Newspaper Page Text
''T'v'' :T"' .. , --. " i iibi iiaVc: v'.'.' V"'"?""."?! V ?r;-;'-.v-- .- . -uuw Si.7Mi. ,ViV i!'i.OUriTA7) .. . .... ... .... .. . M .. III? -V - ' ll'l. Ii.' '7 ,J l.; tuvl'.lffl'? i ij:. i i.. 9 i. Hi I n.'riil .JiVf ti-Hl.V', i ' '; ' J It.' l.l! '. f iJ ','f i:':' ( -llt.'l . ... r ?0i: m 'HO. 287. ;flEWEMES;i COLUMBUS. OHIO. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY .9. 18C1. BIX DOLLARS PZS THE, '.1- C Hi . lnrunablj la Adrtnc V0 (- . . " t-t a. l a . n .-'-)( -j . w , i t i . ,, i. . m mm i va va i . r. & t t r : ; - - - . f . , , . a a at AT 1 I ail A. m. t m M M. ST. . w . . . W ma Am ' I' .ami ' - . y mm. . w r , - ) mmm a AWU j Aywr aywi r -siaw -m . - rt. .n -atp. DAILY "tBI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY.& MILLER, f UDLli.itiiB AND'PBOPBIETOBS. CT OfflM Hoi. 36, 38 nd 40, Hox High Bt. 7IIM!J INVAEIABLY IN ADTANOf. , Dally ' ' " $0 00 pTTMr. y ih CmloT, pr week, eento, rrlWotklr i 8 00 yer yw. Weekly, . , ,. ., , ., ,?. ,.J 00. ..." T . eriJin sf AilTrtUlnff by the Square. ntiqiuw leu..-92t 00 Qua " V moLthi 1M 00 On antra 3 meki. 4 00 Una . " . 8 week. On " 1 week.. 3n " 41 montln IS 00 1 75 1 00 3n 3 monthf 1U 00 monthi B OU Od " 3 dyi Oua " 9dnyi 71 .iHontli. &00 Oua 1 lntartlon 80 DliplHj'il lulrertlMreMtM' fialf mora than tha jkbon rates. ' Ailvettlsevientii leaded and placed In tha oolaraaot bnsrlal Notice,," double CM ordinary rattt. All uullcea reiiulreo to ba nublitbed by law, lfgal ratea. II ordered on tb Inilde exolutlvely alter tba Orat week per cent, more than tbe above ratea; bnt all luch wll appear in the Trl-Weckly without charge. Buatnrsi Cards, not exceeding five liuea, par year, ln ae, a ail per line; outmae Notlcenofmeotlnga, chart tablei ocletioa, Bra oompanlea, fco., half price. AUtrannlmt mlvtrtiamventi mutt b4 paid Or in tlviinc t- rale will not berarled from. Weekly, isme price aa the Daily, where the adrartlaer eatne weekly alone, wuere 'ne van? ana weeny are both ned, then the charge lor the Weekly will be ftilf tbo riitea ol the Dully ' No advertisement taken except for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. F. A. B. SIMKIN8, Attorney at Xj.evw AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OiUob Aoibna Building, oppoalte Capitol Bquar. ' " '. OOI.TJMBUB. OHIOJ OOXaT73&:OT7 Machine Manufacturing Companj .' 'V h. : i ---a- aUNOrACTllEKItl OF STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Cutiiigi, UUl-eeuing, Machinery. . , -1. ALSO, i2..llro,ca. Worls. or iriir DrsoiimoM. COLUMBUS, OHIO, CHA8. AMIIOS, fnp't P. AMB08,-.Treae. dooU, lojS-tl J-v-vv ii ill - ,i -A JL 1A ' Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolii! Through to ludianasolie without Change of Coxa nd bat One Change of Cars between ' Columbus and 8t. Louie. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM , BUS. ' FIR8TTRAIN. (Dally, Mohdaya excepted.) NIOIIT EXPRE83, via Dayton, at 8:45 a. Q.,atop ptnx at London, Xeuia, Dayton, Uiddletowa and Hamil ton. arriving atCU.clnoatl at 8:20 a. ro-i Dayton at 5:45 a. m., IuUianopoll, t. 10:ld a.m. jet. Loulaat 11:50 P'"" SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 8:10 a. m.,atopplngat all Sta tion, between Oolumbm end Cincinnati and Dayton, a riring at Cincinnati 11:03 a. m., Dayton t: 15. m., IndlanopollaatS;2Hp. m. ., . . P THIRD TRAIN. ' ' . DAT EXPRESS, at JOp. (topping at Alton, JcHeraoD, I-ondon, . Charleston, Cedarrtll, Xenta, Spring Valley, Corwin, Uorrow, Deerfleld, Fotter'a. Loreland, Uiliroidand flalnville, arriving at Clocln nati at 7:20 p. m. St. Loaia at 13 m; Dayton at 5:35 p. m. Indlaoopoliaat 10:3d p. m. Slfatplnsr Car on all N Ip: lit Trains ie Cluctanail anal Iud,anapoli. BAOOAOE CHECKED THKOlGn. for further Information and Through Tleketa apply to ,, U. L. DOH8BTY, Ticket Agent! f nlcn Depot, Oolumbna, Ohio. B. W. WOODWARD, . - Superintendent, Cincinnati. . JNO. W. D0I1EKTK jul3 i. Agent, Columboa, SOMETHING NEW , HOWAItD & GO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES. : CM, AT NO. 63, SOUTH HIGH ST., and eiamlps our new make of AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by K. 110 WARD As CO , Boston, Uaaa. These .Watohea ara far superior to anything ever offered to tha public heretofore. Having the exclusive agency, I can aell them at price to aull the Umea. I have just received a large stock of . ; , AMERICAN WATCHES, ' mannfaetored by APPLBT0IT, TRACT, at CO : also, a fine assortment of ENOEIKU AND SWISS WATCHES, In Cold and filWef Caaaa, at Panlo prices. jn!3 "' W. J. BAVA01. Jut Bceelvedl in a nr. ch green and black X.JJ TfcAS lOO bags prime Rio Conee. ISO pocket old Dutch Government Java Coffee.' , 1ft bags Ceylon OofTee. 90Obbla. aundard Whits Sugars, eonilstlng of Pow drad, Ohrushed, Granulated A and B Coffee. , . BQ quintals George But Codfish. SObbl. Mess and No. J Mackerel. ,.. - 5 tea. Pick Salmon. . . , ' 100 bx. Layer Raialni. . .' 1 ' 1 fiOhf. box do do , - , lOOqr. box do ds , . , lOO U Cigars, different brands and grade. noVJ7 . . ' ' WM. McDONAtD. M. C. LILLE Y ; And BlaaX-Bdok Manufanturer, . voBta Eioa itbxxi, columbus, obio martl-diy FAnitiY EEOUM. . . , - . lyillTM WHEAT BRANDED "SNO'WS'I.ATril! ' Prom "Barnett Mill," Bprlngfitid, O. th best brand of riour oroagui w ear auariet. Ban. notion gaaiaateod Foraaleonly at , Wat. MoDONALD'8, novirr , , 08 Booth High street. , ALEXANDRES KID GLOVEt,. All ataea and colors just opened at ' ' bt BATH:"V oeo.ll. . No. 80 South Blah street. THE BlVTVJkU EIFB ... 