Newspaper Page Text
I , t ." f : " VOL. VII. NO. 264. NEW SERIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 12. 1861. IIZ E0LL1XL3 RES YZAZ' . InTribly la AAnqn.;X .. - m MsV lj'tDI)i0J D AIL. Tfil-WEEHY AJTD WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLHHJ El AVSPBOPBIITOBI, : 1 111 - - -- najajji IT OffiM Bos. 88, 88 and 40, Forth High It. TERMS INVARIABLY IK ADVANCE. - 7 , - Dally- ' . 18 00 par year. " y in carrier, per week, IS Trl-WeiWr .' Oi esnts 0 per year. Weekly. . '- . . , 1 00 ini t Advertising- by tao SJqaare. Dt ii uare I yeai . . , (20 00 One " S moLthi 18 00 3n " . 0 mouUn IS 00 3n " ' 3 month! 10 00 Out - II month 8 00 One ' I month. . S 00 One (quart S weeki. . 4 00 On " 8 week!., 3 00 On " 1 week... 1 71 On . " 3 days,., 1 00 One. . " , 8 day... 75 One "1 lnrtloh SO Displayed advarUitaent ball more than the abov relet. .;. Aitvertitement leaded and placed In the olaaai Hpecial Jiolloe," aouou uu ordinary rattt. . All uvtlcee requlreo to be pabllahed by law, legalist. Hindered on the lnfiaeexeloiimy attar th ant week pbr cent, mar than the abor rate; bat all tosh wll wiwar In the Trl-Woekly without ohant. Uutlnen Carde, notexoeedlng fir line, per year, In 41 uo, 1 super lln ontalde Noticei of meeting!, charitable oeletlei, fire ooapanlei, tie., half prlre. " . Alltranrtmt advertitementt mutt b paid for M t imuuit tse rule will not he varied from. Weekly, law price ai the Dally, when the adrerUaer eeelh Weekly alone. Where Daily and Weekly 1 re both need, then the charge lr th Weekly will be n 11 me reteeoi in iauy No advertisement taken except (or a definite period. ' BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring-Ac Water Ste., OoltxixitDXija . Olxio. W. B: : iPOTTS & do., And Mannfaotuwn of Brae end Composition Catling, riniahrd Bran Work of all DeterlpUon. Electro Plating and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTINC, &C. febl "OOHiiy - ' ' f, a. b. srauiiis, Attornoy at Xja-vir AND NOTARY PUBLIC. " Office Amb I Building, oppotlte Capitol Bqnar. oolumbus. ohio; OOXjTJTVH3TTO Machine Manafactnring Company MANDfiCTUalM OV STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Cutlnga; KUl-Crewlsy, Xaehlnery. ; : , ( ALIOi .' ' ' " " i 3El.a,ll3roetcl Work 0 itiit ccscaimoM. coLiTjiriBua, ohio. 0HA8. AMBOB, Pnp'l P. AM BOg.iTrea. deoll, lH5H-tf i Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapoli! Through to Indianaoolia without Change f Can and bot One Change of Cari between Columbus and St. Louis. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM tfOLUM , BUS. FIRSTTRAIN. - 7 - (Dally, Monday excepted.) MIGHT KXfftESS, Wa Dayton, at :4J a. ping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Ulddletown and Hamll. ton, arrtflog at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. m. (Dayton at 5:45 a. m., Indlanopolb) at 10:48 a. .;. tonlaat 1150 P SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 0:10 a. m., atopplng at all 81a UonibetweenOolnmboaand Cineuinatl and Dayton, ar rlTlng at Cincinnati 11:03 a. at., Dayton atfclSa. m., IndianopolUaf S;2H p. n. THIRD TRAIN. DAT 9:30 p. n., ttoppGig at Alton, Jefferaon, London, Charleston, Oedarrtlle, Ira la, Bprlng Valley, Corwln, Morrow, Deerfleld, loiter'. LoTeland, Hillford and Plalnrllle, arriving at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m.( St. Louie at 18 a; Dayton at 5:35 p. .; Indianopoliiat 10:38 p. m. Bleeping Oars on all Night Train t Clnclnnutl ana Inaianapoll. IIAGG AG E r CHECKED T1IHOTJOH, lot further Icformatlon and Through Ticket, apply to M. I. DOHBRTY, Tloket Agent, Union Depot, Oolomboa, Ohio. . B. W. WOODWAKD, Baperlntendent, Cincinnati.. . .:t i . jNO. W. DOHbRTT ' jnlS ,.:.' , , . . , Agent, OolainbM, - . SOMETHING NEW. HOWARD & OO' 8. AMERICAN 'WATCHES. ; CM.VV AT NO. 83, SOUTH HIGH ST., end examuM onr new make of AMERICAN WATCHES," nannfactared by X. II0WARD Ac CO , Bolton, Uaa. Thee Watohe are far inperier to anything tver offered to the pablle, nereioiore. f ean eell them at price Bavlei th eielmlv arencv. I oan tell them at price 10 inn to time. . I havajnit recelred a large itook of . ; , AMERICAN WATCHE8, v5 ff t i . manufaoturtd by APPLET0N, TRACT, 00 t alw, a fine ajeortment of -r -- - ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES In Gold and Silver Cat, at Panlo price. . jutt " ' - W. 3. BATAai.: : m . .. -'jMtBefiTa!jv . . nr. cn GREEN ana - BLACK XlAS i(M)haaBruaUo Cone. ,u . 100 lBOpooketeeld Dutch Government Java Coffcev v H D.e Ceylon Coffea. ; . . -, ...-, 'iwii 1.." tOObbl. (tandard Whtt Sngara, eonihitlng of Pow . drd,Ohrub,rwalidABaBOo8W'i'.. SO qulnlal Grg Bank Oodfiak.; ,;i v t: i ' SObbl. Uut and Ho. i Mke t. . - - ' li to. Plok taliBoa., :.,,., ,,,.. . ; ..... 100 bx. layer lawln, .