Newspaper Page Text
NOW KbIAX)Y. THE REVISED S1ATUTE3 or nil . " fiTy-a OJP OHIO Of AGEWIAL STATCBB. 15 fOIICB iI(.IJ4rt - CLLATED BY ITZilJt.ict wan, WITS XX) fx'J bf'THK tStilStOSS Of TBS BV- IOooUUiJ In twauty lo volume of th Ohio, and Ohio isn RfFKREIf CK TO PRIOR LAWS, H VLE AN DtH J.CHI rClIIFELD,ESq AND A fOLL. AHJD ,C9(VmENT WDfX. la Two J&oyJBvo.;Yulumea; PiiceilO 00, Ho ear or expensebae been ipatj to make th work pfBAl .nd rall.ble In el rMuecta. It hat now th Legtelarlve eatertoa. having been ep proved nelrky the aMnlMit Tot of both Hooaea, and m ordered la b duUibated t Mm following State aovernor. Atuirrtey Snml,' Supreme Judge. Secre tary, O mptroll.evfreMarer UK Aaoimrw eian, ' to iho Froiwt Coari, Ooert of 0-n"o Pleae Bop" in.a.A r .u , luliion. aad theClerae ht various Ciurte In each rooitr. " the Memberiof the KnU Mi HOOMOT Baoeeeeotatlea of -hit Stat, ud .... f 1 1 A a, ri KM a Ik. HlkUO Of UM TJolOD. ' This book, jon(llnt. ei doee.ali of Iho Statute! ' aow la foroo. Ai.A the aathorltatlve ooaetrout'oa of then and of iho Ne Cuui'lluil m, will Ko found o do eeprciai ly aiwful ia th porforouwoe of their 4tti, tt ell i OOOJlTTOrrlfllRi, : i ' ' ' ' jL'sni'wi o tnPiACi,. , , .. , IOWN8HIPTHCSTKE9, " " .' , M " CLlCKK-t OrTtWNSaiP8,lBd I. cirY. orricBHa. ., InoJBraeh as were (nab yhautee hav boon mod la th Btataweetieetatpu'iieaiinaaf thela.l dlll-aa, by n peal, alieia'tom ud addition!, ud io Important de ctiloni (lave bob given by the Supreme Court 00 oon trorottr4 wAinto'ail ? i 1 . AltOIMBY AT WW. "!' r:,-..- ' l ,.,JjJ) 4I. (KKCUANTJ .. . , 'J' ; AS Bt;Nl UK!f OtSIRAlXT,. 7Vo JloyatBto. ttitvmttof tttr 2finem Sunirtd T t StrAf tV plndloK.' PricO 110.00. KOBKKT OlArtKICi & CO.' Law Pabifibart, 'BooWl'ew Siatloten wi Importen. .''. AS WoM ranrib tlrool. fcblKdSal:! i . f InolnotU. 0. XAiriPHnrr nuutit, rsbyahtri. 1 .I...... , TTT2 viRTii-iumn: TO IKBmt JSSXIt- tlOS, Humid t lumlut ut fry TM JO. VJt ffVlOCM tm lA any J puoticatio. FK1DAY; EVENING APRIL. J2,' 1861. ICT The'' editor ,of, J',' K- Gipniftae' paper) the Ashtabula tinti, ha distressing doubts wbeth. r he ought. to (000011 iOi An'i" Adminls tratio or not. This 1i father nngrat'elul in the aforesaid . eSitor, ilnce his master has been ap pointed; Copsul 'General in Canada. -Perhaps brother HowilU wants an ofllee, too. It Is not InpoMlble that A good, fit official Salary would go a reit way '($ clearing him ' Of his tronble aoma doubts sbootj supporting the AdminUtra- STTrasce'aBrV Austria Are making extensive prepsrations for; wr,' whllo, Victoa Ekasdu and hfs MinUctr ' Cavooa. seem determined to make Rome tbe Capital of their new kingdom of Italy. AustrTl IsJooaoentratTHg largo bo dies of troops la Veneti, and it Is said has fifty thouiaijJia la mflTcoisnt. I tk tfot Improba ble Uatthe Old World And the New maybe In Tolve in the hprjors of war At , About tbe same urn Tbe-CrBoianast tMmureMicays tnaiinerrcai. dent hs niade' A.nipat serious blunder ia the ap polntaent of Col.- Lamjw, an Illinois politician, to the Mar eh ali-hip of the District oi Colom bia. Jit, would be a niost' blessed tbicg for tht country if this wero the only or the worst blan ker that Old Aic has committed Tbe Com mercial procwd to say that Mr. Liacoui is surrjanded by ft horde of bsd advisers, sod pays wo mocn aueotion to their uoiae. - Tber i "truth -4a this remark, as thaceuntry is fast leant' ing Ut Its ,.,-7V: . IlT Tbe telegraph reports ; that ' President es) be has positive knowledge that an attack Mi Washiogtoa is in contemplation This reminds one of the positive knowledge he bad of his , contemplated Assassination' on the way from Harritborg to Baltimore, which prompted that celebrated heglra by night In a Scotch oap aad long- military cloak. A similar flight with Crass knd' Blaib from Washington A Stt- 1 r ' . " S taa v vtwiia or uauaaa woaia oe even more cele braied, ajd parhansbecome an anniversary to be ooserved with due solemnities by abolition dia nnlonists in every part of the country, i ID" The late European news informs ua that Lord Palm Easf on had acoepUd the cfBoe of Warden of the Cmqa Ports,' which is said to be a sinecure with a S(.lrj of forty thousand dot lara a yeir., Ia eoDsequenc of his acceptance Of this offiae, R arpearS that his Lordship had to resign the seat be , then neld in Parliament; out be immediately presented himself as a eia aid ate rot re-elccnoa, and was chosen without Opposition- Ia addressing the electors, he ipcke or country as the only spot on the political norlxon wbin inspired him with regret and nneAslaeee, and expressed a warm hope that "or disputes might be amicably and speedily settled The Decree Emancipating the Russian Serfs. AuxANDxa II , "by tbe graoe of Gjd. Em peror aud Autocrat of all tbe Ruasias,' Kiug of Poland. Grand Djke of FioUnd," dto , on Fo Pnry 19, old "style, March 3. new style, issued kia ukase or decree tor tbe emancipation of the aerfs in bis dominions spun the following con ditions: , - f - , . First. , In regard to the serfs hitherto attach ed to the soil, and liable to be sold along wltB tbe estate to wbiou they belong A eevtain amount of laud",' sufflcieot for a farm , Is grant ed to each peasaut family, for which land, dur ing a temporary period to be fixed by law, they win pay to tne proprietor of tbe estate to whloh iney were-atteohed a rent to be also fixed by law. At the same time they bare the right, wbeoever.they can raise the means, to buy their irme in lee, aud tbas ptss' from the state of teoaota Intd that of proprietors. occoara. respsot to domestic serf or bouse servants; These are to oocupy for two years a sUtoof tasItlon. "Attheead of this period they are to bocoms free, and are to enjoy str tain immunities, sucu as exemption from tsxa tion, for A'JImlied period, i , , Tairsf." - A hpecial court Is established In each Government af tbe Empire, to which all ques tions arising odt of tbs act of emandpatlon will be referred. Speoial msglstfates are also ap- poiatM m eaon distrlot, with power to loves it gate on the spot ail disputes and mlsrjndeiiund logs wu-wdb tSs'newstati of things.. "Xm Some have eomrJare Riiselarl serfdom la ha gro slavery in this country. But the serfs, whose freedom Is th prqrided for by" tbe Eopcror's cores,are oi tne samaraew with those Who held them in barege., ;if, ,i td white slavery to tbe Uuited States, there would be a similarity between It and Ruaaao aerfdoui. We should not be surprise !, ff, nn the heels of thajrholitloa of serfdom, the Russians should smVi'cet rtm of ths si." sleeking ! , " JU.. i . . ovr whom ths Empprof . nJ Lis doulaion, to a state re- ' " Fni-lfl,T, f 14-4; LtmDliug that ol aegro