Newspaper Page Text
4 ... . v.'t '." ) ;v.7.7 i I iilJ-; Hill 1 itv : !.' VOL VII. NO. 289. NEW SEBIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 11, 1861. SIX DOLLARS PXX TZAB, Inrarlably la Adrtfto S D AILt. TEI-WEIKLY A1TO WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, fPBtIH)BI AND PROPRIETORS. tTOfflcV Sos. 38, 88 and. 40, Forth High 8t. ' 'tBttM'lSTARIABLT IN ADVAKOE. 0Uy '" "'i''' - . $8 00 per year. . By ih Carrier, per week, 18 U esntt. frl-Woalily , , -.,. ... . 8 00 par year. WssUy, . . - 100 " crin of Advertising by tb Square, nt suuar 1 yeai . . . 20 00 0:c " V month! 1H 00 3ne . G months IS 00 5d " 3 montlii 10 00 Out months- 8 00 Sne 1 mouth. 5 00 One square 3 weeks, .ftf 00 One " S weeks.. 3 00 On-. " Iweek... 1 7 On " 3 days... 1 00 On " 8 days... 75 On " llniertlon 60 Displayed sdvertlsiments half more than th abort rates. . ' i Advertisements leaded and placed In th column of special notlcet," toM Via ordinary rate. All uottces reiiulreo. to be published by law, legalrate. K ordered on tkeluslrteeiclusively after the first week per cent, more than the abor rates; bat all inch wll appear in the Trt-Weekly without charge. Business Cards, not exceeding fire lines, per year, ln no, m ou per line; ontsiae J. Notices of meetings, eharl tables ocleties.flr oompanles, Ac halt nrice. . . All trunnlmt advertisement must be paid for in a'lvanc t"t rule will not be varied from. Weekly, same price as the Dally, where the advertiser sos the Weekly alone.- Where 'he Dally and Weekly are both need, then th charge ti-r the Weekly will be Bull me raws oi the Daily No advertisement taken xeept for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. T. A. B. 8IMKIN3, Attorney ext Xiet-w AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OOc Aoibos Building, opposite Capitol Square. Columbus, ohio; OOXjTJ3VXI3TJS Machine Mannfactnring Companj MANDyaoTURin or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Caitingi, Mll-OMrlng, Kaehlntry. ALSO, lAllxoctcl xV7"orlx. o itt DuoRirnoN. .. coMinmis, omu. OHAS. AM BOB, Snp't. ' P. AMBOS.iTreM. deoll, lH5-tf A Kssmrmtssa. Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton & Indianapolis! Through to IndlanaDolis without Change or Can and but One Change of Cars between Columbus and St. Louis. . ' THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- ' "BUS. ''" FIRST TRAIN. (Dally, Mondays excepted.) NIGHT KXPKK8S, via Dayton, at : 1. m., stop ping at London, Xenia, Dayton, Middle town and Hamil ton, arriving at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. m.;Dayton at 5:43 a. m., Indianopolls at 10: 4H a.m.; ft. Louis at 11M) P'n" ' SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 6:10 a. m., stopping at all 81a tioni between Columbus and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rirlng at Cincinnati ll:0it a. m., Dayton at 9:15 a. m., IndlanopolUaf S,!p. m. . THIRD TRAIN. DAT KXPBEB3, at S:30p. m., stopping at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charleston, Cedarvtlle, Xenia, Spring Valley, Corwin, Marrow. Deerfleld, Foster's, Lorelsnd. Uilirordand PlainTllle, arriving at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m.; Bt. Xouis at M m; Dayton at 3:33 p, m.; Indianopolls at 10:38 p. m. : Ij '. - Bleeplnar Car an all Night Train t Cincinnati and Indiunapolia, BAGGACB CHECKED THROUGH. lor further Information and Through Ticket apply to M. L. DOHKRTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Onlumhus, Ohio. ' B.W.WOODWARD, ' "' Superintendent, Cincinnati. JNO. W. D011BRTI Jul3 , .. Agent, Columbua, SOMETHING NEW HOWARD & CO' AMERICAN ) WATCHES, s. C ALL AT NO. 83, SOUTH HIGH ST., and examlD our new maae oi AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by B.HOWARD It CO., Boston, Man. These Watches are far superior to anything ever ottered to the publio, heretofore, - Having the exclusive agency, I can sell themt price to suit lb time. I have just received a larg tock of AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by APPLKTON, TRACY, c CO I also, a fin assorWntof '' .' ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, In Oold and Silver Cases, at Panle prices.. . J,n23 ' W.J. BA7AQ1. BeMUedl A A nF. CH GREEN and' BLACK IUU TKAS 100 bags prim Bio Oonee. 1 60 pooketa old Dutch Government Java Coffee. IS bags Ceylon Coffee. '' SOObbls. standard Whit Sugars, consisting of Pow dred.Chrushed, Granulated A and B Ooffee. 60 quintals George Bank Codfish. ; . . . . gObbls. Mois and No. 1 Mackerel. - , V ' 6 tea. Pick Salmon ,'' 100 bx. Lyr Raisins. ' ; ' , " ." 60 hf. box do ; do f; , ', . do- ' ' 10O M Cigars, different brand and grades. ' - ' nov7 - wm. Mcdonald. . M. C. LI 1. LEY, And, Blank-BooH Kannfantorir !'. hokth maa mm, coltjmbtts; omo fAIIIILVFLOUK. , .,,.; , TfTHITK WUEAT BRANDED . " S NO.W in Xi A-K K ' ' .'' ' Prom,'BarnettMIll,"Springneld,0. th besthrand of flour brousni w 9m mariei. eatiifaotlon guaranteed, for sal only at ,'; WM. MoDONALD'S, aoviff ...;u v toa 8onU Bl tret.',' ALEANDKEM ItlD GLOVES. - ' . " All sises and colors Just opened at BAINS, " dM.IU-'U ' '':u;l t - -Hot Sl South High streak t c 'THE MUTUAL LIFE IN$tiaA.C;O0MPAV - 4 ,3U1 r . 8. Wmvrm, Presidents Isaac Assitt, SecrsUry. Net Caab Aaeete, Febrnarjr It 1801 00,000,000.74. RICHEST 003rPAyTrIX TBI PXTXJ) STATES I Dj"AH th Proflu are dlVldcd among the Insured J3I Applications and Pamphlets oaa be, had by applying to FRED'K J. FAY. Aoint. arpiater's Balldlotj, l1 Bantlt' BIga trtet. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. The LateitTho LargestThe Best, The Cheapest Because the Best, Tbe Matt Mellab.i Standard An . thoritg of tbe EnfiisU Language.'' Sto Hundred Eminent Educator of Ohio "IBB BEST BNOLISH SIOTIONABf XXTANT. Literary Jim EotryviKtrt, "lie i are upwards of a Hundred Thousand Words, whose multifarious meaninirs and derirations, together wiin wen correcc spelling, ana pronunciation are clearly set bafon the ava.' , ... .' Otnotnmti Comiurciat. Bead the Decttlon of this Humbert of th Ohio Stat uacMr AMooiation. Th undersigned, members of the Ohio Stat Teacher Association, adopt and aim to use In teaching, writing and speaking, th orthography and pronunciation of Worcester's Roval Quarto Dictionary, and we most cor dlally recommend It a th most reliable standard au thorlty of the Ingllsh language, as It is now written and spoaen. , TjOkix Ahdrsws. President Kenvon Colleee. ' M. D. Ltooarr, Superintendent Zanesville Schools. thos. w. Uaavxr, Bup't uasaiion Union Bcncois. M. P. Oownaar, Bup't Publio Schools, Sandusky. Johk Ltkcii, Bup't Public Schools, Circieville. B. N. gaxroxn, Principal Cleveland lemal Semina ry. Wh. MrrcncLL. Sun't Publio Schools. Mt. TJnlon - Joum OaDU, Principal State Monaat School, Minn. aoia. Craos Kasom, Principal Fourth Intermediate School. uincmnati. H. g. Martin, Bup't Canton TJnlon Schools. ' ' ' '' BnwiR BtOiL, Principal MoNeely Normal School, lu T. TarpAN, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio University, Wm . W. KdwaRds, Bup't Troy TJnlon School. A. 0. Horeim, Principal West High School, Oleve land. . : 8. A. Norton, Associate Principal High School, Cleve- ana. TntoDORi Btiruno, Principal nigh School, Oleve land. R. F. TJoHisTON. Principal Cleveland Institute J. A. Garnild, President of E lectio Institute, HI ram. W. L. Harris, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Wesleyan University. H. H. Barmy, Ex-Cemmissloner of Common Schools, vmo. James Monroe, Prof. Rhetoric Oberlin College. Taos. Uiu., President Antloch College. 0. W. H. Catiicart, Prof. Mathematics, High School, Dayton. 8. 0. Crombadoh, Prof.' Language, High School, Day ton. B. M. Barier, Bup't Colon Schools, Ashland. More than Bim Hundred other Prttident of CotU. 01, J'nfeieori, Author and Dietingvitud Educa tor, nan maortea tn aoove ttntiment. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. Marietta Collide "It Is truly a manilneent work. an honor to the author, th publishers, and th whole country, rresiaent Andrews. Omo Wmrr an University It exceeds mvemecta. tlons. It will be my guide In orthography and pronun' elation, and will often be consulted by me for It neat ana accural dennitions." President Thompson. W. B. BciEcno OoLLtoi. "Heretofore w have need Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting -of our Faculty, It was decided to chanse It to conform to that of Worcester' Boyal Quarto Dictionary." President Garfield. Western Rervr Collioe. "I find it worthv of coram approbation.' r resident uilcDcoca. Oberlin Coimon. "It mora than meets mv cxnecta. tlons. I recommend It as th standard authority tn ortnoepy 10 my cniiarea ana my pupils." President morgan. Antioch Count. "I adopt and aim to use In teach' Ing, writing and speaking, the orthoiraohf and oronon- ciaiion 01 norcesier noyai quarto iiictlonary.' President Hill. In all my wrltlnc sneak 1m, and teachlot. I have an. deavored to conform to the rule for orthography and pronunciation as contained in Worcester's Dictionary." norac mann, iai rraatutnt. Kenton Colleoe, Stnns.-"I most eordlall reoom mond It as th mot twllabl standard authority of the Bnglish languagta It I now written and spoken." r resioem anaiews. . 1 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OFOHIO. Drom Sev. Anton Smyth, Ootnmttttontr of Common , oauxHt tn uiuo. "The Dictionary la an imperishable monument to the learning and Industry of Its author, and an honor to the world of letters. The mechanical execution is far supe rior to that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." From Em, B. O. Barney. Ea-Oommitttoner 0 0CA0OM IIS iiio. . , "The most reliable standard authority of the lan guage." WHAT TUX Leading Newspapers of Ohio Say. ' : Irom the Cleveland Herald of March 88. Th orthography of th Worcester Dictionary I that used by most. If not all, authors of distinction In this country and angiana, ana eoniorms to me general usage of ordinary writers and speakers. Whatever prejudice may have existed previously, a careful study of this volume will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a deslr to add It to th well selected library, be it large or small, It i a library in Itself, and will remain as Imperisha ble record of the learning of it oompiler. : Irom th Oirutfnnatt Commercial of April 90, Tier are upwards of a hundred thousand words Rood. bad and indifferent whoee multifarious meanings and derivations, together with their corroot spelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly neror the eye. Th work I unquestionably th greatest Thesaurus of English Word ever published. . ... From th Cleveland riaindealtr of Sept. 80, I860, t Evidently Worcester's Royal Quarto Dictionary it not only the latt, but th est work of the kind near is sued, and can by no possibility suffer by comparison or controversy. i ' " from th Toledo Blade of May 20. , As to noNUNCiATtoN. Worcester is the Btaiaed followed by our best authors', In definitions he leaves nothing to he desired, and In Orthoorapht it Is sufficient to say that Worcester can be safely followed. . 1 " INGHAM Sc. BRAGGs ' ', Pnbliahera, Baekaollera dc Slatlonera, NO. 191 SUPERIOR ST., CLUVSLAKD, OHIO. maiO '. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSUK1NCE COMPANY, or ! Nowarlt, KT. T. ', I MM Dividend January l , 186 1 5 Par Cent. ASSXTS 1UJS6 60. Statement January , 188I .' ' Balance, per statement Jan. 1st, 1800 J,09,58J 39 Received for Premiums dur- ' in'g th year lbVO 8793.053 S5 . Beceived for Interest during ' . .