Newspaper Page Text
(th 9l)w Statesman WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 661. LOCAL MATTERS. on una obligations to It for the very latest papers Irom the eastern cities. ;a f.V i . .i . " the American Express Coinpanj tM our thanks for, Its daily ' to bP of the very latent eastern papers. ( ' ' " . ' "' '. NoTioa to SDB9C'iBRi.i-City subscribers to Daily Station, wbo may change dwellings or Diaces oi ouainess at to is season . a. .t t ; of the year, are requested to notify onr carriers, or leave word at our couatingroom, or the . . . plsoes at which they wish their fmu thereafter. ' Aran.. lue tuiiurriug iilho fw-p " fiod in an exchange without credit, is epproprl- ate to the season. It is headed "Aran:" Thara'i Joy In the valley, And joy on th hills, , A gushing of torrsnts, And laughter of riUl, An echo of gladness from many a dell, For Spring's happy spirit ... Hath broken tbe spell.! ., ,. ' There's Joy In Ihs forest, ' ,, , . A musical din, tor frolicking brenet ' " ' ' '' Are stealing wllhlo; - ' ' And birds on their pinions Their ronndeleys "'"Si While beauty seems dwelling , ' ; " In every tblDg. u The dsW-drops that nestls', , In eaoh flotrrel's cop, . -Tha & unihino mUi, And drlnkMh tnem np I ,' Th budi an u gently Unfolding their leaves, ' As the fall of thoio bleitings . . , JCacb spirit raoeivesw , .-. - The elondi that are floating 1 eo iignuy anaim, Appear to onr vliion ' Uke inipi on ine sea. And glittera each rain drop, Like eons sea-washed gem, On flowret expanding, On bad and on item, - We hall thee, sweet April, Beet month of the year, . Thy owning bring! gladneis, v The lonely toeheer; In holiday veitment! . The earth is now seen, . ' 'And rloh li her carpet Of beautiful green. . r ifcT In Hancock county, onedsy last week, . k. k. th. n.m. f w.mmiMi aa killed a boy by tbe name of Wuimlumb wu killed In awe used for keeping potatoes in. The boy had been sent to tbe cave to procure some potatoes, and while he wssln the act of crawl inglMh. dirt from above fc.l upon him and smowerca mm to aeaio. ; I OT Property owners on Iligh street, and In other parts ef the city, will doubtless feel a deep I nterest in tbe ordinance for Improving High street, whlca comes np before, the City Council for diecossion and final passage on next Monday I evening, th. 17th in.t. , ' . ': . , , iiffaaa - - - 1 D-The lecture of the Hon. Edwaro Evctitt, , - , K Aa " i ne r.any aaya ui i - 1 livered at Armory Hall, next Saturday evening, 13th Inst.; and his leoture on 'The Uf es of es A.tronomy.atthe same place.on next Monday evening, the 15th Inst BaiacR in the Ohio Canal. Welearn that a serious breach occurred in the Ohio Canal on yesterday at the Rockey Forkoi Tomika, about eli-ht miles below Newark. The Culvert Is said r to be damaged very much. , ; CTWsi. R. Einssl, of Newark, has been ap- nlniM Route Afenton the Central Ohio Railroad. - , MtrroAV Li Insosanck ConrAfiv or Niw Voxk. Parties having policies in this company will take notice that Mr. Fseoisick J. Fat has been appointed agent for this city. This to a very j responsible . company i assets now . ....1. -,;;,' nf dollar. All imDQUI V urai i J wi ....... persons desiring to insure In a responsible office, will find it to their advantage to can on av " ' . .h-flt. divided amonsr the I ' ... . i i. i- Ins1 I I I I i I I IT I , of on Rail Road Time Table. Arrives. 9.15 P. M. 2 30 P.M. 8.4S A. M I I 1 1.40P.M. -1:101, M. ' Accommodation 8.10 ArM. . No.SBK 2 a"M" Might Kxprew S.4SA.M. C LBT SUITS, OOIXNICI fc GlHClkHATl B. B. Eiprearsnd Mall..' 3 Night Ifxpreee .....3:2 A. M. CnmtaLOniD B. B. ' ' Kxire Trin 3.?',M Mall Train 8.40 P. M. PiT-reecRon, Ootnueoi fc CweumaTt B. B Hapwi! Train.......-... " Mail Train 8. 4U P.M. Ooumsti! fc Iirourou! E. B. Oolambui, Ciqas fc Indians H. B 1 . ;., Ssptess Trala.,''t 1?il0D,M' Bxpreae Train S:45P.M, 8 30 A SHOP 9.30P.M. 8:80 P. M. 11:10 A.M. 8:10P. M. of ILTWe congratulate our readers upon the discovery of a cure for Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, end all : Marcurisl .Diseases, which is sffeeted without the use of internal medicines, which destroy the constitution and give tempo rarv relief onlv. ' Infot it It the only known remedy ' effecting a perfect cure, and we feel warranted, from Its recommendations, in calling the attention of the afflicted and those having t.A. anfferinir' from Rheumatism, Gout or Neuraleia. or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to the advertisement In another column of our anr.r. at Dr. Leland's Antl-RhedmaUo Band. Wooo'a Hair Restorative has acquired a reputation from, actual "test andcuperlment which cannot be enhanced by neapper puffs In our own vicinity it has been extensively used and we believe In every ease with every desired ' i. d..aiii ha universal endorsement ' reauiv, nun iCToiTw. - of all who have tried U. - we. tnereiore reuom mend" It as one of those few genuine wesfrwms which accomplishes all it professes and all the bald and gray could desire. Ctlumktm Sy, CoooHS.-Ths sudden ch anges of our cfimat are sources of Pulmonary , Bronchial and Asth matio Affections. Experience having proved -.k. atmnia rameiliaa -often act speedily and n..raini.. m mi n wiru ul tus t.iii v-u v v "OlMase recourse snou.u m uih u " - "Breien's BrsneAial 7T0ees," or Lesenges, let the old; Cbugh, or Irritation of tha Throat be vet so slight, as by this precaution a more se rious attack may be effectually warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them ef fectual tor. cleatinir ' and ttrenothening the voice. See advertisement. For sale wholesale and retail, bv Roberta & Samuel. No. 24 North Ulch street, S. Samuel Co., No. 85 South ' High n.wi'l JA'.--. Good We met one of our friends Yesterday oo. Broadway, and were astonished at the change la bis appearance. A few weeks ago we saw 1,1m. ha as nale. lean end detected: eomnlaln. Jog of weakness and debility, having been so ' siuloted all summer. Now be appears to be fat, : k..itk anil atront ' We learn he owed his res- '.toration entirely td. McLean's Strenothenino We advise all who are complaining of Gen- . mi nohiiitv to , trv itt It- certainly a very pleasant remedy. We learn Vitat there are large luandtleaof U selling dslly. -AforiiioHereM CJ"R. KiRirATRtoE, No, 185 South High . Street, bat a very choice assortment of Gold and ' ..Silver Watobeo,. fine Jewelry, Clocks,' Silver ' and Plated Ware,' at prices to snlt the times. iT Sea advertisement of Prof, Mima's Halt Isvlgorator in aaothet colanu. