Newspaper Page Text
nAODVAKilSTOBE t 4 WrT received by. .1 )'. t .-,) V if. i.i'Xv 'AJU JI ' '-, '," ' , uii n li J-U Vv .. e. J i Ho. $0 Nprtl High Street, 1 Cat of tits tiiiV l Bert SWeeted wt ; 'I. j .V..i?..i oi. . 't-. . !-':- bvbr offered w this oitxi 1 ' f '.., r , H. . ;-' " I ' Builders'- Tarnishiiigs , House 0? 1TIBT BTYLB AND QUALITY. h 1 .. Freach A American - PAINTS 6OCKI IN OIL, . aad eat ap to half poaad sane for family ate, end Dry Brushes of eyery variety it quality. 7, 'C. A Splendid Assortment of TmHINISTS TOOL U CARRIAGE MATERIAP3 ' ' " f .: .- i u ''. - ' AXES GRINDSTONES, &. ,'" , - .' GUNS.Pl.STOLS. SUOTj o; ! .i."'.- ' ' FISHING TACKLE v ROPE ft CORDAGE, '! ' LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. v..':. WEDGES, MAUL?, PUMPS, : . . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 'scythes; 'fti' 0 r ; ' ' , 4, ,7 V . SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS; Table and Pocket Cutlery. ' l sapeolally Invite the attention of all Interested to at ttook of Pooket and Table Cutlery, and . ! SILVEH PtATEDIOBKB,' Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, "of ROOBRRB A BRO'B. Manufacture, warranted to be exirabsnvy. Electrocuted, oa genuine Albatta. . ', Country Merchants, liechanlea, and othan, an Inrlted to oall and examine an, Stock, as I am prepared to sell Waoleaale and Ketall. - Wra. li UlLli Oolnntma, Ohio, ilW 8, ISO. Wholesale aad Retail Depot for i ' " ' FAMILV CROCEHJESs , No. 106 South High Street iia. Mcdonald, . : DC ALE R IN : . TEAS, ' . FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, i IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. , : Dally Arrival ot Ga .- For the Fall and Winter Trade : of i860-6i. : ' , ir?nKXSJKNlRISlCKK THANKS ' to THE nSI10 for past favors atd pitron- U; and being BKTF.KMISIED to MEIUT 7H..t-n. at same by atrict attention te trade, and prompt delivery I would call lbs natlco of the public to the fact that having a Large 4 Selected Stock on hand, and being In 4.1! receipt of goods from the dlffer sntsaarkets, 1 Sattsrmytslf that I can offer to the cIU ns of Columbns, or to any who may deiire rB M Msortmeat of artklss sppsrlalnlng to the CROCK RY 'uads, I'M EQUALED by any hooie In the city. The price and quality of the good, offered, I Knar, am too) to Ho eatlelaclion. Goods Pelivered Free of Charge. oov7. . " ' ' ' VM' MoDONALP. .Baltimore Clothing House.; taoracToasas aire wnounui naains m READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 V. Baltimore-street, (saTwn iissbt am Bowtan,) . , , s , . , BALTIMOKE, Wd. A Large Ajsot taunt ol Pleee ui FnraUhlng . eooda CoBttantly o Hand; , Oottuiy ' 1 T77illio-xrx :J.m 013.1 ',V V a sjotfijHBtlSs OHIOJ ' ' AGRlClUTimALWAREIIOUSB w And Seed Store, : GENERAL' HARDWARE, 4 MAIUt. ULA88, BABH, PUTTY, OORDAOR, , eaua, Platols, Wood Willow Ware, leather snd Babber Belting, 1 Faeklnf. - " :. lace Leather, Boss and sni-aiy l8.iDOYLE:& CO. - MaunfactnrerB and WThoIeeale Dcalerl ifl j 'BOOTS AND S1TOES, j ' Sootbeaat Corner of High and Oay Sta. ; ' WO- DO, OMMBIJs;,--'-"V? OUIOJ " "A large fltoca of ruis and Staple floods on hand." -. ! 4 SUNDRIES. ' i"..': ; p abih a, . . ; I Bam Arrow JUMI, - ' . ; Woof Vmt . a - Heotch Omt Msal , -; - , I ,. , Pearl Barley ..... BplU Peso - Cracked Wheat Ofceeetete j Ceca . .-. Binssa.ete - " ' 3). H Cream Tartar, Boa , . , , lies : . Prunes ' ', . X BeedlessRalslBS - - fresh Tomatoes " " ' , . Pwaehea ' - "vesa Cora - ' Vrnh Cann'd traits of every description; .- ' jelliesaf an kinds; . n .o i . .JlavorlngBatraeUofaUklrve..; , n( v. .: (jnB Drop.; Mixed Candies; .f ... .AM "R- Almonds, PIHievte, Peeoa NntS,1 " Jtnsllsh Walnats, Brssll Nnu etc, Bao7 WM. WclHiNALD.. c; j r.rcoLUGTER, (Whelisale and Jtall Dealer Im r'TOPACCp; SNUFF U JCIGARS f.ju.'. No,' 85 Klflb Street; ,V t- p'fr; SB tj. n o n ;;p a ; "' Kasim raNetamtlr am hand all tbo wa . "rrr"io.tAN a. ... , Oct. w.-id 7. ' " J TAt.ENrlENri,BIETFK aVPOITIT : - V laosCollareand Bells. Prerwh, Pa.herd ITkad 1m Veils. lnw liatlrrns.) Wnleiieienes, Threaa ape. SSt US, K'-".re4 CMIasa, W . . r.ih. LxVlWrMi and Coiffures. Halo Mnea Collars, BiluaXbroidered Mtf" ,v tAOt - ' ' 1 e. SO. Sooth High BtseetS 61 1860-61. 61 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed 61 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. 61 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati 61 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD .' , Connextug at Crestline with the ( f , ( Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago . i .!., ItAlLHOAD ll " For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia ana Baltimore; Also for fort wayne ana umcgo. i . Connecting at Cleveland with the ' i Lake Donkirk, Shore Bailroad I For Buffalo, Albany, New York. Boston and TWO THAINa DAIL.T (ezoept Baadajr) 'franiOolaintas.:lneoBnoi)UBWlth Xrainsoa. tne Little Miami ft Columbus ft Xenla Railroads. ' ' . . IIRSI TRAIN. : yinnf iirpniPft Leaves Oa I umbos si 125 s. m. Will leave wwnn 7; . . . . ... Mik J tilllAB . n.uM- AiAIm. Oardiiiirtin. H KM sns at an taUons North of Gamoa. srmnnf atuiereiana a. at., Donkirk 4:lp. naaaioonn p.m..ww ISI:U5 . m., Boston 4:3U p. ., Pituburgh via Crest line 3:40 a. m., Philadelphia 7 : a. m., ChicMO i Qnftoa 11-00 p. a Alto conaeetlna at Hhelbf lor all polats OB the panuusxjr, huiimiu m nBni . . BfCOND TRAIN, t . . ; i urr. awn CTPilfBS Leaves Oolnmtmt st S:00p. m.. will stop at all staUoni south of glielby, and at Sal em. New London. WellinRton, flrafton and Berts, arriv Ine at Cleveland ftSup. m.. Dunkirk 0U a. ., Buffalo 4:35a.m., Newtoik 10:0 p m., Boston IS a.m., Piiuhnivh nln Crestline S:30 a. m., Philadelphia 6 00 p. m., Chicago e((araftonat 10:30 a. m. ' Also eonneeUat 8helb for all nolnts on Sandusky, Mansfield Newark Riilroad. ' :. . " ' Patent BlMDinsr Cart are run on all Sight Trains to Chicago, Sew York and Boston. ''" IT R.onaoe Clucked Thntuk ta No York and Boston via Cleveland, alto to Philadelphia, New York tria Crtttline. ' r' ; ... . I , . i :, KCTUKNINQ. . . .' ,' ,' : Nlxhl express srrlvrs at Oolumbas at 1:30 a. m. Cincinnati Kzpress arrives at Columbus at 1:40 p. Fare as Low as by any other Route. -Aik for tickets via Oreitllne or Cleveland.' I. B. f LINT, Buner't. Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES PAl'TIRBON, Agent, Columbus, Ohio. JunelJ rBwmamBmmmj"j CENTRAL OHIO R. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This ifl the Only Route offering a ' TbreagU Ticket 4c Bag-gaiie I'neck to WASIILNGTON, CITY; 1 And (As only giving to (As Ftuungw Ms prteOea of Uiting (As tfss of " Baltimore, Philadelphia A: New Vork At ths oostof a Ticket to Asm fork only by other Lines. TWO TRAINS L ATI COLDHBTJB DAILT r SoNeara ExoarraD, ,v. TPHKaa AT 00 a. m. stopping atall StaUoni upon signal being given, arrivlug at Bellalrs st (1:50 a oi., eonuecting immrdlateiy with truias on . The Haltiuiore & UUio Katiroaa for Baltimore, Washington City and tbs South, and Phi adtlphfa. New Vork,. Boston and tne sasu wiui trains on ths - . ' " FEN N SYLVAN I A HNIllAL) via Wheeling Pituburgh R H., for Pittsburgh, Har- rislargh, Philadeipnia, new inra,iooiii n -" Tliis train also connects at Newark with B- M. H. R snd at Sanesvills with 0. W a 4. R. R. (orUueas ter.Ao. - -' - '- MAIL AT 5:40 p. m., stopping at all Btallons upon sir. nal being given, arriving at at 40 p. m., eon, necting iuunediately withtraluaon . " The isaltlniore V Ohio Bailroad for Baltimore, Washington City and the Soatn, and Phil adelphia, New Vork, Boston, and the fast. Also with train oa the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, , . U Wheeling and Pittsburgh It. R., forPlttsbavth, Ilsr t.lburiU, Philadelphia. New Ifork, Boston, and ths Bast. This train also connects st Zanesvllle with 0. W. et Z. R. R., for Lancaster, a : - r . TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, .. . caa Dtrmo vtoh ". .'. It Quick Time and Sure Connections: amiu Tas Sw.te Aixowsn roa Haus. SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS Ask for Ticket via Cclumbua and Wheeling. for further information and rVmnjl tTcsls, apply to H. L. DOHBRTY,T'ietgen, ution wepoi. ; H.J.Wg.rrairr.BMW1(i ; Bov28 ' Oeneral Ticket Agent, Columbnf. BALTIMORE AND OHIO BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. , . . mvamsi'l'i: AT WASHINGTON I and Baltimore OB the East, an Wheeling, Ben wood ..j D..b.i.ManthaHjas.atabichplsees It nnlles with Railroads, Bteamers, Ac, (or and from all poinU In lbs , . i . ' i i - - 1 ' " iwt. Manth'Treet aad nertn'-sei v : ".THREE TRAINS. DAILY' ei FOR ALL LTIIE j EASTERN . CITIES. ' This Is the only routs to Washington Oity. Bn.rh this rants eaa Visit Baltimore, Phlla delphla. New Votlc and Bostoa, at the cost of a ticket to Boatos alons by other lines; ' ' ' ; - - " Tbrouah tickets to the Kutem eltles can be procured via Washington City at an additional charge ol twedol- n... wa tu Hmrr Taana. 7?mea ffcaaJ for ostow oseia at otktr Inquire for tickets vlaBaltimote and Ohio Rtllroad at anv of the principal Bailroad offices la ths Wsst, . U BULLI V AN, aoB'l Western Ageat, - t - ' Bsuans, Ohio L. If.-0011, General Tleiet Agent, j. isr. v bmitii. Mute TraasoertaUoB. ' oe6-tf. - - " " " ' Baimaoaa, Md. . IMPORTED GOODS. , TCT SSKSIKtVEtl luiisn Oil, Bartoa a uo., lorssois ess. VMMh UnstATtL r,.varite brands: - . Boned Sardines, ths BKnT Baroines Imp'td 4 " A of Capers and Ulives. Tilil. aaunaa "Lea A Perrln's Worcester shire," Hoysr's Ballsna," -John Bull," "llervsy, " u , Walnut and Tomato Calsno. 10 " Cross A Blackwall's eelebnted Ingllati Pkkles. eonshrtlns of "OsflliBower." "Ft- eallll." Chowlhow," Walsot," .'Ob Iob," ,Canbage, "Beans,? HihtrkV . ' - ssna sneaKS t i KO u teneoa Porter.' ' ' . f - 1H " Campbell's celebrated Scotch Ale. , I eases Ginger Preserves. -. 2 It aoxss Iulian Maearooi.and ysmacilla. o mrfm flai't Gelatine. Coleman's celebrated Rngllsh Mustard. In kegs, boxes, cans sod bottles. .; ' ', :''U. . no27 :A WM- MJ0ALI iiffOTJiiiLWOin- ' . -johi h.,' 'v ," AGENT FOR HOME. CONXINENTAS.. MaasuTTaa, Bauuarrv, and IaviaatiRs Ins. Co. New Voaa; M aacHAwre' ant CITT rma or naairuaa Nsw YoaaLirsssaunam. boto wrs. -Office, 81 HlRk It., we1 eb7-lp i1 .. . . I II L - J -' --""Alexandre's Kkl Gloves. P'VAIlwArtDI3irrostiEl4fc QURTAIRB aad teolai'shapsi Biaok JKM i Olovss, . i.).. in ahita. Meenta. Durul.. Ate. Lndressed' Kid fl loves.. Mis.. Kid Uioves. AoompleU alsorlment of ihsseesleratedUlovssalwsysiorsawrT , i fsbM i. ' .,' Ko.e9 South Sigh strssf ' Canton Mattings, j.a;' KmAi n-i'. WhHtt miiit Med aad '.I While, Check.d of ruperlor quality. Tor Sale by ... , 0AI MIR, mh23 . No.9f Betith Hlghst. , ' ' ; Co-partnership." r . T MATE TIM 1AV ADrTflTTEI BUT X SOB J AWES A DUB R BAIN as partner "la ? Ao.l aeffl. which will hereafter he conducted nnilerllid firm "-.i A'tSttV W2.WJ i ' UUlUILIruas sr VM ti - MINK MUPFBi YICT0RINB8 SndCUfTB we are bow selling at very low prices, eho all other kinds hshlenabte fare, i .i , - . .'.T ! r decxl. Ho. SO South High st WlltK IHAtTR.sK' A liS, BtfT 1 ablteand Black, just received at ' I y8 ' . BAIRTB. Sfli-IMSIII f -f R 1' 1 ,IK pMlaWIJ'aa.j,4 . Nos. 3w, J8 k 40,u North High St. .HAVING MOVKD INTO MY NEW BUILDING, L. SAY " Ml ' BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! , WHILE. BOTH HAY iSEKIT . . REPLELSIIED THR0UGE0UT , ; , , ,. - WITH , J . New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c !' .'"FROM TH1 OBLKBRATXIV IOTOpOT Of. C. WHITE, 4 CO,,; iW'ilWK, . ' i . , i THUS MAKTJia It IM ' .' Host Complete .'Establishment IN.THB CITY. ' J I am now prepared to Xxeente all Ordtri for BOOK AND JOB pRiNTiisra, WITH DISPATCH! i And la the, Koe, Approved ftyleof the Art i PARTICULAR ATTB1ITI01I PAID TO " , MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD stiiia af .adlar. Cirealara. Bill lleada, . v Ulanke, Deeds, sjartllieatea. . -. Meeelpta, lsray Tickete, Registers, HOW-CARDS & BILLS IN CXJLORS, CHECKS, CARDS, . . EX&snios, VOTES, " nmoRi, : coBiBAcri. Illustrated S how Bills, FOR COUNTRY- MERCHANTS," Show Billa, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Fro grammat, School and College Sehemea, Ho tel Bills of