Newspaper Page Text
EVENING, APRIL 4, 18C1 THURSDAY LOCAL MATTERS. 'ITia'Arliime V.rnrtMM GomWDT BlaOeS US dailj under obligatiotiB to It for the very latest papers ?.lro the eastern dties.- i i ? ,' " The' WcIii Express Company' 'fcaow thanks for ita dHy , In hPe ofth very latest eastern papers. - , Notice to Boicmi!tM.-Clty subscribers v.. rw.. AaMman. who may change their dwelliogs or plscss of business at thtt season ol the year, are requested to boiiiv our camera, or leave word at our conntingr-oomt of the plaoes at which they , wish their papen left thereafter. ' ' : -! ?' , m 'itn i OrfioiAL Asitract op the City and Town Elections, hild Monday, April 1,1861i -Wasps. Cd, M. 4th. 5th. , ; . . OaXDIPATIS lit. Total. , 1,586 1,533 .... , Mayor, Q7H Thna fl'.i ISO 93) 185 340 311 353 546 257 ' Lorenzo cogllili Ji" JiirsAaf. ... Samuel Thompson. ' Joho Whtltell .363 .341 187 848 191 S47 '158 873 175 S5 K57 867 319 337 633 171 '. 1,788 1,357 Treaturtr.' Waist ln Filling..." William Armstrong ..341 ..305 ..338 ..3oa 161 3S5 303 371 563 K44 1,559 ISIS Wer. J. J. Fnnttoo...... Babsrt Hum , . Solicitor. Praoclt Collins. ... James A. Wlloox... 169 301 336 339 336 338 371 34 301 639 170 633 1J7 656 (WO 147 149 1.C31 1.505 .305 .381 193 Kid 1.644 1,440 School DlrectorB. Otto Drenel 38 Sterling loving. 345 John 'Nobis 876 John Grelnsr 31J 142 m t3 31) 167 S30 330 300 1.601 1,776 1,451 1.344 , CouiicUmen. , Firtt Ward-Prank Howard. . i 'i .. I L.L.Smith.... .............335 367 : 147 Stooiti , 8. 8. Blckley..'... Lutber Donaldson. Joalah Barber.'.... 978 Third " 345 .............363 A. 0. Blair, fourth Bone Wilton... 341 V.S.Seltssr 333 lifth JimM n. Steering..'.. ........ 433 Morrlti Becker...-...! 307 MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP. -Werdt- Tp. Total, OAWDIDATki Ales, Uooberry. Int. 3d. 3d. 4th. 5th. ,.324 187 330 310 576 S99 943 213 165 ' 151 101 309 161 ' 35! 115 318 307 315 . 155 151 136 1.803 llaslMver. ,?S6 Ki9 813 378 079 8,109 1,843 1,728 1,511 1,308 John M.K(B-ner.. 334 169 lbO 3S4 603 Adam Btrpbmi...3tM) 840 3t 376 330 ObrltsEllrhlie..34 35 1 331 SK3 99 ). O. Diemer W 309 304 333 Tmuurtr. Ihw H. Harrow. .394 158 153 300 Wm. McDonald.. .407 275 3U7 347 Otrk. ' v A. O.KlDK 338 186 338 313 Gamaliel Houtt....35i' 341 SW 341 Gonatabtea. 113 573 S7 1.685 . 1.784 1,9-20 1,536 1,839 1.810 1,657 1,690 1,787 1,398 ...339 ,..340 605 It Walter L. Turner. 3M 311 944 304 510 J. P. Bemar 308 156 154 314 671 Joho Brown 333 163 158 863 587 Joiiahfl.lIoU....370 853 339 374 Junta Taylor 379 867 343 31 Daniel Morrii 350 338 89J 879 JLtttatort. Firtt WorAh. Cheers ...... B. Jobnaon 190 954 103 Stconi H. Miller.. i.. 1) altebell... i, lelby 3. Oabriel.... ,..179 ...848 Third ...980 1 ..2i9 ...3341 fourth " J. Weaver., ' ' 1. bitter.. ...3031 Fifth W.Belllger. ;. William Knox N. Merlon Total vote ..709 439 534 673 811 3 IBS I Fist- at thi Pin:tntiay;-A lira broke out . . . , it inn iraiiMHfti;, 1 A 1 f f.. It... A w. At Cn. Itiv. I Ins caught In lsrea mass of lumber boards, .... ... It was almost lmDOSSlble 10 CXIID-I eulsh it without removing the entire mass Thnnnh aiikttiAil In ih .ft-rnonn. the fire broke . UVUU .MVWMWW .H . out again tn the evening, and the firemen were engaged nearly all last night In their efforts to extinguish It. Tbe loss sustained la not large, probably amounting to five or six hundred dol lars. But Messrs. Uau., A rats & Co. have un fortunately met with several similar losses from that same i.. PaosATi Coost Jososs. The following la the panel of the Jurors for the Criminal Ttrm of the Probate Court of this county, for May, 1861 1 Cvrus Eberly, Columbus; Daniel W.Dryden, do j; Thomas Walker, do.; John Noble, do ; B. M. Cryder, Montgomery town- ahip; E. C. Green, Twro; Asa Davis, Norwich; ii, u.v.vim.i... , Frank Riley, Washington; Wm. H. fclilott.i Prairte; Ruaaell Demarest. Franklin; Kelilal t. nit nr..Li.... u t: 1 1 its Sillee, Madison.' V AOmTTED TO TUB HAS. It r. naiswanuka, Esq , the present efficient and gentlemanly Clark of the Probate Court of this county, was, on Tuesday last, the 2i Inst., admitted by the Su treme Court to praotioe as aa Attorney or CnnnMllor at Lew In the State of Ohio. . We congratulate Mr. Nxhwindib upon his admis sion to tbe Bar, and from bis energy and perse verance, anticipate the most successful results. tt-T There were thirty-six marriage licenses Issued in Muskingum - county daring March, J 861 three less than were Issued In this coun 4y in the same month.' . : ! . i irrWa rnnPTitulate our readers upon the discovery of a cure for Rheumatism, Gout and rnp HnAlimttlSm. UDOb SUUI m " ...7 n, Mnh Neuralgia, and all ' it effected without the use of internal mediblnes, '-which destroy the constitution and give tempo- awry relief only. In fact it is the only known roenedy effecting a perfect cure, and we feel Warranted, from Ita recommendations, in calling the attention of the afflicted and those having friends suffering from Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia, or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to the advertisement in another column of our naner. of Dr. Leland'r Anti-Rheumatic Band, Paor. Wood's RraToaATivE Coadial and Blood RgNOVAToa is, without doubt, the best tonlo Cor dial in the world. To those who are suffering froa General Debility w would recommend Its nse, ' . , , . , , ' 4 At, - ..... .1 I. .Ip.nfvth. lOrWntie HlBpietUMSUwluw ,.-, .i . nlno- to the svstem.' Slid Will tX00CS tend M 0 " T . .'. . a t 1 remov. .11 impu, tie. of tha Wood, , na .raoi- oata ail tracea vi uinoouo- a " - .ths weakest Btomscn, WOlie luurwin iwu '" .!. . , , u. ...! L. w..ons 'i Will at onoeieei ivbuiiuub oonlldeht thai after using one bottle of thli Cor- .. I I New York Leader. The Late Fiaa Onr Furniture Manufaoto r. which waa deatrmdd on SatnrdaVL the 23d lost., was insnred for $3,000 in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, which aunt bas been paid In full this day by tha Agent, H. R. Beeson, En. ' ' '" ' ? a-. , The oromptness aad liberality with which this ' .Company adjusts its losses, commend It to the ' patronage of the eitixens of Columbus and vl- r-initv. and we recommend those who desire, ' ass of Ion, to bave their claims speedily ad lnatl and nromntlv Dtid. to call on II. R. Bee- mi, Eiq., tha Agent of tha Company, In r Johnson Building, and obtain a ponov. y ; liKU l nt.KL.lW, tlAAllU Oi-t-U.! Colurkhns.' O. Maroh 37th. 1861. dlw.l ir R. KisKrATRtosi, No 165 South High Street, bts a verv choice aaeortment of Gold !, Silver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver X ii.i 'a nr.