Newspaper Page Text
VOL; VII. NO. 279. : NEW SEKIES;: :;COLUMBUS. OHIO: TUESDAY E-YENING,; AdP-RIL 30 .:186L-i - .:;' .' ' , ::, :,; ,; ; SIX LOLLAES MS TZAB, ' , , inwuwj la Adrane r d ail y .' Tai-wEEKLY ahd Weekly MANYPENNY & MILLER, f U Btlfiki SB ASP PBOf BIETOBB. tr OUlcV'So 86, 88 and 40, Korth High Bt. TKRMfci INVARIAflLY IN AVANOB.t ,, . oaliy : '.... S8 00 per year. Ey ib Cantor, per week, 12) mtt. rrl.Wojk)rf-.--. 8 00 payer. WeeUy. - - 1 00 " rrmt'ol' Advertising Squares n l' ure I yeai . . . $20 00 Odd " U ffiol. thi 18 00 )n " 0 month 15 00 Dne " i montbi 10 00 One S month! 8 00 Dno " 1 month. 5 00 One iquare 3 week. . $4 00 On " twee... 3 uu On ' " lweek... 1 75 On " 3 day ... 1 00 On' " 8 day... 75 On " 1 Insertion 50 Displayed advertlMraeuts half more tnau wi wii A.iveitlsraonts leaded and placed In the column of fime lal Notice!, aouoie im oramwy c. All .lutlees requlrec to be published by law, legal ratei. 1 f ordered on the Inside exclusively after the Ant week pet cent, more than the above ratei; but all suoh wtl ippearin thetrl-Weeklywlthoutcharge. fullness Cards, not exceeding lye linei, per rear, fn de, $J50wrline) outside 2 N ot Icen of aee tin gs , hri table ocietlo, fire companies, fee., half .pciror , ' - ' . AlUratitU'U advertisement mutt b paid for tn ilvaneo t Tt rule will not be varied from. Woekly, ime price as the Dally, where the ad J'"'4' seethe Weekly alone.. Where 'he i DeUy ? ere both used, then the charge twrth Weokly will Be a. If the rate of the Dally ., No advertisement taken tt eept for a definite period. BUSINESS. CARDS. EAGLE: BRASS. WORKS, Corner Spring & Water St. Ooliixaatsus. Olalo. W. B. POTTS & CO., , tnd Mannfaetnrer of Brute and Compoiltlon Outlnga, Finished llrui Work of all Deiorlptlon. Electro Plating and Gilding! ! STENCIL CUTTINC, &C. febl'CO-dly F. A. B. SIMZIN3, Attorney at Hmxr AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Odlc Aoibii IJolldinK, oppoilte Capitol Square. h 'i - COLUMBUS. OHIO; OOX.TJTwa:i3TJ3 Machine Mannfactnring Company ; . it i a e o c t oo g o n s ?. m: MANUrACTDKIM or STE All ENG1MS & BOILERS, CutLngi, Kill-Otaring, KMhiMry .li.".j .t'T ''"!' ' ,wm - nrvllroacl ' "Worts. '"ortriaT Diacwrnow. ' ' " " UOLViriBfJSt OHIO) 0HA8. AMB08, Sap'b , f ' sP- AMBOB.iTreu. d0ll. IMitt-f , ,. . . , . LA lr4 Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton 4 Indianapolis! Through to lndiaiiaoolia without CbaDge of Can Dd bat One Change of Cars between Columbus and St. Louia. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- BUS. FIRST TRAIN. (Dally, Monday! excepted.) NIODT BXPKKBB, via Dayton, at 9:45 a. m.,itop Bine at Loodon, Xenia, Dayton, Middletown and Ibmll. too.arrtTtogatCluclnuatl at8:20 a. m. Dayton at 5:45 a.m.,IndianopolUat 10:48 a. m.;ct. Louiaat 11:50 p '' SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION. at fcio a, m.,itopplnfr at all Suv ' UonibetweenOolnmbniand Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rirlng at Cincinnati 11:(B a. m., Dayton at 0:15 a. m., ffasb train. ; ;. - DAY SJOp. m,, itopplng at, Alton, Jeffenon, London, Charleiton, Cedarrille, Xenia, Bnrlna Valley; Corwln. Morrow, Deerfleld, Poiter'a Irtrelaid, Millfordand PlalnTllle, arrlrlog at Clndu natt at 730 p. m.l St. Inl at 13 m; Dayton at 5:35 p. m.i Indianopolle at 10:38 p.m. Ueplnar Cat on all rtlt;Ht Trains t Cincinnati an lndiuuapolls. , BAGGAGE CHECKEJD THKOUGII. for furttwr Information and Through Ticket, apply to ' . M. Ii. DOUKHTY, Ticket Arent, Union Depot, Columbue, Ohio. 1 B. W. WOODWARD, . .... .11 ..i -i I. gaperlntenrtent, Cincinnati. 'I " " JNO. W. DOUBRTY 413 '!. ' ; ; ' Aient, Coltunbua, , . IOO SOMETHING ; NEWt H O W AR D : & C 6 ! S. ; AMERICAN WATCHES. ::, CALL AT SO.' 83, SOUTH HIGH ST., and examine our new make of AMERICAN WATCH ES, manufactured by 8. HOWARD CO , Boston, Man. thee Watohe ar far sopeilor to anything erer offered to tb publlo, herelefore. HaTlog th esoluslre agency, lean (ell them t prlen Uf lult h time. I hare Just reolTdalrg tock of ;.: ; ' '.. AMERICAN WATCHES, , manufaotoredby APPLE TON,' TRA0Y, 4c CO j alio, a flneiortmtof f " 1 ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCUES, in Gold aid Bllver Cues, at Paale price. , janS3'"" " ' '",J. SAYAQ1. ; -iAA 114s. tin GHEEJI and BLACK AVV TEAS IOO bags prime Rio Donee. 1 51, pookeU eld Dutch OoTamment Java Coffee. . i 15 bas Ceylon Coffee. , v 1 SOflbbM. standard Whit Sugan, consisting ot Pew d red, 0 brushed, Oraaulaud A and B Ooffr 50 quintal Owrge Bank Ood&sh. v , . , A 80 bbl. Mesa and No. 1 Mackerel. ' . file. Pick Salmon. ' .... -t f". 100 bx. layt Raisin. . r ' . ., 60 hf. boaio : . 'Jvt', .in.. k An d m- .'. IOO M Ctgan, different brands and grides. nott r.rr r- - win. MoDONALD M.C. LILLEY-V BOOS ' Bum aJlijXI. And'Blank'Boolc Manufantnrer, HOBTa.spQH hrxit; coltkbtjb, objq , FAMILY 1 FLOVH. ....... IIT5, WIIBAT; MBAMDED ; ; ' jac NO "W FIjAKB from "Barnett Mlll Bprlngneld, 0. th belt brand of Tlaurbrouni vo uui ... iaraaUMtlyatinMriiWa!" 8 f : A" EXANVlatM KlU GLOVKfte ' AlllBB4oloriJutopendt ; BAINS, 1 e iu Bo. B Booth High sttssi,.: -v.i. i.i. -jr:-,v 1 ft "WOKOESTBR'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. Iho latest Tho lirgest Tho' Beit. Tha Cheapest Became tho Best. '' Ibe Kloit Hellable,, Standard An . tnorlty of tbe Eng-ll)talanf nage." 'THN BKSf ENdLTSII TI01toNART NXTANT." ; .i m,..; "I. LUtrary He EwrywhtrtS'' "Heie are trpwirdi of" a Bandred' fhontend Werdi, whote maltifarloae meaning and derlTatlona, together with thel. correct ipelllnf , and pronunciation are clearly let before lh .!' .... ; , r I I,..