Newspaper Page Text
OAnDWAIiESTOIlB 1 1? , , l- i y '- .. 1 il 1' J JUST RECEIVED BY 'WX1 A. G-ILL, ; . , . - ' . ITo 30 North High Street, - . t . t . j : On of th UrfMt and But WkW Assart i ' " itia ottered ik this oim v Hocse Builders' ; Furnishings M , Of BVBRT STYLB AHD QUALITY. - r, ; 'reach Je Americas Window ' Olnjas I ; . PAINTS ROUND IN OIL ' and pat p la hel poind can tot family ase, and Dry - J! Pslntslabulk. Brushes of every variety & quality, ' A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3.. AXES GRINDSTONES, &c. ' OfNS.pi&TOLS, SHOT. o. FISHING TACKLE, ; ' , ROPE ft CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER BELTING-. v WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IflPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, A.', ' 'SCALES. BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I aapeolelly fnvlte the attention of all Interested to ay took of Pocket and Table Cutlery, scd MILTER PLATED FORKS. Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons . Butter Knives, fcc., of stOOEBRe A BEO'S. Manufacture, nnuM tobt xtnhnTj, Ilecti-tt-Plated.on genuine Albeit. Country MeTthanU, Mechanics, and other, art Invited to tall and examine my Stock, ai I am prepared to wit Wholesale and Retail. WBI. A. GILL. Colombo. Ohio, May 8, 1660. Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMILY CROCEBtES No. 106 South High Street Wm. JIcDOMLD, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. 7 Dally Arrival I Gaada For the Fall and Winter Trade Of .1860-61. JJHETIJKNINtt SINCERE THAMKS TO THE PUBLIC for put CaTon andpatroa- ago, and belnf DETERMINED to MERIT oootlnoane of ame by atrlct attcntlaa ta trade, and prempt dellTery ef Gaeda, Iwoald call the notice of the pnbllo to the fact that baring .a Lara "u Selected Stack on kand, and being tnldally receipt of good from tho differ ent market, I tatter nryielf that I enn offer to the dU ena of Colomboa, or to any who may deilro to pnrelaaa, an aaaortment of article appertaining to th QBOCIBY trade, IJNEftCALED by anyhona In the dty. The prlo and quality of the good offered, I guar, aatee ta griwe eatlelaeilon. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. ort7 . - , - wm. Mcdonald. Baltimore Clothing flonse. H129S cb I3Xj"DTVX, aunorACTrana ui waouaau naauai u READY-MADE CL0THII1G, No. 308 W, Baltimore-street, 1 (awrwiaa iobtt aa aowaaD,) BALTIIIIOBE, iHd, A Largo Ataortment o! Piste and FnrnUhlng eoods Constantly oa Hand; OetMJly - TTI71111aXUL 4Lm G-lll COLCIOBUS, OUIO : AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ; " And Seed Store, . BIALZB m GENERAL' HARDWARE, BAILS, 0LASS, BASH, PTJTTT, OOBDAOa, , daaa, Pletala, Wead WlUew Ware, a few and Bobber Belting, Iao Loathor, Hom and kto. . eni-my C. DOYLE & CO. Manafaotnrera and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Sorjtneart Corner of High and Cay Sts., . NOrn OO, ... . ' COLVjnBUS... OHIO. MA large Stock ot flat and Staple fioodi on band, rat-da ' " SUNDRIES. TAPIOCO, . Arrow Boot, Beotch Oat Meal SulU Peaa FtRINA, Sc Btoafloeir ' Poart Barley Cracked Waaat i ' Oooo Craaa Tutu, fig Beadle Bahtae Chocolate : . Broma,tc. Soda Prone -Fraah Toaatoa Green Cora frk Oano d f rntta of every deacrlptUe; - jclllOTof aiiainar, fmrorlog itrctof all lrba. flaa Drorat Mixed Candle; . Almooda, fllbcrU, Pon Nnu), . ' , Bngliah Walnata, Brail 1 Nal,to, ( tog)'; . " . WM UoDOHAlD. E. r.TCOLLISTER, Wfttaleeale and Retail Dealer la . TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS No. g5 Fifth Btret PITS B U RG1T, 'P a.1 Keet) aaatantlr an tiand all tba vav rtaua BRAN us al InajDoartoca. 0sraxo. Oct. id ... Lacoa and Embroideries, . VALrNIENES,iriLTE"E ft POTTfT L ColHnand Sett, f rench, Pnher and Throad Lao Veil new paltern) valcnelene. Thread and Point Laseo, Brabroidrred Collara, Sella, Trimming and Skirt. Laoe Bartiee and Oolffura. Plain Linen Collars, Bell and CoB. Emeveldared Oollar and Cuff ta ett. , 4 .. ,i -i. BAl!BOII, .. fcfcnej If. tO, Sontk High Strott. 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I. RAILROAD. Connecting at Orestltne with the WAYNE A CHICAGO RAILROAD Jlw iWseewy, fhUodeljihia and .fciBtmere. .aVeo or H FiMffM and tAfcopo. Connecting at Clevelsnd with the LAKB SHORE RAIL ROAD . - r: Ear Danklrlt, Bnlfale, Albany, Hee- eai aaa ntw nm THREE TRAINS DAILY, XXOKPI SUNDAY, ' from Oolambu, In oonnootloa with Train on the ' LITTLE FilAmi AND COLTJITAHU AND XHU HAlliUVAUS. ' - ' f IBST TEAIS. ' !- ; Kinnr ITPRKag. Ltarea Oolombn at 3.40 A.M I will learo paaasniera at all lUlioni aoath of Oallvn, top at Delawan, Athley, Cardlogton and Qllad, and at alltUUoni north of O.Uod, arrlTint at uiwtww at9:iSA. Ponklrk3:95 P. U . Baffalo 5.SSP. M. Albanj 5:00 A. It., New York A. u.. noeuo P. at , PltUburah Tia Orettllne -SiQ P. M .Philadel phia 5:10 A. M. Chicago Tla Oreetltne at 8 KO r. M. 8E00ND TBAIN. . . NIW T0BK BXPBK8 LT Ooloabaa at 11:10 win unn .t Ll Centra. DeUwara. OardinKton, Oalioa. Orottllao, Sheltu, New London, WelUnittoa and Grafton, arriTe at ai. a p. m.; wumto o iio n. m i 10:W d. m : Albiny. H:5a. n. Newfoik, 8:30 p. a.; Beaton. 4:40 p. m-; Pltubargh, n.tiin. R:90n. m.: Phllul.lDhla. 