rare. Invitation!, e. Boon worn . - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College CaUlognea, Kiicellaneona Famphleta, , Conetitations, K ports, Briefs, At Printing in Gold and Colors POSTE ' Printed la Every Color or a , UammothHoe Cylinder, lie only Press of the kind la Central Ohio. My raclllties for doing any snd all of the above descrip tion of work, are bow unsurpassed, sad estlsfantioii will be guaranteed la all eases. - irpAU work fnrnlshsd promptly by ths Ume promised. ... . , 7 RICHARD NJtVINg. RBOOHsrElTDID BT THB LATB SIR ASTLEY COOPETR, 1 r . . - ; CP LOHBOW, APB ' " DR. VALENTINE' MOTT the aolaursrtedged Heads ef ths Profsaaloa la sltkei nemispaere. The best WnTetlei Tonlo, and Invigorant. The rineet Extract of ?thaJ ITALIAN JDNIPJIB BF.BHY. Tbe rarest and Host Costly Ola x- IBDt, INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, am r s iiini it Te-i tup cssnir - , INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. " THE SAFEST ARD BIOS? 1 i DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. ror Bale, Pints and Quart, by run Druggiar, urocer, or ucmiitry jusrcnani. LOOK OUT FOB BOOUl ' o n don :g ins. THB ONLY OEIfUIBB ARTTOUI IS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 61N B. BALDWIN St CO- ; Importers, eriiiDerty Bt. r.YUitBs ; Sold In Columbus by -McKIS k RKBTHACtl ' : .,' Wholessts and Retail Groorrs, Btateemsa Building. ,-, ,- . 0. A. WAONBR.and others. , : In Cincinnati, by , 0UIRR, ROKqTRIN A CO., i ' oc36-deodAlyw andolbers. HUNNEWELUS ; ., V, . UNIVERSAL ' ' -I COUGH REMEDY. for alt Threat and Long Complaints, Includng, with most perfect results, Wnooniw Coosa, Omomo awe 0omo Corjaws, BaosicmaL awe Taao.x OoarLaitrrs, always foreraooers at Coasumptlos. - As a Sootbism Bvaor It hss no superior, freed from all Opiate sr metic properties, may be used by most delicate eonstl tatione, and. with perfect confidence. HUNNEWELL'S. ,J;; '"'CElRATED.r.': ;..TQLU; ANODYNE. Tug OKBaTss lfaTeaal OriiTS svwr offered to ths world, otmtelnlng not a partlcls of Opium, nor any sub taoea but Its strictly vegetable and medioal properties. A sure Remedy for Mioaaiaia, RHsoaaTim, floor, Tooth ass Jtia Aoaa, OiTaasa, Boss ea Bar farsa, and all minor Nervous Complaints. f oa Lorn or Biaxr, snd Headache la all Its varieties. It has bo equal, sod to waka avast undoubted testmoBl als are offered. - - - f oa DaMBxca Teams it Is a most perfect twasdy. f oa Bowse CoariAurrs, alter rsmovlng the paia It sets as a physio, a most Important contrast with Ihe sons tips lory. Sects ol Opium. . To Pbyeicuvnl, Formulas and Trial Bottles will be ssat, and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamptkt without "postage-stamp." . -, I Prepared Bader the special supervlsloa of , . . , ' , john t" urnvNewcLL, ... ,. casaisr aae taaaaararmar, , t ".Ho f CosnBtereiU Wharf, Boetoa, Kaat : To whom please dlrsot all commBBleatloni.' . ' Prices Large Congh Remedy, So eenU per boUle.' ., ri nall . f .. ; S " - . M ToloABOdyn.,'; M ' - - ' for sale try; the asuej wholesale, and retail dealers, OBBBTsi :'B'HtTH.;' . VJKS' ' ' (niia u mv) . il'-: .' J.. 11 DKNIS. ' 0 . D El 18 BONSr '' SOHURLLB R A BON, maytT-wly 1 gentt for Oolnmbas. Oato. FANC lR:ejsj NMI,: M.i 'f . f ANOY DRrWB BILKS, ' " ' v-j'TOi. v.v . fANOY DRBsR SILKS, Ws are bow otsrlng our Imsssnsa etsek at fancy Dreet Bilks Bt prtsss less then ever ketsrw sfforsd ta tlia sity. Ths attention ot the Ml. of this stty aad . wtasrrlty Is solicited, as sav stock Is v.ry eslast Bed complete 1b aH rrsdeeef goeoeia tnis lias. rsnissu, u aerM.' "--"' ;' w . v,.to..fASdvnAUiaMet, f . . r pI?TOpIII(),5MESMAN! ttAtlN'OCXATlOU,;,; i'USOES ; BT STTIlAt THOCaAJTOS Shea any ether paper la Ohio, outside cf CinclnnaU Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CAWOt f Alt to bring ; - v i . ...... .. i Speedy ut BemunerasiTO aao.mrue To thoss who taks advsatsge st thsm. ' THE WKKKIjV STATESMAN, V lstrlbuted as It Is through every Post Offlc m OMe, ' Reaehes a Large Class of Readers Whose imtronage is Talaabls, ana who seldom see ths Dally Bdltlons of city journals! and ss only A limited Somber of Advertisements Are Inserted thtts olsmns, eppoprlatoly and-: ; ,yut.'i h la'. .tbsY casmot failiTe : i .1 j . , .i.Ot ALL I :. v. WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the WISKW gTATBBMAM wUl tin v.; - It advantagoos In a , - THE INCREASE OF TRADE WUch'ls almost certain to follow aa silmilve dlssembj atioa knowledge oi meir ousmem -( AMOSO COUSTRY 1 DEALERS I : ' ADTIRTI8BMBNTS INTRNBRP I0R ' Tlie "VVeeklv Statesman - ' Should be handed la before frlday noon. ' Court of Common Float, Franklin County, Ohio Alfred kfaw 1 ; ' i . la F John Kfawatal. , ' i i Partltloa. TN PBBSWANCKOr THE OB PER. OF 1 ths Court, in tbli oats, to me Isiued, I will offer for ale, at ths door of the Court Home, In the city of Co- lumbue, Ohio, betwaca the eosrsoi luogioc, j. and 8 o'clock, P. M., , On Thursdaj, the 1 lib day of AptH, 1801, tbs foliowlDg described real ettate, sltaste Ib JacksoB Tnwhin f nnklin eonntv. Ohio, and In Virginia mil iary Burvey,No.0115,boundedss follows: BeiTnntng ata stake and two bur oaks, son theast oornsr to lot N s. 1 1, In J . B. Bmsad's snivey, No. 6115, running tbenos wsst seven iuiW in itike aid three white oaks, thence north lOdegrces west 84 poles to two whits oaks and ki..b ..b ikiu. m 7A aalmm La a staks near three whit oaks In the east line of said lot, thence south 10 degrees east 94tf poles to tbs beginnlug, containing tor ty-thrss seres, mors or mss. Appraised at $1,450 Terms of sals one-third la hand, H la one and X in two years, with Interest from day of sale, snd psyments to be secureo oy mongage P"'"- M . w ,h mareh8:ltd4tw ' t. W. HCFfMAN, 8herlff U. 0. NOBLE, Atfy. Master Commissioner's Sale. P.letlah W. Huntington 1 Bale by order of Ooort. vs. Henrs W. Vorsmasetal e- vmnTIIRflP AN ORDER OP HAEfc 13 ' to as dlrsoced, from the Court of Common Pless of Vranktlu eouncy, Ohio . I wilt offer for sals at the dopr of ths Court Uouse, la IDS City oi voiomsue, ou Satnrdav.the 20th. daj of April, A. D. 1861, betweea ths