Newspaper Page Text
'i-i .ttli .J t Tfc'- UST RECEIVED BY GILL, r ';:.:. CO ITorth High Btreot, Cue oi Urgest aaC Btt Mooted Assert v I .' 1 i f ' . Sf.j - ' ITim OFFERED IM THIS flITTI ' Jfae;- Builders' Fnrnishin 9 0" 7 n r j "Of 1VEBY STYLE AND QUALITY, FreaoJa An.erlea Window ; G-Kxcsa X . FAINTS GROCND IN OIL, pat p la .half pond eani lor (unity a, and Dry '.V1!; ratoU In balk. : ' .'' 'i Briiiiltea of eveiy variety & quality. ,:i -:-: A Splendid Assortment of " J r MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. ' ' tr" AXES GRINDSTONES GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o. f'T. : : FISHING TACKLE. ."; : . . . i. ROPE & CORDAGE, , LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER, f . : 'i BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, j AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, uH t 1 j : if f ' , .. v, BCAJUfcS, E.L1S, ,HA1S Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 opeUlly Invtt the attention of all Interested to my stock f Pocket and Tibia Ootlery, and ' ' 1LVEB PLATED FOHKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, ' Butter Knives, &c, of (tOOIBM A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to b saxm nesvy, Kltetro-PUtsd. oo (tnaim Albstts. . Gci try Merchant, Mechanics, and other, an Invited taaall aad examln By Stock, a I aa prepared to sell Whohaate and Xotall. WRI. A. , Ohio, Har 8, 1860. .Wholesale and Betail Depot for ' FAMttV CBOCEBIES m , ejaBBBB No. 106 South High Street. m Mcdonald, rw - DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, r. in all their varieties. BaUlr Arrtwaxl mt Gaoda For 'the Fall and- Winter Trade . Of 1860-61. TrjRETIJKNINQ SINCERE TIIANKS TO THE PUBLIC for paat favora and patrcn- . ..Jfaeinw DETEBiniNED to MfcKIT - aatmrlnaue of aaae by strict attontin te trael. and prompt dellrcry f Goods, Iwoeld call the BOtlce of the public to the fact that haTlai iUr and well Selected mock on ken, eadketnf la daily receipt of good from the differ ent Barketa, 1 Batter ayealf that I can offer to the clti aaa of Oolabaa, at to any who Bay deilro to pnrclaa. aa aaaortBent of arUclea apperutolng to the 0BOCKBI trade, CNEQUALED by anyhoni In the city, tk Ttee and qnallty of the gooda offered, I gDar. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. BOTg7. wm. Mcdonald. to Baltimore Clothing Honse. MAXuracTTaamj an wioiBUkU naauu n READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W, Baltimore-street, (rnrwm uaaarr wb aowaaa,) , C' ' . 1 BALTIBIOBEt B!i. A large ' ' j Ajsertaaut of Piece aad Fnrniiting Good ConaUitly on Hand) OetaOdry ' COLTJBIBIJS, OUlO; , ' AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ' , .And Seed Store, IS GENERAL HARDWARE, BTAIXS, SLABS, BABH, PUTTT, OOBDAOB, 3us,risloU, Wood A Willow Ware LetBeread Babker BelUcg, lac leather, Ho and . . oi-ajy DOYLE & CO. Manofactureri and Wholesale Dealer La BOOTS AND SHOES, Southeast Corner of High and Cay St.., COLtinBCS, v OHIO, "A large Btoek of Una and Staple Goodi oa band. . " y-dt ' SUITDBIE Fb RIK AT 1 TAPIOCO, Arrow Boot, ' Bio fleer - Bcotoh Oat ateal ' Pearl Barley Split Pea . i ' Cracked Wheat Cnoeolat Oooe Bmaaa, etc. " Cream Tartar, " eoda -''fi Prune Beadle, BeMaj 1 f reeh Tomato Peachea Oreea Corn freak Cann'd frolta f every dtecripllen; Jellies of all ktnde; - . r flvoitegBxtrcaofaUkb1. , . . Ana airope; Mixed Candle; ' Almonda, fllherU, Peoon Nnta, ' . Bngllah Walnut, Braail Not,!, mgt WM. McDOSALI). C. 4 CTCOLLIGTER, .. snrholesalo ana Retail Dealer la , j TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS '.'.' JNo. 83 Fifth Strietv , ; , : PIT - SBURGII, Pa. ' Keep voaatatitlr on hand ail the wa- . rloas ISHAnoei ol , ..Zxn-rpoitoca. oic:fii. Oct. krt-lyd , ' Iiccs and EmbroiderieB, VALF.NCIF.NES,WaLTESB POINT l.amCallhreaadBetta. fmeh, Punier and Thread Lao Veils, tn.w pattern.) Valtnoienet, Thread aad Point Laces. Xmbretdered CoImi, Belt. Trimminn aad flFlrts, Lae BarM aad Colffaree, Plain Lieeo Collar, i ml aaa cuns, amwoiaerea uoimrs boq uunt in rets). ". BAIN A BON, I i fbbSS ' . A . Ho. S9, Bonlh High Street. of . 186061. 1860-61. 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati 3rTO'"I'.- - -Hit mm '"ml RAILROAD '. Connecting at QmtllM wlthths., - Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago .; railroad 1 For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia tod Baltimore; Also for Fort Wayne and Chicago. . . Connecting at Cleveland with th lake Dunkirk, Shore Railroad ' For Buffalo, Albany, New York. Boetoo and TWO ' TRAINS DAILY (except Band) front CoUmbm, 1b connection with Iraini en the Little Miami ft Columbus k Xenia Railroad. , II&8I TKAIN. ; " ' I ; NtGHT IXPMSS LeaTca Oolambni at &!5 a. . Will leare paenngen at all taUotit, eMth of flalllon, top at Delaware. Athley, Oardloaton. Oilead and at all utlone North of Oalllon. arriTing at Cleveland at fttO a. .. Dunkirk 4:SU p. B., Buffalo O.-OS p. B.. New York 1US p. m., Bmton 4:3a p. m., PUUborgh m Omt Hne3:40 a. b., Philadelphia 7:00 a. a., ChlMfO eo Srafton 11:00 p. b. Ala eonneotinl at Shelby for all point on the Vaadusky, ManineM A Howard Hailroad. BICO!n) TEAIN. " If ATI. AND 1XP1LB8S LeaTOI Columboa at 3:00 p. .. will atop at all etattons eouth of Shelby, and at Sal es, Mew London, Wellington, Ura'ton and Uerea, arriT tec at Cleveland SM p. m.. Dnnkirk 3:00 a. b., Buffalo I Sm- NewTork 10:U0 a. m.. Boaton 12:80 a. m. PitubuMh eta Oreetllne 2:30 a. B.. Philadelphia S O0 p m.. Chicago eta Grafton at 10:30 a.m. Alio connect) at Bhelby for all point on Banduaky, Uananeld A Newark Batlroad. . . . Patent Sleeoinsr Cart are ran on all Sight Trains to Chicago, Few York and Boston. : 83" Baaqaa Checked Through to JVi York and Botten via Cleveland, alto fa Philadelphia, iV York CreilMne. . ' A BKTTJBNINQ. ''. Night lxpran arrlyeaat Colnmbni at 1:30 ai m. , Olnclnnall JUpreaa arrirea at Colombo! at 1:40 p. n. Fare as Low aa by any other Route. ' I ' Aak for tlckati via OreatUne or Olereland. . S. FLINT, Buper't, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMEB PATTERSON, Agent, JnnelS - Colnmbua, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This ia the Ouly Route offering a Tbroug-b Ticket tc Baggage Cbeck to WASHINGTON CITY: And (A only EomU giving to th Pottmgin the privilege of tUiUng Me CUUt of Baltimore,PbiladelpbiaVBework At the coat of a Ticket to JFitte Xork only by other Line TWO TRAINS LIAVB OOLTJMBTJB DAILT SOUDATO ElCITTID. XPRKH8 AT 3:00 a. m. atonplnr atali Stallona upon airnal being given arrivintral Beilaire at V 'M a m., eonneoticg immediately with limine on Tbe Ualtlnaore & ttblo Kallroad , for Baltimore, WaaUngton Clryand tbe Booth, and Phi ' adelphte. New York, Boaton, and the Jtaat. Alaowlla train on in PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, via Wheeling at Plttabargh R fc.'