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algnlflcant ti all attempt at eloquence or dilplay upon tbis oocaslon! Ohio li about to caat a TOto .of fearful responsibility, olo of greater magnl- tude than any ebe bas been oalled to oaet. Upon ' "this tow may depend the weal or woe or tbli great Uulon. I mutt eay that tha opinion of i f oonBtltuents may have luuoeneea my nuou nn (Vila wnla knfr. nt.hrr fllrenmatanoei bare oc curred that directs niT aoilon. 1 will upport the bill, knowing, at I do. the learfol leiponiiblll ty I luour by no doing. I now otll upon the ma , Joiity of thU Houao to exercise prudence In oar- rjlna out tills (earful responsibility, and all may v yet be well, la the name of God, I call upon tbeir fldolity and npport the bill. Mr. SCO I I ,ol warren, aaiu uo uau rutuiiuui all over ibis land; yet, when his countr'ys flag was trailing In the dust, be had relations who were not faithful to that fUg. When he voted for this bill, be did not think It was neocsaary : tbat be should give an explanation to his con v atltutnts and the people of the State; for he " knew the people of old Warren and the people w. 0f Ohio wero true to the JODBUtutloD, tno laws -'. ' abd lb country. They were for peace when - peace oould be bad, but tbey were lor war wnen peace was rojeoted aud the laws set at defiance by traitors aud rebels. Tbey are lor their coun trv under all circumstances. Whether the cap- ... itol at Washington, our beloved State, Obio, the fuithlul States to the Union, or government , property iu the sececWug States were io danger at tbe hands of external or Internal foes, he was for their defence, This no new tning with hiin, for ho was always true to nis couotry. Ho did not only recogntue tho Government, at Washington, as his government, the loyal States as bU country, but be acknowledged, in ' the patriotism of bis heart, the Beoedlng States, ' also, as his couotry. It was true, they were tyr " annlzod over for the moment by traitors,and put In rebellion to the Government, but he would never consent that they should be any other than part of this country. Tbe word secession had ' no plice In bis vocabulary. No star, by bis consent, should ever be plucked from tbe flig of bis country, lie was now, as ever, for meet, log high bauded treason with sword and hemp in our hand, while he was willing tbat tbe Govern " meut eioulrt carry to the mistaken citizen tbe olive brauch in tbe other, tie naa do expiana t.Unm In mnka lor votluK for the bill. ' ' Tbe bill was then pissed, every man of tbe ninety-nlno members present voting yea. The absentees were Messrs. Howell, Shaw, Tannejhill Viuccntaod McSohooier. . Mr. STOUT offered the following, which was adopted: Whiuca. wo have last learned with nn bounded pleasure that our - sister State, Vrglnla, the land of Presidents and Fa tribts. bv her KeDresentatives In Conven tion assembled at Richmond, has refused to seoedo from - tbe Union, therelore, Rt$otved, by the Senate and Haute of Ripre tentativet of the State of Ohio, Tbat we bail with gratelul hearts the deoision of our sister State, and most gladly extend to her tbe band of fellowship, and here to day pledge, that Ohio (ball always be fouud maintaining all the rights and marching hand in hand and side by side with Virginia In supporting ana launiuiiy exe outing tbe laws of the Federal Government, and nonoriosr tha n ig ot our common country. Mr. DAVIS. Irom the committee on Munlcl Dal Coroora'iouSi reported back II. B. 391 when Mr. WRIGHT offered an amendment, which provides for the acceptance of a loan to the State, by the city of Cincinnati, ot $250,000, which was agreed to yeas 80, nays 0. The House then took a recess. S. THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 18, 1861. be LOCAL MATTERS. ' The Adams Express Company places us daily under obligations to it fur the very latent papers from the eastern cities. of The American Express Company has our thanks for iiR dily favors in the shape of the . very latest eastern papers. , ..Military Movrmsnts Our olty was alive to day with the hurry acd bustle of military pre paration. To thejejurtesy of Gen. Hesrt Wil mm AftManliv lm. no. Mjinr. General of the Vfl V. M. V.., ..WW. Fifth Division, Ohio Militia, is In active and efficient service, we are indebted for several Important items of Information, respecting the following military companies that had arrived in, this city up to noon to-day, and are now In the encampment tn Goudale Park i Dayton Light Guards, Capt. Pease 124 men rank and file; Montgomery Guards, Dayton, , Capt. Hughes 59 men rank end file; La Fay ette Guards, Dayton, Capt. Deleter 53 men rank and file; Jackson Guards, Hamilton, Capt. Bfuck 30 men rank and file;'aCompany A, Lan caster, Capt. Staffjrd 109 men rank and file; the Zouave Guards from Springfield, and a com pany from Mitnsfioltl. Beside these, there arrived at about noon to day a battalion of several companies from Cin cinnati, under command of Major Lewis Wil son, Adjutant A. C. Parry and Sergeant J. D. Webb, and consisting of 237 men rank and file. Numerous additional companies aro expected this afternoon and to-night, so that to-mor row tbe force encamped in the Park may be swelled to two thousand or more. . We would romark here, tbat as tbe regiments oalled for by the Presldont are to oonoist of 780 ' l . U 1 fn,A men cacn, a couipuiY, wuvu uuaeu iuh, u service, can only consist of 78 men rank and file. . Tbe Military Compant' 'n our city are by ' no means Inactive. The Columbus Vedettes have, we understand, some twenty or twenty five more than their full complement of volun- ; teers. The State Fencibles and the Governor's Guards have also nearly completed their recrulU Ing. The Steuben Giurds and the Montgomery Guards are oalllng for volunteers at their re spective Armories. Capt. C. C. .Walcutt Is also forming a volunteer company at his head quarters, 208 South High street. Abont sixty names are already on his roll. We shall endeavor in to morrow's paper to give a more full and accurate account of the military companies belonging to our own city,as well as of those that may be In camp here from . other parts of thaiUate. Iu the mean time', we ' must be permltteS toeay that our city and ooun ty will not be behind any other portion of the State, of equal extent and population, in patrl' ' otlsm and self-sacrifice for the sake of the Union. M i ly to-mgnt, ry, the to are to j for o-ciock Union Muting at Armory Hall. Agree-rblyto- an announcement made yesterday, a : large concourse of oitizens and strangers assem . bled last evening atArmoryHall. Hon. Joseph R Swan was eleoted President; Dr. Win. M. Awl, Ell