loan of 10 o'clock, A-II., snd 4 o'clock, P. u ,k.rniiABin.Hvrihed reel estate situate In the Ooun i of Vnnklln. and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. ! of ., rfn. M. In the cllv of Columbus, Ohio i Also, a tract of land In section 10, half-eectlon 13 and 1, Township S, rangeSS. Refugee lands; beginning at the centre of ths Ooluabui Uranvine nana aoaa at lbs north-east corner of a tract belonging to wiicox, thence with the centre of said road north TO deg. east 1S5 feet, soath 0 deg. 40 mln. west parallel with east line of said Wilcox's land, aad 122)4 feet therefrom, 40 poles to ths north line of tract belonging to moms, oi, thence with north line of Sparrow's land north 80 deg. west Kik feet to lis Intersection ot east line of said Wilcox's land, thence north 0 deg. 40 mln. east with salt line of said Wilcox's, ae s-iu poies toe negmniog. -Lot No. S appraised at 1 1,000. Tractlnseo. 10at500. - . 0. W. ITUrtMAN, Sheriff Printer's lees 6,00. ., and lluter Commissioner. marchlS-dllttw. Sheriffs Sale. John C. Work - vs. -; CommeB Pleas. - J . ,? : 4efvaeav7lK OpTwRIT OP VEHBI 1) to ms directed from Ihe Coart of Common Pless of franklin county, Ohio, I will offer far sale at ths door of ths Ooort Uoass la ths city ot voiamous, on . Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D., 1861, between tbs hours of 10 o'clock a. m. snd 4 o'clock p. m., ths following described property, situate la the county of Franklin, snd Bute of Ohio, to wit: . ? no interest snd estats of James 0. McCoy In Inlot No. 442, In the city of Columbus, in laldcoucty, his estate being tbs re mainder In fee after the termination of the life eetate of Isabella McCoy, widow af Robert W, McCoy, deceased, and the estate of said Jama 0. McOcy In said estats be ing the same whlcn was aevisea to mm oy wt la stoucn . McCoy In bis last will and testtment, which Is of record In franklin county, Ohio, Probata Coart. apprmmu " " . W." HU7.-i, feterUf, arehB:ltdfc4tw. ' ' By Rb. Davis, Deputy. Printer's fees, 4 M. - 1 8heria,,8.Sale. Junes Tucker and wife " vs. . tniuL. Hushes.' Common Pleas. v VIHT11F. sr ja. wxai a ur vnn wa jy M diroeted. from ths Court of Common Pleat, of franklin county, Ohio, 1 Will oner ror saw, at me uoor ei the Couit Uouse, IB us city w voiuuuus, uu Honda?, the ltsltt day of April, A. D. bstwasa the hoars at J ocioca, siamn e,oi-, P M.. the following described real estate, situate In tbe n .' . wkiiB. and aiete df Ohio. to-WIU Lot No. . -A .. .. . a, I m J , -, L. 96 la John and Benry Miller's Addition to ths city of Columbus. r App.aneo e- mh!4:dttw4w. ' " By Bn. Davis, Doputy Printer', fees $3. , , . . f . . Master Commissioner's Sale. 1 Jacob Sllbsroagle . ) . v.. Bale by order of Court. Vk-holM Mor?f t ti. i - i I" .rsssnrlTVII A IV OH nRH llr HIIjsK to me directed, from ths Coart ot Common Pleas, of franklin Coanty. onto, i win oner ior .ie,. u door of ths Oourt-Uouss, In the city or poiumous, oa Monday, the 15th day or April; A. D.,' 1861 . . .1. . i ,iA.l.iub A W .nil 1 n'rtliwk P. Iff. USWSSll U aoasa o, " - - - -- therfollowlng described real eitatesltusta In theoounty ... . . .1 ALI. A f-i.lxt Bilk A IBS' hllSB. Franklin ana stats oiumo. u w,w -' dred and thlrty-tonr, (S34) la tbe cily of Columbus, numbered and designated oa Ihe recorded plat of said march 14. ltd4tw ' I .and Master OomaHssloner. Printer's fees S3- IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS FOR CHURCHES, C. ,, American Cast Steel Bell.Workit 1 IBMAITf BTREBT, CIltCTNNATI, OHIO. HAYING recently aadt eery great Improvementi ta Wbuib. "Inlna Bells." I brc to call at- tenUoa of corporation and Individuals who may wants bell, to the fact, that for 10 cents per pound I can furrr 1th good Delia for any purpose, sasantra la sapertor styls and warranted for twelve months. Terms, cash, or ap proved note, payable at Bank, with Interest and exchange added. , Remittances of seeney by express, .mast be In funds par at Cincinnati, and tbe carriage prepaid, as ths above pries, lor us quality o. tmu r -pu- n alts or bo arawnackt or eiscoun w. " till. B.CLARK. . Aasrwsa Cast Steel Veil Worts, decB w3nt Jr f incmnan vam. V. IlieiIkilTvcket-Hanak:6.) rTFlMKI)"TITCBEIIHSIi:NIIANP LA kerchiefs, very wide hems. Robroldersd Lima Bandk'e all prices. . liMemed Btllabedaad plain do. do . to .do . cctored borders. Mnnmlns do' Wii sleek borders tf , o do f asw stylo cross itltohed... ' plneApP'sdo , . .hew patterns. . " J "' r.. . Vui.i. Vt.:n.i u,KAhii An en tirtcea. VZZZ:JL Tii;i r.t.orta.ntIB Tthe city andi fb . Me. tajeaA Pptjree. of ss A n 1 a, i l!'.ll, .'j:l .-, r? tinSei ..s vi i : '. ' ( I i I Sl v! i' U m i" eaJ ' " h r TTPI INYITB ATTBNTION to sf ths most ex' traorainary snrss of my -, i ... . , ,, P)OTORAIf;SYRlJP, i . "it ' if ; The are at horns, and any one Who hss doubts eaa In , DR. KITBRR IS PRBPARRD AT ANT TIMH tt RXAtflNB LUNOB WITHOUT OUARQISj VUR AL1 T1108B WHO NSKD HIB MKDI01NBS. , , . .1. u .. ..ft . . ... ' ATTIND TO TOUR 00LB8 A ease of Are years landing sured by DR. tucxeau'B i-jsuiunaii etaur. i PrrrsnnoH, Jan. U, 1860. Da. Esmta: Mr wife has been afflicted with a bad eonik and dlfflcalt of breatblns. for tve or six years, which, for several years back, bad gradually Increased in violence. Ibe complaint has been hereditary, and she bad usa treated by several physicians wtthoai any re lief. In this stats of her ease, I procured some ot your Pectoral Cough Byrnp. I bought, ths Brst Urns, a Sfty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I then called snd got a dollar bottle, which cared her entirely, and ths has now no isacs oi ine former aisrase, ucvift . I would awo lists that 1 ntea tne meuioiue r .ir (a mid end eoueh. The medicine cured me by tak log one dots I express my entire satisfaction with tbe medicine, and yoa are at liberty to publish this If joe desire to do so. . . na. wilbup, , ... . AldenBaalirthWaid. rrrrtsuxon, nov. so, ico. Dr. Kirsxa : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicines, in affords me pleasure Indescrlla kl tn Mnnmmnnri Mltr VMtnml BvrUD. AS B medicine It Is well