Newspaper Page Text
r;r,r mut 50L. VII. NO; 267. NEW SERIEfe OHIOl TUESDAY) EVENING. APRIL 16. 1861. 11? DOlaUllS '.IZZYZkTX lUTtrUbly 1 AUrance r H' til r,ii ,'i p,v r ui i ix m ; R:; T -w D A.ILY, TRI-WEEX1Y AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLI8B3RS AKD PEOPEIITOBB. IDT Offioe Mm. 86, 88 und 40, North High St, l'KEMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANOB. Daily - - - $6 00 per year. By ibe Carrier, per week, 12 cents. l'rl-'WejWlv , - . 8 00 per year. Weekly - 1 00 " onm AdTcrlUIng by the Square. square t yej . . t'JO 00 On. " V uioi.tli 18 00 3ns " e month! 15 00 Dne " SmonUs 10 00 Dne S nionthi 8 00 On. quar 3 week. .4 00 On. " 8 week... 3 00 On. " 1 week... 1 75 On. ' 8 day... 1 00 One " S day.... 75 On. " 1 Insertion SO Dae " 1 month. 6 00 Displayed advertisement half more than the abort "Advertisements leaded and plaeed In the column of Hpcclal notices, aouon tne ormnaty All uotlce requires to be published by law, legal rate. If ordered on the innlae exclusively after the first week per ecu:, more thho the above rates; but all such wll Business Cards, not exceeding St. Unci, per year, In st ae, 9)v ou per line, auisiu Notices of meetings, chart tables ocicties, fire oompanle . 1. 1 , , . All trantltnt atfoertUemtnti mutt M paid or tn l ........ - As, Bill nn r ii fram. Weekly, same price a the Dally, where the advertiser . .v. ni,i .tnn. vhM rh TikIIv and Week 1 are both osed, then the eharg. U.rth. Weekly will be ail' mo rates 01 uie uauy No advertisement taken except for a definite period BUSINESS CARDS. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring; & Water 8ta. W. B. POTTS & CO., MAOmNISTS, And Manufacturers of Brass and Composition Castings, finislitd Brass Work of all Descriptions. Electro Plating and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. febl '00-dly F. A. B. 8IMKEJS, Attorney a,t liaw AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office Aoib-x liuilding, opposite Capitol Bquare. . . COLUMBUB. OHIO; Machine Manufactnring Company Jt'i 0 0 O 0 1) CO 0.0 f 0.0.0 9 oTFil?: MANUrACTDMRI 09 STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Coatings, Kill-Searing, Kaehinary. atao, H.o,ilxoxcl X7oxlr. 4 ' of nnr DiacaimoK.' . . ' . . SJOl.tllTlBIJS, OHIO. OH AS. AUBOB, BnrTi- P. AMBOB.iTrei. deell, liH-tf Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincincati, Dayton & Indianapolii! Through to IndiaoaooliB without Cbarige of Cars . and but One Change of Cars between i Columbus and St. Louis. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM BUS. FIRST TRAIN. (Dally, Mondays excepted.) HianT EXPKKSS, via Dayton, at 8:45 a. m stop ping at London, Xeaia, Dayttn, Middletown and Uamil ton, arriving at Cincinnati at B:20 a. m.i Dayton at 5:45 a. m., Indianopoll. at 10:48 a m.;tt. Louts at U:t0 P " SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 6:10 a. m., stopping at all Sta tion, between Columbus and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati 11:IM a. m., Dayton at 8:15 a. m., IndlanopolU at S;2 p. in. THIRD TRAIN. ,. BAT EXPRESS, at 8:30 p. m., stopping at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charleston, Cedarville, Xenia, Bpring Valley, Corwln, Morrow. DeerSeld, Poster's. Loveland. Millford and Plaioville, arriving at Cincin nati at 7:30 p. m.; Bt. Louis at 13 m; Dayton at 5 35 p. m.; Idlanopolisatl0:38p. m. Sleeping- Caret on all Nig; lit Tralna to Cincinnati uiirt ludiannpoii.. BAOOAOE CHKtiiED TIIROCOH. tor farther Information and Through Tickets apply to M L. DOHBRTY, Ticket Agent, Union Denot. 0"lumbus. Ohio, K. W.WOODWARD, Puperlntendeot, Cincinnati. JNO. W. DOIISHrV jB13 " ' Agent, ColumbBf, I - SOMETHING NEVV HOWARD & GO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES. C ALL. AT NO 83, SOUTH HIGH ST., and examine our new make or . AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by E. HOWARD fc CO . Boston. Mass. These Wau bee are far supeilor to anything ever offered to the publlo, heretofore. Saving the .xolualv. agency, I can sell them at prices to suit the times. I bav.Just received a large stock of V AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by APPLEI0N, TRACT, CO also, a fln. aieortment of tifiGLIMI AND SWISS WATCHES, In Oold and Silver Cases, at Panic prices. JenW' W.J SAVA01. Jnit Breeiwedl nr. Cll GHFEN and BLACK XUv TaviiS (MI bag, prim. Rio Coot.. 1A' pocketaold Dutob Qjvernment Java Coffee. IS bags Ceylon Cuffee. gOUbbla. tiamlanj White Sugars, oonslstlng of Pow dred, Ohruehed, Oranulated AandB Ootfoe. SO quinla's Oeorgt B,uk Codfish. 80 bbls. Mets and Mo. 1 Mackerel, S tee. Plok tlmon. JOO bx. Layer Uaisins. :;, . S(l hf . box do do 1(10 qr. box do d. , lOO It Cigars, different brand, and grades. Bovtf . . t i Wsl, tlcOONALt.. M . C . LILLEY booz loxTtfiDinri. ' And Blank-Book Manafantnrer, "' . horth Kioa RSXZT, GOLViarjS, OHIO aarll-dly - . , ; . . . . faihilv 1xouh. -tithttv wheat, branded , :"sit6wj,lakiij." - ffrota "Barnett Hills," Springfield. O. the best brand of Vlonr broujrht to ear market, DatisTactton guaranieeai tor sals only at WM. MoDON ALU'S, novfl r. i , 108 South High street. A LEXANUUIR KID OLOVEB. i All llssi and eolori last opened at BAINS, ' fv ' Mv.88etQHlghiitrMl. STONE'SJ AZ A AR. No. 4 Gwvnne Blocls. a. p; stonF& o'harra AnENOW RECEIVING THEIKHTI1V. TBE GOODS, and invite th. public to lnspeet them. N. such stock of Goods baa ever been brought to this markrt. Th. South, In consequence of the failure of th grain crop, baa not been able to parches, th. us ual quantity of rich goods, and this faoi has foread the Importers to sell them at publlo auction. Oar buyer (Mr. Stone) being in New York at these large tales, took advents . of them, and we can and will sell 00 good! here, at lesa than any one whopurohased two weeks sum, paid fur them l Hew Yprk. Onr stock Is complete la every department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIA8, . M PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, DYED COBUGSi BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, 1 DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, . At one Half the Coat of Importation. LADIES' FURS, In all Varieties, of th Celebrated lTlanufataro of C. O. Gun tbere tc Son. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men's, Ladle, and Children's Under Shirts and Drawer.; Ladles, Misses and Children'! Hosiery of all kinds, In Wool and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined and Ootton Gloves of every make. aLBO A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, .OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs, Ac, &o, 1 1 To Deraona who eall on us. we Dledtr. oar words to show them the largest, best and cheapest stock of Goods ever eeen Id this market, or pay tbem on. dollar p.r hour while looking. deol-oiyvtawitw. musiauuiau, A MEETING OF ' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT. . ' ,'. ... 62 EAST TOWN STREET, , ... r ; ' ssasMsaB WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! AWINO TO THE WAR BETWEEN yj th. Union and the Bunny Boutb, I bar. concluded to sen oat ALL MY GOODS, EVIN I33DUO'W COOT, Th. stock oonslitt of th. largest loto' WHITE GOODS, . In the city of Columbus; ' JACOHITS, . CAMBRICS, BBILLIAKTS, SSaZBALDAB, KTJIX8, PLAIDS, 80IT FINISH CAMBBIC8, : COLIABI, IDQINU8, SKLST BHAID, B08IEBT, PIN8, BUnOHS, BUSPEMDZBJ, BOOKS AND 7X3, and all kind, of NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES; the best HOOP SKIRTS la Columbus, and at the lowtttprict, Wnolesale and Retail. - Then, ladles, all, both great and small, Come, give me a call. And then you'll And A. M. K. Btoriii In all his Glory. A. M. K. BTORRIE, Agent, Bemsmber thaWar I No. 6) Town street, aprll:d3m - Columbus, Ohio. . FIRST . OPENING OF THE SEASON OF , ; . jSPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. ROSE'S. IAOalN OFFEW TO THE PUBLIC an entire new stock of Goods In my Una, lost puroh. ased In Hew York at the cheapest panic rates, al of which shall a,ll at the smallest punts, for (.'ash. By custom ers and Minds are respectfully Invited to cal nd exam ine m Goods end Pi Ices, ai I am determined to sell ae cheap or cheaper than any other house In the ally; and as 1 do my own uniting, ana supenotrna ni own iui nese, I feel assured, frim my long exoerieoca Inbuil oesi, to give general tetisfactixn. The finest of work men are emp'oted. at.d all work den. strictly to time aud on short notice, and warranted to fit. Stranger, viaitlna oar city would . insult tbelr Interest by giving me a call beior. pnrcnaiugeuewnere. . r. nui-u. Merchant Tailor, narchSO-dly Cor Bitk and Town sti. Sheriff's Sale. Cornelius Jacobs W. P. Miller atal. 1 Common Pleat. BT VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FI. FA. to ma directed, from th. Court of Common Pleas of franklin County, Ohio, I will offer foraale, on the farm occupied by W. P. fc J. B. sillier, In Jaossoo township, on , ., Monday, the 15th day of April, A. D. 1861, i at 8 o'elook,.?, M., the following propeity, lo-wltt : One cay mar., on. sorrel none, one mar. con, on. aou, oo. two bore, wagon, three se s doub . hsmesa, asvea head of hog. , and the undivided cue balf interest In a reaping maouln., levied on as the property of W. P. A J B. Ulltcr. . 0. W. HUFFMAN, Bh.riff, aprll 8-10tof. , By Ed. Davia, Deputy. ' Prluier's foes, 15 50 . Watches I Diamonds !! Silver Ware!!! ACOlCR A SOHTitlENT OF GOLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. I am for the AaMista Waicet Oo , aid baa sell these excellent Watches at manufacturers' pi tees, either Wholesale or Setall. . Ome and choot, rrom my beautiful dlsplav or Dla monds and th rich Jeaeliy. 8t lea new price lew. Ae to Silver War. of sterling quality, I can show new patterna, ver aandsom. . i b i' i -) -, atlv.r Plated War. Tea Setts, Urns. Walters, Castors, Baskets, Pitcher Goblets, Knives, Forks Spoons, Ac. Then I have a supply of Boa Tabic Cutlery, Posset Knives, Saur, A., and many Faooy Good such as are desired for preeeets at euch prices as are an induce ment U the purabatsr. v , WH. BI.TMN, . " No, 10 Buckeye Block, ' marSl ' " North side Bute Hone, equare. Irish Linen Goods.,. t'; WARRANTED FABRIC " Linen Shirt Bosoms P'eln and fancy , Shirting and Bosom Linen. ' V Linen J heelings and Pillow Ossings. ' i i , ,. Linen Cambrics and Long Lawns. . Linen Pocket -bandk fs, all slias, ' Linen Towelling and DUpar. I'" UnmNapklneandD'Oyllee. , .,- 1 " Linen Table Cloths and Satin Damask. v. ... : . t liinen Towel with colored border, u , i: . : . ) Linen Stair Coverings and Oraah, ,. . . ... For sale at lowprioet. " i BAIN fc SON, ' S febW Ki.iHismK niJiuiL INK MUFKg, WICTCIIISSS wdOUFFS VC ars now selling at vary low a-ricea, also alt other kladl dc81. ... . .No. W Sooth Illih si-, w II1U nANTLU HaHa.L, OTU nails ana aiipea, iw iwewvia as. - i!. . a . Ayer'sSarsapaiiila A eoBpoUnd remedy, designed to bo the most effectnal AlUratuu that con be made. It it s concentrated extract of Para Snrsnparilln, So combined with other substances of etiU greater alterative power at to afford an cfltx. tire antidote) for the disease! Sarsuparilla is reputed to curt. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from 'Strumous complaints, and that one which will accompliih their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citif ens. How Completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : 8cuoruLA and Scrofulous Computet, Eruptions and Eruptive Disease TJr.cnits, Pimple, Blotches, Tumors, Salt llnr.uji, Scald IIiad, Sifbilis and Syphilitio Ar feotions, Mercurial Disease, Diiopsy, Nia baloia oa Tio Douloureux, Dr.iui.ixv, Drt FEPSIA AND INDIOESTION, EltTSII'EHS, HoriE on St. Antuonts Fiub, and indeed tlm wliola class of complaints arising from Impuuitv op tub Blood. Thia compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which foster in the blood af that season of the year. l!y,thc limu ly expulsion of them many rankling disordi'is are nipped in the bud. Multitude can, hy tne fua or tms remedy, spare thcmnulvcs iroin the endurance of foul eruptions and ulccroiu sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of tho body bjr an alterative medicine. Clcauso out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob atructsd and sluggish in the veins ; clean so it whenever It is foul, and your feeling'? will tell you when. . Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this Iiabulum of life disordered, thcro can be no siting health. Sooner or later something must go WTong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the dm;; alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon tho siclt, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, hitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla winch flood tho market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Satsaparilln, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the namo uom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we thjuk wo mva ground fur believing it has virtues which Suo irrcsistihlc br the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure.' In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on tho bottle, prepared or DO. J. G. ATE IS & CO. . LOWELL, MASS. . Prlo, ft par Bottle Six Bottle for, $3. lAyer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown fur tho ctsre of very variety of 'i'hront and Lung Complaint, that it i entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wlicrorer it hits tern cm ployed. A it has long been in constant uto throughout till section, weneed not do inoro than assure the people it quality ia kept up to tho best it over has .been, and that it may lie relied on to de for their relief ail it bat ever boon found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ion TUB CTSB 01" Cottivtnea, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dytmiery, Foul Stomach, Erijsipclai, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tnniors and Salt Rhmrn, Worms, CM, - Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Pttrifyiny the Blood, They are sugnr-coated, to thttt tho most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Fries 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00. Oreatnumbert of Clergymen, rhvsicinni,Slntcs men, and eminent personogej, hnrs lent their .names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Ambrican Almanac in which they ar given ; with alio full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. . Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ater's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have It. All our remedies are for tale by KOBIRTS fc SAUUBtf. Oolnmbtu. Aad by Druggists aad everywhere. ovv: lya.iwuw TO BUSINESS MEN. AH EXCELLENT CHANCE EOR reliable business men to secure a protttaMe manu facturing business, requiring bat a small caoltal tn lis eoublUhment and pro eeatlon. The aunnfaoinre consist in lb application of a pe culiar composition or enamel tooonunm red bricks, and variety of other baildln. material, ornamental archi tectural anlMusgt, oclltogt, tile ror noon and for roofing. This enamel may b. tinted or any color, from th. parest whitetoih deepest black, with all Ihe color. aad shades between. It impart to th article to which It le applied a hardness and darabllttv almost incredible. aad a Scanty surpaisiog that of the rarest and no. t costly of the variegatM marblee, and, nnlite them, is Impervi ous to moliture, and will never fade stain, or deterior ate, costing bat a fractional cart of the orice of ordinary marble. It I alas valuable tor table and itand tons, mantle- pieces, monuments, and an endless variety o other aril- ols of apl as. Tb. process of epplvlng the e sine I is simple, wniie in. articles enameled will command a ready saw, af irdlng large profit. Bespon ibie parlies may. procure licensee for maaufaetaring under the pat rat for any city or prominent pawn tn the United States by applying to tb subscriber A small tariff on ihe sr- tloies manufactured will be required 'or the use cf the lovmUua. Circular giving lull particulars will be for warded to all applicant. The superior msrlt and beanry or this ensmeled bond ing material t. anything tn os has th unqualified in- lertement or many of the tenet eminent aiohltect and elenitfie bh of Oil aad other el Us. for parUculais address I0HIS0 k fBAIiL, Gsneral Areata for laameied Batldii g Material, ap9d3a. , S3 NASSAU ST., NSW YORK. l NOTICE. I HAVE fcOLDTOMR. HENBT WIL SON my SBUQ eTOBI, which ie nmived fiom the orner of Mmh and Aav atreeia ro th. a,. nth I ftopnar of Broad and High streets. Columbus, Ohio. . With many than La to my former patron and custom era, .1 respectfully rtqueet tb oent nuanoe of th-Ir fa- tiaroatkM, aprU a, JW1. . . , DRUG- STORE. TTAVIN a PURCHASED Tt; Bit CO IX BTORB or Mr. Bnav M. Hsit, I have opened aaeW on th. Booth west corner ef Broad and Utah n,ii. Oolambae, Ohlc hrtnf t4d eMt reliable sausd for wss diss usees jwiw year. 1 aav a iresa ana well eelected stock or rur Jf di eifte, andiNtn Ctomieats, togsthsr with Palntt, Oil; ramuMi, o. osnaiiy ept in seen aa establishment. TTj Paasoatmowe eantallr and nromotlv comnoand. Store .pea at all hoars of th. day mi night. -I respectfallf tsllell tb. aauonag. of the pobllo. ' , 1 HBNBY WlLsOK.i' Oalassbn, April 1. lBSl-aprS-dlm aiB AUI1B U etlEErnUS SSD BHiaiiBua. ail wiaine, w at ntoeiebraten makes, eifored la grMtl Tkriety and al vsrT lowprioee. .... sue 4. bow eifored Prill I);?)1)X0 3itAhvxm II BM v Dally, per year. .4 IS 00 Tri Wookly, per I tar. S 00 Weekly, per yai ........m....... .. 