Gwynne, Dr. S. M. Smith, R. Walkup, Hon. T. W. Birtley, P. B. Wilcox, Esq., Hon R.B. Warden, Wm. Wheeler, and J. Barber, Vloe Presidents, and M. D. Lathrop and Dr John Williams, Secretaries. Judge swan, on tasing tbo Chair, made a t few 'appropriate remarks, In favor of tig. tons measures tor preserving the Union and maintaining Its honor and Integrity. " . Aftor strong and pointed addresses from , Judges Warokn and Rankin, Messrs. Samoil Galloway, W. R. Rankin, L. J. Chitchfiild and S. M. Mills, were appointed a committee on Resolutions. v Speeches were then mado by Gen. Giioia and Mr. Galloway,' when the Committee on .a Resolutions reported the following, which were adopted: - ' .; ' 1, to2vo(i,'That we, the ettltens of the State of Ohio, Ignoring all past party diflerenocs, do, In view of 'he , , present perilous condition of oar national affairs, unite 4n tbe declaration, that it la the solemn duty of erery eUUeo to yield a generous, hearty toi prompt support te bo national government In Its efforts to out down rebel- Hon and treason against Its authority, tod to vindicate lis nonor among tha nations oi tne eartn. S. Suolved, Tbat to prevent the onomtei of the na tional government wbo an now In ft rail against It from effecting their deliberate parpoie to overthrow It, there by blastlns- the fondest hoses of the friends of Republi can liberty throughout tbe world, no necessary saorlfioo of niea or money eao be too greet; bat that tale nation, ana th nnborn fenerations of men who .ire to Inhabit this continent, imneratlvelv demand that thie treat and lav pending oilamlty shall be srerted, at ever baiard and at every aaormce. I. StirUvsd. Thatwewllloheerfallrandpromptlyrtt- pond to tbe call of ouroc untry.and contribute to the ezlant of oar power, and, If need be, will "pledge our lives, oar lortunes ana oar ssorea nonor, w am m uoverumeui In lie efforts to maintain the Constitution, enfo ce the laws, and raetore the Union to Its original Integrity. 4. Rttalvtd. That the prompt and nthailaslio n- sponse made all over the loyal States of this Union, to the oall te arms, is eounaeus proor was tne patriotism of oar people does not oonslst in a mere Sourish of words, bat is an abiding virtue to be relied on in the boar of peril. - . - S. Buolnd, That w point with unbounded pride to oar euisen soiaiers who nave so pairioiioany ana promptly tendered their services to the Government. And to ihose noblespirits of Ohio wbo ooant It their good fortune to be Bret enrolled in defease of their couotry. and who on the morrow hasten to the plart of danger and duty, be all honor, and. as will be the prayer of millions, may the Ood of our Fathers be with them and their Comrades In arms, and miy victory attend their banner the good old alar apaogled banner. Mr. Sobliioh being oalled for, responded In an animated speech. Ho was followed by Messrs. Plants and Garfield, and tbe meeting adjourned with loud cheers for the Union. 07 R. KiRKfATRioK. No. 165 South Hh?h Street, bas a rerv choioe assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, fine Jewelry, Clocks, Silver ana riatea ware, at prices to suit the times. ICT See advertisement of Prof.''a Hair Invigorator in another column. GntRNHv'a Balu Is nnn nf the heat rmrliM for Headache we have ever known. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. The North Arming All Over! MEN AND MONEY WITHOUT LIMIT! Virginia Not Seceded! Jeff. Davis Calls for 150,000 more MEN! &c., &c., &c., &c., Dispatches from the North. Niw York. April 17. Tbe followios are the New York appointments, made by tbe Presi dent to-day: United States Marshal, Robert Murray; Navy Officer, M. O. Dennlsoa; mall Agent, Silas ti. JJutcner; Assistant ireas- urer, Kicbard M Blatcbtord. The steamer It. R. Tyler, from Savannah, reports tbat the Harriet Lane was inside the bar. She had eteam np. Also, a bark-rlcged steamer was inside probably tho Isabel . Capt. Crocker reports that he saw that Fort Sumter had no breaches in the wall outside, but looked somewhat battered. Special dispatch to the New Torlc Express. Gen. Scott save out load that nothing could better than MaJ. Anderson's conduct. He is entirely satisfied with It. I he meeting of merchants to-day was most impressivo and enthusiastic It represented the moat wealthy portion of the community. 1.200 headed tbe list for the 7th regiment on tbe spot only 12 subscribers. Probably $50,000 will raised to-morrow. Resolutions were adopted at a large meeting tbe Central Republican Club not very com plimentary to Mayor Wood; commenting on tbe course of tbe Herald; and'disapprobat jty ot those engaged at Hartford, and other plaoes, in man ufacturing arms for the Sonth. Chioaoo, April 17. First detachment U. S. troops from Minnesota passed through this otty last evening, en route for Washington. They numbered 75 men, under command of Major femberton. The train bearing them was reeeived at the depot by a crowd of not less than ten thou sand. The remainder of troops from Fort Riplev, composed of Ma). Morris' command, and Sher man's battery, are expeoted to arrive here to morrow afternoon. War feeling continues unabated, tho Gover nor's proclamation for volunteers being prompt responded to. Several companies have already tendered their services. Hamilton, April 17. General Garrison ac companies one company, consisting of 75 men, as lar as Columbus' four or live com panies will be ready to march within 48 hours. bamnel null, titq., oners $JU,UUU, if necessa to sustain the stars and stripes. JohoW. Sohn, and other prominent citizens, will con tribute liberally, , , Indianavolis. April 17. The Bank of the State of Indiana bas tendered the Governor all money that may be necessary for present exigencies in furnishing Indiana's quota of troops sustain the Government. Tne first regiment of Indiana volunteers will leave here to morrow for Washington. Richmond, Ind., April 17. Sxcitement in creasing. Companies drilling all day. All manufacturing establishments are closed on ao count of the men volunteering, Bands of music paradlog the streets. Two companies were organised and leave lor Indin.tpolis to-morrow. Captain Miller's Company, from Lafayette. arrived tbis P. M. Tbe Montgomery Guards, from Crawfordsville, and Washington Guards, from Madison, will arrive to nigbt. Four com panies are now encamped on tbe State Fair grounds; five or elx more companies will come morrow. . . Madison, Ind., April 17. Excitement on the Increase here dally. One volunteer oomoanv. comprising 100 men nnder command of Capt. o. Buiuvan, lett nere at D:3U r. IVX. lor Indi anapolls. Tbe scenes at tbo depot were very affecting; some soldiers shedding tears while bidding relatione and friends good-by. . - A patrlotio speech was made by Capt. Sulli van. J ust before tbe train started , a salute was fired in bonor of volunteers and the Union and Constitution. This was tbe first volunteer com pany accepted by Adjutant General Wallace. Two other military companies leave to morrow (be State rendezvous.' . A Home Guard, numbering 200 men. has been organized and begaa drilling to night. The number will be increased to 500 or 800 men. Madison, April 17. Tho Legislature ad ouroed sine die to-day. Tbe Governor's Guards bave tendered their services and been aoeented. Volunteer companies aro organizing all over tne estate, uxoitement runs men. , La'ayittc, Ind., April 17. The first com' pany of volunteers left lor Indianapolis at two tnis r. M. , Tney were escorted to the depot by the Laf ayette Artillery and two compa nies neariy tun, woo win lonow la a tew days. Michigan City. Aurll 17.