(;?., 11 . ,:.. .i BOaf. boa do,, u-do....:;.. .!.,. ..;, do ' - , . ;j 100 a0lvft41ffrBtkraa.and (rade. . ..; motlT Wat. atcDOMALD. , And Blank-Book ttannfan tarer,'"1, WORTH EJOtt fTSOT, COt CnO FASIILT FLOCM '1 T -1 i'i TtTHW wnBit; BHANEI 5- Trent 'BarnttHlll,"epringll.ld, O. tb bert brand ef Vloar knagnt war market; tt.raenon goaranteoa. lor eaie a.i;,.W. aoiwaiu r,.: . -r i noTH7 108 Boath lilfh trt. AluK.A.Anarnr. ia nkvrixi , All aSsagW at J tkW9, ,-. : . STONE'S BAZAAR. No.4 Ghvvnne Block. A. P. ST0NE& O'EARRA A BRNOW RECEIVING THEIRWIfl SCB 000D8, and lnrlt th pnbllo to Inrneet them. No inch (took of Oooda ha ever been brought to thle market. Th Booth, In oneqono of th lallur of in grain rop, ha not been able to panbae lb na val quantity of rich good, and Ibl fast baa forced th Importer! to aell them at pablle auction. Oar barer (Mr..8tone) being In NewTork at then larg talee, took advantage of theaa, and we oan and will tell ear good here, at We than any on who parobaael two week, alnoa, paid for them In Mew York. Our (lock I oomplet In vary department of ELEGANT DRESS 8ILK3, OTTOMAN VELOURS, . - BROCHE VALENCIAS, . PRINTED MERINOS, ' PRINTED COBURGS, .. DYED COBUOSt BLACK ALPACAS, . ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS. PRINTS, ..'., - DELAINES. SHAWLS AMD CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth . Bought in One Day, At one half the Ct of Impoitatlon. LADIES7" FURS, In all Varletlea. of the celebrate. Slannfatnro of C. 3. Oni 1 then 4c 8n. f : HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men', ladle aad Chlldrea' Under Bblrt and Drawn Ladles Mleue and Children'! Holrv of all kind, la Wool and Lamb' Wool; Ileecy Lined and Cotton Glove 01 every make. AL0 A Owmplete utortment of all the uaual Tarle ties of - LADIES' CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, OVERCOATINGS. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. DRES3 TRIMMINGS, Ladies andOent'i Ilnrm Cambrio Hand. kerchieft, Ao &o. : , To Mnon who call on m. w tdw ear word to ihew them tb larger, beet and ahapt (took ef Good ever earn in tnu maraev, r pay ua an aoiiar per noarwnu looking. ttm aei-aiyxtwitw. bxvct et u nim LATHROP, LUDLNGTON & CO. 23 ft 25 PARK PL ACS, 20 ft 22 MUEEAY STB EXT, , 3M JJW YOHBL. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ; ; SPRING, 1861. We ara onmlne-. atenramnla wareroom. at th abov nambere, (took of Good In each of th iz department of onr boain, n parlor to anything we have heretofore xniMUM to in trad,. - CLOTH DEPARTMENT!; , Thle liu mn ta lie nraaent aumltad Under th thoroagh management of a barer of long xperteno and acknowledged good out. W keep xtnilT line of Bneit and eboloeet FACVVE3TmG$ AND ' FANCY CASSIMERES To b found la lb market, all (elected with th nioett duwrlmuatlon. Alo, all grid, oolon and rartetlee or; BROADCLOTHS, " SATINETS, . LADIES' CL0AIN5GS, - . TWEEDS, I ARMIES' and ktXROHAITS' 0AB8IMIRIB, KINTTJCKY JIAN3, from ttf to K oenU per yard . and upward; . . . . TWIEDS, 19X to 15 oent pryard-Ut year told at 18 to SO; . PRINTID IATINIT8, at 14 etnti; And olker Good eorrtfvndis Low. Dress-Goods Department. Manch eater D lain, Hamilton do. . -Paoiao t. do. . Printed Lawnt, Printed Brllllante, fancy Gingham, " Bombaaiaea, .. Black Bilk, Fancy gllka, ' Printed Cha'lla, ManebMUr Olngham, , Qlaegow do, Clinton " ' do. -Ottoman OloUu, Alpaca, : , Poplin, -j . And On Nnt Select 8tyU tf FANCY SPRING COODS. Vcrrimae Print, Oocbooo do. PaclB do. - Blohmond't Print, American do. Donmll't " do. BnglUb i do. . Bpragu do. Atancheitor, fco. Print, o DOMESTIC COTTON'S. ' Lawreno 0. 8bUngi, Stark . ... do. ..... Lathrop . do. ,. Bhawmut do. Poeaatet ' do. -r ' Atlanll A. Ibtlagi, Amoekeag do. AppKton . Xventt UUca, Ac, .do. do. ; dot V , , AH Grade tni Wid&. ; , , ( BLXA0DIP BHIRHNGt 'ADD BHMTIH08. Wanentta, Swlghl, , .4 Great fall,; Wallbam, KewTorkMllU,k,, lawreno, Naamkeag, Boott, , ,, Lonadak, BUI,. SHAWLS ANHtMANTILLASf: ' A LA1QB AND tlUOT ABS0KTM INT. 00TTOlfAlarmtTarlt..:.." :- OBIOKS , . . . r . . s ..-;, i TICKIN0S all ft (adlng' brana. . ' , DBNIM8 do ' ' '' BHIB.TIN4 gtRIPBSal! th leading brand. KANKMNB "' ' do.. - da. 00R8BT JSAKS-1 W ' "0. " HORBINS ' - do 1' Aor (..- f CAM AHA8XJ,'PAPia 0AMHRI08, QOLOBCD BRIOI,Aco.,A, 1 '. - LARQB AND- COXfLSTS 9T0CK8 OF WEItX OOODB, v. j, , Sr. .1, 3 . TAJ XXI I0TIOT8, GestlemeiiVFaniishiag. Goods,': t Ttwtioct 1 i Atirt PAAsnT.a'-' CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, x And a eveat variety of Good not omrated all ,f rktah we pledge oareelrte to Mil at the iovxN wtorM edM tb larger porUoa at tro 10 1 80 pr eat.M ttTM ( ""mw r atari 4.1 Irish" Iiiieix Goods. ;:' TtrAHBAftTED rABBIO 1 1 i,wn cntrt Bocom Plata and land. . . uirung ana aoeom blow. . . . 1 -a , . ' . Liiwa UhMtlnre and Plllo) Oaalng.'- i , . . . V A4ea Oaatbrtea and long Lawn' K t.- .. : '. 