended a provide for a public letting, to be executed by tne uovernor, Auditor and Treasurer of State, and thus the bill wa referred to a select com mlUee. This important fact Governor Minaar doe not even notice, but leap ahead of the action ol tbo Senate, and has tbe bill returned to the House, with Jo CooraV bid of $120, 000 in it, upon which tbe'CrisiV gays: "The im prenio f mailt that th How will not tctilate, unlm $omt eae mil tub higher;" and Gorernor MiDair will not bid higher; although he prom ised to do so Ias( week! i . J i i We may venture tbe opinion,' that the Legis lature will, before it adjourns, lease the canals, either directly to some responsible company, (which we think will be done) or provide for publio lettic j, to te superintended by the Gover nor and other State officer. In either event, the policy the Srefetman baa unwaveringly ad Tocated will be carried out by tbe representa tives of the people; and, therefore, we are con tout. " . .':,., .' Wars Within and Without. There re rumors and signs of war both with tin our country and upon ita borders. Where there is so much smoke, it Is to be apprehend ed there are 'smouldering flres beneath, which will before long burst out in a terrifio blaze.' Ai we showed tbe other day, both the North rn and Southern Confederacies are pursuing course which must, if persisted in, shortly in volve the country in a civil war. The Southern Commissioners at Washington are either egregl oualy deceived, or . the dispatche emanating irom tbat city, and professing to be authorita tive, disseminate barefaced falsehoods. .' Not withstanding tbe reiterated report that Fort Pickena bas been reinforced, President Pavi envoys at Washington persistently refuse credit tbe rumor; alleging that they have as surances from President Lincoln 'e Cabinet that hoi Such demonstration will be. made. ' Be this as it may, somebody is bound to be cheated this imbroglio; and tbe probability is tbat the discovery of diplomatic trickery oa.both side will be followed by the stratagem and horror of. war. -n.!-. --.'-t. ''' ; ..'...;" Not only are our countrymen plotting againat each other. ' but foreien Dowers' are Dlottin- against our whole country. They will favor . j . - . - . either the Washington er Montgomery Govern ment just o far a may suit their intorest, and no farther.-1 Finding ns divided and weak from our Intestine broils, they will injur our com merce, oppress our countrymen abroad, and 111- libuster upon our border. Tbe same disposition on the part of England and France, which may prompt them; as rumored, to aid Spain in an on slaught for tbe recovory of Mexioo,- will induoe tueca v nouutcoance any acneme tnat eilner Spa(n or Mexioo may eoneootfor tbe reconquest of Texas. " '"V- . j. There are old umsttied disputes with Eng land, or bid ieUlemeut whiob upon oae pretext or another she may. easily re-opeo. bv which the rights and territory of tbe people in Ihe Northern State and Territories may be serious ly Imperilled, if not usurped by a stronger band than that of their own Government, 1 We snail soon, be, from present appearances. In the con dition of petty Arab tribes, with every man's hand against us, and ours against every man. Such are tbe penalties our people are likely suCsr tor permitting a blind and reckless fttaatt- clsm to pursue ita destructive career uucheok- eV 111- I 1 Whin You A m Dinokb t Bxmo Hmid' fob Killino a Man wbo ia 'not JDab, Aovxa Tisa. Kink, who was arrested not long since, at Oxford, Ind., for the murder t Dr J. H. Rowe, who stopped all nlRht at Kink' Uvern, has been released, owing to the re appearance tbe supposed victim. .Kink extensively adver tised his arrest, and besought Rowe to "turn up" and prove bis innocence, and Roweceein- the botice, confessed.' Another proof of 1 ' - - ill. tb ef- OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, April 3, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. A mesear was received from tbe House an nounoing the passage of . S. B. 811 To repeal th aatk aet, whereupon It wa alto signed by me rreseut oi.w oenatei tx ; .. . v s. FIRST READING. H. B. 153-For th relief of turnoike and piana roaa eompauie. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On motion Of Mn FISHER, the Senate re solved itself into committee of th Whole, on the order of the day, Mr. Glass In the chair. and proceeded to consider the bill to lease the Pablio Works. Mr. JONES moved to strike out sections on and two, and Insert a eeotloo providing for the leasing oi tne mono works at publio letting. nr. r a man utoogbttb amendment differed to materially from the bill, It would be well to settle the point whether it shall be adopted rar. rc.tiKti.jLi uougnt it better M should do w.T Vimiriif t . . itbdrawa nntu tbe but I otherwise nerfect. Tbe amendment make almost a new bill. He thought hi plan would save time ' ' - I b auestiou beioe on etrlklos' ont and sub slliutiog the smeodment, it wa carried yeat ii, nays i. v . v ; .i . t Mr.JOMba offered an amendment restrict- in the tolls on the PllhllB Warka to aha tariff of 1859. Agreed to. . ' .v . ' -i Other amendmeuM were made, which cannot be Intelligibly embodied iu tbe report. Tbe committee finally roe and reported back tbe bill, when Mr. Jones . moved the reference of the bill and pending amendments to a select committee oi three. Mr. Jones said be desired that tbe bill should be put into proper shape for eueouuc a puouo letting oi me lease. - Mr. FISHER approved of tbe seneral prloci pie of letting to the highest bidder, but in this ease be opposed It because repairs must be made now. it tbe spring rains caused damage, tbe State will bare to pay for it. and he wanted to avoid true expense. ' - Nr. islUL tbonsht tbo bill abonld be recom mitted for perfection. : A It now etaod, it ia inoongruou. Mr. HOLMES would have been better satis fied bad tbe bill been iarfeoterfln committee of tbe Whole. , He did net object to the reference, but thought the , otbet would have been tbe moet judicious mode. V . The motion wasagreed to. and the bill as referred to Waste. Joaes. Scbleich and FIRST READINGS. H. B. No05 Tb prehlblt the circulation of the note of epeol paying bsoks at lesstban par.