Newspaper Page Text
UABDWAnE STORE WM. A. G-ILL, No. 30 North High Street, Out of the Large it ana Beit Selected Assert Of BVBR OFFERED IN THIS C1TYI Hense Builders' Furnishings Of BVERY BTYLB AND QUALITY. reach & American Window GrlS3 ! FAINTS GROUND IS OIL, aad pat up la half pound cam (or family me, and Dry Paint In talk. Brushes of every variety & quality. ; A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, &c. GUNS, PISTCLS, SHOT, ic. FISHING TACKLE. ROrL it CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, oto., SCALES, CELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 (specially invite the attention of all Interested to my itock of Pocket aod Table Cutlery, and KII,VEK F1.ATCD I 0HRS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoen3, Butter Knives, fcc., of ROGERRa t BRO'B. Manufacture, warranted to be x tribe try, Electro Plated, on genuine Albatta. Country Merchant!, Mechanics, and other, are Invited to call and examine my Stock, u I am prepared to fr.U Wholesale and Retail. U M . A . li I L L.. Co)umbue, Ohio, May 8, 1SC0. Wholesale and Ketail Depot for FAMILY CaOCEMES, No. 106 South High street wm. Mcdonald, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, IN ALL ti:eir varieties. nail Arrival of Good For the Fall and Winter Trade Of .1860-G1. TXJuli'!MNlxosl.'kCEK:TIAKs TO THK Pl'BtilO for past favr.ra and pjtron- aee, and being n-.ii'aaai iu i .- , continence of nme by alrict nttcntlou le trade, and prompt delivery cf ooiU, Iwoold eall the notice of the public to tho fact that having Laige and well Selected Stock on hand, and being in'daily receipt of goods from the differ ent marketa, I flatter myaelf tint I tan offer to the dtl teniof Colnmbm, or to ay who may daire to purclaae. an aaeortment of arttclet .pperUlning to the OROCEilY bade, CNEtlUALKU by anyhiuse In the city. The price and quality of the goodi offered, iRunr. ante to Rive atlvfaction. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. WM. McDOSALD. Baltimore Clothing House, Murnracrrami aim wnoustJi ntiitxa READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W. Baltimore-street, (irrwmii unTT am eowaIid,) BALTinURE) IMd. A Lug Aiiortment ol Plcta and FnrntthlDg eoodi Conitantly on Hand OetBMly William i.- Olll COLCITIBCS, OHIO) AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE Anrl Seed Store, EKaXIK IK GENERAL HARDWARE, HAttS, GLASS, BASH, PTTTY, CORD AG I, Ma( pinole, Woea SWIHow Ware, lather and Cobber BelUsf, lace Leather, Ho is4 Paekli. ' 8. DOYLE & GO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES, Southeast Corner of High and Gay 8:a., No. DO, ror.rrnuus OHIO. UA larjr Stock of floe and Staple floodi on hand." y31-dtl SUNDRIES. TACIOCU, Arrow Root, tlcotch Oat Jleil P ARINAt Dago Rice flour Pearl Barley CrackedYVbeat split Peal Luoooiuto Coco Rroma, eto. Soda P ranee Preth Tom atom Ore an Tartar, tlge geedlew Daiilnt Peacnea Green Corn Freth Caon'd finite at every deecrlpllen; Jellies of all ktndi; flavoring Xxtnurta of all klr le. , Gam Drops; Mixed Candies; Almonds. Filberts, Peoon Nuts, Knelish Walnuts, Braxll Kuti.etc, BC47 wm Mcdonald. E- TiTCOLUSTER, -Varnoleaala and Ue tall Dealer la . . . m.Wttit d rtm s Tin TOUACtU, MVJtr .uuAiis No. S3 Fifth, Btreet. PJT 'SBUUdjI, Pa, Importod Olstvro- Oct. nd ' I laces and Embroideries, VALKNCIEWFS.inSLTFRrdtrOINT Lace Collars and Betts. rneh, Puiheraad lhread Lao Yells (new patterns.) Valenclenes, Tlirrad and Point Laces, irebroldered Collars, Setts, Tflmmtnire and Bklrte. Laos Barnes and Coiffures. Plain Linen Collars, Setts and Cutis, Kmbroldered Ooltars and Cuffs In Fetts. UAIN tk pOi1, UhX No. 29, BoaUi Utgh Btreet. 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I ,.,.,.., .a, u. e'j RAILROAD. Connecting at Crestline with Ihe PITTSBURGH, IT. WAYNE fc CfllOAQO RAILROAD for riUiburgh, fkUadJpMa and Mainmort. Mto for Fort W.tyne and Chioigo. Connecting at Cleveland with the LAKE 8H0RK RAIL ROAD For Diinttirk, Itnr'nlo, Albany, Boi- loss, Hiiu nw luiit, THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXCEFT SUNDAY, From Columbui, In omnectlon with Tralnion the LITTLE" in I Hit AN COI.IJMUUS AM II IILHUAUS, FIRST TRAIN. NTfiriT eyptiE .-Lnres Columbus at 3.40 A. M will leave passmiiers at all stations south of Oall n, stop at leiaare. Aihlry. Cardinvt m anil Oil' d. and at all stations nnrlli uf rtvlon. arriving at Olevelend at(M3A. M., Dunkirk 3::'5 I'. M Buflalo 5851'. M. Ailauiy 5:i ..!.. New or II :3" A. ai.. owu d ti vi. f,H.ii,., a-jo P. M . Philadel phia 5:10 A. M. Chlraiovi. Ureal Hue at 8-i0 P. M. PKl OND TRAIN. NEW YORK EXItm. Lmn Columb'ie at 11:10 m. Will atnn at Lewis reiitre. Delaware, uarumirwn, Oallm Crejtliuc, clielbi, New l,o Hon, Wellington and OfHfion, arrive at Cltvc'Hnd at 2:35 p. m.i Dunkirk, n Wl p. m., HulTalo, liitvjp m ; Aimny, r.u. m , n.-v.i. Ban,,, u,.: it s..n.s:40p. ..: Pittsburgh, .,. rntlliiv. 6:20 ii. ci.: rii-lailelphla. 10 a. m . Oon- nentaat helbv fur nil iioiiiH on Bauiiu.-ty, aiaasuim Kewtrfc R. nurtb. of i-liulby. THIltU TRAIN. mti a vn Arrmi von aTtuN Leaves Columbui at3i0p m. Will it.? Mali stathns South of S'lelhy, anil at Near London. Rochester, rtellinston, Grafton, and Derea; arrive at :ieel.m ai w:iu p ra.i a.uuii, '.'50 a. in.: Buua', 4:?0.. m.: Albmy, 3 3U p. m.i New York. 0:?fln m.i liuhivn. ll:lp m.: Pl;tsbiirgh,efa n.,i;..i, u, o-iOo. m.i Pbil.i.lL'L.hi-i. S:15 P. m., Con- .,, mi.. i. r..r (.it m.ii.ti riti :iullusl:v. Maniueld a( Newark Railroad. Patent Sloepinj Can aro raa cn all Nijjrit Trains to CCicago, now York and Boston. luTjaa Circled Through Xoo Yirk and Bothn .Veto lWttla Crebt tm. RETURNING. Nlfht ExrrtM arrives i.t Columbus at. .. 