Newspaper Page Text
tHli:DT,7ACI5STOS t f vif "' JUST RECEIVED BY . A a"! TT T I : 3. CD licit Ilih Btreet, , k 7 r . V or vjb omui in thii crro t -Builders' Funti '? U I-'.1 ? WW STIM AND ftWUTT. "' piiUTa ground in oat ' Brushes ol very variety & quality, i Y A BplendW Aiaortnienl of , :.' ', MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. ' " VAXES GRINDSTONES, Ave. ' GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ao. . ; ; FISHING TACKLE.' : : : : - rope a cordage, . LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, r , . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES; fee., t J IV !' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I txnlillj lnriM ti tttoaUon of all Inter ted to ay took erf fodratud Tbl Oatlery, ud ' ' MILTER PLATED FORKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, al jtOOIUUI fc BR08. MuatectDrt, vtmntcd to bt KtnkMTT, XUGar-FlatMl,( aalM AltatU. Oautv lUwtonto, Miyhtnlf, and otbtn, an InTlted toIl and BBaM bj I took, u I an pnpand to nil Wbokoalo and Botail. WB1. A. GILL. Oolomsaa, OUm, Ma 8, I860. Wholesale and Retail Depot or - FAMILY GHOCEftlES No. 103 South High Street T7a HcDONAlD, j., . -DEALER IN ; ; ' J FIB & STAPLE GROCERIES, ' IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. V . DaUly Arrival f Oo4 For the Fall and - Winter Tiade - Of 186QH61. V ' JjyBETtiatM?IOltlCKKETHAHK TOTUa PUSLIC tor part fcwn and patron- M ndtolof DfeTEHniKKD U MtKI I aooattnaoeo of mm bp (rl( atteati. t tvaao. ad araairt aellrery of 6eda, IBld tall Um tice of tha pnbllo to tba (Ml that laTla( aLatff sd well Selected Steek oa laad.aad bataa 41 1 raattpt of goada Iroa tha differ aslavkaa, I Batter ayatlf that loao ofat to thadtt aaaaaf Oola ataBpb,aaardBiltatoporcLaa. a imr r of trtklai appartatotnf to UwOBflCItl tiada, tJTI Eil A LE O bp anphMua la tba dtp. tk pataaaadajaaaitp ( tbafoodaasarad, lKHaa aaiae 'ae'a. Good Selimed Pre of Charge. BfB- -1 ' - ira. MctHiHALD. "TBaliLQore Clothing tioase, HEaO ct5 Z3IjT71aX, READY-I.1ADE CLOTHING, No. S08'W, Baltimore-stree (arrwaa uwarr an mwo.) A Large Ateorment el fteee and Turn lah lug ' j i , 0eeds Cora tan tly en Band' , OecWIp ' ; Twremvw Jm CrUl '' ' COLCHBTJS, OUIOJ AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE s Ajad fieed Store , : - - ' STATU, )LASS, SAIH, PTJTTT, 00RDA0B, CtemaH PltftaUe Weed Jk WlUa w ware, ieetJkettsM IVBwerBeltlaf,. lace Uaiher, raekine.- . ' Hoee and enl-dlp Cat DOYLE & CO. Kanufaotorers sod Wholesale Dealer! la BOOTS AND SHOES, Soutbeeot Corner of High and Cay 8U., ;:v:'.,..: zro. oo, ' fTOLtTXIBTJStMa ...................OHIO large Stock ef fbM and Staple floods en hand." yit-da ' ' ' ' ; .... SUUDRTES pAHINA, SMuePToer '' ' Poart Barley ' " Oraekad Wheel' ' ' ooa Oreaai f attar, ' figs " Seedless Setsllli TAPIOOO, Arrew Boot, . eeotehOatktaal Split Paaa Ckaeelate : ' snail, oto. ' ode ' Pmnee ' pMh TsoMtoat Psacbse "HroesOora froth Oaaa'd trettsef rrerp deecrlptlea; Jellleaaf all kindst t ' . . v Jioffwrtof lnrtsof all r .,, . , . ea Drops; atiaed Candies; Armosda, 1 1 Iborta, Peooe Hats, Bngliah Walaata, Brasil Nats, ete, - bsB7 - . . wm. McDonald. e; r.rcoLLiSTER, Whleeate and Betall Dealer la TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS ' ' "No, B5 Tifta Btret,'i'' S'PXT sBURGH,:Pa.; Keea casaetaatly ah hand all the rtv - riaae ssaaainata aa Zrafportoca. Oisaro. Oet. wft-ipd : laces and Embroideries, TJltrTlENRSSBIaLTEIIF. dt POINT lrH)ttfiiuaandr)eia. Vmeh, Pshar and Thraad I."0 '.n, ina patterns) Valenetenea, Thread and - - Iwe, :mhroiiTd Collara, Setta, Trimmluee and f ,ia kaee finnwe and OoiCTaraa. Plain Llna Cgilera, Sous tail Cull a, Jtmbroldered Oolian aad Once In (elta. , n p - lall A SON, tesSS e.89,SBtbaii(bStrttt. . a ef 1860-61. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement-Time Great Northern and Eastern Route. Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati ' nn ti,-""""mm?"' 1 ;! "".'"'"i' L.. J-t. 'w'ii - (mftui kA RAILROAD , r CoDaaoUaf at CraaUlna with th I.,,, ij Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & CMcago for rituburgh, Pblladalpbia and Baltimorej AIM lor Fori Wayne aud Chicago, i ConoocUoi at OlercUud wiai the , Lake Shore Railroad -' For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, New York. Boston aud rnffO THA1NI DAILY (ezoepl laadap) A. Itoa Columbai. la ooBBMlloa wit I'raini oa wa Little Miami it Columbua k Xeula Railroads. 'flaflt TRAIN. . manT tTPtlia-Luta OoliiKbua at 3:95 a. a. w ill laava paaaanavra m . . . ... .it. a OaIIIam UUeai Norm ol Oallloo, arrlTiui at Olewlaod at ft0 a. a.. Dunkirk 4:1k p. a.. DuSalo 6:OJ p.m., Mow York IS:tia p. .. Beaton tw p a., nmourjn mm v' Una 3:40 a. a., rnliaMipbia 7:01) a. a., Cblotfo M Oraltoa 11.00 p. a. alio oonnwtlnJ ai ahtlbp for all poiste on ina Mud" t Mant&old a ewanl Jlailroaa. , ilCOND TBA1M. , KATl Ain KXPRB3B Loaret Colombo! at 3:00 p. m.. will od at all utloni lonlh of BhalbT. and at 8al Mdw Landau. Welttniton. Brafton and Btrea, arrlv 4:JSa.m.. Sew Kork Wfl p. m., Biatoa l'.:S0 a. a., in .t iiifiwniana R auD. vunkirn .w n.. bwiwm PlLthaiih etJ Crettllnt m.. Pbiladolpbla 3 00 p a.. Chicuoeto Grafton at 10:30 a.m. Also connootaat Bbalbp for all pointa oa Bmduj, Manifield Newark Hallroaa. i , Patent Sleenise Cart are ran on all Eight Traiaa to Chicago, Sew York and Boston. ' . ITT Bkhxiq Cheeked Thnugk U Kelt York and baton Cleveland, eft to PhiUiuirHia, New York we Creitun. : ,. ftEIU&NINO. . - HIcht Ixpratf anrirei at Oolnmbai at 1:30 a. a. 0tnelnnaUKzpraMarrlrwatColambaiatl:40p. I Fare ai Low as by any other Route. Art for tfckata tta Oraitllne or ciereiana. : ; K. B. TLINT, Sapor't, CleTOland, Ohio. J15U58 PAITEBS0N, Agent. JonelS ." .. Colnmbua, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This is the Only Route offering a Tbrenica Ticket dc BaTRaa;e Check te . WASHINGTON CITY; And ( onlf tout gMng to th fatgri th tirivUto of tUUing th CUit of Baltimare, PhUaaelplilaacNow Yark, At the oott of a Ticket to JVeto York onlp bp other Llnea TWO TRAINS LI ATS COLCMBCb DAILT . SuMDira