slavery la ,tbl country, tad evn mora opprasiiva nl dsgrkaLog. s i M Ther U really little or nothtog la thi mtn Lttioa by the EusIq Aa(oor( for tlit frieodi ol humnltj and free government to rejolo at. Jbepowerof tbj noblee and Jhe great ltodea proprletorT in'RuieU bu been looreaeiag eo raoldlv to threaten dimlantlon of the pre- rogktlTee end abeolut sway of the Cr. it u Witriketbloir at the noble, nd to weaien ' tbelr power "of rletnce to the Crown, that tbli icbeme ol emanolpatlcg , their lerfi hie been derlied.. Tbe object of the Bmperorlie, ht trofefioe to le freedom to A boorish and Ignorant petrantry, to eonioltdate more.firoily ble absolute deepotio rule over both peuantland noble. ' ' ' ' i v The Murder of Mr. Henstren at Yeddo. Full particulars are given ia the late news from Japan of the murder of Mr. Hinitsm, Dutch Interpreter and Secretary of the Ameri can Legation, In the treehs of; Yeddo, on tbe night of the 15th of January last. " J It seems to have been occasioned, In part least, by the unreasonable prejudice, amounting almost to deadly enmity, entertained by a large portion of the Japanese against foreigners, ea- oeclallv tbe Dutch. Besides, the streets Teddo are disorderly and unsafe at night, for 00 tbe very night succeeding the murder of Mr, Heiutrkn, a Japanese merchant was assassin ated A shcrt distance from the American Legs tion. ' " rMr Hani-, our minister at Yeddo, and th other forelen Ministers had been warned over and over again not to go out In the streets af ter dark, end Mr. Henstbih was repeatedly warned by Mr. Haihis not to venture out night. Dearly bas be paid tbe forfeiture of rash exposure. It was the more rash, as it was well known that a strong party hostile to the residence of foreigners In the country bad been formed, [For the Ohio Statesman.] An Ode to Spring. BY W. C. MOORE. ft balm artoetbo opening tprtoa', fi IdtIU th mat oneo nore to string Hor loot; aoglooiod Ijro :;' i flora aultt mj artloM msf' 1 " Inflame my hart, attoao mf tongno, And trery thought lniplro. Mow trovea In vordant robta an aton, Wbll on thr lao of II r- that frooa, Bom timid fiowtra appear i Pall toon the rooo will bicbom, too, The fragrant III) derked with dew, atnd glory crown th jear. Thontb thronod upon hit polar hill, Old bluatering Boioa nge it 11, And beata tbe rooba in vain Thcnot, atea'lng through the quiet Tale, II rtd upon the ttormf (ale, t And tarlures all th plain, , ' But eoon he'll yield hit heartleti svay. And in the bp of blooming At, Shed peoltealltl ta't i While warbling eoagttart In the gror ' Will hjma kit dirge la tonga of lore, f To ehara oar Uwonliig eara. Boon o'er the Valley, hill and plain, ' Bhal. flora hold her gorgeous reign, loparaoit the earth; And ea tbe Stake of tbouaaad rills, Vi hire e'tr a ehrjrtul flood diatlllt, Qi fragraat beaut; birth. Boon orchard, gror. and flowery dale, Bball wait their f racranc oa th gale, Bat to Intpire deliaht ; While aeeUiod twu of brilliant dyea In blooming beauty round ua ria, r To pi cue and bleat Ike light. Boon vemtl aunt will gild tht bowers ' Of elngtng birdt and fragrant fljwcra, from dew; mcrn till een'; ' Gay nature, mid her bloom, will sail, . ' As eprlng unfolde an tdta wild, A paradla a hearea. t. The Negro Exodus. it Is a remarkable fact that when It was pro- pvoeu uj om conservative Kepnoiloans to save iob or io era people from any qualms of eoaS lenoe in executing the FouMve Slave Law. h pay Dg for the fugitive slaves. It was strennonalv uviudiu ut Alia m r sunt: bus ntrtn w mnpswi sk rai t ra.. n n A k. ik. T AV , , , - sbaets, upon tbe ground (first) that it wonld cost too muuh, although they delighted to witness the loss ot the matter: and feeonndlel hiM.u it would be a direct temptation to the masters to encourage tbe escape of '.heir slaves. Thus, the vary lact ot tbe cbanoen of freedom to tb poor siave, ror wnicn tbey were constantly rant ing and bellowing, was made tbe excuse for their oprxKition to toe measure; while tbe very men woo were demanding freedom for the Southern klaves were unwilling to spend one cent honestly to liberate them, or even to let them live among us after they were free. Another moat remarkable fact Is presented by the recent exodus or tbe negroes from onrcity. During ths long years or the Democratic admin iatratioos, tbe negro population of Cbiotgo in creased It was imnoasibla to nunu th F. gltive Slave Law. Fugitives were protected, and welcomed with unseemly warmth, solely to harass, as it was auppowd. the Demoerata rtn- ing all this ttme there were no warnings given to tbe loot negroes to leave Cbioauo . Th nocked here by thousands, and wete taught to bellrTi ib.t tAis waa tbe real Canaan, where they might defy their masters and the Consti tution- as soon, however, as tbe philanthropy " vuiuo auu power ror toe seotlon i aaiHwrs, msir tone was wholly ehanwoH The poor negro bad served their, purpose, and tbey were now ready to give .blm tbe eo-bt at r wove. uu, , iid, ia . lenuv ihaIm.. "Miniou tu ineir master oy tbeeffl. cars of the Republican President; aod forthwith iub very journi is and man h ini est In tneir mjiibslio SDoeals for th nm, n. ., ac up nowi ior aii tneuegroea to Use to Causda.asif thtfr lie depeud.d on it. The most alarmiog pictures of Lineolu's ufficers and . . . . - - r - uuuier re puadeu before thtir eye i oe por oarKia. accustom d to listening to k-"- iriejua, were pAolo-stricken, sod fld In droves to Canadt, as tbeir only re fuge. . Tbe blot atd lia ntl..n oomptate. in Kepublion 1 Marshal executed one warrant, aud tb Republican naner howl - - - auathemas against tbe Marshal, and at tbe same tiave jeii to toe poor negroes to fly for dear life i ne success wa squally complete. Tbe ne- iiroea, witn tnelr oovortt tii.-k.,. ouildreo, are thorougoly stampeded.aud thrown u, wrrwg kiio a foreign country j anile the KepuOlirMu Maeshtl aeta oradit. fam .....i-- tb I., and th Republican prats still keep up their howl vf pbilautbr-py. t ; . " now long, on: deluded bumtnity, black and uik-, eu ivu os truiiaa n .unn nn.Kn ...... " I""'"'; m tuir. uucey i (WW. Cost of Republicanism. When the Renubliaar, vember, Federal stocks were above pari Sioce ""! urw ioaoa aava oeen mad to earn on the Government, with lhiTrnuln ??,?ret- - interest SS.SMOO.ixeMO it".. 10 4x perot. do on li.oun Oii . w 'ZZtZZ fob. 8-4 peret, ditcoaaton 8,(sj0,0li0..l 7do'uoo -M 1 7, ... - .:. .... . , s Total..........;... V-U, ,;.;.