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.-. . -vi. w, i , - .-,. f a 'C"VV f"f . "".' rf'Vw..;-ia. V- wwm.-V' D' 'Jr,jMr J .- -n-r-.,. MU-.i.Y., T r- .intra, j TT"-rw! VOL. yil062;! NEW SERIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO; WEDNESDAY EVENiN APRliijlOj 1861. SIX D0ILAS3 PE2 TTlH ; InTtritbly U ldfaefc 22 DAILY, TBI-WEHXY AUD WEEKLY MANYPENNY fit MILLER, PUBLISH B8 , AjTP'P BOPBlITOBI. tar Office Kos. 86, 8S tad 40, Sorth High It. '. TKKM8 INVARIABLY IN ADTANOB.i Daily . ' , ' . ' fd oo per year. ".. By the Carrier, per week, LtU cents. rrl-Weakiy . . . i 3 00 per year. Weekly, - 'iX 00 -" erui ot Advertising- by 8a aqmre. nosnBiu I ycai...80 00 One " 9 month! 18 00 3ne " 8 month! 15 00 One " 3 montln 10 00 Ine ' '.'! month! 8 00 )n ' 1 month. 9 00 On sauar 3 wsoki. 4 00 . a oo . i n 1 00 Ons 8 weski. On " lweek.. On " 3 day.. One B day . . 7S On " llniertloa SO Diiilayed tdTertliiBintf half mor than (h abor MI09. Ailvettl:emen(g Imdfd and placed la th eolnmnof Kiipclftl Notice!." double the ordiMt mU.' ' Ail noltcei required to b pnblitbed by law, legal rate. ii omereu on we innae exciuitreiy alter the ant week per ten:, more uuin tne aner rate; but all toco wil ppcar In the Trl-Weekly wlthoulBharre. - - Vatlnen Garda, aot exceeding Cvellnei, perjear, la i ub, !?gu per line; ouuiae - i Notices of meetings, charitable! ocletle, fire companlea, fce., half prire. All traniiU advsrUmmt mutt 14 paid for in l'lv,mc4 Tb rule will not be varied from. Weekly, unit price at the Daily, where th advertlMf leithe Weekly alone. Where Dady and Weekly re botu tued, then the charge lr th Weekly will be am me rates oi tne Dally No advertliement taken except for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring; cV Water Sta., W. B. POTTS & CO., IVt. OTHKJIGTf3, and Manufacturers of Bras and Composition 0 as tings, iiniancu unus vrork ot all uesenpuons. Electro Plating and STENCIL CUTTING, &C. feMW-dly F. A.' B. SDSBISS, Attorney at laa.'csr j ; , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. 01Hc6 Amoos Building, opposite Capitol Square. COLUMBUS, OHIO; . OOLUMHTTO Machine Manufacturing Company . MANurAcrciutaa or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, . Castings, Kill bearing, Xachiaarw. ALIO,. . v J .. t.qti ac.B.e.w .6B.MTjlgyp i Rnilroad Worlc - or iTttir Disoairtioa.' ' . C0L,CinU(I8,' OHIO. OBAS. AM BOS, Hap't- . P. AliBOB, 'Treat, deoll. 1858-tf ' Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia. RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton A Indianapolul Through to lndtaoaoolia without Change of Can tad bot One Chang of Can between Columbus and St. Louis.' THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- . BUS... , , j. ,.. FIRSTAIN.'i iMt. . ; t ; 1 ' 1 '' (Dslljry Mondays exeepttd.l ' ' ' 1 NIOIIT SXPBKS8, via Dayton, at 8:45 a. .,!top plng at London, Xenla, Dayton, Mlddlctown and Hamil ton, arrlTlng at Cincinnati at 8:i(0 a. m.; Dayton at 5:45 a. m., Indianopolisat 10:id a. m.; bt. Louis at 11:30 P ' 1 '7:1 SECOND TRAIN'.; ' ACCOMMODATION, at 9:10 a. m.i stepping at all Bta tionibetweeo.Culumbus.and. Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rlring at Cincinnati 11:03 a. m., Dayton at 0:1 a. m., Indlanopolhaf2;SHpi i . . ; -:.) j THIRD TRAIN. DAT EXPBB8,at ttMp.ti,', stepping ai Alton, Jefferson, 'London, . Charleston. .Cedanille;' Xenla. Spring Valley, Corwln, Morrow, Desrneld, loiter't. Loveland, Millfordand Flsinrille, arririog at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m.; Ht, Louis at IS m; Dayton at 5 35 p, m.; Indianopolutat 10:38 p.m. ' ,.. . -i: ) . -"'i . ' Nleeplnff Car on all Nla;li( Tralna t . Ciucinutttl ona Indianapali. iiAGtJAiuis ciiEtitEB mnouoji. Tor nartherluformatlon and Through Tlckeu. apply to .r. ; - ' ' M- L-DOHBUTY, .TlckotAKtnt,,0cloatloiJot. Columbus. Ohio. " ' ;; - K, W. WOODWAUD, ". ' ,.. f.t,;;. i: J gaperiritondeat, Oinemnatl. ; . JNO. W. DOHHUTX jnl3 Agent, Columbus, SOMETHING NEW . ET-O w ARD ft'OOS; .ApRlCAN'MTCHES. . Call! 'av NO.'fij. soctu high st., , and examine our new make ot, x, , ,,,,,,:,, v AMCniCAN WATCH ES, ' ' manufactured by B. HOWARD CO ? Boston, Man. Thee Watches are far superior to anything sTes offered to th public, heretofore. Having th exclusive agency, I can sell them at price! to suit the time. J navejust . ! mannractored by Af PLETON, TRACT,' at CO ; alro, fin assortment ot ,'. ,' , , , , ... BNGIilSH AND SWISS WATCHES, In Gold and Silver Cases, at Panio prices. . Jan99 i t ' i y. 3.- RAT AG!.' iH i Just Reoelvedl , ., 1 Art Wfl"CsT GREEW BLACK 1UU TsiAa too sags prim Bit Cose. 1 50 pooket old Duteh Government Java Ooffe. . labagsfieylwOoaee.,' . SO4bbi. tandard Wblt Sugars, oonilitlng of Pow dred, Obruihed, Granuutted A and B OoSe. . SO quintals George Buk Oodllih. SObbls. Mew and No. 1 Mackerel. ' ' r " S to. Pick Sshnon. ' '. .i . tpO bx. Layer Raisin. fjvii; . Ohf. box do do . . ; . ;t i .mi , , t llWqr. boxdo d ."t ' ni i lOO M Olgars, different brand and grade, . . ; WW3T-, . v..-;, . WM. McDONALD. . V Ma C. LILWY boob: 30rKfXUlt ' And Blank-Book SLanafastarers vortk biqh rbsr, wivaavt, omo turll-dty - ( FAIT1ILY FLUUK. V vyillTK WHEATj BBANDED ,, . .'. '"BN OW ti'AK B3 ,'.'