Newspaper Page Text
r VTl ;iiim -Cf-j . , yt' r.'-''-"'., j' 7 oVl ,tn itj rtd awe 1 .'.,'..J . ' "-'- - -.':f U. WAX'S? 70L;Ii;.m: 261: INEW-SERIES; COLUMBUS. OHIO. IDES DAY EVENIN G. APRIL 9. 1861. . . - Invrtbly la Adrwee Qj .. a ' v. . ; . y,Vf': "at mm- "' w w - -, - mm - - wiii: jaw w Ml IV y J H' II IIT' ' v .'vJ llTtl P H If II II DAILY, TRI-WEItLTf AJtfli WEEKLY MANYPENNY i MILLER, ; eVMllB.) Bl, riD'PBOPBIIOB i, , ,, i XT Office Mot. 86, 88 and 40, Forth High St TIIM8 INVARIABLY IN ADVAIf CB . Dally ",.';',V" : ' I8 00 per year, " By tne wRUTi pat week, eenta rrl-WejUy , . . . 8 00 eriu ol Advertising; by the Squre n square I ytai...90 00 One. " U months 1H 00 n ' B month IS 00 ne 3 month! 10 00 Dne S months 8 Ml One ' ' ' l month. - ( 00 One square I weeks.. 00 On " B weU.. 00 On " lwek... 1 75 On " 3 day... 1 00 On " 9 day... 75 On ' ' lloeerUon 60 Iriiplaycd advcrtlnmeDt half mar thed the abors ratci. . ' , Adveit!ffiment lJed end placed In the column Of nneriai Notices, aouou im ordinary rait. KM notices reqnlreQto bepabllihedby law, legs! rates, 1 1 ordered on tne innae exclusively alter tne nrst week per cent, more tnan tne aboT rates; tint all laon Wil iPler in tne Trt-Weelcly wltboatcbarre. . lualnessCanls,notexoeeding ttyellnei, per year, Iv side, tiU per line: outside ti. , Notices of mectliigi,clixrlUiblesocIetli,8re companies, half - Mltratuitnt advtrtUemmU must b paid or Ut I'lniKC Te rule will not be Tarleefrem. - Wtkly, same price se the Dally, where the arertlill sestho Weekly alone. When Tie Dally and Weekly ire bntnusnd, then the oharg Urthe Weekly Will k nir tne rates or tne Daily Ho adrcrtliiement taken except tor t deflnlU period, BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, "Corner Spring k Water Ktm., Oolu.xa.1ovuB , Olxlo W. B. POTTS & CO., And Uanufacturers of Bras and Oomposltlo Castings, iiunuta urass rrora oi an vcscnpuons. Electro Plating and Gilding ! ! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. febl "CO-dly F. A. B. SIMZDIS, Attorney at Tjcljv. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OBce Ambis UnllJIng, opposite Capitol Square. ' COLUMBUS. OHIO; Machine Manufacturing Company laniOTDUM or . , . STEAM ENGINES k BOILERS, tMtingt, XUi eoarlng, KMhlnar. o 0000 ej'wesl ' - - - SLtO, - ,. of mat DKournoH. ". COLT7JTJTIU8, OUIO. , 0HAB. AM DOS, gnti'l deell, 1B38-U P. AliBOB,.Treu. Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton & Indianapolii! Through to lndiaotDolis without Change of Cari nd bat One Change of Can between ''. " Columbus and St. Louie.'.; i THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM ,..,.,.,, bus. . :,, ... v- : FIRST TRAIN. 1 ' ' " (Dally, Mondays excepted.) . NIOtrt liPRKSS, ia Laytnn, at SMS B., stop ping at London, Xenta, Dtyton, Ulddletowa and Hamil ton, arrlvlun at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. ss-iPaytoa at 5:45 a. m., Indianopolls at 10:48 a. m.;tt. Louis at 11:50 P "' 8KQOND TRAIN. , V ' . . ACCOMMODATION, si 6:10 a. s.,stopplD at all 8ta tloni between Colnmbns and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rirlng at Cincinnati 11:01 a. m., EytonatB:15a. m., Indianopolls al iS p. m. i .. THIRD TRAIN. i. DAT IXNtt83,st C:30p. m., itopplor at Alloa, Jefferson, London, Charleston, Cedarrlll, Zenla, Spring Valley, Corwlo, Morrow, Deerfleld, roster's. Loveland, MUllbrdand Plalnrllle, arriTlog at Cincln oati at 7:20 p. m., St. Louis at IS m; Dsjton at S 31 p. B.i Indlanopolliatl0:3dp. m. Sleeplnt: Care on all Night Train to Cloclanatl and Indtanapolla. DAOGAOE ; CIIECHJEDt) TnhoTJOn. for farther Information and Through Ticket, apply to ...... M. L. DOHKRTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Columbus, Ohio. -al. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, OlnolnnsU. - ! v ; ! i JNO. W. DOHKBII - Jul3 ' ;'- 1 Agent, Column, r . I SOMETHING; NEW i ( HOfyAltDOO'S. AMERICAN i WATCHES5; CALL AT NO: 83, SOUTH IIIOH ST., and eiimln out now soak of AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by B. HOWARD 00 , Boston, Han. Tbss Watches are far superior to anything erer off red to the public heretofore. Baring the exoluslr sgency, I can sell them at prloea to salt the times. I hare Just recelTtU a large stock of f 'it , 'AMERICAN' WATCHES,,; " Bannfaetured by APPLXI0N, TKACT, At 00 S alss, fin assortment of . . . . JBNGLI8U AND SWISS WATCHES, . la Gold and Silver Cases, at Panto prices, jen3 . W.J. SAT AOS. f" j'w' jnitBeeelTtd! " . lAA J1' fH CHEEK and BLACK lUUI a.AS loo bags prim Bis Cone. 1 AO pookeu old Datoh QoTernmuit Jar Coffee, 1 5 bags Ceylon Coffee. , . gO"bbls. euodard Whit Ingars, eonslsHng of Pow i dred, Chrushed, translated A and B Coffee. 