Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. TboAdama Express Company places U dailj under obligations to it for the very latest papers ,irm the eastern cine. -y',7 ; ,'k .;''' X - - i f ? The American ExpraM Company has our thank for its daily favor In the shape of the very latest eastern papers. ;.- .. '-. ' , Notice to SDJ0ipc9. CUy subscribers to tt,. 1W Slat ti man. who may chans their dwellings or places of business at this season of the year, are requested to notify our carriers, or leave word at our couutlogr-ooin, of the places at which they wiab- their papers left thereafter. " ' r - ' 'Council Proceedings. The ' City Council met last eveulr-g, and was called to order by the late Clerk. The following are the members holding overs . . ' Firet Ward, O. Doutyj Second Ward, A.' B. Battles; Third Ward, Theodore Corastock; 'Fourth Ward, Isaac Eberljj Fifth Ward, L. J. Metier. . Theodore Comstocc was called to the Chair, and the credentials of the members elect hand - ed to htm. The new members were then sworn into office by Mayor English. Tbolr names ares; First Ward, L. L. Smith; Second Ward, Luther Donaldson; Third Ward, A. O, Blalri Fourth .Ward. Horace Wilson; ' Fifth Ward, James Staurlng. LuTHia Donaldson was elected President of the new Council on the flrat ballot. , The bonds, with the oattiof office attached, of the several City Officer elect were presented and approved. These officers are: Wray Thomas, Major; J. J. Funston, Clerk; Samuel Thompson, Marshal; Wm. Armstrong, Treasurer; Francis Collins, Solicitor. -- Messrs. Doutt, Buttlis and Staoriko were appointed a Committee on rules for the govern mentof the Council for the ensuing year. A resolution was adopted requesting the Solic itor to report at the next meeting, whother the Council has any legal authority to elect or pro vide by ordinance for the election of a Mayor pro lm'. " ,","r'- " ' The claim of Tnos. Asbury, deceased, was referred to Meosr. Buttlis, Eberlt, Btadrino, and the Solicitor. The ordinance to grade and pave the side walks, gutters and crossings, and to grade and macadamize the roadway of High street from the north Hue of tho city to the north side of Mound street, was taken up, and, on motion, was refer red to a select committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Mslrr, Comstock and Dodtt. . . The ordinance empowering "the Columbus Railroad Company" to construct and operate a Street Passenger Railroad on High atreet, in tho city of Columbus, was taken up, read the third time and referred to a select committee of one Mr.. Buttles. . , Adjourned. The Concert Last Night. Notwithstanding the wet and disagreable weather last evening, the csncert of the Ctecilies-Verein at Armory Hall was well attended. The vocal and instru mental musio was alike charming and highly coonneaded. This association, the Cacilien Verein, embraces, wo learn, nearly fifty ladies and gentiemeo, some of whom have already es tablished a reputation as musical' performers. Tho general desire is for another Conoert by the company. A more favorable evening would doubtlojs insuro a crowded boose. Tm New Cirr Orriccss The certificates of election, theTjonda, and other credentials 'fit qualiGcatlon, of Jbe Mayor and the other vCity Officers elect were approved by the Council at tbelr meeting last eveuiug, and the new officers were thus duly inducted Into office. , We under stand that Mayor Thomas and Marshal Thom bom were busily engaged this forenoon In attend ing to the cases of some violators of city ordi- '" Mutual Lips In3urahcr CourANr' ot Nw ToRK.-rPartios baying policies in this company will take notice that Mr. Frederick J. Fat has been appointed agent for this city. This ia a very responsible company its assets now amount to nearly iteen million of dollar. All persons desiring to insure in a responsible office, will Add (t to their advantage to call on the agent. All the profits are divided among the Insured. - n . ,.. , UTA Diatriot Conveutiou of the Sabbath School Officers and Teachers of the Methodist Episcopal Churches of this city will bo held in the Town Street M. E. Church, to-morrow (Wed nesday), the 10th Inst., at ten o'clock A. M. All who feel an interest. In Sabbath Schools are urgently requested to attend. - O The bouse of Mr: Jamcs Wolcottod, the east side of the Scioto river, in Franklin town ship, was entered last Sunday night by borglais, who effected their entrance by raising a window. Tbey proceeded to Mr. Wolcott's bed-room, and, while he was asleep, rifled his pookets of two hundred dollars. " ' j ' MoCasi Bodnd Ovia The examination of the Policeman, Barnrt MoCabe, before Justice MIllir, on the charge of-an assault upon Rob est rNDioits, with Intent to kill, resulted yesterday in MoCabe's being bound over to an swer tho oharge at ttaa next term of the Court of Common Pleas. ,1 . " . , - STHonw Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, will lecture at Armory Hall, on Saturday and Monday evenings next, April 13th and 15th. As combining the orator and scholar " tn one, Mr. Everett Js the most distinguished man In America. O Two impottant measures are expected to oom'eTeioTe the CityConncif,' aFllie meeting next Monday evening, April nth-Mine. Is the ordinance relating to a Street Railroad; and the other Is the ordinance lor grading; paving and macadamising High street. - 07 At the present term, of the Court of Com. moa Pleas at Lancaster,', Miss Sarah C. Stolti obtained a rerdlot for six hundred dollars dam ages against Jacob Show alter for breach of marriage promise, J.. , . ; v ' t , O In the municipal election at Lancaster on the 1st lost all the Democratie candidates for" City and Township,' with an exception two, were elected.. Tho majority for the Demo ' cratio candidate for Mayor was 291. IT A movement Is said to be on foot to or ganise a new Temperance Lodge In this city to be called "The Good Templars ol the Capl maty.! ii i LCT There Is nothing more essential to a trft- velar's complete outfit, than one or more bottles . of Guernsey's Balm. It Is like taking family pbjilolaa with you on your Journey, Rail Road Time Table. Littls Miami Jc Ocumsot Xiwu R. H, " - Arrives. D.1SP. ate P.M. A. M 1.40 P. M. 1:30 A.M. Leaves. Aooommodatlon. 0.10 A. M. . No SB 8J0P.M. ,. t Night Express. .... A.M. ; OUVILARO, OoLOMlOS A OlHOIKKATI B. B. . Express and Mail 1.00 P.M.,' Might Express ML M. . Correal, Ohio B. B. ' Express Train ... 3.00 A. U Mall Train.. 9.40 t. M. PrrnaoaaB, Oouttao fc Cinctinun B. 1 Bxpreai Train.... ........ S:00A. M. Mail Train 0.40 P.M. Ootcwacs A Iirntawavous A. B. Columbus, Plqna A Indiana B. R.J . Express Train... .... SslOA M. 11:10A,M. Express Train 8:43 P.M. 8:10P.M. 1.30 A. SHOP. 8.30 P, M t:W P. Mi .Coughs. The sudden oh anees of onr ell mat are sources of Pulmonary , Bronchial and Asth matio Affections. Experience bavina proved ,!... . ! 1 - j . r. j.f KTri. taken" In the R "if Te disease, recourse should at once be had to 'brown't Bronchial Trochti." or Lozensea. let toe toia, iouko, or irriution or the Throat be ever so slight, as Dv this precaution a more e rious attack may be effectually warded off. runiio aoeaicers and Bineers will find them ef fectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. For sale wholesale and retail, by Roberts & Samuel, No. 24 North High street, S. Samuel Se Co., No. 85 South High street. Wood's Hair Restorative has acquired a reputation from actual test and experiment wnicn eannot do enbanoed by newspaper puBs. In our own vicinity it has been extensively used, Anil n holla, in w .... .uh uoiioto iu orerj nn win every utwirea i result, and receives the universal endorsement or an who have tried it. We therefore recom- mend it as one of those few genuine weitrome .l,i.h .,miit,. .it i r .it .v.l . .. . ... . w an(1 gray could desire Columbia Spy. i fLTWe congratulate our readers , noon the discovery of a cure for Rheumatism, Gout and I Neuralgia, and all Mercurial Diseases, whloh is effected without the use of internal medicines, kt.a. J .1 ...... . , . I nuiuu ucmroj uie consutution ana give tempo- rarv relief onlv. In fant It ( tha rali L-nn.n remedy effecting a perfect cure, and we fal u I, f.Am ll..,...,! t ..III I """""i -vuiu.ouui.huud, iu tailing the attention of the afflicted and those bavins- . . , . . . . friends suffering from Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia, or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to the advertisement in anpther column of our paper, of Dr. Leland's Antl-Rheumalio Band. eral pleasant remedy. We learn that there are laree quantities of it selling daily Morning Herald LCTR. KiRirATRicK, No. 165 South High Street, baa a very choice assortment of Gold and uver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, at prices to suit the times O" See advertisement nf Prof. Hair Invigorator In another column. uood we met one of our friends vesterdav on Broadway, and were astonished at the change I In his annearance. . A few weeks non a. I him, be was pale, lean and dejected i complain I ins; of weakness and debility, having been so afflicted all summer. Now he spnesra to be fat. healtbv and strong-. We learn ha awed hia a. I toration entirely to McLean 's Strengthening I Cordial. I We advise all who are complaining of Gen- vcoiiity to try it; it la certainly a very Miller's THE MUTUAL BENEFIT IEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NowarlL, 33T. eT. OiTldendJannarr l18Blt4SPerCeBt. A8SBIS , tllSJSS SO. StjiteDaent January it J881. Baltore, perateteeMnt Jan. let, 1800 93,408,58? 39 wni ior rremiume our- . , Id the tear lt0 R7C3 053 55 Beceived for Interest durlni . the year 1660 ,. 814,014 19 Total reeelDlt for 1RG0..'..a977.0fl7 74 ' Paid Olaima by Datb,267,050 00 Paid Policies lurren dered 41.111 SO Paid Salaries, Po,t- . . . , . , ...... age. Taxes, Bx- chante. etc 31.020 54 Paid Oommiulons to Agents 51,3.5 30 Paid Phyaldant' reel. 5,868 75 Paid Annuities 1,517 00 Paid Dividends dur ing the jeer 100,500 75 5C5,091 03 411,070 14 Net Balance January lit. 1801.. f;3,819.,558 50 :. ..... ASSETS.- , .i Caen on hand ft6.C38t 19 Ifonda end Mortgagee on Rfil . , ,,. sttaie, worm double the , . amount loaned 2 327.841 C8 - Premium Motes, on Policies in force, only drawing Oner . cent. Interest. 1.S7TI.8C4 17 ..... . Beal Kitaie W),b3 7 LoansonScrip ,5,031 44 . , Premlums,MotesandOssh, in . courae ol tranimlnlon.... , 45.343 75, or the in to Total Assets. 30312,530 50 ,575 Policies In force, Insuring 9420a038 1,435 new Policies have been Issued during the year. After a careful calculation of the nreaent value of the outstanding Policies of the Company, and bating the newsaciry amount In reserve therefor, the Directors bare declared a Vivinenn of 45 per cent, on the Premi ums paid at the table rates, to all policies for lire In force, iMued prior to January 1, 1800, payable according to the present rule of the Company, Katrsfor all kinds of Life Contingencies, Prospect uses, Statements, and Applications, will be furnlihrd without coiaas, at the Ollice or Agencies of tbe Com pany. . , ROBT. I. PATTERSON, President. L. 0. 0 ROVER. Vice President. BKNJ. 0. MILLER, Secretary. 11. K. HGESOTV, Agent, -No. 4 Johneon Block. MarchS8,1801.; -i.-Iv y.j.; Columbus, 0. RE AT CURE, DR. LELAND'S v ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, ' , Gout , and , Neuralgia, ... AND A BUB1GCBB fOR . All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waiat, without Injury to tbe moat delicate personal ao caanie in natnte ol, living Is required, and it entirely removes tbe dia ease from tbe system, without producing the Injurious effects arising from the uae of powerful internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and live temporary relief only. By una treatment, me med icinal properUea contained la the Band acme In contact witn tne blood end reach tne diseaee, tnrougn tne pores of the skin, effecting In every instance a perfeot core, and reatorina tbe parts afflicted to a healthy condition. Ibis Band Is also a mostpowerful Arm-Maaccaui, agent, and will enUrely relieve the aystem from tfaejMrnictotM effeots of Mercury. Uoderate cases ere eurrdlnafew days, arid we are constantly receiving testimonials of IIS smoacy in ansravniea cuee or long sunning. Prici S'i.OO, to belied of Dregglet generally, or ean be sent by mail or ezpraea; with full directions for uae. ts any part of tbe country, eireot from tbe Principal. Ho. 409 BBOADWAY,. Hew York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. K. B. Descriptive Circulars . , O Affenfa Wanted Everywhere. ahS8-lylsorlsrp.dSLW . "' .V- ' aUVMTISBMIMT. - . " for the INSTAin UU11 acdPlHMANINTOUEiofth dlitreaatng eomplalnt BSC ,L - JEN DTSJ ' ' BBOHCHIAL GIQABSTTX8, Made by 0- B. BBTMOUB at 00., 107 Staaaai St., X. T rnoe i per pozi sea. one ny post. . tOB 8 A LI AX ill I1D0IIII mayS-dfcwlyti ' " TRKAIDET DIPABTatBNT Of OHIO,) : ;I . . .. ,, . ooLoaaua, April t, MSM. ( -' Savina I3ank. of Ctntilnnatl. A l PERsofrs trnr.ntiva the cih V. culatini Notea Of the Rm-alnn Wank of OlnolnBati will present the aame at ibis offloe for redemption, where they will be paid la fall. , aprtdlm - - A. .STON,treasrerolStaU. ' a t' itAve t b AcKEt or ctsoioB farm X 1N1 LAN B, one nail miieirom ihit city, torrent, If appnoauon ie mmum awu. nv. mi noria ji-gri -etreet, Oolumbat, tprlW:dlw 0, S. IkUlbM, TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From New York. . New York, April 8. The Illftois has Uktn On board 2.000 hbll. imnrtnl atwax. SMI n.a.a muskets, a large" quantity of ammunition, and two narks of artillery: wlrk 1 Iipm nnmhiw gun earriages, and $70,000 in specie. . She sails In the mornina;. The Pott' Washington dispatch states that uenerai book continues bis active personal su pervision 01 me mllitarv there, which la con sidered sufficient to nroteot tha citv. n.i . . . 