Newspaper Page Text
ll)e 0l)ia Statesman SATURDAY EVENING. MAY XI, 1861 . " LOCAL MATTERS. m,. A pTn.oaa rv,mnnv nlaces us daily under obligation to it for the very latest papers iuln.uiv ( from the eastern cities. 'I Tbe American Express Company has our thanks for Its dally favors in tbe shape ot tne very latest eastern papers. u j I c-s: " ST While passing up street we met with sev :' ;'erl of put' worthy Military Officers, wearing their splendid uniforms, and after Inquiring "for the manufacturer of these most beautifully made suits, they told us they had them made at -intended by Mr. Misoos CHitDj. .These mill- tary gentlemen assured us that Mr, Lhilds bas the bost and largest assortment of cloth adapted for military purposes, of any house in the city, andexoele all his competitors in regard to low prices and superiority of material. By institu - ting farther inquiries,' we ascertained that Mr ChildS has made a great many of these uni 'forms, comprising all offices: Colonels, Ma jors, Captains, and First and Second Lieuten ants; -' Tbe perfect tit of these suits satisfied every one of these gentlemen, as the cutter, Mr. m ..", . . . t., t . .... mum-aiK, at iir. lhilds eBtaoubomeni, nas nau several years' experience In France In retting ud Milltar. TInilnrma ' . . . . j " For your own benefit, we would, from what we have seen, advise vou to go to tbe Ciilsi City Arcade and leave jour measures for Uni forms, as you will not fail to meet with entire I satisfaction. Cawr Jacksom.-Yesterday afternoon, the 'three following Companies from tbe Camp at Hamilton, Butler county, arrived at Camp Jack- ' 1 v OOOS I Cspt. Doddb, University Guards, 107 men, I from Oxford, Butler county; Capt. Thomas Moarosi Eaton National Gnards 104 men from juusto, .aion nawonai unarus, iu men, irom Eaton, Freble countyj and Capt. A. V. Thomf. ON. Preble Guards. 90 men. from Preble county, Capt. Cable's Company, The Union Guards, . . - M. ... .... .,mDu,,ruu,DicuueUvii,0,nmviutiuevunip at ia o'ciock mbi nigni. I There ore now In the Camp 39 Companies, and an aggregate of 3,597 men. The Cannon at the Camp is fired at sunrise I and at sunset. Mr. Oodcn, the contractor, will commence supplying the troops with rations, under his con tract, on Tuesday morning next, 14th inst. The band of drummers and lifers formed at the Camp are practiolog under the direction of Mr- Rost, principal musician of the Dayton Zouave Rangers. This morning the band marched -into .the city and returned to the camp, attracting no little attention by the novel' ty and style Of their martial music. Thi Advocate or Peace. This magazine, published monthly at Boston, Mass.,' while it advocates the gentle and humane doctrines com' mon alike to our olvilizition and Christianity, does not, as some might suppose, counsel a quiet submission on the part of the Government to those who are in organized-rebellion against its authority. ; It does not look upon the effort to maintain the Union and enforce the laws as strictly war but as the same in principle with that exertion of authority which is used to quell a mob or suppress a riot. ' At ibe same time, it recommends that justice be tempered with mer cy, and alters aa earnest prayer that the fierce and vindiotlve. passions of war may not be kindled among our people. ! 1 i 1-wV.Tfinn I I I I u ao-called at i oi .1 of of for ter lor any ber [From the Sandusky Register.] The Jefferson Guards. Messrs. Editors: In visiting Camp Jackson, Columbus, 0 i a lew days, I was particularly and favorably impressed with the soldierly bear log of tbe " Jefferson Guards," Capt. " Miller Motdy,"of Bellville, Richland oounty.O., (who la this section does not know " Miller Moody," tbe Inimitable Miller 7) assisted in command by 1st Lieut. Augustus C. Lobacb, 2d Lieut. James Riddle, 96 men, Company I, 10th Regiment. These boys were all born and raised near Bell lite, in good old Richland ' county, where they raise more wheat, brave men and pretty girls than any other county in the State. The offi cers and members of the Company have the fullest confidence in eaoh other, and it ia weak praise to say ol them they are gallant soldiers, eminently fit for the position they now occupy; they work for It tbey will do honor to the "Berks of Ohio," end the 13th Congressional and ol ton, word and District.- . An Old Acquaintance. We endorse the above.from an old acquaint ance of tbe officers and men composing the Jefferson Guards. En. Statismam. , , . been The Camf at Lancaster, 0. This Camp is called Camp Anderson, and is said to have ac commodations for one thousand men. There been are already over eight hundred encamped there Id the following Companies: Fairfield, Company A Capt. Giesy. Perry, Company B Capt. Jackson. Licking, Company C Capt. Thrall. t, Madlsop, Company L Ca pt. Acton. Hocking, Company F Capt. Barker. . - Fairfield, Company G Capt. Stinchcomb. -'Morgan, Company H CapH Pond.' ."MadlBon , Company I Cspt. Ilaynea.' ' ' ". been ger on last i ' Tbe Ohio Educational Monthly. The May number of this magaxlne augurs well for the future, i li contains several choice original ed ucattonal artioles, and an interesting miscella ny. .Under the management of the new editor Mr. White, we trust this magazine will be worthy to find its way into the library of every teacher and of every family in our State. ITT John, H. Kliptart, the Corresponding Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agricul ture, Jias received a Diploma, signed by tbe President and Secretary of the Royal Central Acclimation Soolety of Germany, located in Berlin, Prussia,' conferring full membership witb hc title of Knighthood; This Is an honor wwuiuj unwirou RxLiaioos Notice. A discourse upon ,"The Rtligitn of Patriotism" will be delivered by Rev. Thomas Gorman In the Universalis! churoq, Third street, Sunday evening, 12th inst. : Ser vices at half past seven o'olook. , '"1 - Contract" vor Rations, The bid of 8,. E. OaDEN.of this oity, for supplying rations to the troops at Camp Jackson, at the rate of U cents per day for each man, nas been acoepted ..Eighth Regiment. nThe following are" the offlseri of this Reglmont i Colonel Herman G Db Put, of Sandusky 5 Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Fkanklin, bf Tiffiot Major H. F. Wilson of Elyria. , " , ' Camf at Zanesville. We nndersUnd that a Camp Is to be established at tha Fair Grounds near Zjoesvllle, and that two regiments will be tatroned there. ' CT Wei observe thatG.T. Stewart, E4i formsrlyof this city, and brother of A. Stewart, of this place,., ia a prominent qandl date for aoainatlon to Congress, in - tbe Thir tseotn' Congressional District, by the Repub lican Convention which meets on Tuesday next, tfia )lA(nj(, the the of in but The Jefferson Guards. Rail Road Time Table. Littli aluKi fc Oow4oaAf. Xawu B. B, U Leaves. ' '.. Arrives, Cincinnati Accommodatton. 3:00. A. M,' 8 05 p. ... 1101. m: n niA. M Mall Accommodation. LJl) PA. ? P l wjLl v . 