50 quintals George Bank Oodllsh. gObbls. Mess and Hp. 1 Mackaral. v S to. Pick Salmon. ' . . r . 100 bx. Layer Balalns. ! . ,v"j.; . ,. ftO hf . bon do , do , ... ,, ., ,; . ,, . " 100 qr. bos do d . , . -100 at Cigars, different brands and trade.' r '' noyj7 ..... wm. Mcdonald. PUJrOliILL And Elank-Sook Hanuftinturer, ' K0RTH EI0H ITRZZT, OOLUKBUI, OHIO auull-dly ' FAIIIILY ' FLOCIta VfrniTK WHEAT, BUANDED , . "SNOWFLAlCEl." ' from " Bamett Mills," Sprtngnsld, 0 the best brand of Hoar brought to our Market. BetUfaetlon guaranteed. or sal only at WM. MoDONALD'S, norUT -- 1Q3 South High street. ' A J LUXANlba KI1 VLOVKk, t V All sl and toWlf Just opened at BATHS, 1.11. , I. (4 J.Svuta nigh street. ! ' k STONE'S BAZAAR. No.,,4,Qwviine Slock. yA. P. STONE & O'IIaMU A be no tr RECEIVING TnEI a WIN XX 1KB SOOD8, and IdtIW the public to Inspect tlwa. ' No such stock of Good, has rrer been Drought to this market. To Booth, In noossqsea of the failure ," iron crop, naa not Dten able to parehas the ns al quantity of nth goods, aud this fsot has forced tne Importers to sell them at public auction. Onr buyer !' etone; oeing in new xork at mess large sales, took sdrsntaf of them, and we eaa and will sell onr goods amim, n leie man any on wno pnronasea two weeks linos, paid for them in New York.. Oar stock lsoomplst In wiwij wHiruuva( Ol ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, , , BROCHE VAtENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, ' iaiuiau UUOUAUOi ' . - DVED COBTJQ3 BLACK ALPACAS, , ; , . ,r , UKLKANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRIC8, ALL WOOL DELAINES, , POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS itlD CLOAKS 'ive Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Dy, , At one hall the Cost of Inapoitatlon LADIES' FURS, In all Varletle. of the Celebrated Plannfatnre of C. O. Onn there Sc Son, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Hen's, Ladle and Children's Under Shirts and Drawsrs Ladles, Misses and Children's Hosiery of all kinds. In Wool and Lamb's Wool: fleeer Lined and Cotton fllores oi erery suave. ' ALSO ' A complete aaeoctmont of all the usual rarie tietof i , LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS. FLANNELS, RIBBONS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs, ft o., &o. To persons who sail on as, ws plsdg onr words to show mem tne largest, best ana cheapest stock ot uoodi erer seen In this market, or pay thsm one dollar per nour wnue looBing. aeci-OlJltUWltW. BTOMB g'HABKA. ATHROP, LUD1NGT0N & CO. 23 & 25 PASK PLACE, 20 &'22 MURRAY STREET, NiUW "STOXULl IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. i SPRING 1861 W are openlnr. at ouramnl warerooms. at the abors nnmbsrs. stocks of Ooods In each of the six departments or our koala, superior to anything w bar be re le ore exmoiioa to tne yaue. ., , . , , , , CLOTH DEPARTMENT. ' This ha trown tbltenresent msmltad ander the thoreagh Bsnsirement of buyer of long experience and acknowledged good last. We keep extensire Unas of tne nnesi ana choicest . -.. , , , ! FANCY VESTlfiJCS , , a i . and FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, all selected with the sloest dlsarimlcaUon. Also, ail grades, colors and varieties BROADCLOTHS, , Ti- SATINETS, o -r.v .. . i . LADIES' CL0AINNG3, 1 ABMIE8' ana MXaOHAllTS' OiSSIUIftls, , KBNTCCKT JBAS8, from M to JSX tenU per yard I and upwards; TWXEDS, 12X to 15 cenb per yard-last year sold at ...iT..-. ,- rj nt0: -' n -: i i PBINT1D SATIN STS, at M cents; j And other Qoodt eorrttpandinglji Lou. " I Dress-Goods Department. Manchester De Lalnes, ' Hamilton do. PactAo do. ' ' V Printed Lawn, r. Printed Brllllanlas, ; Fancy Olnghams, , . 4 , Bombasines, , Black Bilks, '"" " ' Paney Silks. . Printed Cha'lts, ' VaaehestOT Oinghasas, ' Olasgow " do.. Clinton do. , ,, Ottoman Cloths, ' Alpacas, , . Poplins, Andtht Neit Select Stylt of FANCY SPRING GOODS. Herrlmae Prints, 'l. " Richmond's Prints, ' " Cocbeeo do. ' ' - '''Amertean do. ' "'' Psdllo do.. ).1 DunMll" t do. " Sprag' rdo. - - ..Bsgllah , -,do. Manchester, dtc. Print. Aq - j ( ... . I IXaCECSTIO COTTONB. i ' Lawrence 0. Sheetings, ' Atlsalle A. Sheetings, ( Btartt do. Amoskeaf . . do. Lathrop do. . Applston do. Bhawmut - " do.: . Ireratt : ' ' do. V Pocaseet do. CUca, ., ,., do. AUOrdfniWidA. BLIACrUD SBBtTIKOS , and bhiitinos . ' . Wansutta, Dwight, LtwTenoe, f Loosdale, ."CMniTBreat Pll," 'B!rWttmktf. ' ti", , . .Waltham, , . .. Boott, , I,, ' , , Mew !ork Mills, tee., A,' ; . .: , Shawls anFmantillas, A LAIQE AND SXLICT 1B80ATMINT. : I'. COTTON ADIS a great Tarlety. OHK0K8 , ' , , do- . TICKINQS all the feadln fcrsndi. DBNIMS da.