Newspaper Page Text
IIABDWAI1E STOEfi I ,ilt M JUST RECEIVED BY ITo. CD North High Street, On ol Ute Urgeat tnS Bet Seleettd Ajeatt , : 01 & ivbb 6mu is this wra Hoasc,;.' Builders' ' Furnishings Of IVBBT STYLE AND QUALITY. t Preach American j Qlasst fAINTS SBODRD IN OIL, . uiHlula half pound can (or family aw, and Dry 7": " '.' - ' Petatotnbalk. '.''.'..' Brushes of every variety & quality, . ;. A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. , 'VAXES GRINDSTONES, tun. ';'.;r. V guns.pi&tols, shot, o ' ; ; ; 1 . fishing tackle. m ROPE A CORDAGE. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ;H BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, , .. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, to., 1 M T7 SCALES, BELL8, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I arpeefelly InTitt tb attention of ill Interested to my ' (took of F octet and tibia Cutlery, ud T!EB FOBKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, I tOSlEU A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to bo sin heavy, Bleetre-Plated, ea genu Ins Alhatta. tjoaatir Mafduat, Mechanics, and others, ar tavltod te sail aad axaaln ay Itoek, u I am pnparad to seU IBttall. ' wn. A.OILL. .Ohio, May 8. i860. Wholesale and Retail Depot for H 'FAMtlV GROCERIES Ho. ,106 Sonth High Street 7n. SIcDONALD, DEALER IN FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, " IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. " ' .. - DaUr Antral f Oeeda ! "For the Fall and Winter Trade Of 1860-6i. ' JC7ir.ETajalIli08IMCalKETHAIIKS TO TUB PVBAilll for pait ferort and pitron- ata. aadaataj DETERMINED to IrlEHir rwittnaanea af tamt by etrlct atteBtlB tr, and pfmft etellrery f oda, IwaM aall Uie ata-tlce ef tba public to the fact thai kartag a Lauge and wall Selected alack an land, aad btlat la daily raotipt at f(Mde froat the differ Btawrtota,! latter myaelf Oat I tan offer to tneeltt MM f Oerubut, at ta any who any deilra to paiebaea, Mortaant of artlelee appertaining to theOROCRRt made, CWEflUAl-ED by any home In the city. The priot and quality of the good! offend, I guar. UU, tm firm eatiafaetlB. Good leliTered Free of Charge. art7. wm. Mcdonald. Baltimore Clothing House, aajwraoTuaaaj Aire waotauia aiaiau ta READY-MADE CLOTHING, Na 308 W, Baltimore-street, (awnrawi uaamTT m eowiaa.) , BALTinvBE, jnd. A Large Aawnrtment ol fUee aad rnnUhlng eoode ConaUnuy on Hand; Oataidlw i ' ...... 71Hlflm Aa Gw-lll . . COlyCMBCIS, OHIO; :t, .. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ' And Seed Store, GENERAL HARDWARE, ' ' KAILS, QLAI8, SASH, PUTTT, 00BDA41, Oauaa, rielaU WoadWlUew Ware, iMtbaread taiet Belting, laee leather, Eoaa and anl-dly SI DOYLE & CO. Manofactarara and Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, Booth eapt Corner of High and Gay Sta., " ...:, 3STo. 0O,',V,- ;.f covvwmvff' ..oHio-i Mjg targe Stock ef Sine and Staple Oaodaoa hand.' BUNDBIES ... J . TAPIOCO, - ' Arrow Boot, ' ' Bcmeh Oat ftleal ' Fl9IINAr :-. ro -t BtoePlosr' ' ' ' Pearl arlf ' -' ' Cracked Wheat Owe - 1 " " coa Tartar, ! - Vtra "' Bed1eaiBaMoa BplltPea - Choeolata Brotaa, ate. '"' ' Soda Pranea - fmhToaatoa ' Peachre Sreea Oora fmh Oann'd f ralte of arery deeoripiirai -Nellie of all klnd! FlarorlngBxtraetaefallalrli. , 4. aaDrsp;lsdOandieei n ,, t v-i , AKMode, rtUMrta, Peeoa Nuta, '. ' ' B II. k Ualnnta. Rril Mnt. t OS7 , wh mdonaxd. a-.3TER. IVhaleeala gaaael. JtetAll .Dealer la , OBAi:(iS&;CIGAR i? i s b.bk o; h;;ip Carat nanafrtntir ad all tba TAV BAtAN ata af . h. ,v XrraTQ2rtoclQi4aarw. 1 Embroider - cirrsf-s n iTcsBt a roinrT , 6 i,iind Sfilta- f trb, Puberand Ihreaii . v nMttroe) VaknsUnta I bread aad t 5 t..mbtdeTtdCollanaitavVilamiiBgaad "f ,, , $w, aad Coinum. Ptalu Llnea Soltiwe. ao Cnn. Babroi-Jend Oollart nil Cum in 6 sue ... ' ' V -' ' 1M A BUM. .fjf ) .7Tf i-( . He. i9, South Hia &ut. 1860-61. 1860-61. 1860-61. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD " . connecting tOntltn withth yj Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago HtlLROAD For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia ! and Baltimore; Aim tor cort wajiue ana vdiusu .. Ooonectlog at Ctoralaad with tfa Lake Shore Railroad . For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, New York. Boston and TWO TRAINS UIl. V? .ZlJ' from Oolumbua, to connection with TrUu ob tut LitiU Miami Coluuibu A Aenla Baiiroaoa. ; ' - fia8T TRAIN. " MTnm iTvoTufl i ftalunbaf at 3:35 a, at. Will leave uaeiengen at all itation, outh of 1Uob .top at Delaware Air. ey, ZaZmT .tAUanA norw ui "" . . m.. New loft JS:US p. Bui ton 3J p. m., ruuuumii v Zl. Do 3:40 a. eraftoo 11:00 p. solDtaoathe aani m. auo oonnBcim i ouvwj idoiky, Mmiaeui av ntwarn muiiuwi. BsCOND TEA1N ,vn vtpr i! 4fl T.mvm Oolnmbaa at SOOn. m.. will ftop at all itotlona aouth of 8blby, tod at 8al Si N.w tot,-or., WelUugton,0ftoamliraa; , arrir IT.'.: n i..i. a h mi,,. .. Dunkirk 3:00 a. Buffalo 4 iia. m., new iorm k- ""Vttt V; , ZI m . 7. J ,u a rui m.. PhlbulelDbia S OU p. m.70h.okrto0rmftonat 10:30 a. . AlMOonneettat Shelby for all poluU on ganduelry, Manineld Mewark lUllroad. . - , ' ' ' ii Patant RlAninff Can &T6 ran on all Kight Trains to Chicago, New York J: . . . . - and Boton. ;. ' Sf Baggage ducted Tkrougk h New Ytrt and Bottom vm Ulevetanm, mu w tnvi New York CrettUnt. ' ' , ehurnino. " ; ' Nlfht Ixpreai arrlyei at Oolunibui at 1:30 . a. J OlnolnnaU Kipreae arrlvea at Columbai at 1.40 p. at. Fare as Low as by any othar Route. Aak for ticket oia Creitline or Oleveland. . 