4, f.Adja fet-iaoila'ri ll . j '-- tt JLlr , l S'!MifWia44)BjaV BOO iiinea tun. -" e. a mod i .iu.,ua,. rUaea twel-wtb. ael.wwt Mmre. Lines Btalr 0vw(uaca titaife. ) 1 i-ia rit'k I.H-A l-W,"irViwi. tHB OHIO STATESMAN STEAM BOOK AND JOB PBINTINO ESTABLISHMENT Having Increated it already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, I fully prepared to execute In the MOST ELABORATE MANNER, AMD IN THE LATEST STYLES, ' 0ATAL00UX8,' BBIXPS, BILLS lADDfa, BILL HI ADS, MOMS, DRAFTS, CHX0K8, CIRCULARS, PAHPHXBT8, LETTER HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS, DRAT RECEIPTS, LABELS, CARDS, BIfTELOPBS, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And erery deacrlptlon of LETTER PBES9 PBINTIIVO, Xttnal to any Irtabliahintnt In th State, and opos tern which wlU ooiirpare' favorably with the leading Xaitera PrlnUng Ilotur, Harlna: mrery yaciUty to aid TJ m tub noDConoif or ELEGANT POSTERS AND HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS, W offer our ttrvice to all who may deilr ttat claa of work. W have "connected with nr BiUbllahment a BLANK BOOK BINDERY, From which w produce the XPixxeaat 3B1ax&1s. "WojtIx. AND TBI HOOT SUPERB RAIL ROAD BLAHK BOOKS. OUR ESTABLISHMENT I admitted to be ; Ti A.TLQ-IDQ'Ja? TBI KOtr COLETE IN FACILITIES, PERFECT IN ORGANIZATION . la thl CUT, and we may add,. we will"favorably compare wm Avr PrlatUc Hoaao ta th Woat. . BICHABD NETTNS, . 0,1 .... : . ... .'.1 E W T L B BX B N t ,f rCBNIBH ING ""'.wVi' ' ' 1 i--.'l if.. ' .: noveiue u Feeajieeaoa aoam. . , . B,roa nd Garret Collar. . I )m . 1 r Baiarotdered Pocket Baadkerehbjf . Parla Kid Olovee. eoaertar ana. Goldea Bill Ihlrta, varloo etyle, , .7 -1 , .-' Bove1 Gold Hill Ibirol, 'o " r ... Drivm and )trM Unm n-S rl , vzuJ UMmu roki utnaawteBierB, Tan (Tjatar I r, ruifl'.i""' "i . . Ye. Ml .J t. ' BITW jtwt ajTrT 1 t!kU Mk.'-'-l . . e V - i iU ..ft 00 .. 8 00 ... 100 Dally, per year. Trt Weekly, per rfar... Weaklyi per yeai ..........' The Devoted and Deserted Wife. BY JAMES G. PERCIVAL. , n earn notI hay watebed th inn go down, But yet be eoina not. One it wa not so. He thluk not how the bitter tear do How, Th while he hold, the riot In the town; Tet be will come and chid, and I (hall weep, And he will wake my Infant fr m hie iieep, To blend hi feeble walling with my tear. 01 how I love a motberl watch to keep Over tbeae aleeplng eyee; that taH which cheer My heart, though eunk In eorrow fixed and deep. I had a hatband one who loved me now He vr wear a frown upon hi brow, And feed hi pamlon on a wanton' Up, A bee from laurel flower a poUon tip , But yet I cannot betel 01 then were hour When I could hang forever on hi eye, And Time, who itole with ailent witneat by. Strewed, a be hurried on, hi path with flower. I loved him then he loved ma too. My heart Still flodi It fondneee kindle if he imlle; The memory of dhr lovee will ne'er depart; And though h often (ting me with t dart, Vrnomed and barbed, and waat upon th vile Oareaiea ablcb bit babe and mine thonld there Tnough he thould tpurn me I will calmly bear Hit madnett; and thonld tlckneit come and hy It paralyalng bend upon him, then I Would with klndnet all my wrougt reply, Until th penitent thould weep, nd lay How Injured end how faithful I had been. The Teeth. Natural teeth, elean, sound and perfect, are enentlal to the comeliness of.anj human face. Defeotire teeth mar the handaomest features, and oauie u to turn away our gaze with a kind of disgust from, a oouotenance otherwise fault lessly beautiful. Sound teeth not only add to toe oomtori ana personal appearance, but oon tribute lareelr to the health of all; hence spe cial and scrupulous attention should be paid to them daily, from early oblldhood, from the time when the first permanent tooth makes lte ap pearance, about the sixth year.. . Whenerer it Is practicable, erery tooth in a child's bead should be minutely ezamiaed by a careful conscientious and skillful dentist every few months, and the great importance' of spe oial attention to their cleanliness, the avoidance of .cold and bot drinks, of the use of any "picks" harder than wood or quills, and of all dentrifices prepared by unknown bands, should be impress, ed upon th minds of the young with great as siduity. Harm has been done by propagating the no tion that sugar la injurious 10 the teeth, by di verting attention from real causes of destruction or decay. The eating of any amount of pure sugar cannot injure the teelh directly, became it baa no residue; it la wholly dissolved, and pastes into the stomach. Hut let it be remembered tbat the practice of eating sugar or oandiea or any other aweet- meats largely, will inevitably cause a disorder of the stomach and generate gases there, which win apeeaiiy anaermine tne health or the teeth. By lnaiating too much on the fact that sugars and candies destroy the teeth, an impression will grow tbat If these are mainly avoided, the per. son so doing wiil.have good teeth; and this leads tne mind away from tne necessity ol keeping the mouth olean and