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Kjjnpgmrr anms. m.ishr. "VotltTMBTTS. OHIO. tM iM handtd by TWl VS O'VLOtA o M day jnkkwxu"".. ' THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 18, 1861. Meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee. . t .. . rattle. . Tb Btmonll t Central Ooe.ltU. Uhmb aotiOl la ' Colombo. .n Friday. U to,UBl' for Ik pn 1?. l'"1" ,ta- XilnewU trs.1 that all th Btmbrn of th. Oomlt advise and adopt inch t !ln of .7u a th.y uf ot th. pp.uMy of our policy M wr w. MOUNT. Obelnaa ol th. Bo-ocittlo But. C.atral CoomltUo of Obio. -CoBuminrmt, Hamilton County, April IB. i . W Tb. hill ooroprlattog a million of money la ,14 of the proclamation of the Preeldenl paased the House of Reoresentatlv thi morn- lng unanimously, ana ia Speech of Senator Eason. n. AMAeh of Hon. Bi njajim Easok, dell i th S.nate. on the 17 A of April, on Mr wil ta nonlah treason, to be foned .i..h.r ta our columns, will be read with In Wrest. Mr- Eason le a dear headed man, ol umnil Indtment and dear perception, and bis MnmMit as-slnei the constitutionality of the bill will ettraot the attention and command the reepect of all who read It. CTTbe romor It that the Government will .Mn make another call for troops. This rumor wiU no doubt prov trae, sine It Is not probable that 75 000 men added to the regular tore oi tk.TTnir States ermt will be sufficient for the emergeooy that Is before the country. In the present state ol feeling In Ohio, we suppose that 50,000 Tolnnteers could be raised in this Stat In two weeks time, and hence It will fal low that In any farther eell that the Govern ment may make, a large body of men will still be lelt at home, who stand ready and willing to respond to the call oi the Government. D" The unanimity of the Union sentiment in Ohio (outside of the Western Reserve) is so ' overpowering as to compel such disunion sheets u tho Cincinnati CemiiwreieJ and OAi SMe Jmtmtl to rails the flag and shout for the Un ion! Even the "Irrepressibles" In our legiela ture, who bnt a short time ago were ready, will ins and anxioni to let the Union elide, are now falling into line and becoming the moet ardent friends oi the Union. It will not surprise ss If in a few days to come the Ashtabula Sentintl .knnM Mint ont for the National flag- The ntrit of the neode is up, end dlsuntonists air m cannot resist the torrent of Union sent! ..ant that eomea with a voice like that of many waters. It is exceedingly gratifying to see this wholesome change of sentiment among the . "higher law" men of our State, who, by their disloyal course and disunion sentiment In times past, have done their part to bring the country to tta present deplorable condition. . We hope hereafter, in all time to oome, we may have no lughtr Uie men among us, but that all will recognize the authority of the powers that be, and when the cretent troubles shall be ended, th c plrit of strife and dlicord will no more be beard $a, tht.lanlvi . Mr. Cox's Position Well Known. ' Attbrmieting last night, Mr. Cox wasoall- ad for vociferously, but he bad leit th ball Shortly after, a resolution wa sent up to in 'chair,' as' to which som misapprehension was retted. . Some supposed it was a reflection on Aft. VOX. W0UW "U8. . in a friend ol Mr. Cox, and is aow befor yIl acorobated his put course, and express. d th h9pf that at th extra session he wonld still continue bis efforts to maintain the govern ment; and requested bim to fix a day , to address the people. Judge Waania read .a much of 'the resolution as showed that it related -to.' Mr. . Cox; and as no on seriously doubted Mr,. Cox's fidelity to th government, of which be is a part, it wa not pnt to the meeting. Thee is not a man in this District bat knows the expressed and publtsbed views of the member , for this District, j II could not, by any speech last nlgbt, bav added to their forre, as expressed In tb last Congras with a view to this present emergea ey. HI vote sustained Abdmsok, tb fieg, th Government, and, from first to last, were in disapproval of every movement which strength ened or aided the Teoellioa and "treason of th Gnlf States. W know bis future course will continue as it bas been in th put. The Duty of a Citizen. The Cincinnati Eiirr responds to tb In quiry of a friend who is opposed to coercion ask lie advice as to bis duty at th present Mm. Tb rule laid down by tb Enfrirtr -t which must govern the citizens of Ohio and ber States of tb Union. Th Constitfr xecntlv of th Union bas, by virtu and discretion vested In bim, called -Uoce of th volunteer militia id in th maintenance of th 'ndioete th national authority. Nded to the call, and tb t only to paaaiv obedi support, even though ' to tb policy of th sue being one to demands that Is end tb unl Difference measures led, The Extra Session of the XXXVIIth Congress. The President baa. issued his proclamation for au extraordinary leisionof the neworXXXVIIth Congress on th fourth of July next. Seven States have seceded from the Union, leaving twenty-seven, if no more secede befor the fourth of July, to be represented at tbl extra session. Of these twenty-seven S tatee, twenty have elected their Representatives in Coogroe. Th seven State which have their represent tire vet to elect are the following: Virginia, which elects thirteen members, on tb fourth Thursday of May; North Carolina, eight members, on the first Thursday in August; Tennessee, ten members, on the same day; Kentucky, ten members, on the first Monday in August; California, two members, on the 1 ues day after th first Monday in September; Mary land, six members, on . the first Wednesday la November, and Kansas, one member, at a data of which we are not informed, if one has been fixed by law. It will be seen from the foregoing Hat, that if th seven States in which elections for Repre sentatives in Congrees have not yet taken place, two, California and Kansas, are free, and seven are slave States. Ia Virginia, the elec tlon is to take place in season for the extra ses sion. In other State where Congressional lections have not taken place, it will be neees Bary, If they wculd be represented at the extra session, to hold special elections for the purpose of choosing their Representatives to the XXXVIIth Congress. This can be done, as on former similar occasions, by the Governor of each State oonvenlng the Legislature in speolal session for the purpose of providing for these special elections. It may be proper to remark that of the seven seceded States, South Carolina and Hor Ida. befor their seoession, bad eleoted their Reprntilve to the XXXVIIth Con tress of the United States. Were the whole thirty-four States to be represented In that Congrees, the number of members In the House of Representatives would be two hundred and thirty-eight. The Constitution provides that a majority of each House oi Congress shall con stitute a quorum to do business. One hundred and twenty members will constitute a majority of the next House of Representatives. One hun dred and fifty-five have already been eleoted, wbloh makes thereby five more than are neo essary to constitute a bare quorum. There are, however, two vacancies to be filled in the delegation from Ohio, and one In that from Pennsylvania. The list of United States Senators, with the exception of those from the seceded States, and who, of course, are not expected to take their eats, is complete. Unless under extraordinary circumstances, which are not impossible to oc cur in theee revolutionary times, It can hardly happen that a majority of the sixty-eight Sena tors, which wodd compose a full United States Senate, will not be ready to take their seats at the extra lewlon of Congress in July. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. The following correspondence will contradict and put at rest tb false reports about the Bal timor and Ohio Rail Road having relused to transport government troops, tc. There are no men more loyal to the Union and the Govern' ment than the officers of the Baltimore and Obio Rail Road: ZANESVILLE, April 17. D. S. Gut: The followine dispatoh was re W. C. LONG. BALTIMORE, April 16. H. J. Jtwttt,Prtidtnt C.O.R.R: You are authorized to contradlot the statement. Oar Company is transporting Government troops to Washington, Uar entire line is free from ex citement or difficulty, and all descriptions of business ar being transacted witn toe nsnal regularity and dispatch. Anticipating the mis representation of rival lines, I forwarded to yon yesterday a correspondence on this subject, which I hope yon have received. Yon are fur ther authorized to give to all shippers the guar antee of this Company lor any damage In trans porting noon It road which may arise from political or military action. BALTIMORE, April 16. JNO. W. GARRETT, President. Tb correspondence alluded to in the above dispatch Is as follows. S. J. Sharpe is the agent of Drakely and Fenton, extensive produce and provision dealers of Baltimore : LAFAYETTE, April 15, 1861. John W. Gamut, President : Parties afraid to ship on account of war news. Confer with Fenton. Answer fully. S. J. SHARPE. BALTIMORE, April 16, 1861. S. J. Shaitc, Lafayette, Indiana t There le no occasion for such fears. Business ia proceeding on onr road and in this city, with nsnal regularity and reliability. Som troop ordered by tb Government nave proceeded to wasmngton wiinoui interference, inis com pany continues to guarantee all shipments against aangers in transportation upon our road, ari.iug irvm puuucai ur military oansee. xou ar aware of th abundant financial ability and safety of this oompany. The demand for pro visions, Draadstuns, sc., is aotlve, and in con ferrloc with our merchant generally. I find they feel that no lnterferenc with business wilt occur in Baltimore. In produce, specially, they contemplate the contlnuanoe of atari large and active trad. JOHN W. GARRETT, President. ia Of of be it ET Th Austrians, according to late account, are making formidable warlike preparation in Italy. Th fortifications of Pesohiera are be ing greatly strengthened, about three thousand men being constantly employed on th works Th Quadrilateral I to be garrisoned with Croats, whose arrival in Italy was formerly looked apon as a lure sign of approaching war Th Austrian offloers speak publicly of soon en terlng tb Duoblea and Lombardy. At a re view of fifty thousand men held on the S2d nit , at Vicenza, by Marshal Bzkzokx, in th pres ence of tbe Archdukes Alizst and William, tb Marshal mad us of very warlike lan guage. [SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 50.] GENERAL HEAD QUARTERS. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Columbus, April 18, 1861. Th two regiment of Infantry this day r sorting at General Head Quarter, will go into mp at Qoodale Park at 3 o'clock, P. M. 'enteaant Colonel H. L. Mill, Second Re- of th Lin, I detailed for tbe command Issue of marching orders; and he will teneral Head Quarters for order of on will be a permanent rendez 'rom central and aontbern Ohio; Tjpied, the com mending officer 1 and make such arrange der and discipline. Mug liquors within the s and lot adjacent '-all such territory ther orders. 1TON, i General. nlzed he OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. FERGUSON'S resolution a per morn in I renort was adopted naanlmoiial. i .. r ' . . : . 1 ne Benai agrees, to House amendments to H. B.42.- - Mr. MOORE, from the committee on Corpo rations other than Municipal, reported o. d. ouu Autnoriimg me construction oi a look connecting th Ohio Caual and Scloio River. 8. B. 301 SuDplementarv to the corporation act oi loox. TREASON. Mr. HARRISON, from th Judlciarv com mute, recommended the passage of o. a. xu To punish Treason, with the amendment of fered yesterday by Mr. Harrison, and Mr. f ar guson's amendments. Agreed to. - Mr. KASON objected to tbe bill, because he thought the United States laws sufficient for all purposes, and prooeeded to examine tbe federal law unen th subieot, and held that br the Con stltution no 8tate has a right to try a case of treason against tbe United States eucn of fences being entirely within the .jurisdiction of Congreet . Tbe supreme Uourt bad so dMUea in sundry cases. The pending bill seek. to change tbe order of proceeding prescribed by federal law and the court., tbe mode of punish ment and established practice in tb proaeou lion of persons who may be fobarged with the crime of treason agaiosi the United States. It it sought bv this legislation to give jurisdiction to the court ot this State to puuisn treason asainst the United States, wbicb. in bis judgments a dear violation of tb provisions of the Constitution, and bleb ludioiai autnor itv. Mr. Eason was no friend to traitors and would bv no means obstruct tneir punishment to the extent of the law He was orroied to torturing or mis construlogjthe Constitution in any way, or bring' Ing ibe state and f ederal Courts Into collision He believed tbe oassage of this bill would do this. He believed that all civilized countries inflict tbe death penalty for treason, vet this bill departs from the nsnal punUbment, and seeks to punish the crime by Imprisonment in tbe penitentiary durlg Hie. ue was at a loss to know why the State should attempt to take power to itself which belongs exclusively to Congrees. He saw no necessity whatever for tbe pissageoftbe bill; it can do no possible good, and might do much barm by being nted as another eteo in the path of dissolution, and mad a pretext to bring the Federal and State government into collision. For I these and other reasons he wonld vote against tbe