1 . , ,..., ILI-ki iMl M RIKUl Hum TU lIIIUUliw nuuHiwn- , Oolohici ft CuvBAirn B. . I ''." ni Night Express 3:40 A. M. v-n: P. if, New YnrkKlnrl. ....... .11:10 A.M. 11.10 A. M I Mill and Accommodation.. JtSO at. WW P M. ,t , . Jinea Paa-rmsolt. Aaent. Central Omo K, R. , , . I No. 1 Exnreaa.. l:3t A. M. . A. H. No 8 do .....11:18 A. M.?.' 11:41 M. No. 1 'do ., u ' :o A. . . , , ' r ".' ,". ""-j gom. PimiiuD. Oouxsci CnrmwiTi K. B. Mill Train 33HA.M. 11:38A.M. nnu Train. ......11:10 A. U. 11:43 r. H " ' In. M A .M. Ah.... I COfcUMBUS k. iBDUKOFOtU, B.B.' ; ... goLOHBOf riqUA t AN0IA1IA A. A. No. 1 Express 6:30 A. 1L . No.S " . 3:00 P. M. AooommodaUon .... 'v .' .. : .. 1:50 P, lit 8:45 P. N 10:46 A. M lea ,' i TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM MISSOURI! - SOUR 1 1 Capture of Camp Jackson and 800 Missouri Militia at St. Louis—Riot—Twenty persons Killed by U. S. Troops. ' - - . -, . . , bT. iioms. May 1U Gen. frost's brigade of Missouri militia, encamped kt Lamp Jackson, a , - .... . . ,n the we9ter oaiMrt. 0.he 0,. iirAld-Mi unconditionally this afternoon. 'on demand ef r.. a. .rtk.TT at i. v.r., wmu, ,u. v. . w Zt-tTlX i.A V.l buu uibuku bikui uoiu uiniesva we su oinmg eminence. Tbe following letter was sent from WP'- won to uen. roet: Headquarters U. S. Troops, Headquarters U. S. Troops, ST. LOUIS, May 10, 1861. To Gen. D. M. Frotl: - , Sir Your command is regarded as evidently hostile towards the Government of tha ITnltaH States. It is for the most part made un of those Secessionists who have avowed their bos-1 w "0 uenerai uovernment, and nave been iDlottlncr at these izura of Its nronert anrl tha n,t.KMw nf It nntlinl,w I You are openly in communication with the Southem Confederacy, whioh ia now war with the Unlted State8' nd ,on ', , .. 1rnm m.A r.j... m& under its flag, large tuoolies of material of war, tbe most ot which is known to be the nron. -i .l.ii.i... n..... v.. r 108 ,UDl" D- . . I a u.u. nviuuini t ut.ubi.uuii ninini. in. dioate none other than tbe weU known purpose tne uovernor ot mis state, under wbose or-1 ders you are actwg.and wbose purpose, recently kT " ' U" ?.f? leled legislation, having in direct view hostili ties to tbe General Government and co-onera-1 i.u i. i........ uuu wiu iu, cuciuicb, i In view of these considerations, and vonr f-Il. to disperse in obedience to tbe nroclamatlon the President, tbe eminent necessity of the tions imnosed unon me bv instmntlona frnm Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do hflrflhv dflmanrl nf wnn an immaili.t. I your command, with no other condition than mat an persons surrendering under tbls demand I shall be humanely and kindly treated. Believing I myscit prepared to enlorce tbls demand, one-1 harbour's time before doing so will be allowed therewith. I I N. LYON Capt. 2d Infantry, Commanding Troops. It Is understood that Gen. Frostsays this let- was not received by him until his camp was surrounded by U. S. troops. He then replied that tbe. encampment was or ganized under the law of the State, and simply organizing and drilling the volunteer mili tia of this military district, and ' not expecting demonstration, and being unprepared to successfully resist the attack, he therefore ac cepted the terms specified, and surrendered bis oommana. ... About 800 men, then in camp, a large num being In tbe city on leave, then laid down their arms, and were escorted to the. city as prisoners of war. . . - .;: , "' Bt. Loots, May 11 'i o'clock A. Alt A re lease on parole was tendered the officers and troops, provided they would take oath not to up arms again against tbe United States Government, wbioh they declined, on the ground it implied they had already taken ap arms against tbe Government, which tbey disclaimed. Just belore tbe troops started lor tbe oity, while tbe State forces were drawn up be tween two lines of volunteers, several, rocks were thrown at tbe volunteers, and a raw pistol shots fired by exoited parties in the surrounding crowd, which was composed of a large number citizens, Including many women. One sbottook etieot In tbe leg of Uapt. Wan of Kentucky, and as he fell he g(Ve the "fire," which was obeyed by some two or three companies, resulting in the death of up wards of twenty persons, including two women several children, and badly wounding sevo ral others. . . -. i The following are tbe only names of those killed that can be ascertained to-night; Mather McDonald, Tbos. A. iiauer, Nicholas Koab- black and Emily Summers. Probably fatally wounded: Claibourne Wilson and Turner Wright.. .. " Intense excitement exists in the city. . Large bodies of men are tbroDging the streets. Tbe Democrat'! and Anteiger' olnces bare threatened by tbe mob, but through the promptness ol tbe Ubier or tbe roiice, McDoo- ougb, any violent demonstration -thus far has prevented. ' ' ' ' All tbe gunsbops in tbe city are guarded by armed police, and about two hundred men have detailed to protect tha Democrat and Annex- offices. . , , , , Tbe lateness ot tbe bour precludes tbe pos sibility of getting more reliable Information to night. St. Loins, May 11. Many conflicting ru mors prevail relative to the oaus e of the firing tbe crowd of spectators at , Camp Jaokson, evening . , , , ... - r a . Some say tbat rocks, bricks, and other mis siles, were burled at tba volunteers, smashing muskets, breaking nmos ano otnerwise wound ing the soldiers; while, others assert tha con trary. . . , -...,..- ,, . . , A respectable eye witness, who stood few feet behind the troops that fired, states positively that no rocks 'were thrown, and no pistols nrea oy tne crowd ; tbat tne only provo cation given was abusive epithets, launched at Germans in the ranks. ' ? ;.-,- i It is known, however, that after the firing commenced, shots were returned by parlies in crowd, wounding several soldiers.' ' " ' ' ' It is understood tbat a thorough investigation the matter baa been ordered by Capt. Lyon, when the truth will be known. - -1 .-i s Several of tbe troops are under arrest. . It Is difficult to learn the names of the killed. consequenoe of the speed v removal bv friends. a full list will be ascertained to-day.: :. . The troops engaged -in tbe eantrreof Damn Jaokson were the first, second, third and fourth Regiments U.b, Volunteers, nndep Colonels Mills. Blair, Boenstien. Sigel and 8hnttner. and the third and fourth Regiments (J. S. Reserve Corps, formerly the Home Guards, under Colo nels Mow eat and Brown, tapt. L,yon wis seri ously hurt, but not dangerously wounded on the r.amn irraunda, -iXJ:".. li c .' iU J t.'t ' The U. S. troops are now in possession of Camp Jaokson, ;wlth all its equipage,, tents, provisions, o. - ine racino ana norm missouri railroad as ma,. ... AAAitntml lli..ntiiil.nM ' - ' juuon exoitement exists to tne oity, out owing to the efficiency of the military Police corps, .A. i,..lla ,.;."IHIii''.J'l.' - uen. 1 rost wita nis sum ana, aji tne .state troops, are at the Arsenal. .' '. j -, 1 1 1 1 1 'Mi' Rising Sun. Ind.. Mav 11. -Thei ronorted insurrection in. Owen and Gallatin counties Kentucky. orioinatd aa follows ! An old ladv mAt twn- HoerAAl lth Dime, and became frightened. 