Excimo. ITPRK88 AT 3:00 a. a., aionplna- stall Blaliona apoo aiiioal being given, arririn at Bellaira at 50 a , eonnecting uameameiy wnn tnana on Ttae Baiiiiaore dc onto Uailread to BaltlBOiw. Waahincton Oltrand tha Booth, and Phi adelphta, Now lork, Ifcwica, and tha Aafb Ala with trainaon ua PENNSYLVANIA CEN'l HAL, Tla Wheeling A flttabarga A ft., for PltUbBrgh, Har- rlabargb, rbiladeipnia, now lore, sonun anu uo aw. IUl train alao oonnectaat Newark with B. M. A N. ft. a..andatZanoaTUUwilhO. W A Z. B. B. forLanoae- tar. Aa. ...... MAIL AT 1:40 p. a., itopplng at all Station! apoa rir ual being ilren; arrirlng at Ucluui at v:U p. m., oon. aaetlng uuaediatelp with tralne on The tJalUtBore V oato HailraaA tor Baltimore, Waablngiaa Oitp and the Booth, and Phil adelphia, New York, Boiton, and tha Kan. Alao with train on the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, -la Wheeling and PUtabargh B. B., forPitUberoh, Har- rieborgh. ebiladelpbia New York, Boeton. and tha Kast, Ibia train alao oonnecia at ZanasviUewith 0. W. A S, a. ft., fur Lanoaeter, Ao TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, can Diruo opor - ' Qdek Time and iSure Connections: Aanat fm Hum Auowssroa 5LEEPLNU CA RS oa ALL N IG HT TRAINS Agk for Tickets Cclumbue and Wheeling tot rsrtbar tnforaation 'and Through TleMa, app is a). L. IMJHKHTY. Ticket agent. Union Depot. h. U. J. JSWSl'I, PreeiUsni, uieeUla. .. . . . ... JOlia W.-wBOWa, i SOTta '-..: ... ,Oenoiat liokat Agent, Oolnabae. BALTIMORE AND OHIO rnnr. 5 BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL?, ROUTit.1 TEHiniNA'rE 'at w.sihnoton and Baltimortoo the Eaet, and WheeliDg, Ben wood and Parkarabarg oa Ike Weat, at which plieea It nolle. with Bailroada, Bteaaert, as., for and Iroa ell polnte In tba ... 1 ' , , : Weat, ftenth-weet and "Nerth-tveet. TERES TEAIN3 DAILY. FOR! ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. ' This b (he onlp rente to Washington Oily. ' Paeaeogara b, thU roata oaa rlelt Btltlmore, Phlla delphla. Now Vork tod the eottot a ticket to Boeton alone bj other llnee. Tbroogh tickoti to the Baelera dUet ean ba procured tie it aehinftoa City at aa additional charge of two dol lar!. ...... BLtarute Caea Arractna to tu Niewr Tsaiws. 7tMa ojuttt and Am u km a via sap ettsr roul. -.... Inqalro for UoaeU via Baltlmere and Ohio Ktllroad at any of tha principal Railroad olBeet In the Weet, ,' . H BUIXIV AM, Oen'l Weetara Agent, BrxL.iaa, Ohio. L. M. 'C0T,TJ.0oneraI Ticket Agent, . ... W. P. B4UTU, Matter TraMportathm, eetSO-tf, ' BuTiaoas, ltd. IMPORTED GOODS. . TtlT MECEIVKD " ' -I ... V BO lallan Oil, Barton A Co., for table aae. 10 6 e French auitard. faronte brandai - Boned Bardinee. the BBS! Bardinte Unp'td of capon ana uirree. Table Btaree '-Lea A Perrln'l Woroeater shire,'' "Boyar't Saltana," 'Vohn Bell,' "Hareep," "tlaadieg." Walnat and Tomato Oalanp. 10 74 doe. Croon a Blaokwall'a eelobnted Bnglltb ' Pleklea, eonaiitlng of "Oeul.flower," "Pk- ealill," Chowhow," "Walnat," Ho - . . h- r - toe. "Cabbage," , Beans," .ftiherk'a ' M'lPlcklea. . , ; . T , ; 60 " Xondoa Porter . 10O Campbell'! celebrated Scotch Ale. , 0 oaaea umgar rroterrea. Stibozea Italian Maoaroni.aod Teraacitla. maa Oox't Gelatine. i t Coleman's celebrated Xnjrlish Hattard, In kegs, boxes, cans and bo lues. A . Sx7 .. . WM. KcIWNAliB. JOHJ H wsxbxzx, ; ,- A CENTFORnOiriEC07rTI1VE1TAL, XX. iiaTTi, HacoaiTT, and limi riai lai. uo.' Raw Toax: MtacauTi and City Pixa or Hattobs Haw Toax Lira and Coin. Meruit Lira. Office, SI High St., Harage'i Ht : eb7-dlp a . .Alexandre's Kid Gloves; , , PLAITf ANDEITIBROIDERED, nOVS. QUBTAIBB aad regular thape Black Kid Otoree. embroidered in white, megenta, nnrple, eta. Undressed- Kid aiorea. M Itiet Kid Glow. A complete assortment of there eeleoraled (iloret alwaya for tale by uajn a sun, ftbH . . Ho: 80 Booth High ttree. Canton Mattings. - I4' Wl B4. O-dt TVhlta aad Heel anal n nue u necaea m tuponor an my. rnr taw ny ' i . - i , ..Bain a bus, Jh23,: ,' Mo. SO SeathBItt si, Co-Partnership, HATE THIS DA V ADJIIITED nT son JAMBS ADQKB. BAIH aa partner In my beai m, which will hereafter be mnducied ender tbe Bna Bam A Son. P. BAIN, Seeth High St. , Oolaabas. fee . Jir. ... feblO , MINK MtJFffl. TICTOKlNItB sndCUTFS we ere now selling st rery low prices, olio ill othrr kinds tuMonable fan. PBTB BANBri derti. . , We. SO Boeth Hlgb is. IIII'K BIANTA.E HAsAAOEs, AiUAlI F White and Black, lost receiTed at BADTf. 0120 : f "1 XAT3IIA1I f. fllll Nos;?,1 i& & J40, North: High St, INCREASED FACrLHTESl HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, it..'.?: ti.: 'I HAVE B..- ca-roatly TTn1nTso3 BOOR: s 'JOB WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED TDROUGHOVT ' ; with New Types, . Borders, Ornaments, fiic - rSOM XHl OIUB&ATIS I0DITDBT OF C. T, -WHITE ft CO., ITEW TORI, . . j.:. . : IHTTS HAKQfO IT THS 1 '. . ; Most' Complete ' Establishment '' , IN THB CITY. . I am now prepared to Execute aU Orden for BOOK AND JOB puiisfTiisra; WITH DISPATCH! ' And la the Koat Approved Style of the Art I PABTIODLAA ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD F XL X T Z N" O- Bille of Ladlaa;, Clrcalare, tiill Meade, . - w. lllanke, Deeds Certificate. Hecelnte, Drar TlcKete, Heg-lstere, HOW CARDS BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, . , . OABDS, ' EEAODIOS, XOTIS, ZIVELOPES, ' COHTBACTB. Illustrated S h o w B i 1 Is, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ' '' Show Bills, Hand Bills, Labels, Concert Pro granunee, School and College Schemes, Eo .. . .. tel, Blllf of rare, Invitations, ke. . T3 ooli Work OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogues, . aueeilaneoui rainphieta, Constitntlong, Beports, Brlefj, Ae Printing in Gold and Colors P O T 3SS DFL & . Printed In Ivory Color on a Ilammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Praet of the kind in Central Ohio. -My faellltlea for doina any and all of the above deeorlp- tloaa of work, are now anaarpaatad, and eatlifaction will bo gnarantoed la all eases. IT? All work rarniahed proapUr bp the time promlaed BI0BAKD NIVIMg i , : v nxooiginnrDBO n m urs - SIR, A3TLEY COOPER, DE. VALENTINE MOTT or sew Toax. DM ecknowledged Heeds of the Pro foe ilea feg efrhei Sioiiuapaare, The beet Dlnretie, Tonio, and Iovifforant, The Flnent Extract Of the ITAXIAW JOKIPllB BBBBL The rnrest and Host CosUy Oia a- INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES. INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND HOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD, ' For Bale, Pints and On art bw ewert uiugui, wroccr, or country iuercaanv Look our fob bogus V , ON D ON Q I N TBI ONLY GENUINE ABTIOUI TS Se CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL BIN . B. BALDWIN H CO., h ' - Importers, 01 Liberty St.. Bold in Oolnabaa by , McKIl A RE8TTIATJX, . Wholesalt and Ratal 1 Orooers, Btsteaaaa Building. 