--A' Uraa And Ans thuBlatnio Union meeting was held last Dictat br ieuiuurau sun xiepunucans. A Unit lor the Lonstitution and tbe Union. Strone antl-aeeea sion resolutions were adopted, denouncing all traitors whose voices are not heard unani mous to sustain tbe Government. Salntes were fired In bonor of the start and stripes, which were displayed la all parts of the city. . A vol unteer company was organized immediately, be man wbo first signed the roll was one of our most prominent olergy men. ..... St. Paul, Minn., April 17, Governor Ram sey to day issued a proclamation for a regiment of volunteers, la response to the call from the War Department.. , ..... Ditroit. Aurll 17. Gen. cues mado asneeeh this morning, on tbe oceaiion of the Board of Trade unfurling the national flag over their room. In it he said he was strongly in favor of exporting: tne union, tbe Constitution, and our C01u.ntfJ' flag, under all circumstances. He said that In a crisis like the present, It was the v uniaen to stand by the Uovern ment. , .. . , , uaaiana eonntv alnn nr. t- i 5 f?,rooP that Is required by tbe .vu, irvn id eottrt bute. O . ' ' a i to - OOBANTON, r. April 17.Qi.n. Mer. Ition for 1.000 men . from i.,,.ni " .! complete, and will start f0f ,Harrlsbnrg to- uiurrvn. a u gryavCTs entausiMm prevallt , ly the in are of tbe and and is tio, to P. her ner til the the ty-eighth In St, 11 Marion, O., April 17 .An enthusiastic Union meeting was held here last night. Speeches Dy mer of all parties. There is but one sen tlment the Union must be maintained and the laws enforoed. Volunteerlncleoes on brisk' ly. Boston. April 17. The citv Is filled and soldiers ere still arriving It Is understood lo go to Washington. Tbe aro commanded by Gen. B. F. Butler. The Governor made them a speech from tbe State House. Four regiment! leave this week one for Ft. Monroe. ' The Suffolk Bank has tendered 100.000 to the State, and the same amount to tbe United Sates. Marietta. O.. April 17. The Union senti ment here Is iotense. Tbe largest meetiug ever neia in marietta is now In progress. The vol ooteer company Is full, and thousands are ready ana are now making preparations to form com epanles of Home Guards. Philadelphia. Anril 17. Salutes are to be fired here in honor of Gov. Hicks, of Md. Tbe excitement here Is Increasing every hour, and recruiting? oarties are Daradine the city. ine ladies or this city nave resolved to wear rosette ot red, white ana blue. Dayton. Anrll17. Th Davton Ltcht Guards. Cam. Pease, and the Montgomery Guards, Capt. Hughes, left for Columbus at 7 o'clock this evening. There were 230 men In the two companies. The Lafayette Guards, Capt. Dealer, will leave to-night at 12 o'clock. Capt. Cbilds is filling np a rifle company, whloh will leave to-morrow. Tbe military fever Is high here. Conductor Martin went with the Dayton Light Guards, car rying the stars and stripes. Providing!, R. I., Aoril 17 Tbe legisla ture appropriated $500,000 for military pupo ses. Toe Banks offered $250,000 to tbe State. Nkw York, April 19 A special report states authoritatively tbat Major Anderson implicitly obeyed Instructions at Sumter. It is reported tbat Capt. Meigs, with Sappers and Miners, bave eone to Fort Pickens. The Herald says the Charleston correspondent oi me nmet was saved Dy trie Britiab. Consul protecting him. and threatening to send for tha oritian neet ir not released, as be was an Eng lish subjeot. He was immediately released and r ... . m . . p lurnisnea wun a pass. Reports from Virginia to nlcht am that it to impossible to bass the aocaasion ordinance, and tbat a vote had been taken showing a majority gaunt If Col. Ellsworth is organizing a Zouave recri- ment of 800 picked men from the fire denurt- mentexolnslvely. The firemen at Brooklyn are also forming a regiment. At Jersey City, the Zouaves have volunteer At Newivrk tha Grmfln Turner hnvn rnnrini.. ed tbelr services. The whole Hudson brigade, of New Jersey, has also volunteered. The 55th regiment, last night, waited thn nr. rival of the Boston regiment, to tender the Bos ton boys a soldier's welcome. The Governor has accented tha narvinrn nf the Scott Life Guards. Tbe 79th regiment. Highlander!), nnnnlmnnn. tendered their services last night. Drills were held in nearly every armory Ifint night. " ' U Is anticipated tbat the 7th regiment will take over 1,000 men to Washington to-morrow. Hartford. Aoril 17. Tho largest and moat enthusiastio meeting ever held iu this city, was held here tbis evening. It was called to auotaln Government. Tbe banks of this citv this P. M. tendprwi $500,000 to the Governor lor arming the troops. Tbe Connecticut regiments will be organized a day or two, and prepare to respond to the call of the Government. PaOVIDINOI. Anril 17. Men-am.- A. Sr. W Sprague have offered $100,000. Volunteers coming in rapidly from all parts of the State. The greatest enthusiasm nrevaila. CHIOA80. Anril 17. At a. meeting nf thn Board of Directors of tha Bnrlinin Sut. Bank, Iowa, this morning, It was resolved that the cashier of this branch be directed u ad vance to tbe Governor of this State inch anm money as may be required for (be equipment and preparation of the regiment oalled for by President of tbe United States. Boston. Aoril 18. 80 men enrolled them. selves at a single recruiting station, between 8 10 o'clock this morning. Tho Merrimao Kiver Banc, ot Manchester, New Hampshire, offers tbe State $40,000 tor military puroosej. the Portsmouth Bnk $30,000. Existing going on rapidly in the Granite State. New York. Aoril 18; The steamahlo Bil- from Charleston bar the 8th Inst., came np tne city, ana ancnorea off tbe battery, at 1 M. to-day. The Baltic bad flying ftoin ber main-mast head tbe flag of Fort Sumter, and at foremast the flag from Fort Moultrie. Tbe Harriet Lane, Capt. Faunce. sailed In companywitbthe Baliiej also, the Pawnee, witn troops, ana the rocabontas lor Norfolk. 