- ' H. B. ' Ho. J26 Te protect erlcultural lairs. " ' H. B. No- 437 To authorize the sale of cer tain Western Reeerie School Lands 11. B. No 99-To establish the Corrvville ciectton precinct in Hamilton county . f THIRD READING. Mr. READY, from the committee on Muni. cipal Corporations, recommended the paassse of S. B. No. 333 Amending tbe act authorising erection of town ball. The bill passed yeas so, nays a. .. . . . STREET RAILROAD BILL. Mr. HOLMES moved to take the street rail road bill from the table: Agreed to. The bill turned noon Ita engrossment. Mr. FERGUSON explained the character of tbe amended bill.' 11 provides for tbe orcanlza tion of auch road under the corporation set, by consent of municipal corporations, wher tbev exist under the Ferguson bill of last winter- manner, terms and conditions to be agreed upon between tbe companies ana municipal corpora tion.- 'ii- ' ' Tbe bill wa engrossed, read a third time and passed yea lib, nay 0. WOMAN'S RIGHTS. A meataee was received from the House an. nouncing the passage of tb woman's right bill. .: . .... , Mr. CUFPY Mr. President, out of respect to tne memory or toe senator from Hamilton, (Mr. I move this lenat do now COMMITTEE. Messrs. Fergneon and Cuppr were added th select committee to whom wa referred tbe Fublio Work bill Mr. SPRAGUE, from tbe Enrolling commit tee, reported the enrollment of S. B. SC2. Adjourned. . .. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, April 3d, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. a a to is to of H. B. 437 To authorize tbe sale of certain Western Reserve school lands, was read a third time, when Mr. VINCENT explained tbe objects of th bill, when it was passed yeas 81, nays 1. - . is. B. 57 to repeal tbe third section or an act therein named, wa read a third time, when , Mr. VINCENT explained tbat this bill was designed to restore the right to take cognovit notes, by Banks, which bad been repealed a few years ago. He said that, with tbe Banks, these cognovit notes bad been need rather for tbe benefit of the'endorsers of these notes, than any others. ...... 1 Mr. McSCHOOLER opposed tbe bill, as it would cut off all right of trial of th merits of tbe claim on these notes; and tbat tb maker of notes of this kind would be cut off from all defence. ' . , ,, Mr. ROBINSON explained that errors or frauds could bs set up In bar of such notes In tbe hands of a bank, as well as usurious inte rest. . Mr. ANDREWS thought tbat unless tbe ror, or fraud, or usury, wer provable noon tb paper itself, it could sot be set up. He would not permit tbe nee or cognovit notes by any person. natural or artificial. Hs would gladly vote for an entire abolishment of every form of these notes. NMr. VORIS showed in what manner a de fence could be set np against the claims under these notes. " , Mr. BROWNE contended the bill should be passed, tbat the business of the country may stand on a liks baaia in all oases. ' He would either allow banks to me cognovit notes, or abolish them altogether. Tbe vote wo then -called on the paeaage of the bill, which resulted yea 56, naya 33. , 3. B. 232 Concerning the right and liabili ties of married women, was read the third time and passed yeas 62, nays 24. .' H. B. 99 To establish tbe Corryville elec tion Drecinot in MUlcreek township. Hamilton county, was read a third time, when Mr. SCHlf F stated the objects or the bill, and the reasons for its passage. The bill was then passed veaa 80. nava 1. "' U. B, 96 To legalise a reform style ot deed, saortgagfts, wills, etc., wa read a third time. Mr. FLAGG explained that this bill provided for an abbreviated form of deed that would be found convenient, 'while It wonld not b obliga tory upon any one to use them. Mr. CLAPP offered a few reason for th passage of tbe bill; but, ' after a few remarks, moved tbat it be referred to tb Judiciary com mittee, which wa agreed to. , ; ' V". "' Tbe Judioiary committee reported, back S.B. 186 To amend section 525 of tbe code of civil procedure, and recommended It psssege, when ' Tbe bill was read a third tlm and pasted TtMT9,naj .".' 7" Tha name evmmlttMrDorted 'bank S. S. 2C6 To confirm the charter of tbe Covington and Cinoinnatl Bridge LOmpany wbeo tb bill was read a tbird time. ' ' ' Mr. FLAGG explained th object of th bill, and bopsd it would pata, when -Mr. SCOTT, of Warrea, asked if the passage or mi dui woum prevent tbe secession or&en tuckv. Towhleh ' ' ' Mr. FLAGG replied that be was assured by tb gentlemen interested in ita passage tbat tbls measure, if esrrioa out,, would unite tbe two tiute firmly snd indiasolubly. "' . ' . " 1 , Th bill wa tneo passed yeas to, nay V. Tbe committee on Finance reported back 8 B. 158 Making appropriation for tbe building of a New renlteutiary witB sundry amend menta. which wss agreed to, when the blil wes ordered to be re-eogrossed and put upon ft pa age tcamorrowV ' ." " ' Th Jadieiary committee reported back H. B, 362--To further preserve tbe purity of elec tions awended by a new bill, which wassgreed to, When the bill wa ordered to be read a third time tomorrow. Tb sum committee reported bick 8 B. 229 To amend sections 313 and S44 of the Civil I Code whe '., ,,- j. , i, s.i ! i jur.iiuoiaauN explained the objects ot tc bill, when It was passed -yeas 06, nys 15. ' tuwcwme committee reported Daox n.c ivo. 433 Supplomenury to the aot for tb incorpo ration of cities and villageswith amendment, wuiou were agreed to, when tbe bin was set tor uiira reading to-morrow. - .Mr. REES. of Marrow, from the .committee on School and School Lands, reported back 8. d. vo, iuu To amend tbe renerai aobool law. and recommended ita indefinite postponement, wiuon wa agreed to.