Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1. B61 LOCAL MATTERS. The Adding Express Company places OS dall oniler obligation to It for Ue erj latest papers from to eastern cities. 'li J ? Vv .'' , - . H ' - -i' - , ' " ' The American ExpreM Company has our thanks for He daily favors In the snaps of the very latest eastern papers. ., A Cvcut or GoonBog E. D. Mansfield, Esq., Commissioner of Statistics, remarki In big last Teport that' the corn crop of 1860 wag probably the largest ever grown In this State, in consequence of moderate ralni tt geagonable tines, and the absence of unseasonable froetg Late froste and heavy rains were the main causes of the deficient crops and lack of fruit in the years between 1855 and 1660. In the latter year, the uniformity of climate seems to have returned. Durine 1860. we had no extraor dinary, cold, or froste, or rains; and tbe year presented, on tbe whole, a fair average of ell mate In this reebn considering the constant effort whioh nature makes to return to her normal condition. Till some remote eauae pro duces spasmodic changes, we may hope for cvcle of favorable years and good crops. "It is," says Mr. . Mansfiild, "scientifically Im probible that we shall have a speedy return of winters cold enough to kill the peaoh trees, frosts in June hard enough to kill wheat, or rains In May or June to prevent corn-planting These will doubtless return at some time) but the observed laws of meteorology seem to prove that tbe cycles of good and bad seasons are regulated by some uniform cause, which is, at present, too remote to be understood, but .whioh certainly exists " In the midst of our great national and flnan cial troubles, It is certainly enoouragltig to be told by learned and scientific weather prophets that we may rationally expect a cyole of good seasons. So far the present season seem to promise that the prediction will bold good for 1861. Let the opportunities It may afford for inore&sing the stock of our agricultural and po mological productions be Improved. Theatrc Benifit civ Miss St. Claib. To night a bill of unusual variety and strength Is offered for the complimentary benefit of the ad mirable aotresr, Miss Sallie St. Clair. Forthe first time Mr. Charles Barraa. new Fairy Drama "The Fairy of Home" or "Tbe Paint er s Dream " ' To be followed by the convoking comedy of Tbe Hypochondriac, with Mr. Charles Barras in his great original personation of Vertigo Morbid, which has only to be seen to be realised as the most side-splitting por traiture on the stage. The performance will conclude with Tbe Young Aotress, in whiob Miss. St. Clair personates five characters, and dances several dances. : Such a bill will doubt less fill the House to overflowing. Thi Quacks Cosvodnoed. Unskillful. men are vainly striving to impose on the community their weak, noxious compounds, as good, whole omo Saleratns; while James Pyle, with his pure Dietetic, furnishes the market with a good and wholesome article. "Depot, 345 Washing ton Street, New York. Sold by grocers every, where. O Thomas S. Woods has sold the Oki Pa triot, published at New Lisbon, Columbiana county, to T. G. Houston, by whom It will be hereafter conducted. We wish the Patriot suo cess and prosperity. It has been well conduct ed by Mr. Woods, and no doubt will continue to be so by Mr. Hodston. . 1 , UTTiiE DitTaioT Convention of Sabbath Schogl officers and teachers of the M. E. Churches, whioh met in the Town street Churou, on Wednesday morning, the 10th Inst, itinnmiut tn tha first Wednesday in June, when it is expected there will be a more general at tendance of delegates.', AaaiVAU at the O. P. Yesterday the Sher iff of Brown oonnty, brought to the Penitentiary two conviota, both convloted of burglary, and sentenced, one for three, and the other for five years. Tbo number of prisoners now in the Penitentiary is 978. ' (rf'TBE Early Days or Franklin" is the subjeot of tbe lecture which will be delivered by Edward Everett, at Armory Hall, to-morrow (Saturday) eveuing. ' On Monday evening, be will lecture at the same place, on 'TbeUses of Astronomy.'', ' .' tJ ,.' LtTGen. Carrinoton bsd a full house last night, at Armory Hall. Different opinions are expressed as to the merits of bis lecture. The Journal of this morning appears to be satisfied with It. . : y , ,. IT Messrs. Steusr & Co are preparing to manufaoture, this season , a large quantity of choice brick for buildiug purposes. Orders may be left at the north east oorner of Fourth and Mound streets.' ' . " . . '. ' .. O" One hundred and fourteen persons were added during the late revival to, the Town street Methodist Charoh, under the charge of (he Rev. Jot-Era M. Trimble. " Eoohdaboct. Why is a bee hive like a bad potato? Eeeause a bee-hive is a bee bolder, and ft beholder is a spectator, and a speck-tater is a bad potato. " " .! tT Why are the Charleston ladies fond of gallants! Because they bate gtmral Beast- MOTOAL LlFC INSDIANCS COMfANT OF NW Yoix. Parties having policies in this company will take notice that Mr. Fauiiucx J. Fat has been appointed scent for this city. This Is very responsible company it assets now amount to nearly reven wiiUfsitS ef dtllar. All persons desiring to insure in a responsible office, will find it to their advantage to call on the agent, All the proflts are divided among the Jusaradj.,.,,,. . . , . . Wood's. Hah Eistohtivb has acquired a reputation from aotaal teat and experiment whiob cannot be enbapoed by newspaper puffs In oar own vicinity it has been extensively need, and we believe la every case with every desired result, and receives the universal endorsement of all who have tried it. . We therefore recom mend U as one of those, tew geaulnewtwfrtrmi rhich accomplishes all it professes, and all th bald and gray oould desire. ooiumoia apy. t ..