'U Bnemei ber mlnlsterj and reported to him that the negroes were rfelnsr.; Ha at once mount ed his horse and spread the klarm;", 1 ,;',r:-' There was intense MoHom8nt.U Boope ooun- ty, opposite wis piac, lk ni.hA. .. were under arms all nlgh waiting the signal to eroMto thaii ajslstvee. , r , ft . ;.,, rjT' Ba'nO? Hook, May 11. Tha Great has arrived, with three days later dates, to 4HJ All. From Washington City. M. M. ' i Washington, May li. TDe rresideot waned a proclamation letting forth that Insur rection eziata in the State of Florida by, wblch line uvea, liberty ana property 01 loyal citizens fare in danger, and it is deemed nroner that needful measures should be taken tor toe pro I teotion of such citizens, and all officers of United States in the discharge of their oublio duties. . Tbe fresident direots the Commander of forces of tbe United States on the Florida coast, to permit no person to exercise any office or au tbority upon the Islands of Key West, the Tor iugas, or Santa Kosa, wbicb may be inoonsis tent with the laws and Constitution of the United States. If he shall find it necessary, to suspend there the writ of kabtat eorsus.and to remove from the vicinity of the United States fortress all dan gerous or suspeoted persons. l be tieeretary of tbe Treasury advertises proposals till the 21st sf May, for the remainder oi tne stock -ot toe United elates, issued II n (1 OI" tha an, M l .1 k.nn.n amnnnhun t n A 'i flfifl linn Tt. Pt..l J? . , Oil, :.,l..i pmPl that KAacal .I..M titw h.t ha.n .m .. lSSLnJf'L iiVsiJI tery, she left the river. - . [Times' Dispatches.] w 0 r ABHinoTon, may iu ine war uepart- meet received a dlsnatch to night from General cutler, stating tbat he bad seized tbe famous steam gun built byWinans, ot altimore, who I attempted to send it to Harper's Ferry, for the I Virginians... I . 8u.tjir r.mnn ..r.i;i .ith ii. nn.nii. , - vvhb . wwuawi ve a vv v w ivu auu vvuiuir mints of the Government to Gen. Butler, and T'"7:.T"ZXZ' ""T"' "sT 6 - I n , .r. T . ..... . uroera wm oe issued vo arrest winans,wno, I M "?-WOO gave 0W,UU 10 Ma M seeem nn nth rwiub nftpmunn Orders from tbe War Department for the rigorous treatment of all traitors or abetters, nave been transmitted to every ollicer in com mission. ' Messages have been passing constantly be- tween tbe Government and Cairo. Trouble Is anticipated there everv nieht. MAaannirnra have been dispatched to day to Cairo and other points, .ordering the concentration of a large """P" " P".o. I" The President is receiving dailv htiartw m StinnRAH frnm rTAnnaaiia TTantnlrtf a M 'and. A brigade from each of those States will ,oon b n the field. The.r,e 18 muoa BDxioty bout 'he result of the e.i r nn mat na t Whiin n ma.- next.- We have assurances here that thev will memorialise tbe Government for Drotection , .... r,, . r . . rw, ' UP! auuu men miiy equipped lhe Government is In constant receiptor offers to arm and carry on private expeditions against the seceded States. Woof them will be accepted. The Government does not pro- pose to follow the piratical example of Jeff. hvla : layIs. Sec'y Cameron bas received already, proffers r on nun nn nnn - . I . upw,uo v sw,ufu uicu, rfu.uuu mure man called for. There is a great rush of regiments to secure their acceptance lor the war. - nnnfa AiantwaimA Viisi mmmlnM I about four o'clock, a bod of about six huntri men, leaving Alexandria in the direction of Culnenner. Thflw had avrsrot uiairnna In.Ho UDder gnard, supposed to contain provisions for lne ola;e troops at uuipepper Advices from Frederick sfale that some four or nve eompanies, numbtring about oUU scces aiomsts, passed through that place lant night, and took supper there, en route for Virginia, Tom Baltimore. Tbey were a squalid set. [Special to the Sun.] T ",n," TenMfle. ,nd Missouri, with a n,omm ana emoient iorce It appears that the Legislature of Tennessee on the 7th appropriated $500,000 for arming the state. Montgomery naDera state that Jeff. Dvla' dinner at the White House is postponed till the 10th of June. . .A battalion of Louisiana troops left Rich mood, on the 8th, on seoret service.: Several prominent New Yorkers at Washing ton raised $15,000 to purchase arms for western Virginia Unionists, and more money is yet to come. There is to be a concentration of troops at Fort Powhattan, on tbe James River, and at juun si i City Point, on York River. Mslor Anderson left for tbe North this morn- . I i [Tribune Correspondence.] Washington, May 10. The people of Ten- nessee are to vote in July next on tbe question of secession. ' The struggle for the Union cromisea to be I close and desperate, and may end in civil war I between tbe traitors and true men. Col. Campbell will be tbe Union candidate for Governor, and will take the field against the secessionists. . . , . [Herald's Washington Correspondence.] vessels passing np and down the rotomaoare armea wun neavy guns, snottea and primed, and Instructed to fire at the first sign of hostile demonstrations. Tbe war schooner Anaoosta came up the nvcr mm iugus. oue repurvs no Batteries sa jet erected on the right bank. Alexandria is now said to be occupied by 1, 000 Rebels. New York, May 1 1. By an arrival from Old Point Comfort, we learn that that post is now fully prepared to resist any attack. The Cumberland, Pawnee, Monticello, Har riet Lane, and Yankee, were off Fortress Mon roe, enforcing the blockade, The steamer Yankee pursued an armed schooner, on Thursday, up York river, but after proceeding a short distance, was fired upon from concealed battery, and compelled to roturn. ii A number of Government steamers are cruis ing on the Potomac, all heavily armed. Southern troops are concentrated in the vi cinity of Norfolk. . An Alabama regiment of 1,1 UU men, and eO Cadets of tbe same State, bad fust arrived and I encampea in tbe vicinity or Port Norfolk The Virginians have now five batteries erect ed at Norfolk harbor. Capture of a Steam Gun and its Inventor— Seizure of Western Stock at Harper's Ferry. Baltimore-, May 10. A steam gun and three men were captured, while going to Harper's Ferry. , Ooe of the men was Dickinson, the in ventor. They were sent to Annapolis, A sneolal correannndnnt at FrArlnrlokhnrn I says tbe western train was stopped ten miles west of Frederick by the commander of the Virginia troops at tbat place, and subjected to an examination. . : Tbls will be done to ail westward trains Tbe Virginians number four hnndred, and are strongly posted. A train of western cars, with a lot of horses and a hundred beeves, bound to Baltimore. was captured at Harper's Ferry. Military Departments of the Ohio—All Army Officers to take the Oath of Allegiance Anew. ..Washington, .May 10. Tbe States of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois will be subdivided Into seve ral military departments, called Departments of tbe Ohio. Gen. MoCltllan, of Ohio, has been asslcned ine oommana, Tbe President has Issued an order that all army officers, exoent those who entered the ser viae since April 1st, shall take and subscribe anew the oath of alleglanoe. . At least 3UU.UUU volunteers have tendered their services to tbe uoveromcnt. A lare train of oars arrived this mornlne with troops, wno passed uninterrupted tnrougb Balti more. Washington, May 10. One thousand Ohio troops, recently