Newspaper Page Text
il)c (!)!jio Statesman MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. ti. k a . rmrBB Compaoy placed us dailj unueVoe'to U forho very latest paper. from the eiialern cities. - u": 1'..,in F.xnress Company has our thanks for Us daily favota iu the shape of the very latest eastern paper. Frokbix'b Kinder Gartih SrsTiM. "Lewis' New Gymnastics," a monthly published at lWon. Mass.,haBa "Kinder Garten Depart- P. PEAB3DY. We mvii'i " , t a ii make the following extract from the April number: Th Kinder Garten system of Frederick Froebel is ono of carefully graduated pr6res sion, having rospect to the whole nature oi me child; striviog to give iree ana -'"""""" development to body, mind and heart; to guiae his spontaneous activity into well-balanoed, healthful, graceful action; to establish habits of .,d nninr- tn cultivate quick and ao- enrate porcflption as tho natural basis of wise, comprehensive reflection; to give fitting food to the imagination, ftlwn.J active in child hood: to surround with such an atmosphere, that mutual helpfulness and obedience inroucn iove, .i,i,., ihriiht. the eood, for its own beautiful saW-eha!! be his earliest experi ence; and to teach iu ft thousand ways the an surrounding presence of the unseen, whose Law is Utder.auu wnose uiieia , ... d. ... i,i h.i ! Krhedel's handmaids in this work-Gymnastics, Grammar, Music. But tho quick heart of this wise man nas placed . i :!. .tmaA hA wrtuld them lu natural reiawiua wnu -- - u j u .v,rr, iin claims nothing new I Tho mnrit nf h i BVStem IS ItS profoundly studied adaptation to the unfolding I u: ,; h herins with the babes in uuiunu vcmx - o .... p j An arms. He would lead each child forward, step by step, but each step is broad enough to admit the varied play 01 mo iuu..uu..., regards. Ho would havo each child untold per fectly from his own germ, like the flowers in the .. . l .n t, a afhnnla ,1Child- garden; tncreiore uu cui? Dv. v. dren's G.trdcns.'' irr Immediately following the War Proclama tlon of President Lincoln, we recoived that of the "Immortal J. N.," announcing that ne would lecture at tho Court-Home, next Wed nesday evening, on tho philosophy of Truth, Justice and Immortality. (" General Carmngton will repeat his lec ture on "The Hour, The Peril, The Duty," at Ajmory Hall, on to-morrow (Tuesday) even ing. Luliea as well as gentlemen aro consider ed as invited. KTThe Probate Court of Hamilton county issued forty,three marriage licenses last week. There were In the county during the week, five marriages utdeib anus. fCPMr. Sand.', the newly appointed United States Marshal for tho Southern District of Ohio, has received his commission and entered upon the duties of his oilico. 0The following is tho inscription on a stone in a cemetery at L Pointe.Lake Superior: "In memory of John Smith, accidentally shot by bis brother as a mark of affection." ID-Tho earnings of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for the month, of March 18C1, were $451,441) 41, being an increase of $37,000 over tho earnings for Mtreh, I860. irr List Friday, the 12ih inst, the day on mMrh r.lvll war was" begun," was the eighty- fourth anniversary of the birth of HENitr Clay. in LITTLE MIAMI, COLUMBUS & XENIA R. Columbus, April 13, 1861. Editor Ohio Statesman Dear Sir: On and fr.P Monday. April 15th, trains on the L. M., C and X. R. R. will run as follows : Leave Columbus 1st train out, Aco. at 5 A. M.; Ex press, 11:50 A.Ms MaU,H3U r. m.; ;. Express, via Dijton, 13 M. ' Returning Arrive at Columbus at 3:20 A. M 11:03 A. M ; 2:55 r. M.J ana r. i. Respectfully, JOHN W. DOHERTY, Agent. Rail Road Time Table. Lirri. Mum i k Ouuioik inn k. . Oinoioaatl Accommodation. ,5 00 A.M. .. . .. i?r:,::.::i.'-ui v. m. v. m. Mill Jiocomrouufiii-ii n A. M. on Might Oolomsos fc Cleveland R. B. I ,,. M Night Kxprcw 'fitStu jV lO A.' Ne York Esprei..... .-l A.M. II. J A. m Mall and Accommodation.. of Pa-."". CoitsalOrio It No. 1 Bxreu... No. 8 lo No. 3 d j It. 3:30 A.M. : M. UAS A. M- I'rf. if' 3:10 1. M. 4:5U A. M. W. J. Full, Agent. n ... nmrailll t ClNOIKSATI R. K. "Z . " 3 3 A. M. 11:38 A. M. Mllinm- 1118A.M. 11:45P.M SM,r,.. Train..... tmmm, A,ent. We congratulate our readers j disoovery of a cure for Rheumatism, Uont ana Nenralcia. and all Mercurial Diseases, wblcb XMeuraiB . .u i miMn, eflec ed without ne " wmcn aeturoy mo wuunmiwu o " i ... . t fA. ; l i. s v, a nn1 trnnwn I rary relier only, in mc . - - rnmMlT flltCllUC a pcnisun I warranted, from its recommendations, In calling j the attention of the afflicted and those caving .i-.i. t,nm . Rheumatism, uout or iriCUUO BUUCHUg - Nanralaia. or the pernicious effects of Mercury, to the advertisement in another column of onr paper, of Dr. Lcland's Autl-Rheuraatlo Band, Prof. Wood's Restorative uordial amu c,u Renovator is. without doubt, the best tonic ior dial in the world. To those who are suffering from General Debility we would recommend its use, while itls plcasauttothe Is strengtn nlnir to the Mstem. and will at once tend to remove all Impurities of tho Blood, aud erodi- ' cate all traces of disease. It can be taken Dy tha weakest stomach, while those In good health will at onoo feel Its exhilarating power, We are aj a. lUkl ft am ndtnff fin ft hnltle of this Cor n'one.will i bo for a day without it.-J York Leader. " -1 Good We met one ot our friends yesterday An RmiwlwAv. and were astonished at the change in bis appearance. A few weeks ago we saw him. ha nnla. loan and deleoted; complain , ing of weakness and debility, having been so afflicted all summer. Now he appears to do iat, bealtbv and strong. We learn he owed his res toration entirelv to McLean's Strengthening Cordial. - .: : ... . We advise all who are complaining of Gen. ral Debility to try it? it is certainly a vert rileasant remedy. We learn that there are large quantities selling daily. Morning HtrU IDR. KiRKfATRicic, No. ICS South High " Street, has a very choice assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, at prices to suit the times. A ' - - ITJ Soa advertisement of Prof. Miller .ler'i Hair Invigorator in another column. Guernsey's Balm is one of the best remedies .for Headache we have ever known. Tl"l,UI "mil FIUUUKI IlliACK i 'X DRK'S K1LKB, of svorv Rraila. Ths most select assortment In Hie oily, anu at bohtowto nuc. No. SO South High itrwt BA1C1 at Dun aprllS nONNETH, l.lRKONS TABS, AND A) RUQllKs, newstylci, Just open Miy BAIN 80N, aprllS No, 39 Rputh Bib street. ' TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. PROGRESS OF CIVIL WAR! THE CONFLICT AT CHARLESTON. Fort Sumter Burnt Out, and Almost Destroyed!! Surrender of Fort Sumter!!! Only Five of Maj. Anderson's