1 ot guurcs around the (Japitol and publio buildiniri h.wA hn rinnhixt nH .rm.H , o,. teeth, The Pott quotes a nrlvate letter from Charles. ton which states that Andersen intends to re- tort on the Charlestonlans stopping; his supplies tor by w'ater Vh The CbmnMreioft Wasbloeton dispatch savs Lieutenant Talbot left for Sumter to-day, with to Anderson, and will nndoubtedlv be re-admitted to the fort, although stringent regulations have been adopted bv the secession. lata. riinnttl to.,' have been transported to-day from Gov- emor's Island to the steamship Battle, Including 100 eun oarriases for lartra Columblnda. mark. ed Fort Pickens. She sailed at seven o'clock this evening. ntw x ork, April . The Herald'g Washing ton correspondent states that the Government is aetermined to keep Anderson in Sumter, and ,UPI"7 n,m witn provisions tormwittt. a pwou oi we uses will reaon unariesiou in.- Tnwln.fa, ihak There is no desire to put additional men In lDo tort, unles3 resistance is . offered to the at ,arni?.1? MPP. The fleet will not approach Charleston with " win not uushio intent, nut suoniv vessels s-o nre to reply promptly to any reslsUuce of a war-iiae cnaracter, onerea to proach to the fort. CP'- Talbot carried Instructions to this effect nde.rson' itnJ10fde, to Pen bis btteriei ReoruitW la fMt wnin., n r.,i .t i..f en nnn ...B. "O" T " I u,uuu volunteers win be ottered lrom tho free States in a few dais. L,.G!r:.I,8.Iin!',on'of Ohio, pledge, the support of II I AS ntSIS trt m JM rVami ertnllaw n 7. ... . . V""J IB.uru. UUIUO immeuiateiy to execute bis pledge. The moment the President has official knn.l. .1., ,l , . .. . r. i 7 T, '?J fit any blow has been sttuck, he will issue " 71 Vn. " rJt'r"a3 Mew York. April 9. The rimrt correspond ent reiterates that an attempt will be made to provision Sumter, by an armed vessel. If the secessionists fire on her, the? Will Initiate what- er "ouoie ioiiows. . v01, Sumner and Capt. Briton have been or dered to the Pacific. . 'etter t0 'to N. Y. Timet, from on board 4 Brooklyn, says the Commander of Fort Taylor, at Key West, compelled the inhabitants to haul down the Confederate States flair, with tDe Pllte intimation that two different national! ties could not rule the same place. The rumor ' toa Brooklyn landed men at Ft. Pickens l"""" untrue, From Washington. Commissioners, officially. Washington, April 8. The State Depart ment replied to day to the note of the Southern declining to receive them The Secretary expressed a peaceful policy on the part of the Sovernment, declaring the purpose to defend oaly when attacked. This reply requires the continuation of the correspondence. It Is thought the Commissioners will not leave lor some days. Washinoton, April o. However much the reports of a Southern desin on Washington mav be discredited, it is asserted that officers, high authority, are taking precautionary measures for the safety of the Capital. The anxiety to bear trom Sumter and other Southern points, where conflicts are apprehended, is Intense. Alex. Duval bas been appointed Collector at Richmond, Va. The following appointments were made to-day: Wm. L. Adams, Collector at Astoria, Oregon; Harrison B. Brand, of Mis souri, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Central Superintendence, at St. Louis. Washinoton, April . A letter from Rich mood says: Major McColloob left last Wednes day for New Orleans. it it ly his Pennsylvania for the War Path. Harrissdrg, April 8. Gov. Curtln will send message to the Legislature to-morrow, re commending an appropriation of $S, 000,000 for the purchase of munitions of war. The message takes the ground that as our people, so long peaoeful, have lost the military habits necessary amid the disturbed condition of the surrounding States, they should begin to prepare the means of self-preservation, and It ia the duty of the State assist in the enforcement of the national laws. ., 1 , : ; The Republicans will bold a caucus on this subject to-morrow. ' Ice State Treasurer declares thai the appro priation must be raised by a loan. In the Legislature to-day, steps were taken for the postponement ol the time of adjourn ment, lor the consideration of this subject. to 4th Exodus of Fugitive Slaves from Illinois—A Republican U. S. Marshal Working Wonders. Chicaqo. April 8. One hundred and six fu gitive slaves left this city last night for Canada. ia the Michigan ooutnern naiiroaa. ii is es mated that over a thousand fugitives have ar rived in this city since last fall, most ol whom ave left since tbe recent arrest ot nve by the .8. Marshal. Detroit, April 8. About three hundred In citive slaves, principally from Illinois, passed into uaoaoa at mis point since Saturday, ana a large number are reported on the way. . Many are entirely destitute, and much suffering Is an ticipated, notwithstanding cnorta are made tor their relief. . ing to-day, to Virginia Convention. Richmond, April 8 In tbe Convention to-day Meiers. Scott and Tt eadway, Conservatives, da olared that If tbe President's response was un favorable tbey would go lor secession, me movements ot fleets were frequently alluded to. The ground was assumed that Virginia, having indicated her policy to be against secession, bas right to know what those movements mean, t The Unionists and some Conservatives op- nosed the adoption of Preston's resolution; The Preamble and resolution were aaopteaoj to 5. Gov. Wise voted no. Botland - Preston, Conservative! Alex. H. Stewart, Union, and Geo. Wi Randolph, Secessionist, were appoint ed Commissioners to wait on the President, and trill leave to morrow morning. in From Charleston. Chailiston. Anril 8. Msior Anderson's mall bas not been stopped only his supplies. Geo. Beauregard bas ordered out 5,000 troops Companies are constantly arriving and being put in position, new natteries are atso Doing oonstructed. .-; .. - Special dispatch to tha New York Times. Vessels have been ordered out ol ranee of Sumter and Sullivan's Island. The floating battery sailed this evening to a point near oumter. ...v - r Business suspended, and the excitement fear ' 'u i ii ii i.e.i'l i i . , Pinsaoola, April 8th .