0. A. W AON KB. and others. , In Cincinnati, by 8CIB1, B0K8TBIN A CO., eeSe-deodAlyw and others. HDNNEWELL'S ; UOTVERSAlo i -. - COUGH REMEDY. for all Throat and Lung Ooanlalnts, boladng, with noetpsrfect reralta, Wuoorue Cocas, CHaomo aits OoMMoa OoooBt, BaoscBut ass TaacuT Qoairtatrre, alwayt forerunners of Contsnptlon. As a Soothum BTKor it nas no taper lor. rreea rrom an opiate or aotle pronertiae, may be need by most delicate oonan tnuont, and with peneot oonnaence. t- , IITJIOTWELL'S , ! v.' ' . CELEBRATED r , , TOLU. ANODYNE. Tws OatATtirr WaTvaat Ofuts rref offend te the world, conta nine not a nerticle of Ordna, no any sue atanoa bet Ita etrloU eeeabte and madioal propartiee. A sure Beaedy for NwosaLeu, KHansiaTuai, Ootrr, Toots un Bis Acws, CaTasaa, aotaeaHa Favsa, andallaiaor NereoaeOomplamts. ' i " i won horn or turn, and Heedasne w an taeanaaes, Rhal no equal, and go which saeet endwobted testaaoot alt an offered. ..i ti , : -.. Foe Dar-ranm Tuma w, la aaaoat Dorfect mM. Foa Bowk, Ooaruam, titer rsaaoTWM the pais It sets as a pnyate, a aaet important contrast wtu tne eontupe- lory enoen el uplira. " Te Phssielene. Pomrnlts and Trial Bottlea will be sent, and teBeaof tsrraHdadcectip ties pamphlet without Voatagerttaap." h ..- ' i . Prepared ender tha special saperritlea Of 1 ' ' ' JOHN L. HtTPIlf EWBLL, A f m , I;'. cwkttsf ass rwAcarmsr, ' t0 CotnnursisI Wharf, Boston, Kate. To whoa please direct all oomrnanlcatlont. " ' ' ' Prioea Lane Congh Beatdy, 50 essU per soUle. . ,7Zjma " . "( ,, ... . Tola Anodyne, - 40 .., . for sale ay the auuaa whales la and retail dealers, verywaere, '. , . i .,, ji j a .BObihtB a MUIL, K, S. ifAItPS, H, COOS, .; ,,-. ... J. If. DKJIIO, -. DSN10 A BUSS, :, A. J. SOHUBLLKB A SOB, aayiT-nly x i Agenla for Colambaa, Ohio. JIAHCT DRFNS SILKS, C ,., 1 lANW PkBHB SILKS, . ' J. tr- FANOF IlHBcg SILKS. Ws are no oBering earr hamente tteck of f anoy Bras, Bilks St pi Ita rasa thuej oyer borons- ofltted In thltetty. The atUntioej or th ladlee of aits aiul vicinity la toilet lad. ee onr atoos, Tip a,lcl and complete In aU graM( 9wllthjtUae, PATtB BAIN, 0T4. i . jKaSOJkut uighitrtet. j ' 1 ASiMAEY. CBEAFIESS. B1SFATCS , jWttv' MWa H4VI'm- if J.::t"'A .'".ill U.-U.JAAi,:,''l-i ' Ti1tf)pt."TT ''tTgat TOOITgAyDB TtUbii att btbtr pftpir tbtv mttldl f OliMliiutl Offers FacintieVor'Adtert i :.r ' r, ,;, Which 0AN0I lAHi to Wo V X ; . peedf Aha BeaaaaeraUTe Betvrne ' " To thoae who 'taka adtantage of fhoa. ' ; TICK w w-niu-T.-g BTATJSM'ANi. ' p latribated e It U through inrjr Pott Offloa to Ohio, Reaches a Large Cl? of, Readers Whoea parnmage it ralaable, end woe teldom eea fha (J)ailp Editions of oltp Joaroalej and enljr 1 A Limited Somber of AdvertiMmenti Are inserted In It eolaant, appoprlatelp and' '; HANDSOMELY PJ$PtAVEC! - ran eaimot raa te -::'" 1 ' Qt AM I " 11 ;' ' ' 'I WHOLESALE DEALERS AdTortlelng In the WIKRXT 8TATIBHAN will fin . ;- ' 5:' It sdranteroui to: ' ' THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which U almost certain to follow an Ktesilre dleoomls ation " knowledge oI lr baeiMas , AMOHQ COUNTRY DEALEB3 I ' ADTIKTI8KMENT8 IKTBNDKD rOR ' '' . The "Weekly Statesman Should be handed In before Friday noon. Court of Common Pleas, Franklin County; Ohio. Alfred hfaw 1 . . i . In Partition. ' John Ifawetal. . .-' . .; f.-' "" IN PCKStJANCEOF THE OHDEH OF tha Court, in thii ease, to at lained, I will offer for tale, at the door of the Court Honee, In the city of Co lumhui. Ohio, between the honrt of 10 o'clock, A. M., and t o'clock, P. At., On ThurBday, the 1Kb day of April, 18C1, the following detcribed real ettate, tltnato in Jackton Towoihip, Pranklin oounlp, Ohio, and In Virginia Mili tary Surrey, No. 6113, bonnded at followt: Beginning ata Itako and two bur oake, tootbeaat comer to lot N o. 11 , In 3 . B. Bmead't laivey, Mo. 61U, running thenee weat term ty five polet to a atakt aad three white oake. thence north 10 degree! wett 04 polea to two white oaka and black oak, thenee eatt 73 poles to a stake near three white oakt In the aaet Una of said lot, thenoe south 10 degree! cut MX polet to tba beginning, containing forty-three acre i, more or lett. AppraUed at Sl,40 Tenai of tale one-third In hand, In one and X in two yean, with Interest from day of tale, and payment! to bo secured by mortgtgt on proaltet. marcna.'lUlttw O. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, H. O. NOBLE, Atfy. Master Commissioner's Sale. Peletiah W. HuntlDgton ) Ta. Bale by order ot Court. Henrf W. Doremuietal. ) BY VIBTCE OF AN ORDER OF 8 A LI to ao tkaeoted, from the Court of Common Pleat of franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for tale at the door of the Ooart Bonaav to- the elty of Oolnabae, on Saturday, the 20th "day of April,' A. D. 1861, between the hoars of 10 otitic, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M.. thefollowlncdeacribedrealeetatoeitnateln the Coon- ly of Pranklin. and State of Ohld, te wit: Lot No. S of ubdlTliioe of oat-lot No. 35, in the city of Oolumbai. Ohio. Alio, a tract of land In taction 10. half-section 13 and Id, Townihlp S, ran, e 22. Refugee laoda; beginning at tno centre of tne uoiuaoue a uranyine rem jumu at the nortb-eatt corner of a tract belonging to Wlleox. thence with tha centre of mid road nortn vux acg. east io feet, tooth 0 deg. 40 mn. wet parallel with eatt Ho ot tald Wilcox 't and, and 1S3X feet therefrom, 40 polet to the north line of tract belonging to inomae sparrow, thence with north line of Bparro.'a land north 88 deg. eeat !S3X feet to Ite iotarncllon ot east line of tld Wilcox't lend, thence north 0 deg. 40 min. eait with cut line of laid Wilcox 'a. 38 4 10 poles te the beginning. Lot No. I appraises at SJl.vuu. ' . -. ; i Tract In no. lOat esoii. O. W. HUFFMAN, Bherlff Prtnter'i feet SS 00. - and Matter Commissioner. marchl3-dli4tw. . -, . Sheriffs Sale, 1 John 0. Work C. Work .) TS. C 0. McCoy. 