1, Be WurtTos, President. Isaac Assatt, Secretary, ..... i i . ... Net Casta Assets February , 1801 OO,Q09,0J3O.7'l. SICUXJT CQMeSTJS TBS UiriTXD STATES! DrAll the Profit ar divided among tbs lniardQI Applications and Pamphlets can be had by applying . FREDK J. ,FAY, ?Aoent, arpenter's Building, 117 Sooth BIfih Street. WOKOEBTER'S , ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. The Lateit Tha Largeit Tho Best, The Cheapest Beoauie the Best,','. itTke Dion Helta' standard Aa tborlty of tbe) Engllsb Laniuaie.) Sits Uundrtd Eminent Mvcatort of Ohio, "TBI BEST INOLISa DICTIONARY EXTANT." 1 - IMtrarv Mm Setryuihtrt, d "Heie are nnwarda of a Hundred Thonaand Word,'. whote multlfarioui meanlnga and derlvatlona, togatber wn men correct spelling, ana pronaneiauon ara clearly tat hefora tha .' 1 Cincinnati Otmnurolat. thtEtcltlont of tKo Mmbtrt of th4 Ohio Btat . utacAtrt AuoolMon. Tha ttnderalflrnftd. mamhara of the Ohio State TeftAhera' Aaaociafion. adont and aim to nia lo teachtnv. wrltine and epeaung, tha orthography and pronunciation of Worcester Roval Quarto Dictionary, and we snostoor. dlally reconjnend It as tha moat reliable atandard aa thorlty of the English language, aa It la Boar written and pokes.,. . ,, . . T'V lokiH Ajrnaaw, President Kenyon Oollegav i . r-n M. D. LaMrrr8nperlntendent Zanesville Bohoolt, Jaoa. W. Havn,8uptalaMllon Union Schools. M. P. Oowdut. Bkp't Publlo Schools, Sandusky. " Joan Lvdch, Snp't (nMie Soheola, Olrolavllh. 8. N. Binroan, Prlnelpel Qievelaiut female Semina ry. . Wat. MiTcatiL, Bnp't Publlo Schools, M t. Union, r . JoaxOooxN, principal State Normal School, Minna lota, i Cyru Naiom, Principal Tirarlh Intermediate School. Cincinnati. .. H. t, Uaitm, Snp't Canton TJnlon Schools. Enwm hro.L, Principal VcNeely Normal School. Kli T. Tin, Prof. Malhemifca, Ohio TJnlverslty. Wat. W. KowaKD, Sup't Troy TJnitn School. . A. a. nonum, Principal West Hlh School, Olere. land. 8. A. Norton, Associate Principal High. School, Cleve land Tbeddoii Btiruxo, Principal High fribool, Cleve land. , . , , . K. P. ncairroit, Principal Cleveland Institute.. J. A. Oaayuxo, President of Sleotlo Iuatltute, Ql ram. W. L. Bakbu, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Weilejan Unrrersitr. H. H. BAlRrr. Ez-Cemmlialonarof Oonunan Rchnolt Ohio. - ... ' Jaina Homtox, Prof. Rhatorlo, Oberlln College. Tbo. Hux, President Antioch College. O. W. U. Oatbcakt, Prof. Mathe matlee, High School. Dayton. 8. O. CacnaoeH, Prof. Langnare, High School. Dayton. - , , , 8. M. Baaua, Snp't Union Schools, Ashland. " Hot than Sim Bundrtd other Prttidenti of ColU- get, Profeteori, Author and DUUnfuitAed dvea tori, kav endorud tht above lentiment. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. IfiXlliTA "It Utrulr a mairnlfinnt wA. an honor to the author, tbe publishers, and the whole eountry." President Andrews, Onto WxsLrriX Cxivixsitt .-It eic Hone. It Will be my guide In onhoinnhv and nronnn. elation, and will often be consulted by me for lta neat and aocarate definitions." Prealdtnt Thompson. W. R. BcLtOTtO Couo. "Hentofr.r wa hmaaMd Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting of our wa decided to chante It to conform iatht of Worcester'! Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Garfield. T WuTtXX RctaTS 0oU,OI.-T find It worth nf cordial approbation." President Hitchcock. OlBtn OoLt'OI. "It mora than set neMMta. lions. I recommend It aa tha atandard anthorit In orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President Uorgan. - Ajtnoca Oouus. "I adopt and aim to ns In tch- lng, writing and apeakuur. the orthos raahv and nronun. elation of Worcester' fcoyal . Qurto Dictionary." . President BUI. .... ; ' ' "In all my Wrltlnv. aneaklncand taachln. T h an. deaTored to conform to the rulee for ortlography and pronunciation as oouialatd In Worcester's Dictionary." Hones kUnn, late fresidsnU. Eurrox Ooujtai. Oaatitsit ."I moat eordl.Tlv imn. mond Has the moat rellabr standard authority of the .ngusn language a u is now written ana spoken." Piesldent Andiewa. SCHOOL, COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO.' from Set. Anton Smyth, Committionor of Common acnoou in unto. , "The Dletlonarr la an lmnarlahabl monnmtnt to tha learning and Indaa'ryof lis author, and an honor to tha world of letters. The mechanical execution la far supe rior to that of any other Lsxloon with which I am as iqoalnted." i OcAoote in vio, i . , i , i "The moat reliable standard authority of the Un- eTM'" . . i . ' .. WIUT TBB . . Xieadins Newapaperai of Ohio Say. , from tho Cleveland Herald of March S8. 1 The orthography of th Worcester Dictionary 1 that need by moat, if not all authors ot distinction in this country and Bngland, and conform to the general usage of ordinary wrltera andapeuere. . Whatever nreludlcee may bava existed previously, a careful study of this volume will invariab'y be followed by a wsrm appreciation oi lis great menu, ana a aesire to add it to tha well selected library, be It large or email, It la a library In Itself, and Will remain am Imperisha ble record of tha learning of It sompller. ,, y . trom tht OinainnaH Commercial of April SO. Here are nnwarda of a hundred thonaand word good. bad and Indifferent whoae multifarious meanlnga and dertratlona, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, ara eat oieariy prore wa eye. ine work la unquestionably tha greatest Tneaaurnaol SugUah Words over published. from tht Cleveland Plaindealer of Sept. SO, I860. Evidently Wobciti'i BotaL Qoakto DicnoxaaT it not only the tatt, but the but trori: of tht hnd ever it eued, andean by no possjoility sutler by oompariaon or eontrovarsy. . .. . , , . r.