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Civil War Impending! Civil War Impending! THE NOTES OF PREPARATION!!! From New York. The TribuM correspondence saysi dispatch the have been received from Lieut. Stemmer, at SJfSI. New Yoic, April 9. A speoial dispatch from Charleston to the Herald states that the author ities bad reoeirsd official notification thaaaun- plles will be furnished Anderson at any hazard. I Immense Dremratlons immediatnlT I Orders were issued for the entire military re- r w. aHssi vwvw hmtv ucqu HiBirnnnii .d for th. ,,.,... A.kni..... .-X-.LZ. preparations tor the wounded are belli? made. ""uuigni, seven guns irom tne citaaei were EhB fllo-nal In thaaaaAifih-Hnfrnrall thAua..... - - rL Icltement. Seventeen regiments 800 stromr ... sembled In an hour, and luft for tha fnrtifin.iUn. st 3 o'oiock In the moraine. All tha vcmkI In the harbor necessary for transportation will be put in service by noon. A fleet of of seven Government vessels is re ported off the bar. Maj. Anderson displayed signal lights daring uio nigm irom ins walls oi Btimter. It Is believed that the flzht will commanaa at Iotono, va miles southward; the batteries along the coast being silencsd In turn, and after clear ing Morris Island, the Government forces will oross to Bumter while Anderson engages Moul trie. Lieut. Talbot was denied admission to Sum- ter by the authorities. R. 8, Chew brought dis patches from Washington to Gov. Pickens, and in company with Lieut. Talbot, left lor Wash logton at 11 o'oiock last night. Special dlipatch to Bvsnlng Post. It Is reported from Charleston to-dav. that Lient. Talbot has not been nermitted to return to rortonmter. Major McCniloch left to-day for Texas. Montgomery. Aoril 9 President Davis has mads a requisition on the Governor of Alabama for three thousand troops. Eighteen hundred Mistisslnpians arrived at Pensacola on the un. Criustom, Aorll9. It is estimated that nve thousand men are stationed at Sullivan's and Morris Islands and coast Niw Obuans, April 9. Tne news of the ap pearance of war vessels off Charleston harbor has produced naususrezoitement. Gen. Bragg has telegraphed here from Pensacola, for 1,500 additional troops. Two mora comnanlaa of . " . . . r 63aavesare aDout leaving. August. April 9. The report of war vessels off Charleston is not believed. TAT . IT a ,1 en a . wxoas:, April iu. An euitonai in the ,hM & objM of expedition which sailed hence within the last four days is Fort Sumter. About 2,000 men "" off Charleston to-night or to-morrow, ftKKS'Sft sent In with supplies, and if repelled, tha Trib- lava tha mhala will ha tancM aUtinnt nn oeoessarv delav. there la still a now In th United States, and that this power cannot well oe.i,ui"a " nipnnuy. 4ntlf el, tna t. Bhio bas tone to Sumter, whore she will land supplies in small ..Ve .M... .. 1., V'0 AS.S AfSliSJWIU Isl uH CI4 IV UUlAlUlBUU h9 tmer Wyando'.te, in place of Bcrryman, deceased, and goes out in the Water Witeh to rsosacola. . -i. i k . troops were not landed from the Brooklyn was, that be bad already sufficient to bold the Fort against anv army tbe rebels conld bring against him. He has four months provisions. He adds that the troops oan be landed at any lime, if needed. The same correspondence says Mr. Barrett. the Cincinnati Gazette, was appointed Com missioner or rensions to-day. lien. Snmner bas gone to supersede Gen. Johnson1 as Com mander of the Pacific division of tbe Army. Tbe Hirmld't Washington correspondence says that orders left to-day to have the Wabash, vlneennes and Savannah aliNew York, and Jamestown at Philadelphia, detailed for imme diate service. The South Carolina mails will be stopped up the first sign of hostility to the fleet of relief. ISneelal to the Herald.) New Orleans, April 9. The Cabinet at Monteomerv haa called on each of the Confed erate States for 3,000 troops, exoept Florida, 1,500, The Commissioners to Washington have an- "O?D0'a tnejir intention 10 return immediately Charleston. April 9. P. M Lieut. Talbot was detained at Florence and lost 13 hours. Permission was refused for a provision ship to tbe port. Martial law was expected to be proclaimed. The Commissioners at Washing ton have telegraphed Gov. Pickens that war is inevitable. Special to th Commercial Advertiaer. . Washington, April 9. Dispatches have been received here this morning from Charleston, which state that R. S. Chew, one of the clerks the State Department, bad arrived there, and had brought a message from Secretary Sew ard to Gov. Pickens. Air. eeward. in bis mes sage, distinctly Informed Gov. Pickens that Sumter mast be supplied with nrovisions from the Charleston markets, and If Anderson wss not furnished regularly, tbe Government would furnish him provisions. New York, April 9. A dispatch to the Her ald says that offers of volunteers from the Border States continne to be sent to montgomery, and tenders of 7,000 men and S.000 Indian warriors have been received there from the West , at to as a so From Washington. Wasbinoton. April 10 Ten companies, com firislng about one-quarter of tbe volunteer ml itia of the Distriot of Columbia) are mustering to day for inspection! tbe order having been issued from the Government head-quarters last nlsht. Several davs ago. the company offi cers were directed to immediately report the! number of effective meni 1 his unexpected movement bas given rise to many surmises, es- pecially at reports prevail, believed , to be oorreot( lhat these ten companies are to be draft ed Into immediate service. -- .' Much excitement exists everywhere, height ened in a great degree by bogus dispatches, pro fessedly from Charleston! of a stirring battle In It. Jtl Af Tiul flnml.. . W.,..,,,,.,w.r...-.. There la no doubt that tne military move- cautionary measures for the defence of tbe Capi tal, from an apprehended attack from the South. the Federal forces In Washingtoa are to be strengthened this week by at least one addition al artillery company. , '" ' Message of Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania. Harrissoro,, April 9. Gov. Curtio states that be baa received a letter from President Lincoln, stating (bat he (Lincoln) hat informa tion of a design to attaok tbe City of washing- ton.