encambed at Lancaster. Penna.. on their and other way regiments AenDBvivBuia areeiso moving toward ine fede ral capital. ' U01. Bakers, ualilornla reelmcnt has been aooeptea. - : . . . Boston, May 11. An attemnt has been mada to out off theCochitnate wa'er from tbe cltv. breaking; open the main conduit, near Newton Lower tans. Tbe attempt was unsuccessful, the mason work being too strong. . - 2'ruiLabsLrHiA, May 11. Col. Anderson and v. Mrs. Lincoln and suite arrived here last night, The former It to be ofBolally received in In dependence Hall this afternoon. lie will be es corted there by the military. From Montgomery. baa all the Montoomht, May 9 Nothing was done day In publio session. n seoret session an was passed to raise additional troops to serve during tbe war. it auinonzea me rresiaens aocept the servioes of volunteers without regard to place of enlistment. Another aot made puouo auinorizes tne rost Master General to issue a proclamation, any day he may select, taking entire charge of tbe tbe postal matters of tbe uonieaorate estates Reliable information, received in offiolal cir cles, says more States will be in tbe Confederacy early in June. Cllngman ia here from North Carolina. Favorable advices are received from Ken tuckv and Missouri. Kussell, correspondent ot wejinuon lime; left last night, iullv oonvinced of the perma nenoy and military resources of the Govern I ment of the Confederate states, The Negro Insurrection in Kentucky. d a.... tj m.. in Tk.i.....i. .i I ' ' . I WlVfmUO .UK t HO HW HJMU T" H-"""6 -" . I -- , (1 . ?4--- M --by ftwoortbre. whits. ing all their Tnrca to 'nnt down the rebellion, and runners have, been-sent out into Indiana for assistance. ' Captain Fells, of this place, who has a com pany ready for our own State service, has tele graphed tbat be would Immediately send his men and arms to their assistance, it needed Our line has been down all morning between Patriot and Vevav, so that wo are without any Pew! ,rom Place' . w 8 lear..,ne news from the latter place. We fear tbe line ?".?5nl, ?"eDIB,l,,M mission oi news oi toe usurreonon. Harsisdurq, May 10. Troops from New York city will bereatter pass through this place, ar riving by the East Jersey road, and going to Bal timore over the Northern Central. They can reaco Washington quicker and cbeaper tban by the Annapolis route. . Application has been made by private parties or me eastern states to U'v. Uurtin, to per mit bodies of armed free blacks to pass through rennsyivania. I bey met with unconditional refusal, and great satisfaction Is expressed here at the Gov ernor's decision. Theso applications were to arouse the slaves ot tbe Southern States to rebellion New York, May 10. Dispatches from Charleston say that butter is selling at 75 cents per pound; no bam or bacon in market, and the cattle are suffering for bar. It Is said the couutnern trooDS Southern troops are better provided with knives. dirk9 and rev'ol dirks and revolvers tban the Northern troops, ana tney icei connaem oi success. J l TP, '"J f'.c,nm0Da . nave not been paid, hfl"Ur ,iBtcn dolla"' and DOrk flft doIla,,, p vx.lll r v u a ,u . t.iI"! Carolina bonda are worth twen- ty cents on the dollar. mu.n ,.! ... . ... c.A" ."-: , x ue oauimore nun tnia morning counsels tne w reuiniu luvai Th. nruMi. j' t. ' - l t l, i . 3' ; ".u,.,i" uo. B,B'U P.' "XT '"S"w"i .""? " KJZ r.iT ' " . . D9e un"oy bas resigned The New York Herald't New Orleans dis- patch Of the 9tb SavS Texas troODS left Victoria to Intercept Col. Reeves' command, 700 strong, .uu,. u nuuraio. Capt. Lee's Company, 8ih Infantry, had sur- CUUV " . u AOH"0 ol- " sue, succes 80L?( ' "'KBs, s a prisoner of war Tbe Belgian Consul denies the statement that he bad made arrangements with tbe Confede rate states to supply them with arms from Bel gium. The channel entrance to Pensacola Is ohatrnct- ed by sinking vessels, to prevent tbe entrance of war ve.'eeis. Proceedings of the Michigan Legislature. Detroit, May 10. The Military and Volun teer Relief Bills passed both Houses of the Le gislature by a unanimous vote. . The former provides for ten regiments to be enrolled as directed by tbe Governor, and trans ferable at the President's order into the Fede ral service. Tbe latter provides for raising a fund by a commlttee.for tile relief of tbe fami lies of volunteers. One million dollars, bv tho Issue of bonds . . . - . . I"rAD.B ,w?nly ? Je4rs d drawing seven r 'um""t pameu wuqoui a aieseni- inrr vnisa w . . . . i ne legislature adjourns to morrow noon Harribbdso. Mav 10. A letter haa hpn re ceived from an officer at Harner's Ferrv. saving that tbe troons there are nrovided with Infnrinr arms, and ar haHIw nmviainnail . H. ihut. their chance of success in a conflict with the Federal troops Is very bad, and an attack by any thing like an adequate force would Drove sua cessful. Tbe writer Is an officer of skill and 20 years' experience. A confident expectation prevails In high cir- cles that a battle will be fought between Rich mono ana wasbington within IU days, . nim Niw Orlins, May 10. The schooner Vlr- glnia Antoinette, from Tamplco on the 3d, orings $JU,uuu in specie The British war steamer Valorons sailed thence for Vera Cms, with $100,000 In specie. aujiuoai news unimportant. Annavolis, Miy 10. At midnight last night. a squad of about fifty mounted Insurgents fired on the picket guard at Camp Butler, across the Severn river. The guard returned the fire, and about twenty shots were exchanged. Tirri Haoti. May 10 Eight oomninies of volunteers arrived here tbls evening to organize Camp Vigo. Other companies will arrive to morrow. The city is alive with soldiers. ANNaroLis, May 10. A steamer arrived from Fort Monroe reports several prises taken. On board one was found an ex-Lientenant of tbe U. 8. Navy Lodisvilli, May 10 The Mayor's veto of tne appropriation oi j'uu.uuu, to arm tbe city, was sustained by the Council. The Mayor ssys fiuu,uuu issutnoient. Tbe Council sppropri ated $1U,UUU for tbe relief of the poor. Washington. Msy 10. Mai. Rhett. of South Carolina, Paymaster In the Armv. bas seceded from the Federal Government, leaving a balance Of $4U.Ul)0 against him unadinsted Lewil Clephon, of the JVafionsf Republican, n' D6en appointed Postmaster of the city of "nington ' New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, May 11. FLOUR receipts of 17,4911 thin; market heavy far common grades; with sales of 750 bbls B5 1IW6S 15 for superfine state; 15 8U3 23 for extra sUte; 5 05 i IS for superfine western: 15 SftSJJ 50 for common tn medium extra western; S 60365 65 for shipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio.. Canadian flour doll; sale of 400bhls 5 85760. -j ,..;; . RYB FLOCK steady at S3 1034. , .'.'