the stomach healthful. If these things are well done, and the teeth ar kept plugged in a finished atyle, teeth naturally or hereditarily ''poor'!, may bsJtept in. a good tat of preservation for many yeare. All forma 01 dyspepsia, have a direot tenden cy to destroy the teeth. Whatever causes ac idity of tbeatomaob Is ruinous to th teeth., j A tablespoonful of the purest syrop of loaf -sugar, taken three timet a day before meals, will des troy the ton of the healthiest stomach in a very abort time- And when it Is remembered how maoy patent mediolne are mad np in the form of syrups and sweet lozenges, and how com mon tb us of them hat become, it need net be wondered at that every second or third person met on tb street, know the meaning of "sour stomsoh," or dytpepsia. It baa been shown tbat if a souod tooth be steeped in ayrup for torn days, it beeomes a aof 1, pulpy mass. That does not prove that it la injurious to th teeth, because it was a dead tooth; and, further, suoh a steeping of a live tooth it impossible. Tne castrio juice is innocuous to a livine? etomaob. but at th very moment o deatbj that tame gas- trio juice Degint to eat up tnestomacn. so itit inconclusive to reason irom tbe living to the eadd, or etc versa. It it urged by many tbat calomel la a most deadly agent to the teeth, tod yet if a eound tootb it aoaKea lor week together in a solution ol calomel, no apparent effect whatever is pro duced on it. So far from sugars and pure candies injuria: tb teeth or tb health, they would, it used wisely and In moderation, as sole desserts, be actual preservative! of both, especially It al ternated, at desserts, with fruits and berries in their natural, raw, ripe, fresh, perfect state, by banishing from our table th peetiferous pie, the leaden pudding, and pastries and oakes ol very name, which, as desserts, always tempt to xce wbica lay the foundation for disea ses which torture for a lifetime or bring speed lly to tb grave. Let to spirit 01 tnis artioie o distinctly un derstood. Pur augers and candle do not Injure tb teeth, except indirectly by their injudicious use inciting acidity of stomach or dyspepsia, as win any other kind or 100a or drink, or bever age, if extravagantly used. At seasons 01 the year when fruits and berries may not be bad, ripe, Iresb and perfect, as desserts, pur sugars and tandiet may be used as mob in their stead tb great advantaea. ba- oaus they ar healthful, being warming, nutri tious and agreeaoie, nenoe, as a table artioie, they ar very valuable, while th almost uni versal lova of them shows that they wer intend ed to b eaten. If a child ia not allowed to eat anything containing sugar, It willslcken and die In a very ahort time. Children need tbe carbon, the fuel contained In sugar, to keep them warm; without 11 tney would perish trom cold 1 bene the love of tweet things Is an instinct, implant ed by th kind and wis Maker ol ua all for tb child's preservation. There ar a parcel of stupid creatures in tb world whose sol stock in. trad of brains and logio amounts to tbis, "that what ever ta good la unhealthy." it is not advised that children thould be allowed to eat tugar whenever thev wauLit; . but that a, a dea ler!, alter each regular meal, the os of pur sngara and candies would benent.ato not injure. 11 in I -UiWt Journal of Htalth. ., , ,,, ? Woman the Past ages and in the Present. Thomas Bailey Aldricb, lbs port, observed . Th nineteenth eentury, among other Inven tions and discoveries, baa discovered Wemaa I It wa not enough tbat she wat placed In the Garden of Eden for us. We wer blind for many thousand years. '' When tb wortd was youog.w mad her fetch our wood and cook our food and play in meniau ntn our oajt ot chiv alry, w taught bar to be a. pretty Amaaoo, to dresi our wound, to bind her scarf about oar rtoeir a fantastio and Iniinoer ado ration. Then, at il there wen never to be an end to our nonsense, w fancied that she wat an Ar eadian ibeDtrdess, or s lovely woolnvmrA with oonfused ideas of virtu. Then wat the sickly, sentimental, paatorat in in ion matt. T&en did tb Up us on th obeek with her fan, and smirk and smile, and paint and powder, and wear ber hair four stories high. That wat the age. r But by and byline wearied of tbese follis. ' W begin to treat ber with more tent! then little by littl th began to, assert herself; th belter w treated her th mora th asserted, until at last we cried out, like a Frank' ostein, "What monster it thit w have crea ted i'r But It wat not a monster it wat only a unman! Great in her weakness, iioble In her oheiltv. beautiful in her patleoo. W bare found her out I She wat never so recognised at ow; we bavtJ discovered uai tb baa brain at wall at heart, -that she can write vertes likri Mr. Brawnlnt. paint piolur like Rosa Bon- hw, andttlU be all Ibat it gentlt and kreabU DfUTl mm liaa w ow.a wuei. awU.a autA IVT VM Ok tlmiw) Nlghtjugale. ;; ,ltv..