- 5 :i i i i i ( ,, Good. We met one of our friends yesterday on Broadway( and were astonished at the change id his appearance. ' A few weeks ago we saw . him, he wae pale', lean aod deieotedi complain 1ns; of weakness and debility, having beeo so eiuicted all summer, Plow be appears to be fat. healthy and strong;. ' we learn be owed bis toratloa, entirely to AIcLzan's STxsoTHXNiNe . We advl all who are oomplalnliiB; of Gen oral Deliility to try it t It Is certainly t rtn pleasant remedy.' We learn that there are kfee quaotitiM of it selling dftily. ATwiiiny HtrM i b CT We congratulate our readers open tbe discovery of a oore for Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, ind all Mercurial Diseases, which is effected without theuse of internal medloinee, which destroy the constitution and give tempo rary relief only. Ia (aot it is the only known remedv effectlnt a t.f.ot our., and we feel warranted, from its recommendations, In calling the attention of the afflicted and those having friends suffering from Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia, or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to the advertisement la another column of our Daner. of Dr, Leland's Anti-Rheumatlo Band, D R. Kiskfatbick, No. 165 South High Street, baa a very choice assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver ana riatea ware, at prices to suit tne times HT See advertisement of Prof Millrb's Hair Invigorator In another column. LD" All should read Prof. Wood's advertise ment In another column. tVTTrnMnnwin tin ur U XJXIXX OXi X O M3JXU13IXI BEAUTIFUL., AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! AVB spbino stock is sjwijairAi- J lj tarn and well aawrted. Tha Terr Utttt patterns I from AMEKIOaN, XNQLISU aod f BKXOU faotortw. GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. Gold and Velvet Borders, SPLENDID DECORATIONS, SUDELiIGHT AND 1 FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, . GOLD WTTTWVT AfTT mai TTnnM WINTinW MR H N if! ES. r BUFF, BLUE, ' AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXTUBE8, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES V VfT r? A - ii aw i RANDALL & ASTON, lOO aoixtll TT1gl3.Qt. COLUMBUS, O. M. B. Landlords and persons wishing quantities of Paper will make Money by laying of as, Ooantry Merchants and persona from abroad will do wall to call and ate as. aprll l-dSmeodl GREAT CUBE. DR. LELAND'S A WTUDTJCIlRf AT1T D k KT 1 1'ttnLUiuAl 1L DAaI U. IS THE ONLY TCNOWN REMEDY FOR Eteumalism, Gout and Keuralgia, AND A 8UB1 OTJHB I0E - - . Mercurial Diseases. All Tt Is a conveniently arranted Band, eontalnint a med. lea ted oompoond. to b woro aroood th Waist, wlthoat injury to in most deiicat prmn; no cnanire in oatxts I. llTlor la naulrod. and It entirely renor tn die esse from th system, withont produciog th Injurious eireots aneing rrom tn ns or powenui internal raeai ine. whioh weaken and destroy tb eonstimtion, and it tmorary raiwr only, try mis ireaunent toe med icinal properties contained In th Band com In contact with . th blood and reach th dlseas, through th pore tn win, (trectiog tn ry Instance a pertect car. and raetorlng the parts affllcttd to a beal'by condition, This Bend U alio a mott powerful ATtMjtoout awnt, and will entirely nllev thr syetem from itt ptnuoiovt effMts of Mercury. Moderate are con-d In a fw day, and w ar constantly nciiTing testimonials of its I dBcaov In anraratcd imh rf lone standing Paica S.0, to be had of Drag gist generally, or oaa sen toy mall r npre, with full directions for ni. to any part of tb country, direct from th Principal vino, Ho. 409 BROADWAY, Ksw York. G. SMITH tit CO., Sole Proprietors. H. DeecriptlTe Circulars Sent Ire. Hj Aajent Wanted Everyivkere mhaaiylsorlitp.dfcw of on ult- for Will Ids; ed of or as by fal ed as NOTICE. HATE MOLD TO MR. HENRY WIL- comer of High and Gay treu to th HuuUiwett oorner f Broad and Blah strta, Oolumbua. Ohio. with many masks to my lormar natrm andensMsa ere, I raepwtfully rqueet th cootinuano of their fa vors to my saoonaor. MlSMJfttX H. MNMi. Uoiumbus, AprU 1, 1W1. DRtTGTORE. TTATINO PUBCH1SED THE DRTJQ XJL SIORN of Mr. Bmrav U. Nut, I hare opened anew on th Soatht comer of Broad and High streets, uoiumrjue, unio oin0 in out oeu rxuaou nana or sao onatiMvs j or many ytan. I hav a freak and well lta aUck of iW Iftdl- 4fM. aod'wr OhtmicdU, togthr with fahitt, OiU, ramwwi, on. uiuany sept in saon an tstannsnmeni. 1T7 JrstascaiiTioii oaretai'J and promptly compound- Store open at all hoar of the day and ntgM. I respectfully soUolt th patrraag of th public. MINE! WIL80S. Oolnmbttj, iprll 1, lMl-apr6:dlu I . ' THE SIUITJAli JLI1FB - air NEv.yoBK. . ft Winston, President, J Iao Aaaarr, iscrstary, Het Cask Aaaetet Ftraatrr Is 1801 00.000,030.74. SlCEJCST COMPJJTT IS TUX U2TJTS2 STATSSI 0AU th Pnlts ar dlTliad aaaoBf the UtnradXrr! ApplloatlcnS and Pamphlni canb had by applying to I , ul&ED'K J. FAY, AoawT, , , Carpentsrs IvlldUf U7 BonfJi , Hlgli I tree t. apr v aim - . , - REMOVAL. - ; t3m Doylo db Oo. it HAT BBHIOTBD TWEIR OFFICE a the Boutb-w oror ef Blgk and friead streets, - - . "UP STAIRS," M wilt ontlna to keep ea hand a large stool 'BOOTS AND SHOES. The attOtlm ef VeRhanM ..1 TIL u .ru ?T" B. Dt YLB k Oo .r,sjf TTaVVCTti mtt '1TM.Y ' r OTJR a Miooa af urMMrtaa In ni u . H . ni l . a.i lull rSOOBUaanaautt losur eic patroi,, r,i frVene. thus. WALKaat tuiri Oolub(a,KrtvlJ9l,ia0l.-tl-4lJ. ' TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From New York. r Niw Yoix, April 11. A special dispatch to ' wasu.ngwn.saysaaispa CD from Charleston, dated noon to-day, says all Is quiet, out tne troops are prepared for immediate ser vice. . ' Two companies of Virginia troops left Rich, mood last evening lor Charleston. It is sup posed they go to reinforce Geo. Beauregard' command. Before leavine Waahineton. tbe Confederate Commissioners sent to Secretary Seward a reply to (be positions assumed in his answers to their demands Tbe Commissioners of the Confederate States for eupod. wouid leara Havana on the 6ih Inst.. on the Britiah steamer to Southampton. Washington. April 11. Tbe Commissioners of tbe Confederate States have taken their de parture. Tbe President has appointed Ezra Lincoln to the 8ub Treasurynhlp at Boston. Col. Lamon. of Illinois, has taken the oath as Marshal of this District. Tk... I. .....U ! .1 Ik.t u ruu iu vuv ruuiur vU.uSw re to be made in tbe Cabinet. [Special dispatches to the Post.] The President still hones for peace, although be apprehends tbe occurrence of a collision at Charleston at any moment. He declared, this morning, however, that he thought no decisive event would take place fill Saturday Savannah, April 11 Orders were Issued yesterday prohibiting vesssls passiog Fort Pu labki without previous information ot a pacific onaraoter. vessels are required to atop and send a boat to the wharf at Cockspurs Island, to convey a oommissioDsd officer aboard to make an examination. Advices from Pensacola state that from the navy yard to tbe light bouse, two and a half mllee, all the guns are ranged to bear on Fort riekeos and command the channel. New York, April 11 A Havana letter