1. B. ILIST, Bnrwr't, Olmland, Ohio. JAMSS PATTBB80N, Agent, JuneU Oolumbua, Ohio, CENTRAL OHIO R. R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. e This ii the Only Route offering a Threufb. Ticket Ac BagKage Ckeck ta WASHINGTON CITY; And UU mll JtotUi gMnf ft. M Pattmgurt tKt vHnUn Of 014 MUM or Baltimore, PUlladelpUla&Newirark, At the eoet of a Ticket to Mw Tor only by other Line TWO TBAIN8 MATR OOLTJMBUB DAILT SoNDara ExoirriD , vrvnaaa At 00 a. m. ' tonplnr atall Btatloni anon eignal being given, arrlrlng at Bellalre at a at., eonnecUng Immod lately with mine on Tlie ttaltlmare tc onia uaiiroaa ..d.i.i- a.di.ioiuiilthaBauth.andPhl adelpaia, Mew Vora, iioeton, and the AatU Atoo with traini on me PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL) ria Wheeling A flttaburgh B a.,w Plttaburga, liar- -i.WhmK i iaria inntai- nam iun.DUiuin aauu auw K... and at Zanetrllle with O. W- A 1. B. B fortanoaf arhla tnl n a laI MtnnMIiai nBWaUaa UI a7 Aaa. wa mm ter. Ae. w . rr AHO.JAn m, atnnnln stall RtatlOBI nDOB mv n.1 Mini tiren, arriving at DcLuia at r.m p. ., """J atAjui r" i i d . ... necting inunediauly wi th traini on nri.a Mlilmar at unii taaiiraaa a.. n.iHnM Vuhiaim 0n and tba South, aad Phil Kteluhia. New lurk. ikton, and the But. Alao with train oa the PENNST1.VAN1A CENTRAL ria Wheeling and PHhrtorgh . B., forPlttabnrjh, Haf rltburgh, rhlladelphla Hew York, Boeton. and tt Boat. Thla train abw eonaeeli at Zanetrllle with 0. W. A R. K.. for Laocuter, Ac - ( - . TRAVELERS TO , THE EAST FROM ALL- w Ea l i&iUt ruin i ts, -j CAN DinUB VTon'lrt ".V,,"," "; Quick Time and Sure Connections: Aana lima Sam Auowaaroa SLEEPING CARS on ALL N IGHT TRAIN8 Aek for Ticket via Cclumbua and Wheeling. for farther Information and Iftrouf 7teeaf apply loM.L.DOHBBTI,Tlcketgent,TJnloaDepot. , B. i MWBXI. '""""'il-BBOWN, norM 'r ' . General Ticket Agent, Columbn. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CREAT: NATIONAL ROUTE. TEHmiNAI i At wwniBBion nitimnrasn the Eaat, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkersburg on the Weet, at which place It unite. with Railroad, aueaen, 101 a. M rv- la th ' - Weet, Saath-weet and Norlh-WMf THREE TRAUSS DAILY FOR .'ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. Thit I the only rant ta Washington City. Taeeengeraby thit roote can rlilt Baltimore, Phlla delpbia, New York and Boaton, at the ooitof a ticket Botton alone by other line. - Through ticket, to the Eat tern eltle can be procured via Washington Oity at an additional charge of two dol lare. , " u . Hi,. Mtinnfi TO ALL BieVT TRA1M. 7?ffla quiet and fart a low at via any other flow . -' 1 .'.: 1 i ' ' ' Inquire for tlcteta rlaBaltUaoraaad Ohio Railroad any ef th principal Railroad office, in the W.t, . H SULLIVAN, tJen'l Weitern agent, , t. Bau,aiaa, Ohio. "L. M. 00LB,8oeral Ticket agent, W. P. SMITH, Maiter Transportation, ' aet26-tf. " - -t BaLTiaoaa, Sfd, , 1 IMPOETED GOODS.,, ; '; JUBX KErAITEB , gO turn Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for table ne. ' a u iwwh MuktArd. favorite brand; . .. - . ' Bontid Bardinee. the BEST Sardine Uap'td 4 of0aperndOllTe. J. a "i Table Bauree "Laa A Perrln' Woroeeter hire." "Boyer'e Buliana," "John Aull,',' "Hareay," "Uaauing." , lW i M . .A H. W.lnal n Tomato OataUD. .... Ta do. Ore A Blaokwall'a celebrated Ingllah -V Pieklee, conei.tlDf af "Cauliflower," 'P i oalill." Chowhaw," "Walnut,, 'On ion," 'a,,"Baii,,'i.;'aherkV 60 M London Porter. , ! lOO " Oampbell'i clebrated Scotch Ale. , ecaan Ginger Preaerre. it box Italian Macaroni ana Termaeilla. -.7 ' annuOoa'a Oelatrne. '-.'' Coleaan' aekrbraud Bngllah Mtutard, la bag, besat, can and bottle. ,-.. i;.-.,- nosr, ... i; McDonald '20HV H.WHEEIXS, AGENT FOB llfONIE COWTSWElTAlV, Maaaarraat BauuatTT, and laTwalia la. Oat' Daw To; IHacaaim' and uitt im or unriai Naw loai Liraand Coir ttuTOak Lira..' "i r:-.l Office, 81 Hit. 8aTae'e Rl abT-dlp - - - . , r "Alexandre's Kid Gloves, Plain ASOEnBBOIDKHrv, imveja QCKTAIBB aad regular ahape Black BWOtore eajbroiierau w "7" Tr.... u um fnn.M. a Mnnlata aaaortaient of ibeMC.leoraldtti.a4wMrewc - v niattiov. - . . feb9"'(: ' ' :V . No. SS South High auaet'! - Oantnn;Mattirigs. - B-a. -Wlitta n Beat mad Whit Cheeked of operl.r V k b , ambSSr ,x. . . 8 aouth High!., . Co-Fartaership; ... . V T SI AVE TBI VAT ABWITTEf BIT JAMBS ADQBit BAIN a namer in bnet- kh. which will Hereafter be conducted ander til Bra T . - . . wa aa. a aa ia en, (Aa af Bain a Bon. r. aisiweene Colanboa. fe VS. mu febld MINK HTJFFB. TIUTUBiwaa anauurra w now eelling at Teryjow price, l-o .11 oiherhinde fethicnebta fur.. PRTR BAliit. 8 f 'tIo9liouaiti!EtJf . Il'l. in VV WhIWand Black. Jut raarlTad al iadts; , Z. ' to at . , . are s a i A ' ' " : n ... j-. ,'f ! 1 . . W . Nisi 58 & 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES 1 v.'. il I It . . - - ' - "- - " " J AGCCBAEY. CflEiFSESS. DISPATCH HAVING' MOVED INTO MY ; NEW BUILDING, j.y-2 1- HAVE ' BDO & JOB ' DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVJt BKJSJM REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH . " ' New Types, Borders, . Ornaments, -.&c IBOM TUB OBLKBRATBD fOUNDRT 01 T. WHITE A CO., NEW YORK, THUS MAKING IT IM 1 Most Complete . Establishment VS THE CITY. I am now prepared to Execute all Ordart for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, WITH,tDISPATOHI AoA la the Koit Approved ttyleot the Art. ' ' PARTI OTJLAB ATTBNTIOW PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD I EL IN T ING Bllle al Lading, Bill Heade, Clrcnlare, Blanke, Deed, Dray Tlekete, ' Begletere, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN . COLORS, CHECKS, ; ', CARDS, EXAsrses, I0TM, XHVXL0PX8, CONTBACTI. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, : Show Bill, Hand Billi, Label, Concert rre ribbn, school ana couero Nona, tel. Bill! of Tare, InTitationi, Bo o is. "W"o r-Is. : Of EVERY DESCRIPTION School aid CoUege Catalognee, ' ! Hlaeellaneoaf rampnien, - "Conitltntioni, Reports, Briefi, Printing in, Gold and Colors I ;;!" Wnted'lB Irery Color aV'I .!'