-.;.; .j.litgj poo . On eighteen millions. over a sntllin. m.A . qosrte r premium 1 i'j.m.i .n , ,: Ji.Vlb ,nMed-Is Increasing, and bids fair more and more to innraua. .. Th. prcunuoi. pais wiuaocreast) on new leans, as long a peace pr.vaiU-bnt when Retmblloan- wm may involve as in olvll war, no o0s can Oar debt new Is $80,000,000, aud shall k luoreasior qnt - ror Tears to com. AT If. Axprttt. - " - t ' "! L MiLis.Tne census i ?.86B t tollowlntf a ths aoDulatloo valla. frf . ?tktw with thesqware nl a TV.ln..V!h' Masaachusetts, 169 8: Rhode Island, 145.6, M.. r-.. oas.V."' neoUcut, Wl.YhTi X M" Pn.yy.Bi. 6 S, Obis, 68 Deur7 63 NwT iiAmnaihipA.v Alt H. I : . MA " mont,. 39 4; Illinois. 30.9: KantV" inV. r-e.. IJIkinBl. - J'J an.. -Vaa. iJ?IBJl'' 5? "i. r. 5 3; South ds'roiiaa. noria uaromjA, Alabame, 19 a. orgla, 18, Missouri, 18.0: Maine' '17 5! Misaif.inr,L IfiS. Uu Miflilcin13 3ar lama.. .12 . ' A.k ' 8.3; FlorUft, 2.4: CaJifornlai 1 fi Oe Ml . ' OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. IN SENATE. THURSDAY, April 11, 1861. of at a ." APTlaNOON SESSION. A'meesairo wis received from the House an nouncing the aoeeaslon of. that body to the Sen ate's reqoeet for committees of Conference on the Militia bill and tl. H4U3. - - ; TbePRESIDENTappoluted Uesars.Sohleiob and Collins on the' former, and Mossrs. Cox and Holmes on tbe later. . .. v f. nm Maomms. 1 n B 471-BelDK an antl-llauor bill. ' H B 478 To amend tbe Akron School Law of 1847-a-so as to authorise German schools aeder ft. Rules suspended, and bill read a second time by title and referred to tbe commit tee on Schools. " . 3 M ooiiiirru or th waoLi. On motion of Mr. SMITH, tbe 8eoate re solved itself Into committee ot tbe Whole on the orders of the day, Mr. Stanley la the eh air, and Mr PARISH resumed bis remarks to favor of luoaiiog tbs Penitentiary at 8audurky. . Mr. UAKribbU replied, couwo'ertiog Mr, Parish s claims, and making a pit iu behalf of the superior advantages ol Akron for reolten tisrv purposes. Mr. POTWIN followed In a statistical and economical statement, showing the peculiar ad rautagee of Ztnesville ae a site for tbe Peni tentlary. Mr McCALL presented tbe claims of Ball air in a report upon the geological and ecooum ical characteristics of that locality . He offered a ol-oioe between granite and sand stone, coal at twoetnti a bushel at the gates of the prison, CJBt ot lime "merely nominal i" wood abui.dant, and lumber plentiful and cheap 4uthort, maiu tiinea to at tne prison could be built cheaper, and eunviot labor be sold higher, than at any otbrr poiut in the Slate, and tbe facilities for letting to it are unexoelled by any other point. bqual claims, however, were set up by tbe ad vocates for Maaaillon. Akron. Sanduskv. &o Mr. NEWMAN said ke had intended to dis play tbe merits of Portsmoutb as a new peoiten tiary site, but other Senators had forestall ed him. It seemed that when tbe Almighty created the earth, He had a special eye to crea ting special prison privileges in Obio, and bad arranged a dusen different site for that purpose In tbe State. - He would therefore leave Ports mouth upon its well known claims Mr. SCHLEICH said that, on account of tbe news in tbe morning papers, he was constrained to witndraw tbe name oi Port Humter, and seo ond tbe claims of Ztnesville, because of its we ter privileges tbe element whlob he peculiarly affected Mr. CUPPY said there was another place with spirituous qualifications which gave it superior claims tbe capital city of tbe great Miami Valley. , , Mr. READY presented tbs claims of Cosh octon as equal to Ibose of and of tbe best oaodt dates in all tbe elements essential to the pro mulgalionof tbeobieetin view - Mr. COLL1NG3 was satisfied that no other place in the State excelled Greenfield iu Its claims for tbs lecation of tbe prison geography. f;eology, agrioultute and eoonomy being all in ts favor.. ... , , . Ths question recurring upon tbe eelsotlon of a site, tne roll was called nd tbe vote (ties wet) resulted as follows: 2. ' XOOATIOH. , A m 3 i - t" n mm m MJS5 Uatelllon 3 3 4 S s 4 4 S, Sill ZinetTHIe... MttttSi SlS'lO 7 Btoduky.. 5SflSS47 8,e4TT Akron 4 4 4 9 I 5 H1 4 4 4 I Hamilton t 6877878 11 S8 Portnaonth I 4 4 3 I 1 1 .. I Sellalr S 1 Onenfleld I 1 I I 1 H 1 l I I 1 Coahoctoa 1 1 1 1 4 Cambridge 1 , HoGontttUTllle... , .. Batten Sill II.... l31:M34y3413434li4lMi4S4S4 The committee, without agreeing, rose, ported, and bad leave to sit again. AdjonrnecL , . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 11. 1861. af APrnitooif scssioN. Tbs Hoose took up the speoial order for this hour S- B. 141 To . prorids gas works for ugnitng tne remtenuary and other state build' lngs. Mr. SLUSSER explained ths nlan of this bill and that It would prove a saving to ths State of aoout wv per year, as it is supposed to fur nish gas at t'2 per 1000 feet. Mr. ANDREWS said that behsd opposed this msasure nerewiore; out as this was a proposi tion to supply gas at a lower rate without any outlay to tbe State, he should vote for It. . Mr.'REISINGER moved to amend the bill by requiring the gas to bs measured At metres at the Institutions where used, instead of the station metre. This, be said, wonld make a material difference in tbs cost of ths amounting at the least to SO ner cent. Mr. VORIS moved to amend tbs bill bv strik ing out all after the enacting olause, and Insert ing a new bill, autboj-jzing a contract with tbe voiumous uas company at not leas tban $3.50 per thousand feet. He beld that the bill as re ported waa in violation of tbe Constitution, as It involved appropriations lor more than two years. Mr ANDREWS moved that lha hill ha lerred to tbe Jadlciery committee, which was agreed to -, S B 209-To regulate the sale of railroads aud the re-organisation of tbe same, was read a tuiru ,iuv, woejn . Mr; PLANTS offered an amendment. nmM. ing that any railroad organised or combioed uuder ibis act shall have power to construct and operate branches' Mr. ROBINrJON objected to this amendment as it wouia in anect be conferring new cropo- Tb amendment waa diaavreail t ' Mr. BRUFF moved to amend by striking ont section Ave that part exempting the bondhold ers from assessment by tbe company, or from liability for its debts aud urged in support of tbs amendment that, As it was claimed by tbe lawyers who drafted the bill, and altj by tbe wmutew, uat unaer tnia bill no per, sonal liability would attach to tha mukh..u. And as tbsrs waa no possibility of aneh lUhiii,.' attaching to ths bondholders as snob, there was do danger to them; unless the court, fro u tb act vi weir navtog tne rltht to vow, should bold that tbey were In fact stockholder, and " "auuiij wvuiu attaca 10 tnem as suob. Iu sneb eaae no more liability wonld fall oa th.. than on tbe original stockholders, which, if ths upiuiun ui me committee oe true, renders that portion or too bill of no account But If tbs