of " to tbe Bxprtu ssys, tbe annexation of Dominica to Spain Is fully confirmed. The ar my to sustain the movement consists of seven thousand men and four Spanish steam fr Bates The whole matter only awaits the Queen's rati floatlonj President Santa Anna, of Dominica, having formally proolalmsd her. Tbe Pott says it is reported that the areata of tbe Confederate States received the cold shoulder in unmistakable terms by several of our largest capitalists, In tbe matter or tbe loan or tne seceded states. The Commercial eavs that the report that Jeff. Davis had telegraphed to Charleston not to fire on vessels carrying mere supplies to Sumter, is confirmed by a dispatch from Charleston to a shipping house here. u be [Special dispatch to the Herald.] New Oxlxans. April 11. A disoatch to dais from Ex-Gov. Roman, Commissioner to Wash lngton, says Sumter and Pickens are to be at tacked, but double whether war follows. Tbe Delta's Montgomery dispatch, to dav. y it um neeo reeoirea 10 atiaca oumier ana Kokos Immediately on the arrival of the Uol- ted States fleet New Yoif. Aorll 11 The fommlaalonera tbe Confederate States sailed from Havaca the steamer Clyde for Europe. A schooner arrived at Key West on tbe 27th from New York, with ordnance and stores Fort Taylor. The supplies ere very exten sive, and embrace all appliances for a long siege New Yore, Anil 12 Some of the troom whioh arrived per the steamer Coatzalcoalcae VtAkalll A IV.IkmIm. 1 - A I "dr - five tbe for to tor From Washington. rom tneir lunouons, it nas oecome impracU AH cable to continue the privilege of bonding lor Washington, April 11. Receipts from Cus. tB ot tbetwo weeks ending April 9ib, I860, were i1.u,-.n, ana tor tbe two correspond weeks this year $1,5000,667; Increase, $39,416. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury open bids this evening. Tbese exceeded tbe amount Treasury notea offered, namely: tt.901.000 about $439,000 at rates ranging from par to 87.100 premium. The Treasury is now In rood conaiuoni no part or tbe proceede of last week' loan nas yet been used, nor will it be used for some time. Receipts from customs for two or three weeks met have nearly equalled all thedemanda on tbe 'ireasurv. I be Secretary of tbe Treasnry has prepared a circular of Instructions to collectors customs. 1 be circular oonoludee as follows; The control of the warehouses of tbe Govern ment in the several States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tex and fiorida, bavins been usurped under the alleged authority of these States, and the offi cers of customs acting under the authority of tbe umiea atatee naviog peen loroibly exoluded ZSSZZiA B tbU do entries for transporilon ia bond to ihoie fww vtu uj per ui i bhvu uutjii utuorwiio uirwfcca this Department. In the case of merchan dlie entered for transportation before tbe re ceipt, by the Coltieton, of tbese instrtotlone, transportation bond to tbe porta of South Caro lina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida a.d Texas, will be canoelled on pay ment of tbe duties at the Collector's office at the port of destination, after the United States officers at suob port have ceased to issue tbe law cancelling certificates. V. M Jackson, ef Madison, bos b;cn appoint Marshal, and J. B Cogswell, of Milwaukee, nlihlftt iitwiM AfWIaMnal,, V. " " , "V, pXit Pl.t ...m The meu of the West Point Flying Artillery, now in Washinston,reoelved orders to keen their revolvers constantly loaded, to be readv lor im- mediate action. Part of the volunteers will be stationed at the bridge across tbe Potomac so to defend It rrom an invading force. JN early one thousand men are enrolled for regular ser vice irom tbe ranis ot tbe Distriot militia. Those wbo refused to take tbe oath of alle giance were marohed bank to the Armory, die- armea.ina in sir names stricKen from tbe roils. Misses from tbe spectators aooompanied their disappearance from the parade ground. Uen. iadwailader, of tbe let Brleade renn sylvania Militia, haa been ordered borne imme diately by the Governor. The movement is supposed to be In connection with the OCCUpa loo of the Capital by PtnuaylraDla yoluntcere. : Got, Hicks, of Maryland, has been In con sultation with tbe Prealdent for several hours to-dar. He eame here with feelings of resret at ua eonrse toe Administration bad taken in us seeming ooerolre polioy. But when the Govern or heard the reasons for the present eonrse of the rreetdent and bis advisers, and understood the record by whioh they bad been guided, he modiflea his opinion to a very great extent. vVasbinotoii, April ia. unly one wire is orklng South, and that badly. There is not a word from any point South, thus tar. The Virginia Commissioners arrived here this morning. . , meu iu. Pild Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Cash I From Boston. Boston, April 11. Tbe working foroe at the Cbarleatown Nary Yard has been Inoreased to 1.300 men. Rantd Dronesa Is mada tn fittlntr out the Minnesota, Mississippi, Colorado, and the eloop-of war Vincennes, for sea. The latter is destined for thecoutoi Africa, to relieve tne Portsmouth. The Niagara Is shortly expected to arrive at this station. During the session of the LetrUlature, the Governor haa been authorised to inorease tbe number of the volunteer military, and put 3,000 woods on a war looting.' AB emergency iocs was placed at tbe disposition of the Governor! but afterwards was withdrawn at his request. Tbe Legislature refosed to pass a bill for the abolition of eapltal punishment, as also to further protect the freedom of speech, 1 No ao- tlon wu taken on tbe resolves or tbe various States having reference to the political oondl tlon of the oountry, copies of whioh were trans Bitted to the legislature by tha uorsrnor Fobt KsABBkr. April 11-Orders were tele graphed bare jeeterda for Col. Miles, the beeAaaaiters 01 n ana t oompeBiee loias try, to march without delay so Fort Leavea- rth.