-r ,,( act .. Trom the Toledo Hade of iffy 29 . ' ' '. ' ' to ntoxoieciATiox, Woicxsmt is tbs Stamdais followed by oar best authors; In definltlone he leavea nothing to be desired, and In 0Tnoonrv It la sufficient to nay that YtoncaaTBa can be aamy followed.' INOHAin 3c BtYAGG,,' -. , ' . 'i Pnblialiers, Baokaellers t Stationers, NO. 191 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. , mai9 . ' . , to THE MUTUAL BENEFIT i ;, LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, op ! 3NTo walSL; 3ST. T- DlTldeud Jannary 1 , 186 1 , 4 5 Per Cent. ASSErS....... .' 3,813J56 50. Statement January 1, 186 It Balance, per statement Jan. 1st,' 18S0. . ... 3,40.58i 33 Received for Premiums dun of tha ear IHtO 1703.053 S3 Received for Interest during ' th year I860 814,014 19 Total recelota for lWO..'..t977.007 74 ' Paid Claims by Dath7,05O 00 '. , ; r .. tratd roucie aurren- dered xu Paid Salarlea, Pott- . .' ' . . .. ' age '' Taxes, Ex change, eto St.CSOj M ." .' ' Paid Commissions to ' ' Agent.. bi,?.'3 3 , Paid Physldana' feel. S.VOd 75 '- ' " Paid Annuities 1,5 17 CO ... ' ' Paid Dlrldenda dur-" " 1 " log tbe jear . .. ...100,500 73 505,091 03 . 11,978 14 JXtt DalancS January lit, 1M1.,.,., . 3,819,558 50 ,.,(: , AS3-tTB.ii.-,. ,w. Cash en hand......w. .1 80,6284 19' Bonds and Mortgagee on Real state,: worth doable US v'1 ' ' amount loaned... ..... 9,327,641 99 ' 1 Premium Not, on Pollelss - -l in force, only drawing 0 per ' r ' -1 eent. Interest. 1,879 P64 17 " . Rail Ista 80 893 B7 LoansoaSorip..... ' 5,03144 Premium. Not and Cash, la ii... .'. it' n eour.eoi transmission.... 43.3437s J) total stats.. sieiajsa so 7j675 Poilcleatafbro. Insuring...... s,486, 838 1,435 aw Pollele bars been issued daring the year;.; ' After a earsful calculation of the present va'u of the onutsbdlng Pollclasof tha Company, and having the fMoeMnvy amount In reserve tberefor, the Dlreotors hav declared a Divistus of 45 per ont. on th Preml. tee paid at the table rates, to all policies for life lo foroe. urn, prior so January 1, ieov,poyaoi acoaruing t U -present ml of the Oomnaov. B,;,1fr all kind 01 Lit Contingencies, Pieepeat- -T ' mna appneaiione,, win be rornisiiea , ai im oaloe or Agenoie of -tte Oem- . DiNJ. 0. WLCkrV '' - At. la. in eiTYlM" ".J.w w March,, 1861. r9'l!T! B MCHS D!' 'BUEETINna "Ann SHIRTINGS, all wMth. of m.t I.7.;.,.i fL.." now oaro In greatest varligr tai at verv low prcnT t , . i . . F ..""Tut, eptm -' KS. 19 South High it.,, I ! fi . ii : V i i'. I - ..t .. I. l.'l-T , lv ,. I (f) )w Statesman tlBKS, Daily, r year. ,.0 00 .. 3 00 . M 00 Tn-weekly, per ?car. . x .... weakly, per ye. ..........., RAILROADS. Abolitionism and the Other Isms of the North RAILROADS. Abolitionism and the Other Isms of the North Overwhelmed. The following proclamation from the Boston Liherator of May 3d, shows boar thoronghly this grest uprising of the North for the "Integrity of the Union" has overwhelmed, superseded sod absorbed every other questloa among our Northern people:. The Annual Kketimo Postponed. In view of the unparalleled excitement now existing throughout tbe country, arising from the trea sonable attempt of tbe Southern slave oligarchy to overturn tbe general government, and to erect an exclusively slaveholding despotism upon Its ruins, to the overthrow of all free institu tions, it is deemed by tbe Exeoutive Committee of tha American Anti-Slavery Society a mean ore of sound expediency to postpone tbo usual anniversary of tbe society, in tbe city of New Yocki In Msy next, until further notice; a de cision which they sre oooBdect will bo most cordially ratified by the members find friends of tbe sooiety, especially In view of tbe cheering faot that there is at last a North as well as a Booth, and that the present tremendous conflict is. in its tendencies strongly and irresistibly toward the goal of universal emancipation , or else a separation betweeu tbe free and slave holding states, In accordance with the principle of "no union with slaveholder.." Let nothing be done at this solemn crisis needlessly to check or divert tbe mighty current of popular feeling which is now sweeping southwaid with tbe Strength and impetuosity of a thousand Niaga ras, in direct conflict with that haughty and perfidious slave power which has so loog ruled the republic with a rod of iron for its own base and satanio purposes. . The annual meeting of the society btands postponed until further notice. WM. LLOYD GARRISON, Pres't. WENDELL PHILLIPS, CHARLES C. BURLEIGH Secretaries. The same weighty coneiderations which havo made it advisable to postpone tbe annual meot Ing of tbe American Antl-SIavcry Society at New York will also apoly to the meeting of tbe New England Anti-Slavery Convention in Boston, anniversary week, and it will according ly be omitted. Wa are also authorized to announce the post ponement of the National Woman's Rights Convention, advertised to be held in New York next week " Postponed until further notice." Very good. After an agitation of the slavery question for thirty years, and for ttbe express purpose from the beginning of bringing about tbe dissolution of the Union and "no union with slaveholders," our abolition leaders, having made the country too hot for their anniversary love feasts, pru dently beat a retreat "until further notice." They comprehend the danger of atanding in tbe way of the great Dstriotio movement of this orisls, and they stand aside. And the "Wo man's Ktgnts convention, advertised to be held in New York this week;" is also postponed; and for tbe very good reason that nobody bas any time for such nonsense and tomfoolery now. Abolitionism, Fourierlsm, Woman's Rights, Free Lore, Atheism, end