-.' .s ..tA tn ilc tha tlanaa. ' "P'--- ' -"o .' ' , ' . ii,:,r.liA'' J?,?JV???0L' KuX,tt AMir amt'bVIWYVi 1H aatVWiVf w. - Arrivals and Departures of Mails. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. DEPARTURES. to -ship ' Malla for New Tor City, Boetoa, Alb) nr. Buffalo, Pittsburgh, KteabenTille way, Olereland, ianerrllle, Newark, OrmnTtlls, WMhlngton Olty, BalUaora, Phila delphia and New Orleans, sloes daily (Bandiijra azoepV ed) at 7 o'clock a. m. A through aomll for New York sad Olerslsad elsses osnjr (Bandars eaoepieaj i s eloek p. a. CO. O.K. B. war AUil closes dalb (BandayfeX' SSDted) at 1 o'clock d. m. s Oentral Ohio Waj kali eloass dally (8andaf sxeepted) at 1 o'clock p. a. ...... etocinnaU way Hall elosM dally (Bondaja excepted) at 1 o'clock p. m. Gbloaro. Dnhanaa: Delawais. Marloa and Worthlns ton Mail closes daUr (Bun days excepted) at 1 o'clock p.m. sum for xenla. BDnnrBeio. puton, Toledo, Ulncln oati. Indlananolia. Loourrllls. Bt. Looia. and Detroit closes aaiiy (aanaajs euepieaj ai in p. m. A through mail to Xsnbt, Springfield and Cincinnati cloaes dull (Sundays exeepted) at 1 o'clock p. in. Urbane, Plqna, Tiffin and Union Olty mall oloses daily IBoaoays exseptea; at o cicox p. a. " Uu.. . . r, ; , hi 1 1 1 , . I.M.,.1 WUIMl, WU T 1 1 ID. ujniMTIlMi VU1I1IDVU1B. PoHamoatb, Waehlnglon, 0. 11., Alliens, Uarietta and uiiianoroain. Balls elose dally (Bandars sxeeoted) at7K o 'dock p. a. Beat wav Mall bv National Hoed to Zanenllla. AlnaM vmiif (onnaays excepiea;ai no oiocx a. a. -Harriiburgh Malb) clots daily (dundayt sxeepted) at 1 v viuva ut ills Alt. Vernon Hall, b war of Weatenllle and lunhnrr. Oloael dally (Sundays sxeepted) st 1 o'clock p. a. voDitn nail closes aatiytanndays xeeptedat l o'clock . m. ARRIVALS. l.n. I w r . . ... i n,n. ... ., ... miu iruin new lora, xweion, rwuuicipuw, Aioany, riiutmren. uiereland. Davlon. Tontdo. lenuu uetnlt. Springfield, OInclunati, Ohllllooths, St. Louis, and all Southern cities, arrive between the hours of 9 o clock p a. and 4 o'clock a. a. Mailt from Indianapolis, Chicago and Dubuque, arrive at :w a. m Mails from Washlnaton Cltv. Baltimore. Wheeling Zaneaville, Newark, Buubenville, Ht. Vernon, and the U . u. u. A. way Aiati, arrive at o'clock p.m. Way Mail from Cincinnati, arrives at X o'olock p. m. Lancatter Mall arrives at 3H o'clock p.m. Bait War Mail ovar the National Bead, arrives al 11 o clock a. m. Mt. Vernon way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m. , Mall from Dublin arrives at 9 o'clock p. m. , Urbaria Wav Mail arrives at 8 o'clock D. m narriabargh Mall arrivee at 11 o'clock a, m uuice deiii 7W o'olock a t . 7 "fj. . ' r-r- - to V O'clock p. m. upon on puouaya r JOSEPH DOWDALL, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. Lima Miami a Osldhsus a Xoua B B. lieaves. , Accommodation 6.10 A. M. No. SBx 3.30P.M. Night Bxpress 8.45 A.M. Arrives. 9.15 P. M. 3 30P.M. 8.45 A. M. OuvsLam, Colom snt a Ciwtimxati B. B. Bxpren and Mail 3.00 P. M. Night Bxpress 3:25 A. M. 1.40 P. M. 1:40 A. M. OnrnuLOBio B. B. ' ''' Bxpreta Train 9.00 K. M Mall Train 8.40 P. M. 8 30 A.M. 8 80P. M. Pirnsuaaa, OoLoaaos a Omcumi-n B. B Bxpress Train 3:00 A. M 8.30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Mail Train 8.40 P.M. Ooiomoi a Ikdiakipoui B. B. Oolumbut, Piqua Indiana B. B.J 1 Bxpress Train 8:10 A.M. Bxpren Train 8:45 P. M, U:10A.M. 8:10 P.M. ...IliiKU PHSVIlUlHIUIIiei WW., ..... ww-.M Goon -Wa met one of our friends vesterdav on Broadway,, nd were astonished at the change in his appearance. A rew weeu ago we saw I him ha was title lean and delected-comnlaln-1 'IxS rffi i.71i .n h7:-hTfkY .."i"."" -rr - healtbv and strong. We learn he owed his res toration entirely to MoLiaM't Stsimothsnino Cokoul. all who are complaining of Gen rto try it; it is certainly a very We advise eral Debilitv pleasant remedy. We learn that there are large quantiues of It selling dally .-Aformno HtrM pleasant remedy. We learn that there are large W a lAnatwi lhat thai at pas lsatrpdt I ' r , ' ,, . I Cooohs. The sudden oh acres or onr ciimat i are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Aath- matla Affections. Exnerlence havins? Droved I ----- r "..1 , uia Biupiv reuemaa uiwu - certainly, when taken In the early stages of the uiBeaae, recoursa euoum a uuco vo uau w "Breten's Brsaeaial TVoeAst," or Lozenges, let too iOia. ivouith, or irritation 01 tne inroaioeis. 73larersoslieht. as bv tbls precaution more se- rious attack may beeffectoeily warded off.- 88irubllo SDeaKersana smcers win nna mem et-1 f 1 l ! .A ....-thoIn. . UTUVUi lUr VICIUIUK Skuva aiwi ua.suvuiua ayaava I , n . 17 - - I l l 1 I voice. Dee aavertisemeni. ror ...w wau.wa., V Robjatj & Samusl, No. 84 North man street. W Know ho othia Way. By which you can Ik. Mnwln.ul ,t fr flitMnu.'. R.lm .iIlnAall " "",""v" " -- -y -r 1 lively perform what we say It will, than for you to make on application, of it- i '1 moo I rGTJIinNSBY'S BALM! I j I 1 ry msrs, one mmi n, m mar sou, on wu, two Ahorse wsg'a. three sew double harness, seven I In the and hUd, byfj. 1. SEYMOUR CO., 107 K ., M. ' aka IVs sent fre by poet. ' f0B SALB AT ALX, D.uaTlSrS. FIRST. OPENmC OF THE SEASON 01 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. EOSE'S. I AGAIN OFFER TO THE PUBLIC "an entire new stock of Oooda In my line. Jutt purch ased In New York at thacbeapeet panic ratee.ail oi wnica I thai I aell at the tmallett pronis, lor uaan. ay euarom an and frltnda are retoscthillv Invited to call and exam- in. mv Aooda and Prices, as I am determined to Nil as cheap or cheaper than any other house in thsslty;and all do my own uuwng, ana tupenunuu mj own nn. nets, I feel aaiured.from my long experlenos Inbutlr I ,m. taa-lva aeneral sat tfactlon. Tbe finest of work- I . - . . . . . . , . I men are employed, ana an worx uone linen j w umw sua on short notice, and warranted to fit. Strangers visiting our city would eontult their intsrett by giving ms a calf before purcoaauig euewaere. r. nvu, aarchto-dly Cor. High and Town its. REMOVAL. 0. Doylo srJ Oo. TTAVE BElHOvED XII K I It ojiiie XX U tha Bonut-wsst comer mt High sad Irieod tlnsts, "UP STAIRS " And will continue to keep on hands a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Ths attention of Merchants and Dealers Is retpectfuf ly Invited to oar stock. - , ; i B. VVXUU a uo. aarchi:atiiguiyji. TRAVELLERS! - . . . , i WBEH 'u ' VV0S-aTiAN MOSE, I " ' BROADWAY, C0BNBB Of HOUSTON ITEBT, . OondactedsB lb " , EUROPEAN PLAN Good f are.Oood Room t, Pro sip t AUendance, and Hod- Oaargst 1 1 IIhQII BOOMS 50 CT8. 