! UanuiiotliHoe Cylinder. The only Freea ef the kind la Central Ohio, If r hdlUlM for doing any and all of tba abora deawip- tons af work, an new aaeunaend, aad eaUtlaoUoa will be guaranteed in ,au oaeea. , , ' IQ-au work rurnpn ; HUNNEWELL'S v - F ' '" universal ii; ;: ; , cough remedy. for all Throat and Long Oomphlnta. tneladng, with rat perfect reeula. Waoomaa Oooaa, Oiwamo ab Oohmob Cooeaa, Baoaeaul. ab Taaoar OoanaurT alway forerunner, af OoneuaiBtiaB. A a Booraiae Braorit baa no aupertor. freed fro. aU Opiate la. tic properties nay a need ay aaeat delicate eon Ullona aad with perfect oenfidenoo. i HUimEWELL'S; " CELEBRATED , . TOLU. ANODYNE. Th OatATurr Natoial Orura erer etfered to world, containing not a panic ie oi upw A m Baaiarl for NioaALBIA. BHaOmATUW, OoOT. a in, i iiaanii iiB mwiPM.iw. Tootb an Ba Acaa, OaTAaaa, Boaaoa Bay f ..a .ii aiM NjtrvAiu rtomtilainta. . foa Loae or Bun, and Headache to an in Tariatiee, tt ha no equal, and to wnwa awe unuuuuwu alt ar offered. - na iiin i.inu TinrauuifflvnniKmnMwV' faa Bown. CoaHAtirra. after remoring the pain It H aphyaia, a aioet important ooatraat with UM aouupa To Phyetelan, f onaola aad Trial Bottle will be teat, end to Dealer or Invalid a aeaoiipUre panpblet without inn anania ni iinum. 4ipo.tage-itamp. V - , i . Prepared ander the tpocial mperrtaloa af . , JOHN ti. HUNNEWELl, CBaanrr atre raMACtrnT, No 0 Conunerelal Wharf, Boaton, Kat. To whom pldua direct all communication, price Large Oongb Bemedy , 50 eentt per bottle. Smalt 44 " M I - Tnlo Anodroe. "SO " " . for V by th nanal whole! and retail dealer., tjry whrSfai . BOB tail A BMOEL, N. B. MARPB, J. M. DBNIO. iaii m n. nfirtu:. ! 0. DENIQA SONS,' auyH-wly A. J. SCITOBLLBB A Agent for Oolumbua, Ohio, Tba Court of Commoi Plai, Ffnklln Cobb - ty Ohio. BarahJ. Waltoa l ! '' .''a... ( Sal to Partition. Locind Walton etl.' . , . .. , . . ar vrrRairnttOE OF AN ORDED JL th laid Court vo m directed, I will offer for al nubile auction, at tha door of the Oourt Moue, la u f Columbu, oa . . , ... . Toeeday, May 7lb, 18C1, . t,. fMinin detcrlbed ret Mala, llnte le Norwich townebip, frankUn county, Ohio, to wlu i i.!rlV.K. nr. a. BenMld anrrey. No. 554, bounded it follow: Beginning at a Hon In th rod leading Columbu to Dublin; being th uth-Mterty corner lot No. one. la tba aurrey la proceed Inge in Partition Michael Walton: thence with the outh II o of Mid NoTl S. 65 degreee W. 140 pole, tea .tone a th we. corner to eaid lot; thence with the wetterly ?n7rl, n! SJdnrae. W. SI tw-MS polaa l a .tone, north weaterly eotnr of laid tot, and aorner to land u the heir of Apollo Bogere; thenc with UneN.47), degreee W. 40), polei i to ib. another ner te 14 heir.' I' d; thence with another oMbeir line B. 54 degree. W. S81H pol bik and Hon te orlginnl wet line of tn.Mrrey.Md wnth-wew oornerto aid heir' land; thenc with the original IId of aaidtur re. B. 43 deiree 30 mlnUte,B . 73 polee to a on north eaTten, corner to a tract of land of two hnndred acre eonTtd by Abaer Ol.pp ""J J deed, dated Aug. 87, lP3i; tb.noe with hi Un . 83 decree. B. 301 po W a:toBnthercorner of tald Olapp' lend jihence anoihe7ofhtllne. B. 87 degreee. B. 14 80 10B pole, , another corner of (aid Olapp' land; thence with another of hi line. N. degran B. lpol to a tw another of .aid Olapp' orn; than with another of hi S. 87deree B- 13 pole to a tone, nother of 0i.tip"cneri: fnenciwhh ttotbe f ht N. aaaRei B. 81 poleata a atane. north eaaUrly ooraerto ealdClinp'. lTthano N. 06)4 degree W. t poke and 1 UnaT tnc N. U degree. IT., followlc tb DnbltoBond eeTentyeigbl pole to b begin .lag, eoatalnUf S73 aerea, b the earn aor tec and alee, I the aame urTy. 554, ertlo'lnrng th abore dweribed trwi, nothe -traet. of Jlinoacra. bounded aa follow.: beginning at a annnuerrii eoraer te tht abore detcrlbed traei, thMic B Vtw B .rpole and A Itatoa. a atone to Dublin Bead fiera which a ehetry tree 80 Inchai in dllebear. N. S4X degrej; B. 89 ilnka, N. "lHdriirar. 17 pKnd It Unk. to a pott, wbVthlwalnmt 18 lechee to diameter bear. IT. 46 gree. B. 8 linaidlrtaal, thence H . 87 degree W. 0 Sod 81 link t .ton in the loath lin of Henry Oiaakenabwdf he B, 7SK dgre W. El pole, I link taapoat to th Dublin Boad, S. H. corner J!d McOrackei'. land; then. B. 10 degreee B. B8 pole and 18 link, to pet, then S. degraee-A, pelt Ud It link toth befrlnnlog. . j . I BxeepttagfroA eaid two UWU the foUtrwtof uerlbed vbirZl beretolor Kt V Bllaabelh Arol.tead, detwibed a. fft 'o: Commencing al th o: r of Mlcb.elWlum'. jd earn an thju wuth with tb Dublin road 8 rocHj theooe wetterty rSn. naralil VHh the Mid Michael WalWnWuU, S eide"reci J3 Bitnutr W. 244 po'.t; then N; 77 .Inaial rf. Bit 7-100 P'?-"-" greet . Tl 0-lu0 t; S 17 degree. 30 mine L.t4050.1U0 pole.: UieoceS. 87 degree. pLlmFtheirM U. m degree. it minuus B. 148 pole. UMVrinniag.aentaining foit.acre. The property beaoi .aa aantl-e tract .tln.ated t two hundred forty Mm, nd appraleed at 9M per acr. . . -: au One third ia bnd on day or balance In en and two yri (roa d.Jf 9,f ' - at the , ,i act. OF at the from to to lot t erly line be lerurtna their cor th te with to Uni mid 63 or and 3 the fro. e pole, Mc nod to oa Hn. de Jree. t Jo to ud WEEKLY vOniOSTATESMANt hkinsa a oiBOTrtiTioif :." u LaULGCT IT fXVMU- Xuu-iaii ThB sat Ur HV n Ohl, oaUldt of OlncloDttl Offers Facilities for Advertbing ! v"1, (',;j,fio CANNOT 'PAIt to bring Baeedr and RemiiinraiiTe " To thoee who take adrantaga ef them, i n Dtotribnted u tt tl through arery Poet Offloe to Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoae patronage Is raluable, aad rha aeldom lea the ' Bally Idltlona of alty Jonrnali; and aa only A Limited Kumber of AdvertiementB (A Are Imerted toiti oolnmna, appoprlateiy and HA0$0MEtV WSPtAVEW . , THITT CAjfKOT FAL TO , '. ' i . .,-.!. i " 'T ' ' ' ' Zk,ttxa.ot Attention ' ' --of aili :- ;., II. It .! : 5 i ! . i f J. ' ' WHOLESALE DEALERS AdrertWni In the WBIKLT BTATBBM AN will fla : ' It adrantagona to i THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which ii almof t certain to follow an eztenilra dlwemla - atioa knowledge of their builneai . AMONQ COTJBTRY rEAIEES I ADVBBTISBMKNTg INTBNDBB JOB The Weekly Statesman Should be handed In before f rlday noon. ; BKXWMXirDTO BT TBCS tATB ' ' ' SIR ASTLEY COOPER," or lorsow, Aim DR. VALENTINE MOTT or w Toaa. The acteoeriedged Headaof the Prefanlaa la etftaei . , Ateauapoara, . The heat Dinretlo, Tonio, and IrjTigorant, Th rirjeei Extract of the ITATJAN JUKIPHLB BBBJtT. The raroat and. Most Coetl Gin x tent. lunienruciBir-TA rrMiir INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, - INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bale, Plnta ind Qnarts, by tt Druggist, Grocer, or Country Merohant, tOOI OUT TOR BOGUS LONDON GIN S. TUB ONLY QEICOTNB ABTIOLB IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL, QIN. B. BALDWIN b CO.; J Impotterfl, 01 Liberty St i , .'