worthy toe attention of any perjoa who may In anv manner be afflicted with oouihs, sold, and hoarseness of any hind, and for ths peculiar qualifications for re moving sll that disagreeable ssBsetloa stlendlng a se- wave) rtnlfs . ' ' . I ' J I bars beea, mors or lets. In my life, affected with Ihe severest of colds and hoarseness. At times my throat would become so closed as to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few doses of tbs above Sirup It would me entirely. - . . i . - i, i In recommending this medicine, I matt unhesitatingly lay that it Is the belt remedy I ever found, purporting to ours ths above, nor should any family be without this rsmedy for diseases so prevalent.' ' "' Yours, most respectfully, , RDWARD J. J0NK8, ' . Cashier CitUeoi' Deposit Bank . .1: . i -. - - . "V . J ' flTvcenivrLi, 0.. March i. 1P59 ' I have nsed Dr. Keyser'i Cough Byrup for a bad cough of sevsral years stand ug, ano can onsenauy say u ths best medicine for the same that I have ever taken. Xf.Yf PRIOR i rOL. PRATT AND DR. KRTBRR'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Da. Krrsaa Dear SIR Rxouse the delay of mv acknowledxiat the sxoellCDce of your Pectoral Coast Byrup sooner. . I take great pleasure In saying that It is all yon ray tt Is. Jthu tit noit out oj tnv oouoA and tbs worst one I was ever afflicted wtlh: I have uot nsed mora tbaa ons-half of ths bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted won Id sire It as fair a trial as Ihave done, and they will be proud to say, "It laps ausck medicine." I would not suffer another such ae ttif k for anv consideration, or at any cost. I sm con. s.lent I een breathe mors tbaa I evi-r did. 1 shall il ways acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing so excellent a remedy, son are at unerv to use my name in this mard. as von think nronsr I. P. tfKATT, . essenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa Pltlennnh. Ilav IL. Irill. '' N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-citizens, and who entertain doubts can conio It me personally. r: ' v - - '- ' Prmsoxsa, April !4, 18S7. READ TIIR TRUTH.' Da. Knma: I have a daagh tee who haa taken several medicines for a bad couth. without benefit among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I nnrcbased from yon a bottle of your PECTORAL BYRUP, and before she bad used half a bottle she wss relieved. The second bonis curse oev entirety oi ner congh- . ., - JUUH tiAJti., 1 '' - ' . - Robinson strset, Allegheny, PmaanssW.DecemhSK 31. 1853.. A 6RBAT CURB BY DR. KRYBRH'B I BOTORAL RVRTTP I live In Peebles township. Alieihsor county. I had s coughing and spitting, which commenced aoout ths 4th of February last, and continued eight months. I employed the best physicians In the soantry, and my ..h nnnilnned nneheted until earlv In October. At that time I was aaviseo vi irj our nvivuu vuuuu flv RHP. which I did. and after I had taken one bottle I " . . . , . . . . uu rTMll 1 T nnltnn wu entirely free from tbs coughing and spitting. I had .iMnel.tdnf ever settlne well, and I think It shoald known that this valuable remedy will do for others what It has done in my ease. - uiio u.imis, Witness B. St. KsRR.. : ' rssoies towamp. i - Parroa Tr.J April 14, 1857. A WONDRRfUL' CURB. Some tlma ago, aa old neighbor ot mine wss v.ry 111) with a bad sough which every one supposed to be consumption. Ills relatives told ms that be had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; hla brother cams to ses him die. aad all wers aeoflimed In the belief that he could not live. 1 had about tbs Intro oi a nouie oi your recurai syrup, which 1 gave him, and It entirely cured him, to the aston ishment of alb What -snakes ths ease more remarkable, It the extrsms age of ths man, he being abouteighlyysari old. I have no doubt us rectorai saveu nis we. , ;l . 1 ". - -' ! tin. RIYBRR'S PROTORAL BYRUP IN BLAIRB V1LLB. Please send me saothsrsopply of your valu. abla "Psstoral Byrup. Almost .v.rjuociy aroaaa Ul has the cold snd are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Sirup.' Wo havceoianxieeB ooiii.s iasiweex,anaars now entirely suu Mr. A. A Iter aad Ms. P. Manor, both of Blalrsville, Pa., tall 04 they Would not be without U In tlielr families, an lac ail wu use 11 ouea. want, f airala. sours, re.pecuuuj, ,..,. ..' ' " .. 1. b. Vatterson a sons January 30, I8&, n . - y -'.. J" ANOTHIR NEW CERTIFICATE DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL 8Y HUP. I had been troubled with a cough ...4 nid lor several weeks o bad was it that I could aol sleep, I had the advice end prescriptions from three of lbs Bestnhialctsniia tbecity. whoa Isoald name, but do aot do so. 1 anally procured a bottle of yoar Pectoral gyrup, which cured m. entirely .r, . .-' S36 Liberty strsst, flttsbergh. Pa , Jaa 9, 1800. j 'BTOP TH ATtJOUOHrNO."--,How can I da Hr1 "Oo ts Keyser's on Wood street sad gst a bottle of hUOongb Peetoiat, and If that don't curs you, your esse must be desperate Indeed." Thil Is a specimen of the colloquy one bears almott svery day In cold catching psriods of ths year. Aad we ess, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur la ths adviser's admonl Hob ss above, for we bavs tried the "Pectoral,'' In a most stubborn eass, with entire success. Near two weeks ago wswent to Pittsburgh, with one of ths most distressing, contrary, mulish, an subdusbls ooqghs wc ever experiswed sines or advent BPOB this sauodsne sphere. Ws coughed 1 Steadily and bborlously for ons wbols week, In hope, el tlrtno tt out, kni It mas iia 3It. In fact It seemed rather to have Im proved by practice, and to have acquired strsngth.notsn- and UweeAtrp by the operation. Ia this .tags of S.Tooo rhed oar way to Keyser's, 140 Wood Bt. -procured a Bfty eent bottle of the Pectoral;" took It seoordles to dlreoUons. and In forty -eight hours ws wers tauter of the Bold, the enemy havlog unconditionally surrendered, after a brief bat nnequal conflict with so fnrmldabls ea adversary as Keyser's famous "Cough ?