( ,..:..ll.-,.."l.'XHi.t.J.. Mrs. Burdell in California—Almost Another Victim. Mrt. Cunningham Burdell hat turned no In th sentimental ro In California. W quote from the th San Francisco Mirror 1 t During a late ball season, a oantleman. who io bis native city had figured ae oue ol the -pina 01 lasnion," determined upon creating a Bsueatiuu. tia oaa amassed dt ouigenoe and economy some five thousand dollars, on tb treogth of which he had resolved to cut th shear and yard-stick, to enter the new roltot dealer In Washoe stock, to buy a neat cottage 00 tb bill-side and get Mart irtf a somewhat extensive series of investments, at may be im agined, for an operator whote "pile" might have been carried without Inconvenience in one of bis pockets. Young Muff was, bowever, a fellow of infinite sest, and wat not to be put down when he had made up his mind to tny un dertakipg.. As a preliminary step, tberelore, he purchased a showy wardrobe aod Indulged In a variety of Jewelry, which swent off at onse some five hundred dollars of bis oapital. For some evenings Muff haunted the various concerts and ball rooms without attracting any- uMug ua me attention ne nao anticipated. At length Muff is conscious of an Improvement! on on evening at a ball or the Bona of Celibacy or some such Order, as he stood In a giaceful attitude aloof from the throng, during tbe promenade, be obieived that tbe eye of every lady were fastened 00 bim in passing, and that a conversation ensued, with a backwsrd refer ence to himself. He Increased attitude they redoubled their attentions. An elentlv at. tired lady, "fair, fat. and fortv." who hid been silling by herself for some lime on one ff tbe benches, attracted bis regards. He made a desperate shove and Introduced himself. In a moment they were entsngled In the mtzes of tbe Laneero. Tbe lady was well Informed and vivacious, and belonged to ana nf tha Brat families, at he felt assured by tb manner In wbioh she maneuvered her fan. They indulged to conversation, aod more dancinw. deaondr) together to the supper room, and, in fact, passed the evening together being the observed among tb observers. 1 be lady professed to be wealthy a wlrin traveling (o wear off tbe melancholy Impres sions excited by her bereavement. An invita tion ensued, and at all tbe ball of tbe aeason this enamored couple were to be seen, attracting all tb attention of the ball rooms, and tbe crowd actually making room for them wherever they passed. Evidently tbe men and women were all dying of envy. Once, even an inti mate friend, with an air of pity, had asked bim whether be knew with whom be was dancing ; when he put on a knowing: erln and milled. "0W1 1, though?" At which the friend shrug- ged bis shoulders and passed on. This went lorward lor some weeke, when, on evening, having penned his partner in a cotillon in a cor ner of tbe extensive oavillion of the tnatitnta. be wat gratified by observing: that a crowd of aigmy or a nunored persons bad colleoted about them. Th gentleman wa delighted tbe ladv was not so much so. Presently, Doctor Burke, the sffable Chief of Police, made bis appearance among the spectators, where be remained for some twenty minutes, gating upon the lady, as bui 1 iieu uj ner attractions 'AchUlamangthemtakm,note.N' Young Muff was horrified on the same nieht bv tb information tbat ba had lor some week been vigorously makine love to Mrs.- Cunning ham Burdell 1 A Genuine Western Man. Under this head tb Pbiladelnhla BulUtim discusses the characteristics of Western men. wno poetess, in nig opinion, an in acuteness for wbicb th Mew fcnglandershave been noted 1 ne Bulletin save: The genuine, thundering-Western man, who can wnip nis weignc in wild cats, In whatever guise tbey come, wnether-thatuf tbe primeval, uawrwauiiug uemzen 01 tne forest, or of tbe 00 lest dangerous wild oat bank ia a moat curious study. Crawford must have bad him bis eye, when he created bis saucy statu of leaning lorwaro bair turned, one foot a littl advanced, wearing a defiant, all daring look, and rather gaudily bedizened wlih stars and stripes. To tbe thirty year old Western man of to day his is, in the moet prodigious sense of the word, a great country bis a great people At six be went with his father on a flat boat down the Mississippi, which ia a biz thi nc. Erw since he has been whirling tbrouch a nerfect World's Fair of great American things pala tial steamers.' brown stone mushroom cities, ocean lakes, Egyptian grain depots, ten thou sand aore wheat fields, fifty miles square corn fields, boundless prairies, endless railroads, Im measurable quarter section speculations, toler ably fair cattle droves. He has learned In imni the spade, tbe hoe, the flail and the scythe. iawu. niggers, reapers, inreaners and mowers have swarmed around him. He bat seen many obstacles vanish before tbe skill of his country men, and he