10 a. m . Con- aeeUat Shelby for all point on naaou.Kj, auuuucm m Nawark K. ft., norm 01 enemy. I HIED TBAIN MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leare Columbai at liO p m. Will (top at all .l.lloni Booth or BMiny, and at Hew London, tucneeier. weiuugwou, nl ha: rrlet('lreln(lt:iu p m.i voskiik, S:50a. .; Baffalo, 4:90 a. m.i Albuy, 3'JU p. m. new York, 0:30 p a.; Boaton. ll:4Sp m.i i-uuoargn, wa equina, u Kin a. m.i J"H adeluBia, a:u p. m., won neen at Bhelbf for all polnu on aanauaay, auwracia Nawark Bailroad. . ' Patent Bleemnflr Cars are run on all Bight Trains to Chicago, Sew York and Boston. . Bctggag Checttd thmmgh to Kea Tort and Eottm Htv Xorktia OrfMr. RETURNING. - Night Kzpreai arrlrea at Colombo at ClndnnaU tipnu " " , ' AocommodaUon, " " , : " .11:45 P. M. 11:10 A. M. 8:10 P. M. Fare Law bjr any other Baste Alk for TichrUvia Gttttli Cltveland. i I. S. PLINT. guperloUndent, OleTeland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, ' Colomon, Ohio. Oolomboi, April 15, 1851. . ' CENTRAL OHIO. R. Between Columbus & Wheeling, CONNECTING TIA BE LLAIRE AND WHEELING WITH TUB ' ' ; "' " BAtTIMORE & OHIO JU R;, AND VIA ' Bellaire . and Pittsburgh ' WITH IBB Pennsylvania Central R. B., FOB Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waghingtoa City, PitUburgh, and all Eastern Citiee. NO. 1KPBBBB Inm flnlnmhu. at 3 30 A. M.: atoD at all itatlon tat of Newark when algnalled. ArriTe at Newark at 4:50 A. U., Zaneerllle at 0.00 A. M., Bellaira at ia0 A. M., connecting with tb Baltimore k. Ohio B. B., and Tia PltUbnrgh with renniylranla tt. a. ioc an eanern oiiica. NO. S 1XPB1BS ; LeaTeaCoInmboi at 11:18 Ai M.; atopa at all itatlon when algnalled. ArriTe. at Newark at 12:48 A. M., ZaneaTUle at 2:04 P. at.; Bellaira at 6:10 P. M., son nectlng with th Baltimore 4 Ohio B. B. tor all oaatera oiliea. NO. 3 IXPBBS8 . ; Leare Colombo at 3.10 P. M. ; (top at all ttatloni when ignalled. Arrire at Newark at 4:30 P. M., Zaneerllle at5:40 P. M., Bellaira at 0:45 P. M., connecting Tia Pltubargh with th Pnnylranla B. B. for all euiarn eiUaa, .... : Thi. Bmta nffer the ADVANTAOS of a Through Th.t and luoil Check to WASHINGTON CITY, nrf .In vine th. PaneriMr th pririler of rttlttor BALTIMUBI. 1-ntl.aui.Lrrjiaaoa nan-iu&, th eoat of a New-York Ticket alone; or th prirllege of riaiUnt aU of th principal BK ABOARD CITIBSal the .r BOSTON Ticket alone. Tla other Boole. Throngh TickeUto NBW-YOBK can be procured Tla WAoHlNUIim uixx,aan -aouiuonai upvnvsi . Time as Quick and Fare as Low Agon other Boitef. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. ' ASKI0B TICKMSVIA Celnmbaa and Bellaire ar Wlieellna; JN0. W. BROrTN. Apr. 15. ' ' ' ' ' Qtn. TUktt Agent BALTIMORE AND OHIO. - ur .r 1 RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. nnar.ftlTlIIVATEs AT WASHINGTON X and Baltimore on the But, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkerabnrg on th Wert, at It nnltee with Bailroadi, Bteameri, A., for and from all point la th . Waat. SeatkiTjreat and' Nerth-weat THEEK TEAISS DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES , Thl th only rout to Wahtngton City. ' th!. rout cam vtilt Baltimore, Phil delphla, New York and Boetoa, at to colt of a Uckat to Boiton alone by other line. Through tieket to th Kaetara eltte eaa be procured Tla Waabingtoa uiiy at an auaurrami uaig w, . u uw. . Tma gvtoi and far at low a via any offer rvtH. ' ' Inquire for tlecet via Baltimore and Ohio lUtlroad at any or toe principal jumrwu uin. u.. . H HLLIV AN. Oen'lWeitern Agent. Banana, Ohio, L. M. COLI, General Ticket Agent, w. P. autTILMaatarTrannwrtatlon. oatS8-tf. (. - AUiTuioaa, lid. IMPORTED GOODS. JUST RECEIVED 80 cam Itanaa Oil, Barton tt Co., for tail an. IO ranch Mutard. farorlto brand; 6 4 S Bonad Sardine, th BBJI oardln lmp'td of Cpr ana out. . Table Baoee "Lea tt Perrin' Woroeeter hiro." 'Borer' Sultana," "ioha Ball," "Harry," "Beading." W.lnnt and Tomato Oatann. 10 76 dos. Croat A Blackwall' celebrated Xngliah rielie. oonnning oi--vaiiaowr1 rr ' aaliil " rihow-Ohew." "Walnut." On Ion." 'Cabbag,, "Bean,'' "Oherk'" Hsftakka. ., ... i ' . - ... London Porur Campbell' celebrated Scotch Ale. i Glnier Pieaene. SO 10O 6 UuMMtlllM THBUA ll.. a ernaa Col'. OotatlM. ' . . ' ' Coleman' eelebrated Bngllth Mmtard, in keg, box, can and bottle. Bg7 WM. MWIIltll. JOSS E WHEELER. :'":;r !.',,: A CENT FOR HOME. CONTINENTAL t Muutmi. Sacoam. and laruw vuta xiw. oo.' Nrw Yoaci Matcauim' and Cm Itaa or lUaTroaa Nw You Liraaad Cora. HDToaA Lira. . Office. 81 Ulga St., 8aTaee Bl alffHy " Alexandre's Kid Gloves; , 1-kLAllf ANDEIBBBOIOEKED, ITIOUS 1 ODBTAIKB and renulur (hap Black Kid G lore. embroidered In white, magenta, jmrple. Ate. Uadremd KtdOlore. Mime Kid OloTt. A cemplet auortaMnt of theoI(brtd aior alwayi for t Dim at sun, felfil No. M South High itraet, Canton Mattings. ; . . .4, 54, e-4. While aad Bed and - White OhKked of aprwr,ulliy. fnraaloby - ti i A 1 .' BAIN tt SON, Kh33 . ' , No.3SouthElght. Co-PartnerBhip. HATE THIS DAT ADMITTED PIT aoa JAMB. ADSSR BAIN ai partner ia my ban- eat, which will amaftn be ondneled wndertbe Bra Of Bala A Sod. P. BAUt, S South High BU ' 1 iiiii iiiivini, 1 lu Nos. Zty S8 & 40, North High St, INCREASED FACILITIES! i. HAVING MOVED INTO MY. NEW BUILDING. 1 HA-VB i..v.-'i Gr-roa-tly J3ttxlirt3roc5 BOOK & JOB: DEPARTMENT1 WHILE BOTH HAVE BIUS REPLENISRED THROUGHOUT ;' 1 with ..;';'' New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c IROM TH1 CILIBBATKD I0UHDUX U C. T. WHITE cz : CO., MiSW XU&jl, a eaak.