Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places us daily under obligations to It for the very latest papers from the eastern cities. 'Tbe Amerloan Express Company has thanks for its daily favors In the shape of very latest eastern papers- . Camp Jackson. The Thirteenth Regiment laf for Camo Dennlson. Ohio, at fire o'clock this morning, as per orders. , ..; There are now remaining In Camp Jackson about three thousand and one hundred men. These are all Intended for State servloe. It understood that the Camp will be occupied da ring the summer with from two to three thou sand State troops. The mud in the Park Is now quite dried op, the trees are begining to fmt forth leaves, and above all, the soldiers and officers look more contented and cheerful. They expoct soon to be furnished with uniforms and arms, and go Into a regular system of camp life and discip line. In the meantime Adjutant Jones is farming the musicians Into a regular band, a cannon is to be brought on the ground for the purpose of firing salutes, to., the guard is inoreased and rendered more efficient and vigilant, and other arrangements are being rapidly perfected to ren der Gamp Jackson, in all respeots, like the en campment of a regular and well-disciplined ar my. The soldiers are to be supplied, nnder the supervision of the new Commissary General with rations, after the mode adopted for troops in the U. S. service. We shall be surprised if Camp Jackson does not this season tarn out officers and troops of which Ohio may justly be proud. Thanks to Quartir-Mastir Giniral Wood, The Zouave Rangers, while on duty at the Arsenal, last night, 8th instant, were agreeably surprised by the reception of a most exoellent supper, hot coffee, &c, through the kindness ef that estimable gentleman and efficient officer, Quarter-Master General Wood, As a manifestation of their appreciation of the kindness, the company were called to order by Capt. Bennett, W. T. Los an, secretary, pro tern, and the following resolutions were unani mously adopted : . Rttohed, That the thanks of the Zouave Rangers be and are hereby tendered to Quarter' Master General Wood, for the excellent oolla' tion furnished ns on this 03CMion. Retolwd, That the Secretary be appointed a committee to nave tne proceedings ot this meet In W. T. LOGAN, Sec'y pro tem. Columbus papers copy. ID Yesterday, Louis Iinoehan, of the firm of Lindkman & Ritz, of this oity, while on a visit to bis farm about four and a half miles from the city, was thrown ont of his buggy, in oonse quence of his horse taking fright, and one of his legs was broken above the knee. The acci dent happened in the woods between the farm and the road, and Mr. Lindeman remained In the place where he fell for over two hours, be fore he was discovered. Dr. Drort was called to attend him, and he will remain at his farm until sufficiently recovered to bear removal to the city. District Coort The District Court Judge Scott, of the Supreme Bench, and Jadges Bates and Baiaos of the Common Pleas, being on the bench commenced Its session at the Conrt House this (Thursday) morning, May 9. The forendon was principally taken op In calling over the docket, hearing motions, &o. Note Paper and Envelopes. Meters. Randall and Aston, Stationers, No. 109 South High street, have presented us with specimens of note paper and envelopes embellished with beautiful and appropriate national devices and mottoes. .' Those in need of snch articles will be able to enpply themselves on satisfactory terms at Messrs. Randall and Aston 's. ID"W. R. Kent will sell, to-morrow. May 10thtat his Auction Room, No. 11 East State street, SO doz. qt. bottles Catawba Wine; SO YA barrels No.l Mackerel; SO kits No. 1 Mackerel, and 1,000 lbs of plug Tobacco. We wonld call the attention of dealers to the above goods, as they are in prime order. Sale positive.' To commence at 10 o'clock. Rail Road Time Table. LlTTLt MUMI ft OoLltKBDf ft XtRU Ba It. Leavei. Arrives. Cincinnati Accommodation. 5:00 A. M. 0:05 P. M. ' " , Xipreu 11:50 A.M. 11:113 A. H. Half Aoeommodiiioo 1:30 P. M. 8:55 P. M, Night Bxprew Til Dayton. 12:00 midnight. 3:20 A. II. , ,,,, Jo.. W. Bobirtt, Ajent. OOUVBDf ft OUOTLAHD B. B. f NlRhtBxpreM. 3:40 A.M. 11:45 P.M. Ner York Kxpren 11:10 A. U. 11:10 A. M. Mali and Accommodation.. D:i0 P. M. 9:10 P. U. .. . . . jAim Pattxrior, Agent. CoitraiOhio R. B. No. 1 Ixpren . 3:30 A. M. 11:38 A. V. No. 3 No. 3 do 11:18 A. M. . II 45 P. M. do ' 3:10 P. M. 4:50 A. M. W. J. Vill, Agent. PrrnBCRSH, Ooldmkti ft CncunuTl B. B. Hall Train 3 30 A. M. 11:38 A. H. KxpnuXtaln..... ..11:18 A.M. 11:45 P. U. .- .. ... . Jos. BonitiON, Agent. OoLomtr ft IimuiroPOLii, B. B.' OoLno PiqoAft IndunaB. B. No.l XxnrCM... 6:30 A. M. 1 1:50 P. M No.9 ,f 3:00P.M. 8:45P.M. Aocommodatioq 10:5OA.M. Sarsap arillaI Th is tropicalroot has a repn. tat'en wide ae the world, for earing one class of disorders that afflict mankind a reputation too which it deserves as the best antidote we pos sess for (scrofulous complaints. But to be brought into use, its Virtues must be concentrated J and combined.'; with' other medioinei that Increase Hi power.'1 Some reliable compound of this character Is much needed in the community. Read the Advertisement of Dr. Atir's Sarsap. arilla la our columns, and we know it needs no enoomiam from us to givy oar citizens confidence Organ, Syracuse, N. Y. AOniT SwmDLi. The whole commnnity are swindled ahd robbed of. their 7 money ; and health by the sale' of Impure And unhealthy leavens, (oalled Balcratns), whioh are ft slow poison. James Pyle'e Pletetlo is para and wholesome. Use no other. Depot, 345 Wash ington Street, New York, Sold by grocers everywhere.'