- Gov. Cur tin tenia special message to day, CLlling attention fo toe military organiza tion of tbe mate, and recommending tbe Legis lature to make immediate provision for tbe re moval of tbe defeats Bpw existing by establish ine a military bureau at tne capital, by modi- mg tbe mmua uwsana ny msaing a proper distribution ot arms, so. He calls attention to the serious jealousies and divisions distrsoting tha nnhlin mind, and tha military orranliatlnnl . " .. .. . . ' , T- . j . ot a lormioaoie cnaracier, aeemiDgiy not u - manded by any existing public exigency, in cer tain States. He adds: Pennsylvania 0ffers no counsel and takes no aotion In tbe nature of a menace, but desires ipeacei to effect the preservation ot tbe personal and political rights of cltlseos, tbe true sovereignty of the States, and the lupremacy of law and order. Animated by these senti ments, and indularlni in tha earnest nope of a speedy restoration of harmonious and friendly relatione, I commit tbe grave subject to your WWIWSIBMUS " - m r ' - . 'ii Tb meessre was referred to joint seleot Committee, to report bv bill. . - . I i Washwt6h. Anril 9-rvi. Imon. as Mar shil, Is the only appointrnetit yet made for iistrim oi uuiuuuia many appointmenu navs bean pabllsbed before they Save even been con- siaereoi dj iis executive. . .j C WlLHINOTOrl.N.C., April 9. Charleston ad. Tioes prodaos intenit xoitsmtnt, tbe The Policy of the Administration. April 9 It is persistently stated in Administration quarters that the re cent preparation! are lor defensive purposes, and notblDt is intended not strictlv Justified br the laws, which fx It the duty of the President w enioroe to tne nxtent or bis ability, li resist snce is made, and bloodshed follows, the re sponsibility must fall on those who provoke hos tilities. The aasuranoe ot the Inaugural is re peated, that the Administration will not be tbe aggressor. ' Various theories or rsasont are given In news. pspers for the present military demonstrations. among which is one that they were stimulated by the result of certain late eleotionss but this is an error, as at the commencement of tbe Ad minlstrstion tbe President and Cabinet enter tained the Idea of relnforclnit both Forts Sumter ana nckens, but, owing to non-scquaintance with the means at the command of tbe Govern ment, and the condition of the country, tbe prose outlon of the plans now progressing wss lmprao tlcable. In other words, it was necessary to as certain the extent of the effects bequeathed to the President bv the lste Administratis. it was deemed essential to keep secret tne bjectt of the military movements, especially tbe sailing- of vessels under sesled orders, ss unoer the late Administration mere were per sons who olsndestinelv communicated Its pur poses to the secessionists, and, as frequently occurred, before tbe orders were reduced to of fioiai form i and according to a remark of an Ex Secretary, the Administration thus slways found itself embarrassed at the threshold. The present Administration has Ifmited suoh knowledge to members ot the Cabinet and per haps several trusty offioers, and precautionary measures were tsken so as to render next to im possible the acquiring of (orbldden information. The Administration, while constantly declaring a peace pouoy, claims tnai it can only oe held to strict accountability by the people, and how ever speculative may be the publications respect ing its movements, it Is under no obligation to announce in advanoe its plans and purposes. In other words, that the Administration should be ludeed by its acts. That Pickens ,has been or will be re inforc ed, admits of no doubt, and the Administration will do all in its power to either reliev e Ander son or secure bis evacuation of Sumter with' out dishonor, or committing the Government to the acknowledgment of any right or claim by the Confederate States, or in any wise recogniz ing me aoctrine oi secession. The proceedings ia tbe Gulf, beyond the re lief of Pickens, will be governed by circum stances. The above Is from reliable sources, to show to some extont the basis of the present military preparations. A. H, Conner bas been appointed Postmaster Indianapolis. From California Arrival ef the Pony Express. Fort Kearnev, April 9. The Pony Express. with California dates to the 27th ult , passed at 3:40 P.M. - The Ssnstorlal question remains st at list sd- vloes. ' Tbe bill to smend tbe telegraph Icorporatlon law, so as to suthorixe the presenttcompanies to consolidate-and extend their lines to Salt Lake meet the lines from the East, wss passed. ' The news Of tbe formation of tbe new terri tory of Nevada gave Brett satisfaction to the oitizent of the Washoe mining region. . A brisk scramble for the local offices under tbe organization has already commenced. Lady Franklin had arrived at Frasier river. Virginia Convention. Richmond, April 9. The Convention, dur ing recess, received private advicee that a steamer bad been aeen off the mouth of Charles ton harbor, and that Bumter would be rein forced at all hazards, which produced adecided sensation. On re-assembling, the eleventh resolution' wss adopted. Tbe twelfth then came up. Various amendments were proposed. No action. Ad journed. Atchison, April 9. The reports that there are doubts in reference to the legality of the election or iane ane romeroy to tbe United States Senate, are entirely without foundation, certificates were made out and signed by tbe Governor as soon as practicable. The Senators are here, and will leave for Washington, An excursion on tbe river was given them by our citizens, irrespective or party, this afternoon, followed by a supper. New Yore, April 9. Several merchants to day protested against paying duties, claiming that they may not be compelled to pay until tbe revenue laws are enforced in tbe wbole coun try. Chicago, April 9 The Mississippi river is open to St. Paul. The steamer Ocean Wave, the first boat or the season through Lake Pepin, arrived at that place last night. Toledo, April 10 The New York Central propeller "Equinox" arrived this morning from Buffalo the first boat this season from that port. Charleston, S. C , April 9. Prodigious prep arations are progressing. Wigfall Is serving as common soldier. No war vessels are outside, far as known. ' . Harrissuro, April 9. The Repnbllosn can ons Is in session to-night. There is a warm de bate on the resolution favoring a constitutional amendment! Richmond, Ind.. April 9. Two poliosmen. McCoy and Mendcnhall, were stabbed last night bv ubss. Brown, while attempting to arrest him tbe former, it it faared, fatally. Brown s- capea. I ronton, 0. April 9. Wm. R. McKesn. Re