1 OS [From the N. Y. Times.] Our Army Navy—Strength and Distribution of Every Ship and Regiment in the Service. It bag already been announced thai the Army and Navy Registers lor loot nave Dean paoiisn. :i. Tbe interest which tbo publlo tako at pros eot lo military and naval Batters justifies us in analyzing, at considerable length, the oontents of these annuals. Let us first refer to the state. nient of tbe strength and condition of ' oua reoulab abut. The present strength of the Army ia 18,123 S iteiA 1 . . IA i men. it consists or iregitneut--ire('imente of infaniry, averaging 1U companies ol 70 men each: dot artillery, aveiaeina; 13 Companies oi 61 men each; 1 of mounted rlflemtn, 3 of cave airj, and 3 ot dragoon eacn oi tbe latter numbering 10 companies of about 60 meo; or about iaB cotnpaniea in all. Of these, ootwith. standing tbe excitement oreated by the concen traiionof aixiu'. ball' a regiment at the Nuional C d tal. over : 6 ) comDaniea are statitn d in the di unt regiuii ot Kry Wsf, Kansas, Ntoratk., Uiub, Ttxis, New Mexico, Caillornia, Oiegon and other places. fUgiuieuta serving on these station have 74 men to a company, Instead ot G4, so that were tbe entire army located in them, it would consist of 17,549, "total enlisted," and 1,880 aggregate. It is impossible to estimate accurately the number of officers now in the service, as no official list, deducting the resig nations, has been published. Tbere have been, however, some 1,200 commissions gizetted, and there must be over 1,000 epauletted gentlemen now on the roll. Each regiment ha a certain number ol officers allotted lo it, which varies according to oircumetances Th dragoons, for Instance, ol whom we nave two regiments, numbering each about 600 men, have 1 colonel, 1 lieutenant-oolonel, 2 majors. 10 caotaina. 11 fir-it lieutenauts, and 13 second lieutenants 74 officeta all told; tbe two regiments of cavalry, (UliO meo) 1 colonel, 1 lieoteuanl-oolonel, 2 ma jors, 10 captains, and 22 lieutenant 63 in all ; tbe mounted rifle regimeut tbe same number of men end general staff, and 23 lieutenants 37 In all; tbe 4 regiments oi artillery, (each about 700 meu) 4 general ifficere, 12 oaptalns, and 38 lieutenants 216 io ail; tbe ten regiments of in Ian try, (each atx.ut 700 men) 4 general officers, 1U captains and uu lieutenants, and ao oo. THE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENTS. Almost every year two or three chances have to be nude in the geographical arrangement of tne Aimy departments, in consequence of In crease ol population, Indian depredations, or to facilitate military administration. Tbe Reals terjust published gives the latest divisions oi tne Uepartments, as ioiiowsi Department of the East The country east of the Mieelsaippi river; nesa-quarters, Troy, N. Y. Tbere are eleven posts in this Depart ment. viz: Fort Mackinac, Michigan: Platta- burg. New York; Fort Iodependence, Massa chusetts: West roint, liovernor'i Island, and Fort Hamilton, New York; Carlisle, Pennevl- vanlt; Newport, Heoiuckyj fort Monroe, Vir ginia; FajetteviUs Arsenal, North Carolina; Fort Somter, South Carolina, and Key West, riorlda- me garrisons as Augusta, lie., baton Rouge, Lv, and Birrancas, Fla , were alto lo tho Department before being seised by the Se cessionists. Tbe First, (Second, Third and Fourth Artillery, the United States Engineers and recruits, all to the amount of near 10.500 men, are stationed at tbese places, including the troops at Washington. DEPARTMENT OF THE WEST. Tbe country west of the Mississippi river and east ol tbe nociy mountains, exoept those portions of it included witbin the Department of Texas and New Mexico; headquarters Si Louis. Mo. Tbe posts are Forte AbercramhiA- Kioler and Rideely, Minnesota, Ksrritonad tav the Second, Third and Fourth lofaotry and tourta Artillery; rorta nanaau, Laramie and Kearnev. Nebraska, garrisoned bvtheFonrth Artillery and Second, Dragoons; Jefferson Bar racks, Missouri, garrisoned by reotaile; Forts LeaveoworlD and ttiiej, jn.ansas, gariUoned by tbe First and Second Cavalry end lofaotry; Forts Leavenworth and Little Rock, Arkansas, garrisoned by the First Cavalry and Second Artillery; Forts Cobb, Ar buckle end Wiobita, and Wicbita Nations, garrisoned by tbe First Cavalry and Iofautry. There are probably 4,000 men id tbe Department of the West. DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS. The ftate of Texas; head quarters at 8so Antonio. Posts (Forte and Camps Cooper, Cbadboumc, Colorado, Blise, Quitman, Mason, Stockton, Lancaster, Davis, dadsoo, Verde, Ives, Wood, Clark, San Antonio, Inge, Duncao, Mclutoeh, Ringgold, Palo Alto and Brows Tbere were abuut 3,800 men (300 more than stated In a paragraph that baa been going the rounds of tbeprea)in tbe Department before Gen. Twigge surrendered, of whom the Daniel W enster and other vessels will bring home, It Is hoped, about 1,800, having left some to rein force the Forts of Florida. Tbe Rio Grande do tachmeuts are repotted to be in an efficient state, snd all Union men. DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS. DEPARTMENT OF NEW MEXICO. The Territory ef New Mexico, exclusive of Fort Moiave; head-quarters