lawyers were wrong, and stock hM.r a,a h oum iiAois, it was nothing mors than just that ft hat aMin aW kn J J -1 a . . .... i. n 8 r""",""unouio soars tne liability Oir .UDU1DU aald kit Brat .A v: .. .u. . : ' u,a, vvpvaw wa mil, out upon a more careful investigation' or tbs dueatlon ha had l, .,! his mind. ; By tb decision of the Supreme wuiet mi dibw. toe nrac nortcaweaa nr th. railroad Company obtain alt the propertof the va, witn ait' we ireao&tseeor tbe wmpaoy, except tne naked rieht ta .xi.t km eorporatioai whereby upon a. tDA k-h mortgage, the purehaser obtains all the property of the company, but lacks one essential to make it saleable, namely, the right to exist as a cor poration, wnicn right tbe sempaoy still bu, but retain no power of aetiont " This bill propose A means whereby tbe purchasers of tbe property may obtain this fVanohisa b th anriaaat nf t t- tbkd of ths stockholders and two-thirds of all sqe oreoitors. j 11 the porobasers of these Insol vent roads Should Arrant nnil-, it. n. 1 Railroad Law. nothing would ha reallcewl ka muaiia, w wniiwn,! euf D the flfit mortgagae, and tbey bal vary tittle ' They will organise ander the law. and ttiaaa mao, pa, .eouroiy fate tbe ooatrol of forei.n bondholder, solas some provlstoo is mads for a capitalisation of th5 stock sod debts of tbe vompanv, ana a mint control of th broneet h i .1 i.. . v.: . . r --r v - ritw hi ee weQiior aoo itocKnoidoe. 'I'hi. bill piaeesa many sadss heavy oasdltlons om ths llsat saortragees It It ten nan d th, .11 bear, aad - if greater burden are imposed ther wlH reject tba whol.--i , " - - i ' . It L ...... .. rr. ;: With no deal r to favor th first mortgagees, on wishing to protea ar far as It Is possibl toa stooaitaiaars ana tnotro-domeetfo creditors who have nothing lafs, mi tbs decwloa of ths Buprsae Conn, h stOd bs had sgrswd with , hi ths majdrlty of ths Judlolary eommitte ia re oommtoding the passage of the bill. lis objeot 1 to euaoiu tois class of parsons to savs some thing, If possible, In i tb total wreck. of these companies, and secures to those barlug claims for running expenses and repairs of tks road tbe highest security a-iran to any one In the eanltal- lutlon, - while without such a law they never cuuiu reams anything whatever, , , , , ' Mr. WELSH moved that the .first seotlon be amended ss as to read a follows: - i. - . lhatineass two thirds in Interest of the bondholders, and two thirds is - interest of tbs otner oreditors of a railroad company, and two iniroa in interest of tbe stockholders of such com pany, residing witbln tbe State of Ohio, shall agree, in writing, upon a plan of readjustment vr oapitaiiiiuon, cJO. - tar. we.LSH saidbs fully sgreed with tbe gentleman In the arrest Imoortanoa of the sub ject of this bill. Involving an original expendi ture of near $130,000,000. It bebooves us well to consider tba provisions or this bill.- In offer ing these amendments, bs did it for the proieo lioo of the unsecured looal creditors and resi dsut stockholders. Br the provisions of the bill, tbe foreign bondholders could force tbe oth er creditors aud resident stockholders, 00 very rauy 01 our . roads, , Into otpitaiisitlun son rccouBtruotioo, contrary to their will, aud oa the terms dlutattd by suob bondholders alone. 1 The bondholders, In many luttauces, would bold tbe oontrolling interest fiom the sttri, and totally absorb tbe imaller Lolassof ortdltorsso far ts dictating terms of rioonstrnctlon was concerned He would aleo require tbe written assent of two thirds of tbe stockholders In interest, residing In tbe State to.aa to disconrag tbe transfer of tbe stock, at a mere nominal price, to tbe foreign bond holders, who might be tempted to acquire it for the purpose of controlling tbe whole matter. While tbe right of tbe'bundbolders should not he overlooked, it could not out be admitted that there were other rights to be protected. For this purpose tbeee smendmeots were offer ed, securing to each class of creditors named equal and separate rights In the readjustment or capltallsttion.reserving to each class a nega tive power, if a satisfactory adjustment is not offered. With these amendments, he was favorable to the bill. But without this protection, be was afraid it might turn out to be a reneral bank rupt law on a magnificent scale, and be the cause of muob dissatisfaction to the people Tbe State should not be swift to put out of the control and ownership ot her own citizens so magnifi cent an Interest as tb'a. Nothiog but the most Imperative neoeaslty could Justify it. Possibly, that necessity exists, but certainly a bill for tm purpose cannot o too well guarded ror tne protection of the right of Our own citizens. ' Mr. TANNEYHILL hoped this bill might b passed, and all railroads put Into proper shspe. At letst be hoped something would be done with tbe Pitttburgb, Fort Wayne and Cbicsgo noau. Any one wno nad Dad bis experience in trsTeling on that road would concur in tbe passsge ot tbe bill. Mr. BALDWIN supported this amendment) and said, it the amendment of the gentleman from Belmont be adopted, be would vote for the bill; otherwise, as bs understood ths bill, he should vote against it. There are different classes of interests, and any contract which Is to affect the rights of tbe psrtles should be made by each ol the parties In Interest. With' out this, tbe door is opened to the most stu pendous frauds. He conceited this provision not only necessary for ths protection, not alone of the stockholders and ths holders of ths float, log debt, bat also of tbe bondholders who may not desirs to enter into tbe agreement He il lustrated at eome length bow these frauds could and probably would be committed against In nocent parties. - - As to ths transfer of tbs frsochises of a com pany, he could see no objection to that. If a horse wss sold, the purchaser acquired the right to ride or drive him as he pleased, and bs could not ate but tbe sals of a railroad should carry with it all the franchises necessary to operate the road. This is tbe law ol common sense. But in order to transfer these franchises; he saw no teason for the enactment of a law which should ba destructive ot th rights of any class of the parllea in interest, without A majority 01 ucu inweet toouiu assent tnereto. Mr. WELSH'S amendment was disagreed yeas 31, nays 62. . . Mr. CHASE demanded tbe prevloni question, which was sustained, when Tbe vote was taken on the passsge of the bill, wniou resuicea yeas o, nays 3U. - ' - Mr.SCOTT.of Warren, from the committee OQ Benevolent Institutions, renorted back S. R 876 To provide for tbe erection of a new bnild Ing for tbe Institution for the Deaf and Dumb with sundry omendmenta,. Which were agreed to, when - ' Mr. WOODS moved to amend by reauirlnir that tbe ballding be constructed of brick, which was agreed to, wheo the bill was ordered to bs printed as amended, and made the snscial order ior tueeoaynexi. r m . Mr. COLLINGS, from tbe Judiolarv com mittee, reported baokS. B. 166 To regulate railroads, when the bill was put upon its paa- aKe. Mr. ANDREWS moved the previous qaes tion, which was sustained. 