? i ' 1 CDoctor Liland's Anti-Rheumatio Band is tha only known remedy for Rheumatism, Goat nd Neuralgia, and tba pernlolous effeota of Mercury; and it is with the greatest satisfaction, at to its merits, that we call tha attention of our readers to the advertisement In another column of our paper of the Anti-Rheumatio Band. To CrriziNS and Stanjiks. We would say, if yon are weak or debilitated from any cause. or troubled with Indigestion, Biliousness, Sour or ick Btomaoh, flatulence, exposed to epi demic from change of climate or weather, or on tha decline from previous diseases, do not fail to try a bottle of Prof. Wood's Restorative Cor. dial end Blood Renovator. It will strengthen yon, exhilarate and build up the weakened or gans of the system. Only one dose will De re , quired to convince yon of its wonderful tonic powers. Yw jor Tmi, -1 TELEGRAPHIC REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. our the is Washington. Mav 8. A Northern gentleman from Richmond reports large numbers of troops pouring; In from the South. Nearly on thou sand men are manufacturing arms. They provisions enough for twa years, and plenty ammunition, exoept percussion eapsr eeveral persons are now in Northern oltiea trying to a sufficient supply. The Richmond Enouirer save the Leelslatur oi north Carolina organised on w eanesday, a Din calling: a uonvenuon oi ine peopit passed unanimously. . The election for delegates is De held on tne utn, ana ine convention will assemble on the autn inst. - The Herald lays the Confederate troons will be withdrawn from Pensaoola and marched iv or m. : - The Government ' has positive Information that only 4.000 men are at Harper's Ferrt. anil the place can be easily taken with 3,000 well armed men and a nark of artillery. " It Is-'bro- posed to do it with the oo-oneratlonof the Pmim- eylvanla troops on the other side. ". m w The Times dltDatoh save, orders have na from the War Department to pat Cairo in the best military condition.' There should, bv BiU uraay diroi, ne ia,uuu men mere. iu 1 . . . . , - nnn ., lell. favIS haanotiUfld Gov. Lfttaher at. him Intention tooommaod the troops, The, same informant reiterates the report that five' men have taken oath to assassinate Lincoln and The World' M rnrrpannndonfa ami tlio Vip. gina troops that evacuated Alexandria are back a,n' ... i. ...... . . ' PiHRrvit r r. MtH 1 Ann addiUnntil arrlrpr) frnm Pl,lldtn.l ,kt. ful- Include the First Regiment of Pennsylvania Artillery, jo. ratterson, and onerman 1 Bat tery. The whole force is In a most oomplete state of cfliolency. . v Several large Amerloan flats are now fltins at Havre de Graoe. . uen. Harney has been ordered to St. Lonla. on duty. Gen. Lane was dispatched, some dava a?n. tn Kansas, on important business connected with ftha nnwaanmAn, TJ 111 1 . u.igiuuiiuii us wiu uavn commana oi a large lorce, ana wiu proceed as soon as possible through the Indian country to Fort Smith, for me purpose or taking that post and all others belonging to tha Government, in Missouri and Arkansas. ' General Lane stated, before leavino- Wah. ington, that with one thousand men such aa he could bring into the field, he could march suo- cessiuuy mrougn that entire seotionof the coun try, tw men nnder his command will be com posed of the same class that served under Moot gomery. 1 be first through passenger train from Balti- more since the 19th arrived horn this mnrnlnfr The regular passenger travel and trains of freight will re commence from this date. Three passenger trains will be run daily each way. Congressman Boulignv. from Loniiilana. ar- riven nereto-aayirornXMew Orleans. Ilestates tooji v.uuu soioiers nave lett that oity for Lynch Va, and that larjre bodies of troon. frnm I other parts of the Confederate States, are mov- (niv In Id. J ! IT. ... I ..6 .u .u iui uicevtiuu. t aa aaya strong uuiuu Beuumem ami prevails in ew Urieans, OUI II IS Kent IB COmnlete anb action hw thA Sa. I AAaalnnlafa . . I The graduating Class of West Point Carlata I .uiiiDio. i i "2 mi o n,ght. They will be employed . " . - u unuiug Toiunieers. v 1 i JNEW YORK. Mav M A o-nntlomn (mm montgomery reports lien. Beaurecrard not at menmond, unarleaton. Mobile. Montmmr. or Pensaoola. A bet of 500 li mada hr tK.t Beauregard was killed at tha bombanlmnnt r aumter. it is certain that no official renort nf .t i i i . i . . . 1 . . . tue Domuaromeut nas as Deen [Herald Correspondence.] Washington, May 8 Official Intormatinn nas Deen reoeived that the steam revenue cut ter Harriet Lane reached Annapolis this morn ing, oringmg op a privateer acnooner. eantnrad I last evening off the Virginia capes. . On being I cnatea, me crew or toe privateer abandoned tha I vessel, with two exceptions. The name of tha vessel had been effaced. -I Letters from Virginia Unionists atata that I one oi tne reasons lor . concentratinar troona irgra ine vuuieueraie Diitei in Virginia was to . L - l r 3 . . . . . . r ... . . 1 increase tne secession vote at tne coming eleo. tion. " " ! : ij i J. There are still some traitors W the 'War De partment. : " The officially aononced determination of the Virginia government to contest the occupation of the right bank of the Potomao,oppositel Wash ington, is expected by the military authorities here to result in a battle between th federal forces and the rebels in close proximity to the capital. Gen. Scott is not quite prepared to ad vance the troops to the other side of the river, but ft strong force will nevertheless cross the river and assume and fortify position near Alexandria, as soon as the necessary prepara tions can be completed. . , , , . The Richmond authorities aie evidently tent wen informed aa to tne pians oi lien. Scott. The military movements directed by themselves last week, show this. ... :. . ., St. Louis. May 9. Two more Regiments of Home Guards, nnder command of Col. John Mo Neal and B. Grati Brown, numbering 2,100. were yesterday iworn into the V. S. service and furnished with arms. Troops from the south-west border have ar. rived and taken up their quarters In Camp Jack son. - ,.-.'-.' n t i Recruiting la going on to a considerable ex- tent, and several companies are expected from aojoining counties. A joint resolution has passed to suspend the apportionment oi tbe.Stale Sohool money for the present year. ; . , . In the Senate yesterday, bill was reported from the Committee on Ways and Means, to arm the State, but before- it was read, the Sen- ate went into secret session. r i I The House wae in secret session all day! v Cairo correspondent of the ' Rrvublican says large bodies of troops are stationed at Hopefleld, Ark., opposite . Memphis, and at Camp Rector, Are miles above. N v , , , A company of sappers and miners are throwing up fortifications at Camp Harris, six miles above Memnhia. on tha Tennenaea aide. Memphis la turned Into ft camp. 7 ; j) , . Everybody belongs to- tome military orgini zation. . I [Tribune Correspondence.] Washington, May 8. The Government is rxmaiderlnir tha nnlira at Mmtrnntlno fln.tlnc I batteries for use on the Mississippi- ffo doubt thev will In a short time be contracted for.