--" " .?nr" : Mr. VOR1S. from tbe Penitentiary committee, reported U. B 470 To provide for tbe looatlon of the site for the new penitentiary, wbich'was read the first time. ' Mr. SLUS3ER, from the seleot committee, to whom wa referred 8. B. 141 Providing for tne manuiactureof gas.ln the Fenitenusry re ported the same back, amended, by inserting a new bill after the enaotlne- clause. 1 - "' t Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, explained at length the provision of this amendment, and quoted s number of facts and statistics to show that th manufacture of gas in th prison would be economical ,' ,, Mr. VORIS aurreested tbat the committee inouui nave oommuincatea tne ieou ou wnioa i i . . ' . .. .. . . i . . they based thir renort. i i . i Mr. CARLISLE moved that the bill belaid on the table and printed. mr KUiJiNHUiN said it was not necessary to print tbe bill, since it was as plain as It could be tbat it simply provided tbat a certain party snau ba permitted to put np gas works in the Prison, at bin own expense, with the understanding tbat tbe Stat (Shall buy the gat of him for the State noute, rriron, and otner state institutions, at $3 per 1,000 feet, with the privilege of taking tbe work oft bla bands at cost price within ten year. -- 1 ' . Mr. CARLISLE laid tbat on bearing tbe bin read, ble view of it were so modified that be wa only th hotter oonvinoed of the propriety of printing tbe bill, and he would, therefore, insist on bis motion. 1 - " After some further discussion, the House ad- ourued. . ; -ji ! ... IN SENATE. THURSDAY, A. M., April 4th—1861. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Morris. . ; , j 1 SECOND READINGS. H. B. No.. 99, b Mr. 8CHIFF To repeal sootion second, third and fourth of an act en titled "an aot to amend tbe act to Incorporate tbe town or Clifton, in Hamilton -county, and establishing tbe Clifton election precinct," pass ed March 22, 1851. H. B. No. 153, by Mr. CONVERSE TO provide for tbe relief of turnpike and plank 'road companies in certain cases. ': - H-II. Wo. 3UD, by Mr. DEVORE To prevent bankers, broker, and other persons, from re oeiviog or paying out tbe notes or issue of specie-paving banks at a less rate than par. 1 u. a. no axn, oy mr. ouu n, ot warren- Supplementary to an aet entitled an aot for tb encouragement oi agriculture. - .. H.u. wo. 437, by rar. vincisnt To au thorize tbe sale of oertatu Western Reserve school lands. School Committee. S. B. No- 383-For tbe relief ot A. W. Ayres at Co., contractors tor convict labor. ' S. B. i No.- 289 Supplementary to and to amend section 13, 14 snd 16 of the act for the appointment, and a more thorough system of accountability or oiuoers ot tbe Uhio fenitentia ry, fixing their compensation, prescribing their duties, aud determining tbe manner or working the convicts, passed March 24, 1860. " Tbe roregoiog werereterred to tbe committee Of tbe Wnole-exccpting H. B. No. 437.' THIRD READING. H.B. 428, by Mr. ANDREWS, on leave- To amend section one of an act entitled an aot te amend sec, ions five and six of sn act enti tied "an set regulating the mode ot administer ing assignments in trust ror tbe benefit ot cred itors," passed April b, IBS. . ., ... Tbe bill passed yeas 24, nays 0. , , It was amended so at to provide that assign ees may tell and .compound claim adjudged desperate Jinder tbe same circumstances a prt) vided for selling and compounding auch -claim! by executor and administrators; .it permit th lale of personal property without .'requiring the lame to bring two-thirds or ita appraised vaiue when the Probate Court shall so order; and it. also allows the assignee to, file a petition for sale of real estate in th Court of Common Pleas,' while the same Is encumbered with liens, or when questions of title are be to settled. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. FERGUSON From tb eommlttee 00 Municipal .Corporations, . recommended : tbe passage of H. B. No. 336, relatlog exclusively to Cleveland, providing a special mod of as- teasing corner lot for sewerage purposes. 'The bill passed yeas 84, aaya 0, . .. .1 " - Mr. COX From tbe committee on Agricul ture, recommended the passage of H. B. No. 426, appropriating $1,600 from the Agricultural Fund, distributed by the State to county so cieties to pay tne expenses era commissioner to tbe World's Fair at London in 1863, "and other expenses Incident to a fair representation of tbe State's agrioultural and mechanical In terests at tbat exhibition. ' ,-..,, v Mr. JONES moved to amend so tbat tbe ap propriaUon shall bs made from the State Treas ury, snd to refer tbe bill witu instructions to amend in accordance therewith. Agreed to. Mr. MONROE, from tbe Sobool committee, recommended the passage of H. B. 450 Fur ther defining the duties of Bosrds of Ednoation for incorporated towns, villages and indepen dent sobool districts, which requires such Boards to mak returns, to couaty Auditors, of sueh sobool statistics as ths Sobool Commissioner may require. - The bill passed yea 27, nay 0. Mr. MONROE, from the same committee, recommended the passage of H. B. No. 434. bv Mr, Wright, of Hamilton To extend the time for allowing the lessees of section 29, ia Spring field township, Hamilton county, to surrender their leases and recti v deed.,. Agreed to, tnd tb bill passed unanimously.'