holds hinuelf in readiness to un dertake any such task, however; impossible it may seem. Yea, he stands ready for "Planting deeert. bridging ocean, Bridging the coral aura.'' . , . ' We have one of these Irrepressible speci mens in mind just now. Comparatively igno rant was he of the work he ' had . undertaken, and vet the pluck and brass and energy that was in him was so shaken together, pressed down and running over, that be waa enabled to crush through every obstacle that stood in th way of the lucoesa ho sought In tbat direc tion. Never tiring, never relaxing, always worked opto the highest pitch of effort, True and never failing with bit hands, griping difHouU ties wbleh hie ignorance brought bim fac to face witb,ln a way 10 mil of quiet fury that tby were either", it once apparently conquered In the estimation of lookers on, or rendered almost Aors dt combat. Thrusting himseli irreelstably Into every department of the concern, tin little bis presence was deslred,aod enforcing a tact ae quiescenoe In his presence uu uivu wicre, tbroughsheer strength of will and intellect, ex treme endeavor to do well what he put his hand to, and fair success thereat for a novio.. , t Sucb, and so great and ao wonderful, is your genuine Western man. For further particulars see portions of Soutbey's description of the "Cataract of Lodore." , ...... Definitions of War Terms. In these warlike times, the following! from the SoUnlfie American, will be read with ln- ' 1 1 The Columblsd or Palxhan (pronounosd pay tan) it large gun, designed principally for fir log shells it being far more moreaceurat than the ordinary short mortar. - A mortar I a very ahort cannon, with a larg bore, torn of ihem thirteen inches In diameter, for firing shall. Those in use in our army are set at an angle of 45 degrees, aod the range of ahell le varied by altering the charge of powder, v Tb shell ia caused to explode at just about the time tbat II strikes, by meana of a fuse, tb length of wbioh Is adjusted to the time ot flight le be oc cupied by tbe ball, whloh, of course, 'Oorte poeds with tbe range. Tbe aooaraey with whloh the time of tbe buruiogof a fus oan b adjusted by varjlng it length I surprising, food arilii riitt generally succeeding in having their ensile explode almoet at tbe exact instant ortfiklae In leading a mortar, the ahall la carefully plo d with ., th .1 fus directly , forward,- and when the pieoe ia dieobarged, the.. shell is so completely enveloped v with - flame that the luse Is nearly always fired. 1 The lus le made by filling a wooden cylinder with lus powder, tbe cylinder being of a sufflcisat length rot the longest range, to be cut dowa ahorter for ahorter range, at required,, A Dablgre gun ia an ordinary cannon, except that At h made very thick at the breech for torn three er fear feet, when it taper down, sharply t leas than the usual size, i Tola form waa adopted la eon sequence of the expert mints of Capt Dehlgreea, of lb United Slates Navy, having; shown tbat whea t gun burets It usually glva way at tb hrAr-h. , Th JSiaamrm ia armed with thaaa na. and at the Brooklyn Navy yard there ar aixty Welching about 9,000. Bounds jjacha aad Six fjSaayW? WUKk lwJf W WUwioratf Of. WWch are capabl of carrying nfn loon, and th lat ter a ten Inch shell a distance of two or three miles; and there is on gun of thl pattern wbioh weight 15,916 pounde, aad la warranted to tend to eleven inch shell four mile. A cuemat ia a stone roof to a fort, made sufficiently thick to resist the force of cannon ball, and casemate- gun It on which it placed under a casemate). A barbette is one which is placed 00 th top of .u lurimoauon . ao emorasur I tbe bole or opening through wluob suns are fired from ford fioatioDS- Lrop belts ar opeuiugs in walls to ore muBietry turougn. NEW ARRIVALS AT OF AT KNAPP 8c CO.'S, 119 South High Street, octSS-Sawd-akw-Sa Our Cough, Wd, Boonmtf. Jnitu. wmma. artv 7usu fvaa " IknaU Bdtmt Us Banking M OmovmptUmy BnmktUit, AntAa. ma, and Vatarrh, CUar and givt irannui to tnt ewer or aad SINGEttSJ. ' awaa nt tit a ImnArltnita a ka.kU- j fv miv eneiv " viiauw wi VirovaiUI E VOUEU At flAmmAa Pnlrltl 1st It flrtafaM Ih.t i.:l i aT ua wva.ava ' ... aaaae WAIIUU IU lUfJ beglnotng would yUld to mild rvaedr, If Dtlfwied, oon atUtski the lunfrx. "Mfwm'i MnMcMal Tbocim coiiwBiDiDBr utmumut WBrrjuMuiB, oUUtJ HLlTAODftry Od tt.kl.l rawltalln.. vivBvuiat aiiiMuvut BBOWM'8 I "That tronbl In my Throat, (for which the 47VoaAea ara a BMelflft TROOHXSoftnamerawhiaptrar." n , r. WTLU8. ' "I raoommend their ua to Poiuc Briaa- BROWN'8 TB00BB8 t ' RET. B. fin MIIav nrond axlreaMl aervui.i. r. BROWN'S .aoaaenvrai, ' REV. BTBNkT WARD IEB0HER. "Almoet Inttant relief In th duotalng labor f breathing peculiar to imii." REV. A. 0. BOOLSBro. ' ''Contain no Oplnm or anything injorl out." PR. A A. HATES, ... ",' .' , ton "A limnle and Pleasant oombiutun tn. TROOBIS BROWK'S TROCHES BROWN'S Copsw, A." TROCHES SB. Q. f. BIGELOW, , Hotton. "Beneficial In BacwcmTna." KB. J.f.W.tANB, ... Bottom. "I hav proved them excellent for Wnnor ik Oocsa." REV, H. W. WARREN, ' , ' ' Botfon, "Beneficial whan 00 a) palled to apeak, (of fering from Oou." . BBT. I. P. J. ANDERSON, 1 i . - .. . st LoMit. "ErmViX la removing Boareeneee and Irritatioa ef tha Throat, a eoauiea with jruuatand BiMaae." 