-The meehanlos at the Warrington navy x ara are neooming aissat s Sad. oa aeoount of the Bon-payment of wanes. . ' : - - . . A private telegram . trom rort jacnon says that a war steamer, diseulsedpassed'tbe month of tha Mississippi yesterday afternoon, and came within reach ol the guns or tne rort. one was reoonnoiterln about until near morning, and then proceeded to sea. . , j MotrraoMgRT, April 8. The Cabinet has been In session all day, and something serious is an ticipated to be on the tapis. Important news is expected here from the Confederate States Commissioners at Washington. . ' LooisviLLR, April 8. The following is tbe full vnte for. Mavor, at theeleelloo en Saturday. Dalnh: Working: Men's Union ticket, 4,163; Crawford, Uaion, 1,487 Gillian, Southern Rights. b99i Krlel, Independent, 109; Devan, nltr aeoesslonlst, 43. . tT.,.ftar,: Anil 8 At the election to-day the Democrats carried tbe entire city ticket by frOOmajorl.y. " Further Foreign News by the Canada. . I P landing the malls at New Foundland every rlTOTin. . negotiations are being made with the Oieat Portiawd, April 8 Great BaiTAin It Is officially stated that Prince Albert will visit Canada this year about the month of June. I The adjourned meeting of the Gl way Steam ship Company was held In London on the 27 th alt. -j The Directors were authorlxsd to raise an additional 600,000 at 7 per cent. Tbey pro Eastern to convey to New York 1,200 German emigrants bound to (be iiuormon territory The London building strike threatened to assume formidable dimensions. Urea, con tractors had determined to close their yards if the men continued to refuse their oners, thus throwing some 45.000 mea out of employment. reparations were matin io import laoorers trom Belgium, where wages were tower man in England. .... . . RT- Dt- Cheever had been lecturing in Liver i-l b. question of Slavery and the Amerl The'rinva' Paris Correspondent says that Gw- Gnyon bad been authorised to make con instructions I tractn for the French army at Rome for six months longer. .,- -,;,, The Paris journals have received permission i to puniisn toe rope e auoounon. Paris Bourse closed at B7t 'Jlo. The rumor that Austria intended aggressions Piedmont, and mat me trench move meots are in response, is tronounced false Italy. In the Chamber of Deputies, several speakers on the left proposed the simple proc lamation of Rome as the Capital of Italy, and foalllng on Napoleon to withdraw bis troops. It it reported that some disturbance took place at Warsaw, but nothing serious occurred. 1 be present regulations lor public Instruction In Poland are abolished . A special commission for public worship and instruction Is appointed. A council of State is to be appointed, composed of the members of (Da 'rs"7i high dignitaries and the most did unguiBnea persons in roiana. The right of petition to the National Govern ment is granted. Tvrrbv. A scheme of a forced loan is pub- nsned. It was stated that there was to bn another Turkish loan, guaranteed by France, for com pliance with French views iuSvria mi.. . ..." j China telegrams report teas advancing, but areauu at uanton. LATEST VIA LONDONDERRY. utu, ociwee ids Auaiuans ana rieamontese. victor mnuel ii said to have written to Prince Napoleon of an attack, and urging him to repre- London, March 29 The Timet' Paris corres pondent writes that hostilities appear ' immi nent betwee the Austriacs and Piedmontese sent matters to tbe Emceror in their true lleht Turin .In the Chamber of Deputies, Slgnor vneeves spoKe against tbe trans er ol tbe (Jamtal of tbe kingdom of Italy to Rome. Count Cavour urged that Rome should be immediately declared tbe Canltal of Italv. A transfer will take place in consequence of tne law adopted by tbe Chamber without any uieiuroance. ine time win be nxea Dy law. ,1 v. S4 mi SI Arrival of the Persia. York, April 9. The Persia has arriv ed. Markets unchanged. Warlike rnmors coo tinned in Italy and Denmark. The Persia brines 57.000 la soecio. ' ' Lord Palmerston, in a speech, to his constitu ents, alluded to tbe American crisis, expressing me fervent nope, wnaierertoe adjustment, teat mignt do arrived at Dy peaceful means. The Paris Bourse elosed firmer 67f. 80o. Tbe concentration of Austrian troops lo Ve oetla attracted considerable attention, although was areerted that the movements were nure defensive. italt. Cavour reiterated tbe ureent neces sity for declaring Rome the capital of Italy, and guaranteeing the Pope's liberty and inde pendence In spiritual powers, Resolutions to this effect, and hoplctr for non-interference bv France, were adepted Tbe Emperor of Austria sanctioned the po litical reorencizition ol Transylvania, and its restoration to Its former standing. , A I I Last LATEST. London, Sunday. The Odinione of Turin says the Sardinian Ambassador at London bad received notification from the British Govern ment that he would be reoeived as Minister of tbe Kingdom of 'taly. Switserland bad'eiven the same notification. , .' v- The Bishop of Poictiers. condemned bv tbe Council of State, was formally reprimanded for late mandement on tbe Roman question. Tbe Pontifical gen d'armes. at Conerno. Viterbo, are said to have treacherously at the citizens, three of whom were killed. Indignation was general, and the people were signing addresses to Napoleon for protection. It ie said that ou.uuu Austrian troops are in movement in Venetla. Tbe Porte Is said to have refused to submit the powers before the promulgation of tbe reforms it intends to grant, apprehending that Kutsi mignt again tans op tbe project or a per manent conference at - Constantinople. The Powers insisted on compliance with their de mand. The Bank of England's soecie had increased 154,000. i .. t New Oruans, April 8 The steamer Gen. Miramoo has arrived with Havana advices to Inst. Sugars dull at C4 reals; stock on hand 280,01)0 boxes; exports 18,250 boxes; re ceipts 345,000 boxes; sterling exchange llOi us; eicDange on new x ork per cent, premium. rrlnce Allred was expected to arrive at Ha vana on tbe 15th Inst. - .. Three more war vessels sailed for St Domln. goon the 30th ult. ", , Pittsdurch, April 8. An enthusiastic meet of the business men of Pittsburgh was held in regard to tha currency, - Tbe whole sale and retail trade were) fully represented. Tbe strongest determination wart manifested not receive depreciated money, except at brokers' rates.' Missouri and Virginia paper Is four per cent, discount. ' - r - . -t BoFfALO. N. Y., April 9. Two propellers, of N. Y. C. line, which left here on Saturday night, are understood to have succeeded in get ting tnrougn toe toe. . two more or tne aame line leave this evening. There is now a pros pect of the immediate reopening of .navigation. r , Was State ' ' the S100 by Great Fire at Hickman, Ky. Hicrman, April business portion of the town was burned on Saturday night. ' $125,000; insured $7,000. Loss Bank Statement. Niw York, April 8. Increase In loan $1,- 343,063; Increase In specie $499,094; Increase circulation $487, 338; inorease In deposits $1,7110, 131. ' . and Norfolk, Va , April 8, The Pawnee tails for the South with sealed orders. It stated bere that she landed 250 troops at Fort Monroe last nigni. r Nr York. Anril 9. The Persia's nasssee was made In 9 days and 10 hours, stated be tbe shortest ever made westward. - FIR9T ' - . 