1 ' Common Pleat liiuid, McOov. I ' Bt TIK I UK OF aHHIT Uf to at directed from the Court of Common Plett of Fnnklln county, Ohio, I will offer for tale at the door of ibs Court Hosae to the alt, ef Oerambus, On Monday, the 15th day of April, A D., 1861, neteeen the benn of 10 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock p. a.' the foiiowiDg dewrned propert,, ntnate in tno count, vf Franklin tad State of tibto, to wit: The lnnroet end ettate of Jaaeo 0. McOoy la inlot ho 44SI In the city ot Columbui, In aid, hli ettate beiog tba re- alnder in Tee alter tne lermii anon ot ine me ettatt ot Iitbella McOoy. widow of Hobert W McOny,, secaead, arid tne matt of taid Jamce 0 McOoy in tela estate he ing the tame wbteb wat dCTiaed to bin by t id Bobett W. acCo, In bti lut win ana lettimenu wnica is ol leoora In Frank lln county, ubio, rrobstt vourt. AppniaedMcOIW,'- ... a .1 w. V. BUtprssj, bnarif , .. marchn.'ltdasttw. ... By Bs. Oavia, Deputy Prlnter'e 'res. 04 50. sheriff's Sale. James Tncker and wife ... . i. ye. . :-. i Oobuboo Pleas.1 Xllat L. Ilnghes nt VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VEND 13 to me directed, from the Court of Common Pleat, ol franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for salt, at the deer of Uw Court Boats, ta the city or Vtlaabat. on ;. tf ' Monday, the 15th day of Aprily A. D 1861, between the hoon of 10 o'clock, A.M., and 4 o'nloeV P. M. the following described real ettate, aUoate lathe OoantTof Frat.kHn.and State ef Obio. to wiL Lot No. 90 in Jobs and Henry Miller'a addition to the city of Coloabai. AppitiKd at OWW; - 0. W. HUPFKAN. Bherlff, ' mh14:dltw4w. By Bo. Satis, Deputy, . Prinier'ifeeo B3. Master (mmissioner's' Sale.' 1 .. Jaeob BllberBsgle , a : . - ; , ( , Ta. Bale by order Of Court. WtrrtMti hfurer at al.T BV VIRTUE OF A1V ORDER OF SALE to modi noted, from the Ooart of Common Pleat, of f ranklls Oonnty. Ohio, I will offer for aaie,at the door ef tha Court-Home, in the elty of uoiambai, on Monday, the 15th day of April. A. D., 1SG1 between the honn of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M tha followln, deaerlbed nal eatate titnate In the county of Fr-nklln and State ofOllo. to wlc In-loi no two Hun dred and thtrtj-fonr, (S34) la the city of Oolambat, u sambarcd and deelgnated on tha recorded plat of taid 0l Appraittdat 14,000. ' 1 ' - 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, - march 14 :ltda4tw : and Matter CommUaioner. . Printer'! Fees 13. , ..... IMPROVED AMALGAM BELLS FOR CHURCHES, &C. American' Cast Steel Bell "Works, is Haiti jTBEit,. Cincinnati, ohio. iVovemW 15,'l860.f HATINO recently msds very great rffipVoveatatt la what It called "Amalgam Belli," I bee to call at tention of corporation and Individual! whs may want a bell, to the fact, that for 10 cents per pound I can furn ish good belli for any purpose, mounted In superior sty It and warranted for twelve mootnt. " erase, easn, or ap proved note, payable at Bank, with tote rest and exehaage added. Remittances of aoney by express, aantt bs In fundi par at Cincinnati, and the carriage prepaid, at the above price, for ths quality of bell here spoken of, td milt of no drewbecki or dlsconrits. Address " i ' . . - . WM. n.ULAK, Aatrlcan Cast Steel Belt Worse, dtcfj'W3a ' Cincinnati Ohio. , ladies' Linen Fpcket-Eandk'fi. rTEM MED STITCHED LINEIu HAND AA kerchtcri very wide hemt. " ' Embroidered Lines uandkf all pflce. I ., " Hemmed BUtcbedand plain do, do-, do do, solored borden. " 1 1 ' ' ''Mourning do' -'' bltck borders . . h--.? do do ' . new etrlerroaitltchtd. ' sllst. S-MMU sou unww mriieo an ri jrmvmr Couirlslng th motlKlect assortment In the clry and SffweJH prictS.l. .... t . ... "m .Kf .rj tatlh illghStrerti .!. 3.1.-,.. ' . , . lin st and . m rcak.TW" M ill'.'- i H . I o p4 ittf Ta i iti re.f i H"' I . .j I t'-r.SrO.M I). i t ,rt'U.'dUi''' S lu ' eg-T.v.m,- 1B-.1 trrt. g -'- s wi.i 1. K. I.v,, 'J. .I-. . i'i ill Ml ta t". p . tf : l ! lit: (i av -.111 ITT! miTS ATTBNTION to toma of the moat tx traordlntry carta by ay ' "V"." " '" , " PEOIORAL SYRUP. ' . ; :?, tto fit;,":': K"'" . 1 f 1 j They are at horns, aad sup one who Hu doubts can In quire of the paraon whs bars btaasured by It. .... - J-. .'I !')! : I" ' ! 1 SB. KKTBER IS PRBPABBD AT ANT TIMB TO BXAUINI LUNQ8 WITHOUT OH A ROB, P OB ALL Tuoaa who nebd his mesicinbb. . ,, : ... . . i ; ";"!..l AtTXNS TO TOUR COLDS A east of flee years' landing cured by SB. XdBlt'8 PBdZOHAl 8KBDP. It at I i ". mm ' ' . ir. ." PiTTticxsa. Jan. U, I860.. ' Sit. Kama: My wlft haa been afflicted with a bad eongh and difficulty of breathing, for. fire or six yean, which, for tereral yean back, had gradually increased In tlolenoe. 1 he complaint hat been hereditary, tad the had been treated by tereral pbptlciant without any re lief. In tbia ttats of her cue, I procured aoma of your Pectoral Cough Byrap, I bought, the Ant time, a Arty cent bottle, which reliered har eery much 1 1 then called aod got a dollar bottle, which cured bar entlnly, and aha haa now oo trass of the former dime, exoept weak neea. , I would alao ttats that I uted the medicine my self to a cold and couth. The medicine cured mt by tak Ing ons dote I exprM my satin tattifa-tlon with the medicine, and you are et liberty to pebliib thla If you oeaire to ao to, , ,. , - win. wibeun, ri , ? . . - . 