publican, was elected Mayor to-day. On the city ana wera lionets, tne vemocratt were gene rally saccesslul. Hariisicro. April 9. Ex-Treasurer Stifer says that no State loan it required to supply hair a million for war purposes. Albany. April 9. At tbe charter eleotlon to-day, tbe uemoorais carried tne otty oy i.ouu i msjority. I I I I GREAT CUBE . DR. LELAND'S . iimt nurnss nnf rt niim 11 fl J. 1-iinfiUlYlAl 1L DA11U, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A BDRB CURE I0R . . Mercurial Diseases. All It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without Injury to th most delicate person i; no change in habits of i living Is required, and It entirely removes the dli eats from th lyitem, without producing th Injurious elleots arising from th ns ot powerful internal medi cines, which weaken ana destroy in constitution, ana its temnorarv re net only, ay tnis treatment, tne mea Iclnel properties contained la the Band come In contact with the blood and reach th disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting In eeery Instance a penect cure, and restoring the pKa afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Aitn-MaacoRiia agent. and will entirely relieve the system Irom tnepemiotoue effects of Mercury. Moderate cases are currd In a few dayi, ssd w are constantly receiving testimonial! of Its efficacy Is aggravated cases ci long stanmna. raics VX.uu, to no oaa ot iirnggisii generally, or can be sent bv mall or express, with full dlrsotioni for nse, In.n...rlnf th fiountrv. dirMk fmm th Prlnnlns.1 -- r--v. - ; i fi .-i mo vmiv uuauwaii aiw leva. O, SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. . S. Descriptive Circulars Sent Ireo, v. . .. HyAfeBts Wanted Kverywbore. h381ylsorIstpoAtw ' Sheriff's Sale. Cornelius Jacobs ") ' -' vs. ' Common Pleas. " ' ' W.P.stlller etal.' ) jaa nniTiTiriv wr r w nY TIRTIllS Or A WRIT OF FI. FA. 1 XI 10 at atracHu, irom ma uuun 01 uommon lrJa I 0f Fraoklln County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, on the 1J to directed, from th Court ot Oommon Picas I farm occupied by W. P, ex J. B. Miller, in Jackson ITownsnn. on ' I TownshlD. on - ISthda, of April, A. D. 1861, at t o'clock,,?, M., the following property, to-wltt aav man. one sorrel horse, on mar colt. eolU on two horss wagon, three sois double harneis. seven head of hogs, snd th undivided one-half Interest In reaping machlns, levied on as ths property ot W. P. I. B, Miller. - ' ' - ' - 0. W. HurniAN. Sheriff. sprll B-lOtd. -' . . B4 Satuj, Bspuly. rnatsi siesst One THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, April 10. ABHlg-steady, demand fair, sales of 30 bbls at 15 37 for poti, J 374t for pearls, i i - ,,. ,1 PtOUB reoelpti of 18,93MbbU. Market without tan portant.ohengo; sales of : 8,600 bbls at J 16(35 81 for anperilne Slate) (3 30S 40 forextre State; I51&SSV5 for sunerflna wtitarn: as 305 CO for oommon to dinm extra weetsrn; fiWWi 63 for shipping 'brands extra Bound Hoop 0ble. .BYE PLOUR etc! R3 31(34 10 for tcommnn 'to choice rapertne . - want-rcoelpts or 8,684 hash. Harket a ibads firmer with a moderate export demand, ealta of 45,01)0 buih at 1 1. Sis' for Ohlcaxo north veiternelub. tl 2D for Canada olob $1 SftSlSI in store and delivered Mll- waukee elnb; 91 371 89 for winter red weitern; the lamrrorver onoioesi ouior wane western EYE-eteadv at 6821 69o. BARLEY dull and lower, sales of 3,000 bubals State atOOo. COttN-rrecetpti of 8,98bnih;' market Arm with modr erate export demand; ealea or u,uuu buth at fis$67e for old mixed western In storr and delivered; 6A for new ao afloat. OATS arm at 33XS35X for weitern Oanadian and State. PO It K quiet and Arm; sales of 50 bbls st 17 37s w i oo ror mew, s i '0 W or prime. BK BP more aetlt; sales of 1SW) bbls. OUT MEATS Steady. LARD iteadr: ealea of 1,950 bbls at OiriSlOVo. ' BUTTta in ralr leanest at 10l4o for Ohio and 14(31 iv lor state. OHEE8H dnll at 103. SI In quality. WHISKY without change; l8l8ko. 80CMR4 dull and drooping; laleiitfOhhda of Cnh at 4svm. . - , OOrVKE remains steady but quiet; ulei 300 bag! no at niBMtci monoaoa MOLASskS quiet bnt iteady. STOCKS lrreanlar. mnerallv iteadv with mnilr.i. ouaineii; money and Jtxonaoi nnchaoged; Chicago k. bock wana ai; l. M. toi. i i, in, u. acrtp lty, M. 0. quoted 33; Barl. 13X,do. nref 36: Del A. Hurt. Btfl-8; Ohio , Burl. At Quinry 70; N. Y. O. 75; Brie 83 1-8; do aeterted S3; M. 0. 51H; 0l. Sc Ohio. 69!f; Panama 110; Beading 30; Pao.' Mill 79; Hudeon 4t 1 8; Laoroieo granu e; ill. O. bonds .95; Brooklyn Water loan juox aine eonvenaDie oosuijm: N. a. 71 Tenn. 71; Vs. 69; Mo. 6's S0 ; U. B. fi', of C5, SI v U. D. W SO I, UDB1WOI VI. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 9. The produce market has no outil Je trade to lv ui vitality, nearly every article Is regulated In price by a local consumptive denund. , f LOUB continnea at a dead drac at 14 3&aa 50 r,.r lupernne. Belters are more induitrioui at these figures than buyers; lor no one earn to ontleipal an order trade by taklns snythlnc to speculative account, and mnn. qnently to make isles require, an effort, the euitomer oeing we propuiatea party. , W HB AT ranges about as ws quoted It a week ago. The market was for a day or two since a little firmer, and prices gained a trifle, but now tor Bed Wheat is the maximum exooptional rate, and tl 05 the fair quo tations for white, though either are but little In ieout outside of our local millers, who of course do not com pete very strongly with one another, i CORN has steadily kept its eld figure, 33e for ear. and 84(9300 for shelled, mixed and white. It Is hard to bnyearatMo. OATS have dragged most or the week, and to-dav we quote them X to lo per bushel lower 25SSJ5(o. The market li governed almost entirely by tqe receipts, and fluctuates accordingly. BARLEY hanta lomethlos of dead welaht in the hand! of holders, wince they have been withholding: It from the market at the present depressed prices. t!S C9o are given is tha quotations (or prime and ohoice ran- opriog ana interior ran range rroa iio to these figures. KYB wis sought for to-dav st 55o, but not found. Bolder! do not oiler It at that figure. WHISKY mill eaiy at 13X0, seeming, linos Its re lapse from 13o, to be easier to buy than sell, Cin. vom. mi. Cleveland Market. April 8. bnt little has been done. tt FLOCB sale 85 bbli country rtonnd whlla tlrnt double extra at 15 31 . The market remains qolet with the usual steady local demand at our quotations. WHB IT quiet. - Bale of 2 cars red on track st ai.K- and 200 buiwbite from store at 91,17. , . , uukei ooiiatJ4o. - . . OATS qultai23a524e. SEEDS olover In In lliht demand at a214.13v. Tlmo'hy is held at ! 