-. . the year I860.... 814,014 19 Total recelpl for 1POO....77,007 74 ' . ..",:. Paid Claims by Death,S07,050 00 . f. .... i u raid roiiciea surren- . hi. dored 41,111 89 Paid Salaries, Poit- ) . ' 5 age, Taxes, r-' ' ' ; change, ete 81,680 S4 Paid Commissions to Aients 81,323 30 1 -i Paid Annultiee l.17 00- 1 i ' 1 Paid Dividends dur- , , ' log th year ...... 100,500 73 503,091 63 411,978 14 Net Balance January 1st, 1801.. . 13,813, W8 50 ASSETS. Cuh on hand $8.6284 IP. " " . . I Bonds and Mortgages on Beat ,:,i; ii : . jctute, worm aoubi uie amount loaned... 8,337,841 68 Premium Motes, on Policies t In rone, on ly drawing a per ent. interest.... 1,879,884 17 '1 . Beat jesute w.wa n Loanson Berip...'. " 3,931 44 I :V.I. . I! Premiums notes ana oasn, m ours of trsnsmltsipo.... 45,343 75 total Asseii.V, 13,813,550 60 7sfiTS Policies tn force, Insuring. . Atla, 428,538 1,435 new Policies nave been' Issued during the year. After a oareful calculation of th present value of th outstanding Poltcieeof th Company, and having the neoettary amount In reserve therefor, the Director nav daclarad a DiviDENn of 45 per cent, on the Premi um paid at the table rates, to all policies for life In fore, lssaad prior to January 1. 1H60, payable aooordlng to the Dreaent rule of th rinmnn. Bates for kind of Lite Contingencies, Prcspeot nwe,BUteBent, and Applications, will be furnished .i, um uinoe or Agenotesol th Horn' puny f ' f OM. UTATiTiMON, President. . MfiO.OnbVKB,VlePresldenU un. v. tiAiunn. rerretar; .t . rr vrn .A,r 1 ultoiuZtiimlU-J March98,1861. , ,; t , .,.r ,.0tWmw,a. 0. -a- uuiih abub, au wiums, oi most oelebrated make. it. -.,' -rl '-Wi.iBW OI"s , v , . PU v,. , f ., ,, m . Aa, 89 (IohUi aigt) f tmi.' of as al of of of or of to of 1 k b m , vaiiy, per year. . . . 1 .. Trl-Weekly, per rear..... to 00 3 00 weekly, per year 1 00 Bill to Lease the Public Works. A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR LEASING THE PUBLIC WORKS. BU enacted by th Oeneral Anembly of the Stat of Vmo, as follows: Siotion 1. That the Governor, Auditor acd Treasurer or State be, and the eame are, here by antborlzed and required, as hereinafter pro. Tided, to leaee for the term of ten years, Irom tbe day of the approval ol tne bona herein re' quired, the publio works of tbe State, consist ing of tne Miami ana rie uanai, unio Uanal, Walbonding uanai, nocking uanal, sandy and Beaver Cant.1, Muskingum Improvement, and Western Resarve and Maumee Road, and all thfl aide cuts, feeders, reservoirs, lock-bouses, collectors' offices, welgb-locks, and leases of surplus water, connected with the same or appertaining thereto, and owned by tbe State, for the purpose of being used in connection therewith, witn tne rignt to nave additional gur filus. water; and all moneys derived from tbe easing oi said publio works shall be paid into the treasury of the State, and form a part of tbe sinking tuna. Sia. 3. Immediately after the passage of this act, tbe saia uovernor, Auditor and Treasurer shall advertise tbe said publio works, witb tbeir appurtenances, as specified in tbe first seotlon of this act, to be let for tbe term of ten years, at publio auction, in tbe rotunda of tbe State-bouse, 10 the city of Co lumbus, between tbe hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M , of the day of letting, which shall be on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1861; and said advertisement shall be published in two newspapers printed, and of general cir culation, in eaoh of the cities of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo and Z iocs ville, which advertisement shall be continued in tbe papers aforesaid until the time of said letting, and shall describe tbo works to be let, specify the time and place Of letting tbe same, and the terms upon which said works are to be let. And tbe said Governor, Auditor and Treasurer, on the said 29th day of May, A. D. 1861, and between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., thereof, and at tbe place aforesaid, shall proceed, at public auction, to let said publio works, for the term of ten years, as aforesaid, to the person or persons who, In consideration of tbe tolls, flues, water-rents, and revenues to be derived therefrom, shall bid to pay the highest annual rent therefor, to be paid in semi annual payments, in advance, each year, during the term of said lease: Provided, that no bid shall be received unless the person or persons making tbe same shall have first de posited witb the Auditor of State, In money or in stocks oi tne state oi unto, or ot the United States, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, upon the conditions following, to wit: That he, or they will, on their part, enter Into an indenture of leasfl of said public works with the State of Ohio, if the eame shall be struck off to him or them, and also give a bond payable to tbe State of Ohio, in the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, witb five or more sufficient the satisfaction of the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer of State, and renewable every two years, or oftener if tbe Uovernor, Auditor and Treasurer of State shall think tbe sureties at any time insufficient, conditioned that tbe said lessee or lessees shall perform all the covenants of said lease on their part to be performed, and will pay all damages suffered by the State or individuals, by reason of his or their failure to do so; and lu default of said lessee or lessees entering into said In denture of lease and giving said bond, tbe