Newspaper Page Text
NOW BEADY. THE REVISED STATUTES OF THB OTATIIl OP OHIO Of A GENERAL HATCES, IN FORCB ACQ. 1,1880. Cpn, J pseph JL Swan, wiTBWTES or tbs deoisiqks ox, tbjiou- " ' " PREXX OOCBT, (Contains la twty-ln votunn CM ni 0nl Stat Report . AND REFERENCIS 10 PRIOR LAWS, MYLEANDERJ.CBITCHIFELD.ESq. . AND A TOLtJill COHTMIINT 1NMX. In Two Rorti 8ro. Volumes. Piice $10 00. . Mowra t) expense bas been spared to make the wort erfeet and reliable Id ell respects. sue by nearly the unanimous vote of both Houses, ul wm ordered to b distributed (o the following Bute a 4 County oBeors: ; 1 ' : . ' Governor, Attorney Qenerel,' Supreme Judges. Secre tory, Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor of Bute, and to die t rebate Oourts Court! of Common Plet Super- u..ulVnll nnrl. Anrlllnra. and theOlerkS Of the various Courts la each county, to the Members ot the Senate and Bouse of fteprsaentetlveo of this Stat, and rl ut.tee of the Union. ThU book, eontatnlng, u it does, all of the faM dow In force, and the authoritative eonairusuoD ui and of the HewUonaUtuttoB, win r rouna u u ly useful In the performance of their dutlet, to all COUNTY OFFICERS,' '..' .' . . J0BTIOB8 OF TH" PEACE, TOWNSHIP TKIT8TKK8, CLERKS OFTOWNBrtIP3,ald ' ' CIl'K OFFICERS. Inamuch at very many change have been made In the Statutes liaoetbe publication of the hut editions, by re peal, alterations and additions, and many Important do olelons baye been riven bj the Supreme Court on con troverted points, ail.-,. - . ATT0RNEY8 AT LAW, ' . ;i ' ' BANKERS. MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY, W1U Bud this an Invaluable Work. lira J?iMl 8e. Toitiwies of ottr A'iueUen Hundred ; .. .-, root, H In Strong taw Binding; Price flO.IKl. Published l,y nOBKKT CIjARKHV Sc CO.. Law Publishers, Booksellers; Stationers and Importers, No, 66 West Fourth street. , fel,18:dftm:is Cincinnati, 0, 1) 9l)o Statesman - MAITI PENNY KULEH, Publisher. I1EO, t. MA'.i't-fcNNirs Editor. . ,vU f COIiUMBTJB. OHIO. tt- invvpTTawwrnnL rn ixsnxx ixsex- 7IUX, ehnldb kamded in by TWELVE O'CLOCK OA Me Bay opuotmuum. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 17,1861 The Proclamation of the President. Th Proclamation of the President, as Mm was received through the telegraph, ' published it) all tb Western papers, it very in accurate and defective. We, therefore, repro dues the document as the same wa published ia the Washington papers. It beiog the official paper lnangnratipg the moat extraordi nary and momentous events, the publio should bat a complete and accurate copy of it. Got-. Dinnuon's menage is based on this p.-oclsBut!on,but it is not, unfortunately, conflaed (0 the subject matter of it. The Presi dent calls for troops tinder the law of 1795 to suppress and put dou eombiuttious iu certain States therein Bathed, wbiclt are too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judi cial proceedings or by the powers rested In lb marshals. The Goernor's message is not sim ply responsive to this proclamation. That func tionary soars away Into the slavery question, oud but too plainly shows that the ruling pas sion in his mind is to en ter Into the "Irrepressible oonfllut" between "freedom and slavery." That Is what the "irrepressibles" desire. They would not give a straw to eoo6oe the action of the vol unteer militia to the mere duties and objects tor which troops may be raised aud used by the President under the law of 179o. The Cincin nati Commercial and the CinciLD&ti Oazttte re buke the Governor for what they charge to be digression on bis part, and endeavor to disa vow the slavery part of his messages but these papers are simply acting the politician in this matter, while the Governor gives out hi$ tlnctrt utttraneu, hortille and lerriiU in import though thtfbi. And the Ohio State Journal, oi this morning, Inspired with tbesamesentlment which actuated the Governor, declares that "the issue itiuimUtakablf let between Freedom and Slaet r. While all the loyal citizens of the United States will, accord to the President all power tbst the Constitution and laws of the United States will warrant, to enable him 4 to execute the laws and protect and defend the Govern ment, and award to him the men and money iiscessiry for such purposes, yet good men, such as would sacrifice everything to seo the peace and unity of the country restored, cannot read tb Oovemor's message or the editorials in bis organ without a feeling of the deeoest : mortification and regret. And is this aspect of the case the fact that weak, vain, fanatical men, perfectly reckless of alt coosequeooes, are ia authority that causes soon despondency among a .Urge boiy of the best men in the land. (CTTh Democrats and all conservative men will da their doty and their whole duty; in the present fearful and dreadful emergency. They will support, .the Government and . sustain the executive In tli exercise of all constitutional and legal mean to preserve the Union, execate the Uws, and 'defend th National Capital, . but whii doing all this, with energy, promptness and fidelity, they will not forget, even though thssad and fearful contest rag for ten years to coma, that they have at all times and under all oireomstance protested , against . th oiuses which bare brought the country to its present fearful condition. Democrat have always stood by tb Constitution and the fUg ot the country And never did they battle for the in tegrity of th first or . the bonor of the last, with more sincere devotion, than in their stren uous efforts to roll back the tide of fanaticism fed and nurtured by pro-slavery and anti slavery demagogues- bleb, has brought our oountry to it present lad condition, and pre olpltatsd civil war upon as. In th present em ergency, Democratsand conservative men will do their duty, bat it must not be supposed that they will beoome oblivious to the cause which havebrooght about civil war, or that they will over inrronder their right to express their opin Ions, upon appropriate occasions, a to these cause, and th event now occurring and here after toocenr. tT Th Legislator oi New York bas pass ed, and Got. Mo so aw will doubtless sign, a bill to submit to ih peopl of that State, at the election la November next, th question of call ing a Convention tb revise the Stat Constitu tion. Tb passage of this bill meets the appio batloo of th people of all parlie In lb State. DSam HouiTON applied, a mouth ago, to the Government at Washington for assistanc to maintain hi authority a Governor of Texas. It Is not reported flat h ha recently written to Washington , advising against sending foderal troop to Texas. .Th Nsw York . Tribunt'i Washington oorrespondont say thi ehang of front aftrJa explanation.'. ; s'.-,.- , BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The laws of the United States have been for some time past, and are now op posed, and the execution thereof obstructed in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to bo suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law: Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Presi dent oi the United Stales, iu virtue of tho power in me vested by the Constitution and tho laws, have thought fit tociii forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the soveril Statts of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-fivs thousand, In order to suppress the said combi nations, and to ciuse the laws to be duly ex ecuted. The details for this object will be im mediately communicated to the State authori ties through the War Department. I appeal to all loyal c'tiiena to favor, facili- tito, and aid this effort to inaiuuiu the honor, the integrity, aud the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of the popular Gov ernment, and to redress the wron.'i already long enough endured. I deem it proper to suy that the lirnt setvicu aisigned to the forces hereby called fcrth wi'l probably be to repossess the forts, piices.snd property, which bsve botn seized from tho Union, and, iu every eveut, the utmost cro will be observed consistently with tho objects afore said, to avoid any devatt&tiou, any destruction of or interference with property, or liny disturb ance of ceace.'ul citizens iu any lurt of the couutry. , And I hereby command the persons cornic ing tho oombluations aforosaid to dispcru aud rotire peaceably to their respective nbodes, with in tweuty dajs from this daio. Deeming that the present condition of public affairs preseuts an extraordinary occasion, I do hereby, in virtue of the power iu me vested by the Constitutlou, convene both houses of Con gress. The Senators and Representatives aro therefore surnnioued to at'temblo ot their re spective chambers at 12 o'clock noon on Thurs day, the 4th of July next, then mid thcro to con sider and determine such measures as, in their wisdom, the public safety and interest may seem to demand. - In witness whereof, I hare hereunto set rr.y haud and caueed the seal of the United Stales to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 15:h day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six'y.onp, and of the inJe pendenee of the United Stated the eighty fifth ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. Gov. Dennison's Message. The following are the of the Cin cinnati Commercial and the Cincinnati Gazttte, on the message of Gov. Dennison: THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. a Candor compels n to say that tbe mesca:.c yesterday transmitted by tbe Governor of Ohio to the General Assem bly li unworthy the occasion. Instead of being a simple business document, like the President's proclamation, it verbose. In bad taste In many of its cxnrcwions, and con tains a flivor of psrtlsanism that wilt be offensive to thousands who ars intensely in earnest In supporting the Oeneral Uorernment. The wantof understanding of the proprieties of the occasion, uuplayed by the Uovcrnor, Is astounding. The question of slaveiy In the territo ries, to which he dragged In a reference. Is as obsolete as Millertsm or anti-Masonry. The territories are all or ganised now. It is amaaing that the Oovernor did not know better than to dig up and thrust forward thus gratu itously a ileiunot controversy, at such a time. Mora than that, tho repeated nsa of tha phrase "i'.aie states," without discriminating between thoie that have been loyal and those that have seceded, is an Impropriety, reminding us of somo of the unfortunate passages in the succedaneum lnsugural. The people ot Ohio did not want a lecture rroo uoveroor uenniton at this time. They desire him simply to perform his duty as the Chief Xxecuiive of the elate, and we aro very sure, after tills exhibition, that he would consult his own reputation, and commend himself to the farorabtt con sideration of the peoplt. by employing the fewest possi ble worts. When we want to hear from him 00 'he slavery question we will let him know. There is but one party in Ohio now, and that la the union party, u any petty partisan tries to make any capital out of the unlvarsal enthusiasm of the people for the Union of our fathers and tbe flag of tha free, he must be snubbed. Tbe Oovernor's recommendations wers all right, and the people of the State without distinction of party are glr lng their hands and hearts to this cause. The Oovernor's proclamation ia in better tone aud terms Oin. Com., April 10. Tbe message ot Oovernor Dennison calls vigorously for vigorous measures, lbs issue, however, is not so expanded as be makes It. It is simply a question be tween tli Government and armed rebellion. It were better to keep it at that. The State of Ohio tenders IU support to sustain the Federal Government against the attacks of rebels. No other question Is Involved in the affair. The Confederates have not stated any complaint. They rebelled before tbelr own Administration had left power. Since they preier to mane me issue a naaea one between the Constitutional Government and rebellion, let us aocept It, and meet Inem on their own ground. tin. GawtU, April IU. it UTr'rom tho bold and warlike tune of the O. S. ' Journal, and the immense amount of military knowledge it displays, we should ex pect that its editorial staff would resign the tripod and go to the wars. ' The editor-in chief, his assistants and local, and both the proprietors, are all warlike, in fino and rigorous health, and range ft om thirty to forty years of age Time. will disclose how far lley will respond to the call of the country, and bow many of them will appear in an "Ohio regiment oi Volunteers in Alabama," to "conquer a peace." HT There are twopoiuts, at either of which the next battle may be fought between tho Uni ted States troops and the forces of tho secession ists these are Pensaeola and Washington City There are no Indications as yet as to tbe point at which the collision may first take place. The country will probably not have to wait long for the occurrence of a new nnd terrible conflict, before which that at Charleston will ei;,k into Insignificance. ; ; O It has appeared to be tha object of the Cincinnati Commercial and soico other papers to produce excitement and prejudice against some of the Democratic journals of the country. The Commercial of this morning alludes to the Slatei man In a manner altogether unwarranted, and were the editor in oar presence, and make such an allusion to us, we should apply such argu ment to him as he would remember' for a long tim. lie is a contemptible