. Iron " Mllli," Bpringfteld, 0, the best brand of yiour orouftnt w u market. Batiiracnon guaranteea. for sale only Ht WM. MoDONALD'B, . novH7 106 Bouth High street. V Alllsanoolorsiuttopetimla BAINS, ae.U. N9.W8tbBlhttmls'l 7 STONE'BAZAAR. No. 4a GKvvmie Block. ;.a;p:stonF&6,ha ARKltrOTORECEIVINGTHEIH WIN TER 'flOODB, and UTite the pubUc to Iniptct tbtia. Mo inch stock of Goods nss rr been brought to this market. Th South, In aonsequenc of the fallur of the grain erop, hat act been able to purchase the us ual quantity or nen goous, ana tni nomas forced th Importrs to sell thtm at publla auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being la Sew York at these Urge sales, took advantage of then, and we can and will Mil our goods here, at leu than aoy one who purchased two Weeks line, paid for them in New York. Our stock It complete In erery department oi j j !H f . ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, ' , OTTOMAN VELOURS, I BROCHE VALENCIAS, , ! , . i PRINTED MEBINOS, ' ' i. J ", i PRINTED COBURG8, DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, , M . ORLEANS, " ,; ' '"id" - FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELA INES, -.POPLINS, PRINTS, I -,T ?i- ; DELAINES. SHAWLS AiiD CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At hall tbe Coat t Impcntatlon. LADIES' FURS,, r la all Varletle,. af the Celebrated - Blaaafatnre af C. O, Gnn . there Sc San. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men's, Ladle and Children's Unc)et Shirts and Drawers; Ladle. Misses and Children' Hosiery of all kinds. In Wool and Lamb' Wool; rioes Lined and Cotton Gloves or crerjr make. ," i ".' also .' i , " 1 ; i A complete assortment of all the usual rarie ties of ' :, .:. . r .... -.. . ' LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. . DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladies and Gent's linen Cambric Hani ' , . kercbiefii, Ac, &o. , . , , , To Mnoni who call on ni. wDldm out word to show them th lamst, bsst and cheapest stock of Good ever teen in mis market, or pay meat on nonar per nonr wntie looking. aeci-diysitawitw. btunb at u hauba LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO. 23 ft 25 PABK FLA.CE, 20 ft 22 MUERAY STKEET, new Yomx, . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF t Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOBCASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRING, 1861. W ar omnisr. at oaramnl warerootnt, at Ike above numbers, slooks of Goods in each of th six department of oar business, superior t anything we nave neretoior sainted to in trad. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Thil hsU crown toltiornt mrnitude under the thorough management of a barer of long experience and acknowledged good taste. We keep extensive line of nnest ana onoicest FANCY VESTINCS , ' 5 ' AND ' ;- -' .' FANCY CASSIMERES To be fonnd In the msrk.t, all selected with th nicest discrimination. Alto, all grades, colors and varieties o BROADCLOTHS, . SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNGS, ' J ':' : TWEEDS, IARMIR8' and MBROH ANTS' CAB8IMIRIB, KENTUCKY" JEANS, from SX to X cent per yard - . and upwards; TWIED8, 3 to IS oont par yard Last year sold- at ' 18 to 20; PRINTED BATINET3, at 14 cents'; I Andttker Good corretpondiHgly Low. i Dress-Goods Department. Manchester De Lalnes, Hamilton do.- -Paclflo - do. , Printed Lawns, Printed Bamianles, . . Taney Ginghams, , .. Bombazines, Black Bilks, ' Fancy lllks. Printed Oha'lli, Maneaestes Gingham, Glasgow , do. Clinton do. Ottoman Cloths, Alpseas, Poplins, And A New Select Style FANCY SPRING GOODS. Merrlmao Prints, Cocheco . do. -PaciSo ' do. Richmond's Prlnti, American do. . i Bunnell's ' do..' English do. Bpragus'i do Manchester, o. Print, fto DOMESTIC COTTON Lawrence 0. Sheetings,- Atlaotlo A. Sheeting, Btark do. Amoskeag do. Lathrop . t, , do. t' Appl.ton do." 8hawmat,l do, - . Kverett . do. j Pooaatet do. Otlca, a., do. , , , , ; . AU Grade and Widlhi. , , j BLEACIIBD BniRTTOdS1 AND SHEITINQB. Wansntta, Lonsdale, Hill,. r , , i . D wight, i r i-- Great tallti Ifi Wa'tham, . New York Mills, te.,o. i Lawreno. Raumkeag, Boott, ... V t- SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, , , : ,' '. A LAROI AND IBUCT ASSOaTMENTi. , COTTON ADIS-a great variety. r . . , CHBOKS ... do.' i ...... . . TIOKINaa-allths leading brands. ushihd ' ao. ae ' BHIRTING SIRIPIB-all the leading brands, NANKKKN8 do. -do. OORBBT JEANS - do. do. MORBBNB ' do. do. ' ' DAMASKS, PAPER CAMBRICS, COLORED CAM- LARQR AND COMPLETE STOCKS Of WH1TX GOODS, ;I j,,,, , . , . . HOSIERY, yarrkx Honoss, Gentlemen's Famishing Goods. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, . . .OABFET8 AND OILCLOTHS. And a great variety of Good not enumerated all ot which we pladg nnlvs to sell at th iouutf taowM priowth larger portion at from 10 to JO per cent, lets LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., I V . .. marl I , t r Irish Linen Goods. . WARRANTED FABRIC Llnea Shirt BMonl piin and faacf . Shirting end Dom Llneoe. ... . . Linen Hhntlngs and Pillow Culngt. : Oambrica and Long Lawns. i i i ,M 'Linen Porlrrt-hatidkrs. all site, ! - ' t.i. ."'"PaaaaABIapaa ! UaBTablfi)tbsa4t)aUn Daiwuta. t ' ' .' :' vk linen Towels with onlured bonier. , , ? . fJinenStalr0oveviiigsau4Crll. 1 i.Kt. ,.e..i porilrtltipriocs. T ' r -' !"'";t ' BAWli'Bfjjr": SPEECH OF HON. JOSEPH F. WRIGHT. HALL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 5, 1861. . -J. F. Wiight. Sir The members of the Hoaae of Representatives, hir ing listened with much interest to your very able remarks upon House bill No. 144, do respect fully ask a copy of tbe same lor publication. Ydurs, truly, ' ' GEO. 1. CONVEBSE. WM. BtBEKKH WM J. FLAGO. S. 1. BROWNS. 