Newspaper Page Text
UAI UYiiiUJ just received by; .! WTJr Al GILL, Ho. 30 Xlorth High Gtreet, 04 of th Urgeit and But Mledtei wt " ' BVEH tirrSRBD IN IWIOItJl, ... House1;: Baildew', FttrnisMflgs', . or IVJtST BTYLB AND QUAIITT. , ' ' . " v- - : ' " ..' " - rr-nenAn.wrlem , , , a'AINTS GROUND IN OIL, . and pal p la hlpmnai for fcmily ate, and Dry ".' P&mtiin bulk-,,,: Brushes ol every variety & quality. v A Splendid Auoctment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, Sus ". GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o . ' FISHING TACKLE. ROPE A CORDAGE, , LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ; BELTI1TG. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, to., ; '. SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 especially uvvlt tht attention of all Inttrated to my took of Pocket and Table Ontlery. ua SILVEH PLATED FORKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, of KOGIRRo k BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to be , ixtra heavy, Blectro-Plated.on genuine Albetta. Country Merchant, Meetuuiiot, and otntn, an united to all and uaatn mj Stock, ai I am prepared to eell Wholesale and Eetatl. Wirt. A. GILL. Oohimbaa, Ohio, MJ 8, I860- . Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMILY CROCEMES; No. 106 South High Street. yiVL HcDONALD, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, IN ALL " HEIR VARIETIES. Dally rrlval For tho Tull and f Cooda ' Winter Trade Of 1860-61. TTTilE 1 IJ U!i IN 4 l CEBE THAN KB TO Til IS PUBLIC for paat fatora and patroa- im, and being DETEBB11IIED to HIEBIX ..u.nxe of earn to agncg trade, and prompt dellwerr of Good, Iwould oalltheaiotlcoof the public to the fact that baring lUrft and waU "elected Stock on hand, and bring In dally receipt of good, mm the differ ent aarketo, I Batter oyeelf Out I oan offer to thedtt MM of oolwabna, or to any who may deilra to purctae. aa aeeortment of aitleloe appertaining to the 0B0CER trade, CMEaWALED by any hone to tha dty. The price and quality of tha good offered, I Ruar aatoo to Rtw aatiaf action. Good Telivered Jree orcnargo, WM. MoDONALD. botCT. Baltimore Clothing House. TTTOaa cb 33IjXJI-I: ' aaiioraoTraflM ura wBotavoa duoch in READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W Baltimore-street, (irrwan urntr am bowau,) . BALTIinOBE, Bli. A laiga Aormat cl an FnnliblDf eood CoiutaBtiy ea Band! OetasJiy ' WlUlTYl J3.- 0111 coLCnuus, 01110, . aGRICULTURALWaREHOUSE And Seed Store, , gtKALEB 1 .v,r. GENERAL HARDWARE, KAILo,OLAflS, BASH, ?UTTY, 00BDAOB, ' Onna, Platol, Wood WlUow Wore, athwt aoa Babbti Belting, lac Leather, ktmr- Eoee and tnl-dly S. DOYLE & CO. ldaBQfactorari and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES, ' " Southeast Cornet of High and Oay Su., ' ..; ' No. OO, OOLCnBCS, OHIO. ma large Stoak of Flntand Staplt Soodi ea band." rtl-dtf -i SUNDRIES. TAPIOCO, :. Arrow Boot, Scotch Oat Meal ipanmA, A' Buo Bloe Floor 1 Peart Barley Orachad Wheat ' Coeo Oraaa Tartar, Fig eedloae Balalna BplltPea C hooolato , ' Broaaa,to. ' Boda . ... .1 Prune Proeh Tomato droea Con, Peacbaa. Ftiek Oaon'd Fraltaof trery deecriptlen: Je I Hoe 01 Wikinoe-, , puvorlngBxtracUofankl?1. . " Cram Drone; at ized Cudlea; . . ' . -Mi AlmoeKl. Fllberte, Peeo Nnta, . Bocllah WalautJ, Breall Nta,tte, tSf WM. McDONAlD. E. r.VCOLLISTER, rnole.le and Be tall, Dealer la TOBACCO,. SNUFF if CIGARS .. . No. S3 yifUi Street. . s ' piT;SBUROH, fai;; Kaen oomttantly on hrtnd all tad vtv r, rtona BHANlrti of Iia3LlioirtorJL Clears. Oet. W-lyd " - ' Laces and Embroideries, . KCIENKSI, BlaLTESB d POINT Laea Oollareand aetta. French, Puther and Thread tot Fetlt (new patlerne ) Vaienctente, Tbraa ana Fatal tacit Kabroidered Collara, Betta, Trunmtnita and Bktrtet Lao Bttrtn aad Col (To me. Plaia Lloea Collara, tteand Cuffe,Smbroldred Collara and CaBe In lettt. n A in a bun, J . I JT. , South ligh Btreet. . 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I nr RAILROAD. Connactlng at Oreitlln with the PltTBBUKQH, IT. WAYNI 0DI0A00 B1ILK04U ' ' Tor fitttburth, FMlodtlpMa m& SatUmort. Mm lor tort Way ana Vhleago. Connecting at OlereUnd with the UU BHOEB BAIL- .... w. HUii, ForDanklrk, nnflo, Albanf, Bs tei, and New lork. - THREE TRAINS DAILY, . . XXOKPT 8UNDAT, mm Oolombii, In oonneollon with Iralnion the LITTLE JMARII AND COLUMBUS IIB8T IBAI8T. RIGHT EXPRS38. IrftTM Oolambni at 3.40 A. M I will Kara paawsgera at all tUtton eon in of uauun. etop at Delaware, aehlejp, Oardlngton anauii'aa, ana at ell ttallona north of Oallon, arrlvhig at OlereUnd atfctfA. Mn Daakirkl:!S P. M.i Buffalo Sr. Albau 3:0O A. Ala, New tart 11: JU A. anion P. u . Pituhurah l OrMtllne 3:20 P. M , rblladel- phia 5.10 A, 11. Chicago Tie CreeilUie at 8-liO P. M. , ; 8BC0ND TRAIN. ; r : HIW TOBK IXPBE38 LeaTee' Colambm at HMO a. m. will etop at ijewieuenire.veiawira.uuuiuiiuu, Oalloa. Oreetlloe, Bneibr, lew i0"aon, noiiinnioa sea Ormfion, arrlre at Olereiand at 3:8S p.' m.; Dunkirk, 9-M p. m.i Bnffelo, 10:25 p. n i Albanr, V.4S a. m ; N.wfoik. 8:30 p. ai.i Beaton, 4:40 p. in ; Pltuburgh, vfa Ore it I loo, 8S0p. m.i Philadelphia, 10 a. m . Con- neeteat Bhelbjr for al 1 poinu on Bnauny, naniaeia Newark B. B., north or ghelbr. .THIRD TRAIN. r ."" HAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leewe Ooltimbue a3:0p a. will etop at all etationi Boutn oi sneioy, and at new fconaon, noenntor, naiiiogwa, nd Bam: airire at Olereltnd at 0:10 p. m.i Dunkirk, 9:50a. .; Buffalo, 4rfa. m.: Albany, 3'30 p.m.; New York, d:30p. m.; Boeton. U:4tp m. Pltuburgh, via 0 re. t line. at 9:10a. m.; Philadelphia, 5:15 p. m., Oon ima u Hh.lh for ell nolnti on ganduikT, Maoedeld k Newark Railroad, ; Patent Sleecin? Cari are ran on all HigM Trains to Chicago, Kew J York and Boston. Baggag CXtdui Tkrougl to Mut tort and Botton vu vuiwana; auo, w rnwumpma lint larivta Onttiiiu. RETURNING-'.