- a-- " - - ' Whsn these troops leave, this post will hare 1 only one oompany 01 dragoons lor Its garrison w ru ; ' is " 1 ti -m 1 1 1 v - "Bosroit. Aorll 11. Jtfseph T. Baoklnehsm died this BibroHif ; aged It. ' He Was formerly mA tn nf ih ltnatnn CourUr. " - , Dr. Falfrei assumed , tbe offioe ol Fostnaster tO-fJ;. d. K" 1 ' ' -fveit TCiiUiirroif,' April ll.if ft Is romoreJ 'that Qen. Beamgarti aal ismaaaea tne eraoaauo: f Fort Banter. From New Orleans. New Orleans, April 11. Three companies ol the first regiment of infantry and the New Or leans Cadete left tbla evening lor fenaaoola. Several companies of New Orleans militia have rolnnieered their aervloes, and will leavethortlv. Tbe military enthusiasm has reached the high. est pitch, and recruiting is progressing rap idly, . i e . . . ' A resolution was offered in tbe Board of As sistant Aldermen appropriating tlOO.OOO for the protection of tbe city against invasion. - It was referred. , , . The steamship Havana, from Havana on the 7th, has arrived. Her markets are anticipated. Messrs Host and Yanoey sailed for Europe on board the steamer Clyde. Tbe steamer Coatzaooalcas left two eompa Dies ot tbe first Infantry at Key West, and pro oeeded to New York. Toe aohoooer Marv P. Hudson arrived on the 97th. from New York, with ordnance and ord nance stores and supplies for Fort Taylor. They are very extensive, and embraoe all the appliances for a prolonged siege. From Texas. Galveston, April 9. It is reported that the United States troops left ia Texas design con centrating at some given point. The Star of tbe West and Empire City are still off Indian ola. Tbe Mexicans at Matamoras have planted cannon pointing toward Brownsville. Tbe Legislature has passed a bill dividing tbe State Into Congressional distriois. Also, a bill to issue State bonds for one million dollars, to be scoured by a epscial tax. ' Fort Eearnet. April 11 The Pony Express. with California dates to ibe 30ih, passed here at o'oiock tbia morning. , Tbe Joint committee appointed bv the Leeis lature to Investigate the alleged mistake in the count of votes of the recent Senatorial eleotlon, have coooluded tnat no election has taken place. Joint resolutions were passed by both bouses to go into another election. It is represented that incuoueai is willing to abide tbe reiult of an. other Convention. Charleston, April 11. Roger A. Prvor has been appointed ou Beauregard's staff. Ueauregard, at si o clock, demanded tbe sur render of Fort Sumter, whiob Anderson declin ed, probably with a reservation it is currently reported that negotiations will opened to-morrow between Anderson and Beauregard about tbe surrender of Sumter. Richmond. Aorll 11. Mr. Scott offered In Convention an amendment to the 14th resolu tion, contemplating; a Congress of tbe Border stales, in tne event or a response not being made by the aon-slaveholding Suites. No ac tion taken. . V There ie less excitement in the city. " Washington, April 11. Tbe Southern Com misaioners left for tbe South to dav. Their last communications bave not been divulged. Tbe balance In tbe Treasury last month is millions one hundred and eixtv-one thou sand dollars. I PmLADiLtHiA, April 11. Ail the officers of IMavy Yard bave been ordered to be ready aotive service within ten days, and to report tbe frigate Minnesota on tbe 1st, and the Mississippi on the 13th of May. BorrALO, N. Y., April 13 The Canal Com missioners at Syracuse to-day resolved that tbe oanals of this State shall be open and be ready business tne nrst ot May. ' Niw Yoix, April IS. The steamship Vandbeibilt proceeded to the Navy Yard this morning, having been chartered by tbe Govern ment. MoNTooMiar, April 11. Over seven thousand have been offered trom tbe Birder States. Ntw Yost, April 11 Lieut. Talbot and R. lbew, arrived here to-day. 0 5 ,n iv at m per 70; 39 rir . red hay THE MUTUAL BENEFIT IlE INSDK4NCE COMPANY, i " . - OF ' ' JSTGfjvetm., CT. T. Dlrldena Jannarjr 1 f 180 1 45 Per Cent. A83KT8 fJ,8l3M 50. Statement Jsnssjarr 1 1881 Balnnca, per statement Jan. 1st, 1860 (3,406,58 2 39 Reoelted for Premlume dur ln th ier ISO 1763.033 SI ' ' Becclved for Intorcst daring tb year 1660 B14.0M 10 Total reoelrj'e for 1860....S977.0C7 74 Claims by Death, 267,050 00 r Policies lurrtn- dertd 41,11129 ' (alariea, Post age, Taxes, ex change, ate 31,850 M Oummlialons to AscnU 51,393 30 PhyslcUns' fees. S W60 7J ' Annuities 1.S17 00 . Dlrldends dor- Ing th j ear 160,500 73 363,091 63 111,978 14 Pet Balanc Janoary 1st, 18C1 , 3,813,338 30 A83BTB. on hand 9 CT84 IS ' Bonds and Mortgages cat Heal Bitat, worm donoi in amount loaned 8.397.P41 68 rreminm Motes, on Policle In foroe, only drawings per ent. Interest. 1.S79.H64 17 Kit e B0.803 97 Loansontorlp 6,93144 Premiums, Holes and fjaih, In conn oi iranamisaion.... b,ih 71 Total Assets. 13.612,536 50 7,675 Policies In fore. Insuring SAt4B6i538 1,433 new Policies hav been Issued during th year After a careful calculation of tha present va'ne of tb outstanding Policies of the Company, and having the tistystfirt amount In reserve therefor, tbe Directors nave aeoierea a Divmrno or ao per cent, on the Premi ums paid at th table rates, to all policies for life In force, Issued prior to January I, I860, payable according to th present ml of th Company. Bate for all klndaot Llf Contingencies, Firspect ueei, Statements, and Appl'catlona, will b furnished wiTaooT causae, at th uine or Agencies of th Com' pany. ROBT. I.. PATTERSON, President. L. C.GROVBR, Vic President. BIN. O.MILLBR, Secretary. II. H. HKESOTf Jgtnt, ' '' No. 4 Johnson Block, March 89, 1801. Columbae.0. FIRST OPENING OP THE SEASON '"''IjOf ; . , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ATF.ROSE'S. T A041N OFFER TO THE PUBLIC JL'en entlr new stock of Goods In my llot.Jual purcb aaed in Mew Tork at tbsohtapett panic rates .all of which ahall sell al to smaiisai prcqts, for b'eso. isy custom and friend ar respectful Ii invited to call and exua. mv Good and Piles, as I am determined lo sail t cheD or cbtaser than any other hous In vholty:and at I do my own cutting, and superintend my own busl nsss, I feel assured , trom my long experience lo easi ness, lo giv general tatltfaoUon. Th fine at ef work men ar employed, and all week don itiictly lo tim and on short notice, and warranted to at. strangers nailing our city would insult their Interest try giving me a call before puronatlcgsttewner., v. awnai. marenani lauor, marchtB-dly Oor. Blah and Town ala. ACTBBTlBBhtXNT. 1 ' , Vet tk INSTANT ULIU , and FBBJI ANBNT OUEI of to dUtrtaalng eomplalnt us BKOHCHIAL 0IOABITIXI, Had by 0. B. BITMOCR 00., 10 Kaataa It., W. T, rnoe i per noi em rree ay poai. FOB SAtB At ALL DBO AO I T S aaye-dawlyts STBaNB GSUTrUDBM. . . . BBMST . t..CSlTTBNDM. ' ' 8. & H.'T. CHITTENDEN,' . ATT0RN1XI At LAW. ,'..'