-- Privata advices from SiJ.ouIS to" the Gov ernment state' that the KSormw arai lu dan ger of being overcome by-iha ssstonwUkiuvT less federal troops are stuiionedi ihetO' in eoa siderablenumbers. " " "'' '" ' The matter Is nnder advisement, and a decisive demonstration will be made in support of the Union movement in Missouri. i .... i.,,: Federal soonts arrived from New port that even tha Home Grrnrd has been mus tered Into servloe, with1 directions to prepare speedily for transportation tabfthy&ra,1 ", y The Mayor baa called for-av eoond Home uuara. . i i -j , - -j j, ,., ., .,...,, The men seemed relnotant to enlist-' sic It Is supposed, at the -farthest. 4.000 troons have been raised ia New Orleans,' all of whom have moved toward Kiohmond. Tha War Department bas learned that 500.- 000 men are within two days march, of Rich mond. ' j i K;.4;Jli ; Orders have been given, by General Soott. for the rapid Importation of foroes to Washing ton. ...... - VI.". Niw Yoar.'May 9. The steamer Africa. from Liverpool the 27tb, and. Queenatowa tba S8th nit., is coming no the bay. . .., Tha steamer Ksdar has arrived, bringing the family of Col. Dlmmlck, from Fortress Monroe. Tha Fnrtraaa is raadv for anv emerorencv.. .iiuo i na Quaker City is blockading uape iienry. it is said Vlre niansara fitt nr oat IhS steams ers Yorktown and Jamestown,' to run the block ade ot James river, where the Montioello is rru - . . . ... auw re yon mat . B IHNI danaaalnniata wara swiiouea opposite Fortraas Mooroefcls nntrua 5 ina secession flag. U atill flvinavat Hamn ton WASHmOTOH, Mav 8.w.Offinl , U rensaooia say tbe siiipe are amnl v snnnllert with everything . (or sis monthsi aud, the Fort Is Id excellent condition, Q4 :snj,o,, , be. Ukea by ''vuy www have of fret and to - w . , Detroit. Mav 8. The extra session of the Michigan Legislature met at Lansing vesterdav. The Governor'! message reoommends that law of the last session providing lor raising two regiments be amended to authorize four more, wun power to raise ten, if necessary,1 to ioa volunteers wnue in tne service or tne state, preparatory to being mustered into the service or tne United btates. at tbesame rate as en titled to after being mustered nto that service. Alfln. that Mil anhaAAtinne .n om.ntd ha turn .i , " , i , three years, unless sooner discharged, to meet -- inn Avlo-Annw He favori a loan of not less than one million dollars. Bonds to be issued In small amounts, In which case he thinks the whole will be taken by citizens of this State. He recommends that the Legislature enact a law authorizing town ships to levy taxes for the support ot families volunteers. He lave the National Government eannot longer confine itself to mere defense of the na tional domain and property. It most strike treason wherever it is found, AH the delusive pretences of rebels about cocroion and Invasion of States,must be thrown aside, and the full right . . , c- i - "I emyl'nchof USE Deyotm question. The Btate which refuses aid " . . " . . - " to lawful oall of the President, is as much gnllty of treason as one which makes actual war the pay - of . I I I I I I i oity, bearer ot dispatches to Washington, re burgh, norta his oonvcraatinn with SnerAtir Ram,A ; Tae Virginians are not ready yet for an at Tbe tack on Washington. Gen. Lea inainta that tha .) ' S. I I I Mniiimiiur. M...R Tli. Pnu(l rw..,. mentis ready to take charee of the malls anv mo I ment Con cress directs. The official seal. book. I blanks, routes, elnrlnal fawn. No detention of mails is feared in conaeauenos OI any policy OI tne Lincoln Uovemment. In Congress, President Cobb read a dispatoh I from D. P. Hall, Commissioner from Georela. I momlv an uncnnrtltlnnsl ordinanna nfnAeeiiainn. tuuuuuuiuyr iu ahkhmi nan iinnni I Mr. Mnrtntf. of Flnrlda. niTf.pfl a raanlntinn Inquiring Into the propriety of appointing Chap- I ,"lnB mine navy. - Aoopiou. 1 Mr- Ochiltree, of Texas, Introduced a bill providing for the compensation of disbursing I officers of the several executive departments. Mr. Conrad, of Louisiana, moved a commit- tee on ualms. Adopted. Secret session followed. Wheeling,' May 8. A largo Union mectioe k.U D! I n . . ""'u twipgwoon, rresioa county, on tne th. Kesolntiona were adopted expressing un- alterable oonosition to tha nnlinann nf im sion, and favoring division of the State, and to vote fer a delegate to Congress. ' o delegates were appointed to the Wheeling vuij.ou.wu. . , . , Nothing bas been heard from the Kanawha region. Advices from various western counties indi cate great increase in the Union sentiment All necessary arrangements are being made for I holding ft Convention in this City immediately. I Fourteen counties have thus far appointed dele- ffetefl A great deal of enthusiasm Is manifested ov r the receipt of two thousand stand of Govern- ment arms, which arrived here to-day. ' New Yoh, May 8. A gentleman of this He told Mr. Seward of the determined feeling . t .r 1 a. .. .. - in in ew xoraio sustain tne uovernmenc, and energetio action was expected or the Govern- mnnt. ' Mr. Hflorard ronllod lli.f. K nanr.l. i . M t- j. t. . ... Huuma uOta no aiaannniiicea. nnn rnnnrrnt th, vonld ba wall aatiafifld llh Hk -m,U place In a very few days. This gentleman also - " - w " w i? vifsatai wiaaa oad a conversation with fostmaster-General Blair, who gave him the programme of the government, ana thinks it will be effective in quelling the disturbance. l roops win proDably be sent to Nem Orleans. Mr. Blair thinks the war will be short, nnirlt. ed and energetla. ' Hew Tosk. May 9 The Af rica baa arrived. American ailaire engross attention abroad. . Bullion in the Bank of Eoeland decreaaed Consuls 3595. Ham Cotton 99: market dull: luu bucks, xo.uuu Dales. . i Weather favorable for crops. . 1 lonr auu na nominal. ' Wheat quiet. Corn doll and freely offered i mixed 35rn36. Beef steady r Pork steady) Bacon anlet: Lard auui lauow nrmer; tsug&r nrm. closinir auiet: ywH quietj aiob qniet ! . - Tt t . . w 1 ' FaiDiaict May 9. Two companies of volute leers ror tne secession armv. from Baltimore. about 65 men, passed through here about ten o clock this morning, on their way to Virginia. 