68K. haub and "houldsub trsrt trimmed country cured sell at 79o for Hams and ghonlden, city-oured ate10o. i i HiaHWraRS-stesdy.withllghtialeest 15e. BCTTEB New iibesinninat come forward andlila demand at I43S160. Old oontinues dull, . i BOOB quiet at 8KC49S. , . OHKBBB fair demand at 81-899s Tor Western Re serve. POTATOEc ahlnneii oontlnue to bow at klt2 for choice. - ' - i j - . Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, April 10. Floor unchanged. Whsat dull . sales of SOOthnth red tl,S4. whits t l,4f1.4i. Coax-flnn sake of 8000 bneh new yellow at 60a)62e. . Corriis rio 14K14X Wbiskt 17 XKBlSo. - a St 1 Our Vovg. Cold. Soarietum, Influ. na, anylritation orSorauiqtA Uhroat Rthn th Havking dough in Oontumptlon, Eronkritit, AtUia ma, and Catarrh, CUar and gixt ttrmgtK to th toic of PUfJlIU "PEAKEHS, and 8INUEHM. Tew are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in Its first stage; lhat which in the beginning wonld yield to a mild remedy. If neglected, soon attack! th longs. "Brovm't Bronchial Troche," containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Brononiai irritation. BROWN'S I "That trouble In my Throat, (for which the 'Trothri are a specific) having made me TBOOBES'often a mere whiiperer." n . r. Willis. "I recommend their me to Public Srua- BROWN'S ESS. TKOCHBB HIV. E. CHAPIN. "lTave proved extremely serviceable for HoaRsmme." BROWN'S REV. HENRY WARD BEECHBR. "Almost Instant relief in th distressing TROCHES! labor of breathing peculiar to Asmm." BROWN'S KB V. A. Q. HUULSBTON. "Contain ao Oplnm or anything Injur! TROOBES OUS." SB. A- A. UAYKS, c'Aemfst, Motion, A slmpls and pleasant eombinatlon for BROWN'S ConaBi, o." TROOBBS - VSi U. V. B1UBLUW, Botton. "Beneficial In Baonciims." DR. J. I.W.I ANE, Botton, "I havs proved them excellent for Wuoor- BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S uraOocaH." . i Ely . H. W. WARREN, s Botton, u Beneficial when compelled to sneak, suf TROCHES BROWN'S fering from Coin." nav. r. , Anuintju, ' . . . at iovii. "IrrtCTDAL In removlnc Hoarseness and TR00HE8I BROWN'S Irrlutlon of th Throat, so oommon with SrsAURS and Swoms." TROCBBB l'rof. BIAUT JOHNSON . Xei Grmo. Ba.. BROWN'S . Tsscher of Music, Southern jremali College. . TROCHES "Great benefit when taksn before and after BROWN'S preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness. Irom their past efleot, I think they will be of per- tboohbs manent auvanwgo hi me . BE V. E. ROWLEY. A. St., President of Athens College, lenn BROWN'S TROCHES TJSol4 by an Druggiiti at TWENTY IIV1 CENTS A BOX.fTl , ROBERTS at 8AMCII,. . Druggists, !4 North High ilreet. 1. 1. SAMUbil, Sc OO., , . - bS South High street. OoInmbtu.O. ' mar7-deodlm Watches! Diamonds I! Silver Ware!! ACHOICB A-SOHTITIEllT Or GOLD and Silver Watohes, in gnat variety. f, ,,. I am Agent for the Watch Ct , and cto sell tnes excellent watenes at maauiaoiuiers pi Ices, eltlier Wholesale or Retail. . . Com sad ohoos from my beautiiol display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. Styles no w price low, Ai to Silver Ware or iterling Quality, I can show new pattern!, very handiome - Sliver riatea ware, xea netts, urae. Trailers, tiaiiDrs, Baskets. Pitchers. Goblets, Knives, Forks. Spoons, to, Then I have a supply of fin Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Basors, Jtc, and many fancy Goods suoh as are desired for present! at auob prices as are an Induce ment to the purchaser. a, SL1BN, (, no, iu uucaeye mock, merSl North tide Slate House equare n ENTICEMENTS FURNISHING U UOODS. Novelties lo Neck lies and Beam. ' ; " Byron and Oarrote Collars. ' " ' " Embroidered Pocket Ilandkerchlcfi Paris Kid Glovss lunsrlor make. ,, , Oolden Hill Shirts, various styles, , ", ' ' Boys Golden Ulll 8hlrts, do . ' .' '' Driving and Street Uloves, do Hemmed Pocket Handkerchiefs, varloni styles. ' Half Uos and Coder Garments, ' " BAIN St SON. sprilS No. 29 South High street TTAVINO THIS DtT-IOLD OVR XlStook of Groceries to Mr G. S. VEHINO. w cheer- lully recommend bun to our eta patrons and friends. inus. naiittwiin m. nun ColumhM, March 8lh, 1861 apl-dtf . FOB HINT, w II AVE TA ACRES OF CHOICE FA HOT I INO LAND, one half mil from this city, for rent, 1 a inu uan w, uu . " ma oj, i,mn, I application Is mads soon- No 84 North High street, Oolumbus. lipms.aiwj S DIMHU, I 1 1 ' XNJ?Bttl?.77mZZVZ I price one-third less than eaa be purchased elsewhere ball on or address (stamp enclosed) J, L. BAILBT, 134 court St.. Boston, aisss. march 98:d?m. PLAIN AND' FIOCKElV BliBCK DRBnB SILKS, of wverv grade. To most select assortment In the olty, asa at ssoal reasonasi rate. ;, .,' w.v. nain sun, sprllS Ho W nestb High street. If 11 NEWwAURiyALSi OF- AT 1 1 KNAPP 8c CO.'S, 119 South High Street, oct2J-2aw4-afcw-6ee aTirrrr a nvr in 11 1 1 ai 1,1 TVTvrTrci I NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, - I NEWARK OHIO, Itlannfaetiirere f all kind ef Por table and Stationary stesm es giaes Saw mills, Ovist mills, tec, afcCs LAJfZd BODLSTBtattnl B- ot I. BLAST) TBmtenl J. J. B. J) WALL Btatenlll COLUMBUS MACBIKS CO. Btattnll 1 1 BRADtORD . , CO. Btattnlllll ' Onr PorUble Engine and Saw Hill Wu awarded th first premium of 150 at the Indiana State lair for If 00 over Laos At Bodley's oa account of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Onr Stationary Engine wu awarded at the same lair tha Srat nreminm of fittQ. Our portable engine wu awaraea tne nm premium oi luu at th valr at uemnnla. Tenn.. over nianay s vu- vall's, Columbus Machine Co'l., and Bradford St Oo's., by a committee or practical Kauroaa Engineers. tor pries ana terms aaaresi WU.LARD WARNER, Treasurer, decSdawlyeoU. Newark, Ohio THE MUTUAL BENEFIT TEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF , . No-war Is., TT. T. Dividend January 1 IR6 1 48 Per Cent, ASSETS..... ..3,81S,5o 50 Statement Janaarr 1 1861 Balance, per statement Jan. 1st, 1860 3,40SIS8I 3 Receited for j-remtums nur Ing ths tear 10 76S,05M Received for interest daring ' : tbe year 1HJ0 mi ui n Total reeelnls for 1860....i977,007 74 Paid Olalms by Detb,S67,040 00 Paid Policies inrren dered 41,111 SO , Paid Salaries, Post- , ".' '"' r, Taxes, M- j- ." ' ' nie, etc SI.CSOM' Paid Commission! to ; v, c 1 .. , , . J Agents i,j.'n m " Paid Physicians' fses. 5.W6 75 " PaidAnnnltle ,.,'1,J17 W' Paid Dlvidendl dur ' ' ing the J ear juo.jmi 13 otn,ui 03 411,073 14 Met Balance January 1st, 1M1...I.. ..,.J,8ia,i48 50 , . ,- AS91TS. ., , Cash en hand.. A8.Gi84 19 Bonds and Mortgage on neat - , 1 . Bstste, worm uouot vn amount loaned... -..... 