- ' NlBhtExpreeearrlTft atColtimbatat...ll:45P. II. Cincinnati Kxpreta " " i:0A'" AooommodaUoD, " " 0:10 P.M. Faro Low aa bp- any otber Bouts. Aii for TichU via Cttttliut or CUwland. . B. 8. FLINT. Fupartntendent, Olereiand, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, , , : Oolumbue, Ohio. Columbia, April 15,1851. CENTRAL OHIO R. 3 Between Columbus & "Wheeling, t . C0NNKCTIN0 VIA BELL AIRE AND WHEELING ' ' rTITH THE .1 'i : BALTIMORE Si OHIO, & Be, Anil VIA Bellaire and ' Pittsburgh , ' .. s WITH TBI Pennsylvania Central R. R., ; ',.!." '. FOR', ; v Boiton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, : Waahlogtott City, PltUborgb, and : I ; . allEagtern Cltlea. . ; . NO. 1 EXPRESS Oolumhua 3 30 A. M. at all lUUone eaet of Newark when elgnaileit Arrlree at Newark at 4:50 A. H.. Zuimtu at 0:00 A.m.. Bella ire at lu.w a. a.. eonoeetlnt- with the Baltimore It Ohio B. B., aad rla Plttebargh with Penniylranla B. B. for ail eaatora altlea. NO. SEZPBESS LeaYoaOolambua at 11:18 A. M.j etopi at all ilatloni when ttgnalwd. Arrrn at Newark at r.-:w A.: a., EaneeTllla at 9:04 P. M. Bellairo at OHO P. kt., ana seettng with toe Baltimore At Ohio B, B. for all oaatera tltlea. . ...... : .. ' ' NO. t EXPRESS ' . tearee0olnmbuiat3:10P. M.; etopoatall ilatlonawhen aignailed. Arrlree at Newark at 4:30 P. M., Zaneerille at 5:40 P. U,. Bellaire at -S P. at., oonneeUng Tie Plttebanh with the Penneylranla . Jt. for all eaiiera aiuea. ' Tble Roule offera the ADVATAQ8 of a Throarh Ticket and Begmge Oneok to WA8BINOI0N CITY, andaleo gtre the Paewnger tha prrrilege of Ti.itlaf BAXTIMOBB, PHILADBLPUIAaod Matf-YOKE, at the eoet of a New-York Ticket alone; or the privilege of Tlaltiu all of the principal fB ABOARD CITIES at the Oct of a BOSTON Ticket alone, rla otber Boatea. Through Tlckete to a sw-iutitt. can no procured ria WabUINQTON CITY, at an additional expenie ol 2. Time as Quick and Fare as Low Aa on other Boutee. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. ASK FOB TICKETS VIA Columaaa and Belial ro or Wheeling;. - JNO. W. BBOWN. Apr. 15. . .(. Gm. lctt Aftnt. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. mKBDIlll ATK! - AT -W A0HIN GTOHf JL and Baltimore on the Eaet, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkereborg on the Weet, at which placet It anltae with Ballroadt, Bteamert, Ac, for and from all point lath Weit, Bouth.wet and Nortta'wea JEREZ TBAISS DAILY FOR ALfTHB.' EASTERN' CITIES., f Tblt I the toly route to Waahlngton City. Paawnnrabv thla roate oaa Tlelt Baltimore, Phlla delphla. New York and Boeton, at tht eoat of a Uektt te ItnatAn aloM be Other llBOe. Tbroogh tickete to tht Baetern dtlet can bt procured Tfa Waahlngloa Blty at aa aaaiuonai onarge ei two ooi . n,...iw. P.i. Attacwkd to .La nTiawr TaaiNt. 1 Jbneoe quiet and far a lorn a via oay ofAer ffVWM. Inquire for Ueaeta vlaBaltlmori and Ohio Rillroad at any of the principal ttatiroaa emcee in to nen, I. H. HULL1VAN. flen l Wettera Axent. Bnx4ita, Ohio. . . Jj. Wl. COia.BeneraiTicxet Agem, t ; W. P. BMIia. Muter Tranaportation, 1 oct20-tf. Bawiaoaa, Ui, IMPORTED GOODS. , JTJ8T BEOEIVEB . 80 cane Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for table aa. 10 Vranch Muitatd. fanrlte brande: 6 4 Boned Bardlnee. the BEST Bardlne lmp'td of uapert aneuiiToe. . Tafcl Banoee "Lea A Ptrrln't Wonateer . thira." "Boyor'e Boluna," "John Ball," Harrey, "tteaaing.' Walnut and Tomato Oataup, 10 " To do Oroaa A Blackwall'a celebrated Ingllek Pieklea. eonelatlnr of"Canlinower," "rt- eallll," ChowOhow," "WalBut," On- . Al's' Pickle. , " London Porter. ' 50 10O Oampbeli't oelebrated; Scotch Alt A eaaatQInnr Preearrea. I ; t.r. 9 1 boxee Italian Macaroni and Yermacllla.' ' B noeeooz'e so all no. - - Ooleman't oelebrated Enillah Sluitard, In keif, bbxea, east and eotuee, . B097 , WM. MCDOHALD. usroTJH.wflLJTco3 JOBS E VEZELZB, ' A BENTrOBHOnBtCONTIlVENTAL, Xa. ManaaTTAa, unirrt, aao i.timiu, tae, to." New You; Mnanurn and Cm Futa or Iliarroa New Yoaa Lira aad Oomi. Mote it Lira. Office, 81 Hln "t.( SaraKC Bl , .. ew-diy " " . u AlexsmdrVa Kid Gloves. !e1, T.LA1I AWB EBIBROIDERE0. rTIOFJ" A (tCITAIRB and regular ebapt Black Bid GloTea, tmbroldered in white, magenta, purple, Ae. tTndreiatd KldQloree. Mlwea Kid Olorea. A complete attortmtnt sf tbeaa eeteorattd uiore, aiwaya for eaie oy ; BAIN A B0!f, 1 febW Ho. M South Illnhitreet. Co-Partncrehii):' IfFATE THIS UAY A DITflTTED 1TI Y ton JAMES ADOBHBAIS aerartner la my bwet aea, which will hereafter be onndeeted wnoer tht Bra of Bala A Son. P. BAIM.W aooih High t. Oolumbnt, res la. icui. - reow ; Canton LZattlngal : i-4 .4, Ch4t Wnlto and Bed and k White Checked of goptttorqaalliy. Fortaltby , .... I,, bain a Sun, BbSS ' ; m v Xe.S9bou0i Highlit ' IMFSTATESnAli lliillilli MOUSE. -: Nos. 36, 38 & 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES 1 having;moved into, my NEW BUILDING, ...;. I HATS -V.' ' MI ' BOOK-. & JOB ; DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN . REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT .vv:v .wiTB(-- ' New TypesV Borders, Ornaments," &c PSOM TEX CELEBRATED FOUNDRY OF C. T. WHITE ft CO., NEW Y0BE, T1TO8 MAKING IT TBI Most Complete Establishment - , . , IN THE CITY. Bl . i i V, I am now prepared to Bxeoutt all Orders for & BOOK AND JOB PBINTI2STQ, WITH DISPATCH! And in tbs Molt Approfed Style of tht Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PRINTING. Bill of Lading;, Circular, Bill Head, Blank, Deed. Certificate, ' Kecelpte, Bray Ticket, Keglatera, HOW CARDS St BI11S IN COLORS, CH2CKS, , CABD8, HEADIHGS, NOTES, ENVELOPES, C0HIBACT3. Ulustrated