at Santo Fe. foils (Forte and Camps) Garland, Union, De-fl-uoe, two Navajo camps, Marcy, Batch's Ranch, Fauntleroy, Albuquerque, Craig, Stan tou. Webster, Breckiuild-e, Fillmore and Ba chtnan garrlsoued by tbe 8ecood Dragoons, Mounted RiQcb, Filth, Seventh and Egntb In. fau ry, to the amouutol probably 9 300. DEPARTMENT OF THE PACIFIC—(NEW ARRANGEMENT.) MENT.) Tbs ODUotrv west of ibe Rocky Mountains. except those portions of it included Id tbe De pantnente of New Mexico and Utah; head quarters at Ban rrancisoo. Posts (Forts and Camps) -Colenlie, rickette, (San Joan,) Towoehend, btellaooom, uray's Harbor, Walla Walla, Uatoedes, Vitocouver, Dalles, Xamblll. Honkius, Umnqua, .Ferwan, Gaalon.. Crook. Uumbildt, Brake, Churcbhtll, Bemoia. Alaosn tras, Ptcsldlo, Moj&va,' Tejjn,- Diego and Ya ms.. . ' ', -- - . Gen. Jjhneton was recently apnointed to re lieve Col. Beall io command of tbe Pacific De partment, whioh be bas probably done before this time. He will have under bis control 1, 550 men, distributed ss f 'Hows: One company (Sixth Infantry) tn San fraocisco Harbor: field and staff of the Third Ar tilery; at the Barracks; field and e all of sixth luiauiry at Beolola.whiob tairisoned by companies Caud K ol thatrea im ntj Company L, Third Artillery at Utnppaa; llfuuiin liiixiiiry at rerwao; u, BIXiu lar fatitrv,' tt Uimboldt; two companies ooe, I d.azooie aad oue of infaotry, at Crook t B. Fount) lufubuy, at Gastoti; D, Sixth Infantry, at BieRg; B aud H, Firet Dragoons, at Tejon; C, Six n lutantrj, and C aud E, Fourth Infant ry, at Yuma; F, S.xth Infantry, at New Sandl- go; 1, aix n miantry, ano r our to io I an try, at Mujavai ooe company of dragoons and two companies of Sixth Infantry, Cburohhill, and a small compauj in Hone)1 Lak Valley. ' ' DiFakTMiNT of Utah. Ibe Territory of Vua, except mat portion oi it lying west or tbe 117ib degree of west longitude; headquarters, Camp Flojd Fort Bndger Is tbe Only other post In the Department lo which some comoan ie of the Tenth Iuf entry, Second Dragoons and Fourth Artillery, to ibe number of .1,000, prob ably, do gairUoo duty. So much for the Departments. TROOPS NOW AT WASHINGTON. Tbe United States troops, exclusive of Ma rines, now at Washington, are aa follow: Company I, of the First Artillery, and Compa nies A, D, E, H, and K.of the Second Artil lery: ibe dtach men's of Dragoons frots Carlisle Birracks and West Point, and the corps of Sap pers and Miners from West Point Companies A, of (hs Second, I, of the First, and the West Point Dragooos.iare aceompanied by light bat lories. The lemainder ' are all aotlnjr as Ia fantry, with the KxcepUoa of the Dragoons ffom Carllsls. ' ? - : " " 1 . THE NAVY. The total number of vessels on the Navy Register, for 1861, Is 91. Tbsy rank as fol lows: Ten liners, rated at nearly 3,000 tons eaeh 873 gone. Ten frigates, averaging 1,800 tons, and 50 gunaeaoh. Twenty aloops of war (leaving out tbe Le vant;, eaon averaging uu tons and 18 guns. All in tbelr present state. Three brigs, averaging 280 tons and 6 gnus each, all aouud, bnt of little value. One sobooner, 115 tons, 3 guns . Good of her kind. ' Bight first class propellers, each averaging 3,500 tons, and rated for 40 guns, while only carrying aoont xo. Six eecoud class propellers, (fire new), aver aging 9.000 tons, snd 14 inns each. Seven navy built steam srunboata. averaeins nlM . -. - .... " uu tooa ana o gone eacn. ah in commis sion. Old steamers of different rates : Four first- class sldewbeel steamers, averaging 9,000 tons and in guns etcb. TOree In commission. 1 wo tbird class side-wheel steamers, (leaving out the Fulton, now a Florida man-of-war) Both in oummissioo. One steam tender, f Water-Witch.) and eitht harbor and sea going etoreebios. and seven our- obated stesm gunboats. All unfit for ear par poses. VI tbe ten liners, none could be made ser viceable In tbelr present shape. Ten of tbe corvettes are in commission fire of them (tbe Macedonian, uumberland, Constellation, Ports mouth and St. Louis) being good ships. The others would be eomnaratlvelv useless in a mod era naval engagement. All the sea steam corvettes and gunboata are on active auty, as will bs seen In our squadron list VESSELS THAT COULD BE GOT READY AT ANY MOMENT. MENT. The following vessels could ba nr r-Darad at a few weeks' notice for service, being now io tbe navai -reaay - state t umeers aid Men. . Tons. 3100 3300 3-200 1W 1W6 1607 B40 WHS WW 18:48 Guds. Steam frlaaU Colorado, .400 .400 .400 13 Steam frigate M.rrimack. Siaam frigate Minnesota.. Steam frigate Mississippi. Frigate Bt. Lawrence Frigat. Constitution Uorvetta Germaotowo.... Oorvett. Juaeatoan Oorvstt. Flymoath IS 11 w so ,4(1 S3 S SS ..30 ..300 ..SCO ..3110 ..sou ..sou Total. ...3300 303 THE SQUADRONS. Tub Home Fleet Commender-4-Chitf, Flag Officer Prtndet out, This Squadron, theoretic ally, bas lor its cruising ground tbe Atlantic coast from Labrador to Florida, tbe Gulf ot MexL 00, tne Caribbean Sea, and the shores of South America to the month of the Amazon; but sioce tbe recent political complications, bas been ordered to the coast of Florida exclusively, and more recently to our own seaboard, exoept tne luaceaooian aao another craft. The pres ent atrengtn oi tne neei on tne coast is as lol lows. Flushln Cumberland.. Stum frigate Fowhattao Steam corvette Brooklyn..... Steam gunboat Mohawk Steam gunboat Crusader Steaaa gunboat Pocahontas... Steam gunboat Pawnee Steam gunboat Wjandotte.... Sailing frigate Sabine Balling corvette St. Louis.... Sailing corvette German town. Total And two atoreihip. ....S513 13338 173 THE MbditesbanEAN Fleet Cmmnder-i. Ckief, Flay-Offieer Bell. The ships of this squadron oruiee in the Mediterranean sea, and touch at all the chief porta of Southern Europe. any uitwu snow tnr Amerioan nag. too. in Egyptian harbors. Tba denot of the fleet u at opezxia, wnere mere is a storehouse. Up to last October, the gunboat Iroauoia was the nnl '"ti io tne trail, unr aaaaaron ia nour aa follows, the three steamers, according to ru- iw, uaviog oeen oraerea Dome: Offlcan snif hm. Tnm. nn. Steam rrigate Susquehsnna 400 S4S0 17 .team gunooat iroquol .....ISO . 