all the other isms ' Th canker) of s calm world and a long peace- are Swept away by the movements of armed men.saustsrlngtosave us all from that horrible state oi anarchy which our abolition and wo men's rights reformers have been so lung preach- lUK aa iui vitnwu coextrjg miiltoium. We presume that very few of our religious and moral reform societies, accustomed to as semble in New York in May 'to pass resolu tions, publish psmpblets and collect money, will make moch of a show this year. Usually they raise on. these occasions, or report the raising, ol an aggregate of two or three millions of dollars, contributed to purchase firewood for tbe shivering natives of the forests of Central Africa, salt pork for tbe benighted Hindoos, double quilted overcoats for tbe Feejee Islanders, ana tracts tor poor pagans all tbe world over, in a language whioh Is all Greek to them. This year our publio philanthropy is commanded by the necessities of war; and let us hope that the results of this wsr, ss we are in (or it, will be better for . tbe cause of good government, the cause of religion, tbo cause of the Uuioo, the oauaeof the poor. Feejces, and the missionary cause and the cause ot Christianity, than all our religious money begging societies of the last fifty years. Meantime it is a matter of some consolation that our disunion abolitionists have been oompeiled to shot up shop "until further notice." a. Jr. tier tin. Gossip from Paris—The Imperial Court and its Pastimes. [Correspondence of the Evening Post.] PARIS April 19, 1861. THE EMPEROR'S DINNER PARTIES. say are nest 01 tne snort time leittoinem before their terra of city life bas come to its termination. snd are giving ss many entertainments as they can comfortably manage. - The dinuer parties at tbe loileries are very plcnsantlv managed. the etiquette being simple, aud the cookery, of course, me irinmpu 01 tne art. 1 be dinner party which took place there a few days since may give an idea ol the way in which these entertainments are generally conducted. The guesta assembled, as usual, in 4 large saloon, aajoinmg tne ainwg room, wnere the IS-nperor presently made bis appearance with the Empress loaning on his arm, the latter holding the "hope of France" by ths band. . The. Emperor was in military oostume; tbe Empress still rather pale, bnt otherwise looking well, and being, in fact, more plump than at any former period, wore a very elegant dresS of slight mourning, with a Splendid diadem of diamonds. Her manner Is somewhat less animated than formerly, ber re grel for the loss of her sister, though softened, neing sun very aeep. . According to usage, each guest was named in sbcoesslon by the Grand Chamberlain to their Majesties, tbe emperor shaking each by the hand , end the Empress sslutins. The Imperial pair then led the way to the dlulng room, taking toetr pieces at - opposite siaes 01 tne taoie, and the ' euests testing themselves as indicated bv the Chamberlain. The tittle Prince, who is a charming; little fellow, . with very fine eyes end aa air of. great intelligence, occupied a Chair beside the Empress, but was only allowed to look on, not being permitted to dine with adults, at least wben there is a reception 1 When the dinner was over, their Majesties ana tne guests renrea 10 tne apartments situa- between' the raviuon or rblllape Uebrme ndthe apartments formeily occupied by the repress. 1 nese rooms nave neen Dullt by tbe peror for the bmpreee, who bas fitted them with great taste. In one of them, the panels re the doors, and others at tbe same height. era ornamented with paintings of groups of Dirts; in anotner are groups or now erst In a he Empress's - favorite sittiog-room ia rait ef herself, as the patroness of the arts and industry, whioh ere doing ber homntra and eueriig ymooiiosi guisi toe rest ot the walla contesting portraits on wood of tbe Duchess of Maiakotr, tbe uountesses Walewskl Da Mornv. De la -Ado! ere, and others ot her orincinallari friends, The reception terminated at half-past eevwa. i" AN INCIDENT. - evening, an oq eorred whfchi .though slight, shows how clearly the EmperW percoives even thing that takes piaoe arounl him. - At tbe moment when be was maktogUbe round of the saloon, savlnc? a few words toach ol his guests, be noticed that tmemoer 01 ne legislative body. M. Crosnler remained in tlip back ground, without attempt ing to approach him 1 stopping in his round, be said to one of lis attendants, "Go and see if Crosnler wants tnj thing; he Is so pale.itteems to ne be must UiU." M. Crosnier, It appear ed, was slightly itdlsposed, and felt worss from the beat of theyoom. The Inoldenl ctnsed some sensation anting tbe guests, both as show log the tLmpew's kindness for persons about him, and as proving how extremely sharp-lighted nets. . AMUSEMENTS AT THE TUILERIES. Concert snd theatrical entertainments alter nata at tha Tnlleriee with dinners and balls Tbe company of the Theatre Drjoset psrformed there a few nights ago; not In the theatre of the palace, which bas not been need during the present reign, one in tne wuuw ! ui iue state apartments, fitted np for tbe occasion, the Salle des Marchanx being prepared as the green room, and Mil. Dejeret's dressing-room belne contrived between the magnlfloent cary Slides which decorate this apartment and the baloony towards the garden. The piece select ed by the Emperor and Empress was the Troii fJomtss, by the son of Mile. Dejazet. At half past nlno tho Imperial pair entered the white saloon, which was scarcely large enough to contain the orowd of guests,' 1 loetr Majesties, Prince Napoleon, Princesse Clothilde and