1 1 . , , . . Alderman Fifth Ward. .:, . i ::; - PrmauaoB, lfovi 18, 1B5B." Sa. KsTita : Although not aa ad vacate of Patent Medlrinee, in general, it affords me pleasure tndeacrlba ble to recommend sour Pectoral B vruD. Aa a medicine It It well worthy the attention of any perton who may in any manner be afflicted with couihe, eoldi and hoaneneat of an, hind, and for the peculiar qualtBoatloni fos re moTlng all that disagreeable sensation attending a te Tereeold. I hare been, more or leu, in my life, affected' with the eererett of ooldi and hoaraenem. At limes my throat would become eooloted at to prerent mytpeaklng abore a whitper, and by taking a few doaet of the abort Syrap It would reliero me entirely. In recommending thit medicine, I matt unbetltatlngly say that it la tha beet remedy I oyer found, purporting to our the above, nor abonld any family be without thit remedy lor dieeatet so prevalent. ,i7i , Tonra, moit respectfully, ' ' ' KDWARD i. JONKB, ' ' ' i - , Oaahar Cillieni'SepotltBank. ' .: ' .! ' ' u r B J,:i : U : ..' 8TXCSDnriLL,0., March 14, 1P59 ' I hare nsrd Sr. Keyter't Onngh Byrup for a bad eongt of tereral yean standing, and can cheerfully say it ia the belt medicine for the same that I hare erer tiken. J. W, PRICB, ' ' ' ..' i- .' ' . - ' COL. PRATT AND SB.' KEVBER'8 PECTORAL SVBUP Da. Kxreaa Bear Sir: i Bxcuae the delay of my acknowledging the excellence or your Pectoral Dough Byrupaooner. I take great pleasure In laying that It it all you say It It. It IcruKXM tA4 notte out ol my oouoA and the wont ons I was erer afflicted with: I hare not used more than one-half of tha bottle, sad I can and do with that all who an afflicted would giro it aa fair a trial aa I hare done, and they will ba proud to iay,"Itlano quack medicine."! tuatr another such an attack for any contlderalion, or at any cott. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than ley. r did. I thall alwayt acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inveatingao excellent a remedy. I ou are at liberty to nee my same m thit regard, aa you think proper B. f . PRATT, . aleuenger Contaon Council, Pittaburgh, Pa, Plttsbnrgh.May 11, 10611 N. B I am no atrangtr to my rellow-cltltens, and L who entertain doubts can coiuult mo personally. , ',,,.. PtmsosoH, April 94, 18S7. IL AD TPB TRCTK. Da. Krrica: I ha-ro a daugh ter who hat taken several medicines -for a bad cough, without benefit among them Ayer't tiherrytctoral I onrcbaaed from yow a bottle ef your PEOTOuAL SYBUF, and before lb sad need half a bottle th waa relieved, int tecood sotue leurea oer entirely or Mr cough. . ... . , , , ,(40HN SARIN,. 'r'1'' t' BcMniohltreetj Allegheny.-. ....:. Prmtaoaeil BreembeT. 8I.TM9.1" A ORB AT CURB BY Drl, KEVtUCB'S rBOTOUAl STKUe. I Hve in Peebles towntbip, Allegheny eonnty. I had a coughing and tpittlng, which commenced aoout tne 4th ot rebruary latt, and continued eight montna, I employed the belt pbytieiana in the country, sod my eongh oostinusd unabated until early in October. At that time I waa adviaed to try your PEOTOUAL C0UQ11 BY HUP, which I d.d, and alter I had taken ons bottle I wse entirely free from the coughing sod tpittlng. I had despaired of aver getting well, end I .hlnk 4t should be known that thit valuable reaedy will do for othera what it haa dona in my case. JOHN 0. LITTLE, Witness B. M. BtxR. Peebles townblp, ' PATTOST,., April 14, 1BS7. r A WONDERFUL OURS Boms time ago, an old neighbor of mine was very ill with a bad cough which aver, one tor, poted to be eontamption. Ha rerairtee told me that he had eaten every remedy they beard of stthoat htusat; his brother suns to see h.a die, aod all were col III Died In the belief that ha could not live. 1 had about iht third nr a bottle ol your Pectoral B,rnp, which I gave him, and It entirely cured bun, to Die aimn lihmtnt of alt - What make! the cast mors remsrkable. a ih, .atresia sge of the man, ha buiog about eiehty yean old. I hats no doubt the Pectoral eaved hit life. . T - JOUMN' 0INNI3. Uoc-'Ji -l Oil. ij 1 .i i:i . :' SR. KEYSER'8 PECTORAL SYRUP IN ELAIRs- VILLB. Pleat sead me snotuer supply of yeur valu able Pectoral byrap." Almoit ereribody around ui haa the coid aod are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyter't Peotoral syrop." We nave enldllxtecn bottlet lut week, andare now entirely ouu 'Mr. A. Altar and Mr. P. Maber. both of Blalrtvt le. Pa , tell ut they would not be without it in their Itmiliet. In net, all who nas onos want It again. xoura, rcapfeuuuj, 6 J. d. WATTERSOK A SONS January 30, 1800." t ANOTHER ttBW CBRTIFIOATB DR. XEYBBR'I PEOTORAL SYRUP. I had been troubled wlthaooegh and cold tor tereral weeks to bad waa it that I could pot tleep. 1 had the advtce and prescription! from three of thebestphttlcianatn the city, whoa I could name, bot do not de to. I anally procured a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup, waicaeurea as enureiy. Bigneu, " J. W.8IM0NT0W, ' " 1 836" Liberty Itreat, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan 9, 1800.. "BTOP THAT'OOUOHINO." 'How can I d ItJ' "Go te Keyisi'aoo Wood Hrest and get a bottle of hlsOoagb Pestoial.and If that don't cure ,oa your eats mutt bs detpents indeed." lhtt Is stpecimes of the colloquy one hn almoit every day in cold catching periods of the year. And we can, front aotual experiment, cheer fully oonenr In the adviser's .edmonltwa saabre, lr ws navs tried tne "rcoionu. - w amonaiuuuoni duo, wiin entire luoccta. Near two weekt ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the mottdiitretilng.'eontrary, mullah, nn tubdnsbls sought wt ever experienced since oar advent upon thii mundane tpnere. no oougoea awtdiiy and Uhnrionilv for ons whole week. In hopet of tirinaU out. but it wis no go. In fact II teemed rather to have im proved by practlce.iod to hire acquired itrcugth, poten cy and iMrmtbUity by the operation. In thla ttageof the tiege, we oosjbed our way to Keyter't, 140 Wood St procured s fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;" look it sesordiag to direction a, ana in lony-etgni noan art were muur of tne field, the enemy having unconditionally inrrenderod, after a brief trot unequal conflict with so formidable an advenary as Keyser't fsmons "Coogb Pectoral." Drovmtvili Clipper, J)eo. 14, lrJSS.i A , , T- i- "r.