11:15 P. J. Cincinnati kx,ros3 " " " 'H'i o M Aocommodatluu. ' 8:10 P. M. Faro n Low ns by any other Koute. Ak far Tick ti via Crutlincor Cleveland. 2. f. FLINT, r urcrir.tcn-.lcut, Cleveland, Ohio. J AAlEi PAITr.R?0S, Ajrent, Columbui, Ohio, Columlui, April 13, 1?31. CENTRAL OHIO R. Between Co'umbus & 'Wheciing, CONNECTING TIA BELL AIRE AND WHEELING WITH THE BALTIMORE & OHIO JL Re, AND VIA Bellaire and Pittsburgh wiruTita Peansylvaain Central R- R., ron Buoton, New Yoik, rbilidJiihla, Biltluioro, WacVmgton City, PitUburgh, aud nil Btstoro Citicei. NO. 1 i:?ltE;s Leaves CuluraVn, at3"0 a. II.; it ps at all stations eait of earl: when lifrni'led. Arriv-a at Newark at e.30 A. i .n..t ,i! at i, tin A. M.. Iljlhire at W M A. &! connect nir with li e ilaltimore t Ohio U. K., and via Pitltbur;h with I'tinn-ylvanu It. It, lor Bit Ciwern cihoj. NO. 2 EXmES3 Leaves Columtui at 11:13 A. M.; stops at all stations when signalled. Arrive! at Kearn at A. ai., Zuirsviileat 8:04 r. M ; Bellaire at B:10 V. M., eon-;c.i:- Viih i., iiuit'inmie t uh.o U. 11. for all eaitern cUe'fc" " " ' ' NO. 41 rXPRESS Leaves Colurolius at 3: 10 P. M.J st". it all itationswhen siirnalled. Arrive, at -M-wjrit i . r. .aiir.iui ati.10 l'. ?J.. r. lljire at MS I. M.. cinnecing via Pittsljurh wilh the i'ennjj lvji.u it. J. lor an eaitern cities. Thii Rtute eff.-ra Ihj ADVAVTAOn rf a Thmufh t:.Ti,.; ...i it,-. Check to WASIUSOrON CITY, awl also Rivcs'iiie Pas ten per tho privilege of viitiiif UAL VIMOKIc, rillij.M.r.ljri!iaa'u i''im ,s. r..t nr Ncw-Ynrk ticket alone: or the privilege of visiting ail of the principal t-BAUOARU CITIES at the coat ol a B')STUN Ticket alone, via oilier Routes. Through Ticket, to n kwiuhiv can w yiwuitu ,i. WASUISGT0S CITY, at an additunal expente ol 8. Time as Quick and Fare as Low As on other Kout-.s. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. AeK I0R TICKETS VIA Columbii anil Hcllniro or Wheeling. jso. w. itrtowx, pr, 3 Gta. 'HckU Agent. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CHEAT NATIONAL ROUTE. TEH in I NAT tin AT WASHINGTON n,l Rliiinoroon the and W heeling, Benwood and Parkcrshiirprn the whiehplicei It unites with Railruails. ateaiucrs, fcc, mr anu irom an puiuu in the West, Sontli-ct and NortU-'rtett THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. This Is the only route to Washington City. Paasenpersby this route can visit Baltimore, Phila delphia. New Voik r.n tir.Uin. at the cost of a ticket to Boston alone hy other lines. 'i'broniih tickets to the Eastern e.ties can be procured via WuhioKton oily at an additional charge of twodol- '" , u.aA iTttrnis to am. NianT TaaiKS. Timtat quirt and art at hit at via any other "inquire for tlcaets vlaRs-ttimore and Ohio Rtllroad at any of the principal tiailrail ottices in Hie West, .1.11 BL'I.MVAS(,Uen'l Western Agent, liutniRs, Ohio. L. K. COf.K, flenenl Ticket Ajrent, w. v. k !i vii. Afjiater Transnortation. .tofi-if. llALTiHoai, Ud, IMPORTED GOODS. Jrrr nt;iivr.i 20 caies Italian oil, llartiin & Co., for table use. Vn.r.rh Unrtard. favorite hrandsi ft 4 Boned Bardines thu IlKBT Sardiaei lmp'td of Capers and Olives. Table fauces "Lea Perrln's Worcester shire." ''oyer's guliana," "John Hull,'1 "Harvey," "lleailiiig." Walnut mid Tomato Calsun 10 15 do. Crrsa It BiarkwaU's celehrite.l Rngllsb Pickiea, consisting or "uauiiuower,' "i-i- ealili." Chow-Uhow." "Walnut," 'On km," "Caliia-e,"' "Ueaas," ''Gh-rk's" M x riekles. 50 ' London Porter lUO " CRnipbeH's celebrated Scotch Ale. (I cssev Ginger l'rcrerves. SUboxssltailin Macaroni ond Vermacilla. 8 grons Cox's (lelatir.e. Coleman's celurnteil English MuiUrd, in kegl, boxes cans and bottles. no,i7 ww. Mcdonald. ii-jo'UXi.-A.ia'orj. JOCT H WEEKIX2, i tif.NT FOtt i:OMK, CONTINENTAL. i. MaHHATTSX, t'C I KIT, SI (I IKVINO SIRS 1SS. HO. Nxr Yohk; MaRciiaaTu' and City Kiaa or UiRTrcaa iitw VciaaLirsand Ciian. Mutual Lira. Offices 81 Ifljrh t KaTOKclai 111 eb7-dl Alexandre's Kid Gloves. : Tst.AI-V AND EiUBKOIBEIIBP. BIOUB L Ql'KTAIHlfi and reaulKr ihape B'nck Kid Gloves, erabroilf red in wliite. mnirenta. purple. Ate. Undressed Kid Gloves. Misses Rid Gloves. A complete assortment of Iheie eelctirilcd (llovei always lor sale by UAIN at SON, fcUOQ No. 29 South High street, Canton Mattinga.. f,4s 0-4 Vt'htie and lied and 4- While Cheeked i.f in; eiluronilliy. For sale by .. BAIN BUS. ahS3 fco.liil South Hlih St. Co-Partnership. , II WE Till! P AY ADMITTED Mir imM ADilKRBAlS as partner In my bust- I n,n nhiohwill hcreafier he conducted nndertiie firm rtitaifcBM. r. bait. 0B,n u& l OHIO STATE3LIAN SIIIF1 II HOUBB, Nos. 36, 38 & 40. North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES i HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE i Greatly 33nl?ucffo3 JBX BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH H AVIS BJSJSJM REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c I ROM TUB CELEBBATED I0CKDBY Of C. T. WHITE & CO., NEW YORK, THTJ8 MAKING IT Tni Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am now prepared to Extents aU Orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING,-.