puppy.. UTTbrce etoamers, the Kangaroo, the New York and the John Bell, - left tbe port of New York on Sunday morning, tho HUh init , for Europe, carry int with them the news of the conquest of Fort Sumter by the secession forces at Charleston. The reader can readily judee what impression this Intelligence will mske upon the European powers and peoples S3" Tha C7ti Stale Journal baa raised th National flag over the Journal buildings. That concern should banish from existence all former Issues of that piper, so that .its hostility to the Union and the Constitution, might be ohlitcra tep from the sight, if cot th memory of mar. ETElections of Congressman' in lha placciof Hon. Thoii as Corwim and Hon. Jon Shesuan will ba held on Tuetday, Miy C5th, in each of the districts which iWa gentlemen recently represented. , , , Th population of New York tbe official census, ia 3,887,542; of (be wards of New Tori city, bUa,o7. There is a popula tion In tb prison and alms-housea of about 8,000 more, making the population of the city [From the Pittsburgh Post.] War Operations at the Arsenal. W were furnished vesterday, through the courtesy of Major John B.Butler, tbe military storekeeper at Allegheny Arsenal, wttn toe following lisi of arms and ammiiuillon udw on haud there 1 . . . , , ORD.NANCB. S4 Forty-two pounders. ( 47Thirty-two pounders. , , . , 33 Twenty -fear pounders,. , r. 44 Ten-Inch eolumbiad. Sitl Kithi. Ini-h AnliimliilulS. SS Twenty four pounder flank defence iron howitters. It Twelve. pound brass field pieces. 1 - i Twenty-four pounder brass howitiers. shot sun SHKLL. 1 710 Ten Inch shot. - JrO Eight-Inch shot. 4HK Forty-two pounder thot. 11,539 Thirty two pounder shot. till Twenty-four pounder shot. - G3.) Twelve pounder shot. illtt Bpherlcal twelve pounder case shot., - -1,00 Spherical six pounder case shot. 4,l 3 Thirty pounder grape shot. 0. 41!i Twenty four pounder grape shot. 1 13.7HS Twelve pounder canister shot loos. ; -i t!,3 4 Six pounder oanlster shot. , . 3,0.10 Twenty-four pounder howilier shot. 41)3 Six pounder solid shot, strapped. ' ' airi,n, Mvsxrrs, risTou, Sto. ' ' 1,045 Kittle Muskets, new model. " lO.Htii Percunion Mutkets, model of 1041. !i,K) Flint Lock Muskets. 1 . Iri-J Percussion Hitlei. . . P4 Rifles, long range, mojol of 153. 857 new Percussion Pistols. 4!) Pistols, Adams' patent. 3, 1'.' J altered from Flint Lock to Fcreuttiou. 03 Cavalry Sabres. ; . , , ii-i Horse Artillery sanres. 34 Non commissioned Officers' swurdi ' SI Mutlciaoa' swords. . 1.270 Pistol Csrtrldge Uoxej. 1 b$:l pairs of Uolslere, old pattern. Full nppfmUiges for all imall arms. AMMUNITION. KI.SOO pounds of cannon powder, 1M.0IK) pounds of musket powder. ' 1 .'3,iiiHI pounds ot rifle powder. Iri 4.000 muskat. huclttiiat and ball cartridges. jU,0U0 musket tit) 1011 Inch elongated bullet cart- f3:i fl00 rift? Blanket 5R-100 inch elongate! bullets. 60 0(10 rille S4-10U Inch elongated bullets. tiO.UilO pistol Sd-IGO inrh elongated bullets. , r8,SI7 pouudt ot uiusketrouud tails. 3-1,500 rille elongated bullets. Cl,170 pistol 58-100 Inch elonrated bullets 5 538 rltla musket elongated bullets. I,t-3,0u0 Mayuard Primers, i! 4ud,0u Peicutolon caps for small anus. 3.700 Priming tubes Ulled Tor cannon. 3.4WI Tort Fuses. 1 83 (MO Friction tulea for cannon.' 4,000 rifled muskets, calibre sixty-nine, have hifn ordered to besenthere from I ranltlora Ar cnal. near PhlladelDuia, and will be here soon; also 500 of the same description from Harper's l'Wrv Arsenal. V rp.uila The following ordnance and ammunition has been issued from the arsenal since .Military 1st to the following points: 3 500 sets of accoutrements to Washington arsenal 1U0 sets of horse equipments to same plsce. ,illJsetsof accoutrements to New York. 2U0 sets of hone equipments to St. Louij. 310 do do to Illinois. IvO do do to Michigan. 100 do do to Pennsylvania Si3 dn do to Indiana. , 5 Klght Inch columblails to Philadelphia, wi Eljht In.-.h Columbia. I, to New Yorif. 4 Six pounders to Fort M'llenry, alsrylauii, and Washington. S Twelve pounder brass howilien to Philadelphia 1.00 Klght Inch shots to Philsdelphia. ' iliO Ten Inch shells to Philadelphia r 4,400 Right inch shell! to Philadelphia. ' 1 ....... u .. I-.l. -l.-l!.. t- W. . ..I. I ,IPUU blgUl 1DCU BIIQIIB I" 85(1 Muskets to Illinois, - 40 rilles to Michigan. 5, WO Mutket Cartridges to Ne York. Some smaller orders were also filled. The arsenal ia in a state of activity, the workshops now employing over two hundred men, c-tpsblcof turning out three hundred horse sets and fire tnousana accoutrements mommy Sixtv muskets can be rilled daily, and the mus kets of 181'J are to be rilled forthwith. Orders fnr amnntrpmetits are beine received and an additional I'orco will probably be employed as sonn as possible, being now d-iiy increasing. Qualifications for a Soldier. Tbe New York CimnrrcioI, iu an article about recruiting officers In that city, says : "The number of applicants each day amounts to about thirty, of which generally a little over one half pass muster. The recruiting officer takes a surrey of tbe applicant, asking the. fol lowing questions : How old are youT' Djvou drink! Are you married or single? Are yon acquainted with any trade? Are you iu the habit of getting drunk? T!ic?e questions being answered in tbe af firmative, the applicant is passed over to the Sergeant, who examines htm (in presence of tbe recruiting otlicer,) as 10 nis poysicai acui ties, &e. The recruit is then re-examined by the Serge-ant" We infer that, if these questions are not an swered iu the affirmative, the applicant is not cassed over to tho serceant, .and tnat it Is abso iutclv necessary that the embryo soldier should drink, be married or g ingle, and be in tho habit of getting drnnk. Tbe N. Y. Evening Pott says: When a man offers himself for enlistment, the recruiting officer has him stripped and ex amined.the slightest bodily deformity, a crook ed finger even, being sufficient for rejection. Tbe new candidates lor soiuier-itie are sent over to the island every night, and ar there again examined by the commandant and surgeon. If they pass inspection, they get their clothing, their personal description noted down, and tbey join a company. The first instruction to Die new recruit is in the uso of bis Ices: be learns bow to mark time, march, right about, and ao on, and if be is smart, will get hold of a musket in tbe course of a fortnight. He goes on in what is called the school of tb soldiers, passes into the school of the company, learns battalion drill, and then fit to co into a regiment. After thorough discipline, the recruits are sent off to various posts of the country. Their residence on the island varies from threo days to three months Those