.. fair export demand; sales of 130000 bosh at li iiS3 for Milwaukee Olnb; ai 9491 45 for amber Iowa: ai 9A for red State; l S5ca)l 30 for winter red western) ai?5 lor cmuw .um jxoiiiuGax, -. - ' i ' ' t RYU steaiy at omo. BARLIY doll, sales of 38,000 bosh at 57c CORN receipts 14,588 bus: market ateadvt atlas of bus wwon old mixed, delivered. - - OATS dolland heavy 3S 33 X for western Canadian and State. PORK qolet and flmveeletof 500bblial SIT 9.117 oi ror mess. ij xo ror prune. . . BKKrqniet ana firm. . '-' OUT MEATS unchanged. BUTTER in fair request at 12 14 for Ohio 1118 far mate. - , ; OHEKSH steady at 4(9 ). , , i WHISKY lower sries mu bois at KH STOCKS dull and lower; Money, plenty en oall at I Exchange fl per cent, out lor paper laere is no rate; Sterling lange firm at 1O4X31106; Bankers' Bills Ohio Ac R Iftfl'ii OOkOIW; 111 O orlp 04 ; M B Hif, do. quot ed SB,: Reading 4i', IllO bonndi 93; Pao Mail 68 NYC 7iV; Brie 9, ; Harl UK, do. pref. 48: Harl Sd bonds S3; ; Tenn S's 40 U; Mo 38 U: Va 45V: Cr 70: U 5's74 eorpons tOX- Cleveland Market. Cleveland Market. FRIDAY May 10. FLOUR quiet and staeiiV. Balea of .30 barrels ehska spring double extra at 15 oi), 30 bbls red do at same, and 30 bbls white do at 3 fa. .. WHBAT in good demand and Arm. with sales of cars red at I iu, on track, and i ear white at tl 8i. vunn remains quie at jucsijio. ,f . . .. ),.,-. uaip saie or ,w ousn. aiaoa. . . , , BYl-saleof loarat54o. " ; IlIflHWINBS lower! sales of 50 bbls at 13 We. BAMS to. sales of eouotry-eured bams and shoul- Qsrs as o ana ,o. IQO.3-d.aUat 8a. Cincinnati Market. to aot 10 FLOUR has bMomt dull and then h but a teel nDDort of liita ouoUtlonf. particalarlr for inpaniM. Tbe market Is irovtrMd aoleljr by tb devkud for actus ooDiumptlon - there being no loiertit in the trade foraor other purpoiei. we quoie inpeinne at f I iwgw3; at 4if3a3SS. WHEAT wu told a Utile mora freely to-day, the mand running; moetlr ou the best analiliet of Wblte. alee of which were made at tl 1331 16: Red la held I 04 for prime. Balea wore made at tl 04, and mliiere rerally deellne pejlD over (1. (10BN atill command! 34o. O ATB are dull and will acaroel brlns SSc. DAELIV hie eoarcelr any market, and bnyen not inclined ta make an oner above SSo. Tliii la 5 to below the eland of lellera. EYK le bold at 50nj bnt there are nobujreri at 4BO. WHIEKY li nominal at 12Xo, tbe offerings being reiiricted to tne demand aa to a decline Cin. Com, May 11. New York Cattle Market. REPORT FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, May 8, 1861. totai. Koiipre or oattu or tu kirm, roa thi mi . According to tbe report from the lereral market' plaoei In the city, there bare been received thliweek: Boeen ana B'rei, Oowi. Veali. Lambt Bwlne. Total At Allerton's. 3,77 18 013 71 L. Browning's.... :I7 O'Brien's. 'J3 a f s.ost .30 191 1,520 87 32 1.361 Obamberlln'a.. 13 Boldba'rs, Ber.074 Total 4.636 T'lpr'i week 3.M3 77 81 8Mr 937 0.UI5 6,034 10,103 31,717 7,020 Io,U34 Average no. vw'k,rty'r.e,9ui 356 343 0.709 7,696 13,0GB BEEVES FROM DIFFERENT STATES. M. Allerton k. Co.. Proprietors of the Washington Drove-yards. 44th-st, report tbe Cattle In Karket from the following Btales KewTork 133 Iowa 4R9 Fenniylvania 85. Illinois 1,4:13 Indiana IIS Kentucky 47 Ohio S0ti BEEF CATTLE. Number reported for this market at Forty fourth street, 3,7711. Thenrlces to-day are annted as follows: Flrstqtultgr BX-aO I Ordinary ' H8 Medium I Borne extra good.... 93 The general avenge of the market over 8c. The most of the sales range from 8 to 8Xo. Total number of Beeves received in the city this week, 4)036. Inn ie 691 head more than last week, and V.i head more than the avenue of last vrar. The average num oer at eaca weanesaay market last vear was nrau, while the number to-day being 3,770, ihows iie8 heed more than the average, and 500 head more than this day THE OPENING DAY OF THE MARKET. Tueiday. May 7. The market opened this morning with about 3,750 head of bullocks In the sale pens, of a very good general average quality, nine tenuis or which will sell at rates equivalent to fWc. for the net weight of beef, sinking oUal, A few of the very eboioest bullocks will sell at Sc. a pound for the estimated weiitht ot tne Deer, nut, as a general thing, the butcher will get more pounds thsn be pays for. These rates do not vary enough from last week to make a note of. The cattle brokers generally consider them aa good, though some think prices about equal to He. a pound worte for the drover than they were this day week, and butchers call them mgher. ine trade, though not as active as It is some days, bas progrerted slesdily, and a large portion of the stock will be sold to-day. Aawe do not hear of anymore to arrive tomorrow, it la probable that all will be sold at the rates current to-day. The weather la fa vorable, particularly in comparison with lhe very severe storm of yesterday and last night, and 'be supply, though considerably larger.llun last week, will not prove too great for the demand, at the same rates. CLOSE OF THE MARKET. Wedntidav, Msy 8. On looking over the yards this morning, it is found that a very large proportion of the stock was sold out the first day much larger than aoy one anticipated. The bosiaess had progressed so very quietly tbat lots reserved for to-day had been called in and sold before It was generally known the demand had been so good. The consequenoe was that the latest sales, of the lowest grades of cattle, yesterday, were the be,t, and that there is no falling off this morning; so all the stock will be sold out at full as good rates as were anticipated yesterday morning, and a larger number will be found to have realised the top price of 9 o. a pound net than were eold at that last week, and the average ot 8e. has been fully maintained. We have never seen the pens filled with a more even quality of atcck, all rating good fair, and a great many of them far above what is generally termed medium quality. Drovers are generally satlsnea with lhe prices this week, and are arm in the opinion that prices are to continue better In the future. Thedeath of s wslbknown and much reiptcted drover occurred here this week. John Bryant, of Pickaway county, O. r died May 2, of small pox disease ever present among tbe foreign population ot this city, though not often proving fatal. WORKING OXEN. There are no workers In market this week, and there fore the several Inquirers for them cannot be satisfied. Afew pairs would have sold at very fair prices, as there is a deal of plowing to be done. COWS AND CALVES. We know the market for milch Cows haa been more lively than It le this week. The rise In beef haa made a market for all the fat Cows In the swill feed ers' stables, and now they are filling un with fresh cows: and there Is also a smart demand from families in the suburbs of the city, where the grass is large enough for peetore. we noiiree a run mood vurnam vow In Ine market at rorty-ronrth street held at f 100, without find Ing a puranaser. Veal Calves are In mneh better demand this week than they have been for several weeke past, and have sold at from half a cent to a whole cent a pound be tier price,, according to quality, ine price is rrom sc. to mo. per lb. live weight, and pretty much all good, fair looking. amooth'Calves in market on Tuesday slid quite readily THE SHEEP MARKET. Receipts this week, 0.015. We have a decided Improvement this week to renort in the market for Bbeep, but not for Lambs. We think we saw Bheep selling on Tuesday In Sixth street at neailyacent apoundmore than