.'fof PltUbargfa, Har- ritnnrgh, fhliaaetpnia, new ion, noeion una me iw, Thu train alao eonneetaat Newark with B. at. N. B. R., and at Zanearille with 0. W. A Z. B. &. fur Lancer ter, e. HAIL AT J: 40 p.m., (topping at all Station apon air rial being given, arriving at BaxLaut at 9:0 p. m., con, neoting immediately with traina on Tbe Baltimore V Obio Bailroad Pot Baltlmore.'Waahlhgton City and the Booth, and Phil adelphia. New York, Boston, and the Beat. Alao with train on lue -- PEINSYIiVANlA CENTRAL, , Ha Wheeling and Pittabnrgh B. B., forPlttabarak, Ha rilbargh. Philadelphia. New York, Boaton, and the Eaat. Thia train also eonnecta at Zaneevilie with Q.Y.ttZ. R. 11., for Lancaater, etc- TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, . . CAN DBrCND CTOM ' Quick Time and Sure Connections Anna' tin Bom Auowasraa Mjuis. ' SLEEPING CARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS Aak for Tickets via Columboa and Wheeling. Por further Information and Through Tldrtte, apply W. L. BOHEHTX.Ticaet Agent, union irepot. H. J. JkWBTI, Preaident, ZmnetvUle. JOUN W. BROWN, novSS ' ' General Ticket Agent, Colombo. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. jimwi aiAViAiiii 'eiAew ViHbAI roM I IwiiAb nvuiE, TEHini?f ATKS AT WAniNGTOI 1 and Baltimore on the Xast, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkeraborgoo th Welt, at whloh ploa It anites with Kallroad a, Steamer, Ac, for and from all point In th , . , , , r West. Bsntb-trest and North-tvest' THEES . ISAINS DAILT FOR ALL" THE EASTERN CITIES This I the only root to Washington City. Paaaeneenbrthi root oao visit Baltimore, Fhlla delphla. New York and Boston, at the cost of a ticket to Boston alona by other lines. Through tickets to the Eastern cities ean be procured via Washington City at an additional charge of two dol lar. Bluftm Oaaa Arracmm To all Nioenr Taam. Time at qyriek and far a lota at vi at other rout. , Imioire for Ucaet via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at any WI uie principal naiirumu oiucc, in uiv tt c, ). a. SULLIVAN, flen'l Weatern Agent, BaLLaut, Ohio. L. al. cole, uenerai noaei agent. W. S. BMiTll, klaater Transportation,' oelSS-tf. , BALTiHoaa, Md, , IMPORTED GOODS. TTJBT RECEIVED O 20 case Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for labia uts. IO H French Hoeiard, favorite brand) 6 ' Boned Sardine, th BBBT Bardlne imp'td 4 m at caper inauiive. fi " Table Bauree "Lea A Perrln's Woroetter ihlra," "Boyer'a Sultana, " "Jobs Boll," "Harvey, jteading.' to Walnot and Tomato OaUuo. 74 do. Orne A Blaokwail' celebrated English PkklfS, consisting of "Cauliflower," "Ft- calill," Chaw-Chow," "Walnut,", 'On. -; Ion," 'Oabbage,:' Bean,". "GherkV , 'x r tea ice, . . SO " tonuoa Porter. " 7 ' 10O " Campbell's celebrated Scotch Ale. 8 cases Ginger Preserve. " SO boxes Italian Macaronl and Tenuuilla.' ' " 9 imii Cox' Gelatine. ' . , 1 ' Colemaa's celebrated English Mustard, ia keg, box, I g and bottle. . , : titt, ' oS7 . WM. McDONALD, , I 3ZN"f3 IJXLw0aJlNrO3I!. JOHN H WEEFXE3, ' ; , A CEUT FOR HOlvIE, CONTINENTAL, XL ManBarraa, BscntrTV. and Iaviaoria Its. Co,' Nxw York; MtacHARTt and Crrv Firs or UaRTroas Naw Xoaa Lira and coirs, hotdal Lira. Office, 81 II Iff & Mt., Savage's BJ sb7Hlly ' ' ' Alexandre Kid Gloves. TkLAIN AKDENBBOIDEHED, lflOUS- AT QUETAIRB aed regular hp Bl wk Bldttleve. embroidered in white, magenta, purple, lie. Undressed- Kid Gloves. Misses Rid Gloves. A complete assortment these celebrated Ulovti alwaya for tale ny ' BAIN A BON, febSS .'. Nor MBoath High (treat, . Canton Mattings. , 4. 64 R-4 Wtalfe aad HeA and : Yi hit Ohteked of toperier aualiiy. For tale by , , BAIS 80!', Bb23 f" : No. 20 South High tt. - Oo-Partnership. HATE TIlIS BAY ADMITTED MT on JAMKB ADOKK BAin a partner io my bost ons, which will hereafter be conducted onder the firm Hala A Bon. r. BAIN, 38 eoalh High St. Columbus, feb IS. 1861. febl MINK MUFFBi VICT0RINE8 aad CUFFS w are now selling at very low prioet, lo all other kinds iBsniorrabM ran. rtiiMss, j dertt. . - - ao, wsouuiiigb it. : llllIrK NAN1LB RARAIiEal,; U tU IV Whit ted Black, Just received at yflB adti; im ner a. aald tn of of B. aid and th 38-lU0acree, N. in N. gree! sod said .nit d nart tenth s B. grees But pole; th. be forty balance terest m-m M a e tv . arr i"t mr b t II SIMM 111 , HOUSB, Nos. 36, 38 & 40, North High St ; INCREASED FACILITIES, I HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE Qroatly IUxlI arsed MX BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New'; Types; Borders, Ornaments, &c raoH tub cblbbratid foundry or C. T. "WHITE & CO.. NEW YORK, THTJB HAKISGI IT TS1 Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I an now prepared to Exeonte all Order tor BOOK AND JOB i PRINTING-, WITH DISPATCH! ; nd In the Koit ApproTtd Style ot the Art -' i) ; ; pabticuXab attkntiom paid to 1 : MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PRINTING. Bills of Lading, Clrcnlars, Bill Heada, Blanks, Deeds, rrtlf icatne. Hecelpts, Dray Tickets, . Registers, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CEECK8, , CARDS, HEADINGS, VOTES, ENVELOPES, C0HTRACTI. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bill, Hand Bill, LaboU, Concert Fro gramme, school ana college acnem, no tel Bill of Tare, Invitation-, e. Boon. Worn 07 EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogue, Mbeellaneou ramphleu, x Constitution, Be port, Brief, A a Printing in Gold and Colors P O 3T Printed ia Erery Color oa a HammothHoe Cylinder. The only Prose; ot the kind in Central Ohio. Mr facllltie for dolor an and all of the above deaerlp Uona of work, are now oneorpaaaed, and aatlatacUon will be guaranteed ia all com. llr'AU work romianea promptly ny tne ame prmnuea. , BIOHARD HBTINB. HUNNEWELL'S UNIVERSAL . ' ' COUGH REilEDY. ? '" - " ' Por all Threat and Long Complaint, fanlodng, with Boat perfect reeolta, Waoonm Cocas, Cmtomc in Coktatoa Cooob, Baowcniaa ana TaaoaT Cowrunrr, alwaya forerunner of Ooncnmption. Aa a Bootbw BYBcr It baa no nperior. rreea iron an upiaie or Emetio properties, may be oaed by moat dtltcat conaU tutlona, and with perfect confidence. - . HUNNEWELL'S . . CELEBRATED T0LU ANODYNE. Th OuuTtwr NaToaai. Orun ever offered to the world, containing not a particle of Oplom, nor any tub Itanoe bat it strictly vegetable and medical prcpertiea. a ante Rjnmd for MarjaALOIA. RHvrMATl.M, Ooct, Toon an Baa Acs, OATaaaa, Baa oa Hal f va, and all minor Nervona Complaint. . f oa Loa or tun, tnd licadacn m an vanetwa, Unas no equal, and to which aeoet undoubted teitmonl als are offered. . . . , Voa Daiuuca Tanrsn It Is a most perfect remedy. - f oa Bowo. CoMrtairr. after removing the pain it acta a a physic, a most important contrast with th eooatipa lory effects ol Oplom. To Phyticiana, Formula and Trial Bottle will be sent, and to Dealer or Invalid a deecrlpUve pamphlet without "pottage-stamp." . Prepared under the special supervision of 1 ' " ' JOIIIt L. HfJNNEWELL, . u;c casanrr akb raaaHACaTTifT, " . Io 9 Cbmmerelal, Whart, Bo ton, Kat- To whom plea direct all oommnnlcatlon. . Price Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. ' Bmall " . " . ' l ,., , . TolaAoodyn, SO ' ' 1 for salt by th usnal wholeaale and retail dealer, ervwhere. ROBBBTB A BaUTjEL .", n. b. karpk; . J. M. DRNIO. JOHN R. COOK. . DENIOA B0.N8, mayl7-wly A. J. BCUUELLKB a 80V, Agent for Columbus, Ohio. The Court of Common Plea, Franklin- Ccnn--' tf 0hi6. ' ; Sarah t. Walton . , . ,, , I , vs. i I r ,'oaiein raruuon. , Loclnda Walton et al.7 T Jf FUBSOANCE OP Afi ORDER Of X th said Court to mt directed, 1 will offer for sale at nubile auctioo, at the door of the Court House, In the city of yyiamnus, on . . , Tuesday, May 7tb, icui, the following described real estate, lluat la Norwich township, rranklln eosjrty. Ohio, to wit: , Pastor the w. m senueiu . wi, iiuauaea follows: Beginning at a stone in tne roan leading rrom Columbus to Doblla; being the south-easterly comer to on.. In the aurvev In proctedlngi In partition to Michael Waltna; thence with the eouth line of (aid lot l.B. 65 degree W. 14Vpole,toa atone south west erly corner to said lot; thanoe with the westerly Ho thereof, M. 27 degree W. 31 SO 100 pole to a atone, north weaterly corner of aaid lot, and corner to land be longing to tbe heirs nf A polio Rogers; thence with their n. n. i7urf.nnaW. 40 X polet to ttUkt, another eor to laid bairt' l'd; thence with another of their line RAA.mmm. W. XIX no la to s tk and aton In th Original west line Of tuesurrej, km wuiu-.c, mirnor hi heir's land; thence with th. original Ho of said sur ,irl'y to a tract of las conveyed by Abner OIpp ndj if3J; thence trilh kit line 8. 43 degree 30 minute,. Jpoiet io stone, norm- Hioo wi kwv uiuum acrei wife by deed, dated Aug. 1. 63 degree. E. 301 pole .'tnn.nnther corner of taid Clapp'land;thoce with another of kit line. B 87 degreet. B. 14 80 100 poles i to another corner of laid CUpp's land; thence with another his line N. 63 degree M. 148 pole to a ton. another raid Clapp's eornens thence with another of hi line 87 degreet E. 13 pole te aton. anoiaeru aaid Oltpp corner: ineneo tauwiMi vi ... v degree B. SI pole Io a ttone,. norm easterly corner to Olapp'a land; thence M. 66 degree W. 6 pole 14 links; thane N. 1L degrees W., following Dublin Road wrenly eight pole to the bagln- nlng, eontalnlof 371 acre, b. la tame mors or .4 .lu. in the tarn . survey; S54, aid adjoining th bov described tract, another tract of 1 boandtd as follows: beginning at a (ton server Vethe above described tract, thence 60M B. 11 pole and 9 link to a (ton In th Dublin Bond from which a cbeiry tree 30 inches diameter, seers M. 34)4 degree B. CO link, these II M degree B. 17 pole and JO una to a post, rrom a walnut 13 Inches In dismeter bears B. X de E. 6 )lnS distant, tnence naw ogr rr. . rni 31 llnkt to a stone la th south line of Henry Mo Crack fn'l land; there B, 7SX degreet W. fi polet and nv. f a nnat In the Dablla RAM, comer to MeCracken' land; thence 8. 10 degrees E. W pole W links to s Post, tnence o. w m, poir. 19 link, to itoW'-i.: Excepting rrom ram iwu .""-"b theseof. heretofor tel on to Eiisaeeis arawnst, detcribed I follow: Commencing at tne oatn-aM or aerot MkhMl Wlton'a land bove mentioned; thanoe wiih lb Dublin, roao o mo., ,nw n; . . . . . . - . : a Mukul mnlh lln. line parallel With the taid Michael Walton south lino 6i detreetSS minutes W. S poletl theses N. 17 de M mlnnies W. e V0 TOW poie, lireno. n. o grees B. 71 60-100 rod; thence 8 17 degree 30 minute 40 SO-100 pole; thenee S. 87 degree M. SO 80100 thenee M 64 degree M Bloat E.. 14V polet to herlnnuu. eontAlntn fort, acres. The proper to told a an entire traet. seti Bated at two hundred and sere. nd appraised at 5 per acre. TalMsor Sal. One third in Band oa'dsy of sale, In one and two yean frost say of sale, with. In ecured by mortrngt. . .. ' ( flsnnnn av. unifMiif. 111U April S,ieoi.-dlt-itw4ir. Sheriff. of th ' ' T JJ tn P. AA .S - si jl W Silkt Ins tol gcaSM r-.iJt-mi:. the i . la' 4atw A ortoirfuo 'XABBES vbt XVKB1L IBOUSAVBI Than any other paper La Ohio, aatdd of Cincinnati Offcm facilities fofAdyertising : Which cannot jail, to brink !; ; Maeedw and Kemnneratlwo Return To thoea who take advantage of the,'o bbtribated u U U UuoigliT0i7 Pott 0o in Obi Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronage 1 valuable, ani who eeldom ee the . .' Sail BdltKm Of diy journal; and a A Limited Number of Advertisement Are tnert4 in It oolomn, appoprlately and HANDSOMELY WSPUVEP! " tHkr caHKOT am to A ! .' i SLttx Aot Ltt oration , Of ALU WHOLESALE DEALERS AdwtUlDg In th WIKKLY 8TATEBMAN will i5n , It idTBotAgoui In 4., , THE INCREASE OF TPADE Whloh la almoat certain to follow an extensive dlamln , 0, ' , atlon ; knowledge of their boiloea ; AMONG COUNTBT DEALERS ! ADYBRTI8BHBNTB INTENDED FOR The W3eklv Statesman Bhonldba htndedln before Vriday noon. BIOOinTEirDED BT TBI LATE .SIR ASTLEY COOPER, Of LONDON. AND DR. VALENTINE M0TT HW afatW TOK.C - rbtf icknowledged Headt of the FrofeaWloa in lth utniuxpnar. fliaft Kurf TVnaattt TaIa -A IVfV. Mn AVUiUj OaiiA AAA ViAfUrlUl M ' 1D fineat Brtract of the ITAXIAJN' JLTNTPEH BBXKB7. The Paroat and iloet Coetlv CHn . tanU . ' INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES," , INVALUABLE TO THE SICK. INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST . DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. ror Bala. Pint fnd Quart, bv ewer uiufjgiat, urocer, or uonntry jaercuant. LOOK OUT FOB J00TTS ' O N D O N . G I N 8. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 6IN. B. BAX.DWIN & CO.. Importers, 91 Liberty St.. NETW YOKE. Bold la Colnmbaa by HcKEB A RI8TIBAUX. Wboleeale and Retail Oncers, BratesBan Bailding. V. A. WAuneii.ana oiners, In OlneinnsrJ, by BDIBE, E0KBTB1N A CO., ocS6'deodAlyw . , . , and others. m Master Conimissioner's Bale.' Feletlah W. Biretington ) '' ' vs. Bala by order of Conrt. Benry W. Doremnaetal. TT VIRTUE OF API ORDER OF BALL 13 to me directed, from the Conrt of Common Plcaa of Franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for tale at the door of the Conrt uooae, in the city of Colombo, on Saturday, the SOth day of April, A. D. 1801, between the hoar of 10 o'clock, A. M.. aod 4 o'clock, P. at., the following described real estate situate in the Conn- ly of Franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. S of ubdlviaion of out lot No. 33, io the city of Colnmbua. Ohio. Alao, a tract of land ia section 10, half-section 13 and 14, Township o, roe in, Refugee lauds; beginning at the centre of the Columbus a, Granville Plank Road t the north-east eonwr of a tract belonting to Wilcox, thence with the centre of mid road north 7M dee. east 125 feet, tooth 0 dtg. 40 Bin. west parallel with rant line of amid Wiloox'a land, aaa Ji leet therefrom, iu pole to th north line or tract belonging to Thorn (Sparrow, thence with north line of SparroVe land north B9deg. weet feet to it intersection of aat line of atld Wiloox'a land, thence north 0 deg, 40 min. east with east line of aaid Wiloox'a, H 4.10 pole to tbe beginning. aios no. s appnueca i si,wu. Tract In ore 10 at )D0U. ' O. W. ntJFf MAN, Sheriff Printer' fee 16 00. and Waaler Commissioner. marcbli-dll4tw. Sheriffs Sale. Joha C. Work v. Common Plea. Jame 0. McCoy. BK VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VENDI to me directed from tht Court of Common Pleat of Pmklln county, Ohio, I will offer for salt at th door of th court noose in the city ol Commons, on Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D., 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. B and 4 o'clock p. ra. th following described Dmnertv. situate In the county of franklin and But of Ohio, to Witt Th interest tnd estate of James 0. McCov In Inlot Mo. 443, In th eily of Colombo, in taid oounty, hi estate being tbe re aainder in ree alter the termination of the life estate of Isabella HcQoy, widow of Robert W. McCoy, deceased. and we estate or said James u. McCoy in said estate be ing the same which waa devised to him by atld Robert W. McCoy In his last will and testament, which I of record In Franklin county. Ohio, Probate Court. ' " Appraised at ,0M. I " r, . W., fcnerlff, I Brchl3:lldft4tw. - - By Ed. Davi, Deputy. Printer' fee. 14 50. : -- - 7 Master Commissioner's Sale. Jacob BMbernagls ) ' vs. 81 by ordtr of Court. Nichols Maurer ct al.) BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed, from th Court ef Common Pleas. Franklin Oounty. Ohio, I will offer for tale, at the door of tne Court-nous, in M city ot Columbus, oa Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D., 1861. between th hoar of lOo'cloek A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. following described real estate ttteatiln the oouotv of rreniun ana state otonie. to wit: in.iot no. two hun dred and thirty-four, (334) Io tbe oily of Columbut, a numbered and designated on th recorded plat of said Appraised at 4,000. 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, march 14:ltda4tw ' and Muter Commissioner. Printer' Fee f 3. , ' SherilTs Sale. Jarae Tucker and wife ) . vs. . Common Pleas. EUsal. Hugh. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF VEND! to me directed, from tbe Court of Common Plea, of Franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for tale, at the door of court Houtt, in th city or Columbus, on . Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D. 1861, between the hounof 10 o'clock, A. M and 4 o'clock. M,, th following described real eiUte, rltnate Inth County of Franklin, and Slat of Ohio. to-wlL- Lot No. Joba and Henry Miller' Addition to th city of Columbus.- Appraised at svw. O. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff. thhl4:d1tw4w. ' By Bs. Davw, Deputy. Printer's feet 83. t ladies' linen Fooket-Handk'fi. rTiniriEDSTITCHatDLINBM IIA!V! kerchieft, very wide bemt. - Bmbroidered Lines Handk's sll price. Hemmed Stitched and plain do, do do do colored borden." ' ' Mourning do black bordera - do do ' ntwstylterots stitched. Pin ippledo new pattern. - MIsmi' Plata aed Hesuaed Stitobed do all prices Comprising th most select aeortantln th. city and lowest price, bim a nun, febti - - no. in seats mgn Bireet. T7ANCV'RK8 klLKH, tf : , raav vruiaB bilivb. FANCY DKEbS SILKS. "' , J ars sow offtring our Immense Hook of Fancy Dress et prteet lees Uua vr beiore offered in thlt city. attentloa of th Udles ef amis city aad - vlelsity is lolled, ss ouriteek 1 very salest and eowrpnt Iq all ol gooo la uu Ittve. , raijsn AiAin, XferiMUtUlgbitresf. at The ana lite T asvkSt riM ,1 !! ! .1 B :;,(;. ,o g-1 1 ,7 j .!l it'p 3 .i iiiliiir.H 1 l,,i-K2 ' T-- f -p-1) oa ono-i....i .'! P t' g .h- rf; v ; U. 0, :'l a p'' V ' m t ; Q tvi , H '1 , .p J tlo!a- P . tZ i' B'.-! IO ,'.' 9 ert . fs ..,.. i..;cv -j. 1 vS, dir. '!' " i'.i:,3 .:i tuiS '.n;-ff, i i K ' li tf -f- -1 " fj""t vi:;.B .Ji,' R ,!. H i :: t" i ' S '"f'tew" .'. Z Z, . ''! Q .f .fT .'!:- S .Hi,,.' )K ,f 1 1 1 'j 1 c 1 -. j .'ft i .i irij i.H.V't'i! .1 ; , , r,.: . S . .'1 ' :'.r '. ... ; r-r .'t-:.v .. 117! INVITE ATTENTION lo ans of th moat ex' Inordinary cure by my , . s ,, ' ;; PEOTpRAlV BYRVP. ; I ; -. r I . ' , ( . . i 1 " They are at home, and any one who hat doubt can In (Julre of the person who have been cored by It ' i . " : i.iiU'U : I ' '1 H.'