who arrive in November, when the roads wost and over the plains aro closed for the wm ter, generally remain at this post till spring- - A Steam Gun. A Baltimore paper gives a description of new gun, tbe invention of Charles S. Dickenson which, it is stated, throws three hundred three ounce bails per minute a distance of one and bait miles 1: u attaencu to a portable steam engine, which can be moved about with the fa- lioitrofaeun carriage. The balls ore placed in a hopper, through which they are lowered the breech of a gun revolving with ail tho rapid ity that steam cm triply, and In'tanttneous with their reaching the gun they are hurled forth with more force than can be given by tha ordinary mutket. ' It is estimated that one of these rue will be as serviceable upon a field of battle (on thousand men. It can be adjusted to tbrow the balls within a given space, or it can bo made to take a radius at the distance of a mile along the front columns or an army extending over several miles of ground. At the trial spoken of, it forced the ball through five planks each one inch thick, and then flattened and toro (hem in pieces against a stone wall In (ha rear Our Tradz with Great Britain. The Brit ish board of trade returns for January (how that tbe total exports for tbe month were only JL8, 344,701, being 1,021,796 less than :. January, I860. The decrease is in a large measure as cribable to the condition of affairs in tbe United States, as is shown by tbe fact tbat our imports for January wcro over $4,000,000 Ices than January last rear. Of the British imports January, grain rand flour, of course, exhibit tb moat rematkable totals, th quantities t&k en representing a value of more than iJ.uuu,. 000, and J.500,000 in the eorrospondlng month of 1869; and ot this enormous total fifty fiat per eent. was obtained from the United States, aud twenty per cent from francs'. -. v 1 , .1 The Psisioent' Team. President Lincoln is poire to come out with a dashing "team. Mr. Ward, tb gentleman who engineered tbe President on bis late trip at 1 ir as uarrieonre, bat just bought Lira a span for $3,000 from Wm, II. Van Cott, of Victor, N. li. Tbe borses are sixteen and a lalf bands bigb, fix years old, beautiful dark brown in color, with tan noses, flowing tails, well matched, and altogether very stylish and attractive team. : v Th number of wells sunk in the Franklin oil district it numbered by tbe Venango (Pa Spectator at one thousand. ? .' . . ! - - . , pss I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 ; 1. t" . ' Statistics of tb Syrian massacre show that 16,000 Christians wer killsdnd 3,000 wotnsn and young girls sold into Turkish harems. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1861. Mr: MoCALL, who was absent vesterdav. bad leave to record bis vote for th Arms Bill. (S.B.No. 207) aud voted yea. . ; , PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. BREWER oresented a memorial from W. M. Vagern and 23 other cltlieua of Fair field township, Columbiana county, asking an appropriation of $1,000,000, or more if neces sity, and the organization of 60,000 men for the defense of the Government, to suppress treason ico.; also, to enaot a law to punish traitor. Referred to Militia oommittee. SECOND READINGS. ' II. B. No. 42C To erect the township of MusKingum, In Washington oeunty. ' II. B. 473 By Mr. JONES, of Hamilton, from the standing committee on Municipal Cor porationsTo authorize the Commissioners of Montgomery county - to build a bridge aoroea the ureat mtami river at Dayton. II. B. No.474-Bv Mr. HILLS-To amend an act "providing for recording, printing, and dis tributing the Journals of the General Assembly and the laws and publio documents, psssed, April H. B. No. 475, bv Mr. CONVERSE-.To' amend section 543 of the act entitled "an act to establish a Code of Civil Procedure." H. B. No. 481. bv Mr. HITCHCOCK-To amend tb first seotion of tbe "act concerning th rolation of euardian aod ward," passed April 12, 1858. H..B. No. 433 Supplementary to an act to relieve district courts, aod to give greater effi ciency to tbe judicial system of tbe State, pass ed April 12, 1858, and fifth act amendatory tnereot, nossed Maroh 31. 1859. The above were referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr, PARISH, from the Penitentiary com mitteo, recommended the concurrence of the Senate in Uoubo amendments to S.B. No. 141, being the Penitentiary Gas bill. It authorizes trie biate Auditor to contraot with theuoiumous Gas Company to supply the publio buildings with gas at (2,50 per 1000 feet. Mr. MOORE, from the committee on Corpo rations other than Municipal, recommended to postpone indefinitely II. B. No. 235 To change the torminus of tbe Portsmouth and Co lumbus turnpike in Portsmouth. Referred to Judiciary committee. On motion of Mr. CUPPY, II. B. No. 473 was taken from tbe table and passed. It au thorizes the Commissioners of Montgomery to build a bridge aoros tbe Big Miami, at Day ton. Mr. STANLEY from the Finance commit tee, recommended the nassaee of S. B. No. 206 For the payment of tbe Funded debt of Ohio. The bill passed. ' Mr. HARSH, from tbe committee on Claims, reported back H. J. R. No. 130 with amend- m ite. and recommended ill passage It 1 rel atlvo to the claim of Wm. Jamison for $100. Agreed to, and resolution adopted. COMPROMISE. is is - a to as in in a a : ) Mr. HARRISON, from the majority of the Judiciary Committee, recommended tbe auop tioa of S. J. R. No. 110, to ratify the Seward Corniu amendment to the Federal Constitu tion Mr. GARFIELD hoped the resolution would not pass. There are two modes of amending the Constitution one by Legislatures of tbe States, the other by National Convention, The General Assembly has ohoaen tho latter mode. Adoption now of the other mode would be in consistent. Those who do not vote for this resolution will not not do so because they are opposed to the principles of it, but because it is inconsistent, aod tbia is not the time for the resolution. Since we .have recommended a National Convention, w ought not to affect it. Mr, PARISH said, as a member of tbe eom mittee on Federal Relatlous,he totally dissent ed from the recommendation of the committee. He bad not voted (or a National Convention, and never would vote for the amendment pro posed. Mr. POT WIN moved to refer the resolution to a Select committee. Lost yea 17, nays 18. Mr. FISHER said, although we have adopted different moJoot amending tb uonstttution, vet, as this amendment is the acknowledged opinion of all parties in the North, we have but one course to pursue, either adopt 11 or acknowl edge tbat heretofore w havs not aoted in good faith.' Mr. COX said that, while he bad no objection to the doctrine of the resolution