75 OTS. and 1 PBB DAT. D0UBLB BOOMS and PARLORS 1,50 to 3. of ths best hotels, a most oentral location, and tt heated throughout by steam. , ;-r,, narch0d3m - - . rniii na mr. i i . i I S A i iU Sheriff's Bale. Cornelius Jacobs vs. ' i Common Pleas. w. r. auier eiai. i I tt I XJ tO YIRTIIK OP A WRIT OF FI. FA. ms directed, from tb Curt or uemmoa rioss Wn-nin Oarnntl. Ohio. I will onsr ror taie,on ins I fam 00000104 by W. P. J. B. Miller, . la Jackson I TAfanahln. an . . . a ftf Kim: I . .iibUM..U. a--.ii- n 1 head of hogs, and ths undivided one-hall mtei-ea! in reaping machina, levied ea as ths property of W. P.J . . . 'J a. 'w. rrrrrrUA-k.rfir ! 1, . i-A .. ... . 1 it n m. ' snrll 4-10td. . fg aAUe ATAtf t irTyniai 1 . . I " I ' ,. . . . . . r rn ' rnnier s ises, ,," . Eaployment 1 . .1 ' ( ( ' sn v I A staple Article, will furnish smpioymeni a raw sottve men to act as agents for their bouse. A preferenos will be given to those who are well acquaint- in ih. a I. trio t for which tbcv anolv. - ' 1 for which service we j are wining to pay a stmrr al tress ' " ., - c 1600 to $800 per year, aad SipsnsH, for rarUitr particulars address , , W.'B. MORsuiuuBa a vv. , ':'"' " 7 i .' SaneS, Bscbsnse naee, JaMaa;,''.,t -V ' ' " JerstrlOlty.lf. AST1BT18XHINT. .. ' ! " autsj lot the IHBtAHT BBLIBf sad PERMANENT OUU of th eUstrealnf eosipUlsl ass BBOJICniAL CiaASKTTES, , BtajS nSTWiytl I I I a to TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. The BeMlcna CempletelT Bawled la Httada . - Aha Crlale at tjaariastaa Dial. AUtrin'i Pravl- lane Mapped ETerwthlaa; Keadr far HaetsllUea The Caafederat sjaaetltatiatt ttatilled ay Bantu (Jariliaa-Henstea lajaaveti In Tex as Pratrreae af secesslaa la Viral. 1 a I a T lie Admlaistratlen CJaaalder-lag- iriexlcaa Affairs If elura ml Capt. rax tram t art Sumter Hepab llcaa special Messenjrer Tarred and s-'eataered Sfatrltlwe a) I are case in Chicsae, Great Excltcnieat, and R. H. Train t ired at-It. H. Accldeat near Plttaburwh, Several Peraaae liifured, and malls badly Damifed Detaaorat Elected ta Cans; rasa inn sua taunts sjisirici ai tia. nectlcnt A Trace" Between tba Gaveraaaeat and tna Ooafederata states President Davla la laaua liettere af marque, la case Ordera ba laanad tm ttlacltada Ssatbern parte and Callect Keveana-Tne Be- 'mwSSC rnd :;i.d-App." -"?.- Daata al JTadee JtlcLaan dee., dec, Ace. Death of Judge McLean. CwomiiATi, April 4 Judge McLean, of the Uniled States Supreme Court, died tbls morn From Washington. Anthm.. m;i,..,i.. v.m. v r. rv.. Washington, April 3. The President an pointed Charles Gibson, of Miss., Solicitor of the Court ot Claims; James E. McPhereon. Assistant. Solioitor. The Administration ia esneoiallv conaldulno - mexican anaira, looaung to an immediate treaty The Spanish fleet la not to tro to the Calf of Mexico till further orders from Madrid It is ascertained that the rrenoh oonsuls In r i. a o,., i , uff vvuimmw nwm uevo rcuoivea lUBbruo uona aireei irom r atlTO to facll tat on , the Sou(hetn ,,,,,, wU'h pS persons here are satisfied that the of the English and French .fleets are for obser- vbiiuu oi ounuiaru eveuw. Wm. Caddy has been appointed Surveyor General for Illinois and Missouri Washington, April 3. Minister Corwin has been tendered the sloop-of-war Cumberland, now fitting out at Norfolk, or the take mm to mexico. itisexDeotedthathnw ill leavs on the 15th. Sir Charles Wvck, British Minister, will ar rive in Mexico about the first of May. - The Secretary of tba Treasury has concluded to Issue treasury notes for the remalnlmr 50. uuu.uuu, Mr. Clay was, on Mondav. disconnected from the Peruvian Ministership. The Government evidently disapproves of the course of the pre- lcu,"s uiiuio.iuu wuiuu auepenuea oipio- matin vainltnna rnt auan tha Iba Mnnn.l rni.. ZTr' x "? " i . -?""'VV. u" dVy-m "'"" "U The continued neaance f Miin, Hon iif n , Jon"?l?'a te8nce ot Major Hen Mc- Cu loch In Richmond, Va, viewed in oonnectlon " ?r Mce"on there, ineimn inai., excites much Interest in Washington, especially In Army oirolea.. , Alexander a. ratterson has been appointed Eto&'SSS Yrd; Clinton C Hutchinson. Aren fo, thi rm . w, .. ... . - ! Z " I Sm and Fox iDdiani.Wm. H. BigleSw.Reglster, md Jamea P Eddle Reoelve. Bat s 0. cu, J y- fln O t i ws tana umce; inariea a. Kicnaroa Keeister, and r.h.ri p.-nbc-,., D.-ia....n j n n d.' . 0...-.11 i..r. 1 ..'0 . 'j vbiio wuuun uiuui, 11ni, oMiwuri vouer- 8U, KegUter, and John U. Weeks, Reee ver, at poti De,moines, Iowa.. nn. niinni. ' ' v' ., Washinoton, April 4th .Cart. Barrv'scom- .. r ..,m. i.r, v,... . a.- r. m.v..l V """Z'J 1 ur ai w lri. H (wirrl V.1 Irt Mil a afiantau -n.Al k.a U awaa -.a w ww miuvUiMH vUKBKCU UT IUC VUT arnm.nt. weDt i q.. hll; ,nr .u.. pBrDMe wai not known Capt. Gorgias, who receatlv realened In the Army, has Undered bis services to the Confed- erate States. Ha is a native of P.nnavi.ani. waa formerly In command oi the Charleston A , Arsenal. 1 I I I - I From New York. :yoas:,, April 3 The Commera'ars Washington dispatch states that a meeting of .1 rt . i" t. i a b a i r- If .Vff"!!? 1.? .!.orl ? w5 uuuir euuimuueu uiia muruiDK. tBDt. roi h.a -lH frnm Rnml... Tt i. l,onM tk. I oonsultation Is in reference to reinfotclng Maj, nuucrauu, lucre u wusiueraoie excuement I l. - i A special messenger on the Alexandria end OaaffftT r. R. ha h.iin trrA .a f.K.d k cause he was a Republican New York, April 3. A special dispatch from Charleston to tbeDdy-BooA sayr,the oriels has at last arrived. Provisions to Major An derson were stopped to day. Gen. Beauregard is now inspecting the rorimeatlons, and orders from Montgomery for tile commencement of hostilities are hourly expected. The prepara tions are all complete. New York, April 4th. Tbe TViokr says that Mr. Fogg, of New Hampshire, has resign ed the mission to Switzerland. The JYtiane's Montgomery dispatch says: Should orders be Issued to blockade tbe South ern ports and collect revenue there, Davis will issue letters oi marque ana cover tne sea with privateers. '. . . The HtraW Washington dispatoh reports Okaafc lnatnt tnnsj tiaWaa KAaAtr frl eA.ri ti Iiamsib rxf aiea iHassawitwaa swv ar,aa vu asviuo wa Departmenlinot to hold official communication vfl.u Hi. rtmLg " - -d Commanders Stringbam and Case have been ordered to Boston, to take command of tbe frigate Minnesota, which is to proceed to the mouth or the Mississippi. The ferry and row- hattanlhave been also ordered there. Other naval vessels are under orders, no doubt, and all looks to collecting revenue from shipboard she Wer'a's Washington dispatch