. 1 - -Also, recommended tbe passage of H. B. No. 400, by Mr. Schiff To amend tbe third section of tbe "act to provide for tbe sale of eection sixteen, in Delhi township, in tbe county of Ham iltoD," passed March 14, 1837. Agreed to, and the bill passed unanimously. , -.- - -. . . Also, recommended the passage of H. B. No. 413. bv Mr. Wood To extend the time of nav. ment of section sixteen, in the township of Eri nd Clay, being school lands, in Ottowa county, Uhio. Agreed, to end tne, dui passed unani mously. .,. , 1 1 I.i15j:lj' ' Also, recommended tbe psasag of. H. B. N 387, by Mr. Monaban To Jrelieve the , law Bee, assignees and equitable holder of tbe Un told school land belonging to town number 3, range number 11, in tbe Obio Company' pur chase: and to authorize the leasees, assignees snd equitable holders of said lands to Buneader their leases and receive deed,. Agreed to, and tbe bill passed unanimously. ., . . , , , Mr. SPRAGUE, from the Enrolling commit tee, reported tbe enrollment of sundry bills. Mr. PERRILL, from tbe Agricultural com mittee, recommended tbe indefinite postpone ment of the "flood-wood" bill Si B. No. 248, Agreed to. . . , . .. ; v Mr. MOORE, from tbe committee on Conor tion other than Municipal reported back H.B, 345 Supplementary to the act of, 1852, con cerning incorporated companies without, re commendation. . Tb bill passed. ,' It , merely extend tb privilege of manufacturer to, tbe manufacture or artioles . not enumerated ,in at rtt InwwmAratlnn lUCir uw wa lutvi sswa wawawa , ( ! y i I'M Mr. HOLMES, from tb Agricultural com mittee, asked discharge trom further consider ation of a memorial concerning running at large orcatue. Agreea 10. , - ,(, .,, ,,u : Mr. COX. frotd tb lame oommlttee',, asked discharge frotr certain memorials on the same law, and tbat they be referred to the. Select Also, for discharge from a memorial oonoern log ths running at large of stoclf on Klly' 11 and.' " ' ' ; ' , . ,,. t Mr. COLLINS, from the Select committee on the game law, reported back the Senate and House bills, and they were ordered , to be print ed. ". ' ". ., . ',. . Mr. BONAH, from tbe Agrioultural eomrait, te, asked to be discharged from further com Id -eration of tbe petition or E. T. Siurtevant and. others,' for a law making th stealing of bees a peniteoiiaryonence. Agreed to.. ; , ,a Mr. COX, from the asm committee, reported back tbe World' Fair bill.ameuded according to Instruction above, which amendment was i Mr, SCHLEICH moved to amend that the Commissioner shall ba appointed by the Gov ernor. Agreed to, . The bill as amended appropriate $1,600 from I th State Treasury to pay tbe expense of a I Commissioner to tne World' Fiir-H btl pointed by the Governo.' i Coromiseloner to lrnrent tli Lnl,,rw1i of the State. udwbO shall oolleot samnles of woods, minerals and ag riouiturai prodnots, f t., aro coiki an iniorma- lion lor tne Denent 01 the fiaie. i - ;.. , ine uui wa tui yeae t i , ' Mr. COX moved to reconsider the vote, and ay tbe motion on the table. Mr. SCHLEICH oblecud to1aylug"'thi mor on en tne tame. (CitU XX la tUm ka th uKia.a arAi.iH rin .hat u bad never done before. He demanded tbe yea and nays, and the motion to lay on the table wa agreed 1 " to yeas in, nays o, ; r f? - T IT ( iW Those who voted in tbe affirmative were, Messrs. Breck, Bonar, Cox, Ferguson, Fisher, Harsh, Holmes, Jones, Laskey, McCall, Morse, l.rotts.Jr-otw n, Sprague, and White 19. 1 nose wno voted in tne negative were. Messrs. Brewer, Cuppy, Foster, Key, Moore, Newman, eoblelon, and pmun .'r-r -. -rr -7 ; Mr. JONES, from the Judiciary "Committee, reported an amendment to S. B. No. 258 To fund the no&ting debte or cities ot tne second das. A creed to. and tbe bill was engrossed and read a third time , and it failed to pass yea I 1 J, nay 11. A motion bv Mr. juwt.3 to reconsider wa tabled. . . ... Mr. KEY said th principle or tb bill istbat cities may pay their current expenses by putting them Into the form of a funded debt. He hoped I. "uyiu patio. .... , , . ,..,:..,.., Mr. MaCALL, irom tbe committee ou Koaui and Hiehwavs. recommended indefinite post ponement of H B. No. 377, amending tbe road aot. - Laid on tno taoie. ,. , T. ., The Senate took a recessi ' m .. -.Mr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 4, 1861. . Praver be Rev. Mr. Graver. ; The following memorials were presented and referred.u . . ,-r Bv Mr. COOVER: frdm John Lawrence, and nt iHnniiHimira rmint. inr anilinr. ity to build a bridge over tbe Miami Kiver, at . By Mr. REES, of rranklin, from Jf. ruiier, and 23 other, of Franklin County, for an ar- rancrement to nav the State debt. By Mr. REID, from A. II. Baughman and 25 others, of Greone county, for certain regula tions in the disposition ef citv prisoners in tbe oounty jail.. .... . , r Tbe following bills were read a second time and referred: -. : - r H.B. Wo. 4ub, by Mr. BALDWIN TO limit tbe fees of coonty auditors. Finance. ' a- H. a. Wo- 4b, by Mr. BllUW WE, of Miami to require tbe payment by railroad compa- Dies of