itself, be was satisfied that, if even any constitutional com promise wer adopted, it would bo one made by such a Convention at the one we have at au earlier day of this session voted to call. At that time demands will be made on bath sides, and of a compromise should even bs'mado, it would be by yielding something from tbe existing position of both tides. If this be adopted, tbe South have to much vantage ground, and tbis proposition, which might other wise be a tatislaotory basil of agreement, would be simply tbe atarting point from which they would demand further yielding on our part. He believed tbat no one, even the most con servative, would say that a change in th Con stitution ia desirable for itself, and every such oca would of oourse desire the cbango to be at tlight at possible. If, then, Senators would look merely to, the question of policy in regard to ths preservation of the Constitution,they should not, in bis opinion, vote for a ohaog which can do ' no good in tho pressnt state of affairs, and can only be made au advance point for further demand, it tbe South should consider tne mat ter at all, which Is doubtful. He would, therefore, vote against the resolu tion, as a thing useless in the present orisit, and bad at a matter of policy. . Mr. SMITH thought adoption of the resolu tion would be futile. If passed by every free State, it would be received In the South with Sneers. He had voted for a National Conven tion, and was sorry that it had not passed soon er. But he could not vote for this, because would, under proeent circumstances, place us a false position. lis believed it embodies pub lie sentiment, as It does bis own, but be thought It unnecessary. ; Mr. HARRISON said tho question Is wheth er tbit .measure is just and tight? If right, should not Ohio put herself on tbe record, and let the consequence be what they may. He voted for the militia bill,not because be wished to carry on a war against other State,, bnt be cause ho hoped it might bring about peace While be would defend' the Government, be would do everything right and just to bring about a peaocabie adjustment, lie ooped every citizen would do so. . ue did not tninx tne n cessity of tho passage of this resolutiooai dis pensed with. The President had recommended it in bit message, and be thought gentlemen rote against it professing to support tbe Admin istration, who, will be voting against the Ad ministration. Mr. STANLEY thought the Constitution it it, Is good enough. He voted against a Con vention for that reason. He thought thlt met1 sure unnecessary, lie agreed in sentiment with the resolution. He did not bolieve its adoption would do any good. He did not care any thing ab-mt its being an Administration mea sure. Tbe question it whether it win do any good. It seems to be a backing out on our Sort. No one suppose Congress has tbe power ere disclaimed. If be oomulte J merely bis own feelings he should rot rgalnst it, because he thought it unnecessary, but be would vote for It, because it represents tbe sentiment of his peopl.- - Air. McCALL hoped it would pass. W should do all that weosn do that itrlght,tothow our tense of Justice. He would therefore vote for it.--.- Mr. CUPPY did not tee any consistency in declaring what It already in the Constitution. AU parties acknowledge that Congress has no power to Intermeddle with the domestlo insti tution! of other States. Those who vote against it, howeverwill be misunderstood, and it It be muse it it Intended to ooero a vote from Ke publicans which can be misconstrued, be would vote for it. No on pretends to say tbat th Constitution in this point it amblguout, but to alienee all oaviilog he would vote tor 11. , Mr. HARSH said: Iu giving the vote I am about to cast, I wish to b understood In doing yo, believing thlt measure mor at explanatory than si an amendment to tb Constitution. Haying always believed tbat w bad no right to Interfere with alavery In tb State, I am dis posed to record my vote in aooordano with thes nofeaiioni for th resolution. Betides, I detlr - Ohio shall not be .misunderstood la th tatlon al trouble Iu which we are now unfortunately engaced. We desire an undivided country, and for this country and the stars and stripe w have BBDronrlated money anil man. Let It' not Ka said this war is to abolish slavery In tho States, but to redress the wrongs and insult to our flag emu puuisu traitors, wntiawaare wuuntr to accord all the constitutional rights of our south ern brethren, we are still determined to preserve me American union as it came from our la thers, one and Indivisible. 1 . . , : Tbe question recurring on the resolution, it was auopiea yeas m, nays 0, Those who voted In the affirmative were Messrs. Brewer, Bonar, Collins, Cuppy, Cum mlns, Eason, Ferguson, Fisher, Foster, Harri son, Harsh, Holmes, Jones, Key, Laskey, Mo Call, Moore, Newman, Orr, Perrill, Pott. Potwin, Ready, tichleiob, Sprague, Stanley and wmte mi. : t i, ; Those who voted in the negative were - Messrs, Breck, Cox, Garfield, Glass, Monroe, Morse, Parish and Smith 8. -; , , Tbe Resolution is as follows:. .--. Whereas, The General Assembly hat re ceived official notification ot the - passage by both Houses of tho thirty-sixth Cougress, sec ond session, of tho lollowing proposition to amend the Constitution of tue United States by a constitutional majority two-tblrds there RECITAL. Joint Resolutious to amend the Constitution e United States. 'That the following article will, bo proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as au amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which when ratified by three fourths of said Legislatures shall bo valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution, viz: ? "Article XIIliNo amendmont shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give Congress the power to abolish or interfere. within any otato, witn me uomestio institutions thereof, Including that of persons held to labor or service bv the laws 01 said state; ' ana Whereas, Toree-fourths of tho Legislatures of tbe said States, composing tbe United StateB, are required to give asnont to said proposed amendment oi tue Uonstitutlon ot tne United States, before It becomes a part thereof; there fore, be it Retohed bv the Oeneral AtitmUy of the Slate of Ohio, That we hereby ratify, In behalf of tbe stats ul Ublo. the aoovt recited proposed amendment of the Constitution of the United States. ' Retohed, That a certified copy of the forego lng preamble and Resolutions be presented by the Uovcrnor to tne rresioen. 