Matbilde. and the Duke of Brunswick, occupied a row of arm chairs; twenty rows ot small chairs were filled br ladles, and the gentlemen stood at tbe sides of the room, or occupied tbe sofas placed in the embrasures ot tbe windows. Tbe entertainment went off in the most success ful style; the Emperor and Empress frequently aDDlaudintr sad complimenting the veteran actress who surpassed herself in lightness, rrace and brillinnoy and tiil author of the piece. THEIR MAJESTIES AT A BALL. The ball given last week at the Italian Ope ra, unler the patronage of their Majesties, in behalf of the sufferers by tbe late inundations in Spain, was extremely brilliant, and must have yielded a respeotable turn, the buildiog being so densely crowded tbat the mueio was almost in audible Tbs Emperor was in black, with a Spanish order on his breast; tbe Empress, who looked almost as lovely as in her best days, wore a dress of white tulle with white roses, a wreath of the same flowers intermingled with diamonds, snd a narrow black velvet ribbon round her throat, with a row of the same msgnifioent stones upon It. This ornament, which she seems to affect oi late, sets off her white snd delicate ly formed throat to great advantage, but would not be becoming to any neck less swan-like than nera. The Great Earthquake in South America—Further Particulars. We had . a brief account, lately, of the total destruction, on March SO. by earth quiike, of one, if not three, populous cities of the Argentine republio, namely, Men- don, San Juan and San Luis. The forrrer has certainly been destroyed, and very few of its population of 15,000 souls have escaped to tell the fearful tale. A letter from Valparaiso to tbe new York Herald, dated April i, says: Tbe aspect presented by the city, alter tbe nrBt shock, was terrific. Hoarse subterranean thunders deafened the ear, animals of all kinds rushed frantically through the open spaces bowl ling, the earth opened and vomited forth floods 01 water, while, to crown tbe scene 01 norror, flames bust from the ruins and consumed nearly the entire business portion of the city, with its dead, its djiog and its wouuded. - On the 28ib, a number of letters were receiv ed here and at Santiago by relatives and frionds of Chilian residing at Mendozi, bnt tbe hope, until then entertained, that the earlier accounts were exaggerated, soon gave wsy to the dread ful certainty tbat the calamity bad not yet been painted in colors sufficiently vivid. The earth still continued to tremble, tbe few walls tbat had resisted the first shock one by ons fell, until now no 'vestige ol a building remains. The mountain roads are tn a most dangerous condi tion, not only on account of the large masse of rock tbat have already fallen and obatruotad tba road, bus because the vibration of the earth IB still burling them down from the heights above into tbe valleys. In tbe Jesuit church there wss oresohlne tnat mane, roe services bad just concluded. and the congregation was about dispersing, wben tbe shock osme. . Tbe low who bad reached the plsgi were saved, but tbe walls and roof of tbe building fell . Inward with a crash, and prieet and peuitent together were nurrteo. into eternity. 1 be latest advices from Mendoza represent the suffering to be extreme, there being neither food, clothing nor shelter for the survivors, everything being buried beneath tbe ruins. They also state that San Juan and San Luis. two other populous cities of tbe confederation, nave shared a like fate, tbe San Juan river having, after the shook, left its bed, snd swept over tbo town, utterly destroying what tbe earth quako had spared. This news not having been iully confirmed, I do not, however, vouch for its correctness. . , .' , What South thinks of the Uprising in the North. " V Tbe Southern papers are cozcollng them. selves with all sorts of odd conceptions about tne spontaneous onrst ot loyal sentiment iu the North. I be Richmond Enquirer consoles it self with tbe reflection lu li is. bat one ot those . temporary excitements which occur among tbe peoplo of the tree States. Hear whatltsaysi . ,. Just astbeyrsnmad after Jennv Lnd. the Japanese Tommy, Kossuth. Morus Multioaulia. Spirit Rappings, aud every other new bubble, so they now unite in the great delirium of a civil war, and intoxioate their brains with thoughts of blood and plunder. When all the individuals of a nation have 1 been occupied from their birth with lediers and cash-books, dollars aud cents, tbe humdrum existenoe of trade or traffia, a sensation becomes! neoessity to their meutal constitution. No people on earth need temporary excitement like the Yankees, are more eager to get it, or will pay more for it. Their newspapers, their books. their theatres, their cities, furnish daily illus trations 01 toeir tnirei alter excitement. Hut it never lasts loog. The taste is gratified; the want supplied, and Yankees become Yankees again until the next season. . Tbe tremendous outburst of ferocity that we witness in the Northern States, la the repetition of one of tbe most common traits in their national character It is the fashion or tbe day. tbe bumbus-of the hour, and it will cease as suddenly as it has commenced. Like straw on fire, the oerlodioal sensations pf the Northmake a great flame, but sins: to tne. asnes ana auet 01 indinerenoe as swiftly as they eprapg. It is easy, and to them amusing, to Indulge their tastes ot this sort In bloody talk about invading tbe South, in mob bing the few among them hitherto suspected of sympatny wnn ua, lnioiutng volunteer com pa uies. runmog on to cities 1 like waahinrrtnn. by way of