1 be vote was then tsken on the namaca nf the bill, which resulted yeas 71, nays 25. .Theoommitteeoo 8oboo!s sod School Lands reported back H. B. 468-To amend the School L,tw, when the bill waa indefinitely postponed The committee on Benevolent Institutions reported back tbe House Joint Resolution nro- vidiog that all pupils of the Institution for the blind shall be discharged at tbe end of five years aua recommenoea mat it oe indefinitely postpon - ..-.. .... . u , 1 ' .- Mr. MYERS defended the resolution, and suggested that it be emended so ss to except too now id too institution. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, explained the rea sons that governed tbeCommiitee in making tnt report. . The previous question wu demanded and ens tainad, when the question turoioe on the adoo- tion of tbe resolution, it was disagreed to yets ju, Days d -' ' The committee on Corporations reported back H. B 273 To authorise the incornoratlou ol mining and mineral coaptnles, which tbe House reinaea to pass. 1 be eommitte 00 Commerce end Maonfao tores reported back 8. B 283 -'To provide for uuiiorm ewnaara or weta-bts and measure when th bill waa read a third time atd passed . yeas 10, nsys a . ' The committee on Finance renortad back H B 456-To provide for the oavment of the State dtbt, when tbe bill wag set for a third reading 10-DMHTOW. V . T : The committee on New Coontie reported ad vereeiy 10 tne prayer of ouodrv memorials for eaaegeor the line between the. counties of Morrow end Klchland ? --- " ' Mr. CARTER presented the netltion of Jaa S Reed and 48 others, sgalnst ths passage of d. 14 ror to a protection or birds - Tbs House then took a reeese till to morrow at iu o'clock. IN SENATE. FRIDAY, April 12, 10 A. M., 1861. payer by Rev. Dr. Smithy . , ; .' ' rsTiTioae Ann mkiioaiau. t: At By Mr. POTTS From M Ga.tnn. fnr aiif in tn matter ot a claim, scorned In hi favor wnue ae was Treasurer of Guernsey bounty; ' ; , . , jibooM0 HtAOira. ; .. ; . ; tt. B. No. 491 Belna an antl.llntm. kill vuiBuiHce oitne nnoie. ,- , 1 , - . .11 , THIAD AtADISO. 1 j, I r,il Ur.-i U. M. No. 391 Beldg the Cincinnati ags bill. Passed yeas 98, nays 0 " ' BiroaTS Of STaSDIMS oovurrrer.." ' ' ' Mr. MONROE, from the School eommltiaa. recommended tbs passage of H. B,478To aineuu us AirOB Bonoot law flH57. aa ae 1a autborixs German schools under it, as under th general scuoot jaw. jtsport agrsad to, and tbs bill patsed-yeas !26,nsys 3-Harrison, Newman Mr. READY. framiU pal Corporations, reported back 8.B. No 281 To snabls ths town council of Mi .M.j.uti nnn , . . . . a r i. up- m pay aent upon a nridge aoross si, . n i jb) w.aj ; . t ri - . t . t . uw JJ'K wiuai AVtyer witnout rammmanrla. lion. ... .j .......... . ' BU.. AI. said ba fc.J nnn,n,.t..l. twsniy-nrs pages ions, or a oa arpittan fnnia . ay 1 ewaj mm wwitJwBlVBIIUII cap, beide other papers, which be- would have resd, if ths Senate .desired, if. - , t raemners sageriy rsaponded '.'nsl nol", and r. Key moved to lndilnit.l kiit Mr. CUPPY said th hill h.i L... . blm, snd bs effared It at the r Pa 11 eat af anma nf CODStltuemt. He then stated thaee.nn.i eeliW It I. AmmX.Mm eh. kin -1. ...... tr?r m, urn. mm. hi, em auuuiu pASOe Mr. REV thought it an. improper mcuourrl and bis motion provalleV t ", li t 1 Mr. SMITH, from tbo committee on CurraSfl- i cy recommended amendment to, tod the passage I of H. li. 0U3 to preveut bankers, brokers and i other persons from paying out notes ol tpeoie-pay log banks at lets tban nar. It It to prevent banks from putting' intd circulation' other" than f! notes of specie paying banks., The smeadments oi tbs yieinmltteavmatflikAlIy chabge tbe: ilouse WU. t i p , L O t.i L t v H ' t Mr. COX raised tbe question whether the act, as proposed to bs amended, should spply gener ally to incorporated companies.- He thought tbe application would be too extensive.' Mr. STANLEY waa opposed to tbe exten sion of tbe principle, becausa it would operate unjustly upon persons employleg much labor. , Mr. SMITH said tbe objeot of the blll is to prohibit the circulation of other notes thao those of specie paying banks by any banker, broker, or inc lrpurated company wuatovsr.r nynvi". Mr KEY favored the principle.0 ' ' ' A wi ' Tbe amendment of the committee to this ef fect was adopted yeas SO, nays 11. The second amendment restriotts ths .paying out of notes to snob paper as Is redeemaole iu specie at the counter of the banks issuing the nates. Agrees to. . Tbe third amendment struck out ths defini tion ol tbe word "par." ' .1 f l . . Tbe fourth amendment simply made the bill eomformable In every respeot. Mr. STANLEY thought. the bill prevented any tort of a company from paying out depre Siated currency. Mr. FERGUSON said, "unless said company is willing to reoelve the sstne at par, but doe not prevent tnem from paying 11 out to be taken out of tbe Siate I .r redemp iju " Mr. o I AN LEY thought that If corporations are not permitted to pay out such money, indi viduals should nut have the privilege. The measure looked to blm like an attempt to break down the corporations because tbey ara oorpor ations. . Mr. GARFlSLD said it was legitimate leeis laliou to protect uaiural person against artifl cial persons. Tbere is good reasons why oor porations should be prohibited tbe cxeioiso-iif mis power, oeoaue or tbeir superior power to do injury He favored .tbe bill .'li: Mr SMITH said brokers are In tbe habit of drawing specie for Obio bank notes; ond invest ing the specie for depredated Kentucky, Virgin la.aad other 8iate currency, to circulate id Ohio, to tbe manliest loss of our people. He thought it tbe duty of the Legislature to stop tbe abuse. The bill, as it stands, effectually stops all. per sons f rom circulating such psper. Mr. McCALL thought the borrower would watch tbia operation so that he would not suffer. He thought tbe bill would operate against the people, because brokers take depreciated cur rency, and pay it ont again, to tbaklt Answers all tne purposes of par currency. It often hap- fens that borrowers are glad to take this paper, f brokers ars restricted by this law, it will crip ple the capital of the country. , . - Mr. STANLEY wanted to know how a com pany which has a