Show Bills, i FOR COUNTRY, MERCHANTS, .: Show BUIf, Band Eilli, LabsU, Concert Pro grammea, Bohool aad Co lien Scheme, Ho .. , tel Billi of Fan, Invitation!, 4a. D O IS. OF EVERY Worls. DESCRIPTION lebool aad CoUeg Catalogue, -: MUceUaneoug Famphlot, ' Coiuritatloa, Reports, Brlefi, A 'T . ... Printing in Gold and Colors P O S T E n. i3 Frlated In Every Color u t IlammotliHoe Cylinder, Tha only Preu of tht kind In Central Ohio. Mr fadlltlea for dolns anr and all of the abort deaertn- ttona of work, are now Bnanrpawed, and aatlifkctloo will be maranteed In all eaaea. rfAll work ramienea promptly ny me am, promieea. juvuav fl.iun Tb Court of Common fleas, Tranklln Conn ' , ty Obio Sarah J. Walton ) t.. Bale In Partition. Include Walton et el.) I If PCBSUANCE OF AN ORDER Of the aald Ceart to me direewd. I will offer for eele at nubile auction, at tha door of the Court liouae, In the elty of Columbua, on Tuesday, May 7tb, 1861, - the following deocribed real tetate, tltuata In Norwich townablp, frtoklln oounty, Ohio, to wlu Part or toe w, u. nen ieio eurrey, no. om, oounoea at follows Brginntng at a atone in tht road leading from Oolumbua to Dublin; being the aouih-eaeterly ourner to lot No. one. In the enrry in proceeaiDxa in partition to Michael Walton; the we with the eouth lnt of aald lot No. 1,8. Udegrtet W. 19 pole,, to a ttone eouth we.V erly corner to eald lot; thence with the weeterly IIlo thereof, N. 87 degree . 31 SO K O polee to a atone, north weeterly corner of aald lot, and comer to land be longing to the beire of Apollo. Bogera; thenoa with their lioe N. 17 de,reee W. 4VX polee to a .take, another cor ner to eel1 belra' lard; thene with another of their lloca B. 54 deartaa. W, 3UIK pole, to a .take and etooe In tht original weet line of tbt eurrey, and eouth-weat eoraer to MMhetr t una; tnenoo eiw uhoiikiui un wa .up rey, 8. 43 deem. 30 minute. M. 73 polee toa atone north eaeterly corner to a tract of land of two hundred acre, tnnrejed by Abner Olapp end wife b, deed, dated Aug. Y7, lKli; thenoe with hla line fl. 63 degreea, S. 301 polee to a'etonejuiolher corner of aald Olepp'olaud;ihnee with another o( ha Unto S. S7 degreee. B. 1480-100 polee to another ooroer o( eatd Olapp'a land; thwea with another Of hit It net N . 63 drgreee M. 146 polea to a .looe. another ef .aid Olapp'a eoraere; thence with another of hla lice. S. S7degreee B. IS polee toa ttone, another ol asiit Olapp'a oornera: thence with another of hie liaea N. 63 Aeareea a. SI Dole. 10 a .tone, north eaiterlr comer to aid Olapp'a land; thence M. 60 X degree. W. 6 pofca and 14 link.; thene n. 11 negrcei w., rouowicg tht Dublin Boad aorentyelght polea to tht begin ln(, oontainiog S73 acre., be tho taint mora or kwi and alw. In tha aamt tunrey. 554, and enjoining the abor rtreRrlbed tract, another tract of 3 S i " follow.: beginning at a alone eouth-aaa. -J; .enter to tbtaboradeaoribed tract, thene N. Ulii u '.1 pole and 6 link, to a atone In tha Dublin Koad from which a chary tree HO Inche in diameter, bear. M. 34X deerte. B. 60 link., then N. 11 degreea B. 17 polee aad IS Unto to a poet, from ht-h a walnut IS Inchee ta diameter bean 8. 40 M do greet 8 iiakidiataot, thence N. S7 degrett W. S polee and SI Hoke ta a etoot In the eouth Una ef Uenrj Mo- Oraekea'a land; Ibenot a. 7oj degreet . is polea and 9 linka to a poet in tha Dublin koad, 8. B. comer to aald MeOraoken'e land: thrnce S. 10 deereee B. Si palea and IS linka toa act, thence B. 6J degieet B, polea and 19 Uoka ta tbt beglnnlog. Excepting from aald two tract.. the following described part thereof, neretoior aea on to Aineoeia Armuieta, deteribedae followei Oommenelng at the eouth-eaat ear ner of Micbael Walton't land aoort mentioned; thenoa aontkt with the Dublin- road 8 rod.; thenoe weaterhr on a line Derail.) with the tela lllcuael Walton', enath Ilea 8. W degreea 5Smlnatea W. 94 pole.; N. 17 de greee 30 minute. W. 60 70-100 pelrt; thenoa N. 44 de greea B). 71 eO-100 roda; thenoe 8 17 degreea 30 mlnutea Kat4050-100 pole.; thenoa 8. 87 degreet B. 30 SO-loO nolee: thenoe N. 6S deereee 53 mlnntia K. 14V polee to the beginning, oontalniLg fortracree. The property to be told aa an entire tract, tetlmated al two noodred and forty ecraa, and eppraleed at (50 per acre. - Tn, or Ban One third in h.nd on day of aalt, btranot Id one and two year from day of aalt, with tn lereet aeenred by mortgage. ' . '; - uauivubi w aurrniia, ' .April S, H?fll.-dltAw4w. , Bheriff. " "" ' ' ' 1" 1 ... WHO SHOULD USE1". ' DR. J. BOVEE' DODS' VEGHCTABIiK .. r IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Oonaumptloo or Weak Lunge ebouldua them. All WHO enner ir-na weaa Btomacna, anuigeetion, vyo- or Plleaahould aa mem. All who tuffer from General or NerroBfOrtil Beetleatnttt at night. Want of Bleep, A., tbotld aat em. All ptrtoai who are eonvalaaotnt after ferar or other llekneeainoaianMinem. - Mlniettra of the floeptl, Lawyen, Moturtrt, and al pnMIe epeakera tfioold nee them. Book Keeper., and all peraont leading a eedantary It abould aaa tuem. ' ' - The egad and ronrm tbeoid oat tntm. . All who require a etlmulant or loule ihonld use them. All wh araaddlsted to tht eat of ardent eplrlta aad wiah to Inform, akould aa them.. They are made of a pure Sherry Wine, and of tht na tfrt nlanta and herb of tbt country, and abould be ra- ewmmaoded by Barperancw aecietiea, elergymea, phyeU eiana, and all friend, of humanity. Thcr art prepared by an exuerienced and eklllfnl ph- afciaa, and, aeidefrom their medleioal propertiaa, art a moet delishtful bereraca, and iet,aa a medicine, are at lanooeatandhannleaaaatli demof heaven. Bold by drugeteta tenerally. CHASLKI WH)017IU CO.; Proprietor, I T8 William Bt., New York. ' KO BEETS 4 SAMUEL, Agents, , ' - S" ' Celumbnt, Ohio eetSUAwly. '. A . V. Gents' J Unen , Shirt Collars, , OF HVPEBIOB ggfJALITV, IN CAR. BOTJt. Btandiog, Byron, Peielgnay, Renfrew and other new abapee. ltemmed Pocket llandkercblefe. Neok Tie. Btocke, Btreet and Bvanlog Oiovee, llalf lloet of tvery kind. Coder Garment, and all klnda of Oentt'Fdr lehlag uoooa la great variety ana at monerate pnera. l. "A ill..