-WITH DISPATCH! And In ths Most Approved Style of the Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAH) TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD rniNT i in o-. Blllsj of Lading, Circular, Ulll lleada, Blanks), Deeds, Certificates, Uecelpts, l)raf Ticltcts, Mesrlsters, HOW CARDS & BILLS LN COLORS, CHECKS, NOTES, CABDS, ENVELOPES, HEADINGS, C05TBACTB, Illnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Ellis, Hand Bills, Labels, Concert Fro grammes, School and College Schemes, Ho tel BilU of Ears, Invitations, as, Boon Worls. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION School and Colloge Catalogues, MisceUaneons Pamphlets, Constitutions, Beports, Briefs, as Printing in Gold and Colon POSTE "R. S Printed in Ever Color on a Mammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Press of ths kind In Central Ohio. My facilities for doing any and all of the above descrip tions of work, are now unsurpassed, and satisfaction will be guaranteed In all cases. TrT-AU work furnished promptly by the Urns promised. RICHARD NatVINS. TiECOinfWDID BT TUB LAT1 SIR ASTLEY COOPER, or lownow, awo DR. VALENTINE MOTT or ttiw TORS, The acknorwladgad Heads of the Frcdeseloa la ettasi Hemisphere.' The beet Dinretio, Tonio, and InvigorasL The Flneat Extract of the ITALIAN JUNIFEB B&BV. The rorest and Most Costly Gin Ex tant. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, INCOMPARABLE FOB THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bale, Pints ?nd Quart, by every Druggist, o-rocer, or country juercuant. LOOK OUT FOB BOGUS "CONDON GINS. THE ONLY OEITUINH ABTIuLI IS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 91 Liberty St., mow YOKH. Bold in Colnmbui by . McKER t KISTHAPX, . ; ; Wholesaloand Retail Grocers, Stalesman Building. 0. A. WAGNER. and others. In Cincinnati, by 8CIRB, ECKSTEIN sY CO., oeflC-deodAlyw andethen.. HUNNE WELL'S UNIVERSAL . COUGH REaiEDY. B i . For all Throat and Lang Complaint. Ineludng, with most perfect results, Wboofuib Cocon, Onaoaio An Ookmoh Corons, Brohcitial akd TaaoAT Cost vla nm always forerunners of Consumption. AS a BooTtitr. BvRrr It has no superior. Vroed from all Opiate or Emetic properties, maybe nsed by most delicate consti tutions, and with perfect confidence. IIUNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED . TOLU ANODYNE. In Gatvrm NaTnaai, OriATS ever offered to the world, containing not a particle of Opium, nor any sub stance but Its strictly vegetable and medical properties. A sure Remedy tor tisraateu, Riishjbatisii, Ooct, Tooth arc Ear Acna, Catarrh, Boss OA Has Tivia, and all minor Neivons Complaint. foa Loss or Btnr, and Headache ta an its varieties, It has no eqnal. and to which most andoubted teetmonl als are offered. . , . .(IH liBljIKl.lH I. I. . MMvmm yv. oa Bowax Coaruim. after remorlnr the pain It nets . . . . a av lit. eliaa luinal li-iaa. it ft pnyilo, man impoTiauw wninii wiui wm wwy- AO rnyviciani, iwdiiiub .uu ww..v. - . aad to Dealer or Invalid a dtacrlptlv pamplilet wllh jut . . it . . poiurvsiamp. Prepared under the special supervision of J OH!. E UJKIHEWltif ' '' . cbrmust Ann sua rmacsd Tier, : . No 8CommsreJal Wharf, Boston; Mass To whom please direet all eomawreicatlons. . Prices Lara. Cough Remedy, SO cents per bottle. Pm.ll " Xj x- Tolu Anodyne, to For sat by the usual wholesale and retail dealers, ROHKRTB s FUMUKL, M. B. MARPB, . JOUN R. COOK, sa- "snlui ' tl. DENIGSt SONS, ,A. J. 80IHJELL11R Sr. BON, . . ...a rulnrnhn. 1 1 V. in snayw-wiy I.ANCY PKEM SI LKS ' IANCY DBRCB BILKB, IANCY PHE8S BILKB, We are now offortns our Immense stock of fancy Dress pi 1KB at pncsai less man wv.r peiurw- . - . The altenUon of the lAdtes of tht etty sme) wtcteity Is fradesooodUiUiisUn.. BovKt , No. W lontlj High street. filip NEW ABB1VAIS . 1 .' t (', OF AT KNAPP 8c OO.'S, 119 South High Street, oct2S-2awd-ifcwflm THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HATMa A OIBOCLATIOS " LASGSB BY SEVER Al TH0TJSA5D3 than any other paper In Ohio, outside of OlndnnaU Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT IAIL to brine Speedy and Kemnneratlwe Betnrn ' ' To those who take advantage sf thsm. THE WEEHLY BTATB-31VLA.N, Distributed as It Is through every Post Office In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage Is valuable, and who seldom see the Dally Editions of city Journals; and as only A Limited Bomber of Advertisements Are Inserted In Its columns, appoprlaUIy and HAD$0MEIV WSPUVEO! THST CAJMOT ran. TO Attract AttouLtlon. , ' Of ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising la the WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin It sdvsntsgous la THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which is almost certain to follow aa ax tensive dismals . . atlon - - knowledge of their boslntss AM053 COTJISTEY DEALEES I 7 ADVBRTISBMXNIS INTENDED FOB The "Weekly Statesman Should bs handed In fcetore Iriday noon. The Court of Common Pleas, Franklin Conn ; ty Ohio, Sarah J. Walton ) ... vs. Sals In ParUUon. Lnelnda Walton st al.) TM PIT It SCARCE OF ATf ORDER OF X the said Court to me dinetsd. I will offer for sale at public auction, at the door of the court House, la the city of uoinmous, oa - Tuesday, May 7th, 18C1, ths following described real estate, situate la Norwich township, Franklin oeuniy, unto, s wit; Part of the W. B. Benneld survey. No. SM, bounded aa follows: Beginning at a stons In the road leading from Columbus to Dublin; being the soul h-eaatsrly corn i lot No; on, la the survey in prootedings In partition to Michael Walton; thence with the south line or said lot No. 1,8. (5 degree W. 149 pole, to a stons south west erly eorn.r to said lot; thence with the westerly lis tusrweV N. 7 eetiwas ST. 31 80-100 pel 4o a stone, north westerly corner of said let, and earner to. land be longing to the heir of Apollo Rogers; theno with their line N. 17X degrees W. 40 pole to a stake, another cor ner to said heirs' land; theno with another of their lines 8. M degree, W. 3blM poise to a (take and stone In the original wast line of the surrey, and south-west comer to said heir's land! thence with the original line of said sur vey, B. 43 degree 30 mtnutes.E. 71 poles to a stone. north easterlyeorner to a tract of land or two hundred acre conveyed by Abner Olspp and wife by deed, dated Aug. 57, ld3j; thence with hi line SI. 61 degrees, 1. 