- 'i e.-iesawaa ... ,', yj f ' SR. XEYBBR'S PEOTORAL 8YRUP I prepared and sold be Dr OKORQB H. JUtVBJtu, 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. - irf Bold la columns ny at pan uti. ' TOOTHACHE REMEDY.'..:. Prepared and sold by ' 'vi'ii i-,-tK- .1 Ft' , Sa.OEO.n.KEYgBB,. Price, 85 cent. . :, . 140 Woodit.,PltUbufgh,Pa, 0 Sold In Columbus by BOBBRTS A SAMUEL, 'J oct7:iliawdtim. . j.i. u-o-t, r!"r-'.7 Edgar, Manning f ' '..:- vs. Sale by order of Court . . Geo. W. Brown st al. ) , . i BY VIRTUE OF AN OR DEH OF SALE to me directed from ths Superior Court of Frank eonnty, Ohio, I will offer for sale at - the door of vmrt ioue,in wecuyoi uoiumbua, on . , -. Saturday the 13th day of April, A. D. ,1861, 1 o'clock P.M.. tit followlog diecrlbed Real Estate, attuate a ths county of Franklia, and Bute of Ohio, to witi Lot No, S3, in the town of Ilarrlsburgh, ia said county. ' ' '' .. j Appraised tt S3S5. .9. W. HUTFMAN, ; marcnu-iiaastw ' 1- .i::...j : 3 . , Bhsrtffi , printer's fees 3 00. , .,,,, . GOLDEN HII L SHIRTS, - .. . OOLSEN HILL SHIRTS, . . . , , . GOLDEN HILL BH1RTB. The pattern of these tbl m are new. Ths Bodies, Yokes, leevei tnd bosomt are formed to 81 the person with comfort. Ths mark ktipoa (sob one dealtnatlnc ths may bt rolled oa u being correct, and each shirt I, guaranteed well made. A full stock of sll qualities oontuntiy ror sais ei . n0Til4.- '' ' ' BAIN '8, 1 Ho. M South High street. , ,r . tirar n)Heal PnrsSiei.n ' . PUBtBBANDDIEa.WlNBB.OOKIUALS,ANPI)Iti , tubs, from "Bonded Warehouse " - , ... WM. McDONALTJ ', - aovgr ' '-eott Hnoth High snrestw BLACK STRAW BONNETS AIEL tgant Bllns,ln (seat W'?' "'i'"' u i acts os,iiswrev 1 i I t .inul ' mil to'-e.t CQ ; -.8 i a A ,r'fVi' ;..' 2 .3.. O ' Bt ' O VM l.;'. !'..!. t td l....:i-. i Hj 'An ..:wwti.,C' ""vt r-et'C nail a" Li .! t.t .Iit'aWNrSvrjl 1 DISCOVERY, -aiM T vi'if ( THE AGE. i MR. KENHEPT, OF BOXBCBYI haa dlaoovtred in ons of Our oommpn natture weeds a remedy thateuree ', ,k;'...,, 4i ' , '',.,-. w, 1 ' Every Kind of Humor, , ' " ". ,K0M ' " ' ' " 1 The wont Sorofnla"down to a eommon Pimple. Ht has tried Ills oyer eleven hnndred sates, and Tee ar failed exeADl In two caaea. fboth thunder humor.) He hss now in hit potaaaelon over ons hundred certificates of IU vale, all within twenty at Ma et Beaton. - i Two bettlss are warranted to sure a ntutlng tort mouth. . j - , ,., i -. -.. ,i . -, . . i . One to three bottlct will cure the wont kind of Pimples on the face. - ' ". i Twe or three bottle will tlear the system of Mies. 1 . Twe buttles tre warranted to turt tha wont tanker la the mouth or ttomach. t Three to five bottles are warranted to curs tha wont Und of Erysipelas. 1 One to two bottlesare warranted to cure all humor In the Eyes. -.'.-,,'! i Two bottlea an warranted to cure running o the ears sad blotches among the hair. -' Four is tlx botiea are warranted td cure torrupt aad running ulcere. One bottle will core scaly eruption of the ikin. Two or three bottles are warranted to curt the went kind of rlnrwnrm. - 11 Two or three bottlet are warranted to, euro the mott detpente cue of rheumatism. Three to four bottlea are warranted to sure aaK-Bbeaa. Five to eight bottles win sure the wont eats of tcro fula. - A benefit la alwan experienced from the Brat bottle. a perfect care If warranted when the above quantity Is taken. - J - .... ROXBVRY, MASS. 1 Ssa MadaM:. The reputation of the Medical Die eevery, In curing all kinda of hsmors. Is so well etlab llahed bt tha unanlmoua voice ot all who live ever used It, that I need not my anything on the subject, as the most tkillful physicians and the mott careful Sruggitts m the country an unanlmoua in lis praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do It with a fall knowledse of its curative power, in - re Uevlng ell, and curing most of thus disease to which you are unfortunately to liable. That moit excruciating disease teanaBeotionatemotner, i . . u - i t. . NURSING MORE DIOCTH, " : It cured u If by a miracle; your own temper ia reatored to IU natural sweetness, and your babe from abort and fretful nana to calm and sweet tlnmben; and the Medical Discovery become! a fountain of blenlng to your husband and household. ' - ' i In the more advanced itages of CANKER Iter tends to theitomaeh .eanslns , 0VSFLFSIA, which is nothing but canker on the itomach; then to tha intestines ana - " KIDNEYS creating It linking, gone feeling, and an Indifference tvts te tba caret of year family. Your itomach ll ... - . HAW AND INFLAMED, vonr food distresses von. and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that sour tvttem does not get half the nourishment it contains, as tha aciimonoua Buld of tha canker eats It up; than your complexion loses lis bloom and becomes sallow and greenish, and your beat day la gone. For want oi nourishment your tyiiem De aomea loose and flabby, and the Abret of your body be some relaxed Then follow a train of diteatei which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to cure; Palpitation of the heart, pain In the lids, ths spins and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of tne bowels, ana alee, that moit excruciating of diteatei, the FILES. How many thousand of poor women are tufferlng froa this dlseaae and pining away a miserable life, and their uaxt door neighbor does not know the eaate. 1 wish is imprest on your mind that good old proverb,"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of euro," In the -'MEDICAL DISCOVERY '! you have both the preventative and the eure, with thit great and good quality, mat u will never, unaer any circumstances, do you any Injury. .. ...TUB MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' ll stpeclaly Intended for diseases of ths blood, but since lit Introduction Is ths Western States, it Is found to bt ths best - " , . AGUE REMEDY . ' . thatwas ever before the public . :, ... . ' No change of diet ever necessary cat the best you ean and gat enongh of it. SutsoTiostroB ma Adults one table ipoonfnl per dav Children over ten yean, dessert tpoonful Children from five to eight yean, tea apoonful. At no direction! ean b applicable to all coasitutiona, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice b day. i" i' tv k .. Yours truly, 1 DQJTNALD KENNEDY. Price 01. 