-, i. , ,. :. ' . - ,v i , .-.OinoinnaH Commercial. , Btad thtVtaltlont ot tha Mmturt of th Ohio Stat , TtacAer't Attociition. ,ir Tha nndenlfned, member! of the Ohio Stat Teacher' Attoctatlon,' adopt and aim' to Vie In teaching, wrltlnk and ipeakwir, the orthography and pronanolatlon of Worceiter'i Koval Quarto Dictionary and we moat cor dially recommend It ae the molt reliable itandard au thority of the Knglbh language, ai it II now written and pokeo.. .. . y loatN Aitdriwi, Preildent Eenyon Oolleg. M. D l tuarrr. guperlutendent Ztneirille Sohooll. Tnoi. W. HiRvrr, Bap't HaullonCaloa rkb oil. , M. f . OowntaT. Sup't Pablto School!, Sandoiky.. A ' Jon tfTaoa, Hup't CaMlc Bchoole, OlreleTille. B. N. 8iruaD, Frlnclpal Clareland lamal Seminary- 1 . 1 W . Mitchixl, Sup't Publlo School!, Ht. Union. Joan Oanaa, Principal But Normal School, Jilna. ota. 1 Craoi Naon, Principal fourth Intermediate School, Cincinnati. . .-r-r '. H. S. Martin, Bap't Cao ton Union School!. Eowir hoL, Principal KoNeely Noimal School. ', ' Ku T. Tarr-iN, Prof. Mathemattci, Ohio UnlTenlty, . Wm W. RdwaRim, Bnp't Troy Union School. . . .. A. O. Boraim, Principal, Weit High School, Clere land. 1. 1 8 A. Norton, Anociate Principal High School, Clare land i- - IntoBoaa Btrruxo, Principal High School, Clev land. B. P. HtmiaTON, Principal Cleveland Iifltltut. ' -1 J. A. OaaruLS, Preildent of Bleotlo Initituw, Hi ram. ' W Tj IUnaif , Prof, of Ohemlitry, Ohio WefUyan 0nlTertity. i ... .. . . H. H, Barxiy, Xx-Commlnlener of Common Bchoola, Ohio. 1 ' ' - Jamb M omtoa. Prof. Rhetoric, Oberlln College. ' i Tbo. Hill, Preildent Antloch Oollege. " 0. W. H. OATHGAaT,- Prof. MathematM,' DIgb School, Dayton. ' 8. 0. CaoMBAVon, Prof. language, High School. Dayton. " - ' ' B. 11. Barber, Sup't Union Bchooli, Aihiaod. ' V v ' - Mor than Btm Hundred other President 0 CoIU gee, Proftuore, Authors and Dietingviehed Educa tors, have endorsed the above sentiment. , , PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. ' Mabibtta Ooixtos "It II truly a magnificent work, an honor to the author, tb publlaheri, and the whole country." Preildent Andrew. ; :, Ohio Wnt.rrAiUinvnniTT.-."It exceed! my expecta tion. It will be my guld in orthography and pronua oiation, and will often be coniolted by me for it neat and accurate definition!." Preildent Thompwn, , j W. R. ICLtcTio Ooluo. "Heretofore we hate oted Webster'! orthography. At a recent meeting, ef our wai decided to change it to conform to that of Worceiter'i Royal Quarto Dictionary." Preildent Garfield. u . 1 .. Wimn KrraTB CotLrot. "I find it worthy of oordlal approbation. "-Preildent Hitchcock. , , , v Oanuit CotLioa. "It mor thin meet my expecta tion!. I recommend it a th itandard authority In orthoepy to my children and my pupil." Pieeidest Morgan. ., j r. j 1 ; AmocR Colimi. "I adoptand aim to ute in teaoh lot. writing and 1 peaking, the orthography and pronun ciation of Worotr'( Moyai .Quarto Dictlonary.'W Preildent Bill. j . & v tv. "In all my writing, peaking, and teaching, I hare en deavored to conform to the rule for orthography and pronunciation a contained in Worceiter'i Dictionary J' Horace Mann, late Preildent. . KairrnB Oollxob, Qinaiaa ''I moit cordially reooa mond it a Lb meat reliable itandard authority of tb ngliin language a .it, 1 sow written and ipokeaj' President Andrew!. ' ';',j;.v ,VuH.,s ' SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS pF;'!- from Set. Anson SmyU, Commissioner of Common . 1 Sohools in Ohio. , ;.i.i . .ii . "Th. Dictionary I an lmperiihable monument to lh learning tnd Induitry of 111 author, and an honor t the world of letter!. The mechanical execution lifariup rlor to 'that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." .' , ,., From flim. IT. O. Barney. Commissions of I OOKKM ll V4IO. . I I . i'.i . "The meet reliable itandard authority of the lan guage." "' ' " !'''. i .. waa tub .; Iieadlns 3S"ew spapera of Ohio Say. ' fromth Cleveland Herald of March S3. ' ' Th orthography of th Woroeiter Dictionary I that uied by mnt, if not all author ol distinction In tkl country and Ingland, and conform! to th general oaag of ordinary writer! andipeakeri. ,1 Wheter prejudice! may bar exlited prerlouily, a careful itudy of thli rolume will lnTarlab'y be followed by a warm appreciation of Id great merit!, soda dealre to add it to th well lelecled library, be It larg er (malt, It 1 a library Intteelf, and Will remain an lmparuha blc record of the learning of it compiler. -1 1 i::'ii Irom tho Cincinnati Ommercial of April tOt '; Here are upward of a hundred thouaandword! oodi, bad and indifferent who multlfarloua meanlnn and lerlTationi, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, ai eeioieariy oerore uu eye. in n unquestionably the greatcit Thetauruiof English Wordi oyer published. .. -I'-w From th Cleveland Plaindealer of Sept. 80, IMO,1 Evidently WoacxsT,' Rotal QdaRto DicnoNART it net only th last, but th bcit wot of th land ever it- va, toucan oy no posi.Linty luuer ny comparison 01 ooabrorirsy. 7,., -" ' i From the Toledo ladof iTayZ). viA-t-r- . Ai to raoRDBCiATioif. Worohtbr 11 thi Stardasb followed by our belt authors; In definition! be leayei nothing to be desired, and In OxTnooRArar It I mfuctent to say that Woacmaa can b asfe.y followed. . , . INGIIAIH St BRAGG, Pnblialiera, Bookaellera St Stationer NO. 101 SUPERIOR 8T4 CLEVELAND. OHIO. ! If I'll. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT .j?,',. LIEE INSURANCE COMPAISY; OP ;anh 1 i- i-' Dividend January l 186 ft 45 Per Cent. assets :. ... .V vfi&M ai atatement Janaary U 1881 ;! Balanc, per statement Jan. 1st, 1850 13,400,58 S Reeelted for Premium dur Inr th sear 1WO- 1703.053 55 ia Recolred for Interest during ")A'W;!u. th tear 1800 v....... Slf 014 19 .r-i.;. Totaf recelo'i for 186O....t977.O07 74 vt-H :: .i..i..ij.t PaldOlalmibr Death,7,050 00 Paid Poiicie sunen- - !"..: . 1. U:i dertd 41.111 S Paid Salariee, Pott- .'i.'iiiii.i. U. laxei. "i'. -'I ,Vl ;iA .'A " change, eie. ...... 1I.CS0 54 .r.hiitut, Paid OonmlMion to .-" i'f li'r. A yj: Atenti 51.K5 30 ,1A-M. Paid Physician' fee. . 6 M 7 .'.Jll'IlJ Paid Aanultlee ,'117 00 Paid Dirldend 4ur I nni ' y.i, ,v;i tu-4. 11, IM i Ugthe tear ......106,400 71 505,091 63 . - 411,076 1A Net Balance January la. Ifitl.. ...13,813,559 50 ABBETp. .u .,' tl ; nam on nana idilvi i lh.ii.j Bona ana mortgages ou eu,. ,B)ID i.,U .1 ,t ijtiute, worm oouoi m amount loaned 8.327.641 08 : i. Premium Nstee, on Policies ft ;"Ll.IIfI ahiai to foroe, only drawing Opr. t .! 1-1 . a cent, interest............. U-vv.eM 17 '.'..y i m ani Asia's. ........ ....... wvvami . i 1 u-.. - nn on bn 1 . LoansonBcrlp. ......... ....,; 44 . .'(. Premium!, Hotel ana uain, m , oonoof transmiasloB.,.. ,, 43.343 73 . m.i.. . ' .'! AT 3.8lsU5 SO XOUU ASwBi .u,.,tp I v T5T5 Policies in force,,480638 . ; 1,435 new Policies have been Mined daring the year After a careful calculation of th present valss pi hi otsbandlng Pollclee of tbe Company, and having1 the Koeainry amount In reserve . therefor, the Director hav declared Divioom of 45 'par cent, on th Premi ums paid at th table rates, to all pollcias for life In force, issued prior So January 1, 1800, payable according to the present ml of the Oemnany. . . Bates for an klndf Life Contingencies, Prcspeet naes, B tateaont,, ur. ApplloAUo, will be furnished wiTBootr cbarob, ute Office or Agencle ot th Com pany t ...... ..1 . n i. . ii J .. '"','! A' tW!f TTTEBB0N, President, r BIN'. 0. wli&g? March S3, 1801. K Oolumbu, -,,1 iinnaviiisu , BUEBTinet t AND J.-. TuiBiiauoiiu wiuuib,vi innBioeiebrated oukt bow offend In greatest variety and at very low price. aprtlj H. M leoth High street. ..; j .ii-. .0i. al , STONE'SJAZAAR. STo.; 4: CKvrnno Block. ;':A. !P. STONF& O'HARRA : ABE NOW RECEIVING THEIK WIIVi ' TER GOODS, and Invite tbe public to Inepeot them. No och stock of Qoods nai eyes been brought to thli market.i Th Booth, In consequence of the failure of the grata crop, hasnot'been able to purchase the us ual quantity of rich goods, and this faot ha forced the Importer! to sell them at publio auotlon. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being in New York at these large sales, took advantage of then, and we can and will sell our good! here, at less than any one who purchased two weeka since, paid foi them In New York. Our itock ii complete In every department of ELEGA NT DRESS 8ILKS, , ! , - n OTTOMAN VELOURS, - , : ' BROCHE VALENCIA8, 1 !", , PRINTED MERINOS, ! : 1 i: PRINTED COBURGS, "," 1 . DXED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, , ORLEANS. I FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ' it '- ' i ' ' ALL WOOL DELAINES. FOFLIN-i, PRINTS, ; h 1. , DELAINES. SIIAYLS AMD CLOAKS! ; Five Thausand Dollars Worth ; ' ; Bought in One Day, At one hall tlie Coat of Impoitatlon. .I .ii .11 . LADIES' FURS, In all Varlete, of tbe Celebrated ; ITIanafatnre of C. G. Gun. 'i'.ni j thers ct Son. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men', Ladle and Children' Under Bhlrt and Drawers; Ladies, Misses and Children' Hosiery of all kindi, In Wool and Lamb's Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Qlovci of every make. ALSO 'I A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, I ; - i ' CASSIMERE3, , 'r i OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, 1 FLANNELS,' 1 ;; j RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambric Hand ' ""IHII 'U' ! . .. kerchieft, &o., &o. . To personiwho call on ni, we pledge ourwordito Show them th largest, best and cheapest stock of Goods ever seen in mi market, or pay them one dollar per hour while looking. , .-deol-dlyStawltw. .'..'. STONE k O'HARRA. Our Couah Cold. Uoarreness. ndu. msa, any Irttation orSrenes of the Ihroat Believe the Hawking Cough in OonsumMon. Bronheitit, Aettut ma, and Catarrh, Clear and give sirengin to vt voice or j . A?UStL,IO xrKAKFJltj, ;, ,. , ., and 8IN4.EU8. ' Pew are aware of the Importance of checking s. Cough or "Common Cold" in its nrsietage; inat wmcn in the beginning would yield to mild remedy. If neglected, soon attack tb lung- "proton's Bronchial Troches,'' containing demulcent ingredient, allay rulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. . , BROWN'S i t That trouble in my Throat, (for which the TtooWare a specific) having made me often amen whisperer." TROCHES a. r. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public bixik- REV. E. CIUPIN. "Have proved extremely lervioeabla for U0ARime." 1 REV. HENRY WARD BEECHEB. Almost Instant relief in the dlstressin labor of breathing peculiar to asthmi." HBV. A. O. HUOLKSrON. "Contain no Opium or anything Inlurl :ESous.";i . , BR. A A. HAYES, , VAemttt, JJottvn. 1 "A simple and pleasant combination for WooMBs, ac.'. ilui hit IS. U. V. UlUELOW, . ; . Boston. ."Beneficial In Brokchitii." 