. .j.jxsrw YORK. Sold to Columbn by . . i HcKBB A Bf STIBATJX, ' Whole 1 and BAtal I Oroeere, Btatemu Building. 0. A. WAG NIB. and other. In Cincinnati, by BUIBB, BCKBTE1N k CO., eSW-daodaU- . . and other. Master ' Conunissioner's Sale. ' Palettab W. Buatlngtoa ) t. . Sal by ordr of Court. Henry W. Doremua tt el." IlV TIRTIB OF Alt OIXDEU OF BALI D to an directed, frea the Conn of Common Plea of franklin county, Ohio. I will offer for aaleatthe dooi of th Court Houm, la th city of Columbia, on . Saturday, the 80th day ol April, A. D.1861, between the hour of 10 o'clock, A. H.. and 4 o'clock, P. M , the following described reel ettate aituate In th Ooun ly of franklin, ana ntaie of uuio, to wic pi s oi .nhrti.Wnn at ant-lot No. 35. in theci r of Columbu. Ohio. Alto, a tract of land In taction 10, half-teotlon 13 and 14, Townthlp a, rente Id, aeiugee laoot; rinmn, at the oentre of the Colon but A Granville Plank Boad t tba north-eatt corner of a tract belontlnf to Wilcox thenc with the oentr or atld road aortn vvM org. eaai ia faat. anath 0 dr.. 40 an. wait uarallel With (att Una ol eaid Wilcox 't land, and ISSK feet therefrom, 40 idee to th north lie .of tract belonging to mourn b narrow. (hn with north line of gn.rro ' land north tsi deg. i 1S.W iaet to ita InUrteotion of eatt lie of aitd Wlloox' lant. thrnce north 0 deg. 40 Bin. eatt with eait line of eaid Wilcox 'a, 3 4 10 pole to th beginning. , Lot No- il apfireletd at ai.uuu. ,. Tract in aec. lOat Sion. O.W. HUf f MAN, Sheriff Printer' fee S6.S0. . and Matter Oommlnloocr. march 15-dll4tw. .--ft . . Sheriff s Sale. John C. Work .1 Common Plea. Jame O. McCnr, J -V VlKlfJK OF A WHIT OF VFNDI DloM directed from tb Court of Common Pleae of franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for 1 at the door of th Court Bout In the city of Columbu, on Monday, the 15th day of "April, A. D , 18G1, between thehonri of 10 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock p. m th followinr deecrlbrd eroDert,, tltuate In the county or franklin, end Bute of Ohio, to wit: Thelntere.t and eetateof Jtmet 0. McCoy in lnlot No.. 44'i, In the cltr of ColumbQj. in nld hi eatate being the re mainder In fee alter the termination of the life ettate of Lubella Mc joy. widow ef Robert W. McCoy, deceajed, and the eatat of tald Jtaie 0 McCoy In laid eitat be In. the tarn, which waa d.Tiaed to him by old Bobert W. McCoy In hi. lut will and leatament, which 1 of record to Frantlln aounty, Ohio, Probata Court. Appraited al tB.OUt. .... xfTJa-rsAtt, btteriff, marcbl3:ltdfc4tw.. ... By Bn Daria, Deputy Printer', feet, 4 50. , , Master tommissiorier's Sale. Jaoob BUbtmigle , ) i va. - eat ay orusr oi ucurr. . Nlchoua Manrer et al. ' ' " BT V1KTVEOF AW ORDER OF SALE to me directed, from th Oourt cf Common Pima, of franklin Oounty. Ohl. I win ' offer for tel., at the door of tha Court-Home, in th city of Columbu., oa Monday, the 15th day of April, A. p., 1861. between the hour, of 10 o'clock Al M. ind 4 o'clock P.M., th fbllewint deMtibed reel ratal eltuate In the county or frnkltnndBttefOMo. to wlu In-lot Ho two hua dred and thirty-four, (834) In th diy of Columbue, M numbered and dealrnated oa tb recorded plat of nld city - ; ' " , AppraMerlat II.OOO,"1 ' '' ' ' , .7- . .W.HTTff MAN, Sheriff, march !4:ltda4tw- ' ' and Muter OoarmiKtoner. ' Printer fee 3. " - ....,. .-. .. ...... :;';;;Sbeiira Sale, JuaTaek.rBawir ) T. EliuL. Common Plau.i i' BY VIBTUE Of A WRIT OF VENDS to a directed, from the Oourt of Common Plea., of franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for aale, at th door of the Oourt Hon, to th city of Oolumbua, en . Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D. 1801, between the boun of 10 o'clock, A.M., and 4 eokck, P. M., tb following deacrtbed ml ettate, tiluate to th County of franklin, and Stale oi Ohio, to-wit: Lot No. 86 la ioba and Henry Miller' Addition to the atty of polumbu. . Appiaiaed at S200. . , , J r , 0. W. HtTff MAN, Shertlf. ' mhl4:dltw4." ' , , By . Davi. Deputy. PrintortfeeaSS.''1 " f "J . ' IdiM' linen Pookst-Eandk'fi. HEirllTIBDSTITCHED LINES) HAND kerchieft vary wide heme.' Bmbroldered Linea Haodk'S all prloel. Memmed SUIebedaad plain do d. d do colored borden, Moorplog d ' '' black borden '"'' de do - to ciiUtcbed.. .; . PinaApplede new pattern.. ,. Mltae Plato aad Heaatt Blitobed deall prica. . th xaoeleeleataatortmcatia theelty and attoweatprioaa, . ' BI A BON, . feb!i ;' ' No. 89 Booth High BtreeU -m f?ANCV OUEBS BILK B, f Jn IAB0Y DRHS8 BILK8, "'""iT "T"' ,,' f ABU If UBtB BTtKB," r-i if era aow oflnior our Inmene a took of fancy Srea Silk at price an. tbaa var betoa rad to Ulanjr. th attenUoa & tlx todiu ef thW Etiy aaA vicinity i aJtottaA. M aaratoek a eay Mtoet and eoorelei ta a) grade. of feed. In Ibi Uaa.' IKir it bAlK.t arJati viAf.AKi Bo. 88 South Ajida lorW V IA . A ti ". ffaa ' - d i it.' W ; ie IN U P Tm INTITS ATTENTION to torn of th moat ex inordinary enrea by my ' . -- 1 '"; PECTORAL SYRUP. Ther re at borne, and anp on who baa Boutt can In quire of the penon who bar been cured !, .- ,'i i-i .... r DR. KBTBER 18 PREPARED AT ANY TIMB To KXAMINH LUN08 WITHOUT CHARUB, TOH ALL TUOBB WUO RKBD illB AtBUlUlMKB. .... ' V ATTEND TO TOUR GOLDS A cat of Bra year1 landing cured by DB. HEX BBbVS FEOTOKAL BVHUr ' .B ' ' Prrr.Don, Jan. 11, IWO;.'! Dr. Earaa : My wife bu been afflicted with a bad eongh and difficulty of breathing, for five or ilx year. which , lor tererai year neck, nan gradually inoreaaea in rlolence. 