bill five per cent, below par wouio get no 01 it. . Mr. SMITH, I suppose, according to such an argument, he must be allowed to oheat some body. He may return it to tbe bond that Issues It, Mr. FERGUSON.. He msy sell It to tbe brokers, ineywiu aggregate such paper and send It home for redempttop. Tbis law will force all such paper out of circulation, and will oauae.the Introduction of good paper ' Mr. PARISH vras In favor of a law which would get rid of depreciated currency, but a bill which will prevent the circulation of currency that may depreciate while it is on hand, At cur rent prices, he oould not favor. Mr. FISHER was In favor of- the bill. It will drive ail depreciated money into the bands ot brokers, who will return it home and get par money It will therefore save the people much loss And annoyanee. If such money is made unlawful railrotd companies willnot buy such money to pay off tbeir employees. Mr. WHITE said the bill was introduced by s large stockholder in a bank of issue uoder the State law. The objeot of the author was to correct an evil iUroduced and sustained bv ear- pet sack broker--r Tbey assort; Ohio nOtesget the gold for tbem, make a profit on It, buy de preciated currency of other States and olroulate It here; thus exhausting the specie ospltal of tne Btato, and nooding it with depreciated ne par. Th bill I de.lgned alike to protect tbe State Bank and Brancbe, and the publio. All the profit In these transactions is ttken from tbe borrowers, because tbe per oentage which tbe orokers make on tbe banks must bs made by the banks off somebody else, or the banks are oouoo to go under. ' Mr. PARISH moved to amend tbe bill bv atrium g out tne worn "inoorporaiea,"and Insert ing "ranroad ' companies, fie was In favor of tbe object of the bill, but opposed to Its mode of operation, because it will interfere with private nuMness.:- . -- -- -The amendment was lost, and the bill read a third time. Mr. MONROE had been Inclined to vote for tbe bill, but could not do so with ths amend ment Including "incorporated companies." 1 be bill pasted yeas 34, nays 6. Those who voted In tbe affirmative were Messrs. Brewer, Bonar, Cuppy, Eison, Fer gnson, fieber, Poster. Garfield. Glass. Har rison, Harsh, Holmes, Key, Laskey, Moore, Morse, JNewman, Orr, Ferrtll. Fotwin. Sohltich smith, sprague, and White 24. Those who voted in the negative wars- Messrs. Cox, McCall, Monroe. Parish. Ready aua oteniey o. j a I r - ' -' ' . 1 Mr.M.UUK.b, from the oamm'ttee oa Corno rations other than Municipal, recommended tne passage 01 toe noujenili for tbe organist tion of market bouse companies. Tbe bill passed yeas 23, nays 0. BirokTsraoit siLfor coMuimxs Mr. MORSE, froma select nnmmlttea n"n TT B. 79 Supplementary to ths justices' set, in relation to minor criminal oases reported it back with An amendment, and recommendation pat it ptss. it gives magistrates float Jurladic tion I11 suob cases. Mr. Morse presented at elaborate report, treating thesubjeot matter of tne Din at lengtn, -,Tr. Report tabled lor printing.""" " " ' Tbe bill was referred to the Judiciary commit tee. flAST SIAD1RO , i i-( H.B 452 To authorise townahin Trustees to examine tbe books, vouchers and moneys in . l. 1 " Hiwutmip areaeurie. oantauiation bill. ' Ths Billroad Canitalisttion bill . ss smended oy tne Mouse, was agreed to by the Senate and win oe iw wnen tinned, Mr. FERGUSON called na H Ti. No Ml - Tb lease be Public Works, bit on aocouut of the absence or Mr. jom, on account of sickness. tbe motion was withdrawn. The 8enate took a lecess. ' " HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, April 12, 1861. Prayer by Rev. Mr Grammer. Mr. SCOTT, of Jefferson, moved that tha vote wnereoy the House passed 8. B. ICfi R hl.fln. ..IIm... t.. O i..-".e .,i...o ue rcuvuBiucmi. Mr. BUU I T supported ibis motion, by an ar gument based upon tbe hasty manner at lie passage under lhe, crovious aaeniion. and tha general cnaraoter 01 the bill and Its etlaot upon Mr. ANDREWS protested acaluat tha nharffa of hasty aotion en the bill, and moved to lay the ujvuvu H, rvvuueiuer ua tas tsoie. wnian waa agreed to vras ou, nays H. ' Mr. WALKER, from the committee on Pub lid HdilQlDga, reported TOkCk the. renalntirta In relation to a change of tbe seats In tbe Hall snd ths Speaker's desk, with an estimate of ths cost of the same, but making no recommenda tion. ' Mr. BURR, from the committee on Finance. a. m .va J L. 1 f T n trm rw t ' rouurwu uacs 11. a. soi 10 nrovid ror tha puronase sod distribution or Swan & Critch field's Statutes And recommended 1 passage.' me. UKUWWrJ.or Miami, made a statement of the cost snd slis of Curwln's statutes, Which was, Also offered to-th Htatat hnt ha maue do motion. ' Me. D avnl.ln.4 k- JIST. I... ..... ....iusi, u wiuvrvuuw ontwvwa Swan snd Critcbfield's snd Curwrn'a hnnlca . Mrr-t)TIERS-mered-e)' anrnnrl.--nrnnrllrreri that eoples be annulled to sheriff. ? Ai x 1 Mr. o I EDM AN booed that the -amVnflment wouiunotos adopted, and that lbs bill Itself OUld BOt DSAS.l ilm thouirhA lhara area M nul It. Sir. DEVORE eoncurreJ wllVlfff, SUuinsiu; a man wants to ba a, 4tiiluua&.tha a.. Jet h;lni bay his own boUkS. """'"'1' mfvmm- .Mr. KE.UM.sa4i thai ihla'tai i Virv TtTmVtd proposition np5n, lU'faee. to supply thsjustb. x oes of the peace wilhthsUws, while la taot It 1 w-m is to take off tbe hands of the publishers 124,. O'JO worth of hooks. jV H ' M" 1 t Mr1 RC3INSON said this mluht Appear like $ large expenditure; but be did not think the sama. amount oould be laid nut to adraota geously to th people In this direction, as lt I ii nl.A. tna laera intA lt h.nri. At th. ennat mtelllwMl mn In th tOWnhlnjvw,-,---4 "W'WJ? .?J, .!W"?,n.,pw.r,Te?n6r Mr. oppotea tne pill, ne neld that tbe Justices ongbt to buy their books. ' Tbe clnce is sought after yritn great avidity, witn usually two or three competitors, and many re ' lied upon It for a livelihood. -:,.rmm., i-rMr. FELLOWS said nothing could be more proper thao to supply tbe laws to the people If the State Imposes the office upon meu, it should supply -tbem the meana pf oorreatlr txeontln Mr. STIERS defended the bill as just and proper, aud to disencumber the bill, he withdrew bis amendment. '. ...... Mr. HILLS opposed the bill. Juatlces, be said, have the laws already, and probably would not use this book it tbey had it. It was cumber some and unwieldy. , But If It was so important to circulate; information, be would move that every minister of ths Gospel be furnished with A copy of Back's Theological Dictionary. i -Mr, HUGHES said Mr. Hills had about mads his sp6ech, except tbe Dictionary amendment ', Mr. BUdrl , of Warren, supported tbe bill He thought it important that the Juttioes should have this book, to enable them to render uni form and oarrect decisions J ' ". " Tbe Tote was taken ou ths bill, which result ed yeas 49, nays 41. ' Mr. HITCHCOCK, from the .committee on Reform Schools, made a report on tbe Reform SbOul of tbe Stale, whloh was ordered to be printed. : , ; ' t Mr. PARROPT. from the committee of Con ference outi B 146 Co enooursge the safe keepiug ol the public aims io the hands of the Voluuieer miiLia, made a report recommending that tbe Hubs rtOtds irom its disagt cement to tbe Senate amendment. ' . Mr MiSCHOuLER said we Just refused to pass a bill - to dlsetminate knowledge among tbe people in peace. ! He could hot Vote a Urge expenditure to put arms in tbeir hands and in cite to war and strife. 