1 be Powbattan was not. nor had she been, at Charleston. The Pawnee did not arrive at Charleston un after tbe surrender of Fort Sumter. During whole time tbe fleet remained off tbe bar, wind blew a gale from the southeast, ren dering the fleet useless, so far as Fort Sumter was concerned. Qtrinro. Aoril 18. In Parliament latt nieht. Mr. MuDoueal, one of the leaders of the opposi tion from Upper Canada, stated that it evils now existing in consequenoe of the Union with Lower Canada were not otherwise remedied, an alliance between Upper Canada and Northern States was likely to be formed. Nkw York. April 18. The board of broker s appropriated $1,000 to equip tbe national Suard. No second board is to be held on Satur ay. Norwich, Ct., April 18. An enthusiastio meeting was held here to-day. $10,000 was raised by subscription for the families of volenteers. Gov. Buckingham and Wm. P Greene cave $10,000. . Osweoo, April 18. At a meeting of the For Regiment, Col. L. R. Beardley, held this city last evening, their service were unanimously tendered to the Government. New York, April 18 A Massachusetts re glment arrived this morning, breakfasting by regiments at tne Astor House, Metropolitan and Nicholas. They marohed down Broadway at o'cloek, amid wildest ntbusiaam. Flags firing from every store and dwelling. Cheers and cries of God bless yon were frequently ut tered, iney emoarKea at a o'clock direct for Washington. Daniory. "Ct., April 18. The Directors of the Pahanisgar Bank, to-day, unanimously vot ed to tender to the Government $50,000. Buffalo. April 18. Comoanv "D ." Maior Hiaweu, commander, toon tbe reoulred oatb aud are'now ready for active servioe. Gen. Scrogcs, wno recently resigned bis Brigaaier Ueneral- snip, nas enrolled a company lor immediate service. Tbe chief operators of Eastern and Canada lines have been granted leave of ab sence ior tnree momns military service by tbeir respective superintendents. in in bo n - oe at at to T A tbe Washinoton, April 18. Cantaln Callum. of the Corps ofEnglneers, has been appointed Aid deCamp to Gen- Soott, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel, mui Is officially announoed as such to tbe Army. , He is to be obeyed and respected accordingly. Messrs. Carlisle and Dent, delegates of the Virginia State Convention, arrived here tbis morning. Tbey are of the strongest Uuion sen timents, and their presence here at tbis time occasions mnon surprise. Tnsy say there is no inrtoer use ior tnem in tbe Convention. Mr. Carlisle remarked that ha left Richmond a aad man. . It Is the intention ot the War Dapartment to muster companies enough in this District to yieio a toroe approaoning w uuu men. : --. Boioiersoi tne waroi vavi are about adont Ing a military organisation, and offerlcg their services in tne deience oi tbe seat-of Uovern moot. :': t .- Massachusetts and Rhode Island regiments. and the 7th regiment of New York, are expect- u nere immeoiateiy. ..- v ; i A special Government mesienger has lust arrived from Psusaoola. in in to ed to , Dispatches from the South. ' St. fluis. Aorll 17. The State Journal pub llsbes the following reply from Gov, Jackson to Secretary Cameron EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI, Jefferson City, April 17. Sir: Yonr dispatch of the 15th Inst., mak ing a oall on Missouri for four regiments of men, for immediate servioe, nas been reeeived. There can be, I apprehend, no doubt but these men are Intended to form a part of the Presi dent's army to make war upon the people of tbe seceded States. Your requisition, in my udgment, Is illegal, unconstitutional and Inhu man, revolutionary in Its object, and diabolic. and oannot be oomplled with. Not one man will tbe State of Missouri furnish to oarrv on suon an crusade. C. F. JACKSON, Governor of Missouri. Montoomert, April 17. The Cabinet has bad a long session to-dav. A proclamation will be issued to-morrow, oalling 150,000 more troops in tne field. President Davis issued a proclamation lovl ting privateers to make wer on tbe Northern commerce, with letters of Marque and reprisal. He speaks of the wrongs of the past, those now tbreatened by those wnose enmity li lm plaoable. He conoludes by saying, nnder the blessings of Divine Providence, we may hope lor a speedy, Just ana nonorame peace. Fifty thousand volunteers from Kentucky and Tennessee have been offered the Confederate States. Tenders have been made of letter of marau ana reprisal. New Orleans, April 17. Active prepara tions are malting lor tne aeieoee or tne city. Tbe CounoU has appropriated $300,000 for that purpose Everything in the way of military matters is mating rapid progress. Tbe subscription books tor the Confederate loan were opened to-day. Tbe rush ot sub scribers is very great On Sunday fast tbe Star of the West was still off Indianola. Tne Empire and Mohawk left on Friday evening with troops. Their destine tion is unknown. Six companies 'of U.S. troops, under Majors Smith and Sibley, are at Green Lake, near Indianola, wailing for more companies irom tne upper irontier. Maj. Rhett bas resigned, and offered his ser vices to the Southern Confederacy. Looisvillc, April 17 Extra meeting tne uity isounoil, tnis evening, appropriated jju.uuu io arm tne city. Richmnod, April 17, 5 P. M. The ordinance oi secession nas not passed. Tbe Convention is still in secret session. Nothing certain is nowo.. Mimfhis, April 17. Saunders dcoltnes the postioasterehiD. The Committee of Safety of- lerea resistance, reeling nnanlmons. Casting cannon is going on. Aooosta, Ga., April 17. Offers of Northern voluuteera are considered mere gasconde, but regiments are lorming to meet them. Men and money ireeiy onereo. Trknton, Aoril 17. Senator Thompson was nere to day to purcnase a nag to display from nis residence. He expressed himself strongly favor of sustaining the government and en- itrciug me laws. Our Military Board has been In session all the morning, and orders have been itaned for four regiments. Memphis, April 17. The Memphis and Ohio Railroad offers to transport troops and muni tions free. The Council h as apoointcd a Military Board and appropriated $50,000 to cefend the city. Union flags on steamers bave been hauled down, and the citizens are arming and volun teering. Lkxinoton, Ky., April 17 . Major Breckin ridge writes from Richmond, Ky., to a friend Lexington: "I bave filled all my appoint ments, and some extra ones, to immense crowds. Kontucky