3. H. JOLLY. WM. JUNKS. WM. JKS8UP. JOHN SOHIPfi ' 5 O. HUGUEfl. JOHNS. MYERS. , JBSBI BALDWIN. J08DPH JONAS. . , J. B. OH ABB. . W. . W00D8. PATRICK K0GHR3. WILLIAM PAHH. Shish or Hon. Josipr F. Wriqht, or Hamil ton, in the Ohio House or RimtsctfTATivcs, AraiL 4, 1861, orow the Passage or H. B. No. 144, by Ma. Wuoht, or Hamilton To Amind Siotion 63 or tie School Act: i ' Mb. SrgaiKi:! Since this General Assembly convened, no question has been presented for Its consideration of 'greater interest, or mors lm portanee to the people of Ohio, than that which is presented in the bill now before the House. It Is a question which concerns not only the material prosperity, but the intellectual and mor al condition of our people. Tbe Stale of Ohio baa always made liberal and ample provision for the education of her youth. Her people hare always been the ardent advocates and devoted friends of common schools. I apprehend the enemies ot a well regulated system of free schools in this State would not exceed a cor poral's guard. ; I know, Sir, at this late period of the session, members are exceedingly anxious for the dis patch of business, for this reason, if I had the disposition to do otherwise, I would not detain the House long at this time. Bat I bespeak its indulgence while I state, as briefly as lean, tbe object of this bill, and offer a few reasons why , in my judgment, it should become a law. This bill was introduced at the last session. In its original shape, it provided for the. levying of a tax of a mill and a half, and for distributing the same In the counties where raised. The bill was referred to a select committee, and re ported back to the House at this session, in Its amended form. It now differs from the existing law, only in tbe amount of tax which" is author ised to be levied and assessed. It Is proper that I should here state, Mr. Speaker, that my mind has undergone no change in regard to a State school tax, as might be in ferred by the modification made in the bill. In my opinion, the whole duty of tbe State upon this subject is comprised in the act.'of providing by law a system of free schools. The details of tbe system, and the support and management or tne schools, should, I think, be left to the people in their local jurisdictions. But, in def erence to tne opinion of a large number of our moat able and distioRulahed lurltta. who regard a State school tax to be a 'require ment of the Constitution, the bill was amended ao as to make it conformable with their Inter pretation of the organio law of the State. Al though I have a high regard lot the opinion of the profession, touohing the law and the Con stitution, I must say it is with great reluctance that I defer to it in this instance. For I can but regard it to be a matter of sincere regret that a State school tax should be a Constitu tional neoessity. Upon this point, however, I desire not to be misunderstood. It is the system of State taxa tion for the support of schools to wbioh I object. And I shall endeavor to show, before I leave the floor, that my objection Is well taken. The facts, presented in the annual reports of the State Commissioner of Common Schools, and of the State Auditor, will furnish abundant proof, I think, that the State bas outgrown tbe neoessity of the State school tax, if, indeed, it ever But, as it .ia my purpose to be brief, I will here read from the Constitution: "Art VI.' Seo.a.The General Assembly shall make such provision, by taxation or otherwise, as, with tbe Income arising from the school trust fund, will secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools thronghout the State; but no religious or other sect or sects shall ever have any exelusive right to, or control of, aoy part of the school funds of this State." I am free to say, Mr. Speaker, that I clearly see, In this section of the Constitution, the war. rant for levying a State school tax for tbe tup- port of . common schools. But I do not under stand this to be a dutj, which is peremptorily eojoined upon the General Assembly. Certain it is, that no General Assembly that has con vened sinoe the adoption of the new Constitu tion, has regarded It to be their duty to author ise a State tax that would be sufflolent to sustain the schools for ftbe period required in the law. But they have cnilormly 1 left it to township and other local Boards of Education, to levy such additional tax as may be requisite to keep the schools In 'session for tbe period of six months'. ' I shall have occasion to refer to this feature of tbe law again. .-, J , v , ; Seotlon 63 of tbe school law, passed Maroh 14, 1E53, provides that a tax of one mill and a half shall be levied and assessed for the sup port and maintenance of common schools. In the same section, It is also provided that this tax shall be distributed to the several counties of the State in proportion to the enumeration of scholars, and it further provides that Town ship Boards of Education may assess an addi tional tax, not exceeding two mills oa tbe dol lar of the taxable property of the township, for the purpose of prolonging the schools after the State funds have been exhausted. The mode prescribed for distributing the school fund is even more obnoxious than tbe tax, Tbe ob jectlon to a State school tax would not be so great if the school fund were Justly and equitably distributed; which might be done by a com pound rale In which the coat of eduoatloa and the enumeration of youth were combined. A rale having these two elements for its basis, In stead of.41stiibaUng tbe school fund equally among tbe wards of tba State, would result in a fair and equitable distribution to tnem of educational privileges; which is the great ob ject to be attained, and which Impartial justioe requires shoild be done. Bat I shall not now