0PEtK6 OF-THE $EA$0 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT P. ROSE'S. IAOAtlf OFFER TO TIIF, PUBLIC 'an entire new stock of Goods in my line, JuaS purch ased In Hew York at tbe cheapest panic rates ,all bt which I ebadl sell at the smallest promt, ior vaan. ajycuitom ers and friends are respectfully Invited to call and exam ine my Goods and Prices, at I am determined to tell as i.aan ar ehtaner than any other bouse In the city: and asldomy ownOutttng, and superintend my own huil- neet, I reel tetureo,. rout my long expenence in nun neat, to give general aatlifactlon. The flneat of work men are employed, and all work done strictly to time and on abort notice, ana warrauuu id nt. , nirangeri vitiuni oureity wonldeonsult their Intereit by giving me a call before purcbaeing tlaevhero. , f. KUHB, j , nercnant lauor, marchxO dly " Cor IHgh and Town tit. : : It Notice. T' ne scBscmnEn 'abe" eib. out ofeloeingnp thtlrold bntinett, acd hops that all persons knowing tlitmtelvet Indebted to them, either by note or book. At, will give the matter their Immediate attention. . , T1108- WALKER tt HON. , April i, lmo-d.w. ; ; . , . - t WAKTBD.-AnP.NTrl TO SELL nackaata of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at nrtce one-tiilrd lets than ean be purohaeed elsewhere ' Call oa er anureaa veiamp vqqiomuj e. b. nnxum i,ha IU Court St., Boston, Mats. march a&oUas. -TTAVIWO THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] YORK, April 9. ILOrB-reeelpli of I5r7lbhl. Mirtrt kuvjr and M low.r; Mletof 4,000 Uiuat S 15x45 35 fnriuporflo Blate; 5 W&S 40 foraira lltate; $i 25 for taper floe wenlcini 85 3U.4i so for (ommon to medium extra westerm 8.'00S 63 lor ahipplDi brand extra Bound Iloop Ohio. Venadlxn flour dull and lower, sales of tOoM.le. t53!S(7. . KYB VLoCB-eteadr 3 3J34 10 fcr tommon to obolce superfine. ' WHEAT renlnte nrl OMhn.h. - M.rk.t lian enil a ihade lower.mlre of 65 0110 bnhtl,7 for Keolna prinK; tll130 for Milwaukee elob 1 S2 for em ber Iowa; a 1 J7 i37 winior rd weetern; 1 42J01 00 ur c.iuiBisa wnus wcttern; S t 41 for white Canada. ,. RYBettAdv attorn , ,. r- NARI,KY-qaletatee97Bsl ' -" CORN rcn-inla of A7 379 hn.h- m..Ll hira IAD, lower; ealei of 50,000 buih At C&SOTe for old mixed wettern deliveted: in, dn .(l..t ..rf delivered. - . . OATS firm at 33X3Jo for weetern Oanadian and Slate. POBK aulet end etndsi iiIm mt 17 nunt1 01 r men, e)i (jievij ior prime... . BKMP naletend nnchumeJ. !. OUT UK ATS quiet. LARD ttudv: ulMl fW 800 hhla 10inv bUTTKR lo hlr requut at JOSI4o for Ohio and 14(3 m j iur euiie. - CI1KEHB tteedr at 7&103. for common to prime! BUOAR8 hir ui-tlnn: i:W hhrfa mnIA mt AlttSL'. WOLABaKb-by auotion: Mil bbl New OrJeaoa sold at 9530Se euh ane OU deje. . , OoffltK no oliange to report, ulet 400 btf rloat WHISKY without mater III change; ules of 530 bbU HTOuKS-dull and lower, but cloeed itroniterat the decline. In Money and Exchange there li nololng new. ObJcawO At Hock Iiland fit: Ohle . Bn.l. At Onlnn noi 8'e99; 0. ATol.3019, Otl. StOhlo. 08.V; III. 0. K lip 73; M. H. 14K,do quoted Sift; M. 0. tH; Pao. Hail i n. i. u. a; r.riem; una. V); Marl. J ii.ldo. pref. 30 US; Bemdlog 38; Panama 110; Hannibal ec 81. Joe. 47; III, 0. nooda 83; H. 8. Sd bonds 61; Harl. lit bonds iui, urnoaiin water loan iu:iv: Ma. u' cn: n. a ib i-; va. 7Xi-x; t. B.Si, of W, 81. Cleveland Market. April 8. no qurnceailde from local transaction!. WHUAT demand not ao good. Sale of a car red at ui; ana a ear red rrom store at SI 05. CORN dullat34o. OAT8 aale ol two cars on track at 24c. BBKDB sales of iKbutb clover at 14 00. dull at S3 62. UIQUWINJiid-salesorSOObblsat 15o,and 100 do at me aame. flAtlS AND RnOTJLSERS aale of 20(10 R,aeonntr. cured Hans and Bbouldere, badly trimmed, at 9c. BUTT f at dull. Mo tranaaotlons reported. New is oeginnin to come ronrard and iain demank at 14 15c for good to choice. JCdUS quiet at BM(28o. Hales of 3 bbla at latter quouuiODB. CUKK9K tales of 600 i,t Weitern Seierre at BJic. CuHN MEAL aale of a ton at SIS. Tlmnlh. 1. Tlmolhyit Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Monday Evening, April 8, 1861. fLOUR ll very heavy anil nn nnnia .r in i. ti l. A- . . . .. r . w w . uMjruia uuonng vi-j, ana pernsps get ting It, thoiiuh none are reported; extras range from ii U S4 73, VSailV R4 85 to .',. Tha nriraa nnnt.rf inn aaie laai year, were S3 45(01 SO for auueriloe WHS AT will nit comm-nd ovor 08c for ml from nn. ocai Dnyere, nu. is held at VI; white, SI 001 1U. The pncea quoiea ai ine eorreapomllng period laat year Were 201 S3 fur red ai as fn. whi,.. CORN la more easily bouaht than aold at 13 1 for ear. , uruer. uie auppiy noi oeinK large. AI tULS dale seaeon we quoted It at 45c for ear. OAIrJ ere lower, though there were a number of aalea made at the reduction. We quote at 25Xc. Both re ceipts and shipments are considerably larger than last seaeon to the same dale, vt this time last year the were quoted at 40o. BARLEY meets with scarcely any request; 05c. Is tbout the best the best Oa-uro that bnvara are dliooied In for premium fail. Sellers do not offer it freely. this date laat sea-on w quoted 00395. K is still neglected, though sellers will not offer at the present figure. 55c We ouoted at thia date laityearfl. WHISKY drooped He. to-dty, and wm dull at 13. year at this date it aold at Ifc tHn. On. AnriL Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, April 9. Vtona nnshanved. . Wbiat aleadv. red R1.3Q. 1,51381.55. Corn dull, salea 2.000 bush new yenow ai uutgioxc. l.iBn HKSlllHo. ntat foSK vbmkv declined klo. sales at 17 18c. NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NRWABK OniO, - - iriannlnclnrere ef all klnda of Por table and Ntationary stteam En rioea, naw Ullllai, Urlat 11 tile, . " - eVCaf cVCa - - LAMIA BODLHrBeaUml JT. ot t. BLAXD TBeattnl J. tJ. JI. DUVAIL Beaten IU COLVMBCS MAcniNS CO. Beatenlltl BRADFORD ' CO. Beaten! lilt . . , Onr Portable Engine and Saw Hill awanled the first premium of S50 at the Indiana Fair for 1CC0 over Lane At Bodley's ea acconntef Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of -.lumber sawed. Our Stationary Engine was awarded at the same- Fair Brat premium of t'JOO Our Fortalile Knglne was awarded the firet prrmlura of at the Fair at Alemphia, lenn.jover Blandy's Du varl's, Columbua Machine Oo's., and Bradford at Go's.. a committee of practical Railroad Engineer!. yor price ana rermt aoareta 1 . .. , W1LLARD WARNKR, Treasurer, : dec5 dfcwljeots. , . . . Newark, Oblo! ' G - - ...... la In of i, ! hair an ue the the mail PBICIS BBDTJCKD . , . from the New kerk Observer. 