Men Wounded, and None of the Confederate Forces Hurt! FORT MOULTRIE BADLY DAMAGED. MAJ. ANDERSON AND MEN LEAVE FOR NEW YORK. The Fleet off Charleston Harbor. IMACTION OF THE FLEET. Reception of the News North and South. President Lincoln's Proclamation for 75,000 Volunteers, and Extra Session of Congress. Charlistom, April 13 The ships in the off. ing appear to be quietly at anchor. Tbey have not fired a gun yet. The entire roofs of the barracks at Sumter are in a vast sheet of flames Shells from Cummings' Point and Fort Monl trie are bursting tn and over Fort Sumter in quick suooesBion. The Federal flair still waves. Major Anderson is only oocupied putting out me nre. &rery shot in tort Sumter now seemi to ten neaviiy. The people are anxioosly look ing for Major Anderson to strike hia Use. Jt is stated, from a reliable source, that up to 10 o'clock to day, no ono at Moultrie was Kinea. Eleven shots from Fort Sumter penetrated tne nosung Dattery oelow the water line. The few shots fired bv Maior Andarann carl this morning knocked the Chimnevn from tha ouicers- quarters at Moultrie, like s whirlwind. Major Anderson's onlv hone now la to hold .m . . a . ... J ... - out for aid from the ships. Two ships are mak ing in toward Morris Island, with a view to laud troops and silence the batteries there tort Sumter is n udoubtedly on fire. The flames are raging around it. Major Anderson nas thrown out a raft loaded with men. who arc passing upuckets of water to extinguish the nre. a ae rort is scarcely discernible. The men on tho raft are now objects of fire Irom Morris imauu. win glasses, balls can be seen skip ping over the water and striking tha unnrotaot. ed raft. Great bavoo is created among the poor fellows. It Is surmised that Maior Anderson In crnil- ually blowing up the fort. He scarcely fires a gun. At half past II o clock flames were bnrattner from all the port holes. The destruction of fort Sumter is inevitable tour vessels, two of tham lai-cn ntampra. am sight over the bar. The largest annears ta iugaglng Morris Island. The flames have nearly sobsided in Sumter, but Major Anderson does not fire any guns. Gen. Beauregard left the wharf just now for Morris Island. The exoitement, if anything, Is increasing. MoNTaOHERV. April 13. Gen. Beauregard telegraphed to the Secretary of War, late last night, that thero had boon heavy firing all rridav, that four euna on ForiSumttir hud haen dismounted, that the Confederate batteries were all safe. Nobody was hurt. Four steam ers were off the bar, and the sea was quite rough. Nothing of to dav's date has been received h the War Department from Charleston. Charleston. April 13 Two nf Mainr An. derson's magazines have exploded- Only oc casional shots are fired at him from Fort Moul trie. 1 be Morris Island battery is doing heavy work. . It is thought that oulv the smaller maff&zinpa have exploded. - - 1 he greatest excitcmont prevails: the wharvna. steeples, and every available plaoe is packed mm people. . United States ships are in the offinc. hnt have Biueu major Anuerson. it is too late now come over the bar, as the tide is ebbing. I have read a letter from S. C. Bovleston, dated Moultrie, at 6 o'clock A. M. He says not one man was killed or wounded. The Iron battery had been damaged: the rifle oan- non of the battery did great execution on Sum ter, and were all aimed at Anderson's port-holes. Three ol Sumter's barbotte guns weredismount. ed, ono of which was a 10 inch Columbiad. A corner of Fort Sumter, opposite Moultrie, was unoctea ou. The steamers Water Witch. Mohawks and Pawnee, It was thought, were the three first vea. seen In tha offing. Another correspondent says the bombardment has closed. Mai. Anderson has drawn down the stars and stripes, and displayed a white flag.wbich has been answered from the city, and a boat is the way to Sumter. The breaches made in Fort Sumter are on the side opposite to Cnmmings' Point; two of its pori-noies are Knocked into one, and the wall from the top is orumbling. Thrca viiu1i. nna them a large sized steamer, are over the bar, uu Buem io oe preparing to participate In the oonfllct. The fire ol Morris Island and Moul trie is divided between Snmtor and the Bhips ol ni. iui Buiua nave not vac nnanori tiro Charleston, April 13 Tha hmteripa nf Sul livan's Island! Cutnmlngs' Point, snd Stevens' oawery are pouring shot and shell Into Fort Sumter. Maj. Anderson does not return tha fire. Fort Sumter is still on firs. Thar have usi oeen two explosions at Fort Sumter. Charleston, April 13.-Tho Federal flag was a)?an hoisted over Fort Sumter, when Porchtr Miles, with a flag of truce, went to the Fort. In a few minutes the Federal flu. ..a aln drawn down by Major Anderson and the white nag igaiu unrurlea in in to An in to the of If of be of Sumter Unconditionally Surrenders. IJn. RAllrAirrl k.. . a ... . also three fire companies, to quench the fires it resones tne magazines THIRD DISPATCH. Fort Sumter unconditionally surrenderpd. i ne peopie wno witn joy. in o Carolinians hurt. I wo thousand shots fired altogether. Maior Anderson and men conveved to Morris Island uuuer gunru. Auueraon reacneo tne city, ana ig ,ne guest of Gtn Beauregard. The people sympathize with Major Anderson, but abhor those in his command. Thore was a steamer in sight which didn't even attempt to reinforce Dim. ine wooo wors and ouicers' quarters in oumier were an Durni. no Oineers wounded The Fort will be taken possession of to night. Charleston, April 13. 1 kf o'clock. Flrln ceaseu, ana an unconuitloual surrender , was made. The Carolinians are surprised that the fight is over so soon. Alter the flag-staff was shot away, Wigfall was sent by Beauregard to Sumter with a white flag, offering assistance to .SiSTi: Batteries nod not stooped firing, wiiriaii r piled Anderson muet haul down the American nag. surrender of light was the word. Ander son then hauled the flag down. several oi Beauregard's staff came over and stipulated mat the surrender ba unconditional ror the present, subject to the terms of Beaure gard. Anderson is allowed to remain in actual possession ror tna preseut. t . . Charleston, April H-Neeotlatlona wara nnm plated last tight. Anderson's command will tvacuat in. the morning, and embark on war vessels now on tne harbor. rive ot Anderson's men are wounded, nna thought mortally. . Aitor the surrender, a boat with ten man waa sent from a ship of war outside to Morris Is land, requesting permission for the vessel to enter and take off Anderson's command . it is reported that Anderson's surrender was because bis Quarters and barracks wara da. I ,lv27a' na n" had no hope of reinforosment. I . ? ?e." bT thirty bonrs, and conldn't ' wuumn i nam him. His men wara nrnatratail with over exertion. , . . t h. . i ? r,!?M heftt1 to "BamtM were caused "r caueut fire throe times from hot The house, on 'LmTfa'iu !i.wnt I?"