- . SR. KRTBER 18 PRBPiRBD AT ANT TIME TO BXAMINH LUNOS WITHOUT CilARQKi POR ALL TUObJC WHO NBD Bis UIOI01NBS. , , , , ' ' - f 1 ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS A case of five yenrt' landing cured by SR. KEYSHU'B PE0T0KAL 8TBUP. . ' ' - PirraioaoH, Jan. 11, 1860. Sa. Ktrsta : My wife ha been afflicted with a bad oough and dlmcolty of breathing, for live or six years, which, for several year back, had gradually inoreaaedin violence. Tbe complaint has been hereditary, and she had been treated by seven! pbyslchms wHIwmt ny re lief. In this stale of her case, I procured tome of your Pectoral Cough Byrup. I bought, tbe first time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I then called and got dollar bottle, which cured her entirely; nd she has now no trace of the former disease, except weak ness. . I would alao slat that I need the medicine my self to a cold and oongh. The medicine cured me by tak tng one dose I express my entire satlnfartlon with the medicine, and yon are at liberty to publish thia if yon deiire todoio. ( i WM. WILSON, -. .i V! , , , - : . Alderman fifth Ward. PiTTaaraon, Nov. 18, 1858. ' Sa; Ktrmt : Altliodgh not an advocate of Patent atedtclnee, In general, it afford me pleasure indeaeriha ble to recommend yeor Pectoral Byrup. Aa a medicine tt la well worthy the attenUon of any person who may in any manner be afflicted with cough, colds aod hoarseness of any hind, and for the peculiar qualification for re moving all that disagreeable aensatlon attending a se vere cold. , ,. , -. . . I have been, more or leu, to my life, affeoled with the severe lit of colda and hoarseness.' At times my throat wonld become aooloaed aa to prevent my speaking above awntsper, ana oy taxing a lew doses or the above By rap it would relieve me entirely. ... In recommending this medicine, I mutt unhesitatingly say that it Is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to euro tbe above, nor should any family be without this remeny joroiscaaes o prevalent. . . , , Yours, most respectfully, r, , ' EDWARD J. J0NE8, Cashier Citiient' Deposit Bank; ' ' " : BrirtrrjmLiJt.0.. March 14. 1S50 I have used Sr. Keyter't Cough Syrup for a bad cough of several year standing, and can cheerfully ny it is tne nest medicine lor tue same that l have ever Uken . j. w. Pttioa COL. rRATT AND DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL BYRUP. Da. Krrsxa Dear Bin Kxcuse th delay ot uy acanowieugmg inoexoejience oi your rectorai cougn rieugmg tneexceiience oiyour rectorai Cough ter. I take great pleasure In saying that It Is r it I. . Jtknoottdtis noim out of sny oougk irst one I was ever afflicted with: I have not oyrup eooner. all you y and th worst used more than one-half of t h bottle, end I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would give It a fair a trial as I hav done, and they will be proud to say, "It Is no enact, meaicine." 1 would not suneranotlier such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con fldentl can breathe more freely than I tvr did. I riiall always acknowledge a debt of smtltude for Inventing so eacviioui nunf, x ou are at jirjerty to nse my same in tnis regara, at you minx proper K. . rnATT, aleseengcr Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Plttaburgh,May 11, 1659,. N. B I am do tranter to my fellow cltlient. and who entertain doubts can consult ma personally. '' ' ' ' ij PmwatmoB.Anrll S4.1857. BBAD THS TRCTB.ifSa. Ensra: I hav a daugh ter wno aa iun aeverai medicines ror a bad sough, without benefit among them Aver'e Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PECTORAL BYRUP, and before she had oaed half a bottle she was relieved. The tecond bottle cured her entirely of her ooagn JUHH DAttIN, , itocinton street, Allegheny. PrrrnrjBan.Scpembev. 31. 1853 A OREAT CURB BY SB, KBYBBB'B TE0TOBAL BYKUP. I live in Peebles townataln. Al leihenv count. I had a coughing and spitting, which commenced aoout the 4th of February last, and continued eight months. 1 employed th best physicians Is th country, and mv oongh continued unabated until early In October At mat lime I was advued to try your TUBAL COUGH Ba ttur, wolch 1 did, and alter 1 had taken one bottle I waa entirely free from the coughing and enlttin. I bad detptlredof ever getting well, and I think It should be known thai this valuable remedy will do for others what it nas done in my case. JOHN C. LIITLB, Witness H. M. KDta. Peebles townhlp. Pattos T.. Anril 14. 1857. A WONDERFUL CURB. Bom time aeo. an old neighbor of mine was Very III with a bad cough which every one supposed to be consumption. Hla raiatlvM told me that he bad taken every remedy they beard of witoout oeneni; nis orotner came to tee n'tn die. and all were confirmed in tnedeiiet tnat ha could not live. 1 bad about tbe third of a bottle of your Pectoral Svrnn wuivo i gar. uik, iou n emireiv cureo nun, to the aetoo Ishment of all. What makes the cast mora remarkable. it the extreme age of the man, be being about eishty year oiu, a nave no uuuiifc we rfcwnu anven. nis lire. .- - - JOUMN'GINNIS SR. ltXYSER'S PKCT0RAL STROP IN ILAIRS. villb rteate tcna me anotner supply of your vain tbl '-Pectoral Syrup.'' Almost everybody around ua baa the cold and are inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer'a Pectoral Syrup." We bar sold sixteen bottles last week, and are now entlrelv out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maher. hn,h of Blairtvlile, Pa , tell ui they would not be without It in their rtmiiie. in tact, all who at It one want It gun, i our, rospectiBiiy, B. WATTfllgON A SONS January 30, 1S00. ANOTT1KR NEW 0IRTIFI0ATI-DR. EEYIBIl'fl PB0TORAL 8YRUP.