1 DR. J. F.W.LANE, (..., . . i ... . Boston. I hav proved them excellent for Waoor- browse TROOqES utoCocon." , - . BEY. H. W. WARREN, 1 Boston.', "Beneficial when compelled to iDeak. iuf. iferiag from Cold." t. AX.V. O. Jr. J. ANlEtlSUN, ' "' St Louis. "EmoTOAL In removlss Hoarseness and TROCHES Irritation of th Thr at, 10 oomjion With 8rSARand Biaouti." Prof. BJ7AGY JOHNSON. " ' Ls) (range, Oa., Teacher of Music. Southern . ... . female College. "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, a they prevent Ooenenes. From their peit effect. I think they will be of per manent advantage to me ." KEY. 1. ROWLEY. A.M., President of Aliens College, Tenn. I ItTBoId by all Druggiiti at TWENTY- . 11,! A JUA.clJ : V i ROBERTS It BAMCEL. .", I DruggUu. 84 North High street. . 8. 1. BAMCail, 4a CO., I ' 1 : I 65 South nigh street, Colombo, 0. mar7-deodlm .-' -r- JEW ARRIVALS v. i ) ;' !:'.'! OF1 Spnhg , . & , - Suniiuer ' Millinery, tun- The Steele Replenished - PATTsY , . J.' . .i .11 . rilOin LATEST IjrlPORTATIONS OF I .ii !'! 'l, I NEW YORK. MY STOCK OF. Spring & Summer Millinery Is now complete, comprising every variety of Mlllhv ery; also, a larg assortment of Embrolderle. Hosiery and Notion, fco., sod la quantities and price that can not mil to Suit all who may favor m with a call. Th goods' hav been bought at Paolo prlcei, and will be sold atasmtUadvaneseneest.' ' ' ' 1 It. -Nl (,. .!: I , ' -I I . 1 . ! .MULIHEBY. kiultl. E, VOtfNG, late of New York City, will superintend the Millinery Department. Her long experience In th most Paahlonabli Establlthmant In Broadway will alone be a warranty that she will be able to give entire eailafaotlon In mitten of taste to all who stay favor her with their orders. .,,,., - :..'; .Th Lidlei of Oolumbu and vicinity will please ac cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. 88 East Town ". Celnnbne. O. spr4 -dta-eeA v V ri t.) , .'..: EmployTnent. . m : f rTlHE SITRrKi ttFstn. ftRas.siert siw ' 1 SS Stanl At ttcle. Will fnrnllh emnlnmht tn a few active men to mS ae- agent for their beute.-. A sierenowiirgiirt tnoe wncar well acquaint Odlv the dlatriotfoj which therannW. - to which service! they are willing to pay a salary fieoo to $800 ptt yW, ' for farther psrtltolars addres ad Expenses. iii ut j 1 ! ' W( B. MORlnOCBE fa 00. - .3vj . . ; . , 3 tnd 8, Exchange Plaos Io30-d3m. . JereeyJOIty. M. J. MALTESE & TnitKlO LACK (TIITTS ef legant qoajltk for Ladies; klse, ftHsses' Hilt YlEPRLLAIIT OB . WATER.PUOOP l CLOAK CLOTHS.'- All, ether makes of Spring vioas ijioins, in an aeetnwn mtimrea ntnaiots, ia Mis and Hatton t statctl.. BAIX a SON,., Hi prwj , v.:l3 ; T .1 ) . soutu Mignstreei. tim. 1 Pally, per year Trl-Weekly, per rear. Weekly, per yeai ........ ft 00 3 00 Kitrs )'arse') 100 Our Country. "Our country I right orwieng,"- What manly heart can douuf. That thus should swsll the patriot long, Thus ring the patriot shout 1 Be but the foe arrayed, ' ' V 1 And war'e wild irampet Mown, Cold were hli heart, who ha not mad HI country' cans hi own. , Though faction nl th halls, Where nobler thought! bar swayed , One sacred voioe forever oalll The patriot's heart and Oladej . He.atAifcvttittrv' name, . Feeli every pulse beat high, . Wreathes rouna her glory, ail his fame, And loves for her to die !, . u- . Where'er her flag unrolled '- " . Wooes the saluting breesf, ' Flings o'er the plain Its starry fold, Or float on stormy leu, j, f All dearest things are there, A II 'hat make life divine, ' 1 1 Bom. fHh, the brave, tn true,, tbe fair, Uliog to the flaming sign Oh. I this 'bought a draaal. , No by th gallant dean, Whoileepby bill, and plain, and etretm, Or deep on ocean's bed ! By every sacred nme. By every glorious song, ' By all we know and love of fame, Ot Coubtrt, right or wrong. What Are We to Fight for? The people of the North are united at one man to support tne national tumor ana nag No such resurrection of patriotism that teemed to be dead, so deeply did It sleep, was ever Been in the world. We are all ready, now that the Issue of war is forced, to defend our country with all our money and ail our blood. But this great power of an uprisen nation most have a direction and an aim aadistinet and unanimous as its spirit, or it will be dissipated, weakened and wasted. It must propose to Itself a certain end to be accomplished, certain meant to tbat accomplishment. Then, concentrating this rast foroe of newoorn lore of country, our leaders must direot It firmly and unflinchingly to the purpose proposed. Wealth of blood and treasure without measure or limit are and will be at their disposal, till every patrlotio end they enaii seek is attained and made secure. What is the great object to be 7 The Govern ment has not yet seen fit to declare its purpose in at unite terms, we await, in nope that it mar be worthy the high occasion, and tbat it will be prosecuted wltb singleness to a triumpbant issue. Tbe power is ready, it rests with the Government to give it direction and efftot. , Meanwhile it seejii to us that the true and proper aim of the bovernmeot in tbis contest is easy to know tnd simple to follow. Oca nationality must it PRSSCRVED, THI UNION MOST It tf AINTAINID. Now that the band is put to the plow, there must be no looking back. We cannot afford to have two or more great and Independent nations npoa tne in ortn Amerioan uooiinent, w e cannot al low a state of affairs which shall inflict upon ns tne curse or tbe divided nationalities of Europe, with their great standing armies, their fleets and their taxes. We want to bear no weak or tral torous talk of separation or dissolution, either at tne beginning or end ot tbe war. We desire no holding of tbe South as a conquered province; we desire not to withhold from that section of our country one, even the most insignificant, of its rights under tbe Constitution; we are for every additional guarantee of those rights which may be deemed neoeesarj; but they must not il our Government it true to the nation, they cannot witndraw irom tne union, we do not believe in coercion .either ot men or States, seisa in their tenses; but when they are mad, reetraint is necessary for the. general safety. 