-" Forl t0'n,s'it woe mil7 0" 7 th,flM"f the surrender .mv .D.nuu nvrs luuiva of' It is not knowa what will be done with Sum ter or the vanquished garrison. - Charleston. April 14. Anderson and men leave to-night on the Isabel for New York. The fleet Is still outside. Dispatches from the North. Detroit, April 14. The war news creates a profound sensation. The unanimous sentiment is that the position assumed by the Government must be maintained. An Impromptu meeting or the members of the Detroit bar, and miiuon tial citizens, yesterday afternoon, composed of all parties, passed a resolution denouncing tho reoelllous organization called the. uoniciiernte States, and declaring their intention to stand by the old flag at all hazards. Another meeting ol citizens will be held to-morrow night. Amant, N. Y.i April 14. It Is rumored that uov. Morgan received a aispamn irom tne President, asking for aid from his Stato. Lincoln's reply to the Virginia Commission ers is decidedly unsatisfactory to the Rcpubli cans and Democrats. The former think it is not decided, and the latter believe it to bo the invitation of oivil war. The New York Hirald'i dispatch says Lin coln received the news of Major Anderson's surrender with the remark that be was not sur prised. The 7th and G9th regiments have volunteered their services for the defense of Washington. Erie, Pa , April 14. Westorn Pennsylvania will sustain the Government. The news from the South creates the most intense feeling. Men of all parties express their detcrmiumion to stand by the Government, aud fight for the supremacy of the United States flg. All our volunteer companies will offer their service) to the Governor to-morrow. Chioaqo. April 15. The news of tho surren der of Sumter created profound sensation. It was at first discredited. Whdn later diBpaUilics arrived, confirming the previous reports, the ex oitement was intense. All parties exoress the determination to up hold the Government in enlurcing the laws and maintaining the suoremacv of tho national iNDiANaroLis, April 13. Intense excitement prevails. Meetings were held in two difl'orent halls this evening, in both ol which strong Union resolutions were sdopted. Several vol unteer companies here and in different parts of otaies nave tendered their services, to the Governor. A salute of 34 guns were fired for the Union. and one for Major Anderson. Philadelphia, April 14 War feeling mm pant. People incredulous about Sumter's now s Two regiments of Militia will be read to march a lew days. Lancaster. April 13. The stars and strlnea are aispiayeo in nonor or Anderson. Volunteers are being enrolled. Madison, Ind.. April 14 A larnn and onLlni. elastic Union meetiug was held last Dight. A number of patriotio speeches were made. The following resolution was passed : tunma, mat we will, with all the me vns in our power, maintain the Government and the flag of the United States. Several volunteer militarr forming here. Philadelphia, April 14 -PennBvlvanla will eo war en masse. Gov. Curtin hai rnn tn Washington. He says Pennsylvania can send 100.000 men to defend Washington. New York, April 13. The Government ia said to have chartered the steamships Philadtl phia and fcricsson. The former is boinc ranld- flllod with Provisions, armv atiiraa anil muni. lions of war. The latter is to be held in re-! serve tor any emergency. i Chicago. April 14 Gov. Yatea will l-on a. proclamation to-morrow, calling an extra ses sion ol the Legislature, to meet at Springfield a Boston, April 13. Intense excitrment. Tha surrender of Fort Sumter Is not believed by many. I be Admtant General's nfTIcn fr.ia nrnwnnn this forenoon with ofllcers of the Stato militia, offering tbelr commands to tho Government. extorsive war feeling has been aroueed Got. Andrew leaves for Washinston this after noon. New York, April 14 Advicos from Allmn state that Gov. Morgan will to mnrmir inann a eaiirorK,uuUmen for nsoof the Federal Gov ernment. A private letter from Gov. Curtin ineut citizen of New York, stales that ho can have 100,000 Pennsylvanians in' Washington 48 hours, if required. Cincinnati, April 16th Tho news of the surrender of Fort Sumter created profound sen sation. The newspaper offices la?t night ware besieged by thousands eager to hoar tho nes The military spirit of the city is thoroughly arpused, and the stars and stripes wave from all public and many private buildings. The people a man will sustain the Administration- A home guard will be immediately organized for protection of the city. Philadelphia, April 15 The rcnorted nrn. eot to seizt Fort Delaware f auaaa mnnh Tritp meot. It is now commanded b Cantaln Pm-tar. Virgiiia, is reported, designs to renlgu Virginia secedes. Fort Mifflin, in Pennsylva nia, is a dilapidated affair, now in nharvn nf Sergeant Bromley and one man. The Navy magazines adjoining Fort Mifflin are in charge Major Banker, a veteran of sixty years' ser vice. Volunteers are making oreniratinn. an tn ready to respond instantly to tho call of the Governor or President. Two new regiments are forming, tn onnaint nf ,000 men each, to arm which a nnrt.inn nf tha State appropriation will be required. Our vol- ouioerB never nave oesn properly supplied with arms, and frequently new companies had to bor row guns to parade with from others belter sup pllsd. .. r Mayor Henry offered bis services as Colonel a regiment, If a call is made by the Govern- IUVUI4 Dispatches from the South. MsirroosiERr. Ala.. Aortl 13. Mi, inr f.linm. bers arrived, bringing Lieut Warden, Federal Navy, prisoner of war from Pensacola. He was bearsr ot dispatches to Pickens. Guns flrprl bete. Great rrjoicintr in honor of victory. Montgomery, Aoril 13. The President haa appointed T. Warren Morse, Judge for the Dis irioioi Louisiana. Richmond, Va.,Aprill4 Demonstrations of joy. uunng the night, a party hoisted the Southern flag on the Capitol. It was subse quently removed by the guard. New ORLEans, April 13. Thero' is a crnnd muster of olty volunteer oompsnies this morn ing, preparations aro making to defend the Mississippi in ths best possible manner. Nashville, April 13. Enthusiasm preat. At puouo meeiing to-nignt a resolution was uuan Imously adopted oondemnlne the Admlnintra- tlon for the present state of affairs, and sym pathizing with the South. Zollicoffer and oth ers spoke. - ,. , Memphis, Aoril 13. Great exnttampnt crowds on the oorneri. Rockets, bonfires, mu sio, and speeches. , . Baltimore, April 13. A man made his rp- pcarauua id