1 Aa all parties manufacturing Sewing Machines are ob liged lo pur Mr. Howe a license on each machine sold, are a to compelled to make returns to him, under oath, as to the number told, hit books give a correct itate ment. Trom this reliable source we have obtained tbe fnlluwlng slatlitlet. Of the machines made In the year 1839, there were sold, By Wheeler k. Wilton..,...!.. .81.3(15 , . " I. H. ginger ft Oo .0,953 Orover Baker ,.. .....10b f howlng the sales of Wheeler Ac Wilton to be dovble those of any other Company." . , . . , Awarded the highest premiums at tht ' United Statea fairs of 1BS, I8j and 1SC0; : ' alto at the " Ohio State Pairs of 1859 and lflMf - and at nearly all tbe County Pairs In the State. Our prices, al the late red notion, are at iote a any locJt Hick machine now sold, and bat a tilde higher than tbe Interior Sue) Inroad otac tHcA SMcAifwt, now fnrnti trnon the market'" ' - c - The WHEELEtl fc WILSON MA0BIN1 makes tbe Locx Btioh the only ene whloh cannot be raveled. It auii on Bora Binteof the goods, leaving no rdgo or rXjtlntmthA under. tide. Alt macMntt warranted t years, and tnttruetton given la tbelr net, free of ebane. , .. . B. OUAKV.dt High St., Oolumbat, 0. Wat. gUMNBH CO- tVoV9twd3msawoai Pike's Opera Uonae, Cincinnati. full-powered by Watches ! Diamonds !! Silyer Ware !!! A CBOIOB AtOHTmtF.MT OF VOLS aCIl and Bllver Watcnes, in great variety. I am Aeent for the AMxaieati Witch On . and esi tell thee ixcel.eet Watches at saaaufactaicn' prices, either Wholesale or Retail. ' r,.m anil nhonaa from an beautiful Sltmav nf via. mondt and other rich Jewelry. Stylet ne w prleae low, At to Silver Ware ef tterilng quality, I caaehow new natlarna. varv hanrisoma ' ' Bllver Plated.Ware, Tea Setts, Urn, Waiters, Oastors, Baakata. Pitchers. Goblets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ito. Then I bar a supply of floe fable Cutlery, Pocket Knives. Raters. Ate, and many Fancy Soedt etna as ar dedred for pmemttet such price as are an Induce ment to tne purcnaeer. ; n. aumn, no, iu nocaeye Diocx, rotKIl ' Worth side Btate Hoe eo,aare; - Tall - DAT "00 OFJTS XlStock efGroeerlee to Mr G. S. SEMIND, we cheer fully re commend blm to our old patrent ana irtenas. ' . ... THOS. WALKER At SOK. OolumW, ttanb 30th, lbt)l.-pl-dtr. ' - Til PEOF. WOOD'S una T17B COSJIttl AND BLOOD RENOVATOR k.f Ie preoleely what IU name Indleataa. r. -... bleamot to the Uite, U la revlvlbt . .h'a.l ioR. inylitoratlng and atrenithenioe ta ih. bowers, and at the lame time let IvlBea. i.l. itatei, and renewe the Blood in all III purity ana thua at once rtttoru and rtntUrt t.'ie tyttem in winerabU to attaekt oditeai. It ia the only preparation ever ottered to the world, aa i,.il cany anu annually comnneo a to be the mml v 'wenm Kiuio. ua ai me eame time ao perrVctly idapled to, ai to act in perfeot accordance with Uk wa m nature, ana nence win mnnth j,Mn.,i..n "" up me aigeitive onaiis, and u.HvaiiHjw,, ucr.uua hi oiner irritation. 1( , periectly txhilaralini.and at the i:... i i.I r"!1" ui,r,y ui yrseiauiee, yet ao coniMned, ui pruuuoB u uiirougn tonic 3ct, with out nri.Huplni. lfii.,pW,n. - n '""I! t io m a uetmeratum in ie medical worl-l, furltneede no medical iliii ... inBiuouiluy iuiiuwi all att&CKI of d taM . proceeils and indeed lajt the ayatrm open to the Alnaldioai attack! of many of the moit fatal, luch, iuiiowihk; uoniumiwon, Jo dlfeetion, Byepepela, Loas of Appetite, Faintneei. irniarjimy.neurmiiria. Palpitation of the J out a n .he ee Li U Heart, Melancholy, Nlrht BweaU. Languor, Qlddi-i 8 nest, Retention of, as well aa Painful nhatmi. too profuse, or too scant Menstruation, and Pall ing of the Womb. There all denecdanona.-J debility. This pare, healthy, tonic Cordial and Blood Renovator It as sure to cure at the sun tn rite and set. There Ii no mistake about It. h..i III hia Ie nnt all. If ia i. i iW . ... . ia .wmkh, w c are iueu looiiiuuaaiurii. me liver hernmn, i,u it Worse dlieilKd. the kitlneva refnaa tn ! heir functions, and we are troubled with tcaldioir and incontinence of nrln. n l.,ww,, a.. charge of the tame, pain lo the beck, tide and be tween the thouldert, exeeedlntly liable to ellght -iiv. uuv-ncaeu, toon emaciation rnllOKra. anrl lh mat ant mnmm A . . f - Kuvn 'IU1U lu A nr.m,mH a. grave. But tpace will not allow nt to enumerate fl the many lilt to which ve are liable In a weakened V "ul we win aay, In this Cordial and Blood Renovator inn h. I safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for loss nf Biiioatneti, flatulence, weak and tick H(8iomacn,lngnor, Liver Complaint. Chilli and ifever, or any Billooi attack, Oottlvenets, Acidltvl Ol tM Htnniph. N.mtiiMAM lu , ..i- n . , . ) -"--;--" "."- Hwunat raipita.'. . Hon of the Heart, Ceprestioo of Spirits, 8oTee.jT1 Pimples on tbe Face, er aay dissaae arising from if impure blood, turh IB Snmrnla. . n a , ' " " nreauiing, ana ail Uiat1, , lA olasa of d iseatet called female weakness, and H y puumerauu aoove. we will also aay the traveler M r v - 'H"m10 cnange or climate and waH fcr, will find it a pleasant, tale and sure remedy,! avnil nana sihnitl.l a i . . ' , 7 ,7 . wa.vci wiuiout. tvesuie H 0 irtH ry it, forwe'awure von von win nri i u . -...J Indeed. aawallaaafrlenri in , 1 1 J ttdentary habitt will find Itanerfent m.MiA as well at cure for Ihoneallmentt to which they are U particularly exposed. Uencemlnlaura.atndn. ., torneys, literary gentlemen ,snd ladies who are not J tocuatomed to much outdoor exercise, will find It to their advantage lo keen a bottle rnnar.intl Ant i bDd; and, above all. mo thaw, nr tham h.. J uch; will go through that most dannroai ptrlod k not onlv wth all their accmtnmsri hn, U? safe &nd ft am fmm th ihr,i.e.n.i .iw.e. - u iH,ituii saniuviiiB paj jjjxT' Oalent among tbe female portion of tbe world. InlJ iihort, It ia indeed a mother's cordial. Try It. oldiT and jounir: no loneer run the ti.k nt 1, -nil relieve and nrove itaetf irjhatinii 'A tiv6 Cordial and Mood Renovator. i u.J. woou, proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street. St. Lnnl. tin. U sold by R0BKRT8 Ac SAMUEL, Columbus. Ohlo.lUJ r- and all good per Bottle. Xiruggltta: Price One Dollar! march.8-datwtowly t DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAK'S CELEBBATED StimnlatingOngncnt, For the Whiskers and Hair The subscribers take pleasure In announcing o the Oltlsens of tbe United States, that they have obtained the Agency ior, ana are now enabled to otter to the American publio, the above juttly celebrated and world-renowned article. The STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Dr. 0. P. BELLINQTIAM, tn eminent pnyticiaa or LonUon.tnd ii warranted to bring out a 4 Whiskers era Mnstache from three to six weeks. This article It the only ene the kind used by the 1 rench, and in London and Paris ia in universal use. It it a beautiful, economical, aoothinir. vet atlmnlatlna- compound, actine- at if bv mazic nDon the rnota. amiin abeautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the tralp, It will cure iiLnatra, and oause to spring up In ui uie uaiu aioui a nne growin ot new hair. Ap plied according to directions, it will turn Ran or towt naai, and restore gray hair to lit orliinal color, leaving It toft, tmoolb, and flexible. The "OKOonrr" it tndtapenaable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after ene week't uie they would not (or any consideration wiiiiuuuu The luhecrihera are the only Agenta for the article In United States, to whom ail orders mutt lie addressed. Price One Dollar a hox -for ami hw all naiMM, ...i Dealers; or a box of the "Unguent" (warranted to have desired effect) will be tent to anvwho deaim ll. h (direct), securely packed, on receipt ef price and postage, 1. 18. Apply to or add rats HORACE L. HEQEMAN at CO., ' Baoooivra, tc. febSOdsteem 94 William Street. New-York. CANADIAN A UNITED STATES HAIL STEAMERS TO AND FltO.Tl LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, - and KT3aJ7U- YORK. AWM . The Montreal Ocean SteamthiD Comnanv'a firatlata Oljde-l.uilt Bteamert tail every Saturday- from PORTLAND, carrying the Oanailian and United States Mail and patsengeri, ... NORWEGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, NORTU BRITON, IIIBKRNIAN. ' CANADIAN, ' NOVASCOT1AN. Kherteafe Cheapest and Qoickcat Don veyanco from ahzbica to all fasts of etjeops. . Rateti of Paasraee to Kurope S30, t?oo. sao. Will sail from 1IVERPOOL ercry AVedncadny, from QUKBKO every Matnrday, calling at LONDONDERRY, to receive on beard and lard Mails and Passeneert. tn and from Ireland and Beottand. IOtheee B learners are built ot Iron. In water-tight compartments, carry earn an experienced Burgeon, and every attention Is paid lo the oorn'ort and acoommoda tion of pattengcra. At they proceed direct to LONDON- DERT, Uie gteat rilk end delay of calling at Bt. Johu't itavoiueu. Glasgow passengers ara furnished with ressnasttce tickets to and from Londonderry. Return tickeit granted at reduced rates. Oertlncatea issued for carrying to and brlngingout nas- tenders from all the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced rales, by this line of steamers, and the WA8U1NQTON LIN 11 OP BAILING PACKETS, leaving uverpooi every ween.- Sight Draft for XI and upward pay ton tn cnginna, ireiaaa, scoi laud or waist, for Dasaaee. at the Office. 23 R It OA II. WAV, New lorn, and IB WATER ST., a.iwerpoeji, BABEL SZABLX, (rCBtral Agents, Orto- J. R. ARMSTRONG, ' wolO-lydfcw - Statetmaa Office, Oolumue, Ohle. WM, KNABE & CO., - AT TIIIIK PIBW LBI.AWWaa BOOM, HO. 1M BAZTIJI0SStiT.Xti;4 . W0S. l,S,Jand7H.AtTJTAW STBET, f Offer for sal their celebrated , GOLDEN MEDAL, , , . ti , , GRAND ' - AND SQ ARE PIANO-FORTES.. . Seine hlohlv reeommended by the first Prefttton and Musical Amateurs of la country, and , r : WAHRASiIEDIOR , riYE TEARS. Th mott fntldlont customer may rely npon being pleated In every respect. lerma lieenii. nH.iuiaiiaavui BSLTZBR A WEBSTER, Agent, Oct90:lydw. . - .' i Columbua, Ohio. ' ; 1 Employment' ; i TK 8TJBSCB1BEKS, DEALln II 1 a Staple Articla, will furnish emplovmeat to a rew aotive men to aoi aa agent ior meir noose, a preference will be rive to those who are well acquaint ed tn tne aievtoi ior wnicn tney apply. For whloh service they are willing to pay a saury effrata ,1 v - ; . ! .,. v.-: i X . $600 to $800 par year, and txpmui, ; For farther particular addres -: '-" ' - , minnrni a pn.- - J30-d3a. W. B .1 " . . -i 3 and J, txchani tlac, Jemv-Clty, N. B ORNKTIi BIBBONS! TABS, A?IP AU0BK9, Btwaiyi,jF'".Yi, ml . J oai.i aa, ajviv, AprtlS No. SO South High ttrest. I LSfrpnrrti. I ! Ml I t-rTrf Dr. J.ILndlAEAK'3 .qiuuiaIaI vwitvr1'. PiiiiTPrnT? Tlio Uroatteet Kenaedr 1st T ; v; AMDTHi m MOST CELICI0TJI " AND '- "ft: COKUIAL ' EVER . TARElt. ' TTIS STUIl- r k X br a acientlfie and ' Tcfretahle OoapoaiKL -l procured by the distil lation of Roots, lidrut and Barxa. Viu . Bock, Blood Boot, l MrlsH ,-tl i earaaparilla, ft I d f-t vnorry oara ana Dan delion enters Inte lta am A.intlytaltln man Wbs. After Takini, principle of each rnaredlent la tharctMhl aittnte a mynewmethnd nf riiatlllina-. nmiulu. - j-h. hlleratlng spirit, and the moat INFALtlKLB remedy for renovatine the diaeaaed avstem. and rnainHnAi ik. -.-a. SurTerinr and daihllltalari INVAI.irth, iivLn 8TRKNQTU7 1 raotEAHtd TRENGrHfeRNC COK. :.- fT.H erreetsmllweW'-CSi Wi7 LITER COMPLAIHT. SY8PIPBIA. JAtTMDrna Chronic or bTerrona TlaM'ltv. Tllama-a r.t Ik. lnn and all diteaeee arising from a dltordered Uver ei gtoaa ach, Dytpcpela, Bearlburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Sid neat of the Stomach, fullness of Blood tn the Uead, Dull pain or swimming In the heed. Palliation of the Heart rullnost or Weight In the Stomach, Bear BracUUotuI UhOklne Of lUflomtlna- (aaMna- wknn nnn n orlcllowneatof theBWnand Eyea, Night Sweat., In sri, rein in the small ot the back, chest er side. Sodden rinshes of Heat, Bepreaalon of BDirita, rrightful Ure&ClS. LarilM. DeanAnfiannv n ana - T-. SorCS Or lllotcbe. nn thaftlrin.ann fiw.. A TiTl Chills and fever.) r 11 Orer a million of siamiaa -a n . Have been sold dnrln. tha laat alvnnntha .nj in MMin. stance has It failed In giving entire sa'trfsctlon Who, wffw,rom Wkes or Debility wbea lio LBAN'B BTRKNOTHKNINO COKDlAL wlU erne yoal No lanmiatre ean mnm an a-aia.1. mm nf ik. i aiate and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial iu the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervont tyttem, whether broken down bv excua. wauk h. nature, or Impaired bv aicknesa. the relaxed and orggnlsatlon ie restored Ie Its prlatinf health and vigor. . ItlARKIlilp PEUSON9I, , Or others conecions of InaMllty, from whatever can, will find Mclean a Btrengtheniiig. Cordial a thorongh v regenerator of tbe tyttem; and all wbe may have Injured themselves by improper indulgences, iii find In the Cor urn. a certain anu apeeay remeuy. Tr the Lstttlea. Mcksu's StrcagtSjeBiug fJordiai It a sovereign and speedy core for .VI "tr IIVCIPIEaVT CONSUinFTIOK.WHITF" Obstrneted or DitBcnlt Menstruation, Incontinence of Crine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Palling of tbt Womb, Giddiaeae, Fainting and ail Ciaeatet Incident te Pemniet. Thtrr la ao Mlstaka About It.'