bill. Messrs. GARFIELD snd COX both deolared emphatically, tbat by the express terms ot the bill it wa designed to punish treason against the Stat of Ohio, and it declares what shall constitute treuon sgainst Obio. Various States had naased nrecltel similar laws Mr. KEY moved to recommit the bill with Instructions to report the power of the General Assembly to pass such a law. Mr. GARFIELD said Mr. Eason bad doubt less been misled bv a tvooeraobical error which omitted the words "treason against the State of Ohio." Mr. KEY said he was anxious tb bill sbould pass, if tbe Legislature has power to pasa It, and he wanted that question examined. No doubt ful constitutional power should be exercised, but this being a case ot emergency, ce wouia wiin- draw bis motion. After further debate bv Messrs. HARRISON and EASON, the bill passed yeas 27, nays 6. X fc AS Messrs, Breck, Brewer, Booar, ux, Collins, Cummins, Ferguson, Fisher, Foster, Garfield. Glass. Harsh, Holmes, Jones, Juxev, McCall. Monroe. Morse, Newman, rarlsb. Potts, Potwio, Ready, Schleich, Smith, Spragne and Stanley 27. a A its Messra.cuppy, bason, moore, new man, Orr, Perrill and White 6. Absent Harrison and K.?y. Mr. SPRAGUE, from a select committee, re ported back H. B. 136, recommending its pas ssge, being a bill to erect Maskingum township in Washington county, engrossed lor mira reading to-morrow. PUBLIC WORKS. Mr. J0NE3 presented a memorial from John L. Martin, President of the Board of Publie Works, relative to the management of the Mi ami and brie Canal, and concerning ootstaoaip check for repair of the Public Work. Lali on the table to be Printed. A motion by Mr. CUMMINS to take from the table tbe motion to reconsider th fieneca County Bank bill wu lost. . . , PUBLIC WORKS BILL. On motion of Mr. GARFIELD,' th bill to leas tbe Public. Works wa taken from the table. moved to amend Mr. insert tbe bid of Med- ,100 per annum, by in- okover & uo., at sw,uuu Mr. CUMMI Schleich' substitui berv A Co-, for sertiog the bid ot narannnm. Mr. CUMMINS said this bid bad been made in perfectly good faith, by those who are anxious to leu the canals. v Mr. SCHLEICH product a letter from stranger, stating thatConovtrat Co.' bid was not In good faith, but to defeat th leu. He was ai ii authorized to say, thai this oompany offered to stIl out tor lo.lXR), and ware refused. 1 bey then offered to take $3,000. and their proffer wu spurned. Mr. mtALti said a memner oi mi oom. panv bad assured bim tbat this bid was made good ratio. Substitute and amendment ruiea out oi or der. Amendment of the committee of tbe Whole were agreed to. TL aa m . The Senate adjourned, and senator proceed ed to slog tb star spangled Banner. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, April 17, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. GAMBLE, from the committee on Pub- lie Worke, reported H. B. 438 -To regulate construction of flat boats navigating th waters of tb State where steamboats ar used, wben Mr. FELLOWS explained tbat thi was measure lor tbe protection of live and prop erty, u well as to prevent suit for damages; that it required the sides of flat boats to be made tale against tb swell-wave of eteamboata. Th bill was than pawed tea. 60. navt 11 Mr. STUBB3 presented the petition of Luclan Vanaufdall and 46 others, for full and liberal appropriations for war purposes. Mr. BALDWIN, from the select committee to whom was referred II. B. 454 -T amend th law relating to th aoheatmeot of land reported th same back, and recotimended it naesage. Mr. BALDWIN explained th obeot of bill, tbat It was to provide tbat tbe.eatate oran intestate desoend to the heir of 'a deceased wife. Mr. KRUM (aid that this bill did not quit suit bis ease, and be would therefor move amend by providing tbat the estate descend tbe nearest neighbors or tbe intestate Mr CARLISLE moved to further ameud lesertlog tbe word smim before neighbor. Both these amendment wer dleagreed to. Mr. KRUM moved to amend by auiklng th second seotlon, which relates to case now unsettled, which wu disagreed to. The bill then passed yeas 65, nay 17. On motion of Mr. HITCHCOCK, tb Hons resolved itself into committee of the Whole, the Senate appropriation bill. After come time spent in consideration of th time.'the commu te rose, reported progress, snd asked leave sit again. . " Mr. FLAGG moved that the House take Senate Bill 297 The War Bill which was thought to be quit in order, wben Mr. WOODS moved that tb vote wheroby th Hons refused to suspend tbe rplts be re considered. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved tbat ' House adjourn, whioh was disagreed to. Mr- HUGHES hoped that the motion to re consider would not be pressed. II and others had telegraphed to their constituent; and to-morrow be believed all would be ready put tbeir vote unanimously for tbe bill.- , Mr. DEVORE concurred In these remarks with Mr. Hoghes. Mr. HUTCHESON saidi V. SriAKtai It Is well known to members House that I have contributed what this floor to effect a peaceful solution ' -cities. I bav steadily voted every meuur to prevent the A . against every measure oal t disunion and civil war.' now flnd.sir, in th rapid suoaaaalrm of event in this great trials, that it has oom to b al- most a question of seir-preservation. It la now apparent that it 1 th determination of th Confederate States, backed by a powerful army, and led on by a daring and sagacious military chieftain, to seise tb Federal Cacital and da. pose in existing government or wbloh w ar a part. v sir, whatever may bav been th oauses of our troubles, or whoever may d to blam for a aiiure to oomnrom a and admit than naanaah. ly, we oannot permit th Confederate armylnow hi uiohii terms or peae. i balornr ta to great North: on her bosom repose tbe bone of ut uoeators, ana witn tnir ashet 1 expect to mingle mine. Her ar my relatives, my asso ciations and my Interests. If th controversy, as i neueve, 1 now praotloallv on between tb two sections, I oannot hesitate whioh to choose and where my fidelity sbould be pledged. i ooiiev in Border oatte will ell leave, and firm Union, perhaps for aggreaalv psrposee, will b formed between all th slaveholdlng State. , Jefferaoa Davis will soon fix his haed-auart- ers at Richmond, and I very much fear, air, that wiu not stop there. 