says: 1 1.... .n:n t c . Oi.i. ' uioui-mau(viiiuiau, imm . rv a iekvus, nun that place as reinforced, and now able to hold out for some time. Mr. Blaladell arrived from Texas tn.dav. bringing $9,000, which the secessionists failed nt hnM lif at Cilrsstnn.. II- r.nnrfa that I w S U" vi vm, tvii' WW Pop! not been faltl, heard, and are dim noted with tha revolnt on. disgusted with tbe revolution I I I I 1 I Railroad Accident—Persons Injured—Mails Damaged. PrrrtBOBOH. Aorll 3 The mail train due from Philadelphia at 1 r. M .to day, was thrown from the trsek near Wall's Station, bout 13 miles from tblsfclty, by tha breaking of an ttle. The forward par went down an emoang I meut of about fifteen feet, the others running on tne traoa. - aooui ou puaiengera were ou tue train, but no one waa seriously Inured. The following were slightly Injured! Mr. Dobbs, dasuerreotvolst. of Pittsborih: E. Caroenter, Drover, of Holmes Co., Ohio; F. Mallory, of Hollldsysbnrg, Pa., and J. Simmons, uspress Agent, of Philadelphia. TRey will be able to leave to-morrow for the plaoes or their desti nawuu. , if g , , . . , - -i The malts' oaught fire from tbe upsetting of a stove, aid the eon tents of several pouches were badly damaged or destroyed. The Washington letter man ascanea, tne now x org . ana ,ruut delphla slightly damaged.tbeBaltlmore and Har risburg considerably i damaged, and the way . d;,;u' , " 1 n..j.u .1 I mail between Pttttburgh and Hsrrisburg al I mOBl entirely destrovea Fugitive Slave Case in Chicago—Train Fired at. 1 Cbtoaoo, April 3. A . oolored man named Harris, bis wife and two children, were arrest ed this morning on a warrant issued by spe olal U. 8. Commissioner Cornuo,and sent by special train to 8prtogfleid, where they win be examined to-morrow. 1 be man tt claimed by Mr. Patterson, cf St, Louis coonty, Mo., and the avoman and nhlldran bv Mr. Vail, ot tha aame county, from whence they escaped hree weeks since. As it was almost entirely unknown that war rants were issued, thev were executed with lit lis diUicultv. After tbe affair Became tnown, most intense excitement prevailed among tne w . .am . oolored Dortlon of the community. . Large ncm beta gathered at tha deoot at the time the regu lar momtoK train leit. suDDOStng toe lugitives to bs aboard. On or two shots were fired at the train. - Beyond this there waa no disturb ance. . .SOIIYI.'I ;s' . . Galveston, Texas, April 3. Houtton sent tnaaaiM ta tha Lsirlalatura. nroteetlnc aealnst tha action of the Convention, and appealing I ,.owo.n.''., i.L .,.i"l.r,n tbS WglSiawrew tUBiaiu nim, Cia.u.,uB nu. no uOTVQor, , mt ajwsjiwatuiv "v 1 slightest notice of it. - Additional Foreign News. Niw: Yok, April 3. Enolind In Pirlia . - m m . ,, . . . ... moat Bar. u, corieacue expiauea mat tne pros eot oonventlon between England and France peotlng the New Foundland Fisbetieo, regulated toe machinery unaer existing treaties, and as It did not affect the rights of New Found- land, it would not be laid before that legisla ture. 1 1 1 ' i ' 1 '.'n Lord Wodnhouaa alio explained the terms the new convention with Mexico, by which oer tain ouatome and duties are appropriated British bond-bolder. . ' Lord John RuaaeH promiaed to produce the correspondence with the American Government, relauve to the lugltlve nave Anaeraoo. Lord W. Orabam aaked whether explanations had been demanded from Prance relative to as slstance rendered by the French Minister In lb aecaDe of Miramon from Mexico. - - Lord John RuaaeH admitted that Miramon had violated international laws, but tald, In the I Absence of official dlspstohes.theFrenoh Govern rnunt had nnt huan annllad to 00 the Subject. Faamcs The Bank of France, onthe2Ut "duced It rat. of discount from .it to tire ner esnt. In the Corns Leclslatif, M. Jules Fabre had moved his amendment to the address requeaitoK 1 the withdrawal of the rrenon troops from Kome. H" strongly urged the njsosBlty for tucb s pro ceeding, and asserted that the maintenance of the butes would be impossioie. " Tba amendment was then rejected 246 to S. The entire address was finally sgreed to by a vote of 213 to 13. ' Aa for recallinir the P ranch troops In Kome it was generally reported In fans that lU.UUU men were abont to b sent out nominally to re inforce the garrison there, but, really to make a Jumni.uilnii tn that of Austria on tba Po Italy tThe new Ministry is not ypt announ ced. Rumor gives the following combination: Cavonr. President of the Council and Miniater of Foreign Afftlrs and Marine; raull, Minuter of War ' 1 ' 1 London. Oo Friday the funds exhibited irra.t Hiillnsae. hut nuntatious are ateadv In the A onrA ilemanrl fur monev has been exhibited since the reduction of the hunk- mln mum tn 7 ner cent. (Jo Id continued to flow into the Bink, and there were antlolpi tions of a further reduction of the bank mini LATEST. Paris. March 23. The Paris papers of to day publish a telegram dated the SOtb Inst., stating that ' the Porte has consented to a prolongation of the ooaunatlon of Svria. Tba International commanoer at ueirut naa - . lit M demanded the prompt execution or the con demned Druses . Additional Foreign Hews by the Kangaroo Tbe orMt Eastern sails for New York, May . she roes to Liverpool for cargo . . . we. . a The American snips, J uniata.ior Boston, ano Ei?! ' - Fr ' . ir. j r , ;j. njat4 immediately foundered. Capt. Wilson, the chief mate, an'd carpenter, and 10, men were drowned. The second mate and remainder of .v.-k. h Tn.nV. Fiah.-bih r.trnad to Uverooot. . , . . . in.... n nmtnn ahlna mm Amur lea had At' risk of "Pture- from 3U to bus , inoluding Speolal dUpatch to the New York Herald Niw Oslians. Aorll 3 The report that the Brooklyn bad reinforced Fort Pickens by landing troops is incorrect. Supplies onl.v were landed. The nresent attitude of the Government at Washington Is regarded as a trace, any viola tion of which would cause immediate hostilities. The tariff of tbe Confederate States on North ern mannfactures Is already found to be incon veniently high by southern merchants, ana it will be reduoea at the next congress. i Rhode Island Election.