dwell upon the propriety of a change of the rule of distribution of the soheol fund, as none la at this time proposed. Here the question very , naturally arises, why this bill does not propose a change In the mode of distribution, Tso as 'to make It what It Is olaimed Joetloe and (quit require. I answer ,for tbe reason that there la a natural repugnanoe to Innovation, and the change suggested It so rad leal, and would Cause so great an Increase In the labors of the local officers upon whom tbl duty devolves of apportioning and distributing this fund, that it would, for this reason, be ob noxious to them. And with so large an army of offloe-holders arrayed la opposition to the bill, there would be but JIUle hope of Its becoming a law. Besides, I ' fear this House is not pre pared to vote for so radical change, ia the mode of distribution, as tbe adoption of the compound rule just suggested would involve, But, I am unwilling to believe that a majority of the members of this Honse will not vote for this bill when they are in possession of the facts, which I propose to , submit to their con sideration. i - ' The law, as before stated, provides that mill and a half on the dollar valuation on the grand Hat of the taxable property of the State, shall be levied and assessed annually for the support of common schools. The proposition contained In the bill now before the House is simply to reduoe this tat to half mill, making it one-third of tbe preseal niouot. The advo cates of a St&to tax because it Is a Constltu tional requirement, oannot object to the bill) for it recognizes their theory In providing for the tax; and ' although it ' does not remove tbe objectionable featureof the law, it lessens it in so great ratio, that those who sre now op pressed by it will be reconciled to wait for time and a further enlightenment of public Bentlment to accomplish a complete reform. Tbe ends of justice will be approximated by tbe passage of this bill, and the practical operation of the law will not be affected in tbe slightest manner. True, tbe change is not so radical as I could wish. Tbere.are other changes I should like to see made. Tbe school system needs simplifl. oation. . It should be divested of some excres cenoesthat have been attached to it by in discreet friends. But it will require time to effect a thorough reform. Mr. Davis, of Tuscarawas Mr. Speaker, desire to ask the gentleman from Hamilton, whether his bill proposes aoy other change in the law than the reduotion of the tsxt Mr. Wbioht Mr. Speaker, I thought I bad so distinctly and emphatically stated that tbe bill before tbe House proposed no other change In the law than the reduction of tbe State school tax, that there could be no misapprehension as to its object. It seems that I was mistaken. Mr. Speaker, my friend, the gentleman from Meiga, (Mr. Plants) the efficient chairman of the standing committee on Schools and School Lands, made the ablest and most ingenious ar gument in support of Sec. 63 of the school law that I bave heard since I have had tbe honor of a place on this floor, in a report which he made to this House last session, on H. B. No. 56, re commending Its indefinite postponement. As a member of that committee, I then dissented from the argument of my friend, as will be seen by reference to tbe report, which will be found on page 149 of the Appendix to the House Journal lor 1860. In that report, the writer says: "The only theory upon which your com mittee can justify a tax at all for the purposes of education is, that the State, being sovereign, bas a right to tax tbe property of tbe Sta. If this theory is not sound, then the whole sys tem Is built upon a fallacy, and ought to fall. Bat, if the principle is right, then the money, wherever in the State collected, ought to be ap propriated to the eduoation of the children of tbe State, wherever they may be found." Now, assuming that the theory in reference to tbe Ight of tbe State to tax the property of the State, for the purpose of education, ia correct, docs It follow, as a logical sequence, that the money should be distributed in tbe manner pre scribed In tbe law, and advocated In the report? If the oost of education were equal in all tbe counties of the State, this mode of distributing the school fund might answer the ends of jus. tice. Here let me refer to page 79 of the sev enth annual reportof the Commissioner of Com mon Schools, and call tbe attention oi members to the following: Statement showing the Annual Cost in each County for sustaining Schools for the years 1858, 1859 and 1860, per scholar in average daily attendance. cooimts. ' -1 1839. 18J0. 1660. Adam 3 55 f 7 85 32 Allen ' 3 78 TO!) 3 19 Alb land 05 3 8S 3 18 Ashtabula 3 BJ . 3 7i 3 43 Athens 25 3 74 3 60 Auglaise 5 94 41 s C4 Belmont ' 6 48 6 S3 4 47 Brown T 84 T 30 est Butler 7 itu 7 75 8 16 Carroll - 4 16 3 Bo 3 03 Champaign ' 8 30 7 76 7 37 Clark 8 Sfl 7 1 B 84 Clermont 0 47 SB 5 18 Clinton 5 09 6 30 5 01 Columbiana 498 4 74 4 31 Coshocton 4 05 3 88 3 76 Crawford..... -- 75 4 73 8 08 Cuyahoga S 93 0 So 6 78 Darke 18 J 17 4 BO Defiance - 4 60 4 70 4 55 Delaware 3 93 3 8? 8 64 Brie 6 0.) S 0 5 9S F airfield 4 43 5 14 4 74 PaystU 15 7 84 8 BO Franklin S 97 5 41 5 43 Fulton 4 01 3 44 3 41 Gallia...., 4 10 3 . 60 Geauga... 3 67 3 67 . 3 48 Greene 7 40 7 By 8 94 Guernsey (in 4 35 4 97 Hamilton II 79 11 71 ll 36 Hancock , 4 95 8 65 3 45 Hardin S f9 S 67 ' 8 69 Harrison 6 53 6 00 6 35 Henry 4 91 4 85 4 39 Highland 7 00 8 84) 8 95 Hocking 4 55 3 8 4 88 Holmes 3 90 3 87 3 38 Huron 5 17 4 84 S 10 Jackson 5 93 6 75 4 89 Jefferson.. S 40 8 60 4 86 Knox 4 38 4 03 , 8 S9 Lak 4 91 3 63 4 541 Lawreno , 8 89 6 01 5 Si Licking 4 78 89 H '4 89 Login Jf5 05 85 09 84 88 Lorain......... 