101 polss to e'itone,snother corner of said Clasp's land;ihnoo with another of his lines 8. 97 denes, . 1460 100 pole to another corner of said Olspp land; thence with another of his lines N . 63 degress at. 146 poles to a stons another of isid Clepp's corners; theno with another of hi lines 1. !7 degrees 1. 19 pole to a stone, another of aavd Olapp's eornsrs; thence with soother of his llnee N. 63 desreee B. 91 poles to a stone, north easterly eoracrto saldOUpp's land) thnes N. 06 degree W. pelts aod 14 links; thence N. 11 degrees W., following the Dublin Road eeventy-elght pole to the begin ning, containing 971 acres, be toe same snore or lss; and also. In the same eurvey; 644, and enjoining the above described traot, another tract of 3 33-lM acres, bounded a follows: beginning at a stone south-easterly oorner to the above described trees, theno N. 601st 1. 11 poise end 6 link to a stone In ths Dublin Road from whloh a eheiry tne 90 Inches In diamstsr, beers W. 34X degree B. 69 link, thjno N. l degree U. 17 poles and 18 Una to a post, from which a wslnut 19 inches in dlsmoUr bears B. 46J de grees B. 8 linkedistant, thence M. 97 degrees W. S poles and 91 links t a stone In the south line of Henry Mo Oracken's land; theno 8. TiH degree. W. 98 poles and S link to a post In the Dublin Road, 8. B. eornr to as ,(iw. UnJ- ihanaa a. 10 decrees M. 99 poles and 19 links to poet, theno 8. 09 degree M, 0 poles ann iu hois lotos Degiumni. . ,. . Excepting from laid tw tracts! the following deeerlbrt part thereof, heretofore set off to BlUabsth Armlstead, described as follows! OommonolBg at lb south-oaat oor narof at Ichael Walton's land aboee mentioned; thence south with lb Dublin toad 8 reds; bno wooterly on a line parallel with the said Michael Walton'e erathllne 1. 62degrees 19 mlnatee W. 94 poles; Ihsmoe M. 17 de grees 30 mlnutss W. 6970100 nole; then N. M de groes 71 60-100 rods; 17 agrees I htes Best 40 SO-100 poles; thence 8. 97 degree B. 99 SO-lUO poles; thene N. 69 degrees mlnnte B. 149 poles to the beginning, oontaioiDg lortr oere. The property to be sold aa an entire tract, estimated at tw bandied and forty aores, and appraised at IW) per acre. Tsrris or Sal.. Or third tn band ea daw of sale, balanoslaoMaadtweyeer from day ef sale, with la ,... soared bytpa,. "pii;i8r.ivwtw. , . - Bn,riff' SFW AI Bl liK en 5 r I a hi GO o w SB M O o m s 1T7I INVITE ATTENTION to some of the saost txr traorainary cures oy my ,.- PECTORAL SYRUP. WAS a. .HW MHA MfltA It.. AaH III. Ml hi DB. KETfER 18 PRKPAKID AT ANT TIME To EXAMINB LUNGS WITHOUT CHARGEj VOB ALL TUOBB WHO NEED HIS MEDICINES. ATTEND TO TOUR COLDS A ease of five years' landing cured by DR. KEXSBR'B PBOTOBAL BYKUP. PtTTsscaoH, Jan. 11, I860. Da. KxTsnt : My wife has been afflicted with a bad eough and difficulty of breathing, for five or Biz year, which, for several years back, had gradually Increased In violence. I be complaint has been hereditary, and she had been treated by several physicians without any re lief. In this state of her oase, I procured some of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the first time, fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I then oalled aod got e dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and sh has now no trace of the former disease, except weak ness. I would also state that I nsed the medicine my self to a cold and congh. The medicine cored me by tak lng one dose I express my entire satisfaction with the medicine, and you are at liberty to publish this if you dsslre to do so. . WM. WILBON, Alderman fifth Ward. PiTTsstraes, Not. 18, 1858. Da. Kivixr : Although not aa advocate of Patent Medicii.ei, in general, It affords m pleteor Indeeeriba ble to recommend your Pectoral Byrup. As a medicine It Is well worthy the attention of any person who may in any manner be afflicted with ooughe, colds and hoarseness of any bind, and for the peculiar qualifications for re moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a se vere cold. I have been, more or less, In my life, affected with the severest of colds and hoarseness. At times my throat would become soelosed aa to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few doses of the above Byrup it would relieve me entirely . In lecommendin, this medicine, I must unhesitatingly say that it is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to ours the above, nor should any family be without thil remedy for diseases so prevalent. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD J. JONES, Cashier Cltlxens' Deposit Bank.,0., March 14, 1R59. I have used Dr. Keyser's Congh Byrup for a bad eough of several years standing, and can cheerfully say it Is the best medicine for the sam mat i save ever tanen. 