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JSOW READY. THE REVISED STATUTES or TBI flTATia OP - - . V f aiMiMm 11TA 1 IfUUl. Jf Aft?ir;tlu PAUn, -- v .... v. lies Joseph JL Swan, , wiiBSvrxs rax iibiarofs or titssv- PRIMS COURT iwlinnd In rwentvnlna volume, of the Ohio an Obi - Stats Reports.) T, r- . .( .'isiiut'fiiairoMioMTOEilWB, Br tBAWDEH J-CHITHIFEL,E3q .. . mi L D OoflVtNIINT INDEX. Vl-' iIo T Roys' 8r0 Glomes. Prlc $10 00.' No car rerpensehee been .pared to aiak the wort Mrfaotsatf rellaM. to alt respects. It dm naw kb. WletattTS aucUoa, hTlcr M" ap proved by nearly the unanleioue rots of both oowt, JndWMOrtdo a distributed to the following Btate aad County oracers; . - , ... a.i unnrmna Judres. Beer c.r of ?rrcr; x various Courts lo.ech county, Ul "'h"i eoete and Hou of Repr-enUtlw. of thu Slate, and aow Eree'end unauthoritative oon.tni.tlon of them SdU?tKn?0oMUt.U. will . h fn? "P""1 J, ueful In tho performance of their duties, to all , . 00CWTT O?I0HS, al JUSTICES OP THI PRA0R, :' 10WNBHIPTRUBTKK8, ' . ,, .. r . C 0, . CLERKS Of T0WNSHIP8, and ' .,. .'. air omoiRB..--n , Tmanwk savory many changes have boon mule In th . H TrnMinaHnn of the last edltlODf, by re peal, alterations sn addition, and many important d elaton. havs been given by tha Bupreme Court on oou- ATTORN BYB AT I AW, , - BANKERS. MRROiIANTS .Ik! c AND RUBlNBsB MBN OKMKRAUT, Jtoo oyal Boo. FoJwri A(n Ifundrei -. - " ' r. a I Bttwf l Binding. Price $10.00. ' frbUaWdbr ... . : ' -' ROBERT CTjAJOSJSit CXD., Law PablUhen. BookKllcn; Butloneri and ImporUra. Mo. 65 Wort fourth atreet. fcal8:d9ai:ia 1 Olnelnnatl, 0. . junmn xiuxb, rubiunen. GEO IT. MANVl-EBlJIKt Eaitor. COXiXTMBXJS, OHIO. VnrADVtRTIttUXXTS, to imrftr ixser TJVJf. i aAowd kmdtd 4n fry TWJ. JS V Ul.Vi.Ji n taa day nfpudiioation. . WDNE3DAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1861 CTThe Journal is ready to snrreoder the Border Slave States and turn them ovr to the Southern Confederacy. Tbis fact being so, why iot it desire a conflict with the Sontb.and wby im it rejoice in the war policy of the Admins trationt Speech of Hon. Joseph F. Wright. TbotDeecb of Bon. Jossru F. Wiioht, ol Baailtoo county, ca (be bill to amend section lzty thrae of the School Law, t be found In Our colamn to day, will be read with interest. The subject i one ol Importance, and Mr. Waiowr dkeaese it la a very able manner, which all whoTrad bis speech will readily con aada. whether the acreewith him or not Is the positions he advance. aTJtisems frost the tolefrt that ; Gov Dmhison has as-ured Mr. Lincoln that Ooio will stand up to the war policy, which our State Executive, wiih others, ha urged upon the Ad ministration at Washington. We may, then look (or a war message from Gov. Dcnmson to the Legislatore, is a very short time, and the people, If they like the fun, can prepare to pay tho .heavy taxes which will be Impcted upon them, to supply means to inaugurate a civil war. How will they like lit - ' IT The present war movement are on too extentivv a scale to be carried on long without mm money than will be brought In by Secre ! tary Cka&i's loan and Treaiury notes, loolnd lag the lean income derived from customs un do tho Morrill tariff. Old Asa will soon find tho T'OMory . empty, and be obliged to call an xtra acesioB of Congress to provide "tho sinews ot war.". - Sat it is said he will not take this too until war is actually begun.' Perhapi, he It afraid, or hi radical advieero are, that if Con great ohould be balled together while the coun try to at peace, some meant wonld be deviled, or at least attempted, to prevent war and tare ' tho Union. But tucb meant will become more difionlt to find and less likely to succeed, when blood hat onee begun to flow. Facts to be Remembered. -Tie people mutt not forget that from the timt Ot .a Inauguration of Abiahim Lincoln until within tb put four or five days, the country ki been aasnred that If wonld be the chief ob- )oet oT tb "Administration to pursue a pacific pollc toward th acceded State, and that In faoe confidence in all the border States, which, acting on the Cotton Stateo, must ultimately destroy th secession movement. Governed by thlt principle, the Adminiatra- tiM we la fact ou the giving hand, and it wai announced, nearly three weeks ago, that Fort Sumter would be evacuated. Every thing look d peaceful, even more to than the policy of Mr. Bocwanan toward the South. All of a sadden, and within the put four or iv day, tb whole policy of tho Administration bat "been changed, and now we hear of nothing but war, war, war! The Republican Governoreof tbe virions northern States, have either visited , Washington ia person, or, by letter and th use of th telegraph, hive corref ponded with Mr. Lincoln, and brongbt all tbelr combined influ ence to work to put tome backbone Into Old Abe; and wby tnd for wbatT , Th object of these desperate politicians is not to induce Mr. Lincoln to take step to ouciliat tbe Border Slav States, and strength n the hinds of the Union men in all tbe South. Tot that. They care not a stra w for the Union . Indeed, many oi them are its most bitter ene mies, aad ear not bow toon a permanent dino lutioa ia wrought. .... : , Bat they want to save the Republican party, so that it may continue to heap tbe honors and . distinctions of tho Isnd upon them ; and finding that the party bad become very much weakened bee tb November clectlce, at evidenced by . tb recent, elections, tbey demanded of Mr Lincoln a war policy le sip th Rrfvblictn arff .. With tha leader sod office-holders in tha patty, th Uulon bat no consideration when It comes Is cobfiist with what they deem the interest of tb party. Tb latter mnst, if pos eibl, be saved, though th former be severed and broken up forever. - " . Heno th nw, sodden nd vlgnroos war pdiej which 1 cow put on foot, the effect of wblob will b to driv th Bolder Stales out of .the JJoion, and. mikt .a perpetual ditto lutioa. TU wail bmosmmI it put a fool i . it U tM Iht RipMcan 'ftif 'ftonx tttrtkrtw mud ruin , tUisuh Iht rnuti we cwsf sei1 Be, ieubt, thl aerswsewt stisWiia tf iht Un. Thut, thee men th leader and magnate Of tb party--have induced Mr. Lincoln to take a iUp which will crllt,Iy driv cfl tb Birder Slav Suttt, and thut perpetually dluolv tt Union, mAk hi( aw war aU 4 offf merely the linking lortuoe of id boprlDclpled u " patrlfltlo polidoal partj.. Buoh dinDlng od diabolical deaigo tu never OoucelTed b J an j body of men before; ndjn time to oomBi the triDiactloni of the oreeenl flay iww dlupMiionatcly, the, eetort in tbie Jb'vT treason to the Union, to humauity ma diBBKioo, will be consigned pUce among the most infa mous men of the pail ige of the woria.