1 believe it 1 bis lnten tion to establish a line or military poets through th North to cut off the Eaat and Wait, and oar hap th soil of Ohio hu been (eleoted for thi purpose. If to. I can out v sav. that ther I not a son of Ohio who would not rush in defense of tbe Interests of our soli and wlp out th track of th iovadere In their own blood. Truly, sir, the queatloo has occuloned a serious aspect. I can not force the oonsequenoee, but surely it is our duty to stand firmly on onr soil, to pro tect th Government which exists, and If pr mauent dissolution must occur, it will be under oiroumstenoe In which w oan have somsthlng to y of tb term of eeparatioo, and atand strong ana ereot befor tb world. Mr. CARLISLE said: Ma. SrcAKiai My course has, in relation to this important subject, been dictated by th purest motive. I have oonoaed th suspension of the constitutional rule, requiring bills to be reau on toe separate daya, not because I would detain the pasaage of the measure one moment improperly, but because several member with whom I usually act, earnestly desire to hear from their constituents in answer to diepatehes already sent out by them. The answers, a I bav been assured, are necessary to determine the oourse of those who have propounded them. I have desired and still desire it shall take the course pointed out by the Constitution. I shall, therefore, vote to take final aetlon on to morrow morning, believing that then th measure will pass without a dissenting voice; while, if tb rota i laien now, there 1 no doubt that very many gentiemB;wiu oppose it. Mr. MoCLUNG said tbat ha hailed with pleasure the manifestation of a patrlotio devotion to tbe country from the side of th House where it w now manifested, and that thi feeling may be reciprocated in th spirit it is tendered, be moved that th Hons do now adjourn; which was agreed to. IN SENATE. THURSDAY, April 18, 1861. Prayer by Rev. . THIRD READING. H. B. No. 431 To erect th townthio of Muskingum In Washington county. Tb bill passed. FIRST READINGS. H. B. No. 484 Supplementary to the act of March 14th, 1853, relating to descent and dis tribution of decedent's estate. H. B. 493 To diminish tb number of Com. mon Pleas Judge. Read second time, and re ferred to Judiciary committee. H J. R. No 132-Relativ to th claim of Jacob Kurop, wa referred to th Finance com mittee. H. B. No. 485 For surveys of mines. Read a second l time, and referred to Judiciary Committee. H. B.No. 438 Regulating construction of coal boats and flat boats on slack water navlga tion. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. a in Mr. HARRISON, from the Judiciary com mlttee, recommended the pauage of H. B. 475 For the protection of camp meeting'. Passed. And on recommendation irom tb earn com mittee, H. B. No. 176 waa Indefinitely postpon ed. On recommendation of Mr. MOORE from tbe committee on Corporations other than Mu nidpal S.'B. No. 1291 waa indefinitely postponed Mr. HAKttlbUrt, from the Jadloiarv com mittee, reported back S. B. No. S06:!Ameoding lb act for th compensation of ownere of pri vate property appropriated for corporation use. without reoommendation. Tho bill passed; yea Sl,navs 13. lur. ribwiuAri saia ne rose to discharge solemn duty. He desired the privilege of tbe Senate to change bis vote on a. a. No. 297 (th army bill.) He believed then, u now, tbat hie vote wu right upon tb general principles. tie protested against a portion or th frealdent' proclamation, and asked tbat he might, wben his reuons 'ar reduced to writing, record them on the Journal. Ublectlona were raised to the record being made until tbe protest Is drafted, that th Sen ate may understand th question upon which vote, v Leave wu granted unanimously to th Sen ator from Scioto to chang hi vote, and votea no. Mr. MOORE had leav to move to take tb bill to locate a new Penitentiary from the com mittee ot the Whole. Agreed to. Mr. MOORE then moved that th bill be in definitely postponed. Pending which tbe Senate took a recess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 18, 1861. the a and tbe to to by out on to np cot the by to I for Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, presented th me morial of John L. Martin, President of tbe Board of Public Works, for aerteln legislation relating to tb settlement of out-standing claims. Mr. MUSSON offered tb following resolu tion, which was laid upon tb table, under the rule, for diiouseioni WaiazASt Tb present xtraordiaary condi tion of our pnbllo affair impoaee upon ns th necessity of retrenching 8 tat expenditure very way not absolutely necessary; Tktrtfort, bt it resefesa bf th Ontrrtl Aitem blytfth SimUof Okit, Tnat th Governor hereby authorized to pardon, from tim to time, such persons now in the Obio Penitentiary a in hi discretion may seem beet, to tb and that we may not be under tb neeesaity of mak ing an appropriation for building a new peni tentiary. Mr VORI3 said that, a a test question, the subjeot of building a new penltentlarv, and to take th sense oi th House on th subject, be moved that th committee on the Peniten tiary be discharged from further consideration of the bill for locating th new penitentiary. Pending thi, Mr. PLANTS moved tbat tb ml b sus pended, and the resolution of Mr. Mnssoa adopted. . Mr. PLANTS said h waa in favor of tb resolution. H referred to the restriction of the pardoning power, and tb responsibility of the Governor. H spoke of th many good effect to be wrought upon all the better portion of the oonviot by their pardon under proper circum stance. Mr. NIGH thought tbl resolution might bav a salutary effect. By Mr. GAMBLE From Samuel Elliott and 86othera, of Coshocton county, agalist the fur ther immigration of colored people. Mr MoCUNE opposed th resolution, a b thought It would bav an unfavorable effect up on publio moral at thi time; and he further objected to the principle of interposing a resolu tion in th execution of tb law. Mr. ROBINSON deemed tbe resolution not ot urgent necessity, and moved tbat it b re ferred to the eommlttee on4b Penitentiary. Senate Bill 297 To provide for th dafeno of the State, and th support of th General Sovernment against rebellion wu read . third time. Mr. WOODS saidi From tbe'moment when tbl bill wu first read in thi Hons, I bav been ready to vote In favor ol it passag. But as I Intimated would be th fact when the bill wu first read, I believ tbat the ebort delay which baa Intervened hat consolidated tb sen timent ol this House, and tbat the bill will now pasa by a unanimous rot. I rejolc lo tbl feet, for lo tb momentous crisis of tblsbour, II I th first Importance tbat we, tb representatives of tbe sovereignty ol Ohio should present an broken front. 1 believe mere is no naas upvu tbl floor who bu not aU tb tim been anxious to do his dnty by tb country, and it will b for tunate if w can concur unanlmousl, a I b. i - i V t ! -f i J a it in is be aa a of lieve we shall in th passag of this measure, r This is no lime for crimination or recrimina tion. It 1b useless now to discuss the causes, whioh have brought tbe country to its present onndltlnn. I haw m heart for such an under taking. We stand noon tho dread threabhold of civil war. and wa must act. ' The President has oalied out tbe militia of tb States, declaring . In- hit proclama tion that tbe laws are opposed and the execu tion thereof ia obstruoteu by oomblnations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceeding. Threats have been made against the Federal Capital, and fears are entertained oi a noatuo invasion .ot tne terri tory of tbe Northern States. .