1 he complaint ha been hereditary, and the had been treated by eereral nbvt clan without any re lief. In thl itate of her eate, I procured tome of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, tha flrat time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; 1 tnenoaiieo and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and he ha now no trace oi me lormer uiteaae, except woan nen. I would alto vale that I nted the medicine my nlf to a cold and c ugh. The medioine cured ml by tak lug one dote lexpree my entire tatnia'tion witu me medicine, and you are at liberty to publish thla if you detlrc to do lo. win., Alderman fifth Ward - PimiDaoa. Nor. 18. 1858. Da. Kiytxa: Although not an advocate of Patent Medlclnee, In general. It afford, me pleaiure Indeacriba ble to recommend Tour Pectoral Sirup. A. a medicine It I. well worth th. attention of any pron ho may to any manner be afflicted with eougna, cold, and hoeraenee. of any hind, and tor tna peculiar quanncauoni lor re moring all that dUagreeable aeniation attending a e rare oold. 1 hare been, mora or lea, to my life, affected with th orereit of cold and hoaraeneat. At time my throat would become aocluted a. to prevent my tpeaklng abore twhliper. end by taking a few dole, of the above Syrup It would relieve me entirely. :j In teoommendlni tbia medicine, I mutt anhMitatlngly ny that it 1 the bett remedy I ever found, purporting to cur tb above, nor mould any usury p. wimonv urn .mklu lA-rllMu, mn nnml.nt. - ...A i .: i , Voura, moit retpectfully, '. ' ., EDWARD J.JONBd, v: Caihier Oltlsen' Bank. Btxtjbkkvillk, 0. March 14, 1P59 I hare rued Dr. Better' Oungb dyrnp for a bad cough of Mveral year, .landing, and can cneeriuuy tay il i th beat medicine for the tame that I have ever ten, , J,W. PBICB. 00L. PBATT AND DR. KEYBEB'S PBOTOBAL 8YKUP. Da. Karua Dear Bin BxcuM th delay of my acknowledglag th.exoellence of your Pectoral Cough dyrnp aooner. 1 take great pleaiure In aaylng that It i. all you ear it la. ( fcnooted tto not out oi myeovo and th wont on I waa erer afflicted wilhi I bar uot uti mora than ona-half of th bottle, end I eao and do with that all who are afflicted would gireltu fair trial u I hare done, and they will be proud to tay, "It la no quack medicine." 1 would not miner another toon an attack for any conilderatlon, or at any coat. I am con (Went I can breathe more freely than lev r did I .hall alway acknowledge a debt af gratitude forinrentingao excellent remedy. - You are at liberty to aee my name In thl. regard, at yoa think proper a. r. ratTXi aieteenger liommon uouncu, riiuourgn, i-a Plttaburgh, May 11,1858, 1 . : N. B I am no .imager le my fellow-citieent, and : wno enieriaia uouoie can coniuib oi. ircrouuaiiy.- . y B-'.ft, - Pirnerji-ori. Anrll 84. 1857. BEAD TTIB TRUTH. Da. Karaaa: I bare a daugh ter who bat taken aeveral medicine for a bad cough, without benefit among them Ay.r'i Cherry Pectoral I purcluued from you a bottle of your PBOTOBAL SYRUP, and before ah bad uted half a bottle tb wm relieved. The tecond bottl cured her entirely of hr eongh. - JUiiMDArUN, Boblnwn (treat, Allegheny . . i i. - PiTmanaaa, December, Bl. 185X' A GREAT CCBB BY DK, BBYBBa'S FMOTOBAL SYRUP. I live In Peablee townthlp, Allegheny csunty. I had coughing and iplttlng, which commenued aoout ibi 4th ef f ebruary lut, and continued eight month. - I emnloved th beet nbyalelan. la th country, and By oonah continued unabated until early In October. Al that time I waa adrited to try your PBCTOBAL COUOH BYKUP, which I did, and after I had taken one bottle I wm entirely free from th coughing aad .pitting. . I bad detnalred of erer getting well, end I ihlnk it ahould ,be known that thit valuable reaedy will do for other what it hat done lomrcaM. JUU u. L1TTLB, Wltneet B. M. Kana. ' Peeblet townhlp. Parroa Tr., April 14, 1857. A WONDERfUL CCBB Borne time ago, aa eld neighbor of mine wm eery til with a bad cough which erery on euppoeed to be coniumptlon. Hi. relative told ma that he bad taken erery remedy they heard of wltboat benefit; hi. brother came to at him die. and all wen eonflimed ia thebal ef that heoould not lire.; 1 had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Bjrup, which 1 gare him, and it entirely cured him, to the Alton lihment of all. What make th cam more remarkable. It the extreme age of th man, be being abouleiiihty yean old. I have no doubt tha Pectoral eared hit lite. 'j . . . . .. . , . JUUMN' GLNNJSb , DR. KEYBEB'S PECTOBAL SYRUP IN BLAIBS VILLB. Pleaie eend me another tupply of your ralu able Pectoral Byrup." Almutt ererybody around Ae tute the oohI and are inquiring for "Dr. K.jter'i Pectoral rup." We bare ,ld alxtcen bottle, uut wek,and are nnwentlrelrnut. Mr. a. Alterand Mr. P. Maher. both of Blaltevt le, P , tell ue they would not be without It In their famlllei. In fan, all who uaa It once want it again. Your., re.pectlully,.' i.e. WATIERBON A SONS ,,. Januaty SO, 1800. ' , ' '':! ANOTHER NEW CERTIflOATB-DB. KEYBBR'S PBOTOBAL BY BUP.1 had been troubled with acough and oold tor tererai week ao bad wm It that I could not leen. Ibad the advice and preacrlptlona from thre of; thebe.tphytlclaniln Uiteity. whom I could name, but do not do ao. I finally prooored a bottl of your Pectoral Byrup, which cured me entirely. Blgned, i j woJ " 1. W.BIMONTON. , " ' 838 Liberty .treet, Pltuburgh, Pa , Jan 8,1800. t'BTOP THATCOUOHINO." 'How can Tdo Itr "Oo to Keyaer'.ou Wood .treet ana get a Bottle or nil cough PaMaiaI. and If that don't our. ,ou, your cat. muat be deeperat indeed." 