-nW THUS MAKING Tt TBI ;' Most Complete Establishment , ,. . , IN THE ClTYlv; I -I am now prepared to Execute all Orders (or BOOK AND JOB PRINTING WITH 'DISPATCH! i And In the Most Approved Style or tho Art PARTIOtlLAB ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AO RAILROAD Bill af Lading-, Clrenlare, ' r Bill Headi, Blanks, Deed. i..ifi-ttin. Uecclpta, Dray Tlckete, ; Keglatere, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, CARDS, HXADIBQS, NOTES, , ENVELOPES, . CONTRACTS. IUustrated Show, B ilia, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, thaw Ml-. Hand Bills. LabeU, Concert Fro- grainmea, School and Co lief Scheme, Ho tel BUla of 7aro, Invitation, e. ' Boolt worlt OF EVERY DESCRIPTION V School and College Catalogued, KifeeUaneona ramphieu, ' Conetitntione, Reports, Brief, e Printing in Gold and Colon P O S 33 JEL..S, Printed In Every Color on a HammothHoe Cylinder, Tho only Frets of the kind in Central Ohio, v. HAuum a dotal uit and all of th abore decrln- Hon of work, are now nnurpd, and astufaction will ba guaranteed a ail ea. li f-Au wore rarnunea prommT wj wm h. invunvw BIO HARD NBVINS. The Court of Common Fleas, Franklin Conn ty Ohio. Sarah J. Walton T. Sal In Partition. Luclnda Walton t al.) war arTRiTANCE OF AN ORDER OF 1 th aald Court to ma directed, I will offer for eel public auetlon, at the doorol tn uoori uouae, in w city of Colombo, on Tneaday, May 7th, 18C1, - th following deaoribed real eetate, lituat la Norwich townhranklln county, Ohio, to wit: . Part o? the W. B. Benneld urrey, No. 554, bounded n- Rrvinnlnr at a (ton in the road leading from Oolnmbu to Dublin; being tho eoulh-eaalerly corner i. n. ... In the eurrer In proceeding in partition Michael Walton; thence with the aonlh I'n of aald No. LB. 65 degree w . n pom, , n .u.wuM, wmr rly corner to aaid lot; thene with the westerly Use thireof, N. S7 degree W. 31 80 1U) pole to a tone, ..k ..triv mrnar of laid lot, and corner to land be- loniinc to the heir of Apollo Roger; thene with their linen. iKoegreea .; -. ner to aaid belli' land; thence with another of their line a uhmm. W. 361 K Dole to a (take and ton in the original wort line of the urey, and aouth-w.i oernor aid betr' lead; theaoa with the original Hoe of ad iar Tr B. 43 dagM 30 mlnnte,B . 73 pole to a atonc.north eaaterlr corner to a tract of land of two hundred acre eonrereu ny Aoner whf " " W. UOi; tlinoe with hi Hn N. 63 degree, E. 301 pole to Vtonnother comer of aald Otopp land ;ihne with another oihle ltnte 8. 87 ogrea. B. I4JW10 polee another coroer of aald CUpp' land; thence with another of bla llnea N.3degreta B. 140 pole to a .tone, another af .aid Clapp'a oornar; tlienc with another of hi line a o-r a. 13 cole to a atoo. another of and 0lapp'oomra: thenoa with another of hi llnea N. dearee a xi poieaiu . - akl Clapp'a land; thenoa N. t6H degree W. 0 pole and 14 llnae; thene . 11 degreea W., -following lha Dublin Boad e-venty-etgni poK in oegm nlar. containing 873 acre, ba th aame mora laa: and alio, in too aame mrrey; 554, and enjoining theabore described tract, another tract of 3B-1 00 acre, bounded aa follow: beginning at a atone oath-aaaterlr corner to th above dawribed tract, thence N 60K 11 polea and 5 link to a (ton In th rinhim Bd from which a ehairy tree SO Inehea tan H. 34K degreee B. 69 llnka, then H u u degree 1. 17 pole and IS link to a poit, from which a walnut 18 Inehea tn diameter beare 8. 48X do me 1. 8 llnkadiitant, thene N. 27 degree W. poltt and 81 link to a ton In tb oulh line of Henry Ho Oracken' land; thence 8. 75 degree W. D2pol and S llnka to a pott In the Dublin Hoad, 8. K. corner aaid MeOrnekn' land; tbeno S. 10 degrae. B. 8i polea and 18 Unto to a poh thence S. degiore pele and IS link to tb beglnnlog. ; ' - - Xzceptlng from aaid two traoti,th following described part thereof, heretofore eet off to Bliaabeth Armlatcad, deacribed a follow: Commencing at the oulh-at cor ner of Michael Walton' lend ebor mentioned; thence tooth with th Dublin road 8 rodt; thenoa weatarly on a lino parallel with th laid Michael Walton 'a touth line B. 6 degree o minute. ..... nn,.. ir. H070100 do In: thence N. 54 if ireei 1. 71 60-100 rod; thence 8 17 degree 30 minute. But 4050-100 pole; thence 8. 87 degree B. 39 SO-1U0 pole; theoeoN.O degree 89 minute . 148 pole th beginning, containing forty cre. The property h. -JA .. .n entire tract, ettimaud at two hundred aad forty acre, aad apprald at e v per acre. . Tn,. nw H.LB. On third In hand on day or tale balance in on and two year from day of ea'.e, with in tereateecurad by mortgage. .. . . 1 ' ' ' UftUnUa Tf aaAl , April S, BheruT.,. HUNNEWELL'S - ; . : : ';..-:. UNIVERSAL 7 ;, v i . COUGlt REMEDY. mm all rn.M ant T.fJfl CnmDls'.r.t. Ineludng, With .irft Mntt.. WBoonae Cotton, uhuopw n.a7. nisu. Baoacuuj. ana ThoaT Ooaruurr .i. .mbavmk mm nf rinDAnaiotlon. J I a BooTatn .rT:. r:"zi.;. r wr trm mi onmta ot B me tic nropertle, may M aaeo ny aw o.i.wu.i... tatlona, and with perfect eon-dene. ( ; ' ; ' HUNNEWELL'a 'M: k; ' r ' .... . , CELEBRATED ' . - . ' . ; : : tolu anodyne. Orun ever offered to th world, containing not apariKmvt i".i.' ---tane but IW Mrictly voreiabl and medical propertle. Tmi a Xa Acna, CATanaH, Boeaoa Hv ftvan, and all mloor Nervou Complaint. ' - 1 - " ' " ' f oa Lob or , and Iteadarn fa an na nrWH It ha ao ooual. and to which moat undoubted tettmoni- aj. ar. .. - , . .,- n--infra. after remorlnc th pain tt act a e phytic, a ot Important eooiraat with Ui eonUpa toSJ&HHJL ?Pi!Z:iM and Trial Bottlea will be'en't, ana toDeeleTar Invalid a deeorlpUve pamphlet without "Ige-.tamp." ., rreparaa unaer uiny-... -i , JOHN f,. nrjUNEWEU, ' .' 08tWtaira BURMACatTItT, L ( Ho SCbnuBoreial Wnarf, Bootaon, Mass To whom ptoea direct all eommanlcatlone, f rleee-Urge Cough Xnaedy , 50 cant par bottle. . " . Bmall " ' ' .- 5 " .. . It ! Tola Anodyno, SO . ; . for Ie by the aeuat wholeeeie ana nmai weajaa, BoTaaTS Si HTJBL,. v .. ; n. MARP1I, JOBS R. COOK, ' .' i i. kt. DNIO, ., ft? 1 DIMM tltWft. - - AVI. SOHCBLLBB A SOS. 1aayi7-wi Ageufci joomr, owe, '. i -i ti.i . ;t man if V u fi'Iijt i..ji!iaii at to to lot to a to 63 or 3 to ' to to , , ; V '. 