3. W. PBIOB. COL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL BYRUP. Da. Kevier Dear Sir: Excuse th delay of my acknowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Oougb Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure in saying that It is all you say it is. Jtknoektdthtnoittouto my eough and the worst one I was ever afflicted with: I nave not nsl more than one-half of th bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would give it as fair a trial u I have done, and they will be proud to say, "It Is no quack medicine." I would not suffer another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than lever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my name In this regard, as you mink proper, a. r. i-uaxi. aieieenger uommon vouncu, rutsourgu, ra. Pittsburgh, May 11, 1059. N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-cltlaens, and Who entertain doubts can consult me personally. at. . r. Pittsborob, April 84, 1857. READ THE TRUTH. Da. Kxvsxa: I have a daugh ter who has taken several medicines for a bad eough, without benefit among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from yon a bottle of your PEOTOHAL BYRUP, and before she had nsed half a bottle she was relieved. The second bottle cured her entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIN, Robinson street, Allegheny. PiTTSBcaoH, December, 31, 1853. A GREAT CURB BY DR. KEYBER'B rBOTORAL BYRUP. I live in Peebles township, Allegheny county. I had a coughing and spitting, whloh commenced aoout the 4th of February last, and oonllnued eight month. I emnlnved the best Dbrsicians in th country, and my cough continued unabated until early In October. At that time I was sarisca to try your rauivaaa uvuun 8 YBUP, which I did, and after I had taken one bottle I waa entirely free from the oooghing and spitting. I had despaired of ever getting well, and I think It should be known that this valuable remedy will do for others what it has done in my case. JOHN 0. LITTLE, Witness B. M. Kma. Peebles townhlp. Pattoh Tr., April 14, 1857. A WONDERFUL CUBE gome time ago, an old neighbor of mine was very ill, with a bad cough which avenr one auooosed to be consumption. His relative told mo tliat he had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; his brother came to see mm die. and all were eon filmed In the belief that he could not live. I had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup, which I gave him, and it entirety cured him, to the aston lahm.nt of all. What makes th ease more remarkable. la the extreme age of the man, he belog abouteighty years old. I have no doubt tne rectorai savea nis me. J0I1MN' OINNIS DB. KEYBER'B FECTOBAL BYRUP IN F.LAIBS TILLB. Please send me another supply of yonr valu able "Pectoral Byrup." Almost everybody around as haa the Bold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Byrup.' We have sold sixteen bottles last week, and era now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Meier, both of Blalrsvllle, Pa., tell us they would not be without It in tholr families. In fsct, all who nee It once want It again. Yours, respectfully, M J. 8. WATTERSON SONS January 30, 1880. .. - . . . ' " ANOTHER NEW CERTIFICATE DB. KEYBER'B PECTORAL BYRUP. I had been tronbled with a oougb and cold lor several weeks so bad was it that I could not sleep. 1 had ths advice and prescriptions from three of th bestphyslclans In the city, whom 1 eon Id name, but do not do so. 1 nnauy procureu a ooiiie oi your roc to raj Byrup, which oured me entirely. eigneu, 7 J. W. BIMONTON. S30 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan. 9, i860. 'STOP TH ArOOUOniN G." 'How can I do It? "Go to Keyser's on Wood street and get a bottle of his Congh Pectoial, and If that don't cure yon, your ease must be Aaansrat indeed." this Is a peclmso of the colloquy one hears almost every day In cold oatcblng periods of the year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur In the adviser's admonition as above, for w have tried the "Pectoral," in a most stubborn ease, with entire success. Near two weeks sgo we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the most distressing, oontrary, mulish, an nbduable coughs we ever experienced since onr advent upon this munuan apnere. n eougoea steadily and i.hnrianalv for one whole week, In hopes of tirhto it ovL but it waa no go. In fact It seemed rather to have lm- wmA in nrsotice. and to bare acquired atrensth.DOten' ey and dittrtttiblUly by the operation. In this stage of the siege, we oou jhed our way to Keyser's, 140 Wood Bt. procured fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoial;'1 took it aocordiog to directions, and in forty -eigbt hours we were master of the field, the enemy having Unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with so formidable an adversary as Keyser's famous "Cough Pectoral. " J)rounviUt Clipper, Dto. 14, 1850. . DR. KEYBER'B PEOTORAL BYRUP is prepared aad sold bv Dr GEOROB U. KKYSEB, 140 Wood street, PittRburghjP. .-,. Bold in uoinmous vy auosai s caniuaAi, nOOTIIACllE KENEDY. A STJIUE CXJRIC. Prepared and sold by Da. GEO. B. KXYSKB, Price, cents. HO Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa, ; ' " ' , . -TO Bold In Columbus by R0B1RT8 ev IAMUBL. oct27:Stawdtjui. . : . , , Master Commissioner's Sale. Samuel Parsons' Executors " 1 VS. nupenur uuurt. John BT. Beyle! all. ) T)Y VIRTUE OF ATI ORDER OF SALE ri t ana directed from the Superior Court ol Frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House, la the city of Columbus, on Saturday, the 4th day of May, A. D." 