should call a convention without de lay, and Lincoln's extra sorsion of Congress should be confronted by fifteen States. Tbis alone can prevent a general civil war. The ab- norronce or Lincoln's proclamation is Immense amongst the people." Mr. Breckinridge speaks in Lexington, to morrow, Thursday night, and at Louisville On Saturday. Charleston, April 17. Some exoltement ex ists bere about tbe secession of Virginia, ff sbe secedes. It is supposed that tha traona Will sent from South Carolina to Virginia, but uuiib w ui go ueiore. Private intelligence asserts that President Davis intends to take oommand ot the opera tions at rensacoia. Tbe Iron Battery on Cumminga' Point la he taken down to day. Tbe guns and rifled uaunoos are to be removed to posts commanding tho channel. The work of tearing down and olearlnir out oumLt?r continues. o . . $2,000,000 of the Confederate States Loan been t ken In this citv. and New Orleans wants $5,000,000. The whole 1 15.000.000 will lesnea immediately. , . Montgomery. Aoril 17. Charloatnn haa ta. ken $2,000,000 of the loan at par. $1,200,000 was paid in cash. New Orleans took $2 700 000 par, and tbe people are not dons subscribing either place. Mobile took $300,000. All taken by small bidders. Capitalists hold off till morrow. Charleston. April 17 Nothing of ailrrint. impartanoe bas occurred bere to-day. Tbe prospect of the secession of Virginia gives great joy to tbe people here. $2.000,000of the Confederate States loan baa been taken in Charleston alone. Tbe books will be opened again to morrow. Tbe paper is ready to be taken in tbe interior. Not a word has been heard from Virginia. great anxiety exists In consequence. Gov. Ellis telegraphed here be bad taken tbe forts in North Carolina. , Baltimore, April 18. No fears are antici pated of trouble or detention on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad there la a denided Union sentiment on the entire line, and no trouble is apprenended at Harper's Ferry, or at any other point. Rumors of an attack there are entirely groundless, the Government having full pos session of the Armory, which will be amply re Inforced, if requisite. Louisville, April 18. Gov. Maooffin haa Is sued a proclamation convening tna Kentnekv I .1 - . ... " uegiomiuro uu me zim met. ... Norfolk, Vs.. Aoril 17 Geo. Lnval. N.n inn n .i.: t I . . sul ' u resigoeo. : to L. and at X der and t. And ly ROCHCSTIR, Anril 17. Tha Paetfln TAWianh Company was organised In tbis oitv to day, and following persona were eleoted Dlreotors: Hiram Bibley, Isaao Butte, Jepbttra H Wade, Isaao R. Elwood, Cbas. M. 8tebblof, Tbos. R. Walker. John H. Berrvhlll. Edward Samuel L Seldeo, Theo. Adams, John H. Har mon, Benjamin r . rickllng, Albert W. Bee, Jis. 8. Graham and Josenb Medbnrw. At the meeting of the Directors, j H. Wade was elected President, Hiram Sibley Vloe Pres ident, and Isaao R, Elwood Secretary and Trea surer. " . Active measures will be taken to insure tbe completion of the line to San FrancUoo this year, the co-operation of tbe California compa ny having been secured to extend their line eastward, .j .; Washington, April 17. Tbe Treasury De partment uas issued an oraer oireoting tbat the name of 1st Lieutenant Rogers be strluken from the roll of tbe revenue service, for having, oommand ol tbe revenuecutter Henry Dodge, violation of his offlolal oath and of his duty tne uovernment, surrendered his. vessel to Texas. ., v t . Washinoton, April ll Edmund C-Car rington, formerly of Virginia was to day appoint Attorney General for the District of Cnlnm. bis; J. M- Fleming, Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee; Geo. Leonard Davla. Paymaster of the Navyi Col. Chas. Lee Jones day resigned bis commission as Adiutant ueucrsii oi tue iutrict oi vommoia ZUUlua. I we s of will M. H. REST1EAUX, NO, 34 NORTH HIGH STREET. ! Columbus, Ohio, . 1:. ." '-'" '..'DEALER IN . . FISE AND BTAPLI OROOKItlES, ' ' , PBODU0, PROVISIONS, JatllTg, , . - 'tlrOVB, M&T.UQOOM, : -w ?,r.t iroODM wiu, ' jlm THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, April 17. TLOU ft receipts of 4,046 bblst market about oenetter wun fair demand: ss-r 13 eoo bbla at as uua jo ror suixrnne itte; as vuota.ju for extra Slate: IS lliiJS IS lor supertlue extra western; SJ5 23 WJ u ior common to medium extra western : M3 SO (or, hlpuiua brands extra Hound Hoop Obio. (Jan adlao flout shade firmer: ealea of 700 Mils at SS mm bib flouH steady at 13 4094 10 for common lo cnoice snpernne. WBIAT recelota of 11.148 knih. Market Utile more steady: eatta of Sfl.miO buihat a 1.20 tor UhlcsKo Spring In store- l,S1.30for Uilwaukle Club; eji.xuior neq state, I, HI lorwnito western. BARLEY dull at 6IKS75. OOBM receipts or 34 640 bnsh; market active and 1 cent netter; sales or et.uoo buin at 07flXo ror old mixed western In store and delivered: GlKO'Ai for tew do at R. R. D. O Aid firm at S430o for western Canadian and Bute. PO BK firm iiles of S00 bbls at 18,2518 SO for mess; f iai a m ior prime. . BKKF qalet and unchanged. Rales of 150 bbls. CUT MKATS-steady. LARD firm: sales or 3001 bbls at OUOtlOt;. BUITEB In fair request at 10jjHo for Ohio and 14 jv ror state CHEErtK steady atflffllOWn for Inferior to orime WHISKY firm and mora actire. isles of SOO blrn t Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 18. General mercantile holiness In nearly all Its branches surrendered to the contemplation md discussion of the oew condition of International relations. The pause leaves everything unchanged ae to prices, for in the ab sence of demand, no one has any occasion to offer stun of an? kind, even at lower prices. vLOUB of the best tirades Is taken bra reeulsr de mand; otber qualities are inactive at 14 2.1 f 84 40 fur euperflne, 4 30 to 91 70 for extra, $4 63 to f 3 for fam ily. WHK4T is offered sparingly at l fer prime Bed There is no market for It, excepting among the millers, and they adhere to a resolution not to piy over 00s, wntie prime nentuony was sola at SJ1 iu Horn, Bye, Oats and Barley are utiobauned in nominal (.notations W11ISKY-IS kept at ViH althoueh an effort was made to sacure an advance to 12c Cin. Com, April 19. Cleveland Market. April 17. The market is very onlet. and wa have no trnn.arflnn. coosequence to report. There is a good demand for wheat for milling, bat there is none coming in. FIOUk tales, in a email way, at $5 23 for good red whsst donble extras, and S8 00 for choice white ditto. WUKAT Red is sesree and in demand at SI (IV .nil white at 1 20. COBN quiet at 34o. Oats quiet at 21o by the car load. POHK-s.les of 43 bbls inspected mess at 910. BUTTIH sales of 6 bbls new roll at 13c. BOOS steady at 