de posit so made as aforesaid shall be absolutely forfeited to and oecome tne property ot tbe State; and provided, further, that no railroad company shall in any manner become party to said bids, or be interested therein, or in said lease; and it shall be unlawful lor tue lessee or lessees of laid publio works, or tbeir assigns. during the continuance of the term of said lease, sell or assign tbe same, or any interest there- in. to anv railroad company, or to any trustee, aeent, or other person for or in behalf of any railroad company; and all assignments so made shall be null and void: ana provided, lurtber, that said publio works shall not be let for an annual rent ot less man twenty tnousana aoi ars. Sio. 3. Tbe person or persons who shall be the successful bidders at said letting shall, within five days thereafter, enter Into an in denture of lease with the State of Uhio, which shall be executed by the Governor on behalf tbe State, and wbicb shall contain all tbe covenants, agreements, reservations and stipu lations between tbe parties, required Dy tnis act, or necessary to carry out its provisions, and within the same time said lessee or les sees shall execute and deliver the bond men tioned in the preceding section: Provided, that if tbe successful bidder or Didders shall fail within said five days to enter into said in denture, and to deliver such bond, then tbe Governor shall give two weeks notioe and pro ceed to relet, and so on until a lease is made, the lessee or lessees giving bond witb security aforesaid: Provided further, that tbe annu rent shall not be leas than twenty thousand dollars. Sio. 4. It shall be the duty of the attorney general Immediately aft' r the passage of this act, to prepare tbe form of bond and indenture lease herein required; and it shall be a part tbe contract between the lessee or lessees and the State, that tbe lessee or lessees shall pay the rent aforesaid at tbe time and place specified in his or their lease, and shall faithfully perform all tbe legal contracts of the State for the term aforesaid contained in the water leases on said publio works, or on leases of ground for colleo tors' offices or lock-houses, and all arrange ments or agreements entered Into by the State Ohio, by acts of tbe General Assembly or oth erwise, with any person or persons, State, cor poration or company, or with the United States relating to the publio works during the term aforesaid, and shall at all times, when the sea son will permit, and the water is not necessa rily drawn out of said publio works, for repairs new construction, or when said works are not obstructed by ice or by reason of some unavoidable breach in some structure of the said works, or other casualty, or on account scarcity of water produced by drought, keep the same in good and proper condition and repair, for prompt, speedy, and success ful navigation by all boats not drawing more than three feet ot water, and shall, irom time time, make all necessary and proper repairs and reconstructions as the Board may require, and under the direction of (he Board or an en gineer appointed by said Board, to as to keep said publio works in gooa ana proper condition repair, and deliver up said publio works to thai State of Ohio at tbe termination of said lease in like good condition; but no change of plan or materials shall be required which snail make tbe works more expensive tban tbe old plan or materials used; ,and all such repairs shall be made at the time determined upon bv said Board, and after a reasonable notioe of the same shall be given by tbe board to said lessee leasees; and tbe lessee or lessees of said pub no works snail permit an persona to navicate said canals or travel upon said road, making no distinction in tons cnargea or privileges granted in favor ol any person or company. And tbe rates of toll charged on the canala shall In no case exceed thoe adopted by said Board in their toll-sheet ot loots, nor on said road tbe rate adopted by said Board in 1859. . mo, o. it saia lessee or lessees snail not fulfill all the covenants contained In said lease by him or them to be performed, the said lease may be forfeited at tne option oi tne uoara or Publio Works; In esse said Board shall declare aid lease forfeited aa aforesaid, they shall cause an entry to that effect to be made upon the journal of their proceedings, and shall im mediately notify, in writing, tbe lessee or les sees ot their action, and shall also In said no tlce separately and distinctly specify the grounds upon which such forfeiture Is declared, and in all such eases the action of said Board shall be inal, unless, within ten days after the service of said notice, tbe said lessee or lessees shall i file in the office of said Board, his or their writ ten protest denying or otherwise taking issue upon tbe charges so made by tbe said Board in whole or in part, and the name of a referee, whereupon the Board Bhall appoint a second referee and shall notify the Governor of said protest, who shall thereupon appoint a third re feree, who shall be an experienced lawyer. The referees shall be citizens of Ohio, and shall, as soon as practicable.after their appolntment.agree upon a time lor meeting, not exceeuing ten days after the appointment of said last ap pointed referee, unless the Board and said lessee or lessees otherwise agree, and shall also fix some convenient place within the State, where said parties shall be beara, anawnen assembled at the time and place so fixed as aforesaid, shall be sworn, or affirmed, well and faithfully to bear and examine the matters in controversy, and to make a just and true report therein, shall proceed to hear, examine, and