-I had been troubled with aeourh and cold ior several weeks so bed was it that I toold not sleep, 1 had the advice tnd prescriptions from three of meoestpnysicianain in. city, wnom 1 could name, but do not ao so. i nnaiiy proeurea a bottle ot your Pectoral Byrup, wnten cured me entirely. signed, i .. , : i J. W.BLatONTON, 33CLIberty (trcet, Pittsburgh, Ft , Jan 9,1880. '8T0P TIIATCODGinNO." How can I do Itr "Go to Keyset's on Wood street and get a bottl of his Cough Pectoial, nd if that don't eur yea, your casemnstbe desperate Indeed." .This 1 aaptcimenof the eoliequy one hear almost every day in cold catchim nericda of tne year, ana we can, irons acinai experiment, cheer fully concur In the adviser' admonition aa above, for we have tried the "Pectoral." in a most stubborn eaaa. artth ntire success. Near two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with on of the most distressing, contrary, mulish, un (uhduabla eongh we sver experienced since our advent apon thu mundane sphere. We coughed steadily end laboriously for on whole week, In hopes of tiring U out, but tt was no go. In fact It seemed rather to have Im proved by practice, and to have acquired trenith.noten- cy and dlstrettUHlltf by th operation. Ia this stage of the sieg, w eouhed our way to Keysar', 140 Wood St. procured fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;" took It accord! jg to directions, and in forty-eight hours we were master of th field, the snemy having Unconditional!. surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with so formidable an adversary at neyter' famous "Cough Pectoral.'' 2roXMiti Clipper, Det.M, mi. r - I SR. KEYSER'S PKCTOKAL SYRUP h prepared and old by Dr GK011OB D. KBYSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh.Pa, xi.i.ourKii.ra. , i H? Bold In Columbus by ROBERT A SAMUEL.' rpOOTHACHB REMEDY. ' l i ,: '.M..r,.t ;'' r.;,;... .:,l A STJjRBJ CUKK. Prepared and aol by' ,? f - , Bit. 0E0. TJ, EEY0ER, ' 140 Wood it., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pries, 85 cent. . TTT Bold In Columbus by BOBBRTS A SAMUEL. ootH7:3tawdUB. , .. ..i ... ': . Sheriff's Sale: . .; Edgar Manning ) J v. Bale by erder of Conrt Geo. W. Brown etal. I . . :' BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed from the Superior Oourt of Frank lin county. Ohio. I Will offer for sala at iha a, toe voun uouse, in toe city vi coiumlius, on Saturday tbe 13th day of April, Aw D. 1861, 1 o'clock P M.: the following described Real Estate, situate in the county of Franklin, and Btate of Ohio, to wit: Lot No. KL la th tows of HArritbarh,ln taid wumj. , j Appraised at ra. - o. W. HUFFMAN, inarchl3-ltd4tw ' "' - 'Shoris' Printer' fees B3 00. :' t , , , . GOLDEN HII Xi SHIRTd, QOLSBN HILL BHIRTS, OOLDBN BILL SHIRTS. pattern of theae ablrta an hew. Tht Bodies, Yoke, sleeves tnd bosoms sre formed to fit tha mrwn vith m cumiorv. a u aura upon eacn one designating th may he relied on as beln t correct, and each Hurt la guaranteed well made. A full Mock of ill qualities Im fnv .ml. ! ' BAIN'S, , No. 39 South High street. nom, ' 1 ' Fr Wedlcal " PURE BRANDDIEd. WINES, CORDIALB, AND Bit .saaa, from ''Bonded Wtrehoun " - . .-, , .u - - ,i ... i WM. MvDONALD. . . . nov37 i ; -ii . : I Oil South High street, ' BLACK STRAW BONNETR AND T.Lm jBtJRUem,la gnat variety at BAIN'S, . u. ..(.. 'i t-t No. 8,Blghatnl It to per tn for -11 , ' , n All pep.ia All them. . Ail (loknea public tnuuia , The .All wian ilet most i soia j - attAatp-arpes.)!''! iss..vgrf mmm DISCOVERY: OF ' THE AGE. . ft,..'. ' .. .'V KKNKEDT. OF ROXntjRTl ha discovered In one of our common pasture weed reayuia cure ' ...,. Hind of Humor, m R-ii.' . ao) FROM .'.-v ri hjt The wont Borofala down to a eomihon Pimple. He hat tried It In over eleVen nnnrlred cases, and nev r failta tweept In two ease, (both thunder humor.) He bat new Is hit poesessioa over one hundred oertifioates of ita value, an wiam Rrenty mile of Uoaton. Two bottle an warranted to our a nursing tor mouth' r . On to tfire botUet will stuslhs wont kind of Plmpl ' W . V.I.I.- , ,. ' , 1, . . d t . . ' ' . w .iirw iwi.ioa win clear w sysiem ot one, j ' Two bottles are warranted to cure th wont canker In the mouth or stomach. u ' . . Three to five bottle are warranted to sore th wont lino or erysipelas. . , , One to two bottle, era warranted to cure all humor In th Eye. - - , Two bottle are warranted to cor running o the tars un eiowncs among tne nair ' Four to six botle are warranted, to cure corrupt and runurog uicera. , ' One bottle will eon scaly eruption of the akin. ' ' I i Two or thro bottle era warranted to cars th wrt kind of ringworm. . , Two or three bottles an warranted to cure the moat desperate case of rheumatism.' . xarce to ronr rontramwMrrinwaiorereKK-HncBaj Five to elirht bottle will cur th worst case of scro fula. ... - - . : A benefit I always experienced from the first bottle. a perfect cure I warranted when the above quantity t taxeo. t I -. i ROXB11R7. MASS Saaa Madah: The reputation of th Medical Did eovery. In caring all kinda of homon, I to well estab lished by tbe ananimoo voice of all who have aver osed It, that I need not say anything on th subject, as tht most skillful physician and the most careful Druggist ia ui. country are unanimous in its praise. 1 I In predentin the Medical DlMOverr to tot notice. do It with a full knowledge of lta curative power, in re lleviDg all, and curing moat of those diseases to whlck you are unfortunately to liable, t hut moat exoraelating HiM.U tn . .ITuillnnalannlh.. T , NURSING BORE IDOUTII, I cured u If by a miracle; your own tamper I restored to Its natural sweetness, and vour babe from short and fretful nap to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to yonr hatband anu nousenoia. , in me more aavancea tuiR-ri oi CANKER It extends to th stomach .earning , dyspepsia : i.. which I nothing but Canker on th atomacb; then to th intestine and ' KIDNEYS, ' creating a (Inking, gone feeling, and an Indifference v to tne care or your family. .,, ... Your ttomach 1 ' RAW AND INFLAIflED, your food distresses yon, and you can only take certain kind, and tvn of that yoursvsten doe not get half th nourishment it oontaina, aa th acrlmoaoo fluid of in canker eat it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and become (allow and greenish, and your best day i gone, ror want or nourishment your system be some loo aad flibky, and the fibre of your bod be com relaxed Then follow t train of diseases which tbt Medical Discovery it peculiarly adapted to . :.: cure; .,. , Palpitation of the heart, pain tn the ride, weakaea e the spine and small of th back, pain of the hip joint wncn you reure, irreguianiy or tne noweia, ana aits, tnat most xcrueiaung oi duett, in ... - PILES, t'-'f- How many thousand of poor women re suffering from this disc ate and pining away a miserable lire, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. , I with te imprest on your mind tnat good Old proverb, -'An ouno of prevention Is better than a pound of cure," In th MEDICAL DISCOVER!" " yon have both the preventative and the cure, with Oils great tnd good quality, tnat it win never, under any GiiV'uui.iaiMa:., uu ,uu any jiuurj. . t .