1 They marohed through the city protected by General Sohriver and the Sheriff. - The appearance of the men caused deen ex. eltement. , There was do outbreak,' and their worn and tattered appearance excited ridicule rather than indignation. - Washington. Mav 9. Earlv this morninc the large building next to Willard's Hotel was dis covered to be on fire. The New York Zouaves rushed from their quarters at the Capitol, and after breaking onen aa DKin8 nou"e harried to the conflagration with PPrtus, rendering highly efficient service uu panu lua uuiv, iruiu UCDUUUIIVU. ' New Yoe. May 8. The 3d Reetment U. S. Infantry, nnder Major Shepard. left for Wash- log ton tia Baltimore, this morning. senator jonnson, ot Tennessee, mado a man ful Union speeoh for the enforcement of the laws and the preservation of the Union at all hazards, at Knoxvllle, a few days since. The speech was received with great applause. ' Washinqton. Mav 8th. It la rennrteri that El Governor Reader of Kanaka, now of Pnn. sylvanla, will be appointed Brigadier General inJhearmy. ' . ' Lieutenant Jooe, who fired the Harper's Ferrv Arsenal, h&a been annotated Aaalat. ant. Quarter Master General, with the title of Captain. .. -t - . S; ate line shall not be crossed by Virginians Until thev are attacked. -, - " Aitntrous, May 8. Lieut. Crosby,of the U. Navy, has arrived herewith the light-boat which was stationed off Windmill Point, and removed by the Secessionists. When seen, she was' 12 miles lip the Wycomasie river. Her crew deserted her. . . . The importance of Annapolis as ft military do pot ia daily becoming more apparent. lWAWArOMB, JUST 10. ine JieveniQ . (t-OI WftlUce's Zonaves) Regiment was presented with two silk flags this P. M., one by the ladles of Indianapolis, and.the other by the ladies of Terre Haute. After the. presentation ceremo nies, the whole regiment knelt down and took the oath to protect the American flag and avenge the wrongs done Indiana and her soldiers by Jeff. Davis at the battle of Buena Vista. The Seventh Regiment (Col. Dumont's) was also presented with silk flag by the ladies of Aurora. , ; Washington, May 8. Simon too, tha Tim correspondent, was wounded, this P. M., by the acoidental discharge of a gun not fatally.- -" Excitement exists among the soldiers in con sequence of the shooting ot one by a policeman. Wound probably fatal. - . ...-,-'.t 4 pHiLADiLraiA, May 8. A special dienatch to tba Pott saya Virginia troops are concentrating in lorce at Harper s rerry, evidently with the Intention to resist any attempt by the Gov eminent to repossess it. No 'apprehension is felt by tha Government of an attack on tne lorces at Cairo. 1 LomsvltLi, May 8. The Surveyor of Cua toms has been Instructed to prevent shipment of arms, munitions and provisions for the sece ded btaies, including Tennessee, Worth Carolina aod Arkansas, and to interoept such shipments passing oy or going through Louisville. .. ! Ntw Yoax, May 8. The Exprat Washing- ton dispatch says that a schooner fully armed was captured on tne mouth ot the Chesapeake and taken to Annapolis.' Two men ware cap tured, tba rest esoaping in boats. : ! Wisnmarow, May 8. The Pawnee sails to morrow i with sealed orders. The Pocahontas has returned from a cruise on the Potomao, and reports every thing all right.-- - - '. .- t ToiiOirw, Msy 9.-The iron steamer Peerless has been piinshvaeed by the United State for war porpOfteiY , . u '7- I I i ll In of a an be wTiRiNOTOir, May 8. It is reported that the trooDa now at Perrtvllle, will soon arrive here It la understood the? wH land on the BalU- I more side, joining Butler's foroes at the Relay House, and with troops from Harrlsbnrg will I make force enough to past saieiy through nam more - 1 nr.. ....-.. nr.. a n, Pi... d.: Milwaukee volunteers was reviewed to day, by I n , m . '! ' i Kning Kmc Miniatnr tn noma, wno na hean I .vaurj niUKt i u i dh v vv wmw wuv una .nnninH R.i.i.. nnai f thRt, I v b TaiNTON. Mav 8. The loan bill was amend ed in tne (Senate, and raised to wuuu.uuu. 1 Memphis. Mav 8. A block on the corner of I Front Row and Court street was destroyed by fire, Losi $80,000. PaoviniNot, R. I., May 8. Mayor Knight and ail the other city officers are re elected on the Union ticket. Tt u . a TUm 1 1 ualtimuhi, juay o. iuv uvjciaiairiirtr ibb. -"mou8 m111d I UUIIVHIILllin. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, May 9. f reoelnta or 12.319 Ibis: sales ofBOOOhhl. State and western tcarct and very firm; (5 03-3S5 10 for nnitn itu:x slves an for ir iiiu: at in ,or ""P'noe weatern; a vwa ou ror common to grade S?lb rM.l!J?J.20.ut -Vi nie oVd, ,"djri 7,e" ti n auu nn i ftztrf. at Mitan mi. WHEAT heavy, and lte lowtr: lain of 40.000 bnih :ln"r na we.iern fl aamu, wimo we item at ooRN-heaTy and lower; mIm of 4,000 huh at 033104 irea mnea western aeiiTurca; 310 ror round ellow BRKR ateadr: tales of 50 bbli at 4(314 50 CHEESE lOo. PORK herrr and lnwer: aalri of 800 hhla ai7 w 17 75 for men, and $13 S4(I3 50 ror pi I me. LARD firm and in fair demand; laleiof 900 bbli at KvftillO WU1BK.Y aotlve; "ale of 450 bbli at ICKe COFfEE Ter dull and droonincr: lalri of 1 (Win Bio ot 11X0. 8UOAR dull Ann favorable for buvanr ! nf lot unni unoa at xso. UULA8BA8 InaotlTti nominal In abwnc of sales. STOCKS dnil and lower: moner contlnnM.hnn.rt at waiu per cent on can: interim exchanfe Arm but qnl Ch 4tBi37; OftOhso; o ft t asino. Scrip so E B i3f,doqooted S8jt no 43 Readinn3i rii doSd oi;' irTeMoTroeo. m" 'so tt' p wfi ay m v n -7i un u na ii . a i. v , . . nun a. vao'f u;uai rt It. U H 5'a 74. nnnnnm 7(1 v 8fi' Mi Coupons 3 do 81. 88. Cincinnati Market. 1 1 . , . . J txltod hai been iupplicd and the trade la attain mainly Sf Ai?1!r-L .."Vfi t,ie" flnnljr ""'"''ned H D SDUTia I IDW flATfl flCffl. "I'llfl Amnf1 tshlh h.. ".. "jb iik1.. uuiuere can iao mora eainj manage to atand a qniet condition of thing. We quote at. here tofore. 475 for anperflne, 94 0 to 3 for extra, thence to t5 for while wheat. WHEAT there ia but nn llttla nnmlncr In ami uL ora mainiam inair aaimg nirarei quite Brmly, thouih thejr are not responded to with any intereit by our local muiera. nea a neiu at 11 a ror Drtme. white at ai 10. CORN come In Terr ilowlv. ami hnvera ha to atanrl HI mOUfrn a itinera in that tha nM la not ararant. "j urn quotations tor wntiay. ua ie remain! at sue.- BARLEY ia hfllri nomlnallir at RT.' hnl..l....n.Al w cucoiea at oyer Due. YE lellt more retdtly, and ii hard to buy at lest WHISKY-lidullatl2,o.