$"-3roUt CUMr, Dtc. H, 1859. ; , DR. KBYBBR'B PBOTORAL BYRUP Is prepared and sold by Dr, OROROB u. w nwu kiwi, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' 'AnnT I aaurfwr'p ! JJjr Bold IB vowunou. - v .. ; rpoOTII ACHE KEMEDY. ' .if. .,' . A STJKTC CtTRE. .Prepared and sold by V.t 11 . i .'i.'.'. r jh i . H 1 ... i '. II t ArfVe UAVi t AAsI fJAAaf . Price, S3 cents. , -140 Wood it, Flttibnrgh, Ta. , ' . i . . .i.i a. 1 4 1" . j jrp (old la Oolnmbce by ROBERTS A SAMUEL. ' ;etiBtawdi)a. ' " t" .- : " 1 , , ' " '1 1 ' A l-: '.7 ' '.. :'Sheriir'iSale::. 'I ' w.' ,i 1 ' Idgar Manning t j S...I by order sf Court. 1,,..., Geo. W. BroWBStal. ' 1 T) viHTfJE OF AN ORDER OF SALE nUm A 1 reeled from ths Superior Court of frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the tlsor ef tbs Court Dous, in the city efpolumuni,oa .,,,.'1 Saturday the 13lh day of April. A D.wl8Cl, at 1 o'clock f .M.. the following aoseribed Seal' Estate, sttaats ta the county cf franklin, and Bteta of Ohio, to wUl . Lot No. VI, la the town 01 uirnsogrga,in isiu A wrilsrd at i3.r ' " M ". W. HUf f MA. :aarcbl3-ltdA4tw f vti i. 1.1 l b 1 Sheriff., ... Printer's fees 3 00,. - j ,4- oil : , jrt I GOLDEN tlll-I. BHIRTB, J. i .' I flOLDBN BILL SHIRTS, .,,-, ; . 1I1L1)BN BILL B11IRTB. , t . n.ii at iheM shirti are new. The llodtec Yokss. HMtet snd bosoms an formed to Bt the person with ease snd comfort.. Tbe auukapoa sack oae deslgnsUng ths stseaay bs sellsd ea ts beln g sorrsot, aod each shirt Is euaranleed well m.uo. , mil tiocaoi su quaiitn soostently for sale at j DAIN'I Re. M South High strset. ror Medical Pnraeeee." " ' PURE BRANDDIRa.WINRB.C01U)lALB,ANS BIT r-frow, -Bonded. Wsreh; . ;AlJ j jfi-'.ij ,j'u:i.j.. got, gonin mm TLAMu a w ""Y""''"'" , ii W?wIojJ :i.J k n - i c t .H.hl.-'H rl - " . j v ,..-, s w -S ifi "';'' ti j r p . . w : ri . Xt M ' ' 1 ' fi i . (. !.. fc i.f - i "I'vT-: nil 1 .i . i .t.n ' v ... . . r i . i n a u i r . -1 A'a D tl wSt'.? I.I S i b il ft B 11 B im. RPWltP.DY. ' OF UOXRfJRYl iVI has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that carea ... - ntai-:J Every Kind of Humor, tftrj'r -..".'..f-: f ROM -f .-'-''" Xht wontSorotaU dowa to a eommon 7Imnia. Tf hue triad tt In over aleeea hnndred eases, aad nev mr IkilMl nrumt In baa me. (both thandev humor.) lie has now in his possession ovar ene hundred oerUfleatet of Its vaius, an wiuua twenty muss. 01 aosroa. Two bottles are warranted 10 cure a nursing pore wrath. -s .. . ..'.i;j. 1. . ' "' ' " . Ons to three bottles will ears the went kino or runpies eathefaee. ,j, ...'.i, ' 1 Twn nr three nottiee win elear ins system 01 Buss Two bottles are warranted to ours tbs worst canker In the BMutth or stomaeh. - ...'.' .'. "' 1 Three to tva bottles are warranted to sure ms worst kind of Rrysipslas. v "' '1 one to two bottles era warranted to our an uuiour ,u fhe I Two bottles are warranted to cure running 0 tbe ears and blotches among the hair. '. '".' ' ' Foar to six poties arc warranteu to our corrupt ana running ulcers. ' , one bottle .nil euro ecaiv erunaon ut tue hid Two or three bottles are warranted to core the worst kind of rtnvwnrm. V Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate cats of rheumatism. ' rhn n fnnr hnitle. are warranted to core salt-Rheum f Ivs to strut bottles will core the worst case 01 scro rnl. . ' ' ' - A benefit Is always experienced rrom tne nrst Dome, a perfect core Is warranted when ths above quantity ii laaen. . ,.., , i,.;.. 1 T. M.n4Mf The Rputatlon of ths Medical Dll eovery, In curing all kinds of humors, tt so well estab lished by the nnanimous voice 01 an wno dt hu it ih.t I npwl nnt envthln en the sulilect, as ths most skillful physicians and ths mostoareful Drugglits In tns country are unanimous in it prais. In nresentln the Medical Dltoovsry to your notice. An it with fnii knowledge of its curative power. In re llevlng all, and curing most 01 tnoae uiseases so wniou von an unfortanatelv so liable. That most sxoruclatlog disease to an affectionate mother, V , NCJHSINO MORE MOUTH It cored at If by a miracle; yoar own temper Is restored to lit natural sweetness, and your tub from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet tlumberi; and the Medical Discovery beeomss a fountain of Sleesiog to yoar husband and hnnsehold. ft : t- 1 In the more advanced cures ot - , . . . OANKKU Itsxtends to the stomach .causing ' ill srtirsBJi. which Is nothing hut canker on ths stomach; then to the creating a sinking, gons feeling, and aa Indifference svss to tbe care 01 your lemuy. ... a .,- . . .. . You stomach IS , ... . RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses yon, and yoa can only take certain kinds, end even 01 mat vour svatem one not koi uan the nourishment It oontalns, aa the acrlmonons fluid of tbe canker eats It apt then your complexion loses its bloom and becomes sallow aad greenish, and yoar beat day Is gone, for want of nourishment your system be comes looss and flabby, and ths fibres of your bod. dy rbs come relaxed Then follow s train or diseases wnici chthe Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted te L.--0 . ;...COREi ti . ,um Mln In th aide, weakaese 0 ths spins and small of the back, pain of tbe hip Joint whsayoa retire, Irregularity of the bowels, eaa sis, that most excruciating 01 diseases, me '.- 1 - PltES. (v Bow many thousand of poor women are infferlng from thil disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbordoes not enow tns cause. 1 wiw te Impress on your mind that good old provarb'Aa ounoe 01 preveotion a oetter tuu a fiuuuu w, , u . MEDIC Al. llCO ViSlt It . ... 