939KC. 8KBD8 sales of 50 lm. hat. Clnmul Tin. ill,. quio.a. y JU. ilAUS sale of SOU ft, country Hams at 80. rtHOULnjCKB talee 1.000 lr.aemntrv.cnri tn. BBANS salea in small lot. at 80 and 7.F far pro on. CUJCSaIe of 25 boxei at 9c. April 17. MARRIED, On this (Tharsdty) morning, April 18, at tho resi dence of the bride's father, In this olty, by the Hot. Mr. Goodwin, cf the Congregational Church, Mr, WILLIAM JAMES, of Westchester, Fa., and Mist 8EBILLA . JANNEY,deujbter of John J. .Tanney, Kiq. We acknowledge the receipt of a liberal portion of ths Cake distributed on the occasion of the happy nuptial!, hope the two willing hearts now bouod la "Hymen's silken tie" will enjoy a anion that shall grow more con genial and more sacred by the lapse of tlm e. DIED, In thlt city, on Wednesdsy, April 17th, of consump tion, WILLIAM It. MARTIN, aged 40 years and 7 months. The frlendt and acquaintances of the family are re spectfully invited to attend hit funeral f rem the resi dence of hit father, Thomas Martin, on Oiy street, be tween Fourth and fifth, at 9 o'clock P. M., Friday, April 19th. This morning, of dlsotse of the heart, QEORQE S. Ho- CLKLL AND, aged 23 years and 4 months. Tbe frlendt and acquaintance! of the family are e- spectfully Invited to attend his funeral at Trinity chuich, S o'clock to-morrow afternoon. to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. THE PAHTNEHSHIP HERETO. for existing between the subscribers in thlsci'y nn. the Arm of McKeo k. Bestleauz expired by limitation onus nmoay oi April, icoi. urn. H. Keitleaux, ill oentlnue the business at the same place, No 34 North High street, lie will pay all olalms agalost the firm, collect all the debts, nsing the firm nam for that purpose oniy. JAB. M. Mi-KSB, WM. JJ. KBdTIBATJX. Columbus, O., April 10,1601. I h70 sold to Wm. IT. Reslleaux my interest lo the business of the lata firm of McKea Ac RciU.n. nrf hereby recommend him to the continued faror and eon- naence or the public. JA3. li. McKE B Columbus, O., April 10, 1801. THE IflTJTUAli EIFE IMSUHAKCE COMPANY O NEW YORIC. 8. Wnirox, President. Isaac Aibatt, Secretary. Ret Cash Assets, Febrnarr 1, 18C1, SO.OOO,OS6.74. B1CRZ3T COMPANY III TUB VXITZD STA7TS1 HjAU tha Profit! are divided among the IniuredJII Applications and Pamphlets can be had by applying to FRED'K J. FAY, Ant, Carpenter s Building, 117 8juta Blgn Street. pr aim REMOVAL. 3. X03rlo dk Oo. HAVE HEIVIOVED THEIK OFFICE to th South-west corner of IIIh and Friend Streets, "UP STAIRS," will continue to keep on hands a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. The attention of Merchants and Dealers Is respectful. Invited to our stock. B. DUYLB t Co. arch:ltlllJoly3l. STIAJtl CHITTENDEN . . . HENRY T. CHITTENDEN 8. & H. T. CHITTENDEN, ATTORNEYS' AT LAW. dPOfflcei, 89 William Street, Be York City, and Parsons' Bdildiko, Columbus, Ohio. Uj0refUI attention paid to Collections, april8:dom COPAHTNEUHHIP NOTICE. HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED wl h me, In the Grocery business, II r. ADAM NaUsWINDEtt. Tbe buitneso will hereafter be con ducted tinder the firm name of Divine t Nimwixdsh, at via Diana, no, m nana uign street. a. a. simino. Columbus, April 10, 1801 aprll:dlw Orrici or Colonsoi Oai Liout at CoKt Oo. ( CoLuaaca, Ohio, April 11, 1601. J THE A1V"II7Al.inEGriNO.0F THE iiockholders of ihls Company will he held at their Office. In the City or Columbus, on MONDAY, TUB S.'d Or aP&IL, 1801, at 3 o'clock P. M. apll-dtd. W. 2. HILLS, Becretary. Employment. THE 8TJB8CKIBEH8, DEALING IN a staple) Articles will furnish employment to few active men to act as agents for their house. A preference will be given to those who are well acquaint ed in the district for which they apply. or which nrrioes they are willing to pay a aala ry from $600 to $800 psr year, and Ixpsnsss. For further particulars address W. B. MOBinOUSB At CO. 3 and S, Bxchanis Place, Jan30-d3m. Jersey'Olty, N. J. TEIABTJRI DEPARTMENT Of OHIO,) .OoLoaaua, April i, 1861. J Sarlnesi Sanlc of Cincinnati. ALL, PKK SONS HOLDIISOTHE CIR calatiog Notes of the savings Bank of ClncionsU present the asm at tbis office for rcdsmotion, wheie theywlllbepaldln full. aprt dim A. P.gTOSK.Treaanrorof State. ADVIRT1BBMKNT. Ior the INSTANT BBLIIf and PIRMAN1NT CCBI or th distressing complaint use ENDTH BRONCHIAL CIQAEITTE8, Hade by 0. B. BBTUOUR ft CO., 107 Wasaaa St., M. T. Price 1 per box; sent free by post. BOB iALB AT ALL DBUSQIITI. aro-dtwljia nOHHHTI, HIBBONS TADS, AND AtuuitaB, new styiei.jusi open mov BAIN At ION. ASTEIlA aptUS Ho. M South High street. nf ease give of and and be to I I as on our I SPECIAL NOTICES MANHOOD. HOW I08T, BOW BE8I0SE0, JPBT PUBLISHED. ON TUB sisntg ,. . MJ5NT AND BADIOAL OUBK OF 8PKKU AIORBUKA. or Seminal Weakness. Sexual Dehtlit N.,... voluntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Self-amno, 4to. By Robt. 1. Oulverell, M. D. Sent hi m piaiu uTeiope, to any adilresi.p ust timll n sua a In! a 4w a A l . . m . KUNB, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Odin. Box Ni Kim- naiSI:3Ridfc noiFAi's Lire i'illn. In all oases of oostlveneas, dyspepsia, bullous and lirei amotions, pilot, rheumatism, fevers and amies, oijsti nate bead aches, and all general deranevmenii of hraltti uiwe rius nave invariably proved aecrlalj and s(.ecdj remedy. A tingle trial will place tho Life P,lls twyoid uiereacn oiooropetltion In the estimation of every ua- (lent. Br. Moffat's fhumix Ultters will be found e(Jui.M f flcaeiout in all canes of nervous debility, dyspepsia, head aone, uie siccness Incident to females In delicate hnnlih and every kind of weakness of the digestive orj-ws. For tale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, X15, Broadway, n. Y. Md by all Drutrglsta. mav'-V-IAiirls Tha following is an extract from a letter written by the Key. J, 8. Holme, paster oi the Plerrepoint Street Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.,to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, O. , and speaks volumes Iu favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mks Wiittuiw'i Soot mxe Svarr- ruR Cnn.DRO, TurrHixo: "We see an advertlsroent iu your columns ofjlns IVIHSLOW'S aooTHiNa Sran. Now ..1.1. i in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers that this is no hum hug W HAVKTRtan IT, iXD KIOW IT TO S Ali IT claim. It is probably one uf the most successful medi cines of the day, because It is one ol the best. And th.,ie of your nadert who have babies can't do better than .jr iu. auppiy.