determine tne same. Tne trial oeiore me reieree snail be conducted In the same manner as a trial by Court. They shall have the same power to summon and enforce the attendance of witness es, to administer all necessary oaths, and to grant adjournments, as a Court would have upon such trial; and it shall be their duty to sign any true exceptions taken to any order or decision by them made in the case, and to return tbe same witb tbeir report. They eball make a report in writing, sttliug tbe facts found and the conclusions of law separately, and ttinir ilppinlnn thereot). and shall file th same with the Clerk of tb'o Superior Court of Cincinnati, who shall thereupon docket a case on the general term docket of said Court, to be entitled "tbe State of Ohio against , the lessees of tbe Publio Works," and said Court, at Its first general term inereaiter, shall enter iudement on such decision, unless, within ten days after the filing of said report, exceptions thereto shall be filed witb said Clerk. It excep tlons be filed, it shall be the duty of said Court, at its first general term thereafter, to hear said case, elvine oreierence to tne same over all other cases, and tbe said Court shall have the same jurisdiction of said case as it has of civil actions commenced therein. The referese shall be allowed such compensation for their services as tbe said Court Bhall deem just and proper, and the witnesses shall be allowed the same fees as areby law allowed to witnesses in civil actions; and such fees shall be taxed by the referees and returned with tbeir report. Sec. 6. If said lease shall be adjudged to be forfeited, tbe said lessee or lessees shall imme diately surrender up peaceable possession of said Publio Works, and of all property of tbe State appertaining thereto, to tbe Hoard of Pub lio Works, and eball also be liable on bis or tbeir bond ; and if any lessee or lessees, or any employee, under him or them, shall refuse to to deliver up the Public Works when said lease shall be declared and beld forfeited, in accord ance with the provisions of this act, or any prop erty of the State appertaining thereto, or shall resist any member of tbe Board of Publio Works, or other officer employed under said Board, in the execution of bis duty, after said forfeiture is duly declared, he or tbey shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less tban one hundred dollars nor more tban five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months, or both, at tbe discretion of tbe Court. Sio. 7. The lease provided for in section three of this set, when executed and delivered, shall for tbe term aforesaid invest in said lessee or lessees, such rights, privileges, and fran chises, now exercised by tbe State, as may be necessary to manage, control and keep In re pair the Public Works, and collect tolls for the navigation of the eame, together with tbe right to appoint superintendents, collectors, inspec tors, lock tenders, weigh masters, and such other officers and agents is may be necessary ana saia sunerinaenaenis, collectors, ana other officers and agents, shall have and exercise tbe same power and authority In the collection of tolls and water rents, and the levy of fines , as can now, bylaw, be exercised by similar olncers and agents appointed by tbe State, and said lessee or lessees shall be governed by the rules and regnlations for navigating tbe canals and Mus kingum Improvement now in force, subject to such alterations and additions as may hereafter be established by law or the Board of Public Works, not inconsistent with the terms of tbe lease herein provided for. Seo. 8. The said lessee or lessees of the Pub lio Works shall receive all materials provided or contracted lor, and boats, scows, tools, imple ments, horses, mules, rnd other property now belonging to and used by tbe State on said Pub lio Works, at tbeir appraised value, which ap praisement Bhall be made by three judicious, disinterested persons, to be appointed as follows: one by the lessees, one by the Board of Public works, ana the tmra oy tne uovernor, and pay to the State their appraised value at such times and in such sums as may be determined upon by laid appraisers. seo. y. Whenever it snail become necessary, in order to repair, protect, or reconstruct aDy part of the Publio Works of tbe State, or to prevent injury to the property of any person or tenons, or corporation, occasioned through or by the Publio Works, to appropriate to the State the property of any person or persons, or corpo ration, or any easement in, to or over tbe same, the same shall be done in accordance with tbe provisionsof the existing laws, and the com pen sation assessed for the property so appropriated shall be paid into tbe treasury by the lessee or lessees lor tbe use and benefit or the party to whom the property thus appropriated belonged. Seo 10. That said lessee or lessees shall not assign their lease or any interest therein with out the assent of the Board of Publio Works thereto, entered in writing on said lease, and upon the journal of said Board; and in every such assignment, the assignee shall be held to have assumed all liabilities to the State of the original lessee or lessees under this aot, and be governed in every particular as by this act the original lessee or lessees are now bound, so far as tbe same be applicable thereto, but such as signment shall in no manner diminish or affeot the liability of the original lessee or lessees, or the sureties on their bond. Seo. 11. Whenever, in the opinion of the lessee or lessees of any of thu water nower on said canals or slack water Improvement, tbe said lessee or lessees of the Publio Works