1 - '."-' ; !l 7! - s !.. Mr. PARROTT remarked that this bill would not prove a very efficient military measure; but it would be a beginning, a step that we should take with alaortty, when the national Capital is dally threatened with Invasion. ' 1 1. - . Mr. HUGHES opposed the bill,- ss It would be a useiese waste ot time and money. Mr. TANNEYHILL thought such a law was needed n encourage our volunteer companies, who are now sustaining a heavy expense with which they'ougbt not to be burdenid. - ' Mr. DEVORE opposed -he bill. ' He would oulttvate the arts of peaoe in time of peace, and rely upon a volunteer force raised whsn needed. The vote was taken upon receding from the disagreement, which resulted yeas 64, nays 44. Mr. CHASE moved that the vote whereby the House refused , to pass H. B 457 Relative to Swan and Critcbfield's Statutes be reconsider ed. ' - - Mr. CONVERSE urged tbe reconsideration', because of. .the Importance of supplying the statutes to Justioes. --'' Mr. NIGH supported ths motion to reconsid er, ; He presented the economical importance ofaoorreot knowledge of the -statutes, as a rsason why tbe bill should pass. . . , Mr. PLANTS said ho bad voted against the bill; but since the passage of the military bill, it seemed as if ws bad a State to support, snd he would therefore go tor circulating- Abe laws of the State- -.-, vt - r rrM?r; Mr. HUGHES had voted against- It to, savs the people from expense; but since there was no disposition to savs, be was for making the dose heavy enough to nauseate. K I Mr. KRU M said hs could see no reason for re lying 00 this book for tbs correct Action of jus tices. Tbey are; already in possession of the laws; And worse than that, justices are govern ed As mveh by common law as by statutes.- We might as well undertake to supply them with a law library." He, therefore, moved to lay the motion ou the table, which was disagreed to .... OC M ' ".'"..r.2. " ' V!.' " ri ; . - - - Mr. BALiUWiN opposed the reconsideration: He said that, tbe voting of one expenditure was no reason lot making anouierr and be appealed to members to consider whether ths money in the treasury bsfore tbey vote It out. ' If re considered, be would tuggsst that . tbe bill be amended so as to aothoriza county commission ers to make the purchase for their own counties. U tbey thought best.; , AS'. i(l H'i'.'f '.) Mr. DEVORE was for the reconsideration. Mr. TANNEYHILL favored the reconsider ation, and gave a history of bis experience with swan's statutes in support of bit position. . . 1 ne motion to reconsider was agreed to, when ins nin was pasted yaa 00, nays af. Mr. MONaHAN moved that the vote where by tbe Home refused to pass S. B. 195 To en roll tne miiitisroe reconsidered. ' I , Mr. WOODS moved to lay ths motlonon thd tible, which was disagreed to yeas 40, nays 54 The rota wag taken on the reconuderatioD. woien resuitea yeas oj, nays 41 After a long contest, known . ander tha term of filibustering atb House oame to a vote on tbe passsge of the bill, which resulted yeas 64, nay4u. The House then took a recess. ' - 1 - A Paragraph to be Perused. Ws should bs doing inlusttce to the 'nubile, whom we profess to serve, if we should remain quietly In our sanctum and j deny M.r Kennedy uv ureuit mat ia uue ior presenting to tne At fllcted his Medical Discovery: and the thou- sands who have been cured might well, upbraid us, ana tne pains 01 toe sice, and perhaps tbeir death, might be upoa our bead, should we with- noid tne knowledge that we possese in relation to tbe healing powers of this medloine. After bavlng been an eye-witness to tbs ours of ssvar. si remarkable catei Of bnmor after oon versing with persons who have been cured, and sinoe perusing the certificates of others, .we csnnot flodterme strong enoush. In which to speak of mis great curer 01 Boroiuia, caniter, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and such like evils. 1 1 1 1 ., Hollows y's Fills scd Olntmint The Elixir I of life. Ponce de Leon And hi comnanlona anns-hk In rain for the fabled water ot rejuvnesence,amtd the oraage groves snd flowery meadows of florid, it was Isft for, Hollowsy to discover the true antidote to Concha. Cold. Aathm.. Sciofuls, Sore Leg, Ulcers, Barns, Scalds, &c, iu ui aumiraoie rmeais or rills and Ulnt- men', which bsvs betn-sstonisbinc . tba wuno cor epwarqs 01 nuv veers, bv their ma. veuooe cures In every tine of dlsea.a SnM h all Drumji.u, at 25 cts- 63 ots , and fil per box t?4l WEW ADVERT1SEMEWTS. ( COPAUTNEHBHIP NOTICE. HAVE THIS DtXr ASSOCIATED Wl h me. in tbe Oroear. baelau.. Mr iniu NI3WNDCH. Tba bu.lne,. will h,.fu.ia dao-ed under lhe Arm aame i Dimim A KsiswnrDia. at lh. nil at ..4 w. aa - -. l , . . ' pmuu, w, w evnn nigu eireei. Columbus, April 10, 1861-prll:41w " ' j -0rics or Oolombos 0a XionT A Oon O i Coiombc. Oajo, April 11. 1851.- T?Kl.l,lu't "teBfuio r the A Stockholders of this Company will beheld at their Oace.ln theOlty of Oolnmbus.oa MONDAY, 1111 Sid apllnltd. ... tiii-i icui, at o-cioca r. a y n I 'W) Z, . MILLS, laoretary. t HON. EDWaMIO EVERETT Xzx ..QoltLmbua. noif. iWnt) IttftiTT Wlt'c'iioTtrlti ! 'ARMORY 1 HALL', i 01 SATT BOAT AND OIDAY IVENINSS. rr or'fBf;:'18! TaOHuMT. " Evening "THB CgBg Of Ag- TlokeU 85 otnt. cXeMrfd eats 50 Ssnby. , :,T Doors open at 7 e'clook. Lectures Ut sommene -Tickets for restVytoffinrs taarps hat duflnr the da Baturdy, April 13th, at the Hal" " "? XtF' WAN TB DM(JPHT TO SELL paekaeee f STATirmaav tk.,. rl rrlets e.u.ird toss than can bp.rehate4 ele-where -isJ n V ("mp ) 1. BA1 i K Y, No. a-wsiawnt, evKHf 71 S nv ma ATE TB ACRCSi avr-nnfiiitrinsr. INO LAND. one half mil. rrnm 0,1. ..n. for u,i ir to r!?; HiT1 n sjv "riAUtFf sw VaVAaAaial i KB ST AND BABIOAL COHB Or SPERu ATOIlttbit A Seminal Weakneat. Bexual Debility, Menroumeu.Ia , is SPECIAL NOTICES, MANHOOD. 1 BOW LOST, BOP BC8,!0BBO. JUPT PUBLIBHED, 0!