1 yoa bavs both the preventative and Ihe cure, with that great and good quality, that It will never, under any circumstances, do you sny Injury. -' THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY is especlaly Intended for diseases Cf the blood, fiat since Its introduction in too western otate, 1, 1. iouuu w 1 Hiefewet iit.ii'- - - '- "' t-s . . , .... ,. - AGUE REMEDY -:: that waa ever before the public . .11 No change of diet ever necessary eat the best yon cad aad get enough of It; ' DiaaimeRs roa oaa Adults one - table spoonful per day-Children over tea years, dessert spoonful Ohlldrsa from live to eight years, tea spoonful.. As no directions can be applicable to all eonsltv lions, take tunident te operate on tne Boweiitwica a oay. . Yours truly, . DONHALD KENNEDY ' Price tl.OO psthoftW for y svsry druggist In the United States.' '-- " espui-aawiy, PROF. L. MILLER'S IIMR IUVIG0RAT0R An" ESectife."" Sftfd 'and 'Eoonbrnloal Compound, It tot restoelno grat; To Its original color without dyeing, and preventing the irom turning gray. 1T1 FOR FRBTENTINO BALDNESS, '- And curing it, when ther Is ths lssst particle ot vitality . , or recuperative energy remaining. 1 FOffREMOVING SCtRF AND DANDRUFF ' ' And all culan.out affections of the Scalp. , , J J. ' ': FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. . Imparting to It an uneqaled gloss and brilliancy, making it toft and silky In its texture, ana causing it to curl readily. ' . . ., ' The ereat eeiennty anu inoreaainx oemanu ior tnis am eo aaled preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial ia only necessary 10 latbify a discerning public of Its supsrlor quallliei over any other preparation in use. It cleanses uie neao. anu tcaip irom uanarua ana otner cutaneous diseases, oantlnit the hair to grow luxuriantly, giv ing It a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also, where the hair Is loosening and thinning, It will give strength and vigor to the roots and restore the growth te bose parts which have become bald, oautlng it to yield reih cover Iniot hair. - There are hundreds of Mia and geatlesoen In New York who hare had their hair restored by the na of th Invleorator. when all other preparations havs failed. I M.ihaaln lil. DoeaeMion letters tnDumersbla testlfylni in the ehove facts, from person! of the hiehest redsectai him. It will effectually prevent the hair from tumtof aatll the latest period of Ills; sad la oases whera'th hair has already changed It color, the ass of the Invigorator will with certaiBly resUire It to It to its original hus, giv ing It a dark, glossy appearsncs. As a perfume for tbs toilet and a Uair ResUuatlve tits partlculasiy recom mended, having aa agreeable fragrance; and tbe great bv cilities it affords In dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator, can be dressed In sny required hnuu tanreaervs Its plaoe,whotherplalnlorlneurlst he nes ths great demand for It by ths ladles as a standarg toilet article wnien none augnt t a witnont,as urn price places it within tns reacn 01 aii, oeing . d. Only Twenty-PiT Cents perbottls, tobo bad at all respectable Drngglsts aod x'erreBiers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, In cases where the children'! heir inclines to be weak. Ths use ot lays the foundstlon for sooot Aead of hair, as It' re moves eay asperities that may nave become aoaoeeted uh th sealn. ths removal of which - Is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future lappeeranoe ItsBalr. a to- rr r ' -t OaCTioR.NoBS genulns without the fac-slalls LOUIS MILLER being en the outer wrapper; also, L. Mil LRR'S HAIR INVIOORATOR, N. I., blown ia ths '"wholesale Depot, 39 Dey street, anil sold by all 'thi principal Merchants and Druggists throughout ths world Liberal dlwoentto purchasers by the quantity. r. J I also desire te present te the Americaa Pabllc say ' ' AID ' MPBOVZD nrSTASTAITOUI LIQUID HAIR DYE, ! which, after years of gclsntlne experimenting, I . have brought to perieetioB. it oyee niaca or srown innaotiy wlihoatlnlur to the Hair or Bklnl warranted the best article ef the kind In existence. , . ,-.,,.! i ;. ,t..rRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS." , ; i i Depot, , 5G OCt28:dfcwly. Dey 8t, .my :JW i . ; i .Tvlt .' WHO SHOULD USE v, s :, DR. JB0VEEP0DS 11 J i . .i ;: . VAKTABIJH3 .'.ui , :;,h:.i ) IMPERIALrWINE BITTEHS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Lungs should use them. .... , All who suffer from Weak Btomachs, Indigestion, Dys pepsia or Pile. should ia them.. .r i All who eager from tjletwral eg KervoasOt'ill ' Restlessness st (sight, Went ft Bleep, Ao., should, Bsc Tl" persons who are WvilescBi gftef '.fever 4 Othtr slckneas should ass thsm.. .. ) Ministers of ths Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and al pabllc speakers should use thsm. , ,, - I Book keepers, and ell persons leadlog I esdentary tt ihonld nse them. i The aged snd rofina shsald ass fhean r - All who require a stimulant or tonlo should ass foea. All who an addicted to th ascot ardent spirits aad wish tolnfona, should ase these. , They are made of a pure Bherry Wine, and ef the na tive plants and herbs of tbe country, and ihoald bs re commended by temperance societies, clergymen, physi cians, and all friends of humanity. j Thev are prepared bv so eaperieaeed and sktlHal nhv- ttctaa, and, aside f tea, their medicinal properties, an BostdlighUulbevragi and yet, as a medietas, era ss Innocent anu narm less a. uie oewsoi ntaren. 1 t i Bold by Arugrlea generally. . i 1 f , J, t ; W CBAKXXS WIDDOliLB ft CO., Proprietors,' ? 3JTT',r " w"satta SMlew lsrk, ,iiwe ii oiv. ,i Caltutanae, oi3a otSMAjwJyj g j jJt ( K.U1 aJ aris- -'sAt' jk vi .l.-r; I a . A "Aw fjervousHeadache CURE By the ata of thee Pliu the periodic attacks ef Xer- eowe or Siab BtadacU may be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and ilcknes wilt be obtained. ,. They seldom tall In removing the Xavtta and Bud aoh$ to which, fema let are so subject. ' " They act gently apca the bowels rsmovlng CbtH for Literary Mm, Studmtt, Delicate females. and all persons of sedentary haMtt, they are valuable as a Laxativt, improving the appetitt, giving (owe and ataor to Ihe digestlvs organs, and restoring ths natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. ' '.TBI CXPHALIO PILLS srs the result of long Inves tigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in ate many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer ing from Headache, whether originating in the rtevwoM System or from a deranged state of the tfomocA. They are entirely vegetable In their composltloa, an Buy be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet,' and (As ooseace of any dltagrteaUt ttutt renders if easy to u&minittor (Asm children. . , , ; .. BBWABFUW11TB1TBI . . . ,-. The gennlne have nveelgnaturesof Henry 0. Spalding on each Box, '- .: '". -' ' ' Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines. A Box will bs sent by null, prepaid, on receipt ef the Prioo, 23 OentBe ' All orders ihoald be addressed to - ; . ... . UENRV C. HPALDINO, 4B Cedar street, New Yam. ... THB FOLLOWING BND0R8EMENT3 Of .: . spaldiug's CEPHALIC PILIS, WILIOOHYINCK ALL WnOBUPfBR PROM ' headache; "-; ' : THAT A . . . '.i 1 speedy! akd. SURE CTJEE ; IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. 