3 85 3 81 3 94 Lucas v 7 69 8 94 5 80 Madison 7 7J 6 61 8 37 Mahoning 4 Jl 4 4'86T Marion 8 04 . 8 13 S HI Medina 3 63 3 44 3 18 Meigs - 4 94 4 83 4 86 Mercer 4 30 4 88 , 4 59 Miami 8 75 8 79 6 91 Monro '6 80 4 88 4 15 Montgomery B S3 B 46 8 09 Morgan 8 44 . 4 64 4 14 Morrow...'. 3 80 4 13 3 60 Muskingum...... 5 67 8 54 8 88 Noble 4 54 3 58 3 56 Ottowa 4 17 4 96 " 4 61 Paulding. 5 94 4 33 4 36 Perry S 81 4 SO 4 78 Pickaway... 8 68 89 7 71 Pike 8 06 6 06 5 88 Portag '4 16 4 88 3 69 Preble.." 8 67 7 1 6 17 Putnam 1 88 4 17 3 85 Richland 4 70 4 57 4 68 Row... ,8 60 6 II 8 56 Sandusky 4 57 , 4 83 4 88 Boioto 0 03 ,3 44 8 66 Seneca. 4 81 4 00 3 91 Bheiby 5 81 0 09 6 84 Btark , 8 tf . 4 73 4 17 Bummit y 4 55 4 4H 4 10 Trumbull 3 6 3 91 S 89 Tuscarawas 8 45 8 01 4 86 Union i 3 68 8 78 B 96 VaaWsrt 4 61 6 83 4 30 Vinton 3 95 4 83i 3 96 Warren.... 8 59 7 901 6 18 Washington.. 4 65 -4 83 '4 73 Wayn.... - '4 33 4 63 4 37 Williams , 4 3t 4 8 4 Wood M 'JB 4 78 Wyandot..." 4 T5 4 35 3 73 1 , .;! t o i i I . . i ' v Awrag fw the State....! . t P7.L i W i I ' There are a few errors In this statement, but tbey are so obvious that I need not consume time In pointing them out. This table shows the cost of education, on tbe single Item of tul lion, to be a fraction of a dollar over five dollars per scholar in average daily attendance. The minimum cost it aboot three dollars, and the maximum coat Is nearly twelve dollars per echo!. ar In average dally attendance. These facts adduced from tbe official statement of the high- est school offloer in the State, render unnecessa ry any argument to show that the distribution of the school fund, under the existing law, is in violation of every principle of justioe, equl ty, and right. I need not detain the House, to make a critical analysis of this table of sta tistics, to show that the law distributee with an unequal and partial band educational privile ges to the youth of the State. This will be ob viouB on its mere perusal . . , " ' But,to return to the argument of my friend from Meigs. He says, "The-State, being sovereign, has a right to tax the property of tbe State for the education of the people of the State." By adopting tbe 'inexorable loglo of the gentleman, we shall have no difficulty in proving that the State bas the right to tax tbe property of the State to feed, to clothe, and do divers other things for the people of the State. But, if we should adopt the same method of distributing a fund raised for these purposes that the gentle man from Meigs advocates, and that the law prescribes, for tbe distribution of the school fund, we should soon bear a loud cry of com plaint coming up from those parts of the State where the oost of food is the greatest; as it would be found that the amount of money that would be received there would be wholly inad equate to meet tbe wants of the people. But, from those parts of the State where food la more cheap and living comparatively inexpens ive, there would come up no note of dissatis faction; for there, there would be a surplus to be expended for the luxuries of life, or in such manner as the beneficiaries of the State should elect. Nothing is moro evident than (he fact that a pro rata distribution of money will not afford equal facilities for education. But, says my friend from Meigs, In his re port, "the State is the guardian of all her chil dren. By her sovereign power, she assumes to tax tbe property, wherever found within her ju risdiction, for the benefit of these her wards. Haviug thus created a commoifTund, shall she not act with an impartial jWi'ee in its distribution T" Most certainly, my friend, that is Just what I desire. It is because impartial justice is not meted out by this law that I complain; and when the gentleman shall have examined this question, and be satisfied, as he must bo, that impartial justice cannot be done under tbe law, I trust he will concur with me in tbe opinion that it should be modified, if it cannot be re pealed. If the Constitntion requires us to keep an unjust law upon the statute book, let ns make it as tolerable as we can. . - Again, It Is aeked : "But would it be ei ther just or Impartial to distribute to such of her wards as happened to live within ten miles of Cincinnati, or Cleveland, or Columbus, twice as much of this common fund as to those who msy happen to live a half a mile further, If that should be across a county line?" Ia an swer to tbe latter question, I say emphatically, if It requires twice as much money to keep the former at school the same length of time it does the latter that is, if tbe cost of eduoation is twice asmucb to tbe former as to the latter they should, as a matter of justice and equity, receive twice as muoh money Ma. Stout Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question or order. Tbe bill before the House, tbe gen tleman has stated, relates to 6 reduction of the school tax. His remarks are upon the distribu tion of the school fund. His speech don't fit the bill. " The SrEAKia The Chair ia of opinion that the gentleman from Hamilton is in or der. ..,, i . Ma. Wbioht Mr. Speaker, I am aware that is a weakness of the gentleman from Mon roe, to allow himself to get into a state of high nervous excitement whenever this question is discussed. Monroe county receives from the school fund about three times as much as she pass into it, and makes an annual net gain of about $9,000 by the operation. .' If this bill should pass, she