- io. . . V f 1 SBIRTINO SrEIPIS-all thtletdiog brands. - . NANK1BNS f riji ! do. I ;- la.. . s' OOhBET JEANS do. do. "'' MOBSSNS ' ' T) do. : ,11 --i t v:i,;'i DAMASKS, PAPXR 0AMBEIC8, COLORE CAM- BRIC3, Ac, Ac LARGE "AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF man ooous, , ; v . '. ; .HOSIERY, i ,., . -, . , I ' . TABUS BOtlOHf,.. Gentlemen's Foraishiij Goods, : t -i UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ' j CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS, And great 'yarlety of floods not enumerated ir of which w pledge oursetye to sell at th lovut nutrhtt Ces the larger portion at from 10 to 30 per oent. lest lathrop, ludington & co.; mart i i-l--. . j , . j. ...... . , :.'Jn6h Linen Oooda,; ; . WARBAMTGD B7ABIRIO ' ' ' " u L!"U.!Slr om iai and Paney " . - i Shlniagaad Boaeoi Ltneie. 7 J . tinea Uhetlne and Ullotr Oaslngt. ' ." ' ,. . ...,. Osnbrtceaod Lena; Uwnf. ' ' '.'.;r ; lto it4MHMihrj,,n . I r.i.i '"""'"laandDUpW. i ( . Llnaa ntpklnean D Oylle i j " ' 5 Linen Table Cloth and eatla DenHuktvM r .a . J I Linen Towels with colored tvrtr. . ; r. . ;lSOriBsnOralj ' I : . tsaltowpri..T V,M,(' feWS 1 OHIO STATESMAN 'S T E A it a book'a9i ton .i. i PBINTINO ESTABLISHMENT HarlDf Increased its already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, Is fully prepared to xscute in th MOST ELABORATE MANNER, AMD IM THE LATEST STYLES, CATALOGUES, BEIJPS, BILLS LADING, BILL HIAD8, NOTES, DEAFT3, CIXECK8, CISOTJLABS, ' PAUP1TXXT9, urns EX ADS, LSOAL BLANKS, DRAT KECEIPTB, LABELS, CARDS, KNTELOPES, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every descripUon of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Bqnal to any SrUbllahment In th Stat, and upon .... i terms which wlU compare fayorably with lis leading E altera Printing Bouses. ' liaTine; rerjr FaoiUty to aid tJm in Trrt PBODffonoif o? ELEGANT POSTERS AND , HIGHLY ILLUMINATED snow CARDS, W offer our serrloe to an who nay desire that class of i W aars somitcM win ottr XsUbUihoeiit s ' BLANK BOOK BINDERY, Prom which we produce th Zl3XeSBt XSlAUOX. UPVfli and rax voer 8DTB BAIL ROAD BLABZ BOOKS. OUR. ESTABLISHMENT Is adnlttod to be tas MOST ,1 In--i J 'j COMPLETE IN FACILITIES, AM TBS MOST : PERFECT IN ORGANIZATION In this City, and w may add, WE WILL FAVORABLY COMPAEE WITE ANT Printtag Bosie In tlie Weet. - t i- RIC1TABD NETINS,.; ; I ) ' PR0PR1KT0B. Gents Linen Khirt Collars, rVP SVPERIOB arALTTT.IN OAK. V BOTB, Blaadlajt, Byren, PerHgnay, Renfrew and ether new ihapes. Bassaed Pok Haadkcrehlefs. Meek tie. Stocks, StrMt and Bewnlng 0lm, Half Ho f very kind, Under Garment and all kinds of Oebta' Pur labial wood la great Tarlety sad at modermt prloe. '."-".- BAIN A SON, fsbSa M. 9 Sewth B1fh etnes. M ALTLtUS 1'UrtEAD LACB MITTS at OMiraat aaallttaa en LaAlaat aia. MlaeaV Uitta BfSanritw . . .t, . , - m glAAM'S. t I asaya , . I1BMI. Dally, i .0 00 . 3 00 . 1 00 ' Tri Weekly, ft rear. Weekly., per yai ..m. ...... ..-..... Correspondence of the N. Y. News.] Visit to and Saturday—The Museum of Look at Pompeii— Ascent to Vesuvius—A Look into the Crater, &c. NAPLES, Feb. 28, 1861. Diaa i 81dc my last we taken adieu of the Eternal City, and are now where the balmy breeze of the South are anppoaed to fan our brows. I gay "oppoaed," because the weather here la almost as coiu. as we leu it in Paris, and not a day paaaea without more or lea of rain. When the sun does deign to shine, whloh has eoourred several day for an hour or an. wa find It excsediDalr warm out of the shade; bnt when he returns again behind dark clouds, It becomes oold enough for an overcoat. I brought some thin underclothing from Paris, Ont bare found 11 ueeieae, aa jek, ' And now, I suppose, you desire to know how I am pleased with Naples. Notwithstanding tbe weather I most anewer that I am charmed with almost everything 1 se here, r irst oi an la Its beautiful aituatlon and surroundings its magnlfioent bay, glorious beyond description- end, finally, tbe charming aspect oi toe city Itself, with its lively-bued bouses and its gay inhabitants, ever laughing and in motion. We have been here bnt three days, and, of oourse, in that short time bare had but littlo opportu nity for sight seeing. Within the city itself there is comparatively little of special interest. The whole of our first day was spent in the vast Museum Borbonico, where is deposited tbe greatest eolleotion of antiquities in the world. The ancient statuary and paintings there are very fine, but the great centre of interest is tbe relics brougnt irom rompeu ana nercuia nenm, whenoe everything portable and beau tiful has been sere transported. Here one wanders moos labyrinth of such remain?, and all of these are as perfect ai tbe day tney were buried beneath tbe burning showers from Vesuvius. 