—Republicans Completely Defeated. Pbovidincs. R-1 . April 3 Tbe election to day resulted tn the defeat of the Republicans. t S II . t ff Gov. 8pragne is elected by a large . majority. The Legislature is or tbe same pomicai enar. acter. Sheffield and Brown are elected to Con. grass over the late Republican members . Richmond, April X Mayo was elected May 1,000 majority, over Mills, Unionist. The State Convention re-assemwea to oay ; Mr. Scott made a Isneeoh expressing the at ter hopelessness of tbe North giving sufficient guarantees to the South. "iu. oii i immediate secces- """" . . . ., - rm..n ..A iHAaLESTon, April a utvuuvcuiiw ,um on?fhnn.dl,red;d ,!pB.Tl! raUfy the Constitution of the Confederate States. Haatford. AdnI 3. Wm. Woodruff, . Demo crat, is elected to Congress from the 4-h Die trict by 80 majority. , i Pcnsacola. Fla.. April 3 Capt. Berryman, commanding tbe Wyandotte, died yesterday, of brain rover, t : , i -i . . , , -si Ireih and New Stylet, at about half their former prices- ' . WALL PAPERS! BEAIJTIBTJLi, . . . . . M-ar-aw a uT-a'trr Wa-r, a ANI) CUKA f Kit TUAIM Hi V 4iK I rttH SPRING STOCK IS TJNTJSUALr- J ly Urge and wall assorted . The very latest pattsrns from AME&IQAn, SNULIBU and rrucxeti ractones. GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. 1 M 1.IJ n a.tlla. IA. l.,l M n.. nanosoae w r... " i-- jn formerly Sold IrOffl f 1 VU 10 VX . . - ' GOLD AND VELVET BORDERS) " ' ' " sixas.sKMwivis nrnaRiTinmi . for Channel, Halls, Parlors and Ceilings, - . ' l ' - i .J. J...-.'..anAUn'n.Ua 9IVaUniiii - AH entirely newasdipltndld patterns, very cheap- GOLD AND PAINTED SHADES Of the latest and rkhttt detlgns, from 37a. to 13.50 etch GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, 5 And Curtain Bands, froa 85j. to t5 RUFF, BLCE HOLLANDS, All widths aad prioet, and warranted tha but qaallty. WINDOW FIXTCRES, all kind. COUD AND TASSELS,. AlltartstlM.ehesp. ' ,.' , v BEACTirTJIi PICTCHES V FRABIES To match for ths decoration of your Roomi I t Call and txWtn our Stock before purchasing. RANDALL a AblUW, 100 so-utu. nieixat. COLUMBUO; O.VI! M. B.atadiordi4 prtoo wUhlo quantUic Paper will make money by bujlog; ot ut. Country Merehsht and persons from abroad will d well to and aesns.' L apill 1-dxmeod i, i ',' "j, ',; t.'at A. h , . 1 ' ' . it ! 1 . ' H '.' , ' I TTATINO THIS Dili -SOLD- OUtS JJ. Stock of Qroeorle to Mr. O. 8. DKMINO, ws cheer fully neomaead htm to our eia patrons ana rrierot. ( . iiiuai. nsiista a.iiv pniiH , .. . . ii n u . , u . Notice. a mn SUBSCRIBERS ARE DENIR- to J. ousofoioingupthirsidbusinest,adhopthataii Mnana knowlns them Ml vs Indebted to tbea, lth.r j,-- ta.,-M give th. mttt.r tholr Immedatfl ,-atlsnUon. , Anus, rr Aiinaa m uvn. April i.isw-diw. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] YORK, April 4. of to tXOUB Voceiplso 11,754 bblt. Mtrlet heavy aef So lower; seles of 1 9,000 V. it al 8S4SM for superfine Slate; 5 ami 50 forexua StaUi i 8515 30 for super fine western; S3 40 i 5 79 for eoamoo to aediaa extra wmianii u ior anipping nranas extra Hound Boep Ohio. Canadian flour a shads easier, sales 600 BVB VLOUB-eteady I333A4 10. ' WHKai-reeelptsof8.4l9buth. Market dull and inn. lower; aaitt si w.uow tmtu at 1 1,33 1 8S eon. no ' fair choloe epilog In storsand delivered; (1 38a 1 33 for stllwankla elnb In atnu. .nnl ail ittm. iy.4 ,nd "" for Michlgaa red western; al 50 OI 53 for white wettern. , , , , .mn rnvfri. . , ... 1 '..I,... , . r BARLIty-(luHst70o. ' CO UN receinta of 073 .rk. wiiknnt lal changei tale of 45,000 butheis at 6770o for old aiuu waiHrn i i store ana delivered.- -OATg-duli at 3334o for wettera Canadian and aiaie. POBK-quIet and .toady, aales of 100 bblt at 16 pg S7 for meat, 813 5ttl4 for prime. i B B B P unchanged. - t . ",1 COT MBATS quiet. " ' LARD-eteady; aales of 50 bblt at t lUc. , . BDTTBB infalrreuuettat 10I4. ,- . OHKB8K tteedy. ' '--.' WHISKY a .hail, ftaata mU. a 1 UU1 kl.l. -. l arm go ; . , . r " jwvw vwi. .ova, iiS.0,?J,,J,J,,t e.ulet;'sales of 40 bags Bio, at liaile;andltlObagtMsricaboatl3K. BUttAH rules aaiet and wahava nrnilii fn i. niii J'-sss-tidy, tales of 800 bbls N. 0. sold at MIViWU. . . . , 8IO0K8 dull and lower. Hon. anil a.h.n.. -i.k. out change. Ohio B 1 57; O P a A 135: O B a O 74: p Toledo 35X; SAs Ohio 73; 10 ecrlp 80V; Pan 43: Uarl 10: do nreferred 41: MmiiAu- b.i.4ii. m v 0 78; PaeMalf 84; Penna 81; N S 6't 81; Coupons uu icgi.Kiiii u, ireaiury iu i ivi)i; Tenn 6 s 74 vs yok: no vsx: n chou: janevnihr w.i.. f.. 100; Brio 3d bonda 89; Ilud convtrtable bonds b8: Uarl IM, fn n i j f, Hi,vi,iiivniigi,i, Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 4, 1861. FLOUR elicits no new tnl.Mi, inMni. . ... tide 'Operator. Nolwltbttandlng the fair spirit of the New "n uin noun snu tplrltietS. WHEAT la aulta dull. ud m,n. aj. . . , wm. pm. mi Hirii ml vuvr ivi frun. I VU . . . . t CORN In tbe ear la nnchanml . Sh.iuj i. j-ii . ' kl have been nude at 384t"c, lb latter for SVli?74r,J"!d J,,in more flrm, lJ0 Prbnih. BARI1Y beat nrima fall -m ... k.-i-- . Buyert do not over63o. ' j-5YT? wlthnld from the market tines Ihest Is no demand at over 55?. Apri""!"""1' ','en15At'-;-CfVl. Com Cleveland Market. April 3. VLUUS ateadv at laat onnt.ibn,.. w. h....u... worthy of note stide from the usual ales to the retail WHIAT white la nulat at n.A 1. 1. ,.i. a- maod tt 81.04. Baleaaf 4 ... il,. i..... ..a . . - - " . . .H WW VHIII UO. O ATS tales of 1 rar on track at S3j. CORN quiet at 31c. APPLIS-aalet of 80 bblt dried at 3c. ' BUTUER dull. With no chaava In nnnl.llnna. R.I.. ui a kw oDia L.enirai ac juo. . . OHEEBa, Wettera Beterve rans at RHin mi very choice at Do. way A00IDBNTS IN PBOSTY WEATHER; UTIL (n 1 1ZINQ WA8TB STEAM; A NEW MATERIAL POB I ol by NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NEWARK OHIO, Manntaclnrere af all kinds af Par- 'table and atatlanary steam Ea gtnes, saw mills, urlst mills, . dec., dkc. LiXSd BODUTBtatatt B. d t. BLAKD TBeatenl W.ttJ. B. D WALL Btatm til COLUMBUS XACWSXO. BeaCmlllt BBADIORD it CO. Baatmllltl ' Our Portable Begins and Saw Mill . Wat awarded tie first prealua of 50 at ths Indiana Stats fair for lc60 over tans a Bodley't on account of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Onr Stationary Ingtne was awarded at the sane Pair ths Brit premium of 810. Our Portable Engine was awarded the first premium of tl00 at the Pair at Memphis, Tenn., over Blandy'e Do vall't, Columbus Machine Co't., sod Bradford a Cos., by a commutes of practical Railroad Bugtncers. ; for price and terms address W1LLABD WABNKR, Treatursr, decS-dkwljeols. Newark, Ohio. No, i Val. 1. "r.TTT PAPWP , i . V .J MM.AL 4-4.S.I,) , . , . A NEW LITERARY PAPER. . Far march letU, 18G1 How Ready For IaIb Evarywhsre Pries Five Cents a copy, .COSTEBTS:.-;1-; ' "STILL WATERS;" A Brilliant Btoiy. .'' tub UHsar bauukbion;" a Complete story. "THE BINS AND TUB BE80AB:" Complete la this pumber ' ' , , B1UUBAFH1CAL SKSTOU OT EDOAB A. POBt v. THE DYINQ BOY'S BEQUEST: by Bdarla N orris. THE DOTY Of THE PRESENT HODB. TBB PHILOSOPHY Of BATHINO.