-7n. Lorn, ifayl. Cleveland Market. THURSDDAY May 8. steadv and in rood demand, wllh aalaa r.r inn bbli red wheat double extra at 5,O0; 110 bbli Indiana wnue no at a se, ana n u wiado at Bi 33. WHEAT firm and antlva. wllh aalaa nt 19nn hn.k mA 5000 do from itore and 1 car on track, all at 1 1 10, and (UU OUBn Wnita from Itorfl. anrl 1 car nn traplr a, ai 85. CORN aalei ef 1000 bnih from atnra at 37n. .H innn sum at ono. ana i ear on track at niunwintis quietat 14KVS140. BUTTER dull at 12 13c, EGOS continue in large inpply and dull at 8c. II AUS aalei of -cured at tic. Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, May 9. Flock auiet assom.lfi?. Vn.uh.. ai JJ. red 1 &U. 11 U far aihlta. ll..ll ab iwi-waiaii, . . BTKaifa CHITTINDXIf. . . . HC HBV T. CHITTINOKN S. & H. T. CHITTENDEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. KT'Offlcea, 89 William Street, Hew Tork Oltr. and Park!' BniLoua, Oolumbui, Ohio. lOCarefal attention paid to Collection, , aprll8:d0m . ( SPRINO CLOAKS AND BASQINES) I NIW BTTLK8 Bala Ac Nan. N aon.mi, High street, have juatopaned new ttTlea of Cloth Cia. onLARa BAaqumta and BiCno , made in the neweat and moat atyiun manner, aim, Maperk Plain Black Milka. very heavy, deilgned exprnaly for ManUllaaandBaequlnes. aprllS DO T0U WANT WHISKERS? . DO YOU WANT WHISKERS I DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S OKLKBBATED vSiiiaiilatiiiir OUaUiient, For the Whiskers and Hair The subicriben take nleatura In annonnrlna a tha Oitiaena of the United Btatea, that they bare obtained tha Aaency for, and are now enabled to offer to the Amerloan publto, the above Juttly celebrated and world-renowned article. The .... STIMULATING ONGUEINT prepared bv Da. 0. P. BKLLItfOHAM. an eminent phy.iclan of London, and ia warranted to bring out a thick let of , Whiskers or a Mnstache from three to tlx weeki. This article to the only one the kind naed by the French, and in London and Parle ltlilnunlrerialuae. It to a bcauilful. eoonomloal, toothlntr. vet ittnnlatinf compound, aclinr aa if by magic upon the roots, canting beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to tha caln. It will cure BAinaiaa. and ram in mri.. nn in place of the bald ipot a fine growth of new hair. Ap nea according to direction!, it will turn a in or towt air Bark, and restore nay hair to lta orl.lnal eninr. leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The "ORaoorr" ia tndiipenaable article In every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use Cvey would not for any oont (deration without it. v... ,. -v The rnbacribara are tha on It A(nnh far tha aatlala In United Statea, to whom all ordera mult ba addreased. Price One Dollar a box for aale by all Druggitta and Dealera; er a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to hare deaired effect) will be tent to any who dealt It, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt ef price and poalage, (1.18. Apply to or addren ., H0BA0H I. BIQIHAN k 00., ! . ' DROooirra, See., febSOdScwCm ' ; r, ' 4 Wriliam Street, Mew-York. :Red, White and Bine v TaELAIlfEil, "'T a i XJ CALICOES, - 'f.i.xt mi urn. NECK tlE.'. - . . ,,' Juit opened by aprSO j y -XT BAIN ft 805, ' - j No, 89 South High street. .A. OZLnEtJD. ,V-;. HATING THIS DAT SOLD OVB Stock of Qroeeriei to O. 8.DMINO, wecharrfulrr recommend nim to our old patront and friends. - -. - - THOS. WALKSRfcBON. Columbus, March S9th, 1861 apl dtf of Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. TIlEFOtLOAVINO CHANGES WERE made In the the officers of this Bank, January SSth, IHOl, to wit: war. A. fun, rreaiuent, and Tnoaus Moonia, Uatiiier, resigned tneir oinces. vavid Tavlos, Esq., waa then elected President and W. A. Flatt ap pointed Cashier. By orderof the Board of Directors. '" feb 5, 1901-dtf. i - W. A. PLAIT. Cashier. Benjamin Brltton'i Eitata. OTIOK 19 HEKEBI GIVEIt THAT the undersigned waa, au th 15th day of March. 1861. appointed by the Probate Court of Franklin Ooanty, Ohio, Executor of the will of Benjamin Britton, deceas ed, lata of Norwloh Township, in said county. .... 3. 8MIIH BRITTON. Mtroh SOth, A. D. 1881.-dltw3U ;, ,,,,, ,..,.,, v TIiACK STRAW BOIVNETS ATI Eli XJ egmnt KIMwna, In rrM variety at 1 BAIN 8, eeM - "'' ' ' ' B. W, High stmt) . NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NEWARK OHIO, iriannracinrera t all kind of Par a ii fx nunanarr eteim r.Ti Kines, haw mill., Urlat Mllla, &.C., cVCa LAKSA BODLEYBtatml U. & 1. BLAND YBtaiml J. dbj. B. DuVALL Btatmlll COLUMBUS MACHIXS CO. Btatmll II BRADIORD dk CO. Btalmllltl Oar Portable Eoglns and Saw Mill Was awarded the flnt premium of 50 at the Indiana Btate lair for 1CC0 over Lane k. Bodley't on account of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Uur Btatlonarr Enaine waa awarded at tba ..m w.i. iuu unit premium oi ww. 0?r Porthl Knglne waa awarded tha tint premlu m of a,. v iu, ir ai vempnia, ' lenn., over Ulandy'i Du- a. vuminuua naonine uo ., ana ilrartrord tt (Jo f by a committee of practical Railroad Engineer!, for price and termi addren W1LLAED WAENKB, Treuurer, dec5-dtwlyeoto. Newark, Ohio. MRS, WINSLOW. An experienced Narie tnd Female Phyilclin, prtienti eneed Nnn to the att v ajuv a.wcuiiuu qi muuieri, ner SOOTHING S YRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facllitatee the proccta of teething, by toft enlng the guma, reducing all inflammation wil 1 allay ALL PAIN and apaimodlc action, and Is 8UIIE TOltEGl'LlTE THE BOWELS. Depend upon tt, mothers, 1 1 will glye rest to youreelve and BELIEF AND HEALTH TO TOUR DIFAWIB. We hare put up and eold thla article for nver in .an and CAN BAY, IN OONPIDBNOB AND TRnTn'nf I? what we have nerer been able tn m nf anv .ih.. aiI elne NEVER HA8 IT FAILED, IN A 81NQLH INbT. ANCE, TO Erf EOT A CURB, when tlmal. n.H. n... er did we know an lnitance ofdiaaatlifafitlon hv anv Ana who uaed it. On the contrary, all aredellffhte.1 ariih n. operation!, and apeak in termi of oommendation of lta magical enecu ana meaicat virtues. We apeak in thii matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW:" after ten veara' a.. lienca. AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION P OR THE auuiiiiiaiBnT vr Yi MAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almoit every IniUnce where the infant ia luffering from pain and exhauatlon. relief will be found in fifteen or iweuir minute! aiter inesyrnp ll admlnlitered. Thla Valuable nrenaratlon la the nreaevlnHnn