- f . iiiU ri! " Proposals for Treasury Notes. The balance of the eight million loin, amount ing to nearly fire million dollar, which was not covered by the accepted bids on the 3d insl.. U offered la the form of Treasury Note. . The advertisement of S. P. Chass, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, appears in the New York papers, aUtlng that sealed proposals will be received at the .Treasury Department at Washington, until ten o'clock, to-morrow (Thursday) mornine. the 11th Inst., for $4,wi OOfy In , Treasury Notes, or any part thereof, bearing interest at sis per cent, per annum, navable semi-annually, redeemable in two years. receivable for pubiio debts, or, at the option of the holder, convertible into six per cent, bonds of the United States. . , , ,.,, The proposals must state the rate bid for each one hundred dollars, and the whole amount in coin must be deposited with an Assistant Treasurer in equal Instalments, at five, ten and fifteen days respectively, or the whole amount within five days after the acceptance of the bid, the option of the boldr. . No projoJ at less than par will receive consideration. Thus, the new Administration has, at the very onset of its career, inaugurated the policy of raising money by meant of the issue of Ireas ury notes, wmon was bo oaioua iu vne eyes T f J! l it its party during President Buchanan's Admin titration. But what waa a great sin In Bo- chimin's Cabinet ii oi eourse pure patriotism Abc Lincoln's. Congressional Districts. The Republican numbers of the Legislature have bad, for several weeks past, private or cret aessloDB, with a view to settle their differ ences and bring in a bill to district the 8tate for Congressional purposes, for which they should all be pledged before it was reported. Tho fol lowing U said to be their bantling. It Is a beau ty. We suggest to them that it it hardly worth while for them to pass it, since we expect the Democracy to have the next General Assembly! sod then the viie thing will certainly be repeal ed. Here it it 4 - - , r . lat District Tb following- wards and township Hamilton ooo t: 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th. 14th. 15th ICth wards; also ihe pratinoi of Mill Creek town-hip, nuw in becond Sittricii Green. Btons, Dtlhl. Miami, ai.d Whl ewater towoihipe. Population, US.OOO; clear Bepmllraa majorliy, I Ottl to Pi.trtct Wardi. lit 8d,3d. 4th, 5th. Cth 9th 13th, 17tb; Andersvn. Colnmbia, "pencer, Bmmes, Sycamore surinsSeid, iwo pieclaci ol Mill Creek. Ooleialfl.Oro by at.d Barrison Uiwoihlps. and Bailer eonmy. XI D'ttrlcl frehle, MontffaeMiy bark. Miaail. 4th Di'trlct Dcftance. lieory. PaaldiDf, Patnan, Tan Wert. A lea, Hancock, Mercer. Aoclalip, Oardin Jib DinrlctwiiliaiBS, Pulton, Xcas, Wood, Ottawa, Bammaky. Beneoa. . , 6 h District Warren, Clinton, Payette, TJie-hland.' 7ih District Orient,' Clark, Madison, Champaign, Shelby, Lofan. 8t Dlrlct Bn,wn, Adams, Pike, Rot. Betoto B:h Dlatrlct-VraDklin, Pickaway. Falrneld, Perry. . ltith Dla.rlct Union, Dslaware, Slorruw, Knox, Llcklns;. . 1 lib ulatrlct Wyandot Marlon, Crawford, Blchland, He, Huron - 13 h Dietriet llocklog, Vinton, Meigs, Jaeksua, Oal lla, Lawrenc. 13Ui Dlstnrt Athens, Washington, Horpn, Mosklcg km, Noble. . 14th District Coshocton, Guernsey, Tuscarawas. Car rol. Bark. . 13th District Monroe, Belmont, Harrison; Jefferson, Columbian. iOiu fliatrict Holmes, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lo rain. I7th J If trier Cnyahon. Bamnlt Porta re. 18th District take, Ueanr, Ashtabula, Trnmbnll, aaanontng. The Cause of the Present War Movements. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald writes that, after having oanvassed the Federal Capital, and conversed with all manner of men, he is enabled to present the fol lowing as th'.- reasons assigned by the knowing ones for the belligerent attitude ao unexpectedly assumed by Old Asx's Government, and tho in domitable secrecy maintained with regard to the movements of troops: ' First. The result of th municipal elections In St. toais. Cincinnati, and other parte at the West, and ia New York; and the loesoftwo Congressmen ia Connec ticut, and two in Bhodelalaod. Beeond. The efforts of some of th Western politicians to Infuse backbone into Lincoln, so aa to aatiafy the Northwest thai the government is determined to aeon re to them foreeer the free navigation of th Atunriaslppi, wnicn aney are airaia oi losing. Tnlrd. The fear of their being compelled to rascal th Morrill tariff In ceneequenee of the importation of for eign goods being made through th Bonth under the low tariff of the Southern Confederacy, and the consequent leas to the party of New Bn gland and Pennsylvania in tu total anniniiaiion oi u principle or protection. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. TUESDAY, April 9, 1861. - ArTIkNOON IISSION.- - I ' H. J. ft. No 123-Relative to tho preterva tion of tb federal census return! of' 1860, was received from tbe House,!and referred, 'to the Library committee. r FIRST IIADINOS. ' ' ' II. B. No. 475-To amend the civil oodo. H. B. No. 474 To amend the act for record log, printing, and distributing pubiio doou meets. ' . ; . J :. i, - U- B- No. 476 Amending section eight of me proDaie court act.. H. B. No. 21C-Amending tbe militia law or 1859. ! !. . i i . '' MISCSLLANXOOS. - II. J. R. No. 135 Relative to work on tho marbl rail and balusters of tb Stat Hoot ws referred to tbe Building committee. Tbe Senate lnfitted open Its amendments to H. B-No. 153 For th rsUef of Tornnike eom- panies and asked for a committee of Confer ence. ' , Senate bill 426 wat referred to the committee on Agriculture. : . ' t : u ,j Mr. COLLINS reported back S. B 12-Belajr the bird and gam bill, with a well written re port in'favor of Its pasaage. un motion or Air. r&KKiLL. too report wu laid upon th table to be printed. Air. JUlMts moved to recommit tbo bill witb Instructions to amend it by prohibiting th kill ing of quails opon the premise of any Individ-, nail, at any time of the year, without Dermiuion' of ths owner. " .1 . .. Mr. SMITH tosUlned the motion. - Mr. COLLINS opposed th amendment, and urged the passage ot thebill. The amendment be regardedtas superfluous, tine if a man de-1 clioed to retir from another man's preml I uooo warning.'