- OcfltlydeiW HTONEWELLg For all XII It o r nuu lvku cojiiaurs, tncludlnn; WHUUI'lM; COrjGSI, and every Complaint tho r rerun ner of, and oven nrtunl cmssvmeriox. The (i'rent IVI I lAI. GIC III J1I IIV and al ural tiPIA I i;, udtt-il to every specie of Ner veus Coinnluinh, Icr voua and Chronic Headache, stliet,i,i. Ham, (Jatarrlt, 'l',i, and Ear Ache, l.oas of Sleep, Hiiilllouol Com. plaint. UNIVERSAL COUQII REMEDY. HTONE WELL'S TOLU ANODYNE. No real Justice can be dona thx shore hlVtlT.llnn. but by procurinn and reading descriptive pampnleis.; oo lounu wun an aeaiers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand. Formulae and Trial Dottles sent lo I'livsl cians, who will And developments in both Worthy their acceptance and approval. Correspondetce solicited from all whose necessities oi curiosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Heme dies. ror snle ty the nsual wholesale and retail dealer everywhere. JOHN Iu. IIUIvNEWELL, Proprirto CHEMIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, Ko. 9 Commereial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Bobertj Ac 8amuel, N. D. Marple, J. R. Cook. J. M Denifr, a. Denij? tt Sons, A. J. Schueiier Bon. At-cnls for Columlms, Ohio. myl-dly A MEETING OF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT 62 EAST TOWN STREET, WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! OWING TO THE WAR MHT WF.F.N the Union and the Bunny South, I have ctnclu Jed sell out ALL MY GOODS, EVEN BELOW COST. Tho stock consists of the largest lot ot WHITE GOODS, In the city of Columbus: JACOSETS, CAMBEIC8, a BEILLIANTS, ESaEBAXDAS, HTJLL9, PIAID3. S0IT FINISH CAMBRICS, COlIABS, 1301588, 8KIBT EKA'D, H08IBBY, PINS. BTJIT0XS STJ8PEHDERS, E00K8 ANO EYES, and all kinds of NOTION3 AND SMALL WARES; tneoeai iiuur sti.111 I S in Columbus, end at !he lowttt price, Wlioleaale andllctall. Then, ladles, all, b?!h great and small, Come, (ire mo a oall, And then you'll flud A. M. E. STojtmi Iu all his Glory. A. M. K. STORRIE. Awnt, Bemembor the War I No. 6i Town s.rect. aprll.-d3m Columbus, Ohio 0UBA.T CIHUJ. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND, 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR, Rheumatism, Goat and Keuralgia, AND A SCSI CUBE TOR All Mercurial Diseases. Tt Is a conrenlently arranted Band, containing a mnt. icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without Injury to tha most delicate persons; oo chanse in hab:ts llvine-is required, and it entirely removes iha riia from the system, without producing; the injurious effects atleing from the use of powerful internal meill cines, which weaken and destroy tbe constitution, ar.d temporary re net only, ny mil treatment tne med icinal properties contained in the Baud come in contact with tha blood ai d reach the disease, throu.h ihenor... the skin, effecting In entry instance a perfect cure, restoring the parte afflictid to a heal by condition. This Bndlaalsoamo,tpgerful Arm kltacoaiAL asent, will entirely relieve tha system Irom tn pernicious cuccii ui oivrcury. aioueraio cases are currd In a few davs, ai d wa are constantly receiving tf stimoLlals of its Uicacy in agiravated rf loi.g standing. Fate t iM, to he had of Druggists (.ei.erally, or cm sent by null or express, with full dlreo.ions for il l. any part of the country, direct from the Office, No. 409 BBOATJWAY, Hew Yoik. G. SMITH & CO.. Sole Proprietors N. S. Descriptive Circulars Bant Free. KJ Arc lit! Wanted ETeiyMrliPr. mli23 lylsorlstp dtw r FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. HOSE'S. AGAIN OFFER TO THE fl DLIC an entire new stock of Gooda In my line, Junt porch, In New York at the cheapest panic rates, at- ol which shall sell at the smallest profits, for Cash. Uy ru.toru ersand frltruli are respectfully invited tocalind exam ine my Goods and Pilcee. as I am determined to tell as cheap or cheaper than any other house In the oily; and I do my own Cutting, and superintend mv own l u.l ness, I feel assured, fnm my long experience in busi ness, to give general satlslaction. The finest of work men are emp'oyed, aud all work done strictly to time a jd short notice, and warranted to fli Btraopets visiting city would c msult tbelr Interest by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere. t. IttiSK, Merchant Tailor, marchSO-dly Cor III,k aud Town sis. WM, KNABE & CO., AT THFIK NKW SALHt-fTtewa ROOM,m. ISO BAirJfO6T, nun. i, s, a ana i n. Jtui Avr sitii, Offer for sale their celebrated. GOLDEN MEDAL, GRAND ANDSQaRE PIANO-FORTES. Being highly recommended by tha first ProfVfsora aad Musical Amateur! ot the country, and BTBBT INBTRCMENT WARBANTBD FOB FIVBYCARB. Tha most fkatldions customer may rely apon beini pleased in every respect. . Terms liberal. Wat KNABB Jt CO. BHLTZBR k WIB8TBB. Ageota, 0ct26:lidW. ' Oolumhae. Ohio. a aw awn riGDKED I1LAK DKSsS RILES, of evsrv grade. Tlx most select assortment In the cliy, and at most reasonable rates. VAIN At BON. Bo, 80 Souih Ulsh etreet DO li in cf it pi:u-e hair an be the the mail 81 of IX tea apriis Dr. J. JL McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood PURIFIER- The Ureatoat Kemedy In Vise Merles AND IB1 MOST DKliaOTJS Atrn 'j DELIGHTFUL UUHDIAL EVER TaREN. IT1SSTHICT. ly a acientiSo and Vegetable Oompound, procured by the dlatil Ltion of Roots. Herbs) and Barks, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, 8ruparilla, 97 I I d Uherry Bark and Dsn-, delion enters Into Its' Mm Taklnjiire active' medw After Taking. principle of each Ingredient la thoroughly extracted by my new method of distilling. nrodado.. Aelleiaiu. sv bilerating spirit, and the most INFALLIIiLB remedy for renovating the diseased system, and reaioring he sick, ulTerlnr and debilitated INVALID to HKALTn .nA 8TKENOTU. flcLEAN'M RTHF-NflTHENINO COM. DIAL Will effectually sers - LIVBR COMPLAINT. UYHPHPBIA, JATJNDIOB Chronic or Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kldnen. and all diseases arislug from a diaonierej l iver or 8 torn ach, Dysricpsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Aclditv or 8lck nets or the Htomach, Fuilneaa of Blood to the Head, Dull pain or swimming in the bead. Palt-.tatlOD of the Hear! fullness Or Weight In the Htoraaeh. Ronr rorttLin. Choking or luffooatlng feeling when lying down, Drvness or Yellowness of tbe In and Kyes. Night Sweoia, In ward Fevers, Pain In the small of lis back, chert or side. Sudden Flui-hes of Heat, Depression of Spirits, FribUol D reams. Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Bores or Blotches on the Klein, .ni .ml An fn Ohillsand Fever.) Over a Million of uottlei Have been sold durlue the last alx months and In nn In. stance has tt failed io giving entire aatlsfactlcn Who, uicu. wm uurririm nnaKieao or ueutiity wnen Slo LKAN'B BTllKNOTIIENINQ CORDIAL will caie youT No lauiruaee can convev an adeuu ite Idea of tha imm dlate anil almost miraculous chauge produced by taking una uorniai in tne mseasen, artitiiuitod and shattered nervous s.vstem, whejier broken down by excess, weakbv nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstruris oiganlratirm is restored to its priatii.e health and vipor. irlAltlllED fEnSOKSI, Or others conscious of inability, from whatever cause, will flnd McLeans rkninglheoing ConlUI a thorouh regenerator of the systems and all who may bave injured themselves by improper Indulgences, will And in the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. To the L,adlos. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy cure for -N CI I I E JV T COJI S B n PT IOK , W II IT K.S Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of t'rine or Involuutsry Discharge thereof. Falling of Die Womb, aidiliness. Fainting and all Diaeaaea moMne t Females. There Is no Mistake Ibont it. Buffer no longer. Take It according to Directions. It "ill stimulate, strengthen and invigorate you and cause 'he bloom of health to mount your cheek airalu. livery bottle la warranted lo give satisfaction I'OK CHIKDHEIf. If your children are sickly. puny,or alilicted. Mi-Lean 's Cordial will make them healthy, fat and rbu,t. Delay Dtt a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Caotiiiii. Beirare of Drugirlsticr Dealer! who may try to palm upon you some Hitter or clarsaparil la trasi-. which they can buycheap, bysayioi it Is just as good. Avoid turn men. Aek lor McLean's StreugthenlngCor d.jl, and take nnlhingrlse It Is the only remedy that will purify the Mood thoroughly and at the same tiu , strengthen the system. One tabkspoonful taken every Doming fasting. Is a ccrlaio preventive of Cholera, Chilis and Fever, Yellow Fever, ur auy prevalent diseases. Ills put up in larce bottles. Frirc oniy II per bottle, or Chotlles fort. J. II. McLEAN, Pole Proprietor of this Cordial. Also McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment. Principal lJep it on th; corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Louis. Mo. Mr-Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. tne bed Llnlrcent in the World. The only safe aud scrtilu cure for Cancers, Piles, Swellings and nron chitis, or Goitre. l'aralaia, Neuralgia, Weakness of ih? Muscles, Curonlo or Inll-unmatory Kheumalism, Bt'irT d.;m of the Joints, oontrnctcd Uuscles or Ligaments Karache or Toothache, bruites. Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Cuts, Ulcers, Fever fores, Oaked breast Bore Nipples, Hums. rbi, Bore Tboat, or any Infiammation ur Fain, noitiffe:on how severe, cr bo long the disease mav have existed. KcLean's Celebrated Llnimont is a ,r tan remedy. Thousand! of human oelnrs have been saved a llfn cl dexrepitu-ie and misery by the use of this invaluable mod cine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, and it wil cleanse, purify acd heal Uie foulest sores in an incre.ll ly short time. For Horse and Oilier Aulniale. Mrtecji a oelehrated Liniment Is the only safe and re lul.le remedy fur the cure of Spavin, Ring Bono, Wind galls. Splints, Dnnrttuml Burope, Nodes or Swellings. It will never fail to cure Big Ucad, Poll Evil, Fistula. Old running Bores or Bwecny, If properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Bores or Wounds, Onrked Heels, Chafes, Bad-lie or Collar Oalls it la an infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, and a cure ut certain io every instance. Then trifle no longer with tho many worthless Lini ments offered to you. Obtain a supply ,f Dr. klcLeso'e celebrated Liniment. It will cure you. J. II. ItlcLivAN Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third aud fine Streets, 8t. Louis, ato Tor sale by all diurKlrta. For rale by UOPEIiTB At B AMTJKL. augW-d&wlj Columbus. Ohio 1)0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? : YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIUGHAM'S ClLKBitATED StimnlatingODpcnt, For tho Whiskers and Hair The subscribers take nieaeura In annonnclna- o the Citizens ol tho United 8tat,s, that they have obtained the Aieoey (or, and are ow enabled lo odor to Uie Airerioui public, the aliovo Juatly celebrated aud world-renowned article. The STIMULATING 0NGUENT fircrorcd by Da. C. P. BELLINGIIAM. an emluent physician of Loudon, and Is warranted to bring out a linen set oi Whiskers or a Mnstachc from three to six weeks. This article is tha onlv one the kind used by Uie French, and in London and Taris is in universal as-. It is a beautilul, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as If by mbgic Oi0Q the root! causing aheiuilful grown of uxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure e.Luxirts, and cause to spring up In ottne nam spou a One growtb of now nair. ap plied according to oircctioua, it will turn or Towr dark, and restore gray lair to ita orlnlnal color, leatiug it soft, smooth, aud flexIMe. Tha "Cmouiit" is indispensable article In every gentleman '! toilet, and alter oca week's use they would not forany oousideralloa without It. The subecrioera an the only Agents for tha article la United Btatea. to wh m ail orders must be addressed. Priee Olo Dollar a box for sale by all Druggist! and Dealers; or a box of the "i nguect" (warranted to hsve) dra-red edecO will be sent to any who desire) It, by (direct), stcurely pscked. on rectlpt of pries and posugu, (1.18. Apply to or address IIOKACK L. nKOEMAN St CO., nauooirra, Slo , feb3illtnm SI William Btreet, New-York. TRAVELLERS! 711ES joo go to New York, drve direct to the tltlTklUrIAM IIOISF, BROADWAY, COHNEft OF HOUSTON STEKT, Conductsdog the J EUROPKAN-rtAN. Onrd Fare, Good Kmms, Prompt Attendance, and UodV eraw Charges. ' , ; . . NO LB ROOMS SO CIS. 71 CTS- and II TIE SAT. POUBLI ROOMS aud PARLORS $l,5 to 3. Mesh as ordered. This Hotel bas all tha appointment! the best hotels, a most central Iccatlon, and la heated throughout by steam. SAMUEL Jf . MBAD. BiaichStl3m Proprietor. GUERNSEY'S BALM nEJIOVFS A N 11 I'MEVKNTS IN" lammation and rata, and heals tbe worst barn. Id, bruise, cut, or fresh wound of any kind, i reveota swelling and pain from be stings, asofioito biles, and poisenous plauta, neuralgia, rheumatism, ague In the .S" oreaat, salt rhsum. Mo, Wheu liken internally, It Will positively cure croup In children, and givea iinanedtsle) relief In Uie worst east of this terrible complaint; also, remove! hoarseness and son IbroAU Price, t!5 eents a Dottle, tthould h in every house. For sale by Druif flslaand Btoreki.ers. , IRYIN HTii.n a, Bole rroprtetor, no. I Bpraos St., (tew sura cMdkwlf ii ..... ff tTt i'ii S