thoir Indebtedness in specie or the notes of specie-paving bauk of the btato or Ohio C... O ..... nimuuc. H. B. No. 4G8 Supplementary to an aet to provide for tbe leorganizatioo, supervision and maintenance of common schools, passed March i,iood. scooois aou ocuooi Lanos. H. B. Wo.4blf, by Mr. bCUl'T.of Wsrren To abolish the office of steward in the different benevolent institutions , of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the performance of tbe du ties heretofore Imposed upon such officer. Be nevolent Institutions. II. B. 461, by Mr. WOOD To provide for till 1.1 l l 1 1 . ' killing blackbirds in Ottowa county. Mr. WOOD moved tbat the bill be referred to the committee on tbe Judiciary, which, after some discussion, wa agreed to. Mr. Jbssur presented tne memorial or W. S. Laughlan and 6,957 other citizens of Cincin- nati, praying for the repeal of the per capita lax on street railroads, which was referred to the Hamilton County Delegation. H.B. 144, by Mr. WK1L.H1', or Hamilton To amend section 63 of tbe schobl act-rwas . . J . ' J ii - 1 reau a miru umi, wuou Mr. WRIOHT, of llamiltoo. said be regard-tin ed the bill before the House as one ot the most important tbat bad been before the present uenerai ntBeuiuij. it uuject was to reuuoe Bute school Ux. He Jras in favor of sup- porting entire the common school system by foal taxation; but wu willing to defer, though he did it reluctantly, to tbe opinion of legal gentlemen who regarded State school tax as a constitutional requirement; In bis Opinion, justice. and equity demanded an abatement of tbe burden which tbe Constitution would not permit to be removed. Tbe object of a school system is ' not-' to dispense mon ey, but educatioual privilege. And these should be equitably distributed. Under tbe present law this could not be done. In conse- quenoe of tbe defective mode of. distribution of the school fund, th favor were unequally dis tributed. For example, the youth in Carrol and Medina counties are kept at school two or three times longer than. ii . Franklin.. or Hamilton counties. I Tbe cost of education is greatest in the coun ties that pay an exoesa into lb school fund, and least in those counties that receive the most aid from the State. There might be exceptlont but at a general rule tbia would bs found to be correct. The duty of the State wa in bis opinion fully porformed when it had provided by law for a system of free schools. The support and management of the schools should be left to tbe people in their.local Jurisdiction. This would secure economy and efficiency. : : Mr. REES, of Morrow, replied: Mr. SriAxra: Th high esteem In which I have ever held my frlend.frotn Hamilton em barrasses me. But the principle of this bill I can consider in no other light than a strike at the school aystem of the State. -d ,Tbe sentiment upon' which it based the pres ent school law of Ohio, presupposes thst the property of the State should eduoate the child ren of the State. Now, lir, if .thi sentiment I erroneous, Hamilton,- more than any other county in the State, 1 responsible for that sen timent. The indofatagable labors of the la mented Prof. Ray, amuel Lewis, Nathaniel Guilfordr H. H. Barney,- the Kings, the Knowl tons, and the Aliens, have contributed more to create tbat sentiment than the same number of men In any portion of the State, and Cincinnati may be emphatically called tbe mother of schools and. colleges; and now that this principle should react, in tbe person of my excellent friend from Hamilton, me. Tbe principle tbat requires a county to educate ber own children would require a township, a school district, snd each individual, to eduoate their own children., . r T . -,- .: The Government has made a bequest to the onuuren oi unio, and it is tbe duty of tbe Re presentatives to proteot this Interest, Tbe school lands of Ohio, at ths last valuation, were valued at $17 6U per acre, which Is a sum sufficient to endow all the school of the State. These lands have been disposed of by the State. It now becomes the duty of the State to protect the edu cational Interest of ber'ohildreflY -, Mr. STOUT said he wa aorry, though not surprised, si tne course pursued by bis Iriend from Hamilton, whom hs bad always most highly esteemed from his first acquaintance, the whole period ot which bad been marked with opposition to our present system of ths distribu tion or tne aonooi tund, up to this time stead ily laboring to; ttk from the'weako countiaa the advantage they derive from the nreient system. The practical effect of thii bill will be tbe destruction of our school system, under which we have grown great, Tbe book ia nicely ..... ... .- guuea ana osuea, ana we are expected to twal low It, In tbia bill. But wa could not be to easily oapturedv-r , , -".-v -,-y TiTtnT ,Mr.J0NA3 sachet the days of the open Ing ol the school system were different, with Cincinnati, from the present. Then abe was prosperous in trade, and ber taxoe light. Now she is burdened down with taxes, her trade it crippled, and her manufactures are cut down by the loss of Southern trade. Cinoinnatl Is: not as able now to pay foU.UOU ad ah was $300,000 a short time sgo. Tbe taxes must bs reduced; aud It will be Impossible to supply to the school i una tn amount that it ba formerly received from the oounty of Hamilton, r , Mr. HILLS had boped that thi bill would not bepr eased upon tbe House. This bill doe not propose to alter tbe manner of .distributing the bvuuvi iuuii, urn, it propose to cut oown Ibe tax, sod thus cut off tbe fund, and in effect prevent the distribution. Mr. H, referred to theststl tie of th distribution, to tbow that the propor tion oi onuareu enumeraiea in Hamilton county, . I L ' ! L Jl... . . . a tue iinni vi uiunuuuou oi us SChOOl fund, It grsatar than in any - other - countythat "-ths money appuea to tne eaueatien of children at tending school In thst county wss soven dollar per beaeVwblle In Medina county It ia oulj thre and a half. He further analysed .the facts, to show that tbe fund is distributed as favorably ss Id' any jo tbe part of the State- -l A, ' Mr.