will only receive 'a bonus of one-third tbe amount. This, I apprehend, is the cause of my friend's uneasiness at thla time. If be will hear me patiently, I do not despair of convincing' him that, the distribution of the school fund Is a subject pertinent to. the question before the House. No one will suspect tbe gentleman of faithlessness to his constituency upon thii question. Let me entreat him not to ignore justioe, though bis constituents should profit by bis act. I know justioe is on the side advocate, and If it were possible for gen tlemen here to divest their mind from the bias which self-intorest has produced, I should have no doubt aa to the result of the vote on this bill. If it falls now, I shall still look hopefully to tbe future. ,. ,. , Now, Sir, if the friends of the State school tax bad only attempted to nnke it suffislont to sustain our schools for the period required. without resorting to local taxation at all, tbe in justice and inequality would have been so pal pable, and its oppression so grievously burden some to a portion of tbe State, that open rebel lion, If oot absolute secession, would have been the result of the law, If the latter had been fashionable in those.daya. While, on the other hand, counties oi leas wealth, and greater rela tive enumeration of youth of school age,, would have received more money than tbey oouid ex pend nnder the law; for the School fund can on ly be applied in payment of teachers. But why should tbe State, if she proposes to educate "her wards," aa my friend says, confine her be nevolence to providing money for the payment of teaobers? Books, houses, and incident al expenses, are as Indispensable to the school as are teachers. And again, if the entire ex pense were providod for by tbe State, there would be more consistency in the system; and, I think, It would be more nearly equal and lust The ohildrea of some of the counties now at tend school, at tbe State's expense, nearly four times as long aa they do in others. Ctn any apology be offered for a law that Is so unfair, so partial, so unjust la its operation T Csa any reason be assigned why the child of my friend, tbe gentfeman from Carrol, (Mr. Buss) ' should be kept at sohool, at the expense of the State, four times as long, eaoh year, as my own, or that of any one of my colleagues ) Is there any Justice In keeping tbe children of the con' stituents of the gentlemen from Medina and Mclga at school each year twice as long, at the expense of tbe State as, the children of tbe con itituents of the gentleman from Butler and Fay to of ly ette T I might multiply these instances of the partiality of the law, to a conaiderable extent, but it is only necessary to call tho attention of members to these facts, and they wil) not fall to pat a proper estimate upon a law which is so totally uojust. ' Let me ask why a child, who happens to live in a county where the cost of education Is two or three times more than It Is in other counties of the State, should be per mltted to attend school at the expense of tbe State only one-half or one-third of tho time of the more fortunate child who happens to reside In a county where tbe cost of education is in in verse proportion to the time it is permitted to attend school. Circumstances modify tbe cost of education materially, and make a very great disparity in cost in tho different sections of tbe State. Tbe differences exhibited in the table to which I have referred are appa rently greater than tbey are lu fact, in some Instances, for the reason that, in the counties where the greatest difference is shown in the cost of education, there Is also a difference In the length of time which the schools have been kept In session. Making due allowance for this, the difference of cost would not be so great. As I wish to take no adrantego in the presen tation of my argument, I have deemed it but just and proper that I should mako this state ment In explanation. 1 Bnt, after making every reasonable allow- ance for difference of time, and tbe greater cost because of tbe higher grade of schools, we have overwhelming proof that the State, in making a distribution of tbe school fund, utterly fails in dispensing equal educational privileges, whioh is the end that ought in justice and fairness to be accomplished. I take it, this is what was de signed, both by tbe framers of the Constitution and the law, and the character of those men warrants me in the opinion that, if tbey could have foreseen the practical operation of their legislation upon this subjeot, we should not have tbe present law, nor Ssc. 2 of Article VI. of tbe Constitution to annoy us at this time. Nor can I believe that tbe friends and supporters of this law ever fully realized the fact that it was pos sible that such outrageous wrong and injustice were contiogent upon its practical operation; for, surely, that sense of justice and right for which the true friends of free education are provetbial, would bave Impelled them to wipe off from the statute book this instrument of oppression and wrong. The county of Hamilton, which I have the honor to represent in part, pays an excess Into the Treasury of. $57,000, to be distributed for the support of schools In counties where they have relatively more children, than material wealth. And twenty-seven bther counties pay an excess into tho school fund, to be distribut ed for the snpport of schools in tbe remaining sixty conntios. In five of these counties, this excess is less than one thousand dollars; in the remaining twenty-two counties, this excess va ries from one to sixteen thousand