do not supply him or them with tbe surplus water, as provided In their wator leases, according to tne true inteni ana meaning ot tbe same, tbe said lessee or lessees of the water power may make complaint in writing to the Board of Pub lic Works, who shalLexaniine Into the truth of said complaint; anu if '.he same be. in their opinion, well founded, the member of said Board in whose division tbe said water power is lo cated, shall forthwith notify tbe lessee or les sees of the said Public Works, of the nature of the injury complained of, and the said lessee or lessees ot said rubiio works shall, without any unnecessary dolav, correct tbe same: and in de fault thereof for the injuries sustained by them, the said lessee or lessees of water power then may nave ana maintain an action d reotlv against said lessee or lessees of said Publio Works, tholr sureties or tbeir assignees, for the amount ot such damage or loiury sustained and tbe said . lessee or lessees of said Publio Works shall have the same right as the State now has, when tbe water leases are forfeited for non payment of rent or other cause, or exoire. to re-enter and lease again with tbe consent of tbe Board of Publio , Works, in writing, said water privileges for such period of time not ex ceeding the unexpired part of said ten year's term. ., Sio. 12. It shall be the duty of each mem ber of the Boatd of. Publio Worka to pass over and inspect the division under hie immediate charge, as often as once every ninety duys, and over the entire publio works once a year, and the engineer ot such division shall personally lnspeot every portion of such division, as often as once in thirty days, and report to the Board from time to time, tbe result otssuch examine tlOnS. Seo, 13. That if any member of the Board of Publio Works, or engineer, shall directly or In directly bold or purchase any interest In the lease of said publio wotks made and executed under the provisions of this aot, or shall com bine or collude with any lessee or lessees of the same to prevent the faithful execution: of tbe provisions herein contained, be shall be deemed and beld guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviotion thereof, be fined In any sum not less than one thousand dollars nor more than three tnousand dollars, and shall forfeit bis office. Sio. 14. If tbe Publio Works shall be leased under this act, tho offices of collectors, super intendents, inspectors, lock tenders, weigh mas. ters, and all other offices under the appoint ment of the Board of Publio Works, shall be abolished from and after the approval of said bond, and no officer shall be retained thereafter under tbe Board of Publio Works, except three engineers and a clerk'of the board i Provided, that so soon as said works shall be leased under the provisions of this act, and the lessees shall have given notice to the Board of Publio Works of their readiness to take possession of said works, the Board shall cause notice thereof to be given to all superintendents, toll collectors. officers and agents of the State, employed on or about said works, who shall nevertheless con tinue to discharge the duties of their said offices or employments, (at the expense of the lessees ot said works) until removed or re-appointed, and tbe official bonds of such officers and agents shall enure to tbe use of said lessees, as to all moneys received, or acts done by them on ac count of said works, subsequent to the time when saia lessees shall take pot-session as aforesaid : Provided, that whenever said lease shall ter minate by forfeiture or otherwise, tbe said Board are authorized to appoint sucb superintendents. toll collectors, officers and agents of the State as are now authorized to be appointed by the aot passed March 34, 1860, entitled "an act defining the powers and prescribing the duties of tbe Board or rubiio works." Seo. 15. Actions may be brought acainst said leases or lessees, or their assignees, and tbeir sureties, In any county in which tbey, or any of mem, reside, or may be summoned, or in any county into or through which any pact of the mono works that may be leased, aa bereln provided, may be located, and in any such ac tion a summons may be Issued to any county against one or more of the defendants at the plaintiff's request. ' bio. lb. Actions may be brounht bv and against said lessees or tbeir assignees by the name of "the lessees of the Publio Works," in any county Into or through which tbe same may be located, and service in such oases may be made ou any collector of tolls of said lessees; and in making such service, sheriffs and constables are hereby authorized to make ser vice without as well aa within tbeir respective counties, but executions issued on judgments rendered in sucb actions against said lessees shall operate only on tbeir joint property as les sees. Sio. 17. This act shall lake effect on its parage: Provided, that nothing in this act shall preclude the State from granting permis sion to the city ol Cincinnati to enter upon, and to improve as a public highway, and for sewerage purposes, all or any of that part ot the Miami and Erie canal which ei tends from the east side of Broadway, in said city, to the Ohio river, the State hereby reserving tbe riebt to make such grant. STONE'SJBAZAAR. No. 4 Gwvnne Block. A. P. ST0NE & O'HARRA AKKNOW KECEIVINOTIIEIH WII. TER OOOD8, and Invite the publio to lnspeot the). No such stock of Goods bas ever been brought to this market. The South, Inconsequence of th failur of the grain crop, bas not been able to purchase the us ual quantity of rich goods, and this fact has forced the Importers to sell them at publio auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being