(McCLUNG laid bt disliked to out off the discussion, of tbe bill, but be wss admonished by the state of business that the time should be 'economised; and . hs.lherelore . demanded i the tlraviou nueation. . 'ry '-"i upon I as Mr. BALDWIN moved that the bill belaid tho table, which was agreed to yeat SB, nayi 86. t Ui - d i 11. B. No. 362. bv Mf - SHAW To preserve the purity of elections was read, a third time aud pajsed yeas 68, nays 21 . ' , -s H. B. No, 366, by Mr. BALDWIN Pretorib Ing the fees of county treasurers was reid a I ra u-...l,.A-w .t.iMM. -I tuiru ttiuv nuu .. Mr. JONAS moved toamend by mklng It to Uk effect In September, 1803 .W 'i : i Mr. BALDWIN approved this amendment it would materially aaeot tbe obeots or me bill.inK v a a- ittnti WRIfiHT.-of .Hamiltot moved 'to amend, by providing tbat this bet shall not take effeot as a to. .Treasurer now .incumbent cr leonj ' it. i isr ;rr- J .oh Mr. JONAS withdrew bit smenament. Mr. VINCENT opposed the amendment, a th bill in iU present form obviated the, Pbjeor. lions of ibe friends of the amendment. P - - -Mr. ANDREWS .favored this amendment, and approved the passage of tbe bill, at least so far as applies to any treasurer now in ofuoe or eiectea to tne ouice- r artner man tnis, tne dui h- nears to interfere with the effect of the Indepen- dent Treasury law, which be would not oooaent to toucn in a jot or tutie. , ou. utittruuK. supported tne Din on tne gea leral principle tbat the salaries should b re- duced. r n , i"tT".ni The House then took a recess. V f- VO'I T i i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 4, 1861. [For the Statesman.] a nine cioser scrutiny .uwerreu m u mi uB n..tnn nartmeuts of the State and nation (not excepting Cot,. MANrrcNNTi-r-Iq the Columbus Oatellt, of th 99th ult-i are two editorial artiolea dedi cated to tbe author of the minority report of the Seleot Committee, on the Idlotio School.'' We nave, inoeeu.atruca upon-strange time. 11 m membtr of the Legislature discharges theduties assigned him, under the obligations of bis oath of office and attempts to expose the evils that exist in any of the departments or institutions of the State, ome filthy wretch is alway found ready to lend or nirenimseu to tneir protection, and wining to maae personal atiaca uFuu member who boldly does bis duty, ir there ws tne.uovernorsuip oi w lueiiw,; i much better for the people. x ours, so., THE AUTHOR. Sketch of the Life of William Howard Russell. i I I I i of trial-trips, sblp-launcbee, ate, nanog ai the ways bad a great taste for nautical matter. On Wm. H, Russell, Journalist, and correspoa- dent of the London Tim: in tbe Crimea, was ,. i pabUn, in th year-1816. ' His parents ware eneaeed in trade, aud tbe young Irish m-n. bavins: displayed considerable ability at gnhool celebrated among tbe middling classes ol his native capital, completed his education at Trinity College. On leaving tbat seat of learn- Inn-. Mr. Rumell. with that "asoiriue vein" ne- o; . . .. . ... " ,, I cuuar to tne native or tun --ureeo - aw, ro- .ni.od unnn a trial of his fortune at tbe English bar. took uo his residence In London, and en- tered himself at tbe Temple . as a student of law. -He soon discovered that the probability of his reaching the woolsack wss extremely slender: and having been Introduced by an un cle, largely connected with tbe prers, to tbe managers of tbe 7"im newspaper, he obtained a aituation on i their staff as a reporter. Mr. Russell wa now th right man in tb iignt cUoe." vz: .... :-i?-v..c,i.vj1-i:: - -1 , i . ,t 1 1 ne raoiaitv witu wmcu uik uuies urn- pared, and the admirably concise detail afford ed by mem, soon oecame a suoject oi remara in the newspaper world; and very shortly after ward Mr. ' Russell received an oiler from Ibe proprietor of tbe Morning Chronicle, thepecnnl ary advantsge'of which was auqh as to indure him to scceot it. He remained on tbe staff ol tbe Morning ChronieU for some years until, on the naner chancing hands: be declined to receive reduction of salary, and returned to the ser- . ... ..... 1 . r . . y)M 0 the iimtf. . Mr., nusseil, a a reporter th caller of the House of Commons, was selected for every occasion requiring .peculiar vividness of description and wroteall aceounts tb outbreak of th Russian war, be wa depu- ted to be tbe special correspondent of tbe Time ia the Crime, and wa successful with bis very first letter in attracting publio attention. I With they exeentlon at "a. aoionrn of a month at Tberapia. where be went for tbe benefit of bis health, Mr. Kusseii uvea witn tne rourtn Division of tbe army from their first landing In the Crimea; among wboa hit kind beartedness, talents and loviality bare rendered him an es pecial favorite, t Hi letters, from the .Crimea ubiinnentfv nnblished in one volume Un- I der th title or ? 