- - ' " : " LOVE: A Poem.-- LIVE BvBHYWHBRI. ' B08TI0 8IMPLI0ITY AND SHREWDNESS. WHATT A Poem. ' ' THB MO0TH OP LONDON. ' : f t HOW PBARLB ABB FORMED: TRTTSTIWfJ TO LC0K; WHO WOULD BB A B40IIEL0K; 01VB TTIB 0HILDBKN f BE8D AIR: ONB DROP AT A TIME: THE WAY TO DO OOO D: MORAL IN VLTTENCBt BAIL i ribs of umbrellas-, cement or in xnun titsrinus; onsi,i-siBU nura-aAKBHS COINING BY AIR POWftt: A CURIOUS RELIC: THE fOUB SWORDS OP LONDON; PACTS ABOUT LaLBBaTBMKN; HISTORY Or THI PIANO gORTE; KI88INO; THE DOKOS OP SOUTH AfRIOA I WIT AND HUMOR NOTICES OS NEW BOOKS. . Acd much other Interesting and Instructive Reading Matter. 0 oSpy. ft per annua, HUNT MINER, Publishers, ' .' ' 71 and 73 Fifth atreet, 1 ' . next to IhsPott Offlce.Plttsbqrih, Ta, R. KENNEDY, General Agent. . msrehS. PSIOKI RIShOIO .. 1 1 IMintlMHswkeraOteevvsr.l . . At all nartles aanufaetariet Sewinr Machines art ob liged to pay Mr. Hnwe a licenM sa each aachln ssld, sod are a to compelled to make returns to hla, under oath, at to the nnnber sold, hts books rive a comet sttte- ment. from thit rsllsbr sourcs w bars obtained ths following siattiUoa. Of ths machines Bad at tbe gsar 1, there were sold, - ' By Wheeler a WiHoui...... .'..81,305 r I. M. Singer AO 10.053 . Brevet s Baker.. M...k..-I0bw Showing the talet of Wheeler a Wilson to b tfoaWs thoss of any other Company. 1 Awarded the highest premiums at ths ' "' " ' United 8 tales fain of 1K)8, 18M aad 1800; .i i... altoatthe . . , I Ohio Slat fairs of 1B5 and iW Bad at nearly all ths County fairs In th Bats. Our nrkwa. at ths lata reduction, or as lee as a too sMoA aachln now sold, aad but a tttfis higher thaa tow Intostos to Mrsoxt CAatw sftca sssxMtitss, saw forced won th market. - - J Th WHEELER WILSON MA0TIINB makes lh loci Stich tbe only which cannot be raveled. It Auxaoa soTaeisawot ass gooos, leaving rwfft Ao4saA tsselsrd. , , AU tMCAstMS eAtrrowttse ytart, ana Btvsata their ass, free of bart. . ; . . . N r l H. CRARY.SI High St., Oeluabua, 0. :,,;t- -i WM. SUMNER A OOn ' - dso-9awa3aAtw6a Pke't Opera House, ClaetauaeU. Mm. a It wr YUE ONLY PREPARATIOtJ THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And sjrawa snara and snara papular CX ry aayj . . And leatlmonlalt. new. and Slmott wlthcut numhev. might be given from ladles and gentlemen la all gradee af society, wnos uniieu lewngar none eouui reilit, (hat Prof. Wood's Uair Bestorativswill restore the bald and rrer, and preservs the hair of the youtb to old age, usillisyouuiiui seamy . Battle Creek, Mich., Deo Slit, lf58. Paor. Wook Thss wilt pltaw aeorpt a Una to iufora the lhat the hair on my head all fell on over twentv years ago, cautea oy acompiitaieo cnrooio airests, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual courts of tutfaring tbiouah lire harms reduced me to etat' dependant, I tar not been able tooblsla Kuir for caca. neither hare I been able to do them nu. In oon tequenc of which my head haa tuffered extremely from oold. Thla Induced me to pay Brlgirt a Hodges almoet the latt cent I bed on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Heetorative. about the first of August laat. I hats faithfully followed tne dire otlon,d tbe bald apot It now covered with hair thick and black, thouah abort. It ia alto coming In all over my bead. Peeling confident that another large bottle wmld restore It entirely ana MnnanemiT. a 10,1 anxious w nersevervs in ita uaa. and being dettitute of steaoe to purchase any more, I would aak the If the wouldat not be wlllins to eendaia an order on thin agenta for a bottle, and receive to thy self, the soripturs declaration -'the reward la to those last arskinaioine wiaow ana uie lauisnesn. ' Thy friend, bUSANNAU KIRBY. Lleonler. Noble County. InHlaoa. Peb. 5th. 1859. Paor. O. i. Wooo: Dtar Sir: In lb latter part of tbe year It-W, wnne ei-euuing jns Slate and national Law Bobool of tin Slats ot Now York, my hair, from a eauae unknown to me. commenced fa I Ins off ver ihd Idly, to that In lbs short tpacs of tlx months, ths whole upper part if my scalp waa almoet entirely bereft of ita covering, and much of ths remaining portion upon the side and baa, part or my neaa anortiy alter became gray, ao that vou will not be turprited when I tell von that un. on my return to tbe Slat of Indiana, my more eaawil acquaintances were not so much st a loas to discover the cause or ins cntnge in my spparancs, as my mors mil' aate aequaiottncea were to reoognixe me at all. I at once made application to the most tklllful tihvtl clam in the country, but, receiving no aetumnce from them that my hair would aga'n be restored, J wat forced to become reconciled to my fata, until, fortunately, In the latter part of tbe year 1857, your Betlorativc at re commended ta me by a druggUt, as being the mott relia ble Uair Beiiorauve in use. i tried one bottle, and round to my great stutiacuon mat it wat pronuciur tbe detired effect Sines that time, I have uaed seven dol lars' worth of your Beeioratlve, and as a retulL have a rich coat ot very soft blsck hair, which no mouey can buy. Asa mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In ths production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended Its use to nuoy of my f riendt and acaualntances, who, I am happy to Inform you, are using It with like effect. Very respectfully, yourt, A. M. LATT A, Attorney aid Counsellor at Law. Depot, 441 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative It put up In botllet of three sties, vit: large, medium, and amall; tbe traall holds X a plot, and mailt for one dollar per bottle; the medium holdt at lent twenty per cent, more In proportion than the, mall, and retail! for two dollars a bottle; the large holdt a quart. 40 per cent, more In proportion, and retail! for 83 a bottle. O. i. WOOD a CO., Proprietors. 444 Broadway. New York, and 114 Market Street, 8t Louis, Mo. And told by ROBERTS a BAMUKL, Oolumbut. Obis. and by all good Druggists and Psncy Goods Dealert. tpriu:aaweowiy. 