0 1 i (.11 fc.!.,'.1!! .i (-a I. ! ; -A . 33 - X: Xi i.i: 1 1-1 or U t. nU' li.-:,. AT KNAPP 8c CO.'S, I.- 119 South High Street, Oct2i-2awd-iAw-Cm THE'. WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN. ! , .' , HAVINa A CIH0TJLATI0N . LAR6ER BT SEVERAL TH0TJ8AITDS Than any other paper In Ohio, oatalde of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising i ' '' '. Which CANNOT f AIL to bring' Saeedr and Bemnaera'lre Hetnrna ' ' 'To fhoae who take advantage of theoi. XI IK yTEXZKJSY STATESMAN SUtrlbuted u it la through every Pott Office In Ohio, ' Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronage le valuable, and who eeldom ee the Sally Bdltlon of dty jourhali; and a only A : Limited E amber of . Advertisements - ' Are Injerted In It column, appoprlately and HAl)$OMELVW$PtAVEI)! t(T carrot ran. to i , .. . Of ALL I .-.t-.' - WHOLESALE DEALERS 'Advertialng in the WEKKLT STATESMAN will Sa t advantagoaj ta i . THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which 1 almott certain to folio ao exteulv ditwmti atlon knowledge of their burinee AMOSGr ' COTJmY ', PEAXES8 J ,' ' ' ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED f OR The Weekly, Statesman ' : Should be handed In before Irlday aoon. . ; ,. BBCX)10mn)KD BT TBI UTS ' SIR A8TLEY COOPER, Of IrOHDOH, AMD DR. VALENTINE M0TT OT ROW TORBJ. Tla ackno-wladf ed Head of the f rofeealoa in dike - - uenuapnare. The beat Dlorotto, Ton) a. and Tnvlgornnt. The tmm rjwace or u atajulajoT JUNIFIia BIHBy. The Fare end Moet Coetry Qln Ey INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, 1,1 INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, ' ' INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED, THE SAFEST AID MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. ror Baio. FlnU Tnd Ouarta tnr aware aaufjgiai, vrrocer, or country jaercJUUit, rl'c ioOK OTJT FOE BOOTS ! ' O N D O ' N ' ; O I N 8. TUB ONLY QEIftniVH ABTIOT.B ia CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 8IN. I B. BALDWIN & CO., . Importera, 01 Liberty St.l ' ' M..'. NXCW . YORK. Bold in Colombo by HcKEI A BESTIIAtTZ, Wholeaale and Retail Oroeere, Statentan Building. ' -v. f -.. 0. A. WAONBR.and'hfe. , In ClndnnaU, by, . BUIRB, ECKBIBIN A CO., oeSiO-deodfclyw . and other. FAIfOT DBKS SILKS,'- -:- , -f ASOY DBB88 SILKS, . . .. '. . t. . FANOY DBB0B SILKS. W ere now offering our tauaeme etock of fancy Dram Silk at prtoea len than ever before offered In thl elty. the attention of the Udlee ef thl elty and vtolnlty eyVlHUVrxB. pay vwi iaA m WYJ! W?VB "U cnyanpirtv IH M1 grade W goodjla thj Ua. i, , i P I' TI H BA IN, , "v . . j t f v. V pymet MM ai w?t . in ,hwl b &r,n , 11 SIMM Dim .. j... n a ..ui O I a :fl ( ' O I GO I ST M t ta a TTPl INVITE ATTINTI0N to torn of th molt ex traordinary core by my ' ,.',,:... : PECTORAL SYRUP. Ther are at horn, and any en who ha doubt eaa In quire of the penon who have been cured by.ll- , DR. KKYBKR 18 PRIPARSD AT ANT TIMB To BXAMINH LUN08 WITHOUT CHARQK, FOR ALL TUOBS WHO NKBD 1118 MXDI01NIS. " v ;, ATTEND TO Y0UB 00LDB A cbm of flv year' tending cared by DR. KEYbKB'8 PZ0I0Ei811tUP, ' ' PiTTMtJioH, Jan. 11, 1800. ; Da. Kxyikr : My wife ha been afflicted with a bad dough and difficulty of breathing, for Ave or atz year, writes, lor aeveral yeanoaca, naa graonaiiy inoreaeen ia violence. The comulalnt ha been hereditary, and ah had been treated by aeveral phytic lan without any r lief, in tni tate of her caae, i procurea om oi your Pectoral Oonrh Brron. I bought, the Unit lima, a fifty cant bottle, which relieved her very much ; I thea called ai.d got a dollar bottle, wbtcn cured ner entirety, eae ah ba now no trace of tn former aiaeae, exoepi w neu. I would alio Hate that I oted tna medicine ay- aalf to a cold and eunih. Th medlcin cured DM by tat lag on doae laxprea my entire wita tne medicine, and you are at liberty to publiah thl It yoa deilre to do o. Wat. Wilson, Alderman fifth Ward. Pimstreea. Wow. 18, 1858. Da. Kmreia: Although not an advooat of Patent Medicine., in general, It afforde ma pieaaura inaeMrion hie to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. Aa a medicine it I wall worth, the attention of any pereoa abo may la any manner be affltottd with (ought, oolda and hoaraan of an bind, and for tna peculiar qoaunoauone ior rw movlog all that dltagreoable KnaaUon attending a - TaraaAld. 1 bar been, more or lea, la my life, affected with the MTereat of oolda and huaneneae. At Una my throat would hecome ol. ted aa to prevent my (peaking above a whlaper. and by taking a few dote of th above Syrup It would relieve meenllrely. In lacommendln. thl medicine, I mntt unheeltaUngly ay that It i the beet remedy I ever found, purporting te ear tbe above, nor ahould any family be without thl remedy for dlaeatei to prevalent. Yourt, moat rerpeetfully, - ' KDWARDJ. JONKa, : . Oaahier CHUena'CepoiIt Bank. Btxobekvilli.0., March 14. 1858 1 have Died Dr. Keytar' Cough Syrup for a bad cough or Mveral year Handing, ana can onecnuuy any it th beet medicine for th tarn that I have aver taken. i. w.rmoB COL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSER'B PEOTOBAX SYKUP Da. KsTtta Dear Bin Bxcuae the delay of my acknowledging the excellence or your Pectoral Oougb Byrupeooner. I take great pleasure In laying that It a all you ear it is. Jt tnockmd IA noiM ml 01 my 000 and the worst one I was aver afflicted a lib: I hare aot uaei more than one-balf of t h bottle, and I eaa and do wlah that all who are afflicted would give It as (air a trial as 1 have done, and they will be proud to aay, '-It ia ne quack medicine.' 