11 there wae any Imperative cause wby the North and Sooth could not live together as one people, it would be different. But there ls less re Aeon to day for a separation man nae existed at any time tinee the Union wat formed. Every year ha knit at together with new bonds. Every railroad and every ship that bat been built, every cotton plant that has grown, every mill and factory and store house tbat has been erected, bat been an addi tional link to make ne one people forever, I. ls t fortunate thing that the North hat the power to assert these principles and maintain them. The overthrow of treason it not only possible, thanks to the burning patriotism ot tbis great people, it is essy, If only our Gov eminent shall do its duty with promptness and effioienoy. But the purpose must be single. There must be no managing of matters with an eye to a possible dissolution. We know there are men attached to the party which placed tbe Government in power, who desire and look for ward to a dissolution or tbe Uulon. Such ten timentt have been attributed to men high inan- mority; outsucn sentiments are treason, and tbe only treason we have now to fear. Tbe open traitors in arms we csn defy and vanquish 1 these traitors, 11 not watcbed with a jealous and care ui eye, win Dring at to disgrace and deslrue tion. Boston Courier. ' ' Virginia Secession Ordinance. We append the ordinance of secession of Vir ginia, passed on tne inn lnst., and which bat just been made publlo. Aooompanylog tbt document it a sobedule, letting forth tbe time and manner or Holding a poll lor its ratification by the people. A poll will be opened In each military eamp of Virginia volunteers, whether in or out ot tne state, and tne voters there suf fered to vote. This will be in addition to the regular eleoiion precincts. The eleotion for members of Congrest for the State to the House of Representatives of tbe Coosreee of the United States, required by law to be held on tbe 4Uh Thursday in May next, Is suspended sou pronioiiea un:u omerwise ordained by tne convention: AN ORDINANCE. To rtpeal th RatiUtHonef lis CosttHtiatt eA unut aunt j America, oy lA slate tf Vir- omw, ui m resume u (As riyAt awf snotr areatMl under satsf CRIUistM v Tbe people ofVirelui. in tbetr ratiflcatlon of tbe Constitution of tbo United Statea of America, adopted by them in convention on the twenty-fifth, day of June, in the year of oar Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, having declared tbat the powert granted under tbe laid constitution were derived from tbe people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the seme should be per verted to their injury tad oppression, and the federal government having perverted said pow ere, not only to the Injery of the people of Vir ginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slaveholdnfg States. , Now, tbereiore, we, tbe people of Virsinia. do declare and ordain that tbe ordloaooe adopted by th people of thle State in conven tion, on the twenty fifth day 1 of Jane, In the y ear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eignty-eieniy w hereby tbe constitution of the Uuited Statet of America wat ratified and all aoti of the General 'Assembly of this State ratifying or adopting amendments to tald constitution .are hereby repealed and abroga ted; that tbe Union between tbe State of Virgi nla and the other States under the constitution aforesaid It hereby dissolved, and that the State of Virginia is In the full possession and exercise or all tbe rlsbtt of sovereignty which belong tod appertain to t iree and independent State. l.Aod they do further declare that the said constitution ol tbe United States of Amerl ca is no longer binding on any of the citizens of thlsState. , . - , f This ordinance shall take effect and bt an tot of this dsy when ratified by a majority of tne votes 01 toe people 01 in is (state, oast at a poll to be taken thereon on the fourth Thurs day In Hay next, in puituance oi a tchedule hireafter to be enaoted. . Done in convention In tbe oity of Richmond, on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand tigni nundred and sixty ore, and in tbe eighty-fifth year of the Com' JOHN L. EURANE. Secretary of Convention. Secession Without Precedent in History. Dr. Frabcit ' Licber't two leotures on the "Constitution of the United 'States," recently delivered1 in the'itjhool of 'Columbia College, have Just been, published the same pamphlet containing an addrgA'on secession, written for a Fourth?- of July irMebratioo', at Greenville, S. C, in 1851.'