tbe same quality sold at that day week. This wsa partly owing to a much smaller supply that day, and partly to a belter demand for mutton of the wholesale butchers. First quality, stall-fed, fat Bheep that weighed in Ohio about 130 lbs. each, clipped, wore worth iHa. per lb., live weighty and very good, smooth Bbeep, clipped, of (0 to 100 lbs. each. Sc. per lb. A lot. rather thin, which areraced 63 lbs., sold at 4o. Tbe price per head is equal to 7 jt'Jc. 9 ft for the es timated net weiaht of the meat, of undipped sheen, a few of which continue to arrive from Iowa and Illinois. gome of the best fed Bheep in market this week came from Champaigne county, Ohio, owned and fed by Sir Ware and his sons, who lead ii.oto to 3,UU0 annually, and feed them well, and we hope profitably. fells are quite dull, wbether clipped or undipped. Rome of the largest buyers appear to be holding up. We advise no more shsep to be sent with the wool on. particularly the coarse wool sort. If we had a drove on the way, we would stop and dip them. It wonld proba bly give the owner half a dollar a head more money on the sale oi wool ana sneep. THE HOG MARKET. Receipts this week, 10,103. The following rates are reported by Henry D. Grant, Superintendent of the Market, for to-day : uorn-ieonogse' id x isi.lic. Distillery Hogs ft, 'i,44o. ' The report o( last week waa made nn Wednesday morning upon the rates of the previous day and asking jrlcesol mat morning, nut tney were not sustained; a 'resh arrival having been added to the large stock on hand, the brokers saw at once that they muit accept bay era' offers, although at htlf a cent lower rates than day before. Trade is very dull to-day, about 3, ouu in tbe pens, which quite overstocks the market, and If arrivals continue as tney nave tnte weea, rates win go still low ar. O. W. Donnan reports the following prices of Bogs tnis week : Live. Dressed First quality eorn fed large sie.... 4 X4" - tH!H Second quality corn-red H& first quality small slse fat Ac prime for market butchers 3X36 Large slae. still-fed, fat 3& 5 i Second quality still-fed fat 334 S 9 I Small slae, choice stock hogs and wanted NOTICE. I HAVE SOI.DTO irin. HENRY WIL SON my DRUG STORE, which Is removed from the orner of High and Gay streets to the Southwest corner of Broad and iilgn streets, Uolumbus, Ohio. With many thanks to my former patrons and custom' ere, I respectfully request the continuance of their fa' vors to my eoreessor. HKNRY M.NEIL. Columbus, April 1,1801. 3DRIJa"8TOIlE. TTlYlftO PVHCBASJED THE VRCG XX STORM of Mr. Hawav M. Natu I have onened anew on the Southwest corner of Broad and lilih streets. Columbus, unto ettng pn out ana niiaote nana for IA(HStMMeoT-may yeorwi . . . I nave a iresn ana well eeieetea stock or "wrs Jfedf einei, and Pure Chmiealt, together with I'ainU, (Hit YarnuAf, se., usually kept In each an establishment. iryPaascairrioxscaretully and promptly eompoond- o. . Store open alall hoars or the day and nighi. I respectfully solicit the patronage of the publio. HINRY WILSOH Columbus. April 1, 1801 aprt:dlm i .. . B S WM, KNABE & CO.. A T TiIFIlt NEW nAVV.n-t '"" m- IX . KOOM, UU. 150 BALTIMORE BT., AMD NOB. 1, S, S and TN. BUT AW BTI8 . Offer for sals their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, URANU AND 8QARE FIANO-rORTES Being highly recommended by tbe Brat Profeeeors and Musical Amateurs ol the country, ana . XVBBY INBTRUMINT . WARRANTXD FOB ' FIYIYIARB The most fastidious customer may rely opon being pleased in every respect. Terms nnerai. wianasaaw BILTZBB it WXBBTXB, Agents, ' octMilydw. Oolumbos. Ohio. ADVBRTISBMBKT. ' l' For the INSTANT KlUlf and PBRMANINT 0UB1 ofth dlatreesing aomplalnt ess BEOHCHIAL CI0ABETTE8, Made by 0. B. BBYM0TJB k CO., 107 Naseae St., M. Price 1 pet box gent free by post. FOB BALI AT All DlUatUltl. BwrMltwlyls mm 1 ex tra de at local are 10c over ao T. PEOF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD nENOVATOn Is preotaely what Its name Indicates, for. while pleasant to the tails. It is revivify! ng, exhilarat ing. Invigorating and strengthening to the vital powers, and at the eame time revivifies, ieln itates, and renews the Blood In all its portly, ana thus at onoe rettoret and rtndiri tin tvtttm in- vulnerabUto attack! of<Kit. It la the only preparation ever offered to tbe world, to chomi cally and skillfully combine as to be Uie most powerful tonic and at the same time so perfectly idapted to, as to act Inperleotacoordanee with the iawa of nature, and hsnoe will moths UuwakMt ttomacA, and tone op the digestive orgaus, and, thus allay all nervous and other iriitatiou. It 1,1 perfectly exhilarating, and at the sumo time It Is r composed entirely of vegetables, yet so combined m 10 pronaceine moil uiorougu tonic enact, Wlth-I- un-i-ichlL. uoiD i tor uui prniiucina uuy luiunows oouMilueacee- Bach a remedy has long been felt to be a deslderatnm he medical world, for It needs no medical skill tM th.tri.hlllfrv fnllnw. .11 .M..b.flf 4lu. j proceeds and Indeed lays the rystem open to then Insidious attacks of many of the most fatal. enrh.lL lor example, as lue following; vonsomntion. In digestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Faintneu, Nervous Irritability. Neonlgla. Palpitation of the Heart. Melancholy, Night gweats. Lanroor. Olddi. oess, Retention of, as well as Painful obstructed. i too profuse, or too sosnt Menstruation, and Vail ing of the Womb. Iheie all depend upon general ulnhtlitv. Thla nnre. hnftlthv. tjinin (inrrii.l .nrf Blood Renovator Is assure to cure as Ibe sun to Pi rise and set. There I, no mistake about It. But U " ' . , .iiib 11 n'u an Ji me ijrsivm is weaaeoeu. we are jpen to bilious attacks, tbe liver becomes torpid, LJ or worse diseased, the kidneys refuse to perform M their functions, and we are troubled with Maiding " and Incontinence of urine, or involuntary dis- ' charge of the same, pain in the back, side and be. A tween the shoulder,, exoeedinily liable to alleht U loolds. eonght. and If unchecked, seon emaciation! follows, and the patient goes down to a prematare' ja grave. But space will not allow us to enumerate (1 the many Ills to which we are liable in a weakened, V (0 condition of the system. But we will say, In this! Oordlal and Blood Benovator you have a perfect. LI safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for tots of J Appetite, Biliousness, Vlatalence, weak and alcki w Stomach, Languor, Liver Complaint, Chills and Kever, or any Billons attack. Oostiveness. Acidity or tne stomacn, nervousness, neuralgia, raipita- IK 0'tlon of the Heart, ' re salon of Spirits, gnres, Pimples on the Face, or any disease arising from mnurn hlnnrf. .iwh mm RnrcitnXm. Erv.infilu. Ilrnn I ' ll.nnh im. 