.be would be liable to an action fo' tresp Mr. bCHLLICH also oppoeed tbe amend ment. He thought our American babi's suoo tbat we cu)d not easily reduce ourselves to eek permiatioo to buuton Mr, Smith's or anybody's els land. Mr JONES modified bis motion br-lnsertintr Inr-lo-ed" I-nle without permistlon. Mr BCHLtlCH would aere to that, and be suggested to Mr. Jones further to smend tbo bill so aa to prohibit trapping or netting on in c'oed lends without permission of tbe Owner. Mr. d. aleo hoped the ted beaded woodpecker would b protected. No other bird protect trees o much, by destroying mischievous worms. Mr GARFIELD oppoeed Mr Jones' amend ment, becAU '.I destroji ih object of tb bill, mkii g (bat wbiob was designed for sport soy IDing but recreation. ; The provision mi(bt answer tn snms localise, but it would be bad for groeral appl'c ttit'D- It also look too much like tb old Ei. gl 1 game lawn. - ; ,'i , Mr. JONE3 thought Mr. Q. did not ,uuder stand the Enllsb gam law. His amendment on vi f in se did out doitiuatt Mr.buii toe Eogliah game law . I.... ii. ,i V. wi. ....,(,..,.... iizht and proper. - Amendment opt agreed to "v YeaiSl, nays - Mr. 6CHLEICH moved to amend the nrst seotlon by Inserting "red-headed woodpecker." Nattfroedto.- " - The bill was engrossed, x eas , nay i Mi FISBBR objected to legtalaUon of this mnrt i Ha thaneht tool much time baa aireaay in emat noon tucb meaturet. Moreover, tbit looked UXe. ciaaa jeguuMon.. .no mougns uia meature ought to be entitled "a Din to encour age idlenef" He tu especially opposed to restricting sportsmen to the use or any pinion laraortof un.: .. t .,. Mr. COtaLINS exDlaloed that tho restriction ii inserted beoause certain descriptions of guns, which are peculiarly aangerous tonumaniuw, are used in tome localities; besides, those who bunt for nrofit adopt auoh methods in bunung that game it driven entirely away an abuse tt it desirable to correct , ' ' Mr. PARISH said he lives in a section where wivel guns are much used, and he believed tho hannia aifienun! inosa woo use ineaa kuub are universally in favor of tho prohibition of such gunt by law. They regard them danger ous to themselves and tbelr live itoek i Ha thntiBht it desirable to nroteot the water fowl of the lake region, because they are useful and valuable. Experience in various parts of the Aftuntrv had shown that the use of swivels bad entirely driven fowl away from their favorite haunt.''" ir:. .,'.- mo i -t -'' 'i The bill wat passed -yeas S3, nays 9. .- , i Thoaa who voted in the affirmative were: Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Collins, Cox, r.nrhmln. Cnncv. Garfield. Holmes, Key Laekey, Monroe, Moore, Morse, Newman, urr, Parish, Perrill, fotte, Potwin, Schleich, BmltD 22 Thoaa who toted In the negative were: Meatrt. Eaaoo, Ferguson, Fisher, Foster, GU. U.iiu. JviiMa IUuy. baauley J. Mr. COLLlWS.Irom tne same committee, re commended the indefinite postponement of H. B. d:ifJ. on the tame subiect. " ' Voted, on motion ot Mr. J units, mat me kill lia on the tables ....' . I r Mr. COX, from a select committee, recom mended tbe Disease of H. B. 36 -Amending tbo supervisor!' act relative to working on the roada. i - k:,- i I Mr. McCALL thought it not desliablo to pass the bill. One somewhat similar had already passed. Besides it made a complex'arrangement out of that which abonld remain simple in re lation to worklneoutthe road tax. He believ ed tbe committee on Roadt and Highways are unanimously Opposed to It, because It don't op erate uniformly all over tne state Mr. PERRILL aald if tbe bill bad come be-1 for the above committee regularly, tney wouia hav resorted aiainst it. Mr. GARFIELD thought tbe bill necessary, beoau it closet UD an avenue of frauds. i Mr. EASON Mid there is another objection to th bill. Br the construction of tbe law giv er, bv this bill, county treasurer relieve them selves of the responsibility of handling tbe road reoeiDts. while receiving: tb same compens tion tor collecting: tbe tax without tbe labor connected witb tbe presentaystem. Tbe bill he thonvht to be a trick of county treasurers. Mr. COX thought tbe bill would operate in & precisely opposite manner. It bad been so rep- reeeotea to mm. Mr. McC ALL said a law like tbis had been passed once, but it was lound so objectionable tbat it wat repealed without opposition at the next eeee-tm- Mr. COX tbougbt th treasurer's books should fully show the condition of public actouots, and tbit cannot be done if supervisors are allowed to keep tbeir accounts lor tbsmeelvM on .loose scraps ol paper. All taxes should go .through tbe bands of county treasurers, and all vouch era should be placed .in bt baads Mr. EA80N restated bis opposition to tne bill, showing tbe operation of tbe present law, which, be held, works properly bat th present bill, be eald, tikes away from tbo treasurer tbe responsibility of keeping the pubiio a counts, and throws it into the bands of township officers. He objectedtto the complicated mactal nery which tbis bill provides. , . - Mr. PARISH opposed tbe bill. He said It is inexpedient', sod will-not work advantageously. It will be complex in its operations, ana win prove inferior.. to the prMcnt system. .Tbe Senate finally refused to pass tbe bill yeas 5, neye 27. . I Mr. MOORE, from a select committee, re commended tb passag of H. B 377 Provid ing for tbe election pf road toperviion, by tbe people of each road dis'tfict.'. Referred to tbe Judiciary committee. ' Adjourned.- 1 - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TUESDAY, April 9, 1861. amsMoosi session. , ; The Hons took up tho special order fbrihis hour .; 1 ' ' " 8. B 221 T amend section eight of an aot entitled an act providing for the recording, printing and distributing tbe journals of tbe General Assembly, and the lawt and pnbllo documents, which was read a third time, when Mr. HUGHES moved to strike out 5,000 copies of the Governor's Message, and insert 2,000, which was agreed to. : Mr. ANDREWS moved to amend by provid ing that one-filtb of all document be printed in tbe German language. 