7 hie liaipecimenof th aolloqny one bean almott every day In cold catchicg periode of the year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur In the adrlwr' admonition at abore, for we bare tried the "Pectoral." to a moat atubborn eat, with entire aucceaa. Near two we ka ago ae went to ritt.burgh. with on. of the moit dUtrcating, contrary, muliah, un- eubduable cough we ever experienced alnce onr advent upon thla mnndane apner. we oeugoeo eieadiiy and i.hnrlautlr for on whole week, to bopee of tirinott ewA but It wm oo go. In fact It teemed rather to. bare im nmnii hr nrantloe. and to have acquired itreneth.DOten- cy and dittrettibilUy by the operation. Ip thla atageof therteg, wc couched our way to nejm i, iw wood Bt. procured a fifty oent bottl of th "Peotoial;" tooetit accordiug to direction., and in forty-eight hour, we were mMter of th field, th enemy having unconditionally urrendered, after a brief but unequal eonfllot with to formidable an adreraary u Kereer'i famou "Cough PctoTal."iwi(nit t(ipr, xp. ia, wv. : , j -, ... v . ' -mm : !.. DR. KBYBER'S PECTORAL BYRUP I. prepared and told by Dr UKOKUa U. tutXBfiu, 4tu rtooa lirefl, Pljy'Boidta Columbu. by ROBERTS A f AMTJEt.'1 J TOOTHACHE REMEDY. . ..s 'i ri ' ,...,.,,, ,i... !;,.. r . . -.r 'it' PraparedandHldby "' ' rDR.0E0.H. KEYSIB, i. ;,?; ' - ill ". ,i!.t-i Prica, .. . 140 Wood at,,' PUUburgh, tC I IU Sold In Columbu. by BOBBBTB SAMUEL,,, . ootlawdtlm.;;., ;,f ,;.' ( , M 1 i : .' ... ':';: nv-... .i, . , ; T . 'onerm oaio. . --- Geo. W. Brew at al. -- ' nivytrxi BY TIHTTJE OF AN ORDER OF 84 LE to aa directed from th Superior Oourt of frank lin oounty, Ohio, 1 wlil offer for aale al :lbet door of lb Court Doute, In the clt of Columbue, on . . ',,; Saturday th 13th day of April, A. D. . 1861, .tlo'olockP M.. (he following ducrtbed Real EitgU, altuat In tb oounty of . franklin, aad Stat of Ohio, to Witt Lot Mo. 83, lu th town of Darrltbnrgh, In atlr) oounty.- - - ! '' ' - - - Apprahwd at S325. : r i ' 9. W. HUf f MAN, c .gafblS-kdAeur ...' , 't .'f, .1)4 Sheriff u i'!," .S C0,'mi.'. .-..t ttt ,,l ?..! r OLDFN HIt.SJIHIRTBt(,,-,r t,,,7 VX , GOLDEN. HILLBIIIRTB .; t1 OOLDBN HILL SIllRTS. .'W. Tb pattore ef thM bl n ar aw, Tb Bid lea, Yokae, torn aad become r formed to St aha peraon with aaee and comfort. Th mark npon aaoh ana deelgnatlng th llM may b railed on u being correct, and each alilrt I guaranteed Well mad.' - A rail (took of all qnalitle aeuuntly for Ml at : ;'- i ' BAIBfB.t-J botS4. - No. 88 South High ttrect. ,n; i " ' 1 ,.! .. ! " ii. , a- i ," ' , Faf IWeeHaal Fnrpaeee. , t PURE BBANDDIBd.WINEB, 0OHIlAi.4.ANJBlt Ttaa, from ''BoBded Warehoot " ' , , .I'C.fct.r' - -iS' MtONAlD i 'I BOT87 1 0A Bouth Hlch ttraet. T-r.rr PITH AW JioiVKETS AND FX" .ttor ftiMji hoi ia , I Ml . BISC1E11I OF THE AGE. HfK. KENNED a i OF i BOXHUBYI 171 I bu dltcovered to one of our common failure weed a remedy that cure ' , "" ' ' Every Kind of Humor, : fROM Xhs worst SorofnU down to a, common Pimple. Tf ha. erlA It In owar alarm hnndred SAM. Ild DT' avraiUif KTMnrlnnmiuiu. fhnth (hnhderhumor.) H hu now la bl poMmlon over toe hundred otrttficateiof Itt raltt, all within twenty mne. or Bolton. Two bottle ar warranted to our a ouriing ion month.' 'ii i. . . i ... One to thre bottle, will our th wont kind of Pimple on the face. Two or three bottle will clear th ayatem of bile. Two bottle ar warranted to cur tlie wont ranker In the month or atomach. Three to fir. bottle an warranted to cure tb wont kind of BryilpelM. Une to two bottle, ar warranted to cur au numor in the are. - r "- - w . i' Two bottle are warranted to cur running o the .n unu Diownee among uia uair. - .... four to .ix botie. are warrantea to cure corrupt and running ulcen. une Dome will on re acarr erunuon or ue aain. Two or three bottlea an warranted to our th want kind of rlnflrworm. t Two or thre bottle ar warranted to cure th moit detnerate can Of rhenmatiim. . - . Three to fonr bottle, are warranted to cur aait-anenm. fir to eight bottle will onr th wont ohm of aero- fula. A benefit Ii alwara nnerlenced from the flrat bottle, perfect cure I warranted when th' abov quantity I taken. ..... HUXBl'lir. BIABB. Dxaa Mini:- The TtButatidn af the Medical Dll oorery, to curing all kind, of hnmon, It to well eatah ll.hai hr tha nnanlmona voloe of all who have ever seed It, that I need not ny anything; on the .object, at th nut .klllful phyiloian and the moit careful Druggiit In the country ar unanlmoai In iu pralie. In preienttng th Medical Dlasovery to your nolle, I do It with a full knowled.e of ita curative nower. to r tiering all, and curing moat or thoee diieaee to wnicn yoa are unfortunately o liable. ' That moat excruciating dlwat to an aEectionate motnerv " NTJR8INO 8pilE MOUTH,. T la cured a If by a nlracle; your owa tamper; It reatored to itt natnral iweetnett. and rour tab from ahort and fretful napa to calm and aweet ilumbert; and the Medical Sucovery become a fountain oi Dieamng w your nniDanu and houMhold. Tn Ih.ainMulHnwtrtllirHAf llxtendte thaatomaoh au.lng W I ' . . U U i l VtHft.i'SIA, which la nothing but nkr oq the etonachi then to tht Intel tinea and K.' ' ' 1 ' v-- i - ' KB nr is . creating a (inking, gone feeling, and an Indifference area to we care, oi your lamuy. Your atomach 1 ... , . . . 4' HAW AND INFIiAMED, . mne fond rllrtraauaron. and voU can onto tak certain kind, and even of that your lyttem doe not get half tha nourithm.nt II con Ulna, at th acrunonou fluid of the canker eate ttupl then your complexion ioea iu bloom and become tallow and greenlth, and your beat day 11 gone, for want of nouriabment your ay.tem be come, looie and flabby, and the Atari of your body be come relaxed Then follow train of diieue which tb Medical Pieeorerr a peculiarly adapted to r i j V f r i , ;' n c a b e i j y -.a 1 1 1 palpitation oi tne neart, pain in toe nuo, nwiw o the apln and tmaU of the back, pain of the hip joint wnenyou reur. irrrguianiy oi tne dvwoii,, .uu that moat excruciating oi oueaRi, tna PILES. How many thousand of poor women ar (offering from lidieuend pining away a mlacrable life, and their thla nrt rinw nairhbor doe. net know th came ( L wl.h to i,m1i vau. mind ahat rood old nr6Trb "An ounce of prerentlon u neuer tnan a pouno oi cure, ao uie r JttEDlCAl, DISCPVEBV t, 1 4 ' you bar both the praventative and th cure, with thl great and good quality,, that U will aererr ander any clxoumttancei, do you any Injury, i v.i - : THE MEDICAL. DISCOVERY t arpaclaly Intended for diteaae f the blood, but tlnce lu Introduction to th We. tern Btaiea, It 1 found to b tbabut (' AGtE REMED thatwa verbefor tb nubile. No change of diet ever neceeeary eat the beat you can and get enough of It. ....... . DinnrmoM roa caa Adult on tabl ipoonful per iar Children orer ten reare. deaeert anoonful Children from fire to eight ran, teaepooaful.. A.' ao direction. eanbetpplleabtow ell cMittotion., take lufllci.nt operate on the boweli twice a day. Vltj'-'IALt Yottntruly, - ) ...