rfM..f the moat EXPERIENCED and BKlLLfUL NDRdEB in New England, and baa been need with NEVER PAIL IN9 SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not oulr relieve! the child from nain. hnf ate! the itooach and boweli, eorrecta acidity, and glrei ton and enenti to the whole mtem. It will aimn.i in tantly relieve QBlPlIO TJT THE E0WJCLS, AND WIND COLIC and overcome eonvuirioni, which. If notipeedlly rem oicu, cm m ucaui. we oenere it tne bkbt and BUR EST RKMIf DY IN THE WORLD, in all eaaea of Did ENTERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, wheth It ariaea from teethinf. or from an other eanaa. wk would aay to every mother who hue child raflering from any of the foregoing complaint DO NOT LRT Vnun PREJUDICES NOR THE PREJUDICES Of OIHKRS atand between ioa and our auSertna etilM. anA ih iwi inn win wauaa-yea. ABBOLUriLX SURE to ioiiow mi bmoi inn medicine, u timely used, full dl reolloni for utng will accompany each bottle. None pouine ddiub u, lac-aimiie or uuftiiBet rERKINB, New York, ii on the outilde wrapper. Bold by all Drugglata throughout the world. ' ' Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street N.T. PRICE ONLY 525 CENTS PER BOTTLE, octtf-dawly. ADVEBT1BEMENT. in for th IlfBTANT RILIIf and PERMANENT CURB of th distressing complaint na ENBIIS : ' BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES. Mad by 0. B. IBTMOUB k CO., 107 Naaaaa St., N. T. . rno, i per oox sent rrea by post. fOR BALI AT ALL DBUflOIgfl aaya-ditwlyi RISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, B03T0N AND GALWAY. The following new and maa-niflcent flnt-claia naddla. wheel Bttamsbips eomporth abora line: ADRIATIC, 5,888 tons burthen, Capt, J. Maury (Formerly of the Collins Line.) ' HTBERNIA, 4.400 torn burthen. Cant. N. Paoavaa. COLUMBIA, 4,400 R. Lritcb. ANOLIA, . 4,400 "-, ; Nichouoii. PAOIflO, 8.600 " " I. SunH. . PRINCE ALBERT. (Screw.) - J.JUU J.Walkir.. On of the above ships will leave New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galway. car rying th government mails, touching at St. Johns, .a. r . Th Steamers of this lie have been constructed with the greatest ear, nnder the supervision of the eorern- ment, bar water-tight compartments, and are unexcel led (oroomfort, safety and speed by any (teamen afloat. They ar commanded by able and experienced officers, and every exertion will be mad to promote the oomfort panengera. An experienced Burgeon attached to each ship. HATES Or PASSAGE. flrtt-elaii N. T.or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool tiro Second-class, " " 75 flrst-elaaa, ' toBt John' 35 Third-elaas, " . to Oalway or Llvtrpool. or any tows In Inland, en a Railway, - - - 3D Third-class passenger are liberal It annolled with nro. vielona of the best quality, cooked and served by theietv vant of the Campaoy. BETfJRN TICKETS. ' -Parties wishing to send for their friends from th old coup try can obtain tiosets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal cities of England and boot- ana, at vary low rates. ; Passeoeen for New Tork. arriving bv the Boston Steamere, will ba forwarded to New York free of charge. ror passage or mnner iniormaiion, app ly to Wat. 11. WIOKflAM, At the office of the Oomnanv. on tha wharf, font nf Oanal street, New York. - - IIOWLAND Ac ASPINWALL, Agents. aprlllS:d6m. : DRESS GOODS, New and Attractive. Mozambique's, ' ' TaaviLiHo Fortius : .; , , Cheni Pomjws,' a-1 ". 1 . Poil dc Cmvftcs, r a ;l. .; - ; GglZtLLla, French Crintzis, FatNOR Moslins, , . FlKitCR OaOANOlIS, : I; Chinese Washing Silks, Eleqant Dress Silks, ; ' " ' " ' ". . Hiavv Basque and Mantle Silks; And all other new and fashionable material most la demand for handsome Drerse and Mantillas.' ' 1 . BAIN At SON, '' apiS9 ' No. SO Booth High street. . WM, KNABE & CO., A T 'SI IF IK ntitV SALES-, A. BOOM, NO. 1.W BALTIMOJiS ST., awe NOB. 1, S, 5 and 7 N. BUT AW BTEE' Offer for sale their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, - " GRAND AND 8QARE - PIANO-FORTES. Being highly recommended by the first Profesaors and Musical Amauur 01 in oountry, ana ASTHMA IT ' '' V , WARBABTIDfOlt ' ' v ' . . rrvs TEARS. Th most fiitldlcus customer Bay rely upon being pleased is vry respect. ..,' w ' " ' ., Term liberal. ' ' WK. NAB1 k 00. SBLTZXB St W1B8TER, Agents, ect9t;ly4w, - Columbus, Ohio. sa SF ' j;- - , .t , PXICII RIDTJ0KD from the New York Observer. 1 Aa all nartiea aaanufafirnrlna- Raarina Manhlnna ana llged 10 DaV Mr. ilnwa a licenaa on aar.h nar.hina anM. and are a ao compelled to naka ninmi ,n htm. nnria oatli.aa to the number eold, hlibooke give a correct itate- ment. from thla reliable aoarea we have ebtained oiiowing aiaiittica. or tne machines made iu the year 1851), there were told,. By Wheeler k Wilion hi n uc.iri aa f.liai,a... T M ain... a, n ' .21.305 . Kl.itt.l .10.BH0 " Ornrer k Baker.... Showing the lre of Wheeler k Wilson to be douiU utuav oi auy oiuer uompaay. Awarded tne hlaheit premlnnla at tlia j '. ' . United Btatea fain of 1838, law and 1BD0; . i ; I " . ' alaoat the . Okie Btate fain of W69and lfkWf , ', and at nearly all the County fairs in the Bute, ' Our Plieet. at the late reduction, ora ttm hn nm am.. ". -..' wwuiuw ww ""in. auu a mm, nigner tnan the Interior two thrtod dato ttich mocAfnM, now lorcea anon tne maraei. 1 - The WHEELER k WILSON MACHINE makes the iiOCK sticb tne onlv one which cannot baravolarl. it ll Al.lEa on Both Biniaof tha aoda. laavlna u rMnm .1- , -11- AU macMrui uar anted 2 vtarm. and Imlr-wUnm giron m uwir uie, tree or enarie. , U . CRARY, 81 nigh at.. Ooiumbas, O. WH. SUMNER k CO dec3 !2awil3mfcwCm Plke'i Opera House. Olnoinnatl... vow MW im. M. VaV W WA DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Eheomatism, Goat and Neuralgia, AND A BURR CURE f OR All Mercurial Diseases. It ll a conveniently arranred Band, eontalnln. a med. Icated compound, to be worn a round the Walat, without injury to the moit delicate nertoni: no chant e In hahita of living ia required, and it entirely removea tha rila ease from the ayitem, without producing the Injurioui enecia annng irom uie use ot powenut internal medi cine!, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the med icinal properties contained In thaBand come in contact tin ine niood and reacb the disease, through the cores or the skin, effecting in enery instance a perfect cure, and restoring the part afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a mostDowerful ARn-UiRcnaiiL ae-ent. and will entirely re lie re thetyitem from iti permciov effecte of Mercury. Moderate caiet are cored In a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of lta efficacy In agirarated cases of loog standing. Paic 3,00, to be had of Druggists generally, or esn be sent by mail or express, with full directions for nee. to any part of the country, direct from the Princlnal tanfltr vawwalvinaw Afll. Offio, , ; . Ko. 409 BS0ADWAT, Hew York. O. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. 8. Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. IC Agent Wanted Everywhere. mh281jliorlilp.ilfcw , T ATTrPUP TITllIWQTnW Xr OH AJAAAlAtVA t A. U 1711.1 U iVH W. 23 & 25 PARK PLACE, . 20 & 22 MDEEAY STREET, NAil w srozi.3X, ' , j IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF, , Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS . FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. V SPRHSTG. 1861. . We are opening, at ouramDle warerooma. at tba abov number!, stocks of Goods in each of the six department or our Business, superior to anything we have heretofore exhibited to the trade. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. This ha grown to Us present magnltud amder th thorough management of a bnver of long experience and acknowledged good taste. We keep extensive lines of me nnesi ana cnoicesi . - FMCVVESTINCS . AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be fonnd in the market, all selected with the nicest discrimination. Also, all grades, colon and varieties of? BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNG3, TWEEDS, FARMERS' and MERCHANTS' CASSIMKR1S, KENTUCKY JEANS, from 9), to 12K cent per yard and upwards; TWEEDS. 12J, to U cents per yard last year told a ' " 18 to SO; PRINTED SATINETS, at 14 cents; . And other Ooodt corrapondingly Low. Dress-Goods Department. Manchester De Lalnea, Hamilton do. Pacific do. Printed Lawns, Printed Brilllantei, fancy Ginghams, Bombasines, Black Bilks, fancy Silks. ' Printed CbaMit, -Manchester Qinghams, . Olasgow do. Clinton . do. Ottoman Oloths, Alpacas, Poplins, And the NeuScltci Style of FANCY SPRING GOODS. Merrlmao Prints, Cocheco do. Paclno do. . fprague' do. ' Manchester, See. Prints, ke Richmond's Prints, American do. Dunnell's do. English do. DOMESTIO COTTON'S. Lawrence 0. fthee lings, Atlantic A. Bheetingt, Stark do. Amoskeag do. 1 Lathrop Bhawmut . Pocaaset do. do., do. - Appieton . Ereratt Utica, Jtc, do. do. do. AU Oraiet and Widths. '; BLEACHED BHIB.TINOS AND 8HEITIN9S. Vansutta, D wight, Lawrenea, Lonsdale, Great falls, Naumkeag, Hill, Wallbam, Doott, ; 'J. Hew Tork Mills, to.,' Ac. t SHAWLS ANLVMANTILLAS, A LAROE AND SELECT ASSORTMENT. ' COTTON ADB8 a great variety. . CHECKS do. TICKlNQS-all the leading brands. ..i.. DENIMS do. do. ,. SHIRTING STUPES-, all the leading brands. ' NANKEENS ,'. do.- . . - do. -i CORBET JEAN8 do. ' . do. M0BEBN8 ' do. - do. DAMASKS, PAPER OAMBRI0B, COLORED CAM ; BRICS,fco.,e.v LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WH3TK 000DS, ' . . : BOSTEBT, TA5XXS H0TI0NS, , , Gentlemcii's FarBishing Goods, ... UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ; CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, " - And a great variety ef floods not enumerated all ef which we pledge onrselvee to sell at tbe kmmt market price tbe larger portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, lei man lastyeer. . LATHROP, LUDINGTON k CO., WE W YORK. mart NOTICE. T HAVE SOLD TO SIR. HENRY WILr- X BON my DRUG STORE, which is removal bom th orner of High and Qay streets to the Southwest corner of Broad and High street, Colnmbus, Ohio. , " ' - , . With many thank to my former patron and custom ere, I respectfully request tbe continuance of their fa vor to my successor. HENRY M.NEIL. Oolumboj, April 1, ie01. ', . DRTJGBTOiElliL: TTAVINO PITHCHAEKD TUB DHCG XX STORE of Mr. Hrni M. Nma, I have opened anew en the Southwell corner nf Broad and Hnrh streets. Columbus, Ohio tinq (A old and rtUabi tiand or H.t talu.. .U. Ma ...... ...u 1 hare a fresh and well selected stock of Pur Mtat Mmt, andPur Chtmicale, togslher with faints, QU, Yarnuhtu, etc., usually kept In aach an cetablishment. : Hj3 Paascatrnoas oaralulJy and promptly compound d. Store epen at ail fcoorl of the Ary aid . ' I respectfully solicit the patronage of the puhlln. - HENRY. WILSON. Columbce. April 1, 1801 pr8:dlm - I nk. CANAWAJI ft UMTED STATES HAIL -.j i STEAMERS ? t $ LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW Liverpool, Montreal; . Quebec, ' and KT2afT. "5T02TL23L. fall-pow.rrtOlderlir1rRZ"T?,?",L" United Btotoi Hail and nanennra. 1 viui aca states Hail end paaaengera. I NORTH BRITON, , HiSbInIan ' I CANADIAN, ' NOVA800TIA1I. 8hrteal, CheaneH andOulrkf..,.. wV;?A!",c,lc,C.- vevancs fraua AKEBICA TO ALL FABT8 OF itUBOPi: Rate of Paeviaae to TCurope. 830. ea. ttsn --- '"iu ana ocotiand. iLPTheae Steamer are built of in i oompartmenU, carry each an exnartanni a.."T url every attenUon is paid to the comfort and a J" DERT tt?!!E t'V, ?r00?d 6in to WN DON. visnx, tne neat jriik and riii nfMiiin..tst w. . U avoided. . 7. 7 . Olaegow paaaengera are furniihed with ntnnaaaar. ticket to and from Londonderry, v Pvage neiurn ticaeia granted at reduced rate. Certificate iaiued for earrvtn n u... . ?e.f."!5 fr?"Jf " ? P""""-' K of flreaf Britainand Ireland, at reduoid rate, by thla Una of (teamen, and LJu!V" LfN" O'SAILINOOKBTB, leaving Liverpool every weak. . j .., .., SlrK,,a,l!!, t vpwaMi par-' able in Knit land, Ireianttreicoi- land or Wales. - for 'J' f OIBoe- 3 BROAD-, V, New lark, and it) WiTin i-aT.7 WA gABEt A BWAWTW n. - , uaanu agaaii. Or to J. ADMtTDriur. O Aloft. Golamlmsi Aki. EXnfHEWELL'8 For all TflROAT and I.DNO COIffPIfAIIVTS, Inclading; WHOOPfNC COUGH, land every Complaint the foreran iter of . and even actnal CONSPMPTIOIV. UNIVERSAL couau REMEDY. HTOKE WELL'S T-,,,?..Creat NEnilALa GIC UKIVIKDV and Nat. nral MPIAI K, adapted to every apecleBof Ner vosa Complaint, Ncr r."? ".nd Chronic Headache, -Hbcnma-, nam, Cfttarrb, Tooth and Ear Ache, Lea of Mleep, and Itowel Com. plaints. - T0LU ANODYSl? w " " No real I uitlce can ha flfiritk tla BnAHa .... ar but by procariDK aod reading descriptive ramublGti t be found with all dealers, or will be tent bv prni,riltnr nn flPmanrl VAn.,.l... t fni r. . . . . r on demand. Formulaa and THal iwti.. oi, eians, who will And developmenU in both worthr then acceptance and approval. Oorrefpondence solicited from all whose'necesiities or curiosity promote to a trial nf tha n.1.1. ' dies. ' for sale by the usual whoiaaaia ...i .i.n ererywher. . JOHN I.. IITJNNEWELI.. Pra.n... CHIMI6T AND FHAkMACEtTTlST, No. 0 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Kass- ' RoberU k Samuel, N. B. Uarple. J. R. Cook. J. a Benig. O. Denig k Boo, A. J. Achuelier k Son. A.m. tbr Columbus. Ohio my Idly Dr.J.H.McLEAN'3 Strcflgtliening Cordial and Blood PURIFIER- The Greatest Hemedrln Tlt- U orlo. AND THE MOST DELICI0TJ8 AND DELIGHT FTTL' CORDIAL EVER TAREN. XTIS STRICT ly a scientific and Vegetable Componnd, Lrocured by the distil lUon of Roots. Hcrhe and Barks, Yellow Dock, Blood Root, Banaparilla, W I I d Cherry Bark and Dan delion enter Into its I n mi. wnopvaiuon. i ne en- . , . Before Taking," acUTe.remediailftcrTakin; principle of each Ingredient la thoroughly extracted b my new method of distilling, producing., delieit-ua. o hileraling spirit, and tbe most INFALLIBLE remedy for renovating the diseased system, and restoring 'he tick, sufferinr and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH aiul STRENGTH. MCLEAN'S STRENGTHEN IN O COK" DIAL Will etTectully cue LITER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA. JAnNDlOl. Chronic or Nervous DeMlltr. Dlaeaaeaor tha IU- . and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Sloml tch. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Pile, Acidity or Sick- ucaa ui uie owmaca, auiines or mooa to tne UeaJ, Dull aiu or swimming in tne Dead. FalLitatlon of the Heart 'ullneis or Weieht in the Stomach. Roar Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down , Dryness or Yellowness of the Skin and Byes, Night Sweats, In ward fever, Pain In the small of th back, chest or side. Sudden flushes of Heat, Depression of Spirits, frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease Sore or Blotche on tha Hkln. and Van. a... Ohilliand levsr.) Over a ITItlllon of liottle Hav been old during th last sir month a. and la r, u. stano has It failed In riving enUre satisfaction . Who, then, will suffer from Weakoeas or Debility when MC LEAN'S STRENGTHENING- CORDIAL will cuie you? . No language can eonrev an ariennat l.t. nf ,h. diata and almost miraculous change produced by taking una uomiai in uia aiseaseu, oeouilated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down bv exeeaa. ana h. nature, or impaired by eicknese, the relaxed and unstrung organ iu tion 11 reitored to Its pristine health aod vigor. MARRIED PERSONS, Or ether conscious of inability, from whatever cause, will find McLeans Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator 01 tne system; and all who may have injured themselves by Improper Indulgences, will find in the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. To the Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy ear for INCIPIENTCONSCMPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, incontinence of unna or involuntary tiiscnarg tnereor, falling of the Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Diaeasea Inelrfna t female. There is no Mistake About it. wSuffer no longer. Take tt according to Directions. It 1 111 stimulate, iirenaioea and Invigorate you and cause ae oioom 01 neaitn to mount your eneek again. lvery bottle I warranted to give attsfaotloa. ' FOR CHILDREN. ; ... ,- If your children are sickly, punv. or afflicted. HeT.anV Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Dela not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced.w ' ' - IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE," CaOTina. Bewai ot Druggtit or Dealera whn L.. try to palm npon you some Bitter or Baraaparllla traat. which tuey can buy cheap, byaaylnf Itla Juitu goodlV Ton bbcu men. asx tor aicijaa s o trengtnealngOor-1 dial, and take nothing else It ie the onlv aaM. ' will purify the Mood thoroughly and at the same lime strengthen the system. . 1 .... One tablespoonful taken aver momlne faatlTw la a. oeruln prevenUve of Cholera, Chill and fever, Yellow fever, or any prevalent disaa.. . It ia nut an h hvne . bottle. " ' Price only 11 per bottl, or S bottle rbr t5. ' --'. J.H. MoLEAN, ...5, - - Bol Proprietor of lata Cordial, Also McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment Princlnal Deoot on th corner of Third and Pin aij.i St. Louie. Mo. . , , . .. .r McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. " ' Th beet Liniment la the World. Th onlv aara anA certain cure for Cancer. Pile. Bwelllnn anA chills, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness ef th Muscle, Onronle or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff ness of th joint, contracted Muscle or Ligament Earache er Toothache, Bruise, Sprain, Wounds, fresh' Out, Ulcer, fever Bores, Caked Brents BonNlppkw, Burns, Scalds, Sore Tboat, r any Intteaniaatlon r Pain, no difference how severe, or ho Ions) th disease may hav existed. MoLean's Celebrated Liniment Is a ear tain remedy. , . - ,,, , Thousands of human kernes hava Iwm aavad a lUk nf dvcrepitud and miaary by th aae of tUi inralnabl md MCLEAN'S VOLCANIC -IIr LINIMENT - i a Will rliv pain almort tnatutaooaly, and it wTl cleansa, purify and heal the foulest ore in an (ocrtdl ly short tiaw. , t . t rT ' ! for Iloraee sttid Other Animstu. McLean eslebrated Llahnent la tt only Bars and r llahl remedy for the car of Spavin, Ring Bona, Wind galls, Splint, Unnatural Bumpa, Nwira Swelling. It will never fail to cure Big Bead, Poll Evil, fistula, Old mining Sore., or Sweeny, If properly applied, for -Spraina, Bruises, Soratche, Sore or Wound, Cracked lieela, Chafes, Saddle orCollar Galls It I an Infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, and a ear I certain to very Instance. - ..A Then tritle no longer with th many worth leas Lini ment offered to yi. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean's celebrated Llnimeot. It will mr yon. 1 J.ll. tncLKANsinlePnprleter; m ! Corner of Third and Pin Street, St. Louis, M. forsalshyelldruggldti. 2i.T? forsaKby ....' ROBERTS k SAMUEL, m V aejgltoVdfkwlf m : t ,. .. ... Oelsumku. Ohw.K I nONNRTS, HIRBONS TAB AND-'' XJ nouuno, newryie,jusiopenrany BAIN c SON. aprilS He. M Booth Bigh street. '