1 Mr. BROWNF., ol Miami, moved to amend by providing that 9,000 copies of all documents shall be printed in German. BjMr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved that tha bill be referred to tbe committee on Printing. Mr. 8LUSSER suggested It be referred to a select commutes, The motion to refer was disagreed to. -- Mr. HITCHCOCK showed that previous In- Testieatisnt had made It manifest that ten per cent, will be tbe right proportion to print In German.. i i i . 1 Mr. BRUFF conoorred in this view of tb subject, and referred to a recent estimate made in this House, to show ten per cent, to be enough. ' -., Mr. STOUT stated that be had a very heavy German constituency, who pay a very heavy proportion of tbe taxes of th State, and many of them cannot read English, and It is but right and proper, expedient and Just, that they should hav the privilege of reading in tbeir mother tongue, and knowing what become of their money, and of watching tbe acts aad doings of those iiu represent tnem in the counoils and departments of th State. ' Mr. PLANTS bad a German constituency who were intelligent enough to ses through the very transparent bumbug tbat is frequently en acted here on thlt tubjeot of German printing Mr. 8CH1FF said be concurred with the gen tleman from Meigs. His constituents reading German generally preferred tbe Auditor a Ko Dort and documents of that class, and not ail documents. He therefore hoped the amendments wonld not prevail. ' t i.,.; i. . Mr. BLAKESLEE waa In favor of th bill as it it. , But there wat great neglect in distribut ing these documents. - Mr. DEVORE thought if there wu more at ten tion paid to tb distribution of these docu ments, tber would b less inclination to regard it as a bumbug. ; Mr. KRUM wai In fivoi' of reducing tbe whole n umber ol document, and bavlog tbena in tbo English language, He thought w mad very little us of tb German language but to electioneer In it. I ' Mr. FELLOWS admonished the House tnitf tnerwu too much timiot in talking over tbis subject.' 1 . ; Mr. HILLS concurred with Mr. Krum in re- carding tbe whole matter as a humbug. Mr. JONAS gave ft as bis experience tbat his German constituent preferred English doca ments.. Tbey bad their children to read tbsm, and found it more convenient Ths amendment of Mr. BROWNE, of Mi- ami, waa disagreed to. ; Tb amendment ot Mr ANDREWS wasdls screed to jea 30. nays 5t The vote waa tben taken on the passage of tbe bill which resuitea jeu d, oay 03. . Mr. HUGHES moved tbat tbl vote be reeon sidered - " .-; ' - .. . i Mr WOODS moved to lay the motion to re consider oo tbe table, which tu agreed to. Tha Hons resumed tb consideration of II. B 439 T reduce tb number of oommoo pleas judges, whsn various amendments were offered to tbe bill, makiog changes In the districts, and subdivision of tbe districts. Mr BROWNE, of Miami, moved to amend by re-arraoging tbe subdivision of tb third dit riot, which was disagreed to -, Mr. WHITE iff red a substitute a!Tetlog ane same otearitn. w men watanagreea to. Mr. COLLINGS moved to amend by attaob-j ing JaoksOB cotisty to tbe third lubdivielon of the as -easel.''..-' eeronth Judicial district, whiohf was! dlT I An , .1 i xr. , tr -1 M P Mr. 6TOUT mowd la amend bvlnterttci a section repealing the act providipg for the elec- lion of an tdOitional ludjo la the 8th judicial dlstrlot. ' i Mr. V0RI3 moved an amendment, at a sub- ttlinte, which would effect-tb tame ead, whiob wat agreed to, when ... ... ; Bir. STOUT'S amenomenuH amenaea, we adopted. rn't '!VL 1 f ... . i Mr. CARLISLE moved to strike out Vinton county from tbo 7th judicial connection,, which ft W UWtaWjl 7U VUI VI V1UCI f ( . , " y . ' I as t m aAl an Al fmt1 AM . Mr. V0RI3 moved to amend by repealing tne act or April 10, 1850, for the election or an an- dllionnl iudira in tha Cuvahoca dlstrlot. i o: rt'c : Mr. CULLINU3 moved to ameno py aaumg a section iprovidlng tbat oommoo pieaA juuge shall hereafter receive 12.000 per year. t Mr. DICKEY aaid ha ooold HO DO DeoCtallV for thlt bill, It had not been atked for, and all th useful ends proposed by it could be reaobed better Dy repealing all tne act lor electing u dltlonal Indue. Ha desired to oome to m vote, ana would move tbo previous queiuon, wuica . " . . . . , I L wt austainad. . ,'. ': i -i . Mr. VORISMaat amendment waa agreed to, Mr, COLLINGS' amendment, increasing the talary, wu ditagreed to yet , nays bj. -' Tb vote waa then called on tho passage of the bill, which resulted yen M, nay I At it required a two-thirds vote to past tbit bill. It was declared lost, when ' '' ' Mr. HITCHCOCK moved tbat th vote just taken be reconsidered, which motion wat agreed to yeas 69, nays 3d. ' The bill waa then referred to Mr. Voria as a aalect committee. " ' , H. B. No. 41, by Mr. THOMPSON, of Per ry To amend tectioa on of an aot entitled an act to amend the lawt now In force prescribing the duties of county commissioners, passed March 25, 1861 was read a third time, wnen Mr. THOMPSON, of Perry, explained th ob ject of the biii, that it wat to provide for trans- onblng tne recoras oi tne rrooate uouritoi ine State. Mr. McCLUNO opposed th bill, at useless Mr. BALDWIN also oooosed It. , t ' t Mr. SCOTT, of Warren thought it Would be Proper to leave Ibis to tbe discretion or tne commissioner". Mr. BRUFF opposed the bill, as it could an swer no otber nurooa than to eiv a job of writing to some hanger on about tne county of fices. Mr. DEVORE said, that at thlt bill provide! only lor necessary transcribing, subject to tb direction or tbe U)mmi3ioners, no wat favor able to its oatsiee. Mr. FLAUU said tbit wot a small atuir, ana great advantage might be found in placing the cower to order tucb trenucrlnts witb tbe uom- mimioner Mr. DAVI3 read a statute which he thought made amnle Drovlsiooa for the cue. Th voto.wat then taken on the bill, when it failed to dm vest 23. nayt 59 H B. 444 SuDDlementiry to an act entitled "an aot to provide lor the organization of cities and incorporated villages," passed May S, 1852 was read a third time, wnen Tbe vol was caIUJ on its pulls, and re sulted veas 42. nas 34 H. B. 464, by Mr. JONES, of Hamitton-To proteot the Interests of turnplksi and pianK road-, was read a third time, wbea ' Mr JUNKS, of Hamilton, explained the ob ject of tbe bill, tbit it requires cities or villages tbat take poMetiion of any portion ot a turn pike or plaokroad, to keep tbe Mm la order. The bill wet then paused . ' - '." Mr. DEVORE moved that th vote on H. B AAA Ka asswa -knatflaimslil Mr. BALDWIN opposed the reconsideration and the bill, beoause it would tend to tbrow the burdens of city street improvements upon the wrong property, and materially Inereaee mu nicipal taxea, and excite clamor about Improve ments Mr PARROTT replied that a good reason why the gentleman's objection is not well tak en is, that no clamor baa arisen on the subject The vote was tben reconsidered, and the vote called upon the passage of the bill, which re- tulted ya bb, nays w. , Mr- W 0ODS moved that tbo Finance com mittee be discharged from the Oonalderation ol tbe resolution for a line die adjournment on the Ibih Inst. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved House adjourn, which was ditagreed 28, nays 53. Ths Hoase then took a recess: ' ' that the to' yeas IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, April 10, A. M., 1861. ' SXOOND aXADlNOS- . ,i '. H. B. No. 216 Amending tb militia law of ltas. committee or the w&oie. 8. B. No. 290 To prohibit the tale of tntoxl citing liquors on Sunday. Committeo of the Whole. . .... . '. - - i S. B. 291 To amend tbe act ooneerolnf, town , ! L ' ' PIS8T BCAOIN03 ' ' ' ' ' ' - H. B.' 394 For the organliition of Market Hons Companies. ' H. B. 444 Supplementary to -the Municipal Corporation aot of 1853. . -. .... H. B. 464 To protect the interests of Turn- t i j TBi i n i ' piKCI Koa f lUa IVUtlUS. liroRTfl or mNDiita ooihhttcis I Mr. READY, irom theoommittee n Munioi ..i ArUM..aiAw..i . M.:uts. ?T.i.VT& fZ erect village prisons, by levying a tax npon the people; Ihe bin is known aa loo Yonngstown jail bill. ivir. Keady himself did not ap prove . - " ' i Mr. SCHLEICH tbonght it a meritoiipus measure, since it is guarded against aouse Mr. MUWrtuti moved to reisr the bill to a Select committee, with Instructions to strike ont 3.000 and insert 1,000. Agreed to and the bill was reported back so amended. , i After tome discussion, Mr. SMITH moved lo refer tbe bill to the Judiciary committeo. I The motion to refer wat not agreed to, and Mr Monroe e amendment was Jost . . i- Mr. GARFIELD moved to smend section Si to at to prohibit chain gaDgs In villages. Agreed 4a. ; Metsrt. Key, Jones, .Smith . and Cuppy ob jected to the passage of the bill, because It IS impolitic, ana Messrs. vox, usrneio, rarisn.l-p Monroe, Moors and Qoltnet. sustained It for nrtnnalt. waanna . Mr. HOLMES was in favor of elvinr vlllares tha antbority asked for them. ' Ho eald tbat 'Squire Sedam, of Storrs townthip, Hamilton county, bad a cods of bis own abjured all statute and his code was found to work well. Hs thought good wonld result if the principle :u L . . I. j m noum us exbamuiiti, ....,., . Tbo arsumentt againtt tbe bill were tubstan- tlally thai tbe law wonld be productive of more evil than it wouia oorrect, since it would estab lish numerous police courts witb concomitant abuses, and besides, it wonld increase taxation. Tne inenasor the Din contended mat tucb a law is neoessary to protect . the pnbllo peace oi vuiaget, and besides, it would be really eco nomical 'Thebill finallv oasted These who vottd In the tffirmatfve' were Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Collins, Cos, Ferguson, Garfield, Holmes, McCall, Monroe, a. r T . , i n n . iuuure, inurae, uewmaa, rarisn, rerriu, rot win, Schleich, Spragae, Stanley and White SO. . Those who voted la the negative were Messrs Cummlnl, Cuppy, Easoo, Fisher, Foster, Glass, Harsh,' Jones, Key, . Lsekey, rotts, rieaoy and vv one j j. : ; Tbe Senate tben took a recess. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1861. ( rrayer by Kev. Mr. Urammar. ' i When the House took a receB yesterday evening, there was peodtug a motion to dis charge tbe Committeo oo Fiuinoe from tb eon sideratioo 'nf H ' J.. Revolution to adjourn tine an on Monday tb ibia inat , ffbicn tbe House agreed u. t . Mr BROWNE, of Miami, moved to lay tbe resolution oo the table, which wa disagreed to. Mr. WO0D3 demanded tbe prerlona ques tion ., ' ' . ... ..!-. - Mr STOUT demanded a call of tba Honee, when t)6 , membera antwered to thslr namos, and all further proceeding noder tbe call weia dispensed wirb. '. , . - i- - Mr, WOOD3 withdrew tbe demand for the previous question, wben It was renewed by Mr: Robinson, sod sustained. ... . .. s . Tbe resolution wss tben amended, on motion of Mr. HUGHES, so as to fix Tuesday, the 23d, Tb vote waa taken on tht resolution, at tbe day of sojournment, wnen amended, wblob wu agreed to yeas 61, nsyi 5, Mr. BLAKE3LEE . ofiired t.,-reslaaoii author lino? lha 8rfffinl-at-Arml . to am- ploy Tbomaa . Lilly to aeeUt lo keeping' the Hill, ana that be be psid 1 per aay, which wu screed to. . . t . v ... s On leave, the following alllt were Introduced and read the first timet H. B.497, by Mr. BROWNE, ef -Miami-. Making appropriations for the Public Workt. I H. U dou, by Mr. BURS To amend tbo at seaemsnt laws, so as; to include trapslettt book or jewelry etoret. " H. a. bu jo abolUb tbe oflloe of Superin tendent of the State House wat read ,a third ume,wDea nwhell' f-ir1 f e . . ; t i f , Mr-SCOTTrof Warren; eXDlainedtbe ob ject of the bill, that it wat to reduce th expen- ses or tn superintenoeooe oi tne rubiio uuua ing by having en officer to "perform services that do not require more than the time of one man. Tbe bill was then pasted yeas 7b, nays J. HB -4bT0 aoo isn the oiuce or Btewara in th different Benevolent Institution or -the State wu read a third time, when. ' ... Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved that the bill be recommitted to the committee on Benevb leal Institutions.. ' ' - ' " 'f Mr. CONVERSE moved to .refer the bill with Inetruotiont to provide that all purchases of provisions, etc., ot oyer $tl, shall be by con trant nnon nubllo lettlnS'. u Mr. PLANTS suggested that a steward was needed In all theto inttltutiono, however they may be regulated. . . . ' 'l'.'r . Mr. BRUFF moved tbat tbe bill be maenniteiy postponed . - iv.; : ' ' - '0,a Mr. ANDREWS supported the motion to postpone the bill, m the Stewards are proper cheek upon the Superintendents. -. ' m: --t " Mr. BLUBBLK. was In lavor or tbo general provisions of ths bill, though he thought the bill misbt Do advantageously revised. - ,Mr. FELLOWS thought lb Steward an oil cer necessary to a proper management or . the institution. If la a prow check fipon the management of the Superintendent, who other wis may rnn into extravagance. Till better should go against tbe btlL Mr. S IO I T, or w arren, urged the reiercnce oi thebill, tbat It might ps amended, and provide against many flagrant - abases that exist, or at least are liable to grow up nnaer our present ays tern. , . ... t .v ' , - . v . Mr. WELSH was in favor of the reference but not for discontinuing tbe office of Steward, which be held to be necessary. ' Mr. CONVERSE thought all the usual au tlet ot the Steward might be discharged by tho Superintendent, under a proper contract system He booed that tne Din would oe reierreo. , Mr. PARSONS opposed tb Dill, as it wu impracticable to adopt a eontract system; and as to the management oi tucu wings oj superintendents , who are mostly professional men, thev are not Qualified lo discharge inch du ties: beside wmon, tne respontiDiuiy. wouia not be so well secured as now.- - Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, defended tbe bill and further explained tbe Importance of a re form In tbe management of these Institutions, and retrenchment of expenses. ,1 - i , ; . - The b ill was tben reterred. . - 8. B No. 141, by Mr. PARISH-To provide gai workt for lighting tne renitennary and otn er 8tate buildings was read a third time. ' Mr. BROWNE, ot Miami, moved tbat tbe further consideration of the bill be deferred till to morrow, at 2 30 P. M., which wat agreed to S. B No 241 To provide for and regulate street railroad companies waa.iread a third time, when - i . i.- ' Mr. PARROTT offered an amendment re quiring companies organising under tbit act,, to buy out tbe ttock of omnibus lines to be super seded by the etreot railroad lines. : Mr. JUisur oppoaea tne amendment. -. o Mr. JONAS also opposed it, at it might lead to abuses 1 """" Mr. ROGERS supported th amendment, ex- nlainiog tbat it only applied to competing line Mr FLAGG could noteeeany more propriety of requiring 'tbe buyiog out of such lines, than to require a common railroad to buy out all tbe old etagrs. .-,.' I .-'' .'' Mr. SCHlrr also opposed the amendment, as It wat a specialty lor tne protection of a class. Mr. HlLLb oppoeed the amendment. He never expected to hare somebody to buy out bis old wagoa whoa be could not use it - t. : v. Mr. aw l T, ot warren, opposed tots amend meet, because it would load down companies with an expense tbat would preclude tbe estab lisbmentof any roads at all. ' Mr BJKUMAN thought you might as well provide for buyinir. out tbe manufacturers of omnlboees ae of the etock lines. . . Mr. CONVERSE eaid the amendment wonld double tbe cost of constructing street railroads, as aU sorts of carrying vehicles would be claim ed M competing liues. . .. . . Mr. HUTCHISON beidtbat as these roads are a monopoly, where tbey are authorised, the rights ol the citlieps should be secured. : He wss, therefore, for the amendment., . i -Mr. PARROT explained that the amendment only applied to regular liner of omnibntes con need to certain streets. - ; . Mr. STSELE moved that tbe bill be referred to the Judiciary committee. . .. ., , . - ' , Pending this, the House took a recess. ' ' ' UT AU should read Prof. Wood's advertUe- ment in another column. ' GUERNSEY'S BALM! . , , ..; 1r . n , jt aSDlODable JllHllierj UpCIllllfi I 1 D I NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriffs Sale, In v. - Jacob Rohr r. Common Plea. Jonathan L. Peters JJ to me directed, from the Court of Common Pleas of franklin county. Ohio. I will offer for sale at tha door of th Court House, in the city ef Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, the 18th day of May, A. D. 1861, between tb -hoar of : ten and eleven ."olock, a. m.. the following described real estate, auuat In the county of Franklin, and Btate. of Ohio, to wit: In loU Not. 697, 698 and 699 i th elty of Coiambtat, Ohio. , Appraised: : . - ;- 1 ' ' - t-ot no, UH7 at eou, " 400, u f 0t)t; OU, aprlOsSw . , V. ITDIPMAK, Sheriff,' -, By In. Davis, Deputy.,, i 1- ,MP Ci C 17 T T Ol'"'. 1 -I'-- U iJi JU li EAST TOWN STREET, NO. 1. i Walcut s Building, Oa TmrassAr, Ann 11 , 186f, CoLtrktiOt, Onfo". LidieitrauMeMllyfn.l' ' sprBUSti, r . i : (. ,.' '. . c.'.iY. ' THE IfirtUAL LITE ! .K'.Vt OF NEW YORK. ' P. B. Whstow, President. ' Isaac Absitt, (ecretsry. Net Cash Aaett Febrnarf 1, 1961. ! 1 130,000,000.74. , RlCBSiT C03tP42rY IS TUZ VKITSD STATS3I ltpAll the profits are divided among the lniurcd-PfT j Application, and Pamphlets can be hail by applying to " FRED K J. FAY, Aoint, Ctrpenters Bnlldlng, 17 flantb klgh Street. sprvuim- r . ' - " l." - - ii i i i i a HON. EDWARD EVERETT' Xzk. j Oolumbue. nON. EDWARD EVERETT Wilt, LECTUBE IN ,; r.-AHMUKY.' HALL, I 05 BnTTJBDaY AKD KOKDAT EVERllfOS, - 1 April lStat'andlSth.jiriiBi.'''..;" Bnblect'fV a.tarday Bvenlng "TIJH BARLT DAIB OrfRANKLlM."- i - ' v ... - Bu' jeoi for Monday Evening "TDK CEES 01 A8 tRONOMT." Tickets 85 cents. ' Reterved teats SO cents'. ' 7 " ' Doers open at 7 o'clook.'- Lectures to ooniaenc tt 8 o'cloot. . , , Tickets for reserved seats rosy b bad during the day, Saturday, April 13th, at the Hall. . ap8-dtd STIINI CHITTINDIN. . . . UCNST T. OHITTENDEtf. S. & H. T. CHITTENDEN, r . . ,,, ,,, ATTORNKITAT .1 1' j -.: -. i i ' O0fflcei, 80 William Btreet, Hew lork City, and yJtaona' Boilpiko. Oolumbns, Ohlo , ,,,, j irPOarefu I attention paid to Colleollont. tj.-n ,U fcorldant' ' V r.':y,.Jv -M t-o: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i r v, Z3k rv a'a? " BElA.TJTIBrlJtv p And cheaper than ever ? . r ' t rrr,TTr-r I o z-virM aiiiniam UTorst" in TJiviTSIJAEi' V J I lam an well aeaorted. The very Utest Bat tern from AMKblOAN, BMQL1BB and IIUtSOH f attorie. . s 's a s '. a :viil a a '..' , tt- -, OLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. i". Gold and; Velvet Boxders,? SPLENBID,:;?; DECORATIONS, SIDELIGHT n'" 1 . - I . - .'. H 'f f, A I li, AND :J-t I V.i ''h i V'l FIRE BOARD : PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades,,-;.; 'ii GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE j ; vi 'I ;:;i i AND 1 1 GREEN -HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXTUSES, nH'JtiadB, CORD AND tTASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES 1 k . . T A t 1 T , , f f AND 1; . IPHAMB S. i ji .i.'i1- v-i-1- II , :-:-.'ii:'i., ?-, !'. ,f. i RANDALL & ASTON, lOO Ootxtlx XHElsla- St. COLUMBUS, 6? 1 1 -,.'