01 me unueo States, with tho request that he lay the same ' - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On motion of Mr. SPRAGUE, tbe Senate re solved itself into committee of the Whole, on the orders of the day, Mr. STANLEY in the Chair, and after soma time spent therein, rose and reported back suudry bills, some with, and some without amendmont, viz: Bill locating tbe new Penitentiary, upon wbloh there were ten ballots, vli: , location. l" H 3 4 & 0 7 8 0 10 ilimllton 10 S;10 10 HI 6 13 11 0: 0 Zanesvllle lo'llillO Id 11 IMS 10 10) 0 Sandusky 7 8 V 7. 8 91 7 7 71 5 Akron 4 8 3 4 3 4 9 S 3 0 Masslllon 3 4 3 3 3 3:1 4 0 4 Portsmouth.. 1 ! ! 1 1 Greenfield I 1 1 1 1 1 .. .. 1 .. .. Bellilre ! 1 ! 1 Tbe oommittee had leave to sit again 00 this bill. The Congressional District bill was laid on the table. S. B. 291 was referred to the committee on Corporations other than Municipal; H. B. No 4B2, 11. if. 40, ti. u. Bi, to tne judiciary com mlttee; II. B 474 to the Printing committee; H. B. 436 to Messrs. bprsgue, Orr and Morse. RESOLUTION. Rttohed, That tho Governor be, aod he hereby requested to inform th Senate whether he bas received, from tbe Department of th Interior, at Washington, a certificate of the number of Representatives in Congress, appor tioned to this State under the enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United State made in 1860. Pending the resolution, tbe Senate took a re cess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1861. It as Prayer bv Mr. McCuue. of Huron. Mr. COLL1NGS rose to a question of privl lege in reference to the statement in tbe report tnat be did not vote on ins suspension 01 tb rule, though present, lie said be was neceesa rily absent Irom tbe Hall, and did not seek to avoid the responsibility of the vote. He asked tbat bit vote be recorded on tbe suspension of tbe rules and voted no. The Reporter would remark that the journal shows that Mr. Callings came Into the House pending a call, when the Sergeant-at-Arms controlled tbe door, and no member was allowed to pass out. If Mr. C. left the Hall, he did to between tbe time, when "all proceedings under the call were dispensed with," and the call of tbe vote to suipoud tbe rule. I The following memorials were read and re f erred: ' By Mr. STUBB3 From A. Haines, A. Den ny aud 118 others, of Preble county, for liberal war appropriations. By Mr. CLAPP From D. S. Miller and 69 others, and E, P. Extoll and 31 others, for more ttringent liquor law. By. Mr. GAMBLE From Samuel Elwell and 86 others, of Coshocton county, against the further immigration of colored people. S. B. 297 To provide for the defense of tbe State, and tor the support of the federal Gov ernment against rebellion was read the second timo, when Mr. NIGH moved that tho constitutional rul be suspended, and that tho bill be read a third time and put upon its passage at thig time. Mr. ROBINSON said be wished to make remark in reference, not to the merits of the bill, but to remind members of tbe lmportanoe oi disposing oi mis sunjeot, wntcn impedes all other work, that we may proceed to the final disposition of the labors of the session. ' Air. ANDREWS said that, however he might feel on tbis subject, he thought the constitution al rule ought to be regarded as Imperative, and be must vote no ' " ." - - . ' Mr. MYERS said, I cannot appreciate the danger as alleged, either to the State, of Ohio or tbe bcneral Uovernment. tio one werioutly believes that the State will be invaded, nor doet any gentleman give us any convincing reason compelling to a Doner tnat mere is any ,mmt diate danger that the Federal Capital will be attacked. - I cannot, Mr, Hpeakcr; ace -any no cessity for the suspension of the constitutional rule, requiring bills to be read . three several days, I cannot give my consent, tir, to uoh extreme baste in a matter ot such magnltud Tbat there is danger tbat any emergency can arise between now and to morrow endangering tne uovernment, mat tne passage oi this bill might avert, is simply absurd, and no one se riously believes it to be a, fact.. I am wUliuij I desire to place Ohio in a fitting posture to maintain we laws. ,v J The vote was called till the name of Mr. FEL LOWS was reached, when he rose and asked to be Indulged in giving the reason that would govern his vote. He said that ho desired to rote yea, but In obedicnoe to a general request or nis party incnus be leit bound to vote no Mr. DEVORE arose aod saidi the' eentle man was entirely absolved from any Obligation to his irienas, so !tr at ne was concerned. - a Mr. REISINGER joined in tbis romsrk, wnen - - - Air. FELLOWS voted yea." ") V i Tbe vote resulted yets 67, nays 30; so the House refused to suspend the rule..-' . ' On motion of Mr. VORIS, the role was sus pended, when he reported back, from a Select oommittee, ti. IS. 439 To diminish the number of Common Ples Judges, and alter certain Jn dioiat Districts. ., .",;,' Air. ANDREWS presented an amendment consisting of a now bill, which Mr, Voris en dorsed. ! ' a ' X ;1Vi.. Mr. HITCHCOCK opposed the bill, because he thought it would eveutunte iu the increase of toe salaries or jungct. ...... ...... Mr. ANDREWS spoke Iu favor of, and show ed tha advantage of, tbe bill. ' . :. a its Mr. VORIS defended the bill, and odntended tbat it was not designed to promote a Condition of things that would increase salaries, and in sisted tbat it would prove a source oi retrench-J ment. 1 - - Mr. DICKEY moved tbatth bill as amend ed b laid on th labl and printed, wbloh was disagreed to. . . .; ?' .Y The question beiog on agreeing to th imandj' ment of Mr. Andrews, It was agreed to yeas HI, nays 13. . -. u ., -. r .v. ; Tb bill repeal the several acta bv which the 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th Judicial district were en Htieu to una auoitional Common fleas judgo ach, and abolishes th office of three suoh udees In th 4th district, beine a reduction in number of on judge tor each subdivision in said district, and a reduotion of seven In the aggie gate. Bi select eommittce appointed In the early part of tbe session, to Inquire iuto and report upon ludiolal labors in tbe State, consisting of Messrs. Voris, Andrews and Parrott, have al ready mad an elaborate report on the subject, wnion is printed In pamphlet lorm. I be report exhibit muoh labor and ability. in Din was tben passed yeas IJ, nays ia. Mr. MONAHAN. from the oommittee on tbe Militia, reported back S. B. 298 Relating to th organization of the Militia mustered into tb lervioe of the United States under a rcauis ition of tbe President of the United Status when tbe bill was resd a third time and passed veas 92. nava none.. mr. muri, from tbe select committee to whom was referred H. B. 485 to provide for making surveys of mines reported the same, back, wbn tb bill was read a third time, when Meatr. NIGH and BALDWIN.exolsined the purposes 01 tne Din. I be bill was then passed