- '" 1 Snffcr no longer. Take It accordine to Olrectlnna. ' It illBtimulate. alrenfrLhflB and InvikraRatai tna anrl ..... be blnnm nf health to mount ynnr cheek airaln. Every txmie hi warranted to give tauesactloa.r ."j. If your children are sickly, puny, nr afflicted, MoLean'i Cordial will mke them healthy, fat and1 robatt. Delay nut a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. ' IT IS DELICIOUS TO . TAKE. OtoTinii. Beware ef Drscrtta or Dealers who may try to palm open yen tome ttitter or IteraaparlUa trailw which they ean buydwep, hy sayinr It ai Just a good. Avoid such men. Auk for McLean 't Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing else It is the enly re-medy that will purify the blood thoroughly end at the tame? riaa. Strang then the system. i ., . ,,J One tabletnoonful taken every tuornte fnttnv. ! a certain preventive of Oboiera, Chilli and Pcver, kellew Fever, or any Drevalcnt diaeaect. Itia nnt nn ia i.-m bottiee. . Prior only SI p"r be Itle, er fi bottles for S5. J.H.MULEAB, ,i'V Pole Proprietor of tblt Oordiat,1' Al3XMcLeanitVolcanloOilILnlment. Principal Deuet oa the mrner of Third and Pine, armta. St. Louie, Mo. j i. I . ,. McLean's Volcanic Oil Xinifeeni. ' The heat Llnhcent la the World. ' The only safe tsd certain cure for dancers. Pile, Bwelliogs and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Nmralgie, Weaknees of the Muscles, C'nronlo or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff neat of the Joints, contracted Muscle or Llnaaeata Earache or Toothache, Bniraet, Sprain, Woands, SreaA Oute, Clcera, Fever Bore, Oaktd Breaete Bore Nipple, nurnt, ecaias, Dare-rnoac, or any insaramatioa or rata, nodiCerence how severe, or bo long the dieeaaeaay have existed. McLean's OerebreteA Ltgiiatsxti ear tain remedy. . - , Thontands of human beings have bee saved a lit ol decrepitude and mieery by the nt of this Ln7lubl med ians, r S' . t -r McLEAN'S VOLOANIO- OIL LINIMENT ;! ;: , Vc Will reliere rxiln itnost Instantaaeoaser. and It wtl. eicsnaa, purify and heal the fbuicti teres in an loered! tyanortume. , f - For Uoraea and SHQer jtltaala7, HoLeaos celebrated Liniment ia tha onlv aafa am na. liable remedy for the cure of BpavtrJ, Ring Bon, Wind' galls. Splint, Unnatural Bumps, Node erSMl Una, ,,Itf will never fail to cure Rig Bead, Poll Evil, Fistula, Old running Bores or Bweeny. If properly applied. For Borates, Rrnltes. Scratches,' Sere o Wtianit, Crarao ttetlt. Obaiea, Baddl orOollar Oallait Is as infalliM. remedy. Apply it aa directed, and a cur It certain in every ioitance. - .-j Then trifle no longer with the many antrtCMt LemV' ment offered to yau.. Oblata auptLjr ef f rJrlcLaau a. celebrated Liniment. It will enre you. .' - J.I1. mcl.KA.M,FglPro.n)ctr, 7i Corner of Third and Pine SlreeU.Ht. Louie, Wo Foraale by all druggists. For aale by, , BOPERTS SAlirBW'" augtt-dfcwly .!!) , j Oolumbus, Ohio r A--, Ay. .A MRS. WINSLOW, An txprrienceil Kurt and Female" Thytlcian, pretend to tlie attention of mothers, ben ; Jt A SOO T II I N O' SYRUP , . . ... . roil CIIILUKKN Tr.ETtllNti, which greatly facilitate! the nroots of tea thing, by o(T tning the gums, reducing all inflammation wll I allay. abu cnia anuapasmoutc acuon, ana m MJKETOltr.tilJLATE TUB BOWl:L Depend upon It, mothers, ll will give rest to yourselves and v .. .. w IV BELIEF AND HEALTH TO TOTTEt HFAH18. We have put up and told Ihrs article for over ten rears. and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH, of it. wnai we nave never Been ante to aay i any ower u un ci ne NEVE K HAH IT PAILED.IN ABlMGLHINxT ANCH, TO BVFEOT A OVUM, when stately aard. Nev er did ve know an instance of dtasatlanwtion by any on who used it. Ob th contrary, all at delighted with it operations, and apeak In terms of commendation of lie magical eriect and medical virtue.- - WW staak-ra mi matter "WHAT WE BO KNOW;" after ten yean' expe rience. AND PLEDGE OUR REFUTATION FORTH! yULILLMENT OF WHAT WR lUSRB DKCLARB. Ha almoat every instance wher lb Infant Is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minute alter ineByrnp it aaminlttered. Thit valuable preparation It the prescription of one ef the meet EXPE&IENOKDaad BKILLPUL NURSA8 la New England, and hat been need. With NEVER FAIip INGBUCCESBln THOtlPlAWnS Ol? CASES. f : It not only relieves the child trnen pain, out Inviroi atet the stomach and bowels, correct acidity, and give ten end energy te lb whole systea. , It WU1 'ntct ttt Itutly relieve QB.P.Ra IR THE SOWaftSf,' AID WilOTCOtlC RTtO OTBPWnTC COIITUIttOB W Hkthi If aaTW4 fPM(jil3' ayaEBaW died, end In death.- W believe the BBdT and BUB E8T REMEDY IN THE WORLD, to all oat of DYS ENTERY and DIAREHCBA IN OIULDRKM4 Whether It arlKl from teething, er from any other eaaee We . would aay to every molherwbo baa a child taffenug from any of Uie foregoing complaint DO NOT LKT YOUR PREJUDI0K8 NOH THE PRP.JTJDlCt.40F CIHERd stand between you aud year suffering child, and th re lief that will be BUKK-ye. ABSOLUTELY ,HCrlE to follow the use of thUtmedietne, If timely used, .fail dl rectlnni for using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine unlets the fac-eimU of UCRIIStMJtUCJNtl, New York, ia en tne eanrtda w tappet.. 1:- , , Bold by all Druggittt throughout the world, - .-c Principal Office is rwalar (Ttrwaan.T. PRICE ONLY S5-CENT3 PER BOTTLE. . .OCtST-dfcWly 1 il-.!.j.iA , GUERHSEYMSIRi' REiriOVE.I ASP .FHEVEJIT1I.IH flammaUoa and pain, and heals th wont barn, scald, bra lea, tut, r fraeh wound of any kind, twvvewt ' welling end pal from be atloga, maeguite bilr,aa4 noltonout plant, neuralxla, rheumatism, ago tn th breast, tall HHuai, eta. 1 Warn taaaa totanally, It will positively cur croup In children, and gives Immediate relief I the worst ease "of Sils Mrrlblt complMon alto, removes bcaVsenets and sore throat. Prica, x eente a bottle. Hhould be In ITtrj bona. Pov sal by Druf (laUind Btorekeerers- '..'' TRVIB BTONE, - . DO it: trvprivj wrj imi - a vit Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS tlnrOt,I.OTrffO CI1AJICF1 WFflE mI ta tbe th efnotrt f thit UmiIm -ianuary iuth, 1MI, to WIB- WsvA, Ptarr, Preiidani, tnd 1 eloom, Oaahler, teitgned tlitiroii-iwi. : Dvin Ta, Bt., was than suited President and h ti, A. l uw pointed Oa"hlr. .;;-! -.1 tSn'i ..;. By enter f the Soaid of AMrectors. "Itb I, Ibul-dtf-J W. A. PL ATT, Qashlir.