-- -- ' Tbe Government whose seat is at Wuhlng ton, is our Government. ' Tbe States that are loyal thereto are our country. Br that Govern ment and mat couutry, in sunshine or storm, in peace or (war, right or wrong, we will stand The honored ensign whioh floats over this cap! tol, the emblom of our past prosperity and Union, is tbe flag of our hearts. It is hallow ed by every memory that can make such an emblem dear, we will maintain 11 to the last. The soil of our State, and our sister States which are loyal to that flag, must not bo dese crated bv the loot'tepa ot the invader. ' Ibe federal Capital must not be assailed. In tbe defence ot those we will spend our last farming ot treasure and our last drop ot biooa. A I f III J . , , LI.IJ. nruuuu our unpenned country we iock snieius, and by her we will stand or fall. ' Mr. tL-Abur said: Mr. erxAKiB. 1 am one of those who have from the first steadily moved nd voted to suspend the rule, that tbls bill might Dit'inilanter. I did eo. because I Jlnew Jefferson Davis and his army of traitors, in alt their rapid operations, moved under a -suspension of all rules, without waiting to hear from tneir constituents. ..... The times are pressing, and,' letting ' those who sbould boar the blame of provoking this war, be it our duty to meet tbe crisis as becomes ns, and do our duty in defending what may yet be defended, and saving what may vet be saved. It is our fate: we cannot resist our fate. It is onr duty: we must do our dutv. War is here! not its shadow or spectre, - but war In person real as steel and living as fire. I, for one, would accept tbe issue, and meet war with war, strong, quick and hot If I oan, her to-day, give my voice for it, none should hold back. The first call i for a march on Charleston. Sir, that city waa my early borne There and thereabout were born lather, broth er, sister, and there still dwell the larger num ber of my kindred nearest of blood. I bare loved It more than any other spot of tbe earth. Less than one year ago, l waa tbere. 1 re-vis ited tbe old and well loved scenes of my happi est dava. I stood on the border of it bay. where, as a boy, I had played and bathed In the waters that washed It. I looked out at old Castle Piokney, Fort Johnson and , Fort Moultrie, and on the ocean bojond still the same, un changed. Time bad written " no wrinkle on Ite azure brow." Looking at renowned old Moultrie, 1 remembered now, thirty years be. tore, 1 bad strolled along its parapets and clam bered up tbe gun carriages to look curiously in to the mourns ot tbe great black cannon, and wondered ii actual war, such as I had read, of, wonld ever come ngnln, and against tcAom it wonld be waged, and what flig would wave over the foe against whom those pyramids of ball would next be burled, little dreaming the flag that was next to quiver to tbeir detonation would be a strange, traitorous sheet, unknown among nations, or that those balls would fall around the true banner of the Union. I turned and visited tbe old, crambling.mos grown church where I received mv earliest re llglous teaching, and through the iron railing looked upon tbe graves of mv plavmatea and relatives looked my last loak. Slok at heart for I foresaw what was coming I walked into the forest wbere I once gathered yellow jassamine flowers, whose perfume no northern vine can equal, and from tbe grey, crape-like, funereal moss, drooping from the sad ancient oazs, i DiucKed a branch to bear away aa a memento of my latest, last visit there for ever. 1 shook tbe dust from mv feet, and left tbe Stato, never to return. 0, gentlemen, it ean give voice to devote tbat city to siege and assault, who ehould vote no 7 It has been said: "Your country, may she al ways be right; but your country, right . or wrong " The motto does not express mv heart Our Government may be In the right, or maybe in tbe wrong; but our country la alteayt right can ntttr be wrong. '' If I have long and steadily striven for, and counseled peace, it Oits been beoause 1 believed peace would give us Union. If I now say, war. It is war for tbe Union peace for the Union- war for Union concessions for Union- force for the Uoion treasure for it blood for it death for It svxbtthino for tne Union! Mr. PARR followed t Mb. SrsAKiR, tbe present moment should be one of solemn reflection and deep thought. The crisis that is now upon us was plainly loreahad owed by Washington, the father of bis country, and banded down to us In bis farewell address. How much better it would bavo been for tbe American people, as a body, to have faithfully carried out bis advice thus given them. I can, lor one, truly thank God, and say that his farewell address has been my political chart tbns lar through life. I can lay ray hand noon my breast and eay before my God and this As sembly, tbat tbe troubles now noon us nave been brought about by other band than mine. If peace should not be restored before I come to lay this mortal body of mine down for tbe last time, I can say of a truth to my wife and my children, that your husband and your father's skirts are clear of the blood tbat bas been or may be shed In this unnatural war, brought upon the Amerioan people by traitors to th Union, both North and South. But, Mr. Speaker, 1 shall rote for the billfnow under consideration, ior tne reason tbe f resident, noder the decision of tbe Supreme Court ot the United State in th Dorr case, Is the sole Judge ol the necessity of calling for troops. The refu sal of a Siato to comply with tbe requirement of tbe President, is a declaration that they do not mean to comply with tho requirement of th Constitution, and is a decided intimation that they intend to leave. Tbe refusal is a violation of the Constitution, and a denial of a binding moral obligation. Mr. Speaker, lot ns all of one accord Implore Almighty God, to present some patrlotio Ameri can statesman, who shall successfully prevent tbe further shedding of blood, and fiually settle all our troubles eo as mere may be a re-nmoa of all the stte. Air. AiNUJtvra earn: inree days ago, when the bill was introduced into thi branch of th General Assombly, I announced that my vote would be recorded In its favor. I could not do otherwise, because, In the second week of tbe present session nearly three months ago res olutions looking toward an' emergency ol this kind, and pledging the whole strength or the State, received my approval, I have opposed the suspension of constitutional rules, that re quire alt bills to be read three several days be fore the final