.. Ia this address an able argument ie given sgalnst the right of secession, and ad duces the following historical Instances: Now-r have taken tbe pains of examining all confederacies of which we have any knowl edge. In none of the many Greek confedera cies did the right of secession exist, so far as we ean trace their fundamental principles. In some rare eases an unfaithful member may have been expelled. But in the most Important of these confederacies, and in tbat which received the most Complete organisation, resembling, in many points, our own in the Achtsan League, there existed no right of secession, and this is proved by the following esse: Wben the Ro mans bad obtained tbe aupremsoy over neiias,. and Greece ws little more than a province of Rom., tbe jE-olians respectfully waited uton trie Roman commissioner, Gallus, to solicit per- mission to secede from the League. He lent tbem to tbe Senate, and tbe secessionists ob tained at Rome the permission tj withdraw- no "leading case," 1 suppose, for Americans, Tne Ampnictyonio iouooii allowed or no Secession. It wat Pan Hellenic, and never meant to be-otberwiie. Tbe medimval leagues of the Lombard cities, of tbe Swabian cities, permitted no spontaneous withdrawal; but the lortunet of tbe fiercest wart waged against them by the nobility would occasionally wrench off a member and produce disruptions. The great Hanseatlo League, which, by its powerful union of distant oities, became one or tbe most efficient agents in civilizing Europe, tnd which, at Mr. llusklsson stated in Parliament, csmed trade and manufactures into Englsnd, knew nothing of secession until tbe year 1630, when the princes, greedy for the treasures of ber cities, bad decreed ber destruction, and forced many members to aeeede. This is no leading case, either. Tbe .Swiss Confederacy, tbe Germanio red eration,'knew and know nothing of secession; nor did tbe United states or tbe Netherlands so muob studied by some of our farmers, and by Washington among tbem admit the with drawal of any tingle State." The Treason Law of the State. An act to punish Treason and other Crimee, passed last week viz; Sic. 1. Any person residing In this State who shall levy war against this State, or the United States, or shall knowingly adhere to tbe enemies or this State or the United states, giv ing tbem aid and comfort, eball be deomed guilty of treason against the State of Ohio, and on conviction ehall be imprisoned In the Peni tentiary, at bard labor, during life. Sto 3. Any person, 4c, residing within this state wbo shall surrender or betray, or be in any way concerned in snrreaaering or Betraying soy military post lortincanoo, orseuai or military stores of this State or the United States, into the possession or power of any enemiee of either or shall supply arms or ammunition or milt tary stores to such enemiee, or wbo shall un lawfully, and without authority, usurp posses sion and control of any such military post, fo: tification, arsenal or military stores, or having knowledge of any treason against this State or the United Statea ehall wilfully omit or refuse to ivt Information to tbe Governor or some Judge tate, or to the President ot tbe United of this States, ehall be guilty aa accessories to treason, and 00 oonviotion thereof, shall be imprisoned in tbt reoltentary, at bard labor, not lees than ten. nor more than twenty years. sea. 3. Tbat it any person shall, within this State, begin or eet on foot, ot provide or pro pare the meant for, toy unauthorized military expedition or enterprise, to be oarried on from thence against tbo territory or people of any of the United States, everv person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and 00 oonvlction thereof, shall be punished by im prisonment in tbe renitentlary ot tbis state not less tban one nor more than ten years. Sto. 4. Mo person shall be convicted of treason but by the testimony of two lawful wit nesses to the eame overt aot of treason, whereol be stands Indicted, unless he confesses the same In open court; and no person shall be convicted ol an offence under the second or third sections of this act, but by the testimony of two credible witnesses, nnlese the person indloted confesses hit guilt in open. court. 810. 5. Tbit act taket cQect from Its pies. g Washington City and its Position. Washington City Is situated on the left bank of the Potomso rlvsr, between two small tribu taries; tbt one on tbe east called the East branch, and tbe one on the west called Rock river. . Tbt latter teparatea It from Ueorge- town. The general altitude of the city plot it 4U leet above tne river, out it it oiversined Dy irregular elevations, which are taken advantage of in tbe location of tbe oiuerent nubile Dnlld Inga. The plot it somewhat in the form of an amphitheatre, the President's House on tbt west standing on one or tne tides, and tne Capi tol on the other These two buildings, about one mile apart, are situated in about tbe centre of tbe whole. Tbe former it elevated 44 feet above the Potomac, and the latter 72 feet Th tummit of the hill on which the Capitol stands it tbe commencement of a plain stretch ing to tbe east wbile ibat to the north of tbe President's Hon a tends westwsrd. These to pographical pecnllarl iee give great advantages for tbe delence of the city. The elty plot ex tends miles In a N.W. and 8 E., and about Sj milt In a N. E. and S. W. direction, and euvera an area of nearly eleven square miles. Tbe reeldent population la about 65,000 with Georgetown, 65,000 . i Tbe only means of communication between the city and the opposite shore of Virginia it b the lone bridge. Tbit stDDroaoh la guarded all tbt time by between three and five hundred men, capable of repelling any attempt of tbe eoemy to cross the Potomao at tbat point. Those troopt consist or iniantry, artillery and cavalry. A Few Figures. At we will probably 100,000 men under armt before a month, their Dnrteo on our peo nla. In a pecuniary tense, mast bt Interesting tnd Instructive. A soldier's daily provision costs over SO eents, wben ot tbe tongb sort; bit oioth int. ambulance neeeaesrlee and other require mentt,over one dollar. - in a movable ttate, then, every man In the country, bearing a mus ket, costs ne two dollars per day; Two dollars per day lor one man it SXUU.tHJU per day tor 1UU.UUU men t' r. n - , A. IAA AAA 1 'AW uuu per nay is ai,uujwu per weei: 41,400 000 per week U more than $5,600,000 per mootoi . ... ,!