1 would not uffr another suchaa attack for any consideration, or at any eoat. I am con fldtot I can breathe more freely than I evr did. I thai I alwaya acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so exoeiient e remedy, you are at liberty to use my name In this regard, aa yon think proper. M. W. rHAXT, aiossenger uommon uonncn, rittararga, ra. Pittsburgh, May 11, lba9. N. B I am no atranaer to my fellow-dtUena. and who entertain doi'btt can eomuit me personally. , a. w. r. Prrraatmaw, April 84, 18S7. READ TIIE TBUTK. Da. Knaam: 1 have a daugh ter who haa taken aeveral medicine for a bed eouxh. without benefitamong them Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle or your rsuionAt. 8YRUP, end before aha had ued half a bottle eh waa relieved. The second bottle cured her entirely of her cough. JOUMDABIN, noninson street, Auegneny, Prrnanaow. Dreemher. 3L 1BS3 A GREAT CURB BY Dkt. KBYBBU'B rMOIOBAX BYBUP. I lira In Paeblea township, Allegheny eouatw. I had a coughing and (pitting, wntob eommenoea asoni lha 4th of Vebruary last, and continued elcht moolha. em o lured the beat nhraioiana ta the eountry, end aay co ash continued unabated until early ia October. At Ibat tint j was adntcd to try your rfiUTUBAii uuuun b Y BL P. which I did. and after I had taken on bottle 1 waa entirely free from th coughing and epttting. I had deiDaired of ever mtlne well, end I think It ahould known that thia valuable remedy will do for others what n baa don InmycaMi. JUHH u. I.nili, Witners B H. Rbhr. ' . Peebles townhlp. I Pattor Tr.. April 14. 1857. A WONDERFUL CURB. Borne time ego, aa old neighbor of mine was vary ill. with a bad eough which every one auppoted to ba consumption. Bis reiaticaa told me that he bad taken every remedy they heard ol without benefit; hit brother came to aee him die, end all were confirmed In the belief that heeould not lire. had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, which I gave him, and It entirely cured him, to th aaton Uhment of all. What make the caae more remarkable, la th extreme age of the man, ha being aboutelgbty year old. 1 bar no doubt tn reotorai tarea nt lira. JUtUU)1 QiNNIS DR. KEYBER'fl PECTORAL SYRUP IN BLAIRB- VILLE. Please tend m another tupply or your valu able "Pectoral Byruu," Almott everybody around aa baa the cold and are inquiring for "Dr. Knyaar'a Pastoral Syrup." WbaTaaoldalxieenbottl(latwek,aadara now entirely out. sir. A. Alterand Mr. P. fclaber, both of Blalrsvi-la, Pa , tell ua they would not be without In their famtllta. In fact, all who aa It oaee want again. Yours, reipeetlully, . . J. D. WATTBRSON A 80NS January 30, 1SC0. ANOTHER NEW CERTIflCATB DR. KEYSER'B PE0TORAL SYRUP. I had been troubled with aeougk and cold tor aeveral weeks ao bad was It that I son Id not tleep. 1 had tbe adrloe and preacrlptlona from thrae tbe beatpnyalclanam tbe city, wnom icould nam , but do not ao ao. 1 anally procurea a noiue et your rsoloral Byrup, whica cured me entirely. - Bigueo, ' . ti oiaiun ivn, ; S30 Liberty itrtet, Pltubargh, Pa., Jan. , I860. "STOP TH ATCOUOniNO." 'How can I do it?' "Go to Keyaer'eon Wood (treet and get a bottle of hit Cough Peetoiai, and if that don't our yoa, your ease must bs deaperate indeed." Tbla ia aapecimenof the oolloooj one bears almott erery day in cold catching period, of the year. And wa can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur In th adviter'a admonition aa above, for we nave tried tne "rector!." in a moot etebbora ease, with entire success. Near two weeks sgo we went to Pltubargh, with one of the mott distressing, contrary, mulish, an. ubduabl eougha w ever experienced alne our advent upon thia mundane sphere. We coughed ateadtly end laboriously for one whole week, In hopes of tiring U out. out II waa no go. in fact it aeemea rawer to bava Im proved by praotloe.and to have acquired atrength.poten- oy and dittrmmtibiMf by the operation. In thia tug of th aii. we eon ihed our way to Keiaer'e. 140 Wood It. procured e fifty cent bottle of the 'Pectoral;'' took accoraiug to airecuont, ana in lony-eignt noura we were maeler of the field, the enemy having unconditionally surrendered, aiur a bnei nut unequal eonuotwlth formidable an advoraery ss Keyier funou "Cough rcctorai. xvwnevwa viijer, is, iqov. DR. KEY8SB 8 PECTORAL BYRUP le prepared and old by Dr OK0B0B 11. KKYSER, 140 Wood itreet, rittsourgn, ra. . . . . JXf" bold ia Columbas by. ROBERTS A BAMUBL. rpOOTIIACIlE BEnCDTv,' t l n'j--. A STJHB3 CTJXIE2- '' ' ' ' ' Prepared and told by . Price, 25 cents, 140 Wood it-, Pittsburgh, p. O Sold In Coloabu by ROBERTS tt SAMUEL. (yt7-9iawden. . -i . i r Mrutter Commissioner'a Sale. . Earr 'Kelt org re. . Theodore Oumttock Court of Common Pleas. etal.) BY VIRTUE Of AN ORDER OY SALE to me directed from the Superior Court of frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer tor aal at the door of tne vourt uoum, tt ine city or Columbus, ea ...wv Saturday, tho 25th daw of May, A. D. 1861, between the boon ef 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. St., the following described real estate, altoate tat the county of P ratJtlln, and Btate of Okie, and townthlp of "Duron, to wit: ran ol t,ot no, m. eection v. Townahin 8, Range 18, United giatea SUlitary lahd. bounded on In wet by the Worthlngtoo and Colombu plank road, oa the eouth by lands of John flregg, oa th east by the limine, ana on tna norm ny we una ei untie; s, Wil kinson, fcontaloing IS acres more or less. ALSO. Lot No