8talues and vases, paintings and mosaics, instruments domestic agricultural, musical, eurglcal, &o. tables and chairs, orna ments of cold and precious atones, and all beautifully arranged, surround tbe visitor on every side. One even sees the skeletons of sol diers remaining within their armors, and in one room la shown. In a nardenea remnant oi stones and ashes conglomerated, the perfect imprint of tbe bead, neck, arm ana breast oi a young gin. During tbe reign of Francis II; it cost quite a sum to visit this Museum, the guardian of each department exacting a fee. It Is now, however, entirely free to the public; so much so that the guardians absolutely refuse money for keeping your umbrella or oaoe safe something noheard of. In fact, the Government of Victor Eman uel is working miracles of reform here. The city is full of Sardinian aoldiers, and every thing is as quiet and orderly as in Paris itself. The day alter our journey tnrougn toe muse um, we obtained permission to visit the Palace, occupied so lately by the yonng Bourbon. I really pitied him as I looked through bis mag nificent home, more cheerful and epleadid than y palace I have seen In trance. To dav we have spent at Pompeii, and It has bees most interesting one, I assure yon. No thing but personal visit can give any Idea or the charm which hangs about tbese pefeot re mains of city of tbe Komanbmplre. Walking through those now detolste streets, and gasing into those beautiful houses wanting aoarce any thing bnt their former occupants to render them perfect, and wa are carried back almost 2.000 years to the gay and lascivious days of this once elegant city. Bulwer taae added immooielv to the intereit which one feels io survey it g tbese ruins, and as 1 stood in tbe amphitheatre; uiu- eus and Arbaoes seemed to rise before me, while without I beard the gentle step of blind Nydis, eoming to save tbe one she loved so bopeloosly. Tbe first lear day we snail ascena Vesuvi us, which is now very inactive, scarce any smoke riaing from its gxlm top; then a few diys In excursions about Naples, and we shall start C. R. FLORENCE, March 8, 1861. Dta : resume my pen to you know how far I have proceeded upon my Italian trip, every step of which seem to be more full of pleasure and delight than the last. In my letter of a week ago, I gave you a brief account of what I bad then seen in Naples, end j log with a short description' Of my visit to ,tbe olassle remains of Pompeii. Alter' that we made several excursions to the environs ot tbe olty, whose surroundings are justly regarded as tbe moss Deautuui in tne woria. -out ny iar the most important of tbese trips was that to tbe summit of Vesuvius. We left Naples early one ornlnsT. and after ft ride of an hour and half, stopped at little town called Reeina, at the foot o! the mountain. Here Mrs. A. and Dr. K. mounted ft couple of ponies, very similar to those upon which we ascended Mount Washing ton. while Mr. A. and I started off upon that safer and more-to-be-depended-upon animal, oalled "shank's mare." The asoent now com menced over huge masses or lava, whose ap pearanoe, more than anything else, impresses tbe mind with ft sense of the mighty power at work underneath. It is almost Impossible for me to give you any just idea of the arpeot pre sented by this lava, surpassing anything which had ever imagined before. Io color it is blaek nd Its bugs masses are rolled out ooe after the other in the most fantastic lorms, fenerftlly resembling, more than aoyihiog else eaa think of, immense crullers! In some placee it if aot yet cooled, though cast up years ago, but smokes in spots along tba narrow road which baa been made upon its surface,. After an hour and ft half's travel over this desolate which is as hard as flint, wa arrived st little house, oauea 1 the hermit age," where we rested s ' few , minutes, and refreshed ourselves with some wine and oranges end then Started on. Another hour aoros tne same sort oi material nrongni ns to the foot of the Cone, and here the equestrians of aw patty had to dismount Mr.' A. was now ensconced In ft sort of ohair, which was mounted upon the shoulders Of four men, who, tor dollar each, afford this easy means of surmounting the most difficult part of the as eent. The rest of us started off bravely on foot, being followed by s crowd ot men, with offers of assistance,' by means of ropes which are attached to them, and to which the wearied traveler clings and 1 drawn np after them. All ef us rejected these offers at first bnt after I had climbed about ten minutes I looked down and was amused to see K. and A. clinging "ilk trim death" to ft couple of assistants. At for me. after having traversed owltterland On foot, I thought it beneath my dignity to accept even half ft dollar's worth of help so I toiled no ward; andarrived