Annapolis, where no brickbats are on tbe road; but in three or four weeks, the superfluous gas will be gone, and Yankees will oe x auKees again, . . r ,. . Look this Picture and Upon This The Baltimore American thns states tbe esse for the oenent ef Maryland: v Un the one band lsouacooNTsr, rich In nrloi less memories of the past, w hich are onra because they are our country's; rieb in the vast extent and variety of her present resources which en rich ns ss a part our country 1 and rich fohl ho rich but for ths present cloud ot shame) in tbe goiueo promises 01 tne future, Which are ours because the country is 'ours. On the other band is a lesgue of States without a history, with no elements of Independent empire, and sround whose future the thickest darkness haniri. On the one band Ib tbs flag round which clasters to msny patrldtto recolleotions, and which bas waved above tbe brave in so many hard fought b titles 1 the Constitution which so many ot us have sworn to sustain; the laws which we have sided to eqaot; the elllanoes whioh we have coutraoted, and the oommerolal treaties which to have negotiated when tee commanded respect at a nrst 01 ass power among tne nations or the earth. On the other hand are those who trail that flag in tbe dost, abjure tbat Constitution aod repudiate tbe oaths to sustain it which they have registered In Heaven, defy the laws which they have helped to enaot, and must contract alliances as best they oan when reooaotsed as sixth rate power, whose discordant powers are . -S I. L- iL. Ll J flflmanuw chut ot warn wmnr oi nAmavtnBaw. - - To observe enr oaths, to maintain the laws, to sustain tbs government aa legally eatabliab- ea-tnis is not "going with the mono:" , it is doing Just what every true man and patriot throughout the country bas been doing for half a century, ....... ....... STQNE'SBAZAAR. No. 4 GKvvnne Block. Ai P. STONE & O'HARRA A BE NOW RECEIVING THEIR WIN rV. TBR GOODS, and Invite the publlo to Inspect them. No inch stock ef Good has ever been brought t this market. TIm South, in consequence of th failure of the grain crop, ha not been able to purchase the us ual quantity of rich goods, and this fact has forced the Importer to sell them at publio auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being In New Turk at these large sales, took sdvantag of them, and we can and will aell our good here, at lesa than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them in New Tork. Our stock I complete In every department ol ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPAC A3, , ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, . ALL WOOL DELAINES, . POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At one ball tbe Cost ef Impoitation. LADIES' FURS, In all Varieties, of the Celebrated DIaniifatnre of C. O. Gun there Sc Son. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men's, Ladle and Children' Under Bhlrt and Drawers; Ladles, Missee and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, lo Wool and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloves of every make. ALSO A complete assortment of all the usual vsrie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS. CASSIMERE9, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefo, &o., &c. To persons who call on n. ws oledn our word to how them tbe largest, beat and cheapest stock of Goods ever eeen in ini market, or pay mem one aonar par hour while looking. ueci-auatitw. btuhb as u'iiabba. Cure Couah. Cold. Jloarteneu. lnilu- enea, any Iritatlon orSarenet of the Ihroat Believe the Hawking donah in Umevmption, Jsroniuitu, Atvia ma, and Catarrh, Clear and glvi (rrenrt to tne voice or PC ASA.IU apEAKEBS, and BINUEUS. . lew are a war of th Importance of cheeking a Cough or "Common Gold" in Its srst stage; mat wnicn in in beginning would yield to a mild remedy. If neglected, ... . . H HMM'I ftMTlHlll VMMM." soon IUMU ia, loot"- ' - tl ' ' oontalalr. daanolMuI in-riiww, ijiv.Hwniw, Broocmai irritation. BROWN'S I "That trouble In my Throat, (for which the 'Trochtt are a specinc; naving made m iAUVJIAP aiWBSBKn VUHf.,.., . I . W11L10. "I recommend their use to Pcauo atriAst- BROWN'S ax." TROOHB81 rev g. cnAPlcr. . "Hav proved extremely aerriceabl for BROWN'S HoABsnrsn." REV. HENRI WARD SEBOtlBR. "Almost instant relief In the distressing labor of breaming peculiar to Amuta." . REV. A. 0. SGGLkBTON. "Contain no Opium or anything injur! TROCHES BROWN'S TROOHSSioua." 1R. A 'A. HAYES, viemui, Motion. A simple and pleasant combination for BROWN'S Cooone, to." TROCHES ' Hit. U. W. DlUBIiUW, - Motion. "Beneficial In Brojichitis." LB. J. P.W.LA5B, Sotton. ''I hav proved them excellent for Wboof BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S wo Cocoa." REV.II. W.WARREN. Sotton. "Beneficial when oompeiled to ineak, suf TROCHIS BROWN'S fering from Colo." ...... r- n r vmananu aat, p. x. e. Anu.aoun, St Louil. "ErrrcTDAt In removing Hoarseness and trrltition of the Thr. at, so oomaion With TROCHES BROWN'S BrCAXBtaand Biaoxite." TROCHES Prof, of ACT JOHNSON jua wrange. va., ' Teacher of Music, Southern BROWN'S Female College. TROCHES "Great benefit when taken before and after BROWN'S preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness Prom their paat effeot, I think they will be of per TROCHES manent advantage to me RBV. B. HOWLSY, A.M., -. President of Athens College, Tena. DBOWN'S TROCHES TrMoM hr all TJrnevlst at TWINTT- i FIVE CENTS A BOi.iJI ROBERTS It SAUCEL. Druggist. 