vote, not because I have hesitated a moment as to the propriety, nneer the oiroum stances that exist, in making this unprecedented appropriation, but because it is. an application of money to the tupport of troops, and not a meuure for mustering forces into service, for which it has been mistaken; and-because no urgency whatever, not allowed by tbe consti tutional rule, has exUted- . , . , . - i This rule of tho Constitution was wisely In serted, in my judgment, for the purpose, among others, of preventing hasty and in considerate legislation In times of excitementlike tbe present Tbe first troops arrived bere a few hour sinoe not a moment has bete, lost or thd least Incon venience experienced by the three days delay of this bill. Now, that it is at the proper time befor ns, I shall cordially vote for it, not be causa of tbe pressure of the wild excitement tbat reigns bere, or the impertinent attacks of correspondents and letter wmera mat we nave privileged on ibis floor, but beoause tbe meas ure has th deliberate approval of my own judgment. . TbUI urged to a oecieiuu, tin rcmiuueu mat every citizen owes allegiance to the legally con tituted government under which be lives. As muoh as I of poed tbe election of Abrahiim Lin coln, and a mistaken, as I believe, aa hu been his policy since his Inauguration; I am forced to know that be le legally and rightfully the Chlof Magistrate of tbe Uoion, elevated to that posi tion strictly in accordance with the Constitution and laws. As such Chief Magistrate, he hu made his proclamation to the people of tbe whole Confederacy, assert lug that in some portions of the country hostile combinations exist,' "too powerful to be suppressed by tb ordinary oourse," and calls on Ohio for troop to aid in suppressing them. This proclamation is mad nnder authority of the second section of th act of Congress passed Feb. 88, A. D. 1795 and contains nearly literally tbe language ' of tht not. . If tbl requisition 1 legally and prdperly ' W mad upon our Bute, w have no oourse but to Mmnl. with tt. 1 1 shall do my part in tnia, aa uau wm .d- nere with whom 1 bav aoteo, not aione uwuw ar technically 'bound o to do. but because our deliberate approval 1 obtained by existing State or affair, uur course is more ueiarmm- ed, because, in tb long controversy oetween me WAi-th and Honin. wa nave enueavoreu witu an our strength to maintain the constitutional tight of tb South; we have ptaoed ourselves hataraan the souwern people ana a wuu uu uu- governable fanaticism, and with an unbending nnrnnaa witnaiooa ite huumuk hcd, buu hav anffared deieat after defeat, yet , believing and knowing we were light, oontlnued In their defense, wben, at the most oruicai mumem, "j-j treaoberously forsook ns, turning over every ue- partmentot the f ederal uoveromeui to toe ui nnuitlnn wa ai atretohed our Sense of iustici ana propriety to to utmost tensiuu, uu jicau. for ooncessions and compromise, to all ol' which they returned Insulting answers, and nnauy nave commenced actual war uoon the Federal Gov ernment, because its administration Is in bands to wbloh tbey hay turned it oven for mysen, I now cay, by tbl aot or commencing this un holy, unchristian and uncivilized war, whatever may hay been th part of others In bringing it about, th lut link of the chain that bas hith erto o securely bound n together is- sundered foreverl In this, tbey have oommitted treason sgainst tbe whole Union against the Demo crat of th North; they oommitacrtme for wbicb tbe English language, in its poverty, fur nishes no definition. And now, sir, in conclu sion, I say to Representatives and tbe anxious visitors tbat nil these lobbies and galleries, that the minority on this floor will be found acting with the same oool, yet determined purpose if need be, In aotual conflict In this war thai hae direoted them to action on this measure; and if tbey lower beneath tb polltioal horizon, they request that their epitaph may be writtou from that Inscribed to the little Bptrtan band that fell before th Eistern hordes "Tbey died In oba dienoe to the low." . ' Mr. STOUT then (aid: Mr. SriaKra: No man In Ohio regret more deeply than I do the existing state ot offiirs in our eountry. No man ha tried harder to pre vent the shedding of blood than I have in my hnmble spher. For many year tbe dark cloud that now "lower o'er our bouse" has been gathering, and threatening to buret In . mighty torrenta npon our heads. Uur people have been faithfully warned of the approaching tempest. Washington, Jefferson, Madison,' Monroe and Jackson, all warned tb people against tbe dire ful oonsequenoee of the agitation of tb slavery question, but tbe entreaties of those ever mem orable sages and patriots have been spurned and disregarded, Now the dia of battle and tbe clash of arms is heard in our mldct, now is tbe "winter of our discontent," now one section of our country i in hostile array against tbe other. Now martial musio is heard in the streets of every town and olty in tbe land, and tbe sword is unsheathed, glittering in th sunbeams of heaven, in tbe hand of brother pauting for the blood oi brother. It la no time now, Mr. Speaker, for crimina tion and recrimination; we should not now stop to quarrel about the causes tbat have brought about th war that is npon us. Suffloient is it, forns to know that we ar in tb midst of a blood y revolution, to prompt ns to immediate and effl. dent action Ictbe premises. Sir, I have hoped, and alnoerely hoped, for a peaceful settlement ot the dimoultiei tbat bav existed in our Union, until hop is lost in the dreadful realities of civil war. Sir, while I deprecate and protest against the oauses that have conspired to bring about this state of things, I vote for the bill un der consideration. I vote for it, sir, because am aworn to support tbe Constitution and laws of the United States, I vote for for it, sir, because that flag which, to-day, floats in majestio grandeur over tbls Hall, that nig that waa handed down to ns through the toil, tbe treasure and tho blood of our forefathers, has been usailed, and ruthlessly torn from ite proper place, - and some other flag thrown to the breete in its stead. And, sir, when stripes, the stars and tbo eagle, wbloh have been and still are tbe pride and glory of every lover of his country, are thus assailed, and the men who bear them shot down like wild beast of the forest. I, for one, cry "Havyo and let slip the dogs of war." Sir. I vote for tha bill under the hone that it will aid in perpetuating our blessed Union, and sincerely nope that "tbe star spangled banner ever shall wave over tbe land ot the free and tb bom of the brave Mr. JONAS said: M. Sfiaiib, wishing to dace mv motives and reasons before thi House and my country, I beg to state from tbe first moment I beard of tbe stat of affairs