voaa B5. nava 2. Mr. BALDWIN, from the select committee to whom was referred If. B. 334 Fixing the standard of a ton weight, with Senate amend ments tbereto, reported tne same back, when the House agreed to tne amendments yeas ci, nays This bill makes 2000 pounds a ton for every thine except pie iron and iron ore. Mr. JONAS moved that II. B. 305 -To provide iorSobool Libraries in cities bo taken Irom tb table, which motion was disagreed to. Mr. Hutiiifca ottered the following resolu tion, which was laid on the table under a notice to discuss. "1 bat when tills House adjourn, it will be until 9 o'olook A. M s and when it takes a recess, it shall be till 2 o'olock F. M. Mr. McCUNE moved that tbe rules bo bur pended and this resolution taken from the tabic, which was disagreed to. On motion of Mr. HITCHCOCK, tbo House resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Voris In the chair, and took up tho general appropriation bill. - After some time spent in th consideration of the bill, the committee rose and reported prog ress, and asked leave to tit again. S. B. 2D4 To provide lor the increase 01 cer tain Judges' salaries was read a Becond time, and referred to Mr. Carlisle, as a select com mittee. The House tben took a recess til: U o'clock P. M. Who is Exempt From Militia Duty? We hear the Question freauently auked, "Wbo is exempt ' from militia duty, under the laws of the United States?" In answer to this ques tion, we publish the act of Congress which numerate the persons who are not liable to be enrolled In the militia, together with refer ence to tb decisions ot tha, courts, in which tbe construction of tbat statute has been the subject of adjudication. i Tbe second seotion of the aot of Congress ap proved May 8, 1792-1 Stats, at Largo, 271 entitled "An act more effectually to provide for the National Defence, by eetablithing an uniform militia throughout the United Slatte," provides at follows: i "That tbe Vioe ' President of the United States, the officer judicial and executive of tbo government of the United States, tbe members of both house of Congress and their respective officers, all custom-bouse officers with their olerks all post oflloers and stage drivers wbo are employed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the Post Office of tbe United States, all ferrymen employed at any forry on the post road, all inspectors of exports, all pilots, all mariners aotuaiiy employed in the sea service of any eitizen or merchant within tbo United States, all persons wbo now are or may here after bt exempted by tb lawt ot tbe respective States, thall be, and ar hereby, exempted front militia duty, notwithstanding their being above tbe eg of eighteen and under the age ot forty five years." By tb aatn section or the act or March 1835 4 Stats, at Large, 112 "postmasters, pott riders, and drivera of the mail stages," are exempted from militia duties. And the 34 seotion of the aot of July 2, 18365 Stats, Larie, oo exempts "assistant postmasters, and clerks regularly employed and engaged in post offices." Tbe circuit court of the United States for the District of Columbia, in the case of tx-parte Smith 'i Urancne, ws decided tbat clerks moloved in the several Deoartmcutt of the government are officers of the United States, within the meaning of the 2d seotion of tbe not of May 8, 1792, above cited, and not liable militia duty. - - Tbe same court, in the case of Sanford vs Boyd 2 Cranch, 78 ruled that a sail maker the Washington navy yard, appointed by a war rant under the hand of the. Secretary 'of the Navy, and seal of tbe Department, is likewise an offioer of the United States, and exempt from militia duties. And the Supreme Court of tbe United States, In tbe case of Wise vs- Withers, (3 Cranch, 330) held that a justice of the peace, In tb District of Columbia, is also an officer th government of the United States, within the meaning of said statutes, and not liable to Washington States and Union. Tom Taylor, in common with all London ers, sympathizes warmly with Yelvcrton. Why, Is a mystery. He says, In a late letter, that the suspension of Major Yelverton, Is, in ono sense, a concession to publio opinion, but It In no way amounts to even an inchoate dismissal from tne service. The chances of the marriage with There, Longworth being pronounced valid the Sootch Court, or by the House of Lords Appeal, In legal opinion,-are dead against this lady; and thlt opinion gets stronger aud strong er as the case It more and mor disbusBed. marriage even between Roman Catholics is, Irish law, invalid without thepresenoe of wit nesses. . .. O AU should read Prof. Wood's advertise ment in another column. GUERNSEY'S BALM! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. rnllE PARTNERSHIP HEHETO. X for existing between th aubscrl bars In this city nn dsr (he firm of MoKae fc Raatleaux expired by limitation on in nrsioay ot April, iboi. wm. it. ttestieaux, will oonttnus the business at the same plsce, No 3 North High street. lie will pay all olalms agalost the firm. snd collect all tbe debts, using the firm name for tbat purpose pnty. ; ; . , . . , T a JA3. M. Mi ICE 8, WA. It. KfcSTlliAUi. Columbus, 0., April 10, 1801. I have sold to Wm. H. Restleaux my interest in business or the 1st firm or olcKee Ac Restleaux, hereby rtoommend him to tb oontlnned favor and con fidence of h publio. JA3. M, ilcKEK. , Oolumbus, O., April 10, 1801. - :.; ' W M. H. R E S T 1 E A U X, NO, 34, NORTH HiaK STREET, '. Columbus, Ohio, ! I, DEALER IN '.;', FltfB AND STAPLE GROCERIES, ' ."' f'.,'. '- PRODUCB, PROVISIONS, IRTJIT3, " FLOUR, SALT. LIQUORS, " - WOODEN WARE, '-'. i :. ' COBDAGi:,J!T0..,-:T0. aprll 17-lwl. .f, VJ .!. .'.-,.;- A' tTtENTLEAIAVN WltHKS TO OB 'tain a Situation as BOOK-KEEPER OLKetK- will take small wages. Tbe best of ref erenoes given. Address BE BAB I IAN V; at this effle, April 18-dUpd. - - - - Hi A OAXID. HAVING THIS DAT SOLD OUR Stook of Groceries to Mr 0. 8. DEM1.NQ, ws cheer fully reoommsnd him to our old patrons snd friends. - . , . THOB. WALKBtt It BON. tflumbus, March tSth, 1881 apl-dif. , Ornca or Ooumsoa Gas Lioiit Je Coxr. Co. ) i i i Coloisscs, Ohio, aprll U. 1801, i THE AN flTJAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of this Oompany will be held at their Odoe.ln the City of Oolumbus. on MONDAY. TUB S.'d DAT Of APJUL, 1681, at I o'clock P.M. apH-OH. ' - W". Z. MILLS, Secretary. BONNETS, RIBBONS TABS, AND JinOHKS, w styles, Jaatopensd by - r ' ' BAIN At SON,- . -prll5 i I i flu. . ,i' Mt, St Bgutt) High, street. 