94 North High street, 8. X. BAMOKL St CO.. 85 Booth High street, Colombo, 0. mar7-deodlm TO BUSINESS MEN. AN EXCELLENT CHANCE EOR reliable business men to secure a profitable manu facturing business, requiring but a small capital in lie establishment and pro-eeutlon. The manufacture consist In the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a variety of other building material, ornamental archi tectural finishings, ceilings, tile for floor and for roofing. This enamel may ne tinted 01 any ooior, irom tne purest while to the deepeet black, with all the colors and shades between. It impart to tht articles to which it la applied a hardness and durability almost Incredible, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marnles, and, unlike them, I (mpervl ons to moisture, aod will never fid stain, or deterior ate, costing but a fractional part ot tne price of ordinary marble, It I alea valuable tor table and aland top, mantle piece, monument, and on endless variety oi other arti cles of staple use. The process ot applying the enamel la simple, wnue tn articles enameiea win eommand a ready aale, affording large profit. Responsible parlies may procure licenses for manufacturing under the pat ent for any city or prominent town in the United Btatee, bv applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the ar tic les manuiactureu win ne requires 'or tne nse or tne Invention. Circulars giving full particulars will be for warded to an applicants. The aunerior merit and beauty of this naled build ing material to anything In nee baa tbe unqualified in dorsement of many of th molt eminent architect and soienilaa men of this ana other cities. - , 1 Sot particulars add res ;., IOEN10S, s PS ALL, General Agents for Ensmeled Building listeria!, ap9 d3m. 95 NASSAU BT., NEW TORK. ; , FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON .OF . ...... , . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS .. AT P. .ROSE'S.' 3: T AGAIN OFFER TO THE PUBLIC A an entire new stock of Good lo my lino. Just porch, seed lo New Tork at the cheapest panie ratee,ali of which I shall S'll at th smalleat print, for Cash. My custom, era and frtmd are reapeotfully invited to cali.nd exam. Ine my Goods and Pilcea, a I am determined to sell ae cheap or cheaper than any ether house In the city; and as I do my own Cutting, and superintend mv owa boat- nets, 1 reel assured, rrim my long experience In busi ness, to give general satisfaction. The finest of work. men are emp'oyed. aod all work don strictly to tim and en ehort notice, and warranted to St. Stranger rkdtlng ourctiy wouia oinsun tneir interest ny giving m a call before purchasing eisewnere. r. noes. , "i.TOuaui lauor, merohW-diy .1' ;:' Cor Hih and Town at. y ",'. David A. Fisher Estt.,,'r XTOTICE 19 1HHEBY GIVEN THAT il th Bndtrslgned ha toll day beeo appointed bv the Probate Court of franklin ooanty, Ohio, Administrator it tonie non ot the tt of David A. fisher, late Truro township, in said county, deceased. Salad this Bthday or March, A. V. loot. sarohSS:dUwl JOHN WRIGHT ef Ayer's Sarsaparil la A compound remedy,' designed to be tl'rhost' effectual AUeratitt that can be made, ' It U' a concentrated extract of Para . Saxsaparilla, so combined with other substances, of still greater alterative power as to afford an efiec tive antidote for tho diseases Sarsaporilla is reputed. to cure., It Is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their oure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: . i Scrofula and ScnorcLocs Complaints, euuftions and elluptivg diseases, ulceus, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald IIead, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af fections, Mercurial Diseasb, Dropsy, Ned. raloia ou T10 Doclocreox, Debility, Dys pepsia AND INDIOETTION, ERYSIPELAS, R08B or St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impohity of the Blood. - This compound will bo found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel tho foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are niDocd in the bud. Multitudes can. bv the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing ths blool. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, thero can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery ol life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilht has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplislting theso ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtuo that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but littl-of the virtue of Sarseparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilltt, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, hitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood tbo market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat.' Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from, tho load of obloquy wlilch rests upon it. And wo think we have ground for behaving it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. Li order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should bo judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle, PREPARED BT "DB. 1, Oi AY En Sc CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price $1 per Dottlo 1 Six Bottles for $5. : Ayer's Cherry Pectoral nas won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecesiary for us to recount the evidonce of it virtue, Wherever it hu been cm ployed. . As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, w need net do more than assure the people it quality ia kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may ho relied on to do for their reUcf all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron the ctjee 07 Cottivcncst, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foitl