the first on tbe summit. But it wee three quarters or an nour or tbe nardeat work I ever underwent. Imagine a cone. 1,000 feet in height, consisting ot nothing but loose pieoes of lava which roll away, from under yon snd of loose sand Into which one sinks np to his ankles It was truly two- steps forward and one baokward ,nd that, too, np an almost per pendicular ascent. Bnt we all surmounted It finally, and arrived on tbe edge of the immense crater. Here it was ft terrific sight." As we rated into it, vast volumes of sulphuric vanor rose np, almost concealing entirely the dp sbyss, and .nearly stifling us occasionally with their lumee as m same tuuo uuu.iuuei explo sion, loud at thunder, succeeded each xtber. ending off with deep rumblings beneath our feetf and huge fragments Ot rock were east straight ap thousands ot feet,and fell back Into the yawning month which vomited them forth. About ns were heaped tremendous pilee of pure sulphur; snd on digging down two or three inch es under onr feet with our slicks, we arrived at a mass of molten sulphur which bnrned to ash es snythlng with whloh it oame la eontact We remained upon the tumtniujibout half an hour, and then left, without tgratdeal of rtludsnet! 1 selected ft' spot to descend the Cone Where there was nothing but sand and Mbed put? ' ting my stick behind me as a rudder, in the manner taught me by Swiss guides, called down in nva minutes exactly, it took tba others bout twelve minutes K. and Mrs. A now re sauted their steeds, and A. also took ooe, being mo urea to continue on root, i marcnea ahead all the way back to Resloa, where onr oarriaee f . - J . u . I , .1 . awaiieu us to near us nasi to too City. . We retired early that night, and the next day the whole party, except myself, were entirely used up. I assure you that I felt it no more than If I bad taken an afternoon stroll down Broadway; so you ean imagine bow strong I am and what eocd health I continue to enfov. '. On Tuesday, 5th, we embarked on a stoamer, and after encountering terrific gale, which our vessel bore splendidly, (but which I didn't, as I was quite sea sick,) we arrived at Leehorn early yesterday morning. Wa spent yesterday nIPisa (between Leghorn and Florence), saw all tbe sights there, including tbe renowned Leaning Tower, and reached this city last night. a oare noi oeen out oi me notei yet, my first da to send news to loved C. R. A Southern Census Marshal in Need. We published, a few weeks since, a letter from Mr. Kennedy, superintendent of the Census de partment, to a Southern Census marshal who applied lor tbe salary due him. statins' tha , sons wby tbs money had not been paid. Below we give toerejoinaer or tne marshal: MACON, GA., March 27. J. C. G. KENNEDY, EsQ., J. C. G. KENNEDY, EsQ., Sup't Census, Washington, D. C. . IJiaa Sis: Your favor of the 82d, In reply to mine of tbe 19th. has been raelrl. .nH contents duly noticed. You say "that tbe Gov. eminent, having been deprived of tbe funds wnerewun it was contemplated to pay the cred iters of the United States, by the seizure and appropriation to tbe purposes of the so-called Southern Confederacy, I am nnable to obtain from the Treasury tbe means necessary to pay tbe marshals and their assistants in thn.o Rft. as tbe officers of tbe Government will not de- posi. moos wnere tney are liable to be diverted irom tne purposes contemplated by low." Now, u, ui poneoiiy willing to take a drart on tbe United States Sub-treasnry at New York, where " " ne uovernment lunds are deposit ed. I am In need of what is due me. I have waited a considerable time, and any difficulty between tbe United 8(ates Government and the authorities of the Confederate States should be no excuse for the United State to hnma n. just to individuals for services and labor ner- lormed under solemn contract with the.Govern- mDi. Hopinc soon to receive a draft fnr mhoKi due me, I have tbe honor to be, i our ooeaient THOMAS L. ROSS, Late Assistant Marshal. I . S. You sneak of the hulanxa Hi, mo r have never received ooe cent of pay. Late Assistant Marshal. The Next House of Representatives. The last of the free Statu haa n li,t its members to tbe next Congress, and wa are enabled to make an accurate table, showing the political classifications so far as the Republicans and Antl Republicans are concerned. Connec liout and Rhode island have dnna showing a gain of four members for tbe Demo crats and Union men. Here are our figures: - -Vem. and Un. Men Maine New Hampshire Vermont StpulHeat. 6 I 3 10 Hestachnaetta, Rhode Island. 1 3 3 10 ' S e 8 4 . 8 a ' '1 : Connecticut.., New York..., w Jersey, Pennsylvania.! Ohio , Indiana., ... Ihtnole I California.... Orrfoa. wieconsin Iowa Mlanesota.. , Miohiran. ...... Kaias lit la -rare. .. Mwyland.... Virginia. North Carolina Kentucky , Teaneisee Missouri . G . 