9,127,841 08 ... , Premium Notes, on Policies - t. . .. m force, only arawtng o per ,. , , cent, interest -. 1,879,804 17 , .,!,. ! . Real Klla - S0,83 S7 , . Loans on Scrip...... 4,03144 , Premiums, notesanuusan, in course ot transmission.... 1 o,-hj ia Total Asset..'.... S3,812,K4 SO TtB75 Policies In fores, Insuring Ss48Bsa3B 1,435 new Policies have been limed daring the year. After a careful oafeulstlon of the present value of the ntstaadlng Policies ot th Company, and having tbe nnorunt-ir amount In reserve therefor, th Director! have declared a Divirjmro of 4S per cent, on th rremi- ..IA ! tnkln mIm. tn all nnlicleafor life Inforoe, issued prior to January 1, 1800, payable according to the present lUIS 01 tna vompany. - .. . . . , I , 1 J .if. AM.M..lM svaic ior ail luu. v i-n. vwu-i,- ns.. Statements, ana i'P'?; " "SmA wtrwooT CBAS.S, at ths Oilcs or Agencies st th. Otm .TV--' BOBT. T,. PATTBRSOW, President. . L. 0. OROTBR, Vks rresidsnu sivl n MTI.I.V.R. Recretar. St. M. BSiESOlf i Agent,' ' No. 4 Johnson Biock. .Msroh88,18pl. ;, , , , ,ColBmbss,0. FBII ID SHE! Pi is in of It Notice. - THE susssiisaiAssssta jassss I nf aineJnr am their old hnalnesa. aid hoc that all . - ..n persons knowing insmseive inaentea to mess mutr M or book. ., Will llye th mttr ttelr tamedlsss attention. . iUUS. nAJk svn. AprtllilOW-aiW. j -tv-ywji. PEOP. WOOD'S AND BLOOD RENOVATOR t I Is nreotoely what 1U name lndloatei, for. while Ipleasant to ine men, u is reviTiiyi ng, exmtarsl ing, invigorating knd strengthening to the vital dqm. and at tha asms time revivifies, rain ilates, and renews the Blood In all its purity an4 thus at ones rettort andrmdr$ th tyitem in milmfnJ,LA in nttnrkM of dLtMM. It is the onlv preparation ever offered to She world, so chemi cal I r and skillfully comMned as to bo the most p .werful tonlo. and at the same time to perfectly tdapted to, as to act in per'eot accordance with the -awe of natuio, and hence will tooth th vmktur momcKh, and tone up the digeitiva orgam, and, thui allav all nervous and other irritation. 1 1 1" I Derectlr exhilarating, and at the seme lime It I) composed entirety ot vegeiaoies. yet so commnea u to protiuoe tne most tnoroagn ionic eneci, nun in- out producing any Injurious oonseqnenoei Such a remedy haa lona been felt to be a dealderatum I the medical world, for it needs no medical skill I see tbatdebllltyfollors all attacks of disease, andl proceeds and indeed las the syitem open to the tostdious attacks or manyoi tne most ratal, men, I for example, as the following: Consumption, In Mllgeation, Pyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Faintneei. Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia Palpitation or the Heart. Melancholy, Night Swells. Languor, Olddl- t ncss. Betantion of. as well as Painful obstructed i too profuse, or too soanl Menstruation, and gall in of the Womb. These all depend upon general debility This pure, healthy, tonlo Cordial and Blood Kenovator is as sure to sure as tne sun to rise and set. There is so mistake about It. But; bla li not all. If the system is weakened, we are ten to bilious attacks, tin liver becomes torpid, u or worse diseased, the kidney refuse to perform, r their functions, and we are troubled with scaldlngi" , and Incontinence of urine, or Involuntary dis chane of the aame. nain in the back, side aud lav o tween the shoulders, exceedingly liable to slight1 Icolds. coughs, and It unchecked, soon emaciation I'ollowi, and the patient goes down to aprematurslaa 'grave. Bnt space will not allow ns to enumerate 1 1 condition or the system, but we win say, in tnu Cordial and Blood Renovator yon have a perfect,1! safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for Ion of II ,nn.l la HI V .In .no. WMW MtMl .imi Stomach, Languor, Liver Complaint. Chills and fsver, or any Bilious attack, Costiveness, Acidity Lf 1.- at V, MAlntu. P1. .!,..!. ot tne Btomacn, flervouaoess, neuralgia, raiptta- ii OJtlon of the Heart, Depression of Spirit!. Sores, m Pimplei on tbe Pace, or any diisaa arising from fi imnure blood, such Scrofula, Erysipelas, Bron i chitis. Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all thal'i, class of diseases called female weakness, and 7 enumerated above. We will also say th traveler! exposed to epidemics; change or climate and wat er, will find it a pleasant, sale and sure remedy,! I1 and none should ever travel witnont. Header. try it. for we assure you you will And in It a friend indeed, as well as a friend in need. All persons of Mdentary habits will find It s perfect preventive ofjf as well as cut for those ailments to which they are V particularly exposed. Hence minuters,students,st torneyi, literary aentlemen and ladles who are no: 34 nl accustomed to much outdoor exercise, will find it to their advantage to keep a bottle constantly on hand: and, above all. mother!, or those becoming!. inchi will go through that most dangerous periodjfS oot only wth all their accustomed strength, but P safe and free from th thousand ailments so prev- Oalentamong the female portlonwf the world. In1 J ihort, it Is indeed a mother's cordial. Try It. oldifj .nil .Ann.- nn InnMP ran tha rlilr nf nelavt it will relieve and prove Itaeir empnsucaiiy a uetsora tlv Cordial and Blood Renovator. 