OV.exeept about one half aa acre Win on the weet eldeand adjoining th Cleveland and Columbus Ball Road, deeded to rjuun oiTkej Jiald Let No. 09, be ing in BeotlonS, Township 8, Range 18, United States Unitary land, and bounded on thewetth the Her Una. on tbe aouib. by leodi of Orange Johnson, on tb cast by ine htodd iidb, ana on in conn ay sana ei mo a. Wllkln.on conUinlng it acre more r I'M. .. . -i , Appralaed at, Part ol Lot No 33, M OOper acre. " . . Lot No. 69, 35 Ml " . ' 0. W HCfPU AN, Sheriff apSO-dltwdt. -' and Master .0amlsioarw - Printer fee 16 00. . , . . ., STRM-A IIIAWLSI STELLA SU AWLS 1 1 la all desirable oolere, aad aa very greet bargain - Ain a aonK i No. fit South Illgh atreet. apnia BLACK Ml HAW UONNEAAanEjl gant Ribbons, la great variety at BAIN'S, i octS - , No. Bt,Htgketist;'", ' . S t 3 ':.'ifi,-v i I'''."1 T'l V'' (n'- I t l-fVllI i.MJutiioifis ' THE GF.EAIEST- t ei a.'a..f It It of It 1-ffv tvr e -. I , I - -- --. . :I .a . ;ClaJaia Oasley 'J ' eetESdAwlr. .-....! niovi wiiijjm!in-j..vf ..Y-'. j. i.ail.1 l '."'' .ix i r- -..i j .i 4 ? a-n-K . '"'',' .0 fA )ivl OF THE , AGE. MB. KENNEDY, OF HOXBVRY) aa dlaeovered la one of oar eomaen paaiure weeda a remedy that cares Every Kind of Humor, Tho worst lorofula (Iowa to k eommon Pimple. Be ha trad It la ever eleven hundred eaaee, and : nev er failed axoept In two eaaee, (both thunder humor.) Be haa now la bit pomeaeion ever on hundred certificate of lit value, all within twenty ml let of Boaton. Two bottle are warranted to euro a naming tore south. i One to three bottlM Will enie the wont kind of Pimple 0b the fee. i Twe er three bottle will eteer the (ytm or Due. . Two bottlea are warranted to our th wont canker in tb mouth or atomach. ' Three t a bottle are warranted to erne the wont kind of Bryatpelea. - - i , , On to twe eotuee are warranted to cure an numor in Die Kea. 1 Two bottle are warranted to cure running o the ear and blown among tn nair. .1 font to li botiei era warrantm 10 euro eorrupi ana running ulotrt. . V.-':ti one bottle win cure icaiy erupuon 01 tne urn. Two or three bottle are warranted to 00 re the went kind ef rlnraonB. , : Sw er thrae bottle are warrantea to euro in mon letp.rat cate of rheumatltm.- , Three tn four bottle are warranted to cure nit-Rheum. flv to etaht bottle will euro the wonteaae of tcro- rala. . A benefit hi alwava axnerlenoed from the Brat bottle. a perfect cure I warranted when th above quantity la taken. :.:.. -'.ui '''' '1: ..... I . . BOX UV HI, mADD TJaia Miniw: Th rtnubatlon of the Medical DU ery, In coring all klnda of numor, laeo wen caiao A h. th. nnanlmona voloe of all who have aver ued llaht It, that I Bead not aay anything ea the (object, a tut moat aklllful phyttolana and the moat careful Drugglat In th country are unanimon in it prune. In nnaantlna lha Madkml DlaOOTer t TOUT Botloe, I do It with a full knowledge of It curative power, In rJ llevtnw all. aad eurlne aoat of thnw diaeaaea to' which yea are unfortunately ao liahl. That moat exoraclating dhwaa to an aaectionala motber, nCttSINO MORE MOUTH II eared aa If by a alraclei yoar own temper la re to red to IU natural iwottneti, and your babe from ahort and fretful nape to calm and tweet dumber; and the Medical Daoovary beoomee a fountain of blotting to your buaband and household. In the more advanoed (tare of , CANKER ItaxUnd to th ttomach .caitnr .. . , dyseepSiA.' 1 which le nothing bat canker on the tomuh; then te the In t tine end ereattaga (Inking, gone feeling, and an Indifference evea to tne oarea 01 your nuniiy. Toar ttocnach le RAW AND INriiAKIED im food Alabama Ton. and too can only take certain klnda, and evea of that yourayatem doea not get half the Dourlahmant it oontaln, aa the aorlmonoua fluid of the canker aata it apt than your complexion loeee He bloom end become (allow and greenish, and your beat day la gone, for want of nourishment your ayatem be eomee loo and flabby, and the nbrea or your body no come relaxed Then follow a train of dlaeaaei which tb Madloal Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to OVREI P.lnlt.Mnn af the heart, caln In the aide, weaknewt 0 the (pin and email of the back, pain of tbe hip Joint when yoa retire, Irregularity of th bowel), end aite, that most excruciating of dlteaaei, th i'., r , PILES. . V . ' BoWBtany theasand of poor Woman aretufferlng from this dletaa end pining away a miserable lire, and their next door ntixhbordoe not know tb cause. I wlah t Impreet on yonr mind that good old proTerb,"An ounoe of prevention a do iter man a pouno 01 care, u u, ME D1CA1, DISCOVERY yoa have both tbe preventative and the euro, with thl great ana gooa quality, tna. 1. will nerer, uuuvr any eiiwamstancca, do yon any injury. THE HIEDICAt. DISCOVERY hi tspacialy Intended for dlueaea of th blood, bat iloee IU Introduction In th Wettern Btatas, it I found to be tbebeet - . , - AGUE REJHEDX that waa ner before the nubllo. No change of diet ever neeestery eat the beat yoa can and get enough of it. , .- Dinamoaa roa Dae Adults one table tpoonful per da Children ever tea yeare, deaert tpoonful Children from Sv to eigtt year, tea tpoonful. Aa ne direction eaa be applicable te all eooeltutlons, take sufficient to operate oa tna boweia twice a oay. inn truiy, DONNALD KENNEDY. Prlo 1. 