3ritUk Exptdition to ihe Crimea. Beside bis conneetlon with tbe news papers already mentioned, Mr. Russell has been Loudon correspondent to one or two Irish jour. cats, and a contributor. to. Houtektld Wordt, BtntUy miietllany, 6lq. .,1a 1d57 be delivered a series of lectures in London snd the provinces on thCrimeen Wero He wss the special cor respondent of the London Timet la Iudia doting the terrible Sepoy insurrection, and thereby added to bit reputation- He declined, on ac count of the etate of bit health, to "write up," for the Tmet, tbe Italian war between France and Sardinian and Austria, in WW; and upon bis retirement be wss liberally pensioned by the ZtmeeV-After bis return to bngiand, be be came tb editor of Tht Atntf tnd iVaey Qateitt, a new publication, which position be still holds. He Is now traveling through this country, aa the spocial correspondent of the London Timet, to ketch with hi grsphlo and vigorous pen tbe present deplorable condition of -our domestic l ' aa. . Whatever disposition tbe Administration bave determined to make of Forts Sumter and Pickens, the evacuation of tbe New York Tri buna is certainly. Mr. Lincoln's policy The following persons attached to that paper have been appointed thut iart W . H. Fry, editor, Secretary of Legation to Sardinia: Richard Hit dretb, editor, Consul to Tripoli; James S. Pike ("J. S.P."), correspondent from Washington, Minister tbe Hague; James E. Harvey, Washington Reporter, Minister Resi dent to Portugal: .'These appointments,' except the last,' were Mr.Lincoln'a, regardless of Mr. Seward, wbo bear tb Tribune no lov.' There are two other amlicanta from that naner for appointments which, if made, will require their absence from the Tribunt office- lf a clean sweep could be mad of tbat concern, and the entire staff editorial sent to the furthermost parts of tha earth, it would be a good thing ror tbe country. ; ..,, ,t..,- I . i , . w i .; .ii.:. PsESKNTATfON 1 THI SaBDINIAN MlNISTIB Chevalier Bertinattl; tbe t representative, at Washington, of Sardinia, wa on -Wednesday formally presented to the President ia bit new character of Minister . Plenipotentiary..,', The rresidenti.m cordially welcoming bim, ex pressed the pleasure with which , be bailed the new position which Sardinia now hold in the tmllyoCn,BonMr ,(, j iJjj The rush thus far for office exceedt that of Buchanan's and Pieroe's administrations four to one. Members and ex-members of Congress are numbered amongst tbe most hungry and fe rocious of all applicants. . . - . - ' - :" rvt r , Sketch of the Life of William Howard Russell. The Universal Cough Remedy in Cases of Whooping Cough. I .wao t Mfj - . ii .- i iw. -e There are probably more cases of Whooping Cough continued to great length of time by the use of Remedies containing expectorants, which' not only aggravate the Cough.jbut run down the system, making the cough fatal, or producing consumption, tnanoy any otner cause. . i bis is completely obviated , la tbo Universal Couch Remedy,!) whloh' contain i nothing to produce nausea or prostration; and tn cougu yield nat urally, while th system is eustained.- Result justify thi deolarationrand mil are asked to satisfy themselves by trta.l , See advertise-, mnt. - i"i-i..-: 1 ' Li .ii la "J ei-:.i rt ir UTAny of our reader afflicted with SciorOLA or (Scrofulous complaioti.r will, do well to read tn rsmaru i owaavriisingMuinu respeov lug It. But little of the nature of thi disorder oas been known by tne peopin, ana tue oiear ex position br it there given will prove acceptable and useful... we nave ions eamirea tne search Ing and able manner i whloh Dr., ATI treat every subject be touches: whatever has bit at tention at ali, ba a greI deal of it; he mas ter what he undertakes, abd bo on wbo bat a particle' of feeling for .hi afllioted fellow-man can look with indifference upon ' hit labor for the nick; Read what he say of Scrofula, and see In how few wordt and bow clearly be tells us more than we all have known of thi inald- tout and fatal malady. Saw, Phils.. Ft. ' : ' XT All should read Prof.' WooiT adrertiee- peBl in anotbw colunjn - Pardoned by Mistake. A good Joke 1 now current In Philadelphia, with respect to a pardon reoently granted by Uov. cnrtinor rennsyivania. A worthy tier- man citizen, wbo reit an interest In a fellow countryman, named Mlller,eent to the Peniten tiary not long since, for passing counterfeit,, 4 money, visited tbe Slate capital about a month ago, for the purpose of procuring a pardon, for him. After oonsultatioa iwith Ger. Curtiu, became home with the assurance tbat the par dor, would be aenton the following morning. . The oaorra ia th application for a pardon to " th cue of a young man, named Mitchell, coo-; ' fined lu the Penitentiary for laioeny, were also1' on file at ' Harrlsburg, and the .Governor, re " memberlng his promise, but confounding the . name, had tb neoetsary paper forth pardon' "' of Mitchell mad out and forwarded at tbe time designated, The pardon ' of Mltobelt. though' the result of a mistake, was well de- . served, as since hi releaie he has given every ' ' evidence ot having become thoroughly reform ed. Go Mali's well that end well."' ' . Chicago, U seems, bas amons- its notabili- tie tbe ion of as English earl, formerly in the uuaros, now engaged la the by no mean aril- ' tocratioal occupation of packing pork: a on of ,i,,..ri.4 j , t i, ia. viouv, vi inwuw, nuu a grauuate oi Oxford, busy in tbe manufacture of sospj a nepnew ot tne gaiiant Lord Colllogwood, (Nel son' Colllngwood.) fattening cattle on an ad- ' jaoentfarm; a young ton ot one of England's noblest families, speculating in wheat and corn; a reduced but genuine German baron, who has ' hobnobbed with Humboldt and the titled mag nates of London fashionable