. '.w JO0ffles, 80 William Street, Hew Tor City, and Faasoiis' BoilDixO, Oolumbus, Ohio. TTT'Oarelulattsaitoa pal to uonectwn. ..i. aprllftdSm '""'"'l '"'I'w REFKIXANT Oft WATKH.PKOOF CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, other asakeaef Spring Oloak Clout, in an asstrani mixtures Binding, ns- ssls and Buttons to matcn. ain at son, anrllS ' ivo. tv emits Hlvn street Merchants and Agents feted, mo 8BL.I. OCavAKI I.TT JBWE1 J. Knvelsps laevsry town in tb Union. Laswer profits realised than en any (the tamiteb of lasmlwmdtaa. Jar partiealare, send stamp W Oheeemt street, Fklledelphia, PB ' " BAJtfl AM H VV- anU-wSw . city waa 1-16 It Th at 1 THE MARKETS. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, April 12, 1864. Trie following an the lttall quotations eorraewd by rum BMtioua, wuolaiaM and retail mean, Me. 34 Whtat. ....SOaMo.lf O.tunrf . .. Oattbtt.,..,. SOjma. Ktpt, do (KalOo CoroS) oa. S9r MoImms V'ltl 40rSCs Batter t ft MX 15c Urd S 1'iki.l tivrnv S ami. .Ma7s Tallow w t ol Dried Apploa bo. .75 100 Tea s 50o.,75o (l OO Teddo Tea SI 00 ato Coffee ft.aX(Sii)e Viiod Feaohei... 8 7A3 (XI White Baans 9 ba..7S(SS)ie larado.. . w Bio ft So jrooms w do..S100t 75 Potatoes S im. Salt in tack.... Salt bbl , Uay ton ST 00 ....S1.75 soaptnox) a,..., oSMe Boef 9 owt.... name t Bhonlderi I, Bait Pork S owt. Wood oord.. ..' SH rioar e uh waw Wilts What do S3X( 00 .. 1SIC 10 tye flonr bbl... $i 00 77Xc Oandles.Tallow.bx. MX Gaudies, Opal, box. . lie a as Hackenl No.lhfbbl Mlcierel Nolqrbbl ail jooms v n i'ww iDDle V ba 7SI 00 nacaeni no i aits. 9 751 rlomluy per buih S H 0 Whlto Fluhperh'fbbl S4 7.1 Wblt Fieli per qr bbl!2 3c Ood riab ft 7. Honini S bbl S6 0( Whliky par. fall. 13(91 00 AUlns, M K. Box.... ru Layer - wi Saltan ft 120 uornneaiti tm..,,3KS40 vim ft vmms sua f doa.... Dried Beef.... W6l0r runes W ft B.1X IS He rnroips w&Vio Timothy (9 WkaM Sil Jlorer Seed 9 uuft av WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. iLODt-sslfitt 1755 00 for red, and S5SJ33 50 ior wuiic. Wbxat-mIss dall at S0gj,, Ooa wles dall at 8.1c. Oiia-aalesat )8SS0j. Bra email wle at (S5o. Cl ' eno-salea at S3 23 7i. Timotbv Stan sales at SI 75. Hav-aales dull at SU7. Fotatou sales t V5c Bxams sales at S3 l-2c(?J75c. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, April 12. VLOUK recelDtS Of B8 70hhll! tn.rk.l ,.,i naipricci unorDgn; aa'ee or x.300 bbl at S3 irOA 3 30 for supeifln e late; S3 3SIS5 43 foa extra State: o WSJ jo tor luperfloe extra western: S3 3035 60 for ocimmou t medium extra western; SJ 653 7u for sblnulng brands xt'a Hound Hum, nnu. Plonr without important change; sales of 550 bbla, at 35(37. bYB FLOuB toady at 13 4IXB4 10. W UN AT receipt of 3 B43 t,nih. M.rk.t l.. .,n.. dj price e wnnoui material cnang ; sale of 45,000 bosh at t 90 for Chicago spring; (1,30 for Canadian club: 1 A5gl S8 for winter red weatsrn; tl 4991 50 fur BYB-flrm; at69o. BARLEY dull at62A75c. uunn receipts or I.VIM tmih: maikat hti... vi w.vuv nuiu viwooe ror Old mixed western In r.t Ann . i. An. - ' .. uirs inu ueuTerea; oiojo ror new do at B. R depot and delivered. u ftvin nrm at .Mulatto mr ri.n..n.. SUte. mSV7fuir'kleot 100bb,, for mess, BKitr Arm; sales of 350 bbls. OUT MB ATS steady. LARD firm: sale of 103 bbliatl)VHinun BUTTIR In fair reuneit at lOufiUo inr fthm .n tnt , a. ' ' '- lur owo 0HEK8B 'sdy at 6 10a forloferlor to prim. OOrfBB held dimly and oulet: aalea 400 hue h !9o. - 8UOAR8 dull and In favor of bmere: aalee an fchrf. vuoa ai sc. HOLAB-lsS-nnchanged. WUI-KY a ibid flrmar; ulna at 7m M,l. 18K. BfOOKS tranaaetion ar nnS ahur-S Vnt nwlm better and firm; Money contlnnea easy and plenty j)5 cent on Call; Sterling exchange dull 107 1-8(8108; bankers bills Chic and R J 4UX ; 0 St T 33; III 0 Scrip Pan 1 10, Keading 37 1-9; Kri 96 1-9; Pa Mall 79: Canton 1GX; 0 B t Q 69X, Oal Ohio 69; Mlal 1-8: MO SO I 9: Harlem nrrfrrrart IX tja. w T n T4X; Cumberland 1, 0 8 5'. 74, M; Onnpon do, 6'c 81; Registered 93: llarlem 96: Bonrta 07 l a: Gri i.i m,h. do6's.60; Tenn70I S; N 0 76; Treasnry 19's at 103(. and X was held for th no w 6 per cU treaanry bonds years to run bat no sale. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 11. iearocj,, xceplng tB, local Jobbing way. and prlcea rather 1 elin below our last quotalions-et 33 to 4 3, for sup. fine. Irom then flgurf to S3, Is th range for th Tarione higher sr.dee. WBBAI-laheld with greater Srmat.s.wd prlaa is bard to buy at en thing loss than SI; asm sale been mad for ehlpmeni, and SI 03 waa paid for red, delivered oa Steamboat. As rema,ad yeawsday, mitierseund off under this betler feeling. CORN In lb car sully commands 33o. Whit shelled la mor saleabl at 36s la balk. Mixed Is Ten dnlU . OATS are pUodneoent per bmhel higher and ar mndrataomandatS6c. BAHLBY-ts still quoted at 63, with an Inactlv maraet. noiaera ar generally raaerre at that ft. gur. RYB-U more saleable at Umut bwt not offered freely. WHIKr-lroppd to-day to I3o, with large asles at PBoyi8I0N8-Thr I wry littl rarlatlon Bcsa ry in th report aim of th markei aai,rl. Th... r reported sale o 300 to. Lard at tu i.Um,i. country do. al 9. 900 bbla. ansa at 17. aud 93 000 lbs Sides, averaging 36 lb , at 8X-17 frMly offend for packed bms and Srmlyaaked for oountry. Then sera w na nen transaction In Bulk Meat t.1!, ,7' "o" PBbl - for Bbonldere, B for Bide. BTy Bide ar nam at ec, and ahcnlder at ejs to 6. Bacon wae sold to a trifling extent at 9)4 for Bides, though bald firmly at that figure, It la said that a few can b got at a less. Shoulders are bald at T. hni win.., k.i. nnleas In company with aldei,-on which the differ nc I aeaally au. Lard wu strengthened by th ale at 9o. and It Is easier to sell prim City at that Is In of It a an be Bgarathantobny. tin. Odm. 19. Cleveland Market. April 11. fLOOR steady at anotatlons. with hut little dnlnv f rom th local trauiaetions. Sales of SO kbit good ' extra red at St 61H, and SO do common extra at S3 00. WBB AT Arm. at SI. 64 for red, and l,W for white. Utttrto In light aupply. In fact, It is almost out of mark., and lbape la non coming forward. tunn-ain ear yei tow rrom if re at 33. SB IDS clover Is in demand at St 00. Tlmolhv dull S ai)C97i. HIUHV7INSS-steady at ISo Rales of SO bbls. SMOKED MKAT8- Bale er S.OOJ It, a eonntrvnml Enma at Sc; 8,000 &s do dhonldert at 7a. BUTTAR dull at yesterday s quotations. BOOS light demand at So. 0BBE3B rood demand. Sal of d.000 aa Wil.n Rctarvt at 8io. Baltimore Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] BALTIMORE, April 12. ftona steady, lToward St. and Ohio. S3 17V: City mills held at the same rate Whsat firm, red 61,30 36; white gl 40! 