-t , TvArw A t Tt vvwiarvrtV A Vl a! AU AT nabltltAA'l.i Price SI -00 per bottl.,. for, - y trery druggiitto e United Btaie. t i ,, aepai-dAwly. th PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR III VIGORATOR An Effective, Safe and Economical ... Compound, - FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR' To It original color WilKout dyeing, aniparrentlBg the iiairirom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Andourlng It, when there I th leut particle of vitality f or recuperative energy remalnlni i Y . ;j FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF ' And aUoutaueouaaffeattoa of the Scalp. I r , FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR.,, Imparting to It an uneqaled glott and brilliancy, making It toft and ailky to II texture, and earning it to curl readily. r- - lb treat eelebrltj and todreulng demand for thl. nn equaled preparation .oanrinceiiha proprietor that one trial a only neceiury to eatt U a dimrning public of It. tuperior qualltie. over any other preparation in aa, - It tne neaa and tcaip irom. aanarua ano oinar cutaneoui dlwaaci, eautiug tba hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rico, aoit, gioaty anu nexjnie appearance, alio, where tlie hair I looaeolng and thinning, it will trenath and rl.or to the root od rot tore ihe Brow hoM part which bar become bald, sauting it to yield ra.h oorarlna of hair. - ' . , There are hundreds of ladle and gentlemen In New York who hare bad their hair reatored by the uie of thla Inrirorator. when all other preparation, have failed. L, M baa lu bl poweetton letter Innnmerablo testifying to the,eUve facta, from persona of the higbew redaeota bllity. It" will effectually prevent Ihe hair from taming until the laleat pcriud of life; and In eate. whtra'lh hair hu already changed it color, th uie of the Iavigoratur will with certainty restore It to tt to Ita original hu, glv Ing it a dark, glossy appearanoe.. As aperfmna for th toilet and a. Hair ttnitorauve It is particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragranoe; and th gnat fa eilitle It afford! In dressing the.hslr, which, when moist with the Invigerator, can be d reeved ta ny required form o u to preurre Itt place, whether plainer in eurli; hence the gnat demand for It by the ladle at a itandard toiletartlcle which none ooght to be wtthout,u the price places it wltnin tne reaoa oi an, eemr Only Twenty-Fivrf Cents per bottle, to b tad at at tetpectabJe "Vrugglit and a . rerrwxeen. -t. MILLBB would call the atteetionof Parent od Guardian to the uie of' hi. Inrlgorator, in caae where' th children', hair incline to be weak. The uu of It lay th foundation for aowxtAaaet of hair, u it re move, any impurities that may bars beeoms eonneeted with the ecaln. the remoral of which I necessary both for th health et the child, and the future appearance of it. Hair. .irviuu; Oadtioh, None gennlne without the fao-rlmlle LOTJIB MILLBB Ming oa tb outer wrapper! alu.iL. MIL LBH'B HAIR lNVIOORATOB, N. ., blown to th gla.-.3. tj'i' li- "fl 'i'i fi. ' WboUtal Depot, St Sep (tract, and sold by all the principal atorenaata an airuggiaie uiroqgnnut to world Liberal olMOunt to riurchaaer by the quantt.ty".'"'', 1 alao deeire to breunt to th American Public fat ' WIW Am). IWBOVED . HTSTASTAIIEOTJB LIQUID HAIR DYE, which.' after yean' of (dentifio xprimentlng, I have brought te perfection. It dj. Black or Brown initantly wiihoutlnjury to th Balr or Skin; warranted th beat article ol we gina m exisiauce. , . . PRICE. ONLY 60 CENTS. ocutrJ:dkwiy-- rns''. WHO SflOUID USE ''""' DBJ,'SBOVEEofi0PS' mtoiir.mii:jiTTints? All who . are sfliiited with Lacipicnt, Conjomptlon er WukLungaehoulduulheni. ' , ' All who raffei frea Weak ttotxaohj, AndlgaiUon. Dyt- AU WHO uuer iium fjrcHTTiaii or tuvrww Beatlewncag U totiWaot J Ji J.a tbouli M "Tll'paraon who af Ifafotyfafftm er ettwr ticaoeu mourn ia mom. ... Mlutoten of )h $wl&rn3MXI& al public apeaken should nu them. Boat kXpera, and alt persons laadtng a ledentou If ahould au itJcm. I ii ? .,-iinn nu it i i The aged and rofirm should uu them. ,, ., All who require itimulant or tonic should un them. Alt who area idtotttd to tbe use ol ardent (puiln and With totoionh.boaid at Uiemw.J , They are made of a pure b berry Win, and of tha na tlr plant and barb -of the ountryrand ihonld be ra oommended by temperanc aocietle, clergymen, phyaV eiansandivll trtonds of huasnlty. . .. Tbey r preiwred by ae experienced anl aVUlful phy. rielan, and, said from their medicinal propertie, an a moetdellehtfulberenf! and y.t, u mrxilcijta, are M ItiBowiiAuiilsannlemMlh dcwt( heavcnh, , ivr Bold by drugirl.ti generally. i-. . . CEASJXt WIDCmeLB CO., rroptUtom, MeVWUUeu ' YarH. i ...i - ,u. iioa ble iwtr.taavaw;jjt ataWeawllwX.ii 'f, r .1J0-U .!-! '.AW i'ri'l ,' Scf.j? i i C& CURE NervousHeadache CURE 0 By th an of theu PHI. th pertodlo attack, of jVr- estuj or BhJt HtadaaKt may be prevented; and If taken it th oommtnoement of an attack Immediate relief front pain and alcknaa will be obtained, They Mldon fall In removing the Hautta and ooAi to which female, are o .abject. ' 1 ' They tot gently upon th bowel nmoviog OotH ' M(.i ft ' .'