00 per bottle, for ytvery drnggiithi the United States. epxi-dawijl PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR IMVIGORATOR An Effective, Safe and Economics Compound, , ' , FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR Te Its original color without dyeing, and preventing th uainroa turning gray. ; FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Aad earing It, when there Is the least particle of vitality or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING 8CURF AND DANDRUFF , And all cutaneous affectlona of the Scalp. . ! FORJJEAUTirYING THE HAIR Imparting te It aa uneqaled gloss end brilliancy, making It soft aad silky In its texture, and causing it to curl readily. . The great celebrity and increasing demand for thl on equaled preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial is only neeeeeary to tatkfy a discerning public of iu eapenorquanua ovor eayetner preparation in uae. it cleanse th bead aad scalp from dandruff and other eataaaoue dleeeaee, eaaaiag the hair to grow luxuriantly giving tt e rioh, eoft, gloeey and flexible appearance, and .10, where the hair la i loose! mine and thlnolng, it will (Ire etreogia end vti id vlgot r to th roou and ret lore the growth to hoae parte which have become bald, earning It to yield a rath cover Ina of hair. I There are hundred of ladles and gentlemen la New fork who have bad their hair restored by the ase of this Invlgorator. when all other preparation have failed. L. at. haa in his poeeesiloa letter Innumerable testifying at (he above facta, from pereoa of tbe highest redseeu blllty. It will effectually pre rent the hair from turning until the lateet per.'od of life; and In oases when the hair haa already changed lteeolor, th use of the Invlgorator wlllwltnceruiaty rat to re it ao it u its original Hue, giv tng it a dark, flossy appearance. Aa a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative It la particularly recom Bunded, having aa agreeable fragrance; and lha great fa eilitla U affords in dieaelng the hair, which, when molat with the Invlgorator, can be dreeaed in any required forts e ee to preserve its place- whether plalnor In oarlaj bene the great demand for tt by th ladle as a standard totlelarflcle which none ought to be wilbsnt tbe price plane It witnia toe reaca oi an, ecing i Only Twenty-rive Cents ! per bottle, to be bad at all respectable Druggists and . i , .- . sTenwaere.j i ;., i L. lfTXLIE would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the ase of his Invlgorator, la cases where the children's hair Inclines to be weak. The use of it aye tbe fouedatioa for a good Aead of hair, as It re aw res any imparitiee that may have become oonnected with tbe acalp. the removal of which le accessary both for the health ef the child, and the future .appearance of Its Hair, . l . ..,., j OaDTioa. None genalne without th fac-tlmlle LOUIS MILLBR being on th outer wrapper; also, L. MIL LBR'S HAIR IMVIOORATOa, if. Y., blown In the glssev Wholeaale Depot, SS Dey (treat, and toUby all th principal Merenanoj and vrnggisie throughout the world Llheral dJscout to petrcbasers by the quantity. I alas desire to preeent to the American Public my IXW ' AYS IBLTB0VZO IirSTA.YTAHE0TJS LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after yeare el (dentins arperlmeiitlng, I have broaahtunerfeetloa. lldsaeBlaokot Brown instantly wlthoBtlnJary to the Hair or Skint, warranted the beat artlete ot tn aina laaxittanoa. i ' . ' TRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. Depot, 66 Dey Si, New York. ea:dawiy. . WHO SHOULD USE1 , l J. BOVEE OODS VXXKTAELJC DR. IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with laclpleaV Consumption er weak liungsanoma use mem. . ami who suiter from weu otomaens, uaigeiaon, vye- peptiaorrueitnouiauetinem. . All who (uffer from General or Nervous 9 3Ml Beetlessnca at sight, Want ot Sleep, aV,, should ,i All persooi wh ar convalescent after fever or other ton Mioaia as tnem. Mlnlaura of tbe soapet, MWyert,. Jiectarera, ana ei publlo i Book . anaakan, nluiUld naa tham. 11 1 -1 k keepra,andall persons leading a eedenUiy If shoubl naa tbem. T beaW and roSoa ebould an aess. . , All who require a stimulant or tonle ahould use them. All whe ana addicted te the nee pt anient spirits and With to Inform, ahould ose these. They are audi of a pure Sherry Wise, end ef the rsv tire nlanta and kerbs of the eountry, end should be re commended by temperance eoewtke, clergymen, physi cians, end all friradsof humanity. . - Thay ar prepared by en experienced and skillful phy aioian, and, aside fraea their medieiaal propertiae, aree moat aVllfhtful kvragi and yet, a a medkrino, are a Icnooeotaodhanalsaaaa th dews of beavea. Bold by druggists generally.. . i - ' j . -. CSAUU WOmmtLD k Ca, rmprioton, Tt wTUJiasm BUw new Yarn. wsAawrvylpia m, a a we i rfT 1 .imta faepvousHeadache By the ose of thee Pills th periodic attacks of JTer cetie er Bid. Beadacfu maybe prevented; and If taken at tbe eommeneament of en attack Immediate relief from . pain and sickness will becbtalned. i They eeldoD fall In removing th JrotMMi and ' ' ' ' ' acAs to which females are so subject. . ' " ! They act gently upon th bowels remoTlng OasMe . aM.. ' tot Library Men, Btudmt, Djfccale female and all persons of sodsnfory kobUt, they are raloa m a laeaUv4, Improving the appM, giving ton vigor to the digestive organ, and restoring the satur elasticity and strength of the whole system. ' i the CXPHALI0 PILLS sr the result of long tores ligation and carefully conducted experiments, having been In use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer leg from Headache, whether origins ting in th aereoal system or from a deranged state 61 the ttomaeh ' They ar entirely vegetable In their composition, an may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and t A abunot of any dimgrttabU tatto rmdtri if easy to adminittor lm . T;! BBWAREOfCOUNTEBfEITSI Th genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. ,, . , . - , . Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers la Medicines. ' ' A Box will be cent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of tbe Prloe BS Oonta. ' All orders ehould b sddretsed to HENRY. C, SPALDING, . i ' .' .' ' 48 Cedar street, New Yerk. THE I0LI.OWINO ENDORSEMENTS Of SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUffBB IROM i- ! HEADACHE. 1 THAT A j SPEEDY AUD SURE CUBE 13 WITHIN THEIR REACH. , , At that Ttttimontalt wtrt wnnlictted ojMr. fraie iae, Ay afford nnguttUonablt proof qflhttffi-. I racy of thit truly mientiflo dUcovory. ! MasoRVitLK, CowR , f eb. S, 1801. , , Mr, BriLDtNo. Sir: I hav tried your Oephalla Pills, snd Ubt them to Well that I want yon to tend me two dollar! worth mora. Part of thai are for the neighbors, to whom I gar -few out of th first box I got from yoa. Bend th Pills by mail, and oblige i Your ob't Servant, . JAMES KENNEDY. )'' HAVtaroRn, Pa., feb. 0,1801. Mr. BrauiRa. I with yoa to (end me one more box of yonr Cephalic Pill, I hav rtetivtd a great deal of btntfitfrom thorn . i I Yourt, respectfully, I . .J. 5MARX ANN ST0IKH0US1 . , EPRttCR Cing, nORTIROTOW C.,Pa. I January 18, 1801. r n. O. EraLDiiie. -. - Bui: Yoa will please tend m two boxes ('. yonr Cephalic PUis. Send them Immediately. i Reipectfully yours, . ! JNO. B. SIMONS. P. B Ihavtuud on bom ef your fiUt, and find , them excellent. . . '' Ekllr Virror, Ohio, Jan. IS, 1801. H((RtO. BrAUnna, Esq. m - Pleaae find encloaed twenty 41 re cents, for which sand . ' ne another box of your Cephalic Pills. 7Ay art truly , the bett Mil J hav ner tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., j 1 ' ( ' - Bell Vernon, Wysndot Co., 0. ''.. BirntiT, Ma.,Dc. 11, 18C0. : H.O. BrALDisa, Esq. - , I with for torn circulars or large show Mil to bring ' your Cephalic Pill more particularly before mycusto- ." men. If you have anything of the kind, plesse send to mei - - One of my eostomers, who Is subject te severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days.) tool cured of an attack in out hour by your Pillt, which I seat ber. : ' ' - aespecuuuy yours, W. B. WILKES, RgYROLPSSORe, fRARKLIW 00. , Ohio,) I . January 9, Itttl. Eraar 0. FriLDino, - t No. 48 Cedar at-, N. Y. . . I DxarBir: ' Inclosed fled twenty fire cents, (BS.) for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." tend to addicts of Ber. Wm. 0. filler, Rejnold.burit, tranklln Co., Ohio. Your Pillt work lit a charmcurt Utadacht at- mott inetanler. Truly yours, WM. CULLER. vl ' ' YntLARTt. Mica.. Jan. 14. 1881. 'i Mri SrALniRO. J ' StR: ' Nc t long since I sent to yea for a box of Cephalic Fllla , for th oure of the Nervous Headache end Ouetiveneas, and received the same, and they had to good ait tftot that too induced to tend for mo. . , , ., Plea lend by return mail. Direct to , A. B, WHEELER, ; i - i Ypailanu, Mich, . Cephalic Pllle aocompllih th objaet for which they -, j were made, via.t Cure ot headache in all iu forms. j.., From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested In more than a thousand cases . witk entire taccess. ',J ' 1 from th Democrat, St, Cloud, Minn. li yoa ere, or have been, troubled with the headache -tend tor a box, (C : hallc Pills,) so thst yon may have thea In cate of an attack. . . sr.i.r, !' from the Advertiser, Providence, B. I. ' The Cephallo Pllle are aald to be a remarkably effective ' -1 remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complalnt.whlch hu ever been dlt- '1" oovercd. . . , . .... ' from the Western B. B. Qasette, Chicago, IU, . , , . , We heartily endorse Mr. Bpauldlng, and his nnrtvslel ''. . Oephallo Pill. ' ' ' ' ' j from the' Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. ' ' W ar ar that parson suffering with the besdach '' ' whs try them, will stick to them. ' from th Southern Path finder, New Orleans, La. ... . n Try theml yoa that are afflicted, and we are rare that " J 'oar testimony can ba added to the already numerous '''' lit that has res Ived benefits that no other medicine eaa -,, produce. j ' j from the SU Louis Democrat. . The Immense demand for tb article (Oephallo Pule , U rapidly lncressuig. ..,..,. j"'..t. j . , f rem the Oatette, Davenport. Iowa,. . ) f Mr. Spalding would not eonnest hi nam frith aa er tkle he did not lriois to poeeeae real ojarit . . u vu VlTI single bottle ef SPaLDINQ'S PREPARED, OLUa will save ten limes IU oost annually JJ ..1: 1 " SPALDING'S PREPARED GLtfE iC V l , SPALDING'8 PREPARED GLUE f , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I i :( ; I, l UJM THE PI10ESI , ..j .'lOONOMYI DlSPATOm 1 'J ! : 1L7"A Stitch m IiBa SaVts Nrjri.wH ' a. .in h.nnm -avan la wall regulated faa-'.'.i. III... it linn d..inhia to have some cheap end con venient way for repairing furniture, Toys, Crockery; a.r.T,Tn'g PREPARED OLTTE 1 : 1 ' ' aeett all such enwrgeaolM, sud no household eaa afford bew llhout It,, It ia alwaya ready, and up to the, tick taf .TJBErUI. W VERTH0tJ81 ' ; ' !' t ii. B. A Brush accompanies each bottlo. ' ' ') i cent, , , ; , , -RT flapiLDiso.' ,;!' ',:' Ko.48,Cdar treet, Mew Iorsv.-!,. : ' CAUTION.' 1 i14 r- '' ,; ' ' At certain unprincipled person are attempttoa to -n palm off on tli oneuepesung pupiio, imiisiion oi my , . PBBPARKD CLUK, I would eautloa all person to ex amine before purchmlnf, end are that th full name, TrPALlliiQi PREPARED OLUBQI a oa tLaeataide wrapperl all other ar (winaungeoa , ,. ttrfslis,,..; ,;,.r. .v,j,,.l . .,,,(-,- t,,-. J.: '. I '.i'-.f I; vi'i fl U