50. Ookm 6ra. mixed 5650, yel low 69(9600, white 61i$63a. Provisions Arm, and rate oncbanged. Corria firm, Bio 18Xl3o. WaitiT 17X18X0 Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, April 12. Pwrja firm. Wiiat dull :sxl of 8.008 buh: at SI N Ooan-Brm; eales 8.000 tt 69s. ataas Poaa 617.50. Laan advancing. H'Xe for refused. Corrsa rlo HXWX- WBiwt 17 KfJlBo. . WM, KNABE & CO.. AT TIIFIW NfcW axi,t:S-fv " "', 1. BOOM, XO. ISO MALTIMOBM aT BOS. 1, S, S and 7 If. IDT AW BT Offer for al their oetebratcd GOLDEN MEDAL, , URAMU AND8QARE PLAN0-F0RTE8. Beln hlihly recommended by th nrat Frsrtason and H osteal Amatearsof tne country, ana wmM ..... , r ; . IHBTBUVJSnx . .... WAB.BA5TID FOB, FTTBTBAB8 th mast fastidious eustcsnsr ana rely upon being pleased in avtry retpccl. ari a. , . lermS literal. na,nni,.aw,' 8MLTZIR k. WIBSTIB, Agents, oetS;lidW. Oolumbus, OM TBBA8TJBT SIFAXTMBNT OF OHI0.1 '., , .. Oettmaos, April 8, 1801,. , ) . Sarlnga) Sarnie of, Cxxoinnati : All PERSONS HOLDING THE CIB eu latins Note ot the Saving Bank of Olfrionatl will present ihs tame at thtt erne fcrtejdaaptwa, where VDy win o paid in run. . .. apr dim r. eivna. i reaaarvTor n aw. NEW HOOr SKIRT. ..i. v.vir.'.i' 'J- He. 9, BOOTH HITJH BTBilt! ' ' V ' Have lust received a new make of HOOF SKIRTS Dnlshed In a manner far superior t any yat imtredood tOl.. nlrt'... 1- f(.,i i.' tl 1 1 r. M ... n. '.n. . V tDR ABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS, , US 93, " V I' ' '! ' .J .' - 1 -r Gents' Linen Shirt Collars,' tw rT SVPERIOB QsjAMTT, in I f bote. a,.ni(n. Paraleuav. Benfrew and thaw aew ehapee. liemmed Pocket Haadtercti'.er iteck Ilea. Btocka, street ana avening eio i very kind. Under 0arinnU and all kinds ef Oenta' Fur aaalag flood la gnat variety audi at mrxieiat prme. I, " . ' BAIN BON, falAfa ' ' 1 , HO. nftV DVUU, UItU lnnT,, MV3 AtTKtsB dk TIIHKAO S-AYCIt HU I S tlegant auatioee ir uaaa, Bave, mraaee auit great variety 1 , BAIN a. .aaagU i 11 1 ' Ml-i .(.X-tst w OlfNETi; KIFH OJIS TABU, AUD R KUCKB1, nwW (ly ? opanw ty - T -nn Jtri'l"'" ""'' aprUS ; PEOF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE AND BLOOD REKOVATOIs ; ' la nrMleel 1 t what Its oaaa Indicate, for, vhllrl bleaaant to th last). It la rerlrifyi ng, exhllarat.1 log. Invigorating and trangtnenmg i in viiai power, ana at in (am urn rarivmea, ran iiatee, end renews th Blood in all its purity, aui thus at ono r 44 tor u and rtndtr th tytttm in UndHtraiU tt aUncki of Mum. It Is tbe only preparation aver onorea so ine woria. sally and skillfully combine ss to b Ui most p werful tonli. and at the am time to perfect I v idaptad to, aa to aot in parteotacoordano with the laws of nature, and neuce will twin IHt wxuceti tfomacA, tod ton np th dlgestlv organ, and O Ih.a all.B.II ..M.AM. .M Rlto. li 1. 1 inn f , .I per ectly exhilarating, and at tb tune time it Ui com posed entirely of vegctablea, yet so combined as to produeetne moi t tn iroyn ionic enact, witn out nroducina any In I urlous cunMqucaccs Suob b k lob tor a remedy hat long hrtu felt to be a desideratum be medlcul wnrli', ror It needa no medical asm proceeds and indeed laya the tys'em open to the W Insidious atlaoka of many of the most fatal, such, L r.-r example a tne following: Unntnmption, in Idlgeitlou, Dytpepela, Loss of Appetite, t alntneas, Xervoui Irritability, Neuralgia Palpitation of the Heart, Melanoholy, Might SwaaU. Languor, Oiddl- neaa. netantion or. aa well ae rainini ooairnciea loo profuse, or too toenl Menstruation, and Pall ing of the Womb. These all depend upon general debility. This pur, healthy, took) Cordial and Hlood Renovator it as aar la ears as tn sun to a da and aet. There it no mistake about It. But his Is not all. If tb t stem is weakened, we are pen to bilious attacka. tb liver oei omu torpid, Jr wore diseased, th kldoeje refute to perform 'heir functions, and we are troubled wl'h acaldlng nd lnoonllnanc or nrlne, or Involuntary die 'chine of th same, pain lo tb back, aide and be. tween tn snouiders, cxeetdiotiy iimi to mini (coins, ooughs. and If ui.cttecked. soon emaciation ollows. and tha patter. t goe down to a premture 91 grave. Bat spa, e will not allow us lo enumerate I I be many Ills lo which w arc liable In a weakened i oonditlon of th system. But w will say, la this Cordial and Blood Renovator yon hnv a perfct,!kJ safe, pleasant and itTectual remedy for Icaa ofQ Ai.nat ta. hi inuanraa. v .in mm weaa ana aicv v 4tcmuh, Languor, Liver Complaint. Chlila and fever, or an Bilious attack. Ootilvenrse. Acidity of th stomach, Nervouaneaa, Neuralgia, raipiu tlon of th Heart, Depression of Spirits. Boras, tMmules on th Pan, or any dlstas arising from mpnr blond, such aa scrofula. Erysipelas. Bron I cnitis, uougn, oimcaity or Breatntng, ana an mat class of dlseajes called femal weakness, and R1 ennmeratea eoove. we win also say in iraveieriM expoted to epldtmlcs, change of climate and wat-l er, win nod it a pieaaant, aale ana ur remeay. tod non should ever travel without. Reader. try it. for we aunrs yon you will find In It a triend indeed, aa well ss a friend In need. All personsofl :0 wdentary habits will nnd It a perfect preventive oil as well as cure for those ailments to wmon they are particularly (xpooed. Henoe mlnlsteri.students,t U torneyi, llierary gentlemen ,and ladles who ar not aocustomed to much outdoor exercise, will nnd It o their advantage to keen a bottle constantly on hand: and. above all, mothers, or th becoming men; will go tbrougn that moat dangerous period act only wth all their accustomed strength, but afe and free from th thousand allmenta to prer. alentaaong th female portion of tb world. In kort. It la Indeed a mother's cordial. Try It. old ir. and onng; no longer run th iltk of delay; It will relltve and nrove itaelf emphatically a Batora 0 3, Ilia Cordial and Blood Emovator. 0. J. WOOD, proprietor. 