-.. t. , ... AAA AAA t . i . . .. uri u.wu.iruuiorswo moatnt; Or S3 400.000 for four months; Or 133 600,000 for tlx months; . Or 167,300.000 for one year. .... . Tki fir th Arm ateae. i , . , Notbipt aotallort no marines, t - But it will eost twice this. .For the mere support and traveling expenses only art counted No figures tor recruiting, lor uenerais, out cere. Quarters. Government. No figures for repiaoing ceaa men Wltb live OOOtV ' . '- "- i 'h; :'i No figures for burying the killed. . . m The ooet will be over three mllliont per week , Watohes I Diamonds II Silra Ward Id A CHOICE A SOBTKIBIIT Of OOLO Xx and Bllver Watche. In great variety. A am g0l ror me awesioah nTca ui , ana can ell these exoelleat Watche at manutacturars' pilose, lthr Wholes! or Remil. - ., , . Cum ant cbooes from my eauUrtll display ot Dk moadeand othet rioh Jewelry, ttyleenew prleee low. . A t Bllver War of iterung quality, I oaa anew new patters, very handsom Silver Plated Ware, Tea Sett, Urn. Walters, Oaalora, Baskets, Pitcher, Oobleta, Knives, forks. Spoons, ttc. : The I hav a supply of fine Table Cutlery, rocket Knives, taaers, Ae., and many' fancy Goods such a ar desired for preeenta at luoh prices a ar an Indue, ment Ie the purchaseri , Wsl. BLYMtf, I . V a ,m n . d l ..-k. t1'1 f itaetli ia2 a,.,. w,,-TZ. 11 Ayer'sSarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to bo the most effectual Mlerativ that can be made, i It is a concentrated extract of : Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other, substances ,of still greater alterative power 89 to afford an effee tive antidote for the diseases Bsrsnparilla ia reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from .Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow Citizens, How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: .-.-. Scuofvla and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulceus, PiMrr.r.s, Blotcues, Tuuoits, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Stphilis and Svphilitio' Af fections, MEHeUUIALDl8IU5B, DltOPST, NEC- iialoia on Tic DotaouitEux, Deiiiutt, Dys pepsia AND InDIQESTION, EllYSU'ELAS, ItoSB oit St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impuiuty of tub Blood. This compound will be found a great pro motor of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; when you find it is ob structed end sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this Eabulum of life disordered, there can be no isting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and tho great machinery or life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone hut not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending, to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any tiling else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed tho use of the various extracts of Sarsapiuilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from tiro load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by tho ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BT DR, J. C. AYEIt V CO. , LOWELL, MASS. .Price, 91 ft Bonis i Six Bottles for $3. ' Ayer's Cheriy Pectoral has won for itself such a rcnorrn-for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Compliant, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. '. As it ha long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure th people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do for their relief all it lias ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ; j fob Tnn ctjue of Costiventu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas', Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Sttin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsij, Tetter, Tumors and Sail Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Piuifying the Blood. They are stigar-conted, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, nnd they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Great ntimliers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, nave lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The A cents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given f with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should bo fol lowed for their cure. ..... Do not be put off by unprincipled dealer with other preparations they make mora profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they ahould have it. . All our remedies are for sale by : R0BFJRT8 It SAMTTfX, Columbui, And by Druggiiuant Dealers everywhere. nov:lyd,twtw , . REMOVAL. J3. Doylo c3 Oo : TTAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE Xl to th Bouts-vest comer of High and friend street. , i "UP STAIRS," And will continue to keep en hand a targe stook or BOOTS AND SHOES. The attention of Merchant and Dealers Is reepeotful ly Invited to our stock. . B. DOYLttvOo. marchd:dtUUlyH. :. - - - .- ' A NEW HOOP SHIRT. , ;:,.;BA.IN'tt)' QOIST, . i i No. 29, SOUTH HI0U STBKKT. ' Hav Just received a new make of HOOP SKIRTS finished in a manner far superior to any yet Introduced for 5 i .., . . "'. ,. .... . DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS. 