00 per bottle, for , "y every druggist In the United Btatea. .. ,- eep21-diwt. PROF. L, MILLER'S H AI R IMVIGORATOR, An Effective, 8afe and Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR , To Its original color without dyeing, and preventing the llair from turoiDg gray, ' ' FOR PREVENTING BALPNESS, M ,, , And curing It, when there la tha least parHeleof vitality or recuperative energy remaning. FORREMOVlNG 8CURF AND DANDRUFF . ' Andallcntaneoniaffectloini of the Scalp." ' FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to ll an aneqaled gloss and bril Haney, making It soft and illky in lie texture, tnd causing it to curl readily. J The great eeieorKy ana inereasitrg oemino ror tms un equaled preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial la only necessary to. ssti ry a discerning pnbllt of lit superior qnalitiee ever aay other preparation In use It sleantet the bead and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous dlseaeet, canting the bair to grow luxuriantly, giving It a rich, toft, glossy and Oxtble appearance, and alio, where the hair it loosening and thinning, N will give strength and vigor te Uie luola and restore the growth to boss parts which have become bald, earning It to yield a reih ooverinrof hair. There are bundredi of ladtea and gentlemen In New York who bars had their balr reatored by the net of thit Invlgorator, when all other preparations have failed. L, M. has In his poueasloi. letter! innumerable testifying to the above facts, from person! of the highest redetcta- bility. It will efleotually prevent the hair from turning until the latest period of life; snd tn cases where'the hair has ahead, changed M color,. the use of the Invlgorator will with certainty restore It to It to Its original hue, giv ing tt a dark, glossy ai.pearknos. As s perfume for the toilet and a llalr Restorative It 11 particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the treat fa cilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moiit with the Invlgorator, ean be dressed In any required form to at to preeerv ttt place, whether plalnor in curie; bene the great demand for it by the ladles ss a ttandard toilet article which none ought to be without, (he price places It within uia reacn 01 an, oeing (. e Only Twenty-Five Cents per bottle, to be had at ai: lespeotabl prnggtits and : t ' V , a-esiweasr. , (, j. . L. MILLEH wsuld call the attention of Parents and flusrdiana to the use of hli Invlgorator, in esses where ths children's hair Inclines to be week. , Th ass of it lavs ths foundation for a seed Acrid of hair, as It re moves any impurities that may have become connected with the teals, the reaoval of wbloh ll nttssstrv both for the health of the child, and ths future .appearance of ttalialFrr.,,.. ., t , -. -, .,, . . ... OirTios. None genuine without the fae-iimlle L0TJI8 MILLKtt being on tne outer wrapper: sito, b. mu LEH'8 HAIR US Y 100 BATOR, M. x,, blown In the glass. - ., . . . Wholttale Depot, 58 Sep gtreet, and told by all ths principal Mercfaacts ana. irraggltts itwougbsut toe world Liberal discount te purchaasra by th quantity. I alto desire to present to the American Public my '; , WW " AUD IKPBOVZD LNSIAHTAJTBOUS LIQUID HAIR DYE, --ti whtohi after years of edentllle experimtntlng, I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown Instantly withoutlnjury to ths Hair or Skin; warranted the beat article 01 tne xina in exisianoe l .. i.i:,i, .1 1. .PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS.; Depot,' : 56 ;Dey ; St., New -York. eotS8:dfcwly. . , . ;.', ' , WHO SHOULD TJSI -' y DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAIsINE,;BITTERS? All who an till ic tod. with Incipient, jOouaumptiea or Wtax Lungs mould use mem. All who suffer.from Weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dys pepsia or Piletihould ut them.- - All who suffer from General or MerrousOibll Reatlsaotast night, Wast of Bleep, ., ahould use them. - r. .. . - . ''' Ail personi who ar eonvaletoent after fevtrcr ether llckneaeoouioaetuiom. , ' - Minis ten of the Uoepeu Lawyers, Lecturars, ana ai public speakers should use them. . Book Keepers, and ell persoM letting dnatr If should ute them. , , Theairedand rofttm iboum ass mere.- . . . All who rtqaln a ttfawaltal ertonte nieaU sis them. All who are addicted to the et o( ardent spirits and Wish to Inform, should ns tnem. .''". They are madeof apwre Sherry Wine, and of the na tive nlanta and herbs of th country, and then Id bs re. ooatntaaee ny vsenponanEw avno.!., civrgymen, pnyn oUna, and all friend, ot humanity. . They are prepared by sb experienced and CMIIfnl phy. ttemn, and, aside from thtlr medieinai properties,, an t stoat delightful beverage, and yet, aa mediclue. ar 1 Innocent and barm leas aa Uie dew, of heaven. ,' , . , Bold by druggists generally M OlAlXXJ WlDmmjJ, k CO.; Proprietors, T Wllllaasi St. New Yark. 1 m-,,1.1 - , iii!Mijii.H:.i,ceiRiuBe, waiey 1 I- W fiervousHGadaclie By the oat of them PI1U th periodic attacks of JTtr ou or Birk Eutdaoh aay be prevented; and If taken at ths commencement of an attack immediate relief froa pain and tlekueaa will be obtained. Thsy seldom fall In removing the Xautta tnd EtaA ach towhiohfemaleiart to tubject. They act gently upon th bowels removing OotUo nee 1. " ;" ' V .'