---i '. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERT' I I eepeetaly Intended for diseases of th blood, but since lit Introduction in th Western States, it ij foupd to be tne Det . , , , AfJIJE REMEDY ' ' thatwateverbefort the public. - ' ,J No change ef diet tvtr neceaaarv sal the best von ean and get enough of It. . . DuitcTlOKt roa eta Adults on4 table anonnfnl n.r day Children over ten yean, dessert spoonful Children from five to eight yean, tea spoonful. At no direction aaa be applicable to all consltutipofi' take .sufficient to operate on tne noweis twice a day, , i k 'i ... . ; Youn truly, ' ' '- '" D0NNALD KENNEDY. Price tl.00 per bottle. Tor y every druggist In in ubiwii Diate. epni-dawly PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR. An Jtnective, Bare . and Economical . : . .! Componnd, ." . FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To It original eolor without dyeing, and preventing; the uum .umiug gray, .-i f i , FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS. - And curing It, when there I th lesst particle of vltailry or rtcuperattv energy remaining. ' . . FOR REMOVING SQURF AND DANDRUFF And ail cutaneoo affection of the Scalp, ' FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR1., ' , .lu.niua mi i. an uncuikica aiuai ana Driinancv. mrnrin. soft aud silky in it texture, and causing it to curl many. ........ The great celebrity and tnereaeln detnan fn. thu . equaled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial I only necessary to sathfy a discerning public of its .uuvriorquaiiiieaover any otner preparatton In use. It leasee the bead and scalp from dandruff and ath.r cutaneous diseases, causing the hair to grow luxuriantly, giving It a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and alao, where tbe hair it loosening and thinning. It will giro strength and vigor to th root and restore the growth t ho parts which hav become bald, oausing it to ileld a resh covering of hair. , There are hundred of ladle tnd gentlemen 'li' New York who nave had their hair restored h. the nfihu Invigorator, when all other preparations have failed. L. M. ha in hi possession letters innumerable testifying the above facts, from persons of the hltlfeat redaert.. billty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning until the latest period of life; and la case where'the hair baa already changed Ua color, th ot of the Inventor will with certainty restore it to it to it onglnl hue, giv tt a dark, giotsy appearance. At a perfume for the uues ana a uair avesiorauv it i particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance: and the treat fa cilities it affords In dressing the Hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator, can be dressed In any required form to at to preserve He pleee,waether plainer In curb; hence the great demand for it h the ladles aa a atanri.rri tolletarticle which none ought to be without, the price places it within tbe reach-of all, being ' Only Twenty-Five Cents . bottle, lo bs had al al: respectable DruggUts and rcnumer. t! HILLEB would1 call th attention of Parent. Ouardian to tle use of bis Invlrorator. In nmrm .k. children's hale inclines to be. weak. The as of It laytth foundation for aoood Aead of hair, aa It r.. I move any unpunue mat may nave become connected with the scalp, th removal of which is necessar hnth the health of the- child, and the future appearance of I AW... . : : y , .,. ,i . . i 1 r Q vi:l - x CaoTioa. None genuine wttboatth fao-simll LOUTB miubsrt oeing on me outer wrapper: also, L. MIL liBK B nam inriuuitAiuit, a, x., blown In the Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey ttnet, and told by all the! principal mercuaut ana Airuggum inroaghont tha world liberal dlsoount to purchasers by th quantity. ; ' I alto desire to present to th American Publlo my . 1TEW AHD IXfBOTCD , aYSXAYIAHSOITB LIQUID HAIR DYE, wblcb, after yean of scientific experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It die Black or Brown In.tanti. without injury to th Hair or Bkini warranted th best article oi tne xinu in existence. '.PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS.' V. Depot, 66."DeySt, New York. ocl98:dtwly. WHO SHOUIBTJSX DR. J. DOVEE IMPERIAL' WlffE -BITTERS? who an afllloted with Incipient Consumption or m bum laoaia si. tna, - . - -tf"i . ; who suffer from Weak Slossaebj, Indlgeetioa, Dyt- or sriicssnouio bm tu.oi. .... , who suffer from General or Nervona') iiri RestlettneB at night, Want of Bleep, Ac., should at n't ' - pertont vho are eonvaletoenl after- fever er ether snouio ust tnem. j . Ministers of the Gospel, tawyen, loctnnrt, and al speaken should use Una. ' ' " Book Keep, and all person leading a dntery tf as toess. .. v t 1 c tj --F- . aged and roflrm should as them. who require a stimulant ortonio should use them, Allwhoaraaddioted t the as of ardent spirit and to iaiorm,inouia us mra. , i , ., , They an auult of a pun Sberry Win, and of tbt na tive plant and herbs of tht country, and should he wm. eommenaea ny temperance tociatiet, Clergymen. Dbvsi- A .11 ...1. l ' ""r They an prepared by an experienced and aMIlrni to an, tnd, sslds from their medicinal propertiei, area delightful bevcragei and yet, a medicine, are a InnnflMitandbtnailaaaaeTha ew..r K.h . , ' ny oruggwt generally, . , , j CHASX wTDDOTaaBtVCO., )Toprltors, - s ', T8 William at,, jw Yarkt : V KOBEETS & BAHTOL, Agents, ttnis P 3h urn 1U . Celnmlbrie, Obi : t.t s,;v;. Mt, i t ct26dfcwiy. 