0. i. WOOD, proprietor, A Broadway, New York, and 114 Marke t Street, St. Louis, Mo., and mill h ROHKRTA Ml SAMUEL. Cnlnmhna. Ohio f).and all good Druggiils. Price One Dollar per Bottle. march;.'8-dAweowly DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? - DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAH'S CELEBRATED StimnlatiDgODgacnt, For the Whiskers and Hair Th subscribers take nleaiur In announcing e the Gltixena ol the United States, that they have obtained th Agency for, and are now ensbled to offer to the American publlo, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. Th STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Da. 0. F. BBLLT.KGHAM. in eminent phyiician of London, and la warranted tot bring cnt a thick set 01 . . Whiskers or a Mnstaehe from three to liz weeks. This article Ii tbe only on the kind used by th French, and In London and Paris is in universal use. It Is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating oomnonnd.aatlnga! if bv msgic upon tli roots causing abeautitul growth or luxuriant hair. It applied to tne scalp, ii will onr BAinmn, and cause to spring np In place of tbe bald epoti a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied according to directions, It will turn ten or towt hair bask, and restore gray bsirto Its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The "Ohsdsht ' ia indispensable article In every genUenuuTs toilet, and after one week's ns they would not for any consideration newlthoatlU The subscribers sre the only Agents for the article In the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Pric One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists sod or dox 01 n --ungusm inrrui iu "' the desired effect) will be sent to sny who desire It, by mat! frilrMnrl. u.uilt m-bftt. nn rwvlnt nf nrinn km! postage, 11.18. Apply to or address IIOEACB L. DBQEMAN At 00,, Dsnsoirrs, Ac, febSOd AwOm . 24 William Street, New-York. CANADIAN & UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TO AND i'HO.TI LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, , Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, tvnd 3jraa7r Ths Hoatreal Ocean Steamship Company's first -class full-Dowered Clyde-built Steamers sail every Kat nrdav from fuktlahd, carrying the uansdian and United states mail ana passengers. NORWEGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON. N0KT11 BRITON, HIBERNIAN, OANADIAN, MOV A BCOTLAN. Staortesti Cheapest andatlckcstCon .vcyance arsisss AHEMCA TO AU FASTS OF ZTTSOFB. Hates of Paeaaee to Europe, S30, gKi. 8SO. Will sail from LIVERPOOL cwerr AVednesdnT. snd from QUSHEO every Saturday, calling at LONDONDKBHY , torceive.on Board and laro Ataiuann Paaarnren. to and from Ireland and Boot land. TTPThes Steamers are built of iron. In water-tight compartments, carry eacn an experienced Burgeon, ina every attention I paia to tne contort ana aocommrma- Hon or nasienger. a tney prooeea n nun nun- DBRT, th gteat riik snd delay of calling st Bt. John's li avoided. Glasgow passengers sre mrnianed wito nn passage tickets to and from aionoonenrry. Ratnm tickets aranted at reduced rates. Certificates issued for earning to snd bringing out pas- annmra from all th nrlnolnal town nf Great Britain and Inland, at reduced rotes, by this line of steamers, and by the WASHINGTON LINK Of BAILING PACKETS, leaving uverpooi every weea. Sight Drafts for tl and upward pay sLDse tn aiOstanutiiroiauut owr land or Wale. n naaaara. annl at the Offlce. 83 HKOAUa WAV, New Works and 10 WATEB SX., Liiwerpoois . , . IASXL ISASLZ, Osnsral sgenu, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG. DOlA-lydfcw Statesman Offlo, Oolumhos. Ohio- WM, KNA8E & CO., A T THEIR SISSW ssi.MS-" AX. BOOM, SO, 1W BALTIMORE ST. ana I I I ! NOS, l,S,9Snd7NiKUTAW UTEBT, Oder for sals their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL. . GRAND - . AND SQARE PIANO-FORTES. B.i.. hti,hi mmmmended by the first Professors snd MtntcalAmatearaot tbe eoantry, and ; r, INBTIlU,,1 WARRANTED FOB riYlYBARB. The most faatidlons customer may rely upon being repcot' wu ww Alt. a no. BBLTZKB k WBBSTEll, Agents, Sct9S;lydw. J . ; Columbus, Ohio, Employment. : ' ! I si Staple Article, will furnish employment a , . . I al a few m I preference will be given to thow who at rtvsn to tno wno are wen scHumjur I TJU saa tuc uish iw " - j i' r- - For which services uiey are willing so -pay of from - - ' N ' . j $600 to $300 per wear, and Xipegses. for further particulars sddrwa - - -' ' J .... , w. b. BOBinotniB co. ,-r j aaa -- - -i I JanSO-dflm. Jersey'Olty, N. J.; HIBBOK9 TABS.AKV i JL BUOHKS, new styles, Jast open by BAIN At SOX. sptitf Ho. SS South High stistt. to a Dr. J. IL UcLEAN'S . Strcngthcnlag: Cordiil 3 a puniFinn. ThwUresueat Benedlrlts Tfes trl . AND THS K08I BZLIclOri AND A ';' TiVT tnutiiinT H, axouuuis WAS VI. ' ( COKDIAL EVER TaREM. A if. J IT 18 STRICT ly a soientlfte and ' Vegetabl Oom pound, Procured by us distil lation of Bool. Herbs and Bark. Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, -I BarupariUa,- ST I I &"m ;! unerry nark and Dsn- 1 delioa enters Into Hi Mon TaJdns"" remililter Taklnj. principle of each Ingredient Is thoroeurhlv ntrwrted k my new method of dlitilllng, produclng.a deueioos, s hllerating spirit, and the moot INVALLISLB reaoeds fof renovating th diseased syitem, and restorlns- tha suffering and debilitated INVALID to HMALTH sad BTRXNGTU. MCLEAN'S ' TREMOTHBNIPIO COM DIAIi ' - Will eertetaally ssuw UVBB COMPLAINT, DTBPIPBIA. JADNDIOS Chronic or Nervons Debility. Disease of tM Kidnevs and all diaeasea arlaln from a diaordend Liver or Stoaa ch, Dyspesia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Slot- ocas or tne Btomaoh, Inline or Blood M uie Head, Hall pain or swimming in tha bead. Palt.tatloa of the Heart lullness or Weight in Uie Stomach, Sour 1 nictations unoaing or snBooatinir feeling when hying down, Ur or Yellowness of the Skin and Byea, Night Sweats, la ward levers, Pain in th small of the hacii, eheat or aid. Sudden Hushes of neat. Depression of Spirit, Irlghtful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or an Starr nn. ni;;;. Seres or Biukihii nn tna Mbfn. aad Ib n Ai,n Inm Ohlliiand lover.) . v . v Over a ITiiUioB mt atouiee . Have been sold during the last six month and la no la- stance has It failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who, then, will snnerfrom weakness or Debility whsa Mo LEAN'S ST1IISMUT11KM1NU UOUD1AL will cure youl Mo language can convey an adeoaat Idea f th inm. dlate and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial In th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak bv nature, or Impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organisation Is restored to lis pristine health and vigor. Ill Alt HI ED PERSONS, . r others conscious of rnaMltty. from whatever eaaaa. will find McLean s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of th system; and all who may bars injured themselvei by improper indulgences, will find la the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. , Ts tbe Ladles. MeLfas's Siren gtheniifg Cordial Is a sovereign sod speedy care for "iTY0 INCIPIENT CONSTJinPTIOlV, WHITES- Ohatrncted or Difficult Uenstrnatlon, Incontinence ef Urine or Involuntary Dlscharg thereof. Palling of Ah Womb, Giddiness, lainting and all Diseases iwUdenlto lemalcs. Thsrs Is do Klttaka About It- ' ' Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. ' It illstimulate, strengthen and invigorat ra and cause be bloom of health to mount your cheek again. Every bottle ia warranted to give sattsiacUOQ. : FOR CHILDREN." ' ' If your children are sickly, winy, or afflicted, McLean's Cordial will make tbem healthy, fat end roktsst. Delay - not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS , TO TAKE. Oao-nos. Beware of Druggist or Dealer whs sssv try to palm upon yon some Hitter or BarsapariUa trash. winch they can buy cheap, by say In it I just as goed. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing elw It Is th only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at tne same tlaxe strengtiien th system. J ) . One tablespoonfnl takes every ctornlng fksRnr,' Is a certain preventive of Cholera, Coy Is and lever, yellow lever, or any prevalent diseases It is put up in large bottle. r Price only fi per bottle, or 6 bottle for 11. J.fl.HoLSAtl, - y Sole Proprl'tor cf this Cordial, Also alcLemn e Volcanic Oil Liniment Principal Depot es tha earner of Third and Pine streets, Bt, Louis, Mo. - ;. . ! I f 4 McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment- f The best Liniment In the World. The only ar sstd certain cur for Cancers, Pile, Swelling and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Pantiysii, Neuralgia. Weakness of th Muscles, Vnronio or InGammatory Rheumatism, Stiff nee ef the Joints, contracted Muscles or Ligaments Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wc-ukus, Preset Out, Ulcers, lever Pops, Oaked Breast Son Nipple, Borne, Scalds, Sore Thoat, or any Inflammatlee. st Pain, nod .tierenoe bow severe, or hor long the disease may havs exist. McLean's Cttraled Llamssol i s er tain remedy. Thousands of human Mng tun aeen saved a BfS ( decrepitude ind misery by the use of this invaluable rej oin. , . X MCLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT '.V. Will relieve pain almost rnstantaneenaly. and It sril cleans, purify and heal the foulest sore in an Incrrdl ly short Urn. Far Horses and Oilier Animals. afcLaan s celebrated Liniment la the only safe and re liable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wlad galls. Splints, Unnatural Bnmp, Node or Swellings. It will never fail to cure Big llead, Poll Ivil, Tistuia, Old running Sores or Sweeny, If properly applied, for Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Bore or Wuieada, Cracked Heels, Chafe. Saddle or Collar Galls it is an Infallible nmedy. Apply It as directed, and a cur I certain la very instance. ' ' ' ' : Then trifle no longer with the many worm less Idas ments offered to yon. Obtain s supply ot Dr. kloLaao's celebrated Liniment. It will core you. - J. H. mLKAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Fine Streets, Bt. Louis, at. For sale by all druggists. lor sale by HOBIB.T8 fc SAVTTIL, angas-dJtwLy 11 Oolsmbasv ,0hlc ox MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Penal Physician, presents to tne attention 01 motnera, ner 1 . SOO T II I N G S YRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. ' - which areaUv facilitate th nrocae of tae thing, by Sft- ning the gums, reducing all Inflammation wll I allay ALL fAiN and spasmodic action, and is - 8UKE TOKCGUtiATE TI1E BO'WiXB. Depend upon It, mothers, 1 1 will give rest to yourselves and . . . - f BELIE? AND HEALTH TO TOUTS UTAH I. We have nut ao and surd thw article for ever tea years. snd CAN SAT, IN CONFIDBNCK AND TRUTH, of It,, what we have sever been ante to say of any ewer meni- Oine NF.VKR HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGH INST. ANCE, TO silFBCT A CUttB, when timely ast-e. nev er did we know an instance of diasatiafution by any on who used it. On th eonlrary, all aw delighted with Ms operations, snd speak in terms of commendation of las magical etieots and medical virtue. W speak tn Ma matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW ;" after ten years' vrw rienc AND PLKDGB OUR RKPUTATiON FOR TUB PULILLUKNT OF WHAT WS UBIiB DBOLARJ.- in almost every instanc where the infant is safferiug rroas pain and exhaustion, relief will o found in niteea or twenty minutes after thecyrup ts sdmlnlurAV , This valuable nrenaratlnn I the prescription of on of th most KXFBKIKNVBDand SKILLFUL NCBSBHla New Kngland. and has been used with Nstv Aa rAIL- ING BUCCKSS In S'HOIINAHSJW orVSSIl"' Tt not onlv relieve the child from pain, out Invigor ates the stomach and bowels, oorreca acidity, and give tons and energy to the whole system. It.wUI ataosS la stantly reliev , in THS bowels; ajtowind i couo ITi4 QT9reOIDO OOBTw!Wvtv1li' Wlllclli H b4 p4lif MBB died, end in death. We beHeve K the BBsT and SUR EST KKHKDV IN THR WORLD, rn all oanes of DVeV ENTKRY and DIARRUtEA IN OUIUMHV, wbether It arises from lee thing, or from any other cans. ' SY would say to vry mother who he a child suffering frosa anvot thefoiegologeosplalnts DO HUT LKI YOUR PRKJUKIOKS NOR TUB PRBJTJDICB80F 0T1IBR8 stand between yo and yonr suffering child, aad th re lief that will be SO R yes. A B80LU t KL X U RB to follow the nse of thie medicine, if timely need. , Fall di rections for using will accompany ark bottle. None genuine unless th fao-slmile of CCRTIS . VCRE1NS, New York. Is on the outside wrapper, t 1 Sold by all Druggists throughout th weria- Prl -ctpal Office, IB Ceslar Street PI. Y. PRICE ONLY 25 CENT? PER ?0TTLE. OCtS7-dltwly. v., tl- J GUERNSEY'S BSlRj REITIOVES A W Us FHEVENTSIfl-. Semination and pain, and heals the worst bum, scald, bruit, cut, or freah wound of any Had, reveats swslling snd pals frn he stings, mosqakt Mtea,sui4 Doisooon plants, neuralgia rheumatism, ague la th tressl. salt rhsum, el. When take Internally, II will wotltively cur croup inohlldrrn. and gives immediate relief In the waralraM of Shis lerribIS oompkttat alsti. remove! hoarseness and sore throat. Prioe, iU seal a bottle. , Should be In every house. For sale by Drag gists and Storekeepers. - IRVIN STONB, -Sole Proprietor, Ifo.1 Spraeest.tBsw lor . octtdkwlyl . Pi fW:: - Notice, i i 1 rHF.roixewtitofiMASCt s awrnr. made 1n th th officers of tM Bank, Jonary twh, inni in arit? Waii A. PiaTT, Prnetdeat, and Vaoku Moonm. Oahler, migned ihelr omens j Davis Tavioa, Siq., was then sleeted rreaident end WW. A. Ptenr ap pointed CMhler. - " l-ak'J.-'J By order of the Board of Motors. MbS, letl-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Csshler.