'hltia. Cough, diflicully of Breathing, and all that g. ) Vi oolass of diseases called female weakness, and enumerated above. We will also say the traveler, lexooacit la eiiirfomlna rhanre or climate and wat er, win nna it a pleasant, saie ana sure lerotny. rj and none should ever travel without. Header sTj trwit fn. mm mmmnwm .m nn will A nit in 11 m f riunr! indeed, aa well as a friend In need. All persona of waeniary nanus will una 11 a perieei preventive oij l is well as cure for those ailments to which they arc V particularly exposed. Hence mini, terf,tuden tprneys, literary gtntlemcn.and ladies who are not :4 accustomed to much outdoor exercise, win nna n -o their advantace to keep a bottle constantly on fa hand: and, above all. mothers, or these hecomlnp such; wilt go through tbat most dangerous period not only wth all their accustomed strength, but safe and free frnm the tbonaand ailments so prcv- A'alent among the female portion of the world. Ir LJ short, It is indeed a mother's cordial. Try It, olr ' L.J . nnnn. I Mln k. .1.1. nf .1 n 1 a 1 1 a1 1 la IUva ami .mm itaalf mnhatlallv ttv Ttamtnrtl 0 si if tea Cordial and ioodJlenovator. UJ - O.J. WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, New 51 ' iKorr.eou in market Direct, hi. ijouis, sio.j ano UnM l.v RANkRTa Mr QAM1TK-T.. ftnlnmhtia AlilA fljend all good Druggists: Price One Dollar f1 per Bottle. marcIW8-d&weowly TUB ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD TIIE TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every day I And testimonials, new, and almost without nnmlier, rniL-ht be liven from ladlea and gentlemen in all grade. of society, whose united testimony none could resist that Prof, Wood's Ualr Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve tbe hair of the youth to old age, Inallitsyoutnrui beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., Deo. Slat, .138. Paor. Wooo: Thee wilt please accept a line to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic dlrease, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence,' I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them op, in con sequence of which my bead has suffered extremely from cold. This Induced me to pay Briggs at Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy nalr Restorative, about tbe first or August last, i nave faithfully followed the direction,, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, thonsh short. It Is also coming In all over my Bead, reeling confident that anotner large wine wouia reatore it entirely and nermanently. 1 feel anxious to perseverve in Its use. and belna destitute of meana to purchase any more, I would avak thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine awents for a bottle, and reoeive to thy self the scripture declaration "tne reward la to those that are kind to tne widow and tne ratnenrsa." Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIBBY. Llconler. Noble County. Indiana. Feb. 5th. H9. Pxor. O. J. Wood: Dear Sir: In the latter part ef the year ifyi, while attending tne state and National Law School of the Bute ot New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap idly, ao that In the short space of six months, the whole npperpartcf my scalp was almost entirely bereft of Its covering, and much of lhe remaining portion upon the side and back part ot my head shortly after became gray, so that yon will not be surprised when I tell yon that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, ae my more inti mate acqualntancea were to recognise me at all. I at once made application to tne most skiiirui physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them tbat my bair would aga'.n be restored, 1 wsa rorced to beoome reconciled' to my late, until, fortunately, In the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was re commended to me by a druggist, aa being the moat relia ble Hair Restorative In use. 1 tried one bottle, and found to my great aatlsfactlon that It was producing :be desired effect. Blnce that time, I have used seven dol lars worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mart or my gratitnae ror yoor lanor ana skin in the production of so wonderfnl an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acaualntaoces. who, 1 am happy to inform you, are using It with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. H. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative Is pntup In bottles of three siaes, vis: large, medium, and small; the email holds K a pint, and nulls for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small, and retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 4U per sent, more in proportion, and reUils for S3 bottle. O. J. WOOD at CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway. New York, and 114 Market Street, Bt Louis, Mo. And sold by ROBERTS BAMUBL, Columbus, Ohio, and by all good Drnggittsand Fancy Goods Dealers. aprillidatweowir. MRS, WINSLOW, An experienced None and Female Physician, presents to tne attention ot mowers, ner SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the gums, reducing all Inflammation wil I allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and Is SIIHETOUEGTJLATE THE BOWDLS. Depend upon It, mothers, tt will give rest to yourselves and BELIEF AND HEALTH TO Y0TB LHFAH18. We have put up and sold this artiola for ever ten years. and CAN BAY, IN OONFIDBNOB AND TBCTH, of iL, what we have never been able to aay of any other medi cine NBVKK BAS IT FAILKD. IN A BlNGLa, INST- ANOB. TO KKFEOT A CU11B. when timely used. Nev er did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one who need IU On the contrary, all are delighted with Its openUons, and speak In terma of commendation of its magical efleota ana medical virtues, we epeait, in tnis matter "WHAT a) uu muwi" arter ten years' expe rience. AND PLBDOI OUB REPUTATION FOR THE VUL1LLMENT OF WHAT wS UBBB DECLAIM!. In almost every Instance when the Infant ia suffering from pain and exhaustion, relter will tie looaa in III teen or tsrenty minutes niter ineeyrnp i. auuiawrnu,. - , This valuable nrenaration as ine preacnption or one er the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL N US-Hit) New England, and has been used with NKVEll FAIL- IN (J BUUCKHH in A ASUSJSAJ1BJS ' JJastJ.B. - ,s Itnotonly relieves the child from pain, but Invlgoi atea the stomach And bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to tbe whole system, it will almost In atantly relieve , f ., : ;j' - , y GBlPJia IH THI B0WILS, AND WIND COLIC and overcome eonvnmons, which, If not speedily reme died, eno in aeatn, ne neneve it uie nani and Uh EST KEMEDx IN Tim WUHUD, in all cases ofDrd ENTERT and DIAKUHUSA IN OHILDBEM, whetbe It arises from teething, or from any other eausev W would aay to every mother who hue ohiM sufti-ring from anvof the foregoing eomplainte DO NOT LET Vol) PILIJUUlUKB HUM. IUS f HBJUDIOKSOF VUlIiit stand between yon and your Suffering child, and the lief that will be BURE yes. ABSOLUTELY BlTKEto follow the nse of thlsmedlcine. if timely ased. Full recUonafbr using will accompany each bottle. None Tel nulne nnlaas the fac-slmlle or unarm fanning ew York, Is on the outside wrapper. Bold by ell Druggists throughout the wend, Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street N.Y TRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTjLE. eetx7-datwly. 