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. at- and 4 o'clock r. at the following described real estate, situate In th county of franklin and Stale ef Ohio, to wit: Lots Boo, seven, iri eight, (8) nine O) ana ten. m .ouo .no neury tiller's subdivision of lot No. l(hty.nlne, (89))nlnety, (WO) and ninety one, (91) of Orosby's addition to out-lota Mat aif enniumtasL. as delineated oa the plat thereof, re corded in volume one, page seventy, ef the rtoord of plate of said county. . Appraised Lots No. 7, 8, and 9 at 1300 00 each, "do Lot No. 10. 400 00 i O. W. HUFFMAN. Master Commissioner. Printer's fees. 4 50. april8-dltw4w , ladies' linen Pooket-Handk'fs. HEnmEDSTITCHEDIJUIEA HAM D kerchiefs, very wide hem. ':-, Embroidered Linen Uandk'S all prices. K v - ' Hemmed Btltcbedand plain do, do. do do i i colored borders. Mourning do black border. do do , 'i newslylecroessUtched. , Pine Apple do . newpstterns. ., , , ' MtisePletn and Hemmed t)t Itched do ell prices. flomnristni the most sslset eseortaaentla the elty Ud low;,! prless. r t , ' ) I AII1 Jt JOII,, , W v THE BHEA5EST J ta J i. m SE, DISCOVM OF THE AGE. rR. KENNEDY, OF ROXBTJRYI I has dlaeonred la one of oar common pasture-weeds a reauaty that cures Every Kind of Humor, FROM Ths worst Sorofala down to a common Pimple. Be .tas tried It la over ebven hundred eases, and ney. er billed except In two esse, (both thunder humor.) He has now In his possession over one hundred certificates of It value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to euro a nursing sore BOB til. One to three bottles will oure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two er three bottles will elear the system of biles. Iwo bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In th mouth or stomach. Three to five bottlee are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelas. On to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor la (be Byes. Tiro bottlee are warranted to cure running e the ears and blotches among the hair. Fonr to six botlse are warranted to oure eorrupi ana running u loses. Une bottle will euro scaiy eruption or tne sain. Two or three softies are wairanted to oure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate oase of rheumatism. Three to fonr bottles are warranted to cure mii-nnoam. Fire to oiffht bottles win cure the worst case of scro fula. A benefit le always experienced from the first bottle, a perfect cure la warranted when the above quantity it r.UA.HLBl, aiABD. lhua MArjAat: The reputation of the Medical Die eorery, In earing all kinds of hvmors, is so well estab lished by the unanimous voice of all who have ever nsed It, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skillful physicians and the most careful Druggists in tne eonntry are unanimous in its praise. Vn nnmntln. the Medical Discover to VOttr nollce. I do It with a full knowledge of Its ouralive power, In rtj liennf all. and curio, most or tnose aisesse so wnicn yoa are unfortunately so liable. That moat excruciating dlMase to an affectionate mother, , . . NURSING SOKE MOUTH, Is cured as If by a miracle; your own temper Is restored to It natural sweetness, and yonr babe from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Dtsoovery becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CANKER Itextends to the stomach .causing DisrersM, which Is nothing but eanksr ea the stomach; then to the Intestines and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference area to th care of your lamuy. Tour stomach is HAW AND lNFliAfflED, vonr food distresses rou. and vou can only take certain kinda. ana ev.n oz tnai xoursvstem does not Kei nan the nourishment It contains, ss the acrlmonous fluid of the aauker cat. it no: then vour complexion loses Its bloom aod becomes aallow and greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system oe oomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body be eome relaxed Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CURE, Palnltatloa of the heart, pain In the side, weakness o the SDin. and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint When you retire, irregularity oi uie dowcii, anu aiawi that most excruciating oi diseases, tne PlIiEil. How manv thousand of roor women are suffering from this disease and pining sway a miserable life, and their next door neignoor noes not xnow tn. oauae a wna i Imnmi an vnur mind tnai .ood oiu orovern, -AO vuun oi prevention is usiwi , . i iwww v. vh., - - MEDICAL, D1SCOVEKI yon have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any ClrotuRltanoes, ao you any injury. THE MEDICAL. DISCOVERY Is evnectalv intended for disease of the blood, but since Its introduction In th Wee tern States, It Is found to be the belt AGUE REMEDY the tires ever before the public- No change of diet ever necessary eat the best yoa oan and get enougn oi it. DiaacTtoxs roa csa Adults ons table spoonful per dav Children over ten years, deasert spoonful Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all eonsitntiona, take sufficient to operate on mo ooweis twice a uay. Your truly, DONNALD KENNEDY Price S1.U0 per bottle. lor y every druggist In the United Btates. . sepSl dfcwiy. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR. An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Its original color without dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Aadcuring It, wban there Is the least particle of vitality or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF And all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. ' FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an uneqaled gloss and brilliancy, making It soft and silky In its texture, and causing it to curl readily. Ihe great celebrity and increasing demand for this un equaled preparation, convinces ths proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation In nse. It ninsmana th. head and acalo from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, oauslng the hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rion, eon, glossy and nexioie appearance, and also, where the hair Is loosening and thinning. It will giv strength and vigor to th root and restore ib growth to hose part which have become bald, causing It to yield a tesh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladles and gentlemen In New Tork who have had Ihelr hair restored by the use of this Invlgorator, when all other preparations have failed. L. M. has in hi possession letters innumerable testifying to the above facta, from persons of the highest redsec la bility. It will effectually prevent th hair from turning until th latest period of life; and in cases where'the bsir has already changed its color, the use of the Invlgorator will with osrtaialy restore it to It to Its original hue, giv lng it a dark, glossy appearance. As a psrfume for the toilet and a Hair Bestoratlre It Is particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great fa culties It affords in dressing th hair, which, when moist with the Invlgorator, can be dressed In any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plalnjor in curls; hence the great demand tor it by th ladles as a standard toilet article which none ought to be wlthout,as the price places It within the nsfh of all, being Only Twenty-Five Cents per bottle, lobe had al ail respectable Druggists and Perfeaera. L. MELLEB would eall the attention of Parents and Suardlans to the use of hli Invlgorator, In case where ths children's hair Inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation fore good head of kair, ss It re morse any Impurities that may bars become connected with the scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both for the health ef the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. Oactiob. None genuine without the fao-slmlte LOTUS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; elso, L. MIL LER'S BAI& INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown In the glass. Wholesale Depot, St Dey street, and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world IitbSTal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I alee desire to pressnt to the American Public my 1TXW JJTO IH7B0VSD IN STAlfT AST20U8 LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after years of octentlflo experlanentlng, I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown Instantly wlthoatlnjury to the Hair or Bain) warranted the best article of tiie kind ta existence. - . PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 66 Dey St., New York. oeta&dawly. WHO SHOULD USE DR. J. DOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE ! BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption er Weak Lang should us. thsm. All who suffer from Weak Btoaiachs, Indigestion, Dys pepsia er PUee should ase them. All who suffer from General er Nervous! iVl Bestlessnessat sight. Want ef Bleep, Ate., should use them. . All persons whe are convalescent after fever or ether sickness should as them. Minleters of the Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, aod al public speakers should use them. Book Keepers, and all persons leading i sedentary if should ase them. The aged and roflrm should use them. All who require e stimulant or sonic should use them. Ail whe are addicted to the use of ardent spirits and Wish to Inform, should as them. They are mad of a pore 8 harry Wine, sal) ef Ihe na tive plants and herbs of the country, and should be re eosaaaended by temperance societies, clergymen, physl dans, and ail friends ef humanity. Ihsy are prepared by an experienced and skillful phy sician, and, aside Irom their medicinal properties, area moot delightful bmragei and yet, as a medicine, are as Innocent and barmisss as the dews of heaven. Bold by drugghrl. generally, CObUXIU , wTDDmtXD ft CO., Proprietors, 'IB William at.. Naur Varat. ' 'EDJZHTS ft lAJSUTL, Agents, y,,ri. i , etMMl. ; i i Calitsnhtte, Okie) HTSttrs. CURE CSr CURE WervousHeadache, CURE Jl 1 3V By th use of thess Pills the perlodle attacks ef Htf eons or Bick Btadaekt maybe prevented; and If takea at the eonunenoement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall In removing ths Namua and ach to which females are ao suhjeot. They set gently upon the bowels removing CbeMe MSI. For lAltrary Mtn, Studtntt, Delicate female . and all persons of sedentary haiitt, they are value u LamaHvt, Improving the appttlU. giving lone eiflor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natur elasticity end strength of the whole system. ' THB CEPHALIC PILLS sre the result of long lnves ttgatlon and carefully eondnoted experiments, having been in use many years, during which lime they have prevented end relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer lng from Headache, whether originating in the ntrtout system or from a deranged state of the sforauzcA. They are entirely vegetable In their oomposltloa, an may be taken at all tlmee with perfect satiety without making any change of diet, and tht abttnot of any dltngrttable tattt rtndtrt if taty to tdnUnUUr Otm children. BBWARE OF C0UKTBBFSIT8 1 ' The genuine have five slgnaturee of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. ' Bold by Druggists and all other Sealers la Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall, prepaid, oa receipt of the Fsrloo, Q3 Cortta. All orders should be addressed to , HENHY C. BFALDING, 48 Cedar street, New Vara. Ui TL: ' 4 L -bV m 'W ss- Sr Ssb. 