. .' . If. B Landlords and person wlshlnt; qnantltleof Paper will make money by baying ot us. .: Country Merchants and person from abroad will do well to call and tee us. ' aprtl MBmed R. Jt A. TO BUSINESS' MEN. 1 ' h ' ' , ... n m Alt EXOEiiLElIT sjssanejai. reliable business mes to secure a proSleble Baou fieturlne business, requiring but a small capital in Its eatabliebmeot and pro sention. - -- The manofacture consists In ths application or a pe culiar s ampeeitton or enamel lo eomm .n red brick, and a imkm. nr athAr niiiiain. Htarerani. muwuwi .v. tjwtnral flnlatlinffB. OeilinSS. tlltB lor uvuia ,u v rSoflne. ' lo "Hf) rft 1 irki...mi iw tinted ef anv color, from the purest white to th deepest h'Mr with sil tn colors anasnaaeeoetweeDv itimpaiu u ...v.. i.i. .nniin . hurinxm and dnrardlltv almost incredible, aad a beauty surpassing mat or me raroai auu of th variegated marokM, and, snllk them, is Impenrl ous to moisture, and will never fade stain, or deterior ate, cooling but a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. ..-wt- . u. .ijll' :'....-,'. i, i. .hnYiiiuMa for labia and stand tops, mantle- pieces, monument, and an tattles variety of othsv arti cle of sple us, i The proeesaof applying Ih namel Is simple, while the articles enameled will command ready sale, affording large .profits. -Keepon-lbls parties m, nrnetira llaanaaa for manufacturing under th pat ent for any elty or prominent town in the United Btate.. by applying t tb. sabsotiier ) A email taril on the ar ixi.a m.nuf.i-ine-d will ha redulred 'or the uee of the Invention. Circular giving full particulars will be for- . -Ju, . n . 1 1 ..nllMnl. Th. .nmirinr narlt and Heautv of IhM enameled belld Ing material to anything in uee ha the unqualified in dorsement of many of the moot eminent architects and toientlflo men or tula and otnercities. . for particular add res A .f (f TTT. t ') . JOHNS0R '& PBALL, General Agents for Enameled Bnlldlog Katerlaia, apO d3tn. NABsATJ 8T..'r1BW YORK NOTICE. T HAVE MOLD TO fflR. HEItHT WIL X BOM my DRUG bTORE, which Is rrmnred from the corner of High snd Oay street, to the Southwest eoraer of Broad and High streeU, Colombo, Oliloi , iwito many man us to my lormer patrons ana custom- era, I respectfully request tne oonnnnanoe oi uieir re vor to my neoeseor. ' mjni n.iaB.aa. Columbus, April 1, 1861. .f-.l-l ('.' L '' ' ' ; DRTJGBTOKE. TTAVINO PURCHASE THB DRUG 1 BTORR of Mr. Huiav M. Neil, I have opened anew on the Southwest corner of Bread snd Hhrh streets. Columbus, Ohio Mng iht old and rtllabU eaad for is K dweansss for many year . . I have a fresh and well selected 'stock of Par Medi eintt, and fur Clumical; together with Talnte, OUl, rurfiaeAee. co., usually kept in sech an ealabllahment lO paascaimosa carelully and promptly compound ed. Ptore open at all hoars of the duf ewii night: - K I respectfully solicit the patronage of Ihe public. I i HBNRY WILSON. Columbus, April 1. 1861 apr6:dla ; l --, ( f REMOVAL. ' ' ; , S.Doylo srfcj Oo. TTAVF. REJTIOTED TIIFIR ' OT FICE XX to th. Bouth-weat corner of High and friend streets, ' "UP STAIRS," . v'cao'- -tzKt,-. And will continue to keep oa hands a large stock BOOTS , AND SHOES. The attention of Merchants and Dealers kj reopeatfiilr y invitea to our etock. d. DUX Lb a co L marchiW:dtUiJuly3l. HI'.. t ).-.. j ' FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON:; Of SPUING MMER GOODS A.T P. . ROME'S. ,. 1, ACAlfl OFFER TO THE PUBLIC an entire new .lock of Goods In mr Une.luat nurch- ased In Hew York at the cheapset panic ralea.all of which i.naiiaeiiaiueasnaiieoipronta, loruasa. nyruatom ere and friends are respectfully Invited t call end exam Ine my Good, and Prices, aa 1 am determined to aell cheap or eheaper than any ether hous In th oily; and as i ao my own uniting, ana superintena my own busi ness, I feel assured, from my long sxperlenea in busi ness, to live general satisfaction. ' The finest of work men are employed, and all work don ttriotly to Urn and on short notics, and warranted to Bt. Strangers visiting our city wouMOonsnii aoeir lotereat uy ginng m a call before purchasing elsewhere. r. RUSH, . . , . j Merchant Tailor, - narchSO-dly Cor. liiah and Town sli.f I TRAVELLERS! WHES lon.go to New Tork ', drlv direct to the V SMITUSOMIAN ltJE BROADWAY, CORNER Of HOUSTON SIET; . f -,,;jj-ir0onde3dnih , ' TT TT T3 rf-a TO TTI A -KT T T. A Tax ' . Good Tare.Oooi ttoomvPioapt Atlendano., and Mott .rtCh.rge... , tv, BINGLE ROOMS 50 0TB. 75 CTB.and II PER DAT. ' . ' rD0OBL8 BOOMS and FABLORS li Solo B3- Heals ss ordered. This Hotel ha all the appointments of las best hotels, a moat central location, and 1 heated throughout by tteam. BAatUsvL JR. MBAD. . march9d3a Proprietor. . r. i - ,1.,. r, . M.t.I .i h ADVIUT18KMBNT.! 1 V .11 A in . .for. tb. INSTANT RILTJf ndPBR4?!TCURofth distressing eoaplalnt ns - ' BROKCHIAL CI0ABETTE8, aasety o. a. iiybuui m oo. 107 Bateau St.. Hi T TBIABTJBT DBvARTHBNT Of OHIO.) Cowaios, April , latil. J Sartnga T3anlc of CinoirAnati. AXL. PERSOIS7S IIOLDINO THE'CBR. culatlng Notes of th. Baring. Bank of Oinoinnatl will present th suae at this office forredemplios, When they will be paid la fulU- .. wpn uua a, jr. Siva, ireeaurerof Btat. mm 4,50. 1 ' a of as .. . SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 AN HOOD.. E0W LOST, BOW RESTORED. tTTST PTTM.THT1ED. ON THU NATURE. TBKA MEMt AND RADIO At. CUBE OF 8PKKM ATORUUK A Bern toil Weakness, Bexual Debility, Norvouaaess.Ia . voluntary emissions sou imp.n ...u.. Self-abuae, fco. By Bobt. J. Culverwell. M. D. Seat. enter seal. 4a a plan ""lop., f "w.i'" id. m -reoeipt SI wo ieib, "";' '' i i.TRtr. IB7 Boarerv. Hew xork. rosiuuice no, nu mar9.1:3mdfcw BTJKHEWELL'B for all 1 IIKOAl' and WHO , COBIPIiAIPITBi, . iDclaaing' itruuuPiNts COUGH, and every Complaint tbe forernn ner of. and even actnal CONSUMPTION. : j ; UNIVERSAL roonGHv REMEDY. nvrsntwzil'ii i, . i , .fi iw Jfi. ":; tolu The Great KECKA1 , 61C HKItlKDV and Nat ural OPIATKi aaapua te every species of Ner von Complaints Ner. Tsui and Chronic Headache, Klteuma. limn. Catarrbi Tooth and Ear Ache, Los of Sleep, and liowcl Cons. . plaint. - AH0DYNE. Mo real luetic can be dons th above preparations bat by proeartcR aad reading descriptive pamphlets.! . be found with all dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand, formulas and Trial Bottles sent to Fbysi elans, who will find development in both worthy their acceptance and approval. Correspondence solicited from all whose necessities or curiosity prompts to a trial of tb above reliable Kerne . dies. lor sal by the Usual wholesale and retail dealer . everywhere. JOHN 1.; IIUNNEWELL, Propriety -' -.,. I, CREHIHT AND rHAlBlACIDTItT, , Ho. 9 Commsrsial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Boberts tt Bamnel. M. B. Mamie. 