1- -Front list tlcl -"" , - Illes, Ac, meert to lng N. CSsU.l As llm I en Itsrfslls, ii f i ( f4WGjO;e. ', ; v..rv Vi CURE , - . t. . NervousHeadache By th at of these pui tl, perlodlo attack of Ker tout orBlctlTeadaeAtntjbt prevented; and If Uken at th commencement of an attack Immediate relief front pain and sickness will be obtained. - They ttldom fall la removing th Nautea and ' oeA to which femleano aubjeel, ; , They sot gently upon th bowel removing Cottit net. . .,' , , lor Library lien, StudetUt, Delicate Female and U persons of tedmtary abitt, they an value u a taaaUvt, Improving tha appetite, giving tone ttcar to the digestive organ, and restoring th nator elasticity and strength of the whol system. THE 0XPHALI0 PILLB ire th result of long lnves ligation and carefully conducted exptrtmenti, having been in net many yean, during whkh tlui they hav prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer in. from neadach, whether originating ra the nervous system or from a deranged state of th ttomacli. They an entirely vegetable In their composition, an msy be taken at all time with perfect aafery without making any ehang of diet, and the alienee of any disagreeable tatte rendert tt eat to administer them children, . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I Thegennln have flve ligation of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. . -r Bold by Druggist and all other Dealen In Medicines. A Box will be tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of the Prioo, Q3 Oonts. All orden should be addressed to HENRY V. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. TIIE FOLLOWINQ ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, , . WILL CONVINCB ALL WHO SUFFER IR0M HEADACHE, THAT A ' SPEEDY AHD SURE CUBE 13 WITHIN THEIR REACH.' Ui- Am thete TttMmonialtvere wteoiiHttd oyMn. PAin iso, My ajora unguetutmaoie proof qf Uu tji--, t . cucy of thie truly tcUntifia diecovery. Maonvilu, Conn , Feb. 5, 18C1. Mb. Efaldino. . Sir: ..'' . . I hav tried vour Oenhalls Pill.. anH UVa ftn toell lhat 1 want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of there are for the neighbors, to whom I gave few oat ef tht lint box I got from you. oenu tne rill, ny mall, and oblige '' Your ob't Servant, ,, ,,. .... JAMEs KENNEDY. ' ' ' - ' ' nvmnn P.. w.h. a nail Ma. ErAUilMa. Sir: ' ...... I wish yon to tend ma on. nnm lmvnr.Ani,.itn Pill, hate received a great deal qf benefltfrom Hum. ...vuf., rcipccuuiiy, MARY ANN ST0IKH0UBE. , Brunei Cans', Hdhtuotos Co., Pa.,I ' January 18, 1861. I BrALnmo). ,., , , . . H.O. Bia: Yon Will nlau send ma tarn KnM Pill. Bend them lmmedlatelv. Respectfully yours, . . JNO. B. SIMONS, r. o, I nave titvt mu am a nut .i them excellent. ' '"-'"" ltnj.BVnWAW.ninA .Tan tl lOrtl -vn, wuawa WSUI tUS. (Mill Bmr 0. Bpaldiho, Esq. -' Please find enclosed twenty -Ave cent, for which tend me another box of your Cephalic PUI. JAy two truly Me beet JdleJ have over tried. ' A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Yernon, ffyandot Co., O. 0. Sfaidimo, Esq. ... . I wish for tome circnltn or Urge (bow bill to bring yourCephalle Pill more particularly before my custo mers. IfyoU have anvthin. of tha kind. nl..u m.w.A OnS Of BV enstnmAM. m,i I. mMmI I. . . . - , ... a ngn. vv pi,,,. KICK Headache, (usually l.itln. twn rf... i m, attack in one hour by your ", which I tent bet. " ' MBirvMlfnllwaAnia ' ' : : ... W.'b. WILKES. . RaVMOuninaa, FRAHSLm Co., Onto, I ' J.nnarv Q 1MT.I I Utility 0. FPii.nmu', ' ho. 48 Cedar it., N. Y. Tl... R,.. t hlnci0.!?? veenU, (SS.) for which tend box of "Oenhal oPIl ....nj n.HH.. u n. 0-Roynoldsburg, iranklln 0o.,Ohl. lour FUlt work like a charm-cure Headache al moet inetanler. ' Truly youn, WM. 0, FILLER. '' . Taitjim 1,rn T tl .OA. Ma. ErALDiKo. ' Sir: Net Ion since I sent to ,ai f,. . k, t m,,. for thajrun of tA Nervous Hetdache and Cottlveneas, and received the tame, and they had to good an effort that Iwat induced to tend for mote. w Pie tend by return mall. Bireet to ,i A. B. WUBELER, Ypsilantl, Mich. ... From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. ' .-..'A Cephalic PIIU accomnltsh th obient for arhh u... Were made, yla.j Cure of headache in all It form. awsM I S tf u i From th Examinee) Norfolk, Va. .' They have been tested In more than a ihn...i with entire success. j , , From the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn! If you are. or have been, tronnled wiih it,. h....i..' nd for a box, (Cephalio Pill,) o that yon may have them In eat of an attack. , From the Advertiser, Providence, R. I. ' , c . The Cephalio Pill are said to bt remarkably effecti ve remedy for the headache, and one of tbe very best for that very frequent complaint which haa ever hum tu.. ovtredV ... From tbe Western H. R. Ouette, Chicago, III. I We heartily endoraa Mr. Rnanlrlln. .n hi. .i.a OaphaUoPIII, .., ....... , . ' Irom tbe Kanawha Yalley Star, Kanawha, Vs.. W r tore that oertont tufferlne with th. h...h. who try them, will stick to them. ' -' ' ..' (, the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them) yoa that are afflicted, and we era ann ih.t your testimony can be added to th already numerous that has received benefit that no aiha. miuin. produce. ... From th Bt. Loult Democrat. , Th Immense demand fnv th. a.tll. mnv.ti ,,,. huT1"I'cr,M""'. - t i'. -m srona in vasstts. Savsnnort. Iowa... .. . Hr. Spalding wot Id net annnant hi. nam. with .n ... h did not kno to ponts real merit. , -. ... UjPA tingle bottl of BPALDINfl'S PREPARED wiiua win lav un time it oott annual ty.r it-.' o.i-. i n .. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 V SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 . ' "' -1 1 ....... SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I , I0ON0MYI. .. DISPATOni - iTy'A Btitgb is Tim Bavi NtH."r2 AaSCeidenU Will hannan. av.n In wall Mral. It is Very desirable to hav aoma ehean anS ... venlent way for repairing Furniture, Toy, Crockery, . I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE . all uch smergencles, and no household can afford bs without it. It Is elwayi ready, and up to the lUck point. - ... , - "usarcA an iyibi uOCSE. ' B.-r-A Brash accempanlei each bottl. Price. 83 vi iiir i. Addrese, ' V ,- V HENRY 0. 8PALDINQ, " No. 4H, Cedar Street, New York. i CAUTION., i i. oertalo noprlnolpled psnoas ars attempting off on the unsuspecting public. Imitation of I RBPARBD LUB, I wo id uUoa all ptreon to before purchulng, and see that the fall same, IrTSPALUINQ B PHBPARKDOLDH.f If tLtoutildl wrapper) all othen an wudlingc .. . . . aaWAtFtaP ., io r i. p.f- W'trf, v-:l '.U '