dollars. Of the sixty oountiei that are bonefioiaries of tbe State school tax, seven of them receive leas than one thousand dollars; the remaining fifty-three re coive sums varying from one to nine thousand dollars. I make tbe statement in round num bert, as absolute accuracy Is not Important to my purpose. True, the passage of this bill would not divest the law, as has been admitted, of its obnoxious features; but it will render it less objectionable, for tbe reason that it will be much less burdensome This is possibly the only relief that can be had, while tbe present Contli- tution remains in force. But time ia the great corrective of errorain human legislation, and it will sooner or later bring a change that will dispense, with nnerring certainty, equal and ex act justice to all. And if it be true that tho Constitution requires legislation upon this sub ject that ia obnoxious to justice and equity, it, too, will have to yield to. the' Influence of the great reformer, and undergo such modification as experience bae proved to be necessary, to per mit legislation that will be equitable to all parts of the State. The total State tax is $3,503,712 93. The State school tax is $1,213,811 73, or more than one-third of all the State taxes. I submit, Sir, whether It would not be good economy to di minish the State school tax, aa proposed in this bill, and Increase correspondingly the amount levied for payment of the State'debt. This, with out locreasing tbe State taxes, would givo us morejtbac three-fourths of a million to add to the Sinking Fund, which would greatly hasten the period when the State debt, now noar $14,000, 000, shall be extinguished. Hamilton county pays' $473,057 27 of the State tax, and $167, 311 44 of the school tax, or nearly a seventh.of all tbe State taxes. I desire to suggest to gen tlemen who sometimes indulge in making com plaints that the legislation for Hamilton county oonsumes a good deal of the time of this House, that these figures indicate that she is entitled some consideration. Within her limits is situated the great commercial centre of the State the Queen City, the pride of the West This renders necessary a greater amount of local legislatiob than is needed In any other county tbe State. However, Hamilton eounty has asked for no more consideration than she is just entitled to, from this or any previous Legis lature.! I will, with great pleasure, avail myself of the opportunity to acknowledge the courtesy which has been extended to tbe delegation from Hamilton by the members generally, and de sire to say it is dnly appreciated. In addition to tbe faota that I bave already presented for the consideration of members, I wish to state that, in a number of tbe counties that receive an excess from the sohool fund, the local tax for sustaining schools is only about one-fourth of tbe amount of their State school tax; so that the effect of the law, it will be seen is to make edacatlon exceedingly cheap to them. On the other hand, the looal tax for prolonging schools in Champaign, Butler, Franklin, Ham ilton, Madison, Montgomery, and other coun ties, Is in excessof their State sohool tax; showing oonolusively that tbe cost of education in thoae counties that recelro only from tbe sohool fund, eay fifty to seventy per cent of the amount they contribute to it, Is greater than In thoae counties that receive aid from the State. . Tbe aid re oeived by counties from the State school fund Is in inverse proportion to the existing neoestl ty for IK". Thus, the statistics which I have presented show that the cost ot education ia greatest In the counties upon which tbe bunben of the State School tax falls moat heavily- ' To this statement there may be some exceptions, but as a general rule it la correct. Who can consistently support a law which has not even the semblance of justice to sustain it? - Let me give a few more fact and figures The total taxes for all purposes are $10,817,67S,r lev The total State tax Is $3,503,713 39; which 'deduct from the for met, 'and e bare $7,313,- 963 85, tbe total amount of fell other than 8tate taxes. Of which Hamilton county paid $124,. 535 46. Now, If we add to this sum tba emoaat.- contributed to the State taxes by my tsoaaty, $172,057 27, we bave $1,995,593 73, the" whole I anfouot of taxes paid by HsmHton county, be ing a iraotion snort or two millions, at aaarirV. one-fifth of all the taxes collected fa tbtl State ' Notwithstanding Hamilton and other countiej,"'" sre onerously taxed forlocU purposes, they are u compelled by this law to contribute to the school fund for the support of schools la counties where tbe local taxes are comparatively light. We pay, aooording to the last animal statement ' of the State Auditor, nearly $65,000 for -i (b -support of schools in other counties. This sum1 ' Is leu than It has been for several years pae0" The passage of the bill would be t sarins) to Hamilton county annually of aearly $40,000 Twenty-seven other counties 'would be propor tionally benefitted. Have I not auooeedeJ I showing why this bill should pass? ' - ' ' : The legitimate functions of goverame few and simple. It is Instituted for the preser. -vation of order, for tbe protection of the Indi vidual in his person and property; The virtue- and Intelligence of the people are tMMntiat to " secure permanency and stability to tba govern ment. Upon these also depend, In an eminent degree, the character of Its eivlf nf , institations. Hence tbe necessity to ednoato',' ' and to educate all the people. Instruction U the elementary branches of education Ieabe- -lutely necessary