Slomach, Enjsipcias, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Stun Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Ttunort and Salt Rheum, Wonns, Gout, Neuralgia, at a Dinner PX, and for Purifying tin Blood. ,. They are sugar-coated, so that the most Sensi tive can take tliem pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Boxjrivo boxes for $1.00.' Greotnumbcrs of Clergymen, Fhvsicians, States men, aid eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spaco hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. ; Do not be put off bv onorincinlod dealers with cither preparations they make more profit on. Domand Ayer's, and take no others.' The sick want ths best old there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by ROBERTS fc SAMUEL, Columbus, And by Vrngglsta and Dealer every where. aow:iyd,tw&w REMOVAL. S. Doylo ct? Oo. AVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to tho South-weit corner of High and friend street, "UP3TA IRS," And will continue to keep on hand a Urge stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Th attention of Merchant and Dealer Is respectful ly Invited to oar stock. ' B. DOYLB fc Co. nurcbttttdUlliaiyai. NEW HOOP SKI BT. U ZJLJLJXi CO 901V. . , 1 . , Wo. 99, SOUTH HIGH STREET, , V Tdve lust received a new make of HOOP SKIRTS finished In a manner far superior to any yst Introduced tor '-- irt-- . DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS. TRAVELLERS! f TT71TEI ton io to New Tork . drive direct to the ' VV ,, J!lXliSJOMAN HOUSE, BROADWAT, CORNER OP HOUSTON BTKKT . i ! . Conductid on the '. h , ,' .' , . ja.TJli0PEAN PLAN.'.' Good Pave, Good Rooms, Prompt Atteooane, sod Mod rate Cbarg. .itw i- i.iri ' ' SING LB ROOMS SO OTS. 75 OTS. Snd SI PKK HAY ' J DOUBLS ROOMS and PARLORS 81,50 to S3. Meals as ordered. Thli Hotel has all th appointment of th beat hotels, a mot central 1 "cation, end Is heeted throughout by team. ., ... SAMUELS. alBAII, , aarcovtuaa . .. rropneior V; .... UENBTKa.nLEH,,:i.,,,,j (Late of Phaloa's Rsfabllshment, N.'. T) Posrietore th New York ruhionable Shaving, Hair Shampoonlng, Curling and Drewing Saloon, last Btate met, over tne reel umoe, wnere eattaractioB win b. given tn all the various branch ee. Ladle aod Children's Hair Drewlng don in th beet tyl. , Jyi-div . Ti I, A I N ': A N D i FIGURED. BLACK X DRReS 81LK8, of every arade. . To mel eeltot assortment In th olty, and at most nemnabl rate. . i aprllS If 0. 99 South High street. ULEGtNT PLAIN BLACK MLK5 T0 All Utreet Bwques and aUntlea; aava. auon inmmia ndls-wla to match, et .......... AIil- ; i'-l .1: iu... . ;beaijtiftjtl,: ; 1 1 ' AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! 1 "ye It SPBING TOOK Is) TmCSTJAL-' VS ly large and well aa-orted. Th verv latest aailarn- from AMKKIOAN, SNGLLsH and I BENCH Pectoris . GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. ; 1 Gold and Velvet Borders,'' ' ! ; M SPLENDID , DECORATIONS, SIDEILIGEET J AND FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXTURES, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, lOO Soutli EU&laOt. COLUMBUS, O. N. B. Landlord and persons wishing quantities of Paper vrtU make money by buying ot ns. Country Merchants and person from abroad will do well to call and e as. ipril l-d3meod1 R.etA. : MUST BE SOLD! ALL THE GOODS AT 8TORE Town Street, PRIOES TO SUIT THE TIMES! WAR! WARil WARIII OWING TO THE WAR BETWEEN th Union and th Bunny South, I hav concluded ALL MY GOODS, VIII 23H3ILiO"77" COST. The stock oonslsts of th largest lot of WHITE GOODS, . In the city of Columbus; 'AC0HXT8. ; CAMBRICS, BRIttlAlTTS, ! : ESeERAIDAS, MUUS, . . riAIBS. 80IT FIHISH CAMBRICS, COLLARS, EDOINUS. 8ELST BEAT), B03I8BT. PUTS. BUTTOHS, SUSPENDERS, BOOKS AVO EYES, . and all kinds ef - NOTIONS AND 8MALL WARES; the best HOOP SKIRTS In Columbus, and atth lovmt price, . Wholesale and Retail. ! Then, lad lea. all, bath gnat and small, I vome, give m a call, ' - And then yoa'll find A. M. K. Stosjub In all hi Glory. A. If. K. STORRII, Agent, Renumber th War I No. 62 Town ureet. aprll:d3m Columboa, Ohio. NEW ARRIVALS OF - Spring & Suinmer " Millinery. The Ctook KeplenlsHed i. ,. rROm LATEST IMPORTATIONS OF NEW YORK. - , 'v MT STOCK OP Spring & Summer Millinery Is sow complete, comprising every variety of MllUn- . cry; also, a large assortment of Embroideries, Hosiery and Notion, to., and In quantities and price that osn sot fall to suit all who may favor n with a nil. The good hav been bought at Panic prices, and will he sold at a small advance on cost. MILLINEEY. Miss M. E. YOUNG, late of New York City, Will nprlntend the Millinery tepartmen. ' Hr long xperleno la th moot Piahloniibk XtabHshMBt Hi Broadway will alon be awarraaty that ah will be able . to give entire satisfaction la malMr of but to all who . may favor br with their orders. Th Ladle of Oolumbw and vicinity win pita ae- ' espl any alneere thanks for their liberal patronage and I would respectfully solicit a eontlnuanc of to - .;.-! i'-'It'H. WAIttV i 69 Eiaet Town 8., Celasabae O. prll-d3m-eod ' i . ' - . - j Irish Linen Goods. WARRANTED FABRIC , ' U V Linen Bhlrt aVwem - Piain and Paocy j . Bhlrtiog aod Bosom Llneoe. . . - " Linen Cbeetloge aod Pillow Oadnr. ! ,' - a .Lioew Cambric and Long Lawns. ' ' ' ' . , Linen Pocket -banda'fs, ail sis. . ,'.:! ' Ltnea Towel ling and Diapers. , - LIMB Napkins and D'Oviie. , . , I linen Table Cloth and Sal In liamukl. ,. . " Linen Towels with colored sorters. '" 1 ' "'l. . Linen StalrOoverinirsaod Caah. . , t ' i tor aale at lew pnose. ' BACK St SON. Job?? .s.nSothsilxh(tnb . .-(it !i,.-h: !