circle, dispensing ' lsger beer at half a dime a glass; an accomplish ed Hungarian coble, engaged in fresco painting at two dollars a day; and a brother of Charles Dickens; who bears a striking resemblance to tbe gifted novelist. ' Ha u i tha int department of the Illinois Central Railroad, and It is from him that Dickens received the mm ar plume of "Box.", Robert Bonner. Era . the Ledp-er man. ha begun to shine on the road again. Lantern and mauame wooarun are still among tbe fleetest ob tbe track, but there's a white-hoofed pony, driven by a Wall street soribler, tbst can go in-" side the pair-, A a general thing, Bonner goes st a three-and-a-half rate or, as he calls it, a "JOg." . - ' SPECIAL NOTICES. MANHOOD. , HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. JUST PUBLISfTED, ON TDK NATTJHK, TBKA MENT AND RADICAL CURE Or SPKHMATORUUSA or Seminal Weakne, Sexual Debility, Nenrouanea,Ia ' voluntary Emiulona and Impotenoy, resulting from Self-abuie, fco. By Robt. i. Oulverwell, M. D. Bene under aeal, in a plala envelope, to any addrej,poit ' paid, on receipt of two a tempi, by Dr. OtlAS. j. 0 KI.INK, 127 Bowery, New Yoik. Post Office Box. Nj 4.B6. v --t-y-, s-v maK!l:3md(iw HUIfHE WELL'S UNIVERSAL For tall I HKOAT and LUNG ComPL,AlNTft, Including WHOOP1NU OOCflll, and ererr Complaint tha foreran uer of and even actual CONSUMPTION. COUGH RKIVOIDY. HUHflEWELL'l Tli Creat RETJHALe , &.ICUKniUV and Nat-, mal OPIATK, adapted to csrery species of Ner von Cotuplaintti, Ner one and C It r o n 1 e Headache, tilieiimn tiara, ejatarrli, Xootb and Ear Ache Lose I Sleep, and Bowel Com plaint. TOLU IB OB TO. No real Jnttlc can be done tha above preparation bot by procuring and reading detcrlptlv pampbleit.s b found with all dealer, or will be tent by proprietor on demand. Formula! and Trial Bottlet aent to rtiyal clang, who will find development In both worthy their acceptance and approval. n OornMpondenoe ollelled from all whote ncceeaitlct ot eariotity nrompute a trial of the above reliable Kemoi ,' die. for ml by th ntual wholesale and retail dealer " everywhere. JOHN L. UVNNEWGLL, Proprleto rs-. CHtMisTND rHAaaAcitrriST, t .i 'i "Ho. 9 Commerelal Wharf, Boston, Kata. Eobertt Al Samnel, N. B. Marple, J. R. Oook, J. U Den Ig, e. Deolr at Sons, A. J. Schueller a Bon, Aitente for Ooluaabu. Ohio. ; aoyl-dljr j mUFFATtM B.IFB PILLS. In all taatabfooetlvai,dy(p4pila,llllou aiid nver affection, pilot, rheumatlna, lever and .., etetl sate bead tch, and all pnsral derangamenU of health' I the Pill bar Invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. - A stogie trial will plant tb Lint Pills serosa tb reach ofoompetltlon In the ettlmatloa of every pa- , Sr. Ifoffat'i PbcenU Bitten will be found equally ef. -,-poadoat ht all caaet of nervous debility, dyspepsia, hfad ' ache, the tickneat Incident to female indelicate health, .. and every kind ef weakness of th digestive organs. 1 lor sale by Dr. W. B. KOJIAT, 335, Broadway, M. T. and by all Druggltt. . I i i ,: , , -, ayj-dkwly ; Tte following' ii an extract from a t letter written by th Bev. J. 8.' Holme, patter ol th ' Plerrepolnt-Street Baptiat Church, Brooklyn, V. T.,to tb "Journal and Meeaenrer," Olnelnnati, O.,aod (peaks volume hi favor of that world-renowned medicine, Has. Wnmow't Sootnise Sraor roa Obilmx Turrnniai;, ' ; ",; ''We ace an advrtltment In your eolnmn ofVa WiwtLow' SooTinie STRor. Now we never aalda word -In favor of a patent uedlciae before tn onr life, butwa ", fetleompolledtotay to yonrreadtrt that tbltiino hum bug wiaav Taits rr, amd enow it to aa ail it cuiih. It I probably on of tb moat neeeHral medf-' sine of th day, beoaut it 1 one of th belt. And iheae : of your reader who have bande can't do better than - lay ina tupply." - 0c7:lydw NEW, ADVERTISErvTENTS. ! ., TREASURY DKPARTM1NT OF OHIO,( I OoLDHiua, April 8, ltXll. J : Sayings Banlc of Cinoinnsiti. .n . ALL PERSONS HOLDING TIIE IB culaUng Nut of th Having! Bank of Cincinnati will preunt ihe tame at tbia oBlo fer redemption, where Uiey will be paid In full. . ' aprldlm . A. P. BTOSg.TreaiurerofBUte. , ARHORY HALL j Moiy. iEvening, April 8. grand; concERT lii OT TBI OEDlLIEN-VEnEIIT.' H THE ABilvB NEW BANIZED SO cletyof LADIKSand OfiNTLBUKM Sill appear for th Brat time safer the titJaeas of Ooluiabu, on ., , Monday Evening, April 8, at Armory Hall. v -' The moat attrtlv and entertaining programmi ever offered to eurmuilo loviog eommuully. hjr oi open at7; to eommene at 8 o'clock."' rtt''Tl Prlcw. of AdtBttaion, SSeant. Ticket eta bt bad at "" Woe', teltier Jk Webtter'i Uuilo Btoroi.aud at UiyfHor.' ' - ' ,l , ap8 Journal and Orttit copy.' '''" " :'" ' ""' OPENING! One of the meet Chwlco and Elerstnt " ' ", i'Jo;i' .. t- il f" a Spring1 asS - Sn rillineiy" TuWday,Vprii4l8 j ( '', Ml P. J' p Lir.i p.Torj'Cj NO, 148 SOUTH niGM T.' :,'1 apr8-dlw I 'J f . 'pdll NOTICE. XT BEING NF.CF.99AHTTO CIlAlVOE X my location, I hav takea Boom Mo. 14, Butt Toau T treet. Walcnt'abnllrilnv. nnnoaiU franklin Bank.whaia I hop to ace all my old patron. -,(. , I hav iuitratnriicd from Kew Tork wllh a lart lot ofnew ft-j j a rt 1 i A ::.' .. -...-. ,. - MILLINERY GOODS II of lb wry lattitityiettiuialto.liH Uie. LATEST-SPEINGi PATIEENS, " lft 'Si lra-w for ladle and ebilinn't wearing apparel. 1 Oatl and H toon- - S8. A. 11 tJCLLS. ' molt Oolumbut, April -dl ' ' . , -.-1 WAN T 14 D A r; rt TO SJKLL . Dackarea of .. 8T AT iON Al BY and ' JBWBLkV.att price one-lblr le tlian an be parchaaed elarwhere 7 Call on or aadrea (etanp aolocd) J, L. BAILEY, lid Court it., Boten, Wiuw. march S8:d3m.