'mhS3. .' ' -1 TRAVELLERS! fTTHEN lou go to New York , drive direct to th ' W SiVAlTHaOIklAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, COBNER 01 TJOUBTON 8TBKT v ' ' . . i . t 1 Oonduetsd oa the . ': , -' '' KUROPBAN PLAN.' ' flood Tare, flood Room; Proaipt Attendance, and Mod erate Obargee. . .... . ... . ......a'. SIKflLX ROOMS SO 0T8. 73 CTS.end 11 PRR DAY " ' ; . : : B00BL1 ROOMS and PARLOUS $1,00 to $3. . ..,!..- . .. . ' Meal as ordered. Thi Hotel has all th appointment of th best hotel, a moat oeatral location, and I heated throughout by steam, i . SAMUEL 1. MB AD. march M3m , Proprietor - ;: . . henry , ...;; flat ef Thaloa's enibllshment, N. Y.,) Tioprlerore . tha Mew Verk tsehlonabl Shaving, Hair Oatting , Bhampoontng, Curling and Dreeslng Saloe. Kael Star ptrt, OTSr ID roat man, fwn tuimoim. win b glvm m all th varioa bnnehee. LxUe and Children's Hair Dreeslng dona la th beddyl. jySI-dly - - Tt LAIN . AND FIGURED BLACK 17 DRBi8 BILKS, of every grade. Tne most ewieci assortment la lh lty, and al moetresMerawe.u UAIN SON,. aprllS . No. S9 Sooth High street. , E LEO ANT PLAIlt su MreelBwaMAntlesi akm. Wok Trinrntla , a ui - t av. rr sb arvf and TsU t mason, at BAIN may! .Vf'..,) .X. PAP TV- o -. : - beatjtifxjl, 1 AND CHEAPER THAN EVERr OVJR SPRING STOCK IS tJlTJ"OAli ly large and well assorted. Tha very latest pattern from AMKBI0AN, BNUUSU and IBJIXQH lactone. GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. 'I Gold and Velvet Borders, i SPLENDID DECORATIONS, SIDELIGHT . 1 i .-... AND FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, ' GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXT0BES, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, IOO South TTIgligt. COLUMBUS, O. N. B. Landlords and person wishing quantities oi Paper will nai money by buying ef ns. Country Merchant! and persons from abroad will do well to call and seen. farril l dSmeod R.JcA. MUST BE SOLD! ALL THE GOODS AT STORE Town Street, TO SUIT THE TIMES! WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! OWING TO THE WAR BETWEEN th Union and th Bunny South, I hav concluded to ell out ALL MY GOODS, XVXN hjhizaO w cost. Tha itock oonslst of th largest lot of WHITE GOODS, In tb city of Columbui; JAC0HETS, CAKBRICB, BBILLIAHTS, , ESIEBALDAB, HULLS, PLAIDS, S0IT FINISH CAMBRICS, - . - COILABS, EDQINUS, 8KLBI BBATO, HOSIERY. PINS BUXT0X8, SUSPENDERS, HOOKS AND EYES, and all kinds of ' NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES; .. .. thebeatnoOP SKIBTS tn Columbus, and at th lowest price, i Wbolesale and nctsUI. Then, ladle, ell, bath great and anall, r . Come, giv m a call, . And then you'll dud A. M. K. SToaan " In all hi Glory. A. M. K. 8T0RRII, Agent, Brmemher the War I No. OS Town sweet, aprlL'dSra . Oolumbu, Ohio. . TO BUSINESS MEN. , AN EXCELLENT CHANCE EOR reliable business men to eecure a profitable manu facturing business, requiring bat Mull capital la Its '. establishment and pro ecuilon. Tbe manufacture oonslst In the application of pe culiar composition or enamel to common red krleks. and a variety or other nullum material, ornamental arcm tectural finishing, eeilinga, tilt for Soon and for roofing.' This enamel may be tinted of any color, from th purest white to th deepest b'ack, with all th color and shades between. It impart to th articles to which it ie applied a hardness and durability almoet Incredible, and a beaaty surpassing that of the rarest and most oaatly ot th variegated maroles. and, nulla them, 1 Impervi ous to molstur, and will never fade ittln, or 4ter!r ate. costing but a fractional pert of the prio of ordinary marble. It la also valuable tor table and stand tops, mantle-, pieces, monnments, and an ndlea variety of other arti cle! of staple use. Th process of applvtng th anamel i simple, wnil m articles eoameieo will eommaoa a ready tale, affording large profit. Reepon Ibi parties may procure lloanet for manutaetarlng under the rtr , ent for any city or prominent town 1 the United States, by applying to the subscnoer ' A small tariff on the ar tlolee manufactured will be required or the ese of the' invention. Ulrculara giving full particulars will b for warded to all applicant. The superior marli and beauty of this enameled balld Ing material to anything In urn ha th .qualified In dorsement ef many of the moi eminent sreaitMta and seienitno men of thi and ether ettte. ... , - i .' n j lor partlonlar addrees . t , J0HHS05 It FXALt, !' ".: flsaeral igeatt for Kaameled Bolldlcg Material, p813a. . SS NASSAU ST., NSW YORK.' ' i . FIRST - , orENtntG of the mm or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ATP P. ROSE'S. -".-. f Ami, laa, it n A lnS nnreha I porch 1 f .j , m.w Vork at the ehelipeet panic rates All of wbtch ' IlhaltseM at the smallest prvflt. fof Cssh. Myeuslomr r and frlrnds ar respectfully invited to call nd exam- ' " lnemvOoodendPiioe,BI am determined to sell as n oheap orontaperthan any other hous In theelryiaad - a I do my own Cutting, and superintend my owabi-v , i feel assured , trim my lung excerleoc la bust-1 i ' neee, lo give general satisfaction. Thefineet of wtrk- ; 'r nn (reemployed, and all work don wrletty to Mm aod "''' hrt nntloa. and warranted to fit. Btrannr visitlnw enretty woaM eonsult their tntereit by giving m call before purchasing elsewhere, i ;. . . autB, i vin:uov ivivi, . Cor Hlsh aod Town si. marehMly FltlNO CLOAKS AN It BASQIAKSl i wy ITYLBS tlmln Ac . No. t eli Hlgk stie, hev Juiop4 wewetylesef Clot) C cnAAB. Bisoetss and BACqusa, maJe In the newest and most ylisn manner, aiso, nepiri, Hiaek. ktllkia. vary heavy, deilgaed xpmsi (or Mantillas and Baaqolae. aprilt .:. .... -f':.r. . ? t., A . ; tt t iff 't r.l