00 YOU WANT WHISKERS? .DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S CXLsTBBATED StimnlatingODpcnt, For the WMskeri and Hair Ths sabKribtrs take pleasure In announcing otht Citixene ol the Coiled SUUs, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above juttly ecltbraUd and world-renowned article. The STIMULATING ONGUENT is arret red by Da. C. P. BELL1SQIIAM, an eminent physician of London, and Is warranted to bring out a thick set ot Whiskers or a Mustache in from three to six weeks. This article la ths only one of lb kind used by ths Branch, and In London and Pans II It tn universal use. It It a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimnlsting compound, acUng at if by magic upon the roots, causing aoeauuiai growtn or luxuriant balr. ir applied to tne snip. It will cur siLoum, and came to spring up In pise of the bald spots a fins growth of new hair. Ap plied according to directions, It will turn nsn or towt hair bask, and restore grey bairto lit oritlnal color, leaving tt soft, smooth, and flexible. Ths "Oraourr" It aa Indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's us they would not for any consideration be without IU The subscribers are the only Agents for ths art'cle In the United States, to whom all orders mutt be addressed. Price One Dollar a box for sals by sit Drugglats and Dealers; or a box of the "Onguest" (warranted to have the detired effecU will be sent to any who desire It, by mall (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, I.18. Apply to or address IIOBACB L. BEQEMAN CO., DarteaisTS, Ac, feW0dk6m 4 William Ptreet, New-York. G III! AT CURE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bherxmatism, Gout and Heuralgia, AND A 8URB CURE TOR All' Mercurial Diseases. It ia a conveniently arranged Baud, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around ths Waist, without lnj ary to th moat del Icat person t; no change In habits olj living It required, ana it entirely removes in ais esss rrom ths system, without producing ins .injurious elfects arisins from lb nse of powerful internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy ths constitution, and glvs temporary reliel only. Bj in it treatment, tnt med icinal properties contained la ths Band come In contaot with ths blood snd reach ths disease, through the pores of the akin, effecting In cry instance a perfect cure, snd restoring the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band It alto a most powerful ASTi-atmccai.t agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pemtofous tSeeti ot Mercury. Moderate cases ore curt-d In a few days, and we ere constantly receiving testimonials of its efheacy In aggravated eases cf long standing. . ruicx ,uu, to bs had of Druggists gsneruiiy, or ctn be sent by mall or express, with full directions fur uie. to any part of tbe country, direct from us rnucipai Office, . Ho. 400 BROADWAY, Vsw York. ' , G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B. Detcrtptlvs Circulars Sent free. jnA(entt Wanted Everywhere. ' mh lylsorlstp.dAw WM, KNABE ot CO., AT THEIR NEW SALE-""-t. BOOM, MO. 1-10 BALTZMOBBST.jLj- ti-umA ABB II V S SS N0S. 1. J, S and TH. BUTAW 8TK&T, Offer for salt their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, UKANU - - - - AND 8Q ARE " PIANO-FORTES. Belns hlihlv recommended by tbe first Profcstors aad utical Amateurs oi ueoouauy, uo. , BVBRY , , INSTBUMKNT . , WARRANTED POB x fTVB YEARS. Th mott fastidious customer may rely upon .being pleased In every respect, xertu literal. es,assstsw SELTISB St WBBSTBB, Agceto, ectSSilydw. Ooluahua Ohio, Watches I Diamonds!! Silver Ware III A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF OOLD and Silver Watcbee, In great variety. I am Agent for tbe AasumaB Watch Oo , aad can tall thee excellent Wslcbss at mannfactarert' pitost, ithsr Wholessle or Betail. -Corns and chooss froa ay beautiful display of Dkv ..4 other rich Jeweltr Styles ns prices low. As to Silver Ware of storllng quality, I can show new patterns, very handlers Silver Pltd Ware, Tea Setts, Urns, Walters, Castors, nu,iii Pitchare. Goblets. Knives, forts. Spoons, Ao. Then I hare supply of So Tab! Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Bssors, as., snd many fancy Qoods toeh are desired for presents at such price aa are an indues men! to the purchaser. WM. BLYNN, - , -r No, 10 Buckeye Block, martl - North tide Stats Ilouet square. A NEW HOOP SKIRT. I , TjisCLXNT cto' DON, So. t, SOUTH HI08 SIBBBT. .... Have lust received a new ataks f HOOP SKIRTS Bnbhad ta a nanasr tar supsrior to any yet Introduced for DtRABlLtTY AND GRACEFULNESS as , Dr.J.lLUcLEAH'fl.., StreDgtbcBing Cordial tad Blood pinttPiEi7 Tbe Greatest Remedy In The Uarl) AND THI xon Dmaom . a-. AND : t) mS AnD : i AJjaiAUCTBTj I in VI 'ij'rl nnn... . . of -Iht JUIllalt) EN. V. N lh EVER TAKEN. I a aa a s tsivr ly a totenUns sad Vegetable Oompound,, traoured by tha distil lUon of Boots, Herbs and Barks, Yellow. Dock, Blood Boot, Barnuarllla. f I Id Cherry Bark and Dao- vfX,' I delioo enters Into Before TakJn&u- nm'iftcrTaUDe principle of each Ingredient Is thoroughly extreoteS by my new method of dtsUlltns. orodueln.1.. a.iL inn. m. bilerating spirit, and the most INVALLIBLB retnedy tor renovating ths diseased tyatem, and reatortn. th. mi-y angering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH aad 8TBEN0TH. ffleLEAN'N STRENOTHENINQ COR. DIAlt WIU effectually ears LIVER 0OMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA.' JAU3D1GB Ohronlsor Nervous Debilitv. Diseases sf tha tiiun and all di icasea a riling from a diaoruered Uvn or Stoa sen, vyapepaa, ueartiwrB, inward files. Acidity or Sick noes of lbs Stomach, fullness of Blood to ths Hoed, Dull pain or swimming la.tbs head, Pah,.tioa of ths Heart fullness or WetgTit ia ths Stomach, Boar racUUoas Choking or suffocaUng feeling when lying down, Dmeet or Yellowness of the Skis end Byes. Night Sweoufla ward f evert, Pain tn the small of ths back, chest or side. Sadden Plushes of HeaL Daumio. or h.ihi. tfrirhtni Dreams, Languor, Despondency r any Nsrvoat Dtseqae, Soree or Hiotcbes on the Skin, and f ever and Ague (of Chills and fever.) Over a million af ttattlea Have been told durins ths Isat alx month, ul I. . I.. stance bas it failed la giving entire satisfaction Who, men. win sunerrrom weakness or Uebiuty whoa MC LEAN'S BTIIENOTIIENINO CORDIAL will .,e yout No Isnsuase eon eonvev an ailMiu.t. ih. i k. iMH. dlats and almost miraculous change produced by tsklug this Cordial In the diseased, debllitatod and shattered nervous system, whether broken down l sxcom. mk k. nature, or Impaired by sick neat, the relaxed and aastruna oiganlutioo it rettored to its prlstlns health and vigor. IfSAHItlKD PERsOItH, Or otliera eontolont of Inability, from whatever cause, will find McLean s Strengthening Oordial a thoroanh regenerator of the system; and all who may have injured themselves by Improper indulgences, will find la ths Cor dial a certain and tpeedy remedy. Ta tha Ladlea. , McLean's Strengthening Cordial It a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENTCONsUmPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, incontinence of Crins or Involuntary Discharge thereof, falling of lbs Womb, Qiddineat, fainting and all Diseases incident to ecrosiee. There Is aoKistake About It. Buffer no longer. Take It aecordtn to Dinetiona. II willstimuuite, strengthen and invigorate you andcaas lueoioomoi neaun tumount your cheek again. - . very oouis is warranted to give satisfaction. FOR CHILDREN. If your children are sick I v. nunv.oraflletarl. Mrl.