. .1 'i : for . lAltraru itft, Buitntt, . Delicate Jtemal tnd all panon of tatfeatory AoWfl, they ar ralua ,,. M a latmtivt. Improving th appttltt, giving ion vtt&r to th dtgeitlv organt, and reetorlag th nator elaitlcltyand itrength of the whole ayitem. THB 0XPHALI0 PILLS are the reault of long lava tlgatlon and carefully eondncted experiment, having been to uie many yean, during which time they have prevenntd and relieved a rut amount of pain and tuffer ' tog from Headache, .whether originating in th narrow' lyetem or from deranged itate of th afomooA. Tbey are enllrely rege table in their oompotitlon, an may be taken at all time, with perfect eafetj without making any Changs of diet, and th abitnc of any Altaqrttdblt iatt rmdtr U ay to adminUter thm thUdrm. - .'I . BBWARB Of COUNTBitf BITS I Th genuine bar five aignaturei of Henry 0. Spalding on mch Box. ' ' ' ' Bold by Druggurl and all other Dealen la Medicine. ! A Box will be lent by mall, prepaid, oa receipt of th Prioo, 23 Oonto. . Al) erden ahould b addnawd to , , . ( , , ... . . HENRY C. SPALDING, , ' 48 Cedar Street, New Yerk. THB VOLLOWING INDORSEMENTS Of . SPALDING'S , ; CEPHALIC PIUS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFfER PROM " HEADACHE, - ' 1 . ' ' THAT A ,' j SPEEDY, AKD SURE CUBE j J; IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. , i " i "- . At thtit Ttitimon tall vr vntnUcited by Ma. SraLD ' i lKa,tnvrfordwiqvttionaMtprooeUlitjn- ;i acy q int irtuy totaiiyi o at tcovtry. .p Maaoirviua, Coaa , f eb. S, 1B81. Ma, SrAUtrta. ,. v Sib: ' I her tried your Oephalle Pllla. and Ms thtm to Well that 1 want you to Mod me two dollan worth more. rui of thee are for tha nelghbon, to whom I gave . few out of the flnt box I got from you. , Bend the Pilla by mail, and oblige ' - ' I Your ob't Servant, . ! - JAMES KENNEDY. i ii-ij :.i-: . Ma. SrauxM. . HavntruaD, Pa., P eb. S, 1861. t Siai ' 1 with you to lend me one mora box of your Cephalic till, I havrcetoed a aradat of bmtft from tilem. . louri, reipectrnny, . . : MARY ANN STOISnOUSB. . r ' i SntccaCaaiK, Hrjrm8ToirCo.,PA., . - i ; .. . Jannarr IS. 1801. I H. 0. BrALBira. i bib: ' ' "' i You will ptoue tend me two boxu f. your Oephalio filU. Send, them Immediately. , r. Beipectfttlly yours, I : - JNO.B. SIMONS. '.P. B.Ihavtuted one box of your MUt, and find themeaeellmt. '.. Bill Vamoii, Obio, Jan. 15, 1801. , HiirkT C. BpaLDIMo, Bsq. I Pleaie And encloeed twenty -fire sent, for whloh aced m another box of your Cephalic Pllla. They art truly Vie but PiUt IKan cr tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., j.. Bell Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0., ,'i .ti :,..! ' f m, . .Tim. ii imui. H.O. Bpaicuw,' Esq. , I I with for tome clrculirt or large (how hill, to bring fourCephauo Pilla more particularly before myeuato toen. . If you have anything of the kind, please tend to me. ! On of my eustomera, who li aubject to severe Sick -Headache, (utnally luting two dayi.) tea ourwf of an attack in on hour by your Pi'U, which I sent ber. ketpeetfelly yours, j - . , . , . W.B. WILKES.' i ' RrrnoLMBORe, f imiLm Co., Oaio, I 1 January 8, 18CL j Ddixt 0. SrAtniMO, ' . ; No. 48 Cedar it., N. Y., : Dt Bia: . . Inclosed Bed twenty fire cent, (83,) for which tend box of "Oephalle Pllla." tend to addrua of R.T. Wm. 0. Filler, Reynoldtbnrg, lnnklin Co., Ohio. I Tour PiUt work lik a tharmoun JTeadach al- are faafanfer. - i v l : .'.- Truly your, ! WM.O.PILLER. . I- Ub. : Irtrujrn, Mich., Jan. 14, 1601. Briiniiia., Silt: i Nrt long tlnce I sent to yon for a box of Cephalic Pill for th cure of th Nervous Headache and Oostlrsness, and received the aame, and they Aad so good at iftet that teat inducsd to lend for mot. t PlesM lend by return mail. Direct to ' I i h (':: . A. R. WHEELER, : I :. . . - Ypillantl, Mich. j "" from th Examiner, Norfolk, Va. I Cephalic Pill acciompllih th object for whloh they Wen made, vis.: Our of headache In all It form. I Prom th Examiner, Norfolk, Va. '' '' They have been totted to mora than a thousand with entire lucceai. .1 i' i j it .' from th Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn, u- i If yon are, or have been, troubled with th headache , end for a box, (Cephallo Pllla.) ao that yoa may have them In cue of aa attack. , front th Advertiser, Provldenoe, B. I, , The Cephallo PHI ar uld to be a remarkably effective remedy for tha neaoacn, ana on of the vary beat for that very frequent oomplalnt.wn.lch ha ever bun dlj- overed. ' !; Prom th Western B. B. GsaatM, Chicago, 111. .1 We hurtllr endors Mr. Bnauldlnr. and his unrlvalal Cephallo Pllli. ' ' J .v r. ". t ' ' ' i-j .-. fcv I Prom th Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va, ,.. ' W era sun that penoni nifferlng with th headache, Who try them, will stick to th.ui, ... iu ivji .. .-..-i .i . i -i... " Prom'lh Southern Path finder, New Orleans, La, 'i,t : Try themt you that are anllcted, and we an sura Uut. rour teitimony can be added to tha already numeroua lltt that hu. race ived benefit, that no other medicine can piedee. tifit;1!.!'.' nrt-vx? ''' .' 'v.-ji'. - (;if. jai.;-) from the St. Loul. Demeotat. K' Th tanienM demand for the artlele fOtpbaUePUIi' v lg npldly iDorcaslog. .. . , . . , ,,.,,4 ( t : vni tt'Preat th Gautte, Davenport. Iowa. -, Mr. Spalding would not conneot hi name with an ar-., Ucls bs did not know to possess real merit, ' irjA single pottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED . GLna will aar tea tlnw Itioot annually. JTT t SPALDING'S PREPARED GLlJE f fit A U JpAaPaNG'S PREPARED GLtfEj' ill SPALDING'S PREPARED GLCE1 ,6ea!avif!iJxt ' 1 ' ; t ''., u:t km BAT1 TM PIB0IS1 Ji I00N0MY1 ....... DISPATCH! " ; h yjA Stttcb w Tuta lives rftB.,II - As asstdeabt will happen, eves to wall ngulatsd faa Hies, it li very desirable tohsv om cheap od eon vnlnt way (or repairing furniture, Toy, Croooery, iU 1 BP ALBINO'S PnEPARBD GLTJl" V meat, all such eaurgenote, and ae boMebeld eaa afford ' to be without tor-At toaiwaye rssdf, aad up to the (tick Tvrirvi'M itiETt HOW- ;f V 'W.'8.'r Brlsll acwmpanl each bottl. , trice, SS nan to. .jy , BBNBY O. Braiiinao, ,u ,i c itd a i :.''.( , No. 4d, Cdar Blreet, New Xerk. ; .f.-lio: w ,. (.,.';'!t''il''l' t' ;:"''! 'Caution;, -HI ' I i. ..ti nn.rlnsln1ed DTson ere attempting to balm off on th nniucpectlng public, Imltatloni of tof PBBPABBD OLTJB, I would caution all perseo to a -aaaina before nnrchnMng, and le that tb full BnsV , !7TTrr'l'LIJU' PRHPABEDaLUK. H . b on (KJaoliiu wrapperi U oUiln ar !;.. frcoo; VrlF7B 7 X-NV-irlVaa,