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Marke t Street, Bt. Louis, Mo., and sold by ROBBRTS At BAMUBL, Columbus, Ohio, 'and all good Drugglite. Price One Dollar per Bottle, march'28-dltwMwly DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS7 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE?. DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S CELKBRATBD Stimulating Ongnent, For ths Whisker and Hair The enbaeribera tak sleasun In announcing 0 Ih Oltiiens ol tbe Untied States, that Ihey bsve obtained tbe Asener for. and are now enabled to offer to the American publlo, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article. Th STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Da. C P. BKLtlNQBAal, an eminent phyeician of London, and is warranted to bring out a UUCCKIOI t "Whiskers ora Mnstache from three to sta week. This srtlets I th only on th kind need by th French, and la London and Paris IS In unlvareal use. It is a beautiful, erraemlea!, soothing, yet stimulating oompoond, acting aa if by magi upon tb root, causing beautiful grawih ef luxuriant hair. If applied to th aralp, tt will cur SaLOnm, and eaur to pring up in place of th bald spots a fin growth of now hair. Ap plied according to direction, li will turn an or towt hair dark, and restore gray b air to Its oilslnal color, leaving It aoft, smooth, and flilbl. Th "0 nuoanr" is Indiapansabl articl In every gentleman'a toilet, and alter one week'a use they would not for .ny consideration without it. Th subscribers an th only Agents for th article In tha Cniied Bute, to whom all order must be addressed. Price On Dollar a box for sal by ail Druggist aod Dealers; ora box of the "Onguent" (warrant! to hav desired effect) will b taut to any who desire It, by (direct), aeenrely packed, on receipt ef prio and postage, no. apply to or aaarets HORACE L. BiaiMAM At 00-, Muaaist, to., fb20d6m SH William Street. New-York. CANADIAH & TOUTED STATES SAIL STEAMERS . TO AN It FHOIfl ' LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW " Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, . - 1 fvnu. The Montreal Octan Btaamahlp Company's first -elasa -powered Oly de-bull t Bnsamer sail owery Bat nrday from POHILASD, carrying th Canadian am United Btataa Uail and pasaengers, rfOBWIQIAM, NORTH AMERICAN, B0H5MIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, NO HI' 11 BKITON, ' HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, NOVABCOIIAN. Shortest, Ctaeapeet andQaickcaton - veyaac arvaaa AHXRICA TO ALL PASTS 07 ZTTBOFX. lUiteei of Faajsjogo to Eirx)po, 30. oe. 80. win aali fmra LIVBRPOOL eTrrw Wedoetday, and from QUBBBO )T)ry Saturday , calling at LONDONDBK.BX, to receive on noaraana iara maiiaana Pi.wnMn. tn and froaa Ireland and Bootland. XJTheM Steamers are built of Iran In water-tight oompartmente, carry eacn mm experrvncM rjurgwu, hu a vary attention is paid to the comfort and aooommoda- Mob or naaaenrera. Aa uiev nroeeea oirroa w uvnwun. DBBY, the gieat risk and delay of calling at Bt. John's Is avoided, eiaagow patera re r ar furnhhed With ntn passage Ockaia to and rrom uonaonaerry. Rainrn lickaia r ranted al rMaosa raiee. OertiBoatea issued for carrying t and bringing out paa- enger from all th principal town ot Great Britain and Ire and. at reduced rates, oy una line 01 aieamera, ni by th WAcHlNQTON LINB OF bAILINQ PACKBT8 leaving uverpeei every ween, Slfht slrafta fat ana wpward pay al la&ngiuoa, iroi.U oivft- lasad ar Wale. For pAa, apply at tn onto. 3 nnwAua WATn5w TlSr., and 19 WaTEK ST., A-lverpooit IAJEL sa SuELX, tjeneral Ijentt, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG, nolO-lydaw , - Btttawmaa OBtea, Oolumbua, Ohio. TRAVELLERS! w BIR y0q go lo New TorkJtrlv direct to th : smintvnian arrnvnUR-u BBOADW AT, OORNKB 01 HOUSTON STEKT, ' ' Conduet!dnth ' BTJBOPBAN PLAN..1 Good Tare,0ood Rooms, Attendance, and Mod- eraM Charge. BlSfltJI BOOM! 50 CTS. W 0TS.and II MR BAY.) DOUBLI BOOMS aad PARLORS lo . Tt.'fJ'''.' 1 I ir ii twttenA. Tin Hot! bM til tM appototoMStt of tb belt hot.s, BOftt oentrtl locfttlon. and it bMttd Ihrongnenl ay steam. naiua.u .. march43m Proprietor.. u,.' Ipmployment rrtftB BTJBSCRIBKKSt DEALIMO Tt 1 aaStaDla AwAlola will tarnish mnloymnl to a few aouve men to aes aw ageum ior ineir awaae. tv prefwmo will be riven tboea wh ar well acquaint ed in the district for write tney apply. For which service utey wuuag so- way a aamry tfreaa i i ifitt y y -. ' it $800lo 800 pes' ear,' ana rIpeMSJ For farthst partlcnlsir add rets ,., , . , ' u B. MOUHOUSB t CO. 'j landS, Ixrtho Flee, n30-d3m. ierseClty. V. Tl.R ACYIEI snEGTINCS AND a-n-v-i-M' ; . anrnTiMH .it wMthe.ef moat eelebmled makee, XX I BOW atid la gseaust varwij V aw-r.-w gr.. J-MV-' ' mmM M m ..ll.k ..I Be. 89 South High atieet. rauL 0 i :3 M h Dr.J.H.lIcLEAN'3. StrcngtieBiBg Cordial bajiBLJ punnTEn. TheCireateat Bsasiy isa Tls WcrltS, ' AND Til . '. j I MOR SZUCIOTJI I DELIGHT rOl ' EVER TAKEN. TTIS NTRICT- 1 ly a aoienUna and , VegeUble Oompoond. procured by th distil Latttin nf Uaala. Herb and Barka, Yellow l i Dock, Blood Boot, . ) V aaraanarilla. I I " ' .1 I Cherry Bark and Dan- j&f f ( delion enters Into '-' Before Minzvel Taking: Drinelnla mm, inmrllent la thoroaghly extracted tl my new method of dltUUIng. prodiielng deUekns, m hileratlng spirit, and the moat INFALLIBL1 remedy for renovatln. ik. hi.4 avatem, and restoring th stek. sufferinw and dahllttated INVALID to UKALTU anl BTRKNUTU. ncLEAlffS SjTBEWOTHEWIttS SJWIla, WIU eff(otaall eare LITBR COMPLAtJtT, TBMPBIa, ' afaVuSTDICJI Chronic or Hanooa Debility. Blsees of the aTtdnay and all diseases arlslna from a disordered Lrrer r oa Dytpeptia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Aoldityw wos- of the stomach. Inline of Blood tn th Head, Dall pain or iwunmlng In V iming in th head, Palt.tatlotl or ma nean tad, PaiL.t Stomach, Valine or Weight In the Boor Brurtations Ohoklng or suffocating feeling when tying down, Dnrneae or Yellowneaaof the Skin and Byea. Might Sweats, In ward Pevera, Pain in th small of the back, cheat er aid. Sudden flush of Ueat, Depression of Spirits, Trightfal Dream, Languor, Despondency or any Nervone Ditei Sores or Blotches on the Bkln, an Ivr and Ague (t Oh!liand fever.) Orsra irillllwa f Uttieei - - Hav been (old during th laat tlx month., and In no In- stance haa II failed in giving tntir eaUiftctlon. wno, then, will entrerfmm Weakiee or Beminy wnsn atw LEAN'S STRBNflTHf NINO OORDIAU will cor yowl Na lanrnaM nan mn, an adrXlUat U Of th ham diet and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Oordlal In th dlaeaaed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, ehether broken down ny exceae, wasa ny nature, or Impaired by tick urea, the relaxed aud unstrung organisation is restored In its pristine health and vigor. MAKBIKD PEUSOIIB, Or others conscious of Inability, from haUrr eaaaa. will 6nd McLean Btrengthening coraiai a W" N.n, nt n,. .,,. -nA .11 who mav hav tnluiwd tlirmselves by Improper Indrlgenc, will Bnd In tb Oor dlal a certain and speedy remedy. . . :..). To tb L.aUtie. McLean's Strentbetiijig Cordial Ii a sovere Ign and spedy cur for INCIPIEMTCOraSfJIIPTIOIl.WHITES Obstructed or Difficult