at Charleston, mv mind was deolded to support the Union and to obey the mandates of the Executive of my country, Being desirous to show an undivided front of my Demo cratic colleagues, we were willing to wait until several bad beard from their oonstitucuts. Sir, I have been a Democrat throughout mv political life, but partyism is now at an end. Tbe trait ors have committed the overt act, rebellion upon ns openly, and as a united band of patriots, we will go against tbe rebels band in band, and under the glorious banner of sur beloved couu try, teach tbem their duty, and endeavor, if pos sible, to reclaim tbem to tbe Union. It is well known to you gentlemen, that I have endeavor ed on, this floor, to bring about peaceable and compromising meaaures with my Infatuated brethren ot tbe South, ueotlemen, 1 have son, a daughter, brother, sister, and lelatives the sunny South; we know no relatives now; the eceder have broken tbe last link; you may well suppose my feelings. With all my heart aud soul I go for this bill. Sir, the city, my glorious city, which I represents bu come out as a glorious band of patriots. Although on the border ol the this State, they bare unanimously agreed to support the Union, and are arming accordtug Iv. In conclusion, Mr. Speiker, let me address that being we all adore to bless us in our under takings, to assist ns in defending our country, our home and our irienas. Mr. RBOW N E, of Miami, said : Ma. SriAEia, I bad the honor, a few days since, to assert In my plaoe tbat wben tbe una vote was taken on this bill, It would be unani mous. The result will satisfy tbe prediction Foi tbil I thank God. It is all Important tbat we should present Ubio united for the Uuion In tbe early part of tbls session, I was for con cession and compromise, but at all times ready to prepare for the peril in wbioh we now find the country. Bu now, eir, I do not put my trust Congressional compromises snd oonoetsion, but in tbe God of battle and in tbe patriotism and courage ol my countrymen. Sir, in the name of tb good people of thi State, I thank those young men who now crowd our ball and tbeir associates in arms, wnoreauuyyieia tnemsoives to tbe necessities of tbe country. Sir, 1 have been at all times ready to vcte for this measure I am ready to vote for it now. Thousands traitors, with arm m their hands, are threaten ing onr Capital and our Government. If would preserve them and perpetuate our blessed institutions, we may not do to by concession Congress or out of Congress, but by the strong arm of force. In this day of peril, let Obio ber legislative halls, and outside these halls, stand aa on man in defense of our country. Let the moral force of a united vote go forth as tbe vole of Ohio, our beloved State, that our broth ren who ar about to leave ber border iu defense of her institution may take with them the God-speed of those who remain behind. Mr. PARROTT laid: Speech making seems to be contagious this morning, but I now resist tbe attack of the dieeaie, and aay only a word with the purpose of dosing this debate,if it may be called so, and getting a vote upon tnis oiu I congratulate mvself tbat I have no new posi tion to take upon thi Important measure. bav been for it from the first, and for suspend ing th rule to give it instant passag Gen tlemen talked of waiting to hear from their conailtutents. Thank God, I know the Unlon lov ing people of Montgomery too well to suppose that they woniu neatiaie to oner tneir treasure or their blood In support of that flag from whioh blessings have dropped npon them as the gentle dew of heaven npon tn paroneo eartn oeueatn. But, sir, it is evident from the tone of remark that gentlemen have heard from tbeir constl- tutant. I listened witn priue to tne patrlotio sentiments uttered just now upon the Demo cratic side of this House; they are upborne by the ourrent tbat la running at high tide over the publio mind. Sir, if there be one icntlmeut at this tim mors deeply graven than another npon the public heart, it Is this: may our country al ways be right, bnt right, or wrong our couutry first, last, and always. - ; I will not detain aotlon longer, as it Is ap parent that gentlemen biv heard from their constituent. I bop w may now be allowed to rote for this bill. Mr. MYERS saidi Ohio it th place of mv na tlvlty. My bop and affections er bar. I I is a in In of we lo iu I 1 am bound to It by tooial reUtioaa and tb tlos of consanguinity. My kindred friends are oltl sens of this proud State. I rnnreaAnfc a Mn.1. . . a i . - --"- - """-..j, mr, opeaaer, toe southern boundary of whioh is the Ohio river. many imiintue relations exist botween tbe peo ple of Ohio and their neighbor of Kentucky, friendships have sprungup, aud the social tie ia strong oetween us and our lriomls on the other side ot tne unio, sir, 1 love Kentucky for her devotion to our interests when a savago foe desolated our frontiers.' Aud la it come to this. that I must consent to give ber back the hal lowed ashes of her pitriotio sons who sacrificed their lives to rescue our people from the so alp leg knife of the savage? I bopo I may be par doued ior Saying I hope for better things, bat iear tne worst. 1 have been willing, Mr. Speaker, to sacrifice much for tho preservation of the Union of tbe States. I have endeavored, on all questions touching natloual policy, to give no cause of offence to the most seutltlve by my votes. It bas been my constant effort at all limes to prevent civil war and lis results, destruction of life, property, and ail tne peaceful relations of society. But, mr, poaueiui lujrn i0 prevent these dreadlul disasters have not been sncoesslul. The dread alternative of war is foiocd upon us, and from this there is no It now becomes a qneslion of national existence with us, and we must dtoide whether we will support th Gov eminent at Washington, headed by Mr. Lincoln, or th it of the Confederate States, whose chief is Jefferson Davis. As it is a vital question of existence with tho Government, there can be no neutral position, and I, air, will aid thi Gov eminent, at ail nmirds, to maintain the laws and the Constitution, holding it responsible hereaiter for any violation of the principles of that Instrument. Nor can It be expeoted tbat we will forget the causes that kd to the present strife, but reserve to ourselves the right to adopt or condemn any past, present or future policy of the government. I, sir, voted agalntt the auspenaion of the rule, not beoause I am op posed to maintaining the integrity of the State or national government, Tho bill could not bavcv receicd a unanimous support on the day of Its first reading. TMs delay of twenty-four hours, I think, will result In a unanimous support of tho bill, and thus the policy of this delay is fully vindicated, If the moral efloot of