1 Prof. If ACT JOHNSON L Brtmgt. Co., Teacher of Motto, Southern Vernal College. Or! aeoett when taken before and after they prevent Hoarreneu. Prom their peat effeot, I think they will be tt per manent advanur to me." EBV.B.ROWLET. A. M., I . Preaident of Athea Oolleg, Tenn. BROWN'S TRoenxa BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROOBIS BROWN'S TBOOHB BROWN'S TRO01IIB BROWN'S TBOOHie BROWN'S IR00HI8i Untold by all Droggiit at TWENTY FIVB CENTS A BOX.JTT I ROBBBTS at SAMCBL. . ., . . ', .- . 1 DragtlM, M North Hlithttreet." ' ' .' ! .... , . I.SAMDKL CO.. ..... ' ' . BSSonth HlghUeet,Oolmbj,0. .1 . aart-dtodta " Watehei i Eiftttondi !l: gjir Wax til A CHOICE AVSJORTSIlENT Of SOLA J.X. ana silver wttcnee, in gnat variety. 1 am Agent for tbe A anew. a Wxtca Co and eaa ell thew xoellBt WaU-he at aaaafaciurera' ulou. iiWwiuiUi.Mttf.ii. m. r. Com and chooee from ay beaotlrol llmlav ef PI- aond and other rich Jewelry. . Style saw price low. a to Silver Ware or tterling Qnallty,,! cu show aew paUeraa, very handtcBM 1 ' Silver PmMd Ware, ra aarto, Dm, Wallera, Castor, Buket. Pltcbara. aoblet. Knivw, forta Snaaae. An. " Tbea I have tupply of Baa Table Cattery, PoekeA Knlve, sen, A., and many laaey Qoode tnoh a at deelred for preteat at aaeh price, at n an tndocc aai M in ponnaeer, . wet. vlinn, i .1 u.. ,t f, 10 Boekey Bkeaa,' 1 Jtrtl North aid State Hoae eaiiarav. HKMSAV KltULVU il- of Pbaloa's Betakllihtrent, , ti,) PmptiMwr V. V..b 1.1 LI. .1 1 M . ... (in VI ft rHUIIUWDH 0IITM1 XtU, UeUlDg Bhampooabig, Curling and Drataing Saloon, Beat Slat Mnat, aver th Pod Offlee, when mtiifactloa will be given m all th worioae haineliea. Ladle aad Children' Half Drawing torn a tb keat stylo. ! 1 SPRINO CLOAKS And baiqmcsi NSW BTTLia-Mala t . ( High ilreet, have Joe 1 opened aew atyle ef CuT Cia f' BAeqsima and Bacqba. aul in the aewMt and nt oitaM. i-Ake, ' aaptrk Flala t llkv vary., heavy, 4MmI for ManUllaeaad BaaqakMa. ' i ' : (uprllS T I. a t n " a w rieuHi n KLiftt SRKSS SILKSrffvervgvadW lb moet alct SKMII 11 m laawtaattlatbarti, rt a. .riO nn ti& 1 . '. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Is a coiutitutional disease, a corruption of the , blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, ' weak, and poor. Being in the rimilatioa, tt pervadca the whole bodv, end may bunt oat " i"w 'j pun 01 n. - no organ ia free from its attacks, nor la there one which ft may not destroy. Tbe scrofulous taint ia variouiily caused by mercurial disease, low Irving, di - ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, Sltlt " and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, ' abov all, by th venereal infveuon. What- ' ever be its origin, it i hereditary in the eon '' atitution, descending from parent ta children, unto the third and fourth generation " incWed- . It seems to be the rod of Him who any, 1 will visit the iniquities of the xathert upon ' their cliildren." ... ., It effect commence by deposition from tha - blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, tc the lungs, liver, and Internal organs, ia termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings and on tho surface, eruption or sores. ' This soul eot ruption, which genders in the blood, aepiwaaas the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitri- tlons not only suffer from scrofulous com '" plaints, but they have far lea power to with-, atand the attacks of other diseases I conse quently vast number peruh by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, ... are atill rendered fatal by this taint in the ' system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination t and many , , destructive diseases of the liver, kidney, braia, ; "' and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from ox are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous 1 1 their oersont are invaded bv thia lurklnw In. " fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we mutt tanovata ine Diooa by an alteraave medicine, and ta- " ' vigorate it by healthy food and exercis. Such a medicine we supply in . AYER'S Compound Extract of Saipaiilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical : skill of our timet can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It ia com- " blned from the most active remedial that hav -been discovered for the expurgation of this foul . . disorder from th blood, and tha reeaue of the Sstem from its destructive comequencs. ence it ehould be