MenstruaUon, ne.l?Dn? .J, Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, waning ine Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Disease indoor to Pemalea. , , There is no Kistake About It, wSuffer no longer. Tak it according to Directions. It III stimnli'e, strengthen and Invigorate you and same h bloom of health t mount your cheek aJu. , j -y Svery buttle ie warranted w giv auataeuoB. - 4 FOU CHIliDUEN, If your children ar atckly, panv, or afSUe tad. McLean's Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay not a moment, try It, and you will b eon vl peed. .' IT IS DEUCIOUS TO TAKE. Oadtio. Beware of Druggists or Dealers wh mav i try to palm upon you some Hitter or Baraaparllla traab.. which they can buy cheap, by aaylni It I J tut as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening Oor. dial, and take nothing else It la tbe only remedy that will purify th blood thoroughly and at tb sum tlmV strengthen tha system. ' - ' One tsblespoonfur taken (very morning fasting. I a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and Fever, fellow fever, or any prevalent diseases. It Is put no In large Dottles. Prior only SI per bottle, sr 6 bottle for 7 ,".Jr J.H. atcUSAJI, Bol Proprietor of this Oonliel. - Also McLean's V oleanie Oil Llnlmetrh Prlrdpal Depot on th 00 mar of Third and Pin street, St. Loul. Alo. , .. y ,iti ;y McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. To best Liniment In tb World. Th only eat aod certain cure for Cancers, Plica, Swelling and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of th Mnacies, Onronie or Iofhimmalory Rheumatism, tiff-, neat of th Joint, oontraeted tluaole or Ligaments i Karache or loothach, Bruises, Sprain, sVoanle, Freeh Onta, Cicera, Fever ttore, Caked BreaaU Bore Nipple, Buxne, Bcalda, Bore Thoat, m any Innammatlon or Pain, no difference howeevare. r hot long th diaeasaaa-ky -hav exiaied. McLean'a Rlubrated Lislmanl I a e t tain remedy. 1 . - J " , Thousands of human belrtra hav been saved a life of decrepitude and misery by the net of tbia Invaluable mad cine. ' " ' McLEAN'S VOLCANIC" OIL nNBiEiYr.; ' Will reltsT pain almtwt initastaccouel. aud It wil cleanse, purify and heal the foulest tores In an Incredt ' ly short Urns- ' ' -.-. Fr Horace und Offcey Anliasi-wl McLean s celebrated Llnbnnit Is fhe ocry aas and isad Uabl remedy for the care of Spavin, Ring Buee, Wind 1 galls. Splint, Gnnatuinl Bumps, Nodes or SwellinVt. It will never fail to cure Big Ed, Poll Tvll, Plrtokt. Old' running Bores or Sweeny, If properly applied 1 P Bnrains, Bruises, ticratchca. Bona or Wuunds, Cracked. Heels, Chafes, Saddl orOollar Dalit It Is an Inhll'.Me remedy. Apply It as directed, and a enre is Serbia W every Instance. . i- .... t ,- Than trifle no longer with th many worthiest Lint-., ment offered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean's celebrated Liniment. It will cur you. 1 , J J. II. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, ' Comer of Third and Pin Street, St. Louie, 1)6 For aale by ail draggiit. 1 Foraeh) by BObBtTS SAHDBIi,' annSC-divly Oulumbua, Oht. I 2 MRS, W11TSLOW, An experienced Nurse nnd Female Physician, present to tn attention or mouiera, tier SOOTHING S YRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, " - , which greatly facilitatea the proeea of teething, by soft ening the guma, reduoing all lnflammatlan wil I allay , ALL PAIN andspasmodio action, and I , . SfJIlE TO KEOl'lrATE THE BOWKL.S). Depend upon it, mothers, tt will give rest to yourselves acd . VXLOX AHD EXALTE TO TOTJB B7AI.B. ff have put up and aold this article for ovar ten years, and CAN SAY, IN O0NFIDEN0B AND TRUTH, of It, what we have never been able to any at any other saedl sine NBVRR HAS IT FAILBD, IN A SI NOLI INnT- ANCB, TO BFFBOT A CURB, when timely used. Nev er did w know an Instance of dlaaatlatWott by any erne who used It. On th contrary, all ar delighted with It operation, and apeak in term of eomawodeUow, f It magical eSeota and medical vlrtuea. W (peak ia this matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW ;" after ten ywara' ear--rlence, AND PLBDOB OUB BBPUTATION FOR TUB FULILLMBNT OF W8AT WB HBR1 DBCLARS, In almost svery Instance where th Infant la auHerlng from pain and xhauation, relief will b found In ftlteen or twenty minutes aftar thedyrup Is administered, Thi valuable preparation tt tha preaorlptloa f oneof the most RXPSRIENCBDand SKILLFUL NURHB la New Bngland. and baa been used with NBTBB FAIL INOBUOCBSSIn . THOUSANDS Of CASES. It not only relieve the child from pain, uat lvt-or-atta the stomach and bbwels, corrects acidity, and give ton and energy to th whole system. It will almost In stautly rehev ' w a oa.p.o IV TEX EOWBIS, AVD WIND couc and ovroomeonvuiion, wnleb. If aot speedily reme died, end In death. We believe It tb BBitT and SUtt K8T RBMKDT IN TUB WOKLD, in all aawg wf DYB BNTBRT and lilAKttlltBA IN CHILDBJtAt, whethsr It arise from teeth lug, er from any other eauMr W would say to vry mother who nta child tufferlog from any of tbe foiegoivg eomplalnta DO NOT LKT YOUR PRgJUDICK NOR TUB PRBJUD1CKS0V 0THKRS stand between you and your angering child, and th re lief that will be BCKS je. ABSOLUTBLY BUllB to follow the us of tblsmedtein, If timely need. lull di rections for using will aeeompnny each bottle. No gennbie unlet th faa timlU of CURtlBfc P(BKfN8, New York, It ou the outside wrapper, r, , .,),;,. Bold by all Druggists throughout th world. , Prl telpalOfftew, IS Ctnlar SttwatN.Y. PRICE ONLY 23 CENTS PER BOTTLE. otST-dkwIy. ' fw. GUERMSEY'3 -DAlUa rErTlOKS A PftRVJRlVT I N aamraatioai aad satin, and heaat the worst bum. o)d, brute, ut, r treth woand of any kind, frwvtat welling and pain from be Sting, nuwqall Wle, and aoleououe plants, urtlrle, rheumatism, sgs ks lb rt, salt rbeam, t. When take Internally, It will potiUvely eur eweua hi hlldraea, aad give Immedlata relief ia she worst ease ot this atrrtWe oomplatut; alva. remove hoarsens and or threat. Flic, HS Mats a cattle. Kbealdbe I every boat.- For aele ay Drup. gUbiand gtoreawepera. t v im tivns, fiw nvyrawrj p., i.n.w,.w im esdfcwlvwi '. ---r. rt 'T - ; l I V A I J : sJrv. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS TnervB-iOwVi ia CHAwear vw'n madeiu the th anteera of thlaBaak, Jauuj k lt3l, CO WIU- v, m .a. i-inr, a . -w Hooniu. Caaniarn tetirneu mew odjoct. - . Beu.., wae then toted Ptaaidentaad VVA.i. . . p pointed Oaahier. ( .. ' . f t4 Bvertrret th Board of Directors. rshi, wJttl-dtf. .om ,W. A, FLATT. OssWcr-