uim oi i j wis morning, witn a seces sion eookade on his hat. He was pursued by a crowd, and had to beproteoted by the police. Intense exoitement prevails, and there is creut anxiety to learn the news from Charleston. Baltimore, April 14 Th Union fealins- In this city bss been unmistakably displayed siuce Friday. Men with cockades and secession em blems have, been shassd by orowds and protect cu oj us ponce. ! The barque Fanny Fensbaw hoisted a seces sion flag to day.snd a crowd compelled a boy on tue vessel to take It down. The Cantata aftre wards re-hoisted It.snd It required a detachment of thirty polloe to protect It Irom the people The indignation is intense. All the other ves sels in port hoisted Ihe Amerioan flag. Alexandria, Va., April 14. A meeting was' oeia nere, w iorm a noms guard. Kesolutions to resist the Northern aggression were adopted, and several speakers advocated secession. Others argued In favor of a Convention to unite the Border states. , . . . . , HiLirix, April 13. News of the bombard ment of Fort Snrater orested profound sods' tion. The Legislature passed a resolution that It heard with deep sorrow and regret of war among oar neighbors, and without expressing an opinion, offers prayers for reconciliation, top Nxw Yorc, April 14-The Timet' ton correspondent, Jasper, was an Charles- arrested as spy, and ordered to quit the State. From Washington. WasHihgton, April 14 Arrangements art made to ooncentrate the military at any threat ened point. " The greatest anxiety to bear fur ther Southern news exlsu. It is rumored that an attack will be attempted on Fort Delaware, Md. Tha War Department haa tnkan atans to Prevent it. 1 i Flvo officers of the Navy have tendered their resignations, wbiob were refused. Their names will nrnhahlv be stricken from the list. -The National Volunteers passed resolutions denouncing the military operations or the uov ernment. and expressing sympathy with the se oesBionistaV. The guard at the Departments Is largely increased. Vaahingtom. April 14 Efforts are still making to concentrate a formidable military force in and around Washington, to be prepared for all emergencies. . , Information continues to be received from private snnrees of several plots In various local Hies In Maryland and Virginia, having in view the seizure of the publlo property and even the persons of the highest officers of the Govern ment. Thnuch these accounts are not generally credited, tbey are believed id omciai quarters, and hence the precautionary movements. At all evonts thev are considered necessary, no one .. . D . .. J t JMfl " knowing what torn events may take during the Preva out excitement, noaua ana avenues leading to Washington are closely watched Senator Uonglaa called on tne rreaiuent to night. : Ha had ' an interesting conversation on the present condition of the country. The substance of it was, on the part of Mr. Douglas that, while he was unalterably opposed to the Administration on all its political issues, he was orcDarsd to sustain the rreaiuent in the exer cieoofall bis constitutional funotions, to pre serve tho Union, maintain the Government, and defend the Federal Capital. Firm policy and prompt aotlon were necessary. The Capital of our country is In danger, and must be protected at uii huzirrt-i, at any expense ol men sod money, lie spoke of tho present and lulure without rer- creuce to tha past. Mr. Lincoln was very much gratified with the Interview. umeial advices from Montgomery indicate that the Confederate Congress on re-assembling will at once declare war against the United Slates. It is believed that in the act of declar ation a distinction will be made between alien friends and alien enemies, the former including the border States and such citizens of the North as oppose a coercive administration. All obligations to this class are as macb to be respected as though in times of peace. President's Proclamation. WASHINGTON, April 14. Whereas, the laws of the United States are now and have been opposed in several States by coraDinaiions too powenui to De suppressed In the ordinary way, I therefore call forth the militia of the several states of the Union, to the aggregate numberof 75,000, to suppress said comninauoos ana execute tne laws. 1 appeal to all loyal citizens to participate and aid this effort to maintain the laws and integrity ol the National Union, and perpetuity of popular governments, and redress wrongs long enough endured. . The first servioe assigned the forces will probably be to repossess the forts, places and property which have been seized from the Union. The utmost care will be taken, consistent with the object, to avoid devastation, destruction and interference with the property of peaceful citi zens in any part of the country. I hereby command all persons composing the aforesaid combinations to disperse within SO days Irom date. I herebv con veno both Houses of Congress for the fourth of July next, to determine upon such moa-iurcs as the public satoty and interest de mands. . , ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By W. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. Richmond, April 13. In the Convention, Mr. Carli.slo deprecated tho action of South Carolina in firing ou Sumter, and expressed de votion to the stars and stripes. Tho secessionists replied and applauded the gallantry of Soutb Carolina, claimipg that what ever tho Convention did, tin Slate would go out of tha Union. Tho Governor communicated a dispatch Irom Governor Pickens, giving an account of the bombarding, saying "a furious fire is kept upon us from Fort Sumter. We will take the Fort, anu can sing, me ncet. it they attempt toland elsewhere, we can whip them. We have 7,000 ot ihe best troops In the world, and a reserve of iu.uuu. we will triumph or perish. Let me know what Virginia will do." In the debate, it was said that the Southern rmy would miroh through Virginia, and thou sands would join It. The Stb section, prohibltingthe importation of slaves, was taken up. Numerous amend ments to it were offered, and finally it was sdopt ed, with an amendment providing that nothing herein contained shall apply to Southern States which have or may declare their separation. In case their separation Is acknowledged or con- tiuucu. i ne ueoaie men turned exclusively ou the surrender of Fort Sumter. her the Arrival of The Fulton. New York, April ISih The stesmer Fulton arrived this morning from Southampton, 3d. Sales of cotton lor two days, 11,001) bales dull; breadstuff, dull) quotations of barlej maintained; provisions dull; consols for monsy 'Jl9'i ai918 for account; III. C. R. It. rtci'dtd; no obaogn in the rate of discount is expected before the 9ih; abort loans at 6t 7; May, 35J; consols heavy at 9191); money at 91) up to April 10th; 91(jj)91Ji up to May 10th. - j -, The Emperor of Austria rejected the demo cratio programme of the Hungarian leader, who demanded an absolute separation of the Hun garian administration from that of Austria. The Emperor Intends abiding by the reforms alieady granted. , Kiots took place in Russian Poland. Queen Victoria will reoeive the Ambassador of the lung of Italy. 