-' . PV, febtS ,.,......; Mo.WnWh BlgU ttrtet. lEEiElEUEElflESSJISfira - n - ' j NET- ARRIVALS' if '.-'.1 u I vt i t: OF "ijiK." AT KNAPP 8l COa'S, 119 South High Street, octU-Sawd-iAw-6m ,. THE. . WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN- j HAYIHa A OntCClATIOJf I LAEOZB . BT BZVXB&L THOUBAKDS than any ether paper In Ohio, outtldt of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising I I Which CANNOT FAIL to bring ,"' Nneedr and Bcaaatra'lTt Betkrna To thoee who take advantage of (hem. THUS hihikt.Y STATESMAN, Dlltrlbuted u It It through every Pott Office la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whow pafronag it Taluablt, and who teldom eet tht . . Daily Edition of oily Journal.; and at only A Limited Somoer of Advsrtiiemejiti ' ' Are inaerted In it eolumna, appoprlattly and HAKDSOMELY WSPLAVEO!' THtt CaNXOT ran TO Attract Attontion ' OF ALL I Wholesale dealers Advertising la tht WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin I t-'J't ,aragoaBla i THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which U almoat certain to follow an xtenilredlaatmlB I etton " knowltdgt of their batlnen ! AM0H3 COUNTRY DEALERS ! ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOB The iWeeklv Statesman I Should bt handed la before Friday soon. BJtOOkCariKDjrD BT TBM t.lTW SIR ASTLEY COOPER, " or lowDow. Aim DR. VALENTiNE UOTT vw naw lull, Xk acknowledged Beada ef tht Profeoaloa ta ttb' Th rVMtt THrmitin. Tnntn nA T.m..i wl. Flnert Extract of the ITALIAN JUKXPHH PAjtutx. ICa i'ureet and Mnat Rnatl Ml- w- tnat. ' . INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, lief ALU ADLt IU I lib OltK. I INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. ! THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. Tot Bale, Pint ncl Quart, try urtuy Dratjetai; Orocer, or Country Mtroliant. J" XOOt OUT. FOB BOGUS CON D O N Or INS. -.. . T8 OHI'T EinJHf B ARTIOLa IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL Gill. j B.' BALDWIN & COa, - -, ; ,, , Importers, 01 Liberty St., 1 . :,-f .-... .... txiavr . VOSCBS. Sold In Oolumbua by ' . .( V , HcKEl A RI8THATJX, - Wnolealt and Retail Grocer, Btateeman Buildlnw. . :w , A.' " 9' W AON ER. an other. In Cincinnati, by BtJIBB, BCKBTELH A CO., ,eeB-todAlyw , 'j a' 1 3 aodetbera, " FAHCT tlHWg SILKS,' ' . . -FANCY DREW BILR8, ' 1 ' ! FANOT DUBsg irLKS. W1, " ' WBrBwBringvarlimnene etoek of .Fancy Prett milt at pneea teee ua tvor before offered In thit city. Th attrntlon -of the ladlea f thlt alt and wlelnltv H alicitedtrtUKklierr aalattand tnmritete ta all gradeaof good in Ula llaw, , . - PtlVBR BAIN,- 1 .i.i,i,iuir 1 . loath High street, ri.1-.4H. " ' . . . . I mm 11 1: I j J I 4 , . . . - - , M - - - 3 i ' 8 : 1 - " V'.iS rj'iaT'.U Rf-iJirri- . i,- 3 n:.r " f, g .-.,- aSwV :V, fi ' .fh-vti'.r-Mu VP 1 R .j ... S .. :, jJt: Mi M h'ia.V.- : 5 t Q 1 c-q ' q :K ':"' S 3-' t;-..i-t.l"P'i ! 'pifl - Lfts 'm " ' B "5 ;A ' .'g-.iv a-"1 ' -2 B .1- ' .1 ! TTTI INVITB ATTENTION to torn of tht moat jc inordinary caret oy my , ,, ,, r ; , ,,;,in..,;,i, 1. .r;.. 1 : PECTORAL SYRUP. ' : ; They are aV home, and any ont who baa dontU can In quirt of tht perton who have been cured DB. KCYSBK IS PB1PABBD AT ANY TIKI To WYAMTN R I.tJNftU WITHOUT CUAROBl FOA ALL TllOoU WHO NaiD IUB MSWIUUiab. . . ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS A oaae of Ave yeart' tending cured by DR. KEXBS nvo fEUiuttAi. ninur. : :l . . , PiTT.evatB. Jan. 11, 1860. ; Da. Kcvant M wife hat been afflicted with a bad oough and difflcalty or breaming, ror nro or eiz yean, wnirn.rnr .avarai veara luce, naa ffraaaaiiT LUDimcu iu Tiolenca, Ihe complaint hat been hereditary, and ehe had been treated by aeveral phytlclana without any re lict. . In thla atatt of her cate, I prooured aoma of: yoar Pectoral Uough Byrnp, 1 oougnt, too nrat time, a "j Mnt hnitia. vhlr.h relieved her verv much: I then called and rot a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and ha haa now no tract of tht former dlteaae. weak- net. I would alao atate that I need tha medicine my uiiia. M .ni rr.n.h. The medicine cured me by tak log one doae I exprea my entlrt aatlifartion with the medicine, and you art at uneriy w puuiu uim tvm :, ,, , ; Alderman Fifth Ward. ' ' "''"' P1TT.BTJR0H. Nov. 18, 1858. Dr. Kevtrjt: Althouch not an advocate ot Patent Medicine., In general, It aCorde mt pleaaara Indeacriba hi. 10 ntr.nmm.ncl your Pectoral Byrup. Aa a medicine It la well worthy the attention of any person ho may In nv manner be afflicted with couirha, cold, and boareeueat of an, bind, and for tha peculiar qoellfloalloo. for ro mevlng all that diugreeabie aenaatioa attending a tt I have been, more or leu, in my life, affected With tht evereat of colda and hoaneneu. At tlmea my throat would become eooluaad aa to prevent my .peaking above awhliper, and by taking a few doaea of tht above Syrup it would reUeve me entirely. . , j In reoommendln, thia medicine, I mutt nnhetitanngly aay tliat It la the be.t remedy I ever found, purporting to tare the above, nor thould any family bt without thlf remedy for prevalent. Your., mo.t reepectfully, EDWARD J. JONB8, ' ' Caabier Cltlaeoa' Bank. ' BTTOtrjrvttia, 0., March 14, 1B5B. I have uted Dr. Eeyier't Oough Byrnp for a bad oough of aeveral yeart ttandlng, and can cheerfully aay It It the belt medicine for the tamo that I have mMaken. ! COL. PRATT AND DR. KBYBEB'8 PECTORAL SYRUP. Da. Karaaa Dear Sir: Rxcaet tbt delay of my acknowledging the excellence of yoar Pectoral Cough Syrupaooner. I take great pleaaurt In taylng that It It all you aay it la. Jt knocUdtlu noit out of my oough and tbt wont ont I waa ever afflicted with: I have iwt oMi mora than one-half of tbt bottle, and I can and do with that all who are afflicted would give it a. fair a trial at I have dont, and they will be proud to aay, "It it no quack medicine." 