1UIS 6 Hates Savannah 300 1728 21 lal 890 S193 V? The Parana Fleet. CammnJ u.ri;.t fr mm . - - a wy-ujuxr mosugomtrf. me facino squad ron is employed oo the west coast of N. and S. America, the 8andw!oh. Alaraueaaa and Guano Islands. The head-quarters of tbe fleet are norm at renama.and south at Valparaiso. Tbe chief stopping places are Callao, Honolulu, and a few smaller ports. Tbe Levant, Cor vette, which left Honolulu in September, not having since been beard of, is supposed to be lost. -The fleet is ss annexed: , t. OtSosrs and Men. Flag ship t team -corvette Lanou- tr 4?0 SieaoMr Baranae.... 933 - aesaa gunboat Wyoming lit) SmaaaianboatKarraaaneeU Mi . Tons. Gnat. (380 144S ' tw 60S 9i8 7jS 7368 Sloop St. Mary1 , 330 Bieopuyan. 817 Total .1408 And two toreahlpa. THE AraiOAN Flitt Commandr im.m.f FU$ Officer Inn. The cruising quarters of saw air icau neei ia witnia latituoe m deg. north, and 18 deg south, and tbe adjacent ocean on tbe coast ot Africa. Tbe stopping places are Fernando Fo, Madeira, going out and re turning, Porto Grande, St. Helena, Cabenda, LUUe Fiah Bay aad St. Panl de Loando. Tbe depots and storehouses used formerly to be at Purto Praya, bat that being too far from the tlavstradere' track, it was removed 1,500 miles down south, almost to tbe mouth of tbe Congo River, at St. Paul's. Tbe fleet, whleb ia said to be ordered borne, Is, as follows t Officers and Men. Flag-'h'P corvette Constellation 330 Oorvett. Portsmouth..... Six) Corvette Saratoga 300 Sleam-frigat. Ban Jacinto.... JiiO Sine ganboat Moateaa (new) ISO Steam ganboat Mjstio 00 S learn ganboat Sumter OS ToUI ...1383 Officer! and Men. Tom. Onnt. .....Wll 17JQ 4 ....3-20 3415 io ....300 3000 SO ....100 4S0 4 ....100 4U0 S .... 00 350 4 ....103 1200 S ....100 430 ' 4 ..4.51:0 1730 50 ....840 7t0 . 10 ....300 BJU SS Ton. Guns. 1300 83 1U3S Ss eftt 30 1440 18 04 10 -JOO 6 400 8 8448 Tot The East Indies Fust CemmandeMn Chief FlapOffieer fffnttfieyr-The East Indies Fleet crnise in tbe Seae of China and Japan. Toe depot ia Hong Koog.but proviaiona and stores are sometimes l.fl at other places. As It takes about aix months for a veaael to get out, she seldom remains tbere more than a year, exoept when tbe exigencies of tbe service at borne, as at present, for Instance, prevent tbe authorities from relieving her when the specified term of cruising (two years) expiree. Tbe present Com mander-in-Chtef la a native of South Carolina, but la so Intimately allied with Northern fami lies that tbere ia no likelihood of bla resionine. Ills sentiments of duty, too, would hardly admit of such a course on his part. ' Wo subjoin a Hit w tne squadron; Offloertast Men. Toss. Quo, flarshtptteaat-eomtt 8aitford... M0 Stumer BagUiav... laoi Sailing-sloop John Adam 180 Steaat guaboat Dacoub lno 1,990 400 PliO 1,05 Total mm And a storeehlp. ..708 4&T5 On SraciAL Sbevioe. The ships, tbe names of which are subjoined, are employed on special aervioei Officer aad Hn. Steata friratt Niagara.. ......... due Frigate ConsUluti.a ... 400 BtaaoMr Mtehigaa . UO t Tons. ' 4580 . 1607 4U0 Can 13 . o 1 ' ' Total M 8587. 8 Tbe Niagara has gone home with tbe Japa nese; tne constitution, (old Ironside,) baring been thoroughly overhauled, at Portsmouth, N. H., has been turned Into tbe midshipmen's school ship, and ia now anchored In tbe stream of tbe Annapolis Academy; and the Micht- San baa just been commissioned for service on ie Lakes. , m. ' OUR NEW STEAM NAVY. Now that Crogrees has passed an aotauthor- lxiog toe eonairucuoa or eevea dew. steamers, It aaa sot be amies to state how the leal ones added to the Navy turned ens. . Ia order to take p as little room aa poesible, we will de actio ths peculiarities in tabolar form, as fol lOITSti ( ...I ''S Tili '.) ,t,i:.- ii'.-u V. :, ij i ' .t -r- i-i; l -y?, 3 ,:,.:.:j f t -i-i 1 Where built. ...New.York Bow turned oat, .A complete tuo- oess. Iroquoli..... xora...... .Tb. erack ship In th strait, Blcbmond Daootah Lancaster...... Paane....... ... Wyoming Hartford Fensajola Seminole. ...... Mohican .Vorfolk , .Rolls heavily par tial scccei ..Norfolk Philadelphia.. .Philadelphia., .Phlladelphlil... .Boston Boll terrifically a failure. A partial failure. A com pie. fail ure. . Comparatively tuc cestful. A first olast ship. ..Notion. rirt class. Penaa'ia fc M'folk.Supposed to be a tal lure. .Pensa'la fc N'folk A fallaie. .Portsmouth Tho seoond beet shin of clan Saginaw Gunboats. Baa Frn:!sco A failure for war purpose, ' Bam. Brooklyn., REVENUE AND SURVEYING VESSELS. We bavo not alluded in this artiole to any vessels but those belonging lo tbe regular navy Tbere Is quite a respectable fleet, so far asnum bers are concerned, of ligbt-draft brigs, schoon ers, and steamers, connected with tbe revenue and surveying service, lying at the different navy-yards, which would, no doubt, De'loond useful and efficient as tenders. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT- HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And arrows mere and more popular every day I And testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladle and gentlemen in ell grade ot society, whose united testimonv non. could resl.t. that k 10.. Wood' Bair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, aud preserve tb bair of th youth to otd age, in ail us jonmiui beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., Sea Slit, 1858 Pier. Wood: Thee wilt pleas, accept a line to Inform the. Ibat the hsir on my head all fell off over twenty year ago, caused oy a complicates: enroolo disease, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual eourse of suffering through Ufa having reduced me to a stat of dependence, I have not been able toob aio stuff for cap, neither nave 1 oeen able to do them op. In con sequence of which my head ha suffered extremely from cold. This Induced me to pay Brigg fc Uodges almost tb lut oent I bad on eartn ror a two dollar bottle of th Hair Restorative, about the first ef August l-st. I have faithfully followed the dtreetioni.snd th bald spot Is now covered with hair thick and black, thousb short It ia also coming In all over my bead. Feeling confident that another large bottle w. uld restore it entirely and permanently, 1 iceianxioas to perseverve In lis use. and beioa destitute of taeana to purchase any more. I would ask thee If thee wouldst not b willing to tend me an order on thin, agent for a bottle, and receive to thy self the scripture declaratl n "the reward Is to those that arekiod to tbe widow and tne latberlr ." Thy friend, 6Ud aM M All KIRBT. Llionler. Noble County. Indiana. Feb. 5th. 1859 Paor. O. J. Woon: Vtar Sir: In the latter part of tn. year kxi, wniie attenaing me state enrj nttlnnal Law Behool of the Bute ot New York, my hair, from cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rw- vdly, so that in th. short space of six months, the whole upper part 1 r my scalp was almost entirely bereft of It, covering, and much of the remaining portion upon tbe side and bac part of my head aoortly after became gray, so that yon will not be surprised when I tell you that un- on my return to the State of Indiana, my mure casual acquaintance war. not so much at a loss to discover the cause of th change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintance ware to reoogniae me at all. I at onoe made application to the moat skil'ful physi cian in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my would aga'.n be restored. I wss forced to become reconciled to my rate, until fortunately, in the latter part ot the year 1857, your Restorative ai re commended to me by a druggist, as being the most relia ble Hair Restorative io us. I tried on. bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the aesirea en eel since tnat time, x nav. used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very toft black hair, which no money can bay. A a mark of my grautod. ror your labor and skill In th production of to wonderful an article, I have recom mended Its us to many of my friend and acautlntancet, who, lam happy to Inform you, ar using It with Ilk eueot. very respeciiaiiy, yours, A. If. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and (old by all dealers thronjh- oai me woria. The Restorative Is put up In bottle of three sites, vlx: large. medium, and small! th. small hold X a pint, and retail for on. dollar par bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small, and rstalls for two dollar a bottle: the lame holds a quirt, 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retails for S3 a bottle. O J WOOD fc CO.. Proprietor. 444 Broadwav. New York, and 114 Market Street, St Lonlt, Mo. - And told by ROBERTS fc SAMUKL, Columbus, Ohio, and by all good Druggist and Fancy Good Dealers. apnu:aat.weowiy. GREAT CUBE. DR. LELaND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Eheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A BCRl CURB FOR Mercurial Diseases. All It I a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to Ihe most delicate persona; no chants In habtte of living ie required, and it entirely remove the dl ea. from tbo avslem. withont nrooneine the inturlooa effects aiislng from the us. of powerful internal medt cine, which weaken and destroy th. constitution, and (iv temporary roller only. By thts treatment I'nal properties contained In ihe Band com. in contact with tb. blood and reach the disease, tbroash the pore of ihe akin, effecting In every instance a perfect cure, and restoring tbe part sffilcttd to a beal hy condition. This Bandlsalsoamostpowerral Aim MmcoauLacent, and will entirely relieve the system from w pemtetove effects of Mercury. Moderate case are curvd In a f-w davs, at d we are oonetaotly receiving testimonials of it efficacy In anravated eases r-f long standing. Paic $3.00. to be bad of DrnggUt generally, or can be eentby mall or express, with full direo Inns for Use. to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office, Ho. 409 BBOATJWAY, 3Tw York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B. Descriptive Circular Bent free. rOAsreats Wanted Everywhere. mh28 lylsorlstp dfcw REMOVAL. S. Doylo cJb Oo. HATE REltlOVED THEIR Off ICE to th South-west earner ot High and friend streets, . TTT ernATT?e f aS. mSm ttm aUwAiaW j And will continue to keep ea band a large tint cf BOOTS AND SHOES. Tb attentlcn cf Merchants and Dealer it respectful ly invited to car stnok. S. DOTLS fc Co. narehSd:dtlllJaly31. Employment. THK STJBSCKIBUK3, DEALING Iff J a Staple Article will furnish employment to a few acuve men to act aa agenta for their bonM. A preference will be given to those who are well acquaint ed in the district for which they aoolv. for which services they ar willing to pay a tala 17 or 1 rem $000 to $800 per year, and Xzpsntsa.. for farther particulars add res W. B. MORBHOUBl fc CO. . Sand 3, Iscbana Plan, . Jan30-d3ta. . . Jersey'Clty, H. J. A HEW nOOP SKIRT. j 33 AXZN cto QOZST, No. 39, BOOTH HIGH STRUT. Rave lust rclvd a new auk ef HOOP SKIRTS finished In a manner tar u parlor t any yet introduced for . 