3 LACK "THAW BO IV NETS AW1 Ea j sgant gibbons, in great variety at bain'B, oct! to. 89, Blah street, PI ' in It re dl : Fsrali TIIBOIT and Lt7NO ' cuiriPLAinTa, Incladlna; vVHOOFING CODOU, ana every Owmplstlnt the forernn ner ol, and ewen actno I consrjMPTioiv. UNIVERSAL COUGH HUHNKWELL'8 The drent IVTJHAI. Oil) HKrtitKnv andNat nral VPIATE, adapted to every apeclea of Her. vans Complaint, Ner. oisc and. Chronic Headache, ' tthnma sum. Catarrb, Tooth and Ear Ache. Loan s TOLU AH0DYHE. Ml en p. and IJowel Com lalnt.v ... No real laitlcaSan' Ka An,. IK. .W. nn.ll bnt by procuring and reading descriptive pamphlets,! be found with all dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand. Formula, and Trial Bottles sent to Physi oians, who will find development In hnih nrih. th.i. aocepuuice and approval. . , Correspondeaee solicited frnm all whn ...ifu. enriosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Kerne dies. For sale bv the nsoal wholesale and ..i.n everywhere. JOHN l,. HUNNEWELL, Proprleto . , ORIkTIST ANO PHASM AOBtmST, . , Ho. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Roberta a gunnel, H. B. Mirnle, 1. B. Cook, J. M Denis, O. Denlg a Hons, A. i. Bchneller Bon. Aienu lor Columbus, Ohio. myl-dly B.Fi18 "M8 XABS.AWD BU0UBS, new styles, JuUopenrd by BAIN Ac iON. aprllS No. 20 South nigh street. NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NEWABK OniO, Irlannfaclurcr of nil kind of Por table and Ktntinnary stean En gines, sun Mill, 4rla( Will, Ac. Ace. LAKE BODLBTBeittml II. A 1. BLAKD J. J. H. DV7ALL Beaten III COLUMBUS UA C177XK CO. Beaten tilt BRADIORD e CO. Beaten! lilt Our Portable Eoglns and Saw Mill Was awarded the first premium of IliO at the Indiana Butte Fair for 1CC0 over Lane fc Bodley'a on account of Prico, lightuess, simplicity, economy of luel and superior character of lumber sawetl. Our Stationary Envine was awarded at Ih, nnu Vtlr the first premium of Our Portable Knelne wu awarded the flrat nremln n of tllKI at the Fair at Memphis, Tenn., over Blandy's Do vall's, Columbus Machine Oo's., and Bradford at Co'a.. by a committee of practical Railroad Bngueers. r For price and terms address W1LLARO WARNER, Treasurer. decVdfcwljwIi. - Newark, Ohio GREAT CURE . DR, LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and - Neuralgia, AMD A BURECUUE FOR Mercurial Diseases. All It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persona: no ehanee In haMt. of living Is required, and It entlrelv removes tbe die ease from the system, without producing the injurious efleots arising from the use of powerful internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the med icinal properties contained In the Band come in contaot with the blood and reach the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting in tvery instance a perfect cuie, and restoring the parte afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is alio a mostpowerful Axti-Mkrcdrul agent, and will entirely relieve the system from thtpernicinv effects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cared in a few dare, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of Its euicacy tn araravatea cases of long standing. Pairs ti.W, to be had of Druggists generally, or nn be sent by mail or express, with full directions for ute. to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office, Ho. 409 BB0ADWAY, Hew Yoik. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. in? A cents Wanted Everywhere. mhS8'lyisorlstp.dAtw TO BUSINESS MEN. Are,! EXCELLENT CHASTE EAR reliable business men to secure a n rod table mann- factnrlng business, requiring but a small capital in lis establishment and promotion. The manufacture consists In the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a variety or otner Duildlng material, ornamental archi tectural finishings, ceilings, tiles for floors and for roofing. This enamel may he tinted cf any color, from the purest white to the deepest black, with all the colors and shades between. It Imparts to the articles to which it is applied a hardness and durability almoat Incredible, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, unlike them, Is Impervi ous to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteilnr- ate. costing but a fractional part of Uie price of ordinary marble. It la also valuable for fable and aland tons, man lie pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other arti cles of staple nse. The processor applying lhe enamel is simple, while the articles enameled wilt command a ready aale, affording large profits. Kesponlble parties may procure licenses for manufacturing nnder the pat ent for any eity or prominent town In the United States, by applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the ar ticles manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Circulars giving full particulars will be for warded to all applicants. The superior merit and besnty of this enameled build ing material to anything in nse has the unqualified in dorsement of many of the most eminent architects and scientific men of this and other cities. For particulars address -. ;i, J0HHS0H PHAIL, ,1 General Agents for Easmsled Building Material , apD d3m. Si NASSAU ST., NEW Y011K. FIRST" ' x ' OPENING OF THE SEASON ' OF ' ' - SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT I ROSE'S.' ' . AGAIN OFFER TO THE PTJBMV an entire nsw stock of Ooods in my line. Just purch ased in New York at lhe cheapest panic rates.ali of which I shall sell at the smallest prints, for Cash. My cn, torn era and friends are respectfully invited to rail and exam ine my Ooods and Pilcea, as I am determined to sell as cheap or cheaper than any oilier hnuie In the city; and as I do my own Cutting, and superintend my own busi ness, I feel assured, f rum my luug experience In busi ness, to give general satisfaction. The finest of work men are employed, and all work done strictly to time and on short notice, and warranted to fit. Btraugers visiting ourolty would consult their Interest by giving ms a call before purchasing elsewhere. f . Rt)iK, ' - . merchant Tailor, marchSO-dly Cor High audTown ats. SritiNo cloaks Ann bakqiivesi NEW STYLES Hal B Hots. Nov SSSMlh High street, have joaioneerd new styles of Cunn Cia dkiaa. Biaqoirm and baoqtiaa, made In the newest and moat atyliah .manner. al". supers riaisa Htack. Kilke very heavy, designed expressly for ItanllUaa and Basqumee, . taprlU . I,,' - - - - i GUERNSEY'S BALM RBiriOVES A PH EVENTS in flammation and pain, and heals the worst burn, seald, braise, out r fresh wound ot any kind, r reventa swelling and pain from bee slings, mosquito biles, and poisonous plants, neuralgia, rneumatism, agne In the breast, salt rheum, eto. . When' taken Internally, It will positively cure eroup In children, and gives hnaiedtats) relief in the worst ease of this terrible complaint! also, removes hoarseness and eon throats Priee, Si eeala bottle. Should be in every houte. For aale by Drag glslaaad Storekaepera. , IBVIN SCONE, Sole Proprietor, No. I Spruce t.. New York s ontidAwlvie . r STCSrtE CHITTENDEN.'.'.-. HINSY T. CHITTXJf DMnT ' S. V H.T. CHITTENDEN, ; .i " . '; . ATT0BNBYS AT tAW. V' ' ICPOmces, 89 William Street, New York City, sod Piasoas' Brttoiao, Columbus, Ohio. JCTCareful attantlon paid to Collections, sprll&dOa