-. . Cordial will maks them healthy, fat and robust. Daisy not a moment, try It, and you will bs convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS .TO TAKE. OiCTlos. Beware of Drunltts or Dealers wha try to palm npon you sons biltor or Sorsapartlla trash. wu.tu uicj can Bujcueap, oyiayinf it a just aa good. Avoid such men. Ask Icr McLean's Strengthening Ocr dial, and take nothing else It It ths only retnedy that wiU purify ths blood thoronthlv and st tha asm tim. strengthen the system. One tsblcspoonful taken every morning fasting. Is a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever. Yellow fever, or any prevalent deaari. It la out un In Um bottlet. Prior only tl per bo'-tit, or 6 bottles for BS. J. H. McLBAB, Sols Prcprletor of this Cordial, Also McLean's Volcanic Oil L'nlmenU Prttdoal Donot on the conjee of Third and Pino tit. St. Le-uls. Mo. ' McLean's Volcauic il Liniment. Th best Liniment In the World. Th only safe aco of ruin ocrs for Cancers, Piles, Swellings and Bron chitis, or Ooitra, Caralyu, Neuralgia, Weakness of tha Muscles, Onronio or InSamastory Bhstunatisa, Stiff nets of the Joints, contracted Muscle or Llganwntt Earache or Toothache, Bruises. Snruins. TVosmda. Inl Outs, Ulcere, Vever Bores, Caked BreasM Bore Nippies, Barns, Scalds, Sore Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, no difference how severe, or hov long th filtr ate iniu V,. .i.i 1 u .1 ni j f1... . . . . a.i.,1 . w.inMm hi tth as a our tain remedy. .' Thoaouids of human beings have been saved a lif ol decrepitude and misery by tbe a- of thit invaluable nod cine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OH LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost latUataneouily, and It wii cleanse, purify and heal ths foulest sores la aa inoradt 1 short time. Far Herses and Other Aaitaals. McLean s celebrated Liniment Is the only aaf and re liable remedy for the cure of Snsvin. Rinr Bom. srinrf galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swellings. II will never foil to cure Big Hod, Poll Evil, fistula. Old running Sores or Sweeny, if properly applied, for Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Bore or Wucrads, Oneksd cvuia, oaaii or vouar uaua it a aa tntolilbM remedy. Apply it as directed, and a cure Is certain in every Instance. Then trifle no longer with ths many worthless Lini ment offered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. aleLsr-'e celebrated Liniment. It will curs you. II. AlcLEANt Sol Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pins Streets, Bt. Louis, Mo for ale by all druggists. for tale by ROBERTS A SAMUEL, augQ6-dAaLy Columbus. Ohl MRS, WINSLOW, An sxpsrieiioed Nuns and female Physician, pretests to the attention of m-itbere, ber 800 T-UINQ SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, - which greatly facilitates theproceaof teething, by soft ening the gums, reducing all Inflammation wll I allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and ia SURE TOREUtVLATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon It, Bothers, It will glvs rest lo yourselves scd ; VZlOf AND HEALTH TO TOOK ntFAWia. We haw nttt UU and tsfklrl thi a bHU. ttA. andOAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRCTHjof It, - - - m.t. . iwn boib 10 say oi sny omer medi cine NEVER HAS IT f AILED, IN A SINGLE INhT. ANCB, TO BPf EOT A CURB, wnea timely nsed. Nev or uiu wm auvw on instance oi duaauslaeuon by any on ' who used it. On th contrary, nil are delighted with it operations, and speak In terms of oommandatioa of Ita magical effects snd medical vlrtnea. W speak la thla matter W HAT W E DO K NO W ;" after ton years' expe rience, AND PLEDOB OUB REPUTATION BOB TJJB f ULILLMENT OP WHAT WM HERB DECLARE.- In almost every Instance where th infant Is suffering tna pain snd exhaustion, relief will be found In altsaa or twenty minutes after theSyrup ta administered. Thit valuable orenaratlnn la the nnh.k. .r.. tbe most BXPERIENUEUosd BKILLgUL Nimtl i. New England, and has been used with NEVER PAIL- mUDUUVBDB ID .-, THOUSANDS CF CASES.' It not only relieves th child froa pain, out Invigor ate! the stomach and, corrects acidity, and gives tons and energy to ths whole ayttea. II will almost In stantly relieve ....... t 0R1P:IQ Df THI B0 Wf 18, AID WINtf COLIC and overoome oonvu Ittrmt, which, If not eraodihr rare died, end In death. W believe ft las BEST and HUsV BST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, In all esses of DYS ENTERY and DIARRHtSA IN CHILDRKAi, whslhor It arises from teething, or from any other ssass. 'We would toy to every mother who has a child suffering froa any of the foregoing oomplefnto IK NOT LET YOU A PREJUDICES NOR TUB PREJUDIOBSOt OTHER Hand between you and your tuitering child, sad the re lief that will be SURB-yes. EC RE to follow ths use of thamsdteins, If timely used, full di reeUoni for using will scooapony soch bottle. Noas genuine un ess th fas-slmll of OURTIB PERKINS, New York, It oo the outttrte wrapper. . i , , s Sold by all Druggists throotkoat tha world, i i. Prl tcipal Of lice, n Cedar Street N.V. PRICE ONLY 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE. cOT-dAwi. '.'i . ' ..'.,.-, GUERNSEY'S G.UQ RENOVES AND PREVENTS' I N Saamatton and sain. Bad heals th woeat mm. scald, bnis,cut, of freeh wound ot tuy kind, prevents swelling and paia iroas, ses slings, mosquito bites, and poisonous plants, Bearaleia, rtieuastlsa, ague In the orsaet, suit mesa, era. wnea. token Internally, It will positively cure creep hi children, and gives lataaedltta re He i is in wens toss Ol ina terrible ooaapaaiut; alto, removes kosrsenea and sore tlireat. Price, is v,ti . sottl. Iboald be is ever, kteeei - f or sale by Dus gUtesnd Btorekeepere. , IBVINSTOHB, ooie i-roprtetor, no. I spruce St., New York tf- - v , , r- Notice. I CITY Bixk OP COLUIILUS, THEtvuLvn JV M I IIAKI W 1 ft F, Bade ta the thsefftoers f this Bank, January v,nl,. 1HSI, to wit Wa. A. Platt, President, and Tnwii Moonnt, Oanhlsr, resigned their orb on. D.vrn Eto.., 'ba eleclBd pretident and Wit. A, flaw au paialed Cathicr. By order ot th Board of Directors. MS, 1861-dtt. W. A. PLATT, Cwhier. I