4 . DURABILITY, AND GRACEFULNESS. ash 83. , -. GBtsTLEffiEN's rvRirmiiivt? GOODS). HoTtlUss In Neck Ties and Scarfs. " . " " Rrroa and Garret Oollars.' u M Smbrotdarad Pocket Handkerchief -Pari Kid Glove rap rlormak. .-- . - ' Golden Hill Shirt, vartoms suie. ' - - 1 '' Bwya' Doldon Hill Shirt, do . -; Driving and Ktraetttlovet, a. , 1, , Hemmed Pookat Handkerchta, varloa style., . , Half Hon and Under Garawnt, V IAIN fc BONf aprllS . . - . SautklVghalrMt. a t : 1 a BEATJTIFTCJt, 1 liii nrrn 1 nnn rrtT s it tittvvx t ABU LMBiArJill 111A ttV h 111 -t, ' ' " ' . . t - s t Out spring arocK is vnvsriAL- ly Isrtre and well a-orted. The very latest patterns ' from AMURIOaN, BNQUdH and FRBXOtt laotofu, GOLD PAPERS AND BOBtiERSiH Gold and Velvet Borders, SPLENDID DECOKATIOm , SIDELIGHT AND FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, GOLD : , WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, ' AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXTUBE9, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES . ' AND THAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, 100 Boutb. :n:ieiaot. . COLUMBUS, O. V. . r N. B. Lindlordt and person wishing quaotltia of Paper will make money by baying .1 as. Ooaatry Merchant and person from abroad will do wall t sail and seen. april 1 -d2meod .', :, B fc A. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF JDJouvtwlx., TXT. T. Dividend January l,lfli,4PevCeat. A89ETS Sf.BlSJCdSO. Statement Jaaaarr 1 1861 .J Btlanc, per staUtnent Jan. 1st, 1800 11,400,381 39 Reeelsed for Premium dur- , , , , - ing the J ear 10 ..703.033 SS Received for interest daring T" f . t'' the year 18C0 814.014 , , Total vraaln'a tnm lfiflA aorv niiv nm Paid Claims by Death, 207, C50 UO ' . raia roiicies sarrea -deri-il .- Al 111 oa ... Paid Salaries, Po.t- -- g. Taxes, Bx- cbanve. to. ...... SI ItOrt SA ' Paid Commissions to ... a ,4nt. ai .ia -4A ' Ml Paid Physician' fees. S U6 73 '.' , ) Paid Annuities 1.517 00 Paid Dividends dur- '' - f ln( th. jear 100,100 73 S05.091 (3 411,071 14 Ket Balance January 1st. 18C1 13.813,338 SB ' A83BIS. - Oath on hand IS 6364 18 ' 2 Bonds and Mortgagee on Real A4U1-, worm ooaoie tne 4mnnnl IntM... SWD4I M - Premium Not, on Policies ' ' ' ' In force, onlydrawingSpor - - eenu intereat 1 OTQ ma n Real Esta a un 440.-1 on Loeneon scrip..... S,tl3144 . " t ' Premiums, Notesand Cash. In . cour.e or transmission.... 45.313 73 : Total Aaset I181S.S54 SO T,5T5 Policie in force, Insuring ttttrtiHi 038 a i,ao new roncie nsve been Msaed during lb year. After a earefnl ealnl.rlAn nf .- . . .. - - - v. ,u v , nm va'n. t tne onut.ndiog Policies of th. Company, and having tb neotuiny amount in reserve merefor, th Dlreoton have declared a Dmnnnof 43 percent, .nth. Pnmi- u.u. t;..u uio vr, rates, 10 ail policies ror lif 1 fone. A" Issued prior to J anuary I, lbOU, payabi aesordlaa to lit present rale of the Company. Batrsfor all tlndto' Lit Contingent Prrt-r)i oie.,8utments, and Anpl cation, will be fornlsbed WITBO0T CBASOB, at th OfflC Or Amaiae Ik. n.4 p I pauy. . . 1 . L. O. 0R0VBB, Vice frttldaat. BKNJ. 0. MILLS R, Secretary. " TV- n AA. JsV.Bfe.ESOy. jtW,' 1 , March 88, 1861. Colnmboa,0. Oire Onuq a&. Bomtmem. JMtu- 4n Vonum4ion. ArswieYM, AtAn. ma. and VaUtrrh. Vltar mef " etrmpth to the tvtct vf ' , r rUaSllo -fKAtmEHU, sad siMetH. ... ; few ar aware of th Importance of checking a Cough ,, "Common Cold'1 la its first stare: that hb-h In 11.. ' beginning would yield to a mild renedy. If neglected, wn et'acka the luuge "Mreum's trondUal 7ocAa ' cntalnlrg demulceut Ingredients, allay Pauaoaan aad Bronchial IrriUUon. . , V ! 1 -" . 7 BROWN'S I "That troubl ia aar Throat, (for which 1 the'ZrvcAe ar a socolsVsihavlne h-a - TROOBXB often a aera whisperer." -. - , J . r. WILLIS. ; BROWN'S "I recommend sua ta Psaue ataaa-. r TROCHES - KBV I. OHAFIW. . I "Hav proved extrewaly snriesaM far -BROWN'S IHoaaMtsM.1! . ... ...-(, n. REV. HENRT WBD BBCHtft--.-ra ''Almost instant relief in the dlMnaaloa TR00HE9 labor of breatnlng peculiar ta Asmara. " : n BROWN'S KBV. A. O. aUOLaSTO!. -I ''Contain bo Opiusa av m, tains; tolaul ' TROCHES, oua." Dat. A A. HATBa. s;.; CkemUt, aaMS. - . "A aimole and nlaaaaat "' . BROWN'S Cocaus, Ac." TROCHES 11 a- U. V. BIBBLOW, BROWN'S "Beneficial In BaoMcmrri " ' . ., ;;,;it..f.iff;.tsiti; H! have proved them axMlarat S v.! TR0CI7KJ, IBOWN'S uso GouaH,'. .. - .. - - . . BIV. H. W. WABKBH, TBOCHBS "Beneficial when oosinallaA tm BROWN'S tering rrom uold." , . . aav, B. r. J. AMPBBBOSV " --It itult "IrrBtrrOAL In reennvl.e " - . TROCHES BROWN'B Irritation af theThr at, tMLwew wt fei Sraalltujand Bltwaas." " TROCHB .: , Prof. erACT JOHBSON tt.t la (rrmtmtm, 04.,' It ., TeMheref M,ie,aoU4e - feaule Calia . w BROWN'B TBOCHBS Sreetbsatat when taswabSakXvad aftaw n BROWN'S preaoblog.aa Ihf prevent Hearsiata. Fraa' ' their S'ee, I thtah the wUlkf rM IROOHBS Buaatadvantaf. t .. -., v : . BKV. sj. ROWLBT. A- a., : w ., Preaideut at Atheu Oalttga, Tan. .! Lg BROWN'S IROOHBS TPPRaM Wv all i.nhh ejnwwaiirw. I , f 1VI CANTS A BOX JTl ..;,. .. t ROBERTS It SAMGBb. 4 . -- 4 ' : - Drorelst. North Hl(n ttrteU' " ' 1 B. I. RAMUkL fc CO.. "u,w"H'r.-! - ' I " : ' 8 South High strtat, Oalaabtvs, 0. : ' mar7-deod1a 1 1 ' BG.1HI KfHa.H. ' flat of fhaton's Bstabllshaenl, V. T.,) ffrMjor '. me new tun aanuitinaoie nnavicg,. itiir i prig Shunpooning, Oorling and Dremn Sa't ..,1. ft .': treat, over the. Pott Otur-a, wiime .. '....u ,i . be given In all th variuu branr're. Lt' A siiii Children'! Half P resiling dun la, tba bast tu , jyM-dir - ...