1. im ..,,.. J .v.; n ..:u.ui ..j it. -m I muimra mu uituuaiui rruueuicu nisom-l oers to sssemble- in fourteen days. Garibaldi held a conference With Victor Emanuel at Gen- oa.Onthe2J. Russia. The concesilons eranted bv tha Cxar . . , ..., .. I imu uui given saiiSMClion. Military are Still DO-1 ing concentrated. , Theateamnr Amprir-a arrtvaH at Q. ... I .S o 4 i America arrived at Queenatown I the i 01 April. I i no Austrian u ait lie says that upwards of 2.r)0 Hungarian volunteers nave gone to Naples. 1 be Duke of Newcastle has been appoint ed Governor General of India. Trade in France is stagnant, in consequence of the alarming political situation of Austria and Italy. i- , -, . ., London, April 3 Messrs. Giles, Sons k Barkersj report that with further considerable arrivals of foreign wheat, barley, oats and flour, tlie trade - open - very quiet lor an articles, trices of wheat, about as ' on Monday, but easier Borioe Sugar buslaoss limited, but prices nnaltered; retiued Is wanted; 5Gj is paid for common lump. Coffee small supply and wanted, olean native Criion sells at 6365s. Tea moderate tales; wanted; few sellers at previous quota tions Consols money 919lv, account OlQIMfErle ehsres 2728; R. R.Jahsres generally uat. . . . . There is a leported rising in Portugal, in con sequence ot tmpppresaive taxation Wearing mourning in Poland is becoming general. ' '' - ' , London Funds heavy and lower A farther reduction in Bank notes is anticipated. lish an for ,, of Arrival of The Fulton. The President's Reply to the Virginia Commissioners. rr.- slonara. . Washington, 1 April 13. The yeelv of tha President to the Virginia Commissioners repeats that It is his purpose (0 hold, occupy, and pos sess property aod plsoes belonging to the Gov ernment, ana uoueci auties ana imposts, bat not iioa fnrnff. pvcent that naneaaarv far thta AhtM A.nn.A.nlrla...nlAr,un -l'"'' --- " bumtor, ana 1 SUSll reinioree it, U loan, and take toe places wuion nave Df en seised. I shall, to the best of my ability, repel force by force. ir war news proves true, i snail prooably with draw the mails from the seceded Slates. I coa sider that forts and property In these States yet belong to the United States. I shall not attempt to eollcok duties by armed Invasion. I do net mean, however, that I may not land foreee to rellove forts. Ho reaffirms the Iuaugnral, ex- cepv aoout luuun. I a OsmtNoatTir, Inu, April 13. Evans, the' murderer of llanna and wife, was eonvloted to- daytaDil sentenced to the Penitentiary for life. ' Washinoton, April lV-The Frestd'snt has! appointed E rl Bill as Marshal of the Northern District ot Ubio. Arrival of The Fulton. The President's Reply to the Virginia Commissioners. Latest from Charleston & Washington! Details of the Evacuation of Sumter. TWO MEN KILLED, AND FOUR WOUNDED, BY AN ACCIDENTAL EXPLOSION OF CARTRIDGES, AFTER THE FIGHT. Fort Sumter Burned to a Shell! The War Preparations by the Administration! WASHINGTON CITY BEING STRONGLY GUARDED! Gen. Scott Reported to have Resigned!!! NewYore. April 15. The Timt$' Washing. ton correspondent says the War Department is engaged in calculating the quota ol troops in eaoa Stato. New York will be entitled to 10 regiments. No detailed policy relative to closing South ern ports is yet stated, Dut arrangements are making to cut off all communication by sea General Scott is actively at work, calculating the disposition or the lorces. The Administration has reliable information that tho Confederate States propose, after re. duoing Sumter, to march on Washington with iiU.UUUmen. Several additional companies of regulars are ordered to Washington. The Expmi' Washington dispatch gives a rumor that Gen. Scott has resigned, because bis advice against reinforcing Sumter was disre garded. The world' Washington didpaim says da taohments of oavalry are stationed in all roads outside the city, and two volunteer companies are in the Capital ono at the rost uitioe De partment, and one at the Patent Office. The ollieers of the Mew York regiments have tendered their commands. The present indications are that Sumter will be retaken at all hazards. The New York Her aid' $ special dispatch from Charleston says: Major Anderson saluted his nag, lormed bis command on parade ground, and marched out on the whirl, the drum aud fife playing Yankee Doodle. During the salute, a pile of cartridges burst in one of Ihe casemates, killing two men and wounding four. Une was buried in the fort with military honors. The other will be buri ed by the Carolinians. The wounded men will be taken to Charleston. The Fort was burned to a mero shell. The guns on one side of the parapet were entirely dismounted, and others split, and the gun car riages knocked to splinters. Alsj. Anderson is reported to have ordered not to sight the men but to silence the batte ries. Sumter has been girrisoned by the Palmetto Guards, under command of Col. Ripley. The fire has again broken out In the ruins ol the Fort, and the engines have been sent down. Washington. April 15th. Ten District of Columbia companies have thus far been mus tered into service. Sixteen Is all required. The number of federal troops hereabouts amounts to 500. An offer b been made to the Treasury Do partment In New Orleans. rmLanELrniA. April 15. 12 M. There Is till much excitement about the Palmetto fUr ofBcer. The whole square is blocked np with people. The Mayor and police have possession the building. A large American Big is sus pended across the street. Some Hamape has done to the internal of the officer by the mob. It would have been entirely torn out but for the interference of the Mayor. Boston, April 15 Political differences have been dropped, and the universal sent! men! of cities snd State is to defend to the last tba flag of the Union. Volunteers to the number of SO .000 have al ready tendered their services at the Adjutant uenarai oinos. General B. F. Butler, an ardent supporter of ureckiorldge. durina- the eleotion. has tendered services with bis entire brigade. Baltimore, April 14. The Union feeling is strong. This morning the Minute Men, an organisation of 2,500 strontr, who have been drilling ever since the Presldr ntial election as a military organization, threw out the stars and stripes this morning from their head-quarters, with the motto: "The Union and the Constitution." From California—U. S. Senator Elected. Ft. Kearney, April 14 ThePnny Express passed here at 1 P. M., from San Francisco on 3d Inst. Jas. A. MoDoneall was again elected Sena oa the 2d ballot, receiving 77 rotes. All Republicans and most of the Douglas Demo crats supported him. From San Domingo. New York, April 14. Advices from Ssn Domingo say the surrender of the Republic to Spala took the people by surprise, and it was hinted there will be bloody retribution. The Eng. and French Consuls protested and struck their flags. Up to the 22nd our representative made no move. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, April 15. ILODBV neelnta of 90 609 bhls: market dall and V. lower; saieaoi lu.ww Nils al Ui I5MS no for super- at vtuisih u r..,. a..... .t . on superfine extra western; 5 3IKS5 50 for common to medium extra wet tern; S3 HXSH 63 for shipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio. Canadian dull and droop- Mvu n.nnn. .ui . ii a,a in r. .u IV. VDIUIUUU W onoioe aaparnne. ,WH.f "f .1 9 09S bush. Market heavy; sal" of 3,000busr at $130 for Mllwaukla Club delivered; al for cholo amber Club; tl SW3!1 SB for red State 37 for wlntrmh.. In., ail 3? f. ..a -. Urn; tl KfcAtl 80 for white western BY easier; salaa of 11,000 bush at 6&SGO0. BARLKY dull; GOO bush sUta sold at 8c. OOKN receipts of 4.1tbuh: market better: aalea 35,000 bush at 0?(18c for old mixed western in store and delivered; ui8o for (new do at R. R depot. ATS Steady at Mm30e for western Canadian and Slate. PORK quiet; sates of SO bbla at 117 SO for mess. fix imuu tor prima. bkkv quiet and nnchangad. OUT MBATS-steady. LARD Arm; sale of 100 bbla at O'.'AlOKe. BUTTIR in fair reuueat at 10uilo for Ohio and 14(3 iv ror siaia. OaKRgR-fttady at 8($10o for Inferior to prims. WHIKY firm: fair demand: aalea of ISO hhla at 1XS10. BTO0KS easier and dull; WMney and exchana with out new feature; Oh ScR I 45X; U Ac M OBI 0 it I ffl,U; III O seilp MBI quoted Hao Mall 77, Irle ; Har23; M S lV; N Y O 79; M 0 45)4! Pun 107, O Oh i9 N I 0 1 10: O B 68 X liar I let bonds 100; lie 6i;aoJX:sI 0 70; Tana 08 Ohio 80aM(l5) Treasury lUYtaViiv. , 1 Cleveland Market. April 13. beensnnsnS ally dull to-day, owiny, In freat measure, to Uwexcite' meot occasioned by th war news. f LOUR oonUnuee tady at qaotatlona, with no aale worthy of not. WHIST wnus r tsndlnt apanwd, owini to the scar city In ths market: sales of ne aa on th track at 1 SO; ra is nrm at e we, ana in lair suppi v. OOBN steady at o. for yellow; sxlra wklts com and 35, 0TS dallt4o. ' . 8IIDB Timothy Is not so firm! sale of M bush at $9. AO. Clover uioarae and Arm at td4 1X. BIHHWiNKD steady at 130. ' . . BklUKlD MIST8 ilountryarsd Hani sell at 6A 9e; otty eured at Hw. Shoulders at Sk(al7jta). hABD deasanrt fair at 9o. , 7 . I BUTTBR-food analltle dairy better are ta fair de- Band ror city oonsompuon at i:vi5o. 01)8 elllnf Hthtly atBH(9o. CHKSSR-flr demand at rant f 899 l-9o. I Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 14. I f LOUK-remalnSMharetefor, very dull, and Inspec ted superfine, thoafrh of a lew grade, wa sold at t,9i 4, S3 to , are the nominal flfurts adhered to by holder. w ua AT Ii about aaquctw yesterday. There la no outside demand, and millers declare Uiey will not pay r dflo. for Red. But veer little Is la ths market. CORK is mainuunru a .., wunoai any variations la ihe ton of Ihe market. OATS areqaoWdat 860; holder are trmand In same Instance as Sio. RiBoonUnu la request, and commands 57c, read WHIRKT I kpt at 13XO, with a fair market. I ; Dr jm EL McLEAN'S " : Strengthening Cordial and Blood PUltlFIEn. Tb Orosueet tfceineair in Tuo trld AND Till HOST JJEXICIOUI ' AND 7JLiaHIFUL9ij cokdial V EVER TAREN. V ITISSTHICT ly a Mtentllo and Vagctabla Oomponnd, procured by Ui distil lation of Roots. Herbs and Barks, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, Rananarllla. Wild Cherry Bark and Dan- tT-rt aeuoo aawri inw iu coDiposiuon. i ne eo-1 , iri,, Rcforo Taklns' e remedial niitr taking. principle ol each Ingredient ti thnronghly extracted by mv new mthml if rfl.lllllntf. nrnriuctnff'.ft delictum. OT- hilerallng spirit, and the moat INPALMllLH remedy for renoraiinir tne a liwiawl STSiem, ana renorinir u u, tnurln( and debilitated INVALID to HKALTH and BTRKNOTII. JIcS.EAIS'S 8TKENGTHF.N1IVO COH DIAL. Will sffeetoally tars MVB OOM PLAINT, DYBPBP8IA, JACNO101 Ohronle or Nerrotu Debilltv. Diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases arlstnK from a disonlereJ Liver or atom sen. Drmiensia. UeartlmrD. Inward Piles, Acidity or Hick. nets or me blomacn, rnuneas or 0100a 10 iuo ueia, nun pain or swimminn in tn Head, raiv-Mtion 01 me nean Fnllness or Weliiht In the Stomach, Boar Eructations OUoklnn or inffooaUDf feeliog when lyins down, Drtneas or KenownCMor uie Hkib aud Byes, nixni eweau, in ward fevers. Pain in tha small of tha back, chest or side, Sudden Flushes of Beat, Degrees! on of Spirlta, Frightful "reams, Laniruor, Desmndency or any Herrons Diwue Bona or Blotches on tha Bkio. and fever and Acme (or uniusana yever.) Overs mullein of itottle Have been sold durtni the laat six months, and In no In. stance has ii tailed In (riving entire satiifaction Who, then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when MC LEAN'S 8THKNUTHENINO CORDIAL will erne youJ No laniruae can convey an adequate Idea of the linnw diate and almost mlracnloaa change produced by taltinv mis uordiiti in tna iiiseaaed, uebiuutea ana shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored to its pristine neaitn ana vigor. flAKHIED PEIISONX, Or others eonsclous of Inability, from whatever muse. win nna ucLean a strengthening Cordial a timrouirh regenerator of the system: and all who mav have inlured themselves by Improper indulgences, will find In the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. To the Ladies. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy rare for Nt'IPIKKTCONHIJRlPTIUN.WillTF.S Obitructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinenro ol Crina or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, Olildlueu, Fainting and all Diseases inuidne I Females. There is no Mistake About It. Buffer no lunger. Take it according to Directions. It will stimulate, strengthen and Invigorate you am! cause tne nioom ot health to monnt your cheek apaiii. every bottle u warranted to give eatiilacttnn. I'UK VHIL.DKEN. If yonr children are sickly. Dunv. or afflicted. McLean 'a uoraiai will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay vt a moment, try it, and yon will be convinced. T IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Oaotior. Pewara of Drurolitaor Dealera wVin m.i try to palm upon yon soma Bitter or Sarsaparlllatnuh, which Uiey can buy cheap, by aayint It is Just aa good. n.ui'j aucn men. aik lor aicLean s Birenguienlnc Cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the ume time strengthen ths system. Ono tablespoonful taken every monilnr. faaUnr;, Is a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent disease!. It Is put up In larva bottles. Trioe on!y a I per bottle, or 6 bottles for 15. i. II. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLeaiTs Volcanic Oil Liniment, Fritclpal Depot on ths corner of Third and Pine streets, Bt. tabu. Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Tna best Liniment In ths World. The only sale and certain cure for Cancers, Piles, Swellings and Hron chilis, or Ooitre. Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of tho Moacies, Chronlo or Inflammatory Khenmatiim, tills nesa of the Joints, oontracted Uuscles or Ligament Harache or Toothache, Bruises, Bpralns, Wounds, Vreth Outa, CI leers, Fever Korea, Oaked Breast Bore Nipples, Burns, Scalds, BoreThoat, or any Inflammation or fain, difference how severe, or hov loon the disease nay have existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment is a oar tain remedy. Thousands of human being have been sSTf.l a lira ol deorepttud and misery by tu n of this invaluable rot J cine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, and II wll eleanse, purify and heal the foulest sores in an Incredl ly short time. For Horses and Other Animal. McLean eelehrated Liniment Is the only safe and re liable remedy for tho cure of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind galls, Bplinta, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or swelling.-. It will never fail to cure Big Head, Poll Evil, Vistula, Old running Sores or Bweeny, if properly applied. For Sprain. Bruises, Scratchea, Bores or Wounds. Oncked Ueela, Chafe, Baddla or Collar Oalls it is an infallible remeuy. Apply it a directed, and a cur I certain in every instance. Then trifle no longer with the manv worthless Lini ment offered to you. Obtain a auonlv of Dr. i ceieoraiea ijinimeni. 11 will cure you. J. II. NrXKAlV, Sol Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Street, Bt. Louis, Mo Tor sale by all druggist, for sale by BOBIBTB fc 8AMUKL, augaa-dfcwly Columbus. Ohio CAHADIAN ft UHITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TU ANU t'MOiTI LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, M6ntreal, Quebec, JNTEKT YOI11X. The Montreal Ocsan SteamshlD Oomnanv'a Brat clan -powered Clyde-built Steamer sail everr Mnt nrday from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United Btate Mail and paasengers, N0UWROIAN. NORTH AMERIOAN. BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, NOVABCOTIAN. Shortest, Cheapest anal Qalckcst Coa. vsyancs front AMERICA TO All PARTS OF EUROPE, liatea of Paeeaae to Europe, S3o. soo, sao. Will sail from LIVERPOOL every Wcdneadrty, and from QUEBEC OTOrjr Saturday , calling at LONDON DBRHY, to receive on board and land ilaiiaand Fasaenyera, to and from Ireland and Scotland. irpTheaa Steamers are built ot Iron. In water-tight compartments, carry each an experienced Surgeon, and every attention is pain 10 tne eomrort and accommoda tion of passengers. Aa they proceed direct to LON DON DEKY, the great risk snd delay of calling at Bt. John's Is avoided. Olaagow piMenrera are furnUhed with ran passage tkkela to and from Londonderry. Return tickets granted at reduced rate. Certificates Issued for carrying to and bringing out pas sengers from all the principal towns of Great Britain aud lrlar,-t reduced rates, bv this line of steamers, and by tha WASHINGTON LINB Of BAILING PACKETS, leaving Liverpool every week. Sight Draft for f land upward pay able in Kniiland. Ireland, Scot land or wale. For passage, apply at the Office. 93 It HO Alia WAY, New York, and 19 W AT lilt ST., iiTeryeei, . , SABEl ft BSASIX, Osnsral 4gsnts, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONC, nolO-lydAiw Statesman Offios, Oolumbui, Ohio. GREAT CUBE, DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bheamalism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A BURS' CURB 10 R ! Mercurial Diseases All It I s oonvenlently arranied Band, eontalninc a med Icated compound, to be worn around the Walat, without injury to tno most aeiicai persons; no cnanie In habits ol living ia reqnireo, ana 11 enureiy remove th dis ease from tne system, wltnont producing the lnjorloui effeota aililnc from the as of pcwerful Internal nadi eines, which weaken and destroy th conatltuUon, snd liv temporary reiiei on it. bj inn treatment, th med icinal properties oontalnfd la the Band come la contact with th blood and rvacn ui aiaease, tbrouah the pores 01 toe hid, curu.iug m wmry iniiaooa a peneel cure, and restoring the part afflicted to healihy condition. xni nana is aisom mostpowerrai SNTi-MnocaiaL airent. and will entirely relieve the system from the perniciou eueois 01 mercury, aiooeraie cases are enrrfl tn t ifw daya, and we are eonaiantly receiving tralimonials of its elBrary tn aiirravated casta cf long standing. 1 fair tx.UO, to be bad of Drugilsis generally, or ctn be sent by mall or express, with full dlrro'lcns for us. to any part 01 th country, direct from tne rrincipal Office, Ho. 409 BB0ADWAY, Nsw Yoilt. ; 6. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. 1 . M. S.Sesorlptlve Circulars Sent free. . j s j7 Af eats Wanted Everywhere, aahae lyisorlstp.daw 1 Ayer'sSarsapariJla A compound remedy, desf gned to be tha most effectual AUtnttiv that can be wade. It fa a concentrated extract of Para Barsnparilla, so combined with other substancM of atill greater alterative power aa to afford aa cflfcc bvo antidote for the diseases SarsaparUla ia reputed to cure. It is believed that sack a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prova of imracnaa service to this large class of our afflicted fcllow citi&ns. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on ssany of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: ... 