a unanimous vote is worth any- thing. May God turn aside the wrath of tho nation, but it war must came, I take my position by tbe star spangled banner, tho flag of my conn rty. ' Mr. DEVORE said, if the vote had been ta ken at noon yesterday, he should bave fell con strained to vote against it; be had etili hoped for peace, bnt now tho oase ia changed. He had been brought up ou the border, and had manv .1... r. ; .1 - I .. r i , rr . - uiai iiicuuo iu WIU IVCIHIICKV. wniFA tha anil covers the bones of his ancestors, and tha land of his birth. He had been for concession, and compromise, or any peaceful settlement of our difficulties. But be must stand br hia helnro,! Ohio when an emergency comes. Thera la iw no course leit but to take side with one aide or incomer. Ail big conceptions of duty centre in the idea of an undivided and hearty support of the common cause ol hia country, and e.oe- ntall. rh. anil kl.Ut... II- ...... ,K ......j ... v,,. ..., no buu Bopeo ior a peaceful settlement of this strife. He still hoped to see tbe stars and stripes sustained and rcstoreu even to tne eeoeaed States; and tbat we may yet be a people ot one heart and on blood. He said the Democratic party wa a brave party a party not only of words but of deeds, and he called upon tbe Republican party now, in this time of peril, not to be a party of brave words only, but of brave deeds. Mr. A1UJNAHAN Said: Mr. SriAEii.Ihare not arisen in my place ior tho purpose of mak ing a speech, but, sir, I cannot supprtts my heart felt congratulations in response to the noble and patrlotio sentiments I have heard uttered bere to-day, by men of parties. We ar a uuiv. air, 1 iei mis tojoe tne most solemn hour of my life and to-day we are oalied to act upon a question moro grave, more solemn, and more responsible thau bas ever been acted nn. on by any LpgiBlativo body convened in tbia great commonwealth. Uut, ag groat as is tbe responsibility resting upon us thank God, we are ready to meet it, to meet it la a devoted spirit of patriotism and love of country. I am a young man, and I believe full of pat riotism, and from sentiments which bay been dropped upon this floor, I had beon led to be Iicve tbat there were traitors among ns. To day I am happy to take it all back. 1 sea nr, man here tbat Is not a patriot. I ignore all other Issues; my country, first, last, and all the time; my country, right or wrong. I hone tha mtnkiM of thi House will suppress long speeches, ana ujaao .ma bu experience meeting only, that we may come to a speedy vote upon this mo-. men tons question. Mr. KEISINQER said that be did think the. was not a man on tbls floor that would Wa n. joiced more In the late election to have beard of the defeat of Mr. Lincoln. But he is bow th chief magistrate of the country and be bo oalied for help. He said I have no choice now. I am for my country, snd onl fn- m CDuntry. I know no party iu my love of it; and all my efforts must bo with and for her and her alone. Mr. HAMILTON Bald: I, Mr. Speaker, an In favor of ibis bill. When the liberties of my country are in peril; when we are oallod on to decide for ourselves, ard ior future generations, whether we shall sustain a government which is a model for the world, an Institution of olvll liberty wbioh hat been unequalled in th histo ry of the human race; I say, when I am called upon for means for its support, and indeed, for its existence and perpetuity, I, wlthoal hesita tion and without reserve, au ready to vote mil lions for Its defence, and, if need be, billions for its perpetuity. Mt. Speaker, this Institution of oivil government, established on tbls Western continent, is a boon tbat we oannot too highly prize It wu purchased by blood and treature, and shall we, to whom bas been transmitted thi rich inheritance, suffer it to be (tabbed to the heart in Its iiiiacy er It ha at tained the ago of bloomlug youth T Never no, never shall it be said tbat wo permitted this infant prodigy oi civil government to be strangled in its childhood a poliov wbicb forty centuries bave been maturing. We are in th midst of war. The Rubicon has been crossed; Sumter has been demolished by tbe act of trai tors; ano our struggle is one of life or death. What shall we, then, say 7 "Give me liberty or give me death." The flag of ' my oountry has boen strioken down and trampled under foot by the Very men which it has nourished and protected. Caroli na, the ungrateful child, has stabbed her Alma Mater, and would fain dethrone the goods in ber maduosa. Tbe world with horror beholds tbe suicidal act, and civilization stands aghast at its consequences. Tbe teeraiug masses of Ear lb witness, this day, our net, wben we pledge onr lives, oer fortunes aud our sacred honor iu free dom's holy cause. I say, the oppressed masses of the e&rth bear witness to our aot to-day, wben we declare "lb Union must and shall-be preserved," an asylum still ior th down-trodduu of all land. Ohio is a uuit for tbe Union of the States. She has no iograte sons that desire to sever theee bonds of brotherhood. Though we may differ, and hon estly, too, its to the proper policy tbat we should adopt to attain the desired end, yet we are ail Demuorata, we are all Republicans. We are bound by a mystio tie of a common brotherhood in one family, and a member ita tbe great fami ly of States, In which a few, in a fit of frenzy, bave turned truant. I gay, then, that we are a one man for the Union. The administrator of the laws of our country asks our succor and sup. part. Ohlo will respond to tho call, and main tain her loyalty. ' Mr.STIERSsaid: . r Mr. SriABia, I rear to say much, lost I might say something to break the foree of the eloquent and patrlotio remarks already made. I endorse tbem most heartily, I hire always tried to love my country, and now, in the midst of its perils, I love it still more, and shall rally round its support; the Union, the entire Union must bavo a place in my affections. Il hag been the pride of my boyish days, and the bop of my more mature years. In God, I trust thi bop may not dio. I have been, and still seek to bo, her dutiful son. , Though I entertain my own views in regard to the oauses which have brought us uoon tha thresbhold of a terrible oivil war, and it mayjb to an iuhuman despotism. Our present troubles could and ought to bavo been arreetod, but the crisis is upon ns, and w must meet it with decision and firmness. - Our only hope is in tbe patriotism of our people, end in the God of battles. Though som feature of the bill are to me objectionable, yet I oannot hesitate in times like these to come to my coun try's rercoe. ,'.,., ' . Mr. JEdSL'Psaid: Mr. Snun, I bar bo written sentiment to offer upon this occasion, except those written npon my heart. How in- - - - -.. -., . . . 'i t t ..'..-i.d'.'-! ... ' .ll t"v