13 . 6 . 10 . Ill . 7 ' 3 100 Arkansas. , ' ' ins ' l- . , i , 100 Bepubllcw majority..... ..."j Tbe maloritv Is so small that It la nnt i:i,.i that tbe Republicans can carry any extreme measures. Alter tbe offices sre distributed, it is more tbsn probable that enough Republican members will be disaffected to the won to tnroir it into a minority.., ,.; - , Gold Discoveries in Chile, South America. The news of the diaeor nfti.. u Jt. glngs In Vatvidia la folly confirmed. - In some instances, from tea to twelve dollar per day have been taken from tbe digging. Tbe Val paraiso Afrretrri. speaking ol the universal re sources of the South, eayei "Judging from the geolog cal formation of those leads, they can not foal to contain a great quantity of minerals, covered at present by a layer oi vegetable earth, the richness of wbioh is apparent in the gold washed away by the rains, and also those por tions where tbe roughness of the ground does not allow the vegetable earth to -nlint. .n where rich veina can easily be discovered." Parties who have visited the diggings write that intelligent miners, with some capital, cannot fail to make fortunes, because, even should they not find gold, which Is not probable, they wauld undoubtedly find rich copper mines, which ars believed to exist in great abondanee in those regions. The Spanish traditions testify to the existence of great mineral wealth in ,h finmh of Chile a fact that in all nmh.hlllt. ui . long be realised, if the Government succeeds in subduing the Indians who inlest that section. A Mr. Brown is reported to have crossed the Asdee In a coach, through the provinoee of At acama. The event haa attracted ennd rll of attention, and inspires the belief la the minds oi a great many persona in Chile of tha feasi bility of the construction ol a railway across the Andes a schema which William Wheelwright, Esq., has long had la contemplation. ' ' n - - ii. 1 ' Prairie Fowl for Long Island. ' A consignment of six brace of live' pinnated grouse or prairie fowl has been consigned to vaarice xi. t. uiivneau, esq , 01 Ibis Oily, and are destined for tbe plains of Long Island. They were caognt in nets near Peoria, Illinois, and were sent by Mr. 0. P. Seoor, ot that place, for propagation. After a passage of sir days tbs hens looked exceedingly bright. The cocks ahowed some signs of battle, and one of them was lying dead. This was tha remit of an males being confined together in their matins? .1 . p rcosuu, , muis wueu (oej are ai way a contend i log, even on the limitless nralrle. Th na iler sack of the moles, ooveriog eaoh side of the necs. is is uirae specimens lully distsnded, showing tbe bright saffron colors so well delin eated in Audubon's illustrations, i . , . r- Not mors than thirty years ago this bird was still living on Loog Island, and at the Urns Nsw tot k was a uutch ooiony they wer as plentl ful there as they now are at tha Wees. -. . ' An indiscriminate slaughter at all times of the year baa extirpated them, and an association ui geuuemeii di imseity are dow trying; to re pair t loss oreated by the want of lawa In this reepeot, or rather or their persistant violation It la tha evldenoe of a senile rural taste to en courage the breeding of ail kinds of birds, and one which will ultimately make the Island and our Central, Park vooal with tha whistle and call of birds that are now never aeen alive. DL1IN AltB riaVRED BLACK X DKBCg SILKS, of ver STd. the most select assortment In th city, aad at moat raasnnaol rates. " ' " " , , ,. w BAIN A SON, , saprili ! ' ' ' o. t9 Sooth Ulgh street., CTELLA SHAWLS! STELLA 9 SHAWLS II In all dseliabmeoinrs. and si vary )rU)' ,, H. South High street. NEW ARRIVALS J OF AT KNAPP Sc CO.'S. 119 South High Street, octS5-8awd-sAw-em WALL PAPERS I BEAUTIFUL, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! riva spniNG stock is tjivxsuaIj ua "rwa. 'in very lateM pattern from AMB RIOAN, BHOLISH and IRBJTOH laotorte. COLD PAPEBS AIYD BORDER. H income oold Paaanelll tm an. at nn-.. n ,, . , . . - " www. M. v . W WW Hnll fnimvl. MAiit , tin . - m . OOID AlD VELVET BOBDEHS, Freib and Hew Styles, at about half their former prices- SPLENDID AECOnATIO.tS ' For Chorch, Balls, Patters sod CslUnf s. SIDE LIGHT ft FIBE BOAUD PAPEBS All entirely new and splendid patterns, VC7 cheap. CO&.D AND PAIJTTED SHADES the latest and richest de.lfns, from S7. fo $150 neb. GOLD WINDOW COBNICES, And Cartala Bands, from SSi. to ts. i BOFF, BLUE - & ( HOLLANDS All widths and prtoes, sad warranted the best quality. WINDOW FIXTURES, all kind. COBD AND TASSELS, All varieties, cheap. . BEAUTIFUL PICTURES ft FRAE1ES To match for th decoration of yoar Boom?. Call and txsmln oar Stock before parchsiin. ' RANDALL & ASTON, xooaoxitttnieixGt. COLUMBUS, O. II. B. Landlords aad persona wishing qaantltle of Paper will mat money by baying of as. Ooantry Merchants and persons from abroad will do well to eU ana se us. lapm 1-dSmeod It. A A. TRAVELLERS! EN you to to New Tort , drive direct to the ajnAA'ssaiwNiAie housje, BBOABWAT, OOBNBB 0 H0TJ8T05 8TEIT, '. ' Condsctslonthj , ., flood Tar. Good Booms. Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate unarg-es. ,... ' BINOLB BOOMS 90 CIS. 75 CTS. and 1 PIE CAT. , .1 SOHBLI BOOMS and PABLO BS 1,J0 to 13, Meals ai ordered. This Hotel has all th snnolntments of th best hotels, a most oentral location, and la heated tbreotxoat by (team. BAJnCaL B. MBAD. imarohM3m . , , , Proprietor. ' . . Sheriff's Sale.., ' CmUos Jacebs , ) I i ' . va. I Oommoa Pleas.. : W. P. Miller stal. ) BT TIRTIlls OF A WHIT OF FI. FA. t m directed, from th Oonrt of Common Pleas of IranAII Ooanty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, on th farm occupied by W. P. At I. B. Miller, In Jaekso Township, so. ,,, , Monday, tha 15th day of April, A. V. 1861, all o'clock,?, M., the following property, te-wltr Ono bay mar, en sorrm bore, en mar colt, ene oelt, on two bars wagon, three me doab'o biraeee, eB head of hog, and the ndietded o-half Interest In a reaplns mauhis, levied on as the property ef W, P. A Mt miner. S. If. HTTFTMAIf, gherW, ' I By Bd. Darts, Pepaty spbiWh . Hi ni - gprll B-lOid. or V I-- PrUler'sfees, $5,M, Scrofula, or Kihs EviL is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated) weak, nnd poor. Being ta the circulation; It pervades tlie whole body, and may burst out r.l in disease on sny part of it.- No organ is tree from its attacks, nor is there one which it mry c not destroy. . Tho scrofulous taint Is iwiimsir''' ordered or unhealthy food, impure eirVaUtk t", nnd filthy habits, the depressing rices, vancLJ " above nil, by the venereal. infection., Whw ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the stitution, descending from parents to children" unto the third and fourth generation ;'.; Indeed, it seems to be the red of Him who eays, 1 will" visit the Iniquities Jof the fathers- upon'' their chadreB.w. .'-'r ' - -..-y,. ;,'e Iu effects commence by deposition gjromtha ' ' blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in. the lungs, liver, and internal Organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or eores , J'his foul cor ruption, which genders in tha blood, depresses, ,T tlie energies of liie, so that', tions hot only Suffer from scrofulous eotrr plaints, but they have far less power to with-'" ? stand the attacks of otlies diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish ' by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this unt in the '"J? system. Most of the consumption which de- . cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many ,. destructive diseases of the liver, kidnevs. brain: ' and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or . are aggravated by the same cause. IIi One quarter of all our neoDle are acrolulona i ,- their persons are invaded by tnhi lurking in-"" fection, and their health is undermined by it, To cleanse it from the system we must renovat fj the blood by an alterative medicine, and In- -vtgorato it by healthy food and exercise. buch a medicine wt supply ins - AYER'S i ... Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical ' skill of our times ean devise for this every- ; where nrevailincanrl fnfnl malalv - Tt ( anm't blned from the most active remeduals that have "" been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, end the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, auch as Eiwrrrrs) - 1 and Skim Dissases, St.-Awthoht's Pies, , Ross, or Ertsimlas, Piitrr.cs, Pustplis.u. Blotches, Blaihs and Bonji.ToiiOB, Tama ,,. ana salt kheuk, bCAXD head, iunowork, , Rheuhatisx, SrpiiiLiTic snd Mbrcurial Dis- ' kases, Dropsy, Dxspbpsia, DEBarrr, and, indeed, all Complaints arising thou Viiia- ted or Ivruna Blood. The popular belief '. in impurity of tlit blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The,. -particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa- . rilla is to purify and regenerate thia vital luid,"'f, without which sound health is impossible in ' contaminated constitutions. Ague Oure, V7 ' yoa tn speedv coaa 6f ,-, , ; ,- '-, IntermUteat Fewer, or Fewer salltse, .J,, Remittent Fewer, Chill Fawcr, Dnmtts ' Ague, Periodical Headache, r BUIras, nr Headache, and BUiou Fwr, ladaed for the whole claee of dleeae originate . lng In biliary- derangement, eed by th Malaria of 21 la email Coemtr , a. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints ' with certainty, i still perfectly harmless in any ' A quantity, tjucb a remeay is invaluable in districts c,J where tbese afflicting disorders prevail. Xhie , . "Cchb" expela the miasmatio poison of Favau " A!iD Aoub from the system, and prevents tbedoV velopmcnt of the disease, if takes on th first ap- ,,n proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only, tho best remedy ever yet discovered for this close ,"' of complaints, but also the cheapest' Tbe large' quantity we supply for a dollnr brings it within the - reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where ' 1 Fever and Aoub prevails, every body should, r have it and use it freely both for cure and protec---tion. A great superiority of this remedy ever any , , other ever discovered fur the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, eonseojuently it produces no ouiniem or ' i' other injurious etlects whatever upon the eontitu ., tion. Those cured by it are loft as healthy as if they had never had the disease. ' ' J' iv.--t Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence ef the miasmatio poison. A greet variety of disor- , dors arise from its Irritation, among which mre""': Keuralfia, lih$wnatiim, Gomt, ifrmfoc, BiuuU ri nest, 1 oothatho. Utracht. CatarrA. AatAnuu Po1t.- .. ffaOM, Pamfitl A fiction of tho Spltm, Button vi,i ict. Pain in th BoatU, Volte, Parmlgiit end Do- v rangemtnt of tho titommok, all of which, When ' ' onginaung in mis cause, put on the tntormitient " tupe, or become periodical. ""This ?Ctraa " expels the poison from the blood, and eeneeqnently cures I them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to , immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily ' . residing in the malarious districts. If taken cca-' sionally or daily while exposed to the rnfectionl", J that will be excreted from the system, and cannot, ,. accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis-' ' ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protect.,' . tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from InUr. -mittcnts if they avail themselves of th nrotaction this remedy affords.. " ' '.i '" Prepared by Sr. J. 0. ATS & CO.',' iowalf, kuS J p ' MOBSRTS m llMnil. .laakM. -J Til., d And by OrnggUts and Dealers vrywhru.. , , : ,,b , BOTv:iya.iww Uur Cough Ood. jtoarseeses. Jnjtu. . ma, an' iv Iritallm trSommaf fA ihroat Biker tho AwMm VauaK in 0onum4to. fraaAWMs, Am c IM, and Uatarrk, Clear ant giv ttrtngtA to t90r of e and SlNSiEittU , tew are aware of the Imporlanee of eVecrmg OeugST"' "Coainoo Oold" m iu nieari inai wnica tn ins 4(ti haglnnlng wonld yield to a mild remedy.' IT neglected, aoon track, the long ' "fwa's Brmckiat Ironft. .1 eoatainlKg demnloent Ingmllests. allay Pulmonary and . -i renchial imutlon. ..... BBOWH'Bl "That troabl la say Throat, (for whsth'5 the lrocAt sre a spectn j naTlsg mid aae - j IBOCBZS often a mere whiiiwrer.", . pi w. r. niLUS.-v: j BBQWN'S "I neemmcod their njo to pdbus StaaS- aA IBOOHIB , . BIT E CHAPI.r.,, mtTita nmred axtrenelr eervleeabla for BBOWSfS noABeeHVse."' '' m'tl . BEV. HEnBT WABo ICBCBEB. i,.. Almost Instant relief In the distrreelnr TB00HE3 labor of breathing temriar tr Avntwa." . BH0W1TS bbv. a. .17, sitfuiitsrun. u "OonUla-oo Oplcm or anything Injort TBOCItES one PB. A A. HAYES, - . - .- .-, Cttmui, MotUm . A ,.1 "A slmnle snd pleasant combination fcf BB0W5'S , t Oeweas, Ao.'t ' --i .4 vo T00BE9 BBOWK'S Beneflcial la BRlmrM.,,.jL..,i . - in!di 'I have proved them excellent for Wsumjp- r tioonsjl sBowirs io Oocon." ..... .... .JUEY. BtWi WABS SB , I ft, j , Motion. . "Beneficial whn eoerpelled tbeah af- ' TKOCniS BROWN'S ferlng from Com.": , , -j ItfiT. B. r. J. .nlln HDtn, ,ie v- e t JLvoUo A TROCHES' Xrrtcroal Io removlnf Hoarseness ad,. i BBOTTS'S Irritation of the Thr, at, so eonusoa wl'h' r SrsASaas and Btsoaaa." -V? TB00HB9 BBOWS Xeacher ef Mneic, loaihei loaihera r remal College taooHie a tt uQreat bsaedt wbes taken befor aad after i -preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness. From their peeteSeet, I thlak they will e efper-' "' BBOWK'S TBOOOIe, anvt advantsge to me." j , . , . Jfa air. . nuwbti. a. m., PnaldanS el A Omm Osiirg, teak, ' "i SSOWB'B TBOCHBSj ITTSold by all l)rarlt at TwBltTT' " 111 vatti eva'aji kfw BOBIBTSASAMCBL. r. .. w,frM 1 f.i B.B. SAUDl.m 00.." .if in I. vwvvr . ' D4 South High street. Oolamhes,0 Sraf7-!endlm ' i HENRT KIEULEU, flette of Phalee's Bstaellshmeet, B T..) Perletnr' th New York rashtoaable Shaving. Hair Cutting , ahamDOonlng, Curling aod Dresnn aelooo. Ext ciie sweea, over th Pot OAlaa. whera aaluhvtloa will he given in ail ui vanoue erwenei. wnro an , ' Children's Ualg D reeling doe In the best sty I. Jyti-diy