3, tb at to at ot be by on A by the and or SPECIAL NOTICES MANHOOD. HOW LOST, BOW BESIOEKD. .IITR PTTRLTRnED. ON TnK NATtTItB. TRF.A MENT AND RADICAL CUBE OF Bt'KllMATOIltlUKA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness, la voluntary Emissions and impoiency, resulting irons Bulf-abue, Seo. ily Rout. 3. Oulrerwell, W. D. Sent under seal, in a plsla envelope, to any addresi,post paid, ou receipt of two stainps, by Dr. CIIA8. J.O . ui.iNN, r.'7 iiuwery, new xotn. rostuuice mi, no 4.5HU. mat2l:3mdBW MOFFA'F'S lilt'E PILLS. In all canes of eostlvencss, dyspepsia, billions and live' affections, piles, rheumatism, fevers and agues, obstl Date head aches, and all general derangements of health tbew Plllj have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. A single trial will place tha Life Pills beyond the reach ofoompetltlou In the estimation of every pa tient. Dr. Moffat's Phoenix hitters will be found equally ef ficticious In allcaics of nervous debility, dyspepsia, bead ache, the sickness incident to females indelicate health, and every kind of weakness ot the digestive organs. For sale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 33J, Broadway, N . T. and by all Druggists. maySS-detwly Tho following is an extract from a letter written by the Hev. J. 8. Holme, paster 01 tho Plorrepoint-8treet llaptlit Church, Brouklyn, N. Y.,to tho "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, O., and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mas . Winilow's SooTiima Bvarr roa Children Tmtiunbi ' - "We see an advertlsmcnt in your oolumnt of Mas Wimslow's BooTUixa SYKur. Now we never said a word In favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but wo feel compelled to say to your readers that this is no hum bug WS IUVS TRIID IT, AND KlOW IT TO ALL IV oims. It is prolubly one of tho most successful medi cines of the day, because It is one of the best. And those of your readers who have habli-a can't do better than lay in a supply." oct!7:lydSrw rXCNNE WELL'S UNIVERSAL COUGH IUCMEDY, HTnmEWEtt'B TOLU AN0DYHE. For all TllltOA'l' nnd LIJNU CUltl PLAINTS, including WHOOPINb COUUI1, and every Complaint tue forerun nor of, nnd even actual CONSUMPTION. Tho (.rent NEVKA1.. UlC I'lciui-.UY and Nat ural Ol'IAI i;, udautnd to every specie of Ner reus Complaint, JMer v o u nsid Chronic Iloudaclie, Klteutna tlans, Ciatarrli, Tooth and Ear Acne, Los el Slctip, aud ttowcl Com pluiuts. No real Justice can be dona tbo above preparations but by procuring and reading descriptive pamphlets,: be found with all denlers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand. Formulas and Trial Bottles sent to physl clans, who will find developments In both worthy their acceptance and approval. solicited from all whose necessities or curloilty prompts to a tiial of the above reliable Kerne dies. For rale by Ihs nsusl wholesale and retail dealer everywhere. JOHN 1.. llFJNNLWELL, 1'roprtato CHEMIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, Ho. 0 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Hast. Roberts at Samuel, N. B. Marple, J. R. Cook, i. Si ' Deuig, U. Denlg tt Hons, A. J. BchuellerttSon, Agent for Columbus. Ohio. niyl-diy To consumptive. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after havings offered! eral yours with a levers lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to hi fellow-sufferers the means of enre. To all who desire It, be will send a copy of the presorts Hon used (free of charge), with the directions for prep ' lng and nslng the same, which they will find a seas Co for CoKSBMrTio", Arrntu, Bronchitis, Bo. Th only object of the advertiser in sending tha Prescription is to ' benefit the afflicted, and spread Information wbloh he eon selves to be Invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and nay prove a blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription will please address Rv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wllllamsbnrgh, Kings County, New York. oct3:wly W. A. Batclielor'i Hair Dye! This splendid Hair Dye baa no equal Instantaneous ta effect Beautiful Black or Natural Brown no staining the akin or injuring tue liair remcmeatneaosat an effect of Bid Dyes, -and invigorates the ban- for life. Nona are genuine nnless signed "W. A. Batchelor." Bold everywhere. CflAS. BATOHIXOR, Proprietor, Jy 13: wly 81 Barclay Street, New Tont. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. T7m. A. Eatchelor's Hair Dyel Th Original and Best In th World, All others are mere Imitations, and should bt avoided Ifyou wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, ItKD OK RTJBTi IUIR Dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to Hair or Ekln. FIFTEEN MKDAL8 AND DIPLOMAS bay be awarded to Wm. A. Batcbelor since 1S39, and oyer 80,00 applications havo been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dyet WM. A. UATOUKLOR'8 HAIR DYE produces a col or not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure In the least, however long It may be contin ued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyus remedied; th Hair Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold In all cities and towns of the United Bute. Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. m"Tne Genuine bos the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WILLIAM A. BATCiiKLOK, Address CHARLKS UATCTJELOR, Pjoprtetor, Jyl'-l-wly HI Barclay street, New York. A MEETING OF : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT 62 EAST TOWN STREET, WAR! AVAR!! WAR!! I OWING TO THE WAR BETWEEN tha Union and the Sunny Houth, I have oonclude 1 to sell out " ALL MY GOODS, EVI1T ZJHHaOT cost. The stock oonslats of the largest lot of WHITE CiOODS, ' . In the city of Columl.ut; 1 JA'CONErs, ; ; . CAMBHTCS, BKILU4NTS, E3JERALDA9, KULL8, . PLAIDS, 80fT FINISH CAMBRICS, COLLARS, EDGINGS, 6KIB.T BRATTV -E03IEBY, PINS, BUXTON J, SUSPENDERS, HOOK? AND ETES, and all kinds of NOTIONS AND SMALL WARE3j ; ; tho ttit HOOP SKIRTS la Oolumbus, snd at lb lowttt prioe, . , " Vritolesjale and Retail. ' Then, ladles, all, both great and small, Oome, give me a call, ' And then you'll Bud A. M.S. Storrui ". In all his Glory. '' : A. M. K. BT0RRIX, Agent, ' ' ' Rf member tbe War I No. 81 Town street, aprll:d3m Oolumbus, Ohio. THE MUTUAL LIFE - ' .' ' OTP NKTVV YORK Ti 8. Winston, Presldents , Isaac Aibatt, Secretary. Not CaU Asset, February It 1881, RICSEiT OOXPJJTY JN THE UNITED STATES I mpAU th Profits are divided among th InsuredXC Applications and Pamphlets oan be bad by applying to "FRED'K J. FAY, A sent, Carpenter' Building, 117 Bjuta High Btrtet. pr u mm COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - Have vhis pay associated wlih me. In tha Grocer Mr. ADAM NCISWBNDKR. Tbe buainess will beraaftsrbe eon duoted under the Arm name of Divine tt Naiswannta, al tb Old Stand, No, U norm UlgU itreet. . u. . uaiawnM. Oolumbuti April 10, )801prll:diw i