1 would not tuffer another auch an attack for any conetderatton, or at any ooat. I am 00 n fident I oaa breathe more freely than I evr did. I anall aiwaya acknowledge debt of graUtuda for Inventing ao excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to ee my name In thia regard, aa yo think proper " B. F. PRaTT, Ateaaenger Common Council, PUtaburgb, Pa. ; Pittobargh,Mayll, W59. . , ,.. v h i .m no etranier to mv fallow-cinient, and who entertain doobta can cotuult me ntrtonally. ' ' I Ji, a, . Pi-rraUDEoa, April S4, 1857 - 1 BEAD TDK TRUTH. Da. Knasai I have a daugh ter who baa taken aeveral medicine, for a bad oough, without benefit among them Aytj't Cherry Peetoral. I purchaeed from yoa a bottle of your PEOTOtfAL SYRUP, and before aha had need naif a bottle aha waa reUeved. The tccond bottlt cured her entirely of her oough. john darin, ,;. I Boblnaon ttreet, AUegheny.. . Prmaokow, December, SI, 185J; ' 1 A GREAT OCRS BY DR, AEYBBR'B TBOIORAL avurt-I liva In Peeblet lownahlD. Allegheny counts. I had aeounhint. and .pitting, which eoumenucd aooat iha 4th of Vebruarr but, and continued tight mwtha, I employed the beet phy.iclana la the country, and my CDOnh continued anabated onUl early in October. At that Ume I ww advlaed to try your PBOTORAJ. COCOU BY RUP, which I did, and after I had taken one bottle I wa entirely free from the oougblog and apitting. I had at reitlne well, and I ihink II ehoald bt known that thl. valuable remedy will do for other, what Ithaedoneinmycaee. U. tarum, i WiUieae B. JU. Jtana. . .. .;, ... -eeuiee vu.umy. Pattom Tr., April 14, 1857. a vrn-NTHtltPTTL CURM Bom tim aio. an old neighbor of mine wat very ill with a had ooogh wblcb every one auppoeed to uecon.umptlon. Hi. relative, told mt that ue bad token tvery remedy they beard tf without benefit; hie brother came to ate mm uie, ana en were oonfirmed In the belef that he could not live, I bad about ihe third of a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, whloh 1 gave htm. and It enure ly eared him, to the aaton libment of all. W hat make, the eaaa more remarkable, li the extreme age of the man, be being about eighty yean old. I have ao doubt the Pectoral eeved hla life. - - .rimnisr uunii, Tir' KEYBER'S PEOTORAL BYRUP.IN BLAIRB- VILLB. Pleaee aend me another tupply of yoar valu able ' Pectoral Syrup." Almoat everybody around aa hu ih.eoirt and are tnauirin tor -vr. aeyaer-e renorai Byrnp.'' We hare n Id tlx teen bottle. I aat week, lad are now entirely out. air. A. Alter aud nr. P Uaber, both of Blaliavl le, Pa , tell at they would not be without It la their famlliet. In fact, all who aa It once want it again. Yourt, reipccuully, again. v r 8. WATTERSON A SONS .' Januiy30, 1900.. ... . . ANOTHER NEW CERTiriOATE-DB. XEYSER'I PECTORAL BYKUP- I had been troubled with a cough and cold tor Hvtral week o bad waa It that I Could aot leep. 1 bad the advtee end preterlptioai from three eg tbecity, whoa 1 could name, but do not do ao. I finally procured bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, which cured me entirely. ' Blgned, ' J . W. BIAIONTON, S36 Liberty ttreet, Pittaburgh, Pa , Jan. V, 1880. m m 1 "STOP THAT;COTJaiirKa.,'r-'How can I do ltf "Go to Kevaer'eon Wood etreet and get a bottle of hU Cough LPectoial, and If that don't cure you, yoar eaaa mutt bt dxtimii indeed." inia taaaveeunenoi uie touoaur ont heart almo.t every day In cold catchiog period of the year. And wt can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur in the advtier'e admonition e above, for we have tried the "Pectoral," In a moat atubborn cue. with entire aocceea. Near two wat k, ago we went to rittaburgn, wiili ana of tha mo.t di.trea.inK, contrary, mnilah. an- ubduable congh. we aver txperieneed ttnot our advent upon thl. mundane tpbere. We eougaoa tteadlly and laborionaly for ont whole week, la hopee of tiring U owe, but it ra no te. In fact hv aaemed rather to have ua nmved b nractloe. and to have acaalred tnntlh.notaa. cy and ditlrsMiotiily by the operation. In thi. tuge of tha aiera. we cou ihed our way to Keyoere, 140 Wood Bt. procured fifty cent bottle of the -Pectoral;" took It acoordltig to aireouone,, noun . woi. maaur of the field, the enemy having nooouultlonally nrrendered. alter a brief but unequal conflict with ao formidable an advertary at Keyeer'a fkmoua "Oough Pectoral." x?rccnHU unppr, wa. it, ww. ' DR. KEYSER'B PEOTOR AL SYRTJP It prepared and old by Ur GROROB H. KiYBJSR, 140 Wood ttreet, Pittaburgh, Pa. - '..m. flj Bold In Oolnmbut by BOCKRTS A SAMUEL i 1 MM rjpOOTUACHE RERIEBT..' '''if A STJItK CTJBK. 1, Prepared and eold by I j .1. ..ta.'GEO. II. KEYBEB, 110 Wood it, Flttaburgh, Pa; j...- Price, 85 centa. 1 XO Sold In Oolnmbat by BOBBBTS A SAMUEL. ootllT:Suwdnm.i i-,.-u ov. v -lt,...