'vr lleadraclie. '. THB FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONYINOB ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AUD SURE CUBE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. , At thtu Tttilmonialt trere vntoHetted by Ma. Srata IRo, thty aford unquettlonablt proof of tht ifflr- . eaoy o Mfs truly tcimtifc diuxxwry. Masoavau, Com , Feb. S, 1881. Ms. SrALDixo. Bis: I have tried your Cephallo Pills, and Ukttkmto well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of thess are for the neighbors, to whom I gave few out of the first box I got from you. Seed the Pills by mall, and oblige Your ob't Servant, JAMES KiNNEDY.; IUvotroaD, Pa., Feb. 6, ISfil. Mr. SraLDiRo. ' Bis: I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephallo Pills, Ihavt rtctlvtd a gnat deal of bentttfrom tht. Yours, respectfully, MARY ANN 8T0IKH0UBB. Entree Creek, nmrruieToi, C..,Pa., ( January 18, 18CL. II. C. SraLDiso. Sir: You will please send me two boxes ol your CsplaMo Pills. Bend them Immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO.B. SIMONS. P. 8. lhatt tti one boa of your ruit, cwuftni fArmewceffsnf. Brtx Terror, Onto, Jaa. IS, 1881. v Herut 0. SrAtniRo, Bsq. Please find enclosed twenty -five cents, for which sent me another box of yonr Cephallo Pills. They art truly the beet PlUt I have ever tried. Direet A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot 0., 0. ' BsvERLV, Mass., Dee. II, 1860. II. C. Brauise, Esq. I with for some circulars or large show bills to briag your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mers. Ifyou have anything of the kind, please send to me. One of my customers, who Is suhjeot te severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two dsys,) seas ewnjrf of it uttuot in one hour by your Pille, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES. RrVROLBIBORO, FRANKLIN Co., 0810,1 January V, IpoL. j HsltRr C. SfALDIRO, No. 48 Cedar St.. N. Y. Dear Sir: Inclosed find twenty five cents, (SS,) (or whloh seed box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rsv, Wa. 0. Filler, Reynoldsbursr. Franklin Co., Ohio. Tour fuie eoor Me a charm oure fUadacht al most (nefanler. Truly yours, WM. C. FILLER. YriiLAKTi, Mien., Jaa. 14, 1811. Ma. SrAisuta. Sir: Nc t long since I tent to yon for a box of Cephalic PiUs for the cute of the Nervous Hesdsche and Oostlveness, and received the same, and they had to good an qfeoi that scot induced to tend for mote. Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R, WHEELER, YpsilanU, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephallo Pills accomplish ths object for which they were made, via.: Cure of headachs In all It forme. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They hare been tested In more than a thousand oases With entire i From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Mien. If yon are, or have been, tronbled with the headache send for a box, (Cephallo Pills,) so that yoa may have them In case of an attack. From the Advertiser, Provldencey R. I. The Cephallo Pills are aald to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the vary beat for that very frequent eomplalnt.wblca baa ever been dav covered. From the Western R. R. Gasette, Chicago, 111. We heartily endorse Mr. Bpanldlng, and his unrivaled Osphalic Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha. Ja. , ' We are sure that persons suffering with the headache Who try them, will stick to them. From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try theml yoa that are afflicted, and we are sure that your test Imonycan be added to th already numerois list that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. from Ihe 81 Louis Democrat. The Immense demand for the article (Cephallo Pi! It is rapidly Increasing. From the Gaaette, Davenport. Iowa. : Mr. Spalding would not connect hie name with aa ar ttcle he did not know to possess real mailt. , , TOA single bottle of SPALDING'S PSJP1R1D GLUB will save ten times its oust annnaltf-fH SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I BAVB TUB FIIOBSI ' X00N0MTI , DISPATCH! JD"A STiTea t Tikta Saves Hms.,CH As accidents will happen, ev.n In well regulated fam ilies, It is very desirable to have eome cheap end con venient way for repairing Furniture, Tore, Crockery, ' SPALDING'S PBEP ABED GLUB meals all such emergencies, and ao household eaa afford to bo without U. Iialrysreedy,anduptlhstiok log Pln,,1AjKCill jjg' 1TJRT norjBB. N. B. A Brush accompanies each bottle, cents. Address, , HENRY 0. SPALDING, ' ; Ho. 48, Cedar Btreet, Mew Tork. caution. ' ' :' ' A certain unprincipled persons are ettempilng te palm off on the nneuspeetlog public. Imitations of ay VRBPARED GLUB, I would caution all persons te est amlns befnrs pnrehaiHng, sod see tkat the full aaia, . TTr'.PALlHNtt'o PRSPARSBftLUH.,'. H Is ea tie outside wrapper; sli others are swindles sea terfelte, BT