1. R. Cook. J. M Denlg, 8. Denis; As Bona, A. i . Bchueiier a Son. Aeent fiur Columbus. Ubio. myl-dly . MOITAI'S L.IFti Pli,L.J. Is all of ooetlvenees, dyspepsia, WII!ous and liver affections, piles, rheumatism, fevers and agues, obstl nil head ache, and all feneral derangements of health thee lilt have Invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. A single trial will place the Life Pills beyond . the reach of competition la the estimation of every pa tient. - " ; Dr. Moffat' Phosnlx Bitter will be found squally ef hoaeioas la all ease of servos debility, dyspepsia, head ache, the sickness Incident to females indelicate health, tnd every kind of veakness of th digestive organ. ' Por sale by Dr. W, B. M0FIAT, 335, Broadway, M. Y. and by all DraiKists, . Biy83-dAwly The. following li an extract from a letter written by tbe Rev.' J. B. Holme, paster ol th Plerrepolnt-Btraet Baptist Church, Brooklyn, H. T.,to theJodrnal and Messenger," Cincinnati, O., and speaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Hat . Wikslow's Bootbims Bncr roa Child, nt Ttrrnmo: f'W see an advertisment In your columns of lilt Wikslow's Bootbiim Byaor. Now we sever aald a word In favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we feel compelled to aay to your readers that this la no hum bug wi hav nun it, and aiow it to bi all it claims. It I probably one of the moat successful medt eioes of the day, because it is ons of the best. And (boss of your readers who hav babies can't do better than lay in a supply.' oc27:lydfc Scrofula, or Kingfs Evil, is a constitutional disease, n corruption of tho blood, by which tins umd becomes vitiated, weak, nnd poor.:' Iking; in the circulation, it Pervades the whole body, and may burst out -in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from it attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth tnd filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above oil, by the venereal infecticm." What ever be its origin, it is hereditary iri the con stitution, ddscending from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children."- ' . i ( Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, -eruptions or sores. This foul cor- j ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions ' not only suffer from scrofulous com- 1 . 1... . .1 1 I- , . ... jjiBuiis, out, tney nuve ior less power xo wiin ttand tho attacks of other diseases; jsonsc-.-quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although noUscroiulous in their-nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system, Most ot the consumption whicU do- in this scrofulous contamination;' and many' destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, ' and, indeed, of all tbe organs, arise from or ore aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by tliis lurking in- - v. .v.. iii;ui,ii 9 uuuciuujiau uy aa. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in , . ( ., ; ( i AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical ' skill of our times can devise for this ovcrv- ' where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that havo been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. . Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. - Anthoitt'ijI Fire, iYUBE, or JLRT8IPELA9, JTIMPLES,. JTUSTULZS, ' Blotohes, Blains and Boils, TuMons, TsrrEa and Salt, Scald Head, IUnoworbi, . Uiieuuatibm, Syphilitio and Meroubial Diseases;- Dkopsy, - Dyspepsia, Debility and, indeed, all Complaints ArttsiNO raox Vitia- TP.Tl rtu IlfPimal Rr.rtnTk. . Tha nnnnla, hollof in ' Impurity of the blood " is founded in trath, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The phrticulnr purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. ,W ilJ H J , ,, . . ; . , : ,-A.aTE-R'S , Aeue Cure. I , SOU IJIg SPEEDY CUBE 01 4. . , Intermlttaiat Caver,' or P.ver sil At;ie, Heraittriat F.ver, Chill Paver, Dnmb Ague, Periodical Hendaehe, or BUIaaaa' 1. v ' ' ' -'. , .... ... : nnuaaaa, aaaaaa aaaiaoBBS r arer,, aaaeeu . tot the wttol class of diseases orlfrinat Iraa; In biliary- derangement, eansad by the Malaria, of Bllasmatia Countries., , we are enaoiea nere to oner the community a remedy which, while It cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts' where these afflicting disorders prevail. This " CurtB " expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Aouh from the system, and prevents the de- ' veiopment or the disease, ir taken on the nrst ap- proach of Hs premonitory symptoms. . It it not only X the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, nut also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brintti it within the -reach or every body J snd hi bilious districts, where Fevrr and Aqub prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for curs and proteo I tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any . other ever discovered for tho speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinins or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects Whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. .. , Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatio poison. A great variety of , disor ders arise from it irritation, among which are teitrakia, liheumntism, Gout, Headache, Blind mm, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hunter iet, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysit and De rangement of Hie Stomach, all ,f which, when . . originating in this cause, put on the intermittent , tipe, or become periodical. This " CtrrtH " expel the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to . immigrant and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts, t If taken occa- ionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be' excreted from the system, and cannot J accumulnte in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter- mittonts if tbey avail themselves of the protoctiotv J .this remedy affords.., . . Prepared by Br. X a AYE A 10., Lowell, UssVy ' ' i ROBBRTB St SAMUSl, Oolumbae. 1 Ai. Ajidk Drargl and Dealer Yrywhr. I ri ovv:ira,iwaw