1 jll thtu TetHtnonlatt vert unuiltolUi hy Ma. Psslb - iko, tAey aorot vmqvtollonablt proof ojtki tffl-. ., cacti of tMttrulf KsUnHflodUcoteryt .. 1 MasoKVTLLB, Coww , Feb. S, 1881 . Mr. Braiswa. . - I- B': . . , - ! I havs tried vour Oenhslle Pills, and UU them to well that 1 want yon to tend me two dollars worth more. " Part of those are for th nelxhcors, to whom I gave few out of the first box I got from yoa. . Bend the rills by mall, ana oonge Your obi Servant, - e JAMES KENNEDY. ... - e . . .. rUviwoRn, Pa Feb. 6, 1801." Mr, BraiDiHO. . sjlH ..,..'.-'.'. . ' f I wish yon to send me one more box of your Cephsllo Fills, Ihave received a omit deal cj benefltfrom them. Tours, respectfully, - ' ' MARY ANN 8T0IKH0UBB.' .... i , Bre'cci Cans, IIdxtixotoii Ce., Pa., I A ' - January 18, 1801. , j H. 0. SpAXBiua. - - . .-. . ' " . Bis: ' Ton will please send me two boxes ci your Cephalic Pills. . Bead them Immediately. .--,..'.,. Respectfully yours, . .j .,i i . . r ; JNt). B. SIMONS. P.S. Ihavivsed one boa of your MUt, and find thm excellent. Bsiit Vinson, Onto, Jan.. 15, Ml. , HnRt 0. firauiixo, Esq. ; Pless And enclosed twentr-flve cents, for which send ms another box of your Cephalic Pills. They art truly the beet Pill Ihave ever tried. Direct ; j . , A. STOVER, P. M., , . . Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. :.i f t.-J c ': - . . -. . . 1 l -t.. Bsvsair, Mass., Dee. 1I,18W. H. 0. BmniKO, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills te bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mer!. If you bavs anything of the kind, please send to me. . : - .,. ...... One of my customers, who Is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually ratling two days,) woe cured of an attack ta vac hour by your PUU, which I sent bar. kespeclfullyyours, ' !. : ... ' ; , W.B. WILKES. ''"''' RiTxouusuao, Fsahiuk Co., Ohio,) " 1 v . : ., . January a, itl - nrntar 0. Prainuia, , . " ' No. 48 Cedar St., N. T. .. .... , . ' . Ds.aBta: . '. Inclosed find twenty Ave cents, (23.) for Which send box of 'Cephalic Pills." tend to address ef Ror. Wa. 0. Filler, Heynold.burg, Franklin Co., Ohio. Tour Pule vork like a charm curt Headache al mott tnttantor. ., ., Truly yours, UK" . . ' - ." ,. WM. 0. FILLER. Ytsoajm, Mica., Jaa. 14, 1801. Ma. BflLPIlHI. -' ' i Sir: Nc t long since I sent to yon for a box of Cephalic Pills fcr th cars of the Nsrvoas Headache aod Oostivcnsss, and received ths same, and they Kad to good an tffeet that I viae induced to vend for mote, u Please send by return aaiL Dlrsctto A. R.WUKELER, ' ..; 1(T, V".-! - ' .YpsllantLMich.' From the Examiner, Norfolk, Vs. Cephallo Pills acrcmpllth ths object for which, they were made, vis.: Cure of headache In all Its forms. -. from Ihs Examiner, Norfolk, Va, , They have beea tested In mora than a thousand cases with entire i , . From ths Democrat, 8t. Oloud, Minn, r . If yoa are, or have been, troubled with ths headache end for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that yoa may have then) In ease ef an attack.,-.' ;: , , 4 ..... 3( From the Advertiser, Prorldanoe, B. '. Tbe Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent eomplalnt.whlch has ever been dls eevercd. i, .j , ). .j , v . . " ' ; From the Westera B. R. Osaette, Chicago, III. .1 Ws heartily endorse Mr. Bpauldlng, and hie nnrtralel OephalloPllis. , , , From tbe Kanawha Valley Btar, Kanawha, Vs. . Ws arc sure that persons suffering with the headache, Who try them, will stick to them. , ,1 i ,1: ; i l .1 I .:.,-(.!' ." 1 . 4 -,' - From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try thsml yoa that are afflicted, and we era srre that yoar testimony ean be added te the already nuaeroas list that hss received benefits that no othsr medicine can produce. , ' , ...... ; I.: ..From the St. Louis Democrat.. ' Ths Immense demand for the article' (Oephallc Pills) Is rspMly Increasing. ' ) '. .., i v.i ' " item Ihe Gasetts, Davenport. Iowa. - ' ; ' Vi. Spalding would not connect hi name with aa ar ticle he did not fcaow to possea real merit. , j M . .. rrrn single bouu ei SPAtDraa's prepared fl'3 flMJB will seveten tJmes Iteeaaatntiiy. - SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I l ' .- i s SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I ''ifck.w if. e)'vt: ;ri t- 'i ? ' m f ' 5 !e SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE , t i l rt-.A ii i uti.i f; ii-.K' i i ' 1. 1 . "i.' , ..-ain N ... - BAV1 TUB PIB0BB1' B n. J BpONOMTi A ., . . JJj"A Btttcb ir Tiks Savsa Niirs.iH : AeactldentB will happen, even la well regalated fam llles, R is very desirable to have tome cheap and eon venlent way tor repairing Furniture, Toys, Orocksry, a ti i".: ...i.i'twj ,,a .s . - . ' i' ' .-. Jh t BPUDnfa-SPRBPARBBflLUB asstt all each smsrgeBcles, and ne hoasehold esB afford to bewltuout Jt,, Jt is always ready, and up to the itlck Uf VtSVirpiiriA W BYRRT HOUBB," ' f H. Brash atPnie each bottle.' Fries, SS eeats.i..a. ''.tihwVt'.ea T.DINO. nil, i ,i .i-"":'-". . Ir.j. No 11 i.'.i-,'! wl .C tlAIITION.T'.: -I'.fl n AeeertalwwawrlBelpledj persens Are atteraptlnf to nalm off on the unsuspecting puniw, uuimuvu. w rRBPARBD tiLTJJt, I weald aeutloa all pem i ralnre oro!ulng;, and see ttat the full O'dVALDINU 8 PKMPARBDOH1R,j mens te ex- Basse. Jr r'sVALDIWU B PKHPAKBDULUalcrjI ' ' iseutstdc wrapper; all others are swlndimgcoa Is en tsefeltt, 1U0 Ml I ' riiDi: avl.a , AT AT VaMasA Af wkseRwa 'WBW'