hi New York at these large sales, took sdvantag of them, and we can and will sell our goods here, at leas than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them in New Vork. Our stock Is complete In every ueparuneni os ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS. DVED COBUG3; n w a H sa AwaMAM UKLejANo, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At one ball the Coat of Impoitation. LADIES' FURS, ' n all Varieties, of the Celebrated I matsufatnre of C. OGnn titers 6c Hon, IIOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Hen's, Ladle and Children's Cnder Shirt and Drawers; Ladies, Misses and Children's Hosiery of all kinds. In Wool and Lamb's Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloves of every make. ALSO A complete assortment of all tbe usual varie ties of LADIES CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs, &c, &o. To persons who call on us, we nledire our words to show them the largest, best and eheaueat stock of Goods ever seen In this market, or pay them on dollar per ourwuiiv luoaing. decl-dlyxtawitw. 8T0NJJ c 0 HARRA, Our Cough, Oold, Boartene, Jntu. etua, anylritatlon or Sorme of the , Ihroat, Setter th Uautklng dough in Oontumption, Bronheitie, Attha ma, and Catarrh, Clear and give ttrength to th vote of rUBLlU NPIiAKEUS, and 8INUEHS. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or Uommon I'olU" m lie nraisiam; ipai wnicn In tn begtnniog would yield to a mild remedy, If negleoted. soon attacks the lunge. "Brovm't Bronchial Troche,'' containing demulcent Ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. BROWN'S "That trouble In my Throat, (for which the 'Jrocht' are a specific) having made me TROCHES often a mere whisperer." N. r. WILLIS. "I recommend their as ta Pcsuo Drus- BROWN'S ESS. TROCHES KV. B. CHAPIN. 1 "nave proved extremely seryieeabl for BROWN'S HoaastHsas." RBV. HENRY WAHD BEEOHEK. TROCHES "Almost Instant relief In the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma. BROWN'S RKV. A. U. atWLISrON. "Contain no Opium or anything injur! TROCHES OUS." VS. A- A. HAYB3, Chemltt, Baton. ' "A simple and pleasant combination for BROWN'S OOOSHS, C." ' ' TROCHES VB. U. I. SIQELOW, -Boeton. "Beneficial In B0Kewm." - DR. i, F.W.LANi, Boton, "I have proved them excellent for Wnoor- BROWN'S TROOnBS BROWN'S ma Cocou." BBV. H. w. warren; ' Boeton. "Beneftdal when eonpslltd to speak, suf fering from Coin." TROOHEB BROWN'S nsiv. d. r. J. ANVICKBUN, St. Louie. TROCHES "rrnrroai, In removing Hoarseness and BROWN'S Irritation of th Throat, so oonuuoa with Sraxers and Bikosrs." TROCHES Prof. Bf AOT JOHNSON m tmmge, era, . Teacher of Music, Southern BROWN'S . ,v vernal College TROCHES "Great bene, t when taken before and After BROWN'S they prevent Hoarseness Iron tneir past eneci, i inina iney will n or per- TRODTlBlS.maiiantadvantawe to nav w baww A' w President of Athens College, Tenn. TROCHES BTBold 7 H Druggist at TWENTY FIVE 0NTS A BOX..O 7 ' ROBERTS BAM OIL, ... i.,, ' ' J 1 i ' Dmawtota, 84 Worth High street. , i rt 69 Soath Ulgh street, Oelamtats, 0. . smtT tsselas .i . v-. . i'i"-- i p v,;v..i'M ,; Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a couxtitutioiml disease, a corruption of the Diooa, iy wnicn ting fluia becomes vitintpd, weak, mul punr. living in the circulation, it pcrvmk's tho whole body, and mny burst out in uiseasc on any purt ot it. No orpjim is free from its ottin ks, nor is tlu-rc ono which it may not destroy. The scrofulous tuint is variously cuiiM.'d by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unheal thy food, impure air, filth anu liltl iv huliits, the depressing vices, and, above nil, by the venereal infection. What ever be iti origin, it is hereditary in tho con. stttution, dt'.ceiiiliiia " from purents to children unto the tliuil ami lourlli e: Titration ; indeed. it seems to be the rod of llim who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the futhers upon their children." Its elfects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lung, liver, and internal organs, is termed tuuerclesi in tlio glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com pluints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, nlthougli not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination J and many uesrructive uiscases or tne liver, Kidneys, Drain, tun), indeed, of nil tho organs, arise from or nro aggravated by the same cause. One rjimrter of all our people ore scrofulous ; their persons arc invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remodials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Ekittivb and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Finn, Rose, or, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blaixs and Boils, Tustoits,TF.TTEn and Salt, Scald Head, UiNOwonM, KiiEUMvnsM, Syphilitic and Meuci'Iiiai. Dis eases, Ditoi'sv, Dyspepsia, Dehility, and, indeed, all Complaints akisino fiiom Vitia ted oh Impuiif. Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilln is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Ague Cure, FOR TUB SPEEDY CURS Of Intermittent Fewer, or Fewer andAgns, Remittent Fewer, Chill Fewer, Dumb Agut, Periodical Headache, or Billon Headache, sad Blllou Fvcr, Indeed for the whole class of diseases original ansj in uinary oerangemeni, canaeii uy the Malaria of Mlaamatlo Countrle. We are enabled here to offer the community a reineuy which, nunc 11 cures tne auove coiniiiaiius with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflictinir disorders nrevnil. This "Ct'UR" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Aouk from the system, and prevents the do Tclopnicnt of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply tor a collar brines it witlun the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, whero Fever and Aoud prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A (treat supcriontv of this remcdv over anv other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Ihose cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. r ever uuu Ague is nut aiuno tne consequence OI the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Hheumatitm, Gout, Headache, blind' net. 1'oothaehe. Earache, Catarrh. Asthma. Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hyster ia, ram m tne isoueu, louc, faralysts and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent tipe, or become periodical. This " Curb " expels tne poison irom the Dloou, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarilv residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intcr- mittcnts if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYXB & CO., Lowell, Mass. K0BKRT8 at BAMUSL. Columbus. And hv DnifiKistaand Dealers everywhere. novu:iyd,twa;w REMOVAL. JSa23o3rlo cto Oo. ATE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE . to the Booth-west corner of High and Friend streets, "UP STAIRS," And will continue to keep on band a larg stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. The attention of Merchants and Dealers Is respectful ly Invited to onr stock. 8. DO VLB At Co. marcnl:atliUuUJI. NEW HOOP SKIBT. No. 39, SOUTH HIQH STRUT. tTav lust received a new mak of HOOP SKIRTS flniihsd la a manner far superior to any yet introduosd for - DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS. . mh 33. . TRAVELLERS! T1THKN yon go to New York, drive direct to the' j new lurti.anTo airrct m me sraiTHSoiMAN house, r l BROADWAY, CORNER OF JIOUBTON STEKT Oondaetedon th ; - ; - -EUROPEAN PLAN. Good Fare, Good Rooms, Prompt Attendance, Sod Hod' erat Charges. BINOLK ROOMS 50 CTS. TS CIS. and 1 PERbAV. . DOUBLE ROOMS and PARLORS I,M te S3. Meals aa ordered. This Bote! has all the annoinlments of the best hotels, a moat central location, and Is heated throughout ly steam. - BAHUKb S. MHAD. marchVdJm . . .. . .. . : i proprietor HENRY KOCUKEH, flats of Phalon's Establishment, N. T..) frepristor th Hew fork Fashionable Shaving, Hair Cuttlns Bhampoonlng, Cnrling and Dressing Saloon, last state street, over th Post Offloe, where ejatlafaetioa will be given In all th various branches. Ladies and Children's Oalr Dressing don In tlx best style. JyW-dlV ., ' ' PLAIN AND FIGURED BLACK DRESS SILKS, of aver? grad. Tbe most select assortment In the oily, and at most reasonable rate. , BAIN A SON, ' aprilS ; , Ho. SD South High street. '- JS- OAIlDb ...r-. rr ivisri tiiisj DAir SOLD ' XX 8tookofOroorlfSt6 4. .!) JflNO.wsdieeru, recommend him to or old pstrons sad Wfnrts. v 1 Columbus, MsrohSDUi, Il-al-dtf BEAUTIFUL, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! Ova SPBINO STOCK IS VNVSCAL Iv laree and well assorted. The Terr latest natterns from AMERICAN, KNQLIBH and FRESOH Factories. GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. Gold and Velvet Borders, . SPLENDID DECORATIONS, SIDELIGHT AND ' FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FIXTDBE8, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, lOQSoutli DEElalaSt. COLUMBUS, O. N. D. Landlords and Dei-sons wiibine Quantities of Paper will make money bv bnvios of ns. Country Merchants and persons from abroad will do well to call and see us. april 1 d2meodl R. t A. MUST BE SOLD! ALL THE GOODS AT 8TORE Town Street, AT FRZOBS TO SUIT THE TIMES! WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! OWING TO THE WAR BETWEEN th Union and the Sunny South, I have concluded to sell out ALL MY GOODS, tVEN BBIiOW COST. Th stock consists or the largest lot of WHITE GOODS, In the city of Columbus; JACONETS, CAMBRICS, BBILLIANTS, ES HERALD AS, MULLS, pr.ATnfl 80IT FINISH CAMBRICS, (AH LABS, Dullf UB, SKIBT BBAID, BOBIEBY, FINS. BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, BOOKS AND EYES, and all kinds of NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES; th best HOOP SKIRTS In Columbus, and at tbe lowett price, , 1 Wholesale and Retail. Then, ladles, all, both gnat and small, Come, glre me a call, And then joa'U And A. If. K. Sroaaia In all his Glory. A. H. K. BTORRIE, A tent, Remember the War I Mo. 01 Town street, aprll:d3m Columbus, Ohio NEW ARRIVALS OF Spring & Summer Millinery. The Stock Replenished . DAILY FROITI LATEST imPORTATIONS OF ' NEW YORK. MY STOCK Of Spring & Summer Millinery Is now complete, comprising every variety of Millin ery; also, a large assortment of Embroideries,' Hosiery and Notion, Ac., and In sjnantltle aad prices that eanj not fail to suit all who my favor as with a call, Th goods bare been bought at Panlo prices, and will be sold at a small advance on cost. MILLINERY. Miss M. E.YOUNG, late of Nsw York City, will enperlntend th Millinery Department. Her loag experience In the most Fashionable Establishment In Broadway will alone be a warranty that she will be able to glv entire satisfaction In matters of tsste to all who . may favor her with lhcirrder. ,'..,'! i Th Ladl of Columbus and vicinity will please ae- cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I w mid respectfully solicit a continuant of the same. It H. WARE, AS East Tsiirsl Rt., ClsmaS O. aprll-dSm-eod . Irish Linen Goods. " w AHHANTED FABRIC ' Unea smrl Bosoms riain and Fancy Shlrtiug and Bosom Llnsns. Linen Hheetlng and Pillow Casing. ' ' Lleea Cambria and Long Lawn. , ,t Linen Pocket -hands fs, all flies. ' "' - 1 " Lluen Toweliiogsaad Diapers - - -J'"m "rioeao DVyllM. AW1 h,b;i 1