( TH1 NATtTBC, TRBA yolunury BmUtlons and Impotenoy, reiultiog from Beir-abu-s, a By Root. J. Oulverweit. m. a. Sent under teal, la a plala envelope, .to any addrcss,poet iaia. -on- raoeiptof two etaope, ny vr. uuas. j. 1 , tl.INB. 187 Bowery. New York. Poit Office Box. No 4,588. ..,....., .,.. . . - . marSl:3ai)Aw HTJHXEWSLL'S rot All IHUUA1' and LUNG ' COIflPtAINTB, inolndlngr TVIIOOF1NU ' COTJGII, and every Complaint the forerun ner of, and eren actual CONSUMPTION, t '' ,-. .UNIVERSAL 'cough EUHXEWBLt'i - ..V0 ' T0LU The Great NEDHALa OiC KKiUfclMT and Nat ural OPf A'S'U, adapted to every apeclea of Ner on Complaint, Ner. and Chronic Headache, lihonma. tln. Catarrh, Tooth and Ear Ache, Loa of AI70DTVE.llaint. t No real Jul tic oau be don tbe above preparations but by procuring and reading descriptive pimplrleti,'. be found with all dealer!, or will be ten! by Proprietor on demand. Formula and Trial Bottle tent to Phyei eltnt, who will And developments Jn both worthy tneli aoceptanos and approval. Oorreapopdei oe aollolted from all whose necaeiltlee or eurioilty prompu to a trial of the above reliable Kerne dies. , . for tale by th usual wholesale and retail dealer everywhere. . JOHN JU lirjNltEWELL, Proprleto ,.: CHkMIBT ADO PRAAMAOSOTIST, Ho. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass. fisnlg. O. Denlg A Sons, A. J. nooena m aamuei, If. B. Marpl. J. B. Cook, J. at Bcnueiierason, Airants for uoiumbus. Ohio. myl.dly , . , iUUt f AT'S JLItJtl tflLL,B. ! In all eases of ooetlveneee, dyapepala, UlUous and Uyei affections, pilot, rheumatism, fsvers ud agues, obsti nate heal aches, and all general derangements of health tbte Fills hav Invariably proved a eertaln and speedy remedy. - A stngl trial will place th Life Ptlle beyond the reach ofoompetltlou In tht estimation of every pa tient. , . ' Dr. Hoffat't Phosnlx Bitters will bs found equally ef flcaclous In all cases of nervous debility, dyspepel, bead ache, th atcknet Incident I females In deUuats health, and (very kind of weakness of ths digestive organ. For sals by Dr. W. B. MOfFAT, S3J, Broadway, R. I. and by all Druggist. ..." ' mayS2-dtwly ' ,Thr following it an extract from a letter written by the Eev. J. B. . Holme, paster of ths Plerrepolnt-BtreetBaptiet Church, Brooklyn, N. T.,t tht "Journal and Meeaenger," Olndnnati, O . , and epeaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, alas . Wwslow's Boom 1 no Bracr ro CitiwRm TrrrHmoi "Weeeean advertlament la year column of Vat WOtsLOw's BooTBim Braor. Row w ntver aald a word In favor of a patent medicine before tn our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers that this Is no hum bug WS BAVB TIU IT, AID K-.OW IT TO B A IX IT oiAias. It la probably one of th moat tureetsful meJI-. eineaoftheday. beoauet it It one of the belt. And thos of your readers who hav babies can't do better than lay In a supply." , edf7:lydAw " A M E,E TING ' ":-: OF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 62 EAST TOWN STREET. WAR! WARM WAR!!! OWINO TO THIS WAR BETWEEN th Union and tht Sunny South, I hav aoncluded to sell out t , ;M" Y GOODS, 1 " ivin :JJXJlLsO,V7" COST, " ' Ths stock conilits of the largest lot of WHITE GOODS, T In th city of Columbus; JACONETS, : ; CAMBRICS, BRILLIANTS, , - ESlZBALDAS, I .-.-;...- - . MTJL18, " 1 - ntm, SOFT FINISH CAMBRICS, .;" COiLABI, D0ING8. 8KTST BBATTJ. i B0SI8BT, PINS, BTJTT0NI, STJBPZHDEBS, BOOKS AND E7XS, sad all kinds of . ... rr NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES; ths beet HOOP SKI UTS la Columbus, snd st the -,-! lovmtprte. ' Wholeaalo and Retail. Then, ladles, all, bslh great sod small, ' Come, give me a 'call, And then you'll find A..3L S. Btobaue T..II W:. rt ' A. H. K. 8TORRTK. A..n, I Bemcmber the War I Mo. 61 Town etreet, aprll:d3m . Columbus, Ohio NEW ARRIVALS ; 1 ' -i I . t : , ,. '. 1 ' ( Spring & . Summer MilHn,eiy. ' i The Stock Replenlsjied I j ; DATTdY V. moia VA.TT.BT IMPORTATIONS Of " ( '"NEW YORK. 1 I fc. . I ' .. n - MY STOCK Of . - - Spring & Summer Millinery Is now oomplote, oomprlilng every variety of Mlilln iTi alto, a Urg assortment of Imbrolderies, Hosiery and Notions, fco., and In quantities and price that eaaj not fall to suit all who may favor us with a call. Th goods hav been bought at Panic pricei, and will be told : at a small advance on cost. . milliiieby! " , I t . Miss M. E. YOUNG, late of Nsw York City, Wilt raperlntend th Millinery Department. Eer long experience In th most faihlonabl Istabllahmtnt In Broadway will alone be a warranty that th will be able to glv entire satisfaction In matters ot fait to all wha may favor her wtlhthelrorden, . . The Ladles of Oolumbui and vicinity will Diet ac eept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I would respectfully .elicit a eoatlouanc of th aame. ' IL H. WARE, :v; . , 68 East Town lt.r Cslumknsi o. sprll-d3m-cd .t .L-.:.- " . .. .1 1 t( TO BUSINESS MEN. 'A W',1EX0EI.LENT CnANCB EOR ., . relllb la liuinau ma. la . -a.i.t. - !J?V 0,,,0,,,i requiring but a small capital la lit eatahllahmentenil nrn Bil. - ' V ,,H,n.a Themanafaoturt eoneleti ia th application of a na. ', collar compoettioaormaaMl Sooommen red brM. iai a variety of other bell in material, ornamental reh"? rtetural finishings, tellings, tile for Boors an to T Thii tmmel may h Bated of any eeloft from lh iA i r",, rNHty almost Incredible., hod 1 beauty turpaialng that of the rareet and moil ooatly -1 of th variegated marolei. and, anlike tbem, le Impervl- Owe to moUture, and will never fade stain, or detethtr- I at, costing but a fractional part of the priieef ordinary marble, .:....., y a.- rm ' It I alaevalnaU. t wvu u.4 .k..a a. ,i pieeee. monument. . nl . . Mriw ..t.t ni nii.u r.L. km f s'aple us. Tba arooweof applying the enamel Is simple, while the articles enameled wilt command a ready aale, affurdiu lam omnia. Batata tble -tartle may Prooare lloenaci for mmnuboturlni under the at-. Mfor anydty or pmlnaat etwn io tbe United Bute. ' by applying to th lubMriMr .A small tarlg oa th ar- T tioleamannfactnred will be reaulred ror the of the invention. Circulate giving lull particular will be for- "' Warded to all appltcaau. ' The moerior merit tad bsmty ef this enameled build ing material to anything in uao ha th unqualified la- . ... dortementof many of the moet eminent archiUett and teientln men of this and other title. ,r . -... 0 ' ' for particular! address - - i -jfjHarifJir ,?aiit?'f"9'.,l flil Awenta fnr Xnamelad lulldlnw lr.,..l.i.'w ,. p9d3di. : '.' S3 WAB3AP ST., YORK. r.;'. STELLA SA v LSI ol A KIjMjA i SUAvi.BH ia all iteslrabit colon. n ... 1 1 ia all Koslrabkioolora, and at yer ,i great brtfiui.j. r i apru Sv.Svf9HH,tasuet.