to qualify the Individual for aai 6.. ,u.rKO U1 ms aM t0(fi lien. Education for tbe people ia !.. considered merely as a police regulation. - But n aoes not inerejcre follow that the State sbonM raise and distribute tbe funds necessary to fur dish the requisite educational privileges. X have endeavored to demonstrate that there ienomora" propriety in the State performing this duty than In Its furnishing food and olothiog for the people. ' How far J bave succeeded, I leave it witW she Honse to decide. The State may, with propria. law, make provision "for affording the. advantages of a free eduoation to all the voutb of tho State" But, In my judgment, experience ' oaa demonstrated that the raising and the die tributing of the funds nectaiary for this purpose i 6 and the entire management aod control of tbe,' schools, should be left with the people, In their local corporations. With such an arrangement. we may feel confident that the schools will managed with prudence, and a wise economy.' which will secure success, and give complete satisfaction. .. ,c In conclusion Mr. Speaker, I will repeat that" I am decidedly in favor of supporting tbe com-" mon schools by looal taxation. For I bave an r abiding confidence In tbo people's capacity to -manage their own affairs. In the admin litre-; tion of the schools, due regard should be bad to economy and efficiency. These should "be primary objects of tbe law. To secure whlobV the oontiol and management of the schools' should be brought as directly home to the pee-' pie aa practicable. Tbe people of Ohio bave ' long been distinguished for their enterprise- and public spirit; and these are ample guarantees mat tbeir constant and untiring effort will be directed to promote the success and usefulness ; ot the schools Tbe only danger that threatens ' the common school system is, that its over- zealous friends will bring it into disfavor with the people, by amplifying and expanding it. Boards ef Education have tbe authority to estab lish township, central, or high sobool. . Nonen bas yet been organized under tbe law, and it ta s to be hoped none ever will be. Thta 1 a much i of an excrescence upon the common school Sys-' tern as the ragged school would be. Tbe tendsa cy of either, as an adjunct to tbe school svstsdtr could not fall to do harm . It would unavoidably re -' sultin the establishment of invidious distinctions in society .and for this reason It is to be deprecated. ' -Our school law bas become entirely too complex, - and there has been, I regret to say, a disposition upon the part of iboie who claim to be the friends, par excellence, of our common schools to render it even more so. The system is made ponderous by excessivo machinery. It is the ' nature of power to centralize, and nowhere is this more manifest than in, the Ohio school system. The band of reform is needed upon it. The common school system, pure and simple, is amply sufficient to furnish the means of ele-ic mentary instruction to all tbe youth of the . State. It is comparatively inexpensive and 4 popular with the people, and will remain so, s, long aa it is kept within ita legitimate sphere, r Let township or central high schools beettab. lished by private enterprise, and publio benevo-, lence will provide for the ragged school when needed. Letour school system be pureed of aod kept free from all extraneous appendages;,, and we need have no fear of its success, x , Finally, let me say, Mr. Speaker, the bill aa-d fore the House should pass. . It is eminently a measure of Justice, and it will sooner or later bal come a law. Depend, upon It, tblsia only question of time. Justits Is slow, but oertaia -. ?t : V ' "- - 1 ' .-: li-J n&5i--&li i Arts V T 4JsflJat PBICXS SIDiTCID I jiil n From tht New IorkOtmrvtr.1 ' SU As all parties manufacturing Sewing Machine ar ob- . - Used 10 uy air. Bow license on each machine ld. 1 and ar a so compelled to make returns to him, andef rt oiu. mm iu lu.iiuuiuvr wiu, uia vooss B1T CQmooui! ment. From this reliable source w have ottalaed th 1 following statistics. Of th machine mad in tbe gear lesti, were sold, J By Wheels? st Wilson.......... 81,305 " I. M. Btngersk Co., .....10.95J ,,,,', Grover fc Baker... 10,880 . Phowlng the stirs of Wheeler fc Wilson to 8 WUt ' those of any other Company ." . . .. . Y . - Awarded the highest premlnme-tt th - , ..a, United Btates Fsirs of 1858, 1&9 and 1808; ' ' ... also at th - w..rMj Ohio 8 late rain of 1859 and 1M8 , . , and at nearly all th County Fairs hi to Btaat.V Our nrioes. at th late ndutton, ons low M aw" loch Hich machine now moU. and but a trifl higher than th Interior two thrtaa oeoea wtc macAitui, tow -forced unon the market. ' 1 ' ' .- -it . Th WBBBLKB a WILSON MACOtNS mikes the Look tnen theenlyen which cannot bmvel.4. - It 4 It luu 0 Both 8insa of th goods, leavUf M rVf ar f oAaMonMs tuuUr tidm. ' atsnocAAtew uofattted 3 years, io4 fcusrsectfoW dvea in their nss, free of eh.rte. . , II. 0BABr,81 High st.,Colambhv0. '9 WM. SUMS IB It 0O S doc3-8awd3mfcw6n' Pike's Opera Ho. Cincinnati. . HF..1UY KtEIILEK, , y -v . is'. (Lte of Phalon'l Iitabllshment, .. T.,) Poprittar - th Hew Tork Fashionable Sharing, Beir Oattiug ' ham nooning, Curllagand Dressing Saloon, Bstt State-. Street, over the Pott Oilioe, when satiifoctlon will n given In all th various brant-be, lottos and ' Children's Ualr Dressing don In the beltstyl.,, JySI-dlV . ' " ' ut . O T 13 I. LA SnAWLII STELLA O SHAWLS I in all dotrableeolnni, and at rtrr great bargain. aprllS BAIN t St'ti. No. SB louth High stiwt. ...A... -vm wow. IF ' . .ii j- I .-? 1 -i a,J V1