.... Por Literary Hen, Sudtnlt, Sellcats Females, and all persons of asdsfKory habit, they are valuable as a laaatto. Improving the appetit, giving ton sad rtooy to the digestive organs, snd restoring ths natural, elasticity and strength of the whole tyitem. THB CXPHALIO PILLS ire the reiult of long Inves tigation and carefully eonduoted experiments, having been In use many yean, during which time they have prevenud snd relieved a vast amount of pain and toffer tng from Headache, whether originating in ths nereows system or from a deranged itate of the itomach. They are entirely vegetable in their oompoiltion, aa ' aay be taken at all times with perfeot safety without making any change of diet, and th absence of any dUMoreealtarridmiieafvtoodmnUUrlhm children. ' : ' BB WARE OF COUNTERFEITS I , . The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Bpaldlng on each Box Bold by Sruggiiti and all other Sealen ta Medldntsi- A Box will bs sent hp mail, prepaid, on receipt of the DErioo, 33 Oonta. . AU orden thould be addressed to ; HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New Vark. , , THE FOLLOWINQ END0RBEMENT3.0F SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONTINCE ALL WHO BUFFER PROM HEADACHE, : ' THAT A - . . Br&Llil AUU DUttXi MU&JU , IS.WITHIN THEIR REACH. - A the Tttttmonialiver uniriUcUei byKn. Bpals ins, Ay afford wiqveeUonabl proof of th ijjii- -cacy of thii truly icitnUfio diteottry. Hakmvilu, Conn , Veb. S, 1861. Ms. trauma. 81: ' I have tried your Ocphallo Pllli, and Hi them to veil that I want you to send as two dollars worth more. Pert of then are for the neighbors, to whom I gave at th, flnthn. T nkt fmm vnn. Band the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant, 1 ' JAMES KENNEDY.. 1 HAvraroan, Pa., Feb. S, 1801. Mr. Spaidiro. Sir: ' I with you to send me one more box of your Ceptiallo Pills, Aae received a great deal of benefit from thorn. Youn, respectfully, - - ' MARY ANN 8TOIKHOU8B. Cruoci Creix, HcmsoTOH Co., Pa., - January 18, Vj6s I IS. V. CTAIPISO. ..... ... Six: ' -You' will plsase tend me two boxes C. your Cephallo PUlt. Bend them Immediately. t , . T ' Respectfully yours, '' " '" 1- .... 1. -i ..1 u JNO.B. BLMONB. P. B. fiat used on bom. of your fill, and find them etxellent. ' ' e Bills Vntsos, Ohio, Jan. IS, 1861. ' HsaitT 0. SrALBtuo, Bsq. -1 ' Pleats find enclosed twenty-five oentt, for which tend me another box of your Oepbalio Pills. They ar truly the beet Ml, Aae mt tried. I.PIrect ., A. STOVER, P. M., j ' Belle Vernon, WyndotOo.,0., , . . BtvtitLT, Mass., Beo. 11, I860.' u.v. orALoixo, ssq. I with fur tome oirculars or large abow bills to bring your Cephalic til's more particularly before iny eusto men. lfyos have anything of the kind, please send to me . .. ' One of my customers, who ti tubject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two dayi.) tool cured of 'an attack in on hour by your PVl, which I tent her. " '- hespeotfully yours, ... I. .. . . , W. B. WILKKg. . UXTHOLPISDRO, rXASKLIS UO., OHIO, I I January 0, Itwl. J TJuiaT 0. BPALmiro, , No.'4a Cedar it., rl.Y. ' '' vi''' Dt.aSia: 1 Inclosed find twenty five cents,' (35,) for which lead box of "OephallcPlila." tend to address of Rev. Wm.'.' 0. Filler, Reynoldabare, Iranklin Co., Ohio. Piwr PUlt work Ok a (harm our Ifeadach at moot I n tranter. - 1 1 a , , 1 ' . . Truly youn, , ""'' WM, 0. FILLER. Ymilahti, Mien., Jan. 14, 1301. Ma. SrALDiao. 81a: Net long since I sent to yon for a box of Cephalic Pills for th cure of the Nervous Headacht and OottlvtneM. aod received the tame, and they had 10 good an effect mat 4 woe snauoso so tenajor rao. Pleas tend by return mall. Direct to ' - A. B. WHEELER, YpsllanU, Ulch. ' " ' 1 '' from the Examiner, Norfolk, V. ' : Cephalic Pills secompllsh ths object for which thsy ware made, vl. i Cure of headacht In all its forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Vs. . . , They have been tatted in more than a thousand eases with entire success. From the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been, troubled with the headache tend for a box, (Cephalic Pill,) so that you may have them in case of an attack. ! ;r .- Prom the Advertiser, Providence, B. I. The Cephallo Pillt are said to be a remarkably effecilv remedy for th headache, and one of tht very best for that very frequent complalnt.whlch has ever been dis covered. Prom the Wtstera R. R. Atretic, Chicago, III. ' ' We heartily endorse Mr. Spauldlng, and hli unrivaled gephellcPllli. , , 1 ' r , .r . from the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha. Va, , ; -Ws dre rare that personi suffering with the headache, Who try them, wilt Itlck to them,, .1 from tha Southern Path finder, NewOrlttns, La. ' Try them I you that are afflicted, and we are inrt that your testimony can be added to th already numerous Hit that hat rect ived benefit! that no other medidn can produce.,,,. ; ,.. ''- ' 1 from the St. LouU Semocrat. . -..; ... . Th Imrnent detoand for th articl (Cenhalin P11U1 ll rapidly Increasing, ... from ttmOawtte, Davenport. Iowa. . , Vr. Snaldlni would not eonnaot hli nam with an ar ticle hs did not know to poteen real merit. . IETA single bottle of - SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUB will lave ten times Its coil annually .Q v! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I "' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I v ' SAVB TUB PIEOEBI OONOMVI , .BISPATCHI 1Tj"a Stitcb m Tun Savm Vm.nS. ''' Al accidents will hanrien. even In wall vearalaiad fsa lilts, It li very detlrsblt to neve toaie cheap and con venient way for renairinc Furniture. Ion. Crockery. BP ALBINO'S PREPARED OLUB 1 .". t mtett all such emergencies, snd no hoatehold ssa afford to ot witnout tt. at itaiways reaoy, anu up w tn auca Ing point.- - i !,' 'USEFUL IN. BVEBT HOUSE." . , x N. B. A Broth aooompenleg each bottle. Price, SS cent, , . . Address, " ' .siJSBinx w. Brja."w, No, 48, Oedar Street, Mew Xork., ;- flAUTION.tii " 1 ' r ' t. tc' i iijsaivr o. arasivinu. - As certain unprincipled personi are attempting to palm off on tha nntuspeotlng public Imitations of my PREPARED OLUB, I would caution all persons so ex. Smmsbefrtreeerehaslng, snd set that ths foil name, , JTJgPALDlNlJ'B PRKPABfDOLUB,a , . en thtouttlds wrapper) all othen art swindling cot wrfsH,'. -i -i ,a'u J t'wi;. ia ; wot i;- J' T ,;r t.i: -rj Xmnl