employed for the cure of . not only Scrofula, but also those other nBao- . . tions which arise from It, such as arpnva . .. and Skin DiaaAtas, St. Amthont'b Fiu, Ross, or Ertsipblas, Fikplks, Pcstulxs, : Blotches, Blains and Boils, ToxotuvTrrrES and Salt Rhiux, Scald Hbad, Bjmwoxx, HnBUAT:su,STrHiLmoandMaBijwXAADis- . bases, Drofst, Dtsfbpsu, DaBOiTT, and, t .' indeed, all Complaints abisimo pbok Vitia ted oa Ixfvbb Blood. The popular belief ' in impurity of tit Uood " is founded in truth, for scrofula ia a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Saraapa- rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ague Cure, roa TUB SPEEDY CTJBB Of lateraittiat Fvr, erFmraalAgae. Remittent Fewer. ChOl y . , Ague, rtrieeical Hwdacae, aw Btlloaae . Headache, aad Biliewe Fawoct), SmAewel for tat whol elaaa f dlaaa rlejiaiat- ' tng; ta biliary deraagenasxtt, eaai.d hf ' tha Malaria of Btlaamati Coaatrlaa. . We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints ' ' with certainty, is still perfectly narrates in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cub" expel the miatmatie poison of Fxvaa and Aoua from the syitant, and prevaata th de velopment of th dieeaie, if taken on th first ap proach of it premonitory symptom. It i not only ' the best remedy ever yet ditcovered tor this elaaa of complaints, hut alio the cheapest. The lam quantity we supply for a dollar bring It within the reach of every body j and in bilious districts, where Fever and Aoub prevails, every body should " have it and use it freely both for sure ana pro too-... tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains ne Quinine , or mineral, consequently it produce no quinism or ether iniuriou effect whatever upon the eonttitu- tion. Thou cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. 1 ever and Ague ia not alone the consequence of the miaamatie poison. A grant variety of disor der arise from its irritation, among which are Ntwajnia. Rhtumatitm, Gout, Headaeha, Blind net, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, PaU ' jo Uation, Painful Affection of th Spleen, llutttr ki. Pain in the Botoelt, Coke, Paralyti and Da rangtment of tht Stomach, all of which, when ' ' originating in this eanse. put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Cona " expels the poison from the blood, and eoneeqaently euras'T ' them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to . immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa (ionally or daily while exposed t the infecting, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripea into die eaie. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittent if their avail themselve of th protection thi remedy afford. .. Prepared by Sr. J. 0. ATXB A CO., Lowdl, Btasa. ., ROBERTS a BAktCat. UslamlHu. And by Droggltia and Dealer eveiywhere. aovKiya.cwatw PBI0I8 EXDTJC1D Trom tb New korkObaerver-l 4 ' At all oarUee mannfactarir Bewiae kfaohlnaaaraiib. - Itged le dm Mr. Howe a lietna on eeoh nuebiixaald. and are a to compelled to make retarnt to him, ander oath, a to thecwmberaold, hit book give aeorreoteta- ' meat, rrom tnu reliable eonroe we aav obtained th following (taUittot.. Of th michm mad a to tear IdW, then war mild, , . ... 1 . By Wheeler St Wilton Sl.SOS . . " I. ht. Singer a Co.. I0.BU " Stover a Baker .10X0 - . Chewing the tale of Wbeder WUon to be daull those of any other Company." Awarded the highest premium at the '- - ' -1 United Stale Iain of lt8, loiS and 18S0; alto at th , ,-.' Obi Stat vain of IBM and 1461 1 .oii V and at nearly all tb County Pain la the Itae.. - ,. Our prices, st th late reduction, ar a low a any loot fcA aoobla aew Ml, and bat a tilde higher ttiaa ' th Interior two thread chain MaA aaautiiua, new forced aran the market. The WatBLBR a WILSON MAOHIMB eaakoaikef Leex Sticb the only eae whloh cannot benveled. It la A uaa ea Bora Sioaael th good, leaving ae rdge or ehainonth mnderMdt. .., ... ... ! All macAine vafanted 1 weave, and tnetmeUtn grren In their ate, free of ebtne. -v " ' it, U. CRAKT,BI High .,uoiameee, .,, , 'i I.. . . WM. SUMNER a 00 dacS xawdSoiAwem Plke'e 0ee fieaae. CinalamM. . f i i BheriiT'fl Bale. ;.Ornllo Jaeob v. ' I ' Hilar tl. I ' Coeamen Plea. Bt viBTBi; or A "wniT or n. r o m directed, Ire the Court ef Oomatoa Pieas ef Prank Ha County, Ohio, I all! eder ht eole, ew tb lana eeeapM by W. p. at J. B. Miller, U Jasksea . IwnlhlBoa . Monday, the IStb day of April, A. D. 1SC1, ; att,lockP. M-.lhefollowiwg ptpeti,le-wltf On 1 bay man, eae torral hone, one awn eolt, ene eolt, , one twe hen wagon, three m doabl hernen. eavea headef hoge, and th undivided ana-half intoreatlaa' In maohin, levies en e tbe property et W. p.da ' uuer. . : i ' 1 ' apvtl a0til.K ,J By Ad. lna, L.ttty. . Printer"! fee. !;' ,ina a-a.airk libAta t-a.... , j j j Btnet Biwque aad atftEtlee; alao. Uvh 1 n . aA Twel le makah, at saaylH