6 Scrofula ahd Scrofulous 'Complaints. EltUFTIONS AND EltlVfin n, .... TI . Iimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rhkum, bCALD Head, Syphilis amt. Rtpu., .n a FBcnoNS, Mebcuuial Disbasb, Daorsr, Nu raloia oa Tio Douloureux, Debility, Da pepsia and Indiobstiow, uysifelas, Rosb or St. Anthony's Firb. and indiwrl th a, class of complaints arising from Impuriti or thb Blood. This compound will be found a neat nrn. moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which- fester in the blood at tlint season -of the year. By thetimu ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders ore nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. nioan nut k. vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruptions, x or sores j cleanse it when yo find it ia ob structed and sluirirish in tha vein l-ina lr whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell ' vou w hen. yen where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing; tho blood. Keen tha blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go Avrong, and the great machinery ol lifo is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves annr-h. tha reputation of accomplishing these ends. . But the world has been egreciously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug oloiio hits not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but moro because many nrcnarafJnn. pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or liny thing else. During late years the public have been ruis cil by large bottles. Dretendinir to crive a ouArt (if Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar . Moat of these liuve been frauds upon the sick, for tlicy not only contain little, if any. Snrsarja. Tilla, hut often no curative properties whatev er, jii'nee, uitter ana paintul disappointment h:is followed tho use of tho various extracts of S.ii-snpiirillii Which flood tho market, until the liiiiuu itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cull this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to Biipjily such a remedy as shall rescue tho name from tho loud of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think we hove ground for licvin;; it has virtues which are irresistiblo ' the ordinary run of the diseases it i Intend. cl to cure. In order to secure their complete i ndication from the system, the remedy should )k judiciously liikcn according to directions on iu uotiie. ritGPARED BT Dll. J. C. AVER Sc GO. . LOWELL. MASS. - Price, ft per Bottle 1 Six Bottle for 03. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral as won for ilsclt" such a renotvn fur tlio cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely uiincce-. sarv for ua to recount tha evidence of ila virtues, wherever it has bcem em ploy. As it has Ioiik been in constant use throughout thin accliuu, wa iwh! not do more than assure tn people its uuuhty . kept up to the best it ever has been, mid Hint it may be relied on to uu iur meir reuci uu it us ever been found to do. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, i'ob tub cnaa or Costheiust, Jtiuuilioe, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, liiysipelas, lleaductt. Piles, llhcumaiism, Knipt toils aitd Slin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dmpiy, Tetter, Tttmort and Salt liicwn, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. . They arc siignMonted, no that Ihe moat sensi tive can take them plcaaaiiily, aud they are the best npcrient iu the wmld for all the purposes of a family physic. - Price 25 csnts per Box ; Fivs boxes for $100. Great numbers of Clergymen, Phywciana, States men, and eminent personage, have lent their name to certify the unjiuralleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here wiii not permit the insertion of them. The A Rents below named fur nish gratia our Am BitiCAN Almanac in which they are given ; with alto full descriptions of the alwrve complaint, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled denier with other preparations they make more prrnlt on. Demand Aver's, and take no other. The lick want the best aid there is for them, and they should havp it. - . , . All our remedies arc for sale by ' ' -' ' 4 KOBIRTB k BAltUtX, Oolossbui, And by DrayirWta and Dealers every whs r novftlyd.twtw MRS, WIN8L0W, '. An experienced Nurse and female Physician, present to the attention of matters, bar SOOTHING S YRUP. r T?nn nnr... . -I run unnjUKKPi j&cthiivu, ( which greatly facilitates the process of leslbbi. by loft- en Inn the 1 rns sis, reducing an lnflaBsati -will allot ALL PAIN and anumodlA Mtlnn. and i MUltKXOHEGHLATE THE BOWEL. Depend anon it, mothers. II will sir vest to vannelna and .... BELIEF ASO HEALTH TO T0UX H7A.K1I. We have 1 Ve tiave putup and sold this article for over tea yean. I CAN BAY, IN 00NCIDBNC1 AMD TRUTH, of It, and I what we have never been able to aa at an other bumIi. cine NKVKR UAB IT FAILED, IN A BINOIJI INST- anua., ruarrBUTA uutm, when timely aard. nev er did we know an Initano of diaaatlahMiion by any en wim ubcu ik ui ui contrary, an are oeiigniM wlta lis operaUons, and speak in terms of coeimeodatka f lay magical eOect and medical virtues. W sueak ta Shi matter "WHAT Wi IM) KNOW:" fter ten veer' nne- rlenc. AND PLKDOH OUR BHPDTATION V. XtiM rULlLLUBNT Of WHAT WI BBEB DICLARJ. ' In almost every lostano where the Infaat is tuSeruig fro pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in aflaaa r twenty muiute alter tnesymp is administered. This valuable vranaratlo Is th Dresorintloa af ona nf tha moat KXHkHIKNOKDaod SKILLVUL NllftSIS ta New Cncland. and has been Seed Willi NKYKR IA1L- INa BUCCKHHIn ... , ; 7 T11UDSA1VDS r OAaES ' Tt notonly relieves the child fro Mia. eat tnvhra. ate the stomach and bowels, oorreota aoidity, aa gives lone and energy to the whole system. It will alauxt la (tantly relieve . ...... 1 n thx iowxls, avs wind com and overoome oonvumona, wnlch. If aot ipeedlly rese- uicu, .uu m uoin. ne oeiiev k lot vim aa aula- ST RRMKDY lit TU WORLD, la all of lyV na viakuhva IN OUlLUHJIat, woethar it arises from teething, or from any other eaas. W would uy to every mother who haea child rufforlog from any of Uie foregoing complaint DO NOT Lkt VOL' a PKIJUDICKA hoi Till PK8JUIlCKS00THIi Hand between you aud ioor aulTerlng child, and tha. re lief that will be BURH-je. ABSOLUtaLY 8L'K to follow 'he use ot this medicine, If timely aesd. fall aU rectioas for aalog will cooaapanr arh bottle. Noes genuine unleas the faseioil of OURIU f HUCUi. New York, Is on the ouukl wtapner. Bold by all DrngglsH Uraaghottt th werid. .' ' rrl'olsialOffloe, it Cedar Street N.V. PRICE ONLY 95 CENTS TEB BOTTLE, oerc7-dAwly. TRAVELLERS! WBES yoa ga to New York , drive direct to the aial-i-HSOnilAr UOt lEt BROADWAY, CORNER OF U0C8T05BTEIT; 5- . Ooodoet.-d on Ihe ' ' ' KUBOPffiAN PLAN. Qocd fare, flood Roomt. Prompt Attemlanc. and Uod- eral Oharfus. .. i,; , SINGLE RO0H8 SO CT3. 15 CTS. and II PSR DAY. ' DOOnLl S00M9 and PAKL0K8 to $3. Mi!al as ordered. This Hotel bat all thrpo' dnta of the Wit hotels, a most central rncalloa.ari.1 I'.i.ui Ihrougbout by ateaa. BAUUEL M. tuatii. aarclid3at Proprietor.