-..rv Watches t Diamonds ll Silver Ware IU A CHOICE A SORTBTENT OF COLD and Hi Iter Watcbea, In great variety. I am Agent for tho Aanica Watch Co., and eaa tell these excellent Watchet at manufacturer.' pilot, either Wholesale or Retail. :l ..... - 1 .Com and ehooea from my baiutlful dlrplay ot Dia mond, .nd other rich Jewelry. Bty lee new price, low. At to Silver Ware of iterling quality, I can thow new patterna, very nind.oma . . ' v. 1 Bllver Plated Ware, Tea Settt, Drat, Walttrt, Culori, Bukett, Pitcher., Ooblttt, Knlvea, Forte, Bpeon., At. Then I have tupply of flat Table Cntlery, Pocket Snivel, P. .or., Ao., and many Fancy Goodaeuch at art dctlred for preeentt at inch price, at are an induce ment to the purctutter. . , , WM, BLYNN, . ' '" No, 10 Buckeye Block, 1 mtrSl 1 -i- North tide State Hoom equate.''1 GOLDEN HH L SHIRTS, . I'i: t GOLDEN BILL BHIRTB, i v GOLD UN BILL BUIRTS. Tht Bittern oftheM.liirltaranew. The Bodtoe. Yoke. aleevei and botomi ire formed to fit the pereon with eaa and oomfort. The markopoa each ene dealgnating the ilea may be relied on aa being correct, and each .til rt It guaranteed A 'u'l Hock of all qn.miei ooo.Untly for aalllt ' 1 BAIN'S, now. " no. xv aoqia aiga atreti. STELLA SICAWLSI STELLA BDAWLBI I in all deilrablaoolort. and at Tax great bargain!. BAIW a SON, apnia No. Wlowtb m.h .treef.'" T1EPP.LLANT OH AV ATEK'PROOr W CLOAK CLOTHS. Alio, otber. mekea ot Bp ring Oloak Cloth.. In all deitrabla tnUlurea Blndlnn, Tag. al. and Button I natch, 1 ' BAIN A BONi 1 ' r.n roiq 1 iprUS Be. Soatti High ttreet, j - HffV -ana"" jT7Av . KervousHeadache: By the aat of the PiUt tht periodic attack, of JTef- com or SLc Btaiaeh may be prevented; and If taken tt the oommenoement of an attack immediate renei mm pelnandeieaneai will be obtained., . They teldom fall in removing the Xanua and - acA to which female are eo tubject. 'i Theyaot gently upon tht bowela removing Coin Mt. .ii ; , ,1 -i.-l V-vJ Vi v '': ' For UHrary Jftn,. Btvdanit, Delicate Female and all pereon. of aetfenfory kabiU, they ai valua u LaaaHv, Imprevlog tb apptUU, giving foot txddr to tht digettlv organ., and re.torlng tbt nator 1 tlaaticlty and etrengfh ef the whole tyitoa. '''' -TBI 01PHALIO PILLS art the reealt of long In vet ligation and carefully conducted experlmenta, having been ta ate many yeart, during which Ume they have prevented and relieved a rait amount of pain and inner log from Headache, whether originating in the aereowt tyitem or from a deranged rate of the womoc. Tim are entirely veritable In their compotlllon, ad may be takra at all tlmae with perfect aafety without making any change of dleti and, tto abtenet of any dUngretaiU tatt rtndtrt U aty to admlnUttr thm eAiWr). B1WAM0100trNTaFBiTBr : 1 The genuine have five ilrnaturee of Henry C. Spalding ' Sold by DrureUti and all other Dealer In Medtolnat, ', A Box will bt tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt Of tbt I Prloo, Q3 Oonta. . ' All order, thould bt addretaed to ; IIEIUKV V, Sl-Al.lJI.1U) . , 48 Cedar Street, New VorR. : THI F0LLOW1NO ENDORSEMENTS OF - ! SPALDING'S' CEPHALIC PIIXS ; WILL CONYINOB ALL WHO BUFFER FROM ' HEADACHE, ! :' ' . THAT A : : ' SPEEDY AND SUEE CUBE . i ' , IS WITHIN THEIR. REACH.. .' M il 1 fAM Tutimonialt vr vatoUdttd fry Ma.. Erau two, wiy arora unqvutonaoit proo vj mi ti 1 coop of thi truly teientifio dtMovtry. UimntrnxM, Coh , Feb. 5, 1M1. Mr. BraLowa. Si- . I have tried yoar Cephalic Pill., and ft thm W4U that I want yoa ra aeaa ma two uouarw wr,u Part of theae are for tne neignoora, w wuem a few oat of tht flret box I got from yoa. . ! Bind tht Fill by mall, and oblige I . Your ob't Bervant, 1 ' ; ' . j M . , JAMX4 KENNEDY. ' : nAVrjtroaD,TA., F'eb. 6,'lBBl, aft. IraLPIIW. ' ' ' " , . .... Iru i' .,,; :.. I.m: t -. ''!; 1 1 wUh yoa to aead me one nor box of your Cephalic fill, l MM racttsaa a gnai uca vj vmyHjTym wm. loan, raapectiaiiy, MARY ANN BT01KH0USB SntocaCaitx, Hua-nwoOK Co., Pa., ( January IB, 166L 1 H.b(l BrALaiwi. . , ..-, f . . ! Kia ' . . : Yoa will p'leaee end me two hoxet cC yoar Cephllle PHI. Bend them Immediately. ,., . ., , Reipeotiully yonre, " 1 ' ' JNO. B. SIMONS. 'P. B TAart uud ont 600 of your fill; and find y4FF tj)0O(VTTVy ' j: Bilm Vuuroit,'OBio, Jan: 15, 1691. IfrflAV O. BalJKo Mm. Please find tuclottd twenty -five orate, for which nod mt another box of your Cephalic Pill.. ; IMV art trmp UU net. rU9 j nam tewr riea. Tllrairt A. BTUVEIt. V. B.. I .. 1 ., ii Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0.1 ;' ' -rr: -r... i 1 i'i T ' ' .' . Vu v: - I ... -., Bnau.T,UAt ,Dto, II, 1800, I wlih for come etrcalan or lanre mow aiirt to Bring yoar Cephalic PUW more particularly before myeaato-meri.- if yo have any thing of the kind, pleaaeaendto aw. 1 On ef my eu.tomere, who la tub ect to tevtrt sick Headache, (oiually lading two &.) teat crtd of an auaac we one aowr oy vow rra, wuwa a sent ner. ae.pecuuiiyyours, . ., , . '. ,, W.B. WILKES RmtoLpeBoao, FkiNiuii Co., Onto,? . . January a, 1H01. - ) Hnat 0. SraUM, : vi . !" : . No. e Cedar it., N. Y. , . , i ' . " Da.a Bill Inetoaed find twenty flv cent, (S3,) for whloh tend box of "Cephalic mile." ten to addiete or Rev, Wm 0. Filler. lUtBoldnburw. V ran kiln OenOhln. : . Tour Pun vorto litt tt charm ovrt lkadachi al mott IntUmttr. , . - - - r"'-' Tralyyourt.5''"'' ' ... --Jf- , . . WH. 0. FILLER. YrsiLaxTi, lltca., Jan. 14, 1801, -. . . ; - . 1 ; ::1 ' Ha. BraiBino. Six: Net lone since I cent to yon for a box of Cephalic Pill. for th tar of tb Nervout Headaeh and Oottlvenesa, and received the tame, and Mey had It good an tftat than wat tnavata to ttnaor mot. . .. -Pleaee wnd by return ami 1. Direct to , ...... , . A. B. WUKBLERj ..-'., ! : Ypillantl, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. . .. . Cephalic PIUi accomplish tha object for which they Were made, th.i Cure of neaoacn in all Its forma. From th Examiner, Norfolk, Va. . . . . j . They have bee totted in not than a throw A. ease Ithnunmeoea., ... 1 y., ,nth-j From the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn.- ' ' If yoa are. or have been, troubled with the headache tend for a box, (Cephalic PUli,) that you may hare them to oast oiaa attack . . , c . , j " From the Advertlaer, Providence, B, I. " '. , .The Oephatto PIUi art tald to bt a remarkably effective remedy for tne bead acne, ana one or tne very tn that very frequent oomptalnt. which hat tver been d cove red. . ) From the Western B. R. Gatetto, Chicago, 111 We heartily endorse Mr, Bpaalding, and hit aurlvalej OiphaUePllU. ; ' . - From the Kanawha Yalley Star, Kanawha, Va.; We are ruie that persons .uS.rlng with tht headache who try then, will uck to tuem.. ( , , ) , From tht Souther Path Finde New Orleans, La Try themt yo that art afflicted, and wt at .nrt that year taetlmonyeaa be added ta th already numereu. Hit that ha received benefit that no other medlctpe can prodao.,-.,,.. !:,;7 vl ,''. .1 rron theSt. Lolt Democrat. : The lmmecM demand for th arttel (OephalleTilli I rapidly looreaalog. . ; i. i ,- tar.v.i ! 1 .'" ' from fht One tie, Davenport. low, '''.''i.' - Hr. Spalding woald Dot eonnaot hi nam with aa ar ticle ne oin not mmti w porMea. rest rn.ri r . TTfA tingle bottlt of SPALDING'S PREPARED . GLOI wWav ten timet Utoott ana ualiy.JJU . .' V SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I V ; j SPALDING'S PPAREi! GLUE l' f SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ill-. '!)'':. 'A. !--' vil ' "; .,.rl ,,(, f... 'JLt, 8AYB THB PLE0E8I . - ! ECONOMY1! DIBPATOHI KJ"h trrrca nt Tut Bavn Nixa."QI , ' At acatdtnta will happtn. tvea In wall reralated fam it lea. It It very de .treble to hav aom cheap and 00 n- vwalent way tor repairing laraltare, zoye, urocstry, SPALDtNO'S PREPARED GLITB .. ' meebj all each emergencies, and no bouaiold oaa afford tobewlthoatlt, II laalway ready, end up to theitlck j .V ! ',"UaJiJM Am . VWW- ,-r r , f il , R. B.A Broah aweaapaaa each bottlt. f,f,.,l ento. ;,, fl ri , Altera ejp AtT) rNQ , ' ' ;t v 'f- - (o,43, Cedar Btreet, New York. ., ,v.',rfi.r.0AUTI0:. h it ,.;, p!iT I Ai aertaU awprtadpM perton ere' attempiln te fk)ea off 00 the rt.u.pettlog pablte, rmluttrn. of my RBPAKBD GLOB, I woald caution all person. 10 ex mint before parchaelDg, and as that tht full name, '. ILf-Br-ALDIMO'8 FKBPABIDOLDB.Jt ll ea the MUld wrapper! all ttben am wlndli ng ao ' armuwi'iiir.'.i'A - t, -i .- ''' "i "or ttJIDE'lTlANTtlB BARAat, BOTH .1" White aad Slack, Jmt rtcetredaA ,'iw'i,,:i ivas ...i.rti -- BAurB; 1 JySS d) iBABTUt .. ! Li I I3L. I.aa Jl I LU I ror It- i i ,. '' 1, in xj hi n n ili n OF THE AGE, MB. KENNEDY, OW MUAHUHIi hat dlMiove red In ont of oar common pasture weed remedy that curei . . r Every Kind of Humor, ": '" ' ''FROM '';' " ' ' ' ' - tbs wont Borofnla down to a eonunoa Fimpla. n tia. tried It In over elevea hundred oaaea. and ev- er failed except In two canoe, (both thunder humor.) He haa now in nil possession over one ounurvu ceriuicaueoi lit value, all wlUilu twenty mllaa of Uo.ton. Two bottle, are warranted i euro a nursing tor mouth. ... . One to Uirae Bolliee win oure tne worn una 01 r impiea on tlie face. Two or three bottiet will Clear tne ey.tem 01 ouea. 1 Two bottle, are warranted to care the wont canker In th. mouth or .tomach. Three to live bottiet are warranted to ear uie wore. kind of Eryelpc'a". Ofieto two Bottitiare warranteu ui cure muuuiu.i tht Bye. ... ' Two bottle, are warranted to Cur running e tht ear and blotchti among the hair. ' 1 ' Four to alx bollei are warrantea to cure corrupt ana . running ulcere. . One bottle will curt letiy eruption 01 me .am. Two or throe bofllea are warranted to ourt tht wtnt kind of ringworm. ' Two or three bottle, are warranted to cure ue most denperate caie of rheumatism. : Three to four bottle, are warrantea to ourepm-iuOTni. ,Five to elht bottlce will oure the wont cast of aoro- fala. - A benefit II alwayi experienced from ue nm nottie. a perfocteure it warranted when the above quantity la . taken. , . . i - ' BOaBvaT, mABB- ' Daak Madam: Tht reputation of tho Medical Dlt , covery, In curing all kind, of hi' mora, la to well tatab- li.hed by the unanimous voice 01 an wno nave anr am a It, that I need not any anything on th .object, aa tha . moet.klllful phy.iclana and the most careful Drugglit in " the oouutry are unaniroou. In lit pral.e. . In presenting ine aieuicai viKovery to your noucw, a do It with a full knowledge of In curative power, in re lievlnt all. and cuiint most of those diaeaset to wnicn . yoa are unfortunately ao liable. That molt excruciating dlecate to an affectionate mother, - NtlttMZVG MORE iriOUTII, .. . Ii cured aa if by a miracle; your own temper It restored to It. natural .weetnesa, and your bant from short and fretful napa tooalm and eweet .lambent and the Medical Discovery become, a fountain of bleaaing to your and household. In the more advanced itaget nt G AAHElt Ittxtendi to the itomnch .oau.lng , . uxsmi'iiA, which It nothing bat canker on tht itomacb; then to the Inte.tinci and . KIDNEYS. 1 ereatlnga linking, gone feeling, and an Indifference tvea to tne careaoi your umny. . You itomacb ll HAW AND IN .-LAMED, your food di.tresiet you, and yon can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system doe not get half tht nouri.hment it contains, aa the tcrimonooa fluid of the canker eat Itnp; then yoar complexion lose. II bloom and become, sallow and greenish, and yoar beat . day Ii gone. For want of nouri.hment your ey.tem bf oomei loose ind flabby, tnd the fibre, of your body be come relaxed ' Then follow a train ef disease, which the Medical Diioowy I peculiarly adapted to . C TJ HE) Palpitation ef tht heart, pain la tht tldt. weakness o the .pine and email of the hack, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and alee, that mo.t excruciating of dUeaeel, tho FILES. : How many thousand of poor women are .offering from thla dlstaM aud pining away e miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the came. I with to Imprest on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention it better than a pound ot care," In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thl great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do yoa any Injury. -, . THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY I otpeclaly intended for of the blood, bat line It. Introduction In the Western Slates, it ll foand to b . th but 1 - AGUE HE3IEDV that waa ever before the public - 1 No change of diet ever necessary eat tht be.t yoa can and get enough of It. 1 Diarc-noM roa ex Adult on table spoonful per . day Children over ten yean, denert spoonful Children ' from five to eight yean, toa tpoonful. Aa ne dlreetlone can be applicable to ail con.itutlons, take sufficient to opereie on the bowel, twice a day. Yoan truly, 1 DONNALD KENNEDY. . Price $1.00 per bottle. For J every draegtttln the United States. aepSl-dAwly. PROF. I. MILLER'S HAIR : IMVIGORATOR, An Effective, 8afa and Ecouomicai . j Compound, . FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR . To He original color without dyeing, and preventing i Uatr from turning gray. , FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And caring it, when there it the leait particle of vllall or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUP ' And all eataneon. affection! of tht Scalp. ' FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. . Imparting to It an oneqaled gloeo and brilliancy, making It soft and lllky In it texture, (nd eatulng It to air naillly,. . The great celebrity and rncreaatng demand for thli aa equaled preparation, convince, the proprietor that ana trial la only necessary to tati- fy a discerning public of It soperlorqualitieaovtr any olhor preparation in aaa. It -cleanses the bead and scalp from dandruff and ether cutaneous disease!, eau.lng the hair to grow luxuriantly ' gKIng It a rich, toft, glouy and flexible appearance, and , alto, where ihe hair ii looteningand thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots and reatore the growth to hoee part, which have become bald, causing it to yield a reh eorerlng of hair. . Then are hundred, of ladiei ind geatlemtn In New York who have had ihelr hair re.tored by the aa of thit Invlgontor, when all other preparation, hare failed. L. M. ha. In bit pouestlon letters Innumerable testifying tt tbt aliova facia, from person, of the hlghett redeecta blllly. It will effectually prevent the hair from taming until the latest period of lift; and In eaaea where'the hair , baa already changed it. color, the uie of the Invlgorator ' will with certainly restore it to It to ita original hue, giv ing it a dark, gloisy appearance. Aa perfume for th toilet aud a llalr Reiterative It Is particularly reeoa--mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and tb gnat av , eiiltiea It afford. In dicwing the hair, which, when moist with the Invlgorator, can be dreased In any required form eo aa to preeerve Ita place, whether plainer In curl; hence the great demand for it by the ladiet aa a .tendard toilet article which uone ought to bt without,at tht price placet It within tbt reach of all, being ! Only Twenty-Five Cents 1! r per bottle, to be bad at all reapectable Druggliti tnd j . . Ptrtdmtrt. . . .' L. MILLER would-call tha attention of Parenfi and ' Guardian! to the ate of hit Invlgorator, in case, whir tht children', hair inellrre to be weak. The aat of It layt tht foundation for epoodAeuo! of hair, a It re move, any Impurltle thaw may have beoome eoneoted with Uie scalp, the nmoval of which b necessary both for the health of the child, and the future .appearance ef ' II Hair. Oaotio. Nod genuine without the fac-stalle LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; alio, L, MIL LER'S HAIR INVIUORATOB, N. Y., blown la tha glass. W holmlt Depot, 58 Dey itreet, and .oi l by all th -principal Merchants and I) rugglat throughont tht world Liberal discount to purchaeen by the quantity, .v. ... -. I al deeln to present ta the American Public my I . - ksw Airo nirBQVED, jsusussov , i ; LIQUID HAIR DYE, : whloh, after year of act entitle experimenting, I hav brought to perfeotlcn. It dM Black or Brown In.tantly wlthoutlnjory to th Balr or 8 kin) warranted the beet 1 arltoieol tbt kind tntxiatance. ,., .1 . 'i , PRICE, ONLY ft) CENTS. lit t- Depot,. 66 Dey ..St, New -York etSl8:dAwly. '" ' " ' , j ivladiea' linen' PookefcHandk'fi. FTEITIiriKDSTITCHEDLINENHAND ... XI kerchief! very wide hem. -. Embroidered Linen Haudk'l all price. "'" 1 f Hemmed BUlchedaud plain- do, do. . .-,(, ,,..,,... do . . ao , co . area ooraen. Moumlsg do " blackborder ;--. d . , new.tjIecrosilUtched. ,,. , ' 1 Pine Apple do Bewpatternt. - " " ' MlttaPlala and Ilemmed Stitched do all price. i j Comprlilng thAjaoit acleot auoitmtnt In tht city and at lowest prlcet., ,,, . BAIN A SUN, ; ieiwi , rio. xv Bonin Align Btreet. 'ill GENTLEMEN'S IVRNISHINO GOODS..- ;.j :.i- . ..- Novelties In Neck Ties and Roarff. j 1..,, , . j Rvron and Garrote Oollar. i: ' .. . " Embroidered Pocket Htndktrchlen. ; Pirli K'd Olovel lap. nor mske. Golden UIIIBhlrt. vsrtouianlel. v " Boyi Gold Hill Bhlrto, do - - Driving and Ktreet ttlovei. do 1 Ilemm'd Pocket Hmdkerchlefi. varlonl lljlei. .- Balf Hoe and Under Genuente, ' - "'; ii- : , ;,,.- .'.i ,'. BAIN a SON, i! , aprllS, i J , ,-... No. SHBoauiuigaatiMt. MINKjIUFFBi, TICTOBinKB anuvu.tB wt ar